10 minute read

More than art available at new gallery

TIie SBvar Beacll Art Gallery to offer more OIIIIOl'tllllil to art lllldlm, local artists

1dl 1,,g_t1"-·r h11\ t,ce11 "Cl) intc-rc,tin,i She 1.&jd ,be b~ tbuJ wmc: ,t rhe r!«e1 lm111 tJ1h s.ho"' anll from she),.,, t1• t.:mnc wtll form • pcmt.lnCJ'll Cf'l!r. tir"l tn 1hc: :.l'H Hc1t,c:f1 ,-aHI lMt "1le WIIOl\ the 1n 10 l'C,nn,c ,,,111 uf ui.:h uu.Jr1\h · cnvu'lk'lmcnl

1'11B Slt!er 8-I, GM,y,.,.,.,,l'llu,s. t.'30 •. m.- 8p m Frltlayll:/Jlla.m•230pm.

Ille' Pte-~1Jcn1'" C'huitr Sb,"'

TIM° '"huv, Ol)(lll 0(1 14 'A·llb • 1t,cpllon at j p.ni. und 1un1o

1hn'll.l11:h Nov~ h w,11 fC1M11n:. du~ r•«"' 1h111 pn,ldcmh ff(,nt N(C: liA'<' cl)Q',C:tl 1Ju1h1tt the 1U1t1mer ft"1i1,al. ,\n ua 11,c Crttll.

At1 c,111br Or«n 1, ;m 11n1n1~f C\'t'Dl lull of an, CTDh bQolh,, ln<ll.l ind cnttn.1it1niet11 r(lf the 111.,l 20 )C.tB. ch( p1c1'11Jcn1 (I( thl' 1.Yillcic lt lbtl tm~ v.oulJ pkl ou.l • '3\oritc an rlr~e. Allct ,he )·CAI -..·a, u1, 1111d anuchc, r1«c cbl'.Ken. 1he P'C"•l'IU 'J 1rt Wdfk v.~nl 10 -ll "••iou, ulfi«' on the c11mp1u.

K.un1tri Hdtll:fl. Art In lhc Um~ "'JIC'l"• 1r ..ruJ,hc:ti.u llCC"nh11vmg atooi;hdn'( lt)i1t1t 1n l~111eall the an '4'blk. ~lid 1,1,hcl'l '\licOOMllnJ lhr ptet.T•, atuo,t. thne!fin~lin,:1h(-.u1iu'I whot'ft':dtd•h A

"Ne• unc li;tpc II runnm& tnwt cor the •n)."' He1bC'r1 "aid ..;hr ,aid ,hr·, hoping 10 ti.1,·c all the lnlorm,11lt>rt po,"blc oo ClllCb piece, ,u.:h dllk, and 1~ anl\l"\ n~mi; llt'iht'rt ,aid th1u 1bc An on 11lc- nrrw dirc..:torwill he lcndin,; 1,a~ to heir ou 1\\IJb 1hr dfon lle-1bcn uh1 1lm aa1tic-nn1 lhl' plt'~t', nd bfiin1 1111ft' Ill""' 1h ·rn be oo "1udenb,. ia.h,n111i. "lltfr ood lactil arthl'-"' lk•brrt u.lJ.'"S111J.en11 will h,a\'t ll'lnn- lfllP(W't&aollio ln "hr""llltr..,..,or1o • 'ihe ~,,I d1.1, rniul) 1rudn111 don•1 ha.\"C 11 \it.ni,c tn Coc:urd'AleBC

.1u. ) he ~fhu Rcad1 GaJIC') h.n,. t1c1 c;onru:~1101:1 w11h 4hc Carner n111to) In Bi»"'·rll llall :tnd i, Jtl indrpcndciu .iudrnt plkry

At1rr tht: Ptt,hhinr Cl1au:e Award,. Hcibt-n h hap,na 1n ha\·t 1 ,.111<1r111 gt1ph1c

Music from the soul

Healing of the heart

American [nclian concert shares songs of peace, pride bJ Ki!JJ't\ipfl'C'r J\rtJ. (,ml F.11ftr1QllllrN'tlf £t/1t(IT

J~m Bll)·d 11t1d R.c:, lk'lllld bi.nd filkd Sc-hula Al.ld1torium v. Ith i.onp ur ..an11g.ks. hope a:nJ p-~ Tbwwbycvet111\g.Sl.'C'l. l6. Thcbiindpla)«l ntan)

