Mohawk College Alumni In Touch Magazine - Fall 2014

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Fall 2014

Spring ‘14

touch For Alumni & Friends of Mohawk College


Welcome to Mohawk’s 8th President, Ron McKerlie

For Alumni & Friends of Mohawk College

Publication Mail Agreement 40065780

Budds’ BMW Hamilton

Proudly supports Mohawk College


Budds’ BMW Hamilton Upper James St.


touch Hamilton | Stoney Creek Publisher Mohawk College Alumni Association Editor Wendy Makey Design and Production Sofa Communicatons

Fall 2014

Spring ‘14


touch For Alumni & Friends of Mohawk College


Welcome to Mohawk’s 8th President, Ron McKerlie

For Alumni & Friends of Mohawk College

Photography Meaghan Drury, Sean Coffey, Steve Haining, Simon Kiela, Kelly Dunham, Dan Banko Publication Mail Agreement 40065780

Contributors Gary Nelson, Wendy Makey, Jay Robb, Sean Coffey, Meaghan Drury, Aisha Johnson, Jim Vanderveken, Piero Cherubini, Keith Monrose, Paul Armstrong, Tony Thoma, Rachel Matthews Editorial Advisory Board Ron McKerlie – President, Mohawk College Foundation, Wendy Makey – Director, Alumni Relations, Meaghan Drury – Communications Coordinator, Kristy Ryerson – Alumni Assistant, Kelly Dunham – Alumni Services Coordinator, Michele Daigle - Data Assistant, Lidia Siino – Past Alumni Council Member Content Coordinator Meaghan Drury InTouch is published semi-annually by the Office of Alumni Relations at Mohawk College. This magazine is circulated to alumni and friends of Mohawk College. Ideas and opinions published or expressed in InTouch do not necessarily reflect those of Mohawk College, The Alumni Association, or the Editor. Publications Mail Agreement Number 400065780 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Office of Alumni Relations - Alumni House Mohawk College Foundation P.O. Box 2034 Hamilton, ON L8N 3T2 To update your Alumni Record, please contact: Phone: 905.575.2258, Fax: 905.575.2443 or the address above.

Prefer to receive the InTouch magazine to your inbox instead of your mailbox? Visit


Meet Mohawk’s Dean Team Mohawk’s six Deans share their Mohawk contributions.

14 Seven Questions with Ron McKerlie

alumni news 13 Alumni Spotlight: Lacey Hill 28 2013 Alumni of Distinction Award Recipients 33 Leaving Mohawk: Chris Blackwood is Retiring After 25 years

in every issue 5

Welcoming Words

21 Around Campus 30 Keeping In Touch 34 Calendar of Events


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welcoming words

new school year new president Ron McKerlie, President – Mohawk College & Mohawk College Foundation

Like a record number of our students, I’m

I am also honoured to be serving as

proud to be in my first semester at Mohawk

President of the Mohawk College


Foundation. I will be looking to Mohawk’s

I joined Mohawk in August after 35 years of working in the private sector and for the Government of Ontario. As someone who has a real passion for lifelong learning, it’s a great privilege to serve as Mohawk’s eighth president and work alongside students, faculty and staff.

partners and friends, including you and your fellow alumni, to continue supporting our students. Your success as a graduate makes a compelling case for investing in today’s students through scholarships, bursaries and the continuing renewal of our campuses. No student should be denied the benefit of a Mohawk education because of financial

Mohawk has earned a reputation for the

barriers. And every student deserves to

quality of our programs, services and places

develop their potential in a stimulating

to learn. Everyone wants to be part of a winning team and I’m no exception. Building on our college’s reputation for excellence will be one of my priorities as President. Throughout my career, I’ve learned that no one individual has a monopoly on good ideas and success is always a team effort. So I intend to strike up conversations in person and online with the people who know Mohawk best and who share a strong sense of pride in our college’s mission and vision.

environment that offers tools, technology and teaching that are second to none. To everyone I have already met in my short time at Mohawk, thank you for the warm welcome. And if we have yet to meet, I hope we connect soon during college or community events. I look forward to talking with you about how we can work together to make our great college even better. My door is always open and my smartphone is always on.

Donations support Scholarships & Bursaries The outstanding legacy we, as alumni, leave is not only one of commitment to improving our communities, but one that involves sharing time and resources with future graduates.

Please look for the 2014 Alumni Annual Fund Appeal in your mailbox or inbox this Fall.

Mohawk College has initiated an Alumni Annual Fund to assist in providing students with the very best.

For more information please contact Wendy Makey at 905-575-2080 or

We encourage you to help make someone’s dreams come true by donating to the Alumni Annual Appeal.


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2014-2015 mohawk college alumni association advisory council Returning Members Gary Nelson Chair

Business Administration, 1985

Welcome to the Five Newest Members of the Mohawk College Alumni Advisory Council Ron Funnell, Director Radio Broadcasting, 1991

Marcine Blake Vice-Chair

Recreation Leadership, 1988

Dr. Sandra Ireland Past Chair Nursing, 1990

Sera Nicosia Director Nursing, 1981

Sara Kinnear Director

Recreation Leadership, 1989

Celebrating his 25th year in his field, Ron is the Senior Account Manager and Senior Advertising Consultant for Corus Entertainment’s Country 104.

Lorenzo Somma, Director

Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 2013 Recent graduate, Lorenzo has worked as a business counselor at YWCA for the past 3 years and is the current Entrepreneur in Residence at the Industry Education Council of Hamilton.

Joanne Brohman, Director Recreation Leadership, 1983

A twenty-year Mohawk College instructor and Recreation Therapy Diploma program developer, Joanne is a Mohawk College Recreation Therapy Professor and Academic Coordinator.

Jay Hayward, Director Business Administration, 1999

Jody Matheson Director Advertising, 1994

Alan Griffiths Director Environmental Technician, 2009

Jay is the Vice-President of Operations at CSN Collision Centres where he leads the strategic direction for operational performance of 285 licensee collision centres across Canada.

Linda Rourke, Director

Broadcasting – Television & Communications Media, 1990 Linda, the current host and producer of Cable 14’s Hamilton Life has also contributed her talents to Mohawk College as a part-time instructor and volunteer host for the International Women’s Day broadcast on campus. The Alumni Association thanks these individuals for their valued contributions to Alumni activities, committees and meetings on behalf of the Alumni of Mohawk College.


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welcoming words

greetings from the alumni council chair Gary Nelson, ‘85 – Business Administration

The Alumni Association looks forward to the

alumni pin. We had seven alumni present the

2013 Alumni of Distinction Awards, which will

keynote address at various ceremonies throughout

take place Thursday, October 30, 2014. We

the week. Additionally, the Alumni Association

invite everyone to attend this year’s event

reached a milestone during the week, welcoming

where we honour alumni who have excelled

the 100,000th graduate as an alumni member.

in their careers after leaving Mohawk College.

I would also like to take this time to thank four of

In addition, the Alumni Association will be

our Alumni Council members who will be leaving

nominating past graduates for the Premiers

the council as their terms come to an end. Thanks

Awards, later this Fall.

to Samara Young, Dana Jacobs, Erin Kimbell and

The Mohawk Young Alumni Connection (MYAC) has held

Darren Hardenbrook. In addition, we are happy to welcome

a number of events over the past year to encourage the

five new members to the Alumni Council: Jay Hayward

continued involvement of recent graduates. This is a

(1999), Ron Funnell (1991), Joanne Brohman (1983), Linda

program that the Alumni Council will continue to support

Rourke (1990) and Lorenzo Somma (2013). I know these

and develop in the upcoming year.

new members will bring great new ideas and energy to our

Work continued this year to set up an Ambassador Program,


which will help to build stronger connections with our

Finally, I would like to welcome Ron McKerlie, the new

community at large. This will also provide a means to get our

President of Mohawk College. The Alumni Council will be

message out to the broader community. We have a number

working closely with the new president over the coming

of alumni who have expressed an interest in this program

months to ensure that the Alumni Association strategies align

and this Fall we will begin a formal launch of this initiative.

with that of the college. We will be looking at opportunities

This past spring, the Alumni Association held its 10th Annual Golf Classic. Over 110 golfers enjoyed a great day of golf and networking. All the funds raised will help to support the

for the alumni to support the college and continue to make Mohawk College number one. We are always interested in hearing from you, Mohawk

Alumni Mentoring Program, which is currently being piloted.

