1959 Yearbook

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The Honourable W .


D'. H. CRAIGHEAD, B.Sc., M .Ed., P.Eng.



The Committees are formed to advise the Institute authorities on matters that concern the development of the technologist best fitted to meet the requirements of industry. The Institute authorities and students are most appreciative of the valuable services given freely by the members of the two committees.

ADVISORY COMMITTEES TEXTILE TECHNOLOGY COURSES Mr. H. N. Muller, Chairman, Vice-President and Chief Engineer, Canadian Westinghouse Company, Limited, Hamilton, Ontario.

Mr. W. H. Young, Chairman Vice-President and Managing Director, Hamilton Cotton Company, Limited, 304 Mary Street, Hamilton, Ontario.

Mr. W. J. Cheesman, Assistant General Manager, Mr. H. B. Bonner, Apparatus Products, Managing Director, Canadian Westinghouse Company, Limited, The Canadian Contracts Bureau, Hamilton, Ontario. 90 Eglin ton Avenue, East, Toronto 12, Ontario. Dr. J. W. Hodgins, Dean of Engineering, Mr. E. P. Carney, 16 Sherman Avenue, North, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario. Hamilton, Ontario. Mr. J. A. Dixon, Mr. D. H. Johnston, P. Eng., General Marketing Manager, Manager, Engineering Department, Courtaulds (Canada), Limited, Electrohome Products Division, Dominion Electrohome Industries, Limited, 1600 Dorchester Street, Montreal, QuebeC: Kitchener, Ontario. Mr. M. H. McCurdy, Chief Engineer, Cockshutt Farm Equipment, Limited, Brantford, Ontario.

Mr. G. H. Dobbie, President, Newlands & Company, Limited, Galt, Ontario.

Mr. D. D. Panabaker, Secretary-Treasurer, Otis Elevator Company, Limited, Victoria Avenue, North, Hamilton, Ontario.

Mr. C. V. Grantham, Director, W . J. Westaway Company, Limited, 38 Macnab Street, South, Hamilton, Ontario.

Dr. R. A. Riddell, Director of Education, Hamilton Board of Education, 357 Hunter Street, West, Hamilton, Ontario. Mr. W. J. Riddiford, Supervisory, Technical Placement, Steel Company of Canada, Limited, Hamilton, Ontario.

Mr. H . G. Smith, Mohawk Mills, Limited, Box 119, Station "C," Hamilton, Ontario.


"Technology involves the application of knowledge derived from science to the use and service of man."• Since you have chosen the field of technology as your vocation, it follows that you will adapt your knowledge towards serving society. discoveries relative to the unchanging laws of nature. ideas for the betterment of mankind.

Scientists make wonderful

Engineers correlate these new

You as technologists, have the potential

knowledge to make use of these valuable assets and so contribute your share to progress -

your own and that of society.

Your instructors have given generously of their talents; talents which they had to develop from the knowledge gained by combining formal education with extensive practical experience.

During the past years in the classroom and laboratory, they

have encouraged you and provided you with moral support, but their efforts alone will not make you a successful technologist.

You have yet to prove yourself capable

of coping with reality. The Institute Diploma will open the first door to the future; you and only you, through continued study, hard work and persistence, even against seemingly overwhelming odds, will open more doors.

Success is your ultimate aim, as it was

for the scientist and the engineer whose findings were the starting point in your technological education.

Only when you have developed your knowledge and used

it to the best of your ability in your chosen field, will you have that feeling of ultimate satisfaction which comes through achievement. As you assume positions in various phases of industry, we hope that you will remember your days at the Hamilton Institute of Technology with pleasure, and that you will have found them profitable, not only because of the knowledge you have gained, but also because of the many lasting friendships you have made.

The mem-

bers of the Faculty will follow your progress with interest, as you join the ranks of graduate technologists. •Graham Clarke Lecture, 1958.

D. H. Craighead Principal

FIRST ROW- Left to Right: S. Mitminger, D. H . Craighead, Principal, W . V. Whatton. SECOND ROW- Left to Right: G. Cunningham, B. Cudmore, President, B. Smith, D. Fretz. THIRD ROW-Left to Right: A. Austin, C. Green, ]. Johnson. FOURTH ROW-Left to Right : D. Mitchell, · C. Brown, A. Cann.

REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE STUDENTS' ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL Perhaps the greatest change that has overtaken H.I.T. is this year's phenomenal increase in the size of the student body, an increase which makes the corridors of the Institute reminiscent of the Midway at the Ex. (Too large/numerous students; too small corridors?) And the problems of the Students' Council have increased proportionately. Thanks to the splendid spade work done by last year's council, spade work which dug out new committees, new activities; which adopted a new constitution (to which we have added a few bits of our own); which formed new clubs and societies, including our glee club, of which we are justifiably proud, this year's council has managed to keep its head above water and to support fully the increased activities of a larger institute. This year the Glee Club has again taken an active part


the variety show; the

difference is that this year's show was bigger and better, running for two nights instead of one. Indeed, throughout the Institute, everything has doubled:

the sale of

school jackets, rings and crests; the various sports activities - badminton, basketball and hockey, with plans for a school football team being hatched by the Athletic Direc. torate. While a school paper is still at the planning stage, there is hope that next year may see something concrete emerge in this area. Our social activities this year have been seriously handicapped by facilities inadequate to meet the increased needs of the larger student body; let us hope that next year, too, there may be some solution to this difficulty. To function progressively, the ¡Council has relied largely on Mr. Mitminger, our Honorary Treasurer, and on Mr. Craighead, the Institute's principal and Honorary Chairman of the Athletic Directorate.

For this invaluable assistance, we offer our

heartfelt thanks. To the Executive Committee, and to all the other committees also goes our sincere gratitude; without them we could not have functioned. As this year ends, and we look forward to the 1959-60 session, ,I would like to offer, on behalf of the Council, my best wishes


all the incoming student officers.