§00811 [mm 1hc Unity 1Dd R~\'llion Bound" albums a\ "'-<II•, '\OON: ncv.- They 1,ptflN ur wi1h

Mules Mc Proud:· an upbear wng fillod w11h bea111iful imd pU.\loomt.c lync,._

'the :,,ong "'Old Fr,cnd., u1il11cd 1hc •ound11; nl 1hc hatm:;laic'a. aod bell\ co CT~t • historkl IUlJ. vi:,·ld ll'C:hng of thr Amcrkat1 lndlan c1.1llute. 01hcr ,c,np <,u1;h a, "'Ciood b)'t, Oo /l,."Vt1,y"' 11;11d"'My Hc:irr Oropi Whtn re~ P,oud.'" wctc fuJl of cmo1h.111 uJ • crtatl"c rtlO\<Cmtnh. 111 IWSchng 10 1hc:

111hm11tcJ b)' dulllrcn ()ll tt'.\C.'"rnoo10, .1mJ tbo- h.i11d pu1 the uc,c. tht)' litc-J ix-~110 1nudc, llM: b.ind pi,ckt-J the Jyrln tl1111 a lml e 1lrl ""·rott'. whkh ,polt \,r hnw II lc;h a, if lht) W('rc on., mt'try·ao-mut1J, 11oinJ round 11n!J tu11ri(I d1.rou.j1b life Aoothcr rlccc ""'" wnuca ahout Wa.,hin,10" \tntr Sea. Slade GMol.'I He had .1prutt.nt1,, 11N111I.IOOW !,h mor.ah. a~·cc,rdlnJ' It• Bo)'t.l thr ,ong ",.,cd "'\fr Oonon·· where hh hl'lnt'H w11, ThJ, ,onr "'"' c.i.pc(il).11) pownful bcctuK' uf lhe l)ut11 ud. "Wb.u h•, h11pJl('t1t'd lo your bean r Uayd 111ar1; rt1c •01111 r.ms with lync.-. or canf1hi11n aoJ l\1Ke q.a1n I b1ttl tumcJ. lftipcfull) Mt Gurh'" ~Ill h\1C-11 fhc COftCCfl WIL'i • ;ttn·At k.1mi111 upcncocc a, .,.,tll ,u • mu.,lcal PT!< MJl'IV •hlr!C'>. drcllltlJ. oJid IU'U"~' 'lfctc l(•ld 1ht®&h M>n(I All 1hr l)TlCI or the \Cm&~ \\ttc 1tioug,t1r•rrovoki1tg and rrally itiuc:h<d dctc, hut;, 1hc \01tl. I he fl.uni tlruugh1 1hHcro1 lttliAt~ 1u the 11uJ1t.D1.'C' thrwlth 1he ('\·cnln,, They y,·crc -void rcclin,i,

IRevi ew tlRRg lh of lhc- 1tt.nJtJc5 t:IM:b \.Off$ held, J1rn Boyd. 1rnd voc;:~h: and Jttltat. 5-rev. up Of• lbe CoMllc Rc-ta\lllOl'I ..itw w~lk1

""'"'' •bi.lu1 man,- b1, c-ii.pcncocc, H ara Amtr,011

11,1,h&1i. l:Soyd b111J a uo1quc ruld am111-ing voicc hill or pauioa mo1kin1 the ccwittn ocie or emnc11'1l alt!J gttal cntcru.inmrn1. He •ddcd u Ihde humot in bt1v,ccn

IIOtlfl, c,p«l11ly when bk, d.NlllmCt do.a~ dunni cu:ic 80yd w11t ver,· likable a.nJ hnd aru1 u11,:c

J'f't'IC:not, hrlping lhe audM!llC( to draw in Al1,1na wld1 ,uh.air. b,;u..\, anlJ i.ttunu,, the balld utdlav.S

1hc 1101.1nd of• •1t11hc\htr, •hid1 helped ta 1hiC'tcn IIO(IJ~ 11 1l mtll When Boyd rluyc:d Ute h111mook11.. Jitpul hi, all lnso ii •IJJ n:.illy rocked the aud,~ h WM

