JOSEPH S; McINTYRE St. Louis, Mo. Gran.d Master, 1923-1924
BIOGRAPHICAL JOSEPH SHELBY McINTYRE. Grand Master 1923-1924 The honor of being the eightieth Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, Free and Acce1Jted Masons of the State of Missouri, fell to the lot of .Joseph Shelby McIntyre; that he wore his honors well and worthily is 路attested by the many encomiums received following the close of his administration.
Most Worshipful Brother McIntyre is first of all a Missourian. He was born in Audrain County near the City of Mexico, April 4, 1871, in a house where his father was born, the father being the first white child born in that County. He comes from that rugged type of Missouri pioneer and farmer which has made Missouri a wonderful state of opportunities; the rich experience gained from a. boyhood spent on the farm, coupled with that gained from long residence in one of our metropolitan cities has given to this Brother a view of the world not accorded to the average man. Thomas A. McIntyre, the father, was of Scotch-Irish ancestry, while the mother, Helen Sayer. was of English extraction, a combination of hardy races which have given much to the world. The father, living in a Southern atmosphere was imbued with sym,pathy for the Southern cause during the Civil War and rendered conspicuous service in the Confederate Army; he later served as Representative from Audrain County in the State Legislature, while an uncle served his State from 1872 to 1874 as Attorney General. While our distinguished brother today is content to take things as they come and is comparatively free from financial worry, it has not always been so. As a youth he labored on the farm, . and often jokingly refers to the time when he hauled cord wood five miles to town to earn the money necessary to carry him through his high school course. He was successful in completing his high school work and engaged for a time in teaching in the dist.rict schools of his home county; by this means he was enabled to complete his course at the University of Missouri, having completed the courses in the Academic and Law Departments of that great institution. Here he found a great field for his unusual talent
-the athletic field, the Y. M. C. A., the debating society, the college journal-all of these appealed to the future Masonic leader. He edited the University publication four years and was honored by representing Missouri University in the first interstate collegiate debate ever held by that school. His activity in outside lines, however, did not prevent his being a leader in his school work, for the records of the University show that he won a scholarship in the Law School and was made valedictorian of the class during that year. I
Previous to his graduation from the Academic Department in 189'7 and the Law Department in 1899, he ser:ved in the office of the Assessor of Audrain County and returning, following his graduation, he for a pme followed the practice of law in his home city of Mexico. The limited field offered for his ability and the close friendships formed with many influential members of the bar in St. Louis resulted in his removal to St. Louis in October, 1900, where he began to lay the foundation for a succe13sful law business which placed him in the forefront of his profession. The firm of Wilftey, Williams, McIntyre, Hensley and Nelson is today recognized as one of the leading la\v firms of St. Louis. He was happily married February 3, 190'9, to Miss Ida Langenberg, who comes from a well-known St. Louis family prominent in the social and business life of that city. To them was born, September 30, 19'12, a son, Henry, who promises from all appearances to be a "chip off the old block." The McIntyre family are Congregationalists, Brother McIntyre being a member and trustee of the famous old Pilgrim Congregational Church of St. Louis. He is a mel1}.ber of many St. Louis social and fraternal clubs, in all of which he takes an earnest interest. While a member of all rites and degrees, it is in the Great Mother of all Rites-the Lodge-that our Brother has found his greatest interest. He was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason, January 12, 1900, in Mexico Lodge No. 544, A. F. and A. M. (later consolidated with Hebron Lodge No. 354). The Master of the Lodge during that year was Frank R. Jesse, later to become Grand Master and finally, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge. In Joseph Shelby McIntyre he found an enthusiastic young man, eager to labor in the Masonic vineyard, and assigned him the position of' Junior Steward. Vlhen he removed to St. Louis, he brought his dimjt with him and placed it in Tuscan Lodge No. 3,60, passing through the several stations and becoming Master in 1907.
It was during this period that the splendid Temple was constructed
on Kingshighway and because of this fact, he was retained as Master an additional year (190'8). The same year he was appointed as District Deputy Grand Master of the 33d Masonic District, filling this position with credit for two years (1908-1909). Five years later, in 1914, the newly elected Grand Master, Van F. Boor, appointed him Grand Pursuivant in the Grand Lodge official line, from which position he regularly rose to that of Grand Master in October, 192,3. His experience as Chairman of the Committee on Appeals and Grievances of the Grand Lodge proved of great worth during his year as Grand Master. He was exalted in St. Louis Chapter No.8, Royal Arch Masons, April 2, 1915', and Passed the Circle in Hiram Council No.1, Royal and Select Masters, February 2, 1921. He received the Ord.ers of Knighthood in Ascalon Com'mandery No. 16, Knights Templar, December 8, 19'2!2, and the degrees 4 to 3,2 of the Scottish Rite in the Consistory at St. Louis in 1904. In 1907 he was the recipient of the KCCH. and October, 1921, was crowned 33d degree Inspector (jenera!. During the absence of the Sovereign Grand Ins.rector General of Missouri from the country, he served as Deputy 'of the Supreme Council from March to September, 192'3. He became a Noble of the Mystic Shrine in Moolah Temple of St. Louis in 1904'; October 28, 1924, by invitation, he became a member of St. Louis Conclave No. 42 of the Red Cross of Constantine. His administration has been a busy one. His address. deals with most of the outstanding events of the year, the Grand Masters' Conference, the Washington Masonic Memorial Cornerstone laying, Flag Day Observance, Visitations, Cornerstones and Dedications, a visit of the Grand Master of Virginia, visits to the Grand Lodges of l11inois and Michigan, the receptions for Sir Alfred Robbins, the Complimentary Dinner given by his St. Louis Brethren, all show the various activities in which he engaged. His work in promoting the activity of the Masorlic Service Association in the State has produced splendid results. Rev. Arthur Mather, Grand Chaplain, in an article in the Grand Lodge Bulletin, echoes the sentiment of the Fraternity when he says: "Brother McIntyre's life is the record of ceaseless activity in many and varied spheres, and his splendid qualifications render him invaluable to many interests. His versatility, in-
Biographical itiative and reliable judgment are known to all of his Brethren, and the manner in which he took up the duties of Grand Master one year ago will not be readily forgotten by those who were privileged to be present at his installation."
His administration was a business-like one; he met every situation which presented itself fully and squarely. His visitations to the Lodges were heartily received and those Lodges so favored received more than perfunctory remarks, for he gained the reputation of leaving something worthyvhile for them to think on. !;Iis versatility is shown in his ability to interest several hundred boys in an address of an hour, as well as a group of elderly men, the subjects of both addresses being widely different. Throughout his talks or writings runs a vein of Irish humor, evidence of his Irish forebears, which renders hiIh ever interesting and entertaining. He has truly rendered conspicuous service to the Craft; he has been a constructive executive, and history will prove that few administrations can show the advances made during the rule of Joseph Shelby McIntyre, Grand Master.
9 A. M., October 21, 1924. Before the opemng of the regular session of the Grand Lodge, the Masonic Orchestra, under the direction of Bro. Henry J. Falkenhainer, occupied the stage, together with the children from the Masonic Home of Missouri, and rendered the following program for the entertainment of the Brethren. Each number received appreciative applause: 1.
Our Country-"America"
Overture-"Italiana in AIgeri"
G. Rossini
:"l:~.:!~>:c '.L ..
G. Gounod
Marche-"Queen of Sheba"
Excerpts from "Modiste"
Victor Herbert
Dorothy Boyle
Children of the Home
Children of the Home
Our Flag-"Star Spangled Banner"
COMMENCING OCTOBER 21, A. D. 1924 A. L. 5924
The One Hundred and Fourth Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and, Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri convened in Scottish Rite Cathedral, Grand and Lindell Boulevards,St. Louis, Missouri, Tuesday, October 21, 1924, at 10 A. M. PRESENT JOSEPH
W. W.
M. W. Grand, Master R. W. Deputy. Grand lJ{(g~ter R. W. Grand Senior Ward~n R. W. Grand Junior Warden R. W. Grand Treasurer R. W. Grand Se.eretary R. W. Grand Lecturer R. W. GranJ Chaplain R. W. Grand Senior Deaeon. R. W. Graiul Junior De'aeon R. W. Grand S~nior Sfewa~d R. W. Grand Junior Steward R .. W. Grand Marshal R. W. Grand Marshal R. W. Grand Sword Bearer R.W. Grand Pursuivant R. W. Grand Orator R. W. Gra~d' 6ra,to~, R. ~. Grand Tiler
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OPENING. Promptly at 10 o'clock A.' M. the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri wa~ ope~ed in AMPLE FORM by M. W. Bro. Joseph S. MCIntyre, Grand Master, aided by the other Grand Officers, with a full attendance of Representatives, all joining heartily in singing "America" followed by an invocation by R. W. and Rev. Dr. Arthur Mather, Grand Chaplain. PRAYER.
o ,GOD of infinite benevolence, Father of all our mercies, and God of all grace, in, whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning, we come to Thee at the beginning of our Annual Communication devoutly 'seeking Thy favor and' benediction. . Hear us, we pray Thee, as we invoke' Thy blessings anrl guidance throughout our coming sessions, and direct us in all things by Thine unerring Spirit. Vouchsafe, we beseech Thee, unto Thy servant, our Most Worshipful Grand Master, the healthful spirit of Thy grace, and sustain him' hi the performance of those high and exalted duties which he is called upon to discharge. Bless and prosper the work of all our Brethren here assembled, and grant that the designs upon our trestle board may be so wrought out as to bring honor to our beloved brotherhood, and glory to Thy great Name. Hear lis, 0 Lord, when we pray that the cloud of Thy protecting love may overshadow the dear ones of those of our Brethrell who, during the 'past year, have laid down 'the working tools of life. We laud and magnify Thy holy Name for their labors and achievements while in our midst, and we look forwa'rd with confidence to reunion with them in the ampler sphere into whicb Thou hast led them. Hear us also, we beseech Thee, for those, still in our midst, whose footsteps are beginning to falter by reason of age and infirmitY,and whose skill and cunning now reveal preparation for that larger usefulness whicb they shall render in the land of the leal. Be gracious unto them. Bless them, and cause the light that streams from the everlasting hills to shine upon the upward path,
of M i~souri
and gently lead the~ to the everlasting rest and refreshment of the House not made with hands. Hear us for our country, our government, and those placed in rightful authority over us. Let Thy blessings be upon all men everywhere, and especially let Thy prospering smile "be upon our Brotherhood wheresoever scattered throughout the habitable earth; and finally, bring us, in Thine own good time to·· the' realms of eternal felicity, there to abide with Thee for ever. These things we ask in Thine ever-blessed Name. Amen. 'e-.
CREDENTIALS. The Committee on Credentials reported as follows:
St. Louis, Mo., October 21, 1924. Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M.} of Missouri: Your Committee on Credentials are pleased to report that a majority of the Lodges of the State are represented. C. H~ KNAPP, Chairman.
M. W. Grand Master McIntyre then declared the Grand Lodge open for the transaction of all business that might properly come before iL
WELCOME. The Mayor of St. Louis, Bro. Henry W. Kiel, welcomed the Grand Lodge to St. Louis, and expressed the hope that the delegates would· bear a good report of St. Louis to their respective homes. R. W. Bro. Orestes Mitchell, Deputy Grand -Master, made a pleasing response in the name of the one-hundred-and-ten thousand Missouri Masons.
M. W. Bro. Frank R. Jesse, Grand Secretary, read the following invitation from the Potentate of Moolah Temple: Saint Louis, October 20th, 1924. Mr. Frank R. Jesse, Grand Secretary, Board of Education Building, City. Dear Bro. Jesse: The Shriners' Hospital for Crippled Children extends a cordial
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invitation to the members of the Grand Lodge to visit the hospital on Tuesday th~ 21st, and Wednesday the 22nd inst., between the hours of 2 and 4 P. M., and. on Thursday the 23 inst. from 2' to 3 P. M. Ample preparations have been made to show visitors through the hospital during the above hours only, as it will be impossible to extend this courtesy to visitors at any other time. Yours in the faith, W. J. KENNEDY. Potentate.
DISTINGUISHED VISITORS. Acting Grand Marshal, W. Bro. Roy Sutton, then introduced several distinguished visitors who were conducted to the Grand East and cordially welcomed by the Grand Master: . M. W. Bro. A. E. Wood, Past Grand Master of Illinois; M. W. Bro. R. C. Davenport, Grand Master of Illinois; M. W. Bro. Elmer K. Strain, Grand Master of Kansas; . M.. E. Compo Chas. C. Davis, G. G. K. and G. G. C. of R. A. M. of U. S. A.; M. 1. Compo Jas. R. McLachlan, G. M., and G. C., R. & S. M. of Missouri; ·M. P. Compo Bert S. Lee, G. G. M. and G. G. C., R. &
S. M..,U. S. A.;
R. E., G. C. Wm. S. Campbell, G. C., K. T. Missouri; M. E. Willis A. McCullah, G. H. P., G. C., R. A. M., Missouri ; M. 1. Alex G. Cochran, Sov. Grand Insp. General in Missouri, A.A. S. R.; Each distinguished Brother spoke briefly on subjects of interest to the Craft; and the attentive listeners gave frequent applause.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
ADDRESS OF THE GRAND MASTER. The M. W. Grand Master, Joseph S. McIntyre, presented the following Address which was referred to a Committee of all Past Grand 1\1asters present, with M. W. Bro. A. M. . Dockery, Chairman: To the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri: To pity distress is human, To relieve it is God-like.
Brethren: 'fhe One Hundred and Fourth Communication of this Grand Lodge is at hand. Lil{e the day and the night, like the seed-time and the harvest, like the tides of the ocean and like the seasons of the year, our annual communicatipns almost trip on the heels of each other, so surely and so rapidly do they follow. It has been a busy year, but the happiest one of my entire lifehappy because the service which I have sought to render has been received by the Craft with the fullest co-operation, with the greatest charity toward me and the utmost eagerness on the part ot the Craft to do anything and everything to further the welfare of Freemasonry in this Jurisdiction.
I do not regard this statement as either an address or report, but only an abbreviated reference in most instances to the activi路 ties of the year. The growth of the Fraternity this year has been neither great nor small, but only a normal, wholesome growth with a net addition to our membership in the state of about 3,0'00, which total membership now amounts up to within a few of 110,0'00. I am greatly pleased to report that throughout the entire state the Craft is working harmoniously, more intelligently and with a better understanding of our ritual and the purposes of our Fraternity than ever before and, I think, with a mucp stronger desire to carry out. those purposes. All over the state I have found the Craft; as a whole, anxious to know more of the true. history and purposes of Freemasonry, and I have not hesitated to disclose to the Brethren the exact truth as
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to both its history and teachings, so far as I have been blessed with a knowledge of the same. Our ritual is a symbolic story, teaching eternal truths,' and not historic facts. It is bottomed on a belief in God, and to those who understand its symbolism, the ritual contains .the highest ideals of human life, including the Brotherhood of Man and the Immortality of the Soul, both of which路 are inescapable deductions from the belief in the Fatherhood of God, which is the only fundamental dogma or landmark in Freemasonry. What do we care about the antiquity of our Fraternity? What does it matter whether our ancestors did or did not participate in the building of King Solomon's Temple? Neither pedigree nor ancestry (;an make any institution or individual great. Not what Freemasonry was yesterday, or a thousand years ago, but what it is today and what it shall be tomorrow, and likewise what is each of us today and what we shall be tomorrow, these are the aU-important questions to the good :F'reemason and the true man everywhere. We should elect to our Fraternity only those men who are good and true, and then the symbolic story of the ritual in the various degrees should be given to the candidate in a sincere and earnest manner by only those sincere and earnest Freemasons who exemplify out of the lodge, in their daily lives, at home and in business, the sublime lessons and truths which are intended to be taught the candidate. Unless we stand before the candidate as clean and true men, the language of the ritual will be as sounding brass and tinkling cymbals, falling on deaf ears because the candidate, knowing us, will likewise know that the ceremony is mere hollow mockery. We cannot honestly ask the candidate to wear his apron spotless unless we keep our own aprons clean from the stain of sin in this life. The tree is cut down when it ceases to bear good fruit, and so it will be with Freemasonry and all other human agencies. Progress, "therefore, must be the guiding star of Freemasonry. Science tells us gold may be made from mercury, sugar from linen and that shortly the rays of the sun will be transformed directly into sugar without going through the beet at all. Thus the world moves and so it must be with oUr Brotl\erhood. While we must hold fast to the fundamentals of our Fraternity and never surrender the ideal for the material, yet to be a living, growing force in the world, we must make our ideals practicable and must teach and live, both within and without the lodge room, at home and路 in business, those eternal truths which constitute the bulwark of Freemasonry.
Grand Lodge of lv1issouri
To realize these crowning virtues, as the sun rises above the fog and mist of the lowlands, so must every member of our Fraternity rise above race hatred and religious prejudice, and give all others the same rights which we claim for ourselves and "with maliee for none and charity for all" each one of us must abhor bigotry, and must practice as well as preach, toleration and charity toward all humanity, asking in return only that each one be honest in what he professes to believe and tolerant to others in their beliefs, and in that spirit let us ever strive fot; the realization of the real mission of Freemasonry on earth, namely: Peace and good will among men and nations everywhere, in the abiding hope that war will be no more and that the Brotherhood of Man shall ultimately establish the federation of the world. Freemasonry is not a political organization, but through the influence of its moral teachings on the mind of the individual it should exert a powerful and wholesome influence on the politics of the land and likewise should become a beautiful handmaiden to the church. Every Freemason should be a builder and each one must build his own building, not a building of bricks of clay, bound together by common mortar, but a temple built within the heart of the builder with bricks of virtue, cemented by righteous thoughts and deeds where the God of Love may dwell in peace. If one would live in the hope of a blessed immortality in addition to faith and belief in God, let one try with all one's might to make the world in some way better and at least some of his fellow. men, in some degree happier, by reason of one's having lived in this life. The poet puts it thus: "I shall pass through the world but once. Any good thing, therefore, that I can do, or any kindness that I can show, to any human being, let me do it now; let me not defer it nor ne.glect it, for I shall not pass this way again." Various definitions of Freemasonry have been formulated by leading scholars, of which some are unintelligible and many others wholly unsatisfactory. If we may be pardoned for attempting to give the Craft our idea of what Freemasonry is and the ultimate purposes which it seeks to accomplish, it would run something like this as we have gathered it from various sources, and for which we claim no originality either as to ideas or language. Freemasonry is not a religion or 'church or sect. It is not bound by any ecclesiastical creed or dogmas, but rises above race,
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creed and denomination and rests on the firm foundation of spiritual realities. It improves every worthy candidate physically, socially, intellectually and morally or spiritually. It seeks to establish justice and charity, and to inculcate faith and hope. In all things it places the spiritual above the material things of this life. It teaches the final triumph of good over evil, the love of our fellowman in this life, and faith in God, both here and hereafter. It binds men into a social mass with the cement of faith, freedom and friendship. It its climax in the belief that since God, the Father, is immortal, it necessarily follows that all his children are Brothers, in each of whom is a spark of divinity that can never, never die. In every nation today one sees moral chaos in human society. This is tr.ue of both the individual and the nation. Might is heralded as right, and force and selfishness seem to control all things human. The real mission of Freemasonry is to substitute . in the hearts of men reason, justice and love for those instincts of force and selfishness which have too long, by far, controlled the human race. We mus.t supplant the physical qualities and desires in the heart of the candidate with the spiritual realities of human existence, because the race can be improved only by the improvement of the individual, and it- is likewise true that one can help oneseif only by helping one's neighbor. Once this is fully realized the world will at least be headed toward the Brotherhood of Man. But to have a genuine Brotherhood of Man, there must be in the heart of each individual a love for humanity as a whole and a love for humanity can spring only from a love of God, Himself, as the Father of us all, and not until this state of mind shall have actually come to pass, largely through the influence of Freemasonry, and in the distant future, if at all, then, and not until then, there will be builded a Temple of Brotherhood in which may dwell in unity路 and peace all the peoples and nations of the earth. Humanity is more closely related by spirit than. by fiesh and we believe that the universe is one harmonious whole with all things working together for truth and rtghteousness. We are glad that we honestly believe that Freemasonry is a blessing to the hearts of all men who love the beautiful and true, and has been for ages, is now, and ever will continue to be a powerful factor for the peace and progress of the world. No longer to the true Freemason does God seem to dwell only in churches and beside the death-bed, and no longer do divinity and immortality seem to be afar off. But the good Freemason knows
Grand Lodge of Missouri
full w~ll that divinity actually stirs within on-eself until one actually realizes that immortality is now, as well as hereafter. Tennyson expresses it in this language: "And I doubt not through the ages One increasing purpose runs, And the thoughts of men are widened With the process of the suns." MASONIC READING. We feel that the Craft at large does not understand fully the symbolism of our ritual, and that one of the greatest needs of the present hour is a full and intelligent exposition of our real tenets to the Craft by those qualified by their knowledge and exemplary lives to speak authoritatively. We would like to see every initiate given, before he leaves the altar, some books like "The Builders," by Newton or "Speculative Masonry," by MacBride, either of which will give him a clear, concise, simple and true understanding of the origin, growth and mission of Freemasonry and,.which books would so enlighten the candidate that he would not want to read the false and ridiculous books which have been written for the Craft by Anderson,Preston, Oliver and others under the titles of "The History of Our Craft." COURTESIES TO AND FROM SISTER JURISDICTIONS. In the report of the Grand Secretary will be found only a partial list of the work done in Missouri for other Grand Jurisdictions and requests which we have made on other jurisdictions to confer degrees for our Lodges. The report of the Grand Secretary is incomplete because there have been so many requests that I have not found it convenient to report them all to him. This question of conferring degrees for other Jurisdictions is becoming a serious one. Some Jurisdictions decline to confer the first degree, and yet in more than one instance those same Jurisdictions have requested us to confer the first degree for them; one Jurisdiction declines to confer any degrees by request and likewise never requests any other Jurisdiction to confer degrees for it. But on the whole, the Jurisdictions ask and grant the conferring of all three degrees. My impression is that unless the candidate is sufficiently interested to so arrange his affairs that he may take the first degree in the Lodge where he is elected, he will not add much, if anything, to the strength of our Fraternity when he becomes a member of it and I feel that such candidate should either
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take at least the first degree where he petitions or else establish a residence where he wants the degree conferred. I, therefore, recommend that the policy of this Grand Lodge hereafter be that we do not ask other Jurisdictions to confer the first degree, and likewise that we decline to confer the first degree for other Jurisdictions. NECROLOGY. During the short space of my administration, three of our most illustrious Past Grand Masters have passed on, to-wit: On the 26th day of January, 1924, M. W. Brother Clay C. Bigger at his home in Laclede, Missouri; on the 8th day of April, M. W. Brother John Rolph Parson at his home in the City of St. Louis, and on the 2nd day of September, M. W. Bro. W. F. Kuhn at his home in Kansas City, Missouri. M. W. Brother Bigger ~ad attained the age of 69; M. W. Brother Parson the age of 85, while M. W. Brother Kuhn was in his 76th year when the call came. We have no more illustrious nall1es on our entire Roster than the names of these three Brethren, each of whom had lived a clean, useful life, and departed this earth with the esteem and love of all who knew them. We feel keenly that in announcing the death of these Past Grand Masters who served .the Craft so long and so faithfully, something has gone out of our own lives that can never be again, but we are comforted with the thought that the Craft and the world as a whole are benefited by the lives which our illustrious dead lived and the service they rendered to their fellowman lind with .this we must be comforted, at least for the present, with the hope of being reunited with them hereafter. I will leave further report on the lives of these Brethren to the Committee on Necrology, but wish to say that in each case the funeral services were delivered by the Grand Lodge, the Grand Master himself officiating on the occasion of the burial of M. W. Brothers Bigger and Parson, while Past Grand Master Corona H. Briggs delivered the ceremony at the grave of M. W. Brother Kuhn. FRATERNAL CORRESPONDENT. I reappointed as Fraternal Correspondent C. C. Woods, P. G. M., who has held this position and performed the duties thereof so faithfully for a great number of years, but who, on account of the infirmities of age, was no longer able to perform the onerous duties of this office and in that beautiful Masonic spirit so
Grand Lodge of Missouri
characteristic of M. W. Brother Woods, he requested that I appoint R. W. Brother Arthur Mather as his assistant, which I did.
Brother Mather has been doing a great deal of this work for M. W. Brother Woods for several years and for which he has received no compensation whatever. There is no member of our Craft more worthy or more deeply loved than Dr. Woods and lIkewise, no member who has given more of his time and brain to the welfare of the Craft. I, therefore, recommend that M. W. Brother C. C. Woods be retired with the title of Fraternal Correspondent Emeritus for life on the full salary of $750.0Q. per year, which, after all, is only a pittance for the work done in that office, and likewise, I recommend that H.. W. Brother Mather be allowed $75D.OO for the work which he has heretofore done in assisting Dr. Woods in this work. VISITATIONS. During the year I have had the pleasure of visiting 12'0 subordinate Lodges in our Jurisdiction. The climax of my visits was reached on the occasion of the dedication of the new Temple at Jackson, Missouri on the 12th day of June, when, as a result of the untiring efforts of Brother Wm. Heyde, no less than seventeen Lodges were present and participated, although I did not, of course, count that occasion a visit to the seventeen Lodges. I should have liked very much to have visited all of the Lodges in the state had it been possible and would have visited a larger number had I been in the best of health. One of the great joys of the office is to visit the Brethren and to realize the wonderful loyalty which the individual and the subordinate Lodge both have for the Grand Lodge and its official head. I do not believe that any such loyalty can be found in any other organization, and everywhere the mere wish of the Grand Master is the law of .the individual. This splendid Masonic spirit insures the perpetuity .of our organization. In addition to these visits, I have written in the neighborhood of 2,5:0'0 letters, a great many of which were required because the Brother asking for the information did not turn to the By-Laws and get it for himself, instead of calling on me for it, and this is especially true of three Lodges which have written me at frequent intervals throughout the entire year. SURVEY. Our observation while visiting among the outlying Lodges is that many of them need some special attention. They are not doing as much work as they should, they are not realizing on the
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material in the neighborhood and there is too wide a gulf between the older and younger members and a lack of touch of the Lodge with th~ community. These Lodges have many burdens not dreamed of by the city Lodges and I, therefore, recommend that路 the incoming Grand Master appoint a Committee of three to make a survey of these outlying Lodges and report back to the Grand Lodge their recommendations at its next annual communication. OTHER MASONIC BODIES. On the 23rd day of April I met with the Grand Chapter or Missouri then in Annual Convocation at Columbia. On the 13th day of May I met with the Orand Commandery of Missouri in its Annual Conclave at Hannibal. On the 4th day of June I met with the Imperial Council of the Shrine at Kansas City, and had the very great pleasure of seeing my friend, Brother James E. Chandler, elected and installed as Imperial Potentate of North America. On all of these occasions I was received with the warmest welcome and am very glad to report that the very closest fraternal relations with the utmost harmony exist between the Grand Lodge and the various Masonic Bodies, both York and Scottish Rite, throughout the state and nation. In this connection I want to say that I have noted with much pride the wonderful work which the Shrine is now doing in connection with the Crippled Children's Hospitals which they have opened throughout the land. No finer piece of construction work has been introduced into Freemasonry or any of its affiliated bodies during this generation. I have also met with the Scottish Rite Bodies in the various Valleys of the state during my administration and am pleased to report the closest fraternal relations with the Scottish' Rite Bodies of this state and other states of both the Southern and Northern Jurisdictions of the United States. Since all Masonry, under whatever head or name it may be designated, has a unity of purpose, it is earnestly desired that they shall always co-operate with each other in the utmost harmony and wholly without strife,' jealously or bickering of any kind. This is the only way whereby the solidarity of Freemasonry may be established, and only by the solidarity of Freemasonry may we ever hope for its universality in the state, nation or world. SISTmR GRAND LODGES. During the year I have met with the following Grand Lodges: October 3~1, 1923, the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia; November 1st, 192'3-, the Grand Lodge of the State of Virginia;
Grand Lodge of Missouri
July 2'Oth, 19-24, the Grand Lodge of Michigan and on the 14th of October, 1924, the Grand Lodge of the State of Illinois. On each of these occasions I was received with the warmest fraternal greetings and am very happy to report that I did everything I could to advance and develop closer fraternal relations betwee'n this and those Grand Jurisdictions. In the hope of developing a closer relationship with the sister Jurisdictions bordering on Missouri, I have invited to be present as our guest at this communication, the Grand Master of each state which touches the State of Missouri. ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR. On October 15th, 1924, I was invited to and did address the Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star at its 50th Annual Session. I was received with words of loyalty and admiration for our Grand Lodge, and I take great pleasure in commending the splendid work of this great orga:nization, so far as I am familiar with it. BUDGET. I find that the finances of many, Lodges are conducted in a rather slip-shod manner. There is no effort made at the beginning' of the year to layout a plan or budget to meet the necessary expenses of the year. I also find that a great many Lodges are spending more money for cigars and sandwiches than they are for charity to the distressed. I believe that this growing evil would be corrected if the Lodges would each get on a budget system, and, therefore, I urge them to prepare carefully and adopt at the beginning each administration, a budget for the ensuing year.
HISTORIAN. Much of the history of Freemasonry in Missouri has been sorely neglected, and, even much that should be available to the Craft, lies concealed in old manuscripts or dust-covered packages in the archives of the office of the Secretaries of the Grand Lodge and the several Blue Lodges. This matter has been neglected too long already, and, therefore, I recommend that the incoming Grand Master appoint a Historian of the Grand Lodge whose duty it shall be to gather and compile as com.plete a history as possible of Freemasonry in this state, and in order that this labor may not prove a burden and ,that it may not be too long deferred, I further
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recommend that such Historian be paid a salary commensurate with the services which he may render. LIBRARY. . Although this Grand Lodge is now one hundred and four years old, it has never had a Masonic Library, and it will be remembered that an unknown donor recently made a gift to this Grand Lodge of a. fixed sum of money to be used for the purchase of books for the starting of a Library to be known as the Wm. F. Kuhn Library Fund. We can hardly hope for the Craft to become informed on Freemasonry unless as a Grand Body we provide and maintain an adequate Library for the use and instruction of the Craft at large and there is certainly no more important work ahead of us. I, therefore, recommend that the incoming Grand Master appoint a Library Committee with instructions to work out and report at the next session of this Grand Lodge, some definite plan for procuring an adequate Library. INVESTMENT. At the last session of the Grand Lodge, the Grand Master, Deputy' Grand Master and Senior Warden were directed to invest in such securities as they thought advisable, $40,00-0 of the Grand Lodge Funds. I beg to report that' immediately after our installation, with the full approval of the Deputy Grand Master and Senior Warden, we invested $40,000 in Liberty Bonds of the United States and turned them over to the Grand Treasurer, an itemized statement of which will be found in his report printed elsewhere. DEDICATIONS. A large number of halls have been dedicated this year, of which I dedicated only the following, in person: June 12th, 1924, the new Temple of Excelsior Lodge No. 441. at Jackson, Missouri, which meeting and dedication has been heretofore referred to in this report. The Temple is a beautiful structure and does great credit to the Freemasons of路 that section of the state. October 4th, we dedicated the new ScottiSh Rite Temple in St. Louis. This was a private dedication and done solely because I did not want the Grand Lodge Session to be held in a building that had not been d'edicated to Freemasonry.
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The other dedications will be found in the report of the Grand Secretary. MASONIC TEMPLE ASSOCIATION. The various installments pledged by the Grand Lodge to this enterprise have been made as and when the same matured from time to time. The Temple, when completed, will be one of the finest Masonic buildings in the world. The Grand Lodge will lay the cornerstone of this building this afternoon, October 21st, at 2: 30 o'clock. FLAG DAY. The official day for the celebration of the United States Flag is June 14th. This is one day that should be observed by the Masonic Lodges without fail because there is no organization whose zeal is greater for the Flag or that does more to encourage patriotism than' Freemasonry. Flag Day should be duly observed every year with appropriate programs and services conducted by the various Lodges throughout the state. This year, under the supervision of the Masonic Service Association of the State of Missouri, Flag Day was fittingly observed by the Grand Lodge in the new Scottish Rite building in the City of St. Louis. The .meeting was made memorable by the fact that Brother Herbert S. Hadley, Chancellor of Washington' University was the presiding officer and Brother Stratton D. Brooks, President of the University of the State of Missouri, was the principal speaker. The speaking was preceded by a concert rendered by the 9th District U. S. A. Naval Reserve band of fifty pieces under the direction of Ensign AI. Bartlett, next in command to John Philip Sousa of all U. S. A. Naval Bands. There were no less than t500 persons in attendance and it was' one of the outstanding events of our administration. We are indebted to Bro. Roy C. Sutton for very efficient work in connection with this occasion. DE MOLAY I do not want this occasion to pass without formally approving
the splendid work that is being done by the De Molay organization in this and other states. While this is not a Masonic organization, yet it is a movement for the improvement and protection of the youth of the land and, therefore, I am deeply interested in the movement and heartily a'pprove of all that has been accomplished by it so far. INSTALLATIONS. I personally installed the officers of the following Lodges: Rose Hill Lodge No. 5路50, in St., Louis, on December 20th, 1923. Hebron Lodge No. 35'4, at Mexico, Mo., on January 2路, 19'24.
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Kirkwood Lodge No. 48'4, at Kirkwood, on the 12th day of January, 192'4. All of these installations were public and on each occasion I undertook to explain to the officers installed and other persons present, the meaning and purposes of the language used in the ceremony of installation and I believe that the installing officer should on all such occasions give some attention to the explanation of the language used in the ceremony. DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. The year has proved the efficiency and faithfulness of the 60 District Deputy Grand Masters throughout the state. So far as I know, they have all given strict attention to the Craft, each in his own district, and all have responded readily to every assignment of duty which I have made and I cannot commend too highly the unselfish zeal which they have at all t~mes manifested. Following the example of my predecessor, a conference of the District Deputies was called and held in the City of St. Louis on the 20th day of December, 1923. There were thirty-five Deputies present. Much good resulted from this conference and I recommend that it be made an annual affair as it is the only opportunity for the Grand Master elect to give his Deputies the program of his administration and thereby enable them to co-operate with the Grand Master in a much more satisfactory manner than they pGssibly could without such conference. The annual dinner of the District Deputies has, for a number of years, been held on the evening before the day on which the Grand Lodge session begins. This' year I appointed a special committee to prepare a fixed program. Heretofore the expenses of this dinner have been borne by the Lodges of the District where the Grand Lodge met on that particular occasion, but it has seemed to me an imposition on the local Lodges and is, I think, a proper charge on the Grand Lodge. I, therefore, ask your permission to payout of the Grand Lodge' funds the necessary expenses of the dinner of the District Deputy Grand Masters and' Lecturers which took place last evening. MASONIC SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF MISSOURI. On this important committee the following were appointed: Brothers, Ray V. Denslow, Chairman, C. H. Briggs, Fred O. "Tood, Arthur Mather, F. H. Littlefield, Geo. W. Walker and John P. Austin. 11' .. ( The Grand Lodge voted at its last session $2,50'0 for this work. I felt that the time had come for this Committee to render a real
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service to the Craft and a different character of service from what had heretofore been rendered. This Committee has, in our opinion, outlined and followed the proper plan of operation. For the first time it outlined a definite prQgram and carried it through. The result is that the Craft of the state as a whole has enjoyed the benefit of the services of this Committee. This service has been rendered in various ways: First: a number of Masonic speeches by outstanding Freemasons have been broadcasted by means of the radio to all of the Lodges .of the state which had equipped themselves with proper facilities for listening in. Second: it has provided a circulating library to which all of the Lodges have had access. Many Brethren have taken advantage of it and ill this way have enjoyed, at no expense to themselves, some of the very best Masonic literature. This Committee has also outlined and furnished to various Lodges over the state, definite programs to be carried out by the local Lodge on certain National days or days of great moment in the history of Freemasonry, and in addition to the program, the Committee has furnished proper information to those participating in the' program. The Committee has also developed in a large number of the local • Lodges throughout the state, local speakers who have addressed the Brethren on Masonic subjects on stated occasions and in furtherance of this plan, the Comm.ittee has furnished these speakers full information for these addresses. In addition to all of the foregoing services, the Committee has given to the Craft of Missouri for the first time what it designates as "The Missouri Grand Lodge Bulletin," and which is the official organ of the Masonic Service Association of this Grand Lodge. Up to date only four numbers have been issued; of these, the first was dedicated to the famous scout and Freemason, Kit Carson; the second to the world-renowned Missourian, Samuel L. Clemens, better known as "Mark Twain;" the third is a review to some extent of the present administration, while the last one is dedicated to our Brother, Marquis 'de Lafayette, the first honorary member of this Grand Lodge. It is the intent of the Committee to put out Four Bulletins each year and .the material has already been gathered to take care of this work for several years. This Bulletin has attracted very favorable comment from the Masonic publi.cations of the various Grand Jurisdictions, and should cover a long-neglected field in this state.
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I feel that too much praise cannot be given this Committee. It is the one piece of constructive work that my administration has brought forth, but I take no credit for it personally, because all credit should go to the Committee, and without discrimination, I am constrained to say that the greatest credit for the work which has been done so successfully, should go to the Chairman of this Committee, Brother Ray V. Denslow, Senior Grand Marshal. Brother Denslow has worked in season and out of season on this Bulletin. He has )VOl' ked at it far into the night and on 11?-any .occasions he has denied himself necessary rest and recreation in order to make this Bulletin and the service of this AssoCiation a success. I feel that whatever, if any, lasting effect my administration may have on the Craft of this state will be the result of the service rendered by Brother Denslow on this Committee, rather than to anything which I myself have done. The burden of this Committee is too great to be imposed on the Chairman, and if this work is to continue to be made a success, and I believe that this is the most important work now in hand, then the Chairman of this Committee must be provided with the proper secretary or stenographer, the payment of whom must be provided fOr by.. this Grand Lodge. I, therefore, recommend that this Grand • Lodge include in its budget this year an item sufficient to cover the salary of a secretary or stenographer to the Chairman of this Committee. I further recommend in this connection that the Grand Lodge at this session appropriate for the benefit of this Committee, the sum of $5,000 in addition to an adequate salary for the secretary or stenographer above referred to. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Twenty-five centuries ago Diogenes said: "Education is the basis of the Greek State." Freemasonry has always stood for the education and enlightenment of the masses with equal opportunity for all children, and to that end, I urge all Free'masons at all times to support and develop our public school system, including alike the rural schools, the city schools, teachers' colleges and the State University. The public school systems of the several states are the very foundation stone of our government, and the best means for the education of the American children and certainly, the only proper means for the Americanization and amalgamation of the constant stream of foreigners and their children coming to our shores. Let us make the public school, non-partisan, non-sectarian and for all the children of all the people, all the time.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
1924.J I also favor a tary of Education personally favor a and supported by
Federal Department of Education with a Secrein the Cabinet of the President, and likewise, I National University located in Washington, D. C., the Federal Government. MASONIC HOME.
Through the courtesy of the Board of Directors, I have been invited to all, and attended a number of the meetings of both the full Board and the Executive Committee. Elsewhere in these Proceedings 'will be found the report of W. Bro. Jas. M. Breckinridge, whom I appointed a Committee of One to visit and make recommendations concerning the Home. He has served so faithfully and I have such confidence in his integrity and sagacity that I merely refer yOIl to his report. MASONIC BOARD OF RELIEF. I have kept in touch with the work of this Board through its Chairman, Right Worshipful Brother Andrew J. O'Reilly. No highlV form of Freemasonry is being exemplified in Missouri than the work of this Committee, which is always practical and which covers in its operations, a much broader field than is generally supposed by the Craft. I have had the pleasure of meeting with them but once, but I hope that Brother O'Reilly may continue indefinitely in charge of this great work. SIR ALFRED ROBBINS. During the entire week beginning April 21st, the Grand Lodge had as its guest Right '\Vorshipful Brother Sir 'Alfred Robbins, Past Grand Warden of the United Grand Lodge of England and for the past eleven years, President of the Board of General Purposes, which is the administrative and disciplinary body of the United Grand Lodge of England. There is no more outstanding or conspicuous Freemason in the world today than Brother Robbins. I called a Specific Communication of the Grand Lodge which met at Tuscan Hall in the City of St. Louis on the evening of April 21st, for the purpose of receiving, welcoming and honoring the distinguished guest who had come from London to America to visit certain Grand Jurisdictions of the United States for the sole purpose of creating, so far as in his power lay, and at the direction of his Grand Master, the Duke of Connaught, a closer fraternal relationship between the various Grand Jurisdictions of the United
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States and the United Grand Lodge of England. The Grand Lodge was opened with practically all of the Grand Lodge officers in their official positions. I received him at the altar in this language: Right Worshipful Brother, Sir Alfred Robbins, Past Grand Warden of the United Grand Lodge of England, in behalf of the one hundred and ten thousand Freemasons in this State, or as you would say Craftmasons, I bid you a hearty welcome to this Grand Jurisdiction. We have long heam of you and have always thought of you as the Prime Minister of Freemasonry in England. Coming to America at this time, as you do, with the official sanction of the United Grand Lodge of England, we consider you a minister plenipotentiary bearing, as we understand, a, message of good will and love from the United Grand Lodge of England, the Mother Grand Lodge of the World, to the several Grand Jurisdictions of the United States, and as such we welcome you into our midst most heartily. Please be assured at the very outstart that anything and everytting that will, in the remotest way, tend to bring into a closer relationship the Grand Jurisdiction of the State of Missouri with the Mother Grand Lodge of the World will be met with the most hearty approval, not only by this Grand Lodge as a body, and its •officials as indiViduals, but also by every Freemason in this Grand Jurisdiction. As President of the Board of General Purposes, we recognize you as the head of the administrative and disciplinary body of the· United· Grand Lodge of England, which has jurisdiction over four hundred thousand F~eemasons, scattered all over the World: We have long heard of you as a successful leader, both in journalism and letters, as well as in the benign activities of our world-wide Fraternity. We honor the high rank you have so worthily attained in the business, social, political, professional and fraternal world, and we praise unreservedly the high service you have rendered to mankind in these various fields, and we als~ appreciate full well the responsibility and labor of the high position which you now hold in the United Grand Lodge of England, and which you have held so worthily for the last eleven years, the longest time, I believe, any person has ever served as President of your Board of General Purposes. In the short space of the twenty·four hours which I have known you, I have already glimpsed the charm of your personality and
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likewise I have been firmly convinced of your deep learning, democratic manner, true Masonic spirit and uncommon, common sense in all matters. Your eyes may see and your ears may hear strange things in our lodge r00!l?-, but please be assured from the very start that Freemasonry in the State of Missouri, and, likewise in all of the several States of the United States, is absolutely sound at the root and we stand exactly, so .far as the fundamental dogmas and landmarks of Freemasonry go, where our Mother Grand Lodge, The United Grand Lodge of England, has always stood, teaching unequivocally the highest ideals of human existence with an unfaltering belief in the Fatherhood oe God, the Brotherhood of Man and the Immortality of the Soul. You may think that Freemasonry has grown too rapidly with us, and that it has become too large an organization in this Country, but let me assure you that when you learn to know us better you will think differently, and I pledge you my word as the official head of the Grand Lodge of this State, that the great majority of the members of this Grand Jurisdiction are trying very hard to live at home and in business the great ideals, high morals and everlasting truths which we teach them in the lodge room. I hove that your stay among us will be pleasant to you, and I know that it will be helpful and instructive to us. I am sure that no member of the Craft in Missouri, or for that matter, in -the entire United States, will willingly or knowingly do anything that might in any way meet with your disapproval, or incur your displeasure or make your stay among us unpleasant. In conclusion let me say that I have the abiding hope that when you return to your native land and to your own Grand Jurisdiction that you will carry with you and, if the opportunity should present itself, you will express to the United Grand Lodge of England, a favorable opinion of Freemasonry in Missouri in particular, and likewise of all the Freemasonry of all the Grand Jurisdictions of the United States of America in general. Please say to your Grand Lodge that we send it, and each of the Freemasons of its Jurisdiction, our earnest fraternal greet路 ings, and that Missouri desires most ardently the closest possible fraternal .relations with the United Grand Lodge of England, the Mother Grand Lodge of the World. Right Worshipful Brother Robbins, it gives me great pleasure to escort you to our East.
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Later in the evening I further addressed Right Worshipful Brother Robbins in: the following language: In its entire history of one hundred and three years, this Grand Lodge has created only three honorary members. In 1825 and in the month of April, just one hundred years ago, lacking twelve months, General Marquis de Lafayette and his Illustrious son George Washington Lafayette visited the Grand Lodge of M.issouri, convened in Special Communication at the City of St. Louis, and on that occasion both distinguished visitors were made honorary members of this Grand Body. Again in 1842, Most Worshipful Brother Jonathan Nye, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the State of Vermont, visited the Grand Lodge of Missouri, and because of the signal service Most Worshipful Brother Nye had rendered to Freemasonry during the Morgan episode, he, too, was made an honorary member of this Grand Lodge. When Blue Lodges were throwing away their charters and individuals were concealing their membership in Freemasonry, Most Worshipful Brother Nye convened in Baltimore in 1834, the National Encampment of Knights Templar at a time when the furore against Freemasonry was so great that only thirteen indiViduals responded to the cause. For such unfaltering faith and dauntless courage, this Grand Lodge thought that Brother Nye, too, was worthy of becoming an honorary member of our Grand Lodge. May I now read to you a resolution which this Grand Lodge has this evening unanimously adopted, duly convened for the sole purpose of receiving you who honor us so highly with your presence this evening? WHEREAS, this Grand Lodge did on the 29th day of April, 1825, make and create the Honorable Marquis de Lafayette and his Illustrious son George Washington Lafayette, honorary members of this Grand Body on the occasion of their presence at a Special Communication of this Grand Lodge, held in the City of St. Louis, and WHEREAS in 1842 this Grand Lodge did also confer the rank and title of honorary membership in this Grand Body on Most Worshipful Bro. Jonathan Nye, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the State of Vermont on account of distinguished services which he had theretofore rendered to Freemasonry during the Morgan furore, and WHEREAS, we are tonight honored with the presence of Right Worshipful Brother Sir Alfred Robbins of London, England, who
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has the, rank of Past Grand Warden of the United Grand Lodge of England, and is now President of the Board of General Purposes, the administrative and disciplinary body of said Grand Lodge, and WHEREAS, Right Worshipful Brother Sir Alfred Robbins has heretofore rendered and is now rendering distinguished service, not only to said United Grand Lodge of England, but to Freemasonry throughout the entire world, and he is now in the Unit~d States of America as the official representative of the said United Grand Lodge of Nngland for the purpose of establishing a closer fraternal relationship between said United Grand Lodge of England, the Mother Grand Lodge of the World, and the several Grand Jurisdictions throughout the United States of America, including the Grand Jurisdiction of Missouri; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Right Worshipful Brother Sir Alfred Robbins be and he hereby is made an honorary member of this Gra}J.d Lodge, with all the rights and privileges as such. May I now present you with this certificate, which evidences the fact that you are now an honorary member of this Grand Lodge. and I may add the only living honorary member of it. We hope that this certificate will ever remind you路 of the love and esteem which the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri and each' and every one of its members has and always will have for you and the United Grand Lodge of England, the Mother Grand Lodge of the World, to whose teachings and ideals we shall always hold fast. Right Worshipful Brother Robbins responded in the following language: "Most Worshipful Grand Master and fellow members of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri: "I am deeply and sincerely touched by the honor which has just been conferred upon me. I deem it a high distinction to be linked with one who assisted in carrying to its full fruition the great uprising of the American colonists in their fight for independence. I can say with utmost sincerity, though myself an Englishman, that I have never doubted the righteousness of th'j cause in which General Lafayette took so noble a part. For while I am glad to be here under my own banner, the flag under which I am proud to have heen horn, I shall always he prond tt be
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linked in your memory with one of the Fathers of American Independence. "Most Worshipful Grand Master, in your welcoming ~ords to me, you indicated to the Brethren the position I hold in regard to the Grand Lodge of England, which I. have the distinction of representing here tonight. It is the first occasion in the history of organized English Freemasonry in which direct authorization has been given to one of our Brethren to represent the Grand Lodge of England when visiting a foreign jurisdiction, and I use the word 'foreign' simply as indicating a jurisdiction not our own. "I am the bearer of a message of good will, I have delivered that message in four or five American jurisdictions already, and I convey it to you directly and by the personal command of my Grand Master, His Royal Highness the Duke of Conn aught. His direct wish and command is that 1 bring to you a message of fraternal good will from him, as from the English Freemasons, with the expressioll of a wish for the success of the endeavor I am making now in America to cement the bond which has united English and American Freemasons in friendship from the very beginning of our organization. That message is in the followillg terms: "'On the occasion of the visit of Brother Sir Alfred Robbins, P. G. W., President of the Board of General Purposes, to the United States, 1 lake the opportunity of ,conveying through him to the Brethren of all jurisdictions in friendly association with the Uni.ted Grand Lodge of England, my fraternal good wishes and sincere desire for their continued happiness and prosperity. It is my earnest hope that the tenets of our Order may assist still further to strengthen the bond of friendship and good will which so happily .exists between our two nations, and 1 shall watch with sympathy every endeavor to promote those feelings by the development of Freemasonry in its purest and highest aspect.' "Most Worshipful Grand Master, it is not realized by many persons on either side of the Atlantic that the friendship to which my Grand Master alludes has existed for two centuries between the Freemasons of America and the Freemasons of England without a break. Not even in the stress of the war between the two countries over a hundred and fifty years since, was there a breaking strain laid on the brotherhood that held the English and American Freemasons together. Before the War of Independence there were many English Masonic Lodges in America. There were certain Lodges existing under provincial Grand Lodges, and others existed under the Grand Lodge of England to which they owed their origin.
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During the War of Independence, naturally and properly, all communications ceased between the Brethren in the two countrie:3 while engaged in so severe a struggle. But the Grand Lodge of England at no point in that struggle, as far as I can trace, and I have searched all the records available, at no point did the Grand Lodge of England do anything to interfere with 'the fraternal rights and liberties of the American Brethren. "At the end of that struggle, when Masonic Lodges here turned away and constituted themselves independent of the Parent Grand Lodge, the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania .communicated to the Grand Lodge of England an expression of the wish that the friendly fraternal relations which had existed between the English and American Freemasons would continue; and though England at th~t moment was smarting, as any proud nation would have done, under defeat, by her own children, the Grand Lodge of England responded at once with a communication which the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania values among its records, a communication which thoroughly and heartily reciprocated the good wishes of the Brethren in Pennsylvania, and gave from the Grand Lodge of England to American Freemasons then, and for all time, fraternal good wishes, which even the stress of war between the two countries had not in any way imperiled. "Brethren, I am today in the United States carrying to 'Ameri· can ·Freemasons the same ~essage of fraternal good will as was evidenced in 1786 by the Grand Lodge of England. Times have changed. You have grown from a few scattered hundreds of thousands of American Freemasons to millions, and today, wherever I have been in your country, I found .among the .Brethren a desire in regard toour,selves, always to meet one another, to understand each other better, .and to feel that although. sep~rated by an ocean that is only a boundary and not a barrier.· An ocean separates but does not divide if we are, united in spirit and in truth, and today we are united both in spirit and in truth. "We are united in heart, united in principles, slightly different in· practice but not in essentials, and nothing in the world can stand against the continued peace· and order of the universe if Englishsr.eaking Freemasons understand each other, believe in each other. and act with each other in a friendly manner, determined to make the voice of the English-speaking nations sound throughout the world as a combined voice always raised in favor of a righteous and a just peace. "It is sometimes said by those who know little of Englant:
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and the English' people of today, that we are a race anxio~sly seeking a pretext of war. 'Those who say that, Most Worshipful Grand Master, do not realize the present temper of the English people. We have had our recent experience of war, and we believe in our heart and soul that our stand was a righteous one. 'We would again, if' similar occasion arose and our liveSt and our liberties were threatened, as they were threatened only ten short years ago, we would again fight and fight strongly for that which we hold to be right, But I speak for the majority of my countrymen, when I say that the man who would preach war, for war's sake, in England today, would take himself outside of public life, for the 'mothers as well as the fathers among us would listen to no such doctrine. For we know the anxieties of war and have lived through them. Night after night death was rained upon us from the heavens, and houses were crashing around us. Our friends were being slain in the streets. Night after night I myself saw thousands of our women and children, the moment the alarm was given, going forth quietly, seriously, and regularly to places beneath the earth to escape the horrors of death. "It is this remembrance that makes me long for enduring peace, and the longer I am connected, with Freemasonry, the more I am convinced that it is one of the greatest forces in the world in favor of peace.