May their problems be as few as the increased enrollment will permit; may they also find, in their committees and among the students in general, the splendid support that I myself have received. Above all, may their work be "happy work", as mine has been. And when things get "tough", may they always bear in mind the thought that there's nothing to be accomplished, unless one thinks he can; that success or failure lies within oneself.' One can win, against any odds, if one believes hard enough and long enough that he can. Bruce Cudmore, President.

SEATED CLOCKWISE: C. Green, W. ]. Oakes, M. Herstek, H. Clark, D. H. Craigbead-Principal, C. Tam, K. V. Bieliunas.

SPORTS HI-LITES Last year's Industrial Basketball League cave dwellers are sitting high and mighty at the top this year. Under the efforts of our great coach, Mr. Marko, the H.I.T. cave dwellers rose to new glory this year. Special emphasis should be placed upon the greats of a most skilled game, for these students led us to a new victory. Mr. Wally Tarnawsky, the husky, handsome captain; Richard Andrews, whose strength sent many an opponent sprawling; Frank Sealy, Henry Justus, and Pete Bendetti, the major scorers, and Ken Lewis, the dazzling giant centre whose awe-inspiring height terrified many opponents into submitting. The basketball team has taken a big leap forward. Congratulations, team! Several other sports were begun this term, thanks to our hard-working athletic committee: skating, swimming, and judo. The hockey games were presided over by the "Green Rocket"; the badminton by George Flosman- we have to mention George, for that's where all our money went. After months of committee meetings, negotiations, bargaining and several fist fights, football is being introduced. Soccer will also be included in next year's line-up.

K. V. Bieliunas, President of Student Athletic Committee.

SEATED-W. Rouse, Assistant Editor; C. Brown, Editor. Left


right: M. Herstek, W . V. Wharton, Advisor, W . Matson, Photographer.

TO THE YEARBOOK EDITOR An increasing student body means increasing activities and larger coverage for the H.I.T. Year book. To meet this need, the yearbook staff has increased to four: Charlie Brown, Bill Rouse, Bill Matson, and Milan Herstek. Even with this larger staff, the demands on the fellows' time have been heavy. But the results have been excellent. As the Yearbook goes to print, I would like to congratulate the boys on a job very well done- the 1959 yearbook, with its larger number of pictures, articles and news. The yearbook staff has certainly handed next year's executive a challenge! Bruce Cudmore President; Students' Council

FROM THE EDITOR 1958 saw a brand new Yea.t:book at H.I.T. new in eye-appeal.

new in stze, new in coverage,

We are very proud of the work of last year's editorial staff:

Congratulations, fellas!

All this excellence, however, presented a difficulty; we had

to meet a terrific challenge. We sincerely believe that this challenge has been met; that our readers will find the 1959 Yearbook both interesting and attractive.

We have tried to give

our readers more and better pictures and an augmented text.

Through a special

arrangement with Yearbook House, a firm specializing in yearbook production, we have done our best to excel, at lower cost, last year's excellent format.

Our success

will be the readers' pleasure in the finished product. We wish to thank all those who have made our Yearbook possible: the advertisers who have responded so generously to our solicitation; Mr. Craighead and the members of the staff who have smoothed so many of our production problems; the office girls who have spent hours puzzling over our unintelligible scripts; each student who has made a contribution, and -

with gratitude -

our editorial staff, Bill Rouse,

Bill Matson, and Milan Herstek, without whom the editor would have been lost. In a very special way our Year book is a dedication to our graduating class; as it goes to press, any excellence it may have is but a reflection of the feeling of the Institute and of ourselves: Happy Landings, Grads! C. F. BROWN












A. E.






Bill first winked at the

world on June 16, 1936, in Cornwall, Ontario. After his graduation from St. Lawrence High School in 1954, he worked for the Canadian Pacific Railway in Smith Falls, Ontario, before joining Courtaulds (Canada) Limited, in Cornwall, as a laboratory assistant. He came to H.I.T. in 1956, and has majored in Textile Chemistry and Dyeing; he hopes to make research chemistry his career. Bill is married to a Cornwall girl and the main question in their minds is: "Will it be a girl or a boy? " Good luck to you and yours.


"Sam" was born in Corn-

wall, Ontario, on January 8, 1934.

In 193 7 he left

Cornwall and moved to Vankleek Hill, where he stayed long enough to get part of his high school education before going on to Arnprior, where he completed it. He then returned to Cornwall where he worked for Courtaulds (Canada) Limited, as a lab. assistant. He came to H .I.T. in 1956, and has chosen Woolen and Worsted Spinning and Weaving. as his life's work. We wish him every success in the future.


"Jake" was born in Tel-Aviv,

Israel, on January 22, 19'35. After graduating from Romart-Gan High School in 1952, he served 30 months in the Israeli Air Force.

He then worked

for a textile finishing company in Israel, before coming to Canada and H .I.T. in 19'56. Jake is married


an Israeli girl, and has one son,

"Joey," who is his father's pride and joy. His once great interest in basketball seems to be losing out to "old age.' Jake's good nature and hard work is sure to be of benefit to himself and his employer.

JACQUES B. TURCOTTE - Jack started his first argument in Magog, Quebec, on June 20, 1938, and is still going strong. He graduated from College Superieur Saint-Patrice, in 1956, and commenced studies at H.I.T. in Textile Chemistry and Dyeing the same year. His achievements in sports have been as successful as his scholastic achievements. He is a badminton player of no mean standing, as well as a recipient of the Geigy General Proficiency Award two years in a row. His determination to succeed will be a great asset to any company that employs him. We wish him "Bonne Chance" in everything.