11.1tW111g bow mucb lltlC'llt and cmbusia\m came ft()m

1.bc band during tbc ""cnlng

Some of the IOtlJJ ruformcd ""ere Iron, 1bc ··sni<•lc S1gn11,· movie ,.ovns,11r11d. and othcn pOC't Sbcm1ari Alnic: wtolc A plC"« 1hc: b~nd p layed 1hl\l Alcxit w,~c. " l nd,o.n l:loy Lo\'C Soog." WM roman1k ul\d bca111if1d. The h.u,d ,utUully u\td n1u\l( 10 c,rre"" r«ling\ or lo,-c 11.00 l~rtging One piC'cC', "'~ktt)·•C'fl)-Round,'" ..-ii. I.he H~,uit 01 • N>ll11borat ion with H.:ahhy Natioth Lyrtn wc,c

"'f'mm1/,N/im111t<m fwmri ll/N>/Ol:(i:t /<Jr ,hat -J/111 BoJd th,.t." l'hc"c l)rkc were luundng

Only 11 ,m,dl nnm11n1 uf proplc umc cu 1h" ftct cnnccn whi,b 1u" Jh11pp1Hnu11i '1.any pcorlc. cam plain du11 Cot'ttr d. Aktie it l1cl1na cu hurt 11nd thi\ conarr ""•' • rrot c:h11ftce tu luc,, ln1c> and t"<pC'11c111:e American l111h11n cuh1uc The 11c11nll audience m11dt tnt v,ondcr ju,t •·here •II lbt'.\e JIC"i•rle V.f'rt'. Thh c:1i111c111ponu)' cc•ncC"tl wu one ot 1hc tie,1 1h11 f h.tvc 1111cnJcd yet Por .111 1hu~ ..-h,) n1b1c:J ii, 1hry Qul) mu.~C'il PIU ••11 1111 ,a,i .1 1nr imd powtrlul mutii:al c,pcrum« uf p.1\•lc,rt. gnrt. ('(Klfu,ton. unit). r , 1 1.1 c • Khit'Ycnu!nl anJ m:i.nyin(W('. 01,1tlnt one ,,nip. OuyJ 'J•ns ··1·m 1u1 Jolllu min I "111t'1 a.polo,:,ic for EH~t1 1la1~h cqu111i1y .and fr«dnm h, 11uwci,.cdl:, ¥, lltlt Amcma M4tHl, rm, II \Cellt'4 lh•I Amc.,i.:a \Jill b:h • l11nr w•y tu im. UnyJ m11,1k ii ut1vlo11, w.Hh 1ht1\C \lo'Old~ stc,lr1A-~lJ lm Boyd o f lhe Calvillo, Wall!., ,....,,•lion sings In Schul•t Audllorlum. "The audltnc•••• grNt, It waa a lOt of tun," Boyd ukl 1herlheSep1 us "lhow.

A celebration for the changing of seasons

'J1w1 11111 S1w1'

'(htnu1c 10 ,\ \11d,ummct Ni;ti,·~ 011!11111, Brrlit.tl!'a HS)'tnptmtJlt' ~har11:h1t411C'. mn•cmcno. 4&S and A..1..:l11t1:1111nofl rl"')' tu'l r11-1,c-lhr cad;htitt ol ht'II. Heit )OU c:an fO(tk. forward fo an tnt.:n1001, ,o,und (ombtn.ilion of p,u1d p1aM, jlont:, 1111J .:hirilC', llt:it 111gc1hn- fllilU ur the ,h kll 'J'bt' la~I fltCl.'C', R:ll:ht111nic>tr, Piano Conn111 No.2,"' I\• pl«c- ot ~ute mu,K, pla,,tJ fo. 11, bc'au1y and 1,,1-und Sn)i.krcxplaini, 1h1 It ,"'"' m,m\t~,, wid, lhc c;,indocuir cuugbt i111bc tn,ddk Orie mon\ta tbcb1nJ htm) i, 9-(ritt l11nx. tui. hlJ1ll. ,1nd ha\ ISK lt)\ (1r 1eclh <inydct •u1d. I h1~ 111on,1('r°" -., ill tie plii)c-d h.)l'ollod, In lrnn1 pf Sn:,,dt'l" llnntbt'r hui:c orc:hc~1t• mllll\le, lu,._, bi,t lbh. OJlt o lunnui 'i11)'sk1, 1n lhc t1Hddk