Alumni from across the country and world, so if you have

It was my pleasure this past June to attend many of the

a letter to your association. It is the involvement of the

convocation ceremonies, where I welcomed graduates into

alumni members that makes the Mohawk College Alumni

the alumni family and presented them with their very own

Association strong.

a question or comment please telephone, email or send


fall 2014| 7

open lines of communication

Wendy Makey, ‘93 – Director, Alumni Relations Maintaining open lines of communication

In order for us to maintain open lines of

with you, our graduates, is essential. We

communication with you we need you

want to have updated information on file

to provide expressed consent to Alumni

so we can reach you via mail, email and

Relations, stating you wish to continue

phone. We like to have accurate business

receiving information from us. Expressed

information so we know where you’re

consent requires you to do something

working and potentially connect you

proactive to indicate agreement to receive

with students looking for a co-op term,

CEM’s from Alumni. When expressed consent

placement position or an alumni wishing

is received it enables us to email you and

to network. We like to share your success

keep you informed forever or until you

stories and those of other graduates

terminate communications by unsubscribing.

with the entire alumni membership. We want you to be informed about the exciting things happening at Mohawk and what students today are working on and achieving.

All Alumni email communications will provide you with the opportunity to click a link at the bottom of the message and subscribe by providing your expressed consent. CASL

We communicate with you in a number of ways. Email

guidelines allow us three years to obtain your consent. If

communications have become our medium of choice as it

expressed consent is not obtained in this time frame Alumni

enables us to share information in an efficient, timely and

Relations will no longer be able to communicate with you

green manner. However, for Alumni Relations and almost

via email.

every person in Canada, our email communications are about to change due to the new Canadian Anti Spam Legislation (CASL). The purpose of CASL is to increase the efficiency and productivity of Canadians online by reducing the flow of unsolicited email messages. The basic rule, subject to a few exceptions, is that “commercial electronic messages” cannot be sent unless both consent and content requirements are met. “Electronic messages” include email, text messages, and sound, voice or image messages. “Commercial” means any transaction, act or conduct that is of a commercial character whether or not there is an expectation of profit. “Commercial electronic messages”(CEM) mean an electronic message that has as its purpose, or one of its purposes, to encourage participation in a commercial activity. For Alumni Relations “commercial electronic messages” include any email that has a purpose of promoting, marketing or publicizing events. This includes our monthly Informed enewsletter and emails regarding upcoming events, programs and services available to our graduates.


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I’m asking that you take a minute now, visit mohawkcollege. ca/alumni-opt-in to subscribe and provide us with expressed consent. Help us to keep the lines of communication open and keep you engaged with Mohawk Alumni.

The sun was shining and spirits were high on May 30th, 2014 at the Mohawk Alumni 10th Annual Golf Classic as this year’s 100+ golfers headed out on the fairways at Flamborough Hills Golf & Country Club. We were thrilled

Specialty Hole Sponsors: • Sofa Communications • Upper James Toyota

to celebrate another day of friendly competition among

• The Keg Steakhouse + Bar (Hamilton)

Mohawk Alumni and friends in support of the new Mohawk

• Mohawk Young Alumni Connection

Alumni Mentorship program.

• Linda Marshall ‘82

Congratulations to the top teams: Men’s – Larry Snaidero, Mario Suffoletta, Fred Elbe, Jonathan Walton-Ball Women’s – Rosemary Marsh, Elly Davidson, Lori Kolar, Lori Henderson Mixed – Sheila Drury, Jim Drury, Brandon Warren

Thank you to our sponsors! Tournament Sponsors:

• Event Sponsor – Johnson • Breakfast Sponsor – Chartwells • Registration Gift Sponsor – Leader Frames • Print Media Sponsor – The Hamilton Spectator • Cart Sponsor – Bank of Montreal • Putting Contest Sponsor – McDonalds (Hamilton) • Snack/Refreshment Cart Sponsor – Sharp • Photography Sponsor – Mohawk College Residence & Conference Centre

• Stokoe Communications • Alumni Insurance Services • Schneider Electric • Mohawk College Athletics Department • Mohawk College Alumni Association

Hole Sponsors: • Marshall Truck & Trailer Repair • The Morasse Family - George ‘70, Tammy ‘95, Ryan ‘00 • Google Displays • Lee & Murphy Family - Kelvin ‘90, Erin ‘91 • Mohawk Students’ Association • Mohawk College Association of Continuing Education Services

Mark it in your calendar! 11th Annual Alumni Golf Classic – Friday, May 29, 2015 Watch for early bird prices to begin in March 2015.


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alumni news

alumni events

er months m m u S & g n ri p S Over the as excited to see w ce ffi O i n m lu A the friends at the many graduates and Our Roots, the 10th g 2nd Annual Plantin Classic and out west f Annual Alumni Gol ions in Edmonton & n at the Alumni Reu thrilled to welcome so Calgary. We were al uate to the Alumni our 100,000th grad k of Convocation. ee fa mily during the w

2nd Annual Planting Our Roots

Alumni Reunions in Edmonton & Calgary


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alumni news

10th Annual Alumni Golf Classic



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alumni news

2014 Spring

convocation speakers Graeme Matheson | Business – Accounting, 2011 “Nurture this curiosity. Continue to learn. Ask why. Test conventional thinking. Solve problems in new and creative ways. You are the future of Hamilton, of Canada and the global economy.”

“I implore you graduates, to leave here today and to ask the questions, ‘How will I find meaning in what I am doing?’ ‘How will I make a difference?’ Let this be your motivation and the rest will take care of itself.”

Misty Cornell | Broadcast

Journalism, 1996

“I don’t have a crystal ball. I can’t predict your future, but I can offer you some words of advice. Always be true to yourself. Always reach for the stars. Always rise to the challenge. Always set your alarm clock. Always make sure you have gas in the car. Always embrace life’s lessons. And never be afraid to stand up for what is right and what is fair. Good things happen to good people.”

Dave Forde | Law & Security – Private Security, 2005

“During my interview process [to becoming a police officer] I displayed confidence and demonstrated determination because I knew I received an education that prepared me for my career and my future.” “I hope you take time today to reflect on the person you were when you walked into this campus’ doors and also how you evolved and are ready to take on the world. Reflect on the relationships and the memories that you’ve made as the peers you graduate with today are lifetime friends and somehow your paths with cross in the future in your respective professions.”

Dustin Gibson | Practical Nursing, 2009 / Nursing – BScN, 2013 “Your time here at Mohawk has not been time wasted. Your time here at Mohawk has allowed you to develop and explore the foundation that is needed for you to be successful in your future. Mohawk is renowned


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for its innovation and its skilled graduates. You are now about to be one of those grads. Whether you are staying locally, going back to your hometown or going abroad, the education you have received at Mohawk makes you desirable amongst graduates entering the workforce in today’s highly competitive market. “

Kevin Ford | Mechanical Engineering Technician, 1975 “There has never been a better time to consider forming a small business. Governments are very much aware that multinationals are on the decline. A job for life is a fiction. Most new jobs created in Canada are created by small businesses most in fields that did not exist 5 years ago. Build a team of very different but complimentary skills and personalities, work at it part time. Learn what it is to run a business then when the time and team are right, take the plunge.”

Scot Keith | Advertising &

Communications Media, 1992

“Set goals. Goal setting is so, so important. Goals help define the roadmap of where you are going to go in your life. Create achievable goals you can hit. Then create new ones. We all need goals. Could you imagine if the NHL did not award a Stanely Cup? And teams played 82 games and no one was actually the best at the end? Well that would be anti-climatic. So don’t settle for an anti-climatic life.”