"English Freemasons organized as they are under the United Grand Lodge cover every part of the ciVilized globe. The Grand Lodge at this moment has under its jurisdiction close upon four thousand Lodges in active and actual work. No fewer than nine hundred are within the boundaries of London alone; some two thousand three hundred are in country districts, the great industrial and agricultural districts of England. These Lodges are situated not only in great cities, not only in, populous counties, not only even in large-sized villages, but in f::tr removed deserts and in sparsely populated countries where they are a pledge of civilization. They keep the light of civilization burning in dark countries, and bring together month after month Masons who have to travel sometimes two or three hundred miles, over deserts, through swamps, and amid jungles, to come to meet their fellow white men once a month, giving up four days every month for that purpose, in order to strengthen themselves and to keep on high the banner of the white man. "Most Worshipful Orand Master, there is not a church, even
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the most powerful church in the world, that has the same rallying power as Freemasonry for the white man in desert countries, amid savages, amid thousands not one of whom is a white nian. Every Mason goes back from his Lodge strengthened. Every month he comes to his Brethren, hoping for further strength. And there is not a church in the world that e~ercises the same attraction over these same white men as does our Masonic Brotherhood. "Most Worshipful Grand Master, we have as a part of the Masonic work under the Grand Lodge of England, something which I rejoice is a part of your own Masonic work in the Grand Jurisdiction of Missouri. "In England we care for the aged Freemasons and the widow of a Freemason; we take care of the orphan children of Freemasons. It is part of our pride that we do much work in that direction, and it is a work which we largely encourage, not only for adults, but for children. In those respects you and ourselves are the same, and ought we not each to ask the other why this is so? Why is it that wherever I travel, whether I go to any part of England or whether I go, as I have been going, to various States in America, we find that outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace, unless th~re is an inward spiritual grace existing among us? That inward spiritual grace, indeed, is the soul of Freemasonry. "I am, sure from what" I have seen tonight, from what I have learned from the distinguished men in Masonry, I have everywhere met, that there is in Masonry something which leads us out of ourselves and beyond ourselves, because away down in our souls is the rock upon -..yhich Freemasonry rests, and on which as long as it rests we may well go on and be strong. But if we allow any interference with that aspect of our faith, if we allow any departure from our express belief in the truth that has been taught us at 'the altar of Freemasonry, we shall crumble, we shall pass; and shall deserve to crumble and to pass as empires have done, when for the sake of temporary glory, they have rarted with their soul in order to strengthen their body, and both body and soul have perished in the process. "A Mason can put aside his Masonic emblem, he can leave that behind with the Tyler of the Lodge; but he has to carry his Masonic principles into his daily life, into his home life, into his work life, into his business life, and, unless a man who is a Mason is a better man in his home life, in his relations of citizenship, and his daily contact with his fellow men, that man is not.a true
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Mason. He is simply a discredit to the great body to which he belongs, rather than one who brings it any glory. "For thirty-five years it has been my pride to be a Fr'eemason. My four sons are Freemasons, each initiated by myself in my own Mother Lodge in London, each feeling that I myself and the work I was doing exemplified something they wished to attain. "One of my sons came out of the war with his right arm badly shattered, He wanted to join a body which carried on that feeling of the brotherhood of man he had learned when fighting side by side with men of every class and of every quality. In a country like mine, a very old country, diVided, not by barriers or walls, but into classes, it had not been easy for the young man who came from a well placed or comfortably circumstanced family to think of the son of a man who swept a street crossing as being a brother in heart with himself. But this was easy after they had fought shoulder to shoulder and faced death together, for they found the best in their fellow man. Our young men who came back from the war felt the need for becoming members of an organization which would bind them together in a brotherhood, its need for which they had thus first began to understand. And the English have been strengthened not only morally but spiritually by the war. It taught a very great lesson to the men of the nation fa; it brought an increased desire for brotherhood. "Most Worshipful Grand Master, I ask myself, 'How is it we know that all of us here are Masons?' I have watched your work, and there is not one thing which you here exemplified tonight that is not exemplified, not in the same words, not with the same practices, but in all essentials as we have it in England. And this is because your Freemasonry _and ours, both of them alike, are built on identical fundamental principles. "The Almighty has given us a law, a sacred law. He has given the Old Testament to the Jews; the New Testament to the Christian, the Koran to the Mohammedan, and on路 the Koran in Eastern lands many are made Freemasons. Whatever sacred writing brings to a man something, outside himself, which lifts his soul to great heights, that is the book upon which he takes his obligations. It is the recognition of a Supreme Being and of the authority of the Supreme Being in our daily life, in our constant actions, that is at the very root of Freemasonry, and 'it is my prayer that in no way will any of us depart from that fundamental principle. Most Worshipful Grand Master, I can give you this message from the
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large body of Freemasons of England, that there never was a moment when more than now we feel the necessity in this world for the recognition of the Most High, as the guardian, the guide and the friend of mankind. "I have come to you in the belief that in visiting your Grand Lodge and meeting American Masons face to face, I am doing something to promote a better friendship and a clearer under. standing among English-speaking Freemasons, and in doing this, I am endeavoring to render a service not only to Freemasonry, but to Mankind. I thoroughly appreciate the welcome you have given me; and I shall go away from your Grand Lodge, as I have gone away from others, with a deep feeling in my heart" that by coming to you, I shall understand you better and you will understand English Freemasons better; and by that better understanding we shall promote peace, and with peace the happiness and ~elfare of the whole world." (Applause.) The Grand Lodge conferred, at the request of Tuscan Lodge No. 360', and in. the presence of Bro. Robbins, the 3rd Degree on Bro. . The work was done by the Grand Lodge Officers, and, I am happy to report, that the degree ~as conferred in a most dignified and impressive manner, and as nearly perfect as I have ever witnessed. My justification for inserting in this report the full proceedings of this Specific Communication is that the event was unusual and I know of no other way whereby the wonderful fraternal message of Brother Robbins could reach the entire Craft throughout the State, and I have no doubt that the visit of Bro. Robbins to the United States has done much to bring into a closer and lasting fraternal relationship each of the Grand Jurisdictions he visited a.nd the United Grand Lodge of England. His influence will be farreaching and most helpful to the Craft everywhere. On this occasion Illustrious Brother Alexander G. Cochran, Sovereign Grand Inspector General of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the State of Missouri, was present and delivered a strong and beautiful oration. We are greatly indebted to Brother Cochran for having rendered us great assistance in persuading Brother Robbins to come to Missouri as the guest of this Grand Lodge. CONFERENCE OF GRAND MASTERS On the 31st day of October, 1923, I met with the other Grand Masters of thirty-four Grand Jurisdictions of the United States in General Conference at Washington, D. C. The meeting had been called by the Grand Master of the District of Columbia, M<;>st Worshipful Brother Mark Finley, and was held at the House of the
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Temple, the home of the Supreme Council of Scottish Rite Freemasonry for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States. There was no sentiment in the meeting for the formation of a General Grand Lodge, but there was much sentiment expressed by individual Grand Masters for an informal annual conference of the Grand Masters of the forty-nine Jurisdictions. I earnestly hope that an annual conference of the Grand Masters of all the Grand Jurisdictions in this country may be had ~or the purpose of discussing informally, the many perplexing questions which arise from time' to time among the jurisdictions and w~ich might easily be overcome by united action. I do not recommend a General Grand Lodge, nor the formation of any organization of any kind, or the adoption of any Charter or ByLaws, but I do believe that much good could and would follow the coming together each year of the various Grand Masters of the United States and discussing informally, Masonic conditions in the various jurisdictions. Practically all of the Grand Masters attend the annual sessions of the George Washington Memorial Association and this I think would be the proper time for them to meet in annual conference. I therefore hope that some Grand Master will extend an invitation to all of the Grand Masters to meet in such conference on the day prior to the meeting of said Memorial Association each year. 'Such meeting may be held in Washington or Alexandria, but preferably in the City of Washington, and the expense should be born equally by those attending the dinner. CORNERSTONES The outstanding Masonic event of the past year and for that matter of all time, was the laying, at Alexandria, Va., on the 1st day of November, 1923, of the cornerstone of the Memorial Monument to George Washington. On this pilgrimage I was accompanied by Past Grand Masters Corona H. Briggs, Frank R. Jesse and Bert S. Lee and other distinguished Brethren, including our Deputy Grand Master, Orestes Mitchell, and our Sen'ior Grand Warden, W. W. Martin. A specific Grand Lodge of the Grand Jurisdiction of Virginia was opened In Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22 at 10 A. M. There were present at the opening of this specific Grand Lodge, fifty-two rresent Grand Masters, of whom forty-seven represented that number or'States and five came from Foreign Jurisdictions. No~ less than twenty-five or thirty thousand Freemasons were in the line of march and presented one of the most impressive sights which I have ever w'itnessed., The W~shington Memorial Monument is located on top of
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Shooter's Hill, which was the original site sele~,ted by Jefferson for the Capitol of the United States but which selection was overridden by Washington because it would have added great wealth to his land holdings in that vicinity. The location is superb and in full view from Washington City so that a rerson standing at the base of this monument now being erected to Washington, the Man and Freemason, is also in full view of the monument standing in Washington City, which was erected to Washington, the Statesman, Soldier and President, some years ago. This Memorial Monument will for all time to come teach succeeding generations that above intellect, above statesmanship and above soldiery stand the virtues of the individual, the education <?f the citizen, freedom of religious thought, the Brotherhood of Man, the Fatherhood of God and the Immortality of the Soul. The setting for the epoch-making incident was superb. In the presence of the President of the United States, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Grand Masters of forty-eight juris-dictions of the United States, the Grand Masters of the Phillipine Islands, Porto Hico, Venezuela, Quebec, Ontario and also the Grand Commanders of Scottish Rite Freemasonry of both the Northern and Southern Jurisdictions of the United States and the Imperial Potentate of the Shrine of North America and many other distinguished Freemasons from .all parts of the country, the usual ceremony for the laying o'f cornerstones was most impressively given. The monument will overlook the broad waters of the Potomac and stand guard over a vast estate that was once Washington's home, near the quiet little village of Alexandria where Washington served' as Master of his Blue Lodge. The scene was further enlivened by the presence of aeroplanes overhead, with. battleshiI.s and submarines in the Potomac nearby. In addition to those who accompanied me to this cornerstone laying, through the efficient efforts of Right Worshipful Brother .John .P. Austin of St. Louis, a special train carried no less than one hundred and twenty-five other Freemasons from Missouri who participated in the line of march. As I stood in the presence of this distinguished gathering and witnessed the laying of the cornerstone and participated as your representative in an humble way in the spreading of the cemeI).t, typical of our fraternal Brotherhood, I felt proud of our Brethren who had traveled so far to participate in this event and likewise I felt proud, of our Brethren at home, . each of whom was contributing his mite to make possible the construction of this monument. When completed it will be the I
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most inspiring, most dignified and greatest monument ever erected to the memory of a single individual. It stands for that civil and religious liberty personified in the life of Washington as a symbol of his loyalty to country and love of fellowman, and will for all time, symbolize the spirit of Freemasonry as exemplified by the life of Washington. The trowel used by the Grand Master of Virginia was the same identical trowel used by George Washington at the laying of the cornerstone of the Capitol of the United States, and each of the Grand Masters who participated, used an exact replica of the original trowel, and I herewith present with great pleasure to this Grand Lodge for its archives, the trowel which I used. I am very happy to report that up to this time we have paid into this memorial fund the total sum of $78,883.15, the details of which will appear in the report of the Chairman of this Committee which will be found elsewhere in these proceedings. I have also to report that during this year the Grand Lodge of Missouri has laid 41 cornerstones, being about three times the number heretofo;"e laid by any administration. Of these, I personally laid the following: on the 7th day of February, the cornerstone of the Court House at Sedalia, Missouri; on the first day of April the cornerstone of the Administration Building at Centralia, Missouri; and on May 29th the cornerstone of the Church of the Ascension of the Episcopal faith, located in the City of St. Louis. On each of the above occasions Right Worshipful Brother Arthur Mather accompanied me and addressed the gatherings. Full details of the other cornerstone layings will be found in the report of the Grand Secretary under the heading of "Dispensations." DOCTOR HALSTEAD. On the 1st day of June, 19'24, accompanied by Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master Orestes Mitchell and Right Worshipful Brother George L. Markley, I visited at Breckenridge, Missouri, Brother Jos. S. Halstead, who is in all probability the oldest Freemason in the world, having reached his 106th birthday on the fourth day of last March. I found him frail in body, but' alert in mind. He received us with great cordiality and it was a genuine pleasure to see how very much he appreciated our visit. He was born on the fourth day of March, 1818, during the administration of, James Madison and all of the Presidents of the United States except the first four have been sworn into office on his birthday. He became
Visit of GRAND MASTER McINTY;RE . to ,DR. JOSEPH路 S. HALSTEAD, Breckenridge, Mo., aged 106 years; the oldest路 Fre路emason in the world.
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a Freemason in 1842 and has belonged continuously to the order sincE' that time. He was personally acquainted with Henry Clay and at one time attended his family as physician. He was able to recall having heard General Lafayette deliver an address in 1825. Mrs. Halstead is also alive and has passed her 95th birthday. At the time of the birth of Brother Halstead in Louisville, Ky., Missouri had not yet been admitted to the Union. Brother Halstead made four trips from Kentucky to Missouri on horseback prior to the Civil War. He began the practice of medicine in Kentucky, Lut came to Missouri in 1841 and began the practice of medicine at Richmond, but after one year, returned to Kentucky where he practiced medicine until 1860. One of the most precious relics which Brother Halstead exhibited to us was the walking cane of Henry Clay which had been presented to Dr. Halstead by Mrs. Clay after the death of her husband. Brother Halstead told, with a great deal of pride, of a former visit to him by Dr.' John D. Vinci! while he was Grand Master of this Grand Lodge. We hope that" our dear Brother may yet be spared several years and that our successor may be able to visit him in per,son during his administration. . DECISIONS. The Secretaries and many others have fallen into the h~bit of writing the Grand Master for opinions without taking the trouble. of looking at the By-laws themselves. This leads to a lot of unnecessary correspondence and many of the decisions which the Grand Master is called on to render, the Brethren would find answered specifically in the By-laws. We report herewith only a few of the matters that have come before us: 1. Question. Does a plea of guilty for the violation of the Federal Narcotic Act constitute a Masonic offense? Yes, and you are directed to prefer charges immediately. 2. Question. May a candidate for the degrees withdraw his petition after it has been referred to the Committee? No. 3. Question. Is one who has lost his left arm eligible for the degrees? Yes, if by the aid of artificial appliances he can perform the necessary ceremonies. 4. Question. May the Junior Warden file a complaint against a Master Mason and still conduct the trial of the case? Yes. 5,. QueJ:'L~un. ma,y the Junior Warden file the formal charge without the charge first being made by a Master Mason in good standing? Yes.
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6. Question. Maya member of the Grievance Committee make a charge and file it with the Master and continue as a member of the Grievance Committee to conduct the investigation? Yes, but he should, not. 7. Question. Must a charge be made by a Master Mason in good standing and filed with' the Worshipful Master before a Brother can be tried? Yes. 8. Question. One Brother asks whether a letter from the Secretary of a Lodge' of a foreign' state certifying the issuing of a dimit to a certain Brother at a certain time may be accepted in lieu of the dimit and support a petition for affiliati<?n? Yes, because the Grand Lodge of the state in question does not permit the'local Lodge to issue a duplicate dimit and the evidence is conclusive that an original'dimit had been issued. 9. Question. One Master wants to know what he shall do where after the trial jury has been selected, it is ,discovered that, one of the Brethren has gone home and refuses to serve on the pariel. Answer. We have grave doubts as to whether such Brother is guilty of un-Masonic conduct, therefore advise that the panel be filled by some other Brother. We would like for' the "Jurisprudence Committee to declare the law on this question. 10. Question. One Brother asks the following questions: 1st. Maya Masonic Club, composed entirely 'of Freemasons belonging to our Lodge, lawfully use the lodge room for (a) dance; (b) card party? ?nd. Can the members' of such Masonic Club lawfully, use the reception room, which adjoins the lodge room, for (a) dance; (b) social game of cards. Answer. The Grand Lodge has heretofore ruled that a Masonic Lodge may buy a pool table and put it in either its reception room or dining room. See Proceedings 1914, pages 23, 170. The Grand Lodge has also held that it is not un-Masonic to have a pool table or billiard table in the basement, nor is it un-Masonic to play cards in the basement of a Masonic Temple. Proceedings 1922, page 16. The Grand Lodge also held that the ante-room of the lodge room may not be used for the purpose of playing cards. See Grand Master's Report, 19'23路. Among the larger and richer Lodges of the state, we find that there are quite often one or more rooms besides the lodge room proper, the preparation room" and the ante-room and it seems to be the general practice that this extra room or rooms are 'used for dancing and social card games. Weare not willing to draw
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any distinction in this regard between the strong, rich Lodge in the city and the small, weak Lodge in the out-lying districts where such distinction can be avoided, without violating the law and without lowering the high moral standing of our Fraternity. Moreover, it is no violation of the law of this Grand Jurisdiction or for that matter of good morals, for the Brethren to engage in dancing and a social game of cards in their homes or other respectable places. We, therefore, rule, 1st: It is not legal to play cards either for profit or social purposes in the lodge room itself. 2nd. If the Lodge has but one room suitable for dancing, the members of the Lodge and their families may dance in the lodge room itself, provided the Lodge legally consents and no dancing is路 permitted on t.he Lord's Day or Sunday. Practically all of the churches now permit their members to dance and many of the Protestant and Jewish churches in the large cities permit dancing in certain parts of their churches and temples. 3rd. If by the word "Reception Room" is meant the "AnteRoom" or small room where the Tiler sits, our ruling so far as dancing and card games go is the same as above ruling relating to the lodge room proper. If by the "Reception Room" is meant a room on a lower floor or a room entirely separate and apart from the room used for the conferring of degrees, then we rule that the members of the Lodge and their families, provided the Lodge consents, may have a social game of cards in such rooms, provided further that the ~ard playing shall not be for profit and shall not be played on the Lord's Day or Sunday. 11. Question. One Secretary writes that his Lodge has elected for Worshipful Master a Brother who does not belong to the Lodge, but is a member of another Lodge in Missouri in good standing and wants to know if he is eligible for installation. Answer. No. 12. Question. A brother who has been rejected for affiliation asks whether he may petition another Lodge in this state? Yes. See Section 145, By-laws 192'l. 13. Question. One Brother asks whether where t~e funeral services are conducted by the local Lodge, the pallbearers must be members of the Fraternity? Answer. No. 14. Question. One Brother asks whether a l\'laster Mason who has not passed a satisfactory examination in open Lodge on the third degree may render jury service? No. One's Masonic
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standing is subject to restrictions of Section 129, 1921, and I hold t.hese inhibitions to inClude service on trial jury. 15. Question. One Brother wants to know whether he may send out the following letter to prospective customers: "I had some emblems made and the idea struck me that you might like to have one. It would look very nice pasted in the lining of your hat. Should you wish any more,. I would be glad to send them." Answer: I replied as follows: "I regard this letter as a violation of Section 204, By-laws 1921, If, however, you desire to keep a supply of these emblems on hand' and after a customer has bought a hat, you want to make him a present of an emblem, or for that matter, of a new hat, there will be no objection on my part." 16. Question. If a Brother is elected to membership by affiliation, based on a Certificate of Good Standing, when does he actually become a member of the Lodge to which he was elected and especially in a case where there has been some delay in the dimit being granted and forwarded? Answer: This question has caused a great deal of trouble in this Jurisdiction and has given the Grand Secretary a great deal of headache, but I think it is now definitely settled by the language of Section 166, Book of Constitution, 1921. This section states that if the petitioner is elected he can become a member of the Lodge he petitions only by causing to be filed with t.he Secretary, a dimit from his former Lodge. I, therefore, rule that membership in the original Lodge ceases only when the dimit is issued by that Lodge, and, secondly, that membership in the Lodge to which he has been elected is established only when a dimit from the former Lodge is actually filed路 with the Lodge to which he has been elected on a Certificate of Good Standing and this without regard to whatever delay there may be, either in issuing the dim it or in delivering it after issued to the other Lodge. It is the duty of the Secretary of the Lodge to which the Brother is elected to immediately notify the other Lodge of such election and request that a dimit be forwarded. If the Secretary of the Lodge of which the Brother was formerly a member delays in forwarding the dimit to the Lodge to which he has been elected, then it becomes the duty of the petitioner to cause such dimit to be filed and this he can do by asking the Grand Master to require the Lodge to issue the necessary dimit and either deliver it to the petitioner in person or forward it to the Lodge to which he has been elected. And in this connection, we might add that member-
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ship in the Lodge of which he was originally a member ceases only when the dimit is granted. 17. Question. One Secretary advises that his Lodge convened at five o'clock in the afternoon and proceeded to ballot on a petition; that the ballot was clear and asks whether it was legal. Answer. I held this election illegal because it was held at an unu~ual hour. All elections should be held at the regular and usual time for the Lodge to meet. 18. Question. Where a Worshipful Master was suspended before his term of office expired during 19'17, and his. term of office expired during his suspension, was he entitled to the 'rank of Past Master at the expiration of the suspension? Answer. This case is controlled by the law as it stood in 1917 and not by the present By-laws. Section 92, Book of Constitution 1908, which was in force in 1917, provides that one who has been elected and installed as Worshipful Master of his Lodge is, at the conclusion of his term for which he was elected, entitled to the rank of Past Master. This Grand Lodge held in 1916" page 16, Grand Lodge Proceedings, that a Master who removed from the state before the expiration of his term of office was, at the conclusion of the term for which he was elected, entitled to the rank of Past Master. There is nothing in the law as it stood in 1'917 which requires one to serve out the entire term for which he was elected, in order to be entitled to the rank of Past Master. I, therefore, held that the Brother was entitled to the rank of Past Master and ordered the Secretary- to so record him. 19. Question. One Brother asks whether the widow of a Master Mason in good standing of a Lodge in this Grand Jurisdiction or of another Grand Jurisdiction has the rigg.t to ask that a deceased Brother be buried with Masonic honors by the Lodge in whose jurisdiction he died, without first requesting the' Lbdge' of which the Brother was a mem,ber for its approval. I answered yes, the widow has a right to make such a request, but it then becomes the duty of the Lodge so requested to immediately communicate such request to the Lodge to which the Brother had belonged and to ask such Lodge if there is any reason why the request should not be granted and what amount of funeral expenses such Lodge is willing to stand. Any other course might result in an unreasonable burden on the Lodge to which the deceased Brother belonged, by reason of the funeral expenses being made unnecessarily heavy. We find no by-law or former decision that covers this question. Moreover, there is no duty on the
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Lodge to stand the expenses of a funeral where the deceased has left an estate and while the right to Masonic funeral exists where there is no estate,yet the Lodge certainly has the right to control the cost of the funeral. 20. Question. One Brother has been denied a dimit, although clear on the books; because he was not financially able to meet certain private indebtedness. We instructed the Lodge to issue the dimit. 2'1. Question. One Lodge received the petition for affiliation of a member of a foreign jurisdiction, which petition was accompanied only by receipt for dues and no dimit or Certificate of Good Standing had even been asked for. The Sister Jurisdiction complains of an invasion of territory. We held the election void. 2'2. Question. With thirteen Brothers present, the ballot on two petitions was unfavorable. Lodge closed in due form. About an hour later reconvened with seven Brothers present and on reo ballot it was fair and the first degree immediately conferred on the two' petitioners. We held the election void and the conferring of the degrees null and without effect. 23. Question. One Brother asks: (a) Does the Grand Lodge require every Master Mason to either wear a ring or lapel button signifying membership in Blue Lodge? Answer. No. (b) What is the proper way to wear a ring, with the compasses pointing to or from you, which hand? Answer. As you like it. (c) Is there an official ring for the third degree? Answer. If there is, we never heard of 路it. 24. Question. Petitioner accompanied his petition with full fee for the three degrees, was elected, received the Entered Apprentice degree, but was expelled before receiving the Fellow Craft degree. He now feels that he didn't get his money's worth and asks that the Lodge be instructed to return his fee. There is no by路 law' or. decision on this question so far as we know, but good morals would seem to require the Lodge to, return one-half of the money collected and I so held, in the absence of a local by-law. 25. Question. Erwin Lodge No. 121 asks whether the following By-law, adopted by the Grand Lodge in 1'922, takes away her right to confer degrees and conduct Lodges of Sorrow in the Gennan language as well as in English? This By-law reads: "Section 216-A-English Language. All degrees and ceremonials of any Lodge shall be conducted in the English language and it shall be unlawful for any Lodge to do any degree work or hold any ceremonials in any other language."
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I find that in 1850 certain Brethren presented to the Grand Lodge of this state a petition asking for a charter or dispensation to work in the German or English language and that this petition was 'in due course referred to the proper committee which reported that there had been referred to it a petition duly signed by a number of Brethren for a charter or dispensation authorizing them to work in the English or German language and that after due consideration, this committee offered the following resolution: "We recommend the Grand Lodge to grant the prayer- of the petitioner." This recommendation was adopted and in" due time, the dispensation in the usual form was issued, and thereafter, on May 9, 1851, a charter in the usual form and language was issued by authority of the Grand Lodge to Erwin Lodge No. 121, and that from that time until now Erwin has held and worked under said charter. I find that neither the dispensation nor the charter refer to or mention the use of the English or German language ·by Erwin in any way. I note from your communication that from 1851 until the late war, say 1917, Erwin Lodge has conferred the degrees some times in English and again in German, and that it has always conducted its Lodges of Sorrow in German; that during the late war, impelled by a high sense of patriotism and loyalty to the United States, Erwin Lodge voluntarily discontinued the use of German and that after the close of the war Erwin continued to conduct all of its proceedings and degree work in the English ·language, except its Lodges of Sorrow. I note further from your communication, that, since the adoption of Section 216-A in 1922., Erwin Lodge has strictly abstained from the use of the German language in any manner whatsover in the lodge room because of its loyalty to the Grand Lodge, and the uncertainty of whether -it any longer has the right to use the German language as it formerly had done. ' I also note from your communication that it is neither the desire nor the intention of Erwin Lodge to again conduct any of its business affairs in any other than the Englis·h language,· but if permitted under the law, Erwin Lodge will conduct its Lodges of Sorrow in the German language and when requested by the candidate, also confer the degrees in the German language. I hold that the ·petition for a charter or dispensation and all the various steps taken thereafter leading up to the issuance by the Grand Lodge of the charter to Erwin Lodge, must be construed
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together ~nd the intent of the Grand Lodge gathered from these various steps when considered as a whole.. I, ther路efore conclude and rule that the Grand Lodge gave Erwin Lodg~ No. 121, A. F. & A. M. full power and authority to confer degrees and. conduct ceremonials in both the English and German language or in either as it might prefer from time 路to time. r further hold that Section 2'16-A being an amendment to the By-laws of the Grand Lodge, duly adopted at the annual session 'in 19'22, long after the Grand Lodge had issued the charter to Erwin. d<?es not and could not take away from Erwin Lodge the right and privilege given to her "by her charter, 路and I further hold that the only way that the Grand Lodge can deprive Erwin Lodge of the right and privilege to use the German or English language, as she may prefer, in her degree work, is for the Grand Lodge to revoke and take up the charter now held by Erwin Lodge.
r also hold that inasmuch as Erwin's Lodges of Sorrow are nO part of our ritual, that what is done at a Lodge of Sorrow is in no sense, either degree work or a ceremonial; and I, therefore, further hold that Erwin Lodge, and for that matter every other Lodge in the state, has the right to conduct its Lodges of Sorrow or Memorial to the deceased Brethren in any language whatsoever which it chooses to select. THANKS. I embrace this opportunity to express deepest thanks to 'my entire corps of District Deputy Grand Masters who have served me both loyally and efficiently at all times, but I want to mention especially Right Worshipful Brother Fred O. Wood of Kansas City and Right Worshipful Brothers Fred B. Howarth and Louis H. Abrams of St. Louis. I am also under great obligation to Most Worshipful Brother Corona H. Briggs and Right Worshipful Brother Arthur Mather for having relieved me of a great portion of the burden of cornerstone laying. These, and others, have responded most cheerfully and readily at all times. I am, of course, under everlasting obligation also to our Grand Secretary, Most Worshipful Brother Jesse, for his advice and guiding hand during my entire administration. This Grand Lodge is fortunate to have for its Grand Secretary a man so efficient and at the same time possessed of such good, common, every-day horse sense, combined with a willingness to serve the Craft at any sacrifice of time or energy.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
CONCLUSION. In conclusion, let me say once again how very grateful I am to have been permitted, to serve as your leader for the past year, and how deeply thankful' I am to all of you for YOur co-operation and the magnificent spirit of harmony that has prevailed among the Craft throughout the state. Freemasonry has, or at least always should have, whether we think of it as a whole or so many individuals or so' many organizations in all its various ramifications, a unity of purpose, viz.: the building of men that they may build more men, and this unity of purpose can be realized only by unity of action; first, by the individuals of each organization; secondly, by the various affiliated Bodies of each Jurisdiction; and thirdly, by the very closesf fraternal relations possible among the various Grand Jurisdictions. My last thought, if I be permitted to express a last thought to you, my Brethren, is this: hold fast always to the fundamental principles of our Fraternity which have been the source of its usefulness and power in the past, and which' alone can insure its glory in the future. Never surrender a single 'one of our ideals, and always remember that the spiritual is far more important than the material. What I am struggling to say is thus expressed by Emerson: â&#x20AC;˘. "Great men are they who see that the spiritual is stronger than any material force," and to that end, this is our prayer, poetically expressed: "God give us men; a time like this demands Strong minds, great hearts, true faith, and willing hands; Men whom the lust of office does not kill; Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy; Men who possess opinions and a will;, Men who have honor, who will not lie; ~en who can stand before a demagogue And scorn his treacherous flatteries without winking, Tall men, sun"crowned, who live above the fog, In public duty and in private thinking." Fraternally submitted,
Grand Master.
P-roceedings of the
DONATION TO WILLIAM F. KUHN UBRARY. M. W. Bro. Corona H. Briggs presented and read the following communication from M. W. Bro. Marcus A. Loevy, Grand Master of the M. W. York Grand Lodge of Mexico, which was received amid applause; and, on motion, this worthy gift was accepted, the Grand Secretary to direct the placing thereof: Mexico City, Mexico. October 8th, 1924. Dear and M. W. Brother Briggs: It was my great pleasure during the life of our beloved Brother and Companion, Dr. Kuhn, to be able to donate a small sum of money to the M. W. Grand Lodge of Missouri in order to start a Library in the newly proposed Masonic Temple at St. Louis, and to be known as the Dr. Wm. F. Kuhn Library. Now that Dr. Kuhn has passed on to the Grand Lodge on High, Yneed not conceal the donorship. In order to prove my interest, on my recent trip to Europe I was able to secure a complete set of the publications of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge, which I now present to the Dr. Kuhn Library and will have same delivered where and when the Grand Lodge may order. They have not yet been forwarded from London, but on receipt of advice will give orders to be shipped and delivered. They cover a great many years and if I am correct in my information there are very few complete sets in the United States, in fact, the early issues are not to be had anywhere. Trusting same will be accepted in the same fraternal spiri~ they are donated, and will be of aid to all the members of the Fraternity looking for more and further Light, I remain, Sincerely and fraternally, M. A. Loevy.
A rising vote of thanks was extended by the Grand Lodge to M. W. Bro. Loevy for his fraternal consideration and valuable gift. .
Grand Lodge of Missouri
. 45
REPORT OF GRAND SECRETARY. M. W. Bro. Frank R. Jesse, Grand Secretary, presented his annual report which was adopted as follows: To the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Mt"..ssouri:
Brethren: Herewith I present report of official action in the office of Grand Secretary, covering the period between September 25, 1923, and October 6, 1924: NEW LODGES. Six new Lodges chartered at the last session of the Grand Lodge were set at work according to law, and are named, numbered and located as follows:
Cecil~-DaYlight Meramec Paul Revere Holliday Theo. Roosevelt
CHARTERED OCTOBER 17, 1923. No. Location County Kansas City Jackson 305 Eureka : 8t. Louis 313 St. Louis 330 660 Holliday ...........................•Monroe St. Louis 661
Disi.. 22d 57th 33d 17th 33d
CHARTERED OCTOBER 18, 1923. ·Versailles 320 V ersai11 es Morgan 58th ·By consolidation of Charters of Versailles No. 117 and Morgan Lodgo No. 320. DUPLICATE CHARTERS. By order of Grand Master Jos. S. McIntyre, duplicate c!tarters were issued to the following Lodges: Prairie Home Lodge No. 503; charter destroyed by fire; duplicate issued April 11, 1924. Koshkonong Lodge No. 582; charter destroyed by fire; duplicate issued September 9, 1924. PROCEEDINGS DISTRIBUTED. 1923 Proceedings were printed and distributed 50· days after the session. COMMISSIONS TO DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. By order of M.·W. Brother Joseph S. McIntyre, Grand Master, commissions were issued to the sixty District Deputy Grand Masters.
R. W. Brother H. N. Martin, Kahoka, tendered his resignation on' account of failing health, and Grand Master McIntyre appointed W. Brother. Geo. V. Calvert of Kahoka, to fill the vacancy in the First District. 路W. Brother Austin Michaelis, Rockport, was appointed to fill the vacancy in the Eigh th District. LODGES UNDER DISPENSATION. Grand Master McIntyre granted Dispensations for three new Lodges as follows: February 8, 1924, Helena Lodge, Helena, Andrew County; 21 petitioners; Ninth District. E. L. Winkler, W. M.; C. E. Baker, S. W.; Edw. M. Jones, J. W . . February 25, 1924, Greentop Lodge, Greentop, Schuyler County; 21 petitioners; First District. J. T. Onan, W. M.; Nat. L. Johnson, S. W.; D. Dee Newlin, J. W. ' July 11, 1924, Clarence Lodge, Clarence, Shelby County; 37 petitioners; Fourteenth District. F. K. Roy, W. M.; F. W. Boring, S. W.; John C. Palmer, J. W. COMMISSIONS TO GRAND REPRESENTATIVES. Grand Master McIntyre appointed the follOWing as Grand Representatives of the Grand Lodge of Missouri near their respective Gr~:nd Lodges: Idaho R. W. Bro. Lester G. Taylor Paul Minnesota R. W. Bro. Albert T. Pray Minneapolis ~ew York R. W. Bro. J. Wright Beach Buffalo Rhode Island R. W. Bro. Henry S. See Providenc6 South Australia R. W. Bro. Wm. James Host.. Adelaide York Grand Lodge o~ Mexico, F. & A. M .....
t R. f
Bro. Marcus E. Loevy
Mexico City
RECOMMENDED FOR APPOINTMENT. Grand Master McIntyre recommended the following Brethren' as Grand Representatives of .sister Grand Jurisdictions near the Grand Lodge of Missouri: Queensland (United Grand Lodge of) .. R. "Y. Bro. L. E. Devinna Versailles Kansas R. W. Bro. Chas. L. Woods Rolla New York R. W. Bro. Fred B. Howarth St. Louis Tasmania R. W. Bro. S. P. Cunningham Mexico BLANKS FOR ANNUAL RETURNS. Two copies were mailed June 1st to each Lodge accompanied by circular letter giving full information to the various Secretaries; and on July 7th a sealed circular was sent to all non-reporting Lodges again calling attention to the law in regard to returns. There were nine delinquents on August 1st which have now reported and paid the Grand Lodge per capita tax, as follows:
Hemple Lodge No. 37 Middle Grove Lodge No. 42 Clifton Hill Lodge No. 161....: Novelty Lodge No. 181.. Pilot Knob Lodge No. 182 Malta Lodge No. 402 Joppa Lodge No. 411.. _._ Gaynor City Lodge N0. 465 Belgrade Lodge' No. 632
Number Number Number Number
Grand Lodge of Missouri
of of of of
_. : . . _ . .. _. . .. ..
Reported Sept. 30 Sept. 13 Aug. 7 Aug. 12 Aug. 13 Sept. 24 Aug. 14 Aug. 7 Aug. 14
S'l.'ATISTICAh Chartered Lodges in the Jurisdiction Chartered Lodges making returns Members in Chartered Lodges Members in Lodges U. D , _.._.. __
132.75 150.75 85.50 116.50 193.50 114.25 114.75 105.75
District 11th 17th 18th 2d 46th 24th 46th 7th 40th
659 __ ._659 __ .. __ ..
109,805 92
Paid $ 74.25
'rotal number of Master Masons in the Jurisdiction
BLANKS FOR REPORTS OF DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. Blanks for these reports were sent to tlle 60 District Deputy Grand Masters on July 15th, together with a personal letter. The Grand Lodge acknowledges, with grateful thanks, the valuable assistance of these Brethren who have given their time and strength to the task of securing returns and per capita tax from the nine delinquents as well as from some of our other dilatory Lodges. SPECIAL DISPENSATIONS. To Lay Cornerstones. Thad. B. Landon, Grand Marshal, High School, Warrensburg. Arthur Mather, Grand Chaplain, Baptist Church, Festus. Arthur Mather, Grand Chaplain, High School, Centerview. G. A. Sample, District Lecturer, School, !lImo. ' G. A. Sample, Baptist Church, !lImo. Harold L. Reader, School, Sedalia. Otis L. Hindman, W. M., Masonic Temple, Marionville. Ray V. Densiow, Grand Marshal. High School, Trenton. J. E. Thompson, D. D. G. M., High S<;hool, Bowling Green. Geo. W. Walker, D. D. G. M., Masonic Hall, Jackson. Arthur Mather, Gran<t Chaplain, College, La Grange. C. H. Briggs, P. G. M., School, Unionville. Alfred S. Michaelis, D. D. G. M., Freeman Hospital, Joplin. E. L. Robinson, High School, Gilman ,City. C. H. Briggs, P. G. M., Church, Houston. Arthur Mather, Grand Chaplain, High School, Sedalia. C. H. Briggs, P. G. M., M. E. Church, Smithville. C. H. Briggs, P. G. M., School, Newburg. Arthur Mather, Grand Chaplain, Christian Church, Vandalia. Wm. F. Johnson, P. G. M., Masonic Hall, Prairie Home. Byrne E. Bigger, Grand Junior Deacon, School, Hunnewell. Wm. F. Johnson, P. G. M., M. E; Church, South, New Franklin. C. H. Briggs, P. G. M., Public School, Albany.
Proceedings of the
Geo. W. Walker, D. D. G. M., High School. Advance. C. H. Briggs, P. G. M., Bethany Presbyterian Church, Joplin. Alfred S. Michaelis, D. D. G. M., Memorial Hall, Joplin. Frank, R. Jesse, P. G. M., Baptist Church, Leeton. Arthur Mather, Grand Chaplain, Methodist Foundation (Dormitory) Columbia. C. H. Briggs, P. G. M., High School, Stockton. Bert S. Lee, P. G. M., High School, Lebanon. Frank RJesse, P. G. M., High School, Lebanon. Charles L. Woods, D. D. G. M., Hospital, Soldiers' Home, St. James. Alfred S. Michaelis, D. D. G. M., Baptist Church, Carthage. W. W. Martin, Grand Senior Warden, Court House, Caruthersville. Geo. W. Walker, D. D. G. M., High School, Caruthersville. Bert S. Lee. P. G. M., Court House, Lebanon. Fred. O. Wood, D. D. G.M., Presbyterian Church, Clinton. Fred. O. Wood, D. D. G. M., Masonic Temple, Clinton. Arthur Mather, Grand Chaplain, M. E. Church, Vinita Park. Dedication of New Halls. G. L. Markley, D. D. G. M., Cosby Lodge No. 600, Cosby. S. P. Cunningham, D. D. G. M., Vandalia No. 491. J. M. Ford, D. D. G. M., Cardwell No. 231. H. H. Findley, D. D. G. M., Stockton No. 283. G. J. Vaughan, D. D. G. M., Billings No. 379. W. N. Marbut, D. D. G. M., Marionville.
Purity No. 658 Magnolia No. 621) Sheffield No. 625
Centertown No. 611
Reballots. Leadwood No. 598 Shel{lnah No. 256 Herculaneum No. 338 Election of Officers.. Equality No. 497 Poplar Bluff No. 209
Orient No. 546 Progress No. 657 Missouri No. 1
Versailles No. 320
Meet in Other Halls. Meridian No.2 Wallace Park No. 627 Keystone No. 243 Magnolia No. 626 Geo. Washington NO.9 Public Installati.on. Mt. Moriah No. 40 COURTESIES RECEIVED AND GRANTED. By diz:ection of Grand Master McIntyre, 192 requests have been made to sister Grand Jurisdictions to confer degrees for Missouri Lodges, and 165 requests have been received by Lodges in Missouri to confer degrees for sister Grand Jurisdictions. TRANSPORTATION AND HOTELS. Railroads in the State have agreed to sell round-trip tickets at one and one-half tare on the Certificate Plan. Full information was given in a circular letter mailed to all Lodges on September 1st, copies of which may be found in the Grand Lodge.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES. All appeals and petitions sent to this office have been delivered to the Chairman of the Committee, W. ,Bro. Henry C. Chiles, Lexington. THE DR. WM. F. KUHN LIBRARY' FUND. The original bequest of $500, from an ,unknown donor, was invested in one $500 United States. Government Bond. and' flIed in the safe deposit box of the Grand Lodge. $44.88, accrued'linterest has been deposited for one year in the Northwestern Trust' Company at 4 per cent interest. Certificate of Deposit for $44.88 placed in the safe deposit box of the Grand Lodge. MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI, Warrant No. 181 for $'101.50 was issued to the Masonic Home on June 30, 1924. to cover two-thirds of back dues collected since September 25, 1923. The per capita tax for 1924, to and including October 6th, together with arrears received since July 1st, 1924, amounts to $245,766.25, two-thirds of which $163,844.16, has been turned over to the Home. Recapitulation. Two-thirds of back dues to June 30, 1924 $ 101.50 Two-thirds of per capita tax for 1924, as above 163,844.16 Grand total paid to the Home since September 25, 1923
Proceedings of the
SPECIAL INITIATION FEE FOR BENEFIT OF MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI As shown below, total amount received on this account from Sept. 25, 1923, to Oct. 6. 1924 $ 46.310.00 Total amount reported on this account, Sept. 25, 1923 197.490.00 Grand total paid to Masonic Home to and including Oct. 6, 1924 · ·$243,800.00 ·Including check for $50, Callao Lodge No. 38, protested and returned to Lodge for collection. No·1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 Bismarck ............. I Missouri .............. $270.00 Middle Grove ........ 42 I Meridian ............. 180.00 ............... 590.00 43 Jefferson ............. 280.00 I Beacon ............... 44 Fair Play ....... . .... I Howard 640.00 45 Bonhomme . .......... 80.00 I United ................... 60.00 46 Wentzville . .......... I Ark O'Sullivan ............ 40.00 Fayette ............... 90.00 47 I Williamsburg ........ 48 Fulton ................ 120.00 I 49 Holt .................. 20.00 I Geo. Washington .... 250.00 50 Xenia ........... ..... 130.00 I Agency ............... Livingston . .... ..... 50.00 51 I Pauldingville ........ 30.00 Tyro .................. 52 Wakanda . ............ 120.00 Rising Sun ............ 30.00 Weston ............... 30.00 53 Eolia ................. 20.00 54 Index ................. Western Star ......... Arrow Rock .......... 55 Memphis ............. 130.00 Tipton ................ 20.00 56 Clarksville ........... 57 Richmond ............ 180.00 Palmyra .............. 58 Monticello . ........... 20.00 Paris Union .......... 60.00 59 Centralia ............. 20.00 St. Louis .............. 170.00 New Bloomfield ....... 60 Havana ............... 10.00 61 Waverly . ............. Wellington ..... ..... 20.00 62 Vincil ................. 50.00 Florida ............... Cambridge ............ 70.00 63 Wyaconda ............ 64 Monroe ............... 50.00 Naphtali .............. 100.00 Pattonsburg . ........ 65 Ava 66 Grant City . .......... 20.00 Evergreen ............ 30.00 Rocheport . ........... 67 St. John .............. 120,00 Kennett .............. 80.00 68 Windsor .............. 90.00 69 Sullivan . ............. 60.00 Huntsville ............ 40.00 Armstrong . ......... 70 Liberty ......... ..... 160.00 Savannah . ...... ..... 100.00 71 Humphreys ........... 72 Gorin ................ Ralls .................. 20.00 Eureka . .............. 10.00 73 Troy .................. 74 Warren . .............. Mercer ................ 70.00 Silex . ................. 75 Cooper ................ 90.00 76 Independence . ........ Hemple ............... Lebanon . ............. 80.00 77 ................ t 50.00 78 St. Joseph .............. 290.00 I Callao DeWitt ............... 10.00 79 Polar Star . ........... 250.00 Mt. Moriah ........... 80 I Bridgeton . ........... 120.00 t Check for $50 protested and returned to Callao for collection. •••••••••• 4•••••
••••••••••••• 1 •••••
1924.] No·1
Grand Lodge of Missouri Lodge
Central ............... Jackson .............. Laclede ............... Webster Groves ...... Miami ................. Brookfield ...... , ..... Washington .......... Defiance .............. Friendship ........... Russellville .......... Madison .............. Perseverance ......... St. Marks ............. Vienna ................ Pomegranate ... ' ..... St. Andrews ......... Bethany .............. Webster .............. Mt. Vernon ............. Ash Grove ............ Bogard ............... Bloomington ......... West View ........... Heroine ............... Kirksville ............ Gallatin ............... Greenville ............ Altamont ............. Stanberry ............ Marcus ............... Trenton ............... Maitland ........ ..... Plattsburg ...... ..... Twilight .............. Laddonia ............. Barnes ................
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94
95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115
117 ........................ Kingston ............. 118 119 De Soto ............... 120 Compass ............... 121 Erwin ................ 122 Triplett .............. 123 Hermann .. ........... 124 Union Star ........... 125 Gentryville ........... 126 Seaman ............... 127 Athens ................. 128 I Lorraine ............. 129 Monett ................ 130 Hume .................. -
70.00 40.00 210.00 170.00 30.00 40.00 90.00 20.00
no.oo 210.00 80.00 360.00 40.00 70.00 120.00 10.00 80.00 20.00 710.00 320.00 70.00 30.00 40.00 60.00 50.00 120.00 40.00 20.00 70.00
40.00 120.00 50.00 310.00 50.00 60.00 10.00 HO.OO 60.00 60.00 270.00 90.00
No., 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
Lodge Potosi . ......... ..... Farmington .......... Star of the West. ... Olean ................. Braymer . ............. Phoenix .............. Delphian ............. Lincoln ............... Oregon . ............... Papinsville . ......... Amsterdam ........... Pleasant Grove .....• Irondale ............... Modern ............... Latimer . ............. McGee . ............... Cass . ................. Purdy ................ Lexington . ............ Birming .............. Milton . ............... Linn Creek . ......... Bloomfield ........... Ionic . ................. Springhill . ........... Ashland . ............... North Star ............ Mountain Grove ..... Green City ............ Pleasant .............. Clifton Hill .......... Whitesville . .......... Occidental ............ Joachim .............. Maryville ............ Portageviile Revere . .............. Colony . ................ Camden Point . ...... Benevolence ........... Hartford . ............. Censer . ............... Gray Summit . ....... Sturgeon . ............. Newton . ................ Point Pleasant . ...... Texas . ................ Griswold . ............ Pride of the West..: . Pyramid . .............
51 Paid 120.00 30.00 30.00 60.00 40.00
10.00 10.00 40.00 50.00 20.00 40.00 10.00
90.00 20.00 10.00 60.00 140.00. 10.00 20.00 60.00 90.00 20.00 20.00 50.00 70.00 40.00 70.00 70.00
10.00 10.00 70.00 40.0"0' 50.00 130.00 30.00 240.0·0 230.00'
No路1 181 182 183 184 185 1,86 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230
Proceedings of the
52 Lodge
Novelty ............... Pilot Knob ........... California ............ Morley ................ Chamois ............... Morality .............. Hermon .............. Hannibal ............. Zeredatha ...... ..... Putnam ............... Wilson ................ Frankford ............ Angerona ............ Wellsville ............ Bolivar ............... Quitman .............. Carthage ............. Allensville ...... ..... New Hope ............ Sonora ................ Ravenwood ........... Westville ............. Brumley .............. Rowley ............... Trilumina ............ Somerset ............. Clay .................. Salisbury ............. Poplar Bluff ......... Unionville ............ Hickory Hill ......... Four Mile ............ Rolla .................. Forest City ........... Hornersville Hale City ............ Barbee ............... Good Hope ........... Albert Pike .......... Kansas City .......... Mystic Tie ............ La Belle .............. Ray ................... Hamilton ............. Salem ................. Saline ................. Cypress ............... Shelbina .............. Claflin ................ St. James ............. '
10.00 60.00 20.00 90.00 20.00 ~O.OO
150.00 200.00 70.00 20.00 40.00 10.00 50.00 20.00 30.00 130.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 10.00
50.00 30.00 170.00 120.00 50.(j'0 50.00 130.00 300.00 40.00
180.00 560.00 320.00 350.00 40.00 50.00 30.00 130.00 10.00 80.00 50.00 20.00 60.00
No路1 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280
Cardwell ............. I Polo ................... Bucklin ................ 10.00 St. Francois .......... 20.00 Weatherby ............ 20.00 Sedalia ............... 220.00 I La Plata .............. 30.00 . ............ I Rushville ............. 110.00 Hopewell Manes ................ Palestine ............. 80.00 Portland .............. 10.00 Keystone ............. 120.00 II Middle FabiUs ....... 30.00 Knob Noster ......... Montgomery ......... 50.00 Neosho ................ 120.00 Clarkton .............. 20.00 . ............... 30.00 I Carroll Glensted . ............. 30.00 Hope . ................. 50.00 Alanthus ............. 100.00 Laredo . ............... 20.00 Butler . ............... Alton .................. 50.00 Shekinah ............. 70.00 Lodge of Light. ...... Ravanna ............ Lodge of Love ........ 70.00 Mechanicsville ., ..... Florence . ............. Holden . .............. 130.00 Summit . .............. 40.00 Kirbyville . ........... 10.00 Corinthian ........... 90.00 Social . ................ Aurora . ............... 100.00 Lodge of Truth ....... 180.00 Brotherhood New Salem ........... 20.00 Solomon . ............. 350.00 Granite ............... 100.00 St. Clair ............. 90.00 Cold Spring .......... 20.00 Bunker ............... Grand River ......... 20.00 Wm. D. Muir ......... 20.00 Essex ................. Hogle's Creek 110.00 Reeds Spring
--No路1 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330
Grand Lodge of Missouri Lodge
Fenton ................ Cosmos ............... Stockton .............. I Canopy ............... I Earl ................... Urich \ Craft .................. ........... I Hermitage Graham ................. Fairmount ........... Edina ............; ..... Lamar ................ Sarcoxie .............. Mound City ........... Moniteau ............. Sparta ................ Ozark ................. Sampson .............. Temple ................ Doric ................. White Hall .......... Lick Creek ........... Osage ................. Signal ................ Cecile-Daylight ..... Ashlar ................ New London ......... Parrott ............... King Hiram .......... Sikeston .............. Kearney .............. Cuba .................. Meramec ........... Pine .................. Jerusalem ............ Rural ................. Osborn ................ Eldorado ............. Paulville ............. Versailles ........... Jonathan ............. Hardin ................ Corner Stone ......... McDonald ............ Dockery .............. Linn ............. ....'. Mt. Zion .............. Cainesville .......... Kennedy ............. Paul Revere ..........
