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Our members comprise our volunteers, our staff and donors who make regular contributions to Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum (NNRF), either through our website or by setting up a monthly standing order with our bank. Membership entitles someone to attend the Annual General Meeting, vote for trustees, stand for a board position and to receive a monthly newsletter. Without all 3 of these groups NNRF would not be able to function. At 31 March 2022 we had 130 volunteers. The contribution of the volunteers in supporting NNRF is summarised in the volunteering section of this report. At 31 March 2022 we employed 41 staff of which 17 were full time and 24 part time. A full list of staff who worked at NNRF in 2021/22 is included in the Staff Members section of this report. In 2021/22 our ability to hold fundraising events was still restricted because of Covid. We did, though, manage to raise circa £15k from specific appeals and from a number of supporters running the Robin Hood Half Marathon. At 31 March 2022, 139 people regularly donate either through direct bank transfer or through setting up a regular payment on our website. These donors fulfil the membership criteria contributing £32k to income in total. Following a targeted campaign in the summer of 2021 we’ve significantly increased the number of people setting up regular donations on our website. Over 50 donors have set up payment plans in the last 2 years. We are currently reviewing both the membership criteria and the benefits offered to see if the existing criteria are still appropriate. We’d like to thank everyone who contributed financially to NNRF last year as without these funds we would not be able to offer the services we do and any donations however small are much appreciated in these challenging economic times. The total income raised from donations, fundraising and legacies was £112k of which £100k was unrestricted funding. This was £13k higher than the sums raised in 2020/2021.


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