3 minute read

Mariam Mediterranean Cuisine in Whitesboro

by Maryann Vanderpool-Imundo

Since COVID restrictions were lifted, there has been quite a buzz about all of the new restaurants in our area. Mariam Mediterranean Cuisine is one of those new establishments most frequently mentioned by those who love a gourmet adventure. The building, previously occupied by Bev’s Place diner, pleases customers with a clean, relaxed atmosphere and makes for a perfect setting to enjoy wholesome food at reasonable prices.


It is owned and operated by Karam Wassel and his wife Kaother Nono. Mr. and Mrs. Wassel and their daughter Maria came to America from Syria in 2015 for a better life. They chose Central New York because Mr. Wassel’s brother lives here.

It was their zeal for cooking and feeding people that guided their decision to open a restaurant. They named it Mariam in honor of Mr. Wassel’s mother, who influenced their passion for preparing food with vibrant flavors.

Upon entering this charmingly simplistic space, guests are immediately welcomed with genuine smiles. As Mrs. Wassel greets customers, she directs them to a table decorated with a small Kalanchoe plant and politely asks if they would like beer, wine, or soda.

Daily specials are written on a chalkboard. Today’s special is kafta: spiced ground lamb served with sliced tomatoes, potatoes, and rice. The dish is garnished with fresh parsley that fashions a lovely presentation.

Relaxing at an intimate table are Rev. Magead Salloum, and his wife Rev. Beverly Salloum.

“We love this restaurant! We came here tonight to celebrate my husband’s birthday,” said Rev. Beverly Salloum.

“Tonight we’re having fish fries, Rev. Magead Salloum adds, “but my favorite dish is the mazza platter (sampler). It has grape leaves stuffed with rice and meat. Try them, they’re fantastic!”

The mazza platter also includes: hummus dip; baba ganoush dip; spinach pie; falafel patties; tahini sauce; tzatziki sauce; and pita bread. Paprika sprinkles, parsley, lemon, olives and whole chickpeas dot the pool of olive oil centering its hummus dollop. How Mr. and Mrs. Wassel ornament every dish reflects the pride they take in their craft. It’s clearly a labor of love.

As customers intermittently come in to pick up their take-out orders, they exchange familiar pleasantries with other patrons.

Ross Wittenburg, who occupies one of the diner stools, appears very comfortable dining alone in this homelike eating place.

“The spices in the chicken shawarma are the best I’ve ever had,” he said.

A kids’ menu is available with both Mediterranean and non-Mediterranean options. A vegetarian platter is available for those who wish to abstain from meat. One can satisfy their sweet tooth with baklava, rice pudding, namourah, kataif, or ice cream. Turkish coffee is a popular ending to this dining experience. It is served in a small porcelain cup called a ‘kahve fincani’.

At Mariam, there’s an obvious exchange of optimism between proprietor and consumer. With sincerity, Rev. Beverly Salloum says of the Wassels, “They’re wonderful people!” •

Mariam Mediterranean Cuisine

Zurich Chamber Orchestra

MARCH Crossword

Answers found in the pages of this magazine! Solution will appear in next month’s issue


2. Started in 1976, it was one of the first sculpturespecific artist residencies in the world. (2 words)

9. Our new writer, Maryann, visits this new Mediterranean restaurant in Whitesboro.

10. Brighten up your home or business with custom decorating by Added Touch ____. See page 24.

11. These are expensive at grocery stores (but still a bargain at your local farm).

13. A squirrel of a different color-- name of a new boutique in Cherry Valley.

14. Peas are one of the earliest crops to ____ in spring.

16. The name of Boeing’s new spacecraft that launches next month.


1. Peggy teaches this popular 1970s craft in a work shop this month

3. Mind your Ps and Qs. What the ‘P’ might stand for, thank Q very much.

4. This blackbird is one of the earliest birds to return in the spring.

5. You will see steam rising this time of year from sugar ____.

6. Pre-order your traditional St. Joseph’s Day (March 19th) lunch from this pastry shop in East Utica.

7. Adirond-X? These superheroes are just some of the comic champions who have visited the ADKs.

8. These denizens of the forest can teach us about history.

12. Mark your calendars for the Kirkland Art Center’s Annual Spring ____ April 29th!

15. Clinton, NY is this many miles from Utica, and there’s a marker in the village proclaiming such.

MVL Crossword Puzzler: This local crop has a higher antioxidant value than brocolli and tomatoes. (2 words)

Unscramble the letters in the yellow boxes then email your answer to: mohawkvalleyliving@hotmail.com by the 18th of this month. You’ll be entered to win an MVL Mug and a bag of delicious, fresh-roasted FoJo Beans coffee! Answer and winner to last month’s puzzle on page 46.

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