PRIMA 2023 Webinar Series

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Further your public sector risk management education without leaving the office!

PRIMA’s Webinar series features top presenters delivering risk knowledge right to your desktop.

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PRIMA’S 2023 RISK MANAGEMENT SERIES IS FREE FOR MEMBERS. Visit today to register for individual webinars or for the entire program.

JANUARY 18 • State of the Cyber Insurance Market

FEBRUARY 15 • Beyond Employee Resilience: A Focus on Mental Wellness in the Workplace

MARCH 15 • Building Safety Cultures that Work: Engaging Employees in Safety Reporting

APRIL 19 • After Action Reports: What They Are and Why They Are So Important MAY 17 • Why Comment? You’ve Already Made Up Your Mind: Effective Collaboration and Public Participation

JUNE 28 • Life Plan: A Strategy for Achieving and Maintaining Life Balance

JULY 19 • Award-Winning Ideas and Lessons from PRMYs

AUGUST 23 • Active Assailant: How to Avoid Missteps in the Aftermath of an Event

SEPTEMBER 27 • Disaster Risk Reduction: Mitigation, Infrastructure Hardening, Plans and Policy

OCTOBER 25 • Ergonomics in Today’s Changing Workplace

NOVEMBER 15 • Background Screening: Why You’re at Risk

DECEMBER 13 • Preparing for the Unspeakable

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JANUARY 18 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST

State of the Cyber Insurance Market

SPEAKER: Susan Leung, ARe, Vice President, Public Entity Group, Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.

The cyber insurance market has been in the midst of a hard market for two renewal cycles — pricing and coverage continuing to move in sine waves. The continued development of loss activity, the moving targets of security controls and the material wording changes have deepened the impact on insureds, with the potential of the hard market continuing for public entities who don’t have required security controls in place. For the entities with the security controls, the market is starting to show signs of fragmentation. We will explore in detail the current marketplace asks for security controls, where the marketplace seems to be heading, as well as steps public entities can take to showcase themselves positively with the insurance marketplace.


1. Understand where cyber insurance market is with regard to public entities

2. Understand security controls insurance underwriters are looking for help to obtain

3. How to continually have conversations with your insurance partners on your cyber security roadmap

4. How the industry is doing as a whole, are the insurers accurate in the statement that public entities are riskier than their private counterparts?

FEBRUARY 15 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST

Beyond Employee Resilience: A Focus on Mental Wellness in the Workplace

SPEAKER: Mark P. Debus,

Employee mental wellness is so much more complicated than simply focusing on resilience training. The buzz about resilience in the workplace puts the onus of responsibility on the individual employees. If we’ve learned anything from the Great Resignation and the “quiet quitting” movements of 2022, it’s that employees are seeking a balance between their work obligations and their personal lives, and they are willing to bail on a job that doesn’t feel supportive of this balance. It’s time to realize that managers and leaders have an opportunity (and an obligation) to positively impact their employees’ overall mental wellness within the sphere of work life.


1. Attendees will recognize the limitations of utilizing a resiliency model in an effort to impact employee mental wellness

2. Attendees will have a better understanding of what motivates employees to be engaged in their work

3. Empathy is not a skill everyone possesses in equal measure; but as a skill, it can be improved upon with enough focus and practice

4. Employee engagement is a two-way street: attendees will learn ways to navigate their side of that street


MARCH 15 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST

Building Safety Cultures that Work: Engaging Employees in Safety Reporting


Dan Hurley, CSP, ARM-P, MS, MPA

Marilyn Rivers, CPCU, ARM, Risk Management Consultant

This session focuses on the establishment of trust between managers, risk and safety staff and employees to encourage not only reporting accidents and near misses but to report processing issues, equipment deficiencies or policies that may lead to a greater potential for harm than the policy intended.


1. How safety staff are essential in building relationships

2. Understanding the importance of employee input and where it is most critical

3. Understanding how policies can create greater issues and resentment

4. Keys to progressive discipline

APRIL 19 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST

After Action Reports: What They Are and Why They Are So Important

SPEAKER: Jason Stoddard, Director of School Safety and Security, Charles County (MD) Public Schools

After Action Reports (AAR) are defined as “a detailed critical summary or analysis of a past event, created to re-assess decisions and consider possible alternatives for future scenarios.” AAR’s are critical learning tools and should be must-reads for stakeholders. Learn how to review and use AAR’s from several critical events to improve your school security.


1. Participants will be able to identify key components of an AAR

2. Participants will be able to review details of an AAR and incorporate lessons learned into their day-to-day

3. Participants will learn to look beyond the words to improve their school safety programs

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MAY 17 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST

Why Comment? You’ve Already Made Up Your Mind: Effective Collaboration and Public Participation

SPEAKER: Amy Livingston, Public & Stakeholder Involvement Discipline Leader, CDM Smith

“Why should I comment? You’ve already made up your mind.” Combat this phrase by closing the public feedback loop before your next engagement. Learn to incorporate public input and demonstrate the value of their insight. Don’t just check the box; increase public understanding of proposed solutions, increase credibility, reduce controversy and foster transparent decision making.


1. Differentiate the types of public input that are useful for your project

2. Formulate ways in which public input may shape the planning process

3. Describe ways to close the feedback loop with the public to build trust

JUNE 28 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST

Life Plan: A Strategy for Achieving and Maintaining Life Balance

SPEAKER: Randy Anderson, CSP, Independent Training Consultant, E3 Professional Trainers, LLC

Stress, employee conflict, poor performance, absenteeism and turnover… if your organization has any of those problems, this presentation will help you resolve them. Achieving and maintaining life balance is the single, most effective way to increase employee engagement and improve overall performance.


