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Installations, Dedications, and Special Events
Installations, Dedications & Special Events
Chamois Memorial Day Fenton Hawaiian Shirt Night
Fenton Lodge 281 continued the tradition of Hawaiian Shirt Night on June 26, 2020 for the last meeting of the Masonic Year. This is the 20th year for this event, started by the Secretary, RWB Jeff Howard, when he was WM in 2000.
Osage Installation

On Saturday, May 23, 2020, members of Chamois Lodge 185, Chamois American Legion Post 506, family members, and friends placed flags on Veterans’ graves at 13 cemeteries in Chamois, Morrison, Gasconade, St. Aubert, and Deer Creek.

Samaritan Scholarship

Osage Lodge 303 Officers for the year 2020-2021 were installed on September 8, 2020. Pictured are: Bottom row (L to R): Carl Brewer (Tiler), Frank Caliguire (JW), Michael Fields (WM), WB Courtney Black (SW), WB Eddie Deming (JS), and WB Eric Tabor (Mar). Middle row: RWB Bill Martin (Chap), RWB Chris McLemore (Treas), Charles Wackerly (JD), Matthew West (SD), and WB David Grubb (Sec). Top row is DDGM Randy Marti.
Fraternal Installation
Samaritan Lodge 424 awarded two graduating seniors from North County High School with the annual Linda Wheatley Scholarships of $500 each. The recipients were Jillian Wruck and Les Copeland. The money is raised from the Lodge’s annual golf tournament at the Terre Du Lac Country Club. This is our eighth year of giving and we look forward to next year’s event.

The Installation of Officers of Fraternal Lodge 363 took place on September 1, 2020. RWB Russell Humphrey (top left), was installed as Worshipful Master for the 4th time at Fraternal [1983, 1995, 2011, 2020].
Comstock 50 Year Pin Conway Installation
On the evening of August 31, 2020, Brother Tom Comstock received his 50-year Jewel at Strafford Lodge 608 in Strafford, MO. The presentation was made by RWB Rick Thompson, DDGM of the 35th Masonic District of Missouri. Brother Comstock was pinned by his wife, Becky. In an open installation held on August 15, 2020, the 2020 - 2021 Officers of Conway Lodge 528, located in Lebanon, Missouri, were installed. WB Jeff Stokes is the new Worshipful Master.

Installations, Dedications & Special Events
On July 6, 2020, Brother Marvin Dodd of Joplin Lodge 335 was awarded his 50-year member pin. RWB Steve Allgood presided over the ceremony.

On August 6, 2020, St. Francisville Lodge 588 in Wayland, MO presented WB East Burke with his 60-year pin. WB Burke has held every office in the lodge. His cousin Glee Duckworth placed the pin on Brother Burke.

On September 3, 2020, a 60-year pin was presented to RWB James Smallwood at St. James Lodge 230 by RWB James Brand, DDGM of the 29th Masonic District. RWB Smallwood is a Past Master of the Lodge and a Past DDGM of the 29th District.
Mount Washington Installation Fenton Installation
Mount Washington Lodge 614 in Independence, MO held their Installation of Officers on October 10, 2020. WB Christopher Organ was installed as WM.

Spirit of St. Louis Installation
Fenton Lodge 281 held their installation on August 15, 2020. MWB Stanton Brown was Installing WM with RWB Richard Kaeser as Installing Marshal and RWB Ty Treutelaar as Installing Chaplain. WB Wayne Jones was installed as WM with WB John Brand as SW and Nathaniel Brand as JW.

Fair Haven’s Children’s Home CAP
On September 19, 2020, Spirit of St. Louis Lodge 27 held their Installation of Officers at Gardenville Temple in St. Louis. Installed were: RWB Darrel Curtis (WM), WB Steve Paglusch (SW), Brother Ian Koster (JW), RWB Floyd Ward (Chap), Brother Fred Helvey (Mar), Brother Ben Gokenbach (SD), and WB Gilbert Watson (Tiler). On August 4, 2020, WM Dave Bagdonas of Strafford Lodge 608, in conjunction with the Cruisers Unit of Abou Ben Adhem Shrine Temple, University Lodge 683, Hazelwood Lodge 459, Plato Lodge 469, Mount Olive Lodge 439, Missouri Ridge Runner Scottish Rite Club, and the Masonic Home of Missouri, presented checks totaling $4,000.00 to Mr. Barney Crawford, Executive Director of the Fair Haven Children’s Home.

Installations, Dedications & Special Events
On July 16, 2020, Greenville Lodge 107 honored Greenville resident, Carrol Lee “Pix” McLane on 60-years of Masonic service to their lodge. There On August 20, 2019, Brother Richard McFall were over fifty people present to help McLane On July 13, 2020, Kirkwood Lodge 488 pre- and his wife Juanita drove from Branson to St. celebrate the evening. After a potluck dinner, sented a 50-year pin to WB Richard Watts. Louis in order to receive his 50-year pin from his RWB Ted Marlow made the pin presentation to RWB Miguel White made the presentation. friend of many years, MWB Richard Smith. Brother McLane,
St. James Installation Table Rock Installation

St. James Lodge 230 held their Installation of Officers on September 5, 2020 with the following officers: Ronald Lee Townley Jr. (WM), David Scott Coleman (SW), Carl E. Swanson (JW), David W. Watkins Sr. (Treas), Donald H. Vandegriffe (Sec), Wayne B. Fryer (Chap), Isaiah Wills (SD), Troy Ryan Gaddy (JD), James Edward Ashby (SS), Gregory P. Campbell (JS), Gary Wade Wells (Mar), and Gregory Everett Edwards (Tiler).
Sparta Installation

Table Rock Lodge 680’s Installation of Officers was held on September 8, 2020. The officers are as follows: Loren Oden (WM), Terry Bible (SW) Greg Yoder (JW) Glen Rosenberg (Treas), Barry Jenkins (Sec), Robert Brown (SD), Aaron Riley (JD), Fred Ybarra (Chap) and Charles Avery (SS).