Paid 50.00 230.00 60.00 150.00 90.00 40.00 140.00 10.00 30.00 70.00 110.00 30,00 60.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 780.00 80,00 70.00 100.00 30,00 190.00 20.00 80.00 110.00 50.00 30.00 60,00 20.00 10.0'0 230,00 10.00 20.00 40.00 10.00 170.00 170.00 10.00 100.00
No., 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 ~ 377 378 379 380
I Charity I Excello
............... 630.00 ............... 20.00
30.00 50.00 390.00 I . ............ 20.00 I Hallsville I Blue Springs ......... 40.00 I Herculaneum ........ 20.00 I Fidelity ................ Westport ............. 390.00 Rockville . ............ I Circle ................. 10.00 Agricola . ............. 20.00 Moberly . ............. Fellowship . .......... 4~0.00 Arlington ............. 20.00 America .............. 290.00 Wadesburg ........... 80.00 Pollock ............... 10.00 I Tyrian ................ 30.00 I Mosaic . ............... Friend . ............... 30.00 Barnesville ........... 40.00 Hebron ............... l50.nO Adelphi ............... 60.00 I Ancient Landmark: . 40.00 I Aux Vasse ........... ............ 70.00 I Northwest Garrett ............... .,I Tuscan ................ 420.00 I Riddick ............... 30.00 Hiram . ............... 20.00 Fraternal . ............ 20.00 Higginsville . ......... Bayou . ............... Adair . ................ 170.00 Barry ................. Crescent Hill ......... 60.00 Composite . ............ 40.00 Williamstown . ....... Sheldon ............... 20.00 Nonpareil ............. 30.00 Belle . ................. 40.00 Wilderness ........... 10.00 Waynesville . .......... 20.00 King Hill ............. 80.00 Ancient Craft ........ Berlin ................. 10.00 Billings .............. 30.00 Queen City . ..........
Breckenridge ......... I Joplin ................
I I I ,
54 No.1
381 I Ionia 382 I Mt. Ararat 383 I Pythagoras 384 I East Prairie 385 I Richland 386 I Dayton 387: I Woodside 388 I Chula 389 I Arcana 390 Marionville 391 Raytown 392 I Christian 393 I Bee Hive 394 I Lucerne 3951 Hatfield 396 Western Light 397 Gower 398 I Jasper 399 I Pike 400 I Decatur 401 Carterville 402 .Malta 403 Lowry City 404 I Rosendale 405 I Everton 406 I Malden 407 I Charleston 408 ,Montrose 409 I Louisville 410 I Iberia
. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. :. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . I Joppa .. I Appleton City .. I Valley .. I Greensburg '" .. I Hunnewell . I Cache . I White Water . I Clear Creek .. I Star . I Itaska .. I Urbana .. I Gate of the Temple. I Galt . I Samaritan .. I Green Ridge .. I Rothville . I Glenwood ., " .. I Pittsville . I New Madrid .. I Winona .
411 412 413
414 415
416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430
Proceedings of the Paid 60.00 40.00 40.00
20.00 40.00
190.00 90.00 30.00 20.00
431 I Cement .. 432 I Competition 40.00 433 I Mack's Creek 10.00 434 I Wheeling . 435 \ Rockbridge........... 10.00 436 Gothic . 4371 Lafayette 80.00 438 Temperance. . . . .. . . .. 30.00 439 Mt. Olive . 440 I Trowel " .. .. .. 30.00 441 I Excelsior 70.00 442 I Burlington 50.00 443 I Anchor 150.00 444 I Ada 50.00 445 I West Gate 300.00 446 Ivanhoe 2010.00 447 Jacoby................ 80.00 4481 Schell City 70.00 449 Bois D'Arc .. 450 Belton 20.00 451 Raymore , ] 0.00 452 Verona 20.00 453 Forsyth .. 454 Continental .. 455 Hinton . 10.00 456 Wallace .. 20.00 457 Jonesburg .. 60.00 458 I MelVille .. 10.00 459 I Hazelwood .. 40.00 460 I Lambskin .. 350.00 461 I Caruthersville .. 462 I Santa Fe 10.00 463 I Clifton 70.00 464 I Concordia .. 465 Gaynor City .. 466 Southwest 10.00 467 Pleasant Hope 50.00 468 Red Oak .. 469 Plato .. 470 Nodaway 100.00
30.00 90.00 40.00 70.00 40.00 100.00
20.00 100.00 20.00 30.00 340.00 20.00
160.00 50.00 580.00 30.00 170.00 30.00 30.00 10.00 20.00
472 473 474 475 476 477 478
Mineral Pickering Nineveh Guilford Golden Mt. Hope Henderson Racine Rich Hill Jewel
.. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. ..
30.00 10.00 40.00 40.00 50.00 40.00 20.00 70.00 50.00
No路1 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 5('9 510 !'ill 512 513 ;'14 515 5113 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530
I Marceline ............ .......... I Clintonville Fairfax ............... I Kirkwood I Cold Water............. ........... ) Cairo ................. Chilhowee ............ Lock Spring ......... Lakeville ............. Montevallo ........... Vandalia ............. I Daggett .............. Vernon ............... Lewistown ........... Unity ................. Robert Burns ........ Equality ............. Pee Dee .............. I Harmony ............. Jameson ................ Buckner .............. Philadelphia ......... Prairie Home ......... Platte City ........... Euclid ................ Lathrop .............. Clearmont ............ Saxton ................ Van Buren ........... Blswell ............... Skidmore ............. Webb City ........... Senath ................ Granby ............... Galena ............... Milford ............... Seligman . ........ , Oriental ..... ... ... Crane ................. Clifton Heights ... . Lockwood . ......... Gate City ............ Stinson ............... Spickarosville ........ Cunningham ......... Wayne ............... Higbee ............... Conway .............. Apollo ................ Peculiar ..............
55 .
Grand Lodge of Missouri
Paid 130.00 20.00 50.00 40.00 70.00 60.00 100.00 70.00 50.00 30.00 50.00 70.00 50.00 70.00 50.00 380.00 90.00 30.00 10.00 30.00 300.00 70.00 50.00 10.00 40.00 200.00
50.00 310.00 40.00 610.00 20.00
No路1 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 5f:8 569 570 571 572 573 ~74
110.00 40.00 130.00
575 576 577 578 579 580
Lodge Lane's Prairie Dexter ................ Comfort . ............. Columbia ............ , Blackwell ............ Ingomar .............. Bethel . ............... Stella ................. Dawn ................. Winigan .............. Jacksonville Ferguson . ............ Mansfield . ............ Algabil . .............. Zalma . ............... Orient . ............... South Gate . .......... Clinton . .............. Carl Junction ........ Rose HilI . ............ Pendleton . ........... Calhoun . ............. Clarksburg Foster ................ Summerville . ........ Prairie . .............. Blairstown . .......... Moscow ......... " ... Clarl{sdale . ........... Nelson . ............... Cowgill . .............. Deepwater ........... York ................. Jamesport ............ Tebbetts .............. Maplewood ........... Miller ................. Naylor ................ Tiff Gity ............. Republic .............. Hayti ................. Rutledge . ............ Bernie ................ . ...... LaMonte .... Easter . ............... Olive Branch . ........ Ewing . ............... Forest Park . ........ Grandin . ............. Houston . ............. ~
40.QO 90.00 10.00 20.00 40.00 30.Gq 40.00 20.00 60.00 120.00 560.00 330.00 100.00 40.00 220.00 40.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 40.00 10.00 20.00
20.00 330.00 30.00 40.00 320.0q 60.00 70.00 10.00 30.g0 40.00 30.00 200.00 110.00 60.00
"56 No路1 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 59!l 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615
616 617 618 619
620 621 622
Proceedings of the Lodge lllmo .. Koshkonong , . Novinger . Red Bird . Shamrock . Criterion . Branson . St. Francisville .. Grove Spring .. Advance . Barnett .. LaRussell .. Union .. Blodgett . Emmanuel .. Puxico .. Bosworth .. Leadwood .. Elvins .. Cosby . Clayton .. Acacia .. Morehouse .. Strasburg . Walker .. Craig . Eminence . Strafford .. Warrenton .. Clark . Cen tertown .. Mokane .. Wellston .. Mt. Washington .. Chaffee . Marion .. Swope Park .. Grandview .. Fairview '" Willard . Anderson .. Norwood '" ..
Paid 40.00 50.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 60.00 30.00 20.00 40.00 10.00 10.00
160.00 70.00 130.00 280.00 20.00 30.00 10.00 80.00 20.00 40.00 !l0.00 10.00 360.00 220.00 50.00 10.00 320.00 60.00 30.00 80.00 50.00
. No路1 623 624
I Maple I Owensville
I :~~ I
Paid . 10.00 .. 30.00 .. 600.00 . 390.00 .. .. . 40.00 .. .. 160.00 .. .. 30.00 ..
Sheffield Magnolia Wallace Park Moundville Valley Park 629 630 I East Gate Tower Grove 631 Belgrade 632 Archie 633 Steele 634 635 I . 636 \ Weaubleau .. 637 I Mountain View .. 638 Triangle .. 639 I Mizpah .. 640 I Jennings .. 641 Trinity " .. 642 Benj. Franklin .. 643 I Northeast .. 644 I Grain Valley .. 645 I Clever , 646 I Shaveh .. 647 Noel .. 648 Elmer .. 6491 University .. 650 Parma .. 651 Cleveland .. 652 Pilgrim . 653 Shawnee . 654 I Commonwealth .. 655 Gardenville 656 Country Club .. 657 I Progress . 658 Purity .. 659 Alpha .. 660 I Holliday .. 661 I Theodore Roosevelt.. U. D. Helena . U. D. Greentop . 625 626
210.00 280.00 110.00 160.00 110.00 520.00 50.00 120.00 50.00 80.00 290.00 40.00 200.00 30.00 50.00 120.00 180.00 20.00 50.00 50.00 80.00 10.00 140.00
$ 46,310.00
Grand Lodge of Missouri
RECAPITULATION. 路 路$ 46,310.00 Less check $50. Callao Lodge No. 38, protested.............. 50.00
$ 46,260.00 1923 Total, September 25 $197,490.00 1924 Total, October 6...................................... 46.310.00 Grand Total, October 6, 1924
*Including check $50, Callao Lodge No. 38, protested and returned to Lodge for collection.
Proceedings of the
THE GEORGE WASHINGTON MAsONIC NATIONAL MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. At our 1923 Grand Lodge session a total of $38,573.60 was reported as having been received from all sources for contribution to the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association. Since September 25, 1923, $39,428.55 has been received, making a total of $78,002.15. In addition to this amount several contributions, amounting to $881, had been sent to J. Claude Keiper, SecretaryTreasurer, Washington, D. C., making a grand total of $78,883.15 contributed to this cause. Items received from September 25, 1923, to October 6,. 1924, 'appear below. Key
Nothing Paid Paid on Account Paid in Full Paid to J. C. Keiper
Paid to LODGE F. R. Jesse IjMissouri ......................• $ 921.00 2 Meridian 115.00 3 Beacon 200.00 4 Howard 28.25 5 United :.................... 637.50 6/Ark 27.25 7 O'Sullivan 61.00 81Williamsburg 5.50 9lGeo. Washington 235.75 10lAgency t lllPauldingville . 12jTyro .. 16.00 131Rising Sun • 12.00 14lr~olia .. 151Western Star.. t 161Memphis ' 51.75 171Clarksville . 18IPalmyra 63.50 191Paris Union.................. 44.33 20ISt. Louis 176.34 211Havana t 16.00 221Wellington . 231Florida t 20.50 241Wyaconda . 25/Naphtali . 26iAva t 271Evergreen . 258.00 281St. John's • 27.50 291Windsor . 44.00 30 IHun tsville . 50.00 311Liberty . 32jHumphreys t 30.00 331 Ralls ..
LODGE 34jTroy 351Mercer 361Cooper 371Hemple 381Callao 3DIDe Witt 40iMt. Moriah 411Bismarck 421Middle Grove 431Jefferson 441Fair Play 451Bonhomme 461Wentzville 47jFayette 48IFulton 491Holt 50lXenia 511Livingston 521Wakanda 531Weston 54) Index 551Arrow Rock 561Tipton 571Richmond 581Mon ticello 591Cen tralia ..__ 60INew Bloomfield 611Waverly 62jVincil _ 631Cambridge 641Monroe 651Pattonsburg 661Grant City
Paid to F. R. Jesse $ 36.25 50.00 .
t t . 577.00
t t . . ..
11. 75 22.00 .
. .
36.75 49.25
t .. . ..
30.50 13.75 66.75
t t .
'1.75 . ..
t 40.00
t . .. .
t ,.t
79.00 44.25 70.00
1924.] .
Grand Lodge of Missouri PaId to F. R. Jesse
671Rocheport .- _.--.._------681Kennett 691Sullivan --.._-_ .. _ 70IArmstrong :.. 71ISavannah 72IGorin:__ : t 731Eureka .
. .: :;: : : : : : : : : :
76/Independence __ . 771Lebanon --.. -.. 781St. Joseph * 791Polar Star __ .. _.. __ • 80IBridgeton .. 811Central ..-t
841Webster Groves • 851Miami ...·..·· -- ..--· t 861Brookfield -_--. 871Washington -- .. 881Defiance --.. _ . 891Friendship __ .. 90lRussellville --.- .. __ • 911Madison ..... __ __.... 921Perseverance _.... 931St. Marks.. __ __ .. • 941vienna ........ -- -:1: 95 Pomegranate __ • 96 St. Andrews __ . 971Bethany t 981Webster .. • 991Mt. Vernon 100lAsh Grove .. __ .. _ 1011Bogard _---- -. 1021Bloomington --_ . 1031West View __ .. 104/Heroine __ .. 1051Kirksville -_ ..-- ..-.. 1061Gallatin . 1071Greenvilie -~: -t 1081Altamont :1: 1091Stanberry -.
~~~ ~ra::~os~- :::::::::::::::::::::::I:
.. 112lMaitland 1131Plattsburg' 1141TWilight .. _ 115\Laddonia .. __ . 116lBarnes
. 20.00 110.00 63.00 10.50 137.00 40.50 611.33 57.00
510.00 68.50 88.25 20.75 50.00 13.25 82.50 198.00
45.00 29.00 38.50 29.00 15.00 250.00 150.00 37.25
42.55 45.00
24.50 . __ *218.00 .. __ 18.50 __ .. _ _. 74.2'5 -- .
11 See No. 320-Consolidated
Paid to . F. R. Jesse
117 111 .. 1181Kingston ---.. t 1191De Soto _ .. 50,00 120 Compass .. 25.QO. 121\Erwin __ . 683.00 1221Triplett ---.17.25. 123jHermann ~-- .. 1241Union Star . 77.00. 125/Gentryville __ :.. t 126 Seaman __ . 151.00' 1271Athens _.. _. ] 55.00 63.00' 128/Lorraine .. _ . 129ll\10nett -- - 300.00 130lHume -t 131jPotosi :.................... 83.00 1321Farmington -- t - --.. 133 Star of the WesL.. _. 25.00 134 Olean __ 25.00 ] 351Braymer ..:................. . 37.25 136fPhoenix -.. :t:.i;i~ 1371Delphian __ . 33.50 1381Lincoln ;. 15.00 13910regon f 140lpapinsville --- :1:' ..--....'"'' 141/Amsterdam __ t 1421Pleasant Grove_: .. .. 21.00 21.25 143IIrond;1le 27.00 144lModern .. 32.25 145lLatimer :.. 1461McGee -t 34.00' 1471Cass . 148IPurdy t 149-ILexington :f: 150lBirming ----t 1511Milton -_1521Linn Creek __ __ 22.00 1531Bloomfield __ 19.25' 1541Ionic --- . 10.00 1551Springhill . 1561Ashland -- -- . 26.0.0 62.00 1571North Star __ ~ .. 41.00 1581Mtn. Grove ,_.. 36.00~ 1591Green City __ __ .. 160\Pleasant 30.09' 1611Clifton Hill... .. t ..__ .. 162/Whitesville § ; __ 16310ccidental ,.. 95.00 1641Joachim -,.t .. 1651Maryville t ; . 166[Portageville _.......... 26.50
§ $59.00 paid to J.C. Keiper
Proceedings of the
Paid to LODGE F. R. Jesse 1671Revere t 1681Colony .: t 169/Camden Point t 12.50 170lBenevoience . 58.00 1711Hartford ....................• 172/Censer t 26.00 1731Gray Summit .' • 41.75 174ISturgeon . 175jNewton : t 60.00 1761Point Pleasant.. • 147.00 177ITexas ..........................• 2'5.00 1781GrIswold . 345.00 1791Pride of the West • 1SOlPyramid ......................• 181lNoveity t 40.50 1821Pilot Knob • 56.00 1831California ..................• 90.00 1841Morley ........................• 1851Chamois ......................• 1861Morality ......................• 37.00 1871Hermon 21.50 188/Hannibal ....................• 146.00 1891zeredatha .....................• 33.00 190 Putnam . 69.00 1911Wilson ........................• 1921Frankford ..................• 1931Angerona ....................• 85.00 1941Wellsville ....................• 1951Bolivar ··· ······ ·· ·t 11.'15 1961Quitman . 318.00 197ICarthage • 12.75 1981 All ensville . 199\New Hope :.........• 82.00 20 0lSonora t 2011Ravenwood . 54.75 15.75 2021Westville . 16.50 203\Brumley . 2041Rowley :1: 205\Trilumina : :1: 16.~5 2061Somerset . 2071 Clay :......• 98.00 2~8rSalisbury ....................• 209jPoplar Bluff . 160.00 210lUnionville ..................• 173.00 22.50 2111Hickory HilL . 31.50 2121Four Mile . 93.25 2131Rolla . 2141Forest City t 75.00 2151Hornersville ..............• 2161Hale City : . 33.50 217\Barbee :1: 170.25 21.81Good Hope , .
LODGE 2191Albert Pike 220lKansas City 221!Mystic Tie 222/La Belle 2231Ray
. [Oct. Paid to
F. R. Jesse
• .
296.00 :/:
. .
35.50 8.00
:/: 2251Salem t 2261Saline . 2271Cypress . 2281Shelbina :...• 2291Claflin . 230/St. Ja·mes . 231jCardWell . 232 Polo .. c•.••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2331Bucklin : . 2341St. Francois . 2351Weatherby ................• 236/Sedalia ........................• 2371La Plata . 238lRushville t 2391Hopewell ....................• 240lManes t 2411Palestine . 242/Portland 2431Keystone ....................• 2441Middle Fabius.: • 2451Knobnoster 2461,Montgomery 2471Neosho ..........................• 2481Clarkton t 2491Carroll . 2501Glensted . 2511Hope . 2521Alanthus . 2531Laredo ........................• 2541Butler . 2551Alton _ . 256'IShekinah . 2571Lodge of Light t 2'58lRavanna . 2591Lodge of Love . 260lMechanicsville :j: 2611Florence ······.. ··············t 2621Holden , . 2631Summit . 2641Kirbyville . 265\Corinthian . 2661Social :1: 2671Aurora ........................• 2681Lodge of Truth t 2,69lBrotherhood ..............• 270lNew Salem .
25.00 18.75 89.00 13.25 53.00 19.00 22.00 26.00 25.50 70.00 42.75 18.25
8.75 753.00 12.00 21.00 226.00 21.50 14.25 107.00 13.75 94.00 45.75 22.25 108.00 19.00 35.00
45.75 48.00 58.00 558.00
. 23.75
Paid to LODGE F. R. Jesse 2711Solomon ......................• 503.00 2721Granite 143.00 2731St. Clair........................ 25.00 274ICold Spring................ 18.75 2751Bunker ;... 49.00 2761Grand River • 86.00 2771Wm. D. Muir.............. 35.00 2781Essex t / 2791Hogles Creek. • 106.00 280lReed Spring................ 11.00 28llFen ton ........................• 2821Cosmos ........................• 24.00 2831Stockton . 2841Canopy ........................• 18.25 2851Earl . 286/Urich ............................• 51.00 2871Craft ............................• 141.00 2881Hermitage . 17.50 14.50 2891Graham -.. 290\Fairmount ................• 81.00 25.00 29llEdina . 2921Lamar . 56.25 59.50 293jSarcoxie . 27.50 2941Mound City . 23.50 2951Moniteau . i)5.00 2961Sparta ........................• 297jOzark : t 2981Sampson t 2991Temple ........................• 1,655.00 300lDoric t 30llWhite HalL. t 43.00 . 3021Lick Creek ._ . 59.00 30310sa ge . 73.00 3041Signal -_ --........ • 40.00 305lCecile-Daylight ........• 3061Ashlar ..........................• 81.00 3071New London t 3081Parrott ........................• 3091King Hiram _ t 38.00 3l0lSikeston . 26.00 3lliKearney . 126.00 3l21Cuba ............................• 11.00 3l31Meramec . 13.25 3l41 Pine . 20.00 3151Jerusalem -._ -. 409.00 3l61Rurai ;.• 15.00 3171°sborn . 22.00 3181Eldorado . 32.00 3l91Pauiville ....................• 320lVersailleIB 1: _
Grand Lodge of Missouri
§ $500.00 paid to J. C. Keiper
Paid to LODGE F. R. Jesse 3211Jonathan ·· t 3221Hardin ........................• 3231Corner Stone ............• 501.75 324jMcDonald 86.00 3251Dockery + 3261Linn ~ .._.. 3271Mt. Zion . 58.50 3281Cainesville ..................• 329iKennedy t 330jPaui Revere t 33llCharity ........................• 3321Excello , t 3331Chillicothe ._._............ 45.50 3341Breckenridge 30.75 335jJoplin 274.00 3361Hallsville ....................• 3371Blue Springs t 3381Herculaneum ............• 41.00 3391Fideli ty _........• 80.00 340lWestport _.. § '13.25 34llRockville . 342/Circle 29.25 3431Agricola . 344IMoberly : 3451Fellowship ................• 597.50 3461Arlington , :....• 93.00 3471America . 74.50 348/Wadesburg _:.• 35.00 3491pollock ,..• 73.00 350lTyrian + 3511Mosaic 12.50 1.50 352IFriend . 21.25 3531Barnesville . 3541Hebron -..• 259.00 15.75 3551Adelphi . 27.50 356jAncient Landmark .. 3571Auxvasse -..".-. t 3'58lNorthwest 21.00 3591Garrett 25.50 360lTuscan ........................• 1,028.00 36llRiddick - --. t 362IHiram -._ . 103.00 363jFraternai ._ _._ .. 10.25 30.75 3641Higginsville -.- . 3651Bayou :.. ·.t· 85.50 3661Adair _ . 3671Barry __ . 10.75 31.25 3681Crescent HilL : . 369/Composite _ 12.75 370lWilliamstown .
+ +
Proceedings of the
Paid to .: LODGE F. R. Jesse 371!Sheldon 47.50 3721Nonparell 12.50 3731Belle St.OO 3741Wllderness · t 3751Waynesville . 21.75 3761King HllL. § 50.00 3771Ancient Craft 60.00 3781Berlin 13.00 3791Billings 12.50 380lQueen City.................. 26.75 3811Ionia 259.00 382jMt. Ararat .'.. 20.00 383/Pythagoras 3841East Prairie 24.00 385!Richland 57.00 3861Dayton 7.50 3871Woodside 8.75 ;36J,8·'Chula. 56.00 3891Arcana 114.00 39.0lMariDnville 25.00 391jItaytown 30.00 3921Christian 3931Bee Hive t 3941.Lucerne t '3,91\IHatfield 3·96lWestern Light 12.50 3971Gower 3981Jasper ,.......... 25.00 .3991Pike 24.00' 400lDecatur 23.00 ~OllCarterville 105.00 4Q21Malta :j: 4031Lowry City................ 22.25 4041Rosendale t 4051Everton t ,406~Malden ····.. t 4071Charleston 113.00 4081Montrose 18.00 4ll91Louisville --t 410lIberia 41ll.Joppa 412/Appleton City.......... 55.00 413\Valley .-: :\: 414/Greensburg 17.2:5 4151Hunnewell --.--.......... 4161Cache 421.00 .4171;White Water 16.25 418lClear Creek __ 419IStar .•--..· · -t 42Q\Itaska 517.00
Paid to LODGE F. R. Jesse 4211Urbana ;.. t .. 422/Gate of the Temple.. 426.00 4231Galt , 102.00 4241Samaritan ;............. 83.00 425jGreen Ridge .. · ·,.. t 4261Rothville ;. 32.50 4271Glenwood t 4281Pittsville t 429/New Madrid . 430lWinona .. 11.00 431/Cement t 4321Competition . 20.00 433lMack's Creek ; t 4341Wheeling :j: 4351Rockbridge .. 13.75 4361Gothic t 4371Lafayette .. 25.00 4381Temperance . 90.00 4391Mt. Olive ;. 40.00 440lTrowel : ; . 441lExcelsior .. 37.75 44Z!Burlington . 4431Anchor .. 200.00 444jAda , .• 4451West Gate 850.00 4461Ivanhoe 2,433.00 447jJacoby '......... 31.00 4481Schell City t 449!Bois D'Arc . 9.75 450lBelton . 1.00 4511Raymore --·---t 4521Verona .. 13.00 4531Forsyth t 41.00 4541Continental . 4551Hinton : .. 8.75 18.75 4'56lWallace -- .. 4571Jonesburg ; __ • 4581Melville ·.. -t 4591Hazelwood 20.25 460lLambskin § 299.00 461lCaruthersville 146.00 4621Santa Fe ··t 4631Clifton __ 150.00 4641Concordia 70.00 465jGaynor City t 4661Southwest t 15.00 4671Pleasant Hope .. 4681Red Oak. " t 469/Plato t 470lNodaway ;•.•: :j: .
§ $100.00 from Lodge No. 376 and $80.00 from Lodge No. 460 paid t$
J. C. Keiper direct.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
Paid to LODGE F. R. Jesse 47I1Mineral :1: 472/PiCkerin g ..................• 52.00 473 Nineveh t 4741Guilford ......................• 50.00 4751Golden . 20.50 . 4761Mt. Hope 37.00 4771Henderson . 16.00 478\Racine ..........................• 20.50 4791Rich Hill , . 35.75 480lJewel . 87.00 4811Marceline . 67.50 . 27.25 48 21Clin ton ville 4831Fairfax . 55.00 4841Kirkwood . 54.75 4851Cold Water . 25.00 4861Cairo :..........• 76.00 4871Chilhowee . 50.00 4881Lock Spring t 4891Lakevllle t 490lMontevallo :1: 49I1Vandalla . 56.50 492IDaggett ......................• 4931Vernon . 8.25 494!Lewistown ..................• 80.50 495/Unity :1: 16.25 4961Robert Burns . 25.00 4971Equality . 16.75 4981Pee Dee . 4991Harmony ....................• 151.50 500lJameson ....................• 56.00 50I1Buckner ......................• 109.00 9.00 5021Philadelphia . 13.00 5031Prairie Home . 29.75 5041Platte City . 5051Euclid :1: 5061Lathrop ·..·.·· ···.. ·····t 5071Clearmont . 14.00 5081Saxton . 12.00 509jVan Buren :1: 12'.75 510lBiswell . . 21.50 5II1S1< idmore 110.00 5I21Webb City • 5I31Senath . 31.00 5I41Gran by • 5I51Gaiena t 5I61Milford t 5I7jSellgman . 19.75 49.00 51810riental ......................• 5I9\Crane ............................• 135.00 228.50 520lCUfton Heights """" 5211Lockwood t 5221Gate City . 900.00
Paid to F. R. Jesse
LODGE 5231Stinson
5251Cunningham . 5261Wayne . 527lHigbee :1: 528lconway t 529 Apollo ..........................• 530\Peculiar ......................• 53IILane's Prairie . 5321Dexter t 5331Comfort 534\ColUmbia ....................• 535,Blackwell ..................• 5361Ingomar . 5371Bethel ..........................• 5381Stella ..........................• 5391Dawn . 540jWinigan . 5411Jacksonville """"""" t 542/Ferguson ....................• 5431Mansfield . 5441AIgabil ........................• 5451Zalma t 5461°rient ..........................• 547/South Gate ..................• 5481Clinton . 5491Carl Junction . 550jRose Hill """""""""" 5511Pendleton ....................• 5521Calhoun . 553jClarksburg ,t 5541Foster . 5551Summersville ............• !) 56 lPrairie ........................• 5571Blairstown ................• 5581Moscow t 5591Clarksdale :..........• 560lNelson . 56I1Cowgill t 562/Deepwater . 5631 Y o rk ............................• 5641Jamesport . 5651Tebbetts ......................• 5661Maplewood ................• 567/Miller . 5681Naylor ..........................• 5691Tiff City . 570lRepUblic . 571IHayti t 5721Rutledge . 5731Bernie . 574ILa Monte •
37.00 17.00 45.50 111.00 28~00
49.00 48.00 25.25
50.75 29.50 300.00 52.00 26.00 12.00 93.00 88.00
26.00 34.00 34.00 55.00 189.00 18.00 54.00 7.25 35.25 21.50 46.00 36.50
Proceedings of the
Paid to LODGE F. R. Jesse 5751Easter 31.00 576/olive Branch • 577 Ewing 12.75 578jForest Park • 5791Grandin ........................• . 9.00 580lHouston . 5811Illmo ............................• 133.00 582jKoshkonong ..............• 58.00 5831Novinger ....................• 74.00 5841Red Bird ....................• 49.30 5851Shamrock ....................• 5861Criterion . 12.25 5871Branson . 18.25 5881St. Francisville ........• 54.00 ,589lGrove Spring . 7.50 590/Advance . 23.00 5911Barnett . 18.00 12.00 5921La Russell . 5931Union ..........................• 50.00 5941Blodgett . 16.00 5951Emmanuel . 8.00 5961puxico t 5971Bosworth t 5981Leadwood . 29.75 5991ElvifiS . 80.00 600lCosby t 6011C1ayton ........................• 240.00 6021Acacia ..........................• 400.00 603\Morehouse t .604lStrasburg ···•..·· · t 18.00
:~:I~~~~e~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::t
6071Eminence ····.····.. ····.····t 6081Strafford . 6091Warrenton ..................• 610jClark : t 6111Centertown ................• 612/Mokane ........................•. 6131Wellston ....................• .6141Mt. Washington . 6151Chaffee ........................• 6161Marion . 6171Swope Park . 6181Grandview ..................• 619/Fairview ....................• 620iWillard : -.. t
11.00 29.00
82.00 319.00 135.50 104.00 14.00 43.50
Paid to LODGE ! F. R. Jesse 6211Anderson 20.00 6221Norwood ......................• 66.00 6231Maple t 70.00 624/0wensville ..................• 6251Sheffield . 123.23 6261Magnolia . 11.00 6271Wallace Park , 6281Moundsville t 6291Valley Park • 630lEast Gate 300.00 631lTower Grove ............• 174.00 6321Belgrade 11.75 6331Archie · t 6341Steele . 6351 (Vacant No.) . 6361Weaubleau · t 637jMtn. View • 6381Triangle 71.00 6391Mizpah 200.00 640lJennings . 641\Trinity 140.00 6421Benj. Franklin 265.40 643JNortheast 104.00 6441Grain Valley • 6451Clever . 36.00 187.00 6461Shaveh ..........................• 647/Noel . 8.25 6481Elmer _. 46.00 .45.00 649\University . 650lParma t 37.00 6511Cleveland . 652jPilgri'm . 43.00 6531Shawnee -. 6541Commonwealth . 6551Gardenville . 6561Country Club • 74.40 6571Progress . 658/Purity ......................• § . 6591Alpha 19.50 660lHolIiday 21.00 6611Theo. Roosevelt 40.00 .L. M. Pagett, Lodge 259.. 1.00 Westport Chap., O.E.S... § Ararat Temple, A. A. 0. N. M. S § TotaL.
§ $32;00, $10.00 and $100.00 paid to J. C. Kieper.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
RECAPITULATION. Total receipts to Sept. 25, 1923"shown on page 59, Pro. 192.3.... $38,fi73.60·,' Paid to F. R. J.esse. Grand Secretary,. from Sept. 25, 1923" to Oct. 6, 192·4 $39,428.55 ".' TotaL · Paid to J. Claude Keiper, direc.t: Whitesville Lodge No. 162 $ 59.00 Westport Lodge No. 340 500.00 King Hill Lodge No. 376 100.00 'Lambskin Lodge No. 460 " ,....... 80.00 Purity Lodge No. 658.................................................... 32.00 Westport Chapter, O. E. S......................................... 10.00 Ararat Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S 100.00 Grand Total to and including Oct.
&: 1924..
$78.002.15 "
881.00 $78,883.1&
GRAND LODGE FINANCES. September 25, 1n3, to October 6, 1924. Receipts. Cash balance, September 25, 1923 " .. Received fromBack dues, 1923 , $ Defunct Lodges (Grand Lodge CerL) . Masonic Manuals . Dues Receipts , . By-Laws : . Library Manuals ~ " .. RefundsDouglas Robert, payrolL · · Geo. F. Brewington. payrolL :.. Commerce Trust Co., Kansas City, payrolL Exchange . Fred. O. Wood, expo G. L. at Kansas City . Proceedings of 1923 , ,·.. Fifty 2-cent envelopes, F. H. Littlefield, __ .. Dispensation Fees (3) , , . Charter Fees (3) , . Copying Returns, Lodge No. 217 : . Interest on Liberty Bonds . Interest on Daily Balances .
95,266.30 152.25 35.00 1,6'38.75 682.15 60.75 21.00 5.00 5.00 25.80 3.26 59.13 8.50 1.00 90.00 60.00 13.50 1,062.52 1,277.51
Per Capita Tax, 1924. to and including Oct. 6th .. Total Receipts
. Disbursements.
Payroll check No.1 for 1923 $ 18,802.45 First Nat. Bank of St. Louis, hal. payrolL.......... 15.00
5,201.12 $100.467.42 245,766.25 $346,233.67
Proceedings of the
Masonic Home of Missouri, two~thirds 101.50 back dues, 1923 . Masonic Home of Missouri. two-thirds of 1924 Per Capita Tax ~ . 163,844.16 5,000.00 Masonic Service Assn. of United States . Masonic Service Assn. of Missouri.. __ .. .. 2.500.00 Masonic Temple Assn. of St. Louis __ . 8,000.00 Meeting of D. D. G. M.'s, St. Louis, order of G. M . 965.40 Salary5,000.00 Frank R. Jesse, Grand Secretary . John R. Parson, Em. Grand Secretary .. 950.00 J. R. McLachlan, Grand Lecturer .. 3.000.00 Jos. S. McIntyre, salary and exp., G. M .. 2.000.00 J. R. McLachlan. expenses of G. L , . 852.77 476.42 Expenses, Grand Officers, ordered by G. M . John R. Parson, flowers for birthday, ordered by Grand Master . 5.00 Board of Education, rent G. L. offices __ __ . 1,500.00 1,800.00 Assistant to Grand Secretary .. Assistant to Grand Secretary . 2,100.00 Prin ting Proceedings for 1923 .. 3,630.34 Binding Grand Lodge Manuals . 1,474.04 Rebinding 1.530 By-Laws __ __ __ .. 275.40 Printing, postage, stationery, incidentals __ .. 1,400.00 Spalding Stationery Co., prtg. and sup . 1,119.27 Investment in $25,000 worth of Gov. Bonds .. 24,906.60 R. C. Ott, portrait of G. M. (and frame) .. 300.00 Sayers Printing Co., printing blank returns .. 298.00 Masonic Relief Assn. of U. S. and Canada ~ .. 267.60 Expense, Specific Grand Lodge, May, 1924.. .. 263.00 C. C. Woods, Chm'n. Fraternal Correspondence.. 750.00 R. R. Kreeger, Chm'n. Com. 'on French Children 400.00 F. O. 路Wood. expenses, G. L. Session, K. C.. _...... 300.00 W. W. Martin, expenses, Alexandria, Va., Nov. 1, Geo. Washington MemoriaL . 140.15 Ray V. Denslow, expenses, Alexandria Va., Nov.!' Geo. \Vashington MemoriaL........ ... 119.25 C. H. Briggs, expenses, Alexandria, Va., Nov. 1. Geo. Washington MemoriaL.. _...... __ ... 100.00 F. R. Jesse, expenses, Alexandria, Va., Nov. 1, Geo. Washington MemoriaL .. 119.75 Orestes Mitchell, expenses, Alexandria, Va., Nov. 1. Geo. Washington MemoriaL . 132.12 Bert S. Lee, expenses, Alexandria, Va., Nov. I, Geo. Washington MemoriaL .. 145.04 JOg. S. McIntyre, expenses, Alexa.ndria, Va.., Nov. 1. Geo. Washington MemoriaL .......... __ .. 120.25 Geo. S. McLanahan, expenses, Alexandria, Va., Nov. 1. Geo. Washington MemoriaL .. 162.00 Expense, Grand Lodge Officers to funeral of C. C. Bigger, P. G. M .. 279.47
1924. ]
Grand Lodge of Missouri
Expense, Grand Lodge Officers to funeral of John R. Parson, P. G. M . Expense, Grand Lodge Officers to funeral of Wm. F. KUhn, P. G. M . Expense, Alexandria, Va., Grand Master and Grand Secretary, Feb. 22, 1924...........•............ Wm. A. Hall. salary, Grand Treasurer . Whitehead & Hoag, badges for 192'3 G. L. Ses . National Laundry-aprons . Harry A. Krueger, Grand Tiler . Merchants Ice Company . Payroll Check (1922) Wm. E. Young, Shaveh Lodge No. 646 .. Payroll Check (1922) D. L. Brooking, La Belle Lodge No. 222 . Expense to St. Louis, J. L. Heckenlively, consulting architect . Barr & Dunn, Kansas City, P. G. M.'s jewel for Bert S. Lee .. Case & Thomas, premium, bonds, Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer . Case & Thomas, insurance G. L. furnishings .. H. DaCosta. reporting 1923 Proceedings .. W. R. Shrodes, Chm'n. Committee on PayrolL.. C. L. Alexander, Chairman, Committee on Chartered Lodges . H. Clay Perkins, Auditor . F. P. Willey, half-tones for Proceedings . E. R.· Claus. half-tones for Proceedings . Repairs on office clock . Typewriting for Committee on Jurisprudence .. Safe deposit box, Mississippi Valley Trust Co. Bert S. Lee, State Chairman, G. W. MemoriaL.. J. C. Keiper, 700 Washington D. C. "Star," Nov. 1, 1923 .. Bell Telephone, Central 1796 . Grand Lodge Aprons, Steiner Eng. Co .. H. D'Ailly, eng. certificate, Sir Alfred Robbins . J. E. Huff, expense, Special Deputy, Golden City and return . Cash balance, October 6, 1924
114.59 163.24 249.75 200.00 256.66 18.58 150.00 19.24 15.00 21. 72
52.00 157.50 100.00 7.70 75.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 13.00 16.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.85 30.00 56.82 28.13 5.50 13.50
$255,650.26 $ 90,583.41
Fraternally submitted,
Grand Secretary.
Proceedings of the,
REPORT OF GRAND TREASURER. M. W.'Bro. Wm. A. Hall, Grand Treasurer, presented his report.Js':Grand Treasurer, which was adopted as follows, together with report of Auditor: To the M. U< Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of Mf,ssouri:
Brethren: Herewith I submit my report as Grand TreaS'Urer, together ' with my bqo~s and vouchers. The following is a list of my receipts and disbursements in detail since my last report: RECEIPTS. 1923 Oct. NoV'.
19 19 2 3 19 23 28 11 20
1924 .Jan. 5 16 22 29 Feb. 7 19 March 3 20 April 8
16 21 13
Balance on hand, Sept. 25, 1923, as shown by bank book _ Received from Grand Secretary II
$ 96,692.30 68.50 71.80 . 106.25 110.65 153.63 212.50 164.85 124.95 140.25 113.95 147.60 99.75 79.95 106.00 237.90 109.85 150.35 119.55 531.27 88.55 80.80
1924.] May
27 28 June .. 23 July 1 2 3 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 14 15 16
Grand Lodge of Missouri Received from Grand Secretary
18 19 2'1 22 23 24 25 26 26 28 29 29 30 31 1 2 4 6 7 12 12 14 16 23 26 30 13 15 18 20 24 30 1 2
. "
212.50 86.30 89.65 6,284.25 1,935.50 2,822.50 3,405.25 8,680.50 4,458.75 9,084.75 5,989.65 5,861.25 12,239.50 121.45 6,060.60 12,736.00 13,698.00 13,651. 75 7,257.50 8,742.25 7,480.25 8,966.00. 6,985.00 10,113.00 10.395.00 12,217.00 119.76 8,795.25 11,385.25 248.50 20,462.25 12,800.75 5,251.50 5,044.25 409.50 305.75 298.00 153.50 87.75 360.50 148.50 466.75 77.30 76.75 174.25 207.00 . 96.75 . 148.50 202.75 84.50 ,137.75 96.75 .10
1923 Sept. . _ , $18 8.42 Oct. . _.. 168.47 No\'. ._.................................................................................... 92.00 Dec. .. 71. 05 1924 Jan. . Feb. . March April May June July Aug. . Sept. .
. 55.88 . 41.23 . 36.46 . 35.36 . 31.97 . 27.61 . 94.37 . 257.36 . 177.33
1,277.51 $348,203.02
DISBURSEMENTS. Warrant . 1923 No. Amount Sept. 15 231 H. A. McPherson, M. S. A., donation to Japanese sufferers from earthquake $ 500.00 20 236 Board of Edu., rent. G. L. offices (Oct.) . 125.00 20 240 Bert S. Lee, 4t'h Qr. salary, G. M _ . 250.00 20 241 Bert S. Lee, 4th Qr. expense, G. M _ . 125.00 . 20 242, Bert S. Lee, service of stenographer 25.00 24 245 Masonic Home of Mo" Aug. 20-Sept. 24, '23 . 376.00 24 246 Bert S. Lee, service of stenographer.. _._ _ .. 25.00 Oct. 18 1 Grand Lodge Pay Roll (1923) . 18,802.45 . 150.00 19 2 C. C. Woods, Fraternal Correspondent_ 300.00 . 22 3 Fred O. Wood, expo 1923 session of G. L . 256.66 22 4 Whi tehead-Hoag Co., badges for G. L _ . 65.52 22 5 Spalding Sta. Co., envelopes, 3M 2c . 18.58 22 6 National Laundry Co., aprons . 22 7 Spalding Sta. Co., printing and supplies 91.70 22 8 H. A. Krueger, Grand Tiler . 150.00 9 Merchants Ice and Coal Co. (ice) . 7.00 22 10 Wm. E. Young; 1922 pay roll check, lost.. . 15.00 22 26 11 Thad. B. Landon, expo laying cornerstone . 12.82 12 J. L. Heckenlively, consulting architect . 27.00 26 13 Masonic Temple Association of St. Louis . 8,000.00 26 14 Barr & Dunn, K. C., P. G. M. jewel, B. S. Lee 157.50 26 26 15 Case & Thomas, premium. G. S. and Q, T .. 100.00 16 H. G. DaCosta, reporting G. L. proceedings . 26 75.00 17 W. R. Shrodes, Chm'n. Com. on Pay RolL . 26 100.00 50.00 26 18 C. 路L. Alexander, Chm'n. Com. Chart. Lodges.. 100.00 26 19 H. Clay Perkins, Aud. G. L. accounts (1923) 21. 72 26 20 D. L. Brooking, mileage & per diem (1922) .... 125,00 26 21 Board6f Education, rent, G. L. offices (Nov.) 150.00 26 22 John R. Parson, Emeritus G. Sec'y (Oct.) ......
Grand Lodge ,of Missouri
Warrant 1923 No. .. Oct. 26 23 F. R. Jesse, Grand Secretary (Oct.) . 24 J. R. MeLachlan, salary G. L. (Oct.) 26 . 26 25 Assistant to Grand Secretary . 26 26 Assistant to Grand Secretary 2:7 Arthur Mather,exp., Festus-Holden for G. M. 26 . 28 Arthur Mather, exp., M. S. A. for G. M 26 NoV'. 1 . 29 Kauft'man-Smith-Emert & Co., bond Inv 5 30 W. \V. Martin, exp.. Alexandria, Va., (G. W.) 6 31 R. V.Denslow, exp., Alexandria, Va., (G. W.) 32 C. H. Briggs, exp., Alexandria, Va., (G. W.) 6 6 33 F. R .. Jesse, exp., Alexandria, Va., (G. W.) .... '" 34 J. L. Heckenlively, consulting architect, expo 6 35 J. R. McLachlan, exp., G. L. (Oct.) .. 6 . 36 Spalding Sta. Co., printing and supplies 6 , . 6 37 Southwestern Bell Tel.. Co. (Sept.) 38 Orestes Mitchell, ex., Alexandria, Va., (G.W.) 6 39 J. C. Keiper, '700 copies, Washington, D. C .. 6 40 Bert S. Lee, exp., Alexandria, Va.;· (.G. W.) . 7 9 41 J. S. McIntyre, exp., Alexan'dria, V~:,(G. W.) 42 Steiner .Eng. & Badge Co., G. L. aprons...__.. 9 10 43. F. R. Jesse, prtg.,.postage, statiOflery, inc.,~.. 44 R. V. Denslow, expenses to Trenton, 19 laying of cornerstone .. 45 H. L. Reader, expo lay.. cornerstone, Sedalia 26 46 R. C. Ott, portrait of G. M. McIntyr.€, & fi'ame 28 47 Bd. of Education, rent; G. L. offices (Dec.) .. 28 .. 28 48 JohnR. Parson, Em. Grand Sec'y .(Nov.) . 49 F. R: Jesse, salary, G. Secretary (Nov.), " 28 50 J. R ..McLachlan, sa~ary, G. Lecturer (.Nov.) 28 . 51 Assistant to Grand Secretary (Nov.) 28 ·:, . 52 Assistant to Grand Secre.tary (Nov.) 28 "_· 53 J. R. McLachlan, expo G. Lecturer, (Nov.) Dec. 3 .. 54 F. P. Willey, half-tones, ·Proc. (1923) 5 55 Marquette Hotel, meeting of D.D. G. M., 5 order of ·G.. M .. 56 Spalding Sta. Co., supplies-dues, receipts . 7 : : .. 57 Southwestern Bell Tel. (Nov.) 7 .. 58 F. R. Jesse, prtg., postage, sta. & inc 8 59 Orestes Mitchell, expo to Watson, G. M.'8 fund, 8 60 F. R. Jesse, G. S., printing, postage, st~ .....,...· 15 61 First Nat. Bank, to cover pay roll chee;k, 18 W. E. Gillham : ,.. :.l 62 A. Mather, expo laying cornerstone, LaGrange 22 . 63 Miss. Valley Trust Co., safe deposit: box 24 . 64 E. R. Claus, half-tones, 1923 Pr()ceedings 24 65 Bd. of Education, rent, G. L. off~es' (Jan.) .. 24 .. 66 John R. Parson, Emeritus G. Sec'y (Dec.) 24 . 67 F. R. Jesse, salary, G. Sec'y (Dec.) 24 68 J. ~. McLachlan, salary, G. Lecturer (Dec.) 24 . 69 Assistant to Grand Secretary· (Dec.) 24 ,..,. 70 Assistant to Grand Secretary. (Dec.) 24
71 Amount 416.00 250.00 150.00 175.00 32.50 75.00 24,906.60 140.15 119.25 100.00 119.75 25.00 46.70 97.21 11.27 132.12 30.00 145.04 120.25 28.13 100.00 31.19 19.26 300.00 ).25.00 150.00 .416.00 :' 250.00 150.00 175.00 112.57, 9.00 965.40 137.65 5.00 100.00 10.85 100.00 ~5.00
15.00 5.00 16.50 125.00 150.00 416.00 '250.00 150.00 175.00
Proceedings of the
Warrant 1924 No. Dec. 26 71 J. R.McLachlan, expo G. Lecturer (Dec.) . . 72 J. P. Austin, Treas., M. S. A., Mlssouri.. Jan. 3 3 73 G. S. McLanahan, exp., Alexandria, Va., (G. W.) .. 3 74 R. R. Kreeger, Ch., Fatherless French Chil. . 75 H. A. McPherson, M. S. A. ofU. S 3 5 76 F. R. Jesse, expo laying C. S., Bowling Green .. 5 77 Geo. A. Abel, repairing office clock. .. 78 Mendle Prtg. Co., printing 1923 Pro.. etc 5 . 79 Southwestern Bell Tel. Co. (Dec.) 5 .. 5 80 Spalding Sta. Co., sta. and supplies 81 Jos. S. McIntyre, salary, G. M. and expense 7 82 F. R. Jesse, postage for G. L. Proceedings .. 8 . 21 83 C. E. Cullen, typewriting, Juris. Com 84 Board of Education, rent. G. L. offices (Feb.) 28 85 John R. Parson, Emeritus G. Sec'y (Jan.) . 28 . 86 F. R. Jesse, salary, Grand Sec'y (Jan.) 28 87 J.' R. McLachlan, salary, G. Lecturer (Jan.) .. 28 .. 28 88 Assistant to Grand Secretary (Jan.) 89 Assistant to Grand Secretary (Jan.) 28 90 W. Union Tel. Co., funeral P. G. M. Bigger.... 28 91 Jos. S. McIntyre, exp., funeral, 30 C. C. Bigger, P. G. M . 92 J. C. Garrell, exp., fun. C. C. Bigger, P. G. M. 30 93 Wm. A. Hall, exp., fun., C. C. Bigger, P. G. M. 30 94 Art. Mather, exp., fun., C. C. Bigger, P. G. M. 30 95 F. R. Jesse, exp., fun., C. C. Bigger, P. G. M. 30 30 96 C. H. Briggs, exp., fun., C. C. Bigger, P. G. M. 30 97 Bert S. Lee, exp., fun., C. C. Bigger, P. G. M. 30 98 R. R. Kreeger, exp., fun., C. C. Bigger, P.G.M. 99 Van F. Boor. exp., fun., C. C. Bigger, P. G. M. 30 Feb. 1 100 Orestes Mitchell, expense, funeral, C. C. Bigger, P. G. M .. .. 2 101 F. R. Jesse, printing, postage, sta., inc .. 102 C. C. Woods, Chmn., Com. Fraternal Cor 2 4 103 Case & Thomas, ins., fur., fix., G. L. (1924) .. 4 104 J. R. McLachlan, exp., G. Lecturer (Jan.) .. 4 105 Southwestern Bell Tel. Co. (Jan.) 4 106 Spalding Sta. Co., printing & supplies (Jan.) 4 107 A. Meyer, Jr., floral emblem, C. C. Bigger.... 5 108 Becktold B. Mfg. Co., bind. Masonic Manuals .. .. 6 109 Merchants Ice & Coal Co. (ice) 13 110 Arthur Mather, expo to SedaliaKansas City, Grand Master's fund .. 25 111 Ayres-Tubbeslng, birthday, John R. Parson, by G. M ~._ . 26 112 F. R. Jesse, exp., Alexandria, Va., G. W. Memorial .. 27 113 Jos. S. McIntyre,路 exp.. Alexandria Va., G. W. MemoriaI. _ . 28 114 John Pickard, expo laying C. S., Marceline ..