'Laughing Wild' hold s important message

bJ ~lacy .SJl.lnAk ~n1111rl R,.,.,,,,_

'"I h,,1ot fho11 lht ~,111tJitt,t i.ft m., hh)4/ f/d/J.J Ami I Jwpr 1/iat ,.,,,,.,, )l'fli tlrlf irir ,,,. ''" OJ J'i'U llmff In ,,.,. JfrHt And I "'"Pt

1},.µ 14...-(,..t,' 1,U, ,t:l\,r Ilk 11,14)1,_ A'W I htJf«llldt Ihm,,,,.,,~ ,ra;.,..J

,Jan ti<11.t1ltad'*'.ir. T1,;,iJ/mm IQ ta\ tlrrKlatr.ltltotl/"41I.J1l11H11

1,alf ,tN,v., • Fw,n th, plt1.1 •t.a1,1Jchmt WUd·· by Cltmtoplrn pl11; li)' !!.hlltint 1n ifk'idcnl d1ai to her while ,liopping in

O,,,r.m,: The ...,um.i11.• pl11Jaf by~ 01.nnpr~. up;naf lllC.

)oo 1n (od i;n.i1 ,,mv.. G111npfC'Ch1 \hlt\\t'iJ 11n ;1m,l.(111J!_ aulfltllli of 1,t,k'nt :.11 1t1C' lh.wC\I U," d\.tr.:rct'i Ille 10 th~ MJCft<"IK'e \\'lh actll4.lly tth hl:r- i.hc -.·.L, 1he cbofaci.tr. t1111 Jmt ,.l'lt'(lrlt" 11)·1~ m pl:i:)'ar.vt

11D Clallt:II, ll8ctrlc BIiie bt J..i,S1udor ~nt1MI Rrponrr New from lbe fndu~l'WI roe._ baod. Nine Inch Nail$, come, ""1lit Ft.1Jilc ttlu'il'J Se))l. 21 NIN"\ 14th halo fo, album) h: a Porftte .t.yt11he,i• of hatd ,ock •nd c:Jcctrol\k::L '1'he F~Jilc:'" l.t. NIN', tirs.1 lull alburn , ii-cc "1lic

IReview ~;;:~::•:,: ~:'~1 1

--- * mu~te.al 1c:r11U\. TtttU Aunor. lllis b nas a ne-v, tbuig for ft,,:,1r,or,it1Ct ftlO\I or1hc ptt,vtOU• luk>\ were hJ, doing. Other rtd l.1b(1n10n include Kini Crtm\On°1. Ad.ml~ Belew ud Da\.-iJ Sowie·., keybolltdi\l. Mike °"™>I• Unbkc pre., ,O\I~ h:ilix, "The fragile uxt a "Ct'/ l2ric YIUi~I)' of ln\~rurnc:ot11 iricluJm& c:ell0t,, \11oha.,. u.,uk.k.,. an vJ)rigbt N.\S., 11Qd uc-•ltd $1fi111n1, Thi\ !ngclUOUil- bknd t,I\CC ,1 cb.-s.iical and \'tfy n.u•iclf 'Wnd HJ 11'1h fl(lffl'l.all yc:ki.:Lnc bind The lyric:.~. likr.prc::"'°°' h:al01. arc \'ll'tQU<;. o.ng.ry aod rrof•oc 8y r_. 1ht Mt Mlfil on the albwn i, "'S14f'f _ert. Inc.'" in v. h.ch Rei.'* Ma(c1, "'I'll be dictt for )'Otl long .u ii works fr,r me, J pla)'" gan1e, ifs tallcd imlnc-eri1y," Otbct g_rcai lido indude '1be Wtc:4Clltd," °1'be' Day tlk' Worfd Wrnl A~Jy'" ,11i,d "'Plca-1<:· h would !oCCffl th.M 1hnc d.i,m111 lyrk11 Y.Vltld bec.11.halu\tiag. t,111 I.tie IIM-lt MU'.c.:s ror • a:re.1 nw 10114eotrel.uto. Many ~g, oo lh1-. cwo,,d1~ l.(f arc cam~ly aru.tn.tmcnul '1ncFn111l." •·Ju.lit Ukt Yoo fmll&tOt'd"° •nd "PdJrima,:.e 11tt VO)' crt41J~ a..S ».y n.cw 1}i;an 1he tut o( the \OIII\ wtlh lyrii;:.~ r-or !how dial do m,t: kt,o\\ wtud lad11strial R0ct b,. It fl typo of muJ1C thit lltpkh 1.htitorttd gull•rs. drum m1th100. voc11II, ll)'nl hc,itrcn aDCS t1ui1)' 0 1hc1 c.JccuooiC foOllDds. Ckhcr h11l0i inc lude "i>R:Hy H111t MAChirte," "Broten·· and "'The f)o,\1,,-n,..,•ard Spiral. v.hlch ttrouahl NlN full)' in:14 dit m.tiiln-uam of 1'111»1¢.

