A. 1f.
ST. LOUIS, OCT. 10, A. D. 1876; A. L. 5876.
The l\Iost Worshipful Grand
Lod~e of
Free and Accepted l\{asolls, held its Fifty-sixth Annual Communication in Freemasons' Hall, St. Louis, commencing Tnesday morning, October 10, A. D. 1876; A. L. 5876, at 10 o'clock. PRESENT. JAMES E. CADLE 11£ n~ Grand J,lIaster. XENOPHON RyLAND R. w: Deputy Grand Master. THOS. C. READy R. lV: 8en'Lor G1'and lVarden. NOAH M. G IVAN R. w: Junior Grand lVarden. WILLIAM N. LOKER............•.•.................... R. W. G'rand Treas'u'rer. DAVID GOODFELLOW as R. W. Grand Sec'retClry. ALLAN McDOWELL R. lV. Grand Lecturer. C. C. WOODS : as Rev. <.t. TVor. Grand Ohaplain. T. O. TOWLES W. G1"and Senio?' Deacon. JAMES R. HARDy n~ Grand J~tnior Deacon. JNO. C. BLOOMFIELD lV. Grancl Marshal. P. P. ELLIS \ as Tf': (-J.rand Steward. BENJ. L. QUARLES as lV. G'rand l::Iteward. WM. C. FOREMAN W. Grand Orator. HORACE W. POCOKE as lV. G'l'and Pursuivant. GEORGE THORP as G'rand Pyle'r.
[Oct. The l\fost "\Vorshipful Grand Lodge was opened in AIHPLE
Prayer by the Grand Chaplain.
The Grand l\iaster appointed Brothers T. C. HARRI~ON , H. BAlTGH and G. \V. l\IITCHELL, 3, Oomulittee on Credentials, who reported the following 183 Lodges repre. rented:
To the Most Pi"'orship!tll Grand Lodge of Missouri:
Your Committee on Credentials submit the following Report: [Those marked with an asterisk (*) are proxies.]
No. 1
Wm. Douglas, W. M. D. N. Burgoyne, S. W.* A.. B. Pearson, J.
. . ..
5 8
. .
12 15 16 17
.. .
18 19
20 22
25 26
. . . . .
. .
29 30 32
Francis Nohl, 'V. M.
A. Bollin, S. W. Ferdinand Cassel, J. W. Martin J. HUbble, W. M. J. G. Crane, 'V. ~I. Richard Trevor, W. M. H. W. Davis, J. W. 'Villiam T. Carter, \V. l\{' J. F. Bennett, W. l\I. W. F. Moore, W. l\L'!垄 E. Scofield, W. ~L C. T. Pepper, W. l\I. ,Yo A. HempbIll, J. W.* E. F. Bright, W. M. fl. P. Long, W. M. T. Stone Howell, J. W. Daniel J. Funk, S. W. Fred. W. Hagenstein, J. W.* Solomon Boehm, W. M. L. F. IVIitchell, J. W. E. J. Gibbs, W. M. F. Beysersborg, J. \V. J. 'V. Brown, W. 1f. J. O. Shaefer, W. }I.* Thomas J. Bandon, W. M. B. T. John, S. W.* H. H. Dickenhorst" W. M.* G. W. Colbert. 8. W. A. ~1ars, 8. W. J. W, McF'arland,J. W.* J. C. Snell, W. M.* H. B. Hamilton, M. E. T. l\tlanchester, J. W.
Grand Lodge of JVIissouri.
JACKSONVILLE BONHOMl\'IE W.I!~NTZVILLE ..•.•••..••••••••...••••.•••••...
.. . .
WESTON •.•••••....•...•••••....•••••...••••.••.•• TIPTON
. .
MONROE .••.•.•••.••••••••••••.• ·••••••
ROCHEFORT . TEBO ·••••• • . SULLIVAN . SAVANNAH . EUREKA . ASHLEy •........•..•••••••••••.•...•....••••••.•• INDEPENDENCE •••••.•.•..•..••••..••••••••• LEBANON . ST. JOSEPH ••••••.••..••.....••......•.•••••.•. POLAR STAR . BRIDGETON ••••••••••.....••..••.•.••••.••.•... HICKORY GROVE . LACLEDE
. ..•...•••••.•• FRIENDSHIP . MADISON . PERSEVERANCE . OANTON •••.••••••.•••••.••••••.••••••••.••••••.•• KIRKSVILLE . GOLDEN SQ,UARE . MA:ROUS . TWILIGHT . VERSAILLES . DE BOTO .
.. . .. ..
. . .
PlICENIX . ORIENTAL . IRONDALE••••••••.•••••••••••••••.••...•.••••••. MODERN .
B. F. Coulter, W. M. James H. Hall, Jr., W. M. 46 James M. Wilson, W. M. W. P. Talley, S. W. E. Mundorf, J. W. 48 B. P. Bailey, W. M. 49 G. W. Mitchell, W. M. 52 B. Magill, W. M. B. Magill, S. W.* 53 J. F. Kenney, W. M. B. F. Newbouse, S. W.* 56 Frazier McVean, W. M. Philip Riley, S. W.* 60 J. C. Reynolds, W. M. 61 James A. Gordon, W. M. H. J. Galbraith, J. W.* 64 J. L. Lyons, W. M. B. O. Wood, S. W.* 67 George W. Prince, W. M. 68 J. G. Middlecoff, S. W. 69 C. E. Prettyman, J. W. 71 B. M. Danford, W. W. 73 J. M. Spencer, W. M. 75 H. E. Elmore, W. M. 76 S. N. Kerr, J. W.* 77 Herman Ferguson, W. M. 78 N. H. Wilmot, S. W. 79 D. S. Crosby, W. M. Jule C. Lachance, J. W. 80 J. H. Garrett, W. M. 81 M. C. Flynt, W. M. E. G. Gant, J. W.* 83 James W. Apling, S. W. 87 H. C. Mead, S. W ..* 89 G. W. Lyon, J .. W. 91 William Hord, W. M. 92 J. A. Dyer, W. l\f. 100 S. W. B. Carnegy, W. M.,i; 105 David Baird, W. M.* 107 Geo. N. Nolan, J. W.* 110 B. F. Kemper, S. W. 114 W. T. Anderson, W. M. 117 B. G. Woods, W. M. 119 E. S. Pyle, W. M. C. Gorham, S. W. 121 F. W. Sennewald, W. M. 122 J. H. Mallory, W. M.* 123 Charles D. Eitzen, W. M. 124 M. V. GreeD, S. W. 128 T. J. Buchanan, W. M. 182 A. Parkhurst, W. M. 133 IN. O. Griffith, W .. M. F. SCOVille, S. W. 136 Ferd. Wenkle, S. W. 141 T. B. Harber, W. M. 143 Calland Arnold, W. M. 144 J. B. Barnett, W. M.
No. 44 45
MCGEE No.146 (JASS ..••.•.........•..................••...•........ 147 LEXINGTON .............•.•.........•..•. 149 MILTON ••.....•.•.•••••.........•...... ••••••.•. 151 BLoonrFIELD....... .•• CONCORD •.•.••.•• ASHLA:ND.....
153 154 156
... •.•... ••••...•. •••••.••••.
159 163
ORIENTAL FRANCAIS..... COLONy............................................ CENSER........ UNION
167 168 172 17:3
!.............................. •........
GRISWOLD ........•••.•••.• .•..•. PlUDE OF THE WEST............ CALIFORNIA................... ...•..... •••••.
178 179 183
SALISBURy.................................... HICKORY HILL............... ROLLA.............................................
GOOD HOPE......... •••......
186 188 189 192 194 195 199 208 211 213 218
225 228
ST. JAMES...................................... WARRENTON
IONIC SEDALIA GRANVILLE......... •••••. ••..•.
•••. ••....
PORTLAND KEYSTONE •.•...... .•••..••... KNOB NOSTER........... ....•. MONTGOMERY OITY•..... ...•••••.••• ROCHESTER ••...... ••••••. ....•.
231 234 235
236 240 212 243 245 246
of tl~e
T. "''''. M. McCormack~ W. ~1. H. Clements, M. H. VV. VVinsor,S. VV. C. W. Grimes, W. ~L J. P. ~leals, s. W. W. R. Slack, M. John B. Henderson, W. M.* H. T. Wright, W. M. James Pilcher, S. W. Edward L. Atkinson, S. W. R. W. Parcell, 'V. M. Goodman King, S. W. R. W.l\lcMulliD, W. ~r. J. Ed. Walker, S. \V.l: J. A. Schultz, ~r. J. S. McReynolds, W. M. S. E. Waggoner, W. M. B. D. Dean, \V. l\tI. John H. Pugh, J. W. A. Titus, W. M. W. T. Old, S. 'V.~ J. "\V. Hulett, J. W.'(. J. M. Rl tchie, 'V. 1\1:. D. P. Weems, S. \V. M. L. Cope, Vl. M. D. W. Sellers, S. W. L. F. Wood, W. l\I. H. J. Ross, S. W.¥ H. J. Ross, J. W.* B. D. Parks, W. M. Thomas Martin, W. M. W. B. Dre~cher, M.* E. Dutton, W. M.o1· John J. Steele, W. M. M. T. Davis, S. W. Wm. G. Weaver, 'V. M.* Geo. W. Vaughan, W. M. J. M. Hamilton, W. M. A. A. Mahan, W. M. J. S. French, J. John L. Murphy, W M. S. E. Licklider, W. M.* J. M. Orchard, W. M. Geo. T. Hill, W. M. "Y. T. Dean, S. W. W. E. Glenn, 'V. M.* C. E. Peers, W. M. F. 1. Tetley, W. M. D. B. West, W. M. G. L. FaUlhaber, W. M. J. T. Hickey, W.:!)!. J. D. Eavens, S. W.* M. Klein, W. :M. W. O. Irish, W. M. V. Hughes, S. W. H. W. Pocoke, W. M. G. M. Lowe, W. M.
Grand Lodge of Missour~i.
HIGH HILL HoPE FLORENCE HOLDEN.............. SOcIAr~ ..•..•
No. 250 251 261 262 266
NEW SALEM............
ST. LODGE Oli' PEACE............ FENTON
273 280
HERl\<tITAGE......... MONITEAU...................................... TEMPLE LICK CREEK
288 295 299 302
303 306 317 323
ASHLAR.......................................... OSBORN.................................. CORNER STONE...
327 331
CHARITy......... CHII.. LICOTHE............
MOBERLy...... FELLO"\"fSHIP....
344 345
TYRIAN............................................ MOSAIC............................................ BEN FRANKLIN.............................
353 354 359
360 363
850 351
.•.••.... ••••••
NONPAREIL... GOLDEN RULE........................
372 374
M. Skinner, W. M. H. W. McPike, J. W. P. P. Ellis, 'V. M. Ingham Starkey, W. M. D. T. Owen, W. M. T. W. Hanes, S. W. W. L. Tribbe, W. M. E. Pipe, S. W. Jno. R. Parson, J. W. W. Dewy, S. W. W. S. Killam, J. W. J. H. Linney, W. M. John Brown, W. M. S. T. Vandover, W. M. G. W. Wyatt, J. W. E. L. Starke, S. W. S. Suss, J. W. ~:r. Niehardt, W. M. C. B. Soott, W. M. 'V. H. PIpkin, W. M. 'V. M. Ely, W. M.* G. W. Stewart, S. W.* T. F. GIll, J. W.* E. E. Kimball, W. M. F. DeWirt, W. M. Josh. Truex, W. M. Jacob Furth, W. M. James A. Smith, Jr., J. W. H. '}'. Smith, W. M. James R. Hardy, W. M. W. M. Dixon, J. W. J. R. Middleton, W. M.-i· J. B. Howerton, W. M. J. J. Featherston, W. M. W. E. Maynard, W. M. W. E. Maynard, S. W.* W. E. Maynard, .T. W.* A. L. McGregor, W. M. T. O. Harrison, J. W.* J. A. Riggan, S. W. Peter Warren, W. M. P. G. Carley, S. W . .T. L. Bennett, W. M. J. M. Riley, W. M. J. L. Thurman W. M. P. R. Dox, S. W.* J. Will. Hull, J. W. John M. Haoker, 'V. M. Henry :B'isher, S. W. D.IC Ponder, W. 1\1:. W. W. Rife, .T. W. O. Hoblitzell, S. W.* R. C. Sedwick, J. W. F. H. Clark, W. M.* John .J. Skinner, W. M.* Silas Carr, S. W. H. W. Pitman, J. W.*
[Oct. QUEEN CITY RICHLAND......... ALEXANDER...... LATI1\-!ER ••• •••.•..•• CENl'fER GAVEL... HUNNEWELL .
No. 380 382 385
395 401
.•• ••••••...
402 ••••
CACHE....................... ITASKA...................... GATE OF THE TEMPLE.................. ••••...•. LEES'i"rLLE............................. LOUISVILLE NEW MADRID........................... ..•.•. IRON MOUNTAIN ••. •••••.••• TUSCUMBIA MT. OLI""E...... .•. ..•••. •.••...•. SA~!ARITAN
415 416 420 422 424 426 428 429
430 437 439 443
GREENFIELD ...•..•••••.....•...•....•.......
446 455 456
J. N. Walker, S. W. D. E. Davis, S. W. W. H. Vincent, -",.T. M, J. H. Baugh, S. W. Jno. E. Barnes, W. M. H. T. Wright, W. M. W. W. Bailey, M. H. R. SouthWick, S.W. George Janes, S. W. D. H. Bartlett, W. M. John E. \Vurtzebach, W.M. George Goerlich, S. W. E. A. FInney, W. M. W. Hutchins, J. ''''". Robert O. Ragan, \V. M. J. R. Tinsley, W. l\.-I. W. R. Mason, W. M. W. A. Stephens, W. ~I. David l\farsball, W.l\f. W. R. Brooks, W. M. John H. I{rippen, W. M. Andrew Clark, J. W. John M. Collins, W. M. J. G. Joyce, S. W.ol: Seymour Ho:yt, J. W. J. B. Wood. S. W. R. F. Wyan, W. M. J. A Ramsey. S. W. S. H. Stephens, J. Thos. Seal, W. M. Michael Foerstel, S. W.ol: A. B. Barbee, J. W.f A. W. Bariteau, W. M.* W. C. Womble, W. M. Quinton WIlson, W.M. B. I. Henderson, S. W. B. L. Q,uarles, W. M. Henry T. MUdd, W. M, R. M. Henderson, S. W. W. A. Ross, J. \V. W. M. Baker, W. M.
NODOWAY....................................... NINEVAH
GUILFORD.................. RACINE
470 473 474 478
CLINTON •••••. ••••.. ••••. •..••• ••..•• KIRKWOOD......................................
J. R. Turner, Joseph Foster,
Samuel H. Owens, S. W. B. Carnegy,
John W. Luke, John D. Vincil.
Martin Collins,
A. M. Dockery,
Allan L. McGregor.
(Who are not Representatives of Lodges.) J. J. McElwee, No. 14. Lee A. Hall, No. 17. H. 3. Ross, No. 183. Josiah Ivey, No. R8. C. O. Rainwalter. No. 443. J. R. Middleton, No. 333. J. E. Carter, No. 43. A. M. Britton, No.16B. Henry M. Rhodus, No. 79. O. Davis, No. 114. W. R. Stubblefield, No.16S. A. W. Barriteau, No. 470. W. W. Bailey, No. 402. O. F. Alden, No. 243. W. E. Glenn, No. 230. J. R. J!'riend, No. 282. M. Cooke, No. 267. Wm. B. Hancock, No. 179. Edward Nathan, No. 420. .r:J.VI. Harklerodes, No. 267. J. A. H. Lampton, No.9 Adolph Kleintopf, No. 420. S. O. BUDn, No. 360. H. F. Hoppius, No. 179. W. C. Foreman, No.lSB. Isaiah Forbes, No.1. D. W. Saddler, No. 79. Morris Jacks, No. 323. Jno. S. Reed, No. 443. C. P. Evered, No. 246. D. Newman, No. 149. W. H. Muzzy, No. 46. O. S. Williams, No. 401. J. B. Austin, No. 163. S. B. Potter, No. 267. Rob't Lyle, No. 282. R. U. Leonori, No.9. Wm. C. Defriez, No. i9. W. O. Watts, No. 79.
Fraternally submitted, T. C. HARRISON, .rOHN H. BAUGH, G. W. MITCHELL, Con~mittee.
of the
The Grand l\Iaster deliYered the following .A.ddresR : BRETHREN OF THE GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI:
We meet again in Annual ConlmunicatioD, to transact the business of the Grand Lodge and interchange fraternal greetings. Let us first offer up the aspirations of grateful hearts to the Great Ruler or the Universe, for the blessings, we have enjoyed during the past year. While storms and tornadoes have swept over portions of our jurisdiction since ,ve last met, adding terror and distress to the usual list of ca~tlalties, and while here and there a faithful sentinel has falleD,-thanks be to a merciful Providence,-we are again permitted to assenlble in this sacred retreat of friendship and virtue." The bountiful ;yield of earth gives us jo:r, in anticipa.. tion of future abundance; and, brethren, in the joy of my heart I greet you all with a fra,ternal welcome. U
The absence of Rigbt Worshipful Brother GOULEY, Grand Secretary, on account of sickness, is to be seriously regretted. and our s~~mpathies are extended to him in his seyere aftliction. I am glad, however, to say to the Grand Lodge that his recovery to health is confidently expected at an early day.
We have ended the lal,>ors of another year, and now meet to take council and prOVide for tbe future great work of Masonry. During our britd stuyand deliberations as a Grand Body, we lay the foundation for the next year's work; and in proportion as our actions are wise and prudent, will the Craft be benefited. 'rhe work here done ma!tes its impress throughout the entire ju risdiction. The work before us, brethren, challenges our highest efforts, enlists all our energy, and should secure an entire devotion. \Vhen we return to our respective lodges, our brethren anxiously look to us for instruction. Let not this laudable desire be disappoin ted. Let us labor while in attendance at the Grand Lodge to become not onlj'~ more efficient in the work and lectures, but more fanliliar with the great fundamental truths taught in ~lasonry. Encourage higher thoughts, fuller conceptions of the sublime teachings of our institulions. We are accompliblllng a great work, not us rapidly as we should, but slowly, and, I tlust, sUleJy. Wberever affliction and distre~s are found, there, too, should be the votarI~s of Masonry, wi th the hand of mercy out~tretcbed, ready to bind up the hroken hearted, soothe the oftlicted, and give aid to t.he needy. The noblest heroes of earth are those who bare their breasts to the storms of adversity, and, though wounded on'every side, distressed and persecuted by those" who put a penny in the urn of poverty and take a shilling out," yet never falter in the perfolmance 01 the duty of carrying consolation to the distressed and afflicted of earth. The noble work of Ollr institution is felt and acknowledged, and this will attract attention more closely to each individual member. And as our institution will always be judged. by the conduct of its members, it is imp01."tant that our U daily walk and COllvelsation" should be Cil'COIDbpect, ~lld in conformity to our teachings. Then will all the malignant darts hurled at us fall harmless at our feet.
I need not remind the Grand Lodge of the great amount of labor required of the Grand Master. Energetic and prompt action are demanded at his hands, in order that the Craft may not go astray. I have given all the attention to the duties devolving upon me that my business would permit, and only regret that I have accomplished so little good.
I have occasionally been called upon to perform official acts that under other circumstances I would have gladly avoided, but duty and the responsibility of my office would not allow of hesitation where I believed the interest of the Craft required decisive action. In localities where I have found discoru, I have almost invariably found that it resnlted from failure to enforce the law-a mistaken kindness, which always works injury. "He that's merciful unto the bad, is cruel to the good." The only safety is in a firm, dispassionate and impartial enforcelnent of law. Let this be done and you cure路a large number of evils no,v atfectlng some of our lodges. Let the brethren exert every energy to keep our institution pure and its escutcheon untarnished, by eliminating every un"torthy element and all defective material that might mar the beauty, destroy the harmony or deform the symmetry of our grand moral Masonic edifice, and we shall soon realize in its fullest seDse "How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in uni ty."
FO REIGN REPRESENT.A.TIVES. In order to fill vacancies occasioned b3T death, as well as to fill positions created by recent recognitions of Grand Lodge, I have ordered con1nlissions to be issued to the followIng distinguished brethren, as representatives near their respective Grand Lodges, viz.: Most Worshipful Brother ISRAEL W. POWELL, for British Columbia. Most Worshipful Brother W. C. CLARK, for Manitoba. Most Worshipful Brother JOHN H. GRAHAM, for ~uebec. Most Worshipfnl Brother JAMES !{. KERR, for Canada. :Most Worshipful Brother THOS. Ii:. BROWN, for Dakotah. Worshipful Brother HENRY L. CARVER, for Minnesota. Right Worshipful Brother WJ.\!. R. SINGLETON, for District of Columbia, 'Vice Most Worshipful Brother BENJ. B. FRENCH, Past Grand Master of that Grand Lodge, H,nd a Ilfe-long adherent of the principles of our Institution, beloved and respected by the entire Craft to the day of his death. Right Worshipful Brother JOHN M. TODD, for Kent.ucky, vice Right Worshipful Brother J. M. S. MCCORKLE, the Grand Secretary, who died in office 路 March 5, 1875, aged seven ty-six years, whose death we mourn, and whose position as a learned, zealous and enlightened Oraftsman it will be difficult to till. His death was a National Masonic loss.
Right Worshipful Brother CHARLES INGLESBY, for South Carolina, vice Most \Vorshipful Brothel' ROBER'!' S. BRUNS. Past Grand Master, whose memory we revere as a ripe scholar, a devoted Craftsman, an honest man, and an expel'ienced workman. We extenu to these afIiicted sister jurisdictions our sincere sympathies in the great loss they have suffered.
I appointed Brother DAN OARPENTER to fill tbe vacancy in the Thirteenth District, and before the clo~e of the year, on account of failing health, at his request, I appointed Brother B. F. RECORDS. Brother JOHN DRE in the Second, and Brother C. S. BRYAN in the Thirty-first Districts, on account of bUSiness engagements, declined to serve; I appointed Brother "\V"1\-1. B. DRESCHER for the Second and Brother J. M. RITCHIE in the Thirty-first District. I relieved Brother LEAYITT in the ThirtIeth District, at his own request, and appointed Brother Z. 1\-1. ROUNTREE. I take pleasure in testifying to the faithfulness and efficiency of these appointees. They are the right men in the righ t place.
DECISIONS. I have made numerous decisions during the year. Most of them, how.. ever, are covered fully by our law, and the section and page was pointed out which was all that was necessary. I shall present to the Grand Lodge but fe";' decisions:
FIRST-QUESTION OF RESIDENCE. Fraternal Lodge, No. 363, makes the following staten1en t: "We have received a petition for initiation from a gentleman who has no located residence, no home. Are we right in claiming jurisdiction over him ?/'
Answer-a No; return his petition." I have had, during the year, numerous questions on this sUbject-some-
times asking special permission to recei'Ve and confer degrees on transient men; sometimes stating that the residence of the party was as much in their jurisdiction as any place. I have always replied that the Grand Master could not set aside law; and if it be a question of fact as to residence, the lodge must be the judge of that fact, and be responsible to the Grand Lodge for its action.
SECOND. "Can a lodge try a member for unmasonic conduct which occurred while he was Master?" Answer-" The Worshipful Master is amenable to the Grand Lodge for his actions dnring his office. After his term expires, and he is no longer .Master, he is amenable to the lodge for unmasonic conduct, and can be tried by hIS lodge, although the acts complained of occurred while he was Master. 1
Can a member, who is on trial, employ a profane as counsel? "
Answer-" I know of no law permitting profanes to practice before our lodges."
Loclge of Missouri.
FOURTI-I. A brother makes the following statement, in substance: Some seven or eight years ago our lodge conferred the degrees upon a man who waR thought to be a sober, upright citizen. Soon after receiving the degrees he began to drink, and became a confirmed drunkard. Ha~ removed from our jurisdic.. tion; was drunk and helpless almost a year before he left. The brethren divided in opinion about the proper course. Some claim that it is unreasonable fot' the lodge to render the brother assistance, as he has violated the laws of Masonry. In answer to this case I cited decision 7, page 40, Book of Constitutions, which declares, "A member cannot be deprived of his Masonic privileges without a jail' trial." This never having taken place he is a member of the lodge, entitled to all the privileges and rights of Masonry.
'Vhen a lodge fails to enforce law, it must bear the responsiblity. Other lodges may partially protect themselves against the vicious by interposing objections to their visiting, but the lodge where he holds his membership must alone be responsible. Every lodge is supposed to be the exponen t of Masonic virtues in its community, and when it fails to meet the requirements it is the duty of the Grand Lodge to interpose and pnt a stop to the farcical promUlgatIOn of the cardinal virtues. On the 6th of April I received, througb Right Worshipful W. W. GRIFFIN, Dlstriot Deputy Grand Master of Forty-first District, complaint of Chapman Lodge, No. 95, V8. Union Lodge, No. 480, for giving Masonic burial to a non-
affiliated Mason, it (Union Lodge) being fully possessed of the fact of bis nonaffiliation. The Worshipful Master, in his letter to Right Worshipful Brotlher GRIFFIN, seemed desirous of further correspondence with the Grand Master, and I Indicated my willingness to hear all he had to say; but up to the present time have had nothing from him. The papers in this case are herewith sUbmitted, marked" A." Numerous complaints have been presented to me during the year In regard to the loose manner of carrying out our rules and laws in regard to non-affiliated Masons, and in Inany localities but little attention is paid to this law; especially is this the case at funerals. I have availed my. self of this case to lay the matter before the Grand Lodge, and see if it is the desire to make any changes in the law, or have it more uniformly enforced•
•JURI~DICTION. Valley Lodge, No. 413, received a petition and conferred the first, degree on a man who had previously been initiate.;1. in a lodge in Ohio. I declared their actlon iJIegal, and ordered further proceedings in the case suspended un til a waiver of jurisdiction was obtained. There has been almost constant complaint dllrlng the year of invasion of jurisdictIon among the lodges. Most of the cases have been adjusted in a satisfactory manner, b~· the aid of my DistrIct Deputy Grand Masters. There is too little attention paid to this law. Every lodge during the year charged with trespassing on the jurisdIction of another has presen ted an excuse more or less plauslble, and it is frequently impossible for the Grand Master to tell where the fault is. There is in this question alone material enough to give the Grand Master almost constant employment. If lodges will not respect each others rights, there should be an example made to teach them that the Grand Lodge law on this subject is not meaningless.
ProoeerZings of the 'l'HE NE\V YORK
The Grand Lodge Law of New York requires that before a dimit can be is.. sued the petition of the party asking for dimit must be presented to some other lodge for membership. There is an apparen t conflict between our law and the law of New York on this subject, which I have been called on to reconcile. FInding the decision made by Most Worshipful Brother ANDERSON on the '.M':assachusetts law did not fully cover the grounds, I decided that the petition could be received on the certificate of the Secretary of the lodge stating that the petitioner was a member in good standing, and that dimit would be issued on notice of the petition being received, and let dimit be s,ent to lodge before the ballot was taken. (See p. 26, sec. 8.)
AURORA LODGE, NO. ~67. I received a letter from Brother TRIBBE, Worshipful Master of AurOl'a Lodge, through Right Worshipful Brother STUBBLEFIELD, with the following statement:
" A. THOMPSON was elected to receive his third degree January 6, 1871; that on the following night this degree was conferred on him at the LOdge of Instruction, Corner-stone Lodge being opened for that purpose. l'11e degree was conferred at thp- request of the then Worshipful Master of Aurora Lodge, but no record was ever made by our Secretary in our minutes, nor did we ever receive a communication from Corner-stone Lodge stating that they did any work for us. The members of Aurora Lodge never voted to request Corner.. stone, or any other lodge, to do this work.." I was asked to decide the status of the case, whether the work was legally done, and, if not., whether the case must be held, and whether the same right of objection obtai ns in Aurora Lodge as before he received the degree. I was compelled under our l~w to decide that the degree was illegally conferred, and the degree being illegally conferred the other questions must be decided in the affirmative. (Page 88.)
On the 23d day of February I received a letter from C. P. GILBERrr, also one from Brother KENNEY, Worshrpfnl :Master of Weston Lodge, No. 53. Their statements were to the follOWing etrBc,t: At a regular meeting c;.f the lodge the ballot was taken on a petition for initiation, and the Worshipful lYlat1ter ordered a second ballot. After the Worshipful Master and Wardens had voted, the Worsllipfull\Iaster recalled the ballot and deferred further action on it, and ordered charges preferred against a roem ber who was in the lodge, and who he said had made a threat to reject all future petitioners. The matter in this shape was presented to me for decision. I decided the action of the Worshipful Master illegal, and that the candidate was r-ejected. The Master had no right to recall the ballot, and the lnenlber, being free from charges at the time, was only exercising a Masonic right to which he was entitled. 1 wish I could end this case here, but soon after thIs I received charges against the Worshipful Master, and, believing the harmony of the lodge could be better preserved, I suspended him from office, and placed the lodge under tile control of the Senior Warden.
of ..i1Ii8sour~i.
Not long after this I recei ved notice that the lodge bad tried and expelled C. P. GILBERT, the party referred to by the Worshipful Master. On the 10th of April I visited the lodge and had a full hearing of the case, but as GILBERT had taken an appeal, and it was evident that nothing I could do would fully settle the matter, I thought best. to let the case conle before the Grand Lodge for :final adj ustmen t. I also received information of the Idnd of material this lodge purposed using in the moral edifice, and on the 20th of June suspended the lodge from further work, and notified the officers to show cause at this Grand Lodge why theIr charter should not be arrested. The papers in the case are herewith snbmitted, marked" B." P. S.-Since making up this report I have learned of the death of C. P. GILBERT.
On the 15th of September I received a statement from Brother J. C. acting Secretary, setting forth the difficulty and trouble in this lodge, in relation to the occupancy of lower rooms of hall building, with' request to lay t)le same before the Grand Lodge, which Is presented marked WILLIAMS,
"C." lTNPLEA::4.A.N'l'
On the 30th of December I visited this lodge, at the request of the Worship!tll Master, and found it involved in debt. Having engaged in an effort to build a hall, contracting more liabilties than the lodge could meet, they had snffered the hall to be 501d, leaving a number of the creditors unprovided for. This had somewhat demoralized the membership of what was at one time a model lodge. I delayed action in this case: but finding no satisfactory evidence of their redeeming their ball, paying off the debts and vindicati<ng the character of Masonry, on the 28th day of January I ordered Brother DOCKERY, D. D. G. M., to arrest the charter and send, with books, etc., to the Grand Secretary.
Most Worshipful Brother LUKE had notified the officers of this lodge to show cause, at the last meetin~ of the Grand Lodge, why their charter should not be arrested; failing to do so, and' being satisfied the lodge was doing no good, I ordered Brother HUNT, D. D. G. M., to arrest their charter and forward to Grand Secretary.
Two of the members of this lodge had a fight, and the lodge enterE'd into the investigation of the matter, and finally failed to find either of them guilty. This was not in conformity with my view of enforcing MasOnic law. There has been so much complaint touching this matter of lax enforcement of law for grave and serious offenses, that in many localities the very best mem....
bers of the lodge are being driven from the lodge in di&gust at the fal"cical ceedings. Believing from what I have learned of this lodge that it was no good, on the 27th of September I ordered Brother SCHAEFER, D. D. G. to arrest their charter and take charge of property and effects of the lOdge.
lSE'V TRIA.LS ORDERED. On the 6th of December I received the prQceedings of a trial in Trowel Lodge, No. 440. The charge contained three specificat.ions, on which the- vote of the lodge was not guilty. The vote was taken on the charge and specifics,.. tions all together, I set the trial aside, and ordered them to proceed with a, new trial. GOLDEN LODGE, NO.
On the 12th day of October this lodge held a regUlar meeting, tried and suspended a melnber, iniLiated acandidate whose petition was due. This was dQing well, considering the Grand Lodge was in session at the same time. I declared their action illegal, and gave them Instructions to remedy the error.
On the 29~h of December this lodge tried and expelled a member. The brother had written the Vlorshipful Master asking for a continuance of the case, being detained at home on accoun t of the sickness of his wife. Believing that no harm could result, and that every brother should have a fair opportunity to be heard in his own defense, especially when his connection with the lodge is about to be severed by expulsion, I set the trial aside and ordered $ new one to be had, at which explanations showed that the trouble had grown out of a business transaction, and was satisfactorily adjusted between the parties: The lodge failed to find the brother guilty, and the meeting wound up with a good old-fashioned love..feast.
On the 21st day of November, 1874, this lodge granted a dimit to one of its melnbers. In August, 1875, he wrote and received a duplicate dimit, having removed to Plattsburg, beIng unable to find the original. On the 4th of September, 1870, charges were preferred against him and he was ex.. pelled by Temperance Lodge, his petitioD at the saine time being in the hands of a comnlittee in Plattsburg Lodge. I declared the action of Temperanoe Lodge illega1 1 and ordered Plattsburg Lodge to proceed to try the case.
'rbis lodge tried and suspended a me:m ber, and it appears that the lodge voted on the charge and specifications all at the same time. But if this was not sufficient, the Secretary certifies that the vote stood twenty-six for and nineteen against suspension. I set the trial aside, and ordered a new one.
Gr'and LocZge of JI!lissouri.
On the 9th of November I received a communication complaining of the of this lodge, touching some Hall Bonds. I ordered Brother lVIIDDLE-
:FFmarked D. D. G. to investigate the matter. "D." On the of February HOD
A full report is herewith submitI received a letter from a commlt-
tee'appointed by this lodge, complaining of Brother MIDDLECOFF'S report last year as District Deputy Grand Master, touching the moral status of the lodge, ,nd asking that circulars be issued and sent to the lodges with their protest. Believing this not to be the proper course t I so advised them, and expressed the opinion that if injustice had been done them, Brother MIDDLXCOFF would oorrect it this year. :My attention has been called to the frequent practice of lodges sending out circulars for hall building, and other purposes. There is too much of this for the good of Masonry. Lodges should be reqUired to lay their clain1. before the Grand Master and have his approval, before appealing to the fraternity for aid in hall building.
Another matter that has caused no little trouble in this jurisdiction, is the heavy debts frequen tly contracted by lodges for building halls and other purposes, and left hanging on the lodge until its usefulness and vitality are destroyed, and the Lodge dies, or its charter is al'rested, leaving the membership in a sadly demoralized coudi tion. I believe thIS evil could be greatly lessened, by the Grand Lodge requiring every lodge to provide for the payment of its debts; and permit no hall to be dedIcated to Masonry, Virtu~, and . Universal Benevolence, until provision has been made for the certain extin... guishment of all debts.
The Proceedings of this Grand Lodge for 1821-2-3 and 4. and for ;1838 have never been published. The manuscript is in the Grand Secretary's office. I deem it a matter of importance to have these proceedings published with the view at the proper time of compiling and publIshing our Grand Lodge history as well as to furnish other Grand Bodies with necessary copies to conlplete their files of our proceedings. I am informed by the Grand Secretary that it will not cost more than betwpen two or three hundred dollars, and I respectfullJ~ recommend that the Grand Secretary be authorized to have the necessary number of each published.
SUIT AGAINST GRAND LODGE. On the 20th day of November I received notice thatsuit had been inst.ituted against the Masonic Hall Association, and fearing the result would effect the Grand Lodge under the double liability law, I wrote Brother ANDERSON, Grand Lodge Attorney, tq look into the matter. On the 6th of Apri~l notice was served ()nme of amotion in the United States Court for an execution against the Grand Lodge as stockholder in the Masonic Hall Association, under the double liabll1tylaw. The case, by arrangement, was managed by Judge DRYDEN, Brother ANDERSON being sick at the time. On t~e 26th of April the case was decided against the Grand Lodge and an execution ordered. To save the humiliating spectacle of an auction sale of Grand Lodge property, I authori~ed Brothers
G, L.-PRO. 2,
Proceedings of the
LOKER and GOULEY to negotiate a loan and pay the execution, the amount being $17 00 below the limits permitting an appeal. The jUdgment, interest and cost have all been paid otT, ~mounting to $1772 25.
r have ordered Dispensations for Mandeville, Vernon County. Glasgo,v, Howard County.
the following lodges, viz; I.JewistowD, Lewis Coun ty. Louisiana, Pike County.
The following petitions have been declined: Kaseyville, Moun tain Grove, Joplin and Martinsville. These petitions, with Daggett, Warren OountY,Jarneson
Daviess County, Philadelphia, Marion County, and Vandalia, AUdrain County' were before the Grand Lodge at its last session, and only the first named wer~ fornu~rly presented for m~y' action, but the others likely would have been had I not notified the Grand Secretar~r, that under the restrictions of the Grand Lodge I could not grant any of them. I have ascertained during the year that the brethren at Kaseyville have an excellent haH and every preparatIon for lodge convenience, and are live and true Masons; also the brethren at Jameson and Martinsville, and all desire it new hearing before the Grand Lodge. I declined to grant petition for Dispensation for lodge in Ozark County, thelaw not being complied with. About the first of November, I rElceived petition for a lodge at Stafford, accompanied by a letter from Brother LEAvrr'r t stating that fee and dimits would be fOl',varded to Grand Secretarj"'. The examination of the proposed officers was, not In conformity to the late rule adopted by Grand Lodge. 1 called Brother LEAVITT'S attention to this, and asked hun to have the defect remedied. The change in District Deputy Grand J\lastel's for tbat District was made soon after, and I heard nothing further from the case until t in July, Brother ROUNTREE, DIstrict Deputy Grand Master informed me that the omission had been attended to; being in the last quarter of the year I referred it to Grand Lodge, together with petitions for Dispensations, at La Grange, Lewis County, Martinsville, Harrison County, and Defiance, Worth County.
I gave permission to the folloWing lodges to remove, the law in each case baving been complied with viz: t
Middle Fabius, No. 244; Camden:Point, No. 169; Samaritan, No. 424; Paulville, No. 319; Temple, No. 299; St. LOUIS, No. 20; Medoc, No. 335, to remove with change of jurisdicton to East Joplin; Forsyth No. 453; Clinton, No. 481; Deca~ tUf, No. 400; DeSoto, No. 119; Latimer, No. 395; Fellowship, No. 345; PIke, No. 399; Wheeling, No. 334; 'rebo, No. 68; Hartford, No, 171. t
On account of' high waters and other oauses (among which may be men.. tioned the irregularities of the moon) preventing their meetings at the time specified in their By-Laws. I gave special permission to the fs>llowing lodges to bold eleotions for officers, viz; Solomon, No. 271; Mt. Zion, No. 327; Lathrop, No. 330; Q,ueen City. No. 380; Ada, No. 444; Wabhington, No. 87; to elect a Secre.. tary, La PIata, No. 210; Sheklna, No. 256; Modena, No. 39; Hickory Hill, No. 211.
I gave special permission to Llncoln Lodge, No. 138, to install their otlieara in public, on the 7th day of January.
Grand Lodge of
On the 17th of May, to the lodges in Southwest Missouri, to unite in the oeremonies of unveiling the Headlee Monument.
July 12, gave permission to Right Worshipful Brother
D. D. G.
:M., to laY the corner-stone of new hall for Barry Lodge, No. 367, at Washburn, Barry County.
I ga",e special permission to the lodges in Hannibal to appear in pUblic celebratIon on the 4th of July, under the charge of Right Worshipful Brother DRESOHER, D. D. G. M. This was the first application I had for 4th of July, and feeling that the Craft would be safe under the prudent management of Brother DRESCHER, I granted it. Little did I think such a h tidal wave" was just ahead. I was literally beseiged and deluged with letters, asking special permission to turn out on the 4th of July. I declined to grant any further permission, and, although this was Centennial year, I thought more proper that members of the lodges should celebrate as citizens. It would extend this report to too great length to note in detail all the special permissions declined-several for elections, and almost without limit for 4th of July celebrations.
LAYING CORNER-STONE. By invitation of the Board of Trade of I{ansas City, I convened the Grand IJodge on the 28th of September, and laid the corner-stone of the Merchants' Exchange building at that place, with Masonic ceremonies. I was very much gratIfied on tbis occasion to meet Most Worshipful Brother SHARP, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of I{ansas, also Most Worshipful Brother BROWN, Past Grand Master and present Grand Secretary of the same jurisdiction.
CHARTERS SURRENDERED. The following lodges have surrendered their charters during the year,-in each case, as far as I could learn, the law had been fully complied with,-Viz.: Unity, No. 409; Wyaconda, No. 24; and Green Ridge, N0. 203. This lodge had by resolution donated its furni ture to Paragon Lodge, No. 485, and designed to do the same with their money on band, amounting to $5 45. As this was the wish of the members, and the matter had been overlooked, I recommended that the money belonging to the lodge be so appropriated.
DUPLICATE CHA.RTERS. Schell City, No. 448, lost their charter, together with lodge furniture, on the 3d day of January, 1875, and for some time bad no place to meet. On the 17th
of December. haVing procured a new hall, I ordered a duplicate charter. Jackson Lodge, No. 82, haVing lost their charter, on the 14th day of February I ordered a duplicate charter.
Texas Lodge, No. 177. This case is still unsettled
Proceeclil'bgs of the
and can be disposed of by the Grand Lodge, or turned over to my Successor. The papers are submitted, marked" E." Also, the case of De Soto, No. 119, V~. Joachim, No. 164, marked "F." Also, Hogle's Creek, No. 279, V8. St. Olair, No. 273, marked 'c G."
GRANBY LODGE V8. RISING STAR LODGE. This is a complaint arising out of a failure of Rl~ing Star Lodge, No.U5, to reimburse Granby Lodge, No. 216, for money expended in taking care of a brother, a member of Rising Star Lodge, while sick. The papers in the case are submitted, marked" H."
GRAND LODGE OF OHIO. Soon after the last Grand Lodge meeting I r.eceived the Proceedings of the Grand Lodg~ of Ohio. The Grand ,l\Jlaster in his Address presented the question of recognizing the "African" Grand Lodge. This portion of the Grand Master's Address was referred to a special committee. In the report of the committee they fully endorse the measure. A motion, ho,vever, wisely prevailed deferring action on the question until the next meeting of the Grand Lodge. This action of the Grand Lodge of Ohio has received the notice of several Grand Lodges which have held sessions since the meetIng of the Grand Lodge df Ohio, and no definite action has yet been taken. :Men. tion of the case is here u1.ade lest our silence should be construed into endorsement. No action of this Grand Lodge at present is necessary, and it is hoped that wise and prudent counsel will prevail when this matter again comes before the Grand Lodge of Ohio.
G-RAND LODGE OP ONTARIO. During tlie winter I received a circular from an organization claiming to be the Grand Lodge of Ontario. Upon enquiry I found it to be an illegal body within the jurisdiction of the Grand ELodge of Canada, without the con&ent of, or recognition by said Grand Lodge. Nor has it been recognized by any other Grand Body. I therefore recommend that lodges of this Grand Jurisdiction be prohIbited from holding Masonic intercourse with Masons claiming membership under the jurisdiction of the so-called Grand Lodge of OntarIO.
EUROPEAN !!.A.SONS. American Masons desiring to visit with lodges in some Grand Jurisdictions of Europe, are required to furnish certificate from the Grand Lodge of the standing of the lodge they hail from. We have a practice very similar, but no definite law or rUle, but ought, in Iny judgment, to have one. .Again, in some plaees in Europe Dual Membership is permItted-they only requiring the member to keep his dues paid in all. A case might arise where a member would be suspended from one lodge and hold a certificate from another lodge. I recommend some action in the matter, also that the time a certIficate shall be valid be determined.
Grand Lod.te of JI/lissouri. DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND
Most Worshipful Brother Luke, in his add ress last year, called the attention of the Grand Lodge to the defects in this portion of our law so fully that but little 1S necessary to be said now on the subject, more than to express the hope that some actIon will be taken to render the District Deputy system more efficient and what it was desIgned to be-an aid to the Grand Ma&ter. The following Districts have made Reports, viz: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,17,18,20,23, 25,26,31, 32, 33,34,35, 36, 38, 39, 42, 44, 45, 48, 49. No Reports have been received from the other twenty Distrwts.
THE GRAND LECTURER'S REPORT Shows commendable zeal, and not without effect, in producing uniformity in the work. His visits have been extensive and, 1 have no doubt, producti ve of much good. The Report is subulltted for the consideration of the Grand Lodge. r take this occasion to return my thanks to my faithful District Deputy Grand Masters, many of whom have rendered me vaaluable aid in the discharge of my official duties. Many of the brethren have my most grateful thanks, but to Brother Gouley am I especially indebted for his many acts of kindness, as well as his able counsel in dIfficult and Intricate cases~
CONDITION OF THE CRAFT. During the year I have visited a number {)f lodges, and in most cases have found harnlony and good feeling prevailing. And although I have presided at a nnmber of trials, I have found the respect and defference paId the Grand Master very marked, which shows a loyalty on the part of the Craft that is commendable. If the Grand Master could make his visits more extended, much good might be accomplished. The number of trials in our lodges would indicate a determ! nation on the part of the roem bel's to free the lodges from all disturbing elements; it also shows that the lodges have been careless about the selectIon of their material. 'rhe work of purilying is one of the demands of the tImes. Let it not be abated until the membersl:up is taught that to be a Mason means that uprightness, integrity, virtue and morality must characterIze Masonic conduct. The nlembership of our lodges are generally good men and true, but there are some, I am sorry to say, disturbers of the harmony of the lodges. There are also idlers in our vineyard, drones in the hive, and in some localities the brethren seem reluctant to use the necessary means for correcting this evil. The general condition of the Craft is good. There are influences constantly being exerted, highly beneficial to the Craft. A spirit of enquiry and investigation into the higher beauties and more subllme thoughts suggested by our symbols, a more thorough discipline and vigorous enforcement of the laws of Masonry seem to be the desire and feeling of the brethrell, and with proper encouragemen t, we may safely predict a grand and glorious future for Masonry in Missouri. The valuable lessons of Masonic history, I am glad to believe are not lost,
Proceeding 8 of the
on the Fraternit:y' of the present day. Thoughts live always, and our noble ancestors in Masonry have sent down through the ages, thoughts that live and burn in the hearts of the toiling Craft of to-day. My labors are almost ended, and, in taking my official leave, permit me to return my most grateful acknowledgments for the honors conferred on me by this Grand Lodge, and to express the hope that the mantle may soon fall on some brother more worthy and possessing more ability than m:rself. And finally, brethren, may we all live in peace, cultivate "Friendship, Morahty and Brotherly Love," and at last" be admitted into that Temple not made WIth hands, Eternal in tIle Heavens." JAMES E. CADLE, G'j"and J:fa '?ter.
vVhich was, upon motion, referred to a committee of the following Past Grand Masters: Brothers JOHN D. ,:rINCIL, SAMUEL
w. B.
A. communication from Brother GOULEY, Grand Secretary, was read, announcing his severe illness from malarial dysentery, and asking to be excused from attendance at the present meeting, stating that he had completed all his reports, and made the necessary arrangements for the satisfactory transaction of the business of his office, through his assistant, Brother GOODFELLO"\V.
His request was granted, and a vote of sympathy in his affliction was unanimously passed.
The Grand Master announced the following Standing Oommittees : JU'r'isprudence.-THOS. E. W. B. CARNEGY.
L. F.
Grievance.-SAllUEL H. OWENS, W. POCOKE, P. G. WOODS.
Lodges Linder Dispensation.-J.
of JVIissou-ri.
Ways and ..LlIeans.-NoAH M. Accounts.-WM. R.
Lodge By-Laws.-HENRY T. Oharity.-J. E.
Unfinished Business.-G. N.
W. R. SLACK, G. W.
The following reports were read and referred to the Committee on Accounts: OFFICE OF GRAND SECRETARY,} ST. LOUIS r October 9, 1876.
To the Grand Lodge of Missouri:
I herewith submit my Annual Report for the year ending this date. I have issued Disp~nsations for the following lodges, as ordered by the Grand Lodge, VIZ. :
October 14, 1875.-VANDALIA r at Vandalia, Audrain Oounty. JOHN H. BIRD, W. M.; RICHARD R. BrRD, S. W.; W. A. FLYNN, J. W. Sent to District Deputy Grand Mas tel'. October 14, 1875.-DAGGErrT, at Loutre Island, Warren County. STEWARD, W. M.; ALPHONSO PRICE, S. W.; WILLIAM J. WRAY, J. W. DIstrict Deputy
Sent to
By order of the Grand Master, I have issued the following Dispensations,
viz.: January 17, 1876.- VERNON, at TER,W.M.; HARVEYKAENES,S.
Mounds, Vernon County. DEWITT C. HUNW.; O.J.SULLIVAN,J. W. Sent to District
Deputy Grand Master.
March 28, 1876.-GLASGOW, at Glasgow, Howard County. CHARLES R; W. M.; G. W. MOREHEAD, S. W. ; JOHN H. TURNER, JR., J. 'V.. Sent to Grand Master. LEWIS,
April 26, 1876.-LEvt ISToWN, at Lewistown, Lewis County, Mo. r
W. M.;
S. BRISCOE, S. W.; WM. T. District Deputy Grand Master.
J. W.
W. to
June 28,1876.-GLOBE, Louisiana, Pike County. C. J. ADKINS, W. M.; HENRY
B. BUTTS, S. W.; WM. H.
J. W. Sent to District Deputy Grand
December 4, I875.-Issued commission to Z. M. ROUNTREE, BrOOkline Greene County, as District Deputy Grand Master for Thirtieth District Vic~ C. F. LEAVITT, resigned. By order of the Grand Master. ' December 7, IS75.-Issued commission to JAMES M. RITCHIE, Newtonia N$3wton County, as District Deputy Grand Master of Thirty路first District, 'Vic~ C. S. BRYAN, resigned. By order of the Grand Master. December 20, 1875.-Issued duplicate charter to Schell City Lodge, No. in lieu of orIginal, destroyed by fire November 20,1874. Sent charter to T. STRONG, Secretary. By order of the Grand Master. January 11, IS76.-Received Charter, Record, and Ledger of Pittsville Lodge No. 491, arrested December 21,1875, by the Grand Master. ' January 17, 1876.-Issued duplicate charter to Montrose Lodge, No. 408, in lieu of original destroyed by fire March, 1875. Sent to J. G. MIDDLECOFF, D. D. G. M. By order of the Grand Master. January 24, 1876.-Received Charter and Record Book of Wyaconda Lodge, No. 24, with report of Worshipful Master. January 24, 1876.-Received Charter and Record Book of Unity Lodge, No. 409. February 9, IS76.-Received Charter of Daviess Lodge, No. 116, arrested by order of Grand Master. February 12, 1876.-Received the Ledger, Record, Seal, Jewels, Charter and papers of Green Ridge Lodge, No. 203, together with $5 45 in cash. February 22, 1876.-Issued duplicate charter to Jackson Lodge, No. 82, in lieu of the original, lost in January by the Worshipful Master. The original was dated October 15, 1846. Officers then: WM. SANDERS, W. M.; JACOB SMITH, S. W.; J. SEAMAN, J. W. By order of the Grand Master. March 22, 1876.-By order of the Grand Master, I issued commissions to the following distInguished brethren, as representatives of this Grand Lodge near the Grand Lodges named: Canada-JAMEs KILPATRICK KERR, Grand Master. British Columbia-IsRAEL W. POWELL, Past Grand Master. Manitoba- W. C. CLARK, Past Grand Master. Q,uebec-JoHN H. GRAHAM, Past Grand Master. Dakota-THol\J:AS H. BR01VN, Grand Master. Wyoming Territory-EDGAR P. SNOW, Grand Master. Minnesota-HENRY L. CARVEll., Past Master. District of Columbia-WM. R. SINGLETON, Grand Secretary. Kentucky-.TNO. M. TODD, Grand ~ecretary. South Carolina-CHAS. INGLESBY, Grand Secretar;y. May 24, 1876.-Issued commission to BENJ. F. RECORDS, as District Deputy Gralld Master of Thirteenth District, vice DANEIL CARPENTER, resigned. By order of the Grand Master. May 30, 1876.-Issued duplicate charter to Star Lodge. No. 419, in lieu of original lost. By order of the Grand Master. " September 9, 1876.-Received charter of Livingston Lodge, No. 51, surren.. dered by vote of the It>dge. September 11, 1876.-Received a copy of the "Masonic Trestle Board," pre.. sented by Grand Lodge of Massach~setts.
1876.J REOEIPTS. I received from all sources sjnce my last report, as per cash book, ledger and \-"'onchers., herewith subnlitted, the sum of $12,400 98 Paid to Grand Treasurer, as per receipt bool:c herewith Bubroi ttcd....... ..â&#x20AC;˘... 12,400 98 Wbich added to the balance in the hands of Grand Treas-
urer at last report, namely
7,463 66
Making a total of
$19,864 64
Return dispensation fees Return loan aCCQun t Attorney's fee in sui t of Second National Bank Judgment under double liabilit,y law Interest on judgment United states Court fees To lift note of May 10 Grand Lecturer Grand Secretary Library account postage on Proceedings and Returns Sundry items on warrant Grand lIrlaster's postage Office rent Grand Tyler Printing and stationery Brother Dunscomb Expressage on Proceedings Portrait of Past Grand Master Tucker
. .. . . . ..
150 00 75 00 1,750 00 1,746 30 209 37 250 00 1,772 25 1,000 00 3,000 00 350 75 251 48 32 50
. . . . : . . 30 00 . 600 00 .. 150 00 . 1,550 45 . 239 35 . 108 00 . 4000
Warrants drawn on the Grand TreaRurer since last report Which leaves a balance in his hands of
$13,430 45 6,434 19
Seventeen hundred dollars includ~d in receipts was derived from a loan negotiated by order of the .Grand Master, to avoid an execution upon the effects of the Grand Lodge, which note has been paid by a warrant for $1,77225. The proceedings of sister Grand Lodges not having beell bound, since 1870, I obtained by correspondence all the copies of which we were in need to make OUf files complete, for which we are very much indebted to our brother Grand Secretarys. The whole number of volumes, properly bound, makes an addition of 157 to our collection, Which may now be considered nearly perfect. There will be no further binding required for several years to come. Postage on printed matter has been recently reduced one-half, which will in the future cause a considerable reduction in that account in this office. My report on Foreign Correspondence has been condensed to balf its usual size, as a matter of economy in the present financial condition of the Grand Lodge. All of which is fraternally subnlitted,
GEO. FRANK GOULEY, G'rand Seeretary.
PT'o(jeeclin~ s
of tILe
In aecount with the lrf. W. Grand Lodge A. F. & A. J.11. of .I.'lli880uri. 1875.
13, To balance Current Funds 16, ""
. $7,463 66
N ovember 20,
an540 123 00 21445
May 5, To balance Ourren t Funds September 11, " ,'" "
.. .
11, 16,
. .
1,700 00 1,831 50
49200 1,2,55 50 ],567 25
840 50
3,681 38 $19,864 64
$25, $25, $25 $625, <r-325, $500 $2.50, $1,000, $30 $20, $125, $3 50 November, " $24 48, $80, ~129 35 $35, $01, $12 " $24, $300, $600
December, H
By " " '"
" "
$250, $1 486 90, $30..................... .•....•. 1 $30, $30, $300
. :$ 7500 . 1,450 00 . 1,280 00 . 148 50 ..
. .. .
233 108 924 1,766
83 00 00 90
360 00
. . .
8750 280 00 190 25 180 00
January March,
April, May,
" $30, $32 50, $25 " $30, $100, $150 ., $13 75, $42 50, $134 " " " " "
~30, $25, $125 $24 25, $4.0 80, $1,200 $1,746 80, $209 37, $110 $30, $40, $18 $5 50, $.t,77~ 25, $1,150
. .. . . .
2,055 67 88 00 2,927 75
6,434 19
1,265 05
$10,864 64 1876.
To balance Current J.1iunds..............................
$6,4.34 19
The following brethren were present and presented their credentials from the Grand Lodges named, and they were received and acknowledged by the Grand Lodge in appropriate form, viz: !ENOPHON RYLAND, for Maine. NOAH MCGIVAN, for Dist, of Col. ALLAN McDoWELL, for British Columbia,
JOSEPH S. BROWN, for Dakota.. THOS. C. READY, for Indiana. JAMES E. CARTER, of Manitoba.
Resolutions offered by Brother JNO. W. LUI{E alnd A. were read three several times and ordered printed with the proceedings. [See Appendix.] TITUS
The Grand l\Iaster submitted the Reports of District Deputy Grand lVlasters, received by him, and the same were referred to the Standing Committee.
Most Worshipful Brother THEO. S. PARVIN" P. G. M., and present Grand Secretary of Iowa, honored the Grand Lodge with a visit, and acknowleged his welcome in a brief and eloqnent speech, calling up to memory many of the reminicences of years_ gone by, when he was a melnber of it at the time of the formation of the Grand Lodge of Iowa. He
of the
referred to the fact that lVlost "Torshipful Brothers Caru(!O'v and Foster (then present) were the only members now liVi~g who belonged to the body at that time.
The Committee reported as follows, which was
The Committee, to whom was referred the Grand Master's Address for di8trlbution, respectfl,.111y submit the following report: Your Committee approve of the changes made by the Grand Mastel' in District Deputies. We recommend that all the decisions made by the Grand Master touching Masonic Law and Usage, be referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence. That the ca~es of Neosho Lodge, No. 24i, Pittsville Lodge, No. 491, Davle6s Lodge, No. 116, and Lake Lodge, No. ~63, be referred to the Committee on Chartered Lodges. Your Committee recommend that the Grand Master's action, in ordering new trIals in the following cases, be affirmed: in Golden Lodge, No. 475, Griswold Lodge, No. 17&, Temperance Lodge, No. 438, Marcus Lodge, No. 110, and St. Clair Lodge, No. 2i3. We endorse the Grand Master's recomme~dation in regard to the printing of the unpubllshed proceedIngs of the Grand Lodge for the years 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, an d 1838. Your Committee cordially endorse the Grand Master's statement of abuselll in regard to the beggIng circulars for ball building and other purposes, and
urge that the same be strictly prohibited without permission of the Grand Master. . In refference to the suggestions of the Grand Master in regard to contract.. ing debts for the building of halls, your Committee present the following resolution for adoption: . Resolved, That no Lodge shall be permitted to contract debts, or to engage in enterprise6 for building halls, until sn:fficient available means shall have been secured to complete the same.
Your Coromi ttee endorse the action of the Grand Master in providing means for the payment of the judgment against the Grand Lodge. We recommend that that portion of the Grand Master's Address concerning petitions for Dispensations be referred to the Committee on Lodges Under Dispensation. Also, that that portion of the Grand Master's Address under the head of "Special Permissions" be approved.
We recommend that the questions of territorial jurisdiction, and the com.. plain t arising out of the failure of one lodge to retmburse another for assistance rendered a sick brother, be referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence..
Grand Loclffe of Missouri.
We approve of the Grand Master's recommendation in regard to the status of the so-called Grand Lodge of Ontario.
werecommend that the matter mentioned under the head of" European Masons" be referred to a Special Commi ttee. That all matters concerning the District Deputy Grand Master's system a.nd Grand Lecturer's Report, be referred to the Committee on District Deputy Grand Masters.
The Committee is pleased to learn, from the Grand Master's Address, that harmony and good feeling prevail for the most part throughout this Grand Jurisdiction, and that the Craft, as a body, manifest commendable fidelity to law and usage. .
We can the special attention of the Craft to the healthy sentimentsexpressed b~" the Grand Master at the close of his very able Address, rdgarding the work of purifyin~ and elevating the moral tone and character of the Institution throughout the StaLe. Your Committee cannot close their Report on the Grand Master's Address without cordially endorsing it, and cOffilnending the Grand l\JIaster as an earnest, devoted and faithful officer of the Grand Lodge. Fraternally submitted JOHN D. VINCIL, S. W. B. OARNEGY,
JOHN W. LUKE, Ocnn'litittee.
The Grand l\faster appointed on this subject the following Special Committee: ALEX. M. DOCl(ERY, LEE A. HALL, W. o. ~PO~EIH.A.N, JNO. 1\1. WIRTZ, S. E. W.A.GGONER. On nlotion, the Grand Lecturer was requested to exempli(y the work in the First and Second Degrees this evening. A.t 1 P. M. the Grand Lodge \vas called from labor until 7:30 P. 1\1.
ST. LOUIS, Tuesday, Oct. 10, 1876, 7:30 P.
The Grand Lodge was called to labor by the Grand J\laster. Grand Officers in their several stations. Right "\"Vorshipful 13rother ALLAN J\IoDoWELL, Grand Lecturer, exemplified the work in the First and 8econd Degrees. .A_t 10 o'clock the Grand Lodge ,,,Tas called from labor to~]norrow at 2 P. M.
vVednesday, Oct. 11, 1876'1,2
P. ';\T.
The Grand Lodge was called to labor by the Grand )Iaster.
Grand Officers in their several sta tiol1s.
Worshipful Brother W::\iI. C. FOREJ1AN, Grand Orator, delivered an eloquent, address, and., on motion of )Iost Worshipful Brother CARNEGY, the Grand Secl"etary was directed to have the same printed for dh;tribution among the lodges.
Committee reported as follows-adopted: To the .JIost WO?路~htPJI.ltl Grflnd Lodge 0/ JIi880la'i:
Your CommIttee on Grievance have examined all the cases that have been referred to them, and beg leave to submit the following report:
Gl)and Loclge
LODGE, No. 224.
Appeal from the decision of the Lodge expellIng him.
The record in this case is full and complete. Brother BAKER was in arrears for dues and was summoned to show cause why his dues were not paid. lie answered by letter, and the lodge was satisfied with his answer. By vote of the lodge regularly taken his dues were remitted, and on his application a dunit was granted. He n~oved to the State of Illinois, and some two years s,fterwards such proceedings were had that resulted in his expulsion. The specifications cbarge that he faHed to pay some small debts that he was owing prior to his removal, and also his dues to the lodge. The evidence shows that the debts have been paid, and the record shows that the lodge remitted his dues. We can see nothing in this case to sustain the action of the lodge. Let the Jl1dgment of the lodge expelling Brother BAKER be reversed, and the lodge is hereby ordered to deliver Brother BAKER his dimit the record shows he is entitled to.
No. 403
) Appeal from decision of the Lodge expelling him.
This appeal was talren In May, 1875, but the transcript was not sent up nntll after the last session of the Grand Lodge. A petition from a number of Masons of St. Clair Lodge, asking that the proceedings in this case be set aside, was before your committee at the last sessioD, but the prayer was not granted, for the reasons stated in our last report. We have examined the transcript and evidence in this case carefully. The specification IS larceny, and the evidence we think fully sustains the specification. There was no objection to the formality of the proceedings, and the trial seems to have been conducted fairly and regularly. We can see notbing in the record to which the accused could raise a reasonable objection, and we, therefore, not disposed to distrust the findIng and judgment of the lodge. Let the appeal be dismissed, and the judgment of the lodge be affirmed.
NUMBER III. ThIs is a full transcript of the proceedings in the trIal of a case in Trowel Lodge, Nb. 440, against Brother WELLS B. HOLLENBECK. It was a new trial ordered by the Most Worshipful Grand Master, and resulted in the suspension of the accused for five years. The proceedings are regular and no appeal has been taken from. the judgment of the lodge, and, therefore, nothing callmg for our review.
Proceedings of tILe
N1JMBER IV. M. E. McDO\\'"ELIJ l's. DE SOTO LODGE, No. 119.
Appeal from the decision of the Lodge expelling him.
This hrother appeals from the decision of the lodge, and the Secretary for.. wards a number of papers in the case, but there is no transcript of the re('ord proceedings in the trial. It is impossible to decipher from these fragments how the trial was conducted at all. Then we find what purports to be cbarges and specifications, but they are so general and indefinite that no man ought to be coolpelled to answer them. We cannot find from all the papers that accused was a member of the lodge that tried him, or that the oftenee was committed within the jurisdiction of De 80to Lodge. Thiscase was certainly tried in a singular manner, and, from anything that 'we have here, we might infer that no action was taken in the lodge at all, but from the recital in the appeal that the brother was expelled. Let the ludgment of the lodge be reversed, and the Ma~ter of the lodge or.. dered to have the specifications made definite and a new trial bad thereon to be conducted :in conformity to law. And if an appeal is talren let th~ transcript of the whole proceedings in lodge accompany the evidence and charges, so that we may know what was done and how it was done.
No. 460.
Appeal from decision of the Lodge suspending him..
This case was tried in the lodge in 1874, and should have been sent up at least one month before the last Communication of the Grand Lodge. This, however, was not done, but the transcript was handed to the Chairman of your Oommittee during last session, when it was impossible to consider the voluminous record and report theron. The specifications charge obtaining money under false pretences and de.. frauding nllmbers of Masons and other citizens. The first specifications are vague mud indefinite, but the amended ones are sufficient and the evidenee was confined to the latter.. They were brougbt by the Junior Warden, acting under orders of his lodge. We are of opinion that the evidence in the case discloses a series ofbuslness transactions not unusual among business men, and there is nothing that would s,\stain the charge of obtaining money un<ler false pretences. The lodge, how.. ever, found the accused gUilty, and suspended him. The time ot" suspension has long since expired, but the accused had taken his appeal, and has a right to have the action of the lodge reviewed, notwithstanding the fact of the expi.. ration of the time of suspension.
We are clearly of the opinion that there is nothing in this case to distin.. guish it from ordinary business failllre and disappointment. Let the judgment of the lodge be reversed.
GJ"and Lodge of Missouri.
No. 460.
Appeal from the decision of the Lodge expelling him.
