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Volunteering Awards
Nyasher Browne
Hi, my name is Nyasher Browne. I am a bright soul with a big heart, living in my newfound light and power after healing. I am a soul of many talents with being an author at the forefront of my portfolio. I am inspired by the power that I have within myself that I was never aware of. As I have healed it has become brighter and stronger allowing me to see, feel and be who I am and supposed to be. In the community, I would like to see more people being able to get the help and support they need to overcome their troubles so they can learn to be able to cope with life using newfound strategies that are helpful to them. In turn giving them the strength to always be able to help themselves and others around them, even if that means reaching out. If this becomes a success of ours all the good will trickle down to others helping to build an inclusive and mellow community for us all young, old, and in between. Utulivu women’s group/ACRE has allowed me to shine and give my voice the space it deserves to share my story and put my healing work into practice by being able to help educate, advise and support others who are part of the utulivu and ACRE community.
Tombe Tombe
Hello everyone, my name is Tombe. I started volunteering for Utulivu because of the wonderful Cecily and my dear mother Mary. I felt that I had to give something back to the community, big or small. Participating in the weekly zoom meetings gave me an opportunity to connect with some of the people from the community. I have learned, laughed, and warmly engaged with some of the people who make the community what is. I would like to thank everyone involved, Thank you.
Stella Muiruri and Shalom Adebanjo-Akers
Shallom and Stella were both great volunteers at Utulivu Thursday conversations. They continue to be valuable members of the community.