now online www.radelast.com
RadiciGroup Introduces a New Website for its RadElast® Elastane Fibre Product Line June 28, 2010 RadiciGroup announced that its brand website dedicated to RadElast® — the elastane (spandex) fibre product line manufactured by its American subsidiary RadiciSpandex Corporation — is now online. The intuitive and agile design of the new website allows for a faster, more fluid browsing experience. The site can be reached through a link from the website radelast.com. With just a few mouse clicks directly from the homepage menu, users can access all the information in any of the five main sections: About us, Products, Markets, News&Events, and Contacts. Furthermore, through the Markets&Brands channel selector, the user can jump to the Internet sites dedicated to the Group’s business areas (Chemicals, Plastics, Fibres and Textiles) and the various RadiciGroup products/brands (radicigroup.com). The graphic layout, which was inspired by the RadElast® elastane fibre application markets, makes a strong impact. “The market we operate in is in continuous evolution,” said Kim Hall, RadiciSpandex Marketing Manager. "Taking advantage of an immediate tool like the web to communicate and interact with our current, as well as prospective customers, is essential. Our starting point is the customer, and thus we have developed our new website around our customers’ needs. In this new virtual space, we will be able to share information on our products as well as new developments and innovations in the RadElast® world that will be of interest to the market, and infor-
mation on our company and our Group, one of the leading Italian chemical multinationals with a vertically integrated nylon production chain.” “Establishing strong brand visibility for the Radelast® product line is part of one of our plans for restructuring and consolidating our Group’s presence in the US,“ said Danilo Micheletti, RadiciGroup Chief Operating Officer for North America. “The US market is showing positive signs of recovery and, at the same time, its structure is changing, perhaps becoming more attractive for us than ever before, both in the synthetic fibres and the plastics business areas. We have operated in the US market since 1998 through Radici Plastics USA, a subsidiary that produces and sells polyamide engineering plastics. Now thanks to this company’s recent acquisition of American compounder Michael Day, we have become part of the world automotive suppliers pool. The automotive sector, together with the electrotechnical/electronic sectors, is the most important outlet market for our polyamide engineering plastics. In May 2010, the US auto market reported a 19% increase in sales compared to May 2009. If, on top of this, we take into account other economic indicators such as GDP growth and a lower unemployment rate, we have reason to look at the future with more
optimism .” “Furthermore, since 2001, when RadiciSpandex was created and the production of elastane fibres began,” Micheletti continued, “our Group has strengthened its position in the US market in other sectors, such as apparel, furnishings, medical and hygiene/sanitary. In all these markets connected to the fibres area, as well as in those connected to the plastics area — from automotive to the electrotechnica/electronics and industrial sectors — we can synergistically exploit our competencies, know-how and raw materials vertical integration, which are the hallmarks of our Group. We are now focusing our efforts and resources on developing targeted products that can meet the new and ever more specific requirements of these markets. Lastly, it is worth mentioning that also present in the US is Itema America Inc, a subsidiary of the Itema Group, leader in the textile machinery industry, which has business ties with RadiciGroup. Just last month we participated in the ATME-I MEGATEX 2010 fair together with Itema Group.” “Our spandex fibres are used in a variety of industries,“ Kim Hall said, “ from apparel (sportswear, intimate apparel, hosiery, swimwear, and ready-to-wear) to furnishings, industrial, and medical/hygiene. RadElast® characteristics meet the strictest technical and performance specifications in terms of duration, quality and resistance, making these fibres ideal for any stretch or elastic application. The Products section of the new site makes available all the information needed to give the user the most complete overview possible of what RadiciGroup (radicigroup.com) has to offer. We are proud of our new website, which was designed to strengthen our communications portfolio and increase service to our customers and the market.”
Elastane (spandex) fibres used for activewear, swimwear, intimateapparel, shapewear, ready-to-wear, narrow fabrics, hosiery and socks , industrial, diapers and other healthcare applications.
RADICIGROUP is one of Italy's leading chemicals multinationals, a diversified group specializing in chemicals, plastics, synthetic fibres and textiles. One of the Group’s key strengths is the synergistic vertical integration of its polyamide production chain. RadiciGroup products are exported all over the world and are widely used in applications such as apparel, sports, furnishings, automotive, electrical/electronics and household appliances _ www.radicigroup.com . RadiciGroup, with its Chemicals, Plastics, Synthetic Fibres and Textiles Business Areas, is part of a larger industrial group that also includes Textile Machinery and Energy businesses _ www.radici.com
RADICI PARTECIPAZIONI SPA Operating headquarters: Via Ca’ Antonelli, 55 - 24024 Gandino (BG) - IT Tel. +39 035 715411 - Fax +39 715 616 e-mail: voices@radicigroup.com Administrative headquarters: Via Ugo Foscolo, 152 - 24024 Gandino (BG) - IT
VOICES - Managing Editor: Filippo Servalli Editor: Cristina Bergamini Art Direction: MoltiMedia.it Editorial Property: Radici Partecipazioni S.p.A.
registrazione del Tribunale di Bergamo n.16 del 16/4/1996