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•Library Received
Several Donations
·ot Books Recently
One or 1he inter esting additions to the college Li b raty
•10 lhe past year has been the fou r hund r e d book collecti on gl ven t o the ll bra,y by .i, eonard V eeder, deceased , or Coeu r d 'Alene While the co ll ection Is not as yet completely catalOl!lled, the r e
• 'lfe at p resent some three hun dr ed volumes on the shelves fo r the special co ll ection
• Tbe collection Is an exce llent sou r c e fo r r efe r ence In Paci fic Northwest history as well as general history of
• the early w e~L Wllile """'~ of the books are scholarl y , by far the gr eater number are of such sty l e an d Interest as
• to make them stro n gly competltl ve wi t h general !lctlon
R eade r s wi ll fin d dozens of books r elating !He or the
• pioneers and explore r s , Cll r t r lll) pe rs , cow boys , Indians , and narrall v es o r tb e western
• movement B y far the greatest numbe r will appeal to those who wis h to r ea d pu r ely fo r rec r eation
• A nothe r 11.ne collection or books ror the llbra cy i s in the making th rou gh the courtesy of the Book s Foundation , In c. f Coeur d 'Al ene The foundation has al r eady contribu ted o v er o n e hun dred volu rr.es to the college llb raiy « nclu ding a l ong list or •'mu sts" fo r s tudent use both In t he area of fiction and non - II ctlon The • roundatlon bas not o nly provided the fu n ds fo r co ll ection i tseH but h as also aided matedally I n the selection of 9<he titles and has slnulde red the r esponsibility or o rd ering an d d ellvering the b ooks to the ll b raiy
• It ls the hope or the llbracy staff that students will avai l themselves of th e use -' ' these books and will seriously consider the value of these b ooks , and gl ve th em the ca r e du e them
• ' Whe the r Ma rket'
A broker from the Twin Cities was giving the Lions .Club an Insight Into grain marketing but lodica t ed the futures marke t Is a tough one to deal with I n [act, he conecluded. ll ls greatly lnOuenced by the · 'Whether Markel"Whether to bio· o r whether to sell!
Anthropology siudents have a Jot to look forward to this year, according to Mr Ra.y· mood Stone, Instructor. The class Is plannlng an excursion to the Meadimont Cave area and another, tenlatlvel.Y. to the Nez Perce Indian area.
The trip to Meadimont will Involve explorallon of a cave once Inhabited b,Y the Coeur d ' Alene Indians he e~plained hinge on many things such as lime, the weather. and transportation, he said , and explained thsl It Is planned with a historical orientation as well He ho i:.es they can as well. He hopes they can ,•lsll the battle grourxla and Tolo I.;ike, where the Indians used to harvest their camus roots
The class plans to go on Saturday, Ocl. 2 aod wHI slay all day "sifting and dlggi ng" where they rope to discover artifacts of this tribe Perhaps Mr. stone hopes. if the digging ls good , they may even retu r n the foll owl ng week.
Morality On Campu s Friday Club Topi c
Morality on our campus was the first topic to be worked over by the Friday Club at the !lrst meeting, Sept. 22. can di stovem led things o rr by telling the group what morality mea nl to her. Other members then agreed or disagreed with points or Candi's definition
Q nly Four Sloc: b From C• mp us
Choir Adds Music To Its Repertoire
N.I.J.C. REVIEW, Coeur d'Alene, ldoho, Wod , Seprombor 29, 1965 5 movements ln the countcy the extreme tert-wbnt do the.)· want'/ Who are thoy? What are they looking for?--tyranny of the minority vs the majority, and the conflict between science and religion.
A show of hands ,•ote as each topic was suggested, with the most popular topic chosen for next meeting. A lie between "unrest on campuses·", and "the conflict between science and r eligion" was followed by another vote In which the latter topic woo.
Mr. Richard Champoux. adviso r , again reminded those present co extend the invitation to come to all Inter ested students and faculty.
