My Hero

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Classes 1F & 3F – Istituto Comprensivo ‘L. Montini’ Campobasso – Italy School year 2013-2014

‘Real heroes are those who get up every day and face life even if they have been stolen the dreams and the future. Those who raise the portcullis of a bar or workshop, that go into an office, a factory, you do not fight for glory and fame, but for survival'

‘A hero is not one who has never fallen, but one that, when has fallen, has the courage to stand again.’ Jim Morrison

My mother Mum is my heroine because she has helped me to unders tand that Martina, a scho o lmate at the Elementary School, is my best friend. One day Martina came to my house to play handball in the garden with my sister and me. Martina always threw the ball only to my sister and this made me get so angry with her to decide to go back in. Mum asked me the reason why I had left the game and I explained her how Martina behaved. Mum explained to me that my friend was playing mainly with my sister only because she was treating her as she were her bigger sister. It was a form of respect of our friendship because my sister is younger than me. Then I went out in the garden again. From that moment on I turn to mum when I cannot understand the situations unpleasant to me. Mum always finds the right words to cheer me up and helps me to understand the situation objectively. Ginevra Pietrunti 1^F

My dad My hero is my dad. I consider him the hero of my family because he works incessantly. In fact he gets up at 4.00 in the morning to get to work and he finishes at 6.00 pm...just to say! When he comes back home in the evening, he is super-tired. He doesn’t lie on the sofa but always asks mum and me if he can help us. Even when we say we don’t need anything, he actives himself to give us a hand! Libertucci Laura 1^F

Dad My hero is my dad because he is the only person who understands, supports and loves me. He listens to me and spends his free time with me. He is nice and polite and he is my great friend. Unfortunately dad has to work even in the afternoon but when he comes home, although he is very tired, he comes and hugs me. Dad is a hard worker. He is a journalist. He often has to leave to interview people, but however we keep in touch and he phones me. Dad is so cute and has a great sense of humor. In fact, when he tells jokes, I die with laughter even if this is a useless feature for many people. I consider it very important because without him mum and I would rarely laugh. When I make him angry, he slaps me but I know that the fault is only mine so it is right I pay the consequences. When I have a problem to do an exercise I ask him for his help me and he accepts without hesitation. Â Simone Oriunno 1^F Â


My hero is Filiberto. I have never known him because he died after World War II. According to what my paternal grandmother always tells me, he saved her and her sister’s lives during the war. One day, in fact, the three went to the church to ask the priest something to eat. On the way home, a fiery wood beam was falling upon them. Filiberto promptly grabbed my grandmother and my aunt with his arms and was able to move them away from the drop point of the beam. Why is Filiberto my hero? Because if he had not saved my grandmother, she would not have given birth to my father and I would not be here...

Manuela Di Tullio 1^F


Emanuele I call my hero a person who has known and followed me since I was born. He is Emanuele who I love very much. He is very helpful with my whole family because he is always willing to help us in every situation. When my mother has to go out to run errands and does not want to leave me alone at home, he lets me stay in his house-hold appliance store. He is 30 years old and although in his family he is the youngest, to me he is the most important person. He has taught me many things, like playing PES which then gave to me, the rules of football game, and more. For all that he does, I consider him a family member, and an older brother, even if in reality at the moment he is only my sister’s boyfriend. Francesco Santoro 1^F

Dad Dad is my big hero to me. He always manages to bring back good humor to the people around him, even in situations that are not very nice. He has a big heart so when someone needs a support he is always ready to help and he does his best to succeed. He never forgets special occasions and is always ready to make a gift to the people he considers important, even if they are not part of the family. In his work, when he can, he meets halfway the people who work for him thus showing the human side of his character and his willingness. Evangelista Antonio Pio 1^F

My granddad My hero is my mother's father; I like him because despite his age he has a great grit. My grandfather Fernando is 83 and when he was young he travelled for work throughout Italy. He met my grandmum in Grado, his home town in Friuli Venezia Giulia. My granddad is always ready to solve all problems and putts into action immediately. He has always brought his daughters especially in three things: not to give up, to devote themselves in what they do and never to lose the strength to go on. In fact I see my granddad in his three daughters. He is a model to follow, a way to go, but especially a person to love. He still has in the inside pocket of his jacket a comb to straighten his hair when it is in disorder.

Oh! I was forgetting to tell you that my granddad gives lifts to younger people. He says: ‘Poor thing! She was old and I have driven her home!'. Yes, he does it especially with women because he believes to be a young gentleman: this is the reason why I call him ’an officer and a gentleman’. Trivisonno Arianna 1^F

Who is a hero to me? To me a hero is someone who really cares for you and does everything to protect you in any situation, who proves exceptional courage and generosity, also equipped with a spirit of sacrifice. The word hero, though very significant, is difficult to explain. Since I was a child I have always seen the hero as a person with super powers: Batman, Superman or Ironman. Now I know these heroes are fictional and there are heroes without super powers who have saved or sacrificed their lives for other people. Who is my hero? My father. Since I was a child, I have always admired him both as a father and as a man. He has never been possessive or strict though when he says a thing, I must do it regardless of my will. He is brave and generous and when I am with him I feel protected and safe. Tullo Martina 3^F

Who is a hero to me? One of the meanings that the dictionary gives for the word ‘hero’ is ‘a man who was born from a god and a mortal and who can do great enterprises’. It is clear this is a theory thought by ancient peoples. In reality a hero is someone who does something useful to society, someone who tries to stop injustices; someone who fights for justice for example, against the Mafia or against hunger in the world or a soldier that operates in a peace mission. In some countries kamikazes are considered heroes because they kill other people. They make an act ‘useful’ to their country and they are trained since childhood to sacrifice themselves for that. According to my opinion they do not grasp the true meaning of the word hero; this should be a man who saves people, not a man who kills them!

There aren’t, however, only national heroes. We all have a hero or a heroine we know well, who may be mum, dad, an uncle, a brother, a cousin or a grandmother. In my case my hero is my grandfather. Everything I know about him I have heard from my parents, because he died when I was a child so I don’t remember him. He is my hero because he decided to make a change in his life: when he was very young, he emigrated to the U.S.A. to find work. Many people do or have done it, but it’s difficult to leave everything you have, your home, your possessions, your friends and relatives. He was a carpenter in a factory and surely it was not easy to work in another country where people consider you a foreigner. After some time he returned to Italy where he met my grandmother who he married.

My grandfather was a humble man of few words. He was very affectionate to me and I was very fond of him. In the last period of his life when he was sick in bed even if I was very young I went to him, and I was there until my mother realized it and took me away because he was afraid for my health. However as soon she was absent-minded I soon ran into his room. I would have liked that he was still here, because now I can only say to know what happened, but I don’t remember having lived it. Carla Bellotti 3^F

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