Scholarship A ward Winners

A. R. Cann B.

J. Turcotte

recipient of the Giegy Dyestuff Proficiency Scholarship (1st yr.). -

recipient of the Giegy Dyestuff Proficiency Scholarship (2nd yr.),

and the L. B. Holliday & Co. of Canada Ltd. Proficiency award. Presented by Mr. W. H . Young, chairman of the Advisory Committee of the Textile Technology Courses.

Scholarship A ward Winners

Ian Slack, recipient of the C.A.T.C.C .Scholarship. Presented by Mohoruk of The Hamilton Cotton Co. Ltd. President of the C.A.T.C.C. (Ontario Section).


o/1959 - 1960


SECOND ROW, Class II: D. C. Hodgkinson J. E. Brown H. F. Clark I. S. Slack A. R. Cann


J. Tchorz W. L. Masson B. J. Turcotte C. F. Brown







FRONT ROW, Left to Right: D. VanSickle J. Proskurnicki D. S. Fretz G. M. Cunningham W. Buhay E. H . Farkas

SECOND ROW, Left to Right: N. F. Graham D. Easterbrook G. P. VanBlockland P. Neidert E. Liho G. Gra.nt


o/ 1960


FIRST ROW, Right to Left: C. E. Sleeth

G. R. Sacco A. E. Archer R. Turner J. Carnegie C. W. Joslin C. H. Green

SECOND ROW, Right to Left: R. C. Robinson K. Podetz G. W . Mallinson J. Dawson J. A. Austin D.P. Kindy N. L. Kocsis D. Hayhurst (Absent- T. W . Wilson)

Cfa<JJ o/1960 CLASS IIEnB

FIRST ROW, Right to Left : R. Dayman W. C. Morris S. Oddie L. Groves S. Kubien A. Austin ]. McFadden

SECOND ROW, Right to Left: R. Woods B.A. Smith

V. Maciuk H. R. Teather A. Hermans P. Tymchuk

THIRD ROW, Right to Left: M. Yachwak G. Zibens ]. D. Clements C. Tam M. B. Cudmore (Absent-D. Fettes, D. ]. Porter)





FRONT ROW, Left to Right: H. E. Lazier B. Stockdale R. W. Huntley -"' D. J. Mitchell .D. J. Kernaghan J. C. Johnson

SECOND ROW, Left to Right : J. P. Poczynek L. Hoy C. R. Grigg R. R. Zeliznak E. Gudaitis J. Eveleigh

THIRD ROW, Left to Right : E. Madjanovich P. Cypas G. Flosman D. L. Campbell K. Bieliunas .J. R. Armstrong (Absent-G. A. Clayborne)




FRONT ROW, Left V. Karpavicius F. A. Miller B. N. Heaney C. D. Hennessey D. J. Maxin J. Raffay W. Broughton D. J. Moore




Right: ·


• SECOND ROW, Left to Right : B. A. Tothpal A. Munkacsi M. K. Souder N. Dederer D. W . Adam M.P. Papper R. J. L. Butler M. J. Koncz

THIRD ROW, Left J. C Twaddle D. W . Cushing R. J. Senn C. C. Smi.tlf L. H. Rogers W. D . Barr R. G. Fletcher N. M. Bennett J. F. Horkey




FRONT ROW, Left W . F. Taylor W. Rudzitis D. 0. Huntley ]. ]. Blais T. G. Tumilty R. A. Porteous ]. E. Hardy W. A.Reynolds

SECOND ROW, Left R. ]. A. Finn M. S. Herstek M. W . Gara R. Donoghue ]. ]. Hagar R. Staats R. F. Lawton P. Martyniuk





THIRD ROW, Left to Right: D. B. Page R. R. Millward H. A. Burke R. Mei B.]. Koeppe G. E. Moorhouse ]. E. Smithers G. Shelestowsky E. Barto R. E. Valens


FRONT ROW, Left to Right : G. R. Brewer R. E. Madill N. J. Cooper A. Borsato G. A. Walton D. J. MacDonald H . W . Jackson L. J. Saba

SECOND ROW, Left to Right: B. F. Kubica R. Dainty J. J. Hoffer W. A. Tarnawsky J. C. Toth W. Grabe S. G. King

THIRD ROW, Left to Right : K. D . P. Lewis

G. A. Brown F. Clifford E. G. Banke J. W . Hilborn T. W . Carter W . Allenby ( Absent- R. R. Leishman)

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o/ 1961

FRONT ROW, Left to Right: J. B. Caldwell H. D. Robinson G. K. Ireland W. J. Rouse S. J. Gryba E. Baerg A. lmre

SECOND ROW, Left to Right: F. McMeekin J. E. Thrasher P. A. Bendetti J. T. Hryma R. T. Stelzer G. D. Nicks D. Cowan

THIRD ROW, Left to Right: D. ]. Koleff D. A. Norwood W. S. Matson T. A. Feth H . Justus E. J. G. Wawzonek

FOURTH ROW, Left to Right: P. Clark D. B. Ross H . F. Sealy M. Laughton D. R. Wilson R. J. Andrews

Cfa:U o/1961 CLASS IE

FRONT ROW, Left to Right: R. G. Donnelly J. R. G. High R. Weir R. J. Hewer A. Gaudreau J. Lllleberg D. A. Tanguay P. B. Prowten

SECOND ROW, Left R. D. Moran L. F. Kabelin G. C. Forester S. Kremer Miss B. M. Tremain P. G. Miersch K. ].- Traves J. Derue



THIRD ROW, Left to Right : S. T. Wielgus D. G. Perry L. W. Craig G. J. Lawrence W. J. Oakes A. Jaansalu H . G. Ebert J. B. Curtis ( Absem-M. Debryn)

SOCIAL HI-LITES The traditional initiation ceremonies, complete with lipstick and kerchiefs, and topped by a very successful initiation dance, set off this year's social activities with a bang. A new note, beanies in the school colours, made corridors and lecture¡ rooms a gay sight, as the freshmen paraded before the seniors. This gay note was later to pervade the Christmas party held in the common room immediately before the breakup for Christmas holidays. Immediately after the mid-term holidays, rehearsals for the annual H .I.T. Follies began; wherever one looked, there stood a student posed in a queer attitude.


and the cussing of the director of the show struggled with each other for supremacy; needless tO say, the cuss words usually won. Of course the directOr was Mr. Whatron, whose energy, besides creating a successful show, seems to run in the direction of bad language. It's all right -

he's harmless.