Susan Bassett | Early Childhood Education, 1991

“Know that it is okay to be fearful of new opportunities. Push through that fear and succeed anyway. Can I tell you the truth? I was extremely fearful coming up here today – I think I’m still shaking a little. I was fearful when we started our non-profit organization never having any experience doing that before. I was fearful my first time teaching. Acknowledge the fear. Find within you the courage to push past the fear. And don’t let opportunities past because of your fear.” “Challenges can be blessings in disguise we just have to be opened to them.”

alumni news

alumni spotlight

Lacey Hill, Child and Youth Worker ‘08 By Sean Coffey Lacey Hill has spent the last eight years telling native youth to follow their hearts, but it was only recently that she decided to heed her own advice. A graduate of Mohawk’s Child and Youth Worker program, Lacey grew up on the Six Nations reserve just south of Hamilton, Ontario. She hails from the Oneida Nation, Wolf Clan, and like many native youth she has grown up in the long shadow of the residential school system and the indelible mark it has left on her people. It’s a story Lacey can see etched in the faces of the youth she visits as the Aboriginal Recruiter for Mohawk College. Many feel hopeless, disconnected from the world and each other, and unable to see the opportunities available to them. Lacey’s job is to clear a path, to show them that education is a path to a better future. But when she looked at her own life there was a big disconnect. “There I was telling these kids to follow their dreams. Do what you want to do with a good mind and a strong heart. But I wasn’t doing that myself,” she says. “I realized that if I really wanted to help these kids get to where they wanted to go I needed to take my own advice.” She knew what she needed to do, and so did everyone who knew her. For years,

Lacey had been hounded by friends and family who wanted her to put her musical talent to use. She had already proven herself a worthy performer. While attending Mohawk, Lacey sang back-up for a popular local group called the Breeze Band. “It was the ideal gig for a college student,” she says. The Breeze Band broke up around the time Lacey graduated. There came another band after but it was short-lived, and Lacey drifted away from music for a time. Then, about two years ago, Lacey started writing her own songs. In March 2013, she took a leap and took the stage at the Woodland Cultural Centre (a former residential school turned native cultural centre) in Brantford to sing three of those songs. She was a hit, and that was the start of her solo career, she says. Less than a year later came 528. The self-produced album was Lacey’s first as a solo artist. She also started performing regularly. It’s now a year later and she has more than 60 solo performances behind her. “I was scared. I was nervous. I was all those things. But I didn’t want to be one of those people who just talked the talk,” she says. “I wanted to do it all. I wanted to talk the talk and walk the walk. I want show native youth that they can do and be what they want to be.” Music is medicine, she says. It can change things for the better. “I’m just trying to make things clearer for people, so they can have forgiveness and maybe love again.” Listen to Lacey and you’ll hear a tinge of Alicia Keyes and Serena Ryder (before the latter was signed, notes Lacey). But there’s no question that Lacey is her own artist, with a distinct sound and a strong message with songs like Native Girl Blues and Black Lonely Heart deeply rooted in her native culture, and reflecting the strong influences that culture has had on her. “Nobody else can sing my song,” says Lacey. “Nobody else can write my music. Nobody else but me.”


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alumni news

seven questions

With Mohawk’s New President Ron McKerlie Ron McKerlie was appointed Mohawk’s eighth President in May following a national search. Ron, who was the unanimous choice of Mohawk’s Board of Governors, brings 35 years of extensive leadership experience in the private and public sectors to our College.

4. What’s the greatest challenge facing Mohawk?

Follow Ron McKerlie on Twitter at @ronmckerlie.

1. Why did you choose to join Mohawk?

Everyone wants to be part of a winning team. As President, I get to work with an outstanding team of faculty and staff who are delivering quality programs and services and helping students graduate to success. It’s a privilege to play a part in transforming lives and building a prosperous community.

5. Mohawk has undertaken the largest campus renewal project in its history, investing $80 million over the past years at the Fennell Campus. What’s next?

2. What’s your educational background?

I earned my Master of Business Administration from Dalhousie University while working at the Bank of Montreal and completed the Advanced Management Program from Harvard Business School while I was with the Ontario Government. So I’m a big believer in lifelong learning and I have a real affinity for Mohawk students who are juggling school, work and family commitments. It’s a lot of work but well worth the effort. Education is one of the best and smartest investments you can make.

3. In your opinion, what’s the greatest opportunity for Mohawk going forward?

Perhaps the greatest opportunity for Mohawk and our students is the record number of Baby Boomers who are about to retire. Employers across all sectors of our economy will be looking to hire job ready Mohawk graduates. While Mohawk has a number of innovative partnerships already in place, there’s room to grow and to work with even more employers on everything from developing and delivering programs to establishing scholarships and bursaries, collaborating on applied research projects and offering co-ops, field placements, summer jobs and career opportunities for our graduates.


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Like all colleges and universities in Ontario, Mohawk faces increasing fiscal challenges as the Province balances the budget. Government funding isn’t keeping pace with our cost of delivering a quality education to Mohawk students and that’s unlikely to change. The good news for Mohawk is that our financial house is in order. We’ll need to stay focused on being responsible stewards of government funding and student tuition. Every dollar we spend must have a direct benefit for our students.

I didn’t have the benefit of seeing the campus before our renewal project began. Yet in talking with faculty and staff, there’s no question the project has had a profound impact on our students and our College’s reputation. Next on our to-do list is a major expansion to our School of Engineering Technology. We plan to build new classrooms, labs and collaborative spaces where students and industry partners can work side by side. Advanced manufacturing is one of the key drivers of Hamilton’s economy and Mohawk can play an even greater role in supporting and growing that sector. As President of both the College and the Mohawk College Foundation, I’ll be meeting with our industry and government partners and making the case for investing in Mohawk’s School of Engineering Technology.

6. Will you be reaching out to Mohawk alumni?

Absolutely. The best way to sell Mohawk to prospective students and potential donors is to tell stories about our students and graduates. We have a lot of great stories to tell. At Mohawk’s Spring Convocation, the 100,000th alumnus walked across the stage. That’s a city’s worth of Mohawk champions and ambassadors who can advocate on our behalf at work and in the community and, at the same time, support our students in many ways.

alumni news 7. How would you describe your leadership style? What can we expect from you as President?

I subscribe to the philosophy and practices of servant leadership. My responsibility is to support faculty and staff so they serve our students to the absolute best of their abilities. Having held leadership positions in the private and public sector for the past 35 years, I’ve learned that no one person has all the answers and success is always a team effort. I also believe everyone deserves to be heard. So I’ll be actively listening to students, alumni, faculty and staff and seeking their ideas on how to make Mohawk an even better place to learn and work.

Ron McKerlie Fast Facts • Will serve as President of both Mohawk College and the Mohawk College Foundation • 35 years of experience in the private and public sectors with Bank of Montreal, Rogers Communications and the Ontario Government • Graduate of Dalhousie University’s Master of Business Administration program and Harvard Business School’s Advanced Management program • Chair of World Vision Canada • 56 years old, married for 34 years with two grown sons

investing in students investing in futures It takes a great deal to be a great school. It takes money and resources. Cooperation from community, business and government. The generosity of caring individuals. The Mohawk College Foundation works closely with all these groups to help ensure the college’s continued growth and success. We do this by working to increase student scholarships and bursaries, securing the resources needed for facilities enhancements and fostering the support of our community.

Investing in Futures The responsible stewardship of donated funds by the Foundation ensures the College’s future remains bright. Some donations make headlines. Still other gifts are from everyday heroes who give from the heart and give what they can to make a difference in our students lives. They may be former students whose lives were changed by their Mohawk College experience, employees who believe in the power of education, or employers who have witnessed firsthand the value of hiring Mohawk grads. The Foundation is proud to work with all these groups to ensure that the College remains Future Ready for generations to come. Every student attending Mohawk College deserves the opportunity to face the future with: CONFIDENCE that they have the knowledge and skills to excel in their chosen field. EXCITEMENT by their prospects for employment and success in today’s changing world. OPTIMISM about their future and their capacity to shape it. To find out how you can invest in Future Ready students at Mohawk College, please contact us: Telephone: (905) 575-2186 Email: Web:


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feature story

meet mohawk’s dean team By Meaghan Drury, ‘12

Jim Vanderveken

community stakeholders, we can offer exemplary teaching in world-class instructional facilities that enables students to compete successfully in the global talent market.

