6 minute read



The numbers are impressive - there are an estimated 1.7 TRILLION paper photos stored in albums, attics and shoeboxes. Other estimates show that Americans have taken over 550 BILLION non-digital photos. These photos represent the heart and soul of a family's history - new babies, first steps, weddings, vacations, holidays, vintage photos of Great Grandma - and all at risk. Less than 1% of these memories have been transferred to digital, a much more durable and reliable format. The remaining 99% are still very much in danger of being lost or forgotten and with them, the stories they tell.

The numbers of digital photos taken every day is also staggering. A survey of 1,169 regular photo-takers revealed that Americans now take more than 10 billion photos every month. This figure is bolstered by the ever-present smartphone which nearly 60 percent of respondents say is their primary photo-taking device.

The ability to find that picture of Susie at her first dance recital or that precious photo of Grandpa holding his first grandchild has become a frustrating challenge for the average family. In addition, many families do not have a sufficient backup system in place to safeguard their family photo collection and the memories it holds.

From: “The Insider’s Guide to Photo Organizing”

The Photo Managers

Do you have several lifetimes of print photos scattered in boxes & drawers or falling out of old dusty albums?

Do you have hundreds (or thousands?) of digital photos that are dispersed amongst your various cameras, flash drives, external hard drives, memory cards or lost somewhere on your computer?

Is your cell phone’s camera roll stuffed with images, slowing it down?

Do you have stacks of old home movies in formats that no longer exist?


How many times have you wanted to share a memory or a moment but can’t get your hands on it?

Are you worried that your treasured memories are being lost to time and the environment?

My name is Mollie Wasserman. I’m the Chief Memory Officer at Your Memory At Hand and I love helping people uncover their memories and tell your stories.

Whether you need guidance in getting loads of print memories scanned, organizing a mountain of print or digital photos, restoring that treasured print of your grandmother that has deteriorated with time, or preserving all your memories so you never again have to worry about losing the irreplaceable, I can help you get it done.

Here you will find a step-by-step guide and my top tips that will walk you through (finally!) conquering your mountain of photos, video, film and other memorabilia that has been stacking up (either physically or digitally) for years. After all, what good are your memories if you can’t find them and share them?

This guide covers the hard part - getting control of your mountain of memories. You might be thinking that your mountain is so tall, you can never scale it. Or that no one else could possibly have let things go so long and get so out of hand. If so, you would be wrong! I’ve worked with clients that had massive quantities of printed and digital photos, deteriorating in their basement or clogging up their hard drives and devices. I’ve worked with families who had troves of old video or film, just waiting to be shared with a new generation. Trust me when I tell you that no matter how tall your mountain is, it CAN be scaled.

And let’s be clear: getting control of your photos, video, and film isn’t frivolous. Whenever there is a hurricane, tornado or flood, you will see families in the aftermath picking through what’s left of their homes. When asked what they most want to salvage, it isn’t money or jewelry - it’s their photos, video and film. Additionally, think about this: if the fire alarm went off in your home in the middle of the night, what would you have time to grab? We spend thousands of dollars insuring our homes but most of us do nothing to insure the one thing that can’t be replaced - our memories! Check out our video: “How Valuable Are Your Memories?”

And if you’re one of those who’s whole lifetime is stored on their phone, not only is your stuffed camera roll slowing it down, but you probably live in fear that losing your phone means losing your memories.

Which brings us to the truth about human nature: while the task of organizing, restoring & preserving your memories is important, it doesn’t always seem urgent which is why it’s put off. But seeing people lose their photos and other memories should be a wake up call to all of us - don’t risk losing the irreplaceable. Get it done now!!

And here’s the good news: once you get your photos, video, film & other memorabilia digitized, organized, restored and preserved, your reward will be discovering fabulous ways to share them. To get a head start on some inspiration, you can peruse our Gallery of Stories with samples of our client work in Albums, Fusion Videos, Wall Art as well as Restorations. You can also take a look at our Idea book (available to flip through or download at YourMemoriesAtHand.com). Not only will you find great ways to share your memories, but in addition, you will never again be at a loss when it comes to finding that special gift.

This guide will walk you step-by-step through Digitizing, Organizing, Restoring & Preserving your loose prints, albums, digital pics, negatives, slides, video and film. When appropriate, I also will provide resources for tasks that you may not be able to do yourself or that will make the job much easier.

What you will NOT see in this guide is prices. There’s a reason for that.

One of the first questions I often get from prospective clients is “How much would it cost to…?” And I always have to answer “It depends”. I’m truly not trying to be evasive, but the fact is that I don’t sell widgets. The work I do is custom and the recommendations I make are very individualized. Therefore, it’s difficult for me to commit to specific prices for the general public because it depends on individual goals, deadlines, and how much work I need to do with the media provided versus what you’re able and willing to do yourself.

Are my services expensive? Here is the most honest answer I can give: I will never promise to sprout the cheapest price. What I will promise is that I will always provide the very best value for what you want to spend. One thing you should know about me, I come from a long line of frugal women, so rest assured that I will always provide you options that will get you the most bang for your buck.

To borrow from medical jargon, I treat my clients holistically. Before doing any work for you, I want to first understand your long and short term goals, priorities, and budget (both in time and money) to reach those goals. I will then be able to provide you recommendations, a game plan and a written price quote on whatever you need from me that will give you the best value for your dollar.

Once you’re ready to get started, I strongly recommend that you start with a 30-minute phone consultation with me. There is no charge for this initial consultation and it will save you loads of time and money. You can schedule a time at your convenience by clicking here.

When it comes to getting your memories digitized, organized, restored and preserved, trust me on one thing: the view at the top of the mountain is worth the trek. Let’s get started!

See all of our How-To and Inspirational Videos.

Chief Memory Officer Photo Manager & Media Storyteller Your Memories At Hand©


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