[Oct. Amount 89.68 2,500.00 162.00 200.00 5,000.00 9.20 5.00 3,630.34 5.40 116.35 1,000.00 100.00 5.00 125.00 150.00 416.00 250.00 150.00 175.00 8.89 35.00 33.35 33.35 33.35
33.85 30.00 30.00 10.00 10.00 7.18 100.00 250.00 7.70 117.34 4.45 74.20 15.00 1,230.00 7.37 30.00 5.00 118.75 131.00 13.88
Grand Lodge of Missouri
Warrant 1924 No. Feb. 28 115 Board of Education, rent, G. L. offices (Mar.) 28 116 John R. Parson, Emeritus G. Sec'y (Feb.) . 28 117 F. R. Jesse, salary, Grand Secretary' (Feb. ) . 28 118 J. R. McLachlan, salary G. Lecturer (Feb.) . . 28 119 Assistant to Grand Secretary (Feb.) . 28 120 Assistant to Grand Secretary (Feb.) . 28 121 Wm. A. Hall, salary, G. 'r., account of . Mch. 1 122 F. R. Jesse, printing, postage, sta., inc 1 123 J. R. McLachlan, expo Grand Lecturer (Feb.) 3 124 Spalding Sta. Co., printing, supplies (env.) . . 3 125 Spalding Sta. Co., supplies (Feb.) 5 126 H. D'Ailly, eng. cert.. Sir Alfred Robbins . . 13 127 Southwestern Bell Tel. Co. (Feb.) . 28 128 F. R. Jesse, printing, postage, sta., inc 29 129 Board of Education, rent, G. L. offices (Apr.) 29 130 John R. Parson, Emeritus, G. Sec'y (Mar.) . . 29 131 F. cR. Jesse, salary, G. Sec'y (March) 29 132 J. R. McLachlan, salary, G. Lecturer (Mar.) .. " 29 133 Assistant to Grand Secretary (March) . 29 134 Assistant to Grand Secretary (March) Apr. 3 135 F. R. Jesse, expo to Centralia, Moberly, etc .. 3 136 J. R. McLachlan, exp., G. Lecturer (Mar.) __ .. .. 9 137 W. Union Tel. Co., fun., John R. Parson .. 15 138 Bert S. Lee, exp., funeral John R. Parson 15 139 Spalding Sta. Co., printing & supplies (Mar.) .. 15 140 Southwestern Bell Tel. Co. (March) 21 141 Orestes Mitchell, ex., St. Louis, G. M.'s fund 21 142 W.W. Martin, exp., St. Louis, G. M.'s fund . .. 26 143 . F. R. Jesse, printing, postage, sta., inc 26 144 B. E. Bigger, expo to St. Louis, order of G. M. 28 145 Board of Education, rent, G. L. offices (May) .. 28 146 F. R. Jesse. salary Grand Sec'y (April) 28 147 J. R. McLachlan. salary, G. Lecturer (April) . 28 148 Assistant to Grand Secretary (April) .. 28 149 Assistant to Grand Secretary (April) May 3 150 Evelyn T. Parson. a-c Emeritus Grand 路Sec'y.. 5 151 Spalding Sta. Co., printing-supplies (Apr.) . .. 5 152 Southwestern Bell Tel. Co. (April) 5 153 Becktold Book Mfg. Co., binding Manuals . 5 154 Arthur Mather, exp., Sedalia, K. C., Bismarck 5 155 F. P. Willey, half-tone, John R. Parson . 5 156 J. R. McLachlan, exp., G. Lecturer (April) .. 5 157 A. Kron, 4 limousines. fun., John R. Parson .. 5 158 Ayers-Tubbesing, emblem, funeral, John R. Parson . 8 159 C. H. Briggs. exp.. funeral John R. Parson __ .. 15 160 C. C. Woods, Chmn., Fraternal Correspond .. 16 161 Jos. S. McIntyre, exp., SpeCific G. L . .. 24 162 F. R. Jesse, printing, postage, sta., inc 28 163 Board of Education, rent. G. L. offices '(June) .. 28 164 F. R. Jesse, salary Grand Sec'y (May)
73 Amount 125.00 150:00 416.00 250.00 150.00 175.00 100.00 100.00 83.75 43.84 74.45 5.50 4.50 100.00 125.00 150.00 416.00 250.00 150.00 175.00 14.25 111.24 14.35 27.24 33.50 4.15 42.00 29.75 100.00 19.32 125.00 416.00 250.00 150.00 175.00 50.00 53.40 4.70 244.04 38.50 4.00 104.55 48.00 25.00 20.00 150.00 263.00
125.00 416.00
Proceedings of the
Warrant No. 1924 May 28 165 J. R. McLachlan, salary, G. Lecturer (May) . 28 166 Assistant to Grand Secretary (May) ..: . 28 167' Assistant to Grand Secretary (May) .. 28 168 Jos. S. McIntyre, salary-expense, G. M June, 3 169 Spalding Sta. Co., printing-supplies (May) .. .. 3 170 J. R. McLachlan, exp., G. Lecturer (May) .. 3 171 Southwestern Bell Tel. Co. (May) .. 6 172 Sayers Prtg. So., 6l\1 returns . 9 173 Spalding Sta, .<;::0., 2.500 2c envelopes 13 174 Masonic Relief Assn .. U. S. and Canada .. .. 21 175 F. R. Jesse, printing, postage, .sta., inc .. 21 i76 F. R. Jesse, salary, Grand Sec'y (June) 28 177 Board of Education, rent, G. L. offices (July) 28 178 J. R. McLachlan, salary, G. Lecturer (June) .. .. 28 179 As~istant to 'Grand Secretary (June) 28 180 Assistant to Grand Secretary (June) . . 30 181 Mas. Hom'e of Mo., 2/3 of 1!l23 back dues July 2 182. R. R. Kreeger, Chinn., "French Children . 5 183 Mas. Home of Mo., 2/3 per capita, July 1-5 .. 10 184 Spalding Sta. Co., printing-supplies (June) .. 10 185 Merchants Ice and Coal Cq. (ice) .. 10 186 J. R. McLachlan, exp., G. Lecturer (June) .. 12 187 Ma$. Home of Mo., 2/3 per capita, July 5-12.19 188 F ..R. Jesse, printing, postage, sta., inc......... 19 189 Mas. Home of Mo., 2/3 per capita, July 14-19 29 190 F. R. Jesse, salary, Grand Sec'y (July) ........ 29 191 .Board of Education, rent" G. L. offices (Aug.) 29 192J. R. 路McT..achlan, salary, G. Lecturer (July) .. .. 29 193 Assistant to Grand Secretary (July) .. 29 194 Assistant to Grand Secretary (July) . 31 195 Southwestern Bell Tel. Co. (June) Aug. 9 196 C. C. Woods, Chmn .. Fraternal Correspond. 9 197 Mas. Home of Mo., 2/3 per capita, July 21-August 2 .. .. 22 198 Southwestern Bell Tel. Co. (July) 22 199 Becktold Book .l\Hg. Co., re-binding By-laws 23 200 F. R. Jesse, printing, postage, sta., inc .. 28 201 Bert S. Lee, Chmn., Com., G. '\V. MemoriaL.. 28 202 Boar-d of Education, rent G. L. offices (Sept.) .. 28 2.03 F. R. Jesse, salary, Grand Sec'y (Aug.) 28 204 J. R. McLachlan, salary, G. Lecturer (Aug.) 28 205 Assistant to Grand Secretary (Aug.) . 28 206 Assistant to Grand Secretary (Aug.) .. .. Sept. 5 207 C. H. Briggs, exp., funeral, W. F. Kuhn .. 5 208 . F. R. Jesse, exp., funeral. W. F. Kuhn 5 209 Alpha Floral Co., emb., funeral, W. F. Kuhn . 5 210 Bert S. Lee, exp., funeral, W. F. Kuhn 5 211 Arthur' ;Mather, exp., funeral, W. F. Kuhn . 8 212 Orestes 'Mitchell, exp., funeral, W. F. Kuhn .. 8 213 A. M. Dockery, exp., funeral, W.F. Kuhn .. 8 214 Southwestern Bell Tel. Co. (Aug.)
[Oct. Amount 250.00 150.00 175.00 1,000.00 57.25 109.54 5.20 298.00 54.60 267.60 100.00 416.00 125.00 250.00 150.00 175.00 101.50 200.00 9,631.66 43.15 4.87 77.40 30,876.27 100.00 41,430.73 416.00 125.00 250.00 150.00 175.00 4.00 200.00 79,930.33 4.15 275.40 100.00 5.85 125.00 416.00 250.00 150.00 175.00 27.00 39.35 25.00 25.00 30.00 2.75 14.14 4.00
1924.] Sept.
8 12 13 20 20 20 22 22 22 22 22 23 25 25 1 2
24 28 Aug. 4
Grand Lodge of Misso.uri 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 22'5 226 227 228 229 230
Spalding Sta. Co., printing-sup. (July-Aug.) Arthur Mather, laying C. S., Columbia, Mo. F. R. Jesse, printing, postage, sta., inc . J. R. McLachlan, salary, G. Lecturer (Sept.) F. R. Jesse, exp., Lebanon. laying cornerstone Mas. Home of MO.,2/3 per capita, Sept. 20.... Board of Education, rent, G. L. offices (Oct.) F. R. Jesse, salary, Grand Sec'y (Sept.) .. Assistant to Grand Secretary (Sept.) . Assistant to Grand Secretary (Sept.) .. J. E. Huff, exp., Spl. Deputy to Golden City .. F. R. Jesse, expo laying C. Soo Caruthersville Wm. A. Hall, balance salary, Grand Treas .. F. R. Jesse, printing, postage, sta., inc . Spalding Sta. Co., printing-supplies (Sept.) Mas. Home of Mo., 2/3 per capita to Oct. 2.... Protested check (Wheatland) $248.50 Protested check (Lutie)...................... 87.85 Protested check (Callao) 207.00
Total Disbursements
Total Receipts Total Disbursements
71.10 16.00 100.00 250.00 21.30 1,759.17 125.00 424.00 150.00 175.00 13.50 25.60 100.00 100.00 105.35 216.00
$348,203.02 257,619.61
Bank Balance..October 6, 1924
$ 90,583.41
WM:. F. KUHN LIBRARY FUND. The above fund originated by reason of a donation of $500 by an "unknown friend," to be invested and used as a Library Fund. See Page 24, Proceedings of 1!'l22.The assets of this Fund now consist of 1 Government Bond ($500.00), and accrued interest of $44.88, which has been deposited with the Northwestern Trust Company, St. Louis, for 1 year at 4 per cent per annum. Certificate of Deposit No. 240,068 for $44.88 and the $500 Government Bond are in the Grand Lodge safe deposit box as shown by report of Grand Auditor. '
Fraternally submitted,
WM. A. HALL, Grand Treasurer.
Proceedings of the
REPORT OF AUDITOR. St. Louis, Mo., October 10, 1924. To the M. W. Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of Missouri: Br.ethren: I have examined the books and records of the Grand Lodge for the period which commenced September 25, 1923, and ended October 6, 1924.
The following are summaries for the period above stated: GENERAL FUND. Receipts. September 25, 1923, net bal. as per cash book Interest on Liberty Bonds Interest on Bank Balance Sale of Manuals, Fees, Dispensations, etc Receipts from Back Dues 路 Per Capita Tax, 1924
$ 95,266.30 $
. . .. .
1,062.52 1,277.51 2,708.84 152.25 245,766.25
Total Receipts for Period
Balance and Receipts
Disbursements. Warrants issued, Nos. 1-230, Sept. 25, 1923 to Oct. 6, 1924.... $255',650.26 October 6, 1924, Cash Book Balance and Verified Deposit路 in the First National Bank in St. Louis , $ 90,583.41 SPECIAL INITIATION FEE FOR THE MASONIC HOMEl. September 25, 1923, balance on hand $ 260.00 Receipts-Sept. 25, 1923, to Oct. 6, 1924, inclusive.................... 46,310.00 Total Balance and Receipts $ 46,570.00 Payments to the Masonic Home, Checks Nos. 145-191, inc..... 46,450.00 Balance on hand as per Cash Book, verified as correcL.. $
In company with the Grand Treasurer. Brother Wm. A. Hall, I have verified official 'papers and Ii. S. Bonds of the Grand Lodge and the accumulation of the Dr. Kuhn Library Fund as deposited in a safe deposit box of the Mississippi Valley Trust Company of St. Louis, in the name of the Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of Missouri, as follows:
Grand Lodge of Missouri GRAND LODGE.
10-$1,000 5-$1.000 3-$5,000 8--$1,000 4-$ 500
U. U. U. U. U.
S. S. S. S. S.
Bonds, 2nd Liberty Loan, at 4~ % $10.000.00 Bonds. 4th Liberty Loan. at 414 %................ 5.000.00 Treasury Bonds. at 4 ~ % 15,000.00 Treasury Bonds. at 4~ %.................................... 8,000.00 Treasury Bonds. at 4~ %.................................... 2,000.00
Total amount U. S. Bonds in box
DR. WM. F. KUHN LIBRARY FUND. 1-$500 U. S. Bond, 3rd Liberty Loan. at 414 % Certificate of Deposit of the Northwestern Trust Co Total Library Fund in 路Box
500.00 44.88
INSURANCE. Policy No. 24,345 for $1,000.00 on furniture and fixtures in the Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Premium of $7.70 payable Nov. 25, 1924. FIDELITY BONDS. 2路 bonds, $25,000 each, covering the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer. Payment of premiums. $50.00 each. $100 total. September 27th of each year, continues these bonds in force without renewing bonds. LEASE. The lease on the present quarters. Board of Education Building, expires June 30, 1927. The above summaries have been compiled from the books and records of the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of Missouri, and I hereby certify that a proper accounting has been made of all receipts and disbursements of record. Fraternally sUbmitted,
Proceedings of the
REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FRATERNAL CORRESPONDENCE. M. W. and Rev. Bro. Dr. C. C. Woods, presented the report of the Committee on Fraternal Correspondence, and feelingly referred to the fifteen years of his labor on this Committee, giving full meed of praise to R. W. Bro. Arthur Mather, Grand Chaplain, for his able assistance. The report was adopted, amid applause, and ordered printed in the Proceedings. (See Appendix.)
STANDING AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES. The Grand Secretary then announced. the following Committees, appointed by the Grand Master, to serve for the session: JURISPRUDENCE-Karl M. Vetsburg, Chairman, St. Louis; Thomas F. Hurd, Paris; Chas. E. Cullen, St. Louis; Thos. H. Reynolds, Kansas City; Chas. L. Ferguson, Doniphan; JamesW. Skelly, St. Louis; C. Lew. Gallant, St. Louis. COMMITTEE ON APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES-Henry C. Chiles, Chairman, Lexington; Guy C. Million, Boonville; Orson H. Swearingen, Kansas City; A. H. Mann, Kansas City; Chas. A. FitzGerald, Overland; A. J. Jones, Doniphan; Grover C. Sparks, Savannah; Douglas W. Robert, St. Louis. WAYS AND MEANS-G. C. Marquis, Chairman, Independence; C. A. Swenson, Mountain' Grove; Thornton Jennings, Clinton; Geo. W. Walker, Cape Girardeau; John P. Austin, St. Louis; Walter A. Craven, Exce~sior Springs; K E. Morris, Kansas City.. CREDENTIALS-Claud H. Knapp, Chairman, St. Louis; Max Weinberg (79); J. G. Gough (9); A. L. Bartsch; B. L. Shields; W. H. Ferguson; J. D. McIntyre. PAY ROLL-W. R. Shrodes, Chairman, Milan; R. R. Smith; H. B. Gleaves; E. S. Woods; W. H. Meyers; L. O. Fleming; i.. Samuels. CHARTERED LODGES-C. L. Alexander, Chairman, St. Louis; M. Howell; A. B. Basye; W. O. Wiggins; E. O. Bacon; Aaron B. Conrow; D. D. Robbins. LODGES UNDER DISPENSATION-A. B. Frey, Chairman, St. Louis; E. E. Parrish; A. R. Chesmore; J. C. Dawson, Jr.; L. N. Edwards; R. B. Strader; Warren H. May. CHARITY-James P. T.ucker, Chairman, Parkville; H. F. Becker; L. A. Moore; E. G. Bailey; R. D. Furby; B. A. Stege; N. R. Johnson. REPORTS OF DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS-Frank L. Magoon, Chairman, St. Louis; J. H. Billings (656); G. C. Chambers; Joseph A. Stiffelman; J. W. Ashby; J. W. Little.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
MASONIC BOARDS OF RELIEF-Andrew J. O'Reilly, Chairman, St. Louis; W. H. Almstedt; F. S. Simrall; W. N. Howard; H. E. Evers; A. F. Wherritt; Geo. B. Leitch. RITUAL-David M. W:ilson, Chairman, Milan; Jno. T. Short; Wm. A. Hall; J.IR. McLachlan; R. R. Kreeger. MASONIC HOME-VISITING COMMITTEE-Jas. M. Breckenridge, Chairman, St. Louis; W. B. Sutton; E. Gillespie; J. F. Osborne; A. E. Boeschenstein; J. B. Dewey; Fred Hach. CORRESPONDENCE-Charles C. Woods, Chairman, St. Louis. OBITUARiES-Corona H. Briggs, Chairman, Springfield; W. F. Brown; G. W. Leber; E. Miller; L. J. Snow; W. A. Humphries; K. C. Sullivan. AUDITIN~H. Clay Perkins, Chairman, St. Louis. GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS-A. M. Dockery, Chai;man, 'Gallatin; and all Past Grand Masters. UNl<'INISHED BUSINESS-James A. Kinder, Chairman, Cape Girardeau; L. Mannist; C. H. Farrow; Edw. H. Kundegraber; W. A. Clement E. E. Arteburn; J. L. Jones. 'TRANSPORTATION AND HOTELS-Frank D. Gildersleeve, Chairman, St. Louis.
SPECIAL COMMllTEES. COMMITTEE ON MEMORIAL MONUMENTS-James W. Skelly, Chairman; Frank R. Jesse, Wm. J. Kennedy. COMMITTEE ON SERVICE RECORD (MEMORIAL)-Harold L. Reader, John P. Austin, Irwin Sale. COMMI TTEE ON PAST GRAND MASTER'S JEWE~o prepare and report at next Grand Lodge an appropriate and suitable design for a Past Gra'nd Master's jewel-Jackson Hagen, Chairman; Ray V. Denslow, Anthony F. Ittner. COMMITTEE ON 'MEETING OF DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS-To select speakers and assign subjects for the meeting of District Deputy Grand Masters on the Monday evening prior to the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge--J. P. Tucker, Parkville, Chairman; Byrne E. Bigger, Hannibal; Allan McDowell Hoyt, Independence. RECOGNITION OF FOREIGN GRAND LODGES-Wm. F. Kuhn, Chairman; C. C. Woods, C. H. Briggs, R. F. Stevenson, Wm. A. Hall, T. W. Cotton. MANUALS-Frank R. Jesse. RITUAL-D. M. Wilson, Chairman; John T. Short, J. R. McLachlan, Wm. A. Hall, R. R. Kreeger. MASONIC TEMPLE ASSOCIATION OF ST. LOUIS-e. H. Briggs, John P. Austin, Harry Simon'; Consulting Architect, Jas. L. Heckenlively. MASONIC SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF MISSOURI-Ray V. Denslow, Chairman; C. H. Briggs, Fred O. Wood, Arthur Mather, F. H. Littlefield, Geo. W. Walker, John P. Austin. MASONIC S,ERVICE ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATESGeo. S. McLanahan, one year; Corona H. Briggs, two years; Ray V. Denslow, three years.
P~oceedings of the
FATHERLESS CHILDREN OF FRANCE-R. R. Kreeger, Chair~ man; John H. Gundlach. GEORGE WASHINGTON MASONIC NATIONAL MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION-Bert S. Lee, Chairman. INSURANCE-Ray V. Denslow, Chairman; Frank R. Jesse, John P. Austin, George W. Walker, G. C. Marquis, Henry C. Chiles, B. C. Hunt. ADVISORY ON MASONIC TEMPLE-Joseph S. McIntyre, D. M. Wilson, Arch A. Johnson.
CALLED FROM LABOR. The Grand Lodge was then CALLED FROM LABOR until 2 :30 P. M. at which time the M. W. Grand Lodge laid the cornerstone of the new York Rite Temple at Spring and Lindell Boulevards, St. Louis, M. W. Bro. Joseph S. McIntyre offidating, assisted by his staff of Grand Officers.
LAYING OF CORNERSTONE. An impressive parade, in four divisions, headed by General Eugene J. Spencer, as Grand Marshal, formed at King~high足 way and Lindell Boulevards and rested before the steps of the unfinished Temple. Twenty-nine objects were placed in the cornerstone as follows: History of The Masonic Temple Association of St. Louis. 2. Articles of Agreement and By-Laws of the Masonic Temple Association of St. Louis. 3. Temple Fund Campaign literature, 1922. 4. Temple Fund Campaign literature, 1924. 5. Certificate of Honorary Membership in The Masonic Temple Association of St. Louis. I 6. Copies of OCtober 21, 1924 issues of the "St. LOUis GlobeDemocrat," "St. Louis Post-Dispatch," "St. Louis Star," and "St. Louis Times." 7. Copies of "The Temple Quarterly," November, 1922; special campaign edition "Missouri Freemason," October 18, 1924; regular edition "Missouri Freemason," 'October 11, 1924. 8. Standard Masonic Directory, 1924. 9. October, 1924, issue of "The Builder," official journal of The National Masonic Research Society. 10. Proceedings, 1923, Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of Missouri; annual address, 1924, of Grand Master Joseph S. McIntyre; reports of the Grand Secretary, the Grand Treasurer, the Committee on Fraternal Correspondence, and the President and officers of The Masonic Home of Missouri. 11. Book of Constitutions, Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of Missouri. 1.
1924. ]
Grand Lodge of M iss()uri
12. Cent~nnial History (1921) Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of Missouri. 13. Masonic Manual of Missouri. 14. File (4 issues) Missouri Grand Lodge Bulletin, issued by The Masonic Service Committee of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. 15. Constitution and By-Laws, Order of the Eastern Star of Missouri. 16. Proceedings, 1923, Grand Chapter, O. E. S. of Missouri; reports of Grand Officers of the Grand Chapter, O. E. S. of Missouri, 1924. . 17. Directory of the Order of the 路Eastern Star of St. Louis and St. Louis County, 1924, 1925. 18. History of the Grand Chapter, O. E. S. of Missouri, written and read by Mrs. Zoe Brooks Holman, Past Grand Matron of Missouri, at the Golden Jubilee Session, O. E. S., 1924; program of the Golden Jubilee Session, Grand Chapter, O. E. S. of Missouri. 19. List of distinguished visitors attending Golden Jubilee Session, Grand Chapter, O. E. S. of Missouri, 1924. 20. Address by Mrs. M. A. Yost, Past Grand Matron, O. E. S. of Mi~souri at Organization Session, October 13, 1875, and read again by her at Golden Jubilee Session, 1924. 21. Proceedings, 1924, Grand Chapter, R. A. M.; Grand Council, R. & S. M.; Gtand Commandery. K. T.; of Missouri. 22. Portrait, Grand Master Joseph S. McIntyre, Missouri, Term of 1923-24. 23. Photographs of model of Masonic Temple of St. Louis, showing east. west. north and .south elevations. 24. Bronze plaque. struck in 1921, in honor of William F. Kuhn, elected General Grand High Priest, R. A. M., of the United States, in that year. 25. Bronze plaque, struck in 1924, in honor of the session of the .Supreme Council A. A. S. R., Southern Jurisdiction, at Charleston, South Carolina. 26. Coins of Missouri Chapter No.1, R.路 A. M.; St. Louis Chapter No.8 R. A. M.; Bellefontaine Chapter No. 25, R. A. M.; Kilwinning Chapter No. 50, R. A. M.; Oriental Chapter No. 78, R. A. M.; Rabboni Chapter No. 131, R.A. M.; Shekinah Chapter No. 132, R.A. M.; and ",Vellston Chapter No. 138. R. A. M. of Missouri. 27. Cement, sand and grain used at cornerstone laying of George Washington Memorial, Alexandria. Va., November 1. 192'3. 28. Chip from cornerstone George Washington Memorial. 29. The Ho~y Bible.
Under a battery of cameras, the granite cornerstone was swung into place at 3 :30 P. M. Short addresses by Masonic notables foHowed, and Grand Chaplain, R. W.路 and Rev. 'Arthur Mather pronounced the closing benediction.
Proceedings of the
FIRST DAV-EVENING SESSION. The Grand Lodge was CALLED TO LABOR at 7 :30 P. M. by M. W. Grand Master McIntyre, all Grand Officers being in their respective stations, invocation was offered by Grand Chaplain, R: W. and Rev. Arthur Mather. With R. W. Deputy Grand Master Orestes Mitchell in the Grand East, the Grand Orator, R. W. and Rev. Bro. Russell Henry Stafford was introduced by the Grand'Master, taking as his subject: "THE SOCIAL FUNCTIONS OF FREEMASONRY"
in which he drew a skillful and eloquent picture' 'demonstrating that in the CONDUCT of Freemasons rather than in their WORDS was to be sought its fundamental teaching of Brotherhood, Faith, Hope and Constructive Effort; and that those who viewed askance our secrets of Ritual, fearing what it might conceal, would best be convinced of its nobility of purpose by the individual good conduct of each member thereof. Most Worshipful Grand Master and Brethren; 1 am infinitely grateful to the Grand Master for this sort of an introduction, not only becaus.e of the personal sentiment which it expresses and which I most heartily reciprocate since the first time I saw him, but also because I must confess that this is the first Grand Lodge I have ever attended, and I have been a little overawed until this note of quasihumorous personality was brought into the situation, which has put me at my ease. I suppose there may be some Masons to whom Freemasonry means little; but I am confident that there are no such Masons here tonight, for our very presence here is a sufficient indication that to each of us the Masonic Fraternity represents a major element in our thought-life, engaging our profound loyalty and an ever greater share of our interest. For us, the drama of the degrees, the manifold associations of memory with performances of that drama which we have witnessed in the Lodge Room, the intimate and kindly ties which bind us to the men with whom we have shared those ever moving spectacles, are so freighted with meanings for mind, heart and will that we should feel ourselves orphaned and forlorn if we were deprived of the privileges which Masonry has thus brought to us. Each of us, then, knows why he is a Mason; though in every case the combination of causes underlying our Masonic devotion would be in some way different from every other case. ~ev-;;rt~'less,'despite these very personal reasons in justification of Masonic institutions and ideals, it may that we should experi-
Grand Lodge of Missouri
ence some embarrassment in assigning a general social function to Masonry. Yet, in this time of the critical spirit and method, the question will often be asked us, "How is Masonry related to the totality of human life and to the currents of the age? For what does Masonry stand?" To' the philosophic consideration of this question, then, I now invite you. Perhaps the aspect of Masonry which most impresses the thought of men outside our Fraternity, sometimes with a shade of suspicion, is its secrecy. The fear is entertained by many, and has sometimes prevailed widely, that our secrecy concealed some program for the accomplishment of distinctively Masonic purposes through illegitimate underground channels. But we Masons know 'that that is not true. Masonic secrecy is in itself a symbol. The rich and beautiful mysteries which are performed within the Lodge have no exclusive or selfish Masonic meaning, but are types of great and enduring principles which hold good for all human life. Moreover, these mysteries are accessible to every man who combines with the will to learn them a moral character entitling him to confidential relations with other men who think seriously about the problems of the universe, and their duties in helping to elucidate and solve them. Thus secrecy, as we observe it, is but the symbol of this cardinal truth in all approach to Wisdom; that he only can attain wisdom who has the will to know-and appetite for truth driVing him to the earnest pursuit of reality beyond the casual impressions of life's surfaceand the character to understand and appreciate truth when it is discovered. The matters veiled in Masonic secrecy from the public constitute the time-honored and impressive Ritual of the Fraternity. Many who will accept our word for it that there is nothing ominous or menacing about Masonic secrecy are under the im.pression, which perhaps is shared even by some Masons, that we exist as a body for the sake of our Ritual. It is true that the Ritual is enshrined in our affections, and gathers about itself innumerable associations which make the life of every day more gracious to us because in it we are ever observing parallels to and illustrations of Masonic rites. For instance, whenever I witness the tremendous tragedy of the third degree with its awe-inspiring issue in resurrection, r seem to cat'ch the fragrance of acacias wafted on spring breezes across the California campus where as a lad I first imbibed my persistent conviction of the immortal regnancy of truth as such; so that the glamour of youth's brightest memories is for me elevated and consecrated by our Ritual. But, with all due honor to the ceremonies of the Craft, it is surely obvious that for a great order to exist simply to perpetuate a Ritual, however splendid, would be an unworthy dedication to a路 merely formal end of forces which should be usefully exercised. And the fact is that the Ritual has significance and makes its stirring appeal, not for its own sake, but because of the lessons which it inculcates. In these lessons is to be found the answer to our question as to the social function of Masonry. First, then, the Ritual, and all our Masonic associations, emphasize the high principle of human brotherhood. It is not that we are brothers only to fellow-Masons; by our relations of actual fraternity with th~m we are taught to cont.emplate the truth, so
Proceedings of the
often obscured by prejudice and strife, that we are brothers 'to all men. (Applause.) Within the Fraternity itself this is a most inclusive bond. For Masonry has never heeded the barriers of tongue. ,of race, or of man-made creeds, by which mankind IS too much divided into quarreling sects a'nd warring peoples. On every side, in every dispute of any magnitude, there are to be found Masons. And, when the law of Brotherly Love shall be vracticed as Masonry enjoins it, then disputes will be reduced to a minimum both of numbers and of acerbity. Further, within the Lodge we see the clearest 'exemplification that I know of anywhere of that social equality which true Brotherhood presupposes. In many a Lodge it has happened that the Worshipful Master in the East was, on the ladder of life oQtside the Lodge Room, a subordinate of the tiier at the door, or the least conspicuous brother in attendance at the Lodge meeting. We do not ask whose son a man is, nor yet how much money or how conspicuous a place itl the community he possesses; king and carpenter are on the one level of personal rectitude and Fraternal devotion, within the chambers of Masonry. A man who has marked and inwardly digested this feature of our procedure will never, in his relations beyond our portals, be contemptuous of other men on the ground of mere accidents of fortune. Masonry stands for brotherhood; and, in a world riven with antagonisms and embittered with hatreds unworthy of the family tie which unites all sons of Adam, it is a sufficient justification in itself of Masonry that it stands as a conspicuous and uncompromising example and proponent of allinclusive human brotherhood. Again, the Masonic Fraternity is a Brotherhood of Faith. The faith of Masonry has naught to do with metaphysical subtleties and the debates of technical divinity. It does not go beyond the conviction which'most men of good will share, that there is a Supreme Being, who governs the course of the stars, and who is also intimately concerned in the adventures and progress of mankind, and of each individual within our race. But I am not sure that it is necessary to go beyond that conviction in order to embrace a faith adequate to a man's deepest needs, and inspiring utmost effort after righteousness. Though I hold many theological opinions in addition to this cardinal truth inculcated by Masonry, yet in them I find chiefly developments from this 路truth, which is the foundation of all religious belief. Now it has a solemn and hallowing effect upon our associations together in Masonry to hold, as we do, that we, are undert.aking a corporate task, and pursuing our functi~ns individually, under the supervision of the Supreme Architect and Builder of the Universe, to whom we severally, and as a body, are responsible. I am not aware that men of deep feeling and thoroughgoing .logic have ever been able to escape from this sense of responsibility. But I fear, we all must admit that great masses of our fellow-men pay it little, heed, because, they give small attention to the deever aspects of life, and also because they could not square their conduct with the principle which this responsibility involves. And it is a wonderful thing that there should be among all peoples our great Fraternity, enunciating distinctly and with insistent .loyalty the sublime truth that God lives, and that, insofar as we live at I;lll worthily of our calling and obligations in His Universe, we must consciously live unto Him,
Grand Lodge of Missouri
Our Fraternity is, moreover, a Brotherhood of Hope. For associated with our faith in God, which solemnly re-enforces our sense of moral responsibility and our inspiration after integrity of. character, is that assurance of immortality to which every rite of Masonry bears witness. We do not live and work, well or ill, for the brief span of our present earthly existence only, escaping the just due of our misdeeds or being defrauded of the just reward of our good deeds at death; we, who all must die. shall likewise all live again, to render a report of our aims and activities here to the Master of all workmen, and to receive from Him that meed of praise or of displeasure which by our conduct here we have merited.. In our time, ,perhaps more than in any previous period of history, there are many who are living out their lives in lust of gain or pleasure with no thought of that dawn which shall follow the sunset of our terrestrial fortunes. Society is the better, then, for the fact that a mighty host of earnest-minded a~d right-hearted men are banded together in hope of Immortality, and in strong resolve so to live here as to live better hereafter. . Finally, this Brotherhood of Faith and HODe is also deMcated to Work. We call' ourselves a Craft, the Craft of the speculative Masons and all the terminology of our craft is borrowed from the vocabulary of working Masons. 'Ve are builders. By the very terms {)f our mutual agreement we declare our aim to be not to destroy but to build up-not to oppose but to promote-to lay a consistent emphasis upon the positive and constructive, as against all destructive and negative tendencies in the world about us. In passing, it may be remarked that this purpose illuminates our relationshir> to certain causes which it is fair to assume that all Masons esnouse. We are at one in disavowal of political and economic radi-calism, which would overturn the world of man. wrecking the stately structures of human endeavor until this time in order to build upon the ruins some dream castle after plans not sanctioned by the Universal Architect. We are also at one in opposition to any and all attempts of any religious body to achieve for itself, at the expense of the freedom of. thought and action of Dersons outside its fold, ascendancy in the councils of State or Nation. That we should take these !lOsitions is required by the very nature of our profession as believers in God on the one hand, and in Brotherhood. with that equality of opportunity which Brotherhood implies on the other. But what shall be our method of Drocedure. to protect society from the aggressions of radicalism and of priestcraft? If we oppose them directly, we .., >hall be failing in our duty as Masons-as builders -to become mere destroyers. But if with enthusiasm we devote our energies to the conHtructive task of promoting popular intelligence and the right use of freedom as regards Dolitical, economic and religious matters, we shall thereby, with no need whatever of fostering any antagonisms, forestall those types of misguided effort which we disapprove, by occupying the ground before them. "Let there be light;" there is no need. when light comes, to fight darkness! And, inci.. dentally, if we are as busy as we ought to be in laying this positive emphasis upon a sound and vigorous Dublic opinion, we shall have no time left to be anti-anything, because we shall be so 路busy pro our own principles!
Proceedings of the
If we, as individual Masons, engaged upon our several tasks in the world, are to illustrate our Masonic principle of work, we shall find three considerations in the foreground of our minds. First, we must make the most of our jobs. To make something is the highest privilege a man can have; for it is the most Godlike: God is, first of all, the Creator. So we must have an eye upon production. To do a full day's work, so that we may come to each night's rest with the feeling that we have accomplished something in our hours of toil: this is our first duty. Second, we must do our work on the best plan available. It will not suffice to use our hands without our heads. In the parlance of the building trades, we must get out blue prints before we put up the structure of our daily work. Everyone with any experience in building has learned the wisdom of employing a competent architect. When I was once captaining a project for a new Church edifice, I was strongly advised to do so by a man who assured me that sad experience had brought him to the point where he would not undertake to build a chicken coop without architects' drawings! I followed his advice, and had reason to be proud of the result. Moreover. stock plans for our work will not do. For every man's job is. in some particular at least, unlike any other man's. And we have been given our brains chiefly to this end, that we may draw up our own plans, and may direct our energies intelligently, in view of the special situation iri which each of us finds himself. Third, the work we do by the plans we make, must be carried out in the best possible spirit. That 'means not only that we must go about it cheerfully and keep at it persistently with unflagging interest and consistEntly sustained intention, but also that our relations to our fellow Workmen, and to our bosses, and to the men in our crews if we ourselves happen to be bosses, must be sustained upon that plane of courtesy, friendliness, helpfulness, and general good nature, Which is demanded by the law of human Brotherhood. After all, the query which many sections of the Dublic are disposed to address to us as to the social function of Masonry would better be answered in the conduct of Masons than by our words. We can, to be sure, ,assure them that Masonic secrecy veils no sinister program; that Masonic Ritual is but a colorful way of imparting great lessons about life, which all men are better for learning; and that Masonry stands for Brotherhood, for Faith, for Hope and for Constructive Effort. But our words will carry little conviction if our actions belie them. Therefore it is for us, as individual Masons, in exemplification of our heart-felt loyalty to Masonry, to malte the most of our opportunities in our several honorabte callings, by the best plans we can devise, in the best spirit our neighbors can desire. Then, in the proportion of our performance along these lines, the world will understand that the Masonic Fraternity is a mighty army of righteousness, generously devoted to the service of all our fellowmen, and thereby to the greater honor and glory of God, the Father of Mankind. (Applause.)
, M. VV. Grand Master McIntyre then introduced Bro. Stratton D. Brooks, President of the State University who discussed:
Grand Lodge of Missouri
The previous speaker, he said, had shown how to make our Masonic obligations valuable by our conduct. This conduct became HABITUAL BY REPETITION, so that the permitting of a vicious thought, frequently repeated, would make the mind and conduct evil; while filling the mind continually with what is GOOD bends' the, conduct similarly and makes the man who could truly be termed a Freemason. Into such a mind, he declared, ill-doing could not come; it would not be thought of. "You have just heard that we may make our Masonic obligations valuable by our conduct; and that is exactly the thing that I want . to talk to you about. "What controls our conduct? How do we arrive at the condition where we do some things and do not do others? "From the beginning we have been learning to do things gradually, and gradually we have developed a habit of doing things. Some of you shave yourselves with your right hand, some with the 'left, some with both; but all of you had to learn to do it the way you now do it; and all of you would now cut yourselves if you tried to do it some other way than your habitual way. A simvle illustration, but it carries through all our activities. "I remember when I was in school some of the professors of Psychology had spent years and written book after book to prove that every physical action was accompanied by a men tal activity; and yet the other day I picked up a book and. in the entire book. there was a single sentence mal{ing this a fact, without further proof. Let us think about it a bit, if you will. How do we acquire the habits of conduct which cause us 路to do those things that we consider right? "I remember once camping in a valley of the Rockies and, one day when we were tired of fishing, we decided to climb the mountain; and as we went across the valley it was easy going; open woods, level ground. quite immaterial whether we went to the right or left of any given tree. but when we came to the mountain it was nearly straight up and down, and my friend said, 'We will have to go down a way; there is a break yonder and it will be easier.' When we got to the break and began to climb we found a very good path all the way. a deer path, because I doubt if any other man had ever been up that particular place. "How did that deer path get there? A hundred or perhaps a thousand years ago some deer, in escaving his natural enemy, had to climb that mountain. and he went up, and he made not much of a path, but he was followed by another, and soon it began to show a little wear. The first one, and the second and the third
Proceedings of the
had gone that way, and each naturally attempted to take the easiest way and by and by this path led up the mountain the easiest way, so that we who followed just exactly, followed the easiest way. "That is exactly how you and I get habits. We think of something; having thought it, we have done something to the mind, we do not know what, but It is equivalent to the first track in that making of the deer path. We have made a path through the mind, and the' next time that same condition arises it is easier to think of the thing we thought the first time, and we think that, and think it a third, a fourth and a fifth time, and by and by the path is made so that we can think nothing else. "In school we spend a lot of our time doing exactly that. We try to have the .children say five times nine is forty-five so many times that they never can say anything else; and when five times nine occurs, there is an instantaneous reaction of forty-five. We fail sometimes, they cannot always add and they cannot always multiply. but the purpose is to repeat, and repeat, and repeat untll we have a path in the mind 'from which there is no escape. "It is highly important that we get the first paths right. Here Is a piece of blank cardboard; I have wrapped it in to a cylinder., It is almost a perfect cylinder, and very easy to wrap in that particular form. And now I crease it with my finger; and nobody in all the world can ever fold that again into as perfect a cylinder as it was before it had the crease in it, because when I try now it is easier for it to bend where the crease is than it is to force the crease to make the cylinder. And you and I crease our minds sometimes with things which we try all the rest of our lives to iron out. but the crease is there. So it is important that we do not put into our minds those things, especially evil thoughts' and bad recollections. ,that lead to the undesirable; because each time it 'is done it is that much easier for the mind to follow along that path; and, as I said in the beginning, after mental activity there is physical action.
"You and I know of the cashier of the bank, possibly a deacon in the church. a leader in the community, who some day leaves with the money of the bank. He did not suddenly become a thief and a fugitive; years before it occurred to him that there was a possibility of taking that money; quite innocently he thought so perhaps. Later the same idea came, and it was easier for him to think it; and the fact is he finally had thought it a thousand times before he was really brought to the point that he ran away with the money. He had allowed his mind to create a habit which ultimately' resulted in action. So it is with hundreds of things which occur. Some people swear, and having done it once it is easier to do it twice. a third time, a fourth time and a fifth time. "All the habits of language grow up in that way; all the habits, good and bad, come from re-thinking, from repetition. You have heard it said that it is hard to teach an old dog new tricks; and just exactly because the o'ld dog is alre!1dy fixed in habit. "I have said this much to recall to our minds we are slaves of
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habit, even to the way we clasp our hands with fingers interlaced. Therefore, if you are to be slaves of habits, the habits must be good. We must give our attention to thinking the right thoughts. "We cannot stay on the negative side alone. We will say that it is a bad habit to smoke;' some people do not smoke, therefore they have a good habit. Oh, no! They haven't any habit at all. They just don't have a bad habit. And so with a lot of other things; we think we have accomplished something when we do :not do the wrong thing. That is not sufficient; you need to have the mind working in the right way because it is going to work one way or the other. During every moment of your waking hours your mind will be in action, and the point of the matter is that we must SUbstitute always right thinking for wrong. "People look upon some things and think VICIOUS thoughts. It is not sufficient to say, 'I will not think such vicious thoughts.' Then you will be lilie the man who sold the receipt for making gold. and added this: 'If, however, while you are doing this you ever think of a white bear, it won't work: (Laughter.) It was therefore impossible for the people who tried to make the gold to make it without thinking of a White bear. Just to say, 'I will no longer think evil thoughts,' is not sufficient; you must have your mind so filled with the other thing that you naturally think the other thing without question; that you make a path which leads always to the right, that you keep in your own mind paths which lead to inspiration, to service, to interest in your business, to honesty, to integrity and to anything that is upright; you must not even think about evil because if it is thought about, the next time similar conditions arise it is easier to think about it and, after a thousand such thoughts. It may crystallize itself in action. "We are slaves of habit in all the little physical activities that we do, We have also mental habits, methods of thinking; we have all kinds of habits. And this is the most dangerous ,one: to get your judgment so tied up that it works by habit. If you have done that, you are positively dangerous to civilization, be,cause you arc no longer able to arrive at a sane conclusion on any possible problem connected with the progress of civilization. "Judgment should be free; judgment means reaching the right conclusion, given a certain condition, certain surrounding circumstances, certain facts; but there are people who exercise their judgment first and then seek for surrounding facts and conditions to confirm it. That is another name for thinking by prejudice. Just because you reached a conclusion based on certain conditions twenty years ago and have never since opened your mind to new coriditions and new circumstances, you may be a slave to the habit of judgJ!lent. "So let us try to keep the paths of judgment open; let us strive to keep ourselves free minded and clear thinking so that we may fulfill our obligations of citizenshiv, our obligations in the home. our obligations in the church, our obligations as Masons, always.
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"And, lastly, I saw this statement the other day: that young people do not learn their morals by instruction, but solely by absorption. Young people do not . learn their morals by instruction; they imitate you and me. They have formed their ideals of character and conduct from those they see exemvlified around them in their older brethren; you and me. If we are to affect these young people, if we are to fulfill that obligation, we can do it only because we ourselves stand out as an example of what men ought to be. "So when one Mason somewhere does something that is not proper it reflects upon all of us; and it is your business and mine if possible to help the erring brother, but most of all to see that we ourselves have kevt in our thoughts those things creative of a conduct which shall be an inspirational example everywhere and at all times." (Applause.)
A rising vote of thanks was given to the speakers,路 with request for copy to路 be printed in the Proceedings.
CALLED FROM LABOR. At 8 :50 P. M. the Grand Lodge was CALLED FROM LABOR until 9 :30 A. 1V1. tomorrow, October 22, 1924. Prayer by the R. W. Grand Chaplain, Rev. Arthur Mather.
SECOND DAY-MORNING SESSION. ST. LOUIS, Wednesday, October 22, 1924. The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge was CALLED TO LABOR at" 9 :30 A. M. by M. W. Ero. Bert S. Lee, acting as Grand Master. Invocation offered by R. W. and Rev. Bro. Arthur Mather, followed by singing "America."
MOTION-MARKING GRAVE OF 'JOHN D. VINCIL, P. G. M. M. W. Bro. A. M. Dockery made a motion that the Ways and Means Committee take up the marking of the grave of our deceased Brother, M. W. John D. VinciI, P. G.. M., and. Past Grand Secretary, 路and also place a tablet in the hall of a dormitory in Columbia which is named in his honor. R. W.
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Bro. Anthony F. Ittner, seconded the motion, called for a rising vote and the ~otion unanimously carried and was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.