Jim Vanderveken began his career in 1987 as a Training Consultant with Mohawk College’s Contract Training Services. While working and starting a family, he returned to school parttime and completed a Master Degree in Education from Brock University. In 1999, he was successful in securing the position of Director of Community Training and has had the privilege of fulfilling his current role as Dean of the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies since November 2009.

What one piece of advice have you received in the past that has stuck with you to this day?

Dean of Interdisciplinary Studies

What exciting/interesting projects or changes are taking place in your area right now?

Build a strong reputation, one built on excellence and perseverance. One thing most people don’t know about you: Lived and went to school in Curacao.

Piero Cherubini Dean of Business and Skilled Trades & Apprenticeship

Piero Cherubini started as an elementary school The Access Strategy - the goal of the strategy is to teacher, but he didn’t ensure that every person regardless of socio-economic think he would last background has an opportunity to attend Mohawk. in that profession for Working with our community partners, we have helped to his whole career - a transform the lives of many vulnerable youth and adults career that has included in the community, helping to realize their potential and working in what was aspirations. once the Canada Employment Centre where he helped students find summer What is your favourite project you’ve worked on or jobs. From that experience Piero transitioned to other oversaw while at Mohawk? Why? jobs in the employment office and A key part of the Access Strategy eventually moved to the Ministry of By forging valuable was the design, development Training Colleges and Universities partnerships with employers and launch of the CICE Program where he worked for 18 years in the (Community Integration through Coand community stakeholders, apprenticeship branch. Then, 12 years operative Education). This program we can offer exemplary ago he was hired at Mohawk as Chair offers a college learning experience teaching in world-class of the Apprenticeship programs and to students who have intellectual the Stoney Creek campus. Today his instructional facilities that challenges. Our June convocation portfolio also includes the McKeil enables students to compete saw the first CICE graduates receive School of Business. their Liripipes. The entire Mohawk successfully in the global talent community welcomed and embraced market. What exciting/interesting these students, and applauded their projects or changes are taking success as they crossed the stage as place in your area right now? new Mohawk alumni. McKeil School of Business is leading an entrepreneurship What set’s Mohawk College apart from other postinitiative for the college. We are in the early stage of secondary institutions in regards to your department? development, but expect that at completion we will have a robust college wide experience for all students interested By forging valuable partnerships with employers and


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feature story you have a tough decision to make “ Ifalways err on the side of student success.

in starting their own businesses or taking an innovative product to market. What is your favourite project you’ve worked on or oversaw while at Mohawk? Why? A couple years ago we developed an iPad delivery program at our Stoney Creek campus in one of our two year mechanical maintenance programs. All courses were delivered using mobile digital technology and all material was delivered in e-format using the iPad as our primary tool for delivery. What made this project so successful was the coming together of faculty & staff from various departments in a true team effort to develop and deliver a real innovative program for our Millwright program at the Stoney Creek campus. This year faculty morphed that program to a “bring your own device” delivery that gives students even greater flexibility. What one piece of advice have you received in the past that has stuck with you to this day? If you have a tough decision to make always err on the side of student success. Name one thing about yourself that most people don’t know: That I started my career as a primary school teacher.

What exciting/interesting projects or changes are taking place in your area right now? We are currently refreshing relationships to support our international recruitment objectives in many countries including: Brazil, China, India, Russia, Turkey, and Vietnam. What is your favourite project you’ve worked on or oversaw while at Mohawk? Why? I had the opportunity to create a video with one of our Alumni from China. It was great fun to work with this alumnus and our team; I was blown away by his passion for the College and his personal story about how he attributes his success to Mohawk. What set’s Mohawk College apart from other postsecondary institutions in regards to your department? Because of the relatively small size of Hamilton (in comparison to Toronto) we tend to develop and maintain long-term ties with many of our Alumni, which sometimes span decades. Through these longstanding relationships, we develop a richer understanding of our student and alumni needs before, during and after their time here at Mohawk. What one piece of advice have you received in the past that has stuck with you to this day? Never quit – Lincoln Alexander said it best: “You’ve got to get up, dress up and show up,” Name one thing about yourself that most people don’t know: I love to sing!

Keith Monrose

Dean of International and Partnerships Keith Monrose’s education and training is in health and management – his career path includes clinical and non-clinical roles in hospitals, administration in hospitals and teaching university, management and strategy in pharmaceuticals, a national health organization and telecommunications. Given his experience in health and information technology, Keith was attracted to leveraging his experience in health, informatics and business development in International and Partnerships at Mohawk College.

Paul Armstrong

Dean of Health Sciences, Faculty of Community & Urban Studies Following graduation from Mohawk College in 1989, Paul Armstrong worked in both the Hamilton General Hospital Diagnostic Imaging and McMaster University Medical Centre Diagnostic Ultrasound departments. Those opportunities provided him with the real-world clinical expertise that prepared him well for his career at Mohawk. His first role at Mohawk College was as a part-time and then full-time faculty in the Department of Medical Imaging, which led to progressive administrative


fall 2014| 17

Reward yourself. Carry the card that shows your Mohawk College school pride.

Get the BMO® Mohawk College MasterCard.®* Reward yourself with your choice of 1 AIR MILES®† reward mile for every $20 spent or 0.5% CashBack® and pay no annual fee.1 Support current and future Alumni Programs at no additional cost to you. Apply today at

Award of AIR MILES reward miles or CashBack rewards is made for purchases charged to your account (less refunds) and is subject to the terms and conditions of your BMO MasterCard Cardholder Agreement. ® Registered trade-mark of Bank of Montreal. ®*MasterCard is a registered trade-mark of MasterCard International Incorporated. ®† Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne, Inc. and Bank of Montreal. 1

feature strory

Through these longstanding relationships, we develop a richer understanding of our student and alumni needs before, during and after their time here at Mohawk.

roles including Acting Chair - Health Sciences, Chair Human Services, Director of Academic Relations, Dean - Brantford and now his current role as Dean of Health Sciences and Community and Urban Studies. What exciting/interesting projects or changes are taking place in your area right now? The areas I oversee continue to introduce new programs including a diploma program in Paralegal, Massage Therapy and a certificate in Retail Pharmacy Assistant. The consolidation of the School of Justice and Wellness Studies from Brantford to Fennell included a $16 million construction project with the final components being completed in the summer of 2014. This transition has also led to the creation of new speciality labs in the School of Human Services and the opportunity to partner with the MSA and David Braley Athletic Centre to create a Massage Therapy lab to support not only the program, but students who will have access to massage services. What is your favourite project you’ve worked on or oversaw while at Mohawk? Why? It is hard to identify one particular project. I have been fortunate to not only be involved with, but in a position to influence, a number of capital and building development projects including the construction of the Institute for Applied Health Sciences campus, creation of speciality labs in the School of Human Services and the consolidation of the School of Justice and Wellness Studies to the Fennell campus. What set’s Mohawk College apart from other postsecondary institutions in regards to your department(s)? Without exception, there are faculty and staff from every program in the Faculty of Health Sciences and Faculty of Community and Urban Studies who are recognized locally, provincially, nationally and internationally as leaders in their field. This commitment to the profession is translated to the classroom, providing students with a world class educational experience. What are you most passionate about professionally? I value the volunteer opportunities that I have had the

privilege of being involved in. Providing opportunities for the vulnerable in the communities we serve is very rewarding to me and I hope that my own participation models for our students the value and importance of being invested in your communities. What one piece of advice have you received in the past that has stuck with you to this day? Respect everyone. No matter what your role, or your level within the organization, everyone deserves respect and needs to demonstrate respect for others. Name one thing about yourself that most people don’t know: I am a farm boy… I grew up on a farm just outside of Owen Sound and my parents still live there.