This is the same party reviewed in case Num.ber 5. But this is a very different case. We regret exceedingly to see the bad feeling that eXists in that lodge, but we have to deal with facts and actions, and decide the law as we understand it as applied to the facts in each case. The specifications in this ease charge that the accused instituted a suit in the civil courts against the Jnnior Warden of this lodge for slander, and the allegation in the petition t1.1ed in the courts was the charge that had been preferred against the accused in tbe preceding case by the Junior Warden, acting under orders of the lodge. The damages were laid in the sum of fifty thousand dollars. The evidence showS that the suit was instituted, and that the lodge employed counsel to de.. fend the Junior Warden; that demurrers 'were sustained to three petitions :filed in court; and that the case was appealed to the General Term and was :finally d8cided in favor of the Junior Warden, on the questions arising in the demurrer. The case was never tried on the merits. Bro}her VOORHIS, as counsel for the accused, appeared at the trial and Inoved to dismiss, because the specifications did not charge a Masonic offense. This motion was overruled by the Master and Brother VOORHIS appealed from the Master's rUling to the lodge, but the Master did not allow the appeal to be entertained. A number of objections were made to the introduction of testimony, but they were all overruled. Some of the testimony was strange, and did not amount to anything. Particularly within thif) class was the emotional part of the evidence. But toe most of the objections were purely technical, and the whole case shows that there was no doubt of the truth of the specificationsthat the suit was instituted in the civil COUTts against the Junior Warden for slander or libel, and that the gravamen of the petition was the charges brought by the Junior Warden acting in his official capacity. This being the case, we are remitted to a virtual decision of the motion made in the lodge below to dismiss. Brother VOORHIS, counsel for the accused, has filed with us an exhaustive brief, showing evident study and a determination to do his duty to his client. We have given the same careful consideration on 6'Vel'y point the learned counsel makes. The Master was correct in his ruling that no appeal could be taken from his decision to the lodge. This law is so old and so reasonable to a Mason that it needs no argument by us to sl1stain it. The other point made by the learned counsel is that no Masonic offense is charged in the specifications, because the accused had a legal right to sue in civil courts. We presume that any citizen bas a civil legal right to sue in the oourts of the country for the redress of any wrong, real or supposed. This is his civil right. But Masonic duty is another thing. Any citizen who knows the secrets of Masonry has the civil fright to pUblish his knowledge, but if that oitIzen should be a Mason he has no ~l'a8onic 'right to do so, and it will scarcely be contended by anyone that such publication ,vould not be a Masonic offense, and merit Masonic punishment, although the law of the land dOE;s not denounce the act as a wrong. The counsel has fallen into the grave error, in tbe whole argument of his case, of presenHng his views and arguing from false premises. He merges Masonic d'uty into a civil right, or rather subordinates the Masonic duty to a civil right. We might carry our exemplification still further. If a man is a member of one of our Christian churches he has the civil right to proclaim and preach to the world that Jesus Ohrist is an imG. L.-PRO. 3.
34 postor and a myth, and that the New Testament is a fraud. We presulne tbat none will dispute the l'ight of tbe church to charge, try and exp~l the memb for such conduct, and yet none will say that the member so offending againe~ the rules of the church has violated any law of his country. ill We are satisfied that the accused in this case did not violate any law of land in instituting his suit in the civil courts against the Junior "rardell we believe he was guilty of a Masonic offense when he did it. We have' Our own private moue of dealing with offenders against our law. The punushment we inflict does not deprIve the member of his money, bis time or bis position in the world. It relates alone to our fraternity. It does not affect our social or poll tical, or religious relations to the offending pal't3-"I". It as&um es OIlly t~ affect our Masonic relations, and this alone it accomplishes. Ther'3fore things should be dealt with according to Masonic custom and usage, aside free from civil courts.
Article 13 of the Old Regulations has this to say: "All differences cannot be made up, or accommodated privately, nor by a particular lodge, are to be seriously considered and decided in the Grand Lodge; and if any brother thinks him&elf aggrieved b~'" the decision, he may appeal to the annual Grand Lodge next ensuing." This is the only way to settle Masonic dlfficulties. We are sorry to note the fact that any brother has in the heat of passion appealed to the c1vil courts for the redress of Masonic wrongs, real Or Imaginary. "''''e hope that this will be the last case to occur in this jurisdiction. We have given this case a great deal of thought, not only on account of the gravity of the principles involved, but because our learned brother has argued and contended so strenuously for the opposite of that which we consider our duty to decide. We cannot see wherein the lodge has committed any error in this case that materially a:tfects the merits, or does injustice to the accused. Let the appeal be dismissed, and the judgment of the lodge expelling hIm be affirmed.
Appeal from the decision of the Lodge acquitting Brother F. M. WALL.
The specifications in this case charge Brother WALL with abusing some other brother, by loud and indecent langnage, etc. The trial was had and I, number of wItnesses exan1ined. There was very little conflict In the testimony adduced, and the lodge, after hearing the same, proceeded in regular order to vote, as required by law, resulting in the acqui ttal of Brother Wall by a very decided vote. We can find no fault with the proceedingR of the lodge below. Let the appeal be dismissed and the judgment of the lodge be affirmed.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
POTTER 1.,'8.
No. 267.
Appeal from the decision of the Lodge acquitting Brother B. W. HENDER.SON.
We will cease to wonder at anything that may be done in Masonic trials if we oecupy the position in which we new labor much longer.
This case is an appeal, and the paper on which the appeal is written is the only one that comes to OUF hands. There is a letter from the Secretary of the iodgetothe Grand Secretary, telling him in a narrative style, the substance of what was done. Another letter from their Master to the Ohairman of this Oommittee, giving an account of the same matter. We have no copy of the cbarges, no copy of the notice of the trial, no copy of the service of the notice, no transcript of thA record proceedings at the trial-in fact, nothing has been sent us but the letters above referred to and the appeal. It is strange, indeed, th&t the officers of that lodge should think that the material sent us is a compllance wlth tile law. We have no reason to doubt tbe statement of the officers tl1ata trial was had, but a copy of the record ,vlll show that fact much better than such statement. If the proceedings before and at the trial were as irregu.. la.r as the proceedings after}" the trial, then all of it was wrong. Let the judgment of the lodge be reversed and cause remanded to the lodge, with lnstructlons to proceed to a new trIal in conformity to law.
No. 455.
Appeal from the decision of the Lodge in the case of Brother J ORN WARREN.
This case is one that charges the accused with mal{;ing "crooked whiskey." The charges were brought by the brother who now takes the appeal. There WIS it ,?a&t amollnt of testimony in the case, and the lodge found the accused not guilty, as was very proper from the character of the evidence adduced. There was another specification, charging threats on the part of the accused. On this he was found gUiltY1 and the lodge voted to reprimand him. The accused is dissatisfied with thiR part of the proceedings, and therefore he; so this is a cross-appeal.
In looking over the whole case, we think the lodge has acted with wisdom in its findings and judgrnent. The evidence fully sustains the lodge, and we can see no reason to disturb its action. In fact, the proceedings seem entirely free froIn bIas, and were had in co:qformity to law. Let the appeals be dismissed and the judgment of the lodge be affirmed.
of the
w. P.
A~pe~lfrom the decision of the Lodge In his case.
The principal charge in this case is, that tbe accused withheld the funds of the lodge, after his term of office as Treasurer had expired and his SUccessor had been eleoted. The lodge suspended 路bim for fi ve ~;l"ears. The eVidence does not show tbe truth of the charges. The lodge certainly made a settlement with the accused, and recei ved all the money tlley claimed. The accused h&d frequently advanced money of his own to pay warrants, when no lodge funds were on hand. Let the judgment. of the lodge be reversed and the time of the suspension of Brother W. P. BARNES expire now.
Appeal from dE-cistan of the Lodge suspending hIm.
This case is calculated to shock the moral sensibilities of any community. The accused is charged with attempting to establish a Ii 楼 ~ * * in the town in which the lodge is located, and entering in to negotiations for that purpose. There is no doubt about the testimony, because it is a written letter to a party in St. Louis, offering him one 11 undred dollars to send him a pur.. chaser who would use tbe house for that purpose. At first it was pretended to be a joke, but it seems that the whole commtlnity got hold of the scandal, and the accused being a Mason it was bringing our institutIon into disgrace; and the community became excited, as it naturally would in a small town where such an outrage was attempted. In bis proposition for a purchaser he says,
The accused has given lengthy reasons and arguments in bis appeal, which is a paper filed b:r him in this case; and in speaking of the brethren who 'Voted to suspend him, and bis object in attempting to establish such an institution in that community, be says: "My motive for penning said letter was to be enabled to dispose of my property, and Done other. Honestly believing tbat such a house would better secure the influence and patronag~ of t.he parties above named (his Masonic brethren), and be less liable to the sting of their poisonous tongues than for me to continue it as a respectable hote!." We cannot E;ee much joke in this language, and it seems that his particular spite was at the members of the lodge. There is certainly no fraternal feeling in his heart for his Masonic brethren. The act with. w bich he is cbarged, and of which he was found guilty on trial, was a moral outrage, and one that the lodge was in duty bound to noUce. The argument the accu~ed has filed with his appeal "adds insult to injury." The lodge assessed his punishment at suspension for five years. This is light enough under all the circumstances in the case. The record in the case is full and complete, and all the requirements of our
Grand Lodge of Jt!!issouri.
law concerning trials have b~en complied with. The accused was treated wIth all the fairness be could reasonabl1"ask, and we can see no error in the proceedin gs.
Let the appeal be dismissed and the judgment of the lodge be affirmed. J
No. 445.
Appeal from the decision of the Lodge expelling him. .
The specifications in this case are full and complete, charging with legal preci&ion the defamation of the characters of three members of the lodge by the accused. It It :f, ~ * .f. It * * *' * Quite a number of witnesses were examined, and the testimony showed a recklessness on the part of the accused that is seldom met with. The scan.. dal became the common talk of the c1 ty, and the accused circulated the same in connection with the charges pending in the lodge, and talked about the lodge business in the presence of profanes, threatening to have the parties indIcted if the charges were not dismissed. The evidence discloses conduct on the part of the accused that is disgraceful in every sense of the word. At the trial the accused was present, and was also represented by counsel. The first paper he filed in the cause announced that he was ready for trial, but objected to the Worshipful Master presidIng, as he (the accused) wIshed to use 111m as a WItness. This was very properly overruled by the Master. If such were the la,v, the accused could defeat his trial by using the Master or both Wardens as witnesses, thereby rendering incompetent all the parties who are authorized to preside.
The record shows that the accused asked permission on the evening of the trial to take evidence of some profanes on the outside. Permission was granted, but he then waived it and said he was ready for trial. After the lodge was through with its evidence, counsel for accused asked a continua.nce, and refused to examIne three witnesses for the defense who were present in the lodge. Nothing. more is heard about the Master being a witness, and when at this unusual point in the proceedings an adjournment is asked on account of the absence of material witnesses, the counsel for the lodge offered to admit everything he expected to prove by them. This was de.. cUned. The whole conduct on the part of the accused shows that he felt his ease was a desperate one, and he resorted to a system of pettifogging that would have been more in place in a Justice's Court than in a Masonic lodge, if such practice has a place anywhere in the world. The lodge found the accused guilty and expelled him. This action, we think was right and proper, and we fully approve the rulings of the Master and the action of the lodge.
Let the appeal be dismissed, and the judgment of the lodge be affirmed.
ProceedirLgs of tILe
No. 93.
Appeal from the decision expelling him.
This case has a number of specifications in it. One of them is a severe criticism of a member of the lodge who was in a public office, concerning vote he had given, and which criticism was pUblisbed in a neWbpaper that was edi ted b,Y' the accused. Such questions as this bad better be kept out of the lodges, and frOl~1. the view that we take of this matter it is unnecessary notice this specification. The- other specifications charge the accused with falsehood itnd fraud of several kinds, and defamation of the cbaracter of several l\tlaster :Masons, and of the character of the widow of a deceased brother. The evidence fully sus.. tains the specIfications and the charge. r~rhe trial was entirely regular-in fact, the accused does not object to the regularity of the proceedings in any single instance. He thinks his acts were of such a character that the lodge had nothing to do wi th them.
The record, althongh voluminous, is well arranged, and we must say is the most COlnplete that has come to our notice in the work of this committee. }t"rom a careflll review of the whole case we are not disposed to disturb the j udgmen t of the lodge.
Let the appeal be dism.issed, and the j udgmen t of the lodge be affirmed.
Appeal from the decision of the Lodge acquitting Bl'other JOHN HOOD.
The accused is t.he father-in-law of the appellant. The appellant is the prosecutor, and the specifications charge that the accused does not believe in God, and that he tried to keep the ,vUe of appellant from living with hiro. The weight of the evidence is against both these charges, and the lodge on trial acquitted the brother. 'Ve cannot see that the lodge- committed any error in its finding. Let the appeal be dismissed, and the judgment of the lodge be affirmed.
NUl\IBER XV. This is the transcript of the proceedings; and the evidence in a trial had in BrIdgeton Lodge, No. 80 against Brother JOSEPH PAGE. He was suspended for the term of ten years. No appeal has been taken in the case, and, of course, there is notb,ing calling for a review b;y your Committee. t
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
NUIVIBER XVI. This is the petition of Brother John F. W.
addressed to the Grand
Lodge. He states that he has been suspended by Erwin Lodge, No. 121, for non-payment of dues. That he has been a member of said lodge since 1862, ind the reason he has not paid his dues is because he has met with losses and
nlisfortunes recently that renders it impossible for him so to do. That in former years he was rather well off, and during his prosperity he always paid promptly. Of all this, and also of the question as to whether the petitioner is a proper subject for the remission of clues, his lodge is better able to decide than your committee. We, therefore, suggest to Brother GEHNER that he address bis petition to his lodge, and we have no doubt his brethren will do bim ample justice.
No. 198.
Appeal from decision of the Lodge acquitting B. H. BUSH.
The specifications in tbis case charge the accused with defaming the good name of a daughter of the appellant. The case was tried in the lodge, and on the evidence the lodge voted the accused not guilty. It seems from the evidence that the lodge was justified in its findings, and we s~e nothing in the proceedings that calls for interference on the part of the Grand Lodge. Let the appeal be dismissed, and the judgment of the lodge be affirmed.
This is the transcript of a trial had in Sonora Lodge, No. 200, against Brother WM. P. STAFFORD, in which he was found guilty and suspended for two years. There is no appeal in the case, and nothing, therefore, for us to pass upon. We fraternally request the officers of subordinate lodges to see to it that transcripts are not sent up when no appeal is taken. It imposes labor upon us to read these transcripts through carefully, and then find that there is no appeal.
No. 368.
Appeal from decision expelling LEWIS }
'the record in this case is mixed. The specification was disobedience of the summons of the lodge. The trial was had, and the record shows that bu t
of tl~e
one vote was taken, and that was on the question of guilt. The lodge Vot.ed by legal majority that the accused was guilty, whereupon the Master declared
him gl1ilty and expelled from the lodge. Under our law the Master has no such power. It requires the vote of the lodge to do that, the same as to pronounce guilt. There are several irregularities., but it is not necessary to mention them as they are not of a character to do injustice in the case. ' Let the jtldgment of the lodge be reversed, and formity to law.
it new
trial be had in con-
R. W.
DOUGLASS 'l..'8.
No. ÂŁ16.
Appeal from decision of the Lodge suspending him.
'rhe specifications in this charge the accused with a public quarrel with a Brother CHICK, and abusing each other in an unbecoming and unmasonic manner. Although the charges are against both the brethren, it seems from the record that Brother DOUGLASS alone was tried. The record states that he was found gUilty and suspended for three years, but it does not give the vote by which it was done. We presume it was done by a proper vote of the lodge. :But on referring to the evidence in the case, and the Secretary certifies that it is all sent up, we fail to find anything like a quarrel between the parties. One witness details a cOllversation with Brother CRICK, in which he (CHICK) said there was a quarrel, and that he drew a pistol and placed it against the head of DOUGLASS. But DOUGLASS was not present at the conver.. sation, and we know of no rule of law or reason that would allow such testimony to prevail against DOUGLASS. Especially is this true when two wItnesses testify to the whole conversation, and there was nothing to denote a quarrel in it. And even ifsllCh statement were received it proves that CHICK, and not DOUGLASS, was guilty. Let the judgment of the lodge be reversed, and the time of suspension of Brother DOUGLASS expire now.
NUlVIBER XXI. This is the transcript of a trial had in Trowel Lodge, No. 440, against Brother PLUNKET, for non-payment of his dues. It resulted in his being found guilty, and he was su~pended until his dues were paId. At the next meeting of the Lodge his dues were all remitted, by the unanimous vote of the lodge, and of course that terminated his suspension. There is no use of this transcript being sent up. We WIll say, however, that it i$ gotten up in excellent style, and r~:tlects much credit upon the Secretary. A.
of Missouri.
No. 259.
Appeal from decision of the Lodge acquitting Brother JOHN STORM.
The specifications in this case charge that the accused keeps a saloon and billiard table, and allows gambling on his billiard table. The trial was had and the accused was acquitted. There was no evidence that the accused allowed gambling, or that any gambling was done, and we think the lodge did
right in voting not guilty, in the absence of any evidence whatever of his guilt. Let the appeal be dismissed, and the judgment of the lodge be affirmed.
No. 49.
Appeal from decision of the Lodge acqUitting Brotber MANUEL RAY.
The specification in this case charges the accused with speaking disre.. spectfullyof the appellant. The trial was had and the abcused was acquitted. We think the evidence justifies the finding, and we see no error in the pro... Ceedlngs. Let the appeal be dismissed, and the jndgment of the lodge be affirmed.
NUl\1BER XXIV. This is a copy of charges and specifications preferred in West Prairie Lodge, No. 130, against Brother 'w. H. VANCLEAVE, together with a notice for him to appear for trial. He asks for our opinion on the case, provided be proves certain things. Inasmuch as we have nothing to do with the case until after trial in the todge below, we declined to express any opinion. It is about as much as we are able to do to attend to the review of appeals, without meddling wlth the conduct of trials below. We merely ask that these papers be filed among the archives.
O. CAUSEY 1)$.
:No. 229.
Appeal from decision of the Lodge suspending him.
This is a suspension for non-payment of dues. There is no point made that the eVIdence did not justify the finding. The point relied upon in the appeal is that the accused is not able to pay his dues. If that is the case let
Pro(jeedin~ 8
of tke
him petition his lodge for a remission of his dues for that reason, and if the lodge grants the request that will terminate the suspension. We think each individual lodge is better qualified to act in SUch cases than your Committee, and we prefer leaving that question with them. Let the appeal be dismissed, and the judgment of the lodge be afilrmed.
Appeal from the decision of the Lodge suspending him.
The accused is charged wi th threatening to black-ball every person who petitioned the lodge for twelve months, and for exposing his ballot. The eVidence showed that the specifications were true in every particular. 'llhe accused had recommended the petHion of a friend, who were rejected, and he vowed that he would black-ball every petition for initiation, membership Or degrees that might be presented for twelve months. The eVidence further shows that he carried his threat into execution, and then exposed the man.. ner in which he voted, and boasted that there were eleven mon ths yet for him to worlt. The transcript is excellen t, and shows that the trial 'was properly and legally conducted. The lodge found him gUilty, and suspended him for four years. If tlhe punishment had been greater we would not disturb the jUdgment of the lodge. Let the appeal be dismissed, and the judgmen t of the lodge be affirmed.
No. 28.
Appeal from decision of the Lodge suspending him.
The specification in tJliB is "refllsipg to sit up and watch with a sick brother." He was tried, found guilty, and suspended for six months. The brother has appealed from the decision of the lodge, and assigns a Dumber of objections to the proceedings. The trial was regular, and the evidence conclusive. Therefore, the onl3'T question to be decided Is this: Is refusal to sit up and watch with a sick brother a violation of Masonic law? In 1:571 PH~t Grand Master GARRETT used the foilowing language in reference to a similaJ.' case, which was approved by the Grand Lodge: "Now this is a case in which every Mason must necessarily be his own judge of his duty. No legislation can be devised to meet its spirit, an d decide upon its merits. It is beyond the scope of written law, and the questions of duty, and right and wrong in the premises f must be solved by every Mason for himself. It lies betw~en his Masonic obligations and the inner con~ciousness, or his responsibility to himself, hlS fellow man, and his brethren of the lodge. If his con~ciellce acquits him of blame in his performance of these, he has found the true solu~ tiOll. * * :It * * It would not be proper to constitute a penal offense in one lodge of an act, or omission, regarding which another lodge in the same
Grand Lod.te of Missouri.
G and Jurisdiction has no law whatever, but acts solely on the impulse
rrdutY , and that higher sense of moral obligations which it is presumed ;uides the instincts of every true Masonic heart." AS this Grand Lodge approved this in 1871, so your Committee approve it noW. We believe it is the proper solution of the question. Certainly no higher duty is imposed upon a l\-fason than the proper care of the sick. But that duty, like every other conscientions one, is to be exercised in a particular case by each individual brother according to the dictates of his own conscience. We do not believe that it is a subject to be prOVided for by legislation, either in the Grand Lodge or in the subordinate lodges. Individual feeling and tIle dictates of conscience in the performance of duty, are things that c8,nnot be easily legislated upon, and had better not be attempted. To impose a punishment because a brother declines to sit up with a particular brotller who is sick, is wrong. We do not know the motive that impelled the brother to decline to perform the" service. It migb t be something that he would. refuse to disclose under any circumstances-he might suffer suspensloD t or even expulsion, first. Holding to the rule and principle heretofore established by this Grand Lodge, in the case referred to, we must withhold our concurrence in the finding and sentence of the lodge.. Let the judgment of the lodge be reversed, and the time of the suspension of Brother SHELABARGER expire now. And, further, let all lodges having By-Laws that make it an offense for a brother to refuse to sit up with a sick brother be ordered to repeal the same. "",Ve think the sick will be properly cared for by the fraternity without threats of punishment for failure to do so.
No. 58.
Appeal from the decision of the Lodge expelling him.
This case seems to have aroused a good deal of feeling. The evidence does not show that the accused is a very bad man. He bad been drinking too much for a number of years, but for several months before the charges were preferred he had not drank to excess. Then one of the specifications charge him with speaking disrespectfully of Freemasonry. The evidence shows that he saId Masonry was a humbug as practiced in that lodge." When a ballot was stopped before its completion, and the Junior 路Warden ordered to prefer charges immediately against a brother t as the appeal and statement of Brother REYNOLDS shows was done in this case, It is not a matter of astonishment that such remarks were made by the aggrieved party. The evidence on the other specifications tended to show that the accused had been indiscreet in some remarks. He certainly made the remark that Weston Lodge would notgl'ow any more, but he did not threaten to black-ball petitioners. We believe the accused has committed errors (and who of us have not)t but we cannot see that he deserved the severe punishmen t of expulsion. H
The whole evidence in this case shows a strong desire on the part of some of the members of the lodge to get Brother GILBERT o'U,t, that somebody else might get in. The proceedings of the lodge tend to convince us that the Master favored tbat disposition, as it is the first instance in our knOWledge where the right to ballot has been taken away from a brother, because of a difference of opinion between the brother and the Master in reference to the candidate.
Proceedings of the Our opinion in reference to this case is that the evidence wholly fails to sustain tbe charge, and we have learned that since the appeal was taken Brother GILBERT bas died. In order that bis Masonic standing may not be tarnished, notwithstanding his death, we recommend that the jUdgment of the lodge be reversed.
Appeal from decision of the- Lodge expelling him.
The specifications in this case charge the accused with petit lal路ceny. The evidence points very clearly to his guilt, and the lodge so found and expelled him. The accused says he is innocent, and asserts that the charge was made against him through malice. We cannot see from the testimony and the proceedings that there is any ground for such assertion. If the accused procured or purchased the articles in Jamesport, as he asserts, it would be a very easy matter to show that by the testimony of the merchant from whom he purchased. This he utterly fails to do, and the other merchant from whom the article is alleged to have been stolen, identifies the same. We can see nothing in this case that calls for the interference of the Grand Lodge. Let the appeal be dismissed, and the Judgment of the lodge be affirmed.
H. R.
No. 234.
Appeal from the decision of the Lodge expelling him.
In this case the accused is charged wi th slandering the family of a brother. The evidence shows that the charge was true. The accused had baid that a young lady, the si~ter of the brother, was pregnant, and had gone away to have a child, and other scandalous talk about the sister of this brother, all of which was proven to be false by testimony that could not be questioned. The lodge found him guilty and expelled bim, and your Committee think they performed a sacred duty when they so acted. Let the appeal be dismissed, and the judgment of the lodge be affirmed.
NUMBER XXXI. This is the petition of T. J. O. MORRISON to be restored to the privileges of Masonry. He was exp~lled in 1858 by New Madrid Lodge, No. lOB. That lodge no longer has an existence. The petitioner resIdes in the jurisdiction of New Madrid Lodge, No. 429, which occ>upies the same territory as the lodge did that expelled him. H楼; petition is recommended by the unanimous vote of the lodge, and we recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted, and that 1\ J. O. MORRISON, expelled by New Madrid Lodge, No. lOB, be, and he 1s hereby, restored to his Masonic rights and privileges.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
NUMBER XXXII. This is the transcript of the trial of Brother J. W. ELLIOTT by Barry Lodge, No. 367, for non-payment of dues, which resulted in the suspension of the ac... oused until his dues are paid.
We cannot find in the record that any appeal has been taken from th~ action of the lodge, and, therefore, there is nothing for your Committee to pass upon.
No. ,475
) Appeal from decision of the Lodge expelhng him.
In this case the accused is charged with cheating and defrauding several brethren, and generally acting in such a manner as to bring Masonry into disrepute. The specifications advIse the accused in a specific manner of the charges a.gainst him. The evidence is conclusive, and the trial was conducted in accordance to law. The appeal states a number of objections to the proceedings, but none of thenl are ,veIl taken. The vote of the lodge was unanimous as to guilt, and there was but one dissenting vote on expulsion.
Let the appeal be dismissed, and the judgment of the lodge be affirmed..
No. 860.
Appeal from decision of the lodge suspending Brother O. W. KEISER.
At the last Communication of this Grand Lodge this case was here on appeal, ahd the judgment of the lodge was reversed and the cause remanded for a new trial. We tind that the order of the Grand Lodge was not complied with, but that a new charge was made, and the speCIfication is very indefini te, to-wit: "Refusing to obey legal sumnlons." This is the whole of it. It does not say when the summons was issued; it does not say by whom it was issued, whether by the Master or by the lodge; it does not say that it waEl served u:p.0n him. In short, it doe~ not apprise the accused of the nature of the cha~ge against him at all. This being a new case, the accused could not reasonably suppose that it was a trial on the case that had been reversed in the Grand Lodge. Your Committee had called the attention of the lodge to the fact that the specLfications were indefinite, and supposed that the suggestion would be acted upon and the specifications would be amended. But they were left in this new case just as indefinite as before. We notice frorn the evidence that the lodge proceeded to try the accused for saIlle offense as before, but commenced the proceedings anew, thus having two cases depending against the brother for the same offense. This is certainly againElt the spirit and letter of justice that should be meted out to every Mason.
of the
Again, it is not stated anywhere in the record that the accused is a member of Tuscan Lodge, and in the appeal it is stated that the accused claims that he is not a member of that lodge. It is stated that tbe summons was serY~d upon hIm in Jacksonville, Illinois. and if be is not a member of Tuscan Lodge it might cut considerable figure in his defense. This trial was had ex-parte and wi thont actual notice to the accused. It is true that a copy of the charges, with a notice of the time of trial, wa~ mailed to the address of the accused at Jacksonville, IllinOIS, but It is also true, according to the testimony in the cause, that the Junior Warden knew that Brother KEISER was in Europe at the tune the notioe ,vas so maIled, and had not returned at the time the trial was had. We do not believe in technicalitIes 1n Masonic trials, bnt we do believe In sound, substantial justIce, and It seems to us that this bas not been done in this case. The lodge found the accused guilty and assessed his punishment at SUspension for ten years. The record shows that no vote was taken upon the specification at all. rfhe only ballot was upon tlle charge and the punishment. Let the judgment of the lodge be reversed and a new trial be had, WIth directions that the specifications be amended in accordance with ordinary justice so that the brother may know what sumnlons he is accused of haVing disobeyed. And let it be shown whether he is a mem bel' of Tuscan Lodge or not. Let aU these things be done, and let proper notice of the trial be had on the accused if his residence is known, and if not, let the constructive service prOVlded law be had, so that this case may be decently tried, and if the accused is gUiltjT, let him be punIshed as he deserves to be, and if he is innocent let him be vindicated.
NUl\1BER XXXV. This is the petition of W. J. VEAL for restoration. He was suspended by St. Andre"w's Lodge, No. 96, in June, 1875, for tbe period of two yeal'S. The peti.. tion states that the sentence was too severe, but it does not tell us what the offense was, or any of the circumstances connected with it, that we might form ajudgment thereon.
Several me1nbers of the lodge endorse the petitioD, but there is action of the lodge, as such in the case. The petition shows no grounds on which we are authorized to recommend the restoration of the petitioner.
We recommend the petitioner to st. Andrew's Lodge.
This is the petition of EDWIN P. DIEIILE, who was suspended in IR09 by Constantine Lodge, No. 129, asking to be restored to his Masonic priVileges. Constantine Lodge is no longer in existence, and hence the petition is made to the Grand Lodge. It is rec-ommended by Brother J. H. BETHUNE and others who were members of the lodge a..t the time of the suspension. We recom.mend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted, and that P. DIEHLE be and he is hereby restored to his Masonic rights and privileges. EDWIN
Grand Lodge of
NUMBER XXXVII. This is a statement of a committee appointed by Modern Lodge, No. 144, to inform your committee that their Secretary made a mistake in the transcript of 3 trial sent up to the last session of this Grand Lodge. The transcript in tbat case showed that the testimony of a boy was taken in open lodge, and we "{ery properly censured the lodge for such conduct. The statement of this comm.ittee of Modern Lodge says that their Secretary was in error in this. We are very glad to learn this fact, and are satisfied that the transcript of the Secretary, that was the basis of our cen sure, was wrong, and we very gladly relieve Modern Lodge of the censure that was pronounced against it on the supposition that a profane had been adm.itted into open lodge.
( Appeal from decision of the Lodge in the case of JAMES SPARES.
No. 316.
The record in this case shows that charges were regularly preferred and entertained by the lodge; that the time for trial was set, and on the evening appointed for the trial a motion was made to dismiss the charges. The Master entertained the motion and the lodge adopted it. From this decision the Wardens appeal. This Grand Lodge has repeatedly held that such action was illegal. The lodge should have heard the evidence and proceeded to a ballot, as provided bylaw.
Let the judgment of the lodge be reversed, and the Master be ordered to set a time for the trial of Brother SPARKS on the charge, giving him legal notice of the same, as required by law. Fraternally submitted, SAMUEL H. OWENS, JOHN H. TURNER, T. J. BUCHANAN, H. W. POCOKE, P. G. WOODS, Committee.
P,-'oceeding8 of tlbB
Committee reported as follows-adopted; To the Most lVorshipful G'iYtnd Lodge of Mis80U?-i.-
The duties of your Committee on Jurisprudence are this year compara.. tively light, and this fact speaks well for the adequacy and comprehensiveness of the laws and rUlings already in force. Our Mason tc Code has almost reached that state of completeness which requires only reference to the letter of the law to decide any question of general bearing that can possibly arise in the ,vork and management of a lodge. Special cases are of course unavoidable, but our system is such that even these can be settled by a thorough knowl. edge of our usage, and the intelligent application of the principles of our written law. This is good cause for congratulation, and your Oommittee cannot withhold its expression. The Grand Master points to our Book of Constitutions as his infallible guide book through his term of office, and this accounts for the small number of decisions which he has reported. We have been too much in the habit 01 affirming the old laws.and rulings over and over again; and by pointing out "section and page" in answer to questions for decision, our Grand Master has set a good example to his successors.
We find the following decIsions reported in the Address in strict conformity to our usage, and in e'Very case an intelligent construction of the letter and spirit of our laws.
A lodge cannot receive the petition for initiation of an applicant who bas no resIdence-no settled home. In a question of fact as to residence the lodge must be the judge of the fact, and is responsible to the Grand Lodge for its action. A. lodge can try a member for llnmasonic conduct which occurred while he was Master of the lodge, after his term of office expires.
The decision that a member who is on trial cannot enlploy a profane as counsel is palpably correct. The re~affirmation of the law that "a. member cannot be deprived of bis Masonic prlvileges without a fair trial," was most appropriate In the case cited by the Grand :Master. When a member violates the laws of rvIasonry, or neglects the practice of any of its cardinal virtues (especially the til'st, which involves them all), there is a way by which the lodge can render jUbtice, both to itself and him. It is unmasonic and unlawful to 'deny a member Masonic privileges when he becomelil a burden. When a lodge neglects its plain duties, It 1llust bear the consequences of neglect. It is a plain, emphatic and well understood law of this Grand Lodge that a non-affiliated Mason, who has been non-affiliated for over twelve months, is not entItled to participate in the benefits of our charity fund, nor shall he receive -Masonic burial. He has lost so much of his Masonic rights and priVileges by bis non-affiliation_ The act of Union Lodge, No. 480, in giving a Don.. affiliated Mason a Masonic funeral-knowing hIm to be such-was a wilful violation of the law, and merits the censure of this Grand Lodge, which is
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
bereby administered. Our law further rules non-affiliates out of Masonic processions, and the o1Tense of making one the object of a procession is a very fiagrant one. The error was probably committed on t.he side of charity, but the law regulating our charity claIms our first allegiance, and we believe that our laws defining the status, and restricting the Mason ic claims of nonaffiliated l\iasons are just, both to the non-affiliates and to the lodge, and insist upon their rIgid enforcement. The Grand Master's act declaring the work of Valley Lodge, No. 413, in receiving the petition of, and conferring the first degree upon a man who had previouSly been initiated in a lodge in Ohio, is approved. A waiver of jurisdiction by the Ohio lodge, in interest, must be obtained before Valley Lodge can lay any claim to the candidate. The many complalnts of invasion of jurisdiction by our lodges are greatly to be regretted, especially as this Grand Lodge is so jealous of the maintenance of its OWll jurisdIctional rights. If we would vindicate the integrity of our own principles, and not become a reproach in other Grand Jurisdictions, we must practice the Golden Rule.
In the case wherein the Master of this lodge ordered a second ballot on a candldate, and after the members had commenced votIng suspended the ballot,your Committee concur in the decision that the act was illegal, approve of the suspension of the Master, and of the Grand 1\Iaster's decision that the candidate stood raj ected. In view of all the circumstances connected with the history of the late troubles in this lodge, and the further fact of its having been dIsciplined by th~ Grand Master in the suspenSIon of charter, we recommend that the suspension cease, both as to the Master and the lodge, and that the lodge be permitted to resume its functions.
The case is the conferring of a degree upon a candidate of Aurora Lodge by Corner-stone Lodge, through permi&sion of the Master of Aurora Lodge. The 'Work was lrregular. No lodge can do work for any other lodge without the unanimous consent of the lodge for which the work is done, in order that the lodge may not be deprived of the right of objection, which it may exerCIse at any stage of the proceedIngs, and we, therefore, indorse the decision of the Grand Master that the work W~tS Irregularly done, and must be heled.
In the matters of invasion of jurisdiction, as presented in the cases of Plato Lodge, No. 469, V8. Texas Lodge, No. 177; De Soto Lodge, No. 119, V8. Joachim Lodge, No. 164; Hogle's Creelt Lodge, No. 279, vs. St. Clair Lodge, No. 273, your Committee find no question of jurisprudence for their conSIderation. The interests involved being purely local, we canllot be expected to adjudicate them, but can only reaffirm the law defining the air hne route as determining jurisdictional boundaries. In the case of Granby Lodge V8. RIsing Star Lodge, claiming reimbursement for assistance rendered to a sick Inember of Rising Star Lodge, we refer &he claimants to the sen tirnents expressed by the Grand Master in 1873, to be found on page 20 of the Proceedings. G. L.-PRO. 4.
50 In view of the apparent confilct noticed by the Grand Master between th law of the Grand Lodge of New York and our own law, relative to dimits a ~
affiliation, we are of opinion that the certificate of the Secretary of the N n York lodge statin~ that the petitioner IS a member in good standing a~~ that dimit will be issued on notice of the petition being received,-dirhlt to be sent to the lodge before the ballot is takeu,-is "documentary evidence of the good standing" of the applicant," in accordance with the law- Article xvi, section 8, page 26, Book of Constitutions. Fraternally submitted, THOS. E. GARRErrT JOHN D. 'VINCIL ' S. W. B. CARNEGY JAIVIER E. CARTER' L. P. WOOD, '
Committee reported as follows-adopted: To the J.1Iost W01'ship!ul G1'and Lodge oj ...lIisso1.l1路i:
Your Committee appointed at the last Communication on memorial of Constantine Lodge, No. 129, respectfully submit the follOWing report: We have experienced some difficulty in obtaining information in regard to the matter submitted to us. One of our number, during a ViSIt to Charleston,. Mo., in February last, took occasion to interview as many of the mernorialists, as well as of the members, of Charleston Lodge, Under Dispensation, as he could find willing to give information. ...'\11 agreed in their statements of the condition of Constantine Lodge prior to the surrender of its charter, and according to their statements we are of opinion that the snrrender was right and proper, as the lodge was either utterl)T unable or un willing to enforce its By-Laws, or the laws of the Grand Lodge. Summon~ were dIsobeyed and even when m.embers appeared ill answer to summons and plead guilty to charges made, the lodge refused to assess any punishment. We think that. the sur.. render of charter was right, whether proper notice was given to all the members of the intentIon to surrender or not. Since the surrender of said charter, Charleston Lodge has been organized Under Dispensation, and we do not think that the interests of Masonry in general, or the members of Charleston in particular, require the existence of two lodges at that place, and as we find tbat a majority of the members of the old lodge are now members of the new, we think, that other things being regular and proper, a charter sllould be granted to Charleston Lodge. Both parties expressed a willingness to have us decide the matter on a statement of facts to be made by Brother BETHUNE, of Charleston, but that brother after being requested, in writing, so to do, has neglected to make any statement, or to even respond to our request.
We regret to know that a bad state of feeling exists among Masons of Charleston, and that the mem.bers of Charleston Lodge Under Dispensation are not all free from blam.e, and that some good Masons will be deprived of the privilege of affiliation at home as long as there is but one lodge in the place,
but we cannot encourage this unmasonic spirit of rivalry and ill-feeling, by recommending the granting of the petition of the memorialists, but recommended that their petition be not granted, for the simple reason that a majority of the former members of Constantine Lodge are now member, of Oharleston Lodge. Fraternally sUbmitted,
The Oommittee reported as follows-adopted: To the }'Iost Worshipful Grand Lodge of :J;Iissollri: Your Committee on Accounts would respectfully report that we have examined the accounts of the Grand Secretary and Treasurer and find them to be correct. We ~ubmit the following financial eXhibit, as shown by the books of the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer: Grand Tre'lsurer had on hand October 13, 1875 $7,463 66 Grand Secretary has received, since last report, and paid Grand Treasurer 12,400 78
Grand Treasurer has paid out, as per vouchers
$19,864 64 13,430 45
Leaving balance in treasllry
$6,434 19
Fraternally submitted, W. R. STUBBLEFIELD, H. WILSON WINSOR, G. L. FAULHABER, Oom1'nittee.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS. The Oommittee reported as follows-adopted: To the J."'Y[ost lVo')'ship/ul G?'and Lodge 0/ Mu/sowri:
Your Committee on Unfinished Business, report that upon examination of the Report of the Official Proceedings of this Grand Lodge at its last Annual Oommunication, they find a report due from a Special Committ~e, consisting of Brothers JAMES E. DR.AKE, S. C. BUNN and ELIAS SCOFIELD, appointed to enquire into, and report upon, the expediency and neoessityof making sUita..
Proceedings of the
bIe provision fO! the erection. of a "Home" for the indigent widows and minors (orphans) of worthy (deceased) Master l\1asons, upon the plan adopted by the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, or some other suitable plan, to be located in some suitable and bealthy place. See page 47 of said Report. 'fhey also :find a report due from a Special Committee, consisth.lg of Brothers R. W.1\fcMuLLIN, O. A. CRANDALL and THOS. C. READY, to Whom was referred a memorial from sundry members of late Constantine Lodge, No. 129, which surrendered Its charter in 1874, praying for a restoration of the charter. See page 88 of said Report.
They also find a report due from the Committee on Jurisprudence, upon a resolution relative to sumnlonses offered by Brother S. W. B. OARNEGY, and referred to said CommIttee. See page 91 of Report. And they find a report due from Brother SAMUEL H. OWENS, Uhairmn.n of Special Committee on Incorporation of Lodges, who at the last Annual Com.. munication of this Grand Lodge, lllade a verbal report of progress, and was granted until this session to complete his report. See page 92 of Report.
And lastly your Committee find in the report of the Special Commi ttee on Memorials, a recommendation that a comn'1ittee be appointed to ascertaIn at what cost and on what terms the bUilding known as the Ma~onic Hall, in the City of St. LOUIS, could be pUI chased, and report a plan by WhICh the above object could be consummated, to next session of the Grand Lodge. The recom.. mendation was adopted, and a Committee on Purchase of Hall, consisting of Brothers JOSEPH S. BR01V"NE, LEE A. HALL, NOAH MCGIVAN, WM. H. STONE and JAMES E. CARTER. Fraternally submitted, GEORGE N. NOLAN, W. R. SLACK, G. W. l\IITCHELL, Committee.
Certain charges against the Master of Rolla Lodge, No. 213, were read and referred to the incomiI!-g' Grand 1\faster.
Brother JOHN D. VINCIL offered the following, which was adopted: WHEREAS, a series of difficulties existed for a time in weston Lodge, resulting in the suspension of its charter by the Gran d Master on the 20th of June, thereby hindering the work of said lodge; and,
Grand Lodge of Mi8S0U]~i.
these difficulties have been happily adjusted, and the lodge resume its functions; therefore,
haVIng been~permitted to
Resol'l'ed, That the dues of said lodge to the Grand Lodge be, and the same are hereby, remitted for the past year. .JOHN D. VIRCIL.
offered the following, which
was adopted : Resolv(/cl, That in future the Grand Master of this Grand Lodge be, and is hereby, requested to place all matters and decisions involving questions of Masonic Law and Usage, on which he may act, in the hands of the Chairman of the Commi ttee on Jurisprudence, as soon after he may have considered the same, as possible. JOHN D. VINOIL.
On motion of Brother S. W. B. O.A.RNEGY, the final con- . sideration of \his proposed amenrlll?-ents to By-Laws relative to Hall was postponed until October, 1877.
The Oommittee, through a majority, reported as follows: To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge oj J.lliS80UJ路i:
Your Committee, to whom at your last Communicatlon was I'eferred the question of purchasing this Hall of the Life Association of America, beg leave to report: That, having thoroughly considered the subject, with all its attendant circumstances, we do not think it adVlsable that any action be taken by the Grand Lodge at this Communication.
of the
w~ recommend that a special committee of three be appointed to report some plan of action for the consideration of this Grand I.~odge at its next Communication.
All of which is respectfully sUbmitted, LEE A. HALL J. E. OARTER' N. 1\1. GIV"AN,' Oomrmtlee.
Which was adopted, and Brothers HALL, OARTER and GrvAN were appointed as the Special COIDlnittee to report in 1877.
The hour having arrived for the annual election of officers, the Grand Lodge proceeded to the performance of that duty, with the following result, Brothers DOCKERY and PEERS acting as tellers: M. W. GRAND ~!ASTER R. W. DEPUTY GRAND MASTER R. W. SENIOR GRAND WARDEN R. W. JUNIOR GRAND WARDEN R. W. GRAND rrREASURER R. W. GRAND SECRETARY
XENOPHON RYLAND, of Lexington. THOMAS C. READY, St. Louis. NOAH M. GIVAN, of Harrisonville. 1\1ARTIN J. HUBBLE, of Springfield. WILLIAl\1 N. LOKER, of St. Lonis. GEO. FRANK GOULEY, of St. Louis.
At 12:45 the Grand Lodge "ras called from labor until two o'clock P. M.
Thursday, Oct. 12, 1876, 2 P.
The Grand Lodge \vas called to labor by the Granu J\Iaster. Grand Officers in their several stations.
of Jllissouri.
The proposed amendments relative to fees for degrees, nonpayment of dties, dimits, and new lodges, ,vere each severally voted upon and rejected by the Grand Lodge.
Brother T. E.
offered the following-adopted:
Resolvecl, That the dues of Brother D. l\ICQ,Ulstoll, former member of Macon Lodge, No. 106, amounting to $21.65, be remItted in order to enable the brother to obtain a dimit from the Grand Secretary.
The Oommittee reported as follows-adopted: To the .ZiIo~t lVo'rshipjul Grand Lodge oj Missouri:
Your Committee on Chartered Lodges would respectfully submit the following report: We have examined the reports of all the lodges received to date and sUbmitted to us by the Grand Secretary. We find the reports of the following lodges correct: Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18,20, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29,30, 31, 32, 36, 88, 40, 41, 44,45,48,49, 52,53, 54,55,57, 58, 61, 62, 64, 69, 74,75, 76,77, 78, 79, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 89, 90, 91,93,97,99, 100, 102, 105, 107, 108, 110. 114, 117, 118,119, 120, 121,122. 131, 134, 135, 136, 140, 144,145, 148, 140, 150, 153, 157, 158, 159, 162, 163, 164. 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 174, 175, 179, 180, 181, IRS, 189, 192, 194, 195, 196, 197, 199, 202, 207, 208,213, 214,215,216, 219, 220,221, 222, 22J, 225,227, 228, 232, 233, 234, 2.~6, 237, 240, 241, 242, 243, 245, 246, 247,248, 250, 254, 255, 256, 259, 260,262, 263, ~65, 266, 267,268,271,272,273,274, 276, 279, 281, 284,286,287,289,290,292,293, 294,296,298,300, 302, 305, 307, 308,310,311, 312, 313, 315, 31B, 317, 320,322, 323, 324, 327, 328, 329,331,333,339,340, 341, 342,343,345, 346,350, 351, H52, 333, 3~55, 356, 357, 358, 359,363, 36fi, 367, B6g, 369, 372, 374, 373, 376, 377, 380, d83, 384, 3h5, 390, 392, 394, 395, 396, 399,410, 411, 412, 415,416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 422, 424, 425, 427, 428, 430, 4.33, 435, 437, 438, 439,440, 441, 442,444, 445,446,449,451,452, 453, 454, 455, 456, 459, 461, 462, 467, 468,470,472,474,477,479,480, 481, 488,489.
[Oct. The following not authenticated with the seal of the lodge:
Nos. 6,8, 14, 34,42,43, 56, 68,71, 73, 111, 112, 115, 124, 126, 128, 137, 141, 142, 143, 160, 165, 171, 182, 187, 200,201, 210,218,231,235,244,261,269, 278, 285, 291, 304, 309, 3B8 1 359,373, 382,386,388, 391,397,398,403,405,408, 414,421, 423, 426, 4S0, 458, 466 473 476 47~ 483,487, 490. ' , , , Names of
of the officers omitted:
Nos. 6, 14, 29, 33, 35, 47, 60, 6i, 72, 80, 81, 92, 95, 96, 98, 109, Ill, 113, 115, 123, 125, 132 133, 141, 142, 152, 154, 158, 173, 176, 178, 184, 186, 187, 188,193, 201, 206, 210, 211, 212, ~17, 226' 253,275,277, 278,280,282,283,285,295,299, 306, 314,323,326,332, 334, 354, SoO, 304 379 388' 389,391, 393,398,404, 406,423,332,437, 460, 464, 465,466, 475, 478, 484,485. " t
Not alphabetically arranged: Nos. 8, 14, 19, 22,26, 39,60, 101, 103, 112, 137, 146, 186, 200, 201, 204, 205, 206, 218, 257, 288, 34,.1, ~54, 361, 370, 371, 381, 382, 3D7, 401, 402, 405, 429, 448, 486, 487, 490.
No date of charter given: .Nos. 7, 14,20,50,86, 182, 184, 249,251, 299,303, 326,371,388, 443,447,450,455,482. Not signed by the 'Yorshipful Master: Nos. 5, 73, 115, 204, 251, 254, 291, 30-i, 382, 478, 482. Not signed by the Secretary: Nos. 73, 1151 204, 254, 450, 478. Incorrect recapitulation: Nos. 198, 206, 288, 381, 388, 401, 473. No recapitulation, Nos. 60, 96, 171, 201, 398, 403. No time of meeting given, Nos. 37, 59, 299. No post office address, No. 86. Error in date, No. 19.
Location not stated, No. 178. In the matter of Daviess Lodge, No. 116, Pittsville Lodge, No. 49], and Lake Lodge,路 No. 463, referred to us by the Committee on the )!ost Worshipful Grand Master's Address, we recommend that the action taken by the Most Worshipful Grand Master thereIn be sustained. In the matter of Neosho Lodge, No. 247, also referred to us, we are of the opinion that the original contract with WILI.;IAM WITHERSPOON, referred to, should be carried out regardless of the technicalities of the civil law, unless an amicable release from the terms ot said contract can be effected between the lodge and the heirs of said WITHERSPOON whereby the lodge may come into possession of the entire property. DEx'rER S. OROSBY, 8. E. WAGGONER, C. C. WOODS, F. H. OLARK, A. L. McGREGOR, JNO. M. SPENCER, M. J. HUBBLE, S. E. LECKLIDER, JOHN J. SKINNER, Cornmittee.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Oommittee reported as follows-adopted:
To the lr:f05t Worshipful Grand Lodge of lYIis80uri:
fi'The Committee on Lodges Under DIspensation submitted the following report: *' They have examined the records of the following lodges, and recommend that charters be iS$ued them, as follows: .
Oharleston Lodge Vandalia Lodge Glasgow Lodge
Charleston Vandalia Glasgow
Mississippi County. Audrain County. Howard County.
Name to be changed to Livingston Lodge, No. 51, and that the property, jewels and seal of old Livingston Lodge be tnrned over to same. Lewiston Lodge Daggett Lodge Vernon Lodge Globe Lodge
Lewiston Lewis County. Loutre Island:................â&#x20AC;˘Montgomery Oounty. Vernon Mounds \.,.ernon County. Louisiana PHce County.
We find tha't the records of Oharleston, Vandalia and Globe Lodges are defective in some partIculars, and we recommend that the District Deputy Grand Masters see that they are corrected before s~tting them to work. We find that the records of Lewiston, Daggett, Vernon and Glasgow Lodges have been well kept. We recommend that dispensations be granted to the folloWing: Kaseyville Lodge Philadelphia Lodge Wyaconda I.lodge Stafford Lodge Defiance Lodge .M artinsville Lodge
Kaseyville Plllladelphia LaGrange Stafford Defiance Martinsville
Macon County. Marion County. Lewis County. Green County. Worth County. Harrison County.
We decline to recommend a dispensatIon to Jameson Lodge" Jameson, Daviess County, because it had been referred to the two last Grand Masters, who refused the same, and we saw no good reason why )Ve should set aside their refusal. Respectfu] ly submitted, B. L. QUARLES, J. C.. SHAEFER, DAVID BAIRD, B. P. BAILEY, Committee.
of the
COlumittee reported as follows-adopted: To the ...1fost n""orship!ul G'rand Lodge oj ..'l[l,ssouri:
The Oommittee on Reports of District Deputy Grand l\Iasters beg leave to subnlit the following report:
We have carefully examined the reports from thirty-two dlstrictR, viz.: Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,17, 18, 20, 23, 25, 26, 31, 3~, 33, :H. 3;), 36, 38. 39, 42, 44, 45, 48, 40, and the follOWIng is a E,ynopsi& of the details of such reports as gave such details:
Thirty-three lodges own their halls. Forty-one lodges have money or property in excess of $100.
Twenty-one lodges owe debts of $100 and upwards. One hundred and
lodges in good condition in ever;y路 way.
One hundred and forty lodges have good average attendance. One hundred and fort)"" ..five lodges have good furniture, etc. Ten lodges are poorly furnished. Eighte~n
lodges are doing little or no work.
Twenty-one lodges are in low or bad condi tion. Sixty-four lodges are not reported with such details as we could include in the above summary. District No. 12 (nine lodges), with the exception of Earle Lodge, No. 285, is reported in a paralyzed condition throughout.
In DIstrict No. 26, among a few of the lodges there is a want of peace and harmony, and there is a sad need of uD110rmity and knowledge of the Work and Lectures. This DIstrict embraces a large extent of territory, and the District Deputy thinks that in that DIstrict, Jordan is a hard road to travel. In District No. 31 the halls of lodges Nos. 115 and 216 are reported utterly unsafe, and those of lodges Nos. 148,358 and 4i8 defective. We would recom.. mEJ'nd that those lodges be required to put their ball in safe condition before further use, and in case of faIlure to so do that the Dibtrict Deputy Grand l\faster be authorIzed and comnlanded to fOlmally suspend their work until the balls are made becure, and to report bis action in the prenllses at once to the ~Iost Worbhipful Grand Ma&ter. In DIstrict No.7, Lodge No. 73 is reported much in need of the enforcement of dif:lClpl1l1e among ltfo, Il1embel'R. SomE> of itb best members will not attend on account of the eXistIng state of shife and contention, an ex('use "lllCh your Comullttee does Dot concede as justifying thenl in the neglect of their duty, and we would recommend that the District Deputy Grand Master for
of Missouri.
th present year require the Worshipful Master to have discipline properly en~orced in his lodge, and if he cannot succeed in doing so, that the charter be arrested, and the fact be reported to the Grand Master. In District No. 10, Modena Lodge, No. 39, has an unsafe hall, and the members are contentious. The District Deputy Grand Master recommends that ~be charter be arrested, and, as we have every confidence in his good judgment, we indorse his recommendation. In District No. 45, Triangle Lodge, No. 479, has a small membership, and much dissatisfaction exists among these few me robel's. of whom tbere are
seldom enough present to open thp lodge. It bas a debt which is constantly increasing, and it is very doubtful to your Committee whether its eXistence should be prolonged any furtber. In DIstrict No. 49, Lathrop Lodge, No. 330, is in a bad condition in every
wa.y, and from tb.e nature of the report of the District Deputy Grand Master we judge that its charter would be in a safer place in the hands of the Most Worshipful Grand Master. Tbis view accords with that of the District Deputy Grand IYIaster. In District, No. 39, Lodge No. 337 is alive by virtue of its having a charteronly this, and nothing more." We would refer its condition to the Most Wcrshipful Grand Master, to determine whether this spark of life should be extlnguished by the arrest of its charter.
In District No. 13 your Committee cannot too highly commend the zealous labor of v~rorshipful Brother J. W. ALLEN, of Liberty Lodge, No. 31, who, with his membels, have, in one 3''''ear's time, cleared off a debt incurred by bUilding a hall, and have collected up all arrearages of dues. We would point to this example aDd say to other Worshlpful Masters and lodges, "go and do thou likewise."
The reports of n1.any of the District Deputy Grand Masters are very full and complete, and we regret that those of others ""vere not more specific in the detaIls WhlCh we have heretofore enumerated in 1'\3' nopsis. It is -from such details that, in our opinion, the Grand Lodge can alone form a correct estimate of the conditIon of the various lodges in each District, and for the assistance of committees hereafter in compiling the information the reports of DistrlCt Deputy Gland lVlasters are intended to convey, we would oifer the follOWing E,uggestionE, to them: That all matters in connection with Lodges of Instruction be included in their reports to the Grand Lecturer, or if such District Deputy Grand Masters are not DIstrict Lecturers that these matters be arranged in tbeir repol ts so 3S to be altogetber, and sepalate from that port ion whicb alludes particularly to the reports made as Distriet, Deputy GI'and Master. That all details of condition of each lodge be given in some tabular form, a.nd to aid them In thi& matter we would recommend that the Grand Secretary have blank forms of such statenlents, with suitable beadings to columns, printed, and furnished to each Dlstrict Deputy Grand Master. The labor of tIlling these up WIll be very light, and in them any otber intormatioI) desired to be given can be added. A. plan of buch statement is herewith submitted, and we would respe<>tfully aE,k that this proposed plan be adopted by the Grand Lodge, as also the following resolution:
Resolved, That the Worshipful Master of every lodge in a District be required to order the Sec:tetary to furnish to the District Deputy Grand Master
60 the names of the officers of their respective lodges at the time of the Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge, and of those who may be elected to serve at any Annual Election thereafter, with their Post OiIiee address. . The reports received by us show that with the exception of some (ntH! existing, th e Craft is generally in a good eondition, and the lodges as a whole steadily improving in work, morals and finances. Many of the reports allude in a general way to the vice of intemperance ae too prevalent, the non-payment of dues, and the disposition to incur debts witbout a reasonable prospect of paying the same. The two first of the,,, should be strictly attended to by the Worshipful Masters of the lodges, and the latter should be positively prohibited. .finy one of these will paralyze lodge and render its existence only a question of time. From the following districts no reports have been sent ill: Nos. 4,9,11,19, 21,22,24,27, 28, 29,30,37, 40,41, 43,46, 47, 50-total 19.
There is one matter suggested by the labors of your Conlmittee which is wOl'th serIous consideration in connection with the District Deputy Grand Master system.. There are 19 districts, containing 171 lodges, from which there are no reports, and 114 lodges that do not appear in the reports received by yOUr Committee as haviug been Visited, making a total of 265, more than half the lodges in the State not visited officially, and from which individuall:y路 nothing has been heard.
It would seem but an act of courtesy at least, if not a strict compliance with the law, if every District Deputy Grand Master were to write something to the Grand Master in the way of a report even if he were to say that he had been unable to visit a single lodge, except his own; we have seen some reports that were equivalent to that, and they were better than none. A question of moment presents itself whether it is advisable to appoint to that office brethren who have been for two years unable to show an路y record of their actions. or non-actions, or others who declare their unwillingness to assume its duties. Again it is very difficult for the Most Worshipful Grand Master, during the short time between bis election and the close of the Grand Lodge, to make np a list of those who would be best qualified and would be Willing to serve, and it should not be the case that he should be expected to announce his appoint.. ments before the expiration of two or three weeks time, during which time he could make a selection as he could not otherwise do, and if a good selection cannot be made in any district, that it would be better to have the office remain vacant, except by a special appointment from time to time of some competent Past Master, when the neoessit,y of any lodge may require it. One objeotIon to the office is urged frequently, namely, the expenses of visiting, which it appears to be the exception, and not the rule for lodges visited to defray. This should not be so, and your Committee would suggest that the lodges shquld pay the expenses incurred by the District Depu ty Grand :Master on the occasion of his otlicial visi ts.
The reports before us show us that the District Deputy Grand Masters have generally labored with zeal and fidelity. Some good reasons have been given for inability to malr.e their work as complete as they would have desired; doubtless the question of expense underlies many of the reasons, but taken as a whole, the reports are deserVing of the highest praise and Indicate an earnest desire for the welfare of our Fraternity, and as a little leaven leaveneth
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
the whole lump, we sincerely hope and trust that with a. steadily increasing corps of such workers in the field the system will,' like well adjusted machinery, soon become so adapted to the objects of our Institution as to develop to their fullest extent the grand principles of Brotherly Love, Belief and Truth, with the four cardinal virtues throughout our jurisdiction, All which is respectfully submitted. J. W. LUKE, J. R. HARDY, LEE A. HALL, J. B: HENDERSON, T. C. HARRISON, Oo~nrnittee.
Committee reported as follows-adopted: 7b the lrlost lVorship/u l
Lodge 0/ J.lfis/!io1.u"i.-
Your Committee to whom was referred the Report of the Right Worshipful Grand Lecturer, Brother ArJLAN McDo\VELL, would respectfully report that after a perusal of it, together with those of the District Lecturers, it is gratify.. ing to be able to say that by the visits of the Grand Lecturer, and his corps of District Lecturers, a large number of the lodges have bad aruple opportunities to become proficient in the work, to impart which his ability is so well
known. We are satisfied that the Craft in those districts heretofore visited by Brother l\1:CDOWELL have been greatly benefited thereby, and that great good is the result of his efforts. In every district visited there are quite a number of .well-informed brethren. We recommend that the Right Worshipful Grand Lecturer during the ensuing year visit, so far as possible, districts not visited heretofore, so that all may have the benefit of instruction. Respectfully submitted, .1. W. LUKE, J. B. HENDERSON~ T. O. HARRISON, LEE A. HALL, J. R. HARDY, Contrnittee.
The Committee reported as follows-adopted: Po the JJfost TVorshipjul Grand Lodge oj JYIissou?"i:
Your Committee, to whom was referred that part of the Grand Master's
Proceeclings of the
Address suggesting the necessity of some action in reference to the applica.. tiOD of Masons who hail from jurisdictions outside of the United States, Wotl1d respectfully recommendTbat every such applicant be required to acconlpany his petition with & dimit from the lodge of which he is a member, together with a certIficate from the Grand Jurisdiction under which such lodge is working, that it is regular and in good standing; provided that when the applicant is a member of more than one lodge he shall be required to produce dimits from each of such lodgeg together with a certificate [roln the Grand Jurisdiction under which each of such lodges may be working. And the certificates'of all European applicants for relief must not be over twelve mon ths old. Respectfully SUbmitted, A.1\1:. DOCKERY, W. C. FOREMAN, S. E. WAGGONER, LEE A. H ..~LL,
The Committee on Charit:y reported four applications before them, but, for reasons fully set forth, declined to recommend an~y appropriation, and the report was adopted.
The follo\ving report was adopted, and Brotllers JNO. D. and. THOS. E. GARRETT were added to the Com.. mittee: VINCIL
'1'0 the :Dfost
Gj'((nd Lodge of J.lJis80U1路i:
As one of the select committee to whom was referred the Inatter of the expediency and necessity of making s\.1itable provisions for the erection of a Widows' and Orphans' Home, under the resolution 01" l\'lost Worshipful Brother JOHN RALLS, at the last Communication of this Grand Lodge, would respectfully ask that the report of said select committee be continued until the next Annual Oommunication of this Grand Lodge, and that the Grand Master appoint at least two additional members on said committee. Fraternally SUbmitted, E. SCOFIELD.
of Missouri.
Committee reported as follows-adopted: To the Most lVorshipjul G'rand Lodge of Missou/ri:
Your Committee on Ways and Means would respectfully report as follows:
We find cash in hands of Grand Treasurer $6,434 19 Cash in hands of Grand Secretary received during present Communication of Grand Lodge, about................................... 800 00 Total
$7,234 19
We recommend the following appropriations: Salary of Grand Secretary Salary of Grand Lecturer
$8,000 1,000 Salary of Grand Tyler......................................... 150 Expense of Grand Tyler in preparing Hall..... 10 Printing Proceedings of Grand Lodge, etc 1,400 Rent of Grand Secretary's office...... 600 Past Grand l\tIaster DUDscom b........................ â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘....... 250 Stationery, postage and contingent account....................... 200
Expense of Grand Master Cadle in discharge of his official <luties.................... Reprint of Grand Lodge Proceedings............................................. Total appropriations
00 00 00 CO 00 00 00 00
50 00 600 00 $7,260 00
The Grand Lodge having adopted the recommendation of the Grand Master to print the unprinted Proceedings of the Grand Lodge, your Committee find that the cost of printing the Proceedings of the Grand Lodge, from its organization up to and including its Proceedings for the year 1838, would be but little additional, and realizing the importance of such reprint, ,ye have recommended an appropriation for that purpose. We also recolumend that steel engravings of four of the early Past Grand Masters of this Grand Lodge be inserted either in the reprint or Proceedings, together with a brief sketch of their lives and Masonic services, and have included in the appropriation for printing Proceedings the sum of four hundred dollars for that purpose.
We recommend that the Grand Master elect be authorized to employ counsel and taIte such other steps as he may deem necessary, to defend any suits that may be instituted against the Grand Lodge, if in his judgment such defense shall seem best, and that he have full authority to act as the best interests of the Grand Lodge may require. Fraternally submit,ted, N. M. GIVAN,
JOHN H. PUGH, S. N. REBR, Committee.
Ppoceeclill/gs of tJ~e
Brother SAl\IUEL R. O'VE~S, Chairman, that he was unable to submit a practical report upon this Rub.. ject, until the charter of the Grand Lodge was amended the I~egislature, and, upon motion, he was authorized to attend to and secure such alteration.
Brother S.A.1VrUEL H. OvVENS, on behalf of the of the Committee on. Foreign Correspondence, offered the following, which was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS t The Grand Lodge of 'Vyoming Terri tory has been regularly and constitutionally formed, and bas been duly recognized by the Grand Lodge of Colorado, by whom most of the charters were is&ued, therefore
Resolved, That the Grand Lodge of Missouri hereby recognize tbe Grand Lodge of Wyoming Territory, Ancient Free and Accepted Ma&onry, as the supreme Masonic authority oyer the jurisdiction now claimed by its Constitution, Resolved, That the Grand Lodge of J\fissouri hereby extends to her young sister its well wishes for peace, prosperity and usefulness, and that an exchange of representatives be established.
Brother S.A.~IlTEL H. OWENS, on behalf of the Ohairman of the Oommittee on Foreign Correspondence, offered the following, which was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, The Grand Lodge of Prin<:-e Edward Island has been regularly constituted and formed upon the basis of Grand Lod~es heretofore recognized by the Grand Lodge of Mis&ouri, and said Grand Lodge having been recognized by the Mother Grand Body, viz: the Grand Lodge of New Brunswick, therefore,
Resolved, That the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island, Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, be and the same is hereby reÂŤognized by the Grand
Gl"and Lod~e of Missouri.
Lodge of Missouri as the supreme Masonic authority within the territorial umits prescribed by its ConstitutIoD,-
Resolved, That the congratulations of the Grand Lodge of Missouri are hereby extended to her young sister, wishing her a long life of peace, prosperity and usefulness, and that an exchange of representatives be established.
The Committee reported as follo,vs-adopted : To the lWOSt 1Vorshipful G'rancl Lodge of Missouri: Your COlnmittee on Transportation and Hotels would respectfully report they have attended to the duty assigned them, and have made arrangements with all the railroads to return repre"en tatives to this Grand Lodge for onetIfth fare, and wIth the Keokuk Packet Line for one-third fare. We also suc-
ceeded in getting reduced rates at most of the city hotels, but not being authorIzed to pledge any Dumber of gue&ts to any of the hotels we were able to do but lIttle in this direction. Thinking it important that the representatives should know before they left home what arrangements had been made, we iSl:lued a circular explaining the matter and sen t a copy to each lodge in the State.
Fraternally submitted, JOHN R. PARSON, J. A. H. LAMPTON, E. SPENOER,
Brother W. A. Ross submitted a proposition, which was read three times and ordered printed with Proceedings. [See Appendix.]
Br.other S. O. HARRISON offered the following, which was adopted: Re~olved, That the Grand Lectnrer is requested to hold a Lodge of Instruction within the ensuing MasonIc year In each of the Districts in the State of Missouri In which he shall have faIled to hold a Lodge of Instruction within th.e last four years.
G. L.-f .30. 5.
Proceedin~ 8
of the
On motion of Brother ~IcKEA.N, Moniteau County, was taken from the Twenty-seventh District and added to the Thirty-eighth District.
On memorial, the dues of Huntsville Lodge, No. 30, were remitted to September 1, 1876.
Oommittee reported as follows-adopted: To the llÂŁost Worshipful Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted ..;.l'Iasons, oj the State oj 2J1'~ssollri : "
Your Committee on By-Laws, having carefully examined all the
of subordinate lodges sUbmitted, would beg leave to submit the following
Report: In the By-Laws for Vandalia Lodge, Under Dispensation, located at Vandalia, in Audrain County, we find Sections 1 and 6, of Article 4, to be conflict. ing, in the amount required as fee for initiation. Section 1 requires $20. Section Bhaving been altered from $20 to $10, we conclude the action of the lodge to have fixed on that amount, we therefore strike out $20 in Section 1 and insert $10.
