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Numerical performance indicators are represented over the 3 years 2019-2021, with some references in the text to a wider period, in order to enable an evaluation of the trend of performances since the start of the GRI project. The information is reported in a clear and balanced way and the language used, supplemented where necessary by some explanatory notes, allows it to be understood even by a not strictly technical public. The treatment of environmental aspects is organized according to thematic strands (materials used - waste; energy consumption - atmospheric emissions; water consumption – waste water) which make reading more effective. As far as the report boundary is concerned, there are no significant exclusions, especially after the extension of the scope to commercial, financial and service companies; the closure of one of the factories, which took place at the end of 2021, has no impact on the reporting period and the same is therefore reasonably included until the end of the period, also with regard to personnel data. Both the standard disclosure and the representation of the indicators show a good degree of consistency with the requirements of the GRI Standards guidelines, with further progress compared to previous years, although there are still some limited margins for improvement.

In some cases the indicators are reported in a more exhaustive and complete way than the minimum requirement of the Standards (e.g. energy, waste water), referring to previous and more articulated versions of the GRI standards or, as in the case of the value generated and distributed, to other authoritative sources in the field of sustainability communication (Social Report Group), without however derogating from the completeness of the information required by the reference standard. With regard to some indicators, characterized by the absence of certain facts or events (e.g. absence of party funding, absence of various types of sanctions, absence of discrimination cases), given the difficulty in verification, it was requested to produce declarations the management of the companies or BAs being audited. The data collection and data processing system is sufficiently well-structured and documented at the central level and has been improved at the local level, even if from the verifications carried out on the sample sites some margin for improvement is confirmed, especially with respect to foreign sites.

The audits carried out confirm some specific margins for improvement of limited relevance, inherent, for example, to the homogeneity in the collection of data in different contexts even in the face of very different regulations (e.g. classification and destination of waste, accidents) or to some insubstantial details on the reporting methods (eg water stress, training by employee categories). More generally, it is recommended to pursue further the constant improvement of the data management system, especially as regards the information transmitted to foreign sites regarding the criteria for data collection and the checks to be carried out on the collected data.

Conclusions and asseveration The verification of the “Sustainability Report of Radici Group” (Italian version) concerning the year 2021 has not given rise to any significant issues, neither as regards compliance with the principles of the guidelines of the GRI Standards, nor as regards its content in terms of reported information or Performance Indicators, while still leaving some room for improvement. In view of the above, the Sustainability report of Radici Group relating to the year 2021 is declared to be asseverated to the “core” option requirement level of the GRI guidelines.

July 21st, 2022

____________________________ Certiquality S.r.l. The President Cesare Puccioni

Disclosure 102-3

Registered Office (Parent Company) Radici Partecipazioni S.p.A. Via Verdi 11 24121 - Bergamo, Italy Administrative Head Office (Parent Company) Radici Partecipazioni S.p.A. Via Ugo Foscolo, 152 24024 - Gandino (BG) – Italy Operating Head Office (Parent Company) Radici Partecipazioni S.p.A. Via Ca’ Antonelli, 55 24024 - Gandino (BG) – Italy To learn more about the Sustainability Report: Disclosure 102-53

Communication & External Relations Via Ca’ Antonelli, 55 - 24024 - Gandino (BG), Italy tel: +39 035 71 54 11 - communication@radicigroup.com

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