wall gallery planner

Page 1


We use speci alsof t war et o show you exact l y what yourphot os wi l ll ook l i ke on yourwal l .I n or dert o show you your i mages on your wal l ,we' l lneed a phot o ofyourwal lt o usei nt hesof t war e.Her ear ea f ew t i psf orget t i ng ust hebestphot o possi bl e:


Tapea" l et t er "si ze( 8. 5"x11" )pi eceofpaperont hewal lwher e you' dl i keyourpor t r ai t s.

Taket hephot o st r ai ght on, notatanangl e.

Tr yt oi ncl ude: f ur ni t ur e wi ndows door ways f l oor/cei l i ng i nt hephot ot o pr ovi deapoi nt ofsi z er ef er ence f orus.


Takeahor i zont alpi ct ur eoft hatwal l( wi t ht hepaperoni t )wi t h yourcamer a,smar t phoneort abl etf r om acomf or t abl evi ewi ng di st ance.Thi si st ypi cal l yf r om al lt he way acr oss t he r oom, unl essyouhaveaver yl ar ger oom.

3 Once you' ve t aken pi ct ur es ofal loft he wal l s wher eyou' dl i kear t wor k,pl easesendusanemai l at t achi ngal lofyourphot os.


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