We also find that Section 3, of Article 4, is not in harmony with decision of Grand Lodge, 1872. Page 88, No. 196. We strike out Section 3-the By~Laws and decisions of the Grand Lodge making ample provision for the object sought by Section 3. I
We slightly change the phraseology of Section 1, Article 7, more <-Iear]y to define the duties of the Committee on Charity. We would recOIn mend that said By~Laws,as amended, be approved. In the By Laws of Sedalia Lodge, No. 236, we find Section 3, of Article 4, prOVides for making assessments on members by vote of the lodge. This we think to be in conflIct with decision of Grand Lodge, 1874, Page 83, we therefore strike out Section 3, and also the words" and assessments" where they occur
G7;)and Lodge of Missouri.
in Section 4. Also, strike out of Section 4 the word" summoned," and insert "notified," believing this to be required by the decisions of Grand Lodge, and as so amended would recommend that the By-Laws be approved. In By-Laws of Florida Lodge, No. 23, Monroe County, we think Section 2, of ,article 1, to be in conflict with Section 9, Article 16, of By-Laws of Grand
Lodge. We therefore strike out this section. We find Section 2, Article 3, last clause, authorizes Past Masters to open and govern the lodge in the absence of the Worshipflll Master and Wardens. As this is not sanctioned by Section 19, of Article 16, By-Laws of Grand Lodge, we strike out so much of said SectIon 8. 'Va find in Section 5, Article 4, what appears to sanction the taking of a second ballot on petition for initiation or membership at subsequent meeting of the lodge, after an unfavorable ballot sball have been taken. This we believe to be in conflict with Section 14, Article 16, of By-Laws of Grand Lodge, and believing that said B~'I'-Laws of the Grand Lodge make suitable and ample provIsion for the object sought to be obtained, we strike out said Section 5. In Section 8, of Article 5, we strike out the word ~'summoned" and insert the word H notified," to bring the same in harmony with the rUlings of the Grand Lodge. Section 1, Article 5, provides that "every Mason admitted a member shall pay the sum of $2.50," to which we add the following: Provided he 8hal~ not have paid dues to 80rne other lodge within twelve months. We do thIS to bring this ByLaw in harmony with resolution of Grdnd Lodge,1870. [See No. 193, Page 88.J We recommend that said By-Laws, as amended, be approved. vV'e think the By-Laws of Dayton Lodge, No. 386, Dayton, Cass County, a model of conciseness and brevity, in harmony wi th the laws and regulatioI\s of the Grand Lodge, and recommend their approval.
Respectfully submitted, IIENRY '1\ MUDD, JAS. A. GORDON, HARRY CLEMENTS, Oimmittee.
offered the following, which
was adopted: WHEREAS, Charleston Lodge, No. 129, composed prin cipally of former members of Constantine Lodge, and having a majority of said former mem.. bers, has been chartered by this Grand Lodge, and WHEREAS, The Grand Lodge bas refused to restore the charter of Constantine Lodge, therefore,
Resolved, That the property, furniture, &c., of said Constantine Lodge, now in the possession or under the control of the Grand Lodge; be transferred to said Charleston Lodge.
of the
Brother NOAH lVI. GIVAN offered the following, which
was adopted: Resol1:ed, That the Grand Lodge urge upon Subordinate LodgeR and Lodges of Instruction the duty of PaYIng the expenses of the Grand Lecturer In his official VibitS to said lodges, and other expenses of said Lodges of In&truction and tbat the District Deputy Grand Masters be requested to embody in thel~ reports the amounts so paid by the lodges in their respectlve districts.
The St. Louis Board of Relief submitted Annual Report, which was ordered printed ,vith Proceedings. [See Appendix].
Brothers THOJtIAS E. GARRETT, WM. C. DEFRIEZ and D. N. BURGOYNE were appointed Standing Oommittee on Portraits of Past Grand lVlasters.
Brother N. M.
offered the following-adopted:
Resolved, That the thankR of this Grand Body be, and are h~reby, tendered the Life Association of America for the use of Grand Lodge Hall. free of charge.
Also, Brother adopted:
offered the following-
Grancl Lodge 01 Missouri.
1876.J â&#x20AC;˘
Resolved, That the thanlrs of this Grand Lodge are due, and hereby tendered, the various railroad companies for extending the courtesy of reduced fare to delegates at this session, and also to the hotels which extended the same accommodation.
Brotl1er L. A.
offered the following-adopted:
Resolved, That the l\fost Worshipful Grand Master appoint a commi ttee to endeavor to secure (for delegates to the next meeting of the Grand Lodge) reduced fare on the dIfferent railroads, and also at the <.l1fferent hotels during their stay in the city.
And the Grand Master appointed Brothers JOlIN R. and J. A. H. Lampton the
offered the following-adopted:
Resolved, That 2,200 copies of the .certified Proceedings of the Grand Lodge at this Communication be prin ted Jar distribution..
There being no further business, Most W orsbipful Brother JNO. D. VINCIL inst~.llecl the Grand Officers elect, and
appointed, into their respective stations; Brother acting as Grand MarshaL
of the
The Most Worshipful Grand Master announced the follo,ving appointments for the enRuing year: GRAND LECTURER GRAND CHAPLAIN
ALLAN McDOWELL, Greenfield. JNO. D. VINUIL, D. D., Mexico. REV. JNO. E. BABNES, Licking. ................................REV. C. C. WOODS, BoonvIlle. REV. JOSEPH W. LEWIS, St. LOUIS. ................................REV. W. A. TARWATER, Macon City• ................................REV. J.M.C.BREAKER, D.D.,St. Josepb• ................................REV. S. LOEWEN, D. D., St. LOllis. SENIOR DEACON J.i\.MES R. HARDY, St. Joseph. JUNIOR DEACON LEE A. HALL, Clarksville. MARSHAL JOHN J. SKINNER, Jonesburg. ............................... .JOHN C. BLOOMFIELD, St. Louis. SWORD BEARER F. H. OLA.RK, East Lynne. STEWARD T. C. HARRISON, Rolla• ..................................B. MAGILL, Carrollton. ORATOR T. O. TOWLES, Jefferson City• ....................................G. N. NOLAN, Westport. PURSUIVANT H. W. POCORE, Montgomery City. TYLER GEORGE THORP, st. Louis. REV.
••••••••••••••••• u
1st DISTRICT-S. W. B. CARNEGY, Canton. -WM. B. DRESCHER, Hannibal. -LEE A. HALL, Clarksville~ 3d -ALFRED O. SNETHEN, SUlphur Lick. 4th -HORACE W. POCORE, Montgomery City. 5th -D. D. BERRY, Columbia. 6th -J. C. SCHAEFER, Huntsville. 7th -DAVrD BAIRD, Rirksville. 8th -G. W. WILSON, ~ueen City. 9th -THOMAS KIMLIN, Trenton. 10th -DAVID J. HEASTON, Bethany. 11th -We D. PATTERSON, Hamilton. 12th -B. F. RECORDS, Llbf:\rty. 13th -JAMES R. HARDY, St. Joseph. 14th -JAMES S. HART, Mound City. 15th -WM. R. STUBBLEFIELD, St. Louis. 16th -B. D. DEAN, Union. 17th -WILIJIAM CARTER, Farmington. 18th -WILLIAM B. WILSON, Cape Girardeau. 19tb -J. H. BETHUNE, Charleston. 20th -VAN. H. HARRISON, Clarkton. 21st -F. M. LAWSON, Poplar Bluff. 22d -ERASTUS B. SMITH, Potosi. 23d 2d
24th 25th 26th 27th 28th
-WILLIAM E. GLENN, Rolla. -JOHN E. BARNES, Licking. -JAMES E. CARTER, Jefferson City. -JOSIAH IVEY, Lebanon.
29th 30th
31st 32d 38d 34th 35th 36th
-JONATHAN E. TEFT, Springfield. -J. W. RITCHIE, Newtonia. -E. P. LINZEE, Mount Vernon. -So B. BOWLES, Greenfield. -J. D. ABBE, Bolivar. -J. G. MIDDLECOFF, Clinton. -GEORGE L. LOVE, Belton.
38th 39th 40th
41st 42d
-R. T. WYAN, Bunceton. -WM. D. CHANDLER, Lexington. -We E. WHITING, Kansas City. -We W. GRIFFIN, Santa Fe, New Mexico. -ROBERT W. McMULLIN, Hillsboro. -PETER GODFREY, Fulton.
72 44th DISTRICT-GEORGE R. HUNT, \Varrensburg. 43th • -We E. TUCKER, Butler. . 46th -REUBEN BARNEY, Chillicothe. 4itll -L. A. Bi\.RITEAU, Maryville. 48th -JOHN D. VINCIL, ~:Iexico• • 49th -JA~lES Y. WHITSIT'r, Latbrop. 50th -H. H. HEDGES, Weston.
[For speci~llist of Districts, and Lodges therein, see table in Appendix.]
The l\Iinntes were read and approved. At 8:30 P. )1. the l\Iost Worshipful Grand Lodge, . . ~J!A\;;JLlll Free and Accepted l\Iasons, of the Statf .of l\Iissouri, was closed in .A.1UPLE FORM. Pra~yer by
the Grand Ohaplain.
DA,rID GOODFELLOW, Assistctnt GJaCiJnd Sec1retaty.
I take pleasure in being able to thus publicly thank Brother GOODFELLO\V for l1is faithful and efficient assist.. ance during my cOlnpelled absence from the Grand while sick, and to also acknowledge my sincere appreciation of the Jnan~y expressions of sympathy from the brethren generally. GEO. FRANK GOULEY, Gt-and Secretary.
To the Grand Lodge oj Mi8souri: I herewith submit my Eleventh Annual Report on Correspondence, reviewing the proceedings of forty Grand Lodges, and regret that all bave not arrived at time of present writing. We have mal'ked them with an asterisk, (*) and should the:y be received before the final pUblication of our proceedings, they will be included in a supplement. ALABAMA, Dec. 6, 1875. ARKANSAS, Oct. 11,1875. BRITISH COLUMBIA, Feb. 20,1875.
MISSISSIPPI, Feb. 2,1876.
MONTANA, Oct. 5, 1875. NEBRASK.A...*
CALIFORNIA, Oct. 12, 1875.
NEVAD_J\.., No meet'g 1875. Let'l",1876.
CANADA, July 14, 1875.
NEW ERUNSWIOK, Sept. 23, 1875. NEW HAMPSHIRE, May 19, 1875. NEW JERSEY.* NEWYORK.* NORTH OAROLINA, Dec. 6, 1875. NOVA SCOTIA, June 2, 1875. OHIO, Oct. 10, 1875.
COLORADO, Sept. 21, 1875. CONNECTICUT, Jan. 19,1876. DELAWARE, Oct. 6, 1875. DIST. OF COLUMBIA, Nov. 10,1875. DAKOTA.* GEORGIA, Oct. 26, 1875. IDAHO.* IOWA, June 6, 1876. ILLINOIS, October 5,1875. INDIANA.* INDIAN TERRITORY, Sept. 7,1875. KANSAS, Oct. 20, 1875. KENTUCKY, Oct. 19, 1875. LOUISIANA, Feb. 14, 1876. MANITOBA.* MAINE, May 2,187(3. MARYLAND, Nov. 15, 1875. MASSACHUSETTS, Dec. 8, 1875. MICHIGAN, Jan. 26, 1875. MINNESOTA, Jan. 11,1876. Mlf:;SISSIPPI, Feb. 2, 1876.
G. L.-A. 1.
OREGON.* PENNSYLVANIA, Dec. 27, 1875. PRINOE ED'S ISLAND, June, 1875. QUEBEO.* RHODE ISLAND, May 17; 1875. SOUTH CAROLINA, Dec. 14, 1875. TENNESSEE, Nov. 8, 1875. TEXAS.* UTAH, Nov. 9,1875. VERMONT, June 9, 1875. VIRGINIA, Dec. 13, 1875. WASHING~ON TER'Y, Sept, 22, 1875. WYOMING TER'Y Oct. 12, 1875. WEST VIRGINIA, Nov. 9, 1875. WISCONSIN.*
Grand Lodge met in Little Rock, October 11, 1875. Brother M. L. Bell, G. M., presided. He issued dispensations for seventeen new lodges. DECISIONS.
1. Application was made for a dispensation to make a Mason out of a candidate who had been rejected by the lodge, as well as by another lodge
previously, alleging pre-judice as the cause of rejection.
I decided that every lodge is the sole judge of the fitness of materIal presented for work, and when the black-ball is used it is final, and the Grand Master bas no power to grant a dispensation to make a Mason out of rejected material. A rejected candidate has the right to renew a petition, after six months to the saIne Lodge, or to any other in whose jurisdiction he may reside a sufficient time, and such other lodge may elect or reject as they see proper, but should not elect a candidate known to be objectionable to a number of brethren.
2. Q1.Gestion-.l~ . candidate was re-jected by a lodge in one county and removed to a new county, and after residing there a year, petitioned a iodge there. On application to the former lodge for permissioll to initiate hIm, the lodge spread the ballot, and the petition was rejected by one black ball. What should the latter lodge do? Answer-The second lodge within whose jurisdiction the candidate resided had absolute jurisdIction over tbe candidate, and could elect or re-Jt'ct, as they aw proper, but should not elect a candIdate known to be obj€ct10nable to a number of the brethren. The former had no right to spread the ballot In his case.
3. Can a man who has been a citizen of the State twelvemonths, who is a steamboat man on the rivers of the State, and who claIms his home at a particular town in the State, be made a Mason by a lodge within whose jurisdiction he claims his home? I answer affirmatively. A citizen does not lose his citizenship by adopting the life of a steamboat man, and he is subject to the jurisdiction of the lodge w here he resIdes.
4. A brother from Warren lodge asks: Can a Master Mason withdraw from the lodge while at work, without permission of the WorshIpful Master?
.Answer-No; and in case of-urgent necessity, the Worshipful Master is bound to grant bis permission, for he is under obllgation not to preside in a haughty or lmperious manner, and should he do so IS liable to impeachment. 5. Queation-Can a Master Mason withdraw from Masonry? Answer-Any Master Mason can dimit from bis lodge and r€main unaffil· Iated; but in so doing he lo~es all the benefits of Masonr~..., yet is not absolved from his obligation, and is subject to dIscipline for unmasonic conduct by any lodge in whose jurisdiction he may reSIde.
7. A Senior Warden can legally sign a petition for dispensation for a new lodge, and as he cannot resign, his membership ceases In the old lodge on the expIration of his term of office, and the granting a charter to the new lodge.
A dimitted l\tlason otherwi!:le in g'ood standing can sign a petition for a disfor a new lodge. A dImitted Mason IS a Mason still, an d he may ~titiOn for affiliatIon WIth a lodge or sign a petItion for a new lodge, and it is his duty to do one or the other. DsatlOu
S Is it l\1:asonic for a Senior Deacon to perform the duties of his office after char'ges are preferred against him?
Answe)'-Yes; he is entitled to all the benefits of the lodge until trial and found guilty, and suspended or expelled according to law. 9. Question-A brother was indicted for embezzlement, fled the country. The lodge preferred charges against. him, but cannot find him to serve notice on hlln, after four months' effort. Can the lodge proceed to try him without personal service? Answer-It can. It is true the By-Law provIdes for service before trial, but this IS upon the supposition the brother is In the vicinage; bu.t where a brother commIts a felony, and Is indicted for it and flees the country, he certaInly cannot expect the lodge to suffer reproach on his account. Every lodge has the right to keep out bad material, and to put it out, if it once gets in, according tolaw: but if the oftender voluntarily puts himself beyond the reach of the lodge and the law, the lodge still has the Inherent right to purge itself. 10. Question-Does suspension of a brother for non-paymen t of dues deprive him of any Masonic privileges?
.Answer-It deprives him of all lodge privneges. Can be be suspended without regular charges and a trial? If the Secretary reports th e brother in default, I can see no necessity for charges or a trial; the fact IS of record. I think the proper cour!:le would be for the lodge to declare by vote the brother suspended; but the Worshipful Master would undoubtedly have the rIght to declare the brother in default suspended, as it is his duty to see the By-Laws enforced.
The By-Laws provide the manner of restoring him. 11. Brother Van Dalsen applied for an order granting him a change of venue from Petit Jean Lodge, No. 298, to Perr:szville Lodge, No. 238, for trial of charges preferred against hlm in Petit Jean Lodge. I denied this request, because there is no provision in the Constitution or Edicts of the Grand Lodge warranting a change of venue. Each lodge has the legal right to try all charges preferred against bretaren within Its jurisdiction. I know of no authority to grant a change of venue in such cases. 'l'he Oonstitution provides a safeguard against partiality and prejudice, (If such can find a place in the lodge), by appeal and new trIal in the Grand Lodge. 12. Question 1st-Oan a non-affiliate prefer charges against a brother '/
Answer-Anyone can prefer charges, and it is for the lodge to determine, through its committee, whether the charges are worthy of consideration. Question 2d-Is it a Masonic offense for a brother to assist in stealing a Master Mason's daughter to marry a profane person to whom the. parents are opposed?
Answer-It is; or to assist in stealing anything else from a brother. 13. Arlington Lodge. No. 194, desires to know how to surrender the charter so as to unite wlth Camden Lodge of the same town: I recommended them to get a full meeting, vote upon"'the subj ect. and then dimit all members on payment of dues, except the three officers, surrender their cbarter to the Grand Secretary, pay the Grand Lodge dues, and then affiliate with Camden Lodge.
14. A brother was absen t three months, was notified to attend and render his excuse, and failed to do so. The WorshipfUl Master declared him suspended for non-payment of dues; afterwards the brother died, and it was ascertained that the brother was sick and could not attend. The lodge buried him with Masonic honors.
First. Did the Worshipfull\1aster have the right to suspend him Without action of the lodge? Answer-He did under the By-Laws.
Second-The facts showing he wa~ su.spended thro?gh mistake, how can the record be so corrected as to show hIm In good standIng? AnSWe1"-Let the lodge pass a resolution reciting the facts and restore him.
Third-Did the lodge have the right to bury the brother while the order of suspension was nnrevoked ? An,,~wer-A suspended Mason is not entitled, as a right, to Masonic burial but the lodge may in its charity bury his faults in the grave, and bestow upon him those honors which he could not claim as a right, particularly as in the case named, where he had incurred the penalty by no fault, but through misfortune.
15. The Secretary of a lodge refuses to notify delinquent members of the fact on the order of the lodge. What is the remedy? Answer-Prefer charges agai~st him for neglect of duty, suspend him, and the Worshipful Master can apPoInt a Secretary pro tern. 16. Qtlestion-Can a brother against whom charges are preferred and reported upon, sit in the lodge and take part in the proceedings before his trial? ",,4.nswe~t-Every man is presumed to be innocent until proven to be guilty路 the mere fact that charges are preferred, does not deprive a brother of any of his Masonic privileges; consequently be can sit in the lodge and take part ill any proceedings not connected wi tb bis own trial, until found guilty and suspended or expelled.
11. A lodge has no right to remove its domicil without the consent of the Grand Lodge.
18. A member of :it lodge against whom charges were prefer:red, but before report of committee, signed a petition for a dispensation :tor a new lodge, and was appointed Worshipful Master, but before the dispensation W~lS granted, was notified of the charges. Does his lodge lose jurisdiction of him? .Answer-No; he should not be installed until he is tried and acquitted. I have decided a large number of other questions, but in most cases by merely referrIng to the By-Laws or Edicts and former decisions, and I do not
deem it neccessary to repopt them.
The Committee on Masonic Law and Usage made the follOWing report of the decisions of the Grand Master, which was adopted: We, your Committee upon Masonic Law and Usage, to whom was referred thedecisions of the Most Worshipful Grand Master, report that decisions Nos. 8, 4,5,6, first paragraph of 7, and 8, 9, 10. 11, 12 entire, 15, 16, 17, are SUbstantially in accordance with Masonic Law and Usage, and we recommend their approval. The third paragraph of the first decision, and the whole of decision 2, are disapproved, because this Grand Lodge has repeatedly declared that a reject'ld candidate cannot be accepted by any other lodge without the consent of the lodge which rejected him. In 1873 this Grand Lodge passed an edict making a change in the form of petition, requiring the candidate to state whether be had ever applied and been r~jected by any other lodge. The lodge in which the candidate was rejected nlay surrender its jurisdiction of him, either by ballot or show of hands, at its discretion. So much of decision No.7 as holds that a non-affiliated Mason may sign & petition for a dispensation for a new lodge is disapproved, because it was decided, in 1873, by Grand Master DuVal, that petitioners for dispensation for a new lodge must be affiliated M.asons in good standing, which decision was approved by the Grand I~odge. Decision No. 13, which is a recommendation to Arlington Lodge, No. 94, as to the mode of uniting with Camden Lodge, is approved, with the understanding that a charter cannot be surrendered so long as seven members vote to retain. it.
With relation to deoision No. 14, it seems that a brother who had been absent for thrE'e months was notified to attend and render hIS excuse therefor, which he fd.iled to do. Thereupon the Worshipful l\JIaster declared him suspended for non-payrnent of dues. This was wrong In the Master, because he d been surnmoned to ans,ver for non-attendance, and not for non-payment ~f dues In this condition the brother died; and the lodge ascertainIng- that he waR si~k, and ~ould not attend, had the right to reverse its action, and bury him with MasonIc hODors. Decision No. 18 is correct, with the qualification that an officer of a lodge under dispensation cannot be installed. Only officers of chartered lodges can be installed.
Also the following: To the llf. lV. Grand Lodge: We your Committee upon Masonic Law and Usage, to whom was referred the foliowing coromunication of the Worshipful Master of Belle Point Lodge No. 20: " To the M. W. G'J'and Lodge, State of A1'kansas: "Mt.. - - - - - , a former resident of Fort Smith, Arkansas, applied to Belle Point Lodge, No. 20, A. F. & A. M., under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arkansas, for initiation, and was rejected. He sUbsequently moved to St. Louis, Missouri; and after residing there for twelve months, applied to a lodge in St. Louis, Missouri, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, for initiation, was accepted, initiated, passed and raised, without the knowledge or consent of the aforesaid Bel~ Point Lodge.
"Question.' Did the lodge that made him a Mason violate the jurisdiction
of Belle J:>oint Lodge, .No. 20?
"The person above referred to returned to Fort Smith recently and ap!>lied to Belle Point Lodge to visit tbe same. The.committee appointed for the examinatIon reported him to be a well informed Master Mason. A brother and Eli member of the lodge objected to bis admission, on t,be grounds that 11e was unworthy of a~sociatioD, and that his presence would create discord and confUsion ani ong the Craft.. Deeming his reason sutliciellt, I, as Worshipful Master, decided not to admit him as a visitor.
"Question-Did I do right? H
"w. WORTH BAILEY, W. M., Belle Point, A. F. & A. M."
Report, that, in our opinion, the St. Lonis Lodge, ill making a Mason of Mr. - - - , did violate the jurisdiction of Belle Point Lodge. Yet, we are constrained to believe it did it innocently. 'Tis a well-settled principle of Masonic Law and Usage that a candidate râ&#x201A;Ź>jected by a lodge cannot b~ accepted by another lodge without the consent of the lodge rejecting him. The action of the Worshipful Master in declining to permit him to visit Belle Point Lodge, upon the remon~trance of one of its members, was rigl1t, and in accordance with the edict of this Grand Lodge. In noticing the last decision of the committee, we agree that the St. Louis Lodge acted innocently in the matter, as it was not aware of the rule of Arkansas on this question. We agree with the first decision of the Grand Master (as quoted), but as the Grand Lodge overruled that, we must abide by it, although we demur to the principle of putting it in tbe power of one man to reject a candidate for life, no matter where that candidate may remove to, nor bow long he may live abroad. It is a well-settled law that a member cannot reject acandidate who does not apply to his lodge, and even in his own lodge his black ball ceases after one year, and yet the committee here say: "'Tis a well-settled principle of Masonic Law and Usage, that a candidate râ&#x201A;Ź'jected by a lodge cannot be accepted by another lodge without the consent of the lodge rejecting him," whereas the very opposite is almost the universal law throughout the Masonic world, exoepting only Arkansas, and a few other states. It is a law in violation of every principle of Masonic equity and justice. We agree that where a candidate has been elected and then objected to before initiation, or during his progress through the degrees, no other lodge can take him as a candidate with
out waiver of jurisdiction; but this is not a parallel case to the one before u and should such an one be forced to an issue between two Grand Lodges, th~ Arkansas rule would be found to be supported by a fearful13-"" small :minority of Grand Bodies. The Grand Lodge of Arkansas seems to have become enamored of the new custom introduced by the Grand LodgeH of Iowa and Massachusetts, viz: of publishing the civil, militar~r and relIgious biographies of its officers, while yet Hving. It is, of course, none of our funeral, and perhaps the "less said tbe soonest mended;" but we cannot refrain from remarking that such a precedent is a most dangerous one to establIsh, and besides, it must be mighty perplexing for a man to read his own obituary. No Report on Correspondence. M. L. BELL, Pine Bluff, G. M.
LUKE E. BARBER, Little Rock, G. Sec. P. S. We do not want .-brother reviewers to blaIne 'US for not giving tbe Grand Master's full name. They must go for Brother Barber.
Grand Lodge met in M::ontgomery, December 6, 1875. 177 lodges represented. Bro. Isaiah A. WilSOll, G. M., presided. The Antiual Address is a well-prepared report of official acts. He hub.. mUted quite a list of decisions, which we condense and extract, as follows, giving the most important ones: 1. Masonic trials proceed without reference to civil trials. 2. "Indefinite suspension" may be renewed by a two-thirds vote, and thereby restored to "good Masonic standing;" but to membership requires a petition and unanimous ballot. From this deciSIon it will be seen that ., Indefinite suspension" is only another name for 4~expulslon," hence the Grand Lodge of MiSSOu!i prohIbits such penalt~r. 3. A dimi.tted MaISon is amenable to the lodge in whose jurisdiction he committed the offense. 4. A majority 'Vote convicts and two-thirds vote to assess punishment.
5. A divorced wife is competent witness only for offenses committed since divorce. 6. Written evidence used in court of law cannot be used in Masonic trial unless m.utually agreed to. 7. Civil judgments may be used as evidence of the fact of judgment. S. If a Worshipful Master prefers thecbarges and conducts the prosecution,
he should retire before the vote is taken, the
~enior Warden
presiding at trial.
We doubt the propriety of this decision. 9. A non-affiliate appearing as counsel cannot be objected to as a visitor.
10. Dueling is a M~s<?nic ~:tfense, for which the party may be expelled. The Grand Master says It IS agaInst the moral law of the" Great Light~" but of thIs fact we must confess Ignorance, for the Old Testament is full of them' for Instance-DaVid and Gollah, and many others. But we are opposed duelIng in this century.
11. A rejected <?andidate, afterwar:ds made a Mason in another lodge, is illegally made. ThIS we agree to, provIded at least twelve months has not intervened; but does the Grand Master hold to perpetual jurisdictIon by virtue of :first rejectIon? We cannot agree to that.
12. Neither the Grand Lodge nor the Grand Master can order a change of venue in a trial. 13. A Mason's family have no Masonic rights except through him. If he dies suspended for non-payment of dues, subsequent payment by widow does not help her. 14. If blood or marriage would make a member a prejudiced voter at trial, he should retire from it.
The other decisions are plain, and all are good. A resolution was adopted waiving twelve months' residence in the State before initiation in favor of soldiers, sailors, and preachers. We must say, frankly, that we do not approve of any such law. It may as well be applied to a dozen other occupations. We can hardly imagine the case of a clergyman not living in anyone State at least a year. Alabama being about the only state which has recognized the Grand Orient of Hungary, and having found out that that was one of the so-called Orients which recognizes all the schismatIc lodges afloat, the Grand Lodge of Alabama very sensIbly withdrew her recognition. We hope she may hereafter" make haste slowly" in all such performances as foreign recognitions. Brother Oliver S. Beers, chairman, subruitted a splendid Report on Corres.. pondence of 133 pages, in which Missouri for 1875, and the address of Brother Luke are fully and fraternally noticed. He agrees wi th us on the Scotland case. He treats the" Colored Resolutions" of Ohio with calmness and good judgment, and from it we judge it will hardly do for Ohio to make a mistake in this important matter; the proportions of the case are too immense to be settled by fanaticism. The proceedings before us are unexceptionally arranged and printedthanks to Brother Sayre. PALMER J. PILLANS, Mobile, G. M. DANIEL SAYRE, Montgomery, G. Sec. WM. T, WALTHALL, Mobile, For. Cor.
BRITISH COLUMBIA. Grand Lodge met in Victoria, February 20,1875. Brother Israel W. Powell, G. M., presided. The address is brief and practical, and refers chiefly to local concerns. Much local business was transacted.
The pamphlet before us contains the proceedings of 1873,4 and 5. No Report on Correspondence. Receipt of proceeding{) of all Gland I"odges are courteously aCltnowledged. SI~lEON
DUCK, VIctoria, G. M. COOTE l\JI. CHAMBERS, Victoria, G. Sec.
P. S. We would suggest to the Graud Secretary the propriety of publishIng the post路office address of all the Grand Officers, and especiall:y his OWD. 1876.
Since writing the above, we have received a circular con taing the fOllowing: GRAND SECRETARY'S Olt'FIClt } VIOTORIA, B. C., February 25, Ib76.
1.b whom these shall Oonce'rn, }t'raternally Greeting:
Be it known that at the session of the Grand Lodge of BrItish Colnmbia held at Victoral, B. (J., February 19, 22) 24, A. L. 5876, the following named brethren were elected and appointed Grand Officers for the ensuing year and were regularly installed as ~uch, viz: ' M. \V. FREDERICK ,\VILLIAl\fS, Esquimalt, G. M. COOTE M. UHAMBERS, VIctoria, G. Sec.
The volulne before us contains the proceedings of eight Special Comlnuni. cations and the Annual, wbich was held in London, July 14, 1875. Brother James K. Kerr, D. G. M. as G. M., presided. A very large Dumber of lodges were represented.
The Grand Master announced the death of Brother Thos. Bird Harris, the
venerable and able Grand Secretary, who died August 18, 1874, aged 56 years, and paid a fitting tribute to his illustrious memory, and announced that he had appointed Brother J. J. l\Iasoll,p1'O tem. He also announced the death of his distinguished chief, Brother Wm. Mercer Wilson, the- Grand Master, who died January 16, I8i5, aged 61 years, and whose long Masonio services and worth were properly respected and appreciated in the address of the Deputy, Brother Kerr. We regret that he recommended the recognition of the Grand Orient of Hungary, which is nothing less than an hybrid creation of irregUlar parentage, and of still more irregular practice. The Board of General Purposes reported in favor.of remitting all dues of Royal Solornon Mother Lodg~, 293," (at .Jerusalem) up to July 1, 1875. We <.:an suggest that it would be just as well to remit them for life. U
From the decisions of the Board we condense the following: 1. Officers of lodges under dispensation are not installed.
2. Grand Lodge Certificates can degrees in that jurisdiction.
be issued to those receiVing the
3. Right of visitation is not absolute; objections by sitting members are valid. â&#x20AC;˘ 4 The Deputies of the Grand Master, when visiting on official business cannot be deprived of the right of visit. Thanks were voted to the Grand LQdges of Missouri, Illinois, Virginia and Pennsylvania for donations to the Grand Lodge Library. A large amount of business was transacted, and among propositions to change parts of the Constitution was one to change the name of the Grand Lodge from" Canada" to "Ontario." We hope it will not be adopted. We have all got used to the old name; it has gone down our records for the past quarter of a century, and we know just where to find it; its alteration will cause confusion, and it will be almost like beginning a new lodge again.
Brotller Henry Robertson submitted a fllll and interesting Report on Correspondence of 79 pages, in which Missouri for 1874, is fraternally noticed, and the address of Brother Anderson liberally quoted. We do noL agree with him that blanlr ballots should be cast at election of officers, although our Grand Lodge thinks as he does. Individually we hold that a blank is no vote at all, and if counted may as well be counted for the majority as for the minority candIdate. If by any process of logic, dictionary, reason, fact, or anology it can be shown or proven that a blank pIece of paper falling (perhaps accidentally) into the hat, is a "ballot" either for or againl:lt anybody, then we wIll" surrender in good order," but not until then. JAMES KILPATRICK KERR, Toronto, G. M. 1. J. MASON, Hamilton, G. Sec. HENRY ROBERTSON, Collingwood, For. Cor.
Grand Lodge met in Boulder, September 21, 1875. Brother Webster D. Anthony, G. lVI., presided. Annual Address brief and appropriate. The proceedings before us do great credit to the Grand Secretary, both In the arrangement and tile printing of the same. Business transacted was of a local nat ure. A revised Constitution and By-Laws were adopted. In giving the titles to grand officers, we notice that U R. W." is given from the D. G. M. down to and Including the G. Marshal; U Wor." is given to the Deacon, and the PurSlllvant, Sword Bearer, Standard Bearer and Steward, have no title. We belIeve in almost all jurisdIctions the title of "R. W." is confined to the D. G. M., the G. Wardens, G. Treasurer, G. Secretary, G. Lecturer and D. D. G. M., all the others being" Worshipful." At any rate we do not see the logic of splitting up the apPoInted officers as Oolorado has done. We highly approve of the new law wherein it limits the power of granting dispensations for new lodges to
the G. Master. The Grand Lodge has nothing to do with them; it only issues charters. It also prohibits the nomination of officers in a lodge. In fact. the entire code, both for the Grand Lodge and its subordinates, isa model one, and. the only exception we take to it, is simply the one compelling Ma~ters and Wardens to wear their jewels in Grand Lodge, and the section which compels the objector to give his reasons for the same. No Report on Correspondence.
Hereafter the Report will be printed thirty days before the Grand Lodge convenes. OREN H. HENRY, Boulder, G. M. ED. c. PARMELEE, Georgetown, G. Sec.
Grand Lodge met in San Francisco, October 12, 1H75. Brother George C. Perkins G. M., presided. The Annual Address is a very full report of o:fiicial duties, but we regret that neither he nor the Grand Secretary saw proper to arrange the SUbject matter under specific heads, hence one has to read the en tire address in order to select the various questions treated of.
reports considerable trouble arising from the strict law which requires Masters elect to pass a personal examination before the Grand or District Lecturers before Installation. He decided that there was no law there to prohibit a lodge from passing a resolution to keep out a visitor in good standing, but thought that that ought to be left to the Worshipful Master. We must say tha.t we never heard of a law which wOllld permit such a resolution. Any member has a right to object, and the Master is bound to respect it, and that ends the whole matter without any 'Vote. To take a vote implies that the majority might vote against the resolu.. tion, hence the visitor would be admitted over the minority. We fully agree with the following: I have also had occasion to say that, when a special meeting relating to the business of a particular lodge was under discussion, I t.hought it quite proper that the Master should in10rm all brethren present, not members, that they could have permission to retire, the members desiring to communealone upon matters relating to their own MasonIC family. In this connection I would urge upon you to remember the courtesy that is due to each brother whom you have admitted as a visitor to your lodge. Let him feel that although perhaps a stranger among strangers b~fore you a.dmitted him, now he is to receive a cheer1ul and hearty welcome and be made to feel as though friendshIp had been formed and affection strengthened by many years' acquaintance,and that he can with the Utlnost confidence, counsel and advise with those around him. From the following we find they have a sort of a double-barreled dimitsomething" between tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee." A member of a lodge, whose dues were paid in full, made application for a "dimit." The lodge granted only a certificate of withdrawal. 'l'be brother refused to accept such certiticate, saying that it was not what he wanted, as the
aper which had heretofore been known as a "dimit" in this jurisdiction P contained a recommendatory certificate. The lodge, however, said that a
dimit according to Mackey, was a certificate of withdrawal, and that, if the brother had wanted a recommendatory certificate, he should have so stated in hIs letter making the application for a dimlt, and it declined to give the recolnmendaLory certificate or recognize him longer as a member of tbe lodge. I decided that when the brother asked for a dimit he wanted a recommenda路 tory certificate of withdrawal, which alone would enable him to affiliate with another lodge in this jurisdiction, and if the lodge refused to give him this recommendatory dimi t, the brother would remain a member thereof, for" if he ask for bread will ye gile him a stone?" Had he desired to simply withdraw, he could have done so by paying his dues in full and giving notice of th~t fact to the lodge, without any action being necessary on its part. A dimit is a dimit, and whether it contains a recommendation or not, it makes no difference, for his certificate shows he is clear of the books and clear of the lodge too, and as such is good in any State to file with a petition for affiliation, and if the California law says "not so," then it must prepare an explanatory key to accompany each character of certificate so that we may kno,v what it means. He very properly decided that membership commences with election for affiliation whether the party signs the By-Laws or not.. This formula of "signing the By-Laws" before membership commences is a sort of a farce, for in every legally prepared petition for affiliation it is expressly stated and signed by the applicant, thStt if elected, he will abide by the laws, rUles1tnd regulations of the Fraternity and the lodge, and also covenants to the same when made a Master ::Mason.路 So that the signing business only affords a hole to dodge through either by the lodge or the' applicant,. as occasion may occur, between election and signing. He is opposed to the incorporation of lodges, and asks for specific laws relative to Trustees of lodges.. He also urges a larger attendance at funerals. He properly refused to allow lodges to appear as such and show off their new clothing on Fourth of July and such like p\lblic performances, and also prohibited the wearing of Masonic clothing at Masonic balls, &c. The Report of Brother Juo. W. Shaeffer, Grand Lecturer, is a very interesting one, and from it we extract appropriate remarks relative to the Masonic apron at initiation: In my general instructions to lodges, I have recommended the pract1~e of presenting to each initiate a lamb-skin, or white leather apron, with the name of the owner and the dates of his initiation, passing, and raising, inscribed thereon beneath the flap. I would earnestly urge t.llis practice oyall the lodges of the jurisdiction. This emblem of innocence and badge of a Mason, wben gIven to the candidate, is put away among the most cherished treasureR, and is never seen without caUSIng the most pleasurable emotions to thrill his bosom. Brother Mackey says:
There is no one of the symbols of speCUlative Masonry more important in its teachings, or more interestIng in its history, than the lamb-skin or White leather apron. Commencing its lessons at an early period in the Mason's progress, it is impressed upon his memory as the first gift which he receives~the first symbol which is explained to bim, and the first tangible evidence wnich he possesses of his admission into tbe !I'raternity. Whatever may be his future advancement in the royal art, luto whatsoever deeper arcana his devotion to the mystic institution or his thirst for knowledge may subsequently lead him, with the lamb-skin apron he will never part. To show how much good has been accomplished by the practice of presenting the larnb-skin to initiates, I wilL relate the following incidents, which have come under my own observation. A certain man, before leaving his old home in the East, had beeu made a Mason, but since coming to the PaCIfic Coast had not visited a lodge, and had fallen into evil paths and been led lote> dissipation. One day, when looking over some articles in his trunk, he came upon a forgotten package which, when opened, was found to contain his lamb-
slrin apron-for the 'todge wherein he was made a Mason had made it a custom to pre~ent each member with this emblem of Masonry. The ~ight of the spotless vestlnen t, nlore ancient than the golden fleece or Roman eagle aroused a flood of recollEction in his bosom. In imagination he was earrif:ld bnek to his old home, "where be had been ~onored and.respected,-to the time when he ~tood in the north-ea~t corner, a Just and uprIght man, wh~re it ha.d been giv'ren bim strictly in charge ever to act and w'alk as such. He asked himself wbether he had fnltilled his charge?-whetber he had \valked as an uprIght Inan! He felt that he had not. 'I'h~ spark of Ir:!-anhood which stUI lingered in hIS bosom was strong enough to kIndle a glOWIng fire. He put the apron a,vay and went fortb, determined to conquer the terrible demon that had been leading hiro on to th.e abyss of destructiot~. He t;nade hhnself Itnown to some of the .Masons of thIS city, frankly admItted hIS wrong doing and asked them to assist bim in reforming. A helping hand \vas extended' the strong grip ,vas given him, and by its aid he was lifted out of' the depths'into which he had fallen, and once more stood a just and upright man. lIe is now honored and respected by the workmen in the Temple, instead of being an outcast and disgraced. The other case occurred in the interior of :Mexico. A brother was traveling through that country, when he contracted a fever and soon became deliriou,;. Those with whom he was domiciled examined his baggage fur the purpose of getting him some clean linen, and found a bunb. slcln apron. It was immediately recognized, for those into whose handH he had fallen were :Masons. It is needless t,o say how tenderly he was cared for' how carefully his nurses attended upon him until the last nloment canle; and then, ho'w reverently they closed his eyes and laid him beneath the earth The written record on the lamb-sldn furnished the brethren with the neces: sary information to communicate with the lodge of the deceased, and send to his friends buch property as he left behind. As a specimen of proposed legislation, we extract the following: Brothel~ Rollin Dl1nshee presen,;ted a proposed amendment to the Constitution, declaring that it shall require three negative votes to reject an applicant for affiliation, and that, even with that n umber, the rej ection shall not be announced until the applicant shall have had opportunity to demand of those voting in the negative that reasons therefor be given; which was referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence.
We cannot find that the comulittee acted on the proposition, but in order to help them some we suggest that it be referred back to Brother Dunshee, with the request that he make it more explicit, as follows: "Petitions for liffiliation shall be voted on t it1a voce, and the Senior Deacon shall go around with a club and knock all the negative voters in the head." That would obviate the necessity of duels between the applicant and Uthose voting in the negative," as well as trials growing out of "'reasons therefor being given." 1
The Committee on Jurisprudence rendered about a dozen long and (some of thE;\In) very interesting reports, among "rbich we find much labor E"xpended in behalf of some foreign recognitions. Among others, they recognized Egypt and apply by reference the same remarks we have expressed under the head of "Georgia." The~"l' also recognize Hungary, which is nothing more than a hybrid child of Hamburg, and has entered into the" Gernlan League," w.hlch we will all have to repUdiate sooner or later in self-defense of our American GrandLodge Jurisdictions; and we regret that the California. COlumittee has proceeded with such haste. We find 113 pages devoted to the names of all the lVIasoDs in California, and, as we have elsewhere stated, the only practical use such a list is generally put to, is as a dilectory for traveling impo~ters.
Brother 'N. A. January submitted again a charming Report on Correspoudence, in wl1ich 1\:11880u1'1 1s fully and iavorably noticed. JNO. MILES BROWNE, San Francisco, G. M. ALEX. G. ABELL, San ,B',rancisco, G. Sec. WM. HENRY HILL, San Francisco, For Cor.
13 路
Grand Lodge met in Hartford, January 19, 18i6. Brother Wm. Wallace Lee, G. M., presided. From his address we quote the following, relative to election of Worshipful Master from the fioor :
The practice so COIDIllon in some lodges of electing members to office because they hold official position in tbe community, or have money or social position i~ not to be commended. While a high standard of morals should be insisted upon in official position in ~Iasonry, brethren should beselected solely for their qualifications for such positions. As in my .first year of service in this office 1 have been applied to for dispensations to lnstall .1.\'1 asters elect from the floor, but have refused for reasons then given, and have only given one such dispensation, solely to save the lodge. I do not believe the regulation to which I refer to be founded in reason, or that its 'workings are beneficial to subordinates. Many a good brother who makes an excellent Warden laclrs the executive ability and busineEls capacity which are so essentially necessary to a successful administration of the office of Master of a lodge. 'l'he regulation to which I refer was unknown in this State until within the past ten years. The WIsdom of it has not been made apparent in the choice which some of the lodges have felt compelled to make ot Master, when they had menlbers far more competent, but who has never been so fortunate or unfortunate as to be elected Wardens. Some of the brightest and best melubers of this Grand Lodge have never served as Wardens, and among the number are some of our Past Grand Masters. It would seem if this regulation was founded In reason, it shOUld be enforced in the Grand Lodge, whIle in fact, as we well know here, it is ignored altogether. We cannot agree with the Grand Master in his argument, for under the "Ancient Regulation," which requires a Master to have first been a Warden, it only necessitates twelve months' delay, as the member on the floor who would make a good Master, can be el\3cted at once to the West, and surely he won't spoil in thai short time; besides, we think his experience there one year will do him a good deal of good in properly learning the work. How a man on the floor is ever going to be able to prove to the lodge that he will make a good Master nntil he has had a trial, we cannot imagine, and it is certainly too important an office to try experimen ts with, by electing some me;m ber who develops the capacity.of his gasometer on every question that comes before thelodge, whereas, wnile in the chair his first letter to the Grand Master rnight be to find out for how long a time his lodge could" adjourn," and ten chances to oue he would have to rely on the Wardens, whom "'he H jumped," to confer his degrees for him. By the" Ancient Regulation," (which by the way, seems only to have got to Connecticut ten years ago) a lodge is compelled to pay some attention to the qualification of candidates for Wardenship, and by ordinary care it insures both good Wardens and Masters, an essential necessity, whenit is well known that the Master cannot always be present, and one of the Wardens must act in his stead. His argument relative to the non-Wardens being good memberl$ of the Grand Lodge, will not apply at all to the case. The Grand Lodge is purely a legislative body, not performing any esoteric work, and if the argument proves anything, it is that because intelligent citizens Inay be fully competent to decide upon building a Court House, that they are also able to draw the plans
Appenrlif"t~ .
and dress the stones. No, no. Brother Lee, you must get up some better reasons for overthrowing the Regulations of our forefathers than that adduced in the extract we have before us. The balance of his address is worthy-of approval and is truly an interesting document. The Grand Secretary, Brother J08. K. Wheeler, submitted as usual a fine Report on Correspondence, in which Missouri is fully and fraternally noticed, and tlleaddress of Grand Master Luke unced asa gOOd, practical documen t and creditable to the institution. He approves of our settlement of the case with Scotland. EDWARD B. ROWE, New London, G. M.
JOSEPH K. WHEELER, Hartford, G. Sec. and For. Cor.
Grand Lodge met in Wilmington, October 6, 1875. Brother John P. Allmond, G. M., presided. The Annual Address is brief and confined chiefly to local interests.
The following plain, decisive rules relative to burials were adopted: Resolved, That the following Resolutions shall be standing Regulations governing hereafter MasonIc funerals. 1. That to bury the dead is not an ancient Masonic prerogative, and only when a proper request is made does it become an obligation on the Craft. 2. The performance of the so!emn services required by l\'Iasonry over the remains of a Brother is Masonic labor, and the lodge, while so ell gaged, is performing MasonIC labor, and must have, therefore, absolute and complete control,. and cannot pernnt any but Masons in good standing to take any part therein.
3. Tbat when any non..Masonic association declares its determination to participate in said labor, such as having a portion of pall ..bearers, or the plaoing of emblems on the coffin, or the performance of thei1' burial service, It shall be the duty of the ~faster of the Lodge to peaceably retire to his Hall and close the lodge, thus avoiding all strite and discord, and unpleasant discussions. 路 All of which we fully endorse, and should endorse tbe snme if they were adopted by any other society, for mixed society funerals, nine times out of ten, produce discord and heart-burnIngs. No Master Mason who bas his reason left when he comes to die, will think of asking several societles to bury him, and which ever one he asks to perform the ceremony should have entire charge of itt and it is simply impertinence in any other society, (Masonic or other) to foroe themselves into it, except as mournerS!. This, of course, does not extend to religious exercises.
Brother George W. Chaytor submitted a spirited and interesting Repolt on Correspondence. He is in error about the Grand Secretary of Arkansas being an appointive officer except to:till a vacancy. Under the head of Texas, he hits the nail on the head-thus:
He reports that he ordered the suspension of a Master of a Lodge because be "denied the authenticity of the Bible." This may be Masonry, but we were not so taught. The authenticity of the Bible is a matter yet not fully established by divines, and we think it a little out of place for a Grand Master to undertake to settle so grave a pOInt in theology by bis simple dictum. We think hIs action was wrong, and a violation of the Landmarks or the rather an accumulation, and one not strictly Masonic. Masonry wil:,ely requi'l째es and demands of all who seek to enter her portals a firn1. belief in the eXistence of God the great I Am, the ArchItect of the Universe, nothing more, nothinq less. This was the law .b~for~ books and is the law now. Whoever receives less or requires 'rnore does InJ ustlce to l,\Ifasonry. Masonry is universal-it knows no creed, no sect. It embraces with equal warmth and affectIon the Christian, the Jew and Mahommedan. To acknowled~e the rule of the Grand Master of Texas, we would at once destroy its universality-its history-its beauty-its use1ulness. Masonry knows no fanaticism-no bigotry-no sectarianism. Masonry may safely be defined to be MASONRY.
If the Texas idea was forced on the Craft we would have to attach a theological department to pass upon all the disputed books and parts of books in the Biblein order to determine the allegiance and initiation of members. It would lead to endless controversy, and we are in favor of leaving the test where our fathers left it, viz: in the secret conscience of each applicant, between him and his God.
GEO. W. CHAYTOR, Wilmington, G. M. WM. S. HAYES, Wilmington, G. Sec.
JNO. P. ALLMOND, Wilmington, For Oor.
The Grand Lodge held one" Semi-Aunual," five" Special," and the U Annual" Communication, they being held in Washington, November 10, 1875, and one "Stated" Communication, held January 12,1876. Brother Isaac L. Johnson, G. M., presided. DECISIONS:
He decided: 1st. That a lodge could remit the dues of its members.
2<1. Related to the status of members "dropped from the roll" for nonpayment of dues, which decision is entirely local, for just such a mixed up law as they have there on that subject we do not believe exists anywhere else, henc~ of no general interest to us. 3d. That an installed Warden cannot resign or dim it.
4th. That a ballot cannot be reconsidered after rejection has been pronounced. The Grand Secretary, Brother Wm. R. Singleton, submitted an interesting and "very full" Report on Correspondence, of 264 pages, of which 17 &i'e generously devoted to dur jurisdIction. He quotes fully from the address of Grand Master LUke, from Reports on Grievance, Jurisprudence, and the Scotch case.
lIe enters fully into the discussion of Past Grand Master Owen's decision adverse to :Masonic baptism, &c., and from Brother Singleton's report we hav~ a history of all the ancient ceremonies both from profane and religious authorities, and his conclusions would be all right were it not for the one fatal miB.. takE', viz: that not a single Grand Lodge in the United States or Great Britain ever adopted the ceremony, and hence all argument relative to its t'xlstenee in ancient mysteries, christian or otherwise, has nothing to do with the question at issue. Ollr goou brother seems to have overlooked one fact, t'iz: that neitber our Grand Master nor ourself argued from any standpoint a'S" What ought to he ,. but from" What is." We are nevertheless llluch gratified with his learn~d and truly interesting dissertation upon the question of ancien t baptism.
The entire Report is one of marked ability, being exhaustive upon all questions presented. ISA.. .\ C L. JOHNSON, Washington, G. M: WM. R. SINGLETON, Washington, G. Sec. &; POl'. Cor.
Grand Lodge met in Macon, October 26, 1875. Brother David E. Butler, G. M., presided. Resays: OUR FOREIGN RELATIONS.
Our representatives near other Grand Lodg-es, and their repreAentativ6S near this jurisdiction, are all Oll his books, and the duties of these brethren, while very light, are nevertheless qnite important in Inaintaining fratprnal relationship and a good understanding between the Grand Lodges in the United States and foreign nations.
Most of these had been determined by our predecessors, and are mainly questions of practice. They often arise suddenly in the Subordinate Lodges and require only a little reflection and study by the Worshipful Masters; but many of these brethren being newly elected, are timid, and prefer to refer them for answer to the autborities of the Grand Lodge. These ditrlcu1tles would not occur so often if OUf intelligent and zealous brethren were continued longer in the office of Master. We find the following in the record:
Resolved, That the appointment of Brother J. Emmett Blackshear, as Rep.. resen tative of the Grand Orien t of E~ypt, near the Grand Ea~t of GeorgIa, be accepted, and that RIght Worshipful ,ll'. F. OJdi, be appointed our Representative near the Grand Orient of Egypt. DId it strIke the Grand Lodge of Georgia that the Grand Orient of Egypt is founded entirely on the "Memphis Rite," a Rite of which a Georgia Mason (as such) knows no more than he does of the roan in the moon? In Egypt there aire regular lodges working under regular charters of the three symbolic
degrees, and which have had nothing to do with the" Grand Orient." And the fact of the irregularity of its basis has been so clearly brought before tl~e Grand Orient, that it has recently deterrnined to disband; to throw the IVlem... phIS lUte overboard, and create a new Grand Orient out of the regular symbolic lodges, therefore neither the credentials of Brothers Oddi nor Blackshear Ire worth the paper they are writen on, as the l\.femphis Grand Orient is defunct. "\Ve have alluded to the matter, however, more for the pnrpose of drawing attention to the loose and irregular manner of recognition of Foreign Grand Bodies. The same character of credentials were sent to us from Egypt, but before presenting them to the Grand Lodge we opened a correspondence with Egypt and found tbat the Grand Orient had not been recognized b~' any responsible or acceptable power in Europe, and furthermore that it worked a Rite which neither our own nor any other Grand Lodge in America recognized, and respectfully returned the certificate ~iith certain reco1l1mendations sud a history of the fraud that had been practiced upon them by the Grand Orient of France, which witb a like correspondence from brother correspond .. euts in the United ~tates, especially Brother Simons of New York, resulted in the reorganization already referred to, and it is with regret that 've see so old aud intelligent a Grand Lodge as Georgia committing such a mistake. We hope she will be more careful in the future and not recognize everything socalled l\lasonic, which presents itself. The Grand Lodge appointed a comn1.ittee of three on printing Proceedings and they were until the 18th of December (two months) determining who .to give the job to.
Brother Samuel D. Irwin submitted a Report on Correspondence, which consisted rather of an acknowledgment of Proceedings received from other states, accompanied by'a rebuke to the reviewers for presuming to notice questions of Jurisprudence and ditrerflllces of o:>inion between the various jurisdictions. The Grand Lodge Wisely abolished the committee, and we will therefore have no further Reports on Correspondence from that State. DA VID E. BUTLER, Macon, G. 1\1. J. EMlVIETT BLAOI{SHEAR, Macon, G.
Grand Lodge met in Eufala, Creek Nation, September 7, 1875. Brother G. l\IcPhersoD, G. M., presided. Three lodges represen ted. The Address is a clear business document setting forth the status of the new Grand Lodge and its claims for recognition. The boundaries of the new jurisdiction were fixed as follows: On the north by Kansas, on the East by Missouri and Arkansas, on the south by Texas, and on the west by Texas and N ew l\I~xico.
The Grand Lodge has not been recognized by any of the Grand Lodges that we are aware of, nor 1s it probable they 'will be until first recognized by Arkansas, which may, however, take place at the next session. Unaer no G. L.-A. 2.
circumstances, however, can we recommend a recognition, until she repeals her mandate compelling Alpha and Flint lodges (chartered by Kansas) to join her. This she has no right to do in violation of 01(1 and well establi&bed inter* national Masonic law.. She may invite them to affilIate, but she cannot compel them. The Comluittee on Foreign Correspondence being missionaries did not have time to prepare a report and were e:xcused.
GRANVILLE McPHERSON, Caddo, Choctaw Nation, G. M. R. P. JONES, Caddo, Choctaw Nation, G. Sec. G. B. HESTER, Boggy Depot, Choctaw Nation, For. Cor.
Grand Lodge met in Ch icago, October 5, 1875. if
Brother George E. Lounsbury, G. M., presided.
Five hundred and ninety-nine louges were represented by &ix hundred and sixty-eight delegates. The Grand Master reported nine dispensations for new lodges. He issued thirty-five dispensations to confer degrees, but refused all for the Entered Apprentice in shorter than the legal tIme. He issued fifty-one dispensations for special elections and installations. He arrebted the charters of three lodges. Six lodges were consolidated lnto three new ones. This is a healthy sign of retrenchment and strength, and if the process was quadrupled every six
months for the next two years, It would be still better for several of the Western States. But four decisions were rendered and they confined to loc-al, constitutional issues. This is also a healthy sign of the growing intelligence of the Craft ot that jurisdiction. A very large amonn t of local business was transacted in a good and sy&tematic manner.
Brother Joseph Robbins submitted an able and very full Report on Correspondence, covering 226 pages. Under the head of Missouri, he pays a high compliment to the Addrel:ls of Grand Master Anderson, and quotes freely from it. The wbole report evinces a close observation of the proce~dings of all the Grand bodies presented and the criticisnls are Judiciously exprebsed. GEO. E. LOUNSBURY, Cairo, G. M. JNO. F. BURRILL, Springfield, G. Sec. THEO. T. TURNEY, Chicago, For. Cor.
Grand Lodge met in Des Moines, June 6, 1876. Brother Henry W. Rothert, G. M., presided. Two hundred and forty-nine lodges represented. The Annual Address covers twenty-six pages including thirty-six decisions. It is a well prepared and able documen t.
From his decisions we condense the following: 1. A '\Vorshipflll Master has the right to fix upon the time for installation of the officers in accordance with the By-Laws.
2. An e] ected. and installed officer has the power to select the appointed
officers. 3. When a Senior "Varden presides in the absence of the Worshipful Master, he Signs the records, warrants, &c., 'without reference to any Past Master who nlay have assisted him in the East. 4. The Grand Master has no power to change the verdict of a lodge without vote of Grand Lodge.
5. A brother who refuses to sit up with the SIck violates his promIses. 6. A member cannot be legally dealt with who refuses to pay an assessment, but such member is wantIng in true MasonIc spirit who refuses to contrIbute toward a legitimate object. 7. It is right for the Worshipful Master to refuse a dimit to a member under charges.
8. A newly affiliated member is bound for dues and obedience to the laws, whether he signs the By-Laws or not. 9. [Local law.] 10. A member has a right to object to the installation of an officer on
ground that he has charges to prefer against bim.
11. Recognizes military Masons, regularly made and certified to.
12. The Worshipful Master can remove an appointed Senior Deacon for good cause. 13. A member cannot be compelled to criminate himself as a witness in a lodge trial.
14. A rejected applicant on dlmit must apply by new petition, and a subsequent electIon on the old one, without a new one, is invalid and "Void. 15. A MQ,son who has not been vouched for, or been examined, cannot be elected to membershIp. 16. A meluber to whom a dimit has been voted, but to whom the certifi.. cate has not yet been mailed, and who bas moved away, must be tried as a non-affiliate by the lodge under whose jurisdiction he resides. 17. [The following being a very important, and to our mind a truly MasonIC decision, we glve the question and answer in fUll.] Question-A party petitioned our lodge and was elected. In due time a meeting was called to confer the first degree. He is waited upon before enter-
20 ing and asked" if he believed in God." IIis answer was, he "believed in con trolling power, which some people called God." another question hl~ answer was, he "believed in part of the Iioly Blble-not in the new." To til' question >'would he consider an oath on the BIble more bindlng than On an; other book," l~e answere~l "yes." We .thereupon post~oned his case ill.. definitel}". He IS now anXIOUS to know hIS fatfe, and, If he .IS not to be made a l\fason, desires his fee refunded. He is an Odd Fello\y and a good citizen \Vhat are we to do '? â&#x20AC;˘
Answer-Masonry unites men of every sect and opinion, subject to OIle rf\ quirement: they must believe in Go~. Men forI?- .dItlerent ideas of the~ A.I: Ruler of the UnIverse, a!1d It IS not for us to requh'8 that such ideas should conform to any Olle partIcular form. Men representin val'iou~ creeds kneel at the comluuniou altar of l\.fasonl'ya.nd tlSSUUlf" obll~a~ tions binding alik.e on all of theIn. yve are not to inquire into the details of hil') conceptIon of the Grand ArchItect, but ODe must know that he is no atheist. We n1uRt know that the oblig-utions ~llter~d ~nto ~nd rnade in the name of God, will be considered based ul?on ~llS belIef In DeIty bindh)~ upon him. If you are s~tll¡;fted of MllS, 111m; if, on t,he contrary, yon helieve hinl to be an atheist,-that is, one who does not believe in the e1l..istence of' Creator, who does not look to H, supreme and controlling power as his .Maker and his God,-refuse 11irn ~l.dtuittance, anu under such circumstances refund the money. mighty and Rupreme
18. It, is not absolutely necessary that the Master's chair should be in the " Geographica,l East." 19. A member affiliated without depositing his dimit is irregular Dull and VOid, and he owes allegiance to his mother lodge. ' ,
20. A member is liable to charges and punishment for asking a profane to join the J,\,fasons.
21. Original documents submitted in a trial are the propert;yof the lodge
until they are of no further value in the case at issue.
22. An absent member voted a reprimand must be summoned to appear and receive it. 23. The seal must be attached to all summonses and citations. 24. An Entered Apprentice made while under dispensation is liable to charges after the lodge gets to work under charter. 25. All non-affiliates can be tried by the lodge in whose jurisdiction they reside.
26. Rejected amendments to By.. LaV\rs cannot be reconsidered at a quent meeting. A new proposition may be submitted and take its course. Z1. The remaining degrees cannot be conferred upon Entered Apprentices or Fellow Crafts from other lodges, without permission or a request. 28. An elected officer has a ri~ht to be installed whene\Ter he presents himself. unless for good cause to the contrary being Shown, when the Grand l\-laster has a rigbt to interfere.
29. A candidate elected for the degrees eighteen months ago was .objected to, and the fee refunded, SInce which the objector bas left the lodgE>, and the applicant must petition anew. 30. When a Master permanently moves out of the jurisdiction of his lodge, the Senior Warden performs his duties and a new Ma~ter need not be elected. 31. A petition rec4?ived and acted upon from a party who has not resided the legal time in the State, is null and void for ,,,,ant ot jurisdiction, and the
fee should be refunded.
32. A member in arrears for dues, but against whom no charges have been fi.led, is elIgIble to office, any subordinate By-Law to the contrary notwithstanding. 33. A minister, whose dues had been remitted for four years, moves away and refuses to pay dues, claiming he was not a member, as he had failed to
deposit his dimit when he signed the petition for a dispensation and charter, decided that he is a member; that the dimit is the property of the lodge, and if he fails to return it and pay dues, he must be dealt with as all others are. 34. A membe~ suspended for non:pa~rmentof dues, and is reinstated, does not pay dues durIng tIme of suspensIon. a.nd it was
35. Dedication ~mplies ownership, and a hall not owned by Masons cannot be Masonicalls" dedIcated. 36. A ballot to confer degrees cannot be reconsidered. All of the foregoing decisions are full:y set forth by questions and answers,
in a very intelligent manner, and we regret that want of space compels us to condense, and we are happy to say that we agree fully with all of them except No. 35. 'Ve do not agree that the ceremony of dedicating a lodge room implies an ownership of it, any more than that the Grand Lodge owns all tbe ba.lls it dedicates, or the buildings of which it lays the corner stones. We hold that every lodge room should be dedicated, no matter whether occupied or owned by another party or not. The dedication is simply a ceremony, adopted in ancient times, as a necessary qualification to the asselubly of the lodge, and applies only to the time and place of its meetings, without any reference whatever to primary or absolute ownership. Since wrtting the foregoing, we find that the Jurisprudence COInluittee also confirmed all the decisions except No. 35, holding that dedication does not imply ownership. The Grand Master is to be congratulated upon the confirmation of suoh a long list of importan t decisions, and we are the more pleased to find that they are almost identical with MissOUl i usage. The Jurisprudence Committee submitted a valuable Report on questions referred directly to it, referring chiefly to constructions of local laws. The Grand Secretary submitted a very interesting and able Report, and also one as Grand Librarian, showing a healthy growth of that department, to which three hundred dollars was appropriated for the ensuing year. \Ve con..
gratulate him not only upon the splendid a.ppearance of the Proceedings, but upon the promptness of getting thenl out, viz: days, this being the only instance in which IVlissouri has been equalled in point of time. "Well done, thou good and faithful servant," &c. A very large amount of business was transacted.
Brother Wm. B. Langridge submitted a very full and fine Report on Correspondence, of 113 pages, in which Missouri, for 1875, is fraternally reviewed. He says of Brother Luke: "the Grand Master shows himself to have been an active and thorough officer," and generally agrees with him in his rulings. Relative to the Iowa plan of publishing in the proceedings the biographies of liVing officers, and to which we demurred in our last Report, he says: ,. but we are not fond of publishing obituaries of living men, either," and as we have none in the proceedings now before us, we hope the plan has been abandoned, and we rather jUdge that he neither has fallen in love with the scheme of inviting the Grand Officers of other societies up to the East, when not entitled to it Masonically. The entire Report is a model of excellence and ability. We find a brief but beautiful oration, delivered before the Grand Lodge, by Brother Buren R. Sherman.
HENRY W. ROTHERT, !{eokuk, G. M. THEG. S. PARVIN, Iowa City, G. Sec. and For. Cor.
Grftnd Lodge Inet in Louisville, October 19,1875. Brother H - - Bostwick, G. M., presided. lIe reported dispensations for nine new lodges. He properly refused to grant permission to confer degrees out. of titne, as the Constitution fixes the date, and we are glad to see that some Grand Mabters realize the fact that they al'e not superior to a written law they promised to obey.
We find much space for local business transacted, but the whole of it is so jumbled up together in the proceedings, without heading or Spacing, that It is diffieul t to tell what was done.
Three hundred and forty-one pages are devoted to publishing a directory for traveling imposters in the shape of the name of all the Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and l\Iaster J.\;Iasons in the State. Brother Thomas Todd submitted a full and fraternal Report on Correspondence, in whioh Missouri receives very favorable notice. We regret that the fact again compels us to criticise the verJ"r inferior manner in which the printer did bis work; It is hardly worthy of the venerable, ancl wealthy Grand Lodge of !{entucky.. JOHN H. LEA'rHERS, Louisville, G. M. JOHN M. TODD, LOl1isvil1e, G. Sec. - - - - - , For. Cor.
Grand Lodge met in Topeka, October 20, lR75.
Brother Owen A. Bassett, G. M., presided. Pending the preparation of the Report of the Committee on Credentials, he delivered an Address devoted to the . .\.ncien t History of the Institution. The following are his decisions: Opinions on the Law of Ma.sonl路Y have been given in many cases, and a larger Dumber are reported than will probably prove beneficial, but they are the property of the Granel Lodge. For convenience for future reference, they are numbered consecutively with those accompanying last year's report. 19. By the law of the land one neglecting to provide for his fanlily is gUilty of a misdemeanor, and such neglect isan offense against Masonry, and may be punished.
20 A summons must be obeyed, unless a lawful excnse can be offered. A broth'er sum III on ed cannot shield himself by the plea that the cause for summons was not sufficiently urgent. 21 It is llnmasonic for a Mason to disclose his ballot on a petition for admission, advancement, or for the mysteries of lVlasonry; therefore, it would be unmasonic for a Mason to black-ball one at the request of a~other.
22. No one can be deprived of his rights and privileges as a member until by due trial and conviction for some offense charged, and sentence has been recorded, and all regulations depriving any of their prerogatives are obnoxious, and ought not to be regarded. 28. A lodge should not assume the obligation of an endorser, but if by resolution a lodge bas undertaken sucb a risk, it is morally. though not legally bound, and an assessment on the members of a lodge to meet such an engagement cannot be enforced.