1. Maximize employee engagement by showing your team members how they make changes to their daily routine that will help them feel and perform better

2. Increase productivity and positively influence the overall atmosphere in your organization

3. Cut down on employee turnover by minimizing stress and helping employees experience fulfillment at work and in their personal life

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JULY 19 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST

Award-Winning Ideas and Lessons from PRMYs


Allie Matthews, Risk Management Administrator, City of Tucson, AZ

John Burkholder, Risk Manager, LYNX Megan Damato, Esq., Director of Risk Management, Town of Greenwich, CT and Greenwich Public Schools

This panel of PRIMA’s Public Risk Managers of the Year (PRMY) will help every level of risk professional. New risk managers can learn how to establish a solid program and more seasoned risk managers might leave knowing a few new tricks. These experts come from all different types of public risk (city, county, state, schools, special district utility and air/seaports). They offer implementable strategies with million dollar impacts. Attendees can learn ways to make risk managers a superstar in their organization.


1. Learn how to build credibility and influence in your organization by using performance-driven solutions

2. Develop and apply metrics to demonstrate your success

3. Identify and resolve organizational exposures

4. Evaluate your program, identify areas of improvement and apply effective solutions


23 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST

Active Assailant: How to Avoid Missteps in the Aftermath of an Event


Jason Guerrera, CSRM, Insurance & Risk Management; Public Entity & Social Service, USI Insurance Service

Every door is locked, you have panic buttons, time lock safes, employee key cards, surveillance and perhaps even on-site security. But that didn’t matter. Now, after the allclear is given, you have police asking you questions, and a reporter approaches you with a camera and a microphone asking for a comment. Understandably, your adrenal gland is still in overdrive and you dig deep for something to say, but what do you say? More importantly, what do you NOT say? In today’s connected world, a comment given out of context or a leaked surveillance video clip will present significant problems. Before you know it, your organization is all over the evening news that will make any litigation that follows more complicated and politicized.

There’s been a great amount of information on how to protect your facilities from an active assailant, but just like a ransomware or phishing attack, all it takes is for something like a stolen key card to circumvent. It’s important to understand how critical the next steps are in the aftermath of an event so you can avoid missteps that could result in making a difficult situation infinitely more difficult.


1. Don’t just prepare for before, but prepare for after

2. Is there a designated spokesperson — internal or external?

3. Have resources planned that tend to your employees (e.g., EAP/Crisis Management)

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27 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST

Disaster Risk Reduction: Mitigation, Infrastructure Hardening, Plans and Policy


Amanda Knight, MS, CEM, Emergency Management and Resilience Officer, Town of Mount Pleasant, SC

Are you proactive or reactive? In the United States, emergency management has widely been approached from a reactionary manner through response and recovery. Hazard occurrences are increasing in frequency and severity with mounting negative impacts to our community systems. Response and recovery, no matter how refined, will not result in resilience. In order to get ahead of the curve of disaster impact, communities must have a change in mindset and focus time, energy and funds proactively. Disaster risk reduction involves tipping the scales in favor of preparedness, mitigation and capability growth.


1. Identify how disasters are impacting communities in the U.S.

2. Understand elements of disaster risk 3. Explore capability growth within community systems

OCTOBER 25 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST

Ergonomics in Today’s Changing Workplace


Merl Miller, MS, ATC, CIE, CPE, Principal, Performance Ergonomics

Kevin D. Cullens, ACTCP, CFM, CHST, Safety Manager, City of Scottsdale, AZ

Today’s workplace is becoming more inclusive, diverse and accommodating. A one-size-fits-all approach fails to account for individual differences and specific needs. By increasing the adjustability in the office, employees can move toward the goals of creating a healthy, productive and ideal work environment.


1. Connect workplace risk factors with healthcarerelated expenses and loss experience

2. Appreciate the risk related to low-quality, outdated and poorly designed office workspaces

3. Improve employee wellness and promote a positive workplace

4. Redesign the delivery of health and safety services to a diverse workforce

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NOVEMBER 15 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST

Background Screening: Why You’re at Risk

SPEAKER: Deb Keller PBSA, SHRM, HRCI, ASA, President and Chief Compliance Officer, Total Insight Screening

Do you know what information you’re really receiving when you run a background check? Do you depend on a screening firm who tells you “you’re getting it all” (whatever ‘all’ is)? Most employers are somewhat familiar with “running packages” but haven’t been told exactly what records and data sources those “packages” or reports are searching, let alone how often the record sources are updated. Unfortunately for the employer, this information is critical to receiving a “comprehensive” and compliant background check. This webinar covers criminal record data, where it comes from, how accurate it really is, how often it’s updated, automation in county and national reports, state reports (when & where to run them), federal reports (yes, they’re required for the banking industry!) and much more! A must-attend session for HR professionals of all levels.


1. Learn how data is received, compiled and reported and the difference in sources (“fluff” data vs. usable data)

2. Learn which background screening reports you really need and the risks associated with running each. This includes what creates a “comprehensive” report and how that can vary by state

3. Learn about “automated date” and its associated risks

DECEMBER 13 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST

Preparing for the Unspeakable

This webinar is designed to assist with the process of developing action plans for workplace violence and active shooter incidents. OSHA/PEOSH requires public entities to prepare for known hazards. Workplace violence is a known hazard, the loss of life, the number of serious injuries and the mental health tragedies that are caused by these incidents are reasonably foreseeable. Planning and preparation are key elements to mitigating these types of risks.


1. Identify and understand the threat of workplace violence 2. Identify best business practices 3. Develop a plan of action based on the uniqueness of your workplace and facilities

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