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Classical MV
Ewa Lawrence
Hometown: Born in Wroclaw (Poland), Current: Utica, NY Instrument: Piano (teaches piano and voice) Age when began music: Age 5, born into a family comprised of professional musicians and music lovers Education: University of Wroclaw (1981), Conservatory of Music, Wroclaw (1982), Music University of Warsaw (1987) Employment/position: The Ewa Lawrence School of Music: founder, piano/voice teacher Collaborations: Has given and organized numerous public performances and presentations promoting Polish cultural awareness including a concert of Polish Music, Hamilton College, 1990; “The Music and Dance of Most Serene Republic of Both Nations” Hamilton College, 1996; and The New York State Tour of “Scholares Minores pro Musica Antiqua” (a unique and internationally acclaimed children’s ensemble performing Renaissance and Baroque Music), 1997; since 1998, Ewa Lawrence has organized numerous students’ performances at MWPAI, Stone Presbyterian Church, and various charitable organizations. She is an advisor and a validator for the Congressional Award. Influences: Upon coming to the USA in 1987, Ewa was introduced by Mrs. Margaret “Peggy” Joslyn to many musical institutions in the Mohawk Valley. Mrs. Joslyn, who became her “American mother,” guided her during her first years in the USA; Husband, Tom Lawrence, supportive and helps organize some of her concerts and encouraged her to found her music business; Hamilton college instructors Professor G. Roberts Kolb and his wife Lauralyn Kolb. Professor G. Roberts Kolb provided her with considerable assistance in organizing two concerts of classical Polish music at Wellin Hall, Hamilton College. Lauralyn Kolb inspired her to organize quality concerts for her students.
Upcoming Performance Feed Our Vets Benefit Concert (Memorial Salute to American Veterans) Sunday, May 31, 2020, 3pm Stone Presbyterian Church, Clinton, NY
“Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without” -Confusius, The Book of Rites
Earl Block Fire in Herkimer By sue perkins

The Earl Block fire took place on February 9, 1917, the east side of the 100 block of North Main Street. There was an explosion that caused in the basement of the H. G. Munger & Company store at 7:30 in the morning. The fire soon spread and burned three business blocks by the time it was done. The Herkimer Fire Department put in the call for help from the Little Falls and Utica Fire Departments.
Several business blocks were destroyed by fire. The New Earl Block on 148 N. Main Street which included H .G. Munger & Co., Gallinger Drug Store, F.H. Bresee’s Shoe Store, law offices of Charles B. Hane, William J. Gardinier, Edward M. Brown, George H. Bunce and Charles L. Earl, insurances office of Earl & Gloo; living in the apartments were Mary E. and. Charles F. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. J. Harter; Kappa Gamma Chi Club and the Bethel Lodge, Independent Order of the Odd Fellows (I.O.O.F.) occupied rooms on the third floor; office of H.C. Longshore on the second floor.
Masonic Building occupied the H. G. Munger & Company on the first floor, law office of James H. Greene and optome

New Earl Block before the fire of February 9, 1917

Earl Block Fire looking south on N. Main Street

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Earl Block reconstruction
trist’s office of James R. Nelson on the second floor and used by the Herkimer Lodge F. & A.M.
The Graves Block 150 N. Main Street - the first floor was occupied by Thomas Healey and the office of Dr. George Graves and Dr. James W. Graves. They both had apartments on the second and third floors.
The First National Bank Building on the corner N. Main and Green Street was owned by John M. Metzger which occupied by the bank and the Newport Construction Company and the Kay building were badly damaged by the fire.
The Grangers’ Association Building on 114-116 Green Street was occupied by the Café of George Wilkinson’s, Herkimer Evening Telegram and the grocery store of Abram Alpert on the first floor, office of A. Ross Sluyter, architect on the second floor; Grange rooms on the third floor. This was also damaged by the fire.
Mrs. Mae Clark of Saratoga was the only person who died in the fire. She was visiting Mary E. (Bauder) and Charles F. Brown who lived 160 M. Main Street.
The estimated cost of the fire was a half-million dollars. The Earl Block was reconstructed after the fire. The new buildings were the First National Bank (today it is a tanning salon), the Liberty Theatre (now a parking lot), Gallinger Drug store (now a second-hand shop) and the new H. G. Munger Department Store (today Wakefield Furniture Store and Renewed and Rescued are there). •
Sue Perkins is the Executive Director of the Herkimer County Historical Society
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