24. Jurisdiction for the trial of one charged with an offense ao-ainst Masonry may be in one of three Lodges. First, in the lodge of which the offender is a member; second, in the lodge where the offender resides or may be found, and third, in the lodge within whose territory the offense was comnlitted.
25. One under suspension for non-payment of dues seeking restoration should first pay, without reserve, all demands ag~inst him at the time of suspension, an.d then petition t'or restoration, and though action on his petltion should be unfavorable, the demands so paid cannot, as of right, be reclaimed. 26. It is not proper for a lodge or its members to pass resolutions commendatory or otherwise of the Worshipful Master, nor is it proper 1"01' a lodge or its members to enter into an investigation of any charges against tl1e Master; such inquiries should always be under the direction of the Grand Master or Grand Lodge. . 27. A Masonic lodge-room may, in the discretion of the lodge, (due regard always being bad for the opinions or wishes of a minority of the members) be used 'by the society known as "The Grange." The avowed purpose of that organization being to cultivate the s9cial virtues and foster intellectual pur.. SUlts, it is a duty to encourage it. 28. An appli('ation for dirnission is not required to be in writing; it may be made in open lodge by the applicant in person, or by another for hirn, and if a majority of the members present vote in favor ot" granting the request, the declaration of the result ot such vote determines the membership. The
certificate is merely evidence of dimission.
29. A peti tioner for membership is required to surrender his dimit, if he has one, and having acqUired membership; if for any cause he has retained his dimit, he should surrender it, and if on reasonable demand he refuses, he may
be disciplined therefor, and should be denied dimission until such demand is compIled with.
30. The Past Master's Degree, so called, is not a requisite qualitication for the Master of a lodge under dispensation, and if anyone, whether a member or visitor, assumes to question the qualification or authority of the Master while acting within the scope of his office, he should maintain his authority with dignity and firmness, if necessary, to the extent of closing the door against the offender.
31. The cOlnity of Grand Lodges requires each to recognize the acts of every other, prOVided good faIth is maintained, the ancient landmarks not in.. fringed, and the territorial juri~diction of another is not invaded, and within these limits full faith and credit must be given to the acts of each lodge, con路 forming to local regUlations, not, only by Grand Lodges, but by every lodge, whether of the same or another Grand Jurisdiction. 32. When a lodge has acted favorably on a 'petition for the mysteries of Masonry, It has obtaIned exclUSIve jurisdIction of the person of the applicant, and no other lodge can undertake or finish the work exoept by request of the lodge haVIng jurisdiction, or until such lodge waives all right tbereto, a.nd It is only in mtses of waiver of jurisdictiolll that the candidate can claim membership in the lodge completing the work. 33. Every lodge ls bound to work according to the rules prescribed by the
24 Grand Lodge to which it owes allegiance, and when the work is so done it is \Vhen one lodge is employed b another to work on certain Inaterial furnished, and the work is done a(Gcordin Y to the skill and understanding of the workmall, the em ployer, in good faith i~ bound to accept it, and good faith to the candidate requires his acceptance. I
good and lawful, and must pass inRpectioD.
3t If you enlploy another to do ~your work for you, and having given him 6pecific iD~tructions, he fashions it according to the rule of the Craft:, in the country where he has wrought, you are bonnd to accept it" for it W~\R his outy to do the work according to hIS understanding. \Vithout specified instru~_ tions YOU could not expect him to have knowledge of rules and customs peculiar a coun tr;r in which he has neither traveled or worked. Remember the laborer is worthy of his hire. DO
35. In a trial before a lodge the Master is the judge of the la\v appIieable to the {'a~e, and the l\faster and melnbers acting tog-ether are the judges of thp facts; and in the consideration of the evidence they act in the capacity of jurors, and their determination of the guilt or innocence of the aroused based on the law and the evidence, partakes of the character of a verdict, and when the finding 1s one of not gUilty, unless an appeal is taken to the Grand Lodge the caUbe IS concluded. ' 36. If 011 the trial of a cause the accused is found guilty, be nlust be punished by expulsion, suspension or reprimand, and it is the duty of the .Master and members acting tOfl;ether to deternline the punishnlent, alnd for that purpQse they fwt &0 jUdges, and within tbe range of the ditlerent degrees of pnnishment they nlay exercise a sound discretion, and .so if two-thirds ot the judges do not agree on one ballot they nlust ballot agaIn, and for a reasonable time within the discretion of the Master, continue to ballot until such agreemen t is reached. " All of which were confirmed.
In the Proceedings we notice that the charter of Seneca Lodge, No. 39, was revoked by Grand Lodge because it failed to e,xpel u. non-affiliated brother ,vho kept a saloon, although he ,vas in the same business when the lodge made hiIn a l\lason. A motion was made to restore the charter to the sixteen members who voted" guilty" at the trial, but a substitute was adopted requesting the Grand 1\Iaster elect, to issue a di.spensution to such as he thought tit, and to turn over the property of Seneca Lodge to such nevllodge. From this it may be inferred that membership in a J.~a:nsas lodge does not carry with it the right to vote as one's conscience ruay dictate, but rather to find out first what the majority want and then all vote one ,vas, or have their charter arrested. Brother John :H. Brown subnli tted as usual an able and full Report on Correspondence. He very properly disagrees with the Grand Lodge of Alabarna, which allows a dimit to be granted to a nlember who has filed an appeal to the Grand Lodge, providing the term of suspension has in the lueantime expIred. He pays the following just tribute to Grand Master An thony, of Colorado: The Address of Grand Master Anthony is a little singular, and, therefore, the more worthy of notice. He nei ther alludes to the Arneri0an eagle, nor lauds the air, scenery, nor Inines of Colorado; ntterly ignoring the" Great Centenniitl," he does not so luuch as refer to the Washington Monument, nor stop to anatheluatize political corruption; nay, he IS stubbornl~" silent as to the antiqnIty of Masonry and" our ancient brethren," not even mentioning p.ythagor~\s. Solomon or Adam. Ou the contrary, his paper is SOlid, buslness1il{e, full of facts, clearly and concisely stated, and wholly devoted to llame atfcllrs. We fully agree with him on the jewelry question, as follows:
Neither tawdry finery nor blazing~ewelswill cover up a vicious life or supplement an empty head. "VVllile geniUS di~dalns ornament, the man of understanding avoids everything which contributes to arouse attent,ion or attract the vulgar gaze. Years ago, an eminent crHic well said, the wearing of jewelry was a relIC of barbari~m, aud reflecting men do not dissent fronl his jndg111ent. Masonic jewels were intended for use in lodges, not to be worn over
heartless breasts, not to be pictured on placards nor mounted on sign-boards. ns profess to despise mere show and sham. If they hope to gain respect for their pretensions, if they wish to leave an ineffaceable impress of their principles upon the age-an age far too râ&#x201A;Źnlarkable for blare, gli Lter and social fictions. He quotes fully from the Address of Grand 1\laster Anderson, of Missouri, and complimen ts it highly. ISAAC B. SHARP, Wyandotte, G. ~I. JOHN H. BROW)l, Leavenworth, G. Sec. and For. Cor.
Grand Lodge met in New Orleans, ]'ebruary 14, 1876.
Brother John G. Flelning, G. Dr1., presided. The Annual Address occllpies forty-five pages, and devoted largely to local interests, to which the Grand Master bas evidently devoted nluch time and labor.
Fronl his decisions we condense as follows: 1. Certificates of waiver in favor of a pet.itioner must be given rlirectl)-T to the lodge, and not into the hands, or through the medIum, of the petitioner himself. We agree. .
2. Lodge trials must be held without reference to civil trials. Among the offenses which be includes may be charged is "guilt.~.,. of any violation of the law of the land." This we cannot agree to. We hold it to be no business of a lodge to try 1:1, melnber because he does not pay his county taxes, or for dozens of other such State or municipal offenses. 3. A lodge cannot remit a brother's dues, or any portion of them, after charges ha'Ve been preferred for non-pa~'ment of dues. We do not agree to this, for we hold that, as the charges are based entirely upon non-payment, it is in the power and right of a lodge to do as it will in deeds of charIty with its funds. It" John Snlith owes us a debt and we have Rued him for it, we have a right to withdraw the suit and forgive the debt. We do not hold, however, tbatalodge maydismiss atrial for some gross unmabonicconductwbich implies moral turpItude; but ,,"'here it is merely on the basis of money, we hold that money settles the case.
4. l\!embers cannot dimit without first settling up their pro 'rata of accrued lodge liabilities, as well as dlles. We agree.
5. Embezzlement or misappropl'iation of lodge funds is triable, even after "the party bas refunded. We agree. 6. Declared an election of officers invalid, beCHuse they were nominated
and elected by acclamation instead of by ballot. Right.
7. Lodges of Instruction can do nothing but instruct, and cannot legislate, pass resolutions, &c. Right. 8...A. Mason must obey a sumU10DS from another lodge as well as his own. We tully agree, although our Gtand Lodge recently held otherwise.
9. No Mason can enter protests; his only right is to appeal and obey. Oorrect.
We notice a part. of bis report which appears singular to us, viz., his acceptance of a lot. of resignations of Masters and Wardens, and allowing the
vacancies to be tilled bJ''' special elections; but as he reported them Without any apologies or explanations, and the Grand Lodge appeared to take'n O action on them, we presllme ., the thing must be all right n-but how this i dOlle in the face of their o"wn law, tound in the B;y-Laws, page 13, unde; General Regulations, section 28, which ÂŁays in substance that each lodge shall elect their officers once in each year, (viz., in December), 'we cannot under. stand, nor is any explanation given, who will be the" Past :I\'Iaster," the outgoing l\faster, or the incoming one, or both, when neither ma~r have served ;more than six months. He also allowed a lodge, where a Worshipful Master has resigned, to elect all entjre new set of officers, i. e., he allowed those in office, if eligible, to run tor Master; and a fortiori, if the six month's old Master going out can be a Past Master, we do not see why a Warden who served six months cannot also claiIn to be a Past Warden, and therefore run for Master. We hope the next ~;ommittee on Correspondence will give us full light on this mixed-up case for we want to learn all the new wrinkles. For their information we will sa; that everj" other Grand Lodge we ever heard of prohibits a vVorshipful Maf',ter or Warden from resigning or dimitting. He must fill oui the term for which he was elected, and if he goes awa~~ even for eleven months ont of the twelve as \\'''orshipfull\tIaster, then the Senior Warden takes the chair, and fins his own placepro tem. It was voted by Grand Lodge that where a 'Yard en was present in Grand Lodge, and a representative present also with tbepJ'oxyof the \Vors111pful Master and a Warden, yet the representative only had one vote,.and the Warden cast the other two. Their manner of voting at trials is of a double character, either viva t'oce or by secret ballot-the manner to be determined by a majority vote of t.he lodge.
It requires a Inajority vote to convict; tbree-fourths to expel; two-thirds to suspend, and" should the defendant not be suspended, he will stand sen .. tenced, without anJT further vote, to reprimand in open lodge," subject, of course, to appeal. It strikes us that bnt jew expulsions will be effected under this rule, as out of an attendance 01 twenty-eight only eight dead-heads can defeat the proposition supported by twenty-one good men. Relative to the two styles of voting, we think experience has proven that the secret ballot IS infinitely best for the purity of the lodge. In trials before the Grand Lodge, none but members are permitted to remain, Which, if secrecy is the object, is uselesf:3, as the record gives the naInes of the Grand Offieers and the numbers of the respective lodgf's voting 2)1"0 autl con. In our jllrisdiction only the nurnber of votes cast on elther ~ide are given. We iJotice t.hey also had a Grand Lodge trial of a Worshipfnl lYlaster, against whom charges :had been preferred by ~t member of Atlrora IJotlge, of this city, lSt. Louis), the nccused being defended, as the record says, "by Brothel' G - - - , who tnade a n1asterly and able defence for the accused, 'for v;hich he was complimented by the l\<lost \Vorshipful Grand l\fasterl." The record does not say whether the plaintiff' had anything to say, except through his written testimony. After which the vote was taken viva voce, beginning with theyoungestlodge; and the brother was acquitted. The published record is the first we ever heard of the case, and know nothing of its cause or merits, and we sim ply allude to it at this tilne (haVing every confidence in the justice of the verdict) to say that if we had been keeping the minutes, intended tor publioo.tion, we should have certainly omitted all record f)f t,he compliments by the Grand Th'Iaster, to speakers on either side of the case, just .t'or the looks of the thing, for presiding justices hardly ever compliment attorneys in cOl1rt till after the verdict is rendered. As we before said, we are willing to bet that
the verdict was right; and our criticism on the balance is only our individual opinIon and not intended for any personal reflection. We merely labor in all our Reports to try and get the records straight, for they live after we are dead. We congratulate the Grand Secretary upon the adoption of the su b-head system in the Proceedings, as also of placing Reports like Foreign Correspondence in the Appendix; but we regret that t.he usage still prevails in that jurisdiction of the same committees making segregated reports-for instance: the committee on Credentials made eight ReportB ; Jurisprudence, six; Grievance, three,. 1Vork, th1路ee,. LOdges, fiYe,. On Grand l\Iaster's Address, five; Audits and Accounis,Jive,. by which we find six committees making thi')'ty-jive Reports, instead of six consolidated ones. The Correspondence Committee, in their Report this ~"ear, reviewing ours of last year, seems to be under the im.pression that it is the Grand Secretary wbo consolidates these committee reports in the J\Ussouri Proceedings; but he is in error. As the committees do this themselves, and they are enabled to doit by the very business-like way in which our Grand Lodge does its business. The Grand Lodge opens on the first day and listens to the Grand Master's Address, which, upon motion, is referred to a committee for distribution. Petitionsand nlemorials are referred to appropriate committees, as also the reports and accoun ts of Grand Officers, and the路 Grand l\'faster being in possession of the Report on Oreden tials, is enabled to select all his standing committees and [,uo11 special ones as may have beeu called for by the Distribution Com.mittee. rrhis is all done on the first day, by four o'clock in the afternoon, by which the business of the session is fairly mapped ont. Instead of calling the Grand Lodge to labor the next morning, it is not called on till after dinner, and only then long enough to receive any new papers to be presented, sayan hour, and then called off until next morning at ten o'clock. What is the result? All the committees who ,vere appointed on the first day have that evening, all the next day and evening to devote exclusively to the legitimate work before thenl, and any experienced member of a legislative body knows that nine-tenths of the real work is done by competent committees. The chairman of the Committee ~ on Jurisprudence, on Grievance, on Lodge Returns, on Reports of District Deputy Grand Masters, and on Foreign Correspondence, are all appointed at the close of the preceding Communication, and work on their Reports, ad interem, so that when the Grand Lodge assembles, and the committees are filled up, most of the detail work is done, and instead of being called into Grand Lodge from morning till night, to look at each other, "wondering what will come next," or listening to mere fragments of reports, crudely prepared and as injudiciously discussed, they are at solicl work,. and when they submit their reports, those reports are complete. On the morning of the third day the election takes place, and in the afternoon the reports are read and acted upon in a consecutive anCl. business like manner, and haVing been carefully prepared, they need but little argument or amendment, so that by evening all is done, except installation, which takes but a reasonable time after supper, earl~" enough to allow the delegates to go home on the night trains. Thus in three days is accomplished more satisfactory work, done in harmonious style, than Is accomplished by some Grand Lodges of half the size in four and five days. The plan we have thus given is original ,vith Missouri only in having the reports consolidated, the other ilnprovements were the creations out of necessity by our larger sisters, Illinois, Ne'w York, and some others; and baving found it to work most satisfactorily to the representatives, as well as for the best interests of the Craft, we have thus taken the trouble to give a full history of the improved form (being, we believe, the first yet pUblished), and fraternally recommend it to our experienced brethren in the Grand Lodge of Louisiana, as that body is fast growing to a size where the economy of time becomes 3t valuable principle in its system of legislation.
28 This system simplifies our published reports, condellst?s the size~ of voll1me, red uees expenses, and obviates the necessity of an index \whlc!1 cannot al ways be satisfactory), and also gives the delegates who are not on committees nearly the whole of tbe second day to visit through the city and to transact any little matters of personal business the~.r may have on band and then the next (or third) da;y", when the:r come to consult over the ' they are fresh and in better spirits, as well as better acquainted other. rrhe regular proceedings of Louisiana occupy 159 pages, while those or Missouri, for about the same amount of work done, occupies 92 pages~ a diffel'~ ence of 67 pages of reading matter to read over to find what was dOlle, and a very large part of the 67 pages is taken up with" preamble" matter anel signatures of committees, for it requires as many such words for a report of five lines as it does of five pages. A word to the wise is sufficient." U
Brother William R. Whittaker submitted the most vol umlnous, as \yen as one of the ablest, Reports on Correspoutlence before us, covel'ing ~04 pa~es, in which :Mlssotlrl for lR75 is fully and fraternally noticed, and to which ten pages are generotlsl J" devoted. In noticing decisions of Brother I.Ju!i:e, he does not agree with the requirement that a candidates must be able to read and write," and sa:y's, II we hope to get sometime, from SOUle of our 1earned brethren, a sufficient explanation for this departure from ancient Masonic custom." We tbink bis qUE'btion is fully answered by his own Grand Master (Brother Fleming), on pp. 55 and 56 of the proceedings before us, and recommend them to his "prayerful consideration." We will first have to be satisfied that our Missouri decision is a "departure," to begin witli, and then we should ask him a question, Viz., "for whom are your proceedings and laws pUblished, and for whose beneflt do you write such a splendid report, if your constituents can neither read or write? " He thinks Brother Luke's decision relative to visitors seeing the charter "Is extremely liberal-to visitors I" but if he had read the Jurisprudence Re.. port on that decision he would have seen that it was not liberal enough, and was changed to nlal\:e it H more so." "Thus do great minds dUrer," but, individually, we agreed with tbe Grand 11aster. He cannot nnderstand how a Masonic widow loses her first husbaud'~ benefits by afterwards marrJTiJ)g a profane, nor could we ullderstand it either if she still claimed to be a lVlasonic 'Widow after bel' second marriage, but we hold that we cannot compel her to remain a widow, for you know that when U a woman Will, she will; and when she won't. sIle ,von't, and there's an end on't,." He thus gives our .Jurisprudence Committee a gentle dig in the ribs,'; in its review of Brother Luke's decisidn, whIch referl'ed especially as to what the Grand Lodge did not require, and did not refer to the POW81°S of the Master, as follows: U
No rule of the Grand Lodge requires that the members of a lodge should be either summoned or notified to attend a râ&#x201A;Źgular meeting for election of officers. If that meeting is provided for in the By-La\vs, Inembers should know when it takes place if they take any interest in th(Âť affairs of the lodge, and if the attendance of any is confined to election nights, they deserve DO such consideration. I believe that the practice is prod native of more evil than good. Which Brother Whitaker heartily approves, and says:
The Jurisprudence Committee made the following extremely lucid report upon this decision:
The Grand Master's remarks upon the practice of summoning or notifying tbe members of a lodge to attend a meeting for tbe election of omeerR. when tbe meeting for thlS purpose is duly provided for by By-Law, are ~ensible and strictly.Masonic. His opinion that the practice is prodl1ctive of n10re evil than good ig indorsed; nevertheless, the l\laster of a lodge has the right to summon a. member or the members whenever he thinks proper. H
Now you see it, and now you don't."
He claims that there is no law or precedent for the decision that one of the Wardens must p1'esicle if the Worshipful Master is absent, and says that in his part of the world the p';째escnce of one of the Wardens is sufficient to authorize another to preside. We ean only say that the decision is in accordance with the old usage of our Grand Lodge, as well as of a large majority of Grand Lodges generally. He congratulates the Grand l\Iaster on his ha.ving only created two new louges, and calls it "a good record." He is also in favor of the consolidation of weak lodges. He congratulates our Grund Lodge on the increase of its library, and speaks of it generally as an " encouraging sign of solid progress." In reviewing our Grievance Cornmittee's Report he qllotes fully, and among others the case in the Harrisol1vi11e Dibtrict, and says that" some 01. e on the Appeals Committee of Missouri writes wi th a tolerably sharp pen." He approves of the action of the Grand Lodge relative to the circular issued by our Board of Relief.
Relative to our own Report on Correspondence, he "goes for us ,. generally, and we appreciate the criticisms both for, as well as anen t, especially as
there is so
In nch
of the for-mer.
Wehave already devoted so much space in trying to get our favorite sister all right that we dare not even attempt to launch out in this admirable report from Loui&iana, as we should not kno"w how to end, or how to do it justice. As a general thing. the author's "head was perfectly level." We shall credit him with a portion of our strictly" Foreign" Report, in its proper place. JOHN G. FLEMING, Ne\v Orleans, G. M. JAl\IES O. BATCHELOR, M. D., Drawer 872, New Orleans, G. Sec. GEORGE H. BRAUGHN, New Orleans, For. 001'.
G;and Lodge met in Helena, Oct. 5, 1875. Brother Harry R. Comly, Deputy Grand Master, as Grand Master, presided. The Grand Master, Brother Ed. S. Stackpole, was absent on account of the sudden death of his child. His Annual Address was briefand local. Br?ther Cornelius Hedges, Grand Secretary, submitted a full official report, in WhICh he acknowledges the receipt of our Constitutions, and we regret that the Proceedings we sent him were lost in the nlall.
30 A resoltltion was adopted appointing a committee to devise and report system of Mutual Benefit Association.
The Grand Lodge decided not to allow lodges Under Dispensation to atnliate members. While this decision is the ODe most generall.y adopted, ;yet in our jurisdiction, where it is allowed, we think great benefit arises from it We hold here that if a lodge can perform the highest functions and powers . a lodge, viz: to " make M:asons," that it can at least perform the minor one of affiliating them, and by so doing, interest all good, non-affiliated :Masons who may apply, and th us strengthen the young lodge preparatory to a charter. We are in favor of lessening the distance between chartered lodges and 10(]gf~8 Under Dispensation in their powers and usefulness. The Grand Lodge also provides that the Committee on Jurisprudence should lueet two da:ys before the Annual Communication. We think the better plan is to appoin t the chairman of that and other importan t cOlnmi ttees at the close of the session a:pd sit one year, ad inte1't1n, as with us and in several other states. Brother Hedges, the Grand Secretary, submitted a fine Report on Correspondence of Ion pages in which Missouri is...fraternally noticed. 1:Ie does not agree with Brother Anderson (whose address he eulogizes) that the Grand l\faster should be a paid officer; that the great honor should be Sl1tJlcient. He compliments highly Brother Owen's Report on Grievance. H.A.RRY R. COl\fLY, Helena, G. M. CORNELIUS HEDGES, Helena, G. Bee. and For.
MASSAOHUSETTS. '\Ve have the Q,uarterly Proceedings of the Grand Lodge for lvlarch 10, June 9, September ti, nnd the Annual of December 8,1875.
Brotber Percival L. Everett, G. M., presided. The first Quarterly was chiefly occupied in trials and obituaries; the second with trials and presentation of the aprons of our late Brethren, Lafa;yette and General 'Varren; the third Quarterly with amending By-L1tWS, and 28B pages devoted to the life and Masonic services of Brother 'VIDSlow Lewis, Past Grand Master, who died A.ugust 8, 1875; born in BostoD, JUly 8, 1790. Fnll of :rears and honors our venerable brother passed frarn earth, leaVing a l\'Iasonic recol'd of which his Grand Ledge and the Craft at large may well be proud.
At the AnnuaJ Communication, the Grand Master reported five dispensations for new lodges. The net indebtedness of the Grand Lodge is $299,991 7$, which is a net reduction of $7,730 49 during the year. The address is a clear and practical documell t. On December 28, after the installation of the officers, "The Grand Feast" was held, and forty-six pages are devoted to the excellent speeches delivered on the happy occasion.
No Committee on Corresponuence. PERCIVAL L. EVERETT, BostOD, G. .l\L CHARLES H. TrrUS, Boston, G. Sec.
Grand Lodge met in st. Paul, Januar:r 11, 1876. Brother Charles Griswold, G. M., presided. Seventy-Six lodges represented. He reports five dispensations for new lodges. DECISIONS.
The following are a few, amon~ many of the decisions I have been called upon to render since my last annual report: 1. When a committee reports upon the petition of a candidate for the degrees of Masonry or for affiliation, a ballot should be had thereon the 8ame The Worshipful Master has no 'right to defer it until another communication. evenin[J.
2. When upon taking the ballot') but one black-ball appears, but one more ballot can be taken, and that must be had irnmediately. It cannot be legally deferred until the next communIcation.
S. ,\Yben a brother-a member of the lodge-objects to the advancement of a candidate, the fact of such objection should alway8 be spread upon the minutes. The objection may be made in private to the vVorshipful Master, or in open lodge, as the objector may elect. If the objection is made before the candidate has received the first degr@e, it. operfttes the same as the casting of a black ball. The candidate shoul<J. be declared rejected, and his money be returned; and at the end of six mon ths, he is en ti Oed to apply for the degrees again. See" Proceedings of 187-1, Decisions of Grand Master," marked â&#x20AC;˘. No. 2/' and affirmed uy the Grand Lodge. It is only alter a candidate has taken one or more degrees, and a brother objects to lds going further, that the Worshipful Master is permitted to proceed, or not. as he may see fit. The objecting brother is not obliged to give his reasons; he may do so, if he chooses. 4. A regular communication of the Lodge can only h~ opened, when the time for opening specified in the By-Laws has arrived.
5. In a Masonic trial, the testinlony of any reliable witness lnay be admitted. If, however, such witness is not amember of tile fraternity, his deposition should be taken by the examining committee, they gIving the accused due notice of the tnne and place. B. Charges ,vere preferred against a brother for unma,sonic conduct. They were properly referred to a committee. The committee reported. Whereupon, the lodge voted to.dismiss the charges. Can charges be again preferred for the same alleged offense?
Answer- Yes, for the reason, that when the above luentioned course bas been pursued, has not been, in the full and proper sense of the word, a trial, but simplj1' a prel1ulinary examination. When a lodge votes to dismiss all charges, they vi.rtually decide not to proceed to trial. 7. Application is made for the degrees of l\lasonfy-the candidate is rejected-whereupon, the brother who brought in the petition becolnes very indignant, and declares, both in the lodge and elseWhere, that said lodge shall do no mOle work if he can help it; that he will black-ball every candidate who applies for the degrees. Since that tjule, every petitioner has been rejected. From this state of atfairs, the lodge is suftering serious inconvenience. What course should be pursued? Answer-The making of such a declaration as the one above referred to is in itself a {fross Masonic offense, and in such a case, charges should be at once preferred and trial had f followed by expulsion from the fratel'nity. Whenever
32 a brother becomes so possessed bjf the dog~in-the-mangerspirit, that he will neither eat or allow anyone else to eat, and disgraces hinls€'lt and dE:'gra,1es Masonry by rna,kIng it the Yelnole of his personal spite, "ve no furthe; need of ollis services; we ca.n do him no good; there is no possible .Masonl~ use to ·WhICh h~ can be put; and he should, therefore, be driven ver;y speedIly from our mIdst. He devotes eight pages to argue wb~r negro Masons should be recognized but as it is merely a compilation of the sophmorie effort of the Obio UonlillU: tee on Correspondence, 've shall pass this by and refer to our review of Ohio on that question. The Grand Lodge deferred consideration of the sUbject until next year. The businebs transacted ·was chiefly of a local nature.
Brother A. T. C. Pierson, as usual, submitted a :tine Report on Correspondence in which :Missouri is fully and fraternally noticed. His report is fun of excellent criticism, and his views on the h new day-new duty" humbug of Ohio are correot and to the point, and from it we jndge that the Grand Lodg(-; of 1\Iinnesota is not yet ready to sell out soverign ty and existence for the mere salte of a baseless theory. JA.l\IES C. BRADEN, Litchfield, G. M. A. T. C. PIERSON, St. Paul, G. Sec. and For. Cor.
Grand Lodge met in Bal timore, N oyem bel' 15, 1875. Brother John H. B. Latrobe, G. M., presided. The Address is brief and refers chiefly to local interests. He complains of the almost universal delinquency on the part of the Grand Inspectors in that jurisdiction. lIe refers to the difference of opinion existing about" the paramount power of the Grand Master," but says after due refiection he does not change the views heretofore expressed by him on that subject, so that ~tt least one State (Maryland) can be set down as recognizing the powers of a Grand Master as being paramount to the ,vritten Constitution of the Grand Lodge. We do not agree witl1 that conclusion, as we frankly expressed ourselves 1n our last report to that effect, but if the Grand Master got as nlad about it as Brother Carter, the Oorrespondent Committee, did, we sincerely ask pardon as no personal offen~e was intended. What we said 'was intended as against tbe principle of the thing, and not as against the Grand 1\laster, for WhOlU we entertain the highesL regard. 'Ve said that "A Grand l\:Iaster with such id(:las, could conscientiously" do so and so, and by that we meant any Grand Master, alluding to none in particular, but to all who bold to such ultra notions of the centralized powers of that office. The committee, however, got so blinded by his first impulses that he was unable to see what was nlean t, and believing himself the annoin ted Don Quio~te of his Grand :Master, l'UShes~t us full tilt, armed w'ith a lot of expletives, UbUally tlnknown among the courteolls I~nights of the {~uill, and after dellvelittg himself of them, he breathes easier we hope and may now be considered convalescent. This failing, however, is common among all new initiates into the
"Corps Mutual," ana therefore excusable, for a few times, but after getting heartily laughed at by his conferers he learns the one solid fact, viz: that it is not necessary to entirely strip oneself to defend his Grand Lodge of critici~ms on its acts. It lived long before he did, and will sail along in its majestic eour$e long after we are all laid in the silent tom b. The following amendment to the Constitution, submitted at the May, 1875, Oommunication, was then taken up and adopted: Art. 23, sec. 11, strike out" forty" and insert" fifty." As amended will read: "No lodge in the city of BaltiInore shall confer the three degrees of Masonry for a less sum than fifty dollars; nor any lodge out of the city of Baltimore for a less sum than twenty-five dollars; PrOVided, that any lodge rnay confer the degrees withont fee upon any minister of the gospel." Sucb an amendmpnt was proposed to the By-Laws of Missouri in 1865, and the then Deputy Grand Master "tOOk the floor in opposition to it, Hnd
wanted it to be distinctly understood that he, as an active Ininister of the gospel, did not consider it any compliment to his profession, and in behalf of the whole clerical membership he protested against ministers beJng put upon such a pauper list. They were able .to be worthy of such support as to be also able to pay for the beautiful and instructive degrees, and if anyone did not sufficiently appreciate Freenlasonry to come into it on account of its Inerits, he was not worthy of the honors ("onfelTed. 'rYe have devotledly loved that officer ever since for being an honest l\1ason and minister. We honor him for hi~ manlJT pride and appreciation of the dignity of his profession. We hold that such distinctions are ill violation of the very spirit of eqH.lity belonging to our institution. It is either stigma cast at the dignity of the churcb, or else a meretricious bid for extraneous influences unworthy of Ancient Craft Masonry. Brother Joo. DrL Carter submitted a ver:y interesting Report on Correspondence, in which our Grand Lodge is fr~terual1y noticed. No appointment announced for CommIttee on For. Cor. JNO. H. B. LATROBE, Baltimore, G.1f. JACOB H. MEDAIRY, GN. Howard St., Baltimore, G. Sec.
Grand Lodge met in Detroit, January 26,1875. Brother William L. yVebber, G.
Two hundred and ninety-seven representatives were present. He reported dispensations for seven new lodges.
Eight new halls were dedicated. Three Masters were suspended from office. They sent $1,585 to aid Louisiana. From his decisions we condense the following: G. L.-A. 3.
catton to~i~it cannot be i~sued without reasons being assigned in the apPli2. Members cannot be speoially aSRessed to pay lodge debts. 3. A one-armed candidate cannot be initiated. 4. Joint society festivals cannot be given.
me~b~:;i~~~~t~i[h~:tgf~u~lh~re~cR~ri:ensation,a nd those made in it, are is
proper to state any facts relative to a petitioner before ballot is
7: An applicant elected to membership is ipso facto a member without signing By-Laws. 8. No particular time of residence is required for affiliation. 9. A lodge must be its own judge about the propriety of burying a suicide CIrcumstances of the suicide must be taken into consideration. 路 10. A petition from a candidate previously rejected within or without the State requires unanimous consent. LWith this we do not agree, after the re. jection is twelve months passed.] 11. Lodges Under Dispensation have the right to a:tliliate rnembers. 12. Mixed society funerals and mixed pall bearers are not in order. 13. A lodge has tbe right to vote its money for any act of charity. 14. A member cannot be dimitted without his consent. 15. A Master suspended b~'" the Grand Master cannot be tried by his lodge, but charges may be preferred to the Grand Master to be laid before the Grand Lodge. 16. A member cannot be suspended for non-payment of dues without trial. 17. A member on trial before a court may also be tried by his lodge. With all of which we agree, except No.lO, as quoted above. He reoommended the" Michigan Freemason" to the support of the Craft for their own sakes, In which we heartily concur. He treats at length of non-affiliation, and is opposed to arbitrary regulations. The whole address Is a model one, and is a credit to his jurisdIction. A large amonnt of local business was transacted in good shape; the Proceedings are systematioally arranged and headed, and the pUblishing is flrst class-in fact, it Is just like Missouri, and must, therefore, be O. K. [Tally one for modesty.] Brother Foster Pratt, the Grand Secretary, submitted a very full and able Report on Correspondence, of 142 pages, in which a liberal space is given to our state for 1874. He does not by any means agree with Brother Anderson's views about making the Grand Master's office a salaried one. While agreeing with and complimenting our Past Grand Master much on his address t yet he demurs strongly to the custom of some Grand Masters placing the Craft in a bad light on account of certain local or special shortcomings, and we cannot better express our own views on that subject than by quoting Brother Pratt 1s remarks: Again-we believe that all rnen are better, in the average, than they are often supposed to be; and that the Masons of any jurisdIction-not e:x:epting Mis..
urI-are better, very much better men in heart and life than the annual
~~dresses of some Grand Masters 'would indicate. Physicians and lawyers, see the sicl\: and dishonest and Grand Masters, of necessity, the unbrotherly ide of hunlan nature; and because one in ten may be sick, tricky or ~nmasonic, it proves nothing against the nine who, because qf health, honesty, or truly Masonic character, are not b1'otlght unde')' observation. II((!c fabula docet-that we do not believe in the existence or the dangers of that" r(~ttenness" (curable by any Grand Master's supervision,) wbich, accol:dinCl to Brother Anderson's ~loomy picture, is expected to Hsap the foundations" otMasonry in tlae Grand Jurisdlction of Missouri or any other place. But, to resume our review-Brother Anderson's pains-taking and conscien-
tious industry is deserving of commendation.
'Ve agree with the committee, that: The Grand Master's Address as a whole, is a very able Masonic document,
and discloses the fact that he has given much time and attention to the c1uti(?s of his office and J\ilasonic a:tfuirs in general in thejurisdictif)n, but we sincerely
hope that he will cease, if possible, to look at the Craft with" jaundiced eyes."
The Report of the Grievance Committee is exceedingly well digested and arranged. It is a Inodel in all respects. The s~yle, substance and forUl of U NUluber One," which we copy, is a fair sample of thirty..two cases adjl1di. oated: [Here follows the samples.] Under the head of Montana, we think he misunderstands their theory of a Mutual Insurance Association. We understand it to be the same as that in Indiana, Illinois and Missouri, and as SUCh, it is a valuable adjunct to systematic charity, and worthy of Grand Lodge cognizance. Like Brother Pratt, we are opposed to mixing up Masonry with any outside speculations, but that of Montana does not come uuder the head he is hitting at. ., The entire Report is an unusually able one, in fact one of the very best we ever read, and were we to begin quoting, we would not know where to stop. GEG. H. DURAND, Flint, G. M. l;i"OSTER PRArr~r, !{alamazoo, G. Sec. and For. Cor. P. S. By circular note of March 15, 1876, we learn that Brother Ellery 1. Garfield, of Det.roit, was elected Grand Secretary, and Brother Matthew H. Maynard, of JYIarquette, elected Grand Master.
Grand Lodge met in Jackson, February 2, 1876. Brother A. H. Barkley, G. l\L, presided. From his decisions we condense the following: 1. Prohibits lodge halls for fashionable amusements. 2. An objector who publicly makes known his reasons against advancement of candidate, must prefer charges.
3. A trial begun must be proceeded with.
36 4. Installed officerb cannot resign or dimit. 5••c\.. nlember cannot dinlit while subject to investigation of conduct.
6. Dues commence ,,,,ith affiliation. 7.
of left leg bars initiation.
8. Counsel fees in lodge trials is unmasonic. 9. Confession of guilt dispenses with trial, but punisbment must be inflicted. 10. A member of Grand Lodge loses his right to holel office in it by living out of the State, :y-et belonging to a lodge in the State. We agree with all of the above, except that in the 9th We should sub~titute "penaltymustbe voted upon,~' insteadof"n~u8tintHctpunishment,·'for we hOld it to be the right of a lodge to forgive any melnber b;y' its vote, or to refuse 'Vote punIsbment, for" cirCUulst{tnCes otten alter cases," and besides, for obvious reasons, we are opposed to dispensing with trials because the pleads guilty-it is a plea that should never be asked, and if accepted, it only be as evidence. He reports having.organized one new lodge. He granted a large number of special dispensations, among which we find several for retaking ballots, the rejectors having stated that they made a mistake. We Jook upon this as a pernicious practice, and a self-increasing one, and if the Grand T;odge should pass a law that if a bu,llot after two t,rials rejects a candidate, he shall stand 1~cjected fcr}" t'loeh'e ?nonths, then the membel'S would learn some sense about the responsibili ty and solemnit~.,. of a ballot, and not straggle up to the box like a lot of boys going to play Il1arbles, caring little whether they "hit or miss," knOWing they could get another shot. 'Va do not allow such carelessness in this jurisdiction. He feelingly announc~d the death of Brother Morris Cook, Past Deputy Grand Master, who died October 31, 1875.
The whole Address is a good practical report of official doings. Brother I. M. Howry, Chairman of the Committee on Jurisprudenc.e, submitted a very full and able Report, covering twenty-six questions submlted for consideration. While we agree with this venerable Masonic jurist in nearly aU hiR de.. cisions whioh for years has been his province to render, yet the 25th one before us this year we m nst dam ur to, viz. : 25. Que:r;tion-A brother applies for a dimit, baving paid his dues, at the time to the ~Torshi pful Master that he could not ~it. In the lodge certain brother, and he would not. The 10dge and "W'orshipful MaRter to grant the din.l1t nsl\:ed for, and the 'VorshiplullVlaster instlucted tbe mittee on f'omplaints tlnd Offenses to investigate the matter between brethren. Was the l'lll1ng right?
Answer-It was. All difficulties existin~ between a brother applying for a dimit and any melnber.of tlle lodge should be adjusted before granting a dinlit. We think the brother need not have st!1ted his inability to sit with another as one of the reasons of dimitting, yet having stated it, he probably was can· did in telling the truth, which is no crime; btlt the principle involved and the reason given by the committee are important, as underlying certain individual rights, as well as a fundamental principle of human nature, which cannot be ignored. Amicable divorce is iminently preferable to a forced and unnatural contention. If Brother A. had for good and sutIlcieut cause formed
such a contemptible opinion of Brother E., either on account of his innate meanness or h:ypocrisy, or, in fact, from any other cause, that he could not with pleasure or profit hold fraternal communication with him as a member of the same lodge, and be being square on the books, and otherwise eligible to a diroit, we hold he could not be deprived of it without the exercise of cruelty in attempting to force him to do something so revolting to his sense of bonor that be must stay away from his lodge, and harbor an undying feeling of disgust for an institution which thus throttles bis individual right of seeking a Masonic home around whose fireside he could meet in peace and harmony. We have only drawn a probable and natul"al picture in our mind's eye (not knowing, and not wanting to know, anything of the circumstances of the case before us), nlerely to illustrate the force of the principle involved. The "Old Charges" and" Regulations" fully provide for E-ettlements of differences between brethren, arising out of business transactions, etc.; but for those arising out of private or family affairs, i'nto which the lodge has no right to interfere, we say that opinioDs founded on these causes can never be settled by compelling a gentleman to step out and shake hands with a cur, whose very sight is a disgust to him. To do so is to make bin), ignore his manhood and commit a perjury in his heart, while be smiles to tbe lodge, merely to get his rights. We have seen and beard enollgh of these forced settlements, where tbe beart and mind was involved, to forever oppose any attempt at it. They never last, and in the end only widen the breach, either between the two men or, at least, between the honorable and candid man and the institution of Freemasonry. He will never again affiliate, for fear of being caught in the sarne trap. We believe in fellowship, and in that brotherly love so beautifully expressed in the opening service, such a fellowship as is founded upon reason, respect and affection, but for forced fellowship we have no regard. If either of the parties are guilty of a triable offense, Why then try them, and whichever is guilty let him, or botb of tbem, be expelled, for the peace of the lodge; but for HeuNen's sake never attempt to violate Heaven's law of peace and order by sacrificing a human heart and all its impulses of manly bonoI'. "7'e bave alluded to this more at length at tbis time, probably, than consistent with a single case, but ,ve do so on the general principle of covering many cases with one citation, as it is theflrst time we have treated the subject, and we know that the Mississippi committee will not take it as personal. "Let tby brother depal't in peace." Under the head of Trials, the following was adopted; RULli) IXI.
\Vbenever the l\:Iaster of a lodge shall be impeached, it shall be the duty of the Grand :Master to appoint a judicious commlttee of Past Masters to take all evidence in the case, to be transnlitted to Grand Lodge by them; all of which shall be wltbout expense to the Grand Lodge. In isolated districts it is very difficult and expensive to get a committee of Masters together, while we believe that for the mere purpose of taldng eVidence (and not deciding upon the same) that two or three intelligent and experienced Master Masons in the immediate neigh borhood would answer every purpose, hence we should have snggested leaVing out the word Past," trusting to the discretion of the Grand Master to select such as the opportuni ty U
The following resolutions were unanimously adopted relative to the proposed action by Grand Lodge of Ohio: WHEREAS, The Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternityof Free and Accept.ed l\iasons of the State of Ohio considered the-report of a commIttee, at its session held in October last, in which it is proposed to recognize the" so-called Grand Lodge of colored FreeJuasons of the State of
Ohio" as a "legitimate and independent Grand Lodge," on condition tha.t th uso-called colored Grand Lodge" shall chang;e its constitutional title so tha~ it shall read as follows: "The African Grand Lodge of F'ree and Acce ted ~Iasons of the State of Ohio," which said report was laid over for action tutU its next assembly; therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Acccepted Masons of the State of :Mississippi, that it respectfully, but earnestly remon strates with its sister of Ohio against the adoption of said report, and frater: D~lly calls upon it to desist from a course which if presisted in will inevitably sow the seeds of intermInable discord within the Masonic institution and greatly imperil, if not eventually destroy its very existence. ' Resolvedjurther, rrhat this Grand Lodge asserts the true doctrine of Ameri.. can Grand Lodge jurisdi~t1on to be, that but one l~wful Grand Lodge can exist in t,he same State or TerrItory, and that it would vle~ the creation, or recognition, of a second Grand Lodge in any State or Terl'ltory of the United States as unlawful and void, and in itself would operate as a severance of Masonio intercourse with any Grand Lodge for violating this fundamental prInciple ot Masonic law.
It is to be hoped that otlr bret.hren of Ohio have ere this detel'mined to ignore the whole question of the proposed recognition, as we cannot beheve that tbey will willingly place themselves beyond the pale of American Masonic fellowship for the nlere sake of trying to give substance to a chimera. The following relative to non-payment of dues was adopted as an amend.. ment: SEC. 21. The Secretary shan, on or before the day of election of officers notify every member of the lodge of the amount of his dues, and request pay~ ment; and, should any member allow his dues to remain unpaid all the saId day of election, he shall not have the right to vote or hold office. The Secre. tary shall notif;s.'r such delinquent brotber to appear at a Regular Cornmuni('ation, within ninet,y days afLer such notification, to show cause why his dues have not been paid; and it" he still refuses or neglect,s to pay, the lodge may suspend such delinquent, but, snch suspension shall not work a release from the payment of dues for the period during whicli he shall remain so sus.. pended.
With the latter clause, viz: making the party pay dues during time of suspension, we cannot agree, and, in fact, donbt the principle of depriving a member of his right to vote, &c., without a t,rial; but it is the latter part we chiefly object to, as being both unusual and unjust, for having been deprived of all rights and benefits during buspensioD, we <.10 not see how we can justly ask him to pay for thenl. A mutual building association would not think of collecting monthly dues for one or two years from a suspellded member, to be added to the dividends gi ven to those inside; and, in fact, we do not see much difference between this law and such an one as collects dues from an expelled Mason, when be is restored. It was hard enough that the brother could not pay at time of suspension, but to pile them up on him during suspenAlon Is too much like inlprisonment for debt. We hope it will again be amended, as all usage and justice is against it. That excellent Masonic journal, the JE\VELL, published by Brother A. J. Wheeler, of Memphis, Tenn., was highly complimented by being voted the official organ of that jurisdiction.
An immenE:.e amount of routine business was transacted, bnt we would much prefer the arrangement of it as suggested in our report under the head of "Louisiana." [Whrch please see.] Brother Thos. S. Gathright submitted a very able and interesting Report on Correspondence, as all are froln his pen, and in fact from that State. Our Proceedings of 1875 are very fully and fraternally noticed.
There is much of interest in this report wnich we would like to quote, but fear to begin, for we have already allotted to Mississippi our fullest measure of space. JOHN Y. MURRY, Ripley, G. M. JAlVIES L. POWER, Jackson, G. Sec, THOS. S. GA'l'HRIGHT, Jackson,For. Cor.
Grand Lodge met in Portland, May 2,1876. Brother Albert Moore, G. M., presided. One hundred and fifty-six lodges represented. He granted "dispensations for four new lodges, one of which bears the euphonius name of" Negutiquit," wbic-h our good Brother Drnmmond, classes among the beautiful Indian names of the departed "Lo" family. Well, perhaps the same reverence for the noble red man "Till influence our Pacific slope brethren to name a lodge after" Shack Nasty Mack,' or some of "Sitting Bull's" aqua"ws, but we think not, for the further west one goes, the less he feels like embracing the Indian or anythibg that belongs to him, having so often seen him in "real life" so different from the sentimental romance of Mr. Fennimore Oooper. 1. A waiver of jurisdiction requires a clear ballot on petition presented at a preceding stated meeting. 2. Color is no bar to receiving the degrees in Masonry; to be free-born is requisite. 3. The Master should refuse to admit a visitor, on the objection of a member made before or after examination. 4. If. before a ballot, it is .discovered that the lodge has no jurisdiction, the fact should be entered of record and the petition returned. " 5. It is not proper to confer the degrees on a candidate with no right hand.. 6. A ballot must be taken notwithstanding objection be made, and evpn if the ballot is clear, the candidate should be declared rejected on objection made. 7. A member, suspended for three months and an appeal taken, can be admitted into the lodge at the expiration of the three months, his status being the same as when charges are filed and awaiting trial.
8. A second ballot cannot be ordered to correct a mistake at a preceding meeting-discovered after the lodge was closed. 9. A lodge should not receive a petition from a man who cannot write his name, but makes his mark. "A.n inability to write invol ves an inabilHy to read writing, hence he could not know what he signed, and therefore could not petition intelligently. 10. To be made a Mason, a man must bejree-b01째n, as well as of good report and well recommended. 11. Charges against a membel' should l!>e tried or dismissed, but no one is authorized to erase them from the record.
40 12. A candidate, filing his petition for the degrees, thotlgh technicall informal, and being rejected, must abide the result. Y 1:3. An ohjection to a candidate ba~ th~ same effect as the black ball and can no more lJe withdrawu after the rejection has been cleclared. ' It . A candidate having volun~arny applied to the lodge for the degre and having b~el?- rejected, must abIde the result, although the rejecting lOdegs• had no jurlsdlCtlon. e
IS A vote may be legally rescinded or repealed at a sUbsequent where no steps bave been taken t or liabilities incurred to carry the saIlle effect; but no vote can be reconsldered at such suusequent meeting. 16. Legal proceedings are not to affe~t the course of the lodge in ca~es con viction for crime. Charges must be filed and trial held as if no ings had been had elsewhere. 17. Suspension for non-payment of, dues invol.vE1S the loss of membership only but leaves the brother in the en.Joyment of the rights and benefltl-: of Masonry. On being reinstated, be ;sbonld P2~ his dues 3&sessed during ~us.. pension. Suspension for unnlasonlC co?duct Involves the JOSh of all the ri~~hts and benE'fit~ of MaAonr~·-so that, on beIng restored, he should not be bUbjeet to dues durIng suspenSIon. 18. An applicant. for membership should file his dimit with his petition and mnst always present it before he can be accepted. '
19. A "'tote recolnmending a rej ected candidate, or waiving jurisdiction over him, should specify the lodge to which.he must apply. 20. The proceedings of trials for non-payment of dues need not be sent up to the Granel Lodge for re,,:iew, nor in cases of suspension from menlber&lup for non-pa:3"luent of dues 1S a vote of the Grand Lodge required to restore to mell1bershlp. 21. C2~testion-Our lodge wishes to have a public holiday-will ;YOtl arant the privIlege? Also, can we appropriate the funds of the lodge for the &~nle '1
.Answer-Can conceive of no case in which a dispensation would be granted except 1'01' purely l\lasonic purposes; and in no case can the lodge fund be dpvoted to btlch use. 22. Question-A gentleman wants to nlalre application to our looge for degrees. He is not a re:::,ident here, nor is he anywherE=>. He is a CaptaIn
ship, and his wife sails with hiJu. Has no place on l~nd he call':! his horn€'. I arn directed to ask you, if you think best. t"or a dispensation to receive and act upon his application in less than the required time. .
A1'l8Wer-Have no authority to assume jurisdict.ion. The rule is impel'ative that candithttes mu~t have a re&iclence In the State one :3'·ear to be eligible, and "'I;rUhin the jurisdiction of the lodge six montbs next preceding their application.
23. Question-We have a candidate ready for the third degree- who is Yell'S hard of hearing, so that a loud tone of voice is necessary. "'hat :-shall tIle n.htster do? An.~we1·-Whetherthe Iv.Iaster can lawfully confer the deg-ree, depends on the extent of the disablllty, of ,vhich the Master alone rnust be the judge.
24. In two cases, I have ruled that a rejeeted candidate removing h) another jurisdiction and tbere taking the degrees, without, the C01)f',ent of the rf'jecting lodge, is entitled to no :Ma&onic recognition on returlling to this jnri&dlction, except such as may be voluntarily accorded; nor is he entitled to .l\fasonic burial. We agree wi th all the decisions excepting the 17th and 24th. The former we presume to be in accordance with the local law, but ,va do not agree with a law which allows a m~mber suspended for lloll-pRyment of dues to be entitled to the rights and ben~tits of MasoDr~', for the mere fact of his haVing to pay dues during suspension, after being reinstated, is no argnment against the supposition that he n1ay never ptty up at all whereu;sr to secure reinstate-
ment. In fact, reinstatement is just the thing he don't want, so long as he has all the rights without paying a cent. Relative to the 24th, we do not know that we ciearly underAtand it. If it means that if one of their rejected candidates moves away and gets the degrees under twelve months, then we agree with bim; but if it means that rejection gives pe'1-petual jurisdiction over the candidate, then we emphatically dissent to any such law. It is unmasonic in principle to allow one man in u Negutiquit Lodge" to nail a candidate forever to the counter, no matter where he goe-s to, as good a man as he nlay be. The truth is, such a law is inoperative, from the simple fact that not one lodge in a thousand will ever think of caring about a man haVing been rejected twenty years ago in another state or country. One ~"'ear's perluanent residence in a State gives a lodge jurisdiction according to the Missouri law, and, as we believe, also in most Btates and countries. We hope that l\Iaine will fix a limit When jurisdiction ceases over rejected candidates, and would ~uggest the general law of one year. The Comnlittee on Jurisprudence, or the printer, evidently made a mistake in demurring to the U 8th" decision. The~r evIden tJy meant the H 7th." Brothel' Josiah H. Drummond again submitted one of his very valuable and interesting Reports, and we shall again avail ourselves of his complete
statistical tn bles. Missouri receives full and fraternal notice. Relative to Grand Master Luke's decision on "virtual Past Mastel'S," he says: He discusses the "Past Master" question. He says the Grand Lodges have "conceded a partial control of the Past Master degree to the Grand Ohapters." '1'hi8 is news to us, and if there is any evidence of this assertion we would be glad to have it pointed out. We have always understood tbat wbatever part of that degree the Grand Chapters have was taken by them, and not conceded by the Grand Lodge. From this erroneous proposition Grand Master Luke deduces the result tbat a "Virtual Past .l\tlaster"路may sit in a lodge of ~'Actual Past Masters," and tbe Grand Lodge indo! sed the decision. We have elsew here in thIS report discussed this question, and we will only add that an 4. Actual Past Master" cannot recognIze as such those who have not been installed as Masters of a regUlar lOdge, though they may have the secrets, any more than a Mason can recognize a cowan, who has obtained the secrets by eavesdropping, as a regular 1'lason. Each degree has one method, and but one, in which 1t can la'wfully be obtained. In explanation, we will say that perhaps the words" Grand Lodges" and "Grand Chapters" should have been used in the singular instead of the plural, thus confining the decision to our own State, for it Is well known here that while our Grand Lodge bas passed no specific law upon tIle subject, :yet its usage has been to recognize the Virtual Past Master as being qualified to preside after election as actual Master without again taking the degree, and have also consented to their being present when the degree is conferred in a lodge of actual Past Masters. It is also well known that our Grand Chapter has had a standing resolution for a quarter of a century instructing its representatives in General Grand Chapter to vote for the elimination of that degree from the Ohapter system. leaVing it entirely with Grand Lodges, as it is in Pennsylvania, and we regret that Maine votes against it, and yet compares the Chapter degree of Past ~1aster to information as obtained by a cowan; at least that is the logical dedhction of our good brother's argument. The actual Past Masters have examined the virtual ones, and found their work identical, and as our Grand Lodge (as such) has 110 PaElt Masters ritual, and has no defined mode or instruction as to its being conferred, it has naturally resulted in being left in the hands of those who have received it (whether
in Chapter or out of it) to confer it as emergencies ma~;r require, hence out of this undefined POlICY has arisen almost a practical un ity 0f the two classes of Past ~Iasters. Relative to our Scotch case, be would have preferred that ","e had adopted the Maine policy, viz: not to make war on the Grand Lodge of Scotland, but to ignore the Mason, (as such), but with us it was a principle to be settled at some time or another, and we thonght the sooner it was done, the better for the sake of international harmony. He approves of the rule that summons nlust come through the Master of the lodge of which the party is a mem1>er. Relative to showing charters to marks thereon, he says:
vi~itors, after
quoting our last year's re-
But we quoted this mainly to repudiate the ridiculous idea that the lodge must stop work while the charter is shown to the visitor; there is no MasonIc law that we know of that makes one particular apartment the only place where the charter can be when the lodge is at work. The charter may be in the hands of the committee in another apartment, and be in the po~session of the Master and lodge as fully as if the Master holds it in his hand. 'l'here may be some peculiar. provision in ~he loc~l law. of Missouri which requires so literal a constructIOI;J.; but there IS none In MaIne. And we repeat that a visitor should not be oblIged to ask to see the charter, bu t the first thing done by the Commi ttee on Examination should be to exhibit the charter to him.
In reply we have to say that we have this" peculiar provision in the local law of Missouri," hence our opposition to an indiscriminate exposition of the charter, although we are individually satisfied with the final decision arrived at, viz: that the charter may be shown, if requested, after the Tyler'S obliga.tion has been tal{en. Relative to burial of strangers he replies that Maine lodges do not pay the burial expen ses of their absen t members, nor do they send bills for expenses in burying strangers by them. Relative to Past l\fasters presiding, be says: In his review of D~laware, he refers to the custom prevalent there (and to which we have already referred), of calling a Past Master to preside in the absence of the Master, and he says Hbut whence it came, or how it got started, no one knew," &c.: this has prompted us to examine in order to ascertain.
We find that it is given in Anderson's Constitutions, the first edition, as the law then and previously existi ng. In 1723, the Grand Lodge adopted the present systeln (tbat the Senior Warden succeeds to the chaIr) by a H New Regulation,H whIch, however, was not recorded, through neglect, and was not published till 1738, In the second edition of the uonstitut.ions. But In the mean time, Benjamin fPranklin had re-publisl1ed in America t.he first editIon, which was followed in MassaChusetts, and from which the old custoln there and in Maine first arose. But when Dermott came to publish his "Ahiman Rezoll," he of course copied the New Regulation which had been observed about twenty years The lodges in America which used Anderson practiC'E.d accord. ing to the "Old Regulation," and those which used Dermott followed the " New Regulation." Brother Gouley bolds that it is a landmark that one must serve as a Warden before be can be Master: our Grand Lodge bas otherwise decided, under the lead of Brothers Bradford and John J. Bell; and we must be reckoned, therefore, among the heterodox, against whom he inveighs. We are sorry for his forced position. As we write, the printer is calling for" copy," and we must close. ALBERT MOORE, North Anson, G. M. IRA BERRY, Portland, G.. Sec. JOSIAH H. DRUMMOND, Portland, For. Cor.
Grand Lodge met in Halifax, June 2, 1875. Brother Allen H. Crowe, D. G. M., as G. M., presided. Forty-two lodges represented. Tbe Grand Master, Brother J. Wimburn Laurie, sent in his Annual Address which was read. From it we extract the following: DECISIONS.
I have embodied several decisions given bS me in the simplest and plainest form-that of question and anS'ver. It will be noticed that the answers were
generally based on and immediately drawn from the Constitution.
Question-IS it compulsory to vote on the election of a candidate for the degrees? Answe?'-Yes; the ballot must be unanimous. QU88tion-Is it necessary to take the ballot when the Investigating Committee have reported unfavorably? An noe,'-Yes; the ballot must be held, whether the petition be reported on favorably or unfavorably. (Standing resolut~on, No.4).
Question-Is it requisite that an applicant residing beyond ten miles from the lodge be recommended by six members of the Lodge 'to which he applies for admission?
Answet-Yes; section 43, chapter 14, prescribing the jurisdiction of a lodge as extending ten miles. I am of opinion that in accordance wi th the latter part of section 43, every applicant residing beyond that distance must be recommended in wri ting by six members of the lodge to which he applies. Queslion-A lodge enquires," can we suspend By-Law No.7, of our lodge, of our own accord ?" . '
Answe,'-lv"'o; section 47 of chapter 14 of the Constitution of Grand Lodge forbids it. The Worshipful Master elect of Acadia Lodge, No. 14, baving declined to be installed as such, I issued my dispensation authorizing the lodge to proceed to the election and installation of a Worshipful Master for the ensuing year. I have adhered to the decisions of my prececessors and have declined to shorten the period between first and second degrees.
I have refused permission to a lodge to initiate a candidate unable to read and write. r have refused permission to initiate a candidate having a cork leg.
r have declined to issue a dispensation to a lodge to install its officers in public. . The Deputy Grand Master also delivered an official address. Brother Allen H. Crowe, submi tted a very full and able Report on Correspondence in Which, the address of Past Grand Master Brother Anderson, is fnlly quo ted. J. WIMBROM LAURIE;.. Halifax, G. M. BENJ. CURRAN, Halifax, G.Sec. F. W. DAKIN, - - - For. Cor.
[The folloWing personal letter explains itself. It is neecUe&s for us to say that we sincerely sympathise in~their 10ss.J "VIRGINIA,
Nevada, April 21, 1870.
ESQ, 81. Louis, MIssouri:
Dr'w' Frierul and Brother: Your enquiry concerning our Grand Lodge Pl'oceedings for 1875 received. No session for that year was held in consequence of a :fire which destro:red notonly our hall in this place, but all recordB, leaving us not even a white apron. This misfortune compelled a postponement to the second Monday in June next, when~ or as soon thereafter as Possible, we will report. In the meantime, believe me when I say, we are" not dead, but shtepeth."
Wisping you long life, health and prosperity, permit me to subscribe ruysel!, Very Truly and Fraternally Yours, J. C. CURRIE, G. Sec.
Grand Lodge met in St. John, September 23, 1875.
Brother John y"l". Ellis, G. l\f., presided. From his excellent Address 'we quote the following: 'Vhere advice has been asked by lodges or brethren on any question it has been freely given, through the Grand Secretary; but I have made no decisions ot" particular importance to the Craft generally. In one case, where an inlllury was made as to whetber a brother could hold ofth.路e in a lodge of which he was not a melnber, an answer was returned in the negative, for, altbough there is no constitutional enactment on the SUbject. it would seem to be opposed to common sense to allow a brother to be an o1lleer where he was not a meIllbe-r; al1d the absence of allY regulation might be taken as a prooftbat no regnlation was thought to be necebsary. Of course, the case ot a Tyler, who is H, servln~ brother, and whose duties are entirel:,,'" dIfferent fronl those of any other officer. is entirely exceptional.-custom, as well as nece&sit~~, permItting one brother to serve many lodges. In another case, the Grand. Secretary advised a lodge that it was contrar~? to sound Masonie policy to initiate in 1875 t ,vithout a tresh ballot, a person who had been. accepted in IH7L The reasons are obvious. In that perIod of time many persons might be initiated into the lodge who would not be WIlling to receive the candidate, whilst, in the four, his own character and habits might unfortunately have undergone changes which would unfit him to be made a l\lason. Every lodge by its ByLaws ought to prOVide that a candidate neglecting to come forward within a reasonable period after his election, should have his election set aside. A lodge asked whether it could rent its lodge-room to another SOCIety. Of course, with the control of the property of private lodges the Grand Master
has no power, or even desire, to interfere; but the inquiring lodge was advised that the interests of the Craft would be best served by reserving its lodge-room for its own exclusive use. I am aware that, in some places throughout the country, lodges cannot help a common tenancy with other s()cieties, and in some places vlhere.Masonic Halls have been erected by the joint action of the lodge and t,he community, the lodge-room is used for various purposes. It should be the aim of every lodge, however. to secure as soon as pOBsible its own rOOID, for its own exclu&ive use. A lodge inquired whether objection would be taken to its holding a "Masonic Gift Enterprise" in aid of its ball fund. 'rhe Grand Secretary fraternally advised the lodge to abandon the idpBi, as the whole feeling and spirit of the Craft is against undertakings of this kind-and they have been positively condemned by many Grand Lodges. The advice ,,"as at once acted upon in the most commenooble spirit by the lod~e-a circum~tance that I note ,vitb pleasure, for the burden entailed upon it by the fine hall it is erecting is very great" and the H Gift Enterprise" seemed an easy way of financing. A lodge was also advised that a native of this Province who has re~ided many years in California, and returns on a short vIsi t to his friends, is to be regarded as a soj Ollrner merely. In the matter of granting dispensations to advance brethren at the shortest tiIne allo,ved by the constitution, I have endeav6red to be fully satisfied tbat the circumstances justified the use of the power vested in the Grand Master; and where-not satisfied I have refuf:led the request. Questions continue to be put to the Grand Secretary as to the pbysical qualIfications of candidates, notwithstanding the clear and unnlistakable utterances of Grand Lodge on thIS matter. I trust I may be pardoned in qUOtiIl~ H in this connection" a decision of the Grand Master of Ne,v York, Most ~Torshipful Brother E. E. Thorne, as showing the practice of that jurisdiction to be entirely in accord wi th our own. Brother rfhorne decided"That the physical qualificatioI,.ls of a candidate for l\{asonry cHnDot be determined by the Grand Master. trhe Grand l\1a~ter cannot Issue a dispensamon allowing a lodge to disobey a landmark of J.\.lasonry. Whether a candidate is such 'a hale man. sound, not deformed or dlsmembered,' as the landmarks of Masonry prescribe to be eligible material for the Teulple, is a question that must be settled by the conscientious jud~ment of the MHster and each brother of the lodge. It the Master of a lodge it; not sati~fied, after thoroughly and scrupulously considering the luatter, that the candidate is such a Ulan, it will be his duty to rej ect him." I would e3,rnestly impress upon the Worsbipfnl Masters of lodges the duty of a strict con1pliance wit.h the Laws of Grand Lodge and the general requirements of the Craft in respect of Masonic buriaL In one case a lodge buried â&#x20AC;˘ with :M::asonic hon ors a brother who had never aftilia1 ed with 1.he Craft, in this jurisdiction, and ,vIlo was not a member of any lodge; in another ca~e the Grand Secretary ,vas applied to for information as to whether a dispensation would be issued to bury a brother who had been su~pended for non-pa:yment of dues; other applications have been made for dispensations to bury unaffiliated .Masons. In one case a brother had accIdentally shot himself, and there was much public sympathy with bis family. In another a broiber had withdrawn from his lodge, had resided sometime in the United states, and had not r~joined on his return. The burden or responsibility, or even trouble, of a decision in such cases should not be thrown eIther upon the Grand Mabter or the Grand Secretary, but the Master of the lodge, no matter what the local reasons pr~ssing him to a contrary course, should manfully do his duty, as is clearly prescrIbed by the Constitutions. No unHffiliated Mason can be la,vfUlly Interred with Masonic honors-and no affiliated brother ough t to be so interred unless at his own request. Our Constitutions make a liberal provision to meet the case of the stranger-brother who may die within our jurisdiction. No Master of a lodge should ask for a dispensation to hold a Masonic funeral procession, unless he is fully satisfied in his own mind that the circumstances of the case will ::iustify a compliance with his request. The Grand Lodges of Prince Edward Island, Manitoba and Wyoming Territory, were duly recognized, and Indian Territories laid over for further information. Correct. We tind the following in the record: Resolved, That Grand Lodge proceed to the consideration of the resolution
deferred from the last Annual Commuuication, viz: H Resolved, That while, in the opinion of this Grand Lodge, a Mason is entitled to all the rigbts and privileges of the Fraternity, until he be sus-
pended, excluded or expelled, after having undergone a regular trial thereis nothing in the general regulations of the Crafe to preven t lodges, if th~y dehlre to do so, enacting a by-law, providing that brethren in arrears of dues on the nigbt of the annual election in their lodge shall not be eligible to vote at such electIon, or to hold otlice." Which resolution, on motion of the Right Worshipful the Deputy Grand Master, was adopted and con:tirmed by Grand Lodge. We regret the adoption. We hold that no lodge can take advantage of its own wrong. If a roem ber is in arrears, it is either because the lodge bas failed in its duty of collection, or that the party has refused to pay, in which latter case he should be put under charges and specifications; but having done neither, it cannot deprive a member of his inherent rights of membership without a tria-I. We hold that voting anq holding office is a 'right, and the party is either a member or he is not, and he cannot cease to be a meulber except by death, dimlt, suspension or expulsion. Fines are unknown to Masonic law, and this resolution is only another name for a fine imposed for a certain direlection of duty.
