1 minute read

I don't want to touch the toys that David have touched

How do you think he felt?

With tears in his eyes, David left that place, sad and hurt.


He just wanted to be alone.

It had happened before!

During the break, Zeca and João played hide-and-seek with the other kids and spoke ill of David.

He's not from this country! He can't speak Portuguese!

Unfortunately, those were some of the phrases that Zeca said about David. What do you think they mean?

One day, while David, Joana, and other children were playing hopscotch in the playground...

João, who was playing football, threw the ball at David on purpose and hit him on the head.

David returned the ball. After a short while, Zeca threw the ball at his head again.

Zeca and João start laughing because he is different.

Joana hugs David and says they should talk to Ana Carolina, the Childcare Technician.

Another day at lunch, João and Zeca started throwing food at David.

They called him names and said very ugly things.

Little monkey! Go back to your land.

How would they feel?

At that moment Joana went to talk to João and Zeca:

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