Missouri Freemason Magazine - v65n04 - 2020 Summer

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A Message from the Grand Master Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated economic turmoil, the Grand Lodge has determined that it is unwise to hold a full session of our Grand Lodge for the year 2020. Whether you believe that the response recommended by the CDC and local jurisdictions to the COVID-19 threat is appropriate or not, I cannot risk the health and welfare of our craft. I am sure you understand that the welfare of the 30,000+ Masons in the State of Missouri must take precedence. At the time of this writing, there are increased reporting of new cases of COVID-19 in the state and nationwide. With the uncertainty of the possible imposition of additional restrictions or of extending existing restrictions, it would be impossible to adequately plan events that far in the future. While we all hope and pray that our current situation will end soon, we just do not know. After multiple discussions regarding the topic and considering multiple scenarios, it was unanimously decided that we would hold a 1 day session and do all required tasks of the Grand Lodge. How many and who will be able to attend will be determined by existing restrictions at the time of our Annual Communication. The goal is to have every lodge represented with full participation by Grand Lodge members. Exactly what the session will look like is still to be determined due to the fluidity of the situation, however, there will be no social events, vendors or invited guests from sister jurisdictions. As you can imagine, this decision was extremely difficult for our line and especially for me. Because of my participation in multiple national bodies, I was looking forward to welcoming visitors from all over the country and England whom I have had the privilege to get to know. I have had many inquiries into the possibility of resuming the conferral of degrees and resuming “normal” local lodge functions and activities. I have had multiple conversations with the Grand Lecturer and many others in trying to find a way to safely confer

our degrees and protect our members and candidates. Nothing fits our needs. If you think about it, our degrees were never designed to make a Master Mason in 30 days. There was always a requirement that the person experiencing those degrees had the instruction as to what Freemasonry is and the significance of what he experienced in the preceding degree as well as to prepare him for the next degree. “Wait a time with patience” should sound familiar. Use the “down time” as an opportunity to socialize with the candidate and his family. Make use of the time between degrees to truly educate and impart understanding and excitement. I have seen several posts on Facebook showing lodges having meetings and other gatherings. Most appeared to have followed my edict to social distance and if not, wear a face covering. Several though have not. It is concerning to me because not only did they not follow my edict but chose to put some in attendance at risk. No face covering and no distancing. Some appeared to have compromised health issues. I strongly encourage following CDC and local mandates with regard to safety. It is not a political statement, it is a matter of protecting one another’s health.

Stanton T. Brown II Grand Master 2019-2020

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