No Report on Correspondence. In our last R~port we did the Grand Secretary an injustice by stating that he neglected to give the post-office addresses of the Grand Officers, and we now desire to roal{e the amende honorable by sa~ring that we were in. error. ROBERT C. CLINCH, St. John, G. M. WM. F. BUNTING, St. John, G. Sec.
Grand Lodge met in Ooncord, May 19, 1R75. The Proceedings did not reach us in time for our Report of October last. Brother Nathaniel W. Cumner, G. M., presided. He issued nine dispensations to confer degrees within the constitutional time, as the candidates could not wait we presume, they having fOllnd out too late before traveling that Masonry would be a "good thing" to have along with them in the shape of a big breastpin. We are glad,. however, to see that jurisdictional limits and time of other Grand Lodges cannot be set aside as we learn from the following: JURISDICTrON.
By referring to the Grand Constitution, section 110, we learn that an applicant for the degrees must reside not less than one year within the jurisdictIon of a lodge before it can legally receive his petition to be made a Mason. 'l'his definitely settles and det~rminâ&#x201A;Ź's that which const.itutes a MaE:.OIUC rt sidf'Dce. At what period and what particular proc~ss a Masonic residence is forfeited when rnoving frorn a j uri~dictiol1 is not dt¡termined by the sarne authorlty. It is now geueraU~;r conceded that the regulations and customs WhlCh govern the ps.trticular tinle at which citizenbhip comUlen ('es to be gained or I08-t under the civil law, should also deterIHine the tIme at which a Masonic residellce Is taken up or Ntst off. Hence we cOllclude that a MaRonlC residence is f(.r:t'pl1ed tbe day on which the removal is made from the jurisdIction. Allowing thIs to be true, and the residence being now lost and not gained in another juris-
diction an applicant for the degree tbus situated cannot legally have his petition received. Because the lodge from whose jurisdiction he has removed
has no rights in the premises, and therefore cannot give its consent to the
makIng; and not having resided one year in his new borne he cannot have his petition legally rec~ived in that jurisdiction; nor is it one of the prerogatives of the Grand l\{aster to dispense with geographical lines or in any forln to interfere with the work of a lodge, Unless some change is made in the wri tten law tbis class of applicants must bide tbeir time until tbe:r lawfully gain a Masonic residence. The Proceedings are well prepared and elegantly pUblished.
Brother Nathan R. Hunt presented a full and interesting Report on Correspondence, reviewing Missouri for 1874. We would suggest that by includiIlg the name of tbe Grand Master and the year reviewed would make the report much more in telligi ble. It appears from the record that the Grand Master" nominates" the standing committees, which" were confirmed by the GralJd Lodge." We believe this is tbe first instance of such a procedure we have ever noticed in this country, and cannot recall any precedent for it, either in old law or usage, unless it be in the imn1ediate locality of that Grand Body. We can see no more necessity for a vote of confirmation of standing committees than of any other appointed officers o! committees. 路 WM. BARRETT, Nashua, G. M. JOHN A. HARRIS, Ooncord, G. Sec. JNO. J. BELL, Exeter, For. Cor.
Grand Lodge met in Raleigh, December 6, 1875. Brother George W. Blount, G. M., presided. He announced the death of Brother Clement H. Jordan, Past Grand Master, born December 13, 1805, died July 11, 1875; also Brother Joseph H. Separk,Grand Tyler, born June gs, 1830, died August 30,1875; also Brotber Thos. W. Dewey, G. H. Priest, who died August 4,1875. He submitted twenty-two decisions from which we extract and condense
as follows: 1. Candidates must be physically able to comply with the work of the degrees. 2.
Master and Wardens cannot dimit or resign.
3. Motions to 4, Balls,
lay on the table" are unmasonic.
parties, &c., cannot be given in lodge rooms.
5. Lodges in cities, and having concurrent jurisdiction are confined to the corporate 11mi ts.
6. Debts between brethren without fraudulent intent, are not subjects for lodge action. 7. The lodge must be the judge of the credibility of testimony of profanes without regard to race or color.
48 8. Testimony taken in civil courts is not testimony in lodge without mutual consen t. 9. It requires unani!U0us ballot to restore suspended or expelled 1\Iuf-ions We cannot agree relatIve to the ~uspeDded IDenlber; "\ve think a two-third vote is sufficient, especially as it is the almost universal rule.
10. """"hen a Mason's widow nlarries, she loses her claim to ebarity but it does not affect bel' children. This deci&10n relative to children must be'baf..ed we presume, on the ground that they have no rights which th~ step.. fatb~r bonnd to respect.
11. The petition of a minor cannot be withdrawn. We demur to this on the ground that he is ('ompelled to be rejected, and that is takhlg an unfair and unmasonic advantage of one ignorant, necessarily, of our laws. ..
12. Moe!\: l\fasonic burial is not prohibited by law, but" should not be favored except under peculiar circumstances." "Ve pre~ulne circumstance~ peculiar to mock baptisms, marriages," &c., would be valid.
He devotes considerable space to the H work," urging a new energy in the field, and the plan he suggests is very similar to that in Missouri. He urges a more generous patronage of the ...1Iasonic ,Tounutl at Greensboro, and the Orphan's Friend at Oxford, as proper mediums of l\Iasonic thought â&#x20AC;˘ and improvement. He makes a strong appeal in behalfof the Orphan Asylum, which seems to need a m ore united and gen~rous support. This should not be so, providing it is founded upon ~'t purely 1l1asonic basi~. y
The Grand SecretarJ'" complains of the tardiness of Secretitries in sending up their returns, and asl{s for new legislation on the sUQject. That Grand Lodge has i11so a ten thollsand dollar subscription to a :Masollic Temple, which like our own, promises H to cost more than it will come to." Proceedings are well printed, but we mustregret the absence of sun-HEADS as a great draw-back on oue's time in reading them over. No Report on Correspondence, but one hundred and thirty-three pages are devoted to publishing a list of an the Ma5ter Masons in the State, which although well intended, :yet really serves no practical benefit t'xcept to imposters and Masonic tramps as a desirable directory. 'The same amount of money put into a sensible Report on Correspondence, would have been putting it where it would do the most good," according to the almost general view ot the subject. H
The Grand Lodge has a red-hot law on non-affiliation, which like a boomerang does most harnl to the ODe who shoots it. Extremes al \vay's overreach themselves. QEO. W. BLOUNT, WIlsOD, G. 1"I. DOi'l' ALD W. BAIN, Raleigh, G. Sec. GEO. B. HARRIS, Ht~nderson, For. Cor.
Grand Lodge met in Columbus, October 10,1875. Brother Asa H. Battin, G. M. t presided. He most appropriately and truthfully says: I have indulged in these remarks for the purpose of calling your attention to one of the provisions of Article IX of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, which reads (speaking of the powers of ~be Grand ~laster) as follows: H It is his preroga ti ve to make Masons at sight, and for this purpose may sum-
mon to his assistance such brethren as he may deem necessary." Whatever reasons might have existed in the infancy of the Grand Lodge, as well as the State, to justify the adoption of this provision in our fundamental law, there is certainly no sound reason why it should longer be continued. Our laws have fully provided who may become members of the order, how they shall become such, the length of time they must reside witllin the jurisdiction of a lodge before tlley can petition for initiation, and the proficiency they must manifest before advancing from one degree to another. Nor can any Grand or subordinate officer, by dispens~tion,change or modify the course. The law is fixed, '\vell defined, and not to be interfered with, or overridden by anyone. Lodges have kept pace with civilization in our beautiful and enterprising State. A.s the wilderness has given way to the hardy sons of toil, the altaI s of our lodges have been erected, and the forests illuminated by Masonic light. The wilderness has passed away; the lodge altar can be found in any portlon of our Oommonwealth; and he who seeks for light can obtain it frorn a regularly constituted lodge, ill accordance with law, WithOllt the intervention of a Grand Master. The reason for the provisioll has passed away. To retain It in our Constitution is to confer upon the Grand Master a dangerous power, with which no man should be unnecessarily invested. Wh:r shall you clothe the Grand Master with authority to make Masons at sight, whIle you impose upon our subordinate lodges certain rules from which they m\ll)t not deviate? And where is the limit to this power? None whatever. I ani/not aware that this prerogative has been exercIsed by any Grand Master in our jUrisdiction to the detrimen t of the Craft; but in other jurisdictions-in one, at len,st-i t has been exercised in making a Mason at sight of a man who bad been rejected in a subordinate lodge! You will say that such action on the part of a Grand Master would be in bad taste, at least. True; but who is to determIne the qualifications of a candidate for the honor of being made at sight? :No one but the Grand lVlaster. I regard this prerogative as a dangerous power. It is contrary to tbe spirit of our legislation, and I urge upon the Grand and subor.. dinate lodges of Ohio the propriety and necessity of its repeal. I have, upon three occasions, during the year, been urgently solicited to so far take from subordinate Jodges a part of their duty as to make Masons at sight. I have promptly declined in each case; because-
1" I believe the degree should not be conferred, except in and by a legal
2. I do not understand the modus opeljoandi of making Masons at sight: whether the Grand Master should place the candidate upon a rock, and say unto him, in solemn tones, H Thou art a Mason,..' or 'whether be should ~um.. mon a. sufficient number of brethren, and confer upon him the three degrees after the manner of a lodge. The forraer would be easily performed; but what amount of ligbt would the newly made brother have received? Should the latter be adopted, I do not belleve that any sensible Mason in the State would be willing to render assistance. 3. I believe that every l\fason should be a member of some subordinate lodge. I have no faith in unafiiliated Masons. '1'0 make a Mason at sight, and turn him loose to roam wildly over the Masonic world, a member of no lodge, 1s not according to my ideas of propriety. You may say that this provision of the Constitution will do no harm if not G. L.-A. 4.
50 acted upon by the Grand l\1:aster. True; but why c.ontinue it, if you do not intend It to be aC'ted upon'! Why not rather prune It off as a uselesb excre scence unsightly to the eye, and dangerous to the touch? Let us at once get rId of such a dangerous power, and let the world know that, to beconle a l\Iabon a man must pass the scrutiny of a lodge, and the ordeal of a ballot cast by those who know him best. Among the decisions rendered, be properly holds that a brother who bas been tried, founel guilty find sentenced to the penitentiary by a civil court cannot be Masonically expelled without a regular lodge trial. ' Also, that lodges may agree upon the boundary line of jurisdiction between them, where the survey is undetermined, and both lodges are bound by the agreement. Also, that Knights Templar who have been unaffiliated with a lodge more than a year cannot act at; escort at a lodge funeral. From the Report on Grievance we learn that members may be H expelled for non-payment of dues," which is, to say the lea~t, nn extraordinary punishment. The foIlo\ving was adopted: r.rhat, on the trial of a brother on charges of unmasonic conduct, the production of the record of his conviction in a court of criminal jurisdiction ora viohttion of the civil law involving a Masonic offense is pri?na facie evidence of his guilt, Which, unexplained, is sufficient to warrant conviction' but like other mere pri'lna facie evidence, may be explained by allY competent tes~ timony. In other words, we take it that the record of a court may be simply used as evidence in the lodge trial, and as such we agree. "NE'V DAY-NEW DUTY."
The Report on Correspondence was presented by the Grand Secretary, Brother John D. Caldwell, and appears wholly devoted to the recognition of the clandestine negro lodges of so~called l\ilasons in that jurisdictIon: Grand Master Brother A. H. Battin, in bis Address, takes the same side of the question, quoting somewhat triumphantly the following resolution of the German League: "With regard to the motions made by the Grand Lodge, "Prince Hall" (MasRachusetts), and the Grand Lodge of Ohio (colored), the convention of Grand Lodges declares that these Grand Lodges appear properly COD!'.ltituted, and that the German Lodges will accord the members of these lodges and their sister lodges, 'without reserve an(l joyfUlly, acoeptance into their lodges." He seems to overlook th~ fact that his Grand Lodge has never recognized this German League of Grand Lodges, and that it has not been recognized either by any of the other Grand Lodges, DOl' has his own Grand Lodge been recognized by the League, yet he accepts the insult as above quoted and uses it as an argument, as follows, saying: It will thus be seen that the colored Masons of America are securing that recognition abroad which is denied them at home; and, it seems to me that, upon the anniversary of our nation's birth, the time has COIne when it is not only proper but right that we should take some definite and decisive action in good faith to ascertain the actual status of these organizations. To allow any Grand Lodge to insult one's own, and then using that insult to justify another, is certainly going farther than "turn to him the other cheek also"! So much of the Grand Master's Address as referred to this subject was referred to a special committee as follows:
Brotbers Lucius V. Bierce, Past Grand Dtfaster, Akr0n; Enoch T. Carson, Past MaRter Kilwinning Lodge, Cincinnati; Ferdinand Wilmer, Worshipful Master Fort Stephenson Lodge, Fremont; Louis H. Pike, Past Master, Toledo; Charles A. Wood ward, Present Grand Master, Cleveland, Ohio. The Grand Lodge. on the second day of the session, assigned a special hour, dee notice being glven, at which the report of the said committee would be the special order. Accordingly, on the Grand Lodge reconvening at 2 o'clock P. M., Wednesday, October 20th, the special order was called up, when Brother Enoch T. Carson announced that the committee most heartily and unanimously agreed on report as follows: PROPOSED RECOGNITION OF THE COLORED GRAND LODGE of OHIO.
Your committee to whom was referred so much of the Annual Address of the Most Worshipful Grand Master, and ac<"ompanying doeuments, as relates to the so-called Colored Lodges, and more especially the Colored Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Ohio, have given the subject careful consideration, and respectfully submi t the following: 1. 'Ve do not' propose, nor do we deem it necessary at this time, to enter into the history of the origin of so-called Colored Freemasonry in this country. That subject has been fully discussed in nearly all the Grand Lodges and Masonic periodicals of thIS country for more than twenty-five years past.
2. Your committee deem it sufficient to say that they are satisfied beyond
all question that Colored Freemasonry had a legitimate beginning in this
country, as much so as any other Freemasonry; in fact, it came from the same source. 3. Your committee will not attempt, at this time, to investigate as to the transmission of this legitimate beginning do\vn to the present time, when we find more than forty Subordinate Lodges and a Grand Lodge of so-called Colored l;i-'reamasons, and an aggregate of more than eight hundred members in the State of Ohio. Your comrnittee have only to say tbat such is the fact. 4. I'''ou1' con~~nittee have the 'most sCtli8/actory and conclusi've r'viclence that these 00101'ed p)-ee'masons practice the very Sft?ne rites and erremonies, and have substanti-
a,IlZI the s(une esote'ric 0')' secret modes of ')-ecognition as al'e p1'acticed by oU//,sell,es and by"'the universaljarmily Of Free')nasons througho1..lJt the wO?'ld.
The question of the recogni tion of these Colored Freemasons has long been before this Grand Body, and your committee feel that its importance is pressing upon us, and demandlng prompt, serious and deCIded action. Your committee, therefore, ofter for adoption the following resolution: By the" Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternityof 1i'1'ee and Accepted Masons of the State of OhiO," that this Grand Body will recognize the so-called Grand Lodge of Colored Freemasons of the State of Ohio as a legItimate and independent Grand Lodg~, on condition that tbe so-called Colored Grand Lodge shall change its constitutional title, so that it shall read as follows: "The Af')-iean G')-and Lodge 01 Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Ohio." And if the said so-called Colored Grand Lodge bhall accept this recognItion and make the suggested change in its constitutional title, then, and in that case, upon said actIon being reported to the Most Worshipful Grand Master of this Grand Lodge, under the seal of said Body, then th e Most Worshipful Grand Master is hereby authorized and instructed to issue his proclamation to the subordinates to this Grand Lodge and to the Grand Lodges throughout the world, with which we are in fraternal correspondence, recognizing the said so-called Colored Grand Lodge as an Independen t Grand Lodge in the State of Ohio, under the title of "The African G1'"ctnd Lodge of Free and Resolved,
Accepted .JjÂŁa8on8 of the State of Ohio."
Respectfully submitted,
L. V. E. T.
After discussion thereon, Brother Lewis H. Williams, WorshipfUl Master, Russellville Lodge, No. 166, now Right WorshipfUl Grand Junior Warden, [*The italics are ours.] .,
moved that tInal action on the subject matter of the Colored Grand LodO'e as above, be deferred until the next Annual Communication, whieh agreed to.
On motion, the Grand Secretary was directed to. embody, in printed circular or pamphlet, the Address of the Most WorshIpful Grand Master on the Colored Grand Lodge, including the nlemorial formerly presented to this Grand Lodge of said Colored Grand Lodge, the Report ot Special Committee just read, with the memorial of Worshipful Master, of Hanselnlann Lodge said subject, and the Report of the OOInlnittee on Foreign CommunicationR which had been referred to said Special Committee, and distribute the same to Subordi:Q.ate and Grand Lodges. '
Brother Bierce, the chairman of this Committee, could hardly be considered an unprejudiced selection, for in 1869 he sent to the Grand Lodge the following letter on this subject: AKRON, October lOt
I have had placed in Iny hands the accompanying petition of the Grand Lodge of Colored Masons in Ohio, and have been requested to lay it before this Grand Body and ask for it a candid and favorable consideratioD.
Tile Oolm'eel G'rand Lodge I can vouch /01' as lJ,faso7ls ~. their wor7c will compare jctV01'etbly 1.ozth that of most oj the lodges of white ~IasOn8t G.nd they have the Bltual
complete. 'rhey denve their authoflty to work from a dIspensation granted by the Grand Master of England in 1784, constituting them legall\1asons. If they clandestine and illegal now, it is becnuse white men 'wIll Dot affiliate WiUl them, nor admit their lodges to come under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge.
I am authorized to say t.hey will surrender up their charters derived from. tbe Grand Lodge of England, and take charters from this Grand Lodge, or acce'1t a recognItion of the legality ot路 their present organization, as this Grand Lodge may think best. I move a reference of the petition and accompanyinr; history of the colored lodges to a select committee of--. L. V. BIEROE, Past Grand ~laster.
The italics are ours. How any Grand Lodge could escape expelling even a Past Grand Master for being able to make the avouchment we have italici8edt is a mystery to us, and we might almost say the same of the con1mittee in 1875, who so far forgot their obligations as to either hold Masonic intercourse with clandestine Masons, or to unwarrantedly vouch for them in the fourth section of their report. However, they have vouched for the correctness of t,heir ritual, and how they were able to do so we caD only suppose by actual examination, else their avouchment is worth nothing. If the negroes detailed all their secret work by being merely asked for it, it isprirnalacia evidence that they are unworthy of, and unreliable as to any trust committed to them, and as such, we need no further evidence to cause us to vote against their recognition. If on the other hand they revealed their work by being imposed upon by the chairman or any member of the committee who pretended to have authority for such examination, then we should vote against any recommendation ofiered by Masons who apparently violated the most solemn part of their covenants. They were not appointed to visit or exam.ine clandestine lodgE'S, :ret on the next day after their appointment they were able to vouch, &c., so that if they threw their obligations to the winds and went "visiting," and C"ould do it without authority, so could any l\fason in Ohio. They were ap:pointed to report on the propriety of recogni tion~ and from the fact that they were ready to report unanimously, on proficiency also, inside of a day, is evidence to our mind that the whole scheme- was" cut and dried" for the occasion, and thanks to Brother Lewis H,. Williams, the Junior Grand Warden, the fuze was pulled from the shell and its explosion postponed until the next Annual Session. The leaders in the scheme, however, under the plea of " informing
the Craft," got through the resolution allowing the Grand Secretary to pUblish a lot of stuff as an argument on his one side of the question in the proceedings. We have carefully read every word of it, and we defy anyone llOt fully conversant with all the Masonic proceedings of the world, to tell half the time whether he is quoting from white or colored Grand Lodges. It is a perfect hash of Masonic confusion, t.ending only to mislead the Craft, and whether intended so or not, we shall not decide. The following is a copy of the original charter of African Lodge, No. 459. A: C. 1\1. To ALL AND EVERY: Ou.'r'right Wo'rship!ul and loving Brethren-We, Thomas Howard., Earl of Effingham, Lord Howard, etc., Acting Grand Master, under the authority of his Royal Highness, Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland, etc., Grand Master of the Most Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Ancien t Masons, send greeting:
Know ye that we, at the humble petition of our Right Trusty and well beloved brethren Prince Hall, Boston Smith, Thomas Sanderson, and several other brethren residing in Boston, New England, in North America, do hereby constitute the said brethren into a regular lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, under the title or denomination of the African Lodge, to be opened in Boston, aforesaid, and do further, at their said petition, and of the great trust and confidence reposed in every of the said above-named brethren, bereby appoint the said Prince Hall to be Master; Boston Smith, Senior Warden; and Thomas Sanderson, Junior Warden, for opening the said lodge, and for such further time only as shall be thought by the brethren thereot, It be-ing our will that this, our appointment of the above officers, shall in no Wise affect any futllre election of officers of said lodge, bnt that such election shall be regll1ated, agreeable to such By路Laws of the said lodge as shall be consistent WIth the Grand Laws of the society, contained in 1he Book of Constitutions; and we hereby will, and reqUire of you, the said Prince Hall, to take special care that all and every, the said brethren, are to bave been regularly made Masons, and that they do observe, perform, and keep all the rules and orders contained in the Bool{. of Constitutions; and, further, that you do from time to time cause to be entered, in a book kept for that purpose, an account of your proceedings in the lodge, together with all sueh Rules, Orders, and RegulatIons as shall be made for the good government of the same. that in no wise you omi t once in every year to send u~, or our successors, Grand Masters, or Rowland Holt, Esq., our Deputy Grand .~faster, for the time beIng, an ac~ count of :.\-"our said proceedings, and copies of all such Rules, Orders, and RegUlations as shall be made as aforesaid, together wIth the list of the members of the lodge, and such sum of money as may suit the circumstances of the lodge, and reasonably be expected toward the Grand Charity. Moreover, we will, and require of you, the said Prince Hall, as soon as conveniently may be, to send an account in writing of what may be done by virtue of these presents. Given at London, under our hand and seal of Masonry, this 29th day of September, A. L. 5784., A. D. 1784, by the Grand Master's command. I
R. HOLT, Deputy Grand Master. Attest:
Grand Secretary.
This lodge lived a few years and died, and its name was stricken from the English Register, and at the organization of the Grand Lodge of MassaChusetts, after the effects of the war bad passed away, said African Lodge was not included, and never has been since, e1 ther of the Grand Lodges of that State, viz., the St. John's and the St. Andrew, which were united into one body by the election of Brother John as Grand Master, March 5, 1792.
The Prince Hall (colored) Grand Lodge was organized in Boston in 1808, out of a few lodges to whom charters bad been issued by Prince Hall himself, in Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts. He died in 1807. Out of this Grand Lodge has grown ot.her lodges and Grand ~odges, and among them the Colored Grand Lodge of Ohio, which it is now proposed to recognize as legal, without any reference to the mental or moral qualification of its members, or
the fact that recognition will involve the status of the negro National Grand Lodge of the United States, and tbe independent negro Grand Lodgee, who repudiate the National Body, as also the more important fact that such reeog.. nition will be the entering wedge of discord among the State Bodies with whom Ohio has been so long on fraternal terms. By the adoption of the resolution submitted by the comnlittee, 'we will have, for the first time in the history of the Masonic world, an introduction of color in our institution. Up to this time we have never had either white yellow, green or black" MasonrJ""-we bave had nothing but FREEMASONRY' pure and simple, open to all nations, climes and colors, whose people proved themselves worthy of possessing an unanim.ous ballot. This recognition pro.. :poses a white and an African Masonry in Ohio, leaving the other Grand Lodges to select which they wlll treat 'with, or to reject both. The latter will undoubtedly be the alternative generally accepted, for how we can consist.. ently hold communications of Masonic equality with a State that voluntarily throws away its soverignty we cannot understand; nor do we believe the Craft will tolerate it.
The,committee introduce in defense of this movement the recognition of the Colored Grand Lodge by two or three European Grand Orients, but are not candid enough to say that the Grand Lodge of Ohio has no ]'Iason1c communication with those Orients and does not recognize them, but leaves the unin .. formed reader to believe that it is all valid and of importance. The Gelman League bas put itself in the exact position of the Grand Orient of France, and will in all probability be treated in like manner by the Grand Lodges of the United States. The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania at its last session adopted a special Report on Foreign Corrpspondence, which. fl111y sets forth its line of action relative to interference with the principle of jurisdiction so long established on this continent, and which foreshadows the action of otber Grand BodIes relatIve to the German League, said report concluding as follows: There appears from the most elaborate, roost masterly antI able reports of Brother James GIbson, chairman of the Committee on Uorrespondence of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of New York, presented to that Grand Lodge on the 4th of Juue, 1874, and that of Brother Henry L. Dechert, chairman of the Oonunittee on Uorrespondence of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvanul, presented St. John's Day, 1872, that a most unfortunate ~tate of affairs exists In SOUle or the so-called Grand Lodges in Europe and elsewh.ere. FI'llese brethren have devoted great care and extlaustive examina.tion into the facts they developed. Fl'om the evidence they present there is an inherent confirmation of the conclusions they reached trom the facts themselves. It would be too tedious to recount all the heresies that are now existing in many of the so",called Grand LQdges, or Orients, on the Continent of Europe. It would appear from a careful reading of the proceedings of most of them, that the essentIal principles of Freemasonry are ignored, or so mutilated or watered with isms, that they can with difficulty be recognized. Eight bodies claiming to be Masonic Grand Lodges in Europe have fornled a Masonic Diet, or grand governing National Masonic authority. which assumes powers over, and regulates tbe rIghts and privileges of the interior bodies that have surrendered these rights to this Diet. AmO'Dg the extraordi.. nar~t powers claimed by this German Masonic Diet" or League, js " the right of jurisdictioD," or a control over it. This Diet has the dispo&itioD, it would seem, to go into any Grand Lodge jurisdiction of the States of the lTnited States, and set up lodges under the plea of nationality, that MUSOfiR so orgHnized into.a lodge are Germans, or work in the German tongue, ttnd therefor~ owe allegiance to this Gernlan Grand Diet. This appears to be the logical 路 deduction from a claim of the right of jurisdiction." U
It is also claimed by this Diet that" the object and airn of this league is to secure and promote the unity and Masonic joint action of the lodges in Germany, and to aSE,ume in common a Masonic attitude toward the Grand Lodges outside of Germany;" that it is exclu~ive]y the business of the German Grand Lodge League to determine whether new alliances shall be
form.ed with Grand Lodges outside of Germany, and whether those already formed are to be dissolved." The Grand Lodge Diet is the organ of the Grand Lodge League, and this Grand Lodge Diet consists of the eight Grand Masters and the two l\!aster Masons, elected by each Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodges which are assumed once to have been supreme and sovereign bodies, but have now surrendered some of t,heir inherent powers which are inseparable from MasonIc sovereignty, are: 1. The Grand National Mother Lodge, of the Prussian states, zu den drei lVeltkugeln, at Berlin. 2. The Grand Lodge of Saxony, at Dresden. . 3. The Grand Lodge of Hamburg,
at Hamburâ&#x201A;Źtt
4. The Grand Lodge of the Eclectic Union, at Frankfort-on-the-Main. 5. The Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Germany, at Berlin. 6. The Grand Lodge of Freemasons z'wr sonne at Bayreuth. 7. The Grand Lodge of Prussia, called Royal York, zwJ" Jilreundscllaft, at Berlin. 8. The Grand Lodge, zur IfJLntracht, at Darmstadt.
Whatever may be the future relations of this Diet with lawfully organized Grand Lodges. it is very evident to every member of our Grand Lodge that there can be no longer any Masonic intercourse with, or recognition by, the Right WorshIpful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania, and the Masonic juribdiction thereunto belongIng, of either this Dlet., or the emasculated Masonic bodies that are its presen t con~tituen ts, during the existence of this Diet with its present character. The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, is old enough and wise enough to understand her own duty, and no greater benefit can be conferred by her on her sister Grand Lodges, both in the States of our Union, and wherever Masonry is to be maintained on the landmarks, than by declaring in her conservative action, that no recogni tioD can be given to th is Diet, or its constituents. All time has proven that the abandonment of Masonic law brings ItS own condemnation." As this German League is the main-stay of the Negro Gra,nd Lodge of Ohio and their abettors and friends in the regUlar body of that State, we warn them to beware of the danger they are now trifling With, else they may find them.. selves in a position di:ffi.cult and humiliating to recede from; and indeed, the outlook would be gloomy were it not that we have more confidence in the good common sense of the subordinate lodges to whom the question has been referred than we have in the ability of certain hot-headed leaders in the Grltnd Lodge. In conclusion, to sum up the whole matter, we find, 1st, that the negro lodges in Ohio are clandestine; 2d, that some member or members of the Grand Lodge have held Masonic communication with, and vouched for, them; 3d, that the resolution proposed, if adopted, will destroy the sovereignty of tbe legitimate Grand Lodge of Ohio; 4th, that recognition is based upon the illegal recognition extended by the German League, which has placed itself without the pale of general Masonic intercourse in the United States; 5th, that if the resolution is adopted, the Grand Lodge of Ohio will have no one else to blame if she very soon finds herself cut off from any further Masonic recognition by nine-tenths, if not all, the American. Grand Lodges; 6th, can she afford to do this for the sake of an Utopian idea based solely upon clandestine charters? This question she must answer for herself, at her session held October, 1876. May the God of our Fathers, of Masonic peace, strength and prosperity, guide her in the true path of duty. CHARLES A. WOODWARD, Cleveland, G. M. "JOHN D. CALD\VELL, Cincinnati. G. Sec. and For. Cor.
Grand Lodge Dlet in Philadelphia, June 2,1875, September 1, 1875, December 1, 1875, and an Annual Comnlunicatioll, December 27,1875. Brother Alfred R. Potter, G. M., pre&ided. 'l'he first three Quarterlies were devoted chiefly to financial affairs. The Annual Address is very brief and practical. The Grand Officers were installed, and not much otber business was transacted. Brother E. Coppee Mitchell submitted a full and interesting Report on Correspondence, of 149 pages, in which J\iissouri is fraternally rE:viewed. He compliments Brother Luke highly on bis Annual Address. He agrees with the Grand Lodge in decidlng to allow VIsitors to see the chr rter after taking the test oatb. He says, "the history of the Past Master's degree remains to be written," and refers to the Pepnsylvania system of allowing it to be conferred only under the dIrection of the Grand Lodge, and with which s:y路stem we have always fully agreed. It has no more place in the Chapter than a wagon has WIth five wheels, especially when the odd wheel has to be taken away from its legitimate place in Blue Masonry.
He quotes fully our "Scotch case," but expresses no opinion as to the right or wrong of our conclusions. The whole Report is a very creditable one, indeed. A special Report on Correspondence was submitted by Brother Richard VauA:, at the Quarterly Communication held March 1, 1876, devoted chiefly to the status of forelgn Masons visiting this country during the exhibition. It takes the high and strong American po~ition of the sovereign and suprelue Masonic powers of a Grand Lodge In its own territory, and gives a tinlely and tItting rebuke to the Grand Bodies forming What is known as the" German Grand Lodge League," which has commenced to assume to dictate to our Grand Bodies the necessity of recognIzing and admitting rival powers within onr respective State limits, and also to claim the right to plant lodges in our midst, in all of which we fully agree with him. Several H Grand Orients" have sprung up in Europe, working under charters from. other" Orients," whereas it is well known that a sovereign Grand Lodge can only be cr.eated by regularI~'" chartered and legitimate lodges, and when so organized it needs no charter or authority from any body to proceed to work; and if its organization has been regular in every respect, it need not fear of not being recognized by every Grand Lodge whose respect is worth having. Brother Charles E. Meyer made a full Report on the Library, which shows it to be in a very promising condItion. We had the pleasure of giving it a personal inspection last June, and were delighted with the arrangement of
the whole establishment, and the many conveniences afforded visitors. Brother Meyer (whom we unfortunatel)T could not see at the time) deserves great praise for his devotion and labor In this noble work. ROBERT OLARK, - - - - - , G. 1\1JOHN THOMPSON, MasonIc Temple, Philadelphia, G. Sec. RIOHARD VAUX, Philadelphia, For. Cor.
Since onr last report" we have received the official Proceedings of this new Grand Lodge, including the Convention under which i~ was organized. The Proceedings are all in regular form, and the officers duly installed by the Grand Master, assisted by the Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of New BruDswick. The Oonstitution, a copy of which we have received, is in accordance with the general principles and usoge~ of Freemasonry, and irom the recognition already extended by the Grand Lodges specially interested, we talre pleasure in recommending a recognition by the Gr~Dd Lodge of Missourl. JOHN YEO, Oharlottetown, G. M. B. WILSON HIGGS, Charlottetown, G. Sec.
Grand Lodge met in Providence, May 17, 1875. Brother Nicholas Van Slyck, G. M., presided. He decided that when the Grand Lodge grants a new trial it leaves the brother's relationship in lodge the same as previous to first trial. Also that objections to advancement must be stated, and may be overruled by a two..third vote of the lodge.
'l'he Address was confined chiefly to local interests. Business brief and local.
No Report on Correspondence. NIOHOLAS y'" AN SLYOK, Providence, G. M. EDWIN BAKER, Providence, G. Sec.
Grand Lodge met in Charleston, December 14, 1875. Brother James A. Hoyt, G. M., presided. One hundred and sixty-two lodges
His Address is a fine practical document. From it we learn that a member can be suspended for non-pa:yment of dues by a two-third vote, but can only be restored by an unanimous vote, and to the
rigor of snch a law, the Grand Master justly ascribes the fact tbat so few pay up and are reinstated, and with him agree that it should be modified. He also finds dIfficUlty in settling cases arising from dual membership, especially relative to the question of dues. DECISIONS.
The decisions appended were upon questions where doubt eXisted as to proper construction. 1. It is not necessary that the petitioners for dispensation to open a new lodge should obtain dimits from parent lodges before being recognized as regular rnelubers of the new lodge, after a charter has been obtained and dUly constituted, if the lodges are not within three miles of each other. 2. Members cannot sever their connection ,vith parent lodge by ~jmply paying up their dues. A demit must be granted, or menlbership contlnues. It is not necessary that all connection with former lodges should be severed in order for a brother to be installed as an officer of a new lodge, if the lodges are not within three miles of each other. . .
3. District Deputy Grand MasterR, in visiting officially., are not entitled to receive the private grand honors, but should be received as the" other Grand Officers," (Art. 71, Con. G. L.,) by Senior DeacoD, at the door, with the lodge standing, ~1nd conducted to the East.
4. In the absence of the Master and Wardens, a Past Master cannot open the lodge. The charter is peculiarly entrusted to the Master, and, in his absence, to the '\Vardens alone. A Past Master, in this respect, bas no superiority over his brethren. 5. The territorial jurisdiction of a lodge extends in an air line to a pOInt equally distant'from the adjacent lodge. .. The Proceedings are elegantly printed, and the arrangement is a decidE1d improvement upon any heretofore issued from that jurisdiction, and for WhICh the new Grand Secretary deserves great credit. Brother Charles Inglesby (Grand Secretary) submitted a fine and very tull Report on Correspondence, in which Missouri and the Address of Grand Master Anderson are fraternally and favorabl:}" noticed. He expresses his views on the Ohio negro resolution by quoting in full the article pUblished in the T,""oice oj ...l lasonrll, for Jan.uary, 187(), page 47, and truly adds that the l\tIasonic mind of the country most strongly condemns the action of Ohio. .
His review and cri ticisms upon various decisions is an able one, and with which we are pleased to say that we agree almost entirely. WILMOT G. DE SAUSSURE, Charleston, G. ~I. CHARLES INGLESBY, Charleston, G. Sec. and For. Cor.
Grand Lodge met in. Nashville, November 8, 1875. Brother A. J. Wheeler, .G. M., presided. The Annual Address is an excellent one, giving a full and satisfactory account of a large amount of official work. He granted dispensations for five ne,v lodges. lIe recommends that hereafter not less than fifteen can petition for a new lodge, which we think a good suggestion. He announced the death of Brother Jno. W. Paxton, Past Grand Master, born January 27, 1824, died December 8,1874; also, of Brotber W. R. Ross, chairman of Grievance, born February 26, ISH, died Dec 28, 1874; also, of Brother Andrew Johnson, Ex-President of the United States. A large amount of routine business was transacted, but the Reports of the important committees are much scattered through the Proceedings, and fraternally invite attention to our review of Louisiana on that subject. No Report on Oorrespondence. J. O. OAWOOD, Dandridge, G. M. JNO. FRIZZELL, NashvIlle, G. Sec. NOTE.--In the whole list of Grand Officers we have the christian names of bat two, (viz: the Grand Secretary and Grand Tyler), all the others being fur.. nished With initials only, on the ground, probably, that tbosewere the only two at whose baptisms the Grand Secretary was present, and therefore did not hear the" first names of them other fellow~." Come, dear Brother John, you kno,v that Brother Sa:yre, of Alabama, has been suspending the sword over you for some time for this offense, and soon it will drop; then, oh then, where will be the Grand Secretary of Tennessee! "Frizzling 1"
Grand Lodge met in Salt Lake City, November 9,1875. Brother Charles W. Bennett, G. M., presided. From his brief, but practical address, we quote the following; DECISIONS.
While I have been frequently called upon by officers of constituent lodges for adv.ic.e and instruction, I have only had the following questions presented for decIsIon:
60 1. Is it proper to enter the names of committees on petitions for degrees in Masonry on the min utes of lodge proceedIngs?
Which I answered, yes; what shall go on the minutes is completely within the province of the 11aster under the charge; It is, therefore, your prOVInce to have general supervisIon of the duties ot the Secretary, to ~ee that nothlng improper is committed to paper, etc., etc.
The Question and answer as above given are condensed, but the complete correspondence is filed with the Grand Secretary. 2. Question-Has the Worshipful Master the right to request Visiting brethren to retire, if he has private business before his lodge?
Answer-Yes; the Worshipful Master bas the right" to rule and govern" bis lodge as he may think propel' for the bene:qt of the same, not violating generaJ Masonic law. 3. Question-Can a Brother sit in a lodge ,vhile charges are pending against him?
. . 1nswer-Yes; he has the right. It is simply a matter of his own taste and discretlon.
With the above we agree-but not with the folloWing which we have italicispd : lVhile it is 'regular to instctll any o..tlicer by 1n'oxy, I think it is a practice more hOllored In the breach than In its observance, It IS rapidly falling Into disu~e is frowned upon in most Grand JurIsdictIons, and IS abrogated by positIve enactmen t by many Grand Lodges. 1 recommend the adoption of a standIng resolution prohibiting the praet Ice in our own jurisdiction. .
We agree with his recomrnen'dation, but cannot consent to installation by be H regular," not" by a long-shot." It is perfectly inconsistent with every principle of Masonic "oblIgatIon," that one man can take It for another. It would be as regular to initiate by proxy in the esoteric sense of the answer to the question" What makes you a Mason ?"
l)ro~y to
The only way in which installation by proll.! canle near being "regular," was b~'" a few Grand Lodges some years ago violating all law and usage by tolera.ting such an innovation borrowed from some other society. To call such an installation" irregular" would be giving it a very mIld naxne. The proceedings are well arranged and elegantly pUblished. Brother Diehl, the Grand Secretary, proves himself a lover of a good library, and has worked hard to build, up a very valuable collection for the Grand Lodge. Considerable local business wa~ transacted. Brother Ohri&topher Diehl presented an able and very interesting Report on Correspondence, in which Brother Anderson's address is approvingly quoted. EDMUND P. JOHNSON, Corinne, G. M. CHRISTOPHER DIEHL, Salt Lake City, G. Sec. and For.
Grand Lodge met in Richmond, December 13, 1875. Brother Wm. B. Taliaferro, G. M., presided. His Address is a very interesting one, but it is all run or printed together without the slightest distinction between subJects by either headings or spaCings, that it is very difficult to do it justice in a review. He submitted twenty-one decisions which we condense as follows: 1. An Entered Apprenti~e or Fellow Craft of a defuDct lodge must apply to the lodge under whose jurisdictIon he lIves. 2. Failure to obey sumnlons about non-payment of dues is not a subject for trial for unmasonic conduct.
[From this wejudge that the G. M. helel, as in our jurisdictioD, that such snmnlons is merely a notice.] 3. A lodge can lay corner-stones without dispensation of Grand Master.
[We do not agree.] 5. Surrender of charter does not take effect un til confirmed by Grand Lodge. 6. A sicl\: Mason has not the right to have a detail of watchers from his lodge to nurse him.
[We wonder then, whose duty it is to attend to bim ?] 7. A Master cannot summon his members to sit up with a Sick member, and for disobedience of such summons there is no penalty.
[We cannot pass this decision wIthout our most unqualified dissent, unless some good reasons are given for it, and none are presented in the address before us. It was intended that the lodge should provide watchers, even if It had to hi~'e them, we could understand it, but we are left to infer that the sick man has no rights which either the lodge or the Master are bound to respect.] 9. A member dimitting to move out of thejurisdiction, and is taken sick in transitu, Is entitled to the rIghts and benefits of Masonry. 11. A Mason moving out of his Grand Jurisdiction, renounces his allegIance and bas no claims on his lodge.
[To renounce allegiance without taking a dimit, is a new doctrine to us and we think it will be so decided by alL] 12. A non-resident Mason cannot be a member of a lodge without the consent of the two Grand Lodges, i. e., the one he hves in, and the one he goes to. LWe do not exactly understand this.]
[The following numbered thirteen in the proceedings, is so remarkable and so important, that we quote it ~n extenso:] 13. "An Entered Apprentice removing from a foreign jurisdiction and permanently settling in this, may be legally passed and raIsed without the consent of the Grand Lodge, Grand Master or subordinate lodge to which he was originally subject, but Masonic COllllty requIres that his lodge should be consulted before conferring the degrees."
[All we have to say is, simply this, that not only" Masonic comity," but universal Masonic law rrequ,i'res not only that his lodge should be U consulted " but its jurisdiction "respected," and we hope the day may be very far oft before the Grand Lodge of Virginia, or any other Grand Lodge, shall attempt to enforce such a decision with respect to any Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft, hailing from a lodge under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of MissourL] 14.. A member under sentence simply of reprimand, is entitled to Masonic
15. A Master's decision cannot be appealed from, except to the Grand l\:faster or his District Deputy Grand Master. 18. A majority viva 'Voce vote is sufficient to waive jurisdiction over an Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft. 17. ProncIency for advancen1ent must be determined by vote of the lodge
and not by opinion of the Worshipful Master.
18. A member belonging to several lodges and being suspended by one is
suspended in all; but restoration by the suspending lodge does not restore in all. 19. A lodge keeping on its roll a member suspended by another lodge should have its cbarter suspended. '
The decisions not referred to are merely local, and we agree generally with the l'oregoing, except to such as we have appended our views [in bracketsJ, in condensing them. The commi ttee to whom they were referred reported that the limited time allotted them prevented a mature consideration, "and as the opinions of some of the best minds belonging to our Order are in conflict, they think that the subordinate lodges in this jurisdiction should have an opportunity and time gi ven them for their consideration, so that they may, by their future representatives in this Grand Body, act wisely upon them." And recommended that action be now deferred, which was adopted.
We sincerely trust that decision No. 13 may receive serious cctnsideration for, if adopted and carried out, it cannot otherwise than embroil our venerable SIster in continual conflict with other jurisdictions, as there is not a Grand Lodge in the world that has such a law.. The business transacted was chiefly of a local nature. One hundred and seventy-jive pages are occupied with the names of all the Master Masons in the State, and by personal observation and experience we are satisfied that the principal use to which such lists are applied is to furnish a directory for traveling inlposters, and we merely, and humbly, suggest that half that space could be infinitely better applied to a judicious Report on Correspondence, espeCIally such an one as that State is so well capable of furnishing.
No Report on Correspondence.
WM. B. TALIAlf'BRRO, Gloucester Court House, G. M. JOHN DOVE, M. D., Richmond, G. Sec. W.M. B. ISAACS, Richmond, Dep. G. Sec.
Grand Lodge met in Burlington, June 9, 1875. Brother Nathan P. Bowman, G. M., presided. The Address is confined chiefly to local interests. No new lodges were created. DECISIONS.
1. Obj ections to the advancement of an Entered Apprentice or Fellow
Cran should 'be based upon good ",and stlfficientreasons; it' it was for offences before initiation, a committee should be appointed; if after initiation, charges should be preferreu. 2. No rescinding vote can be had in case of a ballot when a candidate has been once declared rejected. 3. Members of a lodge who become petitioners for a new lodge are liable fOf dues to the date of dispensation, and the old lodge retains penal jurisdiction of them for the purpose of collecting the same, even after the new lodge is constituted. 4. It is competent for the Master or Warden, who is entitled to preRide in a lodge, after congregating the lodge, to call to the cbair any Master Mason, and such l\!aster Mason then preside and confer the degrees, the presence and consent of said Master or Warden being sufficient to establish such work, legal and regular. 9. If a lodge surrenders its charter it ceases to be a lodge, and the members are like unaffiliated Masons, and can be admitted by any lodge when they can satisfy themselves that they were in regular standing in the lodge when the charter was surrendered. 10. A brother has a right 10 object to the initiation of a candidate, and if absent at the time of the balloting, it would operate as a black ball, and, until the objections are withdrawn, the Master has no right to confer the degrees on the candidate. 11. Seven being the number necessary to form a lodge, I consider that number necessary to form a quorum when voting is to be had.. .. 12. A lodge on the borders of another State should not initiate any resident of that l::;tate without first obtair lng the consent of the Grand Master of said State, and of the lodge in whose jurisdiction the applicant resides. The first decision implies that the objector must give his reasons, with we do not agree.. The 9th we do not think SUfficiently prOVides its own remedy. In this State when a lodge dies all its effects are banded over to the Grand Secretary, and he, being in possession of all the books, collects the unpaid dues of members and issues a Grand Lodge dimit. This provides a safe and businesslike settlement of the case. Strange to say, the Grand Lodge overruled decision 11, and ruled that three should constitute a quorum for business. We hold that any lodge which can only get together three members at a stated meeting, ought to quit and hand over its business to its neighbors. The Grand Lodge rejected a proposition to omit publication of of
all1\fasons in the State. If Lhej;" only knew how many traveling imposters use their directory as a gUide, we think they would have voted otherWise. Brother Henry Clark, Grand Secretar~r, submitted a very full and able Report on Correspondence, of 146 pages, in which Missouri and the Address of Grand Master Anderson are fraternally noticed. NATHAN P. BAUl\-fAN, St. Johnsbury, G. M. HENRY CLARK, Rutland, G. Sec. and For. Cor.
Grand Lodge met in first Annual Communication, October 12,1875. Brother Edgar P. Snow, G. M., presided. The Address is a very sensible and appropriate document, and replete with valuable suggestions relative to the beginning of their grand career. The Proceedings are well arranged and printed, and reflect credit upon our young sister. We take great pleasure in recommending the recognition of the new Grand Lodge, she having been recognized by the Grand Lodge of Colorado, by whom the original lodges were chartered. EDGAR P. SNOW, Cheyenne, G. M. JOHN K. JEFFREY, Cheyenne, G. Sec. and For. Cor.
Grand Lodge met in Olympia, September 22, 1875. Brother Rudolph Iiayden, G ..M., presided. Sixteen lodges represented. He congratulates the Grand Lodge on the universal Masonic harmony between it and all other jurisdictions.
Visitations had been exchanged between it and the Grand Lodges of Oregon and British Columbia, at which time one of the happiest re~unions took place which has ever oceured on the Pacific Slope. He says: HQ\vever much favor this project met with, however much all believed it would prove a good thing and a most happy occasion, no one imagined It would grow in to an international affair, and for the first time in our history exhibit the occasion of American and British Grand Lodges meeting together, the fraternity of each nation "Vieing with each other who could best agree, who
could do the most to prove that aU were children of a common parent and brothers. Stat~smen and citizens of different nations may for policy sake clailn selfish advantage~, securin~ wealth or benefit to their respective nations, but we are brethren and for us right 1S policy and the largeRt reciprocity is the doctrine of Masonry. In the glorious re-union of 1875, British and Ameri<'an :Masons forgot entirely that just one hundred years ago the two ppople initiated the struggle to separate entirely, and now they were just doing the reverse, trying hardest to prove there was really no separation, that a common language, a common law, a common interest to benefit humanity, made us one race, one people, one fraternity.
In that re-union was included a dau~hter lodge of Missouri, now MuHanom.ab, No.1, of Oregon, the first ever planted on that coast,and right royally was she en tertained. It must have been good to have been there. DECISIONS.
My deciRions are therefore but very few in number, and are now submitted for your consideration: 1. Dismission is the act of the lodge upon the petition of the member, and when consnmrnatetl the petitioner has becoute a non-affiliate as soon as he is clpar of the books. Failure of Secretar:)" to issue certificate of d~rnit, does not , effect the statuR of a party dimitted by vote of lodge, nor can a dimltted Ma~on reinstate him~elf by Wilhd raw1ng petition for dim1t,although be may not have recelved cerlliicate from the Secretary.
2. Also, if from any cause a dimitted brother neglects or refuses to take such certiftc~lte, be bein~ clear of books, aud en titlpd to a certlficate of de-lui!, such neglect on his part cannot reverse the aetion of the lodge in granting demit, nor can the lodge at a 8ub~pquent nlet->ting rec n~ider tbe Hction by which the diInit was g-ranted. Tbe pnrty in ~uch ca~es by the vote of tht> lodge dernitting him has become a non-affiliate, and is entitled to a certificate thereof wh~n clear of the books. Like any other non-affiliate he can only become a member by affiliation in the regular way. 3. A show of hands cannot. be considered a ballot at an election of officers. Sec. 1, Art. XI of the Uonstitution. 4. It would be highlY improper for the Worshipful Mastf:\r of a lodge to appoint the Treasurer and Secretary as members of the Finance Committee, when It is the duty of said'e TO E:-xanllne and report upon the books, vouchers and accounts of said 'l'reasurer and ~ecretary.
5. A pet.itioner who had lost the :first. joint of the thumb of his right hand, is barred from receiving the degrees of Masonry by U Landmal:k Eighteenth." 6. A brother named in the di~pensation for a Lodg-e Under Dispensation as Senior Ward€'D, catlnot dimit He must hold hIS office in said lodge nntil the expIration of tbe dh;pell~ation.
7. A Lodge Under Disppnsation cannot try its mem bel'S. Charges should be proffered to, and the trial take place in the nearest chartered lodge.
8. An unaffiliated Mason is incompetent to prefer charges against a Master Mason in good standing. 9. The officers of a lodge cannot be installed by proxy.
10. When a petitioner for the degrees of Masonry admits that be baR been
r~jected h~retotoret the lodge to Which lIe petitlolls the Hf:><:Olld time ~hould not refer the petllion to a comrnittee, 01' take any actioll thE:"reon llDli! t.he f=5ecretary comnlunicates WIth tht:: lodge in which the appliC"ant had bt'en rf>jf:l(·ted, and p~rrnlM:;Ioll is rt'c~1ved tlH'refr(~m 10 le('e1ve alld act upon said petition. If pennlsslon is granted, then the petItion takes the regUlar· cour~e. ~hould perlni~sJon be rt-fust"d, then the petItion and accompanying fee should be returned to the petitioner.
A large alnount of im.portant local business was transacted, in good shape. No Report on Correspondence. TROS. T. MINOR, Port Townsend, G. M. THOS. M. REED, Olympia, G. Sec. ...
G. L.-A. 5.
Grand Lodge met in Wheeling, November 9, 1875. Brother Robert White, G. M., presided. Every lodge was represented.
The Annual Address, which is a good, practical document, was confined chiefly to local affairs. The Reports of the District Deputy Grand Masters evince a close attention to their duties. The Oommittee on Jurisprudence decided that officers could not be installed by proxy, and also that when a blother u:es while under SUE.peIlblOn for non-payment of dues, he is not restored after death on the payment of delinquency by another. No Report on Correspondence. Forty.two pages are occupied with names of all the members in the State, which from our experience serves no practical purpose except to furnish a directory and an aid to traveling imposters. KEPHART D. WALKER, Fairmont, G. M:. ODELL S. LONG, Wheellng, Grand Sec.
The results of the year, as set forth in the Annual Proceedings, are rather favorable than otherwise to tbe Institution. The increase has been only limited, and from the fact that it has been so at all, in the worst financial year since 1861, it is to be presumed that it is of a healthy nature. Peace and healthy progress is reported upon all sides, and the sound of discord is but seldom heard. We have condensed all the important decisions and resolutions presented, with our comment~ thereon, to all of which we ask your fraternal consideration. The question of jurisdiction is being better understood, and its princIples better observed. The problem presented to the Grand Lodge of Ohio, of recognizing a lot of clandestine lodges, will be solved in that jUrIsdictIon in this October month, and the other question of setthng the status of some Foreign Grand Orien ts, who have presumed to meddle In our American affairs, of WhICh they know nothing, must sooner or later como.
Dlaud the solemn and emphatic consideration of the Grand Lodges of the United States, and unless those Grand Bodies forming what is called the U German League" shall retrac.t their recognition of spurious Bodies in this country, they must not be surprised at being ostracised, as has been tbe Grand Orient of France. Hoping the duty I have performed may meet your approbation, I anl, fraternally,
Owing' to severe illlless Il1ave been llnable to complete nlY report in tinle to i111n1ediately follow tIle foregoing, and will, therefore, refer tIle reader to tIle latter part of tl1e "Appendix," Wllicll see. G. F. G
SEPTEJ\iBER 1ST, 1876.
Missouri Meridian Beacon Howard United
E P. O. ADDRESS. Z . . . . .
21 Greencastle 22 DeKalb
Louis St. Lonis ·•. Douglas 2 St. LOuis St. Loui..; Francis Nohl. 3 Rt. Louis : Ht. Louis Oharles CarriIlon 4 New FranklIn .. Howard John W. Lf'e 5 Springfield Greene l\{artill J. Hubble Ark . 6 Newark lenox J. M. McKim 0'8ul11 van . 7 Walnut Grove.. Greene R. E. Bo~·d Williamsburg . S Willialnsburg .. Cflllaway JUlnes G. Crane Geo. Washington .. 9 St. Louis St. Louis Ri!'hard Trevor Agency . 10 Agency Buchanan G. \V. Lynch Pauldingville . 11 Wright Ctty \Varreu Wm. T. Carter Tyro ! 12 Caledonia..•...... \Vashington R. B. Logan (18i5) Rising Sun . 13 Barry Clay u. l\f. J. Faubion I Auburn . l4/Auburn Lincoln William AIJen Daviess G. W. I{euuey Western Star . 15 Alto VH~ta Hcotland E. Scofield Memphis . 16 J\femphis Olarksville . 17 CIa1Irsville Pike V. 1\ Pepper Pal~nyra.: ,. 18 palm. yra jl\larlon E. F. B. l'lgh t PariS Union . 19 Paris Monro~ H. P. IJong St. LOUIS C. R. WillIamson St. Louis . 20 Rt. Louis Greencastle
Sullivan .Buchanan
\Villiam l\fayo IFlrstand third Thursdays. Robt. C. Guenther First and third Wednesdays. George R. Rice Re(lond and (OllI·th ''phun,days. Jamps F. l\1oore ~atur)y on or before full moon. Charles F. LeaviLt jThurJy 011 or before full U1.oon. A. Fi~her Ratur'yon or after full luoon. C. J. 1\'1oore Tuesday before full mOOll. H. T. Weeks 10 a. ill. Sat. Ollor before fullm. J. H. Wyetll ISecond and fourth Tuesdays. M. W. Farris jSaturday before full moon. 18atur'y on or before full moon. a. M. BI·yan T F. P. Marrow (1875) O returns. l'rL T. SamueL Satur'yoll orbefol'e full mOOD. J. N. ElIiS /IBatur'yon orbet'ore fullrnoon. T. ~I. ~. Kenney f4aLunlay before full Uloon. J. P. Cfaig /FI.jda y on or bf'fol'e full moon. W. A. HelnpbiIl .....••... Hatur'.v on or before full rnoon. J. \V. Drescher IAeCOll.d and fourth Tl.l ursdays. J~ M. crlltcher ,IF!rst and th~l'd Haturdays.
HInIon Hahn Snnlner Boynton (1875) 1'. McNpuJ (1875) L. B. I>eabody Fred. HagensteIn
~ ~ ~.
Flrht and thIrd Wednesdays. No retul~18. ISaLurday before full moon.
o p-
Florida.................... Naphtal1................. . Mexico
St. John.................. Windsor..................
Liberty................... Lafayette Ralls........................ Troy :.... Mercer .....•..... Cooper
Oallao...................... Modena....................
Mt. MorIah.............. JEtna....................... Middle Grove......... Jefferson
Haynesville............ Xenia Livingston*............
Wakanda................ Weston.................... Douglas ,................. Arrow Rock........... Tipton..................... Richmond............... Monticello Centralia................. New Bloomfield..... Waverly..................
23 Florida
25 26 27 28 2» 30
Monroe St. Louis Audrain
St. Louis Mexico New Haven Hannibal. Windsor ,
Franklin Marioll Henry
Ifuntsville 31 Liberty
Randolph Clay I.lafa,yette Ralls, Lincoln Mercer
3:l Lexington
38 l\[adisollville 34 rrt"oy 3~
36 37 !l8 3» 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
Princeton Boonvil1e .•....... Cooper
Ht. Louis LEtna
Ji'ulton Haynesville Hopkins Glasgow
Carrollton 53 Weston
5-1 Marthasville 55 Arrow Rock
56 67 58 59 60 61
Macon Merct:1'
Middle Grove Jefferson City Jacksonville l\{anche ter Wentzviile .•.....
47 Fayette
48 49 50 51 52
Callao Modena
Tipton Richmond Monticello
St. Louis Scotland •.......... Monroe Co}e ~ Randolph
St. Louis
St. Charles
Howard Callaway Clinton Nodaway
Carroll Platt.p Warren Saline Moniteau Ray ................•... Lewis •..•......•..... Boone
New Bloomfi'd. Callaway
Waverly Lafayette 62 c~ameron lclinton 63 Cambridge Saline•............... Monroe.................... 6-1: Monroe City••... Monroe Pattonsburg............ 65 Pattonsburg Davless LInn............. 66 Linn Osage Rocheport............... 6i'Rocheport ••...... Boone *Chartered October 12; Ib76. VinciI...................... Oambridge..............
IJ. H. Carr..•................... J. W. Hu.rd.•.••••...••••..... Raturtyonor before full 'lUoon
Solomon Boehm J. 1\1. l\1armaduke G. C Ramsey .. James M. Morris•.•....... James W. Brown A. J. Ferguson
Second and fourth rrhurgays • l'~lr~t and third Tuesdays. . I~"irst Saturdays. Second and 1'ourtb Saturdays. Satur'y on or bf-'fore 1'ull moon. Tn. on 01' bef. f. m. & 2d Tn. aft. Daniel Hu~hes Wm. M. Burris Haturday after full moon. Thomas J. Bandon Xen. Ryland Spcond Mondays. J. B. Vardeman J. G. Wylie Second Saturday. JOSE'ph P. Blandon John "McDonald.•......... Hatur'y on or before full moon. Stephen H. Pel'ryman, Albert M. Haney Satur'yon or before full moon. Robert. McCulloch •..••.. J. W. McFarland Second and fourth Saturdays. J. M. Boston Henry E. Greene . J. M. Ra.ndall. W. A. Matbis Bafur'y on or before full moon. T. J. Taylor R. W. Steckman Wednesday before full moon. David C. Marsh Edwin V. Kyte Second and fourth Saturdays. James S. Pulliam 1. M. Busey Satur'y on or before full moon. J. B. QuisPDberry W. T. F'f'atherston •...... First and third Sat.urdays. H. B. Hamilton Jas. L. R;yle First and third Mondays. B. Ii'. Coulter M. :A.L Carter Saturty on or before full moon. James H. Hall, Jr Geo. StrBszer Sat. on or bef. f. m. & 2d Sat. aft. James M. WilRon Eli .Afllndorf.. Sat. on or ber. f. m., at 10 a. m. Rohert P. Williams Cbas. E. McArthur Monday before full moon. B. P. Railf'Y J. W. Overton First and third Fridays. Geo. \V. l\111chell Robert F. Smitb Raturday after full moon. John Donlin T. W. Porter Raturday before lull moon. ehas. H. Lewis Oren Root, Jr First and third 1tfondays. B. MagilL Jas. E. Drake Sat. bef. full moon & 2 w. after. John F. Kenney Jas. O. Wili te First and third Satnrdays. John D. WaJJer Charles Galtermann P-atur'y on or before fuJi moon. B. T. Thompson G. H. Bowers Satur'yon or before full moon. T. McVain R. C. Walker First and third Saturda~'s. Wm. A. Donaldson John C. Brown Satur'y on or before full moon. N. R. Walter J. H. Leeper Satur'yon or before full moon. Wm. H. Carpenter .., H. C. Threlkeld . J. C. Reynolds John Wilson Third Saturday. Jas. A. Gordon R. P. Motte ~al ur'y on or before full moon. Geo. A. Willis Samu~l S Hare First and third Raturdays. R. R. Harvey (1874) I.J M. Alexander (l8i4) .. .iVa "eturns fOT 1875-76. J. L. I,yon R. O. Wood Jj~irRt and third Saturdays. Wm. Ea.r] (1875) Henr\T !{arney (1875) Saturday aHer full mOOD. Jno. '1'. Tracy (l875) Jno. Feners (1875)........ Hat urday before full mOOD. Geo. W. Prince John C. Rmith ,..•.. Second Thursday. >H ••••••••••
J. T. McCoy •................. James Carl·o)) •.............. John A. Wooct,vorth WIn. C. Kealey .. , R, F\ Taylor Geo. W. Ke~baugh
---1 0",.,.
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~ ~
$1 ~
Z Tebo·····.. ·················l Sullivan . Roanoke . Savannah . Danville . Eureka . Warren. .. Ashley .. Independence .. Lebanon .. St. Joseph . Polar Star . .Bridgeton . Hickory Grove .. Jack~on . Laclede . Potter .
Brookfield . Washington . Dresden . Friendship .. King Solomon .. MadIson . Perseverence .. St. Marks . Cllapman .. St. Andrews .. Betllany . Webster .. Mt. Vernon .. Canton . Eastoll .. BloOluington·····..·.. I· WestView . Heroine '
P. O.
68 Clinton 69 Sullivan 70 Roanoke 71 Savannah 72 Danville 73 Brunswick 74 Keytesville 75 Ashley 76 Independence 77 Steelville 78 St. Joseph 79 St. Louis 80 Bridgeton 81\ Hallvllle P.O... 82 Linneus 83 Lebanon 84 Longwood 85 Miami 86 Brookfield 87 Greenfield 88 Dresden 89jChl11icothe 90 St. Catharines.. 91 Madison 92 Louisiana 93 Cape Girardeau 95 Las Vegas 96 Shelbyville 97 Bethany 98 Marshfield 99 Mt. Vernon lOOtCanton
101 102 1BloomIngton lOJI Millersville 104 Kansas City
Henry Franklin Howard Andrew
jGeo. F. Worth W. A. Davison . .Jas. C. Whitmire Alfred O. Melvin Saturday before full moon. Jno. W. Bagby 'Vnl. V. Hall. Saturday before full moon. B. M. Danford E. W. Joy ThIrd Saturday. Mont~omery D. Bush F. S. Clare Tuesday before full moon. Chariton J. M. Sppucer R. C. Gregory Thur'y on or before full. moon. Charlton Charles Veatch L. M. Applegate . Pike : jH. E. Elmore W. D. Orr Batur'yon or before full moon. Jackson John T. !{.oss W. A. Cunningham Sf'cond and fourth Saturdays. Cra'wford Herman I{ ergubon Joe. Davis Third Saturday. Buchanan Geo. P. Dixon Ulrich Schneider First and third Tuesdays. St. Louis D. S. Crosby Willian1- Bryan Second and fourth Fridays. St. Louis Joseph H. Garrett David v Baber Satur'y on or before full moon. . Martin C. FJ:ynt Robert Wade Satur'y on or before full moon. Linn P. C. Flournoy L. D. Sandusky Ralurday before full 11100n. Laclede Charles W. Ruby Geo. H. Greenleaf Wed. on or before full moon. ~ettis Henry B. WalJe D. H. Orear Satur'y on or before full mOOD. Saline M. A. BrowD W. T. Williams . Linn Geo. W. Adams L. T. Ross Second and foul'th Tuesdays. Dade Thos. J. Van Osdell •..... \.JOhn A. Ready l1'riday on or before fnll mOOll. Pettis· T. P. McClune~y (1873) Peter Courtney (1873) No returns!o1'1874, 1875 and 1876. L1vingston W. W. Thornton J. A. Grace ~'ir8t and third Saturdays. Linn Chas. L. Spaulding Thomas Crampton Satur'yon or before full moon. Monroe Wm. Hord Urbin E. Quirey Second Saturday. Pike Julius A. Dyer Samuel Reid l\Ion. bef. f. m. & 20 1\10n. after. Cape Girardeau Wm. B. WIlson Alex. Ross First alld sf'(>ond Tuesday. Tel'. of N. Mex.. Jos. Rosenwald Charles Ilfeld Third Satluday. Rhelby J. C. Hale W. L. Willard Satur'J' on or before full moon. Harrison C. Crossan D. J. Heaston Hatnr'yoll or before lull moon. Webster .J. L. Rash H.·Bigg-er .. La,vrencp Wm. W. Whaley Thos. 1-1. Jones Satur'y on or before full mOOD. Lewis Wm. H. Graves A. Frank Poulton Second and fourth ~Iondays. IBuehaDan J. S. Talbot J. Robinson Satur'y D n or afler fullllloon. :Macou .John Salyer Joseph BeJcher FrIday on or before full moon. Oape Girardeau David R. Howard J. \Vill l\fil1er Satur'y on or after full moon. Jackson 1 IGeo. E. Pitkin '.,.0 returnsfm' 1876
~ ~
Kirksvllle............... 105 !{:irksviUe l Adair A. L. "\Voods Golden Square l071'Vebtport....•...·.. l.Tacks<?D Wyatt We~b Aztec lO~ILas Cruces 'rer. 01 N. :Mex Tobu Mal'fln
Montezenla Marcus ,.......... Trenton Graham Plattsburg Twilight Border Versailles KinJ;{sLon De Soto Compass ErwJn Dover Hermann................ Dardenne GentrYVille Seaman Athens Live ORk m.\ Charle~ton*....