Joplin Installation
The Installation of Officers of Sparta Lodge 296 was held on August 23, 2020. Pictured are: Front Row (L–R): WB Dave Collignon (Sec), WB Roy Meadows (Treas), WB Chuck Oheim (JD), WB J. Neal May (Inst Mar), RWB Dale Roller (WM), WB Troy Steinert (Mar), B Zach Hartgraves (SS), Brother Kevin Brittain (JW), WB Leister Bowling (Tiler). Second Row (L-R): Brother Joe Pierce, Brother Rob Guinther (Chap), RWB Randall J. Jones (Inst Master), Brother Eric Gann (JS). Third Row (L-R): Brother Dan Dove (SD), WB D. Craig Dunn (Inst Chap). On August 3, 2020, Brother Craig Ramsay was elected and installed as Worshipful Master for 2020-2021 at Joplin Lodge 335. RWB Steve Allgood presided at the Installation.

Installations, Dedications & Special Events
Goldsmith 60 Year Pin Sullivan Installation
WB John E. Goldsmith received his 60-year pin at Texas Lodge 177 in Houston, MO on the evening of August 19, 2020. The acknowledgment of his service to the Masonic Fraternity for 60 years was made by RWB Rick Thompson, DDGM of the 35th Masonic District of Missouri.

The Annual Installation of Officers at Sullivan Lodge 69 was held on September 4, 2020. Pictured are (L to R): Back Row, Installing officers: WB Mike Romanoskie, RWB Warren Dixon, RWB Steve Lynn; Middle Rows, Officers: James Stanley Bell III, RWB Ray Wise, Daniel Caleb King, WB Tom Holland, Stanley Bell, Jeff Watson, Tom Carmen, RWB Bob Martin, Charles George Peters; Front Row, Officers: WB Vernon Graven, WM Jerry Rose holding gavel, RWB Larry Loomis.
Naphtali and Wentzville Installations
Naphtali Lodge 25 and Wentzville Lodge 46 held their open installations together on Saturday, August 1, 2020 at the Wentzville Masonic Temple. The newly installed Worshipful Masters were: for Wentzville 46, WB Joe Stewart, and for Naphtali, WB Mike Smith.

Laclede Installation Bee Hive Installation
In an open installation held on August 15, 2020, the 2020 - 2021 Officers of Laclede Lodge 83 in Lebanon, MO were installed with WB Tim Southard as the Worshipful Master.

On August 9, 2020, the officers for 2020-2021 of Bee Hive Lodge 393 in Lawson, MO were installed by RWB Art Gentry. WB James E. Adams was installed as Worshipful Master.
Strafford Lodge Awards
WB Rick Anderson was presented a plaque as the outgoing Treasurer, WB David Bagdonas was presented with a Past Master Certificate and WB Elmer Scott received his 50-year Masonic Membership Jewel at Strafford Lodge 608 in Strafford, MO by WM Rick Headlee on the evening of September 24, 2020. WB Anderson’s performance during his 8-year period as Treasurer was truly outstanding. WB Bagdonas’s leadership allowed the lodge to move forward during COVID 19. The presentation was made by RWB Rick Thompson, DDGM of the 35th Masonic District of Missouri.

Installations, Dedications & Special Events
Elvins Ionic Lodge 154 in Desloge, MO presented Brother James Lynch his 50-year pin. He was pinned by his wife, Connie Lynch.

Adair Lodge 366 was honored to present a 50year service award to WB William “Bill” Castles on August 11, 2020.

Clintonville Lodge 482 of El Dorado Springs presented a 50-year award to Brother Galen Gazaway, who is a 50-year Mason with the Grand Lodge of Illinois, currently residing at Community Springs Healthcare in El Dorado Springs, MO.
Henderson 447 CAP/PTA Shoe Drive
Four years ago, Henderson Lodge 447 started a project with the local PTA in Rogersville, MO. The PTA manages the LR Wildcat Closet for the school district to allow those in need to acquire shirts, pants, coats, shoes, etc. when needed. They indicated that their real need was shoes. This year, after a couple months of fundraising with churches, local businesses, and individuals, we raised over $2500 and with help of matching from the Masonic Home of Missouri’s Create-a-Partnership program, we managed to double the fundraiser to purchase $5000 worth of shoes.

Fraternal Lodge Backpack Program Excelsior Installation
On September 24 2020, WM Russell Humphrey of Fraternal Lodge 363 in Robertsville, MO presented a $3000 check to the Gray Summit Methodist Church Secretary, Teresa Pich, for the Backpack Program that serves Robertsville and other elementary schools in Franklin County. Funds from Fraternal 363 were matched by the Creating a Partnership Program of the Masonic Home of Missouri. The annual Installation of Officers for Excelsior Lodge 441 was held on September 20, 2020 at the Masonic Temple in Jackson, MO. Officers installed were: Dan Koch (WM), Mike Massey (SW), RWB Wayne Godwin (JW), W. Darryl Spurlock (Sec), Aric Johnson (Chap), Brad Patterson (Mar), Les Tainter (SD), Justin Conklin (JD), Billy Thorne (SS), and Jeff Lucas (JS). Other officers are: W Bill Tucker (Treas), and Bobby Thorne (Tiler). Installing team was: RWB Johnny Schlenker, Master; RWB Dave Ramsey, Chaplin; and RWB Wayne Landis, Marshal.