Allt:'f unc •cc.L "TM Fragile'" hi1 nurnbtr ont' on 1.he blllboard cbaru, an accomplhhnu~ar that many cwo-dt\C: Ct) ,ttt ncH.t e,pct1enc:t-

Wanted: Entertainment

............ 1r ........... C-lfAlla bl Anrilt- Woodt'ft Sfl(lrtt&lttnr Wc'\'C sol pknl)" of am. J.tl when:-'" lhf c.n1ctt11nmcn1? NIC n a grHl commuuil) -oric.n1C'<:I colkgc. Nvmcrou1; 11rc )bo,u. pl:ays and ,ymphony concc.n, ~tc held bttt 11.nd Attract mrmbera of 1he ,urrou:ndins commun 111t) Th( problem, howc.~ct, '" 1h.i11 tbctc 11rr: limlkll.l thirtt:) 1hal inkf'ttlt the ,1udcnb, rhc Nil· c:hec.rlc:111kn, rccc:ntl)

• kul IO'l)C.'<f) ~,on:· lhe "'""" 1fay Shr Jharc-d fflllfl)' or her life problt1n~ and !,C(TcfL

IReview !~c;~r,:: ~~.= ;~~1:;;·i~


rt..1~k ,..,oolJ ,t.u1 to e1.,1111111e llwn~h·a eJ rcali,~ Uw die)'

"''ffi: no ,hO(rt-1111 (11.'lf11 lhi, tmy womnn. 11,e 0111,. diffctl'n« w.H ll1.1t 11'11\ 'llnmJ..;11J bed the gun lO 1paik bc'r mlnJ '*then • :1-11u~jon


\bny 1110(1, through the pLa) the dllflfactct 1Nd( )tJ\I bush ¥0

~Ill dull )'-'U thc.ou.rht )llU ,,.l,l C'-'rloJ~ •bJ qdltt lilt,o UUW'J

The ~11J 91:C of u,,.. J.ha\111· \to'.H dc'vr>fcJ tn lfK •·«um. ·"'ho wa., plt1)td by Jucl.1h \\.'C!i.lOn TI1h ..:huactc1 !.l111t.t'J oH Ith, t.ll)f) b) idling 1he nuJu::fl(c hi, ,11.":i:nunl nl .,.h.at haprc-ncd n lbc local po."rcy 1,1,,rc Ju"1 11 re day, t'Jlt'litt Thit mllll .,., '" known eo be • 1.-.nnplNc ~,'tltll\l He al\1.1 ,hided 111• hfc llury wath the 1111.i1C1KC' oclly &ld.111,g. bud brtal, 1.<1tryto m11l.cf11tnklf l~I N,pfl). \\'Non 11l;o"'1-ikbfull) llft&t U,l'l\lfl(ingl)' f'C"ltll:,(J lhh dl.lrM:tM. M.an)' U111l'"' II "«lllcd u.., ifht 'A'.lS ,:nint tu lt'l.iie hl,~·oll'lf'(lflllt'C, but hr n~'"' 1.hJ B01h ch11roi:1cu w:cmcJ lo h.a\'e nnc thins u1 Mmn"'n Thty t,ott; hikl • 'lltt!J ln 1bc,r h,n. Tlu,iuJh 1ht! rl.1y t11:ieh c~r«tm, ft.It 111 ir thry were wan:l'ling for m,"'cl'I IO quot•~"' tl'llll cocald not be 1111,v.crtJ tb.:y c:1.111W not rmJ a y to h"c ~-i.lhout btitaJI holk, mll\ln,: lhcm v,n.1-c:rwy Thi• ••" 1t1c q'llll in the rl.iy .,.bcrc ocry •udicocc 10C.111bt.1 ,;ouh.J ttbtc. A, b<..ch .icton t.f't'kt. the 111Wl.cr1a lMv. ttln 1,1,.u 1h.11n fl-1•1 di(' O\'UIISC' rt.a, Ye, tl)ttt \\'flt 1111111)' 1•bnl.lxi~n (lno ;rnd t."lllU w('IJ,. ll11I all that ~I\ tiud 111dd011~-.a,tui;.1.tUc: ~utl tu111.1t.:c' Ilic mc,,,.tc,(h'.f ,nc1te1 li.11;h•1ldl) In 1hc tn1d:.t11f)"011T~f!(:\(rc,11oc.