West Prairie.......... PotosL..................... Farmington Star of tbe West Pleasant l\ionnt Warrensburg Phrenix Prauieville Lincoln................... Oregon Papinvl11e............... Oriental Pleasant Grove Irondale Modern Rising Star McGee Cass yancey Lexh?gton Birmlng
Fe Tel'. of N. l\'lex. 110 Fredel iclrsburg Madison III Trenton Grundy 112 Graham Nodoway 113 Plattsburg Clinton 114 Columbia Boone 115 Elk Mills McDonald 117 VPl'sailles 1\tlorgan 118 Kingston Caldwell 119 De Hoto Jefferson 120 Parkville Platt 121 St.. Louis St. Louis 122 Dover Lafayette 123 Hermann Gasconade 124 O'Fallon St. Charles 125 Gentryville Gen try 126 Milan Sullivan 127 Albany Gentry 128 Pleasant HiU Cass ]29 Charleston Missl~sippi. 130 CIHrkton Dunklin 131 Potos1 Washington 132 Fa) mington St. !i'rancois 133 Ironton Iron 154 PleasantMount Miller 135 Warrensburg Johnson 136 BowlingGreen. Pike 137 Prairieville Pike 138 Fillmore Andrew 139 Oregon Holt ~. 140 Papinville Bat es 141 Trenton Grundy 142 Otterville Cooper:t 143 frondale Washington 144 Humansville Polk 145 Ebenezer Greene 146 College Mound. :Macon 147 HarriRonville Cass 148 Pineville McDonald 149 L~xiL!gton Lafayette ]50 Bn·mn1g Buchanan 109
*Chartered October 12, 1876.
W. W. Griffin N. B. Allen Thomas I{imlil1 T. L. Marlin George R. Riley W. T. Anderson C. H. Mason P. G. Woods J. M. HOl':ldnson E. S. Pyle FritzKabn F. 'V. Sennewald John W. Philaly Charles D. Eitzen John G. Miller A. J. Clark Jno. G. Hart. W. L. Mllier (1875) T. J. Buchanan James H. Betbune M. M. Raybnrn F. B. Kennett A. Parkhurst N. C. Griffilh R. H. Franklin Warren Shedrl W.B. McAlister Wm. H. Pollard F. Knicke]·bocker M. M. ~mith, (1875) Pbilip Zeal. 1'. B. Harber George Neely C. Arnold J. B. Barnett M. O. BedelL T. W. McCormick H. Clements H. W. Chenoweth Alf'x. A. Lesueur D. W. Clauser
M. W. Smith James A. Keel.
Tuesday on or before fun ::rn. Friday on or be10re full In.
Charles Bessels
First Saturday.
Wm. L. R;ynerson
FIrst Saturday.
JanleR R. Donnell .•....... H. C', Sykes FIrst. and third Thursdays. E. Thayer Friday before full llloon. James N. Forse!. Saturday on or before fnll m. F. Paunell. , First alld third Mondays. W. G. La.ngley Saturday on or before rullIn. James .l\1cNair Third Saturday, John A. Canon Sat.. on or b. f. m. & 2 wOks af,r. E. C. Rankin Saturday on or before full m. 1. E. ThTelk€'ld .. Simon Loewen Second and fourth Fl'idays. Robel't T. Koontz Saturday on or before full m. Geo. H. ICing First Saturday. W. O. Williams . Hugh Stevenson Sat urday after full moon. C. H. Downtain Saturday on or before full m. S. W. Clark (1875) Recond and fourth Saturdays. a. L. Mayo , Saturday 011 or belore full m. J. 1\1. Bunn Raturday on or before full m. Thos. E. Baldwin Wednesday on or before full m. J. T. Rohinson : Raturday on 01' before full ID. Robert Teotler Friday on or before full moon. Wm. G. Diltz Saturday on or before full m. JameR A. Stevens Raturday after full moon. S. I{ing Fan· First Tuesday. Gilbert Munroe Sat. on orb. f. m. &2d Sat. aft. J. R. Powell l George smith IISaturday before full moon. John 0. Vess (1875) First J\1onday and 3d Saturday. G. VV. Mierf: ISa'turday on or before full nl. C.1\1. Stinson ISecond and fOUI·th Tbnradays. Thomas J. Starke Saturda~T on or before full m. Wm. Cain . M. L. Zpner Saturday on or before full m. 1Thomas D. Payne Wednesday before full moon. Jehu Tpter Saturday on or befoTe full m. H. B. Moody Friday on or befol'e full moon. 1M . N. Lamance Thomas Standish Third Monday. P. W. NoJand 1Saturday on orafterfullm.
00 -.::t
~ ~ ~
,.: (1) .c
Z Randolph O. \v. Grimes {L. T. Burton Camden .••••....... H. H. Wi ndes L. J. Roach Wm. R. RInck Rtepllen Chapman Callaway Robert. McPheeters R. S Shields Livingston •...... James B It"'rancis (1874) H. I{. Pearl (1874) Boone II. 'r. \Vright S. TllOlnas Mustaln Atchison Jobn '\V. Snlith Frank T. Binlons \Vaynp Alex. M('B'·yde O. W. ~lilfo\ler ......•••.••... F·rankliu Harvey J. Hrnith John C. Shilling Polk B. W. l\Hrchell B. W. Appleby IRando]Pb D. J. Stamper H. B. Richardson Andrew E. Agep Jno. W. Popplewell .. ~t. LOUIS j1fU. Louis R. W. Parcels ..: R. M. L. McE\ven Hlllxbol'o .Tpffprson R. W. l\1c.Mulhn J Ed. Walker ~1Hr:\Tville INodaway A. P. Morehouse l{nox Jones ~lil abile \Culd well Henry Carl'olL (1875) ~ E. CrOf~s (1875) ~t. Louis St. Lonis Joseph A. Schultz J1.dward Robe Colony 'Knox J. S. McReynolds B. P. Staruuck (;anulen Point.. PJat te Jas. W. Ewing R. B. Duncan
MJlton 151 MHtOll Linn th(>ek 152 Lilln Crpek Bloomfield.............. 153 Bloomfield Concord 151 Concord Spd ug Hill. 151 Kpl't Hg Hill Ashland.................. 15U A~hland North Htar 157 Rocl{port JnllllHon 15..~ <iref?'llville PacIfic..................... 15H Pacific Plea~an(, 160 \[orl·isvllle Clifton Hill............ 161 ('lifton Willtesville 162 \VltiteNville >H
Joaclllffi Maryville Mirabile.................. Orient Franoais Colony..................... Cnmuell Point........ Benevolence........... Hartford
1h4 161 16ti 167 )68 169
no Ut.lCll \Livingston 171 Hartford 1putnarn 172 ~Ia(·ou Macon 17H Uuion ~'ranlrlin Iii -« UJ'geon Boone NtHvt.on 170 1 NewtonIa Newton Point Pleasant 17t) POInt Pleasant New l\iadrid TpxaR 177 HouHton Tf?'xas GrlHwold 1 17K PrIce's Branch.. Montgolllery•... J>rltle ot the West..!179 HL. Louis Ht. Louis DeR :\1nines IHO AthenR Chnk Novelty 118.1 NOvt'lty !{nox StewnrtsvlUe 1 lx2 ~Lewn.rlsvi1le DpKalb CetlUornia !lx31Californht ~1onlteau Calhoun VHi{·alhoun ..• Henry
Censer Union Stu I'geon
! 180 1~51I1hamoi8 Renick f
O »g~ Randolph
Henry C. Cox W. W. 'Vatls Geo. C. Fullel·toll A. N. Mills S. E. Wn~goner T A. Srnpdley Benj. D. Dean Edwin H. Jeffries A. 'l'ltu!l /H. F. J. 1\-1. RItchey R. W. Wolcott Robert ~'l·azier Fred. W. 1't'lau]shy Jas. R. Shu mons (1875) Jno. H. Stetnns (1875) M. 1.1. Cope ChaR. 'Vilson Wm. E. !{ortkanlp H. F. Hoppins D. M. KcotL K. M. Northrup S. A. McClintick R. N. BO)'d Thos. G..VlclJrosky J. W. Lnffool1 I.J. F. Wood A. V. Thorpp Bird J). Palks Henry Slack J. P. Wagner (1875) fl. Marquard (1875) T. T. Martin L. D. Maupln
First Raturday, at one p. ID. 8atllrday on or bef. full moon. ~"'riday on or before full moon. }i"'nurth SaturdAY, at 1 p. m. 1Vo retwrns/0'1'1875 and 1876. Third Hatul'day, at 10 a. In. Hpcond ~aturday. Saturday on or b. f. ID. at 1 p.rn Haturday before full moon. Friday on or before full moon. Second Satl1nlay at 1 p. m. Sf-coud and fourth Mondays. Saturday on or before full m. and second Saturda~7s. No 1·etu'l''ll8. Firl4and third Wednesdays. Ratu) day on or before full m. Saturday on or before {ullIn. 1First and tbird Saturdays. p:~aturday on 01' before full m. Thursday on or before full rn. Raturday on or before full m. 1!"rlday on or b. f. m. at 3 p. m. ,Saturday on orafterfnll moon. Saturday on or before full In.
~ '<:3 ~
t.LVO returns.
jSat urday on or before full ffi. p'irst Rlld tlJird Wednesda)7s. !Kuturday on or before full m. jHatul·day on or be10re fun In. ~aturday on or hefore full m. jFourth Satulda~r. ) I..lYo retu1"1l8.
,Baturdayon or b.f.m.at2p.ul.
RenrJ; Clay 187!l\1Illersburg..•... lcRllaWRY .••....... HannIbal............... 188 l!annibal ~fal'ion Zeredatha 189 St. Joseph Buchanan Putnam 190 Newtown Putnam
:rR. N. naker \Firstsaturday . \W. E. Payne Second and fourth Monda~Ts. I)an. 0 Toole :George Rees Second and fourth Tuesdays. . \V. F. Dyer (1873) \Tl1os. H. Jones (lb73) No retlrnlS /01' 1874.1B75 &; 1876. Zerubbabel. 19]. Platte City•...... P!atte Thos.. 'V. P~r~ (1873) Wm. C. Wells (1873) I--)TO retu1'ns!or 1874, 1~75 and 1H7(). 9 Frankfort H.l2 Ft:ankfo.rt.: PIke GabrIel Phll~lpS ,John J. steele· ·· ls~turday on. or before fuUnl. t" Angerol1a............... 193 MISSOU:t: I CIty Clay Jacob S. AtkIns E. M. Gr?bb FIrst and Hurd SatuI·days. . 'Vellsville 194 WellsvIlle l\1ontgomery A . .T. Day tJacob MIller Saturday before fnll moon. I Bolivar 195IBolivar Polk F. A. AfIlpck IJ. G. Sirnpson ISaturday on or before full ffi. l» Quitman 196 'Quitman Nodaway W. V. Slnith :G. W. Cordell. . ~ Carthage 197 Uarthage Jasper John T. Ruffin I Warren Woodward ISecond and fourthWednesd'ys. • Allensville 198 1Allendale Worth W. L. Neal. ICalvin Tilton IFirst and tbird Haturdays. NewHope 199 NewI-Iope Lincoln George W. Vaughan ,WID. H. Baskett ,I Saturd ay befol'e full mOOD. Sonora 200 Watson Atc~ison William H.1\fqrgan IStephen Sou~b First and tlJird Saturdays. Jamesport.............. 201 Jan1.esport Davl~ss John P. HutchIson ,Robert E. WIllIams. '''lsaturdRY on or before lull m. Westville 202 Westville Charlton J. T. Ilobertson ,L. E. Panc~st Raturday after full moon. Rowley 204 Arnoldsville Buchanan T. J. Means I'Jas. W. 'VIlkerson Saturday before full moon. Trilumina......... 205 l\farshall Saline D. D. Duggins H. H. Sbepperd Friday before fulllnoon. Somerset 206.somerset Mercer J. W. Stocklnan George Randlp Saturday on or bpfore full In, Clay......................... 207 Claytonville Clay W. H. Waers 'l'homasl\f. Gasb ISaturday before full moon. Salisbury 1 208 Salisbury Chariton J. M. Hanlilton IJ. E. weber Y on or after 1u111n. Poplar Bluff........... 209 Poplar Bluff Butler Harvey Hortsman('75) IE. C. Locks (1875) •••.•.... TO 1·eturns. Unionville............. 2W UnionvIlle Putnam O. A. Elson I'Harr y Levy ". Saturday before full moon. Hickory Hill 211 Hickory Hlll Cole A. A. Mahan J. A. Jordan Saturday befoI'efull moon. Four l\-file............... 212 Four ~1ile Dunklin Lewis McCutohen J. McBride Thursday on or before full nl. Rolla 213 Rolla Phelps E.1\1. Clark F. S. Huckins ISaturday on or l)efore full m. Forest City 214 Forest City Holt : Wm. B. Orr I.T. 1\1. Canon IFi~st Saturday and tbird Mon. Hornersville.......... 215 Cotton Plant DunklIn Wm. H. Helm ,Wnl. lVr. Satterfield jFrlday on or before full mOOD. Granby............•.. n. 2161GranbY Newton S. B. Bellew IT. D. NOTthcott Friday on or before full moon • .Barbee 217 Bro·w"nsvilIe .. :.. Saline..: J. M. Pelot IG. W. Gilmore F~iday 011 01: before lull mOOD. Good Hope 218 South St. LOUIS St. LOuIs Jobn L. l\furpby F. W. l\Iott IFIrst and thIrd Saturda:ys. Everett 219 Everett Cass M. M. Cable IE. W. LOl1gWell ISaturdaY on or after full m. Kans!1s qity 220IKansa~ City Jacks~n W. E. \Vhiting IH. C. Litchfield Second and fourth Mondays. MystIC TIe•............. 22110ak RIdge Cape Girardeau R. T. Henderson W. J. Roberts Saturday on or before full m. Farmers.................. 222;LaBelle Lewis Alexander Smith Jacob Haldeman Sat. on or b. f.m. & 2 w'ks after. Woo~lawn 22-3,Woo<?lawn •...... Monroe Corn.eIiusH.anger ('75) J. C. Rodes (l875) •........ ....,""0 'returns. '. HamIlton 224 I HamIlton Caldwell WillIam WIlmot/t J. S. Orr FllRtand thud Tuesdays. Salem 225iSalem Dent Jam~s ~I. Orchard L. B. Woodside Saturday on or before full ffi. Saline 226lSt. Marys Ste. Genevieve LOUIS Schaaf Henry Roseman Saturday on 01' before full m. 2271:I;:acle~e Linn W. P. Sp'-'!-rgeon Geo. W. Adams First and third W~dnesdays. ShelbIna 228 I Sbelblna Shelby Geo. T. HIIl. /J. W. Sigler Saturday on or before full Ul. Mitchell 229IColumbus Johnson W. O. Goodwin (1874) W. P. Newman (1874) 1\""0 returns/or 1875 and 1876. St. James u... 2301 St. James Phelps S. H. Headlee Wm. Stinson .. Warrenton •... n 281 Warrenton Warren Charles E. Peers James C. Dyer . Lone Jack 232 Lone Jack Jackson W. A. Noe!. George Rheem \Saturday on 01' befol~e full m. Bucklin 283 Bucklin Linn A. Hansman B. B. Putman Saturday befol'e fUll mOOD.
Isaac F. Coons J. O. G~re
....... 00
jSRLU1.d9 _1.\.
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~ ~
~ ~ <::'-ol. ~
I 8 I
Z P. O.
St. Francois 234 Libertyville St. Francois F. I. Tetley E. A. Vansickles Saturday on 01' before full m. Ionic 235 Rensselaer •...... Rans DanIel B. West Wm. H. Brown Haturday on or before full lll. Sedalia.................... 236 Sedalia Pettis Geo. L. Faulhaber Frank A. Sampson '.ISaturdRY on or befoTe full nl. La Plata 237 La Plata Macon J. M. Powell J. L. Miller , Wednesd'y on or before full ffi. Rushville 238 Rushville •••••.... Buchanan....•.... Wm. Howard (1875) J. :1\1.. Wells (1875) No returns. Spencersburg......... 239 Spencersburg Pike Geo. C. Fugus (1875) .Johu L. Tribbe (1875) i.iVO returns. Granville........••...... 24U Granville l\Ionroe .John T. Rickey .J. D. Evans Friday on or before full moon. Palestine................ 241 St. Charles st. Charles Geo. B . .Johnston Albert H. Edwards Sat. on or b. f. ffi. & 2w'ks aft'r. Portland................. 242 Portland Callaway MichaellClein R. Nicholas Scott Third Saturday at 10 a. m. Keystone 243 St. Louis St. Louis Michael U.lrish James Harrocks F'irst and third 'Vednesdays. Middle Fabius 244 A-Hddle Fabius. Scotland Geo. S. Collins J. D. SkIdmore Saturday on or after full moon. Knob Noster 245 l{:nob Noster .Johnson L. D. Everhart Alonzo Case Fl'iday on or before full moon. Montgomery City.. 246 Montgom'y C'YIMontgomery Horace W. Pocoke Albert Vogt Saturday on or after full moon. Neosho.................... 247 Neosho Newton H. C. Armstrong J. C. Williams............. Friday on or after fullinoon. Rochester 248 Rochester Andrew Geo. M. Lowe F. J. Gager Satul'day on or before full fil. Carroll.................... 249 Norborne CarrQII T. O. Lee .J. A. Creasy.................. . High Hil1................ :l50 High Hill •......... ~1.ontgomery Marion Skinner.•........ Chas. P. ~filler Saturday on or before full m. Hope 251 Washington li'ranklin John W. Purvis Arch. S. Bl·yan Saturday on or before full m. Alantbus................ 2.52 Xlanthns Gentry J. T. Liggette (1875) .J. W. Osborne (1875)•.•.. No returns. Lindley 253 Lindley Grundy D. M. Stringer Noah .Johnson First and third Wednesdays. Butler 254 Butler Bates F . .J. Tygard Morton A. l\Iaynard First and third Saturdays. Al ton 255 Alton Ore~on T. J. BOlTd Rllfus l\IcLelland .. Shekinah............... 256 Hanover .Jeifel·son C. G. Wal·ne B. C. Berry .. Lodge of Light....... 257 Eagresville Harrison Arthur Graham A. R. Browne }4'riday on or before full moon. Ravanna 258 Ravanna Mercer .J. A. l{ennedy (1875) .Jos. Jenkins (1875) .l"Yo'retZl'rns. Lodge of Love........ 259 Lancaster Schuyler H. D. B. Cutler W. B. Hays Saturday on or before full nl. Mechanicsville 260 Mechanicsville St. Charles.•...... .Jas. P. Oraig Jas. W. Ho'vell Saturday on or before full m. Florence 261 New Florence.. l\Iontgomery P. P. Ellis B. E. Wilson Wednesd'yon or before full 111. Holden. 262 Holden Jobnson Ingl1anl Starkey W. C. Smith Thursday On or before iull m. Summit 263 Lee's Sumnllt .Jackson .James B. Campbell .Jasper N. Shrout First au(i third Fridays. Fayetteyille , 26~IFa:Y?tteVille Johnson A. J. Trapp (1875) Wm. T. Greenlee l\~o ~eturns. CorinthIan............. 26"1 Wal rensuurg Johnson .. George R. H:unt J. Zoll Flrst .M:onday. SOCial 1268,IMartinsburg •... Audrain D. 1\ O·wen A. W. Tapscott Raturday after fu1l1noon. Aurora ~IJ7 St. Louis St. Louis IWm. L. Tribbe John A. Wright First and third 11~rldays. Lodge of Truth ! ~5HIAtlanta Macon I' Martin Atterbery ,A. 1\1. Attebery Tuesdayon or before fuJI IU. Rock Prairie ' 269.Ash Grove ·Greene Tames MoCrary H.. T. Johns Saturday on or before fullru. tI
"\j ~
~ ~
New Salem•........•·•. 1 27.0 ~e'r Salem SOloIJilon 2(! Sprln~field Granlte 272 SedalIa St. Ulair 273 Osceola New ~arket........... 274 New Market Tranquility............ 275 centreville Grand River 276 Freeman Index 277 Index Avilla 278 Avilla Hogle's Creek 279 1Qlllncy Lodge of Peace 280 N'r Chillhowee Fenton 281 Fenton Cosmos 282 St. Louis Stockton 283IStockton Lily 284 Grant City Earl. 285 Ooffeysburg Hesperian 286 Virgil City Oraft 287ICanton ou Hermitage 288 Hermitage Acacia 289 Paradise Fairmount 290 Fairmount Edina...................... 291 Edina Lamar 292 Lamar Sarcoxie 293 Sarcoxie.: Mound City...... 294: Mound City Moniteau 295 Jamestown Cameron................. 2961 Cameron Ozark 297 Fair Grove Marble Hill........... 298 Marble Hill. Temple 299 Kansas Oity Doric 30U Forkner's Hill. White Hall............. 301 Barnard Liok Creek............. 302 Perry Osage 303 Nevada Faithful.................. 304 Little Black Clarence.................. 305 Olarence Ashlar..................... 306 Commerce New London 307 New London Parrott.................... 308 Maysville K1nJt Hiram 309 Knoxville Sikeston ,.,. 310 Sikeston Kearney.................. 311 Kearney Mt. Plf'asant 312 Mt. Pleasant Kingsville 313 KingsvHle St. Aubert............... 314 St. Aubert Altona..................... 315 Altona
J. H. Alexander (1874).• .T. W. Birkenbead ("4)\NO returTl8for 1875 and 1876. Jonathan E. Tefft Thomas. H. Cox TU~bdaY.ou 01' befol'e :full n1..
PettIs St. Clair Platte BaUne Cass Cass Jasper Hickory John80n St. LOUiS St. Louis Cedar Worth Daviess CQdar Lewis Hickory Olay Clark Knox Barton Jasper Holt Moniteau Clinton Greene Bollinger Jackson Dallas Nodaway Ralls Vernon Ripley Shelby Scott Ralls DeKalb Ray Scott Clay Gentry Johnson CalJaway Bates
George W. Ready Jas. H. Linney : Thos. Adams Jos. H. Rea (1875) Thos. Reynolds H. ~1. Holcomb C. 1\1arquiss !tf. E. Fel·guson ~IJohn Brown jT. S. Long John F. Johnson Jas. :M:. J~ckson N. F. Smlth IJobn J. Enwart Jarret M. Sitton Jno. T. Lewis M. N. Neibardt Wm. Dunoan J. E. Henry Jno. W. Lee Edward Buler John Paxton N. Browning C. R. Scott Milton Helwig W. H. Pepkin (1870) John :1\1. Roberts A. M. Crow James Marlin J. W. Houghtaling (75) C. W. Overman H. L. Tillotson Jno. M. Allen J. W. Evans F. De Wint John Bakehouse R. A. Hewitt A. P. Craven Henry A. Smith D. S. Wilhoit G. Fisher R. T. Fryer Nath. F. Kennoll J. J. Miller
B. G. Wilkerson ThIrd FrIday. G. W. Hall Saturday before full moon. Jas. L. Johnson .. A. J. Allison (1875) No retur118. W. S. Ditto Saturda~y' on or befol'e full TIl. Lysander West Saturday on or before tull ID. J. M. Whitsett Satupday on or before full In. D. H. Green Fl'iday on or before fulllnoon. O. A. Crumbaugh Wednesd'y on or before full ID. John T. Hawkins Saturday after full moon. Gus. Tulholske Second and fourth l\fondays. W. D. off Thurs. on or b. f. m. & 2 w. af'r. Joseph s. Shaw ,second and fourth Satul'days. Gerritt M. Walrad Saturday before' full ID30ll. Walter M. Macarty Saturday b. f.ln. & 2 w'ks af'r. Thos. W. Furlong.•...... First and third :Monday. W. fl. Lig~ett Saturday on or before full ID. Thos. A. Harsel Second and fourth Saturday. G. H. Ostvich Saturday before full moon. Frank M. Gifford Saturday on or before full m. G. F. Burkhart Thursdayon or before fuUm. D. T. Dodson .. W. M. Hamsher Saturday on or before full m. J. C. ~{eyers Saturday on or before fuUm. J. 8. Rogers Second and fourth Saturdays. S.l\lcNeal.Tohnson(75) 'returns. S. W. Whybark 1Vednesd'y on or before full ID. D. A. N. Grover .. A. floeting Saturday before full moon. C. M. ~fyers (1875) jYo'returns. E. R. Harris Saturday on or befol'e full ID. J. E. Harmon)'" Friday before full moon. W. H. Rife Saturday before f. ID. at 2 p. m. Wm. Shutters Saturday on or before full ID. H. P. Lynch Saturday on or before full ID. Geo. E. Mayhall. Saturday on or before full m. W. S. Gourlay First and third Saturdays. A. C. Kincaid Saturday after f. m. at 2p. ID. O. E. Kendall Saturday on or befol'e full m. P. D. Anderson First Saturday. W. B. ~!arsin Second and fourth Saturdays. Geo. G. Valentine Tbird Saturday. W. A. Dolman Second·Saturday. Oscal'Reeder .
Rural 8161KansasCity Osborn 317 Osborn Eldorado 318 Eldorado Paul ville .:.. 319 Brashear••......... Chapel HIll...... 320r Chapel Hill Jonathan............... 321 Denver Hardin 322 Hardin Corner stone 82Slst. Louis McDonald............... 824 Independence Dookery 325 Meadville Kit <larson 826 Elizabethtown. Mt. Zion 327 West Plains Cainsville 828 Cainville Kennedy 329 Lamar's St'tion Lathrop 330 Lathrop Cbarity................... 331 Ht. Joseph Ry}and.................... 3321 Berlin Ohillicothe.............. B33 Chillicothe Breckenridge ...•..... 334IBreckenridge Medoc 3351JOPIin Malta 337 Malta Bend 1tf.yrtl.e 338 r"lillville Fidellty Farley AmHy 340 Smitht~n Relie!. l 341 Brookhne 01rc.1e , 342jRosc?e AgrIcola 1 343 Norrrs Fork Moberly· 1 3i41l\loberly ~'ellOWshiP 1345!JOp.l. in Arlington............... 346jArhngton Landluark 347lI{ennett CImarron 348'\Cimarron Lone Star Lone Star Tyrian 350,Jobnsto\vn 1\fosaic 851IBellevue 1 Friend 352 0zark u
~'\irst and third Wednesda~ys. Second and fourth Saturdays. D. E. Clinton (1875) 1-YO returns. J. N. l\I~Oreery (1875) No reiu:l'lls. IGeo. '1'. Doty Hatur'yon or before fullllloon. Willis l\larr~ )).TO rclttTllS for 18721 1874 1 1875-76. Wnl. J. Roach Thursday before fulllnoon. J\101'ris Jacks F!rst and 1\lol1days. jJacob Leader FIrst and thud lVlolldays. IL. 1\1. Goodale (1875) No 'returns. D. W. Stevens 'Ved. on or before full n1.0011. G. H. Carter Fl'iday before full1110on. J. H. Burrows Thur'y on or befol'e full moon. .T. 'V. Lamar Saturday before full nl00n. J. S. Wilson (1874) ~l{o returns for 1875 and 1876. Bucbanan Robert Gunn D. P. 'Vallingford 8econd and fourtlll\londays. Gentry IAbira Manring lsamuel Levy First and third Saturdays. Livington jReuben Barney J. R.l\1iddleton Sec>ond and fourth Saturdays. Caldwell A. C.l\'Ic'Villiams N. IJ. Trosper Satur'y on or before full moon. Jasper ,IB. J. Smith (1874) O. E. Tremble (1874l for 1875 and 1876. SalIne.., W. T. German (1875) Jno. Blosser (1875) )).'0 'retu1'ns. Ray C. Cravens.: !S. S. Young !Satur'yon or after full moon. Platte F. M. 1\{cCormIck Jas. wallace 'seconu and fourth'Ved'sdays. Pettis J. V. Harr1s ;R. \V. Overstreet. 'Vf·d. on or befurefull moon. GI·eene W. T. Adanls John 1\1. Harkey Saturday before full moon. St. Clair 'V. \V. Warren :W. F. Shackelford Thur'y on or before full IDaOH. Henry Jno. B. Howerton I Peter D. Lane Satur'y on or before full 1110011. Randolph A. J. Featherstone Hal'Vey Second and fourth MoudaJ's. Jasper W. E. l\-iaynard 1tL W. Btra.ffOl'd St'cond and fourth Fridays. Phelps Allen L.l\fCGregor jIRobert 1tl. Tuttle Satur'JT on or aftel' full nloon. Dunklin E. H. l'handler (1871)"'IJno. T. Johnson (1074) . .iYo (reiZlr'lU~ for 1H75aud Ib76. Tel'. of N. l\Iex.. Thos. J. L:ynde {1875L' 1 .J..Yo returns. Gentry L. 1\1. Jones J. S. Burns !t'irst and r.t'hird Raturda:rh. Bates W. E. I·'lelcher D. TJo GOdl.ey Satur'yon or before fnlllnooll. Iron Peter Warren W. W. Reyburn ISatur'J on or before full tuoon. Christian Jalnes W. Robertson IJames R. ,raugllll •...... Sa,lurdBY before full mOOll.
Jackson W. Butler De !{alb IJosePh Truex Clark G. R. Jones (1875) Adair L. N. Hollaway (1875) J.JafRyette \M. J. wood Worth Ray Thos. MeGinniss St. LOUiS /JaCOb Fur:th Jackson S. A. SullIvan Linn :m. D. Harvey (1875) Tel'. of N. ]\{ex.. Jno. E. Codlell Ho\vell 1-1. T. Smith Iiarrison Jno. Woodward Nodaway J. C. Sluitb Clinton Fred. Edwards (1874)
E. 'V. Perry F. 'V. Moore
INO ,.,'1,,,·
Ie. c.
Ben Franklin........ 853 Savannah Hebron 354 Mexico Adelphi 355 Union MUls Ancient Landm'k. 356 HarrIsburg Phelps..................... 357 Pbelps City
Comfort Garrett Tuscan Riddick
Fraternal................ Ring David WarHaw Unanimity............. Barry...................... Crescent Hill......... Composite.............. Williamstown....... Craig Nonpareil. Mandeville. Golden Rule Pl.umb ..: KIng HIll............... Ancient Craft I{Uwinning Coatsville Queen City Ionia Richland Pythagoras Harmony Alexander Dayton Woodside Farmersville Arcana.................... Marionville Raytown Christian Bee Hive Dagan ....•.... Latimer Western Light Gower Jasper
35S 359 360 '861 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 069 370 371 372 373 374 37!j
Rocky Comfort White Hare St. Louis Bufia.lo Kahoka
Robertsville Kansas City Warsaw Weston Washburn Crescent Hill... Doniphan Williamstown. Craig East Lynne J.\iandeville Jonesburg b-fiddletowD -,-V"ew,. se Joseph I{ing City UnIontown Coatesville Q,ueen Uity Barnettsville Richland Uassville Vlhhard Bedford Dayton, Thomasville Farmersville Wintersville Marionville Raytown Pink Hill Lawson Mendon Licking
376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 3R6 &87 388 3R9 890 391 392 393 394 395 896ILOUiSbUl.g.•....... 897 Gower 398 Midway
Andrew •........... Joseph L. Bennett Audraln J. :1\1. Riley Platte '.rhos J. Duke Boone A. H. Grlgsbey
F. P. McFadden J. A. Glandon
Brownin~ ~1:itchell
E. G. Haller
First Saturday at 10 a. m. First Monday. Saturd'y on or after full mOOD. Satur'y on or before full InoOD. Ratur'y on or before full mOOD.
A. L. Williams J. W. O~borne ~1cDonald J. E. Moore Wm. A. Davis Friday on or before full IUOOll. Cedar J. L. Thurman D. W. Roberts ThulS'y on or after full nloon. St. Louis•.......... Samuel N. Kennard Arthur LowelL First and tbil'd Tuesdays. Dallas B. L. Brash T. B. Morrow SHturday after full mOOD. Clal·k G. N. Sanson (1875 Wirt l\forris (1875) 7\To returns. Franklin J. M. Hacker J. ~L Leverich saturd'y on or aitel' full moon. Jackson C. M. Crouse M. L. RedcUngtoll Second and fourth Wedn'days. Benton A. C. Barry, (1874) James R. Jones (1874) •.• 1\To relu'I'ns!O'l' 1875 and 1876. Platte W. F. yocom Joseph B. Evans Second and fourth Mondays. Barry A. F. Ault H. K. Legg Satnr'y on or before full moon. Bates A. J. Satterlee Nelson Moody Third Saturday. Ripley D. K. Ponder A. J. J\.lcCullum Satur'y on or before full mOOD. Lewis M. L. Chappell R. O. Risk Satur'y on or after full U100D. Holt Charle8 David D. Ai. Parrisb Sat. on or Q. f. m. and 2 w. aft'r. Cass Jno. C. Bridges A. B. Ca~s Satllr'yon or before full moon. Cat·roll James 1\1'. StovalL Wolf Block Saturday before full moon. Montgomery.'1oo H. M. Jamiesoll W. L. Smith Saturday before full moon. Montgomery H. Hayden G. P.enn on or before full moon. Buchanan Jno. C. Ryan Cornellus Da~r Satur'y on or before fulllUOOll. Gentry Geo. P. Biglow Ie. F. \Vood ~atnr'Y on or before full nloon. Scotland A. H. :F'arnesworth.'75'J. G. SInith (1875) No 'j·elUl·ns. Schuyler .Ina. R. Rippey !A. J. Eidson . Schuyler J. H. Walker In. J. Tipton .. l\lorgan A. B. Rrock IT. R. TOWllley jsatur'y on or before full moon. PulaskiJ. A. Bradshaw IH. M. Cowan Thur'y on or before fnll IHoon. Barry C. S. Bryan Il\tlichael Horine Salur'y on or before1ull mOOD. Ray G(lO~ SanaersQn jO. I-Iauser Satur'y on or before full ll1.00n. Livingston W. H. Vincent J. H. BaUgh lsecond and fourth Saturdays. Cass J. H. Page \.J. M. Willhite............ Satur'y on or before fullnloon. Oregon James £. Old (1875) ..•... Posey Woodside 1875 No returns. Livingston S. L. Leavengood J. O. Rose ISatllr'y on or before full mOOD. Rullivan J. R. Barbee IJ. T. Ricbardson Satl1r'y on or after full moon. LRtwrence Jno. IJ. Hjght fIB. R. Reben First and second Fridays. Jackson :. H. C. Brooking M. T. SU1.ith Satur'yon or before full moon. Jackson James M. Adams IAlbel·t C. Knight Satur'y bef. 2d and 4th Sllll'yS.. Ray A. W. Peterman ;Jamcs C. Weakley Saturday before full moon. Ohariton T. E. 1\1i~ner 'R. W. Kno'vles Hatul"yon or before fulln1.oon. Texas Jno. E. Barnes P. Margedant Saturday before full moon. Dallas James L. Watson ,David M. Rush Satur'yon or before full moon. Clinton J. D. ColemaD !L. G. Bailey Rat. bef. f. m. and 2 w'ks aftel'. Jasper P. G. Boling lO. H. Oarpenter Fit'st and second Satlu·days. Atchison
~ ~
-l -.:t
Pll{~""""""'''''''''''''1399Cu!·:yvil!e Dpccttur 400 Pence CIty Center 401 Lebanon Gavel. ;: 402 New Ca11?-brla Lowry CIty 403 Lowry CIty Alexandria 404 Alexandria M~ridianSun
Iturma J\fontrose Iberia Joppa Appleton Oity........ VaHt-oJ"'
Greensburg Hunnewell oaohe....................... Oovenant .:. Olear Oreek Star
, EuclId , Gatfl ofthEfTemple Newburg Salnal~itan..
Cedar City Leesville................. Glenwood Louisville............... New MadrJd........... Iron l\fountain Oement Dauphine
SUentTemple Wheeling................ St. Nicholas Lamonte................
Pike {i'rancis A. Bratchel A. Ru8~ell S~t..op?r bef. f._ill. at 2. p. m. Lawrence......... J. \V. Hoppel (lR74) l\o1efll1nRjor1R,5-76. Laclede H.T. Wright \V. A. Johnson Mon')T on orbef01'e full mOOD. l\1acon O. J. Borden H. Hughes Sa!. after f. ffi. &; 2 weelts after. St. ClaIr A. 1\1. Head S. M. Gracey FrIday after full moon. Clark C. J. Hagan jN. T. Cherry ~at. on or bef. f. m. & 2 w. aft. 405 Austi~ Icass D. H. Webster Geo. O. English Friday 011 or before full moon. 406 Hannibal. Marion 'Vnl. H. Hall jJno. Pierson Second and fourth Tuesdays. 40H Montrose Henry J. G. Thornton ,Robert Mesic IRat. on or bef. f. ill. & 2 w. aft. 410 II)eria lVliller Jno. S. Rhea IJDO. I-t'erguson Hatur'y on or after fulllDOOll. 411 Hartville Wrigl1t E. l1. Sleele N. B. Garner Fridfty on or before full Dloon. 412 Appleton City.. 1,St. Clair I.Tames I-Iodklns A. F. 'V~y·ckoff . 413 Bolckow Andrew Pernne Edward Robinson Second and fourth Saturdays. 414 Greensburg I{Dox ,P. G. H. Barnett IB. F. Henry: Satllr'yon or before full moon. 415 Hunnewell. Shelby !Eli C. Davis j'Vm. s. 1tlcClintic 18atllrday after full moon. 416 South St. Louis St. Louis D. II. Bartil~tt R. W. waters lls~cond and ~ourth Saturda:rs. 417 Carrollton Carroll. J. N. Cunnlnghanl Jalnes L. Grant FIrst and thlrd Mondays. 418 Lincoln Benton G. Fristo Enos H. l\-loxley Fourth Saturday, 2 p. ill. 419 Taberville St. Clair A. J. Crabb W. H. Sberrllan Isatur'y on or beforp full moon. 420 Ht. Louts Louis .Jno. E. \Vurtzebach Edward Nathan Second and fourth Wedn'days. 421 Versailles b-iorgan Jno. M. Salmon Wm.A1. \Voods FIrst Saturday.. 422 Nort.h Sprig'fd.. Greene B. Grist Robert W. Jay Second Tluu·sday. 423 Newburg uo Laclede rH. T. Louery Marlon Barnett Satur'yon or after full moon. 424 l Via Oadet Washington A. W. I{eith E. PetersolL................ Satur'y on or before full moon. 42.5 Cedar City <:.1alJaway IU. W. Hamuel. E. M. Dimick F.irst Saturday. 426 Leesville Henry IRobt. O. Ragan W. '1'. Hill. Hatur'y on or before full mOOD. 427 jGlenwood Schuyler ,James C. Cross S. N. Bnrgen Satur'y 011 or aft(ir full nloon. 1 D. J. Duncan 428, TJouisville Lincoln jJ R. Tillstey 'Satur'JTon or before fulllnoon. 429 New l\fadrld New Madrid lwn1. R. l\Iason Sol. LerOy jSaturda:r before full moon. 4301 Iron l\lountaill. St. Francois 'V. A. St.ephens Ratur'~' on or after full Uloon. 1U. W. 1tleF'arland 43I HalfWay Polk J. W. Burnes (1875) /A. R. Lytle (lS7J) L;yo returns. j 432 DaU P hine OM.agp • · ··IIJameS 1\1001'e jR.. p.' HendPr:SoIl !~~tur'y OIl or before fUllrll.oon. 433 l\lacon l\1acon Thos. Burns li'letcher WhIte Ji'lrbt Thursday. 431 Wheelin~ Livingston W. W. Edgerton (IS7S). E. H. Bower (1875) j..:,-ro rPilll'tl8. 4&5 Cave SprIng IGreene R. H. Skeen \V. E.Rensha\v /ThurHday before full moon. 436 1Lamonte 1pettis Thos. J. Mason (1875) B. B. Taylor llX7~) Yo returns.
~ ~ ~
Tuscumbia.............. 437 Tus.cumbia ~rance 438 Smlthville
Mt. OlIve
Tl·owel: ExcelsIor !vIt. Lebanon Anchor Ada West Gate............... Greenfield............... Fairview Schell City............. Piedmont .Belton Argyle Verona Forsyth 13enton Barnesville Wallace Triple Tie................ Melville Hazelwood Lambskin.............. 'Caruthersville Santa Fe................. Lake........................ Allllville................. Silver Oity Centre View Pleasant Hope Red Oak Plato.. Nodaway Minera1. Pickering Ninevah Guilford Golden Mt. Hope................ Henderson u.
440 Lutesville 441 Jackson
Miller •.....•••...... David Marshall J. P. Deber~T Wm. R . .Brooks
IJohn Bear ,satur'Y on or before full m.oon. \V. H. Patterson Fh'st and third Raturdays. Christ. W. B.l'ooks•...... Fr!day before full moou.
A. R. Jacques James H. WIlson FrIday on or before full moon. Cape GIrardeau Nathan C. Harrison James F. Brooks ISat. before full and I1e,v lnoon. 442 ~{t. J\<loriah Harri&on W. E. Cockrell. W. J. Prater Friday on or before full U100ll. 443 st. Louis St. Louis Jno. H. I{:rippen T. C. HOllsack Second and fourth Wedn'days. 444 Orrick Ray N. G. Taylor H. C. Perdne Satur'y on or after full moon. 445 Rt. Louis St. Louis Jno. 1\1. Collins S. C. Lawrence Seconel and fourth Tuesday.s. 446 Greenfield Dade :.. N. H. McClure Levin W. Shafer Tuesday aft. I~'ri. on or b. f. m. 447 Scottsville Sullivan Jno. Cleluents S. C. Hutchison First and third Saturdays. 448 Rchell City Vernon C. Van Ornlan W. H. Gilltllu .. 449 Piedmont Wayne Jno. P . .l\lcFariand James A. Park Second and fourth Saturdays• 450 Belton Casso Geo. IJ. Love A. C. Brokaw Second and fourth Saturdays. 451 Nevada Vernon Asby Gray Samuel V. Warth Tues. on or after fulllTIoon. 452 Verona Lawrence J. M. Gregory J. W. Gregory Satur'y on or after full moon. 453 Forsyt.h~ r:I..'aney Levi Boswell. E. Claflin 8atur'y on or atter full moon. 454 Lincoln Benton H. Willis Fred. Brill. First and third Sat's, 2 p. ID. 455 Logan's Creek Reynolds Rendprson Chitwood .. E. D. Rrawley Satur'y on or before full InOOD. 456 Bunceton Cooper R. T. Wyall Edw. Cramer Satur'y on or before full11100n. 457 Longtown Pel·ry Robert M. Wilson Wm. R. Wilkinson Satur'yon or before full moon. 458 Dadeville Dade ,. .Jno. I{ing R. Pyle Thurs. on or before fnlllnoon. 459 Waldo Webster James Ne'vton Will. J. Trimble Tburs. on or before fnll moon. 460 St. Louis St. Louis Thomas Seal A. R. Newcomb First and Third Tuesdays. 461 Caruthersville. Pemiscot Virgil P. Adanls Thos. A. Bruce Satur'yon or beforefulllnoon. 462 Santa Fe l\{onroe Jnn. S. Drake Wm. R. Rodes F'riday on or before full lTIOon. 463 Cunningbam Chariton S. Hueston (1875) J. B. Stutsman (1875) 1Yo'returns. 464 Aullville Lafayette..: Le\vis Cartl1rae Wm. C. O'Rear Satur'y on 01' before full moon. 465 Hilver CUy Tel'. of N. blex.. Eugene Cosgrove .Julius E. Levy First Thursday. 466 Centre View Johnson N. G. Engel. JaJmes T. Hill Friday on or before full moon. 467'Pleasant Hope. Polk IJno. Cochran Ira O. parish IFriday on or after fnll moon. 468 Gray's Point Lawl'ence G. H. Finley " Jno. D. Patton Satur'y on or after full moon. 469 Plato Texas IJ. A. Wilson John C. Hicks Saturday before full moon. 470 l\faryville Nodaway Wm. D. Winslow James Todd Second and fourth Saturdays. 471 Oronogo .Jasper J. Morris Young (1875). C. P. Gallienne No'retU'rns. 472 Pickering Nodaway•........ W. M. Wallis " E. M. Groves Ratur'y on or after full moon. 473 Olney Lincoln W. C. Wumbles J. C. Elmore Sat'y on or aft. f. m. at 2 p. ID. 474. Guilford Nodaway Quintin 'Vilson H. G. Richards : Safu'y on or before full moon. 475 Golden City Barton IJ. F. Morris J. E. Garrett Tues'y on or before full moon. 476 Mt. Hope Lafayette Alex. R. Leeper Wm. T. Anderson Friday on or before full moon. 477 Henderson Webster B. F. Dennis T. B. Horn ThurJy on or before full mOOD. R~cine 478 Racine Newton R. C. GI·ear Jno. Bonzer S~tur'Y on o~· before full moon. TrIangle.................. 479 Butler Bates IA. L. Stone J. C. Anderson First and thIrd Thur~days. union , 480 La Junta Tel'. of N. Mex. L. Frampton :M::. Bloomfield Satur'yon or before full moon. Cl~nton.................... 481 Cl~nton Henry "B. L. Q,uarles Joseph Polloc~ Second and fourth Fridays. ClIntonville.. 482 OlIntonville , Cedar Jno. B. Warren Jno. M. GuthrIdge ..
-.::t OJ
...::t ~
i ;P. O. ADDltESS.j
Iru;ll Grove Kirkwood
483\I1'18h Grove 484!Kirkwood
__ 1
Rt. Louis Paragon 4&5: Green Ridge 'Pettis Cairo....................... 486 Cairo lRandolph Herndon........... 487 Hertldon ISaline Lock Spring 488 1Lock Spring.•... IDaviess Lakeville 4891 Lakeville IKtoddard Montev.all0 490 l\1?nteV!l.llo lverno~1 Vandalia· 491 Vandal1a Audrall1 Daggett* 492 Loutre Island l\lontgomery Vernon* 4HH Mounds ·.. ·.. · IVerllon Lewistown* 4fH Lewistown Lewis Globe* 495 Louisiana Pike Kaseyvillet U.DIKRseyville j:Mucon Philadelphhtt u.DIPhiladeIPhia Marion wyacondat jU.D Lagrange IJewis Statfordt U.D Stafford Greene Defia!lcet: U.D Defiapce Worth Martlnsvillet U.D L\fartIl1Sville IHarrison
*Chartered Oct. 12, 1876. tDispensations granted Oct. 12, 1876.
- - - - - - -
I~amuel Van Gundy
H. T •.M:udd Hylvester Sawdy Joseph A. Hannah W. L. Crain Leroy T. Ewell James Lockhart w. H. Sm~':ll Jno. H. Bud Jas. Steward Dewitt C. Hunter Robert. W. Bagby C. J. Adkins Wm. D. Singleton Jas. E. Rhoades A. C. Waltnlan Jas. A. l\lelton Joseph Engle..: IEdward BaldwIn
.. .. .. . .. . ..
JOllas B. Denny !8econd Tnesyay~. Ben. L. HlckmUll .•...... lsecond and fOUl tl1 Mondays. C. W. Denny Wed'yon or before fulllnoon. Chal'les E. Lewellin !Fourth Saturday at 2 p. ill.. Will Trigg II Tuesday before full lnoon. 1'1'. B. Brookshier Mond'y on or before full moon. E. B. Revelle IRaturd'y on or after full moon. I'.r. T. cllrr~r ISaturdOY after fullllloon. J .M:. Beshear .. Geo. 8teek Satur'yon or before full moon. W. H. Parker 1 Benson C. Roberts Sat. af. f. m. and Friday 2 w. a.
~ ~
GRAND SECRETARY'S TABULAR STATEMENT. Compiled from the Annual Returns due September 1, 1876, Although it includes all that were received up to October 31st, the date at which the Table goes to press. The money received includes delinq'U;ent dues paid up since last published Report, ::.
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~ ~
~-2 jMeridlan................. MiSSOuri...== -;II~ -; ~ ~ -; ~I~ ~I~ ~~ $70 501~ 3 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 3 53 1 $26 50 May
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Beacon lHoward I United..................... Ark O'Bll111van Williamsburg........
2 3 41 2 1 2 2 1 2 "'1'" 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 3............... 3 1 111 1... 2 8 7 6 1 1 '"1''' ••• .•• ••• Gao. Washington .. 4 5 6 7 8 2 16 1 Agency.................... 1 1 1 ... 1 ... Pauldlngville......... 1 2 1 1 2... 1 1 Tyro 2 1 1 1 1 Rising 8uu.............. 1.................. Auburn•...................., 1 2... 1... Western Star......... 1...... 1 3 \ 1... 1 Memphis 1 4 4 9 1 4 1 4 \Olarkbville.............. 1 1 1 1 2 1... .. 1... Palrn y ra 3 1 Paris Union 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 ISt. Louis.................. 4 3 2 2... 11...
18 19 20 2.1. Greencastle 22 Wellington............. 23 Florida••.................. 2t5 Naphtali 26 Mexico 27 Evergreen............... 28 St,. John.................. 29 Windsor.................. 80 Huntsville.............. 81 Liberty................... 82 Lafayette 38 Ralls 34 Troy........................ 35 Mercer 86 Oooper 37 Cedar !is Oallao
G. L.-A. 7.
21 00 35 00 100 00 .•....... 28 00 1900
35 00 16 00 26 00 00 39 00 46 00
48 50
2...... 2 21'" 2 1 2' 2 3 6 3 13... 3 3... 1 2 1 3............ I... 1 4j 4 4 5 3 2 1 1 3 3 4 3 1 1... 7... 5 414 5 2 3 1 1
3 31'"
11...... t
39 Modena.................... 1 1
*No returns for 1876.
'" 1/1 ... 3 1 •••
1 1
8 '16
u,'52 "'1 2864 50Ou ...•..... May May 10,'49 6,'52
128 57 '" 75 4 42... 25... 71 2 208 8 73 ... 56 2 3~ '" 72 2 32 5213 102 78 1 102 10 111 2 99 1 2
2 1 1 3 3... •.• 72 1 36 50 1 31 3 15 50 5 2 1 6 1 2 2 147 4 7350 4 4 3 2... 1 82 4 74 00 1 2 2 1 11...... 2 35 1 2 2 2 4 21 1 6 2 1...... 119 1 59 50 1 2 2 5 5 1 2... 1...... 57 3 28 50
11'1 " 5 4
46... 73 .., 47 3 51 65 5 72 95 3 37 1
36 22 25 32 36
50 00 50 50 00
18 50 20 00 43 ... 41 50
52 50 May 30,'57 ~lay 8,'52 26 50 Oct. 19,'67 ...•.••.. M~)y 6,'52 May ],'49 36 50 June 2,'66 May 8,'52 ..••••... April7,'25 May 6.'52 May 8,'52 June 1,'06 ...•..... May 6,'52 ..•••.... Oct. 3.'32 Apr-ilo.'31 50 Nov.1S,'S4 Oct,. 21,'36 * tIll ne 2,'61 ..•••.•.. May 6,'52 May 6,'52 ...•..... Oct. 8,'39 May 6.'52 17 00 May 26,'64 Oct. 8,'39 June 2,'66 (1) Oct. 8,'40 .•••••••• Oct. 8,'40 ..••••.•. Oct. 19,'67 ...•..... June 9,'53 Oct. 8,'41 ...•..... June 9,'53 ..••••••. Oct. 8.'41 Oct. 15,;68 June 2,66 ...•..... June 2,'66
(1) Dues for 1875 and '76 remitted by Grand Lodge.
I l~ d I~ ~ I ' . ":
Ici I
• ~
-! - ~-===
l'g I
I~ ~ ~ ~ ~
'1I.,,; II"; "C§ '0§ ...;.g '"",, . . . "0·i ,~; I ce ~-< ~ ~ a3 EI~ ~ ~ ~I ~ ~I ~ ~ -< O~ ..... ~ 81';::: -d A ~ s= g I SU;I H ~ ~ d 1'0 .5 .~ ~ ~ ft\'a) Q] I~ ~ 1 "2 I
.,,; (l)
$ S ~
~ ------I~ ~ ::I"~ 1~1~ ~ ~ ~11~1~1~1e.1~1~1 40 Mt. Moriah 4 3 31 11 1 1 "'1'" 1 1 81 1 $4000 \Oct 11) '44 411..I.EJtna 4 4 4 2, 1 46 I, $23 OOIJUne "')"66 421 Middle Grove 43!JefferSOn 44 JacksoDville 45 I Bonhomme 46 Wentzville 47 Fayette 1
48 1Fulton
40 :Haynesville 1
50 Xeniit
5~ Livingstonf 5.. Wakancta
53 Weston 54 l1 Douglas 55 Arrow Rock 56 Tipton
2 2
1 j 6 6 2 31 11
31 ... 1 30 50 ...••.... 38 OOI 66 53 26 50!
21 21 2 2
2\ 5j 6 5\
• 1 2 ! •.• 11'" .•• 1 1 2 46 1 2 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 6~ I 4 ..';1 21 2 1'" 1 68 j2 B 21 10 2[ 4 1...... 1 100 1 ••• 2) 2 116 67 7 4 51 3 1... ••• 56 1 ~ ~I ~110 .•. .•. 2~ ·..·· t> u 3 "'1'" 5112~
11'" ·..
i3 1
"'j2, 2 1
.. ·
[ 31 2
1 1 2
11 11 .. • .. • 1 3 1... 1 1
,June Q"5'J
June 2"()6 2a OO! [oct 8"41 2 15 50 15 OOj,Juz{e 2"m> '''1 a{ OOi Oct 11"4') 54 501 Uct: 17"4~ 5 3100 May?;j"51 f 28 00 JUlie- 2"66
"'j ~8 .30 (2) Oct,. 1~:'76 4 61 00 ...•...•. Oct. 11 '42
65 5 (3) IOct. 11;'42 10... 5 00 .. ·······Ioct 11 '4') 49 2 245° 1 Oct: 11"42 561'" 28 001 June 2"6G
11 21 210 1 3 8 ' " 1 1 ~911 49 50! .•••••••• !Oct. 11:'42 1·.. "'1'" 14 .•• •.• ••• 8~1'" ~~ 00 1 :.. Oct. 12,'42 59Central1a ! j 4: 31 4° '" -.0°0 1 44t>OOct.19,'67 l ' I 1\...... 1......... 60 New Bloomfield 64 2 60 50 1'" 1May 25 '54 1 1... 61 Waverly 2' 2. 3 41 6 I... ], 2 65 1 21 32 50 June 2"f:18 l 62 Vincil•.......•.,........... ~I 2 1 1 2 2 l... 1... 701... 35 (JO .•...•.•. IOct. 19>67 63 Cambridge , 1 1· * IJulie 2'66 64 Monroe Il l 2 59 1 2U 501 ••••••••• 1June 2"66 65 Pattonsburg............ 2 1 j 2 4 1 1 \... 2 53 , 26 50 llvra Y ~W>54 66 Linn / 1 \......... May 28,'56 67 ROcheport I 3~ 3 19 00 Oct. 12,'46 68 Tebo 1 4 41/...5 52 42 ::. 120 1 60 00 \OCL 17,'44 69 j l::)ullivan 4 6 0 3 113 5 45 \ 2250 May28,~66 70 Roanoke 3 2... 60 2 34 50 May25.'t31 1 1 71 Savannah •.............. 11 1\ 2 3 1 1 5R 3 29 00 \Oct. 15,'44 72 Danville 11 1 1 2 1 1\ :is "'11 16 50 /oct. 16.'44 7a Eureka 11...... 1 3 2 1... 61... 30 50 j Oct. 16,'45 74 Warren 1 1... 6H 34 501 20,'4,1) 75 Ashley..................... 1 1 1 2 "'1 21 20 10 00 Oct. 19,'46 76 Independence........ 1 1 1 3 4 2... 91 3 45 .50 Oct. 14;-46 77 Lebanon.................. 1 '''1 I 4. 1 1 1... 60 .1 31 00 2H 00 Oct. 14,'46 78 St. Joseph l 4 4 41 4 ~ 31 1..· /11 4 lqH 5 11 77 00 .. ;:,.. Oct. 14,:4(j 79 Polar star·..····..· i 1 ••• 3/ 24D GOloct. 14,46 80 Bridgeton................ 2 1 2 2 ... '" 1 1... 160 37 ... 1......... 18 50 Oct. 14,'4tJ 81 Hickory Grove 1\ 11 1 1 1 1... 4~ •.• 1 24 00 June 2,'66 82 Jackson 4 3 3 11 1 1 1 1 61'1 32 .50 jUct. 15,'46 83 Laclede.................... 1j 2 2 j 1 40... 20 00 1 May 25,'54 y 25;lH 84 Potter 3 3 11 1 1... ••• 45 22 .50 85 Miami. 2 1 3 2 11 '"1''' 4 62 3 3100 June ~;66 57 RichI!l0nd 58 1.\1ontlc~llo
'"1'' 1' '
11"'1'" ' '1
86 Brookfield".. 3131' 11 4 16 2 12 2... 5... 87 Washington............ 4 4 31 1
88 Dresden
89 Friendship.............. 21 11 1 "'11 4... 4 1... 90 King Solomon........... 1 1 1 ] 3............
91 Madlson 1... 2 92 Persevera.nce.......... 1 1 18 93 St. Marks................ 3 5 4 2 4 4......
95 Chapman 96 St. Andrews
1...... 1 4 1 1
"'17 4 4 5
97 Bethany.................. 3 98 Webster 3 ;3...
99 Mt. Vernon
1 3
4 4... 2 5,1 2 3 4 31 1 2 2
1... 4 5
'"1'' 1... 2
2 4 1
70 4 78... '''11 68''''1 38
74 50
38 21 84 17 11.
00 50
00 00
June 2,'66 Oct. 12,'47 Oct. ]9,'67 Oct. 12,'·17 June 2,'66
21 1 50 10 50] Oct. 12.'47 63 "'1 31 50 Oct. 12,'47 77 2 37 50,Oet. 14,'4.7
36 OOI 2,'66 45 2250 May 10,'48 70 69 50 .•..••.•• May 25,'54 67 1 33 50 May 28,'58 58... 29 00 .I0ct. 1~,'67 II
(2) This was paid by old Li vingston Lodge when it surrendered its Charter. tOhartered Oct. 12,1876. (3) Remitted by Grand Lodge. *N 0 returns for 187f$.
~ (1) ~
S ~ ~ ~ Ao::l A
. .== ==1= -; -; ~ ==1=1=1-;1-; == "'j'"
f~ j
~~II~()n 101 Easton.........
~ ~~
~ ~ -<-< A §
3~ae~'g'~'~dl::lIt;1I<l)Q.; ~ 1':£ S 8 -0 ~I ~I ~ .:: '~l
;:.::l ~ 10 -0 Q5 Q,) Ird .& ·1 ri S:S A ~ • • ~Q;l -grg <Xl cd'g ~ <Xl ~ Q;l ~~"g~E .~(l;):::t;-::.c ~ ~ ~ •
:it:51"0 11.0 I
2 2 2 102 Bloomington........... 3 2 1 103 West View.............. 4 3 1 104 Heroine 105 Kirksville............... 1... 1 1 II
1071 Golden Square 109 Aztec
2 1 2 1 3
110i Marcus 111 Trenton 112 Graham 113 Plattsburg.........
2 4 1 "'l
••••• ,
$28 50 May 11,'48 May 28,'58 May 4,'49 1 2 June 2.'66 ·1 ..· * May 10,'49 01 1171 1 58 00 May 1/51 74 1 2 37 00 May 10,'49 1 1 49... 24 50 Oct. 19,'67 ••• 5\ 58 2U 00 May 8,'51 "'j'"
"'1"'['" .. "'1'" / , 1...... ,.. "'1'" ' '1 2 4 '" ,
2 3
1 3 2 4 4 2 , 6 1 1 1 1 4 4 3 3 1 2 2 2 4 1 2. 2 3
109 Montezuma
06 ,.. $25 00 66 28 00 36 1 18 00
2 4 1 '0' 1 2... 2 J ••• III 2 " , \ 5... 1 3 , 1\1 13 1 1
1 111
931... 47 50 May 10,'49 9513 4750 ,' May 9,'50 4·1 ,.. 22 00 Oct. 19,'67 63]... 31 ~501""'"'' May 9/50 162, 3 64 50 OOL. 19,'67 ... 1 12... 6 50 6 00 Oct. 15:'74 701... 3.5 00 .:••...•. Oct. 19,'67 1 1 47( 46 00 Oct,. 19,'67
IHITWilight 115 Borde!"...... 1... 117, VersaIlles................. 1 1 1 3 2...... 1 llt)IKingsLon 3 3 3 4 2 4 11 1191 De soto 1 1 6 1 1 3 1111 4
' '1
2... 1
,,, 1
33 00 .••...... Oct. 19,'67 21 00
[May 10,'50
42214221'"11 11\10°1''' 5450 May 9,'51 4 5 5 3 3 "'j1 50 ' " , 4750 .•••••.•. IMS,ylO,'50 123 Hermann 5 3 3... 18... 9 00 May 10,'50 1241 Dardenne 3 3 4 1 2 1... 34 1 1 17 00 Oct. 19,'67 125jGentryville 7 1 8 \ 1 53 1 26 50 l\tlay 10;50 126/Seaman................... 2 2 1 6 3 2 ... 1 b7 1 3 43 50 ••....... May 28,'58 y 8,'51 1271Athens "'1'" 1 \... ••••••••• * 128 Live Oak................. 9 7 8 2 8 1 1 6 2 1 79 3 39 50 Oct. 19,'67 129 Cbarlestont 5 4 4110 "'1'" 31 .., 2000 Oct. 12,'76 130 West Prairie.......... 2 1 3 5 2 42 21 00 May 28,'58 131jPotoSi. 7 2 3 2 .•. 1 I 1 77 H8 50 May 10,'51 132 FarmiDgton 1... 1 2 1 5 "'1'" 1181 68 1 21 [;4 00 .••...•.. May 10,'51 183 Star of the West 3 2 2 a 1 1 3 901'" 4~"5 00 May29,'52 1 134 Pleasant Monnt....... 1 4 1 5 501'" 23 OU May 30,'60 135 Warrensburg 1 1 501... 25 00 Oct. 19,'67 136 1Phcenix 2 2 2 3 312 1 1 11 821 HI 00 May 9,'51 137 Prairieville "'1'" 1 3 j 21 47 1 1 23 00 May 28,'59 138 Lincoln................... 7 8 6 1 4 43 1 ••• 1 21 fjO June 6.'66 139 Oregon 1 I... * I May 31/55 140 Papinville............... 2 3 3 61 3 2 1 4 4° " , 20 00 1 May 28,'58 141 Oriental 4 4 4 1 2 1 1 [ 41 1 ..• 20 50 Oct. 17,'73 j 142 Pleasant Grove...... 1 1 2 1 .. . 1 34... 17 00 May 31,'55 143 Irondale 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 ••• 1 54 27 00 ..••..... May 26,'64 144 Modern..... .. 4 4 5 1 3 1 1 1 1 62 2 31 00 Oct. 19.'67 145 Rising Star............. 1 1... 4 1 27 3 13 50 May 28,'58 146 McGee 21 1 1 41) 1 22 50 June 1,'55 147 Cass................... ,!) 6 7 " , 13 .. 2 94... 47 00 Oct. 19,'67 148 yancey 21 2 2 21 4 1 1 1950 June 1.'55 ]... 149 I.Jexington........ 7 4 5 3 9 I 11 1 1 97 4 48 50 .•....... June 4,'5.5 ]50 Birming 11... 4 2... 52 5 20 00 May 28.'58 151 Milton 2 2 2 1 2 15 00 May26,'55 152 Linn Ot·eek 51'" 1...... 1 1 3 31 15 50 May 26,'55 153 Bloomfield.............. 1 2 5 4 3 2 2 1 571 2 28 50 May 27,'59 154 Concord "'1'" J ••• 1 40 20 00 •••...... June 1,'55 155 Spring Hill............ * June 1,'60 156 Ashland.................. 1 1 1 4... 4 41 00 1May 28. '59 157 Nortb Star 3 3 1 2 4 1... 2 83 41 50 May 29,'56 158 Johnson.................. 2 1... 1 1 , 38 1 29 00 Oct. 19.'67 159 paCific 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 60 4 28 OOJMay28,'56 160 Pleasant.................. 3 3 3 3 52 26 00 Oct. 19,:67
121ErWln 1221 Dover
···1·.. 1
1 1'' "'1''""11' "
··.1 2182
*No returns for 1876.
tChartered Ooto ber 12, 1876,
i~ ~ I
Ii: . I ~ ~
I·~ ~ .g ~ -dlll~ ~ 'I~ ~ ~ . f§ ~ I~ ~ ~
1 1II
I~d ~~ .~c:a~s S.... 1_1::s 'g I ~
a ~
;-1 ~~ I.S.~ t:S
S 4)
~ II ~~ ~~
~ I~
~ II ~03 I
:llclif~on ~lll =~ ~ ~I~ =~I= : ~ $:501..·: 1~-:; 31'" ==II~ = 162 WhItesvIlle
4 4
164 165 166 187 168
···1 ..· ..·
Maryville ~11.rabile
IBH Camden Point........ 170 Benevolence.........•. 171 Hartford.................. lZ~ Ce~ser l,a Dnlon 174 Sturgeon 175 Newton 176 Point Pleasant...... 1771 rre¥-as 1 1781 Griswold 179 Pride of. the West.. 180 1Des MOInes............ 181 Novelty 182 Stewartsville......... 183 1 Cal1fOrtlia 184 ICalhoun 185 Cb.amois 186 Morality 187 Henry Olay
18~ 1 Hannibal................
1 3 3 3 1 1 2
5 7 6 2 11 3 2 •••
2 3 1 4
45 " , 40... 1 40! ... 44 301'"
Oct. 19 '67 20 00 !l\'Iay 29:'64 20 00 ......•.. Oct. lSi 'n7 22 00 May 80: 57 22 50
30 50 MayaO '57 38 1 !8 50 ·····IOct. 14>75 44 1", 22 00 ..•.•.... Oct 15,'74 661 31 31 50 ·.. 1 May 30,'67 48 1 2400 May 30 '57 52 May 30"57 1... 30 50 * Oct. 19;'67
"'' '.' 1
14 00
May 26,'58
2... 1 107... 53 50 3 1......... 1 381... 17 50 21 2 2 11 1 1 1, , 50 2 1 1... 2 50... 25 00
' '1 2 1 2 1
2 2 1 3
3 2
,... 1
2 1
1 ".1' " 3 9 3 1"'1'" , '"1'''1''' '"1''' "'1
54 2700 IOct. 19,'{17 36! 1 17 5U May 28,'59 78'... 39 00 May 2H,'59
' '1 1
'''''''1'''12 11'" , 3 2 1 1
'"' ' 1' ' •••
1111: 1 ...1 1
"'I"'l'" 1 •• 1
11...... 1
1" 1...