Anyway, the Follies "came off" on the 26th and 27th of February, according to schedule, and not the smallest part of its success was due tO Mr. E. Berry, the director of the Westinghouse male choir, whose efforts on the behalf of H .I.T. were so graciously given. Smokers in the different technological divisions of the Institute were a huge success, and plans have been under way for some time for a spring prom, to be held in conjunction with the graduation exercises in May. Special thanks are due to Jerry Clayborne, former chairman of the¡ social committee, for his efforts to provide entertainment for the student body; we are sorry that outside commitments forced him tO resign this post before the end of term. Thanks are due also tO all those students who gave so much time and effort to the social life of the Students' Association. The Association is also grateful to those staff members who found time m their busy lives to act as patrons at the Association dances, and tO Charlie Smith and Les Woodward for that "extra bit", given freely to make the association affairs a success. Bruce Cudmore, Acting Social Convenor.

VARIETY NIGHT This year has not been JUST another year! There WAS the H .I.T. FOLLIES of '59, a "ball" that didn't make any money; we went in the hole (who cares?), but a "ball" which was a milestone for H.I.T. for the show was our first really professional job in a long line of professional jobs - we hope! On February 26 and 27, Central Auditorium saw the welding of the student body into a unity, a oneness, the spirit of which will live on, to inform the Institute's whole pattern of existence. It will live on because it is real; because it flowed straight from the hearts of the gang into those of the audience, with all the warmth and sincerity of the words of our theme song "Getting to know you, getting to know all about you." In this spirt, the Glee Club, under the direction of Mr. E. Berry, Director of the Westinghouse Male Choir, did itself proud; in friendship, it wished the audience "A Little Bit of Luck" ; it assured them, "You'll Never Walk Alone,,' as long as H .I.T. remains. No less sincere were our two Jerries, Cunningham and Proskurnicki - and their new sidekick, Jim Horkey. Wayne Morris did his part, too, in Mr. Wharton's red velvet pants (we are not too sure whether it was the number or Wayne's legs that got the big hand) . Our play was serious, in keeping with our theme - Nusbaum's prize-winning verse drama, "Parting at Imsdorf", a play of human relations, in which Edward Lavy, an outcast Jewish rabbi, "fleetly finds love, rediscovers his God, and meets his death." Our hats are off to the players: Tremain, Mallinson, Traves, O'Donoghue, and Moore, with a very special bouquet for Gary, who portrayed Lavy with near-professional finesse. With or without moustaches (they showed up both ways) our Barber Shop Quartette managed to still wring laughter from an audience spent by the Glee Club's "We ain't got dames", which was helped along in love - or judo? - by the chorus line in grass skirts and sex appeal (?). And what a chorus line! Beauty and the beast! (There' no doubt where the emphasis lay) . Seriously, thanks to a helluva big effort - and Miss Barbara Monti, to say nothing of the costumes made by Marilyn Shaw and Mrs. C. M. Mallinson - our chorus line kicked their way into people's hearts, and, in a spoof of Swan Lake Ballet, managed to bring the house down, without, in any way, dishonouring Tschaikowsky. We did not know that docrors were technologists; we learned - oh, how we learned! "Where the hell's the rope, Ron?" Rope, saw, axe or whatever, Mitchell, Huntley, Grigg and Zeliznak did the best job of beheading, disemboweling and dismembering we have ever seen. And to music, roo - music from our own orchestra, led by Joe and John Poczynek. Two Poczyneks and two clarinets better recipe for friendship?

and the horseplay of identical twins -


Our guest star, Miss Ann Davies - concert pianist, jazz artist, archery champion, crack rifle shot, and GIRL (Art Cann will probably be able to tell you more about this.) - who will ever forget her ? Nor could we have "gotten to know you" without our M.C., Johnny Johnson H.I.T.'s blonde menace - whose friendly kibitzing and "good clean jokes" may have startled a little, but startled the audience into a receptive mood . Our thanks goes out to all these "special mentions", but to none of them more warmly than to the "silent ones" (who the hell knocked over that 2 x 4?), who worked literally, day and night behind the scenes. Without them, there would have been no show - possibly no director! They are too numerous to mention, but their silent (?) devotion did more than anything else to foster the spirit of our theme song, "Getting to know you, getting to know all about you . . . "




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FRONT, left to right: Rori Huntley, Don Kernaghan.

BACK, left to right: George Flosman, Barry Stockdale, Larry Hoy.



right : D. Maxin, D . Norwood, B. Stockdale, S. Oddie.

SECOND ROW: H . Burke, F. McMeekin, G. Flosman, ABSENT-R. Dainty.


Dawson, H. Ebert, R. Mei.

FRONT ROW, left to right : L. Hoy, D. Kernaghan, Miss B. Tremain, Coach, R. Hewer, C. Hodgkinson. SECOND .ROW: B. Stockdale, R. Huntley, C. Tam, G. Flosman, R. Mei, ABSENT:


Curtis, E. Gudaitis.

