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Friday Club New Discussion Group
Mercy killing, reality and their c.onnected moral ~lues have been topics examined Q>' the Friday Club, a unique, newly-organized group whlcb meets ea.Ch Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. in the SUB
The purpose or the informal meeti.ngs, open to anyone who can talk. is the discussion and debate of currenl c.ontro• verslal subjects: participants voice their thoughts , learn the OPlnlons of others, and are thus aided In forming sound rational judgments '
N.1.J.C. REVIEW, Coeur d'Alene, ldoho, Wed. , April 7,
A Texas psychlattist is said to be Iecruring to PTA groups in his state on the sullject: •' Alaska : Row to EXPlain H to Your Child."
Scripto pons
Ringo Peno NIJC Sta tionery
With Now Crest Adopted by Col /090 Boord
At the Jirst meeting held ~tuch 24, thirteen pa rticipa- SNACK BAR tors were present, Including several faculty members.
"The Club has been suc· c essfu l thus far In milking tensity or conce~trated errort as college soph1sticatioo is progress toward the enli ght· cast aside and entrants paw wildly through the cereal to enmeot or all who participate in the discussions," Jim l!nd and log every last raisin " And I suppose when they •re finished they have an all-campus Oake tight.Moderator
Brooks, moderator of the Friday Club stated recently The organizati.on•s unusual title was suggested by Mr. Champoux.
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The Army Reserve Officers Training Corps has a new program designed specifically for men with two years of college train in g. If you plan to transfer this fall to a school offering Army ROTC, you may be able to qualify for the Advanced ROTC Course, which leads to a commission as a Second Lieutenant when you get your degree. Under th is program you will receive $40 per month during your junior and senior years.
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Campus Chatter
by Ros e mory Hon$en
Seen lo biology c lass: Mr. Bums excusing hlmseH afte, tripping over a skeleton on the noor.
I think we s hould start a charitu drive for Garth R-Osamcnd: he wants soda crackers.
Lates l fad from the girls' dorm: pouring talcum powder Individuals who are showering.
TeTr/1 De Coss r ecentl11 discovered that the efficiency of contact lens es is considerably impaired w hen both tense s are 111orn on the same e11e.
Dave Alexander is a go dfather! His mama cat linally had her kittens, and now he ls looking to r suitable homes for them. If you are interested in owning one of these beauties, contact Mr. Al exande r.
According to zoo/ogv c las s , if you ever need a blood transfus ion, don't pick a co11 ote for the donor.
With Rathskell e r's re-opening, the crowds or lost sou ls around have finally round themselves again
You can become a do-it• yourselfer very easily simply by razzing your wl fe •s cooking.