1 3 1 "'111'" 1... 2 5 2 2 '" '" "'1'" 1 2 2 1 1 ..,... 2...... 1 2... 2 f'" ••• 2 2 3 1 2... 2 ".1... 1 ·1 1
63 50 27
31'"'1'" "
60 1 121 51 53! 501'" 68 1
36... 18 00
44 2 2200 1 25... 12 50 1 501'" 25 4.5, 2 22 50
43 46 501 74 1 37 47... 23 50 30... 15 00 , 90... 45 00
May 28,'59
May 28,'59 May 2H/59
30 50 00 25 26 50 25 OOI 3 3350 1 101 1 3 51 50
1 "'1'" ,..
5' 1
1271'" ••••••
2 4 21 3 1:......
May2H,'59 May 28,'59 MaY 28,159 Oct.. }1),'67 May 2R,'59
62r 3100 4111 j 20 50
1 ...
21 3 2 2 9
\ Ma.y 28,'68 Oct. 19,'67
19211~~rankfort............... Angerona................ 24 22 12 193 194 Wel1~ville 1 1 195 BolIvar 1~6 Quitman 2 1 1971 Uarthage 2 199;NewHope 200~ Sonora............
4 4 4 1 2\... 5 I?... 11 · 2 I 3 "'1'" I I ! 1 7 11 2 2... 2 3 °1 5 4 2 1",
190 Putnam 191 j Zerubbabel
2Ql Jamesport 209. WestvIlle................. 204 Rowley 205 Trllumina............... 206 ~omerset. 207 Olay 208 11 SalIsbury.................. 209 Poplar Bluff.
5 5 4 3 2 3 2 2 2 ]j 2 I
189 l Zeredatha............... 3 4 4 5
198 AllenRville..............
'"1'' ...'"1''
4 5 5 1... 7 7 7 1 3 1 2... 1
OrIent FrancaIs.... 4 4 4 Colony..................... 2 2 1
54 2 Z7 00 May ~'56 213 ... 106 DO I •••• .. • .. 1 Ma~1" 29>66 56 2 27 001··.····.. May:)O '56 2 76 4 38 00 ". May 2U"57 18 50 * IMay 80:'57
163 Occidental............... 9 0 7 4 2 2 1 1
May 28,'59 26,'59 May May 30,'60
IOct. 19,'67 May 30/60
[oct. 19,,67 May 31/60 y 31,'60 ,Ma Oct. 19,'67 1
May 30,'60
IJune 2/60 1oct. 19,'67 Oct. 19.'67
May 27,'61 May 30,'61
Oct.. 19,'67
* May 81,'61 210 Unionville............. 3 3 2 2 ...... 2... 2 55 4 29 00 25 50 May 30,'61 2111 Hickory Hill.......... 2 ", ,... 50.... 25 00 Oct. 19.'67 212 Four Mile................ 1............ 1...... 2... 1 37 '0' 18 50 Oct,. 19/67 1 213 Rolla :3 3 2 6 21... 4 105! 52 50 May 30,'61
214' Forest City............. 3 4 311 31... 215 Homersville........... 1 2 21 1 1 .. 216 1 Granby............... 1 1 1 2 4 "'111'" 2171 Barbee.....................
21$ Good Hope 219 1 Everett
220 Kansas City
1 1
1 3
5!... 6... 1......
2 2 3 4 3 2 5 8 8 8... 8 :3 2 2 5 8 1 21 2
27 00
27 00
50 1 24 50
54 4 2.5 00
4900 42... 21 00 ",
3 3 131 1 1 1 65 00 1
May 30,'61
May 30.'61
May 19,'67
Oct. 19/67 May 30,'61
Oct. 15,'74 May 8O,'6l
Green Ridge Lodge, No. 203, surrendered charter and paid $5 45, being balance
on hand a.fter paying all debts.
returns since 1873. *No returns since 1876.
z !I'1If1'~'lil
.~ ~ ~
W S:g "0 "0 "g ~ "0 ~ 11) ~ ::l::l:::~~..8 ~ ~
3 a5 .§ I·.. . .0
"::l ~
~ ~
~ g
~ : '@ or;; .§ .~ I~ ~ I "; I~:: ~ ::I!~I::'I~ !I~'=- ~1~1~ ~ -~ y 221 MysticTie 1\ 1 "'1'" 521 :1560 1 $30 oor·········IMa 30,'61 2221 F'armers.................. 92 102 92 21 5,'" 17 50 May 30,T61 §
~.~ '<il l
1 •. ,
'''1 1 "'j" 5 4 3 4 3 ,,, 2...
223 Woodlawn 224 Hamilton
2'25 Salem................
2 4 / 2
291... 14 50 .•....... Oct. 19,'67
112 21 1......
2'26 Saline 1 2Zi Cypress 3 2 11 "'j'" ..11·1 228 Shelbina 2 2 3 2 1 4 1... 2 2291 Mitchell "'1'" .. 2:~O St. James................ 1 1 2 .•.... 1 23l Warrenton.............. 2 1,' 3 "'1 1 / 232 LoueJack 1 1 2...
1 ...
42/... 42 50
32 00
64... 45,... 23 1 ."1 39 1••: •.. 41 1...... 22... 101 ... I 1...... 81 2
32 00 22 50 24 50 19 50 2050 11 00 50 50 43 50
233! Bucklin................... 1 1... 2 2 11... 23:1~l::)t. Francois 1 212 1 "'1 235 1Ionic 1 "'1'" 236 ~edalia.................... I 1 1 1 1 1 237 La Plata.................. 4 3 3 21 8 238 Rushville "'j'"
239,Spencersburg 240 Granville
"'I'"''''j''' 1 11 1
j".:,,, 1...
1 ...
241 Palestine................ 1 3 2 / 242 Portland 2 3 243 Keystone 7 7 7 8 4 4 214 MiddleFabius ~ 514 3 1 " , 3 1 1 245 Knob Noster•......... j3 1 4 2 11 246 Montgo-meryCity.. 6 4 5141 1 247 Neosho.................... ] 2 21 31 2 3 1 '" 248 Rochester 4 1 2 21212 2 4 1'' 1 249 Carroll 717 7 250 HlghHill. 2)33 1 2
1 1
2.52 258 254 255 25t> 2.57 2.58 259 260
Butler Alton
Hbekinah......... Lodge of Light Ravanna Lodge of Love
4 13
1 1 •••
"'1'" "'11''""1''
4 3 I 2 2 2 4 3...... 11 2 111 1 1 11 Ill'" 3 3 1 .•. "'1'" 1 ~ 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1
19 1
3, I"'j'"'''123
"'I"'f'" ' '1
3 3 261 Florence................. ...... 1 262 Holden. 1 1 1 263 Surnmit 1 1 1 264 Fayetteville.. 265 OorinthIan............. 1... 266 Social................ 2 1 I 267 Aurora 515 5 268 Lodge of Truth...... 269 Rock Prairie 1 1 1 27.0 New salem·············I· 271 Solomon , , 1 272 Granite III 2 273 St. Clair.................. 2 2 1
1 ... 9 1
2 1 1... 1 ... ... I 2 9 4 15 I "'j 9 4 2 '" 2...
1 1 1 7 1
4 1
!I"'I'"'" 1'"2
*No returns tor 1876.
"'1"'·1·11...... '" · "' 1 ' " 4 1
2 1 2 4
5 6 2 81...... 1 6 1 / 2 1 1 .. 1
1 274 New Market ,...... 1 3 1... 275 'rranquillty 1 1 276 Grand River.......... 4[3 3 3 ~ ".1'" 2:77 Index....................... 2... 1 278 Avilla................ 1 1... 2 '" 279 Hogle's Creek........ 3 3 3 4
,Oct. 19,'67 $30 50 Ma y 29,'61 17 00 May 29.'62 :May 29,'fl2 May 29,'62 * Oct. 13,'71 .. · 1 May 29,'6H , May 29, '63 Oct. 10/67 19 501 May 26,'64 ···· ..·.. 1l\1a y 26,'64 May 26.'64 May 26, '61
May 2·),'65 May 26 '65 t
May 26,'65 36 1800 .....•... MaY~5,'65 54... 27 00 May 26.'65 26 '" 1300 ,May26,'()5 183 9150 May26;65 40 2000 May 26/65 87 1 2 &5 50 May 26,'65 65 13250 Mfty27,'65 76 2 38 00 Oct. 14,'46 7"2 3 3600 Oct. 19,'67 65 1 32 00 Oct. 19,'67 19 950 ....•.... 0ct.19.'67 44 2200 Oct. 15,'68 52... 26 00 Oct. 15,'68 38 1900 Oct. 15.'68 79 1... 39 ~10 Oct. ],5,'6~ 2000 Oct. 15,'68 42... 21 00 Oct. 15.'68 41 1 20 50 Oct.. 15,'68 34.. •...•.... 17 00 Oct. 15,'68 351'" : 1750 Oct. 15;68 44... 21 00 1 00 Oct 15,'68 HO... 15 00 15 00 Oct. 15,'68 31 (0 Oct. 15,'68 34 1 17 00 Oct. 15,'68 .. Oct. 15,'68 54 2 26 00 Oct. 15,'68 44... 22 00 Oct. 15,'68 141 2 69 50 Oct. 15,'68 40... 1 20 00 Oct. 15,'68 42 50 Oct. 15,'68 no 57 00 Oct. 15,'68 71 77 00 Oct. 15/ 68 71 "'1 35 50 Oct. Vi,'68 50 2 25 00 25 00 Oct. 15,'68 28 14 00 Oct. 15,'68 * Oct. 15,'68 55... 24 00 Oct. 15/68 23... 23 50 Oct. 15,'68 38... 37 00 ••••..... Oct. 15,'68 21... 10 50 Oct. 15,'68
"'1'" ·
1 11
30 50
621 2
II I i~l~ II
!~ ~
rd I 1 I rd II~ ~I...: -d1~1,~1
l';:: I::: I ·1 I ~ ~ r.a :g I ~ '2(.8 § I~ I ~ ~ I ~ .~ I ~ ~
I Ag
~ ~ ~ loti ~ 1rod uJ S I :s:. 'g 'gl~ ~l~ ~ ~ ~
~ §
i I
~~ ~ ~
~ ! < ~ ~
§ ~ ~ I ~ ( ~- ------Ie.E :: :::e.Ie.I~ ~t~::. ::. ~ =- -=-12:- 1 _ 2801~Odge of Peace 21 40 $2q OOI .••••.... IO~t. 1~';H8 1 1\ 11 1... 1\ 28t Ii enton \5 1 [) 51 9 2 11 , •. .•. 52 .•. 2b 001 Oct. 10, b1"l 64 1'" 32 001 ..··.··.. Oct. 15,.HH 282 Cosmos 4 3 4 21 1 "'1'" ~R~\Stockton................. 1 : 1 Ii 11... "'1'" 55 $27 50 O(ot. 15,'{)H 1
2B! Lily
10 j B 7 3 12 11 1 3 3 HI ! 11 1 1 Ij 1 11 1 1 61 3 I 3 4[... 1 \ ,
285\Earl 286 Hesperian
2~8 Hermitage 2S9 Acaoia 2[}O Fairmount.............
2921 Lamar
"'1 1\'"1''1\ 1
'"1''' 111 1 3 41 3
3;5arcoxie 2W 2~4lMound City
3t I 17 00
"'1...... 1"'1 1 "'1'" ·1 ·
IOct. !tl,'oH 4200 ..•...... \OeL l,3;H8
! 41
11'" 1
3 11 2 21 1 1 212 2 2 1
2!).5!1"!oniteau 296jCameron
29 2 30 50 ·
+...... ···\ ... l..· "'1'''\'''1 1
1 1·
5 5 81 2 -1 1 B ! 1 1 1
291 Edina
"'1"'1'" '"
28 :~2... 31... 24 1
Oct. 15,'6R
1400 ··· ..
17 '501
oct . lS,'U8 ····I Oct. 15,'08
15 00 50 Oct. 12 OU 12 00 Oct. 60 2 60 ~OI jOct. 49... 24 <;0 Oct.
50... 25 ~7 28
2° DO
15, 'H8
·1 Oct. 15.'HH Oct. 15/6~
29 1'"
1.5,'68 1,j,'6R
29 00 Oct. 15,'b15 14 50
!uct. 14,'7;)
~~Aj ~{::6!e..Biii:::::::::::· '711111 1'5 '4!"i 14 I"i II"i i::: ::: ::: /::: I"i ' ' '32 "i6"OOI"'~'''''1ggi: ig::~~ 1 Oct.lJ,'UH ~OO Doric 1 :3 41114 31'" "'1111 '" 3 7237 1... 1850 6 5U 3~ 00 O~t. 15,:(~g I 301 White Hall................ .. \ "'\"'['" loct. 15, 6B :::
299 Tem P le
302 Lick Creek R0310sa ge 3D1 Faitllful 305 Clarence
9 H 2 4 1 3 31:; 51 2 1 1"'1 2 11
808 Parrott l 809 King HIram 310 SIkeston 3111 Kearney 312 Mt. Pleasant ' 313 Kingsville...... 314 St. Aubert............... 315IAltona 31ll Rural.
212 11'"
112 1
'"1'' i '"1''
322 Hardin
323 CornerStone
3 3 2
32i McDonald
3~~1 D'?ckery
3~61Klt Carson
327 Mt. Zion 328 CainsVille 3?9 J Kenned y 3BO 1Lathrop
4 ;{ 3 3 41
1"'1'"1''' ",'~ \
I 11 1 1
1 3!
11'' 11
42 1 21
4 2 1...
1 1
1 1
1 1 2...
1 '''1'' '"1'''
••• 1
"'1"'1"'\'" ·1'"
*No returns for 1876.
1 •••
c ·
jOct.12<69 14 00 Oct. 13,71 ;I:
lOot. l~<~H
38 1 1..1 00 ..•••...• Oct. 68 3-1 00 ·····.. ··I Oct• 4i 2' 23 50\ Oct. ) * IOct. 21 1050 Oct. 58 1 56 50 I l oct. 16 1600 Oct. 55 55 50 I Ioct.
··l ..· ·..···.. ·1
331 Charity 4 2 1 3 9H 5 332 Ryland.................... 2 2 3 1 4... 1... 1......... 26... 333 Chillicothe.............. 2 2 31 21 3 1 1 76:3 l 334 Breckenridge a 1 2 4 '"1''' '... 471 ••• 1 38-5 Madoc...................... 6 3 1[... ~ 1...... 1 4Bi 1 337 Malta ···1 ..· 1\...... 2 &5 4 338 Myrtle............. 1 3 1 2! 1 339 FidelIty.................. 1 I... 1 ~~2
' '1 "'1'" "'1'"'"1
12, h~
56 1 ... 28 00 Oct. 12,'09 54 ·.. 1 ZiOO IOct.12,·69 38 1900\ Oct.12,'{>9 3t lR 00 Oct. 12,'(19 4B 10 5o Oct. 12,'tU; 1 an...... 19 50 IOct. 12/89 1 Oct. 12.'(}9 221'" 11 0°1 3:.1 17 OOI IOct. 12,'69 2400 22 001 Oct. 12,'69 48 2:1 OD10ct. 12't:~9 * ()ct. 12.61:)
··· ·· l '
If 3 215 1 2 3
"'1'" 8 7 7
\. . "'1'" "'jl
Oct. 15,'68 Oct.15,'bH Oct. 12,'HO ••.. ·IOct. 12.'69
4300 1250
2Z"· ..·.. ····ll~ 50 Oct. 3, j 18 SUloct.
"'1'" ..1.......
371... 18 50
21 ..· ..·
' '1 "'11
1...... ,..
2 3 3 4 11 5 1111 1 3 1 1 \ 1 11 31 \ 2 2 1 1 1 ~... ...l'" 2 2 1 2 21 21 11 ~ 3j 81 5 4 2 3 1
511 1111 ¥06 ~shlar······ ..·•••··• ..··.. 1 1 1 307 New London I 11 1 11'" .~ 1
317\Osborn 318 Eldorado 319\Paulville 320 Chapel Hill. 3~1IJona~han
18 36 2H 45
00 50 50! aOl····
·1 *
1001, 69 13,'69 12:H9
12,69 12.'70
13,'70 12,?0
loot. 13,70 Oct. 13,'70 Oct. 14,'75
Oct. 12.'U~) Oct. 13,'70 • Oct. 13 '71 oot.13,'71 Oct. 18,'70
27 50 15 50-.::..:.:::.:::.:..-~~t.:._~_~.'iO
~z ~D .
-g "d. 't:l. 2 ~
"d 't:5
~ ~ .g,~ ~ ~ ~
..... ..,I.... ::l ~ ""';\-o-l CD CD ~ 'S~~S~rO~CD~~t) ~ UJ ~ ~ 'a roo E .~ u; ~ I ~ I'~'~ § ~
~~~<EA~$I~~~ ~
- - - - - - -1-1- - - - - - -1- 340!Amit.y 341 Relief 342 Oircle 343 1Agricola 344 1 Moberly
···············!···I·.. , I 2 2
"'1'" I..·j··· .....·11I
- -
$11 00 Oct. 13,'70 00 Oct. 13, '70 · 50 ·····.·.. IOct. 13~'70 "'1'" 50 Oct. 13,'70 8 50 Oct. 13,'70 345\ F'ellowship t'" 50 Oct. 13,'70 340 Arlington ! "'[ 50 Oct. 13,'70 347 Landmark ""'1'" ••• ···1····.. * Oct,. 13,'70 348 Cimarron . 1"'1'" J. ••••••••• * Oct. 14,'75 1 11 349 Lone Star 1 '"131''' 171'''11750 ..•...... Oct. 13,'70 350 Tyrian..................... 1... 3 7 36/... 18 00 Oct. 12,'70 351 Mosaic..................... 1 21 2 3 11 1 ·1 60 30 00 Oct. 13,'70 352 Friend..................... 2 2 1 1 "'j'" I 52 26 00 Oct. 13,'70 353 Ben Frank.lin.. 1 1 1 2 11 • ·.. 59 .. ·1 29 50 Oct. 13,',0 354IHebron.................... 51 6 9 3 "'jl 77 ! 38 50 Oct. 13,'70 35.5 Adelphi 1 1 1 3 "'1 33 1650 Oct. 13,'70 356 Ancient Landm'k. 1 2, 2 1 2 1 '''l'''j 1 2 1 33 1650 ..•...... Oct. 15,'74 357 Phelps........................ 1 1 35 17 50 ..•...... Oct. 13,'70 3580omfort.................. 1... 11 21 1 11 1 / 1 32 34 00 Oct. 13,'70 359!1 Garrett•...: 1 1 '"1''' ••• •. 11 33 16 50 Oct. 13,'70 360 Tuscan •..... 8 9 11 141 0 1... 2 11 3 168 4 82 OU ••••••... Oct. 12,'70 361 Riddick................... 1 1 1 1]3 1... 2 S9 40 OOloct. 13, 71 362 Hiram 1.·. "','" "'j'" .•. ..• ••. .•••••••• * Oct. 13,'70 363 Fraternal. 10 81 6 2 "'j 1 i...... 2 56 1 28 00 Oct. 13,'70 364 King David............ ~ 111 1... 2 15 50 Oct. 13,'70 365 Warsaw \ '"I'''j''' . * Oct. 13,'70 306 Unanimity............. 6 5 4 "'1'" .•• ,1 27 13 50 Oct. 12,'70 367 Barry 4 3 5 2 3 2 58 29 00 Oct. 13,'70 368 Orescent Hill. 21 '''1 1 36 2 17 00 Oct. 13,'71 369 Composite-.............. 4 3' 4 1 \ 1 \'" 37 1 18 50 Oct. 13,'71 370 Williamstown....... 3 1 2 11 2 1 " ' '" 1... 431 1 21 00 Oct. 13,'70 j 371 Craig 4 1 1 2 2 1 35 1750 Oct. 13,'70 372 Nonpareil. 3 3 2 1... 1 11 "'1'" 351... 17 50 Oct. 17,'73 373 Mandeville. 3 2 1 1 ... ! I", .•• 1 441... ..•..•... 22 00 Oct. 13,'71 1 374 Golden Rule 4 4 6 "'12 1 2 -.14 2200 · Ioct. 16,'72 37,5 PI.umb ..:.................. 1 1 1 2:.. 171... 8 50 ..•..•.. Oct. 13,?1 376 KIng HIll.............. 4 2 1 5 11'.. 1'" 1 21 00 Oct. 13, 70 377 Ancient Oraft........ 3 4 4 3 6 1"'11 ••• ••• ••• 37 18 50 loot. 13,'70 1 378 !{ilwinning............ * IOct.13,'71 3791 Coatsville......... 4 5 5 31 3 2 20 10 OOloct. 13,'71 3801 Queen Citj.7'............. 2 2 2 4 1... 1 36 18 00 Oct,. 13,'71 381 Ionia 1 3 "'1'" "'1'" 1 49 ,., 2450 ••••••••• Oct. 13,'71 I 382 Richland..... 4 41 3 4 1 "'1'" 44 1 1 22 00 Oct. 13,'71 883 Pythagoras... 1 1 2 3 3 48... 24 00 Oct. 16, '72 384 I Harmony 2 33 16 50 ··.······Ioct. 13.'71 3851 Alexander........ 6 6 6 2 1 1 64 32 00 Oct,. 13,'70 386 Dayton 5 4 4 1 1 1 1 1... 4 291'" 14 50 ..•...... Oct. 13,'71 3871 Woodside I ••••• , _. * Oct. 13,'71 388 Farmersville 1 1 1 211 1 10 00 Oct. 13,'71 3891 Arcana.. 2 2 2 1 2 26 13 00 Oct. 13, '70 390 Marionville...... 2 4 3 6 3... 3 551'" 25 00 •.•.••••. Oct. 13,'71 R9I 1 Raytown................. 2 2 2 ... 3 26 .•. 13 00 ..•...... Oct. 13,'71 392 Christian........... 3 2 2 1 6 25 27 50 Oct. 131'71 393iBee Hive 1 2 1...... 51 1 25 50 Oct. 13,'71 23 1'" It 50 3941 Dag an 2 Oct. 13,'71 395 Latimer 3 1 2 1 1 36 "'118 00 Oct. 13,'7L 396 Western Light...... 1 1 3 2... 3 37 18 50 Oct. 13,'71 397 Gower..................... 2 2 2 1 1 1\ 25 12 50 ..•...... Oct. 16,'72 398 IJasper 261 1 12 50 ..•...... Oct. 17,'78
j··· •..••••••••• ·..
3 3 2 3 1 1 '''1 2 2 5 5 3 10 8 7 1 6 :l 10 2 1 5 81 1 2 "'1"'1'" 1
22 1 36 $18 Z7 .•• 1B 57 28 91 45 51 25 27 1 13
"'1'" 1
11 11'"
111]........."'1'" 1
111 '"1'"'' 11 . . ; . . ·1····.. "'1'"
*No returns for 1876.
II II 111~ I~ I
I ~~ rd lrd I~ l.g ~ ~ .g ~ ~ IE -d rd ::; j:::Z ~ ~ ~ 1
~ ~ ·~S
d H
I' ....>= rd I
~ ~
c,' •.-c
~ ~
~ ~
as s
Po; rn. cD
1~1~~~I~A~I~~I~I~ ~ ~ ~
- ------1-1- -
406 Ilurooa 408 ~lontrose
-1- 1
4' 2 2 2 21 \ 1 1 1
410 1 Iberia 41l1Joppa ' 412 Appteton Cit:r .·.·.. 41:~' Valley ~............. 414 Greensburg 41::> Hunnewell. 41U Oache
11 2 2\
11 2 1 1 7 -1: 31 2 4 3
3' 1 6 2 4 3 2 3 III Ij
"'1 2 ·.. j ... "'1 •••
1 1
437ITuscumb1a.............. 2
5 2
45~.>'1 Verona 45:}jFOrS y th 454 Benton 4551IB~rnesville
45U Walla-cp
457 Triple Tie 45R Mel VIlle 459 1Hazelwood
32 1500 $16 00100t.13,'71 23 16 501 Oct. 17,'73 40 "'j :10 IOct. 1a,'71 16... 800 .•..••..• j1oct. 1:3,'71 48... 24 00 Oet. la,171 2~ ,2250 Oct. 13;71 39 '" III 50 · 13,'71 37 18 50 1 Oct. Hl,172 40 1 20 00[ Oct. 13.'71 39... 19 50 Oct. 17,'73 35... 17 50 1 Oct. 13,'71 44 2200 IOct. 18,'71 58 2H 00 ..·· IOct. 13,'71 33 1650 ···.. IOct. 16.'72 ao 1 15 50 !Oct. 16,'72 42 2050 Oct. 16,'72 80 "'14000 IOct. 1£>,'72 28 1400 ..········IOct. 1U,'72 38 1 19 00 Oet. Ill, '72 4~l! 2150 ;Oct. 1tJ,'72 53 1 2650 Oct. It;.'72 221'" 22 001 Oct. 17,'78 25 1250 jOct. 16.'72 221'" 11 00 Ioct. 17,'73 2n Oct. 10,'72 261 .•. 1300 Oct. 17,'73 2150\ 16,'72 1 * Oct. 16,'72 15 "'\ 1850 · ··I Oct. 17:73 30 16,'72 * Oct. 1~,?? 34... 17 001 •••••..•. Oct. Iti.72 1 * ()ct.10,'72 23 00 ·•..•.. 46 16,'72 34... 17 00\ Oct. 16 '72 23 11150 Oct. 16,'72 32 Ii 1600\ Oct. 16,'72 21 ......... 15 501' Oct. IH.'72 17 2 8 50 7 50 Oct. 10,'72 71 1 3550 .. ··· IOct. 16,,'72 225 45 Oct. 16.7~ 42 2100\ !OCt.lf>.'72 ~4 1700 ..··· I Oct • lZ':7? 31 16 501 I Oct. 11.78 17... 8 50 \Oct. 17,'73 60 '3000 · · IOct. 16,'72 46 2300 Oct. IH.'72 '1.7 1 13 fiO Oct. 16.'72 17... 17 50 Oct. H5', '7:l 34 1650 l0t·t.lU.'72 26 l:~ OOi· ..···..· IOct• 16,'72 50 25 001 Oct. lH,'72 39 1 19 501 10(>T. W.'72 21 1050 \Oet,. 17:78 4S 28 501 24 OQIOot. 16,'74 33 18 50 Oct.. 16,'72 1
1...... 111 1
' '1' '1
3,2 2 61""'"\''' 1 11'" 1 °,13 1 3 4 3 4 11 11'" 1 , 2 1 1 2\ 1 ' ' ' ' "']l"'j 11 a1 115 4 jl 212 112 4 1' .. , " ' , ' " !... I 21 4 21 1 ' Ii'''! 2 21 2 1 '... 17 5 1 6 1 1 1 J j 11 11 1 1 9 9 8 1'"1''' ... ••• ' 1
2 2 1
1 31'" 21 '"1'' "'1"' "'1'" ; 9 10 8... 2 11 1'''11 I 81 HIS ' '1' '1 1 41 4 31'" 1 1... 1 "'1'''' "'11 1
1 2 4... 1 ...... ••• '......
*No returns for 1876.
!Oct. 13,'71
* !oct. Oct. 1;},'71 Ia,'71
4481S~hell City 449 I Pledrnont 4501 Belton
I 1
44l F'auvlew
44~IAda 4.1v!W(;\stGate 44~ Gr~e~tleld
A ~
1 •••
438/remperance............. 3 1l 1 '. 2 ~1213121'" 1; 440 TrQwPI. 212 3 2 1 1 1 : 1 1 441 Exae18ior................ 3\ 41 4 8 1 1 "'1"'1'" t 442 1 ~lt. Lebanon.......... 11...... 1 1 \..... 1 44aIAnchor 111121,12121'" ", 31 1
~ ~
1'"1'"'\"'1"'1 ' 1 \231 431'" 1125°1 loet. "·I"'jl \ 1...... ·l j... ! 1......... 115 OOloct. 2 1 2 1""1"",,, 2 "'1'" "'1'" , ·.. ' '1 "'1 ··Ioct. a2 4!3 31 11 ..·· · ".,'" i...... t
.. \$18 OOI 40 Ii 20 00
435ISt. NIchOlas I 436 fJamonte
Ii ~~!
t 5 2 /\... ••. 6 3 ......... 1 5 2\ 2 1...... 2 2 a... 1 2 '" 1 7 1 5 1" 11' 1 3 1 '"1''' 1 3 1\1 1" , 11'" 2 3\ 2 1 1 "'j 5 , ..·\ \ 1 \ 1...... 31 1 1 · .. 11 .. ·1 2 2121"'11 21 21 1......
418 Clear Creek............ 414 41 419 Star 5 2 3 420 Ir3,ska !8 9 8 421 EUClid ' 21 422 1Gate of the Tem pIe j 3 1 11 4281 Newbnrg 4141-1 424 samaritan j5 3 5 425 cedarCitY 11 ~141 426 f..leesville 1 427 j Glenwood 512 11 2 1 42~11 ..0uisvil1e········· ..·.. "'I'" 11 4291 New Madrid 1 1 11 I! 1 4{O\IronMountaln 41616 1 I I 431 Cemen t ·•··.. 1 1 432 1I DaU P hine 1 1 1 I 43:3 ~ilentTemple:........ 11 1 "·I ..
I·, ~ ~
-1-1-\- -- -1- -
'"211 1'' "'1 \ ..,3 ..·1···\·.. . '.. "'1'" B 3 3161 3 J: 1 I 3j2 42 22 2111... \1"'11\...'" "'1"'1'" 1 41 11 "'\'" ·llIII1 III 51 .. ·!·.. ·
399IPike! 400 I)ecatur · 1 1 401 nenter 402 Gavel 40'3 Lowry 01 ty............. 404 Alexandria 405!Meridian::;un······..
I I~I~ .I
1 I
rei rci CD
rci I 2S
Z~ . ; rg -g . ~ . I 00
§ a3 I
CD .~ ~ • cD CD ~ J11~ 11.c I .~ S S Ij'g ~ ~ ~ .S I·~ S ~ I ~
g ~~
~ ~
---- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I~I! ~ ~ ~l~! ~ l~i~ ---!-!
460 Lambskin '~""""""13 2 2 461Icaruthersvllle 1 1 2 46''>' Santa Fe 1 1 1 4631 Lake ::::::::::::::::: 464 Aullville................. I...... 465SilverClty 2 2 2 466 Centre View 4 4 4 467 Pleasant Hope 2 2 2 468 Red Oak 5 41 4 469 Plato.. 2 5 3
470 Nodaway 471 Mineral 472 PICkering 473 Ninevah 474IGtlilford 475 Golden.. 476 l\'lt. Hope................ 477 rlenderson 478 ~~cine I'Iuaogle 479 1 u
41501 Ulfion. 48L Cllnton 4821 Clintonville........... 4831 Irish Grove...... 4R4 Kirkwood 485 Paragon.................. 486 C1airo....................... 487 Herndon........ 488 Lock Spring........... 489 Lakeville 490 Mon tevallo 491 Vandalia 492 Daggett.................. 493 ·V·ernon.............. 494 Lewistown 495 Globe...
:::!::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::,. 2 1 I
4 I' '" 2............... 1 , ···l ..· 2 1 1 3 6... 8 9 9 3... , I •••• eo ••• ••• 5 4 5... 2...
1 1 1 1
S 1
3 1 3
"'1 ..· 2
5 1 ~
1... ]......... 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 o. .o.... 2 1 3 1 71 5 4 3... 1 1 2... 1 1...... 3' 4 3,... 11 ..·......
6 4 3
8 1 1
2 4 4...
312 1"'11 811 ... ... 1... 1 ..·
2 2 3 ..· .•... 5 4 3 3 1 1 1......... 0
5 :3 5 4
3 · 1 12 3
:3 4... 1 ..· '" 1 1 ,1 1 '" I... 1 0 ..' .•. 9 7 9 .•.
2113 10 1 1...
*No returns for 1876.
G. L.-A. 8.
1 1 2 1
.•• 1
5... 2
1... 2 3 1
3 •••
37\ \$18 50 Oct. 16,'72 32 11· ·. $315010ct. 16,'72 24' 12 00 Oct. 17,'73 Oct. 17,'73 17 ..· 8 50 Oct. 17,'73 29··.. 2600 Oct. 17,'73 23 11 50 Oct. 17,'73 22 ..· 11 00 Oct. 17,'73 26 "'113 00 Oct. 17,'73 29·.. 14 SO Oct. 17,'73 77 ..· 38 50 Oct. 17,'73 * Oct. 17, '73 25 ..· 12 50 Oct. 17, '73 27·.. 13 00 Oct. 15,'74 24 ..· 12 00 Oct. 15,'74 21 I 10 50 Oct. 15,'74 25 ....•... 12 50 Oct. 15,'74 28·.. 11 50 Oct. 15,'74 25 12 50 Oct. 15,'74 19 ..· 9 00 50 Oct. 15,'74 22 II 00 Oct. 15 '74 30 .•. 15 00 .•.•••••. Oct. 15,'74 16 ..· 8 00 Oct. 15,'74 3.5 ..· 17 50 Oct. 15,'74 29 14 50 Oct. 15,'74 22 1 11 00 Oct. 15,'74 45 ..· 22 50 .......•. Oct. 15,'74 28 ..· 14 00 Oct. 10,'74 28... 12 50 14 00 Oct. 17,'73 19 9 50 .......•. Oct. 15,'74 27 13 50 Oct. 15,'74 28 20 00 Oct. 12,'76 11 20 00 Oct. 12,'76 20 00 Oct. 12,'76 19 20 00 Oct. 12.'76 20 00 Oct. 12,'76
Number of Chartered Lodges September 1, 1876......... Number Chartered October 12, 1876........ Total Lodges now under Charter................. Lodges making Returns Septen1.ber 1, 1876.........
7 490 444
Passed.......................................................................................................... Raised...............................................
Died........................................... Suspended for N. P. D. Suspended for U. M. C................ Expelled................... Reinstated u
801 282
62 ·........................... •••••• •••••• ••••••••••••
81 64 442
Remi tted Dues for Inability to Pay......................................... 314 Membership Returned.................. . 22,764 Membership Estimated and not Returned................................................... 975 Total Returned and Estimated Membership 23,739 Increase since Last Report.............................. 917 The sum of $2,128 50 is reported by lodges as due the Grand Lodge, in addi.. tion to the unknown am.ount due by thirty-nine lodges which have made no returns.
No. of ]{ame of Party. Lodge. 1. CHas. Eager. 2. A. Godron. 14. J. T. Forman. 16. H. M. Durkee. 17. J. B. Smith. 25. Jno. Rea. E. Gray. 31. Daniel Thorp. P. S. Bland. M. A. Miller.路 36. Wm. 14. Taylor. 45. Thomas Mason. 46. Benj. E. Ball. 53. Trusten McFarland. 61- J. F. Yancy. 62. A. J.Smith. Alfred Jones. 72. S. M. Baker. 73. J. R. Brown. 78. A. Moore.路 82. A. M. Clarkson. 86. H. Alexander. L. H. Morse. Jas. A. Nellist. Samuel Kitchen. L, A. Smith. 89. O. F. Butler. 91. Elias Sanner.
No. of Lodge.
~"'ame of
108. T. J. O. Morrison.1\. 128. H. T. Moore. 129. 132. 153. 159. 192.
225. 233.
262. 263. 267.
J. T. Mitchell. Edwin P. Diehle.* Wm. B. Sloan. Joseph Bishoff. D. W. C. Tibbs. Thomas Barnard. Samuel Broan. E.T. WIngo. T. B. Burk. Jno. Paintel'. Courtney Johnson. James Cooper. F. E. Harrington. J. W. Elliott.* Wm. A. Gibson.* J. W. Curry. C. B. Lake. Sol. Tholander. H. C. Gordon. W. G. Evans. A. J. Spaulding. R. O. Willson. L. C. Loeb. Arthur Davis. J. W. Wheeler. Isaac Laraway. I
292. 299. 309. 311. 322.
323. 397.
412. 454.
*Relnstated in 1875, but were not published in Proceedings of that year.
J.Vo. of
Name oj Pa1'ty. Lodge. 15. T. M. S. Kenney. 16. Wm. Harbidge.
28. 29. SI.
40. 44. 45. 57. 8l.
82. 93. Ill. 118. 121.
184. 14l. 145. 150. 153. 159. 170. 171.
S. M. Martin. It. T. McCandless. R. Marshall. John A. McDonald. Royal P. Cobb. W. J. Colbow. Fred. Meffert. Wm. N. Hooker. R. N. Rupee. John R. Davis. Anthony Vanderpool. Wm.. T. Kelsey. Jas. R. Nordyke. Pleasant P. Nawlin. James F. Meek. Wm. H. HICks. A. J. Sneed. James T. GUllfoyle. Alex. Judy. Moses Henderson. John OxtOD. D. J. Suggett. H. W. Elliott. Charles Weidt. O. H. Cornwell. E. F. Duncan. Henry Gambs. J. M. Russell. W. H. Roberts. FidelIa Lawrence. SaOl. L. Call. H. Campbell. H. H. Bedford. Darius Hodge. Stephen M. Cole. Wm.Froman. J. Franklin. D. Forbes. Gideon Morehouse.
1:'tame oj Party. Lodge. 198. M. P. Glenn. 202. J. T. Spears. 204. John S. Branum. 210. H. C. Fran cis. C. F. Triplet. Branson Richards. 212. W. J. Howard. W. L. Smith. 214. Charles E. Barnes. 216. D. W.Hale. 217. G. N. Wilson. 225. T. H. Leeds. 226. J oSleph Oleaveland. 227. T. F. Jones. 230. W. L. Pennell. J. O. Wallace. 234. H. R. Foust. 257. J. White Cummings. 278. L. Van Tarter. 288. John D. Pitts. 294. S. A. GlenD. 304. E. G. Swanner. 305. J ..W. Jacobs. F. Coakly. 310. T. J. Williams. 313. John W. Briscoe. 315. M. A. Shelton. 316. C. W. Norwood. 317. .Justin Minthorn. 34{}. .John J. Wilson. 356. John S. Wilsen. 358. John H. Adams. 888. Frank M. Clark. 419. H. F. Millvring. 429. Nathan D. Fox. 439. Frederic Weber. 445. Louis Koehler. 451. V. C.Quick. 460. Julius J. Schmidt. 475. H. C. Parrish.
No. of Narne of Falrty Lodge. . 1. Charles Garvey. John F. Henkle. John Heaney. Roland P. Oapel. James Wishart. lVI. E. Lawrence. 9. F. V. L. Brokaw. A. H. Barrett. E. Benkendorf. E. Montgomery. H. B. Peterson. Jno. S. Tenneson. W. F. VittinghofI: John B. Walton. John Gilkerson. E. J. Cullen. Geo. Nash. A. Petring. L. P. ':raylor. P .. B. A. Turner. S. D. Mills. 16. G. T. McIntyre. E. Melntyre. H. M. Durkee. Jerry Hamilton. A. J. Wilson. A. J. Haskins. S. M. Martin. R. Marshall. 17. G. S. Britt. 18. H. J. Drummondâ&#x20AC;˘ .las. L. Rogers.. G. W. Trumbull. Jerry B. Willis.. 28. Barnett Frazee. Thos. l\IcDermott. Leslie H. Carter. James Blaine.
JYo. oj F Lodge. Name of arty. 28. Henry Parmenter. Wm.May. 29. Leonidas Barn s. James E. Tindall. 31. M. A.. Blakemore. John H. Courtney. P. S. Bland. John Drew. James A. Gillespie. Ellison Hlghbee. Philand er Lucas. Daniel Thorp. Robert S. Reardin. I. M. Keller. M. A. Miller. Wm.A.. Peck. 32. Thomas E. Austin. Wm. B. Rale. Charles B. Scott. 34. Thomas J. Gibbs. 40. M. E. Lennon. Samuel Davidson. 43. C. J. Corwin. S. D. Campbell. 48. Benj. S. Bigbee. Louis B. Fullilove. Henry Miner. 49. S. T. Brooking. W. D. T. Budd. F. P. M. Estes. R. M.James. Morgan Rush. H. B. Wellingham. 69. J. F. Kendrick. S. E. Spear. J. C. Westover. J. McEwen. Isaac Harmon.
:noro. of
Narne oj .Pel'riy. Lodge. 69. ~tat Harmon. T. H. Clayton. Joseph Penbart. J. A. Pinson. Thos. B. McCatester. Patri~k Fraley. E.A. Salf. Wm. Crawford. 86. James Anderson. E. J. Blossom. Jesse Buckman. J. B. Oovley. C. Craycroft. ",V. J. Dawsoll. C. W. Freeman. J. Flf!:lher. L. M. Johnson. Joseph Payro. L. F. Ranney. David Spencer. 89. James Anderson. A. J. Abbott. 90.
110. 112. 118.
R. C. Carr. L. S. HamIltoll. James D. Shifiett. Oharles A. PhillIp. Andrew Baker. H. Wood Dodd. T. B. Hansom. A.Napier. T. G. Abreu. Martin Moses. John Scnmidt. J. A. Cordell. W.H.Black.
JYo. of Name of Pa'rly. Lodge. 132. W. P. Doss. E. J. Dalton. Thomas Zolman. Zebulon Murphy. Franklin Murphy. 135. Wells Mooney. 136. Woo. Bartlett. 137. L. E. MitchelL Davis Walker. B. F. Weir. 142. John H. Welch. ]45. M. I..I. Bird. L. F. Kile. James Oglesby. N. J. Wilson. 147. A. S. Bradley. A. Camp. A. H. Deane.
150. 15I. 156.
W.H.Lacy. B. W. Sanders. M.B. Winn.
P. Duval. B. F. Fowler. J. H. Hammond. J. H. King. J. W. McSpadden. G. W.Payne. G. W. Siener. J. D. Rush. J. B. H. Wooldridge. S. Yoder. Newton Cawan. John W. Hutsell. Wm. B. Hubbard. R. J. Martin. Tyre M. Roberts. James M. Strode. S. 1'. CaIn pbell. M.E.
119. A. Cohen.
J. R. Walker. 121. John F. W. Gehner. G. A. Muller. 125. N. L. Baxter. Isaac Caldwell. William Cassity. William Graham. John HalL F. W. Johnson. Robert Thomas. Jesse Elam. 128. John Atchison. J. V. Headen. R.A. Hathaway. D. P. Ingram. F. D. Mera. O. F. McCoy.
170. 171.
174. 175. 176.
Wain Thomas. R. G. Thomas. R. W. Simpson. E. C. Reed. B. West. J. Bragg. L. Berry. E. Probasco. A. Haynes. Jno. W. Baker. J. S. Schooling. G. W. Wolsey. J. P. B'ulkerson. Alex. Summers. Joseph BIvens. Frank I{irk. Geo. M. RansoDl. A. J. Truare. Jas. B. Handy. A. L. Kormick.
1876.J 0/ ....\"rame of Party. Lodge. 179. James Mullen. Thomas Matthews. Horace Reed. J as. Teasdale. ""Vm. Travis. 180. Isaac R. Harlan. 188. Geo. W. Bewley. A. Falklllan. Frank WIlkinson.. 192. W. H. Stilwell. 206. Perry Lanzader. Thos. Hollingsworth. R. T. Bull. J. M. Crawford. Wm. Marklin. D. C. Robinson.. Z. Sprigg. 207. Owen Devitt. Wm. Cheshier. 208. C.J.Osgood. C. R. Moony. 210. Joseph T. Elsvn. L. F. Thatcher. 216. Wm. ScobIe. 217. R. J. Brady. T. J. Free. H. C. Grenham. J. R. Mitchell. John H. Williams. 218. S. Tyler. T.Cavenaugh. •J no. Wallace. S. Tilton. 220. S. S. Mathews. P. C. Causey. 224. Wm. E. Burton. Geo. Brosins. 231. Edwin E. Cook. John H. Jones. James P. Thurman. 243. C. J. Morton. H. E. Collins. John L. Black. 248. J. Frank Ourtis. Wm. H. Felton.
Appendix. :.vo. Qf
z'rame of Party. Lodge. 248. Frank W. Graham. Asher Willey. 262. R. E. Edmonson. .J. B. Bailey.. A. J. Cocbran. F. R. Riddle. P. H. Ferguson. M. W. Mize. G. N. Moon. J . .G. Williams. A. P. Espenscheid. R. B. McNary. .T. E. Elliott. 265. Thos. Claunch. Thos. Duncan. J. Q. DeGarme. D. B. Washington. W. C. Blakey. J. A. Hall.. L. Cruce. 267. S.H. Ford. John Severson. Alex. Wils·on. F.E. Hale. P. Flatow. M. McClintock. W. J. Campbell. C. M. Butler. 282. Robert Birnie. 287. J. J. Beatty. 288. James R. Wilson. 308• J.R. Brown. Irwin Brown. W. Bowles. A. Hofstatter, C. Pursley. 316. L. H. Meserve. Henry Miles. W. J. Ratliff. 364. Geo. Ingersoll. 367. J . W. Elliott. 374. J. F. Palmer. 376. John G. Evans. 424. W. T. Conway. 432. James Welch.
No. of Lodge. "'l7\'"a'Jne 0if P ar ty. 2. C. C. Simmons. 5. Robert. T. Russell. 12. Wm. P. Gipson. 10. Jerry Hamilton. 20. Thos. Gass. 28. H. M. Summner. 38. E. C. Perkins. 48. Samuel M. Bartley, 58. C. L. Bridges. 57. Benj. F. Gray. R. F.Goo<1. Ed. S. DCtvis. Joseph Heiney. W. S. 14eake. D. H. Quisenberry. Samuel Simmons. B. F. Winfrey. 61. Joe E. Haddix. 80. Joseph Page. 86. Wm. Peers. B. F. Roberts. 96. J. W. Chiok. 97. J. H. Phillebaum. }03. L. S. Michen. 111. J. H. Foulks. 114. B. F. Orear. 1117. H. T. Churoh. 122. James 8. Plattenburg. 141. A. D. Mullins. 144. D. W. Lindsay. 148. A. M. Dillin. 149. Frederick Morath. 150. T. B. Duty. Wm.Hillix.
~.,.o of '1\7' Lodge. .i.Varrz,e of Party. 162. G. E. Frenoh. 163. Chas. Mestemacher. 164. Eugene Amor. 165. James D. Paschal. 183. Jarnes A. Wray. 200. W. P. Stafford. 228. Wm. C. Muldrow. Frank E. Upton. 245. H. P. Hull. 24.7. J. T. Mason. 253. J. B. Freeman. David Godfrey. 254. N. R. Van Camp. 2.57. Stephen C. Anderson. 261. Chas. H. See. 265. J. D. Stauver. 277. Ed. Dept. 280. T. K. Grisham. 292. L. M. Timrnonds. 331. J. W. O'Neal. 332. A. T. Tucker. 346. James H. Campbell. 353. David Burns. 358. N. B. Moore. 360. David A. Sutton. 363. N. G. Turner. 380. Hert'rY T. Bartlett. 395. J. W. Craven. 440. Wells B. HolUnbeck. 449. Wm. Valentine. 458. L. Y. King. 468. Y. R. Elliott, non affiliate. 479. John James, Jr. 484. John H. Hayes.
In last year's report Brotber JAMES OUNNINGHAM, of Bolivar Lodge, No. 195, was erroneously reported as being suspended, and this note is inserted as a matter of jUlStice to bim.
County. ...Yo. Name oj Lodge. Scotland (pop. 10,670)............ 16 Memphis do 41 .lEtna do 244 Middle Fabius do 378 Kilwinning
Lewis (pop. 15,114)
do do do do do do
Location. Memphis. ~tna.
Middle Fabius. Uniontown.
Wyaconda Lagrange. Mon tice11o Mon ticello. Canton •....................•.................. Canton. Farmers,r LaBelle. Craft Canton.
58 100 222 287 370 WillIamstown 494 Lewistown
Williamstown. Lewistown..
Clark (pop. 13,667)................ 180 Des Moines Athens. do 290 ,li·airmount , Fairmount.. do 318 Eldorado.........•............................Luray. do 332 Clark City Clark City. do 362 Hiram Kaboka. do 404 Alexandria Alexandria.
Marion (pop. 22)504)............ do do do do ........••............•..:
18 28 188 406 U.D.
Palmyra St. Johns
Hannibal Iturrea Phlladelphia
Shelby (pop. 10)119)...... ..•••• 96 St. Andrews do 415 Hunnewell do 228 Shelbina do 305 Clarence
Marion. Hannibal. Hannibal. Hannibal. Philadelphia. Shelbyville. Hunnewell. Shelbina.
County. Monroe (pop. 17,149)............ do do do do do do do Ralls (pop. 10,510)................. do do do Pike (pop. 33,076).................. do .,.................................. do do do do do do -f................. do
J..Yo. 19 23 42 64 91 223 240
462 33 235 302 807 17 75 92 136 137 239 399 1~2
:N'ame of Lodge. Paris Union Florida Middle Grove...... Monroe Madison Woodlawn Granville Santa Fe Ralls Ionic Liok Oreek New London Clarksville Ashley Perseverance Phcenlx Prairieville Spencersburg Pike Frankfort Globe
Location. Paris. Flol'ida. Middle Grove. Monroe. Madison. Woodlawn. Granville. Santa Fe. MadisonviIle. Van Rensslaer. Perry. New London. Olark~vil1e.
Ashley. Louisiana. Bowling Green. PrairieviIle. Spencersburg. Curryville. Frankfort. Louisiana.
FOURTH DISTRICT. ALFRED C. SNETHEN, D .. D. G. H., SULPHUR LICK, LINCOLN CO. St. Charles (pop. 21,130)....... do do do Lincoln (pop. 14,037)...... do do do
46 124 241 260
Wentzville Dardenne Palestine Meclfanicsville
14 Auburn 34 Troy
199 270 do 428 do 473 Warren (pop. 9,673).............. 11 do 54 . do 231
New Hope New Salem. Louisville Nlnevah : Pauldingville Douglas Warrenton
Wentzville. O'Fallon. St. Charles. Mechanicsville. Auburn..
Troy. New Hope. New Salem. Louis'Ville. Ninevab. Wright City. Marthasvilleâ&#x20AC;˘ Warrenton.
Montgomery (pop. 10,405).... 72 Danville do 178 Griswold do 246 Montgomery do 250 High Hill do 261: Florence do 374. Golden Rule do 375 Plumb do 194 WeIlsville do 492 Daggett
Danville. Price's Branch. Mon tgom'ryOy High Hill. N ew Florence. Jonesburg. Middletown. Wellsville.. Loutre Island.
County. Boone (pop. 20,765)............... do do do do Howard (pop. 17,233)
No. 59 67 114 156 174
47 51 . 70 . 356 . 4
do do do
.L.vame oj Lodge. Centralia
Location. Centralia.
Twilight Ashland Sturgeon
Coltlmbia. Ashland. Sturgeon.
Fayette Living&ton Roanoke Ancient Landmark Howard ~
Fayette. Glasgow. , Roanoke. Landmark. New Franklin.
Randolph (pop. 15,908) do do do do do
do Chariton (pop. 19,.135) do do do d<!l
do ~ Oarroll (pop. 17,445) do do do
. . . .. . ..
30 44 151 161 186 344
. 486 . 73 .. 74 .. 202 . 208 . 894 . 463 .. 52 . 373 . 417 . 2-19
Huntsville Jacksonville Milton Clifton Hill Morality Moberly Cairo Eureka Warren Westvllle Salisbury Dagan
Lake Wakanda Mandeville Covenant Carroll
Huntsville. Jaclrsollville. Milton. Clifton Hill. Renick. Moberly. Cairo. Brunswick. Keytesville. Westville. 8alls bury.. Mendon. Cunningham. Carrollton. Mandevi:lle. Carroll ton. Norborne.
Knox (pop. 10,974)............... 6 Ark do 168 Colony do 181 Novelty do 291 Edina do 414 Greensburgh Macon (pop. 23,230).............. 38 Callao do 102 Bloomington do 146 McGee do 237 LaPlata do 268 Lodge of Truth do 402 Gavel do 438 Silent Temple do 172 Censer do U. D. Kaseyville Adair (pop. 11,449) 319 Paulville do 105 Kirksville
Newark. Colony. Novelty. Edina. Greensburg.
Callao. Bloomington. College Mound. LaPlata. Atlanta. New Cambria. Macon.
Macon. Kaseyville. Paulville. Kirksville.
No. Name oj Lodge. Location. Schuyler (pop. 7,987)............ 259 Lodge of Love Lancaster. do 379 Coatesville CoatesviIle. do 380 Queen Oity •.....•..................•.... Q,ueen City. do 427 Glenwood Glenwood. Sullivan (pop. 11,908)........... 21 Greencastle do 126 Seaman do 389 Arcana do 447 Fairveiw
Greencastle. l\1ilan. Wintersville. Scottsville.
Putnam (pop. 11,217)............ 171 Hartford do 190 Putnam do 210 Unionville
Hartford. Newtown. Unionville.
Grundy (pop. 10,567).....•.•.••• 111 Trenton do 253 Lindley Mercer (pop. 11,557) do
35 Mercer
39 Modena
Trenton. Lindley.
. 206 Somerset
Princeton. Modena. Cleopatra.
. 258 Ravanna
Harrison (pop. 14,635).......... 97 Bethany do 257 Lodge of Light do 328 Cainsville do 442 Mt. Lebanon do u. D. Martinsville Gentry (pop. 11,607). ...•..•.... 125 Gentryville do 127 Athens do 1IIl252 Alanthus do 312 Mt. Pleasant do 349 Lone Star do 377 Ancient Craft do •..•. 332 Ryland Worth (pop. 5.004)................ 198 Allensville do 284 Lilly do 321 Jonathan do u. D. Defiance
Bethany. Eagleville. Cainsville. l\1t. Moriah. Martinsville. ~
Gentryville. Albany. Alanthus Grove. Mt. Pleasant. Lone Star. Klng City. Berlin. Allendale. Grant City.
Denver. Defiance.
Oaldwell (pop. 11,390).......... 166 Mirabile do ..•.. 224 HamIl ton do 334 Brecl\:enridge do 118 Kingston
Mirabile. Hamilton. Breckenrldge.
Twelfth District Oontinued.] (Jounfy.
...Yame of Lodge.
Daviess (pop. 14,419)•.....••••..• 15 Western Star do . 65 Pattonsburg do . 201 Jamesport do ...................•...............• 488 Lock Spring
Location. Victoria. Pattonsburg. J"amesport. Lock Spring.
Ray (pop. 18,700) ........•......... do do do do do do
57 Richmond ••.............................. Richmond. 309 King Hiram•.........•..........•••.... Knoxville. 322 Hardin.•.................................... Hardin. 338 Myrtle Millville. 384 Harmony Vlbbard. 393 Bee Hive Lawson Station. 444 \.da Orrick.
Clay (pop. 15,564).................. 31 Liberty do 193 Angerona do .. 207 Ulay do 289 Acacia do 311 Kearney do · 438 Temperance
Liberty. Missourl City. Green ville. Paradise p. O. Kearney. Smithville.
Buchanan (pop. 35,109).. do do do do do do do do do
10 22 78 101 150 189 204 238
Agency Wellington St. Joseph
Agency. De Kalb. St. Joseph.
Halleck. St. Joseph. Arnoldsville. Rushville. St. Joseph. Near St. Joe.
Rowley RushvlI1e 331 Charity 376 King Hill
Atchison (pop. 8,440)............ do do do
157 200 357 483
Holt (pop. 11»652)............ do
139 Oregon
do do
North Star Sonora Phelps Iri sh Grove
214 Foresn.City 294 Mound City 371 Craig
Rockport. Sonora. Phelps Oi ty. Irish Grove.
Oregon. Forest City. Mound City. " •• Craig.
No. 1 2 3 9 20
St. Louis (pop. 492,000).. do do
do do
do do
do 80 do .•.••...•........................... 121 do 163 do 167 do 179 do 218 do 243 do .•...•....•..................•.•.... 267 do 281 do 282
360 416 420 443 445 460 484
do do do do
.J..Vame oj Lodge. Location. Missouri..........................•.......•....St. LOllis. Merldian St. LOllis. Beacon St. Louis. Geo. Washington St. Louis. St. LOllis St. Louis. Naphtali St. Louis. Mt. l\Ioriah St. Louis. Bonhomme Manchester. Polar Star St. LouIs. . Bridgeton Brldgeton. Erwin St. Louis. Occidental St. Lonis. Orien t Francai s St. Louis. Pride of the West St. Louis. Good Hope South St.Louis. Keystone St. LOUIS. Aurora St. Louis. Fenton J:4-'en ton. Cosmos St. Louis. Corner-Stone St. Louis. Tuscan ~ st. Louis. Cache South St. Louis. Itasca St. Louis. Anchor St. Louis. West Gate St. Louis. Lambskln St. Louis. Kirkwood Kirkwood.
Franklin (pop. 30,098)
Zl Evergreen
do do
.. 1159 Pacific., .. 173 Union
. 251 Ho pe, . 363 Fraternal . 37 Cedar
do do
69 Sullivan
New Haven. Paciflc. Union. Washington. Robertsville. Shotwell. Sullivan.
EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT. WH. OARTER. D. D. G. M., FARMINGTON. Ste. Genevieve (pop. 8,384).. 220 Saline
St. Francois (pop. 9,741)...... 132 FarmingtoD, Farmington. do 234 St. Francois ..•......•.•.••...••............. Libertyvi1Ie. do 424 Samaritan Big River Mills. do 430 Iron Mountain lron Mountain. Madison (pop. 5,859)
110 Marcus
County. Cape Girardeau (pop. 17,558) do do do
No. Name 01 Lodge. 93 St. Marks 103 Westview 221 Mystio Tie 441 Exoelslor
Location. Cape Girardeau. Millersville. Oak Ridge. J ackson.
Perry (pop. 9,877).................. 457 Triple Tie
Brazeau, Abernathy P. O. Bollinger (pop. 8,162)............ 298 Marble Hill ......•........•............. Marble Hill. do 44.0 Trowel Lutesville.
Pemiscott (pop. 2,509).......... 461 Caruthersville.....................•....Caruthersville. New Madrid (pop. 6,357)...... 176 Point Pleasant do 429 New ~ladrid
Point Pleasant. New Madrid.
Mississippi (pop. 4,982)..
Scott (pop. 7,317)................... 306 Ashlar do 310 SIkeston
Comrnerce. Sikeston.
Dunklin (pop. 5,982)............. 130 West Prairie do 212 Four Mile do 215 Hornersville do 347 Landmark
Stoddard (pop. 8,585)............ 183 Bloomfield do 489 Lakeville
Clarkton. Four Mile. Cotton Plant. Kennett. Bloomfield. Lakeville.
Butler (pop. 4,208)
Carter (pop. 1,455) Ripley (pop. 8,754).......... do
209 Poplar Blutf..............•••••••......... Poplar Blu:tr: . 304 Faithful. 369 Uomposite
Wayne (pop. 6,068)............... 158 .Johnson do 449 Piedmont
Little Black. Doniphan. Greenville. Piedmont.
County. J.Yo. J.Ya'ine oj' Lodge. Washington (pop. 11,719)...... 12 Tryo do 131 Potosi :' do 143 Irondale
Location. Caledonia. Potosi. Irondale..
Iron (pop. 6,278).................... 133 Star of the West ..............•....... lronton. do 351 Mosaic Beleview. Reynolds (pop. 3,756)
455 Barnesville
Logan's Creek.
Gasconade (pop.10,09B) ......• 123 Hermann
Osage (pop. 10,793)...... do do
Linn. Chamois. Dauphine.
Maries (pop. 5,915)
66 Linn 185 Chamois 432 Dauplliue .
Crawford (pop.. 9,982)........... do ,.......
77 Labanon 94 Evening Star
Phelps (pop. 10,507).............. 230 St. James do 346 Arlington do .. 236 Rolla u.
225 Salem
Dent (pop. 6,35:7)
Steelville.. Cuba. St. James. Arlington. Rolla. Salem.
Shann"on (pop.. 2\339)
Oregon (pop. 3,287)................ 225 Alton do 387 Woodside
Alton. Thomasville.
Texas (pop. 9,618)................. 177 Texas do 395 Latimer do 469 Plato
Houston. Licking. Plato.
Howell (pop. 4,218)............... 327 Mt. Zion
West Plains.
Oounty. No. lYa'lne of Lodge. Cole (pop. 10,292).................. 43 Jetfel·son do 211 Hickory Hill
Location. Jefferson City. Hi("kory Hill.
Miller (pop. 6,616).•.:..... do do
Pleasant Mount. Iberia. Tuscum bia.
134 Pleasant Mount 410 Iberia 437 Tuscumbia
Pulaski (pop. 4,714).............. 382 Richland
Camden (pop. 6.108)
Linn Creek.
152 Linn Creek
Laclede (pop. 9,380).............. 83 Laclede do 401 Centre do 423 Newburg
TWENTY-NINTH DISTRIOT. Douglass ,(pop. 3.915) .•••••...... Ozark (pop. 3,636)
Taney (pop. 4,406)................. 453 Forsyth
Christian (pop. 6,707)............ 352 Friend
Webster (pop. 10,434)........... 98 vVebster do 459 Hazelwood do 439 l\ft. Olive
l\1arshfield. Waldo. vVebster.
Wright (pop. 5,864)............... 411 Joppa do 477 Henderson
Hartville. Henderson.
Greene (pop. 21,549) do do do do do do do do
G. L.-A. 9.
145 Rising Star Ebenezer. 271 Solomon Springfield. 297 Ozark Fair Grove. 341 Relief Brookline. 422 Gate of the Temple N. Springfield. 345 St. Nicholas Cave Spring. 5 United ..........•........••..................Springfield. 7 O'Sullivall Walnut Grove.. u. D. Sta:trord Stafford.
...Yo. ...\Tame of Lodge. 148 358 Comfort 115 Border
County. McDonald (pop. 5,226). do do
Newton (pop. 12,821)............ 175 Newton do 216 Granby do 247 Neosho do 478 Racine Barry (pop. 10,373)
Newtonia. Gran by. Neosho. Racine.
Washburn. Cassville.
367 Barry 383 Pythagoras
Stone (pop. 3,253)
Location. Pineville. Roclry Comfort. Ellr Springs.
E. P. LINZEE, D. D. G. M., l\fT. VERNON.
Dunkle's Store.
Lawrence (pop. 13,067)......... 269 Rock Prairie do
390 Marionville 400 Decatur
do do do do
Marionville. City..
Peirce Verona.
452 Verona 468 Red Oak 99 Mt. Vernon (pop. 14,929)
do do do do do do
. . . . . . ..
Gray's Point. ""'ernon.
197 carthage 278
298 335 ~ledoc 345 Fellowship 398 Jasper 471 Mineral
Medoc. J oplin. Midway. Oronogo.
Vernon (pop. 11,246)............. 303 Osage do
do do
Dade do do
City 490 Montevallo 451 Arg:yle
Nevada. 8chell Cit3'''. Montevallo. Nevada.
493 Vernon
(pop. 8,683)
87 Washington 44.6 Greenfield
Greenfield. Dadeville.
458 Melville
Barton (pop. 5,087)...... ..•...... 292 Lamar do 475 Golden
Lamar. Golden City.
Hickory (pop.6,452)............ 279 Hogle's Creek do , .,,, ,,,,..,......... 288 Hermitage
Gr'and Lodge of Missouri. Thirty-fourth District Continued.] County. No. ]\7'o/lne oj Lodge. Polk (pop. 12,445)...... 144 Modern do 160. Pleasant do 195 Boli var do 431 Cement do 467 Pleasant Hope
Location. Humansville•. Morrisville. Boli var . Half Way. Pleasant Hope.
Dallas (pop. 8,383)................. 300 Doric
Forkner's Hill. Buffalo.
361 Riddick 396 Western Light
Cedar (pop. 9,474).................. 283 Stockton do 286 Hesperian do 359 Garrett do 482 Clintonville
Stockton. :\lirgil City. W11ite Hare. ClintoDville.
THIRTY-FIFTH DISTRICT. J. G. MIDDLECOFF, D. D. G. 1\1., CLINTON. Henry (pop. 17,401)............... 29 Windsor do 68 Tebo do 184 Call1Ol.lll do 343 Agricola do 408 Montrose do 426 Leesville do 481 Clinton
St. Clair (pop. 6,742).............. 273 do do do do
Windsor. Clinton. Oalhonn. Norris Fork. Mon trose. Leesville. Clinton.
Osceola. Roscoe. Lowry City. Ta1:1erville. Appleton City.
342 Circle
403 LOWf;s.'" City 419 Star 412 Appleton City
do do do do do do do do
19,296).................. 128 147 276 277 372 t 386 405 219 450
Live Oak Cass Grand River Index Nonpareil Dayton l\leri<lian Sun Everett Bel ton
Pleasant Hill.
Harrisonville. Freeman. Index. East Lynne. Dayton. A ustin. Everett. Bel ton.
THIRTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT. Benton (pop. 11,322)............. 365 Warsaw do 418 Olear Oreek do 454 Benton
Warsaw. Fort Lyon. Lincoln.
Morgan (pop. 8,434)...
BarnettsviHe. Versailles.
do •.••••.••
381 Ionia 421 Euclid 117 Versailles
,.....••..•. Vers~illes.
County. ...Yo. lttame of Lodge. Cooper (pop. 20,692).............. 36 Cooper do 142 Pleasant Grove do 456 Wallace
Pettis (POl). 18,7(6)
Loeation. :
Booneville. Otterville. Bllnceton.
236 Sedalia
do do do do do do
272 340 436 485 88
Sedalia. Sedalia. Smitlltoll. I..Iamonte. Green Ridge. Dresden. LongwOOd.
Granite Amity Lamonte Paragon Dresden 84. Potter
Moniteau (pop. 11,335)......... 56 Tipton do 183 California do 205 Moniteau
'ripton. Cal ifornia. Jamestown.
Lafayette (pop. 23,623) do do do do do do do
. . . .. . . .
Saline (pop. 21,682) do do do do do do do
. . . . .. . . .
61 Waverly 122 Dover
149 320 407 464 471
Lexington Chapel Hill. Houston Aullville Mount Hope 32 Lafa;yette
55 63 85 205 217 275 337 487
Arrow Rock Cambridge ]'Iiami Trilumina Barbee Tranquillity Malta Herndon
Waverly. Dover. Lexington. Chapel Hill. Wellington. Aull ville. 1Ylount Hope. Lexington. Arrow Rock. Cambridge. l\liami.
lVfal'shall. BrownSVille. Centreville. l\tlalta Bend. Herndon.