Wbere's tbetaa?

A100, oc>t ju)t the tbtcrk-mkB. We: oould h11V"t Jlffll't's, then1e p.,nld ot e\·c-11 br,nl ';..._ 1""''"7,'

,., Coeur

'C:)' d' Ale DC, it'• h:ird 10 ftnJ lhing~ io do Mnny <ludcn!, arc or le1cl drink.1111 a;c andluw Ilic ~n,"° t(t#() loc.alhm _. ;\ntilt"Woodl•,,

Soul in the SUB bft"' ling. roller .,kiting, l 1~c-r t•& ,utd roovtt-i; aro.md Coeur d' /.lc:nc S1udc:n1.1 not from 1he: Nonhwcst t.hould 111lo time bcfol'( ,no"'· llic:1 to e.1,pcricn« 1bc: hi.Ung. ft'iilu11J al)J c11.1nrlt11 ~ili~ of 1hc lltt'&. When the $DOW OQnit;;, take tdvw~ u( tbc art'A .rewcu ind W.c up a htW 11e1IV1t)' tlk.c: ~now bucmg.

,01, l;.ny Ult_\: Uif~dtJ,,,.,, I/It ~-~,c 10 .,i:o /IN 1.<""1 ,111i>nrunm11r1 Ill 11tr Crot'#rd'.Alniroret1 ' l.'maillrml"rlSp<tm F.d1wr.A11m, W(l(tl],al unth1tl<tl11(c..r~tu wllh a""1l'Vtln 111ttfHu»u.


Quick Hits

Emery's Restaurant now open Emery·, Rct1.ou.rwu, 11udcn1,tun and opcllltc.d, opened ():1. S At..:'l'lt\11"1 to CuUIIJI') AIU 11'1\Ulllttur R.ictwd Sdw.ltt, 1hc ~;11ur;1111 n I opcct '° \l.udt-n~ ~•« w r.:uh> En11rey'~ whl(:h 1• Joc,111.Cd up!,r.a11.,, iA the U«IJunJ 81uldJng. <a\'C'\ J'*.'W. Wldwkhtc and Allldi, A.\ dw: '>t:lnC.\lC:r c:(lllllooc:!1. En)CI')''' -,u

1,(C'Ve, moce complc:i 100(.k in,-ulvlng ..autc und dl.\rt,n:,ilin.,, 11k' mlol.au12nt b II pla«: '°' aal111.'II)' Mb ,u.dc:nt1 ta rccct,e b:ickgiwnd tnformatioa aa 1hc:. rood Kt"il:c 1ndu1try end Wti(llion. e~·a»open II t1.m.to l p.m, T11Nb)'tolt1Thu1111Jat" Roc:rvMlillfl' .ue v.--cl,comcd. 769-776~

Spokane Symphony to perform al NlC

The- Spob11e S>mphony ,u prdnrm .11 SchuJ~r Auditorium ()Cl Soiu,r,,tay Ort 9 at I p.m. 1~ work, or B«chQ'llcn wdl futured Tht g1JCS1 arttt-1 for the e,'cnlng will bi: pillllhl tc~ Wit,.c,n. Tltd;rt, .tte m tur aelc:cccd \Wing, Sib f(lr ~~rat IM!nu.\.Ul,n imd »f0t1'wdcnc.\1mclcr 18. ll'lfomlAl ioci:769 -7780

IComing Attractions******

a Scpl. 24-Zi,

JddcJ w!1cn ydu.r bill 1, not p11.ld 1n full 1tc1tin1 .t nc'III' job.

6. KOO\\' )'Our Cft'dH end tnhHCl l r11 tc. \latrmut due nnd 1:ttdh limit

LEACH: People need 10 be occouniablc

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