Tony Thoma

Dean of Engineering Technology and Media Studies Before coming to Mohawk, Tony Thoma spent 24+ years in the metals industry (iron, steel and aluminum) with most of that time focused on the automotive parts industry. His roles included Vice President of Operations, Matalco, Inc., and Global Technical Director at Wescast Industries in Brantford. Tony has an Executive Masters of Business Administration from the University of Western Ontario, an Honours Bachelor of Business Administration from Brock University, and a Bachelor of Science in Metallurgy and Materials Science from McMaster University. What exciting/interesting projects or changes are taking place in your area right now? We have just opened the Additive Manufacturing Resource Center which will help industry and our students will benefit by being exposed to the world of designing and manufacturing using 3D printers. I’m looking forward to the next major project, which is the development of our new Engineering Technology construction and rebuild. What is your favourite project you’ve worked on or oversaw while at Mohawk? Why? The development of the new Engineering Technology building and renovations. Though not funded or approved


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feature strory yet the lobbying internally and externally to get this project on the top of the list has been challenging and satisfying.

What exciting/interesting projects or changes are taking place in your area right now?

What set’s Mohawk College apart from other postsecondary institutions in regards to your department(s)?

A lot! We are approaching the one year mark of the opening of the new David Braley Athletic and Recreation Centre (DBARC) and with this there has been a renewed and enhanced operation in student athletics, recreation and fitness, in partnership with the YMCA. We have a relatively new focus on our students’ First Year Experience (FYE). In addition, a new Health and Wellness model is unfolding over the next year, there is an evolving cross functional Advising Model and a College wide focus on Student Success & Retention Planning. There is also a focus on policy and best practice development in relation to managing more complex student needs, behaviour and support.

Mohawk has a strong reputation in the industry for producing graduates that are high performers. This is a testament to the quality of the programs and the experience and dedication of the faculty members. What are you most passionate about professionally? Quality of work. I feel that if we are going to do something that it should be of superior quality. What one piece of advice have you received in the past that has stuck with you to this day? Wise man once said that I should not let my short term greed get in the way of my long term greed. In other words, make some short term sacrifices for the benefit of the future. Name one thing about yourself that most people don’t know: I am a tool hoarder.

What is your favourite project you’ve worked on or oversaw while at Mohawk? Why? I have lots of favourites actually, some mentioned already… and really the common theme across them all would be about offering individuals access to post-secondary education and then, as students new ways or opportunities to reach their potential and develop in such a way that maybe didn’t seem possible before.




Rachel Matthews

Dean of Students In 1987, Rachel Matthews’ career at Mohawk began with a role that included sitting on the provincial “College Committee on Special Needs” that launched ‘Special Needs” (now Accessible Learning Services) departments into being across the province. She continued to grow and take on more responsibility in various roles at the college while acquiring a Master of Education in 1996 and a post graduate certificate from the Centre for Higher Education, Research and Development in 2006. Prior to being appointed to Dean of Students in 2009, she was the Director of Student Services and Success Initiatives. In most recent years, she has worked closely with student leaders, including as the College liaison to MSA and MCACES, and has a leadership role in steering the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities (AODA) mandate.


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A personal and meaningful project highlight was the introduction of a Peace Park here at the south side of the College the year after 9/11 (2002). The Compassion, Acceptance, Respect and Empathy (CARE) campaign of many years ago was also a highlight.






What set’s Mohawk College apart from other postsecondary institutions in regards to your department(s)? Our great range of programs and services, that we care about our students, our brand new and transformed facilities such as the new Justice and Wellness area, The Square, and our new Athletic and Recreation Centre here at Fennell. We have a great McMaster and Stoney Creek campus as well. What one piece of advice have you received in the past that has stuck with you to this day? Know and be true to yourself. Name one thing about yourself that most people don’t know: On a yoga/hiking trip, I climbed Huayna Picchu/Wayna Picchu to an altitude of 8,922 feet above sea level. Wayna Picchu (“Young Peak”) is the mountain right next to, and 1,000 feet higher, than Machu Picchu (“Old Peak”) in Peru. It was a tough mental and physical feat, and awe inspiring enough to be worth the breathing challenge!

In February of 2013, the Mohawk Students’ Association launched the first ever, MSA Gives Back. This was a campaign to transfer the balance of power to the Mohawk College student body at large. Students were able to visit and submit their idea on one condition; it improved student life on campus!

The premise from there was simple; the students were to vote on each other’s ideas and the top ten ideas would move on to a “Dragon’s Den” style selection process! Three MSA Board Members and three Mohawk College Executives then chose one winning idea which was implemented over the summer of 2013.

Over 50 ideas were submitted ranging from a sleeping lounge and arcade, to free printing and a campus farmer’s market with the winning idea being a Quiet Study Lounge. This lounge is now heavily used by students and operated by the MSA in the Student Centre.

In 2014, the MSA Gives Back was brought to life once again with another 50 ideas submitted. The same process was followed and the winning idea was to create a native mobile app whereby students can find study space on campus! The Mohawk Students’ Association is currently working with Mohawk College to launch the mobile app in September.



marks 30 years of MCACES providing programs, services and advocacy to Continuing Education Students. MCACES is a unique entity within the Canadian College System—we are the only association of our kind and proud to support life-long learners with their respective journeys. As part of our festivities we are pleased to offer our students, supporters and friends a month long celebration. The main focus of our celebration is gratitude. Each event is aimed at expressing our appreciation for our

supporters. Through the years, our students, board members, faculty and staff members have created a robust adult learning culture which we are so proud of. On behalf of the MCACES Team, thank you all for making MCACES an association that our Continuing Education Students enjoy. We hope to see you during our celebrations!

Karen Lavell

Continuing EduCation StudEnt aCtivitiES ManagEr

30 th Anniversary Activities Door to Door Campaign ...................................................................................................... September 29th - October 2nd CE Staff Appreciation Lunch ........................................................................................................................... September 29th MCACES Annual General Meeting ................................................................................................................... October 8th CE Student Appreciation Week ............................................................................................................ October 20th – 25th CE Instructor Appreciation Dinner ................................................................................................................ November 7th For more information about MCACES, our program and services. please visit


logo u n v e i l e d

As part of our 30th Anniversary Celebration we have rebranded ourselves with a new logo that is modern, visual and significant. The MCACES acronym is lower cased. This change represents the delicate care we have for our students. A modernized sound wave appears atop the moniker. This symbol conveys that our association is and will continue to be the voice of continuing education students at Mohawk College. The circle represents a holistic approach to our interactions with students. From orientation through to convocation, every student interaction is high

touch and well rounded. In addition, the circle represents inclusion and completion. We provide programs, services and advocacy based on these principles.

sustainability SUSTAINABILITY OFFICE The Mohawk College Sustainability Office is committed to the introduction and implementation of initiatives and incentives that directly engage stakeholders in the fostering of a culture and lifestyle of sustainability. The Sustainability Office creates opportunities for students and staff to participate in sustainability, supporting an improved quality of life and ensuring long-term environmental and financial resiliency on campus and within the Hamilton community.


Partnership with the City of Hamilton and Smart Commute promotes active and alternative transportation to reduce single occupant vehicle travel to campus • Bike parking, bike share, car share and the online MoCoModal Travel Planning Tool encourage staff and students to “think outside the car”

On campus local food production is supported by the introduction of the Community Garden and Fennell Orchard

18 tonnes of newspaper waste is avoided yearly by providing free access to The Spectator online through MoCoMotion

Implementation of College-wide policies to reduce the consumption of paper and the sale of single-use plastics on campus

The new Waste Management Zone in the cafeteria includes composting, a dish washing station and signage to support proper disposal of recycling and waste

• The Sustainability Initiatives Fund, introduced in September, is a partnership between the College and the Mohawk Students’ Association to support the development and implementation of sustainability programs and services

at mohawk LEED® DEVELOPMENT Aligned with the College’s strategic priorities of Quality, Innovation and Sustainability, Mohawk is committed to creating sustainable campuses with high quality spaces and cohesive designs that foster academic excellence.