J. Brown.

FRONT ROW, left to right : H. Clark, P. Clark, P. A. Bendetti, P. Marrynuik, W . Tarnawsky, W . Rudzitis, D. J. Mitchell. BACK ROW : Coach-]. Marko, H . Justus, N. M. Bennett, K. Lewis, R . . Andrews, F. Sealy. )

CLASS 1A Adam, E. W., 234 Garner Road North ........................................................ Niagara Falls Barr, W. D., 82 Walnut Street South ............................................................ Hamilton Bell, R. D. .. ............................................................................................................ Drumbo Bennett, N . M., 204 Catherine Street ............................................................ Fort Erie Broughton, W ., 66 Wyngate Avenue .......................................................... Stoney Creek Butler, R. J. L. ...................................................................................... Vineland Station Cushing, D. W., 218 Geneva Street ........................................................ St. Catharines Dederer, N., 41 Lyons Avenue ............................................................................Walland Fletcher, R. G., 79 Belview Avenue .................................................................... Hamilton Heaney, B. M., 470 East 27th Street ................................................................Hamilton Hennessey, C. D., 206 Pomona Avenue ..........................................................Burlington Horkey, J. F., R. R. No. 1 ................................................................................ Weiland Karpavicius, V., 23 Keith Street ........................................................................ Hamilton Koncz, M. J., 105 Macauley Street East ........................................................Hamilton Maxin, D. J., R. R. No. 1 ........ ! .............. .............................................. ................. Harley Miller, F. A., R. R. No. 6 .......................................................................... Hagersville Moore, D. J., 283 Adeline Avenue ................................................................ Hamilton Munkacsi, A., 63 Regent Street ............................................................................Weiland Popper, M. P., 94 Clark Street .................................................................... Port Colborne Raffay, J., 66 West 1st Street .............................................................................. Hamilton Rogers, L. H., 23 Balfour Street ..... :........................................................ St. Catharines Senn, R. J., 69 Banff Street ............................................................................ Caledonia Smith, C. C., Box 533 .................................................................................... Waterdown Souder, M. K., Niagara Parkway, R. R. No. 1 ................................................ Fort Erie Steele, D. M., 51 Undermount Avenue .......................................................... Hamilton Tothpal, B. A., 2309 Monroe Street ........................................................ Niagara Falls Twaddle, J. C., 16 Second Street South ........................................................ Stoney Creek CLASS 1B Barto, E., R. R. No. 1 .................................................................................... Smithvill~ Blais, J. J., 81 Argyle Crescent .................................................................. St. Catharines Burke, H. A., 101 Vale Avenue ................................................................ St. Catharines Finn, R. J. A., Canboro Street ............................................................................ Smithville Gara, M. W., R. R. No. 2 ...................................................................................... Simcoe Hager, J. J., R. R. No. 1 ...................................................................... Windham Centre Hardy, J. E., 50 Church Street ......................................................................... :Brantford Herstek, M. S., 43 Fairground Road .............................................................. Beamsville Huntley, D. 0 ., 19 Huron Street ...................................................................... Brantford Koeppe, B. J., 26 Mountain Brow Blvd ............................................................. Hamilton Lawton, R. F., 9 Alma Street ............................................................................ Brantford Martynuik, P., 35 East 45th Street .................................................................. Hamilton Mei, R., 181 Kenilworth Avenue .................................................................. Hamilton Millward, R. R., 126 Hyde Park Avenue ...................................................... Hamilton

Moorhouse, J. E., 28 Tweedsmuir Avenue ------ ------ ------------------------------------------------Dundos ODonoghue, R., 31 Gordon Avenue --- --- --- --- ------ ------------- -----------------------------------Kitchener Page, D. B., 27 Rutherford Avenue --------------------------------- ------- ---- ---- --- ---------------Hamilton Poretous, R. A., 98 Bald Street ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------------------Weiland Reynolds, W. A., 74 Birch Street -- ---------- ----- ----------------- ---------------------------- ------- -------Galt Rudzitis, W., 7 Roanoke Road __ ____________ ____________________ ____ ____________ __ ______________________ Hamilton Shelestowsky, G., R. R. No. 2 __________ __ __________________________________________________________________ Lowbanks Smithers, J. E., R. R. No. 1 ____ ____ ________ __________ ____________________________ ______ ________ ____________ Courtland Staats, R., care C. Vanevery, R. R. No. 6 ____ ______________ ______________________ ______ ______ Hagersville Taylor, W. F., 19 Walnut Street ____ ____ __ ______ ______ ______________ __________ __ ______ ________ ________ ____ Fort Erie Tumilty, T . G., R. R. No. 1 ____ ________________________ ____ ______________________ ____ ______ ______ ____ ______ ______ Galt Valens, R. E., R. R. No. 3 -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ --Puslinch CLASS IC Allenby, W., 42 Sylvia Crescent __________ __ __ ______ __________ __ ____________________________ __________ __ Hamilton Banke, E. G., 78 Johnson Street ______________________________________________________ Niagara-on-the-Lake Borsato, A., 311 Woodward Avenue ____________________________________________ ________ ______________ Hamilton Grewer, G. R., 68 East Bend Avenue ____ __ ____ ____ __________________________ ________ ______________ Hamilton Brown, G. A., 225 Edgemont Avenue South ______________ ______________ ____________ __ ________ __ Hamilton Carter, T. W., 209 Colborne Street ______ ____ ____________ ______ ____________________ ____ __________ ____ __ Brantford Clifford, F., Niagara Parkway ---- -------------- ------------------------------------------------------Queenston Cooper, N . J-, 25 Undermount Avenue ________ __________________ ____ ______ ____________ ____ ______ __ Hamilton Dainty, R., 256 Julian Avenue ------------------------------------------------------------------------Hamilton Grabe, W., 97 Cameron Avenue ______ ____ __ __________________________________ ______________ ____ ____ ______ __ Dundas Hilborn, J. W., 340 Ridge Street ____________________________________________________________________ Ridgeway Hoffer, J. J-, 32 Hickory Place __ ;_________ __ ________________________________________________________ Brantford Jackson, H . W., 12th Concession ____________________________________________________________ __ ____ Tillsonburg King, S. G., 2994 Lundy's Lane ____________________________________________________________________ Niagara Falls Kubica, B. F., 3 Ormonde Street ____ __ __________ __________________________ ____ __________ __ __ ____ St. Catharines Leishman, R. R., 2159 Bellwood Avenue ______________ ____________ ____ ____ ____ __ __ ____ __ ________ Burlington Lewis, K. D. P., 43 Hatt Street __________________________________________________________________________ Dundas MacDonald, D. J-, 114 Robins Avenue ------------------------------------------------------------Hamilton Madill, R. E., 284 Adeline Avenue North __________________ ____ ______________ ____ ________________ Hamilton Sabo, L J., 1866 Dunn Street ____ __________ __________________ __________ ____ ______ ____________________ Niagara Falls Tarnawsky, W . A., 2025 Mcleod Road ____ __ ______ ______ ______________________ ____ __________ Niagara Falls Toth, J. C., R. R. No. 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Brantford W olton, G. A., 30 Hamilton Street ________ __________________ __ __ __ ________________ ____ __________ St. Catharines CLASS lD Andrews, R. J-, 334 Rosedale Avenue South __________________________________ ______ __________ Hamilton Baerg, E., Lakeshore Road, R. R. No. 2 ________________________________________ N iagara-on-the-Lake Bendetti, P. A., 81 1 Belhaven Crescent ---------------- -- ----------------------------------------Burlington Caldwell, J. B., R. R. No. 6 ---------------------- -------------- -------- ---- ---- -- -- -------------------------- --Galt Clark, P., 54 Churchill Avenue ________ __ ____ __ ____________________ ____ ________________________ __ ______ Hamilton Cowan, D., R. R. No. 1 __________________________ __ ________________________________________________________________ Vittoria