M. W. Bro. Corona H. Briggs reported on behalf of the Committee as follows: Adopted. To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Missouri A. F. &, A. M.: Your Committee on Obituaries submits the following report: The past year has been one of prosperity and the official ranks of this Grand Lodge have been unbroken by death. But many faithfUl Brethren who have iong and diligently served the Craft, have gone to their reward. Their names will appear in 6urProceedings, and loving hearts will cherish their memories. While we owe the good Providence which has sp~red our lives another year, our hearts are sad as we realize that we shall no more look upon the faces of three loved and honored Past Grand Masters, who for many years gave the best that was in them to the service of God and t'heir fellowmen. The first to go was the youngest of the three, M()st Worshipful Clay C. Bigger, who was suddenly stricken down in January. Most Worshipful John R. Parson, Past Grand Master, Past Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary Emeritus died in April; and M. W. Bro. Wm. F. Kuhn, who was stricken September 1, after he had packed his traveling bag for his journey to Portland, Maine, where he expected to preside over the General Grand Chapter of .Royal Arch Masons of ~he United States. Clay Cicero Bigger was born near Laclede, Missouri, August 17., 1855, and died at his home in, Laclede, January 26, 1924, aged sixtyeight years, five months and nine days. He lived on the farm until he was twenty-four years old. Six years he taught school in the :vvinter. March 16, 1881, he was married to Miss Mary E. Means, who survives him with their son R. W. Byrne E.Bigger, Junior Grand Deacon of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. . Having studied law under Judge Burgess, he was admitted to the bar at Linneus, Mo., December 9, 1884. In April, 1885, he moved to Laclede and began the practice of his profession, which he followed with success and honor for nearly thirty-nine years. He served Linn County one term as Prosecuting Attorney, and for many years :was City Attorney of Laclede: He ~lso served Laclede as City Clerk. He was interested in all civic enterprises and for twenty-five years continuously was a member of the Laclede School Board. For six years he was a member of the Board of Managers 'of Asylum
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No.2 at St. Joseph, Missouri, and he was one of the Commissioners for the State of Missouri at the Trans-Mississippi Exposition at Omaha. MASONIC. He was made a Master Mason in Cypress Lodge No. 227 at Laclede in 1886. He served his Lodge six years as Worshipful Master, and filled the office of District Deputy Grand Master ten years. In 1910 he was elected Grand Master. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home. He received the Capitular Degrees in Linn Royal Arch Chapter No. 41, at Brookfield, in 1900. The Cryptic Degrees were conferred upon him by Solomon Council, Royal and Select Masters at Milan, in 1902. The orders of Christian Knighthood were conferred upon him in 1904, by Coeur de Leon Commandery No. 14, at Brookfield. He was a charter member of Laclede Chapter No. 18, Order of the Eastern Star, which he served as Worthy Patron. He was Worthy Grand Patron of the Grand Chapter of Missouri in 1914. He was a member of Moolah Temple of the Mystic Shrine at St. Louis. With zeal and fidelity he 'served the Craft. Stalwart in frame we looked for many years of useful service from one who had shown himself capable and dependable in every position to which he was called. Sincerely do we mourn our loss. January 29, 1924, the funeral at the Laclede Methodist Episcopal Church was attended by many members of Cypress and surrounding Lodges, with Coeur de Leon Commandery as escort. Our Masonic Ritual was rendered by M. W. Joseph S. McIntyre, Grand Master supported by R. W. Orestes Mitchell, Deputy Grand Master, M. W. William A. Hall, Grand Treasurer, M. W. Frank R. Jesse, Grand Secretary, R. W. Arthur Mather, Grand Chaplain, R. W. J. R. McLachlan, Grand Lecturer, and Past Grand Masters Corona H. Briggs, D. M. Wilson, R. R. Kreeger, Van F. Boor, J. C. Garrell, and Bert S. Lee. Of him our Grand Master has well said, "Brother Bigger so lived that he will be long missed and lovingly remembered by his friends and brethren throughout the State." John Rolph Parson, Past Grand Master, Past Grand Treasurer, Past Grand Secretary and Grand Secretary Emeritus, was born in Buffalo, New York, February 24, 1839, and died in St. Louis, April 8, 1924, aged eighty-five years. He received his education in the public and high schools of Buffalo. In early manhood he went West, stopping for a short time in Chicago, but in 1859 he located in St. Louis and entered his father's business house. He and his elder brother, Timothy T., succeeded their father in the business which they conducted together for some years. For a few years prior to his election as Grand Secretary he was alone in the management of the business. For nearly half a century, Parson's Monitor has been used by the Craft in Missouri and will remain his monument. MASONIC. He was raised in Aurora Lodge No. 267 at St. Louis, May 2, 1869, was Junior Steward in 1870 and Worshipful Master in 1878. He
1924, ]
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was elected Treasurer in 1879 and re-elected for fifteen years when he declined to serve any longer. He was appointed Grand Marshal in 1878 and again in 1879. In 1889 he was elected Junior Grand Warden, and Grand Master in 1892. He received the Capitular Degrees in Bellefontaine Chapter No. 25 in 1871. He was High Priest in 18'72, 1882, 1883 and 1888 and served as Treasurer several years. He was Grand Royal Arch Captain in 1885 and 1886, and then advanced regularly until he was elected Grand High Priest in 1892. While he was Grand High Priest he was elected Grand Master, this being the second time in the history of MissoUri when both offices were filled by the same man. He received the Cryptic Degrees in Hiram Council. October 21, 1871. Was thrice Illustrious Master in 1878 and 1879. and later was elected Recorder. He was elected Grand Treasurer in October H78. He was elected Deputy Grand Master in May. 1880, and Grand Master in 1881. He was created a Knight Templar in St. Aldemar Commandery No. 18, August 15, 1871, was Junior Warden in 1872. Captain General in 1873 and Commander in 1874. He was a:ppointed Grand Warder in 1874 and again in 1875, was elected Grand Captain General in 1876 and Grand Commander in 1877. In 1883 he was appointed Grand Drill Master; served ten years, was again appointed in 1899 and served one year. He received the Deg~ees of the Scottish Rite from the 4th to the 32nd from Albert G. Mackey in 1881. He served as Master of Kadosh from 1885 to 1894. In 1884 he was elected at Washington a K. C. C. H., and in 1890 received the 33 He was among the first members of Moolah Temple of the Mystic Shrine which he served for years as Recorder. He was a charter member of Bellefontaine Chapter No. 69. Order of the Eastern Star which he served as Worthy Patron. He served the Grand Chapter O. E. S. as Grand Secretary from 1875 to 1887 inclusive; was Grand Patron in 1888 and again in 1889. From 1883 to 1889 he was Grand Treasurer of the General Grand Chapter of the United States. He is one of the few men who have been elected to preside over ail the Grand Masonic Bodies of the State, and until his death remained a member of all the. bodies in which he received his Masonic Degrees. In 1885 he was chosen Chairman of the Triennial Committee for the Triennial Conclave. Knights Temp}ar, held in 8ot. Louis in 1886. His experience, skill and energy rendered the event an unusual success, resulting in the raising of an Endowment Fund for the Masonic Home of $35,OOO-largely secured through. his efforts. HE' was Chairman of the Dedication Committee of the Masonic Home in June, 1889 and was largely instrumental in collecting for the Home an additional fund of $7100.¡ From the first until his election as Grand Master he was a Director of the Home and for years Secretary of the Board, but in .July. 1908, he resigned owing to the pressure of his work as Grand Secretary. In 1903 he was elected Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge to succeed Samuel M. Kennard, who had declined re-election. He was re-elected in 1904 but soon resigned to accept the office of Grand 0
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Secretary of the Grand Lodge to which he was appointed by Grand Master Valliant after the death of Dr. John D. Vi neil. ' In 1905 he was elected Grand Secretary and continued in that office until May, 1921, when he resigned on account of failing health and im-' paired'eyesight. Grand Master Wm. F ..Johnson accepted his resig-, nation and appoin ted him Grand Secretary Emeritus at a salary of one hundred and fifty dollars per month, which action was ratified by the Grand Lodge and he was given the 'office for life. We doubt if any Freem'ason in Missouri' has ever filled more Masonic offices for more years and we are sure no one has ever filled them better.' In every position to which 'he attained, he measured up to the requirements of his office, and commanded the respect and affection of his' Brethren. " He was the soul of honor, a courteou's Christian gentleman of the highest type and a member of the Presbyterian Chu~ch. For more than half a century he has been well known in Missouri Freemasonry. His brethren delighted, to honor him and were never put to shame by fault or failure on his part. Universally respect.ed and beloved his memory will long be cherished by thousands' who knew only good concerning him. William Frederick KUhn, Past Grand Master, was born near Lyons, New York, April 15, 1849, and died at his home in Kansas City September 1. 1924, aged seventy-five years. 'In 1858 the family moved to Michigan and settled on a farm near Mendon. When twenty-one he taught school and prepared himself for college.. In 1871 he ,entered' Wittenburg College at Springfield, Ohio, and graduated with the degree of A. B. in 1875, with second honors in his class. In 1878 he'received the degree of A. M. For two years he was principal of SChoolS at Belle Center, Ohio. In 1884 he graduated with honorable m~ntion from Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia and practiced medicine four years at Eldorado. Kansas. In 1888 he removed to" Kansas City. He was for two ye'ars professor of Materia Medica., and Therapeutics, and pro'fessor of Dhysiology for fifteen 'years in the University Medical College, president 'of the Kansas' City ColIege (jf Pharmacy for eight years, SDecial Lecturer on nervous diseases in the Western Dental College, and for the past fifteen years ProfMsor of MentaI' and Nervous diseases in the Medical Department of the University of Kansas. He was superintendent"of State Hospital No.4 for the Insane at Farmington, Missouri, from 1905 to 1907, and superintendent of State Hospital No. 2 at St. Joseph,' from 1908 to 1909, inclusive. December 25, 1877 he was married to Miss Elizabeth C. Willson of Belle, Center, Ohio, who died in Eldorado, Kansas, F~bruary 21, 1886. , Two children were born of this union, Harold Philip, now a practicing physician in Kansas City. and Elizabeth Barbara, now Mrs. Carl B. Lassen. October 25, 1889 he was married to Miss Jessie O. Willson, of Port Huron, Michigan, who died in April, 1924. Both were members of the Lutheran Church. , MASONIC. He .was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. in Belle' Center Lodge No. 347 at Belle Center, Ohio; April 30, 1877. In 1884
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he affiliated with Patmos Lodge No. 97 at Eldorado. Kansas. which he served as Master three years. In 1889 he affiliated with Temple Lodge No. 299 at Kansas City. At the formation of York Lodge No. 568 of Kansas City in 1895. he became one of the charter members and its first Worshipful Master. He served the Grand Lodge of Missouri as Grand Orator in 1893. and was elected Grand Junior Warden in 1900, and Grand Master in 1903. Owing to the illness and death of Grand Master Yocum, he was acting Grand Master part of the year 1902-03. For twenty years he served the Grand Lodge as Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations. and was a Director of the Masonic Home five years. In February. 1882, he was exalted to the most sublime degree of the Royal Arch in Lafayette Chapter at Bellefontaine. Ohio. He affiliated with Eldorado Chapter No. 35 at Eldorado, Kansas, and in 1888 with Orient Chapter No. 102 at Kansas City, which he served three years as High Priest. He was appointed Grand Royal Arch (;aptain in 1893, elected Grand Scr.ibe in 1894 and Grand High Priest in 1897. As Grand Scribe he attended the General Grand Chapter at Topeka in 1894, was elected General Orand Master of the First Veil at Baltimore in 1897 and General Grand High Priest at Asheville in 1921. He was Chairman of the Committee which pr,epared the General Grand Chapter Ritual adopted at Baltimore in 1918. He passed the Circle in Hiram Council No. 1. at St. Louis. in November, 1891, and was a charter member and first Master路 of Shekinah Council No. 24 at Kansas City In 1892. He was elected Grand Master of the Grand Council of Missouri in 1893. For eighteen years he was Chairman of the Ritual Committee of the General Grand Council. The Ritual for the SU!ler Excellent Degrees prepared by that Committee was adopted in 1912. He received the Orders of Christian Knighthood in Eldorado Commandery No. 19 K. T.,at Eldorado, Kansas, June 8, 1887. and was Commander In 1888. He affiliated with Oriental Commandery No. 35 at Kansas City In October, 1889, and was Commander in 1893. He was elected Grand Commander in 1910. In the Grand Encampment he has served on the Committee on Jurisprudence since 1910. acting as Chairman at Philadelphia in 1919. That year he was appointed a member of the Committee to revise the Ritual. He was installed a Knight of the Red Cross of Constantine. March 17. 1898; was the first Sovereign of Mary Conclave No. 5 at Kansas City. and Grand Sovereign of the Grand Imperial Council in 1902. ' He received the Grand Cross in the Supreme Grand Cha!lter of the Order in Boston in 1899. He received the Scottish Rite. Degrees in Western Consistory No. 2 at Kansas City, and served as Prior seven years. He became a Noble of the Mystic Shrine at Kansas City路 in September, 1918. He was the author of a book, "A Small Basket of Chips from the Quarries," a pamphlet on "The Necessity of the Royal Arch to the Master Mason," and a booklet on "The Necessity of the Orders of the Temple to the Royal Arch Mason." For years he served his Grand Commandery as Fraternal Correspondent. Over the North Portal of St. Pauls Cathedral in London is this tribute to the great Freemason who built it, Sir Christopher Wren~ "Si Monumentum Requids-Ciramspice." So would we say to all
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who inquire concerning Dr. Kuhn, "Would you seek his monument -look around you." In the past quarter of a century no one has entered more largely into the life of Freemasonry-not only in Missouri, but in the United States, than William Frederick Kuhn. He excelled as a Masonic worker, writer and orator in all branches of York Rite Freemasonry. He stood for high things. Men might differ with him concerning questions of expediency, but nonequestioned the loftiness of his motives or the nobility of his character. For a quarter of a century, and more, he gave the best 'that was in him to the service of the Craft in all its branches and was the outstanding figure in the Masonic life of this Commonwealth. As General Grand High Priest for the last three years, he visited the most of the Grand Chapters of the United States and many thousands were thrilled and uplifted by his eloquent utterances. Take him all in all, we shall not look upon his like again. He, and we, looked forward to the meeting of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons at Portland, Maine, September 10, 1924, as the culmination of his Masonic career. His address was prepared and printed and his traveling bag packed for the journey when on the night of September first, "VIe weary wheels of life stood still, He ceased at once to work and live." We know he was ready. A skilled alienist, he rejected the philosophy which holds that thought is but a secretion of the brain; but held the truer view that the musician is greater than the instrument and survives the wreck of matter. In his tribute to his wife, who died last April, he wrote: "I am ready were her parting words. 'I am the Resurrection and the Life, was a reality her untouched faith. The Crocus, the tulips, the narcissus which she !1lanted in the fall in our yard, were bursting from their win ter sleep as a symbol of the Resurrection at the very time her spirit winged its flight to her Eternal Home. We cannot understand the SOrrows of life now, because we see through a glass darkly, but I sometime, yes, sometime we shall know." Now he knows. The funeral service was held September 4, 1924 in the Masonic Temple at Ninth and Harrison, Kansas City, which could not contain the thousand.s who wished to attend. The Grand Master of the' Grand Lodge was absent from the State, but the heads of the other Grand Bodies were present with many officers and Past Grand Officers. After an eloquent eulogy by his pastor, Rev. Bro. Andreas Bard, D. D., and a brief tribute by the writer, the Masonic Burial Service was conducted by the writer of this report at Mt. Moriah Cemetery, Dr. Arthur Mather officiating as Grand Chaplain. From other Grand Jurisdictions we have the following record: ALABAMA. Ben Moses Jacobs, Past Grand Master, was born in Quincy, Illinois, August 21, 1859, and died at his home in Birmingham, Alabama, July 11, 1923, aged sixty-four years.
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He was elected Grand Master of the Grand Council in December, 1905, and in' December, 1906, was elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge. KENTUCKY. John H. Leathers, Past Grand Master, and Grand Treasurer, was born in Jefferson County, West Virginia, April 27, 1841, and died at his home in Louisville, Kentucky, June 29, 1923, aged eighty-two years. He was elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge and Grand High Priest, and for forty-three successive terms, was elected Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge. MAINE. Frank Eugene Sleeper, Past Grand Master, was born at Lewiston, Maine, September 12, 1846, and died at his home in Sabattus, Maine, May 2, 1923, aged seventy-seven years. He was elected Grand High Priest in 1883, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge in 1887, Grand Commander in 1897, and Grand Master of the Grand Council in 1898. From 1885 until his death he was Grand Lecturer of the Grand Cl'lapter. He was a member of the Committees which revised the Ritual of the Grand Chapter in 1884 and the Grand Lodge in 1894. Edwin Albert Porter, Past Grand ~enior Warden, was born at Dixmont, Maine, February 1, 1856, and died at his home in Pittsfield, Maine, May 24, 1923, aged sixty-seven years. He was elected Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge in 1902, and Grand High Priest in 1907. Edmund Buxton Mallet, Past Grand Master, and Grand Treasurer, was born on board the ship "Devonshire,' of which his father was Master, September 3, 1853, and died at his home in l<~reeport, Maine, September 17, 1923, aged seventy-years. He was elected Grand Master in 1908, Grand Commander in 1916, and Grand Scribe in.1921. In 1921 he was appointed Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge and Grand Commander. MARYLAND. Charles Herbert Burns, Grand Lecturer, was born in Baltimore, August 9, 1873 and died in that city July 9, 1924, aged fifty-one years. He was elected Grand Master of the Grand Council in 1916. MASSACHUSETTS. Everett Chamberlain Benton, Past Grand Master, was born at Guildhall, Vermont, September 25, 1862, and died in Belmont, Massachusetts, February 4, 1924, aged sixty-one years. He was elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in 1912 and Grand Commander of the Granq Comniandery of Massachusetts and Rhode Island in 1919.
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MISSISSIPPI. Charles H. Blum, Past Grand Master, was born in the Province of Alsace-Lorraine, January 21, 1856, and died at his home in Gadsden, Alabama, 'May 2, 1924, aged sixty-eight years. He was elected Grand Master in 1906, and Grand 'High Priest in 1907. NEBRASKA. Henry Gibbons, Past Grand Master, was born in Ireland, June 21, 1842, and died at Kearney, Nebraska, August 22, 1923, aged eighty-one years. He was elected Grand Commander in 1889 and Grand Master in 1911. Milton 1. Hull, Past Grand Master, was born in Monroe County, Illinois. August 22, 1841, and died in Washington City, September 18, 1923. aged eighty-two years. He was elected Grand Master in 1887, and Grand High Priest in 1889. NEVADA. Sidney Foster, Past Grand Senior Warden, was born in Ottawa. Canada, April 12, 1877, and died in Reno, Nevada, June 8, 1922, aged fort.y-five years. He was elected Grand High Priest in 1915, and Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge in 1918. John Wheelan Eckley, Past Grand Master and Past Grand Treasurer, was born in Macon, Georgia, August 28, 1841, and died in Virginia City, Nevada, September 1, 1922, aged eighty-one years. He was elected Grand Master in 1890 and Grand High Priest in 1893. In -1882 he was elected Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge and served five years. James Conrad Doughty, Past Grand Master, was born at Visalia, California, October 8, 1865, and died at Elko, Nevada, June 7, 1923, aged fifty-eight years. He was elected Grand High Priest in 1909, and Grand Master in 1910. George Arthur Morgan, Past Grand Master and Past Grand Treasurer, was born in New York City, August 26, 1853, and died September 19, 1923, aged seventy years. He was elected Grand Master in 1901 and Grand King in ,1907. ,He served his Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter as Grand Treasurer for several years. Rt. Rev. George Coolidge Hunting, Grand Chaplain, was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 22, 1871, and died February 6, 1924, aged fifty-two years. In 1923 he was Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge and Grand 路Chapter.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
OHIO. Jacob Henry Bromwell. Grand Secretary. was born' in Cincinnati. May 11. 1848. and died at his home in Wyoming. a suburb. of his native city, June 4. 1924. aged seventy-six years. He was elected Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodg-e of Ohio in 1888路 and held that office until his death. He was elected Grand High PrIest in 1895, and Grand Commander in 1919. TEXAS. .David Franklin Johnson, Past Grand Master, was born in, Hancock County, Indiana, December 4, 1868, and d'ied in Brownwood, Texas. July 27, 1924, aged fifty-si:x years. He was elected Grand Master in December, 1921. VIRGINIA. George Washington Wright, Past Grand Master and Grand Lecturer, was born in Carter. County. Temlessee, August 29, 1850. and -died at Roan.oke, Virginia. April 11, 1923. aged seventy-three years. He was elected Grand Priest in' 1891 and Grand Master in 1899. In 1910 he was appointed Grand Lecturer of the Grand Lodge and served until his d e a t h . , ' " Their average age was almost seventy years. Those years -..yere filled with service that entered largely into the ,moral health of this nation. In his address at the unveiling of the Statue of the Pioneer Methodist Bishop Asbury, at Washington City, October 15. President Coolidge said: "Our government rests upon religion. It is from that source that we derive our reverence for truth and justice. for equality and liberty. and for the rights of mankind. 'Unless the people believe in these principles they cannot believe in our government. There are only two main theories of government:路 one rests on righteousness. The other rests on force. One appeals to reason. the other appeals to the sword. One is exemplified in a republic. the other Is represented by despotism." Our fathers learned these principles at Masonic altars and founded our institutions upon the recognition of man's personal responsibility to a personal God. The quickening of the consciousness in the great body of the American people can alone save our nation from decay; and for these high ideals three millions of' Master Masons stand today. Fraternally submitted, CORONA H. BRIGGS. L . .T. SNOW. W. F. 路BROWN. GEO. W. LEBER. K. C. SULLIVAN, W. A. HUMPHREYS. EGBERT MILLER,
The Grand Lodge then arose, and the Grand Chaplain, R. W. and Rev. Bro. Arthur Mather, offered prayer for those who had passed Beyond. .
Proceedings of the
REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON ADDRESS 'OF GRAND MASTER. The Chairman of this Committee, IV!. 'w. Bro. A. M. Dockery, announced that the report was ready to be presented. It was read by M. W. Bro. D. M. Wilson, and adopted by the Grand Lodge. To the Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of
Brethren: Your Committee to whom was referred the Address of the Grand Master, begs leave to report: Our Grand Master has proved himself worthy of the high trust committed to his care. With unabated zeal and fidelity he has discharged with gratifying ability and success the great duties of his office. His heart and soul have been in the work, and he has given largely of his time and talents to the Craft. He has consistently sought to elevate our beloved Fraternity to a high level, and his ideals find a willing response in the hearts and consciences of the good and true. He has gone throughout our State eXDounding to his Brethren. and practicing in his daily life the great truths of the J"atherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man. His Address varies in many respects from those as a rule relerred to us, and it is perha!ls well that it does. New points of view are presented and things looked at from a different angle. We recommend that the Decisions of the Grand Master and also that portion of the Address as to the request to confer degrees by Foreign Jurisdictions be referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence. We recommend that portion of the Address in relation to our Foreign Correspondent be referred to the ~ommittee/ on 'Nays and M~ans.
We recommend so much of the Address as refers to the death of three of our Past Grand Masters be referred to the Committee on Necrology. We approve of his recommendation that the incoming Grand Master appoint a Committee. of three to make a survey of our outlying Lodges and report at our next Annual Communication. We approve of his suggestion that Lodges prepare and adopt, at the beginning of each administration, a budget for the ensuing year. We approve of the action of the Grand Master and the Specific Communication of the Grand Lodge in conferring the honorary rank of membership of this Grand Lodge on R. W. Bro. Sir Alfred Robbins of London, Chairman Board of General Purposes of England, on the 21st day of April, 1924, but it is our unanimous opinion that no Honorary rank should at any time be conferred by this Grand Lodge on anyone whose membership is in a Subordinate Lodge of this J'urisdiction.
1924. ]
Grand Lodge of Missouri
We approve of his suggestion as to the observance of Flag Day by our Lodges with appropriate programs. We agree with him as to his路 remarks on the Annual dinner giver. by the District Deputy Grand Masters, and recommend that the necessary expenses of this and future dinners be paid by the Grand Lodge. The Committee notes with pleasure what he says about the Masonic Service Association of Missouri and the good and great work it has been doing in the past. We recommend that his suggestion as to the employment of a stenographer, and compensation for the Chairman be referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. We also are of the opinion that his suggestions as to an Historian and a Library are worthy of consideration, and recommend that the incoming Grand Master appoint one or more Committees, as he thinks best, to consider these matters and report at our ~n颅 nual Communication of 1925. Fraternally submitted, ALEXANDER M. DOCKERY, C. C. WOODS, DORSEY A. JAMISON, C. H. BRIGG~, D. M. WILSON, R. R. KREEGER, WM. A. HALL, ARCH A. JOHNSON,
RESOLUTION-.INVESTMENT IN U. S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. W. Bro. George C. Marquis, Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means, offered the following report and resolution, which were adopted: To the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri: Your Committee on Ways and Means begs to report that it has carefully considered the financial condition of the Grand Lodge and we find that therefs available for the purpose of investment the sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000),' and we therefore offer the following Resolution: RESOLVED, That the sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000), be set aside from the Treasury as an Emergency Fund in conformity to the action of the Grand Lodge last year; the same to be路 invested by the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Senior Warden and Grand Junior Warden upon like terms and in like manner as provided by the Grand Lodge in 1923. See Proceedings 1923, pages 73 and 128, and placed in charge of the Grand Treasurer.
Proceedings of the
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all of said investments shall be kept ina !)roper safe deposit box, and that said box shall not be opened except in the presence of any two of the first six Grand Officers. Fraternally submittea, G. C. MARQUIS, C. A. SWENSON, JOHN P. AUSTIN, THOR~TON JENNINGS,
RESOLUTION-MASONIC SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES. M. W. Bro. O. A. Lucas offered the following resolution: Adopted. WHEREAS, Some years since this Grand Lodge became a member of the National Masonic Service Association on terms and for such service as the Resolution at that time contemplated, and WHEREAS, Said Association has departed from its original purpose and is being run in an alleged expensive and extravagant manner. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That this Grand Lodge at once give notice of its withdrawal from said Association, and that our represen ta tives attend the next meeting' of ,this Association" and that they be and are hereby empowered, that if, in their judgment, said Association will return to its original purpose and get rid of those guilty of alleged extravagant management, they may withdraw such notice and report their action to the next meeting of this Grand Lodge for final determination. O. V. D. A.
ELECTION OF GRAND OFFICERS. M. W. Grand Master McIntyre appointed the following' as Tellers to conduct the election of Grand Officers, the' h.our having arrived for such election: R. W. Bro. L. H. Abrams, Chairman; Fred B. Howarth, John P. Austin, Ed.. Wambaugh, Geo. W. Walker, Harry Evers, J. Gwynn Gough, S. C. Rogers, Fred 'Hach, Jackson Hagen; which resulted in the choice "of
R. R. R. R.
W. W. W. W.
Grand Lodge of Missouri BRO. ORESTES MITCHELL BRO.
W. W.
Grand Master Deputy Grand Master GrandSenior Warden Grand Junior U/arden Grand Treasurer Grand Secreta.ry
REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON SERVICE RECORD MEMORIAL. R. W.' Bro. Rev'. H. L. Reader, presented the report of the , Committee on Service Record Memorial: Adopted. St. Louis, Missouri, October 13, 1924.
To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Missouri: Brethren: We, your Committee on SerVice Record Memorial, beg leave to submit the following report: In accordance with the report of the Committee adopted at the last session of, the Granll Lodge, the. follow.ing路 letter" yyas sent by the Grand Secretary to each Lodge i~ the.. Grand Jurisdiction: To the Master of - - - - - - Lodge: ,Dear ~rother: By motion, adopted at the last session of the Grand Lodge, I am 'o'rdered to write to the Masters of the Lodges within' this Grand Jurisd-iction, directing them to forward to路 this office Within the next ninety days specific information relative to the members of their respective Lodges in military service during the World War. The record of the Masonic Brethren from Missouri in the late war is surpassed by none. It is therefore our patriotic, as well as Masonic duty, to conserve in the archiv'es the records of the achievements of our Brethren. The Grand Lodge therefore orders that a Committee be appointed in your Lodge, of which Committee, pr'eferablY an exservice man should be Chairman, to gather the follOWing intnrma,ti6.n relative to the members of your Lodge in military service" from April; 1917 to November, 1919: 1. Name of member. 2. Name of Lodge. 3, Final rank in service. 4, Whether wounded or killed in action, and if ,so, in what engagement.
*Died in office, November 7, 1924.
Proceedings of the
5. Remarks (distinguished service, if any). You, as Master of your Lodge, are charged personally with carrying out the above directions. By order of the Grand Master. FRANK R. JESSE, Grand Secretary. The response to this letter was exceedingly disappointing. Out of 659 Lodges, 160 only reported. This number is less than 25%. In view of this fact, your Committee recommends the following: 1. That the data received be retained among the permanent records in the Grand Secretary's office. 2. That the District Deputies be instructed to urge the Lodges in their districts to comply with the letter sent out. 3. That when 75% of the Lodges shall have reported, the Grand Secretary shall notify the Grand Master, who shall be authorized then to appoint a Committee of three to recommend the permanent form of Memorial to be adopted by the Grand Lodge. Respectfully, H. L. READER, JOHN P. AUSTIN, â&#x20AC;˘ IRWIN SALE,
\v. Bro. Sol. E. Waggoner, President of the l\1asonic Home Board, presented the report of the rvIasonic Home of Missouri which was adopted and ordered printed in the Proceedings. (See Appendix.) TELEGRAM. The Grand Secretary read the following telegram from our daughter, the Grand Lodge of Iowa: Cedar Rapids, Iowa, October 21, 1924. Joseph S. McIntyre. Grand Master, St. Louis, Mo. The Grand Lodge of Iowa desires to extend Fraternal greetings and hearty g'ood wishes to her Mother Grand Lodge now meeting in Annual Communication. Also accept my personal good wishes for a Communication of splendid results. ERNEST R. MOORE, Grand Master.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
REPORT OF MASONIC HOME VISITING COMMITTEE. W. Bro. J. M. Breckenridge presented the following report for the Committee; it was complimented, and adopted as amended: To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, Ancitttt Free and Accepted Masons of Missouri: Brethren: Pursuant to appointment by our Most Worshipful Grand Master and in the exercise of the authority conferred by the By-Laws to "visit and ins~)ect the Home and ascertain its condition and needs," the following report is respectfully submitted: The Chairman of your Committee has, during the past year, attended a majority of the meetings of both the full Board and the Executive Committee of the Masonic Horne'. He acknowledges with sincere appreciation the cordial reception given him by everyone in the Horne organization and the opportunities afforded to acquaint himself with the workings of the institution. Complete insight into the vast detail involved in the conduct of our Masonic Home cannot be had within one short period of twelve months by a mere observer, but some slight degree of comprehension noW exists of the experience, ability and disinterested order of service required and freely given by the Board of Directors, un-del' the leadership of Bro. Sol. E. Waggoner, its devoted President and Supcl'intendent, aided by his organization of matrons and assistants. This committee gladly testifies to its belief that the administration of the Horne is highly efficient. The present crowded condition of the Home, which will pass with the acquisition of possession of the .Jewish Hospital property, within the reasonably near future, appears the only regrettable aspect of the Home life; but the Directors have made their guests as comfortable as the increasingly crowded quarters and a never-ending tide of applications for admission permit. The great need of the Home today is a chapel or auditorium which may serve for religious exercises and for all gatherings of the Horne family and their friends. The present chapel, erected over a quarter of a century ago, is inadequate for and unsuited to present needs. At the annual meeting of the Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. last week, the creation of a fund to replace this Chapel was authorized; upon recommendation of tfle Advisory Board on Masonic Horne of our Sister. Order. The situation of our Horne, within the boundaries of the largest city in the State, simplifies and avoids many of the problems which other jurisdictions, whose Masonic Homes are located on farms or near small towns, have to combat. For instance, other jurisdictions have been compelled to erect and maintain grade and high school buildings for their children, or send them long distances into thf'
Proceedings of the'
nearest town to sqn 0 01;. , Out fnstitution is within ~wa:lking distance of the best grammar and high schools in the State. Yet our children and old people, unless they taste of country life during their summer vacations away from the Home, miss the many advantages of living in rural districts, where a majority of the Masohic Homes of the United States are located. The Committee on new Masonic Home of Minnesota, in an exhaustive report td'their last annual Grand Communication, concludes that "Farms are regarded as indispensable adjuncts" to Masonic Homes, after a survey of similar institutions. It may.. be that some day Missouri will indorse this sentiment and create such adjunct as the best solution of its present problem of crowding a.nd its inevitable future problem of environment. Some forms of occupational training for children are in 'operation' in several of our sister jurisdictions, where basketry, photography, carpentering. printing and shop work in practicalelectricity are added to the usual farm and domestic duties, music, singing and stenography. But the most admirable feature discovered elsewhere is the provision for higher education of the, fit and ambitious children of the Masonic Homes. \ Illinois, besides paying especial' attention to mentally slOW children, has a Foundation Fund for Vocational Education. New Jersey has a Scholarship Endowment Fu'nd. Certain Lodges in' the State of New York are sending children from its Masonic Home through Cornell University and other colleges, while in North Caro,lina, through the interest and assistance of the various Masonic bodies of that State; 13 out of the last "Graduating class"路 of 18 children which went forth from the Home, now attend college. :VVhy cannot individual Lodges of Freemasons of Missouri undertake the higher education of boys and girls from our Masonic Home, to meet conditions they will have to face and struggle' against? This committee trusts that the brethren in attendance lipon this' Grand Communication will carry this suggestion home 'with them ,and increase the measure of opportunity for some, of our Home children. Another' field of usefuln'ess which is inviting very serious attention in sister jurisdictions is that of supervisi6ti' of boys and girls who have graduated from the'several Masonic Hom'es, and who are out in the World, making theit' own way; oversight' of their occupations, surroundings and associations. This is cared 'for in North Carolina by a woman' field suPervisor: In Indiana. its Grand Lodge has requested the respective subordinate TJodges whence these chil-' dren came into the Home, to undertake their supervision. In Missouri, this responsibility rests upon the Home Superintenden't and his staff. already laden with heavy cares for present -inmates and niis" Commit~e recommends, in the light' of the practice in other jurisdictions. that the discharge of this imp.ortant duty be路requested of the ladies composing the Advisory Board on Masonic, Home, of tho Order of the Eastern Star of Missourt The Masonic Home Christmas Committee of the 'Lodges com'prising the 33rd and 57th Districts, '(being St. Louis City and County). deserves especial commendation for its devotion to the Home, year after year omitting' no 'efl'ort to contribute' to the happiness of
Grand'Lodge of Missouri
orphan youth and to the'amelloration of dependent age. No less than 18 entertainments :or outings or 'events were given the inmates by this Committee, that on Christmas Day being the chief an'd all, with;' out ostentation and with sympathetic' understanding of the Home spirit and purpose. The Order of the Eastern Star, the "Lady Bountiful'" of the Masonic Home, has' very evidently made the institution its chief interest, among a1l charitable aCtivities, as witness: Its 72,000 members pay an annual per capita tax of 25c to the Masonic Home amounting to $18,000,00 for the year 1924. Its members are to be credited with over 250 donations during the last fiscal year, of goods and good things for the material comfort and the intellectual enjoyment of the Home' family totaling many hundreds of dollars in money value. Its 1923 Matrons' and Patrons' Club donated the cost of the present admirable playground equipment, an:lOuntlI}g to $2,300.00 Through its "Advis~ry Board on Masonic Home of Missouri," consisting of three ladies, elected by the Grand Chapter at its annual communications, the Order has in the past fiscal year,: as in previous years, donated practically all the furniture and furnishings and replacements of same required in the Home buildings, at an expenditure of, nearly $3,000.00 ,in cash. This Advisory Board has' in it'S treasury a fund already created, ready to furnish in a similar way the .TewishHospital property when pos'session is acquired. And to crown their good .:vork, the lauies now propose to stand sponsor for erection of the new Chapel, of which the Home stands' so badly in need. . The three ladies of the Advisory Board are made welcome at the meetings of the Masonic Home Board of Directors and of its Committees and are faithful in attendance, one of the number, as member of the House Committee having a vote in the deliberations of that Committee. In the view of this Committee, the division of labors now in vogue among the Directors of the Masonic Home Board, could be readjusted with benefit. Under present conditions; most of the non-resident directors faithfully attend the quarterly Board meetings and their respective monthly Committee meetings all held at' the' Home in St. Louis and look after any individual assignments on Home affairs in their own parts of the State. A few. numerically speaking; of the DirectoMl, nrincipally from among those residing in St. Louis, carry the greater 'part of the heavy and increasing load of administration, even to the point of duplication of functions by an individual Director. This method of procedure doubtless arose from the' necessity to '''get things done," but, unless the non-resident Directors make still greater sacrifices of time and personal interest in behalf of the Home, or a larger proportion 'of the Board' be chosen, from among the brethren residing in St. Louis, where the Home is situated, so
Proceedings of the
that their time and services may be commanded upon any occasion. then some other way shoul.d be 'found to lessen the load upon those now bearing an undue share, who, when they shall rest from their labors, will naturally be succeeded by equally zealous, but less experienced brethren, to the detriment of the present splendid organization and management of the institution. Fraternally submitted, JAMES M. BRECKENRIDGE, ELMER E. HAY, ALBERT E. BOESCHENSTEIN, WALTER B. SUTTON.
INVITATION TO MEET IN ST. JOSEPH IN 1925. The Grand Secretary read an invitation from St., Joseph Lodges to have the next Annual Communication convene in the City of St. Joseph. Motion was made to accept this fraternal invitation. Carried.
REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMIITEE ON COLLATION AND REVISION OF DECISIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. W. Bro. Wm. S. Campbell presented' and read the report of this Special Committee, which was adopted, except that the matter of appropriation for printing was referred to the Ways and Means Committee. To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge} A. F. & A. M. of the State of Missouri: Your Committee, to whom the matter of collation and revision of decisions and standing resolutions was referred, begs to report as follows: We find on examining the proceedings and former published constitutions, that the Constitution of 1882 contains a collation of all decisions rendered down to and including the session of the Grand Lodge of 1881. That the decisions rendered by the Grand Lodge in 1882 and annually thereafter until 1891 have not been collated or indexed, except as found in the annual proceedings. That following the session of the Grand Lodge of 1903, there was printed and published what was designated as "Supplement to tl;1e Constitution and By-Laws of the M. W. Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of the State of Missouri from 1892 to 1903," which supplement
Grand Lodge of Missouri
contains a collation of decisions and resolutions of the Grand Lodge from 1892 to 1903. I
That the decisions of the Grand Lodge rendered in 1904, to and including 1908, have not been collated or collected, except as found in the annual proceedings for those years. That the l)rOceedings of 1919 contain a collation of all decisions of the Grand Lodge rendered at its session of 1909, to and includitig 1919. That decisions rendered in 1920 to and including the session of the Grand Lodge in 1923, have not been collated or collected, except as they are found in the annual proceedings of those years. That there are a number of standing resolutions made from time to time by the Grand Lodge' which have not been incorporated in the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of 1921, but which, I am informed, are still in effect and constitute a part of the Laws governing the Grand Lodge. The recommendation of the Committee on Jurisprudence did not give to your Committee a definite direction as to the desires of this Grand Lodge as to how this collation and r.evision of decisions should be made, as the report simply stated, "We suggest that the collation and revision of decisions and standing resolutions be referred to a special committee." Your Committee finds, after examining the many decisions that have been made by this Grand Lodge, that it is very difficult to know just what decisi~ns have been made without examining many volumes of the proceedings, taking a great deal of time of the person who desires to get at this information, and that in its opinion, the only practical and satisfactory way in Which this collation and revision can be made, is to gather together in one volume all of the decisions that have been made by the Grand Lodge in the form of annotations to the various sections of the Constitution of 1921 of the Grand Lodge. In other words, that as these decisions are collected, that they be placed as a foot note or in smaller type following the section of the Constitution and By-Laws to which they refer, much in the same manner that our Statutes of the State of Missouri are annotated. There are also to be collected and properly arranged, all of the standing resolutions that have been passed by the Grand Lodge, which are still operative. This would require a re-printing of the Constitution and ByLaws, together with all of the decisions that have been made by this Grand Lodge. This work should then have a very full and complete index, not only as the Constitution is now indexed, but also as complete as it can be made of the decisions and standing resolutions. A work of this kind would bring all the laws of this Grand Lodge into one volume and it would be very easy in a few minutes, to find whether or not any decision has been made affecting ahY particular section of the Constitution and By-Laws. Your Committee started on this work with the intention of gathering together all of the decisions and preparing the manuscript that it might be ready to present at this session of the Grand Lodge.
Proceedings of the
Most. Worshipful Brother Jesse, Grand Secretary, has gone thr9ugh the earlier volumes路 of proceedings and made notations as to where these various decisions, as reported by the Committee on Jurisprudence and adopted by this Grand Lodge, may be found. Your Committee has also collated the decisions as found in some of tlle collections above referred to. But on account of lack of time, your Chairman having been away a large part of the summer, and also .-in view of the uncertainty of the extent. to which this Grand Lodge desires your Committee to go in the matter of expense for printing, we have not completed this work. We therefore recommend that a collation of all decisions rendered by this Grand Lodge in annotated form be made, the same being an annotation of .the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge, and that all of the standing resolutions be set out with decisions which affect those standing resolutions, if any, and that the whole be printed in one volume with a very complete index of the same, and that not less than one. thousand (1,000) copies of the same be printed and bound for distribution路 as this Grand Lodge may see fit. . Respectfully submitted, W. S. CAMPBELL, THOMAS H. REYNOLDS, C. LEW GALLANT.
.... REPORT OF COMMITfEE ON LODGES ,UNDER DISPENSATION. W. Bro. A. B. Frey, Chairman, reported for the Committee .on Lodges U. D. Adopted as follows: To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, A. F. & A: M. of Missouri: Your Committee on Lodges under Dispensation submits the following report: . , . During the year last past our Grand Master has issued three dispensations for the formation and organization of new Lodges, namely, to. Helena Lodge at Helena, Missouri, Greentop Lodge at Greentop, 'Missouri, Clarence Lodge, at Clarence, Missouri. Prior to the granting of these dispensations our Grand Master satisfied himself that the Constitution and By-Laws of our Grand Lodge were fully complied with in every particular, and, further, that 'it was for the best interests 'of the Fraternity to grant the dispensations. .' . Your Committee notes with approval the formation of these .. new Lodges, since thereby an opportunity is extended to worthy profanes who reside in these respective districts and who are properly elected to join our noble Fraternity and to contribute their part towards the dissemination of the exalted principles for which our Order stands. . Your Committee has examined the records pertaining to, each
Grand Lodge' of Missouri
of these Lodges and finds that in each instance it has properly returned to the Grand Secretary the dispensation, the 'necessary fee and a copy of its minutes, and the financial and other returns' reqUired by our Grand Lodge By-Laws. Your Committee finds that all of the respective, Lodges under dispensation have kept satisfactory records. With respect to Gre~n足 top Lodge it is noted that these minutes are not bound in book, but are merely clamped together with a clip or brad. Your Committ~~~ recommends that these minutes be permanently fastened together and bound, and that in the future the minutes of this Lodge either be written in a bound book or typewritten and then pasted Ina bound book, so that they cannot be removed. Very frequently matters of importance are contained iIi the minutes of a Lodge, and jf they are kept in loose-leaf form they are apt to be lost and damaged or ?estr,oyed. We have compiled the following facts from the reports submitted -which may be of interest to the brethren of the Grand Lodge: ' First. Helena Lodge, Helena,Missouri. Dispensation issued February 8th, 1924. Petitioners for dispensation, 21. The Lodge was organized and set to work on March 8th, 1924, by D. D. G. M., R. W. Bro. George L. Markley. , This Lodge has initiated 1, who has no.t yet been passed; the Lodge gained 2 by affiliation, so that the present membership is 23. The Lodge reports that it has net assets of $270.45 w'lth no outstanding dues; that the average attendance at its meetin'gs is 13. Second. Greentop Lodge, Greentop, Missouri. Dispensation issued February 25th, 1924. Petitioners for dispensation, 21. Lodge duly organized and set to work on March 6th, 1924, by D. D. G. M., R. W. Bro. Charles Banks. This Lodge has initiated 15; passed 11 anc;1 raised 8. 2 members have affiliated with this Lodge during the time of dispensa~io;n, making a total present membership of 31. This Lodge has assets of $470.48, with no liabilities. The'~av~rage attendance at the meetings was 15. Third. Clarence Lodge, Clarence, Mis'souri. Dispensation issued July 11th, 1924. Petitioners for dispensation; 37. . This Lodge was organized and set to work by D. D.G. 'M., R. W. Bro..Harry J. Libby on July 17th, 1924.This Lodge has initiated 4 members, but has not yet' pa.ssed any members. The present memb~rship is 37. Lodge reports average attendance at meetings 20, and assets over liabilities of $322.97; with no outstanding dues. Your Committee commends the Gran'd Master for issuing these dispensations and congratulates the Grand Lodge of Missouri' on the formation of these new Lodges.
Proceedings of the
Finding that the Constitution and By-Laws have been fully complied with in constituting- and organizing each of these three Lodges, and believing that the interests of Freemasonry will be well served in adding these new Lodges to the host of others which now constitute this Grand Lodge, your Committee recommends that charters be granted to each of these three Lodges now working under dispensation. Respectfully sUbmitted, A. B. 1....REY, J. C. DAWSON, JR., WARREN H. MAY, L. N. EDWARDS, A. R. CHESMORE, R. B. STRADER. l!"J. E. PARRISH,
R. W. Bro. Andrew J. O'Reilly, Chairman, presented and read the following report which was adopted: St. Louis, July 1, 1924.
Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, A. F. & Missouri:
A. M. of the State' of
Your Committee on Boards of Relief, report that we have considered reports on Masonic Boards of Relief and Employment Bureaus, as follows: Sedalia Board of Relief; Springfield Board of Relief; Columbia Board of -Relief; St. Joseph Board of Relief; JOI>lln Board of Relief; Kansas City Board of Relief; St. Louis Board of Relief; St. Louis Employment Bureau. The Sedalia Board reports no work and a balance of $196.68. The Springfield Board reports disbursements of $190.67 during the year with a balance of $964.88. The Columbia Board reports an expenditure of $4.70 with a balance of $274.27. The St. Joseph Board, an expenditure of $184.25 with a balance of $696.06, of which $100.00 is invested in Liberty Bonds. The Joplin Board reports that $1,300.00 is due the Board from the Lodges of Joplin. They report an expenditure of $272.18 and a balance of $262.23. The Kansas City Board reports that two Lodges are in arrears for the assessment provided for the maintenance of the Board in the sum of $290.00. They report receiving a donation of $25.00 and many reimbursements from Lodges outside of Kansas City. Their total expenditures amount to $7,158.62, lind a balance of $3,058.15. The total receipts from the various Lodges of the City being $2,908.50. The Masonic Board of Relief of St. Louis was called on to look after six' hundred and thirty-nine cases during the past Masonic year. These cases are divided in classes as follows: One hundred and fifty-four were deemed worthy and received assistance. One hundred
1924. ]
Grand Lodge of Missouri
and thirty-five were renorted sick in the various St. Louis Hospitals, these were not in financial need, but wanted visitors. Sixty-three were calls from applicants living in the County or out of the State, these are classified as out of our Jurisdiction. We h!ld thirty-nine calls from persons without any recognized Masonic claim. Fourteen members or their dependents were reported missing. Eight members reported the loss of their receipts. We had fifty-five cases for investigation, these were mostly members of St. LouiS Lodges who were reported in distress at distant points. We had sixteen impostors and thirty-three frauds, several of these were prosecuted and received jail sentences. One gave a fictitious Lodge and two were members of clandestine Lodges. ~even were expelled members, sixteen were suspended and six were unaffiliated. Fifty-six were in good standing, but were deemed unworthy and five were classified as dead beats. There were twenty-six whose Masonic status could not be determined, these were mostly women. Three applicants Withdrew their requests when told their Lodges would be notified. The Board of Relief arranged for Masonic Burial Service over the remains of t.hirty-four transient members as follows: July 7, 1923-Edwin H. Johnson, Westport 340, Kansas City, Mo., by Meridian No.2. July 14. 1923-0rville P. Ellis, Bethalto 406, Bethalto, Ill., by Itaska No. 420. July 28, 1923-Edward L. Clevenger, Wayne 526, Piedmont, Mo., by Olive Branch No. 576. July 28, 1923-John J. Nelson, De 80to 119, De Soto, Mo., by Forest Park No. 578. August 9, 1923-Charles M. Swain, Ivanhoe 446, Kansas City, Mo., by Erwin No. 121-services by Polar Star No. 79. September 8, 1923..-'-G. O. Grissor, Amity 5, Zanesville, Ohio, by Missouri No. 1. September 9, 1923-J. B. Miller, Tupelo 318, Tupelo, Miss., by Cosmos No. 282. September 16, 1923-PhilipFierst, Joplin 335, Joplin, Mo., by Clifton Heights No. 520. September 22, 1923-Thomas Bell, Muskogee 28, Muskogee, Okla., by Cache No. 416. September 25, 1923-Henry T. Kilpatrick, Wm. B. Warren 209, Chicago, Ill., by Rose Hill No. 550. November 1, 1923-John P. Behan, Webb City 512, Webb City, Mo., by Harmony No. 499. November 4, 1923-Andrew J. Worthen, Mitchell 85, Pickneyville, Ill., by Keystone No. 243. November 15, 1923-Edward Baker Edwards, Lambert 659, QUincy, III., by Triangle No. 638, ' December 3, f'\23-E. T. Ellett, Gate of the Temple 422, Springfield, Mo., by St. Louis No. 20. December 16, 1923-Leon J. Guthrie, Piedmont 447, Atlanta, Ga., by Algabil No. 544.
Proceedings of the
Decembe; 17, 1923-French Reyburn, North Star 937, Chicago.
Ill.; by Pilgrim 652. , December 30, 1923-Wm. H. Purcell, Cleburne 315, Cleburn, Te~:, by Good Hop,e 'No.:'218. ' January 26, 19'24-Charles M, Crane, De So to 119, De Soto, Mo., by Commonwealt~ No. 654. February 10, 1924-W. E. Whaley, Shekinah 241, Carbondale, Ill., by Mizpah No. 639. February 18, 1924-Robt. J. Buren, Shekinah 256, Festus, Mo., by Pride of the West No. 179. March 6, 1924-Theodore J. Beam, Solomon 271, Springfield, Mo., by Euclid No. 605. " March 9, 1924-James Anderson, Trinity 208, Davenport, .la., by _Progress No. 667. ' March 14, 1924-----W. C. Turner, Cairo 235, Cairo, Ill., by Magnolia No. 626. March 19, 1924-:-Isaac B. McMillan, Van Buren 509, Van Buren, Mo., by Purity No. 658. March 20, 1924-Sidne'y L. E. Rose, Carlaer 932, Schenectady, N. Y., by Geo. Washington No.9. ' March 31, 1924-Victor G. Williams, Erie 161, Buffalo, N. Y., by Tower Grove No. 63l-service by Pyramid No. 180. April 14, 1924:"'-Daniel F. Agne, Lawn 815; Chicago, Ill., by We~t Gate No. 445. April 16, 1924----<W. H. Roeninger, Avon 542, Cincinnati, Ohio, by Cornerstone No. 323. April 23, 1924-Geo. Joseph, Columbia 474, Columbia, Ill., by Pomegranate No. 95. April 25, 1924-Anthony Ed. Steiner, Highland Park 468, 'Highland Park, Mich., by American No. 347. May 6, 1924-Jacob Baum, Skiatook 416, Skiatook, Okla., by Naphtalf No. 25. June 5, 1924-Kearney E. Light, Union 334, Bradford, Pa., by Occidental No. 163. June 29, 1924-Walter E. Merrifield, Newton 142, Newton, Kan., by Paul Revere No. 330. ' . , June 23, 1924-Sldney G. Denny, Fraternal 363, Robertsvllle, Mo., by Pyramid No. 180-services by Tower Grove No. 631. There were seven"graves ordered' opened in the Board of Relief Lot in Valhalla Cemetery for the following Brethren: No. 41-W.' G. Slusser, Naphtali No. 25, St. Louis. No. 42-W. H. Purcell, 9leburne No. 315, Cle~urne, Texas. No. 43-G. H. Ross, Shaveh No. 646, St. Louis. No. 44-George Wright, Polar Star No. 79, St. Louis. No. 45-Isaac McMillan, Van Buren No. 509, Van Buren, Mo. No. 46-Edward Herbert, Tower Grove No. 631, St. Louis. No. 47-A. W. Earl, Forest Park No. 678, St. Louis.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
The ,funds of the Board of Relief havi路ng fallen below the ,mark estimated, the St. Louis Lodges were assessed two dollars on each initiation for the year as provided by the By-Laws and contributions were received as follows: Lodge No., Initiated Am't Due Am't Paid Missouri 1 27 $ 54.00 $ 54.00 Meridian.................................... 2 18 36.00 84.M Beacon....................................... 3 58 116.00 116.00 George Washington............ 9 25 50.00 50.00 St. Louis 20 17 34.00 34.00 Naphtali 25 9 18.00 18.00 Mt. Moriah 40 51 102.00 102.00 Polar Star 79 25 50.00 . '50.00 Pomegranate 95 38 76.0076.00 Erwin 121 28 56.00 56.00 Occidental 163 7 14.00 22.00 Pride of the West.. 179 18 36.00 36.00 Pyramid 180 23 46.00 46.00 Good Hope 218 46 .92.00 .92.00 Keystone 243 12 24.00 24.00 Aurora 267 10 20.00 .. 20.00 Cosmos 282 21 42.00 42.00 Cornerstone 323 19 38.(W 38.00 Paul Revere 330 23 46.00 54.00 America 347 18 . 36.00 36.00 Tuscan 360 . 58 116.00 116.00 Cache .416 34 68.00 68.00 Itaska 420 18. 36.00 36.00 Ancho'r .443 16 32.00 38.00 West Gate 445 34 68.00 68;00 Lambskin ~ .4'60 30 60.00 60.00 Harmony .499 36 72.00 94.00 Euclid 505 30 60.00 60.00 Clifton Heights 520 31 . 62.00 62.00 Apollo 529 12 24.00 24.00 Algabil 544 13 26.00 26.00 Rose Hill 550 19 38.00 38.00 Olive Branch 57.6 20 40.00 40.00 Forest Park 578 11 22.00 22.00 Magnolia 626 39 78.00 78.00 Tower Grove 631 16 32.00 '32.00 Triangle 638 21 42.00 路42.00 Mizpah 639 28 56.00 56~00 Trin~ty 641 19 38.00 38.00 Benjamin Franklin 642 12 24.00 24.00 Shaveh 646 26 52.00 62.'00 Pilgrim 652 20 40.00 40;00 Commonwealth 654 19 38.00 38.00 Progress 657 19 ail.OO 38.00 Purity 658 14 28.00 28,0'0 Theodore Roosevelt 661 8 16.00 16.00 During the past year the Board of Relief was charged for two hundred and eighty-two telegrams and long distance messages
Proceedings of the
amounting to $253.49. This does not include messages received or those paid for at the other end of the line. In most cases, where the applicant was worthy, the cost of telegraphing was refunded by the applicant's Lodge. FINANCIAL REPORT. Receipts.