The Learning Exchange and David Braley Athletics and Recreation Centre are prime examples of how to construct and operate sustainable buildings. Both projects were constructed to LEED Gold standards. The building design, materials and systems are helping to reduce the building’s environmental impact. ®

ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN & MEASURED SUCCESS In 2011, the Mohawk College Board of Governors approved the Environmental Management Plan (EMP), which set a target calling for a 20% reduction in 2007 baseline carbon emissions by 2020. In 2013, 2 years after EMP implementation, Mohawk College commissioned Stantec consulting to complete a 3rd party Greenhouse Gas inventory to measure success. The inventory identified that Mohawk had already achieved a 24% reduction in baseline emissions, eight years ahead of the 2020 schedule. View the full inventory online at

UPDATED PLAN – EMP 2.0 In early June, the Mohawk Board of Governors approved Environmental Management Plan 2.0. EMP 2.0 reaffirms Mohawk’s commitment to reducing the College’s impact on the environment, ensuring social and financial resiliency Click here to read the Plan while providing opportunities to engage staff, students and the community in an ever-growing culture of sustainability. EMP 2.0 lists the activities that contribute to Mohawk’s overall impact on the environment, organized into Pillars that Support Sustainability, underpinned by Strategies and supported by Actions to guide implementation in order to continue to achieve Sustainability. Read the plan online at

EMP 2.0

Both buildings are part of Mohawk Campus Renewal Project. The Sustainability Office has designed self-guided LEED® Tours, in the David Braley Athletics and Recreation Centre, and the Learning Exchange, to highlight the sustainable features of both LEED® Gold Certified buildings. Details on the complete renewal can be found at


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around campus


global footprint In 1982, the International Education Departments mandate was approved by the Mohawk College Board of Governors. Since that time, students, staff, partners and clients from around the world have benefited from Mohawk’s expertise in educational training and institutional development. In 2014, just over thirty years later, there were over 260,000 international students studying in Canada – over 1,100 of these students attended Mohawk College from over 70 countries. Over the next 10 years, the Canadian Government has set a target to double the number of international students in Canada to over 450,000. This growth in international enrollment is significant for Mohawk, Hamilton and Canada. International students bring significant cultural contributions to our communities; financially they contribute over $8 billion to the national economy, they address local skills gaps and create jobs as new entrepreneurs. Following the arrival last year of the new Dean of International and Partnerships, Keith Monrose, the department initiated a review of the College’s international strategy. This review identified a number of initiatives which encompass the College’s role in embedding global perspective across multiple areas of programing and services over the next five years. The strategy of global engagement within and outside the College is what


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we refer to as ‘internationalization’. The strategy’s objectives include: • Diversified recruitment of international students studying at Mohawk • Participation of Mohawk students and faculty on international exchanges • Collaborative international partnerships in education and research Mohawk College continues to look at new and innovative programs to develop international relationships. Through our new programs focused on Language and Culture, we hope to meet the needs of the international community. These programs are scheduled to accept its first students in January 2015. With the rapid economic and global changes, Mohawk stands to gain from interactions with international students and faculty across College programs. The collaboration and friendships that develop between our domestic and international communities will support the needs of our local economies, foster global competencies within academic programs and establish long term relationships between leaders of industry around the world. In June of 2014, Mohawk College’s graduating class included over 375 international students who are now among the Colleges 100,000+ alumni. Mohawk College is proud of its tradition in International Education.

you, me

and Canada’s New Anti-Spam Law By Meaghan Drury, Communications Coordinator, Mohawk College Foundation If you use email for more than communicating with friends and family, you’ve probably begun to see the effects of Canada’s new anti-spam law (CASL) which came into effect on July 1st, 2014. If you’re like me, with the spring came a wave of emails to your inbox prompting you to “opt-in” if you wish to continue to receive businesses and organizations’ commercial electronic messages. We, your Alumni Association, must also comply with this law, and have therefore sent out messages of our own requesting your consent to be contacted via email. What is important to know is that there are three stipulations that allow us to continue to communicate with our graduates in the future.

1. Consent* : • Expressed Consent – This is when you have opted in to receive emails from the Alumni Association by either checking a box on a form or stating your permission through email, over the phone or in person. We then take note of this permission in our Alumni database. • Implied Consent – There is a grace period while this law takes full effect which allows us three years to continue to communicate with anyone we have previously been communicating with prior to July 1. Additionally, as our graduates have a relationship with us through the College upon graduation, we may communicate with new graduates and seek expressed consent for up to two years after graduation.

*In both situations, should you request to be removed from any or all email lists, we are obligated to do so within ten business days.

2. Identification Requirement: • We must include contact information of the business sending the email (i.e. the Mohawk College Alumni Association), including phone, email and address

3. Unsubscribe: • We must include an easy way to unsubscribe to all commercial electronic messages Please note this law does not apply to messages that have a charitable purpose or are of an informational nature with no commercial component. As alumni, it’s important to note these requirements in order to understand why you may still be receiving messages after having not responded to our requests to ”opt-in” to receiving our emails. As the Communications Coordinator, I’ve heard frustrated feedback from individuals who believed that ignoring ‘opt-in’ requests would result in them being removed from mailing lists. This is not the case. To stay informed as CASL rolls out and for more detail on what this law means for you, please visit If you wish to provide your expressed consent to continue to receive emails from us, visit


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awards & honours

The 2013 Alumni of Distinction

Award Recipients

Join these incredible graduates in celebration

safety net that we all benefit from and which makes Canada one of the best countries in the world.

of Distinction Awards Dinner. Please visit

Ava Green | Creative Arts & Design

on Thursday, October 30, 2014 at the Alumni to find out more and reserve your seat. Brent Kinnaird | Business Program: Business Administration, 1994

Program: Broadcasting – Television & Communications Media, 1981 Current Position: VP/Producer/Supervising Editor/ Co-Owner, Big Brain Productions & • Worked on one of Canada’s most infamous shows, The Red Green Show

Current Position: Partner, Inspire Marketing/ Marketing Manager, McKeil Marine

• Since 2008, has worked on creating shows and a dedicated website for adults with Attention Deficit Disorder for which she has received Gemini and New York Festival Awards

• A writer for three international trade publications( Seaway Review, Maritime Magazine & International Bulk Journal) and ABC: Alumni Blog Connection

• Volunteer with organizations including the Ontario Brain Institute and the Pegasus Brain Study Group at Sick Kids Hospital

• Volunteer with many local organizations including the Hamilton Safe Communities Coalition, the United Way of Burlington and Greater Hamilton and the YMCA Hamilton

If you could sit down and have a conversation with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be? Why?

• Has competed eight times in Around the Bay Race and cyclist with the National Cycling Centre Hamilton If you could sit down and have a conversation with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be? Why? Wayne Gretzky. He was my first idol and epitomizes what I believe to be the character traits of a true gentleman, ambassador, businessman and genuine person.

Sharon Charters | Community Services

Eckhart Tolle - Whenever I’ve heard anyone ask him a question, I often think, “What in the world is he going to say to that?” When he answers, it’s sometimes difficult to grasp right away and almost always life changing. He has so much wisdom and he has an incredibly powerful and positive impact on millions of people. I believe that what he teaches can change the world for the better.

Paul Armstrong | Health Sciences

Program: Social Service Worker, 1975

Program: Radiological Technology, 1988/ Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound, 1989

Current Position: Grants Manager, Hamilton Community Foundation

Current Position: Dean of Health Sciences, Community & Urban Studies, Mohawk College

• Team member - Planned, designed and implemented the City of Hamilton, Tackling Poverty Together initiative

• Has been responsible for the program revision and development that has resulted in the implementation of over 13 new post-secondary and multiple part-time and continuing education programs since 2004;

• Volunteer with many organizations including Wesley Community Homes, the Hamilton Non-Profit Housing Corporation and the Hamilton Mountain Legal Clinic • Obtained BA in Sociology from McMaster University after 11 years of parttime study If you could sit down and have a conversation with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be? Why? If I could have a conversation with anyone, I would have to choose Tommy Douglas. As the “father of socialized medicine”, he is my hero for helping to establish the social


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• He has volunteered with the Brain Injury Services of Hamilton, Hamilton Children’s Aid Society, Sport Hamilton and has coached multiple youth hockey teams • Recipient of the Mohawk Students’ Association Teaching Award and the Sport Hamilton Volunteer Recognition Award If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to? Why? 1967 – As a Toronto Maple Leafs fan, being witness to them winning the Stanley Cup would be wonderful.

awards & honours Bronko Jazvac | Technology Program: Industrial Engineering Technology Management, 1978 Current Position: Director of Health & Safety and World Class Manufacturing, ArcelorMittal Dofasco • Immediately after graduation he started at Dofasco where he has enjoyed a successful career for the past 35+ years. • His community involvement includes being a Community Representative on the St. Joseph’s Health Care Committee Board, as well as spending six years on the Mohawk College Board of Governors including one term as Chair. If you could sit down and have a conversation with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be? Why? My late father to share “our family’s story” since his passing.