Feth, T. A., R. R. No. 1 ---------------------- -- ---- ----------·--------··---·-····--- ------- ·---Mount Pleasant Gryba, S. J., 54 Chestnut Avenue ---------------------------·---------------·-----------------··-----Hamilton Hryma, J. T., 1040 Brant Street ·--------------------------------·--------------------·-----------Burlington Imre, A., R. R. No. 1 ---- ------------------------------------------- ------------- ----·----- --·-----St. William's Ireland, G. K., 411 St. Paul Avenue -- ------------------------ ·--------- ---·-------------------- ------Brantford Jusms, H., 102 Carleton Avenue -----------------------------------------------------------------------·Hamilton Koleff, D. J., 5 32 Concession Street ------------------------------------------------------------------Hamilton Laughton, M., 143 Hope Avenue ----------------------------------------------------------------------Hamilton McMeekin, F., 880 Buckley Avenue ---- ----- -- ----- --- --------- -------- --------------- ---- -----Niagara Falls Matson, W. S., 1261 Third Avenue ---- ----------------- ------- -- ------------------------------Niagara Falls Nicks, G. D., 511 Main Street West --- ------------ ------- -- ------------------------- -----------Port Colborne Norwood, D. A., 67 Smith Avenue -- ------- ----------------- ------------------ ----------------------Hamilton Robinson, H. D., R. R. No. 1 ------------------------ -- ------- -- ---- ----------------- ---- --------------St. Mary's Ross, D. B., 177 Crescent Avenue ------------------------------------------------------------------Beamsville Rouse, W . J., 20 Dufferin Street ----- --------------- ------- ---- -------------------------- ---- ---------Merritton Sealy, H. F., Box 25, Group 8, R. R. No. 1 ----------------·-----------------------------------Fruitland Stelzer, R. T., 242 East 19th Street ---- ---- -- ------- ---------------------- --------- --------------Hamilton ' Thrasher, J. E., 966 Brookfield Avenue ----------- -------------- _______________________________ Burlington Wawzonek, E.


G., 297 Erie Avenue -------- ------------------------- ------------------ --- ----- --- --Brantford

Wilson, D . R., 17 Yz Somerset Avenue ------------------------------------------------------------Hamilton CLASS IE Craig, L. W., R. R. No. 1 ------------- -------------- --- ------ ------ -- --- --- ---- ---- ------- --------------- ------ --Lakeside Curtis, J. B., 404 Gibson Street ---------- ------------ ------------------Fredericton, New Brunswick Debryn, M., R. R. No. 1 _____________________________ : _____ __ __ ___ ___________________ ___ __ ______________ Waterford Derue, J., R . R. No. 4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------·--------Odessa Donnelly, R. G., 107 Flatt Street --- -,-- ----------------------- --------- -- -------- -- ----- ------ -·--- -Hamilton Ebert, H. G ., Canboro Road East ------------------------------------------------------------------------Fenwick Forster, G. C., R. R. No. 4 ----- ---- ------······---------- ----- ·-- --- ---·-------- -·--- -------------------St. Mary's Gaudreau, A., 17 St. Luc ---·----------·-··---------------------···--------------------------------Magog, Quebec Hewer, R . J., 135 Mill Street --------- ------ -------·---- ------------------ --- ----- ------------------- -- ---.Ingersoll High, J. R. G., 331 Tillson Avenue -------- ------- ------------------ -------- ----------------------.Tillsonburg Jaansalu, A., 96 Salisbury Avenue ----------- ----------- ---- ----- --- --- -- ------------·--- --- ----- --- --- ---Brock:ville Kabelin, L. F., 294 River Road ----- ---------- ---- --- ----- --- ------- --- -- ----- -------------- --------- -- --Weiland Kremer, S., 44 Forest Avenue -·-·------ --·------ ------ -- ----------- ------------------- -----------Port Colborne Lawrence, G.