FORTIETH DISTRICrr. WH. E. WHITING, D. D. G. ~L, KANSAS CITY. Jackson (pop. 55,(41) .. 76 Independence Independence. do . 104 Heroine Kansas City. do . 107 Golden Square"' West Port. do .. 220 I{ansas 01 ty Kansas City. do . 316 Rural Kansas Cit.y. do . 36! KIng David Kansas City. do . 299 Temple Kansas City. do .. 232 Lone Jack Lone .Jack. do .. 263 Summit Lee's Summit. do . 324 McDonald Independence. do .. 39! Raytown Raytown. do " .•. 392 Christian , : Pink HilL
'v. 'v. GRIFFIN, D. D. G. 1\1., SANTA FE. :J.. .a me of Lodge. 95 Chapman
Location. San lVIlgllel.
Las Vegas
Dona Anna......
108 Aztec
Las Cruces.
San ta Fe......
109 J.\.Ion tezllma
Santa Fe.
326 !{it Carson 348 Cimarron
Elizabethtown. Cimarron.
Gran t...
465 8il vel' Ci ty
S11 vel' Oi ty.
480 Union
La Junta.
Jefferson (pop. 15,380).......... 119 De Soto llo 164 Joachin1. do
De Soto. Hillsboro. Hanover.
256 Shekinah
Callaway (l)OP. 19,202)•.••...... do do do
. . .
do do
. ..
8 Williamsburg : 60 New Bloomtield 81 Hickory Grove 154 Concord 242 Portland , 314 St. Aubert 425. Cedar City 48 Fulton
, ,
Williamsburg. Fulton. N. Bloomfield. Hallville P. O. Concord. Portland. St. Aubert. Cedar City.
Johnson (pop. 24,649)........... 229 MitchelL do 245 Knob Noster do 262 Holden do 264 Fayetteville do . 265 Corin tl:lian do 280 Lodge of Peace do 313 Kingsville do 466 Centre View do 135 Warrensburg
Columbus. Knob Noster. Holden. Fayetteville. "'.arrensburg. Chilhowee. Kingsville. Centre View.
Bates (pop. 15,960) . do . do . do ..........•.................•....... do . do . do ....•.....•.•.......•...............
Name of Lodge. Location. 140 Papinville Papinville. 254 Butler Butler. 315 Altona Altona. 350 Tyrlan Johnstown. 368 Pleasant Hill Pleasan t HIlI. 479 Triangle......... . Butler. 368 Crescent Hill ...•.....•••.•.....•....... Crescent Hill.
Livingston (pop. 16,731)...... 89 Friendship Cblllicothe. Spring Hill. do . 155 Spring HIll. Attica. do . 170 Benevolence 333 Chillicothe Chillicothe. do u . Bedford. do . 385 Alexander Farmersvi lIe. do . 388 Farmersville. Wheeling. do . 43-1 Wheeling Linn (pop. 15 900) . 82 Jackson Linneus. Brookfield. do . 86 Brookfield do . 90 King Solomon St. Catherine. do . 227 Cypress.....................•................ Laclec1e. do . 233 Bucklin..•••................................ Bucklin. do . 325 Dockery Bottsville.
Nodaway (lJoP. 14,751) do do do do do do do do And.rew (pop. 15,137) do do do do do
. . . . . . . . . . ,.. .
112 Graham
165 196 301 329 470 4i2 474 50
71 138 162'
. 248 . 353 .. 413
Graham. Maryville......................•........... MaryvIlle. Quitman........•........................... Q,uitman. Whi te Hall Barnard. Kennedy Lamar Station. Nodaway Maryville. Pickering Pickering. GuIlford Guilford. Xenia Hopkins. Savannah Savannab. Lincoln Fillmore. \Vhi tesville Whi te&ville. Rocbester Rochester. Benj. Franklin ......•.................. Savannah. Valley Bolckow.
Audrain (pop. 12,807)............ 26 Mexico do 20G SOcIal do 354 Hebron do 491 Vanda1ia
Mexico. 1vIartinsburg. Mexlco ..
FORTY-NINTH DISTRIOT. .JAS. Y. WHITSITT, D. D. G. County. De Kalb (pop. 9,853)..... ......•.
do Clinton (pop. 14,663)..... . do do do do do
Name oj Lodge. 182 Stewartsville 317 Osborn
49 Haynesville 62 Vincil 113 Plattsburg 330 Lathrop 397 Gower 296 Cameron
Location. Stewart~vllle.
Haynesville. Cameron. Plattsburg. Latllrop. Gower.
Platte (pop. 17,352)............... 13 Rising Sun do 53 Weston do 120 Oompass do 169 Oamdel1 Point do 191 Zel·ubbabel do 274 Newmarket do 339 Fidelit~T do 355 Adelphi do 366 Unanimity
"\Veston. Parkville. Oamden Point. Platte Oi ty. Newmarket. Farley. Union Mills. Weston.
October, 1876.
CADLE, ESQ., Gran(llrfaster of J.l:faso'Yls:
BROTHER-Herewith I present my report as
Grand Lecturer for the 3;rear ending October, 1876 :
Durlng the year I have beld Lodges of Instruction at the following places, viz.: St.ockton, Bolivar, BUffalo, Lebanoll, MonDt VernoD, Granby, Joplin, Carthage, Lamar, Nevada, Clinton, Boonville, Sedalia, Warrensburg, Platte City, Weston, Rockport, Forest City, .l\faryville, Cameron, Kf>arney, Platts, burg, Hillsboro, De Sota, Potosi, Iron Mountain, Ironton, Piedmont, Sikeston, . New .l\ladrid, Charlestoll, Cape Girardeau, Jackson, Lutef...ville, 1:farble I路nU, Commerce, l i', Farmington, BOWling Green, Hannibal, Paris KirkSVIlle, Canton, and Fayette. Several other appointments were made, but owing to hot weather, and other causes, proved partial or ~otal failures. Thefollowing lodges have either been personally visited by me or havp been represented at roy various Lodges of Instruction, viz.: Nos. 4, 15, 19, 28, 29,30, 36,42,43, 47,50, 5:3,56, 62, 68, 83,84, 87, 92, 93, 99, 100, 102, 105, 110, 113, 115, 119, 181, 132, 133, 135, 1a6, 139,142, 144, 157, 160, 164,105, 169, 175, 180, 181, 184, 191, 195, 197, 213, 214, 216, 222, 228, 236, 237, 240, 245,247,264,265, 272, 280.283,287, 292, 294, 296, 298. 299, 300,302, 303,306,807,310,311,317.318, 319, 340, 342, 343,345,346,350,355,357,358, 301, 366, 367,371, 882, 390, 396, 399, 401,402, 404, 406, 408, 412, 414, 419, 426, 429, 430, 431, 436, 440, 441, 449, 451, 452,456, 466, 468, 470, 475, 481, 482, 483, 485, 490, Vernon, U. D., and Charles-
ton, U. D. In addition, I have given much private instruction to Masters of lodges and other brethren. While there has not been a very large amount of work done during the past year, 1 am satisfied that what has been done bas been well done. Herewith I transmit reports of the follOWing District Lecturers:
W. E.
Fourth District. Fifth District. Eighth District, Ninth District. Sixteen th District. Seventeenth District. Twenty-sixth District. Thirty-first District. Tllirty-fourth District. Thlrty-eighth District. Forty-fifth District..
Right Worshipful Brother W. H. Muzzy reports that the work is in a state of healthy progress throughout his District; that the brethren evince earnest.. ness and zeal in acquiring a knowledge of and being skilled in the work of the Grand Lodge. Worshipful Brother HORACE W. Po CORE reports that he bas visited and held Lodges of Instruction at the following places, viz.: New Florence, Danville, Loutre Island, Wellsville, Middletown, and Mon1gomer:y' City. Having business in "foreign countries," be was unable to viElit the other lodges, but learns that they are doing fair work. In the lodges he visited there is a marked improvement, not only in the verbiage but also in the" impressiveness" of manner in conferring degrees. /I
Right Worshipful Brother DAVID BAIRD reports tbat he has exemplified the \vork in the folloWing lodges, viz. : Nos. 38, 102, 105, 181, 237,319, and 414, and besides has embraced every opportunity to cOlumunicate the work to the officers and members of the lodges of his District. He finds a general desire to get the correct work. Worshipful Brother DILLINGER reports that be bas either visited or been in consulta,tion with members of all the lodges in his District during t.he year, and that everything is working well. 1-Ie held a District Lodge of Instrllction at Lancaster, which he thinks the most profitable ever held in the District. Right Worshipful Brother THOS. C. READY reports that on the first Saturday in November, 1875, Right Worshipful Brother 'V1"L R. STUBBLEFIEI.JD, D. D. G. M., organized a Lodge of Instruction, at Freemason's Hall, wbich ·was cantin ned each succeeding Saturday un til April 1st. The lodges were gen€>rally well represented, and he has reason to beliE-ve great benEfit was derived by all in attendance. He says a mnjorit:.Y' of the lodges in St. Louis are proficient in the work and lectures. He bas visited nearly every lodge in the city limits, and has nothing but words of praise to o1rer in behalf of all. Right Worshipful Brother JOHN H. PUGH reports that the lodges are doing well, and that the work is in a fair condition. Right Worshipful Brother JOHN E. BARNES reports that he has vIsited the following lodges, viz. : No::;. 177, 327, and 395. He worked day and night while on these visitations-he hopes ,vith some success. He says that the accunl u" lated errors and interpolations .of successive l\1asters, who guessed at what they did not know and added what their fanc~T or imagination suggested, makes ita difficul t task to teach a more excellen t way. Right Worshipful Brother J. M. RITCHIE reports that be bas visited all the lodges (except one) in his District. His Lodges of Instruction were ·well attended, the brethren manifesting deep interest in the work. He thi nks he can truthfully say that bis District is getting in a more healthy condition, and that more interest is taken in the work. Right \Vorshipful Brother J. D. ABBE reports that he has held three District Lodges of Instruction, and has al~o visited Nos. 144 and 467. The attendance at all of his Lodges of Instruction (with one exception) was good, and he found the brethren ready to recei ve the work. Right WorshipfUl Brother ROBERT T. WYAN reports that he has Visited the following lodges, viz.: Nos. 84, 142, 340, 436,456, and 485. In addition to this, be met with representatives of nearly all the lodges in District Lodges of Instruction held at Sedalia and Boonville. He has also given much private
instruction to Masters and individual brethren. Fraternally submi tted, ALLAN
PROPOSED ADDITIONAL SEOTION TO ARTICTJE VII. IN RELATION TO D. D. G. M. SECTION 11. Each District Deputy Grand Master shall, in his district, be the immediate represen tative of the Grand Master, and as such, be cha.rged with the d l1ty of superin tending the Craft in such district, and he shall enforce therein all law and regulations of the Grand Lodge, or orders of the Grand !vlaster, with the following rIghts and duties:
1. To preside at every trial in any lodge in his district, if requested so to do by the Worshipful Master. 2. Shall report to the Grand Master or Grand Lodge any Masonic evil eXisting in his dIstrict if unable to correct the same.
S. All communications froln lodges, or any member thereof, shall be sent to the District Deputy Grand Masters of the respective districts, who shall give their opinion on any subject in WhICh difference of opinIon may prevail, and if the lodge or any member thereof shall desire it. he shall forward to the Grand Master a report of all the points in the case, with his opInion thereon, and such opinion shall be valid and binding unless disapproved by the Grand Master or Grand Lodge. 4.. When a Lodge of Instruction shall be called by the District Deputy Grand Master, if the District Lecturer, if there is one in the district, shall fail to attend upon proper notice sent to him, or if such appointment has been made, the Distri('t Deputy Grand Master shall appoint some competent brother to act a"! Lecturer for such meeting, preference being given to some brother bolding a certificate from the Grand Lecturer.
5. In case any District Deputy Grand l\!aster shall be unable to visit any lodge be may, for the purpose of official inspection, commission in writing any past or present Master to do so, who shall at once report back to him his
acts under such commission. 6. Shall keep a detl;tiled account of his expenBes actually incurred officially, and same shall be paid in such ~anner as the Grand Lodge may dIrect.
Fraternally submitted by J. W. LUKE, Chairman of Committee on District Deputy Grand Masters, Reports, &0. Offered by Brother W. A. Ross: Proposed alteration of Section 28 of Article XVI. of the By-Laws, so as to read as follows: SECTION 28. No new lodge shall be formed in any city, town or village where there are more than two lodges looated. except upon the recommenda-
tion of two-thirds of all the lodges in such city, town or village, also, that in any county where two or more lodges are situated, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of each lodge to notify every other lodge in said county of all petitions for initIation or membership, and al&o of all rejections, suspensions or expulsions, which notice shall be read to the lodge to whom sent at the next regular meeting, and then posted up on a board kept for that purpose. Proposed by Brother A. TITUS: Proposition to amend the By-Laws by adding the following section: Resolved, That this Grand Lodge pay one delegate from each subordinate lodge, whose annual dues have been paid to the Grand Lodge, or for good cause rernitted by the Grand Lodge, eight cents per mile for the necessary miles traveled (one way), and two dollars per day for the time in actual attendance at the sessions of this Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted l\'Iasons.
Oct. "
1. Amount, on hand..........................................
9. From Grand Chapter of Mlssouri.
23. 20. 20. 20. 'l.7. 27. 27. 4. 4. 11. lB. 18. 25. 23.
1876. Jan'y 8. "29. 29. Feb. 26. April 2~. :May 20. Sept. 23.
$250 00
Lodge, No. 86. Indiana................................ Pride of tile West Lodge, No. 179, Missouri........ Tuscan Lodge, No. 360, l\lissouri...................... Doric Lodge, No. 319, Illinois...... Beacon f.Jodge, No.3, Missouri... George Washingt.on Lodge, No.9, MissQuri........ Merid Ian Lodge, No.2, Missouri-...........
8.3 55 00 Fl5 00 12 00 65 00 25 00 4t3 00 Mt. l\loriah Lodge, No. 40. ~1issouri..................... 5 00 Napbtali Lodge, No. 25, lVlissouri.......................... 15 00 ICe,ystone I,odge, No. 243, Missouri............... 95 00 St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, Missotu·l.................... 70 00 Anchor Lodge, No. 443, Mi~souri........................... 25 00 Cache Lodge, No. 416. Mlbbouri...... 40 00 Good Hope Lodge, No. 218, MiM>ouri..................... 30 00
Itaska Ludge, No. 420, Mtssouri...
73 00
V:Y-est Gate Lode;e, No. 4·j5, :Missouri......... Erwin Lodge, No. 121, .M1ssouri............................. Brookfield Lodge, No. 86, :MiRSOUrl........................ Lambskin Lodge, No. 460, Missouri. ZIon Lodge, No.1, lVlichlgan................... Aurora Lodge, No. 267, .MIssourl. Mt. Zion Lodge, No. 147, Kentucky.......................
40 20 58 2.) 10 200 9
00 00 50 00 00 00 00-1,250 35' $2,255 60
Amount paid Jurisdiction of Arlransas ~16 20 DIstrict Columbia........................... 10 00 H " England............................................ 58 70 France... 15 00 "
~~t~t8;.~::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::':::::::: 24U~30 Iowa Kansas
E;~its~;~~.::.:.: ..:.:.::..::..::.:.:.:::::: ~IarylRnd...
18 35
:::::: ::: :::
4~ ~~
32 50 6 00
M} ~~~~~~~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~ ~~ ~~tSl~:~~a~:.·::.·::.·:: . :::::.·::.·:::::.·::.:·.:::::::::: ~g ~~
New York 45 20 Ohio................................................... 6 UO Pennsylvania...... 5,5 05 Scotland............... 20 50 Texas 3 20
Balance on ha~i~~~~~~~.~.~·~:::·:·.::·:·.::::::·:~:·::::·:·.:::·::.: . : : : : : :.:.: .:.: : ~: .: : : : : :::::: ~~ ~g-l, ~~ ~ 66 ROB'T LYLE, 8ecretary. ST. LOUIS, Mo., October 1, 1876.
*All appropriations for Ivlissouri are made for lodges outside of St. Louis, as no city lodge is entItled to the benefits of the Board. Se()'retatry.
GRAND LODGES-ADDRESS OF GRAND SECRETARIES. Slate. Alabama Arkansas British Colnmbia Califorllia Canada Colorado Connecticut Delaw'are District of Columbia D-tkota England Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Indian Territory Kansas Kentucky Louisiana J\-!ain e l\'1aRsachusetts Maryland J\-Iichigan Millnesota Mississippi MOll tana 1\-Ianitoba Nebraslr.a Nevada New Brunswick Ne\v Hampshire New Jersey New york North Carolina Nova Scotia 011io Oregon Pen nsylvania Prince Edward Island Quebec Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
.J.Yame. Daniel Sayre Luke E. Barber Ooote M. Chambers Alex. G. Abell J .â&#x20AC;˘J. J.\>Iason Ed. C. Parmlee Jos. K. Wheeler William S. HajTes Willianl R. Singleton 1\Iark W. Bailey Jolln Hervey De Witt C. Dawkins J. Emmet Blackshear Charles Hinlrod John F. Burrill John 1\1. Bramwell. Theo. S. Parvin Rufus P. Jones Jollll H. Brown John M. r~odd Jas. C. Bachelor, M. D Ira BerrjT Charles H. Titus Jacob H. Medairy Ellery I. Garfield A. T. C. Pierson J. L. Power Cornel i us Hedges John H. Bell Wm. R. Bo\ven John C. Currie Wm. F. Bunting Jno. A. Harris Joseph H. Ifougb, M. D James M. Austin, M. D Donald W. Bain Benjamin Curren John D. Caldwell R. P. Earhart : 3 ohn Thomson B. Wilson Higgs
Jacob Isaacson Ed win Baker Charles Inglesby John Frizzell.. Geo. H. Bringhurst Christopher Diehl. Henry Clark John Dove, M. D Thos. M. Reed 0. S. Long J110. W. Woodhull Jno. K. Jeffry ,.,
Address. Montgomery. Little Rock. Victoria. Sall Francisco. Hamiltoll, Onto Georgetown. Hartford. Wilmington. Washitigton. Canton. J..Jondon. Jacksonville. ~lacon.
Boise Oity. Springfield. Indianapolis. Iowa Oi ty. Caddo, C. N. Wyandotte. Louisville. New Orleans. Portlan<l. Boston. Baltimore. Detroit. St. Paul. Jaoekson. Helena. Winnepeg. Onlaha. Virginia. St. John. Concord. Trenton. New York. Raleigh. Halifax. Clncinnati. Salem. Philadelphia. Obarlottetown. 1\Ion treal. Providellce. Charleston. Nashville. Houston. Salt Lalre City. Rutland. Richmond. Olympia.. UharlestoD. Mil waukee. Oheyenne.
Slate. Alabama Arkansas Britisb Columbia Oalifornia I Connecticut Oans(la Oolorado Chili Dakota Delaware District of Oolumbia Florida Georgia Iowa Illinois Indiana Idaho : Kentucky Kansas Louisiana J\;laine MississiPPl Minnesota Montana Manitoba New York New Jersey New Brunswick New Hampshire North Carolina Nova Scotia Nebraska :' Nevada 011io Oregon Pennsylvania Soutll Oa.rolina
Tennessee Texas Washington Territory Wyoming Territory WIsconsin West Virginia
1'r"ranle. G. F. Gouley James H. Bethune Allan McDowell G. F. Gouley John D. Vincil G. F. Gouley Wm. N. Loker G. F. Gouley Joseph S. Browne G. F. Gouley.: Noah ~r. Givan G. F. Gouley G. F. GOllley John D. Vincil Martin ColUns Thomas C. Ready G. F. GOllley William E. Robinson Thomas E. Garrett Thomas E. Garrett Zenophon Ryland G. F. Gouley Samuel H. Sallnders Paris S. Pfouts James E. Carter John W. Lulre Oharles. F". Leavitt G. F. Gouley G. F. Gouley B. O. Austin G. F. Gouley G. F. Gouley G. F. GOllley John D. Vincil G.. F. GOllley G. F. Gouley G. F. GOll1ey G. F. GOllley Jobn B. Maude G. F. Gouley Samnel H. Owens Rufus E. Anderson William E. Whiting
Post Ofjlce. St. Louis. Cbarleston. Greentleld. St. T.Jouis. Mexico. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Joseph. St. Louis. Harrisonville. St. LOllis. St. Louis.. Mexico. St. Lonis. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. 8t. Louis. St. Louis. Lexington. St. Louis. Otterville. St. Louis. Jefferson City. St. Louis. Springfield. St. LOlliR. 8t. Louis. New Bloomfield. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. 1Vlexico. St. LOllis. St.. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis.. California. Palmyra. Kansas City.
State. Alabama Arkansas British Columbia Canada Connecticut (;hili Colorado California Delaware District of Oolumbia Dakota England Florida Georgia Iowa Illinois Idaho Indiana Kentucky" Kansas Loui&iana Maine Minnesota J\Iichigan Mississippi Massachusetts Maryland Montana Manitoba New York North Carolina New Jersey New Brunswick : New Hampshire Nova Scotia Nevada Nebraska Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Q,uebec Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia Wyoming Territory Washington Territory West Virginia Wisconsil;l
Na'me. Daniel Sayre E. H. English lsrael W. Powel James K. Kerr George Lee J08e Mondalado Ed. C. Parmlee Alexander G. Abell.. William S. Hayes Wm. R. Singleton Thomas H. Brown Braxton Bal\:er De Witt C. Dawkins J. Emlnett Blackshear Theodore S. Parvin Jerome R. Gorin Jonas W. Brown William Hacker John ~I. Todd M. S. Adams Jobn A. Stevenson Ira Berry Henry L. Carver J. C. Comnbury Charles T. Murphy .Tohn K. Hall. John S. Berry H. L. Hosmer W. O. Olarlr John O. Boak R. W. Best Joseph H. Hough Wm. F. Bunting William Barrett Charles J. Macdonald W. A. M. Van Bokkelen .T. N. Wise A. M. Ross John McCracken Thomas Brown John H. Graham Charles D. Greene Charles Inglesby Jobn Frizzell George H. Bringhurst Henry Clark William B. Isaacs Edger P. Snow Thomas M. Reed William J. Bates Henry L. Palmer "
Post Office. Montgomery. Little Rock. Victoria. Toronto. New Haven. Valparaiso. Georgetown. San Francisco. Wilmington. Washington. SiollX Falls. London. Monticello. Macon. Iowa City. Decatur. ldaho City. Shelbyville. Louisville. Leavenworth. New Orleans. Portland. St. Paul. Kalamazoo. Durant. Boston. Baltimore. Virginia City. Winnepeg. New York City. Raleigh. Trenton. St. John. Nasbua. Halifa:x:.t Vlrginia. PlattsmO'llth. Cincinnati. Portlalld. PhiIadelphia. Richmond. Providence. Cbarleston. Nasbville.. Houston. Rutland. Richmond. Cheyenne. Olympia. Wbeeling. ,.....•....•..Milwaukee. u
No.1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 1.0 10
11 13 14 15 15
Joachim Hiralu Harn1.011y 'l'R-Y}or
Olive Branch Unity I~i'ntnklln Union Grover Vandalia Hangamon Uni,Ju 8ha\vnee Chapel HilL Eden \TUCker
B{)()nville nen. tral v Perseverance 16 Boone, alia.s Columbia 21 New l ondon 22 Ft:anklin 23 Hiram 24 Harrnony 2-1 W.\TaC{)11da 26 Spl'inlJ:tleld 27 I Ringgold
Tenl p erance 21 j Ter11pJe
29 r~~ar West 29 Osage ,82 1Lafayette
- - - - - - - - ----=-~----------===--------~----------------TO'VN.
8t. Charles Loulsiant:t \spt.ingfield
JeffenHln Ht. Charles Pike Greene
:.\10 1\-10 1\10 ~10
, jJadrSOn Franklin Calh(}Ull Vu,ndalIu j jSpringfield IJolle\;UOro New Sante JI'e IChapel Hill ICovington lste. Genevieve. BOOllville ,Snlitllville II LOtlisiana C'olumbia New Londoll Alton St Charle~ Jacksollville
Cape Glrardeau Mo I-Ioward ~10
La Grange , R!?l'ingJit·ld RInggold
Jackson Lafayette
Ralls St. Charles
l\le1Ivllle 1G!llena ILlt.tle Osage ILexington
IlL \ II 1.: IlL ~10
Genevievei.Mo coo p er 1\!O Clay MO Pike 1fO Boone
J\.10 Ill
May 18.)8
IIl. j1"fO Mo
Oct. 11. IR_.39 l\1ny 6, 18..>2 Oct. 8, I840
~ ~ ~
~ ~
Oct. 1820, by G.L. of Tenn Arrested April 7, 1825. H~20, by G. L. ot TeUll lISUlrelluered April 4, 182u. Oct. 11, 18~1. Surrendered AprIl 1825. l\lay v. 1852, , ljUnited with U United, No.5." Apl'il 3, 18~2 United with lstG. IJ. of Ill., 1821. Nov. 2~, 1~21. · It;url'endered JanuRl'Y 7, 1823. IAPril3., 1~22 Arrested Dee. 20, 1831. May, 1852 Died 1860, Octobpr 8. 1822 United with 1st G. L. of Ill., 1824. I Oct. 2J, 1822 IArrested April I!, 1826. Oct. 2.5. 1822 United ,vith 1st G. TJ. of Ill., 1821. 1May, 1858 Surrendered 180B. May 6, 1852 \SUrrendered 1855. loct. 9. 1822 United ,vitb 1st G. L. of III.• 1824. Oct. 10, 1826 surrenctered April 0,1831. April 3. 1827 Arrested Oct. 3, 1838. l~1ay 6,1852 jwent down on acco.unt of ,val', 186L 1/ Alll'll 8. 18.28 Arrested Aprll 8, 1838. Oct. 5, 18HO Arrefotted Oct. 3.1838. Oct. 5, IH~7 lsnrrel1dered 1862. on account of w·ar. I Oct. 5, 1837 United with G. L. of 111., Oct. 1843. Oct. 5, 1837 Arrested Oct. 16. 1846. Oct. 2. IS38 United with G. I.J. of Ill., 1840. June 10. 1853 "'Isurrendf'red 187u. Oct 8, 183~ United with G. !,.of Ill., 1840. May 6, 1812 Arrested l\fay 18..>5. Oct. 9. yill9 1!nited with G; I.J. of Ill., 1842.
\Ill.. /M 0 IlL :Mo IIlI.
Hurrendered 1863.
/United with G. L. of Ill., Oct. 1845. Destroyed 1861, by \Var. /Arrested Dec. I, 1866.
$ ~
M 00 00 Q 40 • 41 ~
1 .>
~ ~
~ ~
M 00
M 00
62 ~
M 00
00 00
w w
Hillsboro, alitu Mt. Moriah.. Hillsboro.•................................... Ill Oct. 8, 1840 Dawson Wellington Lafayette Mo May 2S, 1858 Pleasant Hill Cass Mo June 12, 1853 ~rully Tully Lewis Mo June 9, 185tll Clinton Carlyle Ill Oct. 8, 1841 Ooleman St. Louis Mo Oct. 8, 1841 Des Moines, Burlington Iowa Oct. 20, 1841.. Bolivar ·Bolivar Polk Mo IJune 9, 1853 Houston Breckenridge Caldwell Mo June 2, 1866 Iowa Bloomington Iowa Oct. 20, 1841. Middle Grove Middle Grove Monroe Mo June 9, 1853 Rochester Rochester Andrew Mo June 10, 1853 Sparta, form'ly U Kabzeett" Sparta Buchanan Mo Oot. 8, 1841. Martha Washington Washington Franklin Mo June 10, 1853 Mineral Point Mineral Point 'Vis Oct. 11, 1842 Middletown Middletown Montgomery Mo May 25" 1854 Ozark Springfield Greene.. Mo Oct, 17, 1842 Anderson Cbapel Hill. Lafayette Mo May, 1858 Platte Platte City Platte Mo Oct. 14, 1842 Lancaster Lancaster Sohuyler Mo May 25,1854 Marion Salem Ill Oot. 11, 1842 St. Clair ~ Belleville Ill Oot.l1, 1812 Osceola Osceola St. Olair Mo Oct. 15, 1842 Maysville Maysville De Kalb Mo May 2.5, 1854 Dubuque Dubuque Iowa Oct. 10. 1843 Be Marys Perryville Perry Mo May 25, 1854 Iowa City Iowa City Iowa Oct-10, 1843 Landmark Warsaw Benton Mo Oct. 12, 1843 Melody PlattevIlle Wis Oct. 12, 18:la Marshall MarshalL Saline Mo Oct. 12, 1813 Alexandria Alexandria Clark Mo Oot. 16, 1844 College Marion College Marion Mo Oot. 16. 18-14: Dickinson Monroe Marion l\fo Bowling Green Bowling Green Pike IMo 00t.14, 1846 Neosho Neosho Newton Mo Oct. 14, 1846 !\{o Oct.17 t 1846 Oreg'n Oct. 19, 1846
Johnson Johnson
Mo Mo
March 19, 1847 Unknown
Bates Franklin Cass
Mo Mo Mo
Oct. 14, 1847 May 28, 1858 00t.14, 1847 Oct. 12, 1847
Closed with Mexican War. Destroyed 1861, by war. Arrested abont1855. Destroyed 1861, by war.
Dana Multanomah
Oalhoun Oregon City .. Warrensburg Columbus
Johnson " Mitchell Missouri Military, 3d Reg't :h1issouri Volunteers...... Butler ~ Bates Union ~ Olive Branch 00 Prairie HarrisonVille
~ ~ ~
Arrested Oct. 16, 1846. Surrendered 1864. Destroyed 1862, by war. Surrendered May 1863. Arrested Oct. 19, 1846. Changed to " Mt. J\foriah," 40, in '44. UnIted with G. L. of Iowa, 1844. Surrendered 1863. Arrested April 22, 1869. United with G. L. of Iowa, 1844. Arrested Feb. 29, 1864. Surrendered 1865. Arrested Oct. 19,1846. Arrested }.tlay 1863. United with G. L. of Wis., 1844. Arrested May 18, 1858. Arrested Oct. 18, 1847. Destroyed 1861, by War. Surrendered 1864. Arrested 1866. United with G. L. of Ill" 1844. United with G. L. of 111,1813. Destroyed 1861, by walt. Destroyed 1862, by war. United with G. L. of Io'\va. 1~44. Surrendered Jan. 1864. United with G. L. 01 Iowa, 1844. Destroyed 1861, by war. lullited with G. L. of Wis., 1844. Arrested 1851. Arrested 1864. Changed to "Dickinson ," 1847. Forlned frmn U College," No. 70. Changed to U Ashley,. No. 75." Surrendered 1863. durIng war, and restored as 247, in 1867. Arrested Oct. 28, 1852. First Lodge on Pacific Coast. United with G. L. of Oregon, Destroyed 1861, by war. Destroyed 1861, by war.
~ R.,
b:) ~
94 Evening Star
95 95 99 101 103
105 IOU 106
106 108 112 114 115 116 118 119 124 128
Cuba Jackson Pleasant Hill... Mt. Vernon Springfield Carthage Georgetown Macon Macon 1\fiami New IV[adrid Ht. Francisville Waverly Sibley Gallatin Ht. Oharles Boston Freemont Kirksville
Acacia Pleasant Hill. Mt. Vernon Greene Oarthage Relief Macon Laporte l\1iami. New Madrid Ezell. Waverly ~ibley
Daviess Hiram Foster Cedar Kirksville
129 Constantine 180 Barry 134 ~arcoxie
135 Ridgley
137 Warrenton 188 Round Prairie
140 ~mithton 141 Middlebury 148 [i'lint HilL 144 John Dade 145 Windsor Oity 147 Buffalo 152 f.linn Creek 153 Kansas 156 Giddings 158 Oornwell 160 Edina 161 Rob. Morris 167 Eldorado,
DEAD LODGES," &o.-Continued.
Crawford Mo Cape Girardeau Mo Cass Mo Polk Mo Greene Mo Jasper Mo Pettis Mo Macon Mo Macon Mo Saline 1\10 New}\ladrid Mo Clark Mo Lafayette 1\10..... Jackson Mo Daviess 1\fo St.Oharles Mo Scott Mo Cedar Mo Adair Mo . Charleston Mississippl. Mo Cassville Barry Mo Sarcoxie Jasper Mo Ridgley Platte•••.....•....... Mo Warrenton Warren Mo Newark•............ A.ndrew Mo Smithfield IKans's Middlebury.•.... Mercer 1\10 Flint Hill St. Charles Mo Ca~sville Barry Mo WIndsor City Carroll Mo Buffalo Dallas 1Mo Linn Creek Camden Mo Wyandotte...... . Kans's Nebraska City ,INeb Rose Hill Johnson Mo Edina Knox , M:o Savannah Andrew Mo Luray Clark..........•.•..•. Mo
May 29,1855 May 5, 1848 May, 8, 1848 May 11, 1848 May 12,1848 May 12, 1849, ~1ay 10, 1849 May 28, 1858 May 28, 1858 May 10, 1849 l\1ay 10, 1849 May 9, 1850 Alay 9, 1850 1\1ay 10, 1850 May 10,1850 May 10,1850 Aiay 10, 1850 May 10, 1851 May 8, HID1 May 8. 1851. May, 1852 May, 1851 May 7, 1851. June, 1851. May 31. 1855 May, 1855 May 31, 1855 May 81, 1855 June 1,1855 J\\ne 1, 1855 May, 1855 May 26, 1855 May, 1855 1856 May 28,1856 AIay 29, 1856 May 28,1856 May 18, 1857
b:) ~
Surrendered June ]2~ 1875. Went down during the war. Arrested 1853. Surrendered Dec. Zl, 1862. United with "United. No.5." 1857. Burned out, 1861. Went down 1860. Surrendered 1873. Changed to U Macon, 106." Surrendered Feb. 10, 1857. Destroyed during the war. Surrendered 1860. Surrendered Jan. 28, 1860. Stlrrendered 1863. Arrested 1876. Surrendered May, 1862. Sllrrendered 1866. Stlrrendered 1863. Arrested 1863. New Charter 1864 to No. 105. Surrendered JUly 28, 1874. Arrested 1852. Arrested May, 185.8. Dest.royed 1861, by war. Surrendered 1856. Arrested 1865. All records lost. Arrested 1872. Surrendered 1863. Destroyed 1861, by war. Surrendered 1855. Arrested 186l. Destroyed 1861, by War. No Returns. Made no Returns. Destroyed 1861, by war. ,Arrested May. 1866. Surrendered 1857. :Surrendered 1861.
~ $S-
'l •••••
16R Fairmount IFairmOu1?-t TnscumbIa 169 Tuscumbia 172 Wolf Island Wolf Island 173 UniQn, form'ly "Bollinger" Wolford's Store 177 Winchester Winchester 180 Kenner Athens 184 l\{odern IIuTaansville 18Q Dayton Dayton 190 Wet au Glaize WetauG1aize 197 Camden Camden 200 Washburn Washburn 203 Pleasant Ridge ~ IPleasant Ridge 203 Green Ridge Windsor 204 Bent Camp }floyd 208 Alto Vista Alto VIsta 211 Orion Joseph 212 Austin : Austin : 216 West PlaIns WestPlalns 217 ~uincy Q,uincy 219 Emerson !Emerson 219 New Boston !New Boston 223 Jasper rSarcoxie 224 Lamar lLamal' 229 Nevada Nevada 282 DeWitt Dewitt 295 Grove , Webster Groves 332 Clark Csty Clark City 836 Oak Grove Pink Hill 348 Ash Grove Ash Grove.. 407 Houston Wellington 409 Unity Richmond 417 Covenant Carrollton 491 Pittsville Pittsville uo •••
' 'ISt.
Mississippi. Bolllnger Clark Clark Polk Cass Camden Roy Harry Harrison Henry DaVless Buchanan Casso Howell. Hickory Marion Macon Jaspel' Barton Grundy Carroll St. LOUIS Olark Jackson Greene Lafayette Ray Carroll Johnson
Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo l\{o Mo lVlo Mo Mo Utah Mo Mo Mo 1\10
Mo Mo Mo Aio Mo 1\10
l\io Mo l\io Mo Mo Mo /Mo Mo Mo......
1\fay 18, 1857 A'Iay 18,1857 May 30, 1857 May, 1857 May, 1857 May, 1858 IMay , 1859 May, 1859 lVlay, 1860 l\lay, 1859 May, 1860 lVlay, 1860 Oct. 19, 1867 June 1, 1860 May, 1861.. May, 1861. May, I86t May, 1861 May, 1861 May, 1861. Oct. 12,1869 May, 1861 l\'lay, 1861 l\fay, 29, 1861 1863 May 15,1868 Oct. 12, 1870 Oct. 12, 1870 Oct. 13, 1870 O<:'t. 13,1871.. Oct. 13, 1871.. Oct. 12, 1872
Surrendered Ju~e 12,1863. Surrendered 1863. Surrendered Aug. 22, 1874. No Records. Destroyed 1861, by war. Destroyed 1862, by war. Destroyed 186l, by war. Destroyed 1861, by war. Surrendered 1862. Went down 1861, by war. Destroyed 1861, by war. Arrested 1863. Surrendered 1873. Surrendered 1865. Arrested 1865. Surrendered 1863. Destroyed 186l, by war. Surl'endered 186!. Destroyed by war. Destroyed 1861, by war. Surrendered 1871. Destroyed 1863, by war. Destroyed 1861, by war. No Returns. Surrendered 1865. No Returns. Surrendered"ih74. Surrendered 1875. Surrendered Oct. 3, 1873. Arrested 1872. Destroyed by fire Dec. 19, 1873. Surrendered 1876. Surrendered 1873. Arrested, 1875.
C1J ':I OJ
~ ~ ~
~ ~
b:> CA?
The foregoing table has been prepared after several years labor, chiefly among soattered and confused doctunents of former years, and the dates and circumstances as given nlay be relied upon as correct. In nlany instances the exact day of the month cannot be ascertained. The table is made up to June 1, 1876. The first lodge in the State was French" Lodge, at Stet Genevieve .chartered by Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, 1790, and to which the early French settlel's of St. Louis belonged, but all its records are lost. The three lodges which formed the Grand Lodge in 1821 were !lissoul'i, No. 12, at st. Louis; Joachim, No. 25, at Heroulaneum; and St. Charles (afterwards Hiram), No. 28, at st. Charles-all chartered by the Grand Lodge of Tennessee-which were subsequently numbered respectively Nos. 1,2, and 3. The two latter ODes went out of existence in 1825 and 1826, and No.1 alone of the thl'ee still survives. It will be seen that thirty-three charteTs were arrested; fifty-tbree went out of existence by the violence .and disturbanoe of the Civil War; twenty-six united with Grand Lodges subsequently fOl'med in their respective States and Territories; and thirty-two either voluntarily surrendered their charters or became consolidated with neighboring lodges. By reference to the list of H living lodges" it will be seen that many of them have grown out of the old membership, and in the same towns which originally constituted a large number in the foregoing table. This table will be found worth preserving, as it is the first one published since the organization of this Grand Lodge in 1821.
!-L l':)
~ ~ ~
Fraternally submitted, GEO. FRANK GOULEY, Grand8em路eta'ry.
~ ~.
., o
RO LL 0 F GRAN D 0 FFI eERS. The Grand Secretary has prepared the following roll of officers, both elected and appointed, who have ever held otfice since the organiza.tion oftbe Grand Lodge in 1821. The list is made up from the published and unpublished records of the Grand Lodge, and can be relied upon as correct, and it is here~ with published as a matter of preservation of that much of our Grand Lodge history in Case the original archives are lost or destro;)"ed. G. F. G., November 14, 1876. Grand Sec'reta'ry.
EL::~~N April, 1821 Oct.,lR21... Oct.,1822 Oct., 1823 Oct.,1824 Oct.,1825 Oct., 18i6 Oct.,lR27 Oct.,1828 Oct.,1829 Oct., 1830 Dec.,183L.. Oct., 1832 Dec.,183:L.. Nov., 1834.. Oct., 1835*. Oct., 1836 Oct.,1837 Oct., 1838 Oct.,1839 Oct•• 1840 Oct., 1841... Oct.,1842 Oct.,1843 Oct.,1844 Oct.,1845 Oct.,1846 Oct., 1847
Thos. F. Riddiclc James Kennerly Natll'l B. Tucker Tholnpson Douglass Edward Bates Nath'l B. Tucker Thompson Douglass Edward BateiS Nath'l B. Tucker Geo. H. C. Melody Edward Bates Nath'l B. Tucker Geo. H. O. Melody William G. Pettus. Edward Bates Geo. H. C. Melody William G. Pettus. Edwal'd Bates Hardage Lane Martin Ruggles EdwardBates.......•• Hardage Lane.•......... Ruggles Hardage Lane Geo. H. O. Melody H. R. Gamble Hardage I.lane Fred. L. Billon H. R. Gamble Hardage Lane....... Geo. H. C. Melody Sinolair KIrtley.•... Edward Bates Geo. H. C. Melody Oliver Parker H. R. Gamble jGeo. H. C. Melody M. J. Noyes Sinclair !Cirtley A. B. Chambers John Wilson A. B. Chambers ISinclair }{irtley Oliver Parker A. B. Chambers jSinClair Kirtley Oliver Parker S. W. B. Carnegy John n. Daggett Edward Searcey S. W. B. Carnegy IJohn D. Daggett A. B. Chambers S. W. B. Carnegy John D. Daggett A. B. Cham bel's P. H. McBride A. B. Chambers Alex. T. Douglass.• P. H. McBride Joseph Foster Alex. T. Douglass.. P. H. McBride•....... Joab Bernard Joseph Foster P. H. McBride Joab Bernard Joseph Foster P. H. lvIcBride IJOSePh Foster J • W. S. Mitohell J. W. S. Mitchell... Fred. L. Billon E. S. Ruggles J. W. S. Mitchell John D. Taylor E. S. Ruggles jE. S. Ruggles•......... John Ralls John D. Taylor Joseph Foster E. S. Ruggles•............ J. L. F. Jacoby
23D, 1821.
William Bates Archibald Gamble Wm. Renshaw. William Bates Archibald Gamble Wnl. Renshaw. William G. Pettus Archibald Gamble Wm. Renshaw. William G. Pettus Al'chiba1d Gamble 1.'. Douglass. Thornton Grilnsley.. Archibald Gamble T. Douglass. Thornton Grimsley.. Archibald GaIll.hle John D. Daggett. John F. Ryland Rich. T. McKInney John D. Daggett. H. R. Gamble Thornton Grimsley.. John D. Daggett. Adam L. Mills Thornton Grimsley. John D. Daggett. Adam L. Mills Bernard Pratte John D. Daggett. Adaln L. Mills Thomas Andrews Fred. L. Billon. Augustus Jones Thomas Andl·ews.•... Fred. L. Billon. Augustus Jones Thomas Andrews Fred. L. Billon. G. A. Tuttle Geo. H. C. Melody John Garnett. S. W. B. Carnegy Geo. H. O. l\-felody Thos. W. Conyers. S. W. ~. Carnegy Geo. H. O. Melody Thos. W. Conyers. GranVIlle Snell .....•... Geo. H. C. Melody Ri('h. B. Dallam. Thonlas Andrews Geo. H. C. Melody Rich. B. Dallam. Alex. T. Douglass Geo. H. C. Melody Rich. B. Dallam. William C. Vance Geo. H. C. M@lod:v. Rich. B. Dallam. John Orrick Geo. H. O. Melody Rich. B. Dallaln. C. H. Bowers Geo. H. C. Melody Rich. B.Dallam. C. H. Bowers John SImonds•......... Rich. B. Dallam. E. S. RUf.?;gles ,Fred. L. BUlan Ricb. B. Dallam. J. L. ~'. Jacoby John S. Watson Rich. B. Dallam. J. L. F. JaCOby tJOhn S. Watson•....... Fred. L. Billon. J. L. F. Jacoby John S. Watson Fred" L. BiHon. Cyrus Osborn John S. Watson J. W. S. MItchell.
,.....,. o ('j
May, 1848.• I Joseph Foster .......• E. S. Ruggles Cyrus Osborn Joseph Megguire l\laY,1849.. John F. Ryland E. S. Ruggles Joseph Megguire P. Draper May, 1850.. John F. Ryland B. W. Grover.......•.... P. Draper S. F. Currie May, 1851.. B. W. Grover E. S. Ruggles S. F. CurrIe J. H. Turner May, 1~52.• B. W. Grover S. F. Currie J. H. Turner S. H. Saunders June, 1853. Wilson Brown L. S. Cornwell \J. W. Chenoweth R. C. Hill MaY,l854.. L. S. Cornwell D. P. Wallingford Jalues H. Britton Oscar F. Potter May, 1855"1 L. S. Cornwell Oscar F. Potter J. W. Ohenoweth H. E. Van Orsdell May,l856.. Benj. Sharp W. A. Cunningham.• S. H. Saunders Marcus Boyd May, 1857.. S. H. Saunders P. Draper: Marcus Boyd J. F. Houston May, 18~8"IS' H. Saunders Marcus Boyd John F. Houston John Decker May,18n9.. Marcus Boyd M. H. McFarland W. R. Penick , John Decker MaY,1860.. M. H. McFarland W. R. Penick John Decker Samuel M. Hayes May, 186L. Wm. R. Penick JohnDecker Geo. WhItcomb A. L. McGregor May, 1862.. 6eo. Whitcomb John H. Turner Wm. N. Loker Samuel Russell. May, 1863.. John H. Turner.•... Wm. N. L<?ke~· John D. VIUCiJ A. L. l\{cGr~gor May. 186!.. 1John F. Houston John D. VIncI!. A. L. McGregor Martin CollIns..• May, 1865.. John F. Houston John D. Vincil. Martin Colhns R. E. Anderson May,1866.. John D. VincU W. E. Dunscomb R. E. Anderson A. L. McGregor Oct., 1867 W. E. Dunscomb C. A. Rowley Thos. E. Garrett Wm. D. Muir Oct., 1868 John D. Vinci! R. E. Anderson Wm. D. Muir A. M. Dockery Oct., 1869 WIn. D. Muir T. E. Garrett Alex. M. Dockery.. Samuel H. Owens Oct.,1870 .. Thos. E. Garrett E. Anderson Samuel H. Owens.. ;JOhn E. Ryland Oct., 1871... Thos. E. Garrett R. E. Anderson Samuel H. Owensu,John E. Ryland Oct., 187l samuel H. Owens.. J. E. Ryland John W. Luke Jas. E. Cadle Oct.,1873 R. E Anderson John W. Luke Jas. E. Cadle Xen. Ryland Oct., 1874 W. Luke jxen. Ryland Jas. E. Cadle Thos. C. Ready Oct., 1875 Jas. E. Cadle Xenophon Ryland Thos. C. Ready Noah 1\1. GIvan Oct.,1876 lXen. Ryland Thos. C. Ready Noah M. Givan 'l\L G. Hubble
*There was no CommunicatIon in 1835, owing to the anti-masonic excitement. ~Appointed August 13th, 1866.
John S. Watson John M. Reed J. T. Johnson J. T. Johnson J. T. Johnson Joseph Foster Joseph Foster John D. Daggett John D. Daggett John D. Daggett John D. Daggett John D. Daggett John D. Daggett John D. Daggett John D. Daggett John D. Daggett Wm. N.Loker Wm. N. Loker Wm. N. Loker Wm. N. Loker Wm. N. Loker Wm. N. Loker 'Vm. N. Loker Wm. N. Loker Wm. N.Loker Wm. N. Loker.......... Wm.~. Loker Wm. N. Loker Will. N. Loker
IJ. W. S. Mitchell. C. D. W. Johnson. C. D. W. Johnson. C. D. Johnson. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan' A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O:Sull~van. .A. 0 SullIvan. ,A. O'Sullivan. A. O'SullIvan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O;Sull!van. A. 0 SullIvan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sllllivan.e G. Frank GouleY.1I G. Frank Gouley. G. Frank Gouley. G. Frank Gouley. G. Frank Gouley. G. Frank Gouley. G. Frank Gauley. Frank Gouley. G. Frank Gouley. G. Frank Gouley.
~ ~ ~
eDied August 11th, 1866, while in office.
V. GARNIER, Treasu1·e1".
8ecretary. I-l
-:t .
~ ~
April, 1821. . October, ]821.. ..•... October, 1822...•.... October, 1823 .. October, 1824 . October, 1825 . October, 1826 October, 1827 October, 1828 October, 1829 October, 1830
December,1831 Ootober, 1832 .. December, 1833 Geo. H. C. Melody Noveulber. 1834 Geo. H. C. 1\-felody October, 1885 October, 1836 .. October, 1837 October, 1838 October, 1839 Joseph Foster October, 1840 Steph. W. B. Carnegy October, 1841 IAlex. T. Douglass October, 1842 Alpx. T. Douglass October, 1843 8. W. B. Carnegy October, 1844
Justinian Williams. JustinlaIi Williams. Justinian Williams. JolIn R. Brown. John R. Brown. John R. Brown. . \
~ ~.
Hampton L. Boone. No Communication this year. John H. Fielding:.
Hiram Chamberlain. Hiram Chamberlain. Hiram Chamberlain. Hiram Chamberlain.
Hirulll Chamberlain. Hiram Chamberlain. H. Ohamberlain, \VIn. IIurley, J. D. Rice, W. Patton, J. G. 1. Dunleavy, Rich. C. Bond,1. K. Lacy.
.,. o (";I
October, 1845 October, 1846 October, 18:17 May, 1848 May, 18!9 May, 1850 MaY, 1851.. May, 1852 MaY, 1853 ~{ay,
May, May, May, May, May, May, . May. May, 1tlay,
1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860
1861. 1862 1863 May, 1864 May, 18~5 May, 1866 OctOber, 1867 October, 1868
October, October, October, October, October, October, October, October,
1869 1870 1871 1872
1873 1874 1875 1876
IA.Wm. W. B. Carnegy Hurley
Bond, Hurley, Rice, E. H. Cressey, E. C. Hutchinson, C. S. Hedges, R. P. Holt. Hutcb~n8on, Cressey. Bond, N .. Flood, .T. H. Hughes, J. P. Davis, T. T. Ashby. Geo. H. C. Melody Hutclllnson, Bond, Flood, DavIs, J. Creatb, Hob. l\forrow, T. H. Capers. Charles Levy Hutchinson, Flood, Bond, Davis, Morrow, A. D. Corbin, R. J. Johnson. Charles Levy........................ . Joseph Foster : Bond, Cl'eatb, Corbyn, Capers, J. B. Bro'wn, S. C. McConnell, J. L. B. Shaver. Bond, Shaver, Morrow, S. Caldwell. P. M. Pinkard, 1. F. Truslow. Charles Levy Shaver, r.rruslow. Morro,v~ Caldwell, J. Libby, J. B. Wright, B. T. Kavanaugh. Joseph Foster Shaver, Flood, Morrow, Caldwell, C. Colton, J. S. Harrison, E. S. Dulin. Joseph Foster Morrow, Wright, Hutc:.:tinson, Hurley, A. V. C. Schenck, N. J. Berryman, J. H. Wainright. Joseph Foster Schenck. Truslow, Wright, Morrow, J. E. Drake, J. G. Fackler. Anthony O'Sullivan Wright, Flood, Fackler, W. N. Irish, W. Hobson, E. M.l\1arvin. A. O'Sullivan Truslow, Wright, Flood, Irish, Marvin, Fackler, Hobson. A. O·Bullivan Truslow, Marvin, J. Brooks, J. Godby, F. H. L. Laird. A. O'Sullivan Schenclr, Marvin, Fackler, J. N. Tolbert, J. D. Vincil, E. D. Pearson, E. Brown. A. O'Sullivan Tolbert, Marvin, Vincil, Drake, Pearson, W. M. Rush, W. Thompson. A. O'Sullivan Marvin, Rush, Vincil, Brown, Irish, R. H. Weller, T. E. Shepherd. A. O'Sullivan 'Veller, Shepherd, ·"incH, Brown, Irish, Pinkard. 4... O:Sul1!van ,P!nkard, Brown, Irish, Rush, Th<?mps~n, W. \Vhite. A. 0 Slllllvan jPlllkard, Brown, Thompson, WhIte, IrIsh. A. O'Sullivan P!nkard, Shepherd, White, L. R. Downing, P.K.. Dibble, <!. L. Mond. Jno. F. Houston /p!nkard, Moad, Shepherd, Weller, J. J. Wyatt, RobInson, F. S. Headlee. Thomas E. Garrett. IPInkard, Shepherd, Wyatt, J. H. Luther, I.l\!cCary, G. W. Horn. . Thomas E. Garrett lPinkard, A. C. Osborn, E. F'. Berkley, W. G. Allen, J. A.• Drennan, P. Loregan, . H. W. Eagan. J. A. H. Lampton iPinkard, F. R. Holman, T. M. Finney,.:r. M. Holt, J. B. :M1tchell, W. P. Renick. Allan McDowell. Berkley, Eagan, J. M. Warder, M. M. FIsher, W. Warren. Allan McDowell Holt, Shepherd, Fisher, Eagan, J. H. Linn, D. J. Marquis, It'. J. Boggs. Allan McDowell Shepherd, Vincil, Holt, McCar.y, C. L. l\fayo, Eli Owen, W. L. Githens. Allan McDowell Vincil, Fackler, Shepherd, R. A. Holland, B. M. Roberts, J. N. Arnest. Allan McDowell Vlncil, Downing, Holland, Shepherd, J. E. Barnes, C. H. Foote, Wm. Wilmott. Allan l\1.cDowell Vincil, Barnes, Holland, O. C. 'Voods, 'V. A. Tal'water, J. M. C. Breaker, S. Loewen. Allan McDowell. IVincil, Barnes, Woods, Breaker, Loewen, Tarwater, J. W. Lewis.
'V. "V.
00 -..::t ~
~ ~ ~ "-J
~ ~. ~
~ ~
1------------------- ---------
1, 182l...
October, 1821.
8~~~g:~: ~~~::::::::)
October, 1824.•...... 1 October, 1825••.••... 1
! !{It!~l;: ~l: : : : : : j: :;: ~: : : i:~ )~: : :i~j: : : : :;:~: : : : : : :\: ~ [: : :1~ A~§f;~\~ :( [ ! i.i~: : :i: : : : : : ~: : [:j.: :~: r~ ~ ~ n. October, 1832 December, 1833 1 November, 1834 j October, 1835 No session. October, 1836 ' I
Jacob Eversoll
Augustus Jones.
~ ~ ~
~ ~. October, 1844 October, 1845 October, 1846 October, 1847 May, 1848
May, 1850 May, 1851 May, 1852 May, 1853 May, 1854 May, 1855 May, 1856 May, 1857 May,1858
. . .. .
May, 1849
.. . . ..
Sinclair Kirtley, Thomas L. Anderson J. Worthington 8mitb, James S. Green Carty Wells, Sinclair Kirtley Carty Wells, A. L. Slayback
ISam. Caruthers, W. A. Cunningham
Cbarles R. Scott, Layton Eddings J. J. Montgomery, Hoard Roberts Jesse Little John W. Reed, Chauncey Dirkey ::
J. McDeamon. . Samuel A. Bowen. A. Lightburn. A. Lightburn.
o rt"
May, 1859........ May, 1860.. May, 1861. May, 1862 May, 1863 May, 1864 May, 186t3 May, 1866 October, 1867 October, 1868 October, 1869 October, 1870 October. 1871 October, 1872 October, 1873 October, 1874 October, 1875 October, 1876.,
R. S. Vorhi~, R. E ...:\..nderson Jalues N. Burnes, C. C. Whitelsey James N. Burnes, R. E. Anderson Jamf>S N. Burnes, R. E. Anderson Geo. Frank Gouley, W. H. Corbin WilHam Leftwich, John F. Phillips John F. Phillips, Silas Woodson William E. Glenn, Oren Root, Jr Joo. D. Vincil, S. W. B. Carnegy Juo. D. Vincll, Wm. D. Muir Jno. D. Vincil, Sam. H. Owens Juo. D. Vincn, R. E. Anderson D. J. Heaston, R. S. Vorhis Jno. D. Vincil, Oren Root, Jr O. A. Crandall, W. C. Foreman T. O. Towles, G. N. Nolan
John L. Steadman, E. R. Richardson D. N. Burgoyne, Ed. Duffield H. N. Tong, A. G. McDaniel. A. F. Trainor, J. 1\:1. Marmaduke A. F. Trainor, J. E. Hutton Erastus "VeIls, Geo. R. ICeiUh Jalnes Coff, N. G. Elliott J. G. Anderson, J. M. Marmaduke Martin Collins. William A. Hall P. H. Perkins, Isaac W. McDonald James E. Cadle, Charles F. Leavitt Theodore Brace, H. S. Witherspoon John D Parkinson, Thomas L. O'Bryan W. R. Stubblefield, T. C. Harrison John C. Bloomfield. W. H. Stansbury John J. Skinner, John C. Bloolufield
Samuel Russell. Wm. R. Penick M. M. Jesse. Jno. M. Bnrkes. M. M. Jesse. James Oloudesly. Tno. A. Gilfillian. T. J. Starke. A. F. Trainor. Thomas Burns. Jno. C. Anderson. James H. Bethune. Geo. B. Dalueron. Joshua C. Gore.. Jere B Vardeman. F. H. Clark.
~ ~
~ ~
Aprll, 1821. .John D. Daggett October, 1821 W. H. Pocolre.......•............... Ootober, 1822 H~enry H. Sl1ow October, 1823 Francis M: Jll October, 1R24 Daniel BlaIr October, 1825 Fred. L. BiHon October, 1826 I~red. L. BtHon October, 1827 Fred. L. BIllon October, 1828 tJameR P. Spencer October, 1829 ;John Simonds October, 1830 \James P. Spencer December, 1831. James P. Spencer October, 1832""''''1 December, IH33 C. D. W. Jobnsou Novembpr,l83:L. October, 1835 .. October, 1836...... . October, 1837 Alex. T. Douglass October, 1838 George Wilson October, U~39 George Wilson October, 1840 Ggorge Wilson October, 1841.~ Wm. R. Singleton October, 1842 Wm. R. Singleton October, 1843••...... Wm. R. Singleton October, 1844 . October, 1845 Charles Levy October, 1846 Charles Levy October, 1847 Jno. Crane May, 1848 Jno. W. Hansom May, 1849 B. W. Grover May, 1850 A. O'Sllllivan May, 18&1. A. O'Sullivan May, 1852 O. F. Potter May, 1853 O. F. Potter May, 1854 A. E. Van Osdell May, 1855 B. Goldschu1.idt Ma:)T, 1856 Jol1n F. Houston May, 1&57 James E. Drake May,1858 Samuel M. Hayes
Geo. H. C. l\-1elody S. H. G. Decamp Francis Mason Daniel Blair Isaac A. Letcher Isaac A. Letcher
Daniel C. Boss. Thornton Grimsley, Sullivan Blood jSullivan Blood, Thornton Grimsley IJalnes P. Spencer, George J\ilorton ITh 011'1 &S Andrews l ;Jas. P. Spencer, Elihu H. Sbepherd.jSul1!van Blood. 'Jas. P. Spencer, Thos. Andre'vs JSulhvan Blood. IJohn Simonds, Wm. H. Hopkills 1Fred. L. Billon. IJalneS P. Spencer, James !cennerlYIR. T. l\fcKinney. Bernard Pratte, Jas. I{ennerly R. T. l\-1cI{!nney. Bernard Pratte. Ja ,. Kennerly R. T. l\IcKlnney.
~hon1':1s ~l1.drews
It rancts S. Samue1. Thomas Alldl·ews 'l'!lomas Andrews Sullivan Blood J. B. D. Valois
Ayers Hudspeth
Oliver Parker, George l{nox
'Vm. H. Russell.
Sau1.uel C. Pearce James :Magehan James McUlure E. S. Ruggles James McGehan ThomaR S. Miller Charles Levy
Jobn D. Tucker, B. B. Brown IGeorge Wilson, Edward Klein, Bernard Pratte Jesse Little. Edward Klein, "\Vm. S. Hough....•..... Colmore Bean. Edward Klein, Thos. Andre'vs ..
"tj ~
R. E. H!ll R. E. Il.lll - - Reynolds B. W. Grover A. O'Sullivan O. Strong Samuel H. 8aullders T. W. Davis I. P. Donal{ison B. Goldschmidt Isaac Hnnter W. H. Block John Decker Wm. R. Penick
" .. . .. .
J. Eagan Wro. D. l\Iarmaduke \JaCOb Zllnmerman, Jobn Scott Wm. Humphreys, George WIlson Isaac A. Hedges, James Gresham Ja.mes Greshanl, George A. Rice
~ ~
.lJesse Little.
IBenjamin Charles F. Clayton. Stevens. James W. Chorll. James W. Chorn.
.. . . .. .
o Q
May, 1859 May, 1860 May, 1861. May, 1862 May, 1863 May, 1864 May, 1865 May, 1866 October. 1867 October, ]868 October, 1869 October, 1870 October, 1871.•..•.•• October, 1872 October, 1873 October, 1874 October, 1875 October, 1876
Samuel M. I-Iayes Philander Draper J. G. Anderson Samuel C. Collier Wm. B. Wilson 'Vm. D. Muir Wm. D. J\<Iuir Robert B. Rice George R. l{eill Robert Hale Wm. E. Wbiting James E. Carter Robert B. Rice WIn. E. Glenn Robert T. Wyan Noah M. Givan T. O. Towles Jas. R. Hardy
James McDowell.................. Allan L. McGregor............... Wm. N. Loker Isaac Tate, Wm. R. Penick L. W •.M.Hohell A. B. Barbee, J. Baldwin James E. Cadle W. J. Livingston, A. F. Trainor J. H. McAlpine J. L. Steadman, S. C. Griswold Joseph Tallnlan John Ul·e,C. H. Samuels Robert Shields J. G. Anderson, Thomas Jobson J. A. H. Lampton J. G. Anderson, Charles Levy D. N. Burgoyne ~. Robert L. Fisher, J. G. Statler James A. Adams John B. Best, J. W. Dunn William B. Dresoher John Ure, E. B. Smith Robert P. Faulkner w James H. Bethune, O. H. (lee J. M. Austin H. J. Demming, O. R. Gee Thomas C. Ready Daniel B. West, E. T. Violett T. O'Towles C. W. Ruby, J. G. Miller James R. Hardy T. B. Yates, W. H. Plummer Lee A. Hall. T. C. Harrison, B. Magill
B. O. Anstin. A. O. Waltbnlan. Wm. E. Glenn. Hampton Woodruff. Hampton Woodruff. Hampton Woodruff. Allan McDowell. J. M. Orohard. Gibson. L. K. Myers. B. L. Quarles. O. A. Urandall. Hiram Beeson. Robert T. Wyano Daniel E. Davis. Horaoe W. Pocoke.
.....::t 0:>
~ ~
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CJ,:) ~
April, 1821 John O. Potter October, 1821 Hugll Rankin October, 1822 Hugh Rankin October, 182-3 Abram S. Plate October, 1824............ Abram S. Plate October, 1825 Samuel T. McI{inney October, 1826 Sa.muel T. Mc!{inney October, 18~ Benjamin Walker October, 1828 Benjamin Walker October, 1829 Benjamin Walker October, 1830 Benjamin Walker Decem.ber, 1831. James R. Pullen October, 1832â&#x20AC;˘............ .Tames R. Pullen December, 1833 .Tesse Hart November, 1834 Jesse Hart October, 1835 No session. October, 1836 Esrom owens Octobet, 1837 Esrom Owens October, 1838 Esrorn Owens October, 1839 Esrorn Owens October, 18-10 Esrom Owens October, 1841. Esrom Owens October, 1842 Esrom Owens October, 1843 Esrom Owens October, 1844 Esrom Owens October, 1845 Esrom Owens October, 1846 Esroln Owens October, 1847 Esroro Owens May, 1848. Esrom Owens May, 1849 .T. W. Murphy May, 1850 W. Murphy May, 1851.. J. W. Murphy May, 1852 jJ. W. Murphy May, 1853 .T. S. Ferguson May, 1854 II Anton Stille May, 1855 Anton Stille May, 1~6 1Anton StiIIe , May, 1857 Anton Stille May, 1858 Anton Stille H
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IG. H. O. Melody, Means, and Dickerman.
ls. W. B. Carnegy, Oliver Parker, and Rich\ C. Pulliam. .
\A. T. Douglass, P. H. McBride, and E. S. Ruggles. !ThOmpSon Douglass, H. Ohamberlain, and S. W. B. Carnegy. S. W. B. Carnegy, Caldwell, Ruggles, Block, and Dudley. :.. S. W. B. Carnegy, T. Douglass, and H. Chamberlain. H. Chamberlain, J. W. S. Mitchell, Bradley, Caldwell, and Ruggles. H. Ohamberlain, J\.:fitchell, Ruggles, and Melody. H. Chamberlain, Scott, and Cbas. Levy. S.W. B. Carnegy, and H. C. Martheua. .T. W. S. Mitchell. . B. B. Brown, John D. Taylor, Simons, McDonald, and Mitchell. J. W. S. l\1.itchell. J. W. S. Mitchell, Phil. Williams, and L. S. Cornwell. J. W. S. Mitchell, J. D. Taylor, C. Windsor, C. Osborn, and P. Draper. J. W. S. Mitchell, Jos. Foster, .T. D. Taylor, C. Levy, and C. Osborn. JOB. Foster, U. Levy, A. O'Sullivan, P. Draper, and J. W. Chenoweth. Jos. Foster, J. D. Taylol', and P. Draper. Jos. Foster, P. Drapel\ and Geo. Whitcomb. Geo., Whi.tcomb, A. O'Sul~ivaD, and L. S Cornwell. A. 0 SullIvan, R. S. VorhIes, and J. W. Crane. A. O'Sullivan, Jos. Foster, and Jno. Decker.
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May, 1859 May, 1860 May, 1861. May, 1862 May, 1863 May, 1864 May, 1865 May. 1866 October, 1867 October, 1868 October, 1869 'October, 1870 October, 1871. October, 1872 October, 1873 October, 1874 October, 1876 October, 1876
Anton Stille Anton Stille Anton Stille Anton Stille Anton Stille Anton Stille Thomas Harris Thomas Harris Thomas Harris............................. John Geekie John Gee-kie John Geekie John Geekie James X. Allen : James X. Allen Jalues X. Allen James X. Allen George Thorp
A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O,Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. Geo. Franlr Gouley. Geo. Frank Gouley. Geo. Frank Gouley. Geo. Frank Gouley. Geo. Frank Gouley. Geo. Frank Gouley. Geo. Frank Gouley. Geo. Frank Gouley. Geo. Frank Gouley. Geo. ~"'rank Gouley. Geo. F'rank Gouley. Geo. li'rank Gouley.
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FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE. I regret to sa~y that I am not able to redeem my promise of furnishing' a Supplemental Report on Oorrespondence without protracting my sickness.
G. F. G. OO'11unittee.
ANNUAL COMMUNICATION IN 1877. The Fifty-seventh Annual Oommunication of the Grand Lodge will be held in St. Louis, commencing at 10 o'clock OU. the morning of the 1st Tuesday after the 2d JYlonday in October, 1877.