To Balance on hand, June 30, 1923 $ 593.68 Refunds 2,269.60 Interest & Discount....................................................... 5.74 Initiations 1,442.00 Donations........................................................................... 10.00 Disbursements. By Relief . " Funerals .. Expense .. Postage .. " Printing and Stationery . Donations __ __ __ .. " Telegraph and Telephone __.__ . " Masonic Relief Ass'n., U. S. & C. Convention . . " Secretary . " Balance on hand, June 30, 1924 I'
$2,718.50 580.30 199.70 8.20 35.00 100.00 90.46 190.62 180.00 218.24
$4,321.02 $4,321.02 The attendance of the Board averaged thirty-four members, or about one-third of the membership. Members appointed to Committees gave as much time to the cases assigned them as was necessary and close attention was paid to the proceedings of the Board meetings. .
July 1, 1924.
To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri: The Masonic Employment Bureau of the City of St. Louis, Missouri, herewith presents the following report of its labors ending June 30th, 1924, for your consideration and approval: FINANCIAL STA'l'EMENT. Receipts.
Balance on hand, July 1, 1923 $ 843.96 Receipts to June 30th, 1924 6,224.75 Interest on Deposits to June 30th, 1924........................ 68.22 $7,136.93 DiHbursenlents.
8alaries : Office Ren t Telephones __ Printing, Stationery and Supplies : Postage, Equipment and General Expense
Balance on hand, July 1, 1924
. . ,.
$4,261.00 585.00 201.95 235.43 450.43
. .
$5,733.81 1,403.12
.. $7,136.93
Grand Lodge of Missouri
Month July. Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec., Jan" Feb., Mar., April; May, June,
Applicants Placed 1923.._ _ _._ .. 150 1923 176 1923.................................... 180 1923 183 1923 _ _ 187 1923 __ _ 169 1924 _ 162 1924 _.. _ 152 1924 _ _ __ . 149 1924._._ _ _ 149 1924 _ _ _ 137 1924 _ 105
Average Cost Per Position Secured
1,901 $5,733.81 $3.01 COMMENTARY. In submitting the Annual Report covering the work and operations of the Bureau I shall be brief In my remarks as the statistics presented by the Secretary thoroughly cover the entire situation. This has been an unusual year for the unemployed, starting last September 路the situation has grown steadily worse, and from no apparent cause, large business concerns with few exceptions are simply marking time, such concerns as Dun's, Bradstreet and Babson see no relief in sight, and this is a situation that prevails over the entire country. There has been some criticism on the part of a few of our unemployed Brethren, bu.t that is to be expected where so many are served. we welcome good honest criticism for through it we are enabled to build and strengthen our organization, and render more efficlen t service. In closing, I wish to thank the Officers and members of the Bureau for their loyal and efficient support, also the Masters and Secretaries for the interest taken in giving their delegates time to speak of the activities of the Bureau at their regular meetings. as in this manner the Bureau is kept before the Brethren at all times. "Whenever a Noble deed is wrought, Whenever is spoken, a Noble thought, Our hearts in glad surprise, To higher levels rise."
Your Committee considers the work of Masonic Relief well in hand and desires to commend the several boards for the reports made but suggest that more details relative to their work might be added without in any way detracting from the interest in a mere financial statement. Fraternally submitted, A. J. O'REILLY, H. E. EVERS, W. H. ALMSTI路~DT. A.. F. WHERRITT. F. S. SIMRALL. GEO. B. LEITCH. W. H. HOWARD.
Proceedings of the
CALLED FROM LABOR. At 12 :20 p. m. the Grand Lodg~ was CALLED FROM LABOR until 2 p. m. Prayer by R. W. and Rev. Dr. Arthur Mather, Grand Chaplain.
SECOND DAY-AFTERNOON SESSION. ST. LOUIS) Vlednesday, October 22, 1924. The Grand Lodge was CALLED TO LABOR at 2 p. m., 1\1. W. Bro. A. M. Dockery, acting as Grand Master. Praye~ offered by M. W. Bro. Corona H. Briggs. '
REPORT OF COMMJTI'EE ON CHARITY. R. W. Bro. J. P. Tucker, Chairman, presented and read the following report: Adopted. To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accep;ted Masons of the State of Missouri: Your Committee on Charity desires to submit the following t:eport:
" Several requests for charity appropriations were presented to your Committee, all of which were carefully considered. We reccommend that the following appropriations be made: To Trilumina Lodge No. 205, of Marshall, for the' use and benefit of Bro. George B. Pemberton and wife, the sum of $400.00. To Ionia Lodge No. 381, of Eldon, for the use and benefit of Mrs. 'Nancy Hall, aged widow of a Master Mason, the sum of $200.00. To Pride of the West Lodge No. 179, of the, City 'of St. Louis, for the use and benefit of Mrs. Thomas E. Garrett, widow of our beloved Past Grand Master, Thomas E. Garrett, the sum of $360.00. Respectfully submitted.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
M. W. Bro. R. R. Kreeger, Chairman, presented and read the report for the Committee which was adopted as follow~;: To the Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons o/Missouri: Again we arc reporting in ·connection with the fath·erless children of France,· toward whose support this Grand Lodge has been contributing for the last six years.. The original number of 50 has been reduced by the marriage of the mother of some of them, and others reaching the age of 18, until we have at this time, 30. R. W. Brother Edmund Reisch, Junior Grand Warden, of the National Independent Grand Lodge of France, still looks after details in connection with the distribution of the funds to the children, as well as causing investigations to. be made in regard to the living conditions surrounding each child. Ris reports and· letters indicate that he is a. careful, conscientious member of the Fraternity, and one that can be trusted to supervise the work of helping these. II nfortunates. . Of the $600.00 appropriated by this Grand Body at its last Annual Communication. $400.00 have been sent forward to R. W. Brother Reisch during the year. These funds were converted into French. francs, and paid to the equal quarterly .payments~f 45 francs each, or 15 francs per month. It is believed that $500.00 will be sufficient to meet the requirements of the coming year, and It is, therefore, recommended that this sum be appropriated for .th~t purpose. The· balance of $108.48, reported by me last year as .being in my hands for use in payment for translations, postage, and presents to tije children, has been reduced by the expenditure of $46.00 for: presents, stenography, etc., to $62.48, a portion of which will be· spent in a like manner this year, unless otherwise ordered. The condition of these children, toward whose support we· are now contributing, is not much improved since the time we began assisting them. While it appears that the French people, as a whole, are slowly recovering from the disaster which overtook them in 1914,' and succeeding years, still there has riot been much improvement with those closely associated with and dependent upon' the loyal souls, which made the Supreme Sacrifice for their country. It is quite interesting to note the progress of the children. Like those of our Own families, they have the same childish problems. and meet them in much the same manner· as ours. Many of them are much interested in their. school work, while others have to be deprived of the' benefits of an education on account of having to work· and earn a portion o'f the funds necessary. to provide a living for themselves and an invalid mother. .&11 seem happy and apparently hope for the sunshine of tomorrow.
Proceedings of the
On account of the mother having married, contributions have been discontinued to the following: Albert Schwalm, a Bart (Doubs), Henri Schwalm, a Bart (Doubs), and Mathilde Schwalm, a Bart (Doubs). Fernand Sevestre, 10, rue de Metz. Toulouse, (Hte. Gar.) and Agnes Sicard. 26 rue Sery, Belle de Mai. Marseille (B. du R.) each having reached the age of 18, their names have likewise been dropped from our IJst. It may be of interest to you to learn that since the last Annual Communication of this Grand Body. one of its adopted daughters. Marcelle Schaller, 28, Passage Montgallet, Paris 8, has married, and we hope happily established in life.
The letters from the 30 we still have as our wards, indicate that they are spending their young lives in much the same manner as our own children. Some appear bright and happy, while others are more serious. Some tell of their progress at school; others say that they have to help their mothers work in the fields; some are proud to say that on a certain day they took their first communion. thus indicating that the mother is not neglecting the religious training of her child. All are profuse in their expressions of gratitude for the assistance they are receiving, as the result of your generosity, and express the hope that the blessings of our Heavenly Father may be ever present with us. There is no greater, or more important work that this Fraternity, or any organization can engage in than to help boys and girls, wherever they may be or whatever may be their environment, to develop into loyal, faithful, self-respecting men and women. To indicate how far your assistance has gone in this direction, we submit a translation of a letter from one of our girls. with which was enclosed a photograph taken on her 16th birthday: Ajaccio, July 28, 1924. Dear God-Father and God-Mother: With my thanks and with all the affection of my heart I w.ish you all the joys possible for the help you are giving to the poor orphans. Enclosed is my picture at the age of sixteen, from which you can see my progress. Your God-daughter who loves you and embraces you. (Signed.) FRANCOISE SANGIARDI. rue des E'coles, Ajaccio. In connection we also here quote from the report of Mme. A. Seligmann-Lui, Secretaire Generale, of the Fraternite Franco-Americaine, dated at Paris, France, May 19th, 1924, in relation to the family of which this bright girl is a member: "Francoise and ,Tean Joseph SANGIARDI. 4 Rue des / E'coles Ajaccio. CORSE. are both deserving children. Francoise is 15 years of age. and is a charmin'g young girl, most anxious to g'ct on in her apprenticeshio so as to help her mother all she can. Jean .Toseph is nearly 12, and the POOl' child has very bad health. although he is quite a brilliant little scholar. There is another child. a boy named Ange. who is 9. The widow is lame but in spite of this infirmity. she does her utmost for her little family trying to provide for them to the best of her ability."
Grand Lodge of AIissouri
We might give a similar report in regard to each child, but this is believed to be enough to enable you to appreciate the wonderful amount of good you are doing by contributing a "cup of cold water" to relieve the unfortunate. . Fraternally submitted, R. R. KREEGER, Chairman.
REPORT OF GRAND LECTURER. R. W. Bro. James' R. McLachlan, Grand Le~turer, presented and read, the following report which was adopted: Kahoka, Missouri, October 18, 1924.
To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M., State of Missouri: Brethren: I have the honor and privilege of presenting to you this my 19th annual report. It may appear to some that, if I were but to change the dates of preceding reports, one might easily be substituted for the present, but such is not· the case. There are many different phases of the situation arising every year, which presents an entirely different aspect from any preceding year. It can be truthfully said that the condition of our Lodges is generally good. There are one or more Lodges in almost every district, in which the membership is composed of but very few and some of these, on account of the infirmities of age, are excluded from any active participation in the work or even of being regular attendants, and their working force is consequently very limited. We cannot expect much of any Lodg-e that is. laboring under such difficulties and must bear patiently with them until conditions are more favorable for progress. They will adjust themselves when conditions justify it. The Lodges generally, were not overburdened with work. This is particularly true of those in the agricultural sections, where conditions, both financial and natural were unfavorable. But the returns will show a very satisfactory increase. I visited and held Lodges of Instruction at the following places: Wyaconda, Kahoka, Louisiana, Troy, Warrenton, Montg·omery City, Defiance, Slater, Fayette, Armstrong, Versailles, Glensted, California, Washington, Union, St. Clair, Moberly, Boonville, Rockport, Maitland, Burl Junction, Stanberry, Jam€;son, Trenton, Perry, Shelbina, Richmond, Keytesville, Triplett, Kirksville, Lancaster, Hunnewell, Meadville, Hamilton, Ludlow, Wheeling, Plattsburg, Platte City, Parkville, Savannah, St. Joseph, Maryville, Grant City, Bethany, Maysville, Cameron, Milan, Brookfield, Vandalia, Winfield, Gardenville, De Soto, Herculaneum, Leadwood, Bonne Terre, Cape Girardeau, Sikeston, Charleston, Caruthersville, Kennett, Hayti, Chaffee, Poplar Bluff, Greenville, Naylor, Ironton, Bismarck, Higginsville, Carrollton,' Rolla, Lebanon, Marshfield, Harrisonville, . Pleasant Hili, Springfield, Aurora, Cassville, Sarcoxie, Webb City, Oronogo, Carthage; Neosho, Branson, Springfield, Mtn. Grove, West Plains, Thayer, Eminence, Van Buren.
Proceedings of the
Many other places were visited in which degree work was conferred, and Iwas only an interested spectator or participated in somo partic,ular part of the work, and of which I kept nospecitic record. It will be seen from the names of the places visited, that my work has been in all sections of the State and it has given me an opportunity to observe the actual condition 'of the Lodges' throughout the State. Reports reach me, that in a few of the Lodges, some individuals allow themselves considerable latitude in their rendition of the work allotted to them, and are not content to adhere to the authorized Ritual. Perhaps the apron lecture is more frequently violated, as there are several versions of that lecture and some of them rise to sublime heights and are very impressive. The more I study this particular part of our work, the more I am impressed with the fact that while' the lecture is brief, it expresses much. Our work is certainly long enough in every degree arid if we rightly interpret it and properly present it, we may surprise ourselves in discovering its beauties. Very recently, I received a letter from a former District Lecturer who is now in a distant state, in which he says, "The work here is very different from Missouri, but you have them beaten 20 different ways." The Brother may be prejudiced in tavor of Missouri but Ritualists of other Jurisdictions speak most highly of our work and it should be our purpose to practice and maintilin the true and authentic work of our own Jurisdiction. Again I hear that, in some places, in going from one degree to another, or in closing the Lodge, they are accustomed to "Waive all further ceremonies, 路etc." Of course, this never occurs in my presence. Some years ago, our passing and closing was considerably longer than now, and the change to the present form was made, at my request, thus shortening our ceremonies and making unnecessary 'any violations. I am, of the opinion that this particular practice is not very much practiced, and it is to be hoped, will altogether cease. The reports of the District Lecturer show, that they were very active. Many of them were prevented from further visitations by the wet weather and bad condition of the roads that prevailed during the greater part of the winter, and early s].)ring. They. seemed to have kept themselves familiar with the condition of the Craft under their respective charge, and all were hopeful for renewed activity and a general revival in the Lodges in their District. In conclusion, I gratefully acknowledge the many courtesies extended me by the officers and members of the various Lodges with whom I visited. I shall always remember their kindness and cherish the memory of our association. The District Lecturers have also been very loyal in their support and have generously responded to every demand on them for service. They have done well their part as the following abstract of their reports to me will verify. ABSTRACT OF REPORTS OF DISTRICT LECTURERS. Brother Thomas A. Davidson, of the '1st Di~trict, reports that Lodges of Instruction were held at Rutledge and Memphis. At the' former place, a fair attendance, but good results acoomplished. At Memphis, good attendance and good work resulted.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
Brother John F. Miller, Jr., of the 2nd District, visited the Lodges at Brashear, Novelty, Novinger and Greentop. Some of them several times, and his presence at the meetings of the two Lodges at Kirksville was very regular. He reports the Lodge at Greentop U. D., a'5 becoming very proficient, having regular meetings, with good attendance. The other Lodges are progressing and are reported to be from fair to 'good in the work. Brother John Santee of the 3rd District, held Lodges of Instructions at Winigan, Green City. Pollock and Newtown, with good attendance and interest taken in the work. The Lodges at Milan, Unionville and Powersville, have very capable instructors and are in their usual good condition, while those at Harris, Lucerne and Humphreys are not up to the standard in Ritualistic work, and need considerable watching to enliven them. Brother J. L. Barnett of the 4th District, says he made no official visits as District Lecturer, but with a number of the brethren. of Trenton Lodge, he visited Galt, Spickard and Laredo. These visitations were made to promote good fellowship and establish friendship and sociability, as well as to arouse some enthusiasm among the brethren, and seemed to have accomplished the desired effect. Other visitations were planned, but on account of the wet weather and consequent bad condition of the roads, were abandoned. Some visitations are contemplated in the near future, if conditions are favorable.. Brother Fred Pearson of the 5th District, visited all the Lodges except the one at Gilman. He found more than unusual interest in the work and the brethren anxious for instruction.' He reports gradual improvement in every department of Lodge duties and is hopeful for greater returns in the futura Brother D. D. Snapp, of the 6th District, visited six of the twelve Lodges in his charge, and reports them in good working condition. Sickness and death in the family prevented any other visitation on his part. Brother Jonathan Stark of the 7th District, visited and held Lodges of Instruction with the following Lodges: Maryville, Nodaway, Gaynor City, Ravenwood, White Hall and Pickering. Other visitations were made, at which times he assisted in degree work in every position in which his services were' needed. Brother Frank A. Miller of the 9th District, visited and held Lodges of Instruction at the follOWing places: Saxton, Cosby, Savannah, Whitesville, Helena, Rushville, DeKalb and Faucett. Many of these places were visited several times. During the mon ths of January, February and March he held weekly Lodges of Instruction' in the Masonic Temple at St. Joseph for the "i:>enefit of the city Lodges. He reports all in very good condition and doing some work. Brother H. W. Saunders of the 10th District, visited eight of the Lodges, and during these visitations, as well as on many other occasions, gave the officers and members instructions in the Ritual. He found the work in some Lodges very satisfactory, while in others, it was far below what it should be.
Proceedings of the
Brother Walter A. Craven of the 11th District, visited three Lodges in his District and by correspondence was in close touch with every Lodge. He reports a very satisfactory condition among the Lodges. Brother R. A. Tharp, of the 12th District, reports that besides being with the Grand Lecturer at Hamilton, Ludlow and Wheeling, he visited several other Lodges. He says that several of the Lodges were quite active, but more of them had very little to do. The entire Distr:ict, however. showed a fair increase in membership. Brother E. W. Tayler. of the 13th District, reports that all the Lodges but one, had work and the entire District shows a substantial increase. Brother Byrne E. Bigger, of the 15th District, visited six of the Lodges in his charge. and was busy with their instruction. No â&#x20AC;˘ regular Lodge of Instruction was held, but he gave one evening to several Lodges on different occasions. He says the work is about on the usual plane. The Hannibal Lodges recently held a meeting for instruction, which wa$ so much appreciated by the brethren that it is planned to hold one monthly, if a suitable night can be secured when the Hall is not occupied. By these meetings, several of the outlying Lodges can be reached. Brother J. E. Thompson, of the 16th District, says that conditions are normal and with one exception all Lodges are doing fairly good work. The exception being Curryville Lodge. Its membership is largely rural. They meet once a month and in the afternoon. Their resident memhership, excluding the aged, is but a few more than a lawful quorum, and they labor under considerable difficulty. He visited all of the Lodges one or more times, and speaks well of their work and praises them for their manhood. Brother Thomas F. Hurd, of the 17th. District, visited and held Lodges of Instruction with the following Lodges: Monroe, Holliday, Santa Fe and Paris Union. He reports that the Lodges have made good progress this year in membership and on the line of education. The season has been such as to hinder Lodges of Instruction. So much rain in the winter and early Spring made it almost impossible to travel, and later, the farmers were so busy with their work, that it was useless' to attempt to do anything Masonic. The Craft was never in better condition, no un-Masonic conduct reported during the year, and the outlook is fine. Brother T. H. Walton, of the 18th District, visited Moberly and Huntsville Lodges, and held one afternoon meeting for Instruction at Huntsville. From reports received from other Lodges, he concludes that they are progressing. Brother H. 1... Mann, of the 19th District. reports that on account of sickness, he was unable to visit any of the Lodges, yet kept in touch with them as best he COUld. He reports that everything has been running along as usual and that normal conditions prevail. Brother William Baker, of the 20th District, held one Lodge of Instruction and instructed a number who came to him for that
1924.] purpose. ditions.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
He was unable to do more work on account of business con-
Brother Asa D. Hurd, of the 22nd District, held weekly Lodges of Instruction during the months of January, February, at the Scottish Rite Cathedral, with an average attendance of 110. He also spent considerable time with the several Lodges in his charge, and is pleased to report that work is being conducted in a very creditable manner. He sDent much time in correcting abuses in the ordinary routine of work of the Lodge, and reports very satisfactory results in most of the Lodges and is hopefUl that all will fall into line. With' the assistance of the D. D. G. M. he has insisted that nothing but what is found in the authorized Missouri work should be insetted in ours, and reports that such innovations are becoming very rare. Brother C. B. Waddell, of the 23rd District, visited all the Lodges except Mt. Hope, gave them instruction and assisted in degree work. All of them are in good working condition and doing some work. Brother Robert D. Johnson, of the 24th District, visited six of the eight Lodges and held three Lodges of Instruction. He was with the G. L. at Slater and assisted in the exemplification of the work. He reports all Lodges in good condition, the officers very proflcientin their duties and a very healthy interest is manifested by the membership. Brother S. P. Cunningha.m, of the 27th District visited and gave instruction to the following Lodges: Auxvasse, Martinsburg, Laddonia, Vandalia, Shamrock, Mexico and Houston. He devoted considerable time in giVing personal instruction to members of all the Lodges, with the possible exception of Portland. He says the work is not being done as well as in the past, on account of lack of practice. Brother J. E. Reeds, of the 28th District visited most of the Lodges and hoped to visit all before Grand Lodge. He was present and assisted the Grand Lecturer in a Lodge of Instruction at Montgomery City, and on a later visit there observed a very marked improvement. A Lodge of Instruction is held weekly at Jonesburg, but on account of so much weather and consequent bad roads, no other Lodge, aside from their own, has been able to take advantage of ft. All the Lodges have been more or less' active during the year and are doing very creditable work. Brother E. A. Fluesmeier, of the 30th District, struction at three, and instructed the members Lodges in every way he possibly could. He says terest is shown by. members generally to perfect Ritual.
held Lodges of Inof the other two but very little inthemselves in the
Brother W. D. Rogers, of the 31st District, Visited and held Lodges of Instruction with the following Lodges: Moniteau. Jefferson and Linn. No more visitations were made but there were other Masonic occasions during the year that brought the members of the various Lodges together and much information was obtained concern-
Proceedings of the
ing the working condition of the various Lodges, and he reports that they are progressing and very hopeful of the future. Brother R. A. Breuer, of the 32nd District, has earnestly endeavored to satisfy the Craft for Masonic knowledge and to increase the desire for more light and information by the diffusion of Masonic principles. While perfection is never attained, we feel sure that much good has been accomplished, that the efficiency of the Brethren is steadily growing and the interest manifested points to a larger and better working body of Freemasons for this District. Brother Walter A. Webb, of the 33rd Di.strict, reports as follows: "We had 29 meetings of the Lodge of Instruction so far this year. The attendance has been very good, an average of about 150 of which more than 50% were officers of the'Lodge, which shows that they are interested in learning the Ritual. "I have visited all of the Lodges in the 33rd District and find the work in the Ritual improving which indicates that the Lodge members as well as the officers are interested in the work. "I have "been cordially received and have always been invited to say something for the Lodge of Instruction, which, of course, I did.
"I had the pleasure of accompanying Right Worshipful Brothers Fred B. Howarth and L. H. Abrams on many of their official visits and always received recognition. "We have had plenty of competent. instructors and have developed "some very capable assistants in the various classes to whom we are indebted in a great measure for whatever success we may have attained. "We expect to have about five or six more meetings in September and October, before the Grand Lodge meeting." Brother James F. Blair, of the 34th District, reports as follows: "The fourteen Lodges of this District are making very good pro'gress in the work of the degrees. This year has been somewhat quiet as to petitions received. It is my impression that the Lodges of this District are becoming more cautious in investigating the general reputation and practices of the petitioners. There has been very little, if any, dissension between the Lodges or in the Lodges themselves, as far as I am informed. I believe the indications and conditions warrant me in saying that the standard for membership is being maintained and in my judgment raised to a higher leve1." Brother R. B. CamDbell, of the 35th District, visited all of the Lodges and held meetings for Instruction with the following: Rich Hill, Papinsville, Foster and Amsterdam, and assisted in conferring degrees in the other Lodges. He reports all the Lodges in a hi!althy condition, except Tyrian and Amsterdam. Brother Del C. Moore, of the 36th District, attended the Lodges assisted in the work and made corrections when possible. A Lodge of Instruction was held at Green Ridge which was" attended by members from Sedalia, Lamonte and Windsor. There are 11 Lodges in the District and each one is doing very creditable work. Absence
Grand Lodge of Missouri
from home during the greater Dart of the winter is the reason for so little work being done. Brother W. C. Cowan, of the 38th District, visited five of the nine Lodges in his charge and assisted in conferring degrees in three of them. Held Lodges of Instruction at Conway and Richland and gave private instruction to members of Brumley, Waynesville and Lebanon Lodges. All the Lodges are in fairly good condition and taken as a District, had more work than last year. Brother E. C. Pyle, of the 40th District, held Lodges of Instruction with Irondale, Shekinah and De Soto Lodges, all of which were well attended. He visited 7 Lodges during the year and at most of them assisted in conferring degrees. It has been a very quiet year for most of the Lodges but the interest does not lag and路 the work is generally conferred in a very workmanlike manner. Brother Ed. 1. Harris, of the 41st District, visited Hermitage, Urbana, Wheatland, Pleasant Hope, Morrisville and Humansville, all of Which are doing fairly good work. Fairplay, Western Light, Cement and Weaubleau are all very weak and are not doing much. Brother H. H. Finley, of the 42nd District, visited five of the Lodges, gave instruction to many of the Officers and assisted them in the work. He reports the Lodges in better condition than they have been for years. He held a Lodge of Instruction in Garrett Lodg-e and is pleased with the improvement made in the work and the interest manifested by the brethren. Brother Julien E. Huff, of the 43rd District. visited practically every Lodge in the District. The Lodges in the larger towns are in a very good condition in every respect and are progressing. Th(~ most of the Lodges, however, are very small in numbers and not very proficient in the work. Some of them are near other live Lodges and it would be better for them and Freemasonry in general, if they would consolidate. Brother J. R. Hutchinson, of the 44th DistriCt, visited the Lodges at Joplin, Webb City, Sarcoxie, Carthage, Oronogo and Carterville on many occasions and assisted in some good meetings. He accompanied the Grand Lecturer and assisted him in Lodges of Instruction at Webb City, Oronogo and Carthage. These meetings were well attended and much good was accomplished. At present some of the Lodges are not very active but the work is exemplified in a very creditable manner by most of the Lodges. Brother G. W. Custer, of the 45th District, visited a number of the Lodges and found the work improved over the preceding year and the prospects for considerable work in the future very flattering. Held a Lodge of Instruction at Wlllard apd left them much improved in their work. A Past Master's Club is being- organized in Springfield and it is hoped that this will stimulate the officers to do their best and increase the attendance. Brother Carl A. Swenson, of the 46th District, visited 12 of the fifteen Lodges in his care and has keDt informed as to the condition of the other three. In most of the Lodges the young members are showing an aDtitude for learning and an improvement in the Ritualistic work has resulted. A number of young men have made them-
Proceedings of the
selves proficient in the lectures and now there is scarcely a Lodge but what has some one or more for this part of the work. The increase -in membership is normal and the ouqook seems favorable for continued activity. Brother Fred E. McGhee, of the 47th Di!:l,trict, gives a very good report of the condition of each Lodge in his District, and according to location it varies from fair to good. Changed local conditions have affected some of the Lodges, and it is hoped that they will soon adapt themselves to their surroundings and rejoice in the newness of life. The District Lecturer is fortunate in having with him M. W. Brother Cotton, whose activity in Masonic work in the early years of his Masonic career, inspired the brethren of that section with a desire for proficiency; he still maintains his interest and retains the knowledge thus acquired, and is always ready to give assistance to the earnest inquirer.. Some of the Lodges have been active but most of them had very little to do. Brother W. B. Massey, of the 48th District, revorts that Lodges of Instruction were held at Leadwood, Bonne Terre, Ironton and Bismarck, an of which were appreciated by the Brethren, and thcy gainl{ld considerable knowledge thereby. These meetings were conducted by the Grand Lecturer and in each meeting, there were representatives from other Lodges in attendance. The interest throughout the District is good and they are gradually improving in the work. Brother George W. Walker, of the 49th District, reports quite a lull in the activities of the Lodges during the past year. In the entire District but 40 were raised. All the Lodges were visited except Zalma and Whitewater, and with the exception of the Lodges not visited the work is done fairly well. Brother G. A. Sample, of the 50th District, visited and gave Instruction in the following Lodges: Illmo, Chaffee, Sikeston and Bloomfield. Ol'le or two District meetings were held in which the different Lodges conferred degrees. The one most noteworthy was held at Bloomfield where some 200 were present, including members and visitors, and the work done by the different teams was good beyond expectation. Brother K. C. .Johnson, of the 52nd District, visited all the Lodges in his District, except Pineville and accompanied and assisted the Grand Lecturer at Poplar Bluff, Greenville and Naylor. The general condition of the Lodges is very good. Brother G. .J. Vaughan, of the 54th District, visited and held Lodges of Instruction in every Lodge in his District, devoting two to three days to each place. He found the Lodges, in general, to be in very good condition. Brother W. N. Marbut, of the 55th Distiict, visited all but four of the Lodges, instructed and assisted them in the work. The various Lodges show marked improvement over preceding years and the entire District can be said to be in splendid condition. Brother W. A. Phipps, of the 56th District, held only one Lodge of Instruction, but visited a number of the Lodges, assisted in degree work and instructed the Brethren in all phases of the work pertain-
Grand Lodge of Missouri
ing to the general conduct of the Lodge. Most of the Lodges do their work very effectively and the few are in need of instruction. It is in tended to hold schools for them early this fall. Brother George S. Land, of the 57th District, held twenty-one Lodges of Instruction the vast year, at least one in every Lodge. A tabulated report showing the different meetings, where held, how attended, accompanied his report. The grand total for the 21 meetings .was 975, an average of over 46 each night. He reports improvement throughout the District, and esvecially commends Valley Park and Meramec Lodges for their zeal and enthusiasm. Brother M. E. Gumvhrey, of the 58th District, held Lodges of Instruction at Vienna, Belle, Glensted and Eldon. He visited all the other Lodges and observed that they are doing the work nicely and conditions are fairly good. He especially commends Vienna Lodge for their imIJroved conditions. The Lodges were more or less active and a good spirit prevails among them. Brother Allan McDowell Hoyt, of the 59th District, says the general conditions of the Lodges are better than a year ago. All the Lodges but one were visited and assistance rendered in the confelTing of degrees as wcll as in the routine work of the Lodge. The usual school of instruction was held at Independence with splendid results. He acknowledges the assistance rendered him by Brother J. S. Carmical, who was formerly a District Lecturer in the 48th District. He says there is not much difference in the work of the different Lodges, all show considerable interest, but Mt. Washington outranks all of them in their activity, attendance and general interest in their affairs. Fraternally submitted, J. R. McLACHLAN, Grand Lecturer.
ELECTION OF DIRECTORS OF MASONIC HOME BOARD. M. W. Bro. C. H. Briggs placed in nomination for membership in the Masonic Home Board, M. \V. Bros. A. M. Dockery, T. W. Cotton, Wm. F. Johnson, Jos. S. McIntyre. They were elected by ballot.
PETITION FROM BRO. LEROY M. ECHOLS. This Petition was presented by W .. Bro. $tephen C. Rogers, read, and ordered 'by Grand Master McIntyre to be referred to the Jurisprudence Committee.
Proceedings of the
SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON PAST GRAND MASTER'S JEWEL. This Committee reported, recommending a design; not approved.
W. Bro. Frank L. Magoon made report for this CommitAdopted as follows:
To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of Missouri: Your Committee on Reports of D. D. G. Masters submits the following report: 1. No attempt will be made by this Committee to report on statistical matters which are accurately reported by the Grand Secretary and Grand Master. 2. In the matter of the visitation of Lodges in their districts by the D. D. G. Masters. most of them have been faithful in this regard. while a few have been quite negligent. We recommend an improvement of this by those who have been careless, and heartily endorse the recommendation of the Grand Master that a committee be appoin ted to make a survey of the rural Lodges. We realize that the work of the D. D. G. Masters is a labor of love without hope of reward and wish to acknowledge the appreciation of this Grand Lodge. Fraternally submitted, FRANK L. MAGOON, JOS. A. STIFFELMAN. J. H. BILLINGS.
REPORT OF CHAIRMAN OF STATE COMMITTEE GEORGE WASHINGTON MEMORIAL. M. W. Bro. Bert S. Lee presented the report for this Committee. Adopted. To the Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of Missouri: As Chairman for the State of Missouri of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association, I have to submit the following report: On November first of last year, accompanied by our Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Senior Warden, Grand Secretary, Grand Marshal. two Past Grand Masters and about two hundred brethren, representing the various Masonic Lodges throughout the State, I at-
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tended the laying of the cornerstone of the Memorial to Washington at Alexandria, Virginia. It was the largest concourse of Freemasons ever assembled in the world, each Grand Jurisdiction in the United States and many foreign jurisdictions being represented. There were present the President of the United States, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and many other distinguished brethren and'-. citizens. Immediately on my return from Washington I issued a circular, which was sent to every Lodge, giving a full description of that wonderful occasion: At this meeting of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, held for the purpose of laying cornerstone of the Washington Memorial Temple. the officers and members of the Association were cordially greeted and welcomed by the Grand Master of Virginia, and as guests of the Grand Lodge, they proceeded to the site of the Temple on Shooters' Hill. City of Alexandria. In the procession, preceding the ceremony, probably 20,000 persons participated; starting shortly before 11 o'clock on the morning of November 1st, it marched up King Street, headed by the Chief' Marshal, Bro. Kenneth W. Ogden, followed by a platoon of mounted police. The first division was composed of detachments from the Military and Naval forces of the United States, with their bands. The second division comprised the Governor of Virgiriia with his staff, the Mayor' of Alexandria and the municipal officials, and the citizens' committee of Alexandria. The third division included the Knights Templar who. with their bands, presented an inspiring spectacle a~they marched up King Street to t.he foot of Shooters' Hill, with their banners proudly fioating above them. Cheering throngs greeted them throughout this occasion. . The fourth and fifth divisions were made up of Blue Lodge Masons from all over the United States and from many other countries; they lent added dignitY to the impressive scene. The sixth division was composed of the Imperial Potentate of the A. A .. O. N. M. S., and his escort; and the three old Lodges which had been specially invited to participate: Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4, in which Washington was made a Mason, Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22, of which he was Master, and Potomac Lodge No.5, of Washington, D. C., which had assisted in the ceremonies at the laying of the cornerstone of the United States Capitol Building, at which Washington officiated. In the seventh division, the visiting Grand Masters, Grand High Priests, Grand Commanders and other Grand Officers; the officers, directors and members of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association, and the officers of the Grand Lodge of Virginia were escorted to the platform surrounding the cornerstone, while the remaining brethren were grouped around the Temple, forming a wonderful background for the ceremony.
Proceedings of the
President Coolidge and the Committee from the Association designated to act as his escort from Washington, arrived shortly afterwards, accompanied by the Chief Justice of the United States. Bro. William H. Taft, with his Committee of escort, the Presidential Salute of 21 guns announcing the 'arrival of the President. The cornerstone was laid with Bro. Chas. H. Callahan as Acting , Grand Master, the ceremony being conducted according to the Ritual of the Grand Lodge of Virginia. During the ceremony the Acting Grand Master used the same Trowel which was used by Washington at the laying of the cornerstone of the United States Capitol Building, and, at his invitation, this Trowel was used by President Coolidge, Chief Justice Taft, and the Grand Masters from jurisd,ictions outside the Uriited States. The Grand Masters of the United States were also invited to spread some of the cement upon which the cornerstone, weighing seven tons, would rest, using for that purpose a silver replica of the Washington Trowel, presented by the Association and to be retained by them for deIlosit in the museums of their respective Grand Lod,ges. The Rt. Rev. James E. Freeman, Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Washington, delivered the, Dedicatory Address. Through the, amplifiers, his words were carried to the throng, and a radio station picked them up and broadcasted the Address to countless, unseen thousands across the continent. His closing words were, "Let us, with unchallenged devotion and fidelity, promote that spirit of Brotherhood which is the enduring basis of all Government. â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ '. Let us preserve for our children, and for our children's children the institutions for which Washington labored and for which .'his sword was unsheathed." On February 21st and 22nd, accompanied by the Grand Master and Grand Secretary, I attended the 14th annual convention of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association, held in Alexandria. At that time reports of the progress of the work were made by the different committees and the contract was let for the next unit, which is the Memorial Hall, which will complete the Memorial to the base of the tower and this work is progressing very satisfactorily. I am glad to report that the funds from our own Lodges are coming in very satisfactorily, two hundred and thirty-one Lodges having made their payment in fUll, while nearly all of the other Lodges have at least made their first payment and only a very few of the smaller Lodges have paid nothing. In most instances this was on account of local financial reasons, which I am sure will be taken care of during the coming year. In cl~sing I want to quote from the last letter received from the Secretary-Treasurer of the Association: "The brethren in Missouri have met their share of this enterprise in a way that makes us want to commend them to the entire Fraternity." Fraternally submitted, BERT S. LEE.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES. W. Bro. Henry-C. Chiles, Chairman, presented and read the following report of the Committee which was adopted as a whole as read: ST. LOUIS, Mo., October 22, 1924. To'the Most U! orshipful Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of Missouri: Dear Brethren: Your Committee, on Appeals and Grievances herewith submits its report as follows: Case 1. Application of Martin R. Snow for restoration to Good Masonic Standing. Approv,ed. Recommendation adopted. Case 2. Application of James L. Parham for restoration to Good Masonic Standing. Approved. Recommendation adopted. 'Case 3. Application of Greenville J. Crumm for restoration to Good Masonic Standing. Dismissed for lack of proper information. Recommendation adopted. . Case 4. Application of John E. Friede for restoration to Good :J\1asonic Standing. Petition denied. Recommendation adopted. Case 5. Valley Lodge No. 413 vs.H. Duwaine Sargent. Judgment affirmed. Expelled frotn all the rights and privileges of Masonry. Recommendation adopted. Case 6. Cambridge Lodge No. 63 vs. Max Bates. Judgment affirmed. Expelled from all the rights and privileges of Masonry. Recommendation adop~ed. Case 7. Wellston Lodge No. 613 vs. Lewis Wm. Gerling. Judgment affirmed. Expelled from all the rights and privileges of Masonry. Recommendation adopted.
Proceedings of the
Case 8. Pomegranate Lodge No. 95 vs. Arthur W. Miller. Judgment of Lodge as to Specification 3 affirmed. Expelled from all the rights and privileges of :Masonry. Recommendation adopted. Case 9. Nodaway Lodge No. 470 vs. E. H. Chick. Appeal dismissed for failure to perfect same. Recommendation adopted. . Case 10. Missouri Lodge No.1 vs. Alexander W. Perryman. Judgment of Lodge reversed. Expelled from all the rights and privileges of Masonry. Recommendation adopted. Case 11. Application of E. M. Herwig, formerly of Cache Lodge No. 416, for restoration to Good Masonic Standing. Petition denied. Recommendation adopted. Case 12. Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 40 vs. Fred H. Smith. Judgment of Lodge disregarded. Expelled from all the rights and privilege.s of lVlasonry. Recommendation adopted. Case 13. Tower Grove Lodge No. 631 vs. Theodore N. Dobbin. Judgment of Lodge disregarded. Expelled from all the rights and privileges of Masonry. Recommendation adopted. Case 14. Blodgett Lodge No. 594 vs. Wm. D. McBride. Judgment of Lodge disregarded. Accused found guilty; . punishment fixed at suspension for two years. Recommendation adopted. Case 15. Gate City Lodge No. 522 vs. James O. Reade. Accused -found guilty on Specification 3. Accused found guilty; punishment fixed at suspension for the period of two years. Recommendation adopted. Case 16. Washington Lodge No. 87 vs. Lee L. Young.' Judgment of Lodge affirmed. R~commendation adopted. 1
Grand Lodge of Missouri
No.1. In re MartinR. Snow, } APP,lication for restoration to good Masonic standing. The requirements of the Grand Lodge by-laws having been duly complied with, your Committee recommends that the prayer of the petition be granted and that Martin R. Snow' 路be restored to good Masonic standing and be given a certificate to that effect. No.2. In re Application for res-! toration of James L. Parham. The petition is accompanied by a written recommendation from said Linn Lodge No. 326 and is signed by 55 members of that Lod,ge, and among said 55 being all of the present ofOcers of the present Lodge and 10 Past Masters. DECISION. Your Committee has carefully examined the petition herein and has also heard supporting evidence on the same and we are impressed with the belief that this former Master Mason is filled with the heart-felt desire to again mingle with his brethren; although he is in the sunset of life and, as it were, is now looking across into the great beyond, yet he says in his petition, and it is supported by proof, that he is not making this application in order to be a recipient of Masonic bounty, but only as stated herein that he may live and <lie a Master Mason, indeed. Therefore, we, your Committ~e, respectfully recommend that the said James L. Parham be restored to good Masonic standing with all the rights and privileges thereunto belonging, 'and that certificate be issued accordingly. No.3. In re Greenville J. crum,} Application for restoration to good Masonic standing. Petitioner states that he was expelled from Spring Creek Lodge No. 347, Lecoma, Mo., April 24, 1915, to the best of hi~ knowledge and belief for non-payment of dues, but that the records in the office of the Grand Secretary indicate that he was expelled for un-Masonic cond,uct. The records of the Lodge were destroyed by fire, July 27, 1918,and consequently were. not delivered to the Grand Secretary when the Charter of the Lodge was surrendered in October, 1918.
Proceedings of the
[Oct. I
'l'he petition prays the Grand Lodge for a certificate of good Masonic standing and states that it is the intention of ·thepetitioner, if petition be granted, to petition Keystone Lodge No. 243 of St. Louis, the place of his residence. The petition is accompanied by a certificate of the Secretary of Keystone Lodge, stating that at the stated communication held September 3, 1924, petitioner was recommended by the Lodge for restoration to good Masonic standing. , Your Committee has examined the return of Spring Creek Lodge No. 347 for the year 1915, in the office' of the Grand Secret~ry. That return shows that during' that year several brethren were suspended for non-payment of dues, but the name of petitioner is not in the list. The return also shows that Greenville J. Crum was expelled April 24, 1915, and that he was the only member expelled that year. Bro. Joseph J. Bowles was \Vorshipful Master and Bro. Hamilton K. Bradford was S~cretary. It is the opinion of the Committee that it should have before it with the petition all the facts in order to pass upon the petition. That, if the return for 1915 is not correct, affidavits should be obtained by petitioner to correct it. That if it is correct, then the Committee should be informed just what the un-Masonic conduct was, for which peti~ion€r was expelled. Being of this opinion, your Committee recommends that the p'etition be dismissed for lack of proper information before the Committee on which to base an opinion.
·No.4. In re John E. Friede, } Application for restoration to good Masonic standing. Applicant presents, in his petition, that he was expelled by this Grand Lodge, October 18, 1922, and now petitions the Grand Lodge for restoration for the following reasons: "That I want to get back with my fellow members and friends, and promise, if restored, to ~omply strictly with the laws and regulations of the fraternity." The petition is signed by the applicant and by the Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden and Secretary and a Past Master of Olive Branch Lodge No. 576. Applicant was a member of Olive Branch Lodge No. 576 in St. Louis. He was charged with un-Masonic conduct, tried in his Lodge, under the new code, and found not guilty. An appeal being taken to the Grand Lodge, the case came before this Committtee in 1922. For further particulars, reference is made to the Grand Lodge Proceedings of that year, Case No. 14, page 116 and following. Being fully advised of the circumstances which brought about the expulsion of the applicant from the fraternity, your Committee recommends that the application be denied.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
No.5 Valley Lodge No. 413} vs. H. DuWaine Sargent. The charges in this case were flIed December 26th, 1923, and contained two specifications. The answer of the accused was not guilty. The trial occurred February 15th, 1924, and the verdict of the jury found the accused guilty and fixed his punishment at expulsion. The report of the trial committee was submitted to the Lodge. February 21, 1924, and appeal was taken by the accused February 27. 1924; The record In this case is vOluminous. The testimony of the witnesses who were present路 at the trial at Bolckow, Missouri, is preserved, as well as the depositions of numerous witnesses whose testimony was taken at St. .Joseph, Mo. There is a conflict in the testimony throughout. This conflict was resolved by the jury against the accused on both speciflcations. Your Committee has carefully studied this long record. The case. however, was not argued by counsel before the Committee. After weighing all the testimony carefully, your Committee has reached the conclusion that the verdict of the jury was right and that the punishment assessed was proper. Being of the opinion expressed, your Committee recommends that the judgment below be affirmed and that the accused be expelled from all the rights and privileges of Freemasonry. Brother Grover C. Sparks, a member of this Committee, was counsel for the Lodge. having been employed prior to his appointment on this Committee, disqualifled himself from acting with the Committee in this case. No.6. Cambridge Lodge No. 63. VB.
Max Bates. STATEMENT. The accused was expelled after a trial upon charges of violence, brutaHty- .. ~ One continuance was granted upon written request of Bro. Bates. No answer was ever flIed, although forms were furnished. ~ Counsel was appointed and the trial conducted in a very careful. fair and Impartial manner. Same was presided over by an ex-Circuit .Judge. A unanimous verdict of guilty was rendered and punishment fixed at expulsion. OPINION.
The evidence is convincing, the verdict and judgment are right. We recommend that it be affirmed.
Proceedings of the
No.7. Henry L. Lie big, .Tunior Warden of Wellston L 0 d g e No. 613, A. F. & A. :M.,
Accuser, VB.
William Lewis Gerling, Accused. STATEMENT. The accuser is the Junior Warden of Wellston Lodge, and Is acting for and in behalf of the Lodge. The accused is a man of business experience, a member of. Wellston Lodge and wore a Masonic ring which proclaimed his membership in the fraternity. The person defrauded is the sister of a Mason who relied upon the defendant because she saw his Masonic ring, and because Masons are reputed to be honesL Finding, as we do, that the accused is guilty as charged, we recommend the judgment of expulsion be affirmed. The Grand Lodge By-laws set out specifically the form required to be used by an appellant, and although the records show that all other forms were followed, the one for perfecting the appeal was not. If objection were made by the Lodge on that ground it might not be proper for us to consider the appeal at all. The Committee does not, however, wish to take advantage of technicalities, and for that reason this opinion is submitted as above. No.8. Pomegranate No. 95, A.
LOdge} F. &
A. M.,
Accuser, VB.
Arthur W. Accused.
â&#x20AC;˘ Miller,
Charges against the accused were filed on the 19th day of JanuarY,1924, by the Junior Warden of Pomegranate Lodge No. 95. The accused was duly notified of the same and trial date set for the 11th day of February, 1924. The notice given to the accused is in due and regular form. The charges contained five Specifications,and are as follows: Specification No.3. That said Bro. Arthur W. Miller did knowingly and wilfully neglect his said wife and' refuse to go to her and his newly-born child While his said wife was in a sick and dying condition, even though he had been repeatedly informed and advised of her critical and precarious condition, and urged to go to her bed-
Grand Lodge of Missouri
side before her death, in violation of his duty as a Mason and to the scandal and disgrace of the Masonic fraternity. The accused filed his answer in due time and which answer is as follows: To Specifications Nos. 1, 2,. 4 and 5 he plead "not guilty." To Specification No.3 he entered a plea of "guilty." Thereafter, on the lIth day of February, 1924, the trial was had in the lodge hall, In due and regular form, and a complete copy of all proceedings have been preserved. The verdict of the jury was expulsion on all of the grounds in the various specifications and judgment was pronounced according-Iy.路 Thereafter, on the 26th dav of February, 1924, an appeal was taken by the accused, In due form, and a complete transcript of evidence and other matters of record duly certified to the Grand Lodge. DECISION. The transcript and record in this case is very voluminous and contains several hundred printed pages. The Committee have. with much pains, gone over this record and have reached the following conclusions: Specifications Nos. 4 and 5 are not supported by the evidence and we feel that the verdict on these Specifications is so clearly ag-ainst the evidence that the same should be reversed. However, as to Specification No.3, the accused entered a plea of ,guilty and the only question to be considered is as to the proper amount of punishment. We are of the opinion that the evidence clearly gave the jury the right to bring the verdict, which they did. Althoug-h the accused knew that his wife was in a sick and dying condition and was the mother of a new-born baby, yet he takes his own time going to visit her, and does not arrive at the home of hiR mother-in-law where his dying wife lay, until after her death. This offense cannot be condoned or palliated In any manner. A Master Mason should ever give to his family every needed attention within his power, and thereby not only honor them, but even our great fraternity: The judgment of the Lodge and the finding of the jur" as to Specification No. 3 was right and in strict accordance with Masoriic principles. We recommend that the same be affirmed and that the accused be expelled from all the rights and privileges of Freemasonry. As to S'pecifications Nos. 1 and 2, 'We do not feel it necessary to discuss the same or to go into detail, having already recommended the penalty of expulsion on another specification herein.
No.9. Nodaway Lodge No. 470, VS.
H. Chick.
The accused was tried in Nodaway Lodge No. 470, April 7, 1924, for un-Masonic conduct. He was found guilty and his punishment
Proceedings of the
was fixed at expulsion. Judgment was pronounced in open Lodge, April 9, 1924, and the accused took an appeal, April 16, 1924. Inasmuch as the accused has failed to perfect his appeal under Section 265 of the Code, by filIng a statement of the substantive facts proven at the trial, or a transcript of the testimony, there is nothing upon which your Committee can base a decision on the merits. Your Committee, therefore. recommends that the appeal of the accused be dismissed for failure to perfect the same.
Missouri Lodge No.1, vs. Alexander W. Perryman.
No. 10.
STATEMENT. The Most Worshipful Grand Master of the State of Texas, learnin~ of the conviction in the United States Court of Bro. A. W. Perryman, member of Missouri Lodg-e No. 1. very properly in the interest of our Fraternity. notified Missouri Lodg-e No.1. and the .Lod'e:e. In turn. very properly presented the matter to the Grievance CQmmittf\e, which. after due Investigation. recommended that Brother Perryman be brou~ht to trial before the J.Jodge. The .Junior Warden of Missouri Lodg-e No. 1. acting- for the Lodg-e. filed chargoesae;alnst Brother Alexander W. Perryman. a member of that Lode:e, charging him with un-Masonic conduct, In substance as follows: That on or about the 28th day of .Tanuary. 1924. In the City of Texas'. In the United States District Court. Bro. Alexander 'V. Perryman did. In his own proner person and also bv attorney. appear. announced ready and did plead g-ullty of using- the mails to defraud, In violation of Section 215 and 37 of the Penal Code.
Further, th~,t in consequence of his pleading- g-ulltv and waivine: trial by jury. Brother Perryman was broug-ht before ~he Court In custody of the marshal, and on being- asked if he had anvthlne: to say as to why jude:ment and sentence should not he pronounced upon him in accordance with' the finding-s of the Court. failed to show g-ood cause why judg-ment and !'lentence should not be pronounced. and was ac~ordlne:ly fined $15,000.00 and ordered committed to jail in default of payment. Subsequently the fine was paid in full. DECISION. The record In this case reaches the Committee In e:ood form. 9nn the officers of Missouri Lodgoe No. 1 are to be complimented for its completeness. The record shows that the accused failed to answer or nav any attention to th~ charg-es. althoue:h leg-allv notlfled. At his trial he was represented by attorney appointed by the Worshipful Master. The Trial Jury, by vote of four to two. found the accused not guilty. and the case is before us on appeal by the Lod'ge:
Grand Lodge of Missouri
In the estimation of the Committee, this verdict is another evidence of the misdirected sentiment that occasionally beclouds the Judgment of Masonic Trial Juries. 'While the arguments of attorneys are not a part of the record, we are led to conclude that the attorney ior the defense must have played upon the emotions of the jury to influence them in the verdict rendered, which is so at ,variance with the evidence. The fraud was perpetrated in connection with the sale of Blue Bird Oil Co. stock and other Perryman interests, and as the culprits used the mails in the furtherance of their schemes, they ran afoul of specified laws of the Federal Government, expressly enacted to prevent this very thing. Brother Perryman, in person and by counsel, admitted his guilt, made no appeal from the Court's ruling and paid the fine of $15,000.00 assessed by the Court. The Jury should have turned in a verdict of guilty on the testimony filed. Certainly the Fraternity cannot afford to extend memt.ership to self-confessed crooks, and if we fail in our duty to clear ourselves of those wolves in sheep's clothmg, we become a party to the disgrace of the Masonic Fraternity. Masonic Juries should bear in mind that they are under more obligation to the thousands of lawabiding Freemasons of the world than to the Mason who puts himself outside the pale of the law and thereby forfeits any claim upon the rest of us. ; . ~_L.w ;;0-. 'l'herefore, we recommend that judgment. of acquittal be reversed, that the accused be found guiJty and that he be expelled from all the rights and privileges of Freemasonry.
