Molloys Price Guide 2024

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t excerio offi

A brief history of the Molloy


The origins of the Molloy Group go back to 1933, when Martin Molloy purchased The Foxes Covert Pub in Tallaght Village. Molloys adopted the fox logo and it became synonymous with the Molloy name from that day and lives on today in all their branding. The original pub still stands today and has been extensively refurbished over the past few years to once again make it one of the leading pubs in Dublin. It’s food offering has even been voted the best Gastropub food in Dublin!

His son, Kevin Molloy, then started expanding the business in 1965 and opened the first Molloy’s Liquor Store in Tallaght. This was at a time where there were very few outlets to purchase alcohol to take home, therefore, this was one of the first real offlicences in Ireland. This took off during the 1980s with a shift towards more people enjoying alcohol at home, and led to the opening of more liquor stores across Dublin, where in 2018 now stands 7 off-licences and 2 pubs.

Now a 3rd generation business, Richard Molloy is making waves of his own, by ambitiously tailoring the off licences to meet the demands of the modern day consumer.

Wedding Orders

How much do I need?

Allow three GlAsses per person, expeCt to Get five GlAsses per bottle. Do the suMs, AnD rounD it up to the neArest CAse. GenerAlly speAkinG white is More populAr thAn reD. A rAtio of three white to two reD is typiCAl.

sPArkling Wine reCePtion: Allow one AnD A hAlf GlAsses per heAD, AnD expeCt to Get seven GlAsses per bottle

toAst AFter dinner: MAny people now opt for A ‘Drink of ChoiCe’ rAther thAn A ChAMpAGne toAst After the speeChes.

How to choose my wedding wine?

while it’s your weDDinG, try to MAke sure thAt you Choose A wine whiCh is A CrowD-pleAser. GenerAlly speAkinG, AnythinG too Crisp, too tonniC / Grippy, too AlCoholiC or just too DistinCtive is probAbly not An iDeAl ChoiCe

AiM for fruity white wines, with MeDiuM ACiDity reD wines shoulD be MeDiuM boDieD, with sMooth tAnnin AnD AMple fruit.

Current populAr ChoiCes for weDDinGs inCluDe pinot GriGio, ChileAn/new ZeAlAnD souviGnon blAnC, AnD ChArDonnAy is bACk in fAshion. In reDs, fruity Merlot AnD CAbernet sAuviGnon Are More populAr, while A sMooth riojo or borDeAux will AlwAys iMpress.

Prossecco or Champagne?

It’s perfeCtly ACCeptAble to Choose proseCCo over ChAMpAGne! we hove An AwArD-winninG ChAMpAGne jeon CoMyn, As well As severAl fAntAstiC proseCCo to Choose froM. while seven GlAsses per bottle is on AverAGe pour for spArklinG wine, you CoulD squeeZe eiGht GlAsses, DepenDinG on the GlAsswAre beinG useD. six woulD Give A Generous serve!

We source many of our wines directly from the producer, and pass on the savings to our customers.

Finding genuine value in wines is one of Molloys key strengths. We go directly to the supplier, allowing us to taste and negotiate, so that we can deliver the best possible quality at the keenest prices, under our Molloys Exclusive Wine Range.

Less than 10% of what we taste makes it to our stores. Yes, we are fussy! We are looking for the right taste at the right price - good fruit, balance, and with character. We also look out for the good presentation - something that you'd be happy to bring to someones house as a gift. Most of Molloys Exclusive Wines are recommended by wine critics.

We stand over the quality and value of all our wines.

In seeking out great wines, we are looking for wines which have plenty of flavour, and a long finish.We value balance in a wine; for example, alcohol and acidity shouldn’t be aggressive. We know that our customers have varied tastes. Each wine should be true to its class and therefore we are also looking for typicality - i.e. how much a Merlot wine tastes like a Merlot.

From time to time we have wines that really stand out. This may be due to a variety of factorsgood weather, longer aging, a talented producer, a special vineyard, an experimental batch or an innovative style of wine.

To help you identify these, we have rated our top wines along the following scale:

Rosé Wine

South African

White Wine

Red Wine

White Wine


Rosé Wine

Rosé Wine


Rosé Wine



Dos Condores Merlot €9.99, Dos Condores Sauvignon Blanc €9.99


Voluptatem. et excerio offi

Rosé Wine

Lorum quam voLum rae. Nam

White Wine

Rosé Wine


Voluptatem. et excerio offi

White Wine

Rosé Wine


Lorum quam voLum rae. Nam

Gran Passione Rosso Botter IGT Veneto €15.99


Voluptatem. et excerio offi

Rosé Wine


Lorum quam voLum rae. Nam

Rosé Wine

PoRtugEsE WiNE

Voluptatem. et excerio offi

Mateus Rose €12.99

Lorum quam voLum rae. Nam

Lagoalva Reserva Tinto Red €17.45

south AFRiCAN WiNE

White Wine

Moloko Bay Sauvignon Blanc €10.99

Voluptatem. et excerio offi

Rosé Wine

Lorum quam voLum rae. Nam

Lagoalva Reserva Tinto Red €17.00



Lola Cava Brut by Paco & Lola

Perelada Cava Rose €16.25 €19.99

NoN-AlCoholiC WiNEs

Hollow Leg Alcohol Free Albarino €12.00
Nozeco White De Alchoholised Wine €4.99
Torres Natureo Moscatel White 0.5% €8.99

Voluptatem. et excerio offi



Lorum quam voLum rae. Nam


VoluPtAtEm. Et ExCERio oFFi

Dark Rum

White Rum






loRum quAm Volum RAE. NAm

tERms & CoNditioNs

Terms & Conditions of Supply

The Molloy Group Ltd. (“The Vendor“)


These Terms and Conditions shall apply to all sales of goods by the Vendor and the placing of an order shall be deemed to be acceptance by the Buyer of these Terms and Conditions.


The prices quoted in this list apply to goods bought for the purpose of resale only. For purchases not destined for resale, or for order quantities less than the minimum pick, the prices quoted in the Vendor’s Retail Price List shall apply. All orders are subject to availability of stock, and prices and vintages are subject to change without notice. This list cancels all previous lists. All cost prices quoted are exclusive of VAT.

Credit Accounts

Credit Accounts are accepted on a Direct Debit payment basis only; otherwise cash or a Bank Draft will be required for the total amount due to the Vendor at the time of delivery. Should the Buyer unilaterally cancel a Direct Debit with monies still owing in his/her account, these outstanding monies shall immediately become due for payment.


The property in all and any goods supplied by the Vendor shall remain in the Vendor, until the Vendor has received payment in full for all sums due and owing on any account or contract by the Buyer. Invoices fall due and are payable in the last week of the month following date of invoice. In the event of non-payment by the Buyer by the due date, the Vendor shall be entitled in addition to all other rights to enter any premises where the goods may be stored and recover possession of the goods. The goods shall be at the entire risk of the Buyer from the time the goods are delivered. In the event of resale of the goods by the Buyer prior to full payment of all sums due to the Vendor, the Buyer

Bally Fermot

Bob Finegan 01 822 4144


Hazel Fitzgibbon 01 457 0166


Darryl Tierney 01 294 2298

Buy Online Shop In Store


Mark Bracken 01 822 4144


Justin Corbally 01 451 4857




Sean Roche 01 864 0251

The Liberties

Paddy Burke 01 400 2644

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