Emily Baynes | Recent Graduate Program: Public Relations, 2011 Current Position: Redevelopment Communication Coordinator, St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton • Prior to attending Mohawk graduated from McMaster University with a degree in Sociocultural Anthropology • Is the founding vice-chair of Food4Kids(providing weekend supply of healthy food to children living in poverty) • Has been a board member of two young professional groups, Hamilton Hive and YEP (Young Entrepreneurs and Professionals) If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to? Why? I would travel back to the 1890’s and take a walk through downtown Hamilton. It would be very interesting to see the core of the city before the turn of the century - with many of the buildings that no longer exist and those that still stand, in their original context.

If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to? Why? 30 AD… I would love to be around at the time of Jesus Christ!

Anthony Frisina | Mohawk College Employee Program: Enterprise Business, 2002/ Office Administration – Executive, 2003/ Office Administration – General, 2005 Current Position: Invigilator/External Tutor/Computerized Note Take, Mohawk College • Serves on the local planning committee for Rick Hansen’s Wheels in Motion, as well as with the Canadian Paraplegic Association • An active member of Mohawk College’s Accessibility Planning Committee • His work at Mohawk College has been so valuable that McMaster University saw a need for his skills. Now he works at both campuses to ensure that both Education Centers and their students are experiencing success, inclusion and acceptance. If you could sit down and have a conversation with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be? Why? If I could go back in time and sit down and have a conversation with anyone I would choose my late grandfather (Nonno). He was simply always there for me. I would choose him because he was a role model. He was always able to answer all my childish queries, and keep me smiling. If I could sit down and have a conversation with him today I would thank him for always making me feel like all his other grandchildren - for always seeing me, not for my difference of ability. He was a great man, whom I aspire to be like- to see people, as he did, and not to see their differences.

Ray Adamyk | Entrepreneur Program: Recreation Leadership, 1983 Current Position: President/CEO, Spectra Company • Serves on the Board of Trustees for the California Preservation Foundation • His historic preservation projects have received recognition from the National Trust, California Preservation Foundation, Los Angeles Conservancy, Long Beach Heritage and Pasadena Heritage • Executive Director of Homes of Promise which owns and operates sober living homes (l-r) back: Ava Green, Bronko Jazvac, Emily Baynes, Ray Adamyk, Brent Kinnaird, Paul Armstrong front: Anthony Frisina, Sharon Charters


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keeping Mark Bates | Electronics Engineering Technician, 1967

When retired ‘new in your life’ does not happen much. However after many, many years of Bachelorhood found a great partner, built a house just outside Hockley Valley (far too big), got a Bernese Mountain Dog (way too big), still play hockey three days a week (far too slow), enjoy working and playing at the golf course (never good enough), still travel to Florida every year to see my sailing buddies (should never have sold the boat) and looking forward to the 50th Alumni party. We are the first Mohawk Grads by the way!

Keith L. Rodel | Industrial Engineering Technology – Management, 1973

Ben Ziegler | Civil Engineering Technician, 1976 I’ve been living in Victoria, BC for the last 20 years. Currently, I’m an independent consultant, specializing in business conflict management (mediator) & collaboration. I recall my time at Mohawk with fondness. The learning and life lessons I experienced there continue to serve me well. Much appreciated, Mohawk! Golf happens all year round in Victoria, if you’re out my way :)

Marilyn Gris | Broadcast Journalism, 1980

After retiring from Mohawk College in 2010, my husband of 32 years, Brad (graduated in 1981 from Mechanical


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Eng. Tech.) and I have been travelling during the winter throughout the U.S. southwest in a fifth wheel trailer. We enjoy hiking and exploring the deserts in Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Nevada and California. I write a travel blog to keep our friends and family up-to-date Life is to be enjoyed, not employed!

Robert Houghton | Broadcasting - Television & Communications Media, 1981 After teaching in the London area for the past few years, I have taken a job near Oxford teaching 9-12 year old special needs students. My broadcasting and media background from Mohawk comes in very handy when making up lessons that are interesting and interactive for the students.

Lorne Cleaver | Data Processing, 1984

I was promoted to Chief Technology & Operations Officer (CTOO) in 2012 at Broward College, a very large college in the Fort Lauderdale area. (65,000 students)

Ted Adams | Child & Youth Worker, 1986

I am proud to be a Mohawk grad and working for a new Ontario-based business in the school photography field. And proud that Mohawk College supports and gives priority to Ontario businesses.

Richard Borbely | Chemical Engineering Technology, 1989 Looking to continue my career for a new employer.

Rocco Passero | Electronics Engineering Technology, 1990 Sergio Leuzzi | Graphic Arts Production Coordinator, 1992

keeping in touch Leon Jasvins | Civil Engineering Technician, 1998 I lost my wife of 20 years last October 11, 2013. Recovering from 14 surgeries to my right side, the last was on July 1, 2014 and I am now recovering at home. I will be returning to work sometime in August, 2014.

Hisham Abuhilal | Computer Systems Technician Network Systems (Co-op), 2004 I started my Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering at Concordia!

John Barnhart | Architectural Technician, 2012 I started my own architecture practice, GreenBox Architecture, which specializes in sustainable residential design/build. I owe many thanks to all of my instructors who taught and supported me especially Peter Marzinsky. In part to his guidance, I was able to focus on a direction and execute a plan to launch my own design firm.

Melissa Forde | Graphic Design Production - Creative Studio, 2013 I’m working as a designer at a sign shop in Calgary, Alberta.

John Buonomo | Environmental Science Technician, 2001 I am employed by Halton Region as an Industrial Waste Monitoring Technician. I undertake monitoring of industrial discharges to the Regional sanitary sewer system, both routine and special monitoring programs. I am keeping busy these days by chasing my two wonderful kids around who are six and four years of age. My wife and I are usually rushing out the door to drive them to lacrosse, soccer or swimming. We moved into a new house in Binbrook a couple of years ago so we have lots of projects to keep us busy. I have also taken up a new passion for running. I completed the 10K relay at the Around the Bay Road Race 2012 and am working on moving up to 15k.

Vicky Webb | Social Service Worker, 2011 I am still thoroughly enjoying employment within the School of Human Services as Field Placement Support Officer for Social Service Worker students. The faculty I admire while students continue to inspire me.

Leila Goreil | Graphic Design Production - Digital

Media, 2013

After graduation I landed a job at Metroland Media Co. in Collingwood, ON. I began there last year and it has been awesome. Everything I learned at Mohawk College through my program has helped me to tackle and succeed professionally and personally. I am now freelancing through the company and look forward to many more years at Metroland Media Co. I will also be starting my Certificate in Editing through Simon Fraser University this July. Bring it on!

Norma Nazi | Business Accounting, 2013


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keeping in touch Harin Dalal | Health Wellness and Fitness, 2014

I am an International Student from Ahmedabad, India and a proud Mohawk Graduate from the class of 2014. I have had a great time studying at Mohawk and was involved in a plethora of events, for which I was awarded International Student Award for my outstanding achievements on and off-campus.

Jinhyung Kim | Computer Systems Technology – NESA, 2014 I got a position in Mohawk College right after I graduated. Currently I am the Technical Support Specialist in International Admission’s Office. I am very happy to help students as I was helped before.

Andrea Lobeck | Office Administration-General, 2014

awards & honours

YWCA Hamilton Women of Distinction Awards - April 24, 2014 Congratulations to 1993 Social Service Worker grad, Katherine Kalinowski for her YWCA Hamilton Women of Distinction Award in Community Development and Social Inclusion, she received this past April. Katherine was honoured for her work with the Good Shepherd Centre and the community for the past twenty-plus years.