No. 11. Peti tion InfO. l're restora- } tion of E. M. Herwig, formerly a member of Cache Lodge N.o. 416. The above-named E. M. Herwig was tried on the 15th day of February, 1904, in Cache Lodge No. 416 for un-Masonic c(;mduct. He was charged with willingly, knowingly and wrongfully defrauding one, Mrs. Bertha Rollman, widow of Edmond J. Rollman, a Master Mason of the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, and that the same was obtained upon false representations. At the trial more than a majority of the members present voted guilty, but not two-thirds, as was then required under .the old trial code. The case was appealed by the Lodge, and the accused was found ,guilty and expelled by the Grand Lodge. OPI~ION.
The petition herein is accompanied by a letter from the Secret!iry of Pendleton Lodge No. 551, A. F. & A. M., located at Doe Run, Missouri. The same is merely a statement from the Secretary and
Proceedings of the
not a proper endorsement by the Lodge. The petition is also accompanied by a written statement from Farmington Lodge No. 132, A. F.' & A. M., which asks the Grand Lodge to reinstate the petitioner "if the circumstances will warrant the same." Your Committee recommend that the petition herein be denied. We can find nowhere in the record that this former Master Mason has ever attempted to make any restoration to the widow whom he defrauded, nor are we of the opinion that the accused has entertained any sincere desire to be restored to the privileges of Freemasonry, having waited for twenty long years to make this application. We fear that the petitioner has some ulterior motive in mind, and, therefore, we respectfully recommend that the application for restoration be denied.
Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 40, vs. Fred H. Smith.
No. 12.
The charges in this case were filed March 15, 1924, in two specifications in substance as follows: . . . â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ The trial was had April 23, 1924, the verdict of the jury was "guilty" and the punishment fixed at suspension for six months. The verdict was read in open Lodge, May 3, 1924, and appeal was filed May 9, 1924. Viewing the case as we do, your Committee deems it necessary to deal only with Specification I, of the charges, that being the specification admitted in the answer. By admitting the act charged in Specification I, the accused confessed gross un-Masonic conduct and a grave transgression of the moral law. The gravity of the offense is such that it seemed apparent to your Committee that the trial jury was entirely too lenient in assessing the punishment. To your Committee this seems to be a case in which it is clear that the extreme penalty should be inflicted. Your Committee, therefore, recommends, under Section 268 of the Code, that the judgment above be disregarded, and that the accused be found guilty and that 'he be expelled from all rights and privileges of Freemasonry. No. 13. Tower Grove Lodge No. 631, vs. Theodore Naudin Dobbin.
The charges were filed March 29, 1924, and the trial was set for April 21, 1924. The charges were in two specifications, namely: A hearing was had before a jury, April 21, 1924, and on the plea of the accused, he was, of course, found guilty and his punishment fixed at suspension for one year. The result of the hearing was reported at the Stated Communication of April 24, 1924, and an appeal
Grand Lodge of Missouri
was taken May 3, 1924, by Brothers Witter, Deam and Steinhaufel. The accused, by his own confession, was guilty of a violation of the civil laws, as well as of a violation of his Masonic obligation. Your Committee is of the opinion that the gravity of these offenses demands the infliction of the extreme penalty, and it would seem that only a misguided sentiment induced the jury to fix the punish. mcnt at merely suspension for one year. Your Committee, therefore, recommends, under Section 268 of the Code, that the judgment below be disregarded, and that the accused be found guilty and that he be expelled from all the rights and privileges of Freemasonry.
No. 14 Blodgett Lodge ~. No. 594, vs. William D. McBride. The accused was tried November 23, 1923, on charges filed October 4, 1923, containing one specification, namely: • • • • • The trial jury brought in the following verdict: "We, the trial jury in the case of Blodgett Lodge No. 594, A. F. & A. M., vs. William D. McBride, agree to disagree." This "verdict" was duly signed by the foreman. Just here your Committee desires to express the opinion that this "verdict" does not indicate that the members of the jury undertook the performance of their important functions with that seriousness of purpose which should be characteristic of a Masonic jury, and that the verdict also indicates an inclination on the part of the jury "to pass the buck," to an already overburdened Committee on Appeals and Grievances. Following the reading of this "verdict" in open lodge on December 3, 1923, an appeal was taken December 10, 1923, an!! under Section 266, this Grand Lodge is possessed of the case, and under Section 268 may render judgment thepein. Your Committee will first dispose of what might be called the technical portions of the plea of the accused. While it is true that Paragraph "D" of Section 247 requires the names to be placed in the "jury wheel" Within two weeks after installation of officers, your Committee is of the opinion that if, through oversight, this is not done; such failure will not make a Masonic trial "out of order." A sUbstantial compliance with the terms of the code in this I'espect is sufficient, where no right of the accused is prejudiced through failure of an exact compliance. In the instant case, it does not appear that the accused was prejudiced by the delay in attending to this requirement of the Code. '
Proceedings of the
While it is true that Section 198 of the Code does refer to habitual drunkenness as un-Masonic conduct, there still remains Paragraph "B" of Section 229, which is as follows: "Any act, conduct or neglect of duty tending to impair the good name of the Masonic institution or its usefulness, or to cause scandal, or to degrade it in public estimation, or which is in any wise con-. trary to 1ts principles, obligations or teachings." . Your Committee holds it to be self-evident under this section that drunkenness on the part of a Mason when notorious, whether habitual or periodic, is un-Masonic conduct as tending to impair the good name of the fraternity. Your Committee, in order to pass upon this case, on its merits, has read the record with care, and we find that it was established b J competent testimony that the accused was intoxicated or drunk quite a number of times during the month of April, 1923, on Bond l!;lection Day and at other times, and was seen in such condition by both Masons and profanes. On one of these occasions he was in a Masonic hall. Your Committee is satisfied that the good name of Freemasonry was impaired by such conduct on the part of the accused. The accused who testified in his own behalf admitted drmking during the time, some days as much as a pint of liquor. He denied being drunk. Your Committee gathers from the record that the accused was the Secretary of the Lodge, a prominent citizen and well liked in the community where he resided. Being. such, it was all the more incumbent on him to set a proper example to his brethren and to profanes-particularly to the young men of his Lodge and of the community-by leading a sober life, abiding by the provisions of State and Federal la.w. Your Committee, therefore, recommends that under Section 268 of the Code the judgment below be disregarded and that the accused be found guilty of the charge and that his punishment be fixed at suspension for the period of two years. x our Committee further recommends to Blodgett Lodge that if after this period of suspension, accused offends again, in this respect, that the laws of the fraternity be again invoked to protect the good name of Freemasonry. As it seems to be intimated in the record that accused was not the only member of Blodgett Lodge who offended in this respect, we call the attention of Blodgett Lodge to the rulings herein set forth that they may be applied by the Lodge, if and when necessary.
No. 15. Gate City Lodge No. 522 vs. James O. Reade. The accused was tried June 18, 1924, on charges filed May 17, 1924, in three specifications, namely (omitting formal 'parts) :
Grand Lodge of Missouri
The accused, being at the time of the trial a resident of California, was not present at the trial. He was represented by counsel. The accused filed an answer, duly signed and sworn to by him before a notary public, as follows: • • • • •
The verdict of the jury was "not guilty" as to each specification.' and was read at stated communication, June 21, 1924. Appeal was taken June 27,' 1924. The record is somewhat confused and indicates that the trial was pot conducted with the decorum which should distinguish a Masonic trial. It is difficult to sift the facts from the record. Your Committee has read the record with care, has listened to the arguments of counsel on both sides and after carefully weighing all considerations has concluded that the verdict of the jury as to the first and second specifications Is correct. The evidence adduced did not convince the jury that the accused was guilty of the charges set forth in Specification 1,. nor does it convince your Committee. This is true also as to the evidence on the second ·specificatlon. As to the third specification, the evidence preserved in the record does not show that accused lost any position on account of beingdrunk, but his own sworn statement filed as an answer, to this par' of the charges, admits that he was intoxicated on one or two occasions. This sworn admission lends credibility to the testimony of the witness Helen Harmon to the effect that accused frequently came home drunk, and your Committee finds that the charge of drunkenness is proven by the record. Your Committee is of the opinion that the verdict of the jury, on this point, Is contrary to the admission of the accused and the testimony. We cannot allow this violation of Masonic duty to go unpunished, Your Committee, therefore, recommends that as' to Specifications 1 and 2 the judgment below be affirmed, but as to the specification charging drunkenness, that the verdict and judgment below be disregarded and that the accused be found guilty and his punishment fixed at suspension for the period of two years.
No. 18. Washington Lodge ~ No. 87, vs. ' Lee L. Young.
.. -
On November 17, 1923, the Grievance Committee of the Lodge reported to the .Tunior Warden of the Lodge as follows: "Having duly investigated the charges against Brother Lee L. Young, it is the opinion of the Committee that an offense contrary to Masonic principles has been committed and that the matter is now taken out of our hands. We are, therefore, turning over all papers and evidence pertaining to this case to yoU for your action."
â&#x20AC;˘ 146
Proceedings of the
The date for the trial was fixed for December 14, 1923. On December 8, 1923, the accused filed with the Secretary his answer as follows: "Comes now Lee L. Young and in answer to the charge filed against him, in which charge he is charged with un-Masonic conduct, states that he is guilty as charged, and that he desires to appear before the court and jury, in person, to answer to the same." The hearing occurred December 14, 1923, and the proceedings are set forth as follows, by the Secretary in the record certified to this Grand Lodge: "the J. W. read the charge against accused, L. L. Young as given by the J. W. after the Grievance Committee had turned in their findings and their report of same J. W. also read the letter written to the Grand Lodge of Arkansas and signed by the mother ~f the girl and the chairman explained how the proceedings came to be preferred against the accused, Section 246 was cited in this. J. W. read the report of the Grievance Committee. J. W. made his plea and talk to the jury after the plea of guilty had been read by the chairman of the trial committtee, as was his right to put forth his case, and explained as best he could, bringing out the different testimony brought forward by the Grievance Committee. Defendant L. L. Young then got up and made the plea in his behalf and brought up some more of the testimony so they could get at the facts in the case as to when, where and how the trouble all started and incidents took place. Chairman then I'e-ad the law as to' the verdict to be brought in as according to Masonic law. Jury retired to the jury room and brought in a verdict-that the accused be reprimanded in open lodge at some future regular meeting." The jury brought in its verdict as follows: "We the jury find the accused guilty and assess his punishment as follows: Reprimand as provided by the by-laws." The verdict was signed by the foreman, .Brother Horace Howard. The reprimand was duly given the accused by Worshipful Brother Murphy, Past Master, on January 17, 1924, in open Lodge at th@ Stated Communication of that date. The appeal was taken July 17, 1924, by order of Most Worshipful Grand Master, Brother Mclnty;re. This Is the record in the case. No evidence appears to have been preserved, and no exhibits submitted to this Committee. The Letter to the Grand Lodge of Arkansas referred to hereinbefore Is not among the papers. But for the fact that on Monday the accused voluntarily appeared before this Committee, your Committee would have been unable to pass intelligently upon this case. The accused having been notified by the Secretary of the Lodge of the pendency of this appeal, came before this Committee and was given the opportunity to state the facts and circumstances connected with the charge. Following his statement he was interrogated at length by members of this Committee. The accused, of his own accord, suggested to the Committee
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- 147
that if the Committee desired to recommend to this Grand Lodge that the case be sent back to the Lodge for another trial, he would concur with the Committee in such recommendation. No one else appeared before or communicated with the路 Committee to press these charges, from which fact the Committee assumes that no member of the Lodge feels aggrieved by the verdict or judgment. In these circumstances, there having been no record preserved and it being within the province of your Committee to recommend a new trial with the concurrence of the Accused, your Committee felt that it was warranted in hearing the statement of accused and in cross-examining him. Your Committee feel that no good purpose would be subserved either by requiring another trial to be had, or by detailing in this report the circumstances of the case as ascertained by the Committee. This young unmarried man, the accused, admits that he was "made a fool of" and your Committee feels that he has had his lesson and his punishment. Having before us, we believe, the same facts that the trial jury had before it, we are of the opinion that the verdict of the jury wasl right and as the reprimand has already been delivered, according to law, we recommend that the judgment above be affirmed. Fraternally submitted, HENRY C. CHILES, A. H. MANN, GUY C. MILLION. CHAS. A. FITZGERALD,
CALLED FROM LABOR. The Grand Lodge was then CALLED FROM LABOR until 8 p. m. Prayer by R. W. and Rev. Dr. Mather, Grand Chaplain.
ST. LOUIS} October 22, 1924.
The Grand Lodge was CALLED TO LABOR at 8 p. m., M. W. Bro. Julius C. Garrell presiding as Grand Master, prayer being offered by the Grand Chaplain.
Grand Secretary Jesse read the Minutes of the First day, which were approved as read.
Proceedings of the
EIGHTH CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. 1\1. W. Grand Master McIntyre then assumed the Chair, and R. W. Bro. J. E. Thompson spoke upon the 8th Constitutional Amendment, followed by M. W. Bro. Wm. F. Johnson, speaking on the same subject. Both were heartily applauded.
OUR RITUAL. R. W. Bro. J. R. McLachlan, Grand Lecturer, then read a paper on "Our Ritual, Its Making and Beauty," which received close attention and well-merited applause.
HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY IN MISSOURI. R. W. Bro. Ray V. Denslow then spoke most entertainingly of the History of Freemasonry in Missouri, receiving liberal applause.
CALLED FROM LABOR. The Grand Lodge was CALLED FROM LABOR at the hour of 9 :45 p.. m., to meet again at 9 :30 a. m., Thursday, October 23d. Prayer by R. W. and Rev. Dr. Arthur Mather" Grand Chaplain.
Grand LO,dge of Missouri
ST. LOUIS October 23, 1924. 7
Promptly, at 9 :30 a. m. the Grand Lodge was CALLED TO LABOR by the Grand Master, M. W. Bro. Joseph S. McIntyre, after the singing of "America" and prayer by M. W. and Rev. Bro. Corona R. Briggs.
MINUTES READ AND APPROVED. The Minutes of the Second Day were read by the Grand Secretary and approved as read.
REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITIEE ON MASONIC CLUBS. On motion: by M. W. Bro. C.R.Briggs, the report of the Special Committee on Masonic Clubs, appearing on Page 146 of the 1923 Proceedi~gs was ordered referred to the Grand Master-elect, he to appoint a Special Committee thereon. Carried.
REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON CHARTERED LODGES. Worshipful Bro. C. L. Alexander, Chairman, presented and read the following report which was adopted and applauded: To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free- and Accepted Masons of Missouri: Your Committee on Chartered Lodges submits the following report: There are 659 Chartered Lodges. numbered from 1 to 661. inclusive, Nos. 117 and 635 being the only vacant numbers on the roll. Returns and remittances have been received from all Lodges, but we regret to report that the returns of nine Lodges were not received by the Grand Secretary prior to August 1, as the law requires. The delinquent Lodges follow:
150 No. 37 42 161 181 182 402 411 465 632
Proceedings of the Name Hemple Middle Grove Clifton HilL. Novel ty Pilot Knob Malta Joppa Gaynor City Belgrade
Reported September 30 September 13 August 7 A ugust 12 August 13 September 24 _~ugust 14 August 7 August 14
[Oct. District 11 _17 18 2 .46 24 46 7 40
The representatives of these Lodges are not entitled to mileage and per diem. Pilot Knob Lodge No. 182 has been delinquent many times during the last 15 years. The Grand Secretary was obliged to request the District Deputy Grand Master of the 11th District to personally visit Hemple Lodge No. 37 to obtain the report and remittance of that Lodge. as the officers paid no attention to the Grand Secretary's letters. Hemple Lodge was also delinquent in 1923. No legitimate excuse was offered by any of these Lodges for their delinquency. The Secretary of a delinquent Lodge is primarily to blame. but we also censure the Worshipful Master as he is the official head of the Lodge and is obligated to see that his Lodge complies with all the laws of the Grand Lodge. The failure of various banks in Missouri about the time annual returns were due caused embarrassment to several Lodges. No such I.,odge was delinquent. however. the Secretary sending his own personal check. if there was no other way to get the cash to pay the Grand Lodge per capita tax. OUTSTANDING DUES. Total amount outstanding dues reported in 1924 Total amount outstanding dues reported in 1923 Increase
$65,085.00 61.912.00 $ 3.173.00
Several Lodges close their fiscal year in June and. of course, they could not collect all dues before making report to the Grand Lodge on June 30th. The following Lodges whose fiscal year closes in December show the largest amount outstanding in proportion to membership: _ Annual OutNo. Name Membership Dues standing 68 Kennett 155 $6.00 $1.095.00 106 Gallatin 152 4.50 621.00 148 Purdy 92 4.00 394.60 175 Newton 27 124.25 5.00 293 Sarcoxie 120 5.00 474.50 394 Lucerne 55 4.00 265.00 496 Robert Burns 65 3.50 427.00 534 Columbia 111 4.00 400.00 588 St. Francisville.............................. 53 5.00 300.00
Grand Lodge of Missouri
It will be observed that in some of the Lodges above noted the entire membership of the Lodge is in arrears for more than one year's due路s. Several Lodges reported this year that it was difficult for them to pay the per capita tax and yet their reports showed that they had outstanding dues far in excess of the amount due the Grand Lodge; this is not good business. Dues should be paid prgmptly and extension of time granted only by vote of the Lodge in exceptional and meritorious cases.
REMISSION OF DUES. The reports continue to indicate lack of knowledge pertaining to the law regarding remission of dues. The Grand Lodge law permits remission of dues ONLY FOR INABILITY TO PAY, and yet we find remission of dues of tilers. secretaries, life members. ministers and old members. all in violation of law. One Lodge reports remission of two members "account U. S. service." It was proper to remit dues of our boys in the armed forces of our country during the war, but we know of no reason why anyone in the employ of the United States should be placed on the charity list at this time. Another Lodge reports that it remits dues of all members over 70 years of age. Another Lodge failed to supply date of remission' and upon inquiry, we were advised that the dues were remitted in 1916. One Lodge remits 8 of 56 members. another 9 of 98 members and another 7 of 45 members. Section 156~ Grand Lodge By-laws. permits remission of dues FOR INABILITY TO PAY. Section 157 provides that dues cannot hp. remitted in advance. except for the current year. Section 160 provides that dues must be paid to the Grand Lodge for life members. REINSTATEMENTS. Section 74. Grand Lodge By-laws. provides that a Lodge must pay Grand Lodge dues when a suspended member is reinstated. If not previously accounted for. A large number of Lodges failed to comply with this law requiring much unnecessary correspondence from the Grand Secretary's office to collect the shortage. DUPLICATE CHARTERS. By order of the Grand Master. duplicate Charters were issued to the following Lodges: Prairie Home. No. 503-Charter destroyed by fire. Duplicate issued April 11, 1924. Koshkonong, No. 582-Charter destroyed by fire. Duplicate issued September 9, 1924. MASONIC HOME. Many Lodges write to the Grand Secretary for application blanks for admission to the Masonic Home. All correspondence regarding the Home should be addressed to "The Masonic Home of Missouri. 5351 Delmar Boulevard. St. Louis."
Proceedings of the
STATISTICAL. Membership in 659 Chartered Lodges 109,805 Membership in 3 Lodges Under Dispensation.................................... 92 Total membership, 1924 Total membership, 1923.. __ Net gain Initiated Passed Raised , Affiliated Re'instated Dimitted
__ __
__ __
109,897 107,041
:.................................................................... 2.856 5.347 Suspended N. P. D 1,529 5,154 Suspended U. 路M. C..................... 14 5,195 Expelled 52 1,224 Died 1,169 610 Rejected 911 1,447 Dues remitted 1,032
MEMBERSHIP IN LARGEST CITIES. Total Dues Membership Raised Rejected Outstandinlt St. Louis, 46 Lodges.............. 24,879 1,097 285 $2,227.00 Kansas City, 17 Lodges...... 17,812 947 96 4,738.00 St. Joseph, 5 Lodges.............. 2,744 165 43 1,231.00 Springfield. 3 Lodges............ 2,297 133 15 NONE Joplin, 2 Lodges........................ 1,155 95 14 194.00 Hannibal, 2 Lodges................ 831 23 0 48.00 Sedalia. 2 Lodges.................... 895 41 19 486.00 The total number of Masons in St. Louis City and St. Louis COllnty is 27.787. In Kansas City and Jackson County. 19,516. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS, The usual errors are found in the returns. such as omission of signature of Worshipful Master or Secret.ary (in several cases both signatures are lacking). omission of Lodge seal, incomplete list of officers, no list of Past Masters, incomplete financial statement, Incomplete roster, some not alphabetically arranged. omission of names and dates of candidates initiated, passed and raised. incomplete data regarding affiliations, reinstatements, suspensions, deaths, etc. Some Lodges include in their rosters names of dead. dimitted or suspended members and omit members in good standing. All' of this has to be checked and corrected in the Grand Secretary's office, Lodge No. 10 omitted thirteen names of Master Masons from its 1924 roster with no information as to what has become of them. On the other hand, included five names not previously reported, with no information as to how they became members of that Lodge. Although written to several times, the Secretary has thus far failed to answer any letters from the Grand Secretary. Several more Lodges have failed to reply to letters of the Grand Secretary. We think a Secretary would be glad to have his attention called to his mistakes, and the very least he can do is to render the Grand Secretary the courtesy of a prompt reply. The report of one Lodge was very bad, but at least that Secretary gave an original excuse. He loaned the copy of the 1923 report to the De Molay boys, and, of course, they lost it, and he had
Grand Lodge of Missouri
nothing to start the 1924 report with. How nice, but how very human, to put the blame for our own mistakes on someone else. We wish that all officers of Lodges would realize the importance of supplying accurate information for the Grand Secretary's files, which are kept in a vault in a building of fire-proof construction. Lodge records are frequently destroyed by fire and if accurate information •• a::l been given to the Grand Secretary. you can obtain the necessary data to start new records. An incompetent Secretary may jeopardize the right of a widow or orphan of a Master Mason to enter the Masonic Home, It frequently happens that a man is suspended for non-payment of dues, but when the Lodge elects a new Secretary, the man is reported in good standing. The Grand Secretary inquires w nen he was reinstated and the new Secretary says there is no record of his suspension. Suppose, however, that the man has died before the new Secretary is elected, and that the Lodge records have been destroyed by fire. He stands suspended on the Grand Lodge records, therefore, his widow or orphan might have difficulty in beIng admitted to the Home. Much of the confusion and errors in the returns could be avoided if the Lodges would only recognize the im}Jortance of supplying accurate information for the Grand Secretary's riles and would elect competent men for the office of Secretary. Elect a man who will magnify the importance of his office, rather wan one who will minimize it. It is right that· he should be comp'ensated, but such compensation cannot be what the commercial n,lurn of his services, properly rendered, is worth. A conscientious Secretary will, through pride in his office, render far more value to the Lodge than he is paid for. Do not elect a man Secretary because he is in need of the small salary attached to the office, because when the office of Secretary is sought merely for its emoluments, it is IJractically a case of charity, Which had far better be bestowed direct, and dispense with his services. Our attention has been called to the fact that at least two Grand Jurisdictions have adopted a uniform system to keep Lodge records. We are not prepared at this time to make any recommendation, but we hope the time will come when this Grand Lodge will exercise some control to compel Lodges to keep accurate records; but no matter what system may be adopted. it will fail if incompetent secretaries are continued in office. HONOR ROLL. The reports of the following Lodges were free from error, although some of them were not entirely complete: Nos. I, 3, 30, 31, 32, 33, 55, 56, 58, 62, 86, 88, 89, 93, 114, 115, 118, 141, 142, 143, 166, 168, 169, 188, 189, 190, 212, 218. 219, 244, 245, 24_6,
5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40. 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 63, 64, 65, 67, 70, 71, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 84, 85, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 119, '120, 121, 124, 127, 128, 130, 131, 133, 137, 138, 140, 144, 145, 146, 149, 150, 151, 153, 157, 158, 159, 163, 165, 170, 171, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 199, 201, 205, 206, 207, 210, 220, 221, 222, 223, 226, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 241, 243, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, ..256, 257, 258, 259,
Proceedi1tgs of the
154 261, 263, 266, 267, 288, 289, 290, 291, 308, 310, 312, 313, 33~ 335, 336, 338, 368, 377, 378, ~79, 396, 397, 398, 399, 418, 420, 422, 423, 444, 445, 446, 447, 461, 462, 464, 465, 484, 485, 486, 487, 503, 505, 508, 511, 529, 530, 531, 532, 549, 550, 551, 553, 573, 574, 575, 576, 593, 594, 597, 602, 624, 625, 626, 627, 643, 644, 645, 646, 661.
268, 270, 271, 277, 292, 294, 295, 29~ 316, 317, 320, 324, 34~ 342, 343, 345, 380, 381, 382, 385, 401, 403, 405, 407, 424, 426, 432, 434, 448, 449, 450, 451, 466, 467, 471, 472, 488, 489, 490, 491, 514, 515, 516, 518, 535, 536, 537, 539, 554, 557, 559, 560, 577, 578, 579, 580, 603, 604, 605, 612, 628, 629, 631, 632, 647, 648, 650, 652,
278, 299, 327, 346, 386, 410, 435, 452, 474, 492, 520, 540, 561, 582, 613, 633, 653,
280, 300, 328, 347, 388, 412, 436, 455, 475, 493, 521, 541, 563, 583, 614, 637, 655,
281, 282, 283, 285, 301, 302, 303, 304, 329, 330, 331, 332, 34~ 35~ 357, 358, 389, 390, 391, 392, 413, 414, 415, 416, 437, 439, 440, 441, 456, 457, 458, 459, 477, 480, 481, 482, 495, 496, 497, 499, 522, 524, 525, 527, 542, 543, 544, 546, 566, 567, 568, 569, 584, 585, 587, 591, 615, 616, 617, 622, 638, 639, 640, 641, 656, 657, 658, 659,
287, 305, 333, 362, 395, 417, 443, 460, 483, 501, 528, 547, 571, 592, 623, 642, 660,
LONG SERVICE AS SECRETARIES. Our three oldest Secretaries are still at work: Bro. R. H. Caffall, Secretary of Anchor Lodge No. 443, St. Louis, now serving his fortysecond year; W. Bro. A. P. Watkins, Secretary of Cache Lodge No. 416, St. Louis, now serving his thirty-seventh year, and W. Bro. Charles C. Prettyman, Sr., Secretary of Neosho Lodge No. 247, now serving his thirty-fourth year. The reports of these Secretaries are always correct. Breckenridge Lodge No. 334 reports that their oldest member, Bro. Joseph S. Halstead is in good health and enjoyed very much the Visit of the Grand Master this year. Bro. Halstead is now more than 106 years old and has been a Master Mason for EIGHTY-TWO YEARS. He was raised in Lexington. Kentucky, in 1842. We desire to express our thanks to the Grand Secretary and his very efficient assistants for courtesies and help rendered to us while in his office compiling this report. Fraternally submitted. C. L. ALEXANDER, J. F. BABER, W. O. WIGGINS, E. O. BACON.
TELEGRAM. The Grand Lodge, on motion of M. W. Bro. C. C. Woods, wired to her daughter, the Grand Lodge of Iowa, as followsin response to he! message of yesterday:
Grcnd Lodge of Missouri
Newton R. Parvin, Grand Secretary. Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M .â&#x20AC;˘ Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I am directed by the Grand Lodge of Missouri, now assembled in its One Hundred and Fourth Annual Communication, to convey to our sister Grand Jurisdiction its cordial good wishes and appreciation of felicitations received. FRANK R. JESSE, Grand Secretary.
R. VV. Bro. Arthur IVlather, for the Committee, presented the following report, which was adopted: To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Missouri: At the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge in 1923, the undersigned Committee was appointed to carry out the wishes of the Grand Lodge in the matter of service to the Craft in Missouri. In the absence of any program or suggestion on the part of the Grand Lodge, it became necessary for the Committee to use its judgment as to the character of program which would suit the needs of the Fraternity. A conference of District Deputies having been called by the Grand Master, an opportunity was given to lay our program before these representative Freemasons. As outlined at that time, the program consisted of: 1. Traveling libraries. 2. Speakers' Bureau. 3. Monthly programs. 4. Radio broadcasting, 5. Supplementary bulletins. 6. Advisory service. In carrying out this program. the following things have been accomplished: 1. Ten traveling libraries have been sent out and are now being used by Brethren in ten of our Masonic districts. Each library contains approximately thirty books on Masonic or kindred subjects; these libraries are in charge of the district deputy and are being shipped from Lodge to Lodge. !<'rom reports received, it is evident they are supplying a long-felt need 'and the committee has only to regret the number is not 100 instead of 10. 2. Early in the year a speakers' bureau was organized. Almost three hundred of the leading Freemasons of Missouri volunteered their se.rVices in educational work; a directory or "Who's Who" was issued, which gives the a.ddress, telephone number, personal biography and addresses in the repertoire of each speaker. It has
Proceedings of the
been estimated that, although the bureau was organized in the early spring, that fifteen hundred addresses have been given by speakers from the bureau. 3. To carry out the idea of a mo1nthly program in each Lodge, it was decided to issue a Grand Lodge Magazine. To this end, there was established in February, 1924, the Missouri Grand Lodge Bulletin, a quarterly magazine of forty-eight pages, which is being mailed to an educational representative in each Lodge, to all speakers, Grand Lodge officials and others interested in Masonic education; in addition to working out the monthly program, opportunity has been taken to present historical studies and biographical sketches peculiarly in teresting to Missouri Freemasons. 4. We have been fortunate in broadcasting two radio programs under the auspices of the Service Association, one from WDAF, the Kansas City Star, the other WOS, the State Marketing Bureau, to both of which organizations the Craft is indebted. We have been unable to interest other stations in Missouri for various reasons. 5. During the year three bulletins have been issued as part of our supplementary bulletin program: (a) Pamphlet; instructions to speakers and educational representatives in carrying out our speakers' program. (b) "The Stranger Within Our Gates," a pamphlet dealing with the treatment of visitors to our Lodges. (c) "The First Bulwark of Freemasonry," a pamphlet of instructions and suggestions for the use of investigating committees. In addition to the above pamphlets, many circular letters and suggestions have been issued; a two-page sheet of suggested addresses, covering citizenship, religion, history, economics, etc., was mailed to each speaker. 6. The Association has offered its services in many capacities. We have attempted to serve as a clearing house for information, we have furnished material to many speakers, we have consulted with local representatives and have assisted in organizing district councils and local libraries; in short, we have attempted to make our motto that of SERVICE. One of the notable events in the history of the year, was the Flag Day program in St. Louis, the result of the organization of a district council. The meeting was presided over by Ex-Governor Herbert S. Hadley; and Dr. Stratton D. Brooks and Grand Master McIn tyre made appropriate addresses. The Committee has not accomplished all that it set out to do, but it has made a beginning and has kept within the appropriation8.11 of which has been expended in actual SERVICE. No member of your Committee has received any salary路 or emolument and all feel that the satisfaction of rendering service to their fellow members has been sufficient glory and compensation.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
Our suggestion would be that the work be carried on next year as already outlined; the work is yet in its infancy; much remains to be done; it must, of necessity, be a gradual development and time only will tell of what has been accomplished. Fraternally submitted, RAY V. DENSLOW, .TOHN P. AUSTIN, FRED O. WOOD. CORONA H. BRIGGS,
REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON MEMORIAL MONUMENTS. 1VI:. W. Bro. Bert S. Lee presented the report of above Committee, for the Chairman, R. \V. Bro. James W. Skelly. Adopted as follows: To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of Missouri: We, your Committee on Memorial Monuments, appointed to submit a design for the memorial pages of our Prpceedings to replace the design adopted in 1883. respectfully present the simple style or desie-n which has been used in the Proceedings during the past two years believing that its simplicity and dignity are in keeping- with the best practice of the present time. We further recommend that since this is 'a matter of minor detail. the Grand Secretary be given authority to make such changes in the future at his discretion. JAMESW. SKELLY. FRANK R. JESSE, WM. J. KENNEDY.
REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON JURISPRUDENCE. R. W. Bro. Karl 1\1. Vetsburg, Chairman, presented the report on Jurisp~udence, which was adopted, subject to amendment to Decision No. 10 of the Grand Master, made 'on motion of M. W. Bro. Briggs, forbidding dancing in the lodge room. Also the FOURTH Tuesday in October was selected by the Grand Lodge as its Annual Meeting Day. \Vith these two amendments, the report was adopted seriatim~ and as a whole, as follows:
Proceedings of the
St. Louis, Mo., October 22, 1924.
To the M ost Missouri:
Grand J.odge, A. F. &. A. M., St. Louis,
Brethren: Your Committee on Jurisprudence submits the following report: Fir'Ct: We recommend that the following numbered decisions and rulings of the Most Worshipful Grand Master be approved: 1, 2, 3, 4, .6, 7, 8. 10, 11, 12, 14, 15. 18, 20, 21 and 23. S("cond: We also approve Decision No. 17, on the assumption that the regular time of meeting of the Lodge In question was later than five o'clock. Third: YOl,lr Committee disapproves Decision No.5. While the Junior Warden Is, of course, competent, as any other Mason is competent, to prefer the charge or' complaint referred to in Section 235 of the Grand Lodg'e By-laws, he cannot, under our trial code, prepare and file thc formal charges set out in Section 238 until the matter has been referred to the Grievance Committee and that Committee has found probable cause of guilt. Fourth: We approve Decision No.9. with this suggestion: We feel and believe that Section 247 is sufficiently broad to make the refusal of a Brother to serve on the trial jury a Masonic offense. It would be folly to hold a Brother punishable for failure to appear in answer to 3, summons and at the same time to say that he was not punishable if he appeared, but refused to serve. However, in order that there may be no question about thc point involved, we are elsewher~ in this report making a recommendation in regard thereto. Fifth: We reluctantly disapprove of Decision No. 13. which holds that where a funeral service is conducted by a Lodg'e. the pallbearers need not be members of the Fraternity. We find in the nook of Constitutions of 1882, Section 37. which provides as follows: "Section 37. Who Are Entitled to Burial. No Master Mason shHll be buried with Masonic funeral ceremonies unless he was a Master Mason in goood standing and no Fellow Craft or F.ntcredApprentice shall be allowe'd to appear as Masons on funeral occasions." -Apparenqy this section had 'been in our'law for some time prior thereto, for we' 'find that in the Proceedings of 1877. Page 35. the sec-' tion was construed and the Grand Lodge held that under t.his section Freemasons only. could act as pallbearers at a Masonic funeral. In order to chang-e the law of this decision, the Grand Lodge (Proceeding'S 1900. Pag-e 58) amended Section 198 of the 路By-Iaws so as t.o read as follows: "Section 198. Funeral Services. A Lodge as such may attend the funeral of a deceased Brother and accompany the remains being conveyed to the place of interment. whether the Lodge or any other Masonic body performs the Masonic funeral rites at the grave. But nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the appointment of non-Masonic pallbearers by the family of the deceased or prevent any church or moral or
Grand Lodge of Missouri
bcnevolent socicty from uniting in. the funeral procession or from rendering its c'eremonies at" the grave, or prevent any civic or public demonstration of respect for the deceased Brother." We further find that in the revision of 1908, the last mentioned sections were again amended so as to read as follows: . "Section 257. Funeral Services. A Master Mason shall not be buried with Masonic funeral ceremonies unless he was at the time of his deat.h a Master Mason in good standing. A Fellow Craft or Entered Apprentice shall not be allowed to appear as a Mason on funeral occasions." "Section 258. Same. A lodge as such may attend the funeral of a deceased Brother and accompany the remains to the place of interment, whether or not the Lodge or any othcr Masonic body performs the Masonic rites at the grave." It will be noted from the foregoing that Section 257 is substantially a re-enactment of the former Section 37, and that in the re-enactment of Sect.ion 258, the Grand Lodge has omitted that portion of former Section 198 permitting the appointment of non-Masons as pallbearers. Dnder these circumstances. we can only conclude that the intention of the Grand Lodge was to re-adopt and to again make law the decision of 1877 above referred to. We feel that the law should be as declared by the Grand Master, not as in the revision of 1908. We. therefore, recommend that Section 258 (218 in 1921 revision) be amended so as to read as follows:
"Section 258. Same. A. Lodge as such' may attend t~e funeral of a deceased Brother and accompany the remains to t.路he place of interment. whether or not the Lodge or any other Masonic body performs the Masonic rites at the grave. Hut. nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the appointment of non-Masonic pallbearers or prevent any church or moral or b~nevolent society from uniting in the funeral procession or from rendering ceremonies at t.he grave, or prevent any civic or pUblic demo路nstration路 of respect for the deceased Brother." Sixth: We approve Decision No. 16 as correctly expressing the law since the adoption of Section 166 of the By-laws of 1921. Se,'enfh: We approve Decision No. 19 upon the following conditiom; and understanding: (1) That every Master Mason in good standing is entitled to Masonic burial. (2) That while a Lodge may, in the case of the death of an indigent Brother, pay ali of the expenses incident to his intcrment, the Lodge if; not legally liable for the undertaker's, cemetery's and other expenses incident thereto, unless it agrees to assume the same.. Rigllth: We approve of Decision No. 22. We feel, however. t.hat the Grand Master was too lenient with the Brethren who apparently so flagrantly Violated our law. We recommend that this matter be referred to the incoming .Grand Master for investigation and punishment of the Brethren involvel;1, if found to be guilty.
Proceedings of the
Ninth: "'rVe disapprove Decision No. 24, for the reason that Section 46 of the Grand l... odge By-laws 1921 provides that "exemption from the payment of fees shall not be made in favor of any candidate, under any circumstances, by the return of all 'or part of said fees, as donations, loans or otherwise." The By-laws provide for the return of fees for the degrees in only one inst"ance, that of rejection of the candidate. (Section 126, By-laws 1921.) Tenth: 'Ve disapprove Decision No. 25. We believe that if Erwin Lodge desires relief in the matter in question, such relief can only be obtained by amendment to the By-laws.
At the annual communication in 1923, the following amendments were proposed, referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence and under the law were permitted to lie over until this communication: (Proceedings 1923, Page 206, et seq.) (1) "BE IT RESOLVED, That Section 1 of Article I, of the Grand Lodge By-laws (1921) be amended as follows: "By striking out the word 'third' in the third line of said section and substituting in lieu thereof the word 'fourth' so that said By-law, when so amended shall read as follows: "'An Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge shall be held in the City of St. Louis on the Fourth Tuesday of October in each year, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m.; provided, that the place of meeting for the next Annual Communication may be changed when a majority of the Grand Lodge shall deem it expedient. Provided further, that in the event of an epidemic, catastrophe '01' any other cause that would make it . impossible for the Grand Lodge to meet as herein provided. the Grand Master, with the consent of his Associate Elective Grand Officers, may change the time or place of the路 Annual Communication.' "
This amendment involves merely a question of the convenience of this Grand Lodge, and we submit it without r'ecommendation. (2) "To amend Section 11 of Article II. of the Grand Lodge By-laws so that the las t sentence shall read: 'He shall receive for his services the sum of $500 per annum.' " We recommend that this amendment be adopted. (3) "BE IT RESOLVED, That Section 46 of the Grand Lodge By-Laws (1921) be amended"By striking out that part of said section beginning with the word 'The' after the word 'Lodge' in the ninth line of said section and ending with the word 'petition' in the tenth line of said section and inserting in lieu thereof the following: .. 'One-half the amount must accompany the petition, The balance shall be divided as the Lodge may direct, and no degree shall be conferred un til the sum required therefor has
Grand Lodge of Missouri
been paid.' So that said section, as so amended, shall read as follows: "Section 46. Fees. A Lodge shall not confer the three degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry for a less sum than 'l'wenty Dollars, nor shall any Lodge in a city or town Where more than one Lodge and less than ten Lodges are located confer the degrees for a less sum than Thirty Dollars; nor shall any Lodge in a city or town where ten or more Lodges are located confer the three degrees for a less sum than Fifty Dollars; but more may be charged at the discretion of any Lodge. Onehalf the amount must accompany the petition. The balance shall be divided as the Lodge may direct, and no degree shall be conferred until the sum required therefor has been paid. Exemption from the payment of fees shall not be made in .favor of any candidate, under any circumstances, by the return of all or part of said fees, as donations, loans or otherwise." We recommend that this amendmen t be not adopted. (4) "BE IT RESOLVED, That Section 74 of the Grand Lodge By-laws, as amended in 1922, Grand Lodge Proceeding's, Page 213, be amended by striking out the words and figures 'Two Dollars and Twenty-five Cents ($2.25), in both places where they occur, and inserting in place thereof, the words and figures 'Two Dollars and Tcn Cents ($2.10),' so that said Section when so amended, shall read as follows; "Section 74. Annual Dues. Every Chartered Lodge shall pay annually to the Grand Lodge the sum of Two Dollars and 'l'en Cents ($2.10) for each .Master Mason reported in the annual returns except those whose dues have been remitted. One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50) of this sum shall be used for the support of the Masonic Home, unless otherwise ordered by the Grand Lodge. If any Lodge shall collect from a suspended member dues, for the non-payment of which he shall have been suspended, such Lodge shall pay to the Grand Lodge the sum of Two Dollars and Ten Cents ($2.10) for each year's dues so collected, if not previously accounted for." We recommend that this amendment be adopted. (4) "BE IT RESOr...vED, That Section 75 of the Grand Lodge By-Laws (1921) be amended by 'adding thereto the following words, to-wit: "'Failure to make such returns shall subject a Lodge to a fine of $10 for each period of thirty days or a fraction thereof such returns are withhcld,' so that the said section when so amended shall read as follows: "Section 75. Annual Returns. Thc fiscal year of a Lodge shall clos~ on the 30th day of June and every Chartered Lodge In this Jurisdiction shall forward its anpual returns on or before August 1st to thc Grand Secretary. Such rcturns shall contain a list of officers and members of the Lodge; a list of thosc who have been initiatcd, passed, raised and admitted; of
Proceedings of the
deaths, dimissions, suspensions, expulsions, rejections and restorations, with respective dates opposite each name; such returns shall be in duplicate, signed by the Master, and attested by the Secretary, under the seal of the Lodge, and one forwarded to the Grand Secretary, with the dues, at the time specified above. Failure to make such returns shall subject a Lodge to a fine of Ten ($10) Dollars for each period of thirty days or a fraction thereof such returns are withheld." We recommend that this amendme~t be adopted. (5) "Bg IT RESOLVED, That Section 76 of the Grand Lodge By-laws (1921) be amended by striking out certain words of said section as follows; "'No representative shall receive either mileage or per diem unless all dues from his Lodge to the Grand Lodge have been paid by August 1st,' and the words 'shall receive more than one-fifth of the sum paid by his Lodge for that year as dues, and no one,' so that said section, when so amended, shall read as follows: "Section 76. Mileage and Pel' Diem. The Past Grand Masters, Grand Officers, District Deputy" Grand Masters, District Lecturers and one Representative from each Chartered Lodge and each Lodge U. D., and the Chairman of each Standing Committee who do not draw mileage and per diem in any other capacity, shall be paid the sum of Five ($5) Dollars for each day they may be in actual attendance upon the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, and four cents per mile for each mile necessarily traveled in going to and returning therefrom, provided, that no Representative shall receive mileage or PCI' diem in a double capacity." We recommend that this amendment be adopted. (6) In response to the instructions of the Grand Lodge at its Communication, the Jurisprudence Committee prepared and presented the following amendment: 1~123
"BE IT RESOLVED, That Section 204 of Article XVII of the Grand Lodge By-laws be amended as follows: By adding clause-'and provided that any Freemason engaged in the business of publishing any Masonic book, journal or periodical, who permits the printing of any advertisement in such publication using the word 'Masonic' or any other terms, sign or symbol of Freemasonry for commercial or business enterprises, the use of which is prohibited by the Grand Lodge Bylaws, shall be deemed guilty of un-Masonic conduct,' so that said Section 204, when so amended, shall read as follows: "Section 201. Masonic Emblems and the .word 'Masonic,' Use of Prohibited. Any Freemason using the word 'Masonic' or any other term, sign or symbol of Freemasonry for commercial or other business enterprises, shall be deemed guilty of un-Masonic conduct; iJrovid'ed, that this section shall not apply to Masonic books, journals or periodicals, or a legiti-
Grand Lodge of Missouri
mate trade in Masonic supplies, and provided that any Freemason engaged in the business of publishing- any Masonic book, journal or periodical, who permits the printing of any advertisement in any such publication using the word 'Masonic,' oJ;" any other term, sign or symbol of Freemasonry for commercial or other~usiness enterprises, the use of which is prohibited by the Grand Lodge By-laws, shall be deemed guilty of un-Masonic conduct." We recommel\d that this amendment be adopte? PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO TRIAL CODE, ETC. We find in the Proceedings of 1!l22, Page 166, et seq. the following proposed amendments to the Trial Code, submitted by the then Jurisprudence Committee. According to law, these amendments were permitted to lie over until 1923, During the Annual Communication of 1923, no action was taken thereon, We, therefore, recommend action thereon as follows:
(l) "That Section 262 be amended 'by striking out the word 'complete' In line 13 thereof so that. said section when so amended shall read as follows: "Section 262. Expense of Trial. The Chairman of the Trial Comm'ittee shall make an itemized st.atement of the costs attending the trial,. which may include th~ traveling expenses of the members of the Committee, and other necessary expenses, the necessary mileage and per diem as allowed in civil cases, for witnesses attending the trial at the request of the Junior Warden, the necessary expenses incurred in the taking of depositions at the request of the Junior Warden, the services of a stenographer or other persons secured by the Committee to take down the testimony, and the service of notices provided by the By-laws, which items, but no others, shall be paid by the Lodge; provided, however, that the party ordering a transcript of the testimony shall pay for such transcript; and provided further, that if the Worshipful Master of the Lodge shall be satisfied and shall certify in writing- that the accused is unable to pay the expenses of securing the attendance of witnesses. or the expense of a transcript or both, such expense shall, at the request of the accused, be also paid by the Lodge." We recommend the adoption of this amendment.
"That Section 247 of the By-laws be amended as fol'--~~
"By inserting after the word 'Committee' in line nine of Subdivision (a) of this section, the following words-'And the Worshipful Master of the ,Lodge shall be disqualified from acting if the accuser or accused shall file with the Secretary of the Lodge in not less than five days before the date fixed for the trial, a declaration made upon his Masonic honor alleging that the accuser or the accused cannot have a fair and im-
Proceedings of the
partial trial before him, either because of kinship wi-th the accused, a material witness or interested for or against the accused.' "By striking out the word 'twelve' after the word 'draw' in line 20 on page 63, and insertinw in lieu thereof, the word 'eighteen.' "By striking out the word 'twelve' after the word 'said' in line 22 on page 63, and inserting in lieu thereof, the word 'eighteen.' â&#x20AC;˘ "By striking out the word 'twelve' after the word 'the' in line 28 on page 63, and inserting in lieu thereof, the wor<1 'eighteen.' "By inserting after the word 'and' and before the word 'other' in line 32 on page 63. the following words-'If more than six shall be disqualified as jurors.' "By striking out the word 'twelve' in line 8 on page 64, and inserting in lieu thereof the word 'eighteen.' "By inserting after the word 'Brethren' and before the word 'so' in line 8 on page 64, the following words--'or a less number of said Brethren, but not less than twelve.' "By striking out the words-'the panel of twelve' after the word 'and' in line 16 on page 64 and inserting in lieu .thereof and before the word 'filled' the following words: 'If the number of the jury panel after the sustaining of any challenges for a good cause be less than twelve, then the panel shall be.' "By striking out the word 'when' in line 18 on page 64, and inserting in lieu thereof and before the word 'twelve,' the following words: 'the first.' (; "By striking out the words 'have been selected' after the word 'jurors' in line 18 on page 64, a.nd inserting in lieu thereof, and before the word 'the' in line 18 on 64, the following words: 'shall constitute the trial panel and.' "And by striking out the word 'twelve' after the word 'the' in line 37 on page 64, and inserting in lieu thereof, the word 'eighteen' so that this section shall be and provide as follows: "Section 247. Trial Committee. All trials un<fer this Trial Code shall be held before a tribunal known as the 'Trial Committee,' which shall be constituted as follows: (a) "The Worshipful Master of the Lodge shall be the chairman of said Trial Committee, and shall fix the date of the trial and preside thereat, provided, however, that if the Worshipful Master disqualifies himself or be disqualified from acting, either because of kinship with the accused, a material witness, or interested for or against the accused, the District Deputy Grand Master of the District in which said charges are 'preferred, or some suitable Master Mason, appointed by the Grand Master. shall be chairman of said ComI
Grand Lodge of Missouri
mittee. And the "\\Torshipful Master of the Lodge shall be disqualified from actin'g if the Junior Warden or accused shall file with the Secretary of the Lodge in not less than five days before date fixed for the trial, a declaration made upon his Masonic honor, alleging that the accuser or accused cannot have a fair and impartial trial before him, either because of kinship with the a'ccused, a material witness, or interested for or against the accused. (b) The Secretary of the Lodge, or a stenographer who shall be a Master Mason in good standing, may be designated as Secretary, such Secretary to be the Secretary of the Committee. take the testimony, keep the minutes of the meetings, and preserve and file all writings or papers that may be filed during the trial. (c) The Marshal of the Lodge shall be the Marshal of . said Trial Committee, and shall preserve order, and perform such duties as may be required by the chairman of the Trial Committee. (d) A jury of six Master Masons in good standing of the Lodge shall determine the guilt or innocence of the accused and shall fix the punishment, such jury to be selected in the following manner: "The Worshipful Master of the Lodge shall, within two weeks after his installation, and together with the Senior Warden and Senior D"eacon, place in a locked box provided for that purpose the names of not more than sixty (60) nor less than twenty-four Master Masons in good standing in the Lodge, from which the trial jury shall be drawn as hereinafter provided. If, 'during the year, such box shall be depleted by withdrawal therefrom, it shall be the duty of the parties herv in named to place additional names therein to fill the vacancfcsoccasioned by such withdrawal. Such box shall be kept locked and no une shall have access thereto. except fo~ the pur"pose of drawing the jury therefrom or placing the names of jurors therein. The names in said box shall be destroyed at the end of the year and refilled by the incoming officers at the commencement of their terms. All persons whose names are drawn from said box and who serve as a trial jury shall not be required to serve again for one year." The names of persons drawn from the box and not selected as a trial jury shall be returned to said box. "It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Lodge to provide a locked box suitable for the purpose mentioned in the preceding paragraph and to. s.afely keep and preserve the same. "The Chairman of the Trial Committee shall, after charges have been preferred and filed, and notice thereof given, as herein provided, and blindfoJded, and in the presence of the Senior "Varden and Senior Deacon, draw 18 names from said box, from which n umber the trial jury shall be selected. The names of the said 18 jurors so drawn shall be filed with the Seci-etax:y of the Lodge who shall at once cause the Brethren so
Proceedings of the
drawn to be summoned by written notice to appear on the date named for the trial. l<'ailure to so appear in obedience to said. summons, unless for good cause shown to the Chairman of the Committee shall constitute a Masonic offense. If any of the 18 so drawn shall be related in any manner or degree to the accused, or be a witness either for or against the accused or have either formed or expressed an opinion as to the guilt or innocence of the accused, they shall be disqualified as jurors, and if more than six shall be disqualified, other names shall be drawn from the box until twelve, disinterested. Master Masons in good standing have been drawn from said box. If, on the day of the trial, less than t wei ve 'of those summoned shall appear, the Chairman of the Trial Committee shall fill the vacancies by drawing additional names from said box; and, provided, that if a panel of twelve jurors is not obtained on the day of said trial,. the Chairman of the Trial Committee shall have the right to postpone said trial until such jury panel shall be filled. If the Chairman of the Trial Committee shall not be able to secure twelve qualified jurors from the Lodge in which the charg'es have been preferred, then he shall summon from adjacent Lodge or Lodges sufficient qualified jurors to complete the panel of twelve. "'l'he 18 Brethren or a less number of said Brethren, but not less than twelve, so drawn or selected, shall answer upon their Masonic honor such questions touching their qualifications to sit as jurors as may be put to them, either by the Junior \-Varden, the accused or the Chairman of the Trial Committee. "Either the accused or the Junior Warden may challenge for good cause, and if such challenge shall be sustained by the' Chairman of the Trial Committee, the Brother so challenged shall be excused. And if the number of the jury panel shall, aft~r the sustaining of any' challenges, for good cause, 'be less than twelve, then the panel shall be filled by the drawing from said box in the manner hereinbefore provided. The first twelve qualified jurors shall constitute the trial panel, and the Junior Warden shall peremptorily strike off three names from said panel and the accused shall thereupon strike off three names, and the six so remaining shall constitute the trial jury, and said trial jury shall be sworn upon their Masonic honor, to well and trUly try the issues, and true findings render according to the law and evidence. "Immediately after said trial jury shall have been selected, the Trial Chairman shall charge said jury to refrain from discussing the case among themselves, or with any witness, or with the accused, and shall not allow any' other person to talk with them about said case, and if any person :shall attempt to talk to them with reference thereto, they shall immediately refer the matter to the Trial Chairman, so that they will keep their minds free and open until the conclusion of the entire trial. And this same admonition and charge shall be given at every recess or adjournment of the trial of said cause.