Mr Lou Kelly, dir ector of NlJC's a cappella choir, predicted an excellent year for the group More students have signed up fo r the choir this year than ever before, aod many members of last year ' s group have retu me d. Mr Kelly sald that the choir has Its maximum number, which Is 70 , but that al\Yone Interested in Joining the group mays ee him for detail s
There were suggestions for next week's wplc made at the beginning or the meeting. Among suggested topics were the India-Pakistan situation, i otegratlon, Viet Nam (and why we·re there). the splitting or. Canada, u nresl on college campuses. rightist ways has h.Ls shirttails tllll)ping and your fou r sons always a r e so neat 1\1 th their shirts tucked in. How come?
Second Mother: Very Simple. l just sew an edging of lace nround the bottom or all o f their shirts.
Sure Cu , e First Mothe r : My son alMedicine Mountain lsanother site the group has chosen to explore. It Is the location or an old rock foundation where the Cataldo missionaries came in 1850 lo hold religious services A later trip by bus through the Nez Pe r ce area will
Mr Kelly also said that much new music b a s been added to the choir's r epertoire. H e explained t h a t future plans ror the group include several con certs a benel!t show, and a tou r simila r to the tour takeo by the group l ast year
One laey was gasping"Just think! Mrs Johnson ' s Inaugu ration d r ess cost Sl.900!"
Her companion thoughtfu lly replied , "Bu t just lh.lnk of all the Gold Bond stamps she got! "
G oing on to a 4-ye ar college?
You may b e able to take advanta ge o f the new 2-Year Air Force ROTC Program!
W hat's t h e purpose of this new speededup prog r am ? It's desig ned to permit students with two academic years remaining to p articipate in the Air Force on-campus o fllcer education program. Those two years can be io either undcrgradua1e or gradual~ sta tus, or a combination of both. Successful completion of the program results in the award of a commission in the U S. Air F o r ce.
T hen those who a ttend a j uni or college are no lon ge r shut ou t o( ROTC? T hat's r ig h t. One of the particular purposes of lbiS program is 10 g i ve students w ho slart at a j u nior college-and then move on to a 4-year inslitution- the chance to become officen; t h rough Air Force ROTC.
How do I a pply £or this prognm ? First. contact the Professor of Ae r ospace S1udies al 1he Air Force R OTC hos1-collcgc neares t you. (There are 182 Air Force ROTC u ni1s in th e U.S and P uerto Rico.) He'll arrange for you 10 1ake the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test. and the required physical exn mina tion. If you pass these, i by a board of senior
Air Force officen;, who will decide if you are to be chosen to aucnd a Field Training Course, a six-week course ( which you can begin in June or August next year) designed to let the Air Force judge you and you judge the Air Force. Only aflcr both arc satisfied will you be enrolled i n the program. You have nothing 10 lose- and everything to gain-by applying.
As an Air Fo r ce ROTC ca d et, will I r ece iv e pay? Fo r the Field T rai ning Course, your pay will amount to approximately S 120 During the school year, you' ll be paid S40 a moalb, and you'll also ge t free uniforms ls th e 4-yea r Air For ce ROTC course sti ll available? Yes, many colleges and universities are continuing 1he 4-year program, which you might wanl to consider if you arc think i ng of transferring to (and spending 4 years at) such a school. Stude n ts in 1he 4-year program may co mpete for the new Air Force ROTC Financia l Assistan ce Gran1s, which pay the cost of 1ui1ion, boo ks, fees, supplies, and equipment, plus SSO a month
What is th e Air F o r ce ROTC curriculum lik e ? It's been th oroughl y revamped. Yo u won't fin d p at answers and tradi tional r itual ized sol utions 10 problems. Students are taugh t to arr i ve at their own conclu• sions, an d to test them aga inst those of classmates. Symboli c o( the ch ange is the new ti tle-D ep artme nt o f A er ospace Studies. U