J., 396

Belvenia Road ------------------------------------------------------------------Burlington

Lilleberg, J., 151 Cameron Avenue -------------------------------------------------- -------- --------Weiland Miersch, P. G., 3688 McLeod Road, R. R. No. 2 --------------------------------------------Niagara Falls Moran, R. P., 136 Bidwell Street -------------------------------·-- --- ---------- --- -- ---------- ------Tillsonburg Oakes, W. J., 189 Ross Avenue --- --------- --- ----- -----:-------- ----------- --- -- -----·------- ----·----Weiland Perry, D . G., Chebogue -------- ·---- -- ------- --------------- ---------Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia Prowten, P. B., 50 Rose Avenue -------- ---- ----------------------- -------------- ------ --------- ----- ---Thorold Tanguay, D . A., 336 McAlpine Street South ----- -- -- ----------- ----- -- ----- ----- ------- ----- -Weiland Traves, K. J., 275 Emerick Avenue ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---- --- --- -- -- ----------------------------Fort Erie Tremain, B. M. (Miss), 152 Guelph Avenue ----- -----·------ ----- -------- ------ ------------Hespeler Weir, R., 1792 Lowell Avenue ----- ------ ---- -- ---- --- ---------------- ------ -·- -------- ------ ---- -- -Niagara Falls ~ Wielgus, S. T., 252 Avondale Avenue ------- -- ---- ---- -------- ---- -------- -- ---------- -- ---- ----- --Hamilton

CLASS II El Buhay, W., 519 Mary Street ................................................................................ Hamilton Cunningham, G. M., R. R. No. 1 ..........................................................................Weiland Easterbrook, D., Box 74 ...................................................................................... Fonthill Farkas, E. H., 15 Griffith Street ...................................................................... Weiland Fretz, D. S., R. R. No. 2 .......................................................................... Port Colborne Graham, N. F., 160 Plains Road East .......................................................... Burlington Grant, G. ................................................................................................................ Paisley Liho, E., 138 Queen Street ........................................................................ Port Dalhousie Neidert, P., 10 Elgin St. S...........................................................................................Galt Proskurnicki, J., 57 Barnesdale Avenue North ................................................ Hamilton Van Blockland, G. P., 2495 Rebecca Street ...................................... Bronte, via Oakville VanSickle, D., 303 Main Street .................................................................................... Galt CLASS II M Armstrong, J. R., 27 Springfield Drive ............................................................ Brantford Bieliunas, K., R. R. No. 1 ................................................................................Weiland Campbell,D. L., 148 Kent Street .................................................................... Hamilton Clayborne, G. A., 50 Burris Street .................................................................. Hamilton Cypas, P., R. R. No. 1 .............................................................................................. Paris Eveleigh, J., R. R. No. 2 ...................................................................................... Belwood Flosman, G., R. R. No. 2 ..................................................................................Hamilton Grigg, C. R., 55 Yz Stanley Avenue ................................................................ Hamilton Gudaitis, E., 861 Fourth Avenue .................................................................. Niagara Falls Hoy, L., R. R. No. 2 .......................................................................................... Hamilton Huntley, R. W., 774 Lawrence Road ................................................................ Hamilton Johnson, J. C., 20 Bellevue Avenue ~--··························································· · ·······Simcoe Kernaghan, D. J., 24 East 14th Street ............................................................ Hamilton Lazier, H. E., 131 Madjanovich, E., R. Mitchell, D. J., 38 Poczynek, J. P., 67

Charles Street .................................................................... Hamilton R. No. 1 ................................................................................Freelton Adeline Avenue .................................................................. Hamilton Port Avenue ........................................................................ Brantford

Stockkdale, B., 1889 Main Street East .............................................................. Hamilton Zeliznak, R. R., 74 Towline .............................................................................. Merritton CLASS II EN A Archer, A. E., R. R. No. 1 ........................................................................................ Troy Austin, J. A., R. R. No. 5 .................................................................................. Fenwick Carnegie, J., 9 Simpson Street .......................................................................... Brantford Dawson, J., 861 Hunter Street .................................................................... Niagara Falls Green, C. H., R. R. No. 1 ................................................................................ Ridgeville Hayhurst, D., 25 Proctor Avenue .................................................................... Brantford Joslin, C. W ., 41 Marvin Street ........................................................................ Brantford Kindy, D. P., 2005 Drummond Road ........................................................ Niagara Falls Kocsis, N . L., 43 Marquis Street .............................................................. St. Catharines

Mallinson, G. W ., 213 Chatham Street ............................................................ Brantford Podetz, K., R. R. No. 1 .................................................................................... Princeton Robinson, R. C., R. R. No. 1 ........................................................................ Gowanston Sacco, G. R., 76 Merritt Street .... ."................................................................... Merritton Sleeth, C. E., 470 St. Paul Avenue ..............................................:..................... Brantford Turner, R., P. 0. Box 89, Kraft Road ............................................................ Fort Erie Wilson, T. W., 37 Helen Street ........................................................................ Dundas CLASS II EnB Austin, A., R. R. 5 ................................................................................................ Simcoe Cudmore, M. B., Andrew Street ·............................................................................ Exeter Clements, J. D., 454 East 36th Street ................................................................ Hamilton Dayman, R., R. R. No. 1 .......................................................................................... Troy Fettes, D., Waterloo Street ·· ···················c; ·········· ·················· ·················· ··· Mount Forest Groves, L., 167 Sanford Avenue South ............................................................ Hamilton Hermans, A., 506 Canterbury Street ............................................................ Woodstock Kubien, S., 86 Clinton Street ............................................................................ Hamilton Maciuk, V., R. R. No. 6 .................................................................................... Dunnville McFadden, J., 2 Deer Avenue ........................................................................ Hamilton Morris, W. C., 378 Merritt Street .................................................................... Merritton Oddie, S., 232 Rodgers Road ........................ ."................................................... Hamilton Porter, D.


14 Fairfield Avenue North .......................................................... Hamilton

Smith, B. A., 125 Province Street Sout4 .......................................................... Hamilton

Tam, C., 151 Hyde Park Avenue .................................................................... Hamilton Teather, H. R., 2 Belleview Avenue ........................................................ Hamilton Beach Tymchuk, P., R. R. No. 6 ................................................................................ Dunnville Wood, R., 236 Cochrane Road ........................................................................ Hamilton Yachwak, M., 178 Edgemont Avenue South .................................................... Hamilton · Zibens, G., 52 Spring Street ............................................................................ Hamilton TEXTILES II Brown,


E., 475 Canada Street ........................................ Marysville, New Brunswick

Cann, A. R., South Chegoggin, R. R. No. 3 ................................ Yarmouth, Nova Scotia Clark, H. F., 87 Thomas Street ............... ... ...................................................... Kingston Hodgkinson, D. C., 11 George Street................................ .................................... Perth Slack, I. S., 1104 Henley Road ........................................................................ Port Credit TEXTILES III Brown, C. F., Main Street .......................................................................... Vankleek Hill Masson, W. L., 105 Gallinger Street ................................................................Cornwall Tchorz, J., 69 Aikman .......................................................................................... Hamilton Turcotte, J. B. J., 21 rue St. Jacques .................................................. Magog, Queb:c



1959 September 8-14 ------------------------------------------ -------- -------- --------- ----- ----------Registration Period September 14 ---------- ---------------- ------------ ---------------- ------- --- ------------- --- Registration Concludes September 15 ------ --------------- ------------------------------------ ------------ ----- --- ---First Term Commences October 12 ----------------------------- --- -------------- ------------- ------- -------- ------------Thanksgiving Holiday December 16 ----- --- ------- ------------ ---------------------- --- ------- ---Mid-Year Examinations Commence December 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------First Term Concludes

1960 January 4 ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ------------Second Term Commences April 15 ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------Good Friday Holiday May 3 ----------- ------------------- ----------------------------------------------Final Examinations Commence May 12 -------------------- ---------- -- -------- ------------------------- ------------ -Final Examinations Conclude May 13 ------------- -- ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --Convocation Exercises

Compliments of

Martlin & Lawrie Limited

Compliments of

J. H. March Photographer

Manufacturers and Importers

Engineering, Surveying and Drawing Office Materials and Equipment 401 King Street East Hamilton, Ontario Head Office 22-24 Gore Street Hamilton, Ontario

Branch Office 393 Cooper Street Ottawa, Ontario


for continuing scholastic success and a prosperous, rewarding future to the Hamilton Institute of Technology's faculty, students and graduating Textile Class.

If, during the course of your studies, you should need information or technical assistance on the handling or uses of nylon or of "Orion" acrylic fibre, Du Pont of Canada will be pleased to be of help to you at any time.


DU PONT OF CANADA LIMITED Textile Fibres Department










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Graduating Class FROM


Textile Industry I I


British Northrop Loom Co. Ltd. Looms


Brinton Machine Division, Scott and Williams Inc. Knitting M achinery Burlington Engineering Co. Inc. Pressure D ye, Boil-Off a nd Bleach Machines Canadian Monorail Co. Ltd. Overhead H andlin g Equipment Cain Son & Greenwood Cotton Cardclothing Davis & Furber Machine Company Woollen Machinery Gaston County Dyeing Machine Co. Package & Beam Dyeing Machines Guider Specialty Company Cloth Guiders Haskell-Dawes Machine Company Inc. Twisters, Layers & Formers Hunt & Moscrop Limited Finishing Machinery James Hunter Mackine Company Finishing M achinery


W . Lewis Company Warp Beam Trucks MacBeth Corporation Colour Matching Equipment Marshall & Williams Corporation Tenter Dryhs, Tenter Clips Middleton Bowl Works Limited Calender Bowls




F. Smith Company (Textiles) Ltd. Dyeing Machinery


I ~-------- - - - _l ___________ l

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& Chemical Co. of Canada, Ltd. Kingston, Ontario

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Sjostrom Machine Co. Knotwood Aprons, Cutting & Stacking Ma chines


Turbo Machine Company Preboarding Equipment, Staplers, Crimpers


Tweeda!es & Smalley Limited Cotton Machinery


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eongratttlations . . . TO THE GRADUATING CLASS · To all of you who graduate this year, our sincere congratulations. May your efforts be crowned with success. To the Hamilton Institute of Technology, our thanks for a job well done, and good wishes ' for years of the same.



TO THE GRADUATES Our congratulations . . . and may the challenging road you now travel bring you to a rewarding, successful career . . . in Canada's Textile Industry






The Finest in Hand Knitting, Machine Knitting and Weaving Yarns GUELPH


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GO HAND IN IIAND! They result only when a challenge has been encountered and overcome. Your challenge is before you now. You have prepared to meet it through training at The Hamilton Institute of Technology. By continually utilizing your past experience, knowledge and talents as tools, you will progress and achieve success! Learn this from your predecessors in the field-the men and the companies who have learned to encounter new challenges successfully by using the knowledge and experiences they have gained through the years. The need for constant advancement and


of textile products has been met by such companies as Geigy, which has developed new dyestuffs a~d textile auxiliaries on the basis of nearly a century of research. Products such as the Solophenyls, Irgalans, Cuprophenyls, Erio Chromes, Polars and Mitin durable mothproofing have been made available to the industry by Geigy chemists and researchers, Your experience in the field will teach you to depend on such companies, which have helped to bring progress ... and success to the entire indus,try!

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We count it a pleasure to offer our cordial wishes for a rewarding future to the Faculty, Students and Graduating Class of the Hamilton Institute of Technology. It will be a pleasure, too, ·to be of help if you should, at any time, need information or technical assistance on the handling or uses of nylon or of "Orlon" acrylic fibre .


DU PONT COMPANY OF CANADA (1956) LIMITED Textile Fibres Deportment


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lithographed in U. S. A. by Yearbook House

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