Student Awards Rodrigo Reston | Biotechnology Technician, 2014

25th Annual Ontario Technological Skills Competition winners – May 8, 2014 • Nathan Verduyn, Aircraft Maintenance (silver) • Kris Dos Santos, Auto Collision Repair (bronze)

Protection of Personal Information From time to time, you may be contacted either by mail, e-mail or phone by one of our services and benefits partners regarding one of our programs. Mohawk College is proud of its relationship with a number of trusted partners and service providers who have an established record of treating personal information with care and provide valuable services and benefits to our alumni. We appreciate you taking the time to learn about the programs and the latest offers available. We want to let you know that at no time will your name or contact information be shared with anyone not specifically authorized by Alumni Relations. Mohawk College respects the privacy of its alumni and the sensitivity of personal information. All of our partners sign strict confidentiality agreements with us prior to receiving any contact information. Should you wish to not be contacted about services and benefit programs, JUST CALL 905-575-2258 or e-mail and tell us you wish to OPT OUT of affinity marketing plans. Thank you for your interest and your participation in the services and benefits provided by the Alumni Association and the Office of Alumni Relations.


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• Zack Henshall, Auto Painting (silver) • Mike Dilts, Auto Painting (bronze) • Sarah Bosman, Graphic Design (bronze) • Chris Caswell, Heating Systems Technician (silver) • Ben Zawislak, Industrial Millwright Mechanic (bronze) • Blayne Thompson, Refrigeration (silver) • Tom Martin, Sheet Metal Work (gold) • Josh Minor, Sheet Metal Work (silver)

National Advertising Awards Winners – May 1, 2014 Curtis Denomme, who graduated from Mohawk’s Advertising program in 2013, won gold in the Digital category. Student Jarrett McGibney and his partner Patrick Weir won gold in the Out of Home professional category for his work while interning at Fuse Marketing. Other student awards included a gold medal win by Nolan Kennelly and silver won by Joanna Kuczynska and Dan Chaulk.

leaving mohawk

looking back

After 25 years at Mohawk Associate Dean for Building & Construction Science, Chris Blackwood, Heads Off Into Retirement By Aisha Johnson – 2nd Year Journalism, Broadcast, Print Chris Blackwood, born June 21st, 1956 in Welland, Ontario is the third child in a family of six children. Chris and his family moved to Hamilton in the year 1964 where he attended various public schools such as Earl Kitchener, Bennetto, Prince of Wales, Central Secondary and Sir John A. McDonald Secondary. Chris graduated from Hamilton Collegiate with honours, where he was also an Ontario Scholar. After high school, Chris was accepted to the Natural Sciences program at McMaster University in the year 1974, and it was his intention to apply for medical school. Plans change. Instead, he completed a Bachelor of Arts in Geography – Honours in 1978 and later in 1980 he obtained a Bachelor of Science in Biology. Throughout the years 1972 to 1982, Chris tried his hands at different job opportunities such as counseling, painting and decorating, but then decided to return to school for a Transportation Planning Technology program at Mohawk College, graduating in 1985. During this time, Chris fell in love with Joan Patricia Anthony, a former summer camp colleague, and he tied the knot with his soul mate on June 12, 1982. This union produced two beautiful and accomplished daughters whom Chris is incredibly proud of. While at Mohawk, Chris was able to maintain an 85% average in all his courses and was also involved in the Students Athletic Committee (SAC). After completing the three-year course at Mohawk College, with help from his professor Dan Havercraft, Chris was offered a contract with the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario at the Burlington office. A few years later in 1989, a position as a teacher

in the Transportation Engineering Technology program opened up at Mohawk. After an intense interview, Chris was offered the position and started on August 1st, 1989 as a “Teaching Master.” After nine years as a professor, Chris became involved in Academic Council and Mohawk College’s Council, eventually serving as the chair for two years. By this time, another Mohawk instructor, Peter Olynyk and Chris had become close colleagues and soon Chris was part of the Popsicle Stick Bridge Building Competition team that had begun in 1988. Chris was responsible for initiatiating the first Building & Construction Science Program Handbook, a valuable resource for both students and faculty. And Chris served as the faculty student advisor for the Mohawk student chapter of the Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers (CITE). For these and other accomplishments over the years, Chris has received various awards such as the President’s Award of Excellence from Presidents Keith McIntyre & Rob MacIsaac. Throughout his 25-years at Mohawk, students have always respected Chris and have sought out his great advice and educated responses to complicated questions; he has always been a dependent and great mentor to everyone around him. As he departs Chris wanted to leave us with these words, “If I can give any advice to our alumni, it is to never forget our roots. Never forget what college, what professors, and what co-op employers gave you that started your career. And when you are given the opportunity to excel, don’t shy away from that opportunity. Grasp it with full effort, take some risks, give it your full effort and you will succeed”. Chris will be missed dearly.


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calendar of events Please visit to find out more about or to register for all Alumni events.








Homecoming Pub – 7pm to 9pm Alumni Reception | 9pm Pub Doors Open | Return to the Arnie and Reconnect, Reminisce and meet new people | Visit us online for more details Media Alumni Panel – 10am to 12pm | FREE EVENT | McIntyre Theatre – Mohawk Fennell Campus | We are looking for Media professionals who are Media Entrepreneurs to serve as panelists. If you are interested in being part of the panel or would like more information please contact Tracey Kadish, Coordinator Broadcast Television

13 Family Etiquette Dinner (minimum age is 7) – (in partnership with MCACES) - 6pm to 9pm | Courtyard Marriott Hamilton - Business Attire required – Cash Bar | Register online 15 Women’s Volleyball Alumni Game – please contact Courtney Warren for more information –


MYAC Fall Patio Party at the Tiger-Cats Game – 7pm Kickoff |$45/ person – first 50 registrations receives a $10 concession voucher compliments of Alumni Insurance Services | Hamilton vs BC | Join the Mohawk Young Alumni Connection at the Coors Light Patio Party | Register online


Meet the Grad – Technology 4:30pm to 8pm | The Arnie |For more information, please contact Dan Robichaud at

15 The Art of Career Networking - 6pm to 9pm |$20/person | Learn the do’s and taboo’s during a reception and then enhance your individual networking skills. Learn your ‘MOHAWK MOMENT” and practice your newly acquired skills |Register online | Business Attire required 17 Fall Convocation – Post-Secondary 2pm Ceremony & 7pm Continuing Education Ceremony – McIntyre Theatre 30 2013 Alumni of Distinction Awards Dinner Community Reception begins at 5:30 pm and Dinner at 6:00 pm |$75/person or $600/table of 8 | Michelangelo’s Banquet and Convention Centre | Honouring eight incredible graduates who are the 2013 Alumni of Distinction recipients| Please purchase tickets online


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Etiquette Dinner – 6pm to 9pm | $30/person | Courtyard Marriott Hamilton – Business Attire please | Registration required book your spot early, as this event sells out fast!

Pictures with Santa – 10am to 1pm | FREE EVENT | Get your picture with Santa, watch Christmas movies, Christmas crafts and much more | The Arnie - sponsored by MSA, MCACES and your Alumni Association | pre-registration is required, online registration will open late October



Women’s Basketball Alumni Game – 10am | For more info please contact Kelly Dunham | Stay to watch the Mountaineers play at 12pm vs Sault College

17 Men’s Basketball Alumni Game – 11am | For more info please contact Matt Cupido – | Stay to watch the Mountaineers play at 2pm vs Sault College 21

Dress for Success – 6:30pm to 8:30pm | $20/ person | During the evening you will achieve confidence & individual style knowledge, maintain awareness on how you are presenting yourself to others, learn how to create a fantastic first impression, register online




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No purchase necessary. Contest open to Canadian residents who are the age of majority in their province or territory of residence as of the contest start date. Approximate value of each prize is $1,000 Canadian. Chances of winning depend on the number of valid entries received by the contest deadline. Contest closes Thursday, November 27, 2014, at 11:59 p.m. ET. Only one entry per person accepted. Skill testing question required.

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