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Started With Mom's Advice, Continues with Determination

How Mohawk alumnus Kathy Lerette ‘94 beat the odds and is changing the gender landscape

By Lu Ann Pannunzio ‘12


In 1982, Kathy Lerette ‘94 and her mother had a talk that would, unknowingly at the time, help shape her career and the status of women in leadership. Their topic of discussion was the importance of a pension and planning for the future. With her mother’s advice, an interest in architectural drafting and only a high school education, Kathy secured a draftsman position at Stoney Creek Hydro.

To advance in her field, she attended Mohawk College part-time and received two diplomas, one for Electrical Distribution Technician – Power and another for Electrical Distribution Technologist – Control. “My education at Mohawk certainly gave me the foundational technical knowledge to work in engineering at a local distribution company, and gave me the educational requirements to move into management,” Kathy proudly shares. Over a period of 15 years, Kathy spent 12 years attending college part-time to successfully complete her programs and earn her two diplomas. This is but a glimpse into her willpower to thrive in the workplace, particularly in a male-dominated job.

In 2000, when Hamilton, Stoney Creek, Flamborough, Dundas and Ancaster electric utilities merged, Kathy jumped from being an engineering supervisor to a manager and eventually to the director of construction and maintenance. She was the first woman to hold this position with the company, making this is not only a noteworthy event in Kathy’s personal career, but for women in the workplace, too.

Kathy had confidence in herself and remembers that the senior leaders did too because of her engineering background and positive reputation. “I saw [this promotion] as a challenge to win their trust, and do the job I was appointed to do regardless of the gender lens that people looked through.” While her background is something to look up to, it has never been about gender for Kathy, “It’s all about getting the work done in a positive and respectful environment.”

Today, Kathy is Senior Vice President of Business Transformation at

“Be confident in your ability, and people will trust and believe in what you can do.”

Alectra Utilities, the second largest municipally-owned electricity utility in North America. After many years in engineering and operations, she says that accepting her new position was like a fresh start. Today, Kathy’s main responsibility is providing leadership to the successful integration of the four legacy utilities, Enersource Corporation, Horizon Utilities Corporation, PowerStream and Hydro One Brampton. On top of managing her career, Kathy collaborates with many organizations and committees. She doesn’t show any signs of slowing down, either. Instead of looking forward to retirement in the next five years, like many of her peers, Kathy wants to continue mentoring, promoting gender diversity and encouraging women to pursue STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) careers.

As for advice, Kathy firmly believes that your diploma may get you in the door, but your skill, ability and attitude are what will get you the job and open up opportunities for you. She says being confident in your abilities is what will make people trust and believe in what you can do. Kathy encourages others to pursue opportunities that may be outside of their comfort zone. “Participation means experience and exposure and that will send a clear message to your team and superiors that you’re willing to take on challenging opportunities.”

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