1924.] .
Grand Lodge of Missouri
167 â&#x20AC;˘
"If any person shall attempt to talk about thc pending trial with either the trial jury, or any member thereof, or the eighteen Brethren selected as above, it shall constitute a Masonic offense."
We recommend the adoption of this amendment with the addition of the words "and serve if selected," following the word "summons" in line 10, paragraph 4 of sub-division (d) thereof, making said paragraph of sub-division (d) read as follows: "The Chairman of the '1'rial Committee shall, after charges have been preferred and filed, and notice thereof given, as herein prov ided, and blindfolded, and in the presence of the Senior Warden and Senior Deacon, draw 18 names from said box, from which number the trial jury shall be selected. The names of the said 18 jurors so drawn shall be filed with the Secretary of the Lodge who shall at once cause the Brethren so drawn to be summoned by written notice to appear on the date named for the trial. Failure to so appear in obedience to said summons and serve if selected, unless for good cause shown to the Chairman of the Committee shall constitute a Masonic offense. IJ: any of the 18 so drawn shall be related in. any manner or degree to the accused, or be a witness either for or against the accused, or have either formed or expressed an opinion as to the guilt or innocence of the accused, they shall be disqualified as jurors, and if more than six shall be disqualified, other names shall be'drawn from the box until twelve, disinterested Mastcr Masons in good standing have been drawn from said box. If, on the day of the trial, less than twelve of those summoned shall appear, the Chairman of the Trial Committee shall fill. the vacancies by drawing additional names from said box; and, Provided, that if a panel of twelve jurors is not obtained on the day of said trial, the Chairman of the Trial Committee shall have the right to postpone said trial until such jury panel shall be filled. If the Chairman of the Trial Committee shall not be able to secure twelve qualified .jurors from the Lodge in which the charges. have been preferred, then he shall summon from adjacent Lodge or Lodges sufficient qualined jurors to complete the panel of twelve.'~, (3) That Section 129 of the By-laws of 1921 be and the . same. is hereby repealed and in lieu thereof, the following be enacted as Section 129: :. "Section 129. Same. Every newly-made Master Mason shall stand a satisfactory examination in opcn lodge in the proficiency lecture of the first section of the Degree of Master Mason. No newly-made Master Mason, who fails or refuses to stand such examination shall be permitted to vote, hold office in the Lodge, or dimit, provided, howcver, if he shall fail or rcfuse to stand such examination within six months after being notified by the Lodge so to do, he shall be deprived of all the rights and privileges of a Master Mason (except the right
â&#x20AC;˘ 168
Proceedings of the
to receive Mat'onic instruction) until he shall have complied with the provi 'ions of this section," .We recommend that this amendment .be laot adopted. (4) That a new section to be known as Section 227-A be added ,to the By-laws, which shall be and provide as follows: ,"Section 227-A. By-laws Effective When. All additional sections to the By-laws. amendments thereto and repeal thereof shall become effective upon the closing of the Annual Communication of, the Grand Lodge at which adopted. unless otherwise provided," We recommend the adoption of this amendment. RECOMMENDATION OF GRAND MASTER. The Committee on Grand Master's Address has referred to this Committee that portion of the address found on pages 5 and 6 thereof, under the caption, "Courtesies to and from Sister Jurisdictions." We find that this matter is fully coyered by Sections 181, 182, 183 and 184 of the Grand Lodge By-laws 1921, and your Committee believes that there i-s no occasion for this Grand Jurisdiction to change the' law as therein. declared.
iN 'i'HE MATTER O:F' LEROY M. ECHOLS, 'In the' matter of the proceeding of Leroy M. Echols referred to this Committee, we find that this was an attempt to file a charge a gainst' Brother William H. Bode in Good Hope Lodge No. 218; that wllat purported to be a charge was filed; that it was referred to the Grievance CommitteOl of said Lodge; that said Grievance Committee found that there was no probable cause that an offense had been committed; that they made their report to the Worshipful Master pf said Lodge; that the Worshipful Master in proper time informed Brother Echols of the finding of the Grievance Committee; that said Brother Echols, within the time prescribed by law, presented said matter to the Grand Master; that the Grand Master caused an investigation of the facts to be made, and reported tI:at he found the facts insufficient to support a charge and refused to order the Junior \Varden of said Lodge to file a charge. The petitioner does not charge' 'fraud, deception, undue influence' or any abuse of the discretion exercised by the Grand Master and vested in him by Section 246, Article XXI of the By-laws of 1921. Inasmuch as the matter in question is one which rests within the discretion of the Grand Master under the provisions of Section 246, this Committee finds that the matter is closed and recommends that no further action be taken by this Grand Lodge there'in. Respectfully submitted, KARL M. VETSBURG, THOMAS F. HURD, JAMES W. SKELLY,
Grand Lodge of Missouri
REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON PAYROLL. \"'1. Bro. ~Talter R. Shrodes, Chairman, made report for the Committee, which was adopted as follows: St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 23, 1924.
To the Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. lvl. of Missouri: Your Committee on Payroll at this session of路 the Grand Lodge begs to report that the allowances paid for Mileage and Per Diem have been distributed as follows: Grand Officers Past Grand Masters District Deputy Grand Masters District Lecturers Jurisprudence Committee Appeals and Grievances Committee Chairmen of Committees Representatives of Chartered Lodges Official Reporter Representatives of Lodges U. D
$ 490.50 . 479.50 . 1,553.40 . 418.30 . 164.10 . 420.60 . 288.30 . 14.243.20 15.00 . 31.60
$18.104.50 Respectfully submitted, W. R. SHRODES, R. R. SMITH,
H. B. GLEAVES, E. S. WOODS. GRAND OFFICERS. J. S. McIntyre $15.00 J. W. Barrett. $15.00 Orestes Mitchell 45.80 R. V. Denslow 15.00 W. W. Martin............. 35.40 Thad. B. Landon 42.70 John Pickard 29.60' F. C. Barnhill 33.90 Wm. A. HalL.............. 15.00 J. R. McLachlan........... 33.80 F. R. Jesse 16.00 Duval Smith 45.80 Arthur Mather 16.20 Harry A. Krueger 15.00 A. F. Ittner 15.00 S. R. Freet ~ 42.70 B. E. Bigger 27.00 W. R. Gentry 16.60 R. H. Stafford 15.00
A. C. D. C. D. V. R.
PAST GRAND MASTERS. Dockery $35.10 Julius Garrell $15.00 Woods 42.70 T. W. Cotton : 33.50 Jamison............. 15.00 Bert S. Lee................ 38.80 Briggs 38.80 A. A. Johnson 38.80 Wilson 39.20 O. A. Lucas 42.70 Boor 42.70 W. F. Johnson 32.00 R. Kreeger............ 42.70 W. A. Clark............... 22.50
M. C. A. H. M. F.
Proceedings of the
DISTRICT DEPUTY G RAND MASTERS. R. A. Breuer (32) $23.00 G. V. Calvert (1) $33.80 L. H. Abrams (33a) 15.00 Chas. Banks (2) 35.40 F. B. Howarth (33b) 15.00 John Santee (3) 37.90 R. B. Campbell (35) 40~00 J. L. Barnett (4) 41.30 D. C. Moore (36) 33.80 1<'. M. French (5) 50.00 Thornton Jennings (37) 37.80 J. Stark (7) 46.80 W. C. Cowan (38) 31.00 A. McMichael (8) 52.60 C. L. Woods (39) 26.10 G. L. Markley (9) 45.80 C. E. Pyle (40) 19.60 H. "V. Saunders (10) 42.80 H. H. Finley (42) 42.70 W. A. Craven (11) 41.20 A. S. Michaelis (44) 48.10 R. A. Tharp (12) 38.40 C. A. Swenson (46) 41.90 E. W. Tayler (13) 35.60 F. E. McGhee (47)......... 39.40 H. J. Libby (14) 30.90 W. B. Massey (48) 21.10 J. E. Thompson (16) 24.50 G. W. Walker (49) 28.10 H. L. Mann (19) 33.70 F. O. Wood (22) 42.70 K. C. Johnson (52) 31.90 R. W. Galloway (53) 41.60 C. R. Waddell (23) 39.90 G . .J. Vaughn (54) 40.70 R. D .. Johnson (24) 28.90 ]\1[. E. Schmidt (25) 32.00 W. N. Marbut (55) 43.10 W. A. Phipps (56) '. 46.10 S. P. Cunningham (27) 26.00 E. l\L Rosevear (57) 16.00 J. E. Reeds (28) 22.00 E. A. Fluesmeier (30) 20.40 Allan McDowell Hoyt (59). 41.30 W. D. ~ogers (31) 27.50
â&#x20AC;˘J. F. Miller, Jr. (2) Fred Pearson (5) F. A. Miller (9) H. C. Noland (21) Asa D. Hurd (22) J. A. Oliver (26)
DISTRICT LECTURERS. $35.40 W. A. Webb (33) 47.90 E. J. Koch (39) 45.80 .J. R. Hutchinson (44) 43.70 G. W. Custer (45) 42.70 G. A. Sample (50) 29.60 G. S. Land (57)
$15.00 26.00 47.70 38.90 29.4.0 16.20
CHAIRMEN OF STANDING COMMITTEES. G. C. Marquis $41.30 A. J. O'Reilly $15.00 C. H. Knapp............... 15.00 J. M. Breckenridge........ 15.00 W. R. Shrodes 39.20 H. C. Perkins 15.00 C. L. Alexander 15.00 J. A. Kinder 28.10 A. B. Frey 15.00 1<'. D. Gildersleeve 15.00 J. P. Tucker 43.70 H. L. Reader 16.00 F. L. Magoon.............. 15.00 COMMITTl<~E ON JURISPRUDENCE. Karl M. Vetsburg $20.00 T. H. Reynolds $47.70 T. F. Hurd................ 36.40 .J. 'w. Skelly.............. 20.00 C. E. Cullen 20.00 C. Lew Gallant. 20.00
COMMITTEE ON APPEALS' AND GRIEVANCES. H. C. Chiles $64.90 C. A. FitzGerald G. C. Million 57.00 A. J . .Jones 0.' H. Swearingen 57.70 G. C. Sparks A. H. Mann 67.70
$41.00 60.40 71.90
Grand Lodge of Missouri
OFFICIAL REPORTER. H. Da Costa $15.00 REPRESENTATIVES OF LODGES U. D. D. D. Newlin (Greentop) .. $31.60 No. 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 R 9
10 12 13·
14 15 16 17 1R •19
20. 24 25 26 27 28 29 ':l0
31 32 33
34 35 38 39 40 41 43 45 47 48
49 50 52 53 55
LODGE. REPRESENTATIVE. PAID Missour'i ,John Wohradsky, .Jr $15.00 Meridian H. F. Becker . 15.00 Beacon VV'. H. Almstedt · . 15.00 Howard C. S. Duncan . 32.30 United E. S. W·oods '.' ' .. 38.90 Ark C. H. Nelson . 33.00 O'Sullivan C. A. Holder . 32.40 Williamsburg 0. Ga.rrett . 9.45 Geo. Washington Eo O. Bacon . 15.00 Agency H. G. McLanahan . 44.80 Tyro W . .J. Dent . 23.10 Rising Sun 1... D. Williams .. 42.00 Eolia H. G. I.ewis ' . 20.70 ""~estern Star Ross De Ford . 36.45 Memphis Ralph Ladd . 36.30 Clarl{svillo W. H. Clifford . 23.40 Palmyra Mackey Howell . 28.50 Paris Union W. E. McColly . 31.40 St. Louis J. A. Stiffelman . 15.00 Wyaconda E. S. Bailey . 30.00 Naphtali H. E. Evers . 15.00 Ava H. S. Wilson . 44.80 Evergreen G. A. Bailey . 21.70 R. Hausserman . 27.00 Sf.. ..John Windsor E. S. Daley . 36.00 Huntsville Dan Mandry . 30.50 Liberty A. F. Wherritt . 41.70 Humphreys W. E. Alexander . 25.65 Ralls .T. v\T. Doyle . 27.50 Troy A. Y. Blair . 21.00 Mercer H. H. Carlisle . 38.60 Callao R. S. Goodrich . 32.90 DeWitt ......•......... .T. A. Williams . 28.35 l\1:f.. Moriah W. H. Meyers . 15.00 Bismarck Robt. Ward . 22.90 Jefferson W. H. Ferguson . 27.50 Bonhomme. . ••••...••••••r. W. Finlay . 17.30 Fayette B. L. Shields . 31.00 Fulton L. O. Fleming . 28.40 Holt R. B. Cutler . 29.25 Xenia F.. L. Gray . 48.30 Wakanda L. Samuels · . 36.10 Weston M. M. Ohlhausen ...........•..... 45.50 Arrow Rock ....••....••T. B. Morris . 13.95
172 No. 57 58 59 60 62 63 64 69 70 71 72 74
76 77 78 79 80 8'2
83 84
85 86 87 88 89
90 92 93 95 !l6 97
99 100 101 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
111 112 113 114 115 116 118
Proceedings of the LODGE. Richmond Monticello Centralia New Bloomfield Vinci! Cambridge Monroe Sullivan Armstrong Savannah Gorin Warren Independence Lebanon St. Joseph Polar Star Bridgeton Jackson Laclede Webster Grovp,s Miami Brookfield Washington Defiance Friendship Russellville Perseverance St. Marks Pomegranate, St. Andrews Bethany Webster Mt. Vernon Ash Grove Bogard Heroine Kirksville Gallatin Greenville Altamont Stanberry ...•....... Marcus Trenton Maitland Plattsburg Twilight Laddonia Barnes Kingston De Soto
REPRESENTATIVE. .T. F ..Baber B. J. Hayden Dave Robbins C. N. Pearre ' L. C. Allen J. K. Dulaney H. M. Jayne J. W. Bealke J. B. Thorpe J. '\V. Roberts Joe Hicks L. B. Thrash N. D. Jackson G. L. Jourdan A. R. Chesmore ·B. A. Stege , W. J. Goddard R. G. Dray J. H. Easley ·L. A. Moon P. D. Grady Lee Bond R. D. Furby J. W. Evans '. N. R. Johnson C. O. C. Musick W. H. May W. N. Howard ·John Mathers T. G. Thompson P. T. Linville C. C. King : Ben Shulte ' E. E. Shaw R. B. Trussell Leo Adler G. C. Chambers Virgil Chrane F. B. Ellinghouse John Vanover :. G. L. Smith E. P. Francis M. W. EwiIJ.g C. A. Rozelle V. R. Porter J. E. Hawkins L. T. })oss H. 1\1:. Cannady H.. N. Swaithes H. A. Van Houten
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
34.10 17.55 27.40 24.10 41.60 32.80 29.20 21.80 30.70 46.90 29.70 32.60 41.30 24.50 45.80 15.00 16.60 36.60 33.10 16.00 30.60 35.80 42.70 37.35' 37.50
29.40 24.40 28.10 15.00 31.70 45.60 36.30 43.10
40.60 36.90 42.70 35.50 40.10 31.10
27.45 44.40 25.40 41.30 43.20 43.00 29.60
27.00 40.90 41.10 19.50
1924.] No. 120 121 122 124 125 126 127 128 129 132 133 134 136 137
140 145 147
149 150 152 154
156 158 159 160 163 164 165 167
171 172 173 174 177 178 179 180 18.3
185 186
187 188
189 191 192 194 195
197 199
Grand Lodge of Missouri LODGE.
Compass J. W. Fleming Erwin C. F. Ballak Triplett G. E. Bentley Union Star C. W. Lewis Gen'tryville Curtis Crawford Seaman 1). M. Wilson, Jr Athens •.••............ A. T. Bare : Lorraine H. C. Jones l\fonett H. B. Gieaves Farmington E. M. Swink Star of the West R. L. Barger Olean W. H. Crum Phoenix B.o McManus Delphian T. J. Humphrey Papinsville , .J. V. Bradley Latimer R. R. Huss Cass Arthur Cong'er, Jr Lexington A. J. Chalkley Birming R. Manville Linn Creek P. H. George Ionic A. J. Clay Springhill ..........•..•J. W. Cole Ashland ......•........ F. Suggett Mountain Grove H. C. Robertson Green City 1-1. O. Woy Pleasant R. M. Co\vden Occidental H. G. Lihou Joachim E:. M. Williams Maryville H. L. Stinson Revere G. E. Hardy Hartford P. V. Hart Censer W. O. Wiggins Gray Summit E. O. Brooks Sturgeon T. B. Garnett. Texas' ...•............. Warren Harrison Griswold S. M. 'Ball : Pride of the West W. H. Bredenkoetter Pyramid J. M. Widmer California R. E. Crum Chamois G. E. Moad Morality A. G. Davis: Hermon ; C. H. Hatten Hannibal J. A. Ihrig Zeredatha B. D. Brand Wilson H. R. Stevenson Frankford J. D. McIntyre Wellsville C. K Whitehead Bolivar C. Fi. ItJlliston Carthage grnest Davis New Hope R. Fi. BlacK
. . . . . . . . . . , .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
43.30 15.00 31.05 34.65 25.20 39.20 43.90 31.05 43.20 24.30 24.10 30.30 24.50 30.15 22.50 29.70 40.40 39.40 40.50 30.60 21.60 16.20 29.40 41.90 37.90 23.85 15:00 19.70 46.80 24.75 25.65 32.10 19.10 28.20 42.50 23.50 15.00 15.00 30.00 25.00 17.10 36.45 22.00 45.80 29.90 25.90 24.20 42.70 46.30 21.80
174 No.
Proceedings of the
Ravenwood Geo. I-Iouchens . 45.90 Westville Orner Robinson . 28.35 Brumley J. 1). Stan ton : . 31.00 Rowley G. W. Kirby, Jr . 45.10 Trilumina G. H. Fuller . 33.90 Somerset M. L. Brown . 30.15 Clay W. B. Greason . 41.20 Salisbury T. H. Edwards . 31.90 Poplar Bluff W. B. Sutton . 31.90 Unionville J. U. Brown . 41.30 Hickory Hill J. E. Dooley . 18.45 Rolla ................•. W. J. Kilgore . 26.00 Forest City C. O. Van Camp .. 40.05 Hornersville G. Ao Quinn. 36.50 Hale City E. J. Jennings 36.20 36.10 Barbee .............•..• W. Co Pelot Good Hope C. Vl. Markell 15.00 Albert Pike 0 Eo E. Hay 0,' • • • • • • • • 42.70 Kansas City .. N. Neustetter 42.70 Mystic Tie J. C. Cobble . 27.40 La Belle W. T. Scoggin 31.80 lIamilton L. I~. Allee . 40.10 Saline H. Schroeder 22.40 Cypress ..•............ N. G. Standley . 33.75 Shelbina Wo Do Barker 30.90 Claflin T. M. Callen 23.85 St. James W. Ro Meis 25.00 Cardwell H. R. StanfilL .. 31.95 Bucklin R. P. Nickerson 34.40 22.50 St. Francois C. Smith Weatherby J. T. Searcy. o' 28.80 Sedalia E. Gillespie o' . 33.80 La Plata Jo L. McKinstry. 34.10 Hopewell .. C. Mo Fitzpatrick. 26.40 Manes O. Eo Rhoades 21.60 Palestine H. B. Kienker 17.40 Portland J. S. Cole . 15.75 Keystone A. E. Boeschenstein . 15.00 J. O. Morgan 37.40 244. Middle Fabius :. 23.40 246 Montgomery .......... • A. E. Kemper F. A. Burt . .46.00 247 Neosho 249 Carroll .......•.... E. R. Cox . 37.10 Co Ao Gerhart . 25.65 250 Glens ted . 251 Hope E. Holtgrieve 20.40 W. D. Miller . 22.05 252 Alanthus C. A.. Trask, 39.20 253 Laredo Arthur Rice 41.65 255 Alton .. T. B. Cromwell ................•• 18.60 256 Shekinah J. E. Harper . 27.45 257 Lodge of Light. Orin Calloway '. . 34.20 258 Ravanna .
201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 224 226 227 228 229 230 231 233 234 235 236 237 239 240 241 242 243
Grand Lodge of Missouri
1924.] No. 259 262 265 267 269 270
271 272 273 274 , 276 277 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286
287 288 290
291 292
293 294 295 299 301
302 303 305 306
307 308
310 312
313 314 315 316
317 318
319 320 321
323 324 325
Lodge of Love F. W. Graves Holden E. T. '\Vebb '. Corinthian G. F. Wilson Aurora Allen Umstattd Brotherhood J. 1<'. Wilcox : New Salem F. W. Langford Solomon H. C. Turk ; : .. Granite W. E. Staley St. Clair Oliver Brown Cold Spring R. J. Bartholomew.............. Grand River J. F. Myers : Wm. D. Muir C. 1f. Shepherd Hogle's Creek J .. S.W:illiams Reeds Spring A. A. Gra.,cey..................... Fenton \-\I'm. DeGrendele Cosmos : Louis Mannist Stockton ' .. ,. F. E. Wren Canopy ..............•. E. B. Samuel Earl ....•.............. P. O. Orten " Urich ................. • M. R. McDonald Craft G. A. Stow....................... Hermitage D.· R. Owsley Fairmount .........•.•• A. Glaser Edina ....•............• J. B. McKay..................... Lamar H. D. Blair Sarcoxie W. D. Sabert Mound City ......•..... F. E. Cottier.................... Moniteau J. B. Seitz...................... Temple E. H. Kundegraber.............. White Hall .. ; A. L. Steader Lick Creek E. E. Crockett Osage Hal ,Mitchell :. Cecile-Daylight E. C.Mankin Ashlar L. W. Simmons New IJondon E. T. Carstarphen " Parrott C .. A. Pierce..................... Sikeston E.E. Atterbury Cuba Wm. Recklein l\<Ieramec J. W. Thee · Pine C. W. Hood Jerusalem Guy Farmer : Rural •................. H. C. Angell Osborn ' R. Brand ...................•... El Dorado H. W. Calvert. Paulville J. L. Platz Versailles K. C. Jones Jonathan ..••.. ; Clifford Jones Cornerstone ;.; Fred Hach McDonald E. S. Moore Docltery ; ; N. C. Barnes.....................
175 PAID 38.40 38.20 36.80 15.00 45.80 20.60 38.80 33.80 40.30 33.20 41.30 26.10 43.30 19.80 17.20 15.00 42.30 41.90 32.85 27.00 30.60 31.05 ·30.00 33.30 45.10 44.90 45.45 31.20 42.70 20.70 28.50 42.80 31.95 :29.40 26.80 42.50 31.50 23.70 15.00 24.55 34.35 42.70 24:30 25.20 28.85 32.70 45.00 15.00 41.30 36.70
176 No.
Proceedings of the LODGE.
Mt. Zion C. E. Armstrong................. Cainesville R. A. Chambers Paul Revere W. C. Hayes Charity H. R. SeideL · Chillicothe J. F. Boehmer Breckinridge C. E. Ogan Joplin R. E. Stephens Blue Springs F. Neely Herculaneum Amos W. Horton................ Westport C. A. Wishropp Rockville t• • • • • S. H. BothwelL Agricola L. H. Beaty , 344 Moberly W. F. Brown 345 Fellowship A. H. Barnett 346 Arlington L. R. Shelton.................... 347 America H. F. Ufen...................... 348 'Vadesburg H. D. Coe 349 Pollock C. V. Neighbors 350 Tyrian Bert Gilliland 352 Friend Claude Crenshaw 353 Barnesville H. T. Chitwood 354 Hebron Egbert Miller 356 Ancient Landmark J. N. Farris...................... 360 Tuscan 1. G. Mitchell 361 Riddick B. H. Darby 362 Hiram H. H. Lewis 363 Fraternal W. B. Murrell 364 Higginsville N. C. Haston 366 Adair " W. E. Shain 3.68 Crescent Hill Fay Rush 369 Composite R. C. Hoefer 370 Williamstown D. A. Leslie .....................• 371 Sheldon .. E. B. Fowler 372 Nonpareil ..........•... A. B. Chrisman 0 " ' " .' • • • • • 375 Waynesville V. V. Long 376 King Hill . Paul S~eele 378 Berlin Alva Pittsenbarger 380 Queen City' ..........•.. Jesse White 381 Ionia H. L. Stephens ............•...... 383 Pythagoras .. W. A. Scott. ....................• 385 Richland H. B. Warren 389 Arcana H. L. Richardson , .•.... 390 Marionville W. A. McCullah 392 Christian G. E. Church 396 Western Light .. R. S. Lindsey 398 Jasper Co L. Hayzlett. 400 Decatur J. A. Wright. :....... 401 Carterville G. W. Jeffries 403. Lowry City D. A. Dawson 404 Rosendale Roy Blair , 327 328 330 331 333 334 335 337 338 340 341 343
41.60 19.80 15.00 45.80 37.50 39.10 48.10 37.35 13.20 42.70 32.40 25.lW 29.80 48.10 28.50 15.00 18.90 34.20 20.35 40.90 31.60 26.00 24.30 15.00 37.00 33.80 19.10 36.80 35.50 42.30 35.40 22.50 41.85 21.60 30.70 45.80 23.40 37·.00 31.00 45.60 31.00 41.40 41.40 31.05 11.70 45.00 42.45 47.30 39.60 26.55
1924.] No. 405 406 407 408 410 H2 415 416 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 432 ·t33 438 439 440 441 442 443 445 446 447 448 452 453 455 458 460 461 462 463 464 467 469 470 471 475 476 479 480 481 482
Grana Lodge of Missouri LODGE.
Everton ............•..• D. O. Adamson.................. 29.25 Malden L. O. Wicecarver, 35.50 Charleston P. A. Tanner.................... 32.80 Montrose "...... ." R. F. Story...................... 31.50 Iberia E. F. Bond 22.95 Appleton City '. H. C. Schlichtman............... 39.70 Hunnewell 0. R. Howe 21.05 Cache J. H. Kuemerle 15.00 Itaska L. C. Wilderman................. 15.00 Urbana ...............• ·G. Hindes 38.90 Gate of the Temple G. S. Danley ~: " 38.90 Galt ·L. G. Robinson 40.00 Samaritan ·E. H. Woods 21.10 Green Ridge "L. E. Nicholson 31.50 Rothville Lee Clair 30.60 Glenwood C. V. ChatIin 37.90 Pittsville 1. W. Phillips 16.65 New Madrid .........•. W. A. Humphreys 33.75 Winona ; ; .. .T. T. Loyd ' 19.80 Competition R. Vermillion 35.60 Mack's Creek A. N. Sullivan 25.20 Temperance Lloyd Taul 44.60 Mt. Olive W. F. Atkinson ........•........ 16.65 Trowel G. L. Heyde..................... 29.00 Excelsior O. D. Wilson 29.40 Burlington G. A. yates 32.40 Anchor F. H. MarscheI. 15.00 West Gate C. P. Potter .....................• 15.00 Ivanhoe L. J. Snow " 42.70 Jacoby 0. F. Gillespie.,................. 31.05 Schell City J. M. Darrow 23.40 Verona H. S. Rudig 24.75 Forsyth J. B. Hicks ;.............. 25.25 Hinton Ao B. Rector 15.75 Melville : .. T. J. McConnelL 25.70 Lambskin " oJ.... C. 'Hoffstetter ,. 15.00 Caruthersville S. H. McCarty 37.00 Santa Fe oL. C. Ragsdale 27.50 Clifton L. D. Davis : 43.80 Concordia W. L. Wolfrum 32.85 Pleasant Hope C. H. Stagle 27.00 Plato R. B. Tilley 35.60 Nodaway J. E. Tullock 46.80 Mineral o.. J. E. Ferrier 29.70 Golden J. B. Stevenson.................. 36.90 Mt. Hope W. F. Baker, Jr " 33.30 Rich Hill R. A. Burns 44.40 Jewel C. M. Bunn 39.90 Marceline C. M. HilL 35.00 Clintonville W. R. Cochran ·43.40 0
Proceedings of the
178 No.
483 484 485 486 487 488 491 . 492 494 497 498· 499 501 502 504 505 508 509
510 1)11 512
513 514 517 518 519
520 522 523
526 527 528
529 530
531 532 533
534 535 536 539
540 541 542
544 546 547 548 549 550
Fairfax O. J. White . Kirkwood W. A, Clement . Cold Water C. H. Stuart .. Cairo G. Halliburton . Chilhowee A. P. Franse . Lock Spring J. E, Smith . Vandalia W. H. McIntire . Daggett ' L. H. Ludwig . Lewistown S, J. lV[arls . Equality D. C. Johnson . Pee Dee A. E. Lain . Harmony W. H. Hoagland . Buckner E. C. Henthorn . Philadelphia D. M. Bleigh ...............•.... PlattE' City , J, J. Shepard .. Euclid G. G. Toothaker . Saxton T. E. Fogg . Van Buren A. H. Wilson . Biswell •............... J. D. Lay . Skidmore E. D. French . Webb City R. E. Brown, . Senath ; R, E. Martin . Granby C. H. Gibbons . Seligman , L. E. Fawver . Oriental C. J. Blackburn . Crane Frank Peters . Clifton Heights W. B. Wimer . Gate City J. I Jones . Stinson Thos. Prater . Wayne ..•............. , W. J. Rousson . Higbee J. F. Caldwell . Conway E. H. Harris . Apollo ' C. W. Atkins . Peculiar R. C. Weathers . Lane's Prairie ' J. J. Woodruff ~ . Dexter J. ~. Grissom . Comfort R. C. Overton . COlumbIa G. W. Lebert .. Blackwell Francis Long . Ingomar S. H. Preston . Dawn A. :r.r. McDonnal . Winigan T. lVI:. Crowder . Jacksonville 1I. L, Southern . Ferguson G. K. Durham . Algabil A. Kumpf . Orient A. W. Gebaur , . South Gate Sam. Benjamin . Clinton T. B. Parks , . Carl Junction C. S. Roney . Rose Hill G. B. Leitch .
48.60 16.40 41.85 30.50 38.50 35.55 26.10 23.40 29.70
26.90 28.80 15.00 41.50 16.65 45.50 15.00 21.15 34.10 22.95 38.70 47.30 39.00 28.80 35.55 21.15 42.40 15.00 42.70 26.10 28:00 29.50 34.80 15.00 17.10 26.40 26.80
28.80 18.40
15.40 39.50 38.90
31.05 30.60 16.20 15.00 42.70 42.70 37.80 40.95 15.00
1924.] No.
Grand Lodge of Missouri LODGE.
553 Clarksburg J. W. Ralston .................•. 554 'Foster Ira Coyne . 555 Summersville '.W. S. BelL . 556 Prairie Geo. S. Gusewelle, . 558 Moscow \Vm. Cottle , . 55'9 Clarksdale : G. U. ,Brown : .. , . 561 Cowgill .. , C. E. Kavanaugh . 562 Deepwater F. C. Downing . 563 York C. G. J)'inster . H. S. Hook , . 564 Jamesport V. T. Pennoyer . 566 Maplewood J', W. Webb . 567 Miller W. A. Gish . 568 Naylor H. E. Maness . 570 Republic J: B. Buckley . 571 Hayti W. H. McManama . 572 Rutledge 'Wm. Sincox . 575 Easter Frank Gilbert . 576 Olive Branch R. K. Ewalt . 577 Ewing G. F. Sigmund . 578 Forest Park J. N. Sparks . 579 Grandin H. W. Smith . 580 Houston E. L. Purcell . 581 Illmo T. J. Richerson . 582 Koshkonong J. B. Stiles . 583 Novinger ,584 Red Bird J. Souders ; W. R. Paden . 585 Shamrock F. A. Hayes . 587 Branson E. Henshaw '. , . 588 St. Francisville J. T. Hudson . 589 Grove Spring ·R. i. Berry . 591 Barnett ; ·R. N. Patton . 592 La Russell H. IVr. Schnare . 593 Union ·B. A. Stapp . 598 Leadwood J. C. Westover . 599 Elvins B. F. Faubion . 600, Cosby L. G. Baumann . 601 Clayton K. C. Sullivan , . 602 Acacia W. O. Mason . 603 Morehouse , W. A.. Sharp . 606 Craig , Frank Hyde , .. 607 Eminence , n.. H. Focht. . 608 Strafford .. , J. O. Wilson . 609 Warrenton W. E. Rice . 610 Clark J. W. Dearing· . 612 Mokane L. L. Lowery . 613 Wellston . ~ R. 1. Conkey, . 614 Mt. Washington W. H. Pryor . 615 Chaffee . 616 Marion ...............•. C. W. Cunningham M. C. Burns , . 617 Swope Park
179 PAID 29.70 21.60 39.70 26.10 20.50 26.55 40.30 34.65 42.70 41.10 15.00 32.40 26.10 40.30 36.30 35.80 20.20 15.00 22.05 15.00 30.60
15.75 28.80 26.55 36.30 22.05 13.05 32.85 24.75 15.75 31.60 10.35 21.00 21.90 21.90 26.45 15.80 29.60 24.30 47.70 38.05 20.25 21.10 28.80 27.50 15.00 42.70 29.40 25.20 42.70
Proceedirngs of the
180 No. 618 621 624 625 626 629 630 631 633 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 646 649 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661
Grandview B. Vaughn Anderson E.L. Clark...................... Ow'ensville C. F. Pohlmann.................. Sheffield H. L. Knecht.................... Magnolia J. L. Flanen..................... Valley Park H. J. Lucksinger Eastgate G. H. Holzbaur.................. Tower Grove A. M. Jacobs Archie E. W. LongwelL Weaubleau W. H. Roman Mountain View S. R. Bailey Triangle .............•. B. C. RandalL Mizpah O. R. Haeckle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Jennings E. H. Baumer Trinity J. S. Morgan.................... Benj. Franklin Harry A. Galosy................ Northeast W. H. Critchfield Grain Valley Fant Frazier Shaveh R. H. Wadlow University M .. B. Hall Cleveland C. R. Caldwell Pilgrim A. 1... Bartsch Shawnee J. A. Logan Commonwealth O. A. Menke Gard~nville D. R. Barnett:.................. Country Club J. H. Billings Progress W. L. Muclken j • • • • • • • • • • •• Purity Thos. Aitkenhead Alpha L. W. Baker..................... Holliday T. A. Cunningham Theodore Roosevelt S. K. Bradley
PAID 45.30 40.95 24.20 42.70 15.00 16.80 42.70 15.00 23.85 16.65 21.15 15.00 15.00 16.00 15.00 15.00 42.70 37.80 15.00 10.00 15.65 15.00 22:05 15.00 15.00 42.70 15.00 15.00 35.10 12.60 15.00
G,'and Lodge of Missouri
REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON CREDENTIALS. VV. Bro. Claud H. Knapp, Chairman, reported further on those present, which was adopted as follows: St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 23, 1924.
To the Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of M1'ssouri: Your Committee on Credentials submits the following report; at the present session of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge there are represented 474 Subordinate Lodges and there are present: Grand Lodge Officers ,................... Past Grand Masters............................................ Grand Representatives ,............. District Deputy Grand Masters................................. District Lecturers Past Masters Worshipful Masters :'.~ ;. Senior Wardens Jl;lnior Wardens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Chairmen of Committees ,.............. Distinguished Visitors Total
19 16 9 47 19 572 422 134 102 17 9 1.361)
PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAWS. R. W. Bro. Thos. F. Hurd offered the following ,amendment to Sections 47 and 48 of the Grand Lodge By-laws: Resolved: . That Sections 47 and 48 of the Grand Lodge By-laws (1921) be. and the same are hereby repealed. 'rHOMAS F. HURD, LOUIS MOLLER, W. A. McCULLAH, S. P. CUNNINGHAM.
R. W. Bro. Thos. F. Hurd also offered the following amendments to Sections 166 and 167: Resolved: That Section 166 be amended by striking out all that part of said Section after the fourth line and enacting in lieu thereof the following: "If the petitioner be elected, he shall become a member of the Lodge he petitioned, at the time of the issuance of his
Proceedings of the
dimit by his former Lodge." So that said Section, when so amended, shall read as follows: "Section 166. Any Master Mason, otherwise qualified, desiring to affiliate with another Lodge, may, in lieu of the dimit, present with his petition a certificate. under seal, of his good Masonic standing in the Lodge to which he belongs. If the petitioner be elected, he ~hall become a member of the Lodge he petitioned, at the time of the issuance of his dimit by his former Lodge." Resolved: That Section 167 of said By-laws be amended by adding to said Section the following words: "And at t.he same time said Lodge shall issue said Certificate of Good Standing. it shall also enter upon its record; that when its Secretary shall receive notice under seal of the election of the petitioner to membership in the Lodge he petitions. said Secretary shall immediately issue a dim it to said. petitioner and forward it to the Secretary of the Lodge in which the petitioner has been elected to membership." So that said Section when so amended shall read as follows: .,--~~ "Section 167. Such Certificate shall not be issued if the petitioner is in arrears for dues, under charges, or indebted to the' Lodge in any official capacity. nor shall such Certificate be valid if not presented in ninety (90) days after its date of issuance. And at the same time said Lodge shall issue said Certificate of Good Standing. it shall also enter an order upon its record that when its Secretary shall receive notice. under seal, of the election of the net.itionl'r to mn.mbershin in the Lodge he petitions. said Secretary shall immediately issue a dimit to said petitioner and forwar(l the same to the Secret.arv of the Lodge in which the petitioner has been elected to me路mbership." THOMAS F. HURD. KARL M. VETSBURG. T Al\TE:~ vV. SKELLY. ~. LF:W GALLANT, THOM ASH. REYNOLDS. CHAS. E. CULLEN.
\\T. Bro. Chas. F. Ballak, and others, offered the followinq amendment to Section 216a by adding to said Section the word's ~ "Provided. however, that the M. W. Grand Master may, at his discretion. on applicat.ion from a Lodge grant to said Lodge a Special Dispensation to confer degrees or hold ceremonials in any other language." So that said Section 21630, when so amended, shall read: "Section 216a. All degrees and ceremonials of any Lodge shall be conducted in the English language and it shall be unlawful for any Lodge to do any degr~e work or hold any ceremonial in any other language; Provided, however, that the M. W. Grand Master may, at his discretion, on applicat.ion from a Lodge grant to said Lodge a ~peeial Dispensation to confer degrees or hold ceremonials in any other language." J. H. KUEMERLE, 'CHARLES F. BALLAK. CHAS. W. MARKELL. A. S. WBRREMEYBR, FRANK GILBERT. W. A. KLEINSCHMIDT,
Grand路 Lodge of Missouri
M. W. Bro. \lv. A. Clark, and others, offered the- following amendment to Article XIX, Grand Lodge By-laws, by adding thereto a new Section to be known as Section 222a, -to read as follows: "Section 222-A. Not more than four of the members of the Board shall be residents of the City or County of St. Louis, and not more than two residents of the County of Jackson. The other seven shall reside outside of the City and Counties above mentioned, four south of the Missouri River and three north."
These several amendments, under Article 4, Clause (f), were referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence, and lie over to he acted upon at the 1925 Communication of the Grand Lodge. ~
REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS. W. Bro. George C. l\iarquis, Chairman, presented and read the report of the Committee on Ways and Means, which was adopted as follows: St. Louis, Oct. 23, 1924.
To the Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. J1. of Missouri: Dear Brethren: Your Committee on Wa'lS and Means beg-s leave to submit the following report: Cash in treasury available at this time for current expenses for the ensuIng year, $90,583.41. We recommend the following appropriations: Payroll, 1!l24 Printing 1924 Proceedings Salary of Grand Master Expem;es of Grand Master Masonic Service Association of United States Masonic Service Association of Missouri. Masonic Temple Association of St. Louis Expense of G. L. Officers. ordered by G. M Repairs and files Grand Lodge offices Rent, Grand Lodge offices _ , Salary, Grand Secretary Salary, Grand Lecturer .. _ Expenses, Grand Lecturer Printing, postage. stationery, incidentals Assistant to Grand Secretary Assistant to Grand Secretary C. C. Woods, Fraternal Correspondent Emeritus
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$18,142.05 4,000.00 1,000.00 1,000,00 5,000.00 5,400.00 8,000.00 500.00 500.00 1,500.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 1,200.00 3,000.00 2,100.00 1,800.00 750.00
Proceedings of the
Salary, Grand Treasurer Salary, Grand Tiler ' R. R. Kreeger, Chmn. "Fatherless Children, France" H. DaCosta, reporting 1924 Proceedings Portrait of Grand Master Mitchell (and frame) W. R. Shrodes, Chmn., Com. Mileage and Per Diem C. L. Alexander, Chmn., Com. Chartered Lodges .. ; Telephone, Grand Lodge offices H. Clay Perkins, Auditor Accounts of Grand Lodge Masonic Relief Association of U. S. and Canada H. L. Mann, D. D. G. M., 19th Dist., 1923 payroll George Moore. Lodge 257, 1923 payroll Levi Markland. Lodge 70, 1923 payroll Arthur Mather. past services. Fraternal Correspondent. Fraternal Correspondent Charity. according- to report of Committee Case & Thomas, premium. bonds. G. S. and G. T D. D. G. M. and D. L. Dinner Emergency-Investment Fund ~~-~IT:'
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
500.00 150.00 500.00 75.00 300.00 100.00 50.00 150.00 100.00 274.74 24.00 . 27.55 22.05 750.00 750.00 960.00 100.00 134.00 25,000.00
$91,859.39 The matter of erecting'a monument at the g-rave of Past Grand Master John D. Vincil has been given. favorahle consideration by this. Committee. In view of the fact that other Past Grand Masters lie in unmarked graves, we recommend that the Masonic Service Associa tion of Missouri be directed to report to the next Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge all such unmarked graves. so that t.he entire matter may be properly considered by the Grand Lodge. Request has' been made to this Committee by Meramec Lodge No. 313' for the return to that Lodge of $1,421.64. which was forfeited to the Grand Lodge upon the arrest of Charter of old Meramec Lodge No. 95 in the year 1916. We recommend that a Special Committee be appointed to report the merits of this request to the next Annual Communication of t.his Grand Lodge. Fraternally submitted, G. C. MARQUIS, WALTER A. CRAVEN, EDMUND E. MORRIS. GEORGE W. WALKER,
REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON UNFINISHED BUSINESS. W. Bro. J. A. Kinder, Chairman, presented the following report for the Committee: Adopted.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
Most Worshipful Grand Lodgc, A. F. & A. M. of Missouri: Your Committee on Unfinished Business desire to report as follows: _ ~:i." J ""LiJ~ Due to the efficiency and business-like methods of the Officers and Committees of this Grand I..odge, the entire business is now disposed of. J. L. C. E.
VOTE OF THANKS. Was Unanii110usly tendered to the Scottish Rite Cathedral Association for its courteous treatment and generous hospitality in donating the use of its beauti ful building to the Grand Lodge.
REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS. R. W. Bro. L. H. Abrams presented the following report. Adopted. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 23, 1924.
To the Most Worshi,pful Grand Lodgc, A. F. & A. M. of Missouri: Your Committee on Arrangements an~ Entertainment submits the following report of expenses incurred in CQnneetion with this session of the Grand Lodge: Whitehead & Hoag, badges $294.05 gxtra Tiler (Kirby).......................................... 15.00 Extra Tiler (Schaeffer)....................................... 15.00 Stenographic work for Committees........................... 26.50 Extra help and fees ,.................. 22.00 Koenig l<'loral Company, flowers for Grand Lodge............ 41.00 Motor bus for Masonic Home Children................. . . . . . . . 25.60 Melbourne Hotel, entertainment.............................. 51.15 , $490.30 I<'raternally submitted, L. H. ABRAMS, District Deputy Grand Master, 33d District (a).
Proceedings of the
APPOINTMENTS. The Grand Master-elect, lVI. W ..Bro. Orestes Mitchell, announced the following appointments: GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRANI1 GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND
INSTALLATION. M. W. Bro. T. W. Cotton, as Grand Master, and M. W. Bro. C: H. Briggs, as Grand Marshal, proceeded to install the Grand Officers for the ensuing year, as 'follows: ORESTES MITCHELL, St. Joseph W. W. MARTIN, Doniphan JOHN PICKARD, Columbia .. , ANTHONY F. ITTNER, St. Louis WM. A. HALL, St. Louis路 FRANK R. JESSE, Webster Groves
Died in office November 7, 1924.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
SPECIAL COMMITTEES. SERVICE RECORD (Memorial)-Harold L. Reader, Chairman; John P. Austln, Irwin Sale.
Proceedings of the
PAST GRAND MASTER'S JEWEL-To prepare and report at the next Grand Lodge an appropriate and suitable design for a Past Grand Master's Jewel-John Pickard, Chairman; Ray V. Denslow, An thony F. Ittner. MEETING OF DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS-To select speakers and assign subjects for the meeting of District Deputy Grand Masters on the Monday evening prior to the Annual Meeting of the Grand Lodge-A. McDowell Hoyt, Chairman; John W. Polley, Chas. L; Woods. RECOGNITION OF FOREIGN GRAND LODGES-D. M. Wilson, Chairman; C. H. Briggs, R. F. Stevenson, Van F. Boor, T. W. Cotton, Ray V. Denslow. MANUALS-Frank R. Jesse. RITUAL-D. M. Wilson, Chairman; John T. Short, J. R. McLachlan, O. A. Lucas, R. R. Kreeger. MASONIC TEMPLE ASSOCIATION OF ST. LOUIS-e. H. Briggs, Chairman; John P. Austin, Harry Simon; Consulting Architect, Jas. L. Heckenlively. MASONIC SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF MISSOURI-Ray V. Denslow, Chairman; C. H. Briggs, Fred O. Wood, Arthur Mather, Geo. \V. Walker, Joseph S. McIntyre, John P. Austin, Archie A. Abbett. MASONIC SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF UNITED STATES-Corona H. Briggs, one year; Ray V. Denslow, two years; J. R. McLachlan, three years. FATHERLESS CHILDREN OF FRANCE-R. R. Kreeger, Chairman; John H. Gundlach, B. P .â&#x20AC;˘Miles. GEORGE WASHINGTON MASONIC ASSOCIATION-Bert S. Lee, Chairman.
INSURANCE-Ray V. Denslow, Chairman; Frank R. Jesse, John P. Austin, Geo. W. Walker, G. C. Marquis, Henry C. Chiles, B. C. Hunt. ADVISORY ON MASONIC TEMPLE-Joseph S. McIntyre, Chairman; D. M. Wilson, Arch A. Johnson. MASONIC CLUB8--Thos. H. Reynolds. Chairman; C. H. Briggs, D. M. Wilson. HISTORICAL-Ray V. Samuel R. Freet.
Denslow, Chairman;
LIBRARY-John Piclmrd, Chairman; Joseph S. McIntyre, Jas. H. Scarborough. SURVEY OF RURAL LODGE8--Byrne E. Bigger, Chairman; G. A. Sample, S. P. Cunningham, Thos. F. Hurd, C. A. Swenson. MERAMEC LODGE No. 313-Fred B. Howarth, Chairman; Tolman W. Cotton, John T. Short.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
PRESENTATION OF GRAND MASTER'S JEWEL. M. W. Bro. Joseph S. McIntyre, P. G. M., then presented to the Grand Master-elect the jewel of his station, saying: "Most Worshipful Grand Master Mitchell, it gives me a great deal of pleasure to bestow upon you the official jewel of your office, which was given to this Grand Lodge by Past Grand Master Wm. F: Kuhn in 1904. It has already been worn by twenty Grand Masters. I know that you will wear it with honor, and to the honor and pleasure of the Fraternity." (Applause.)
The IV1. Vol/. Grand l\1aster, Orestes l\.fitchell, made fitting response as the jewel was pinned upon his breast.
PRESENTATION OF PAST GRAND MASTER'S JEWEL. M. W. Bro. Rev. Dr. C. C. VJoods, P. G. 1\1., in a touching and eloquent speech, presented the jewel to Past Grand Master Joseph S. IVlcIntyre, who responded, saying: "I am deeply grateful, M. W. Bro. Woods, for what you have said; and. I only pray, Brethren, that I may some day be partially worthy of all that M. W. Bro. \Voods has said today." (Applause.)
PRINTING PROCEEDINGS. ' On motion, the Grand Secretary was directed to print and distribute the necessary number of copies of the Proceedings of this session of the Grand Lodge.
Proceedings of the
MINUTES APPROVED. The Minutes of today's session were read by the Grand Secretary and approved by the Grand Lodge.
CLOSING. At 1:30 p. m., no further business appearing, the M. W. Grand Master, Orestes Mitchell, proceeded to close, and did close, the One Hundred and Fourth Annual Communication of the 1\10st \VorshipfuI Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the ,State of Missouri in AMPLE FORM. M. W. Bro. C. C. Woods, acting Grand Chaplain, invoked a blessing upon the closing of the deliberations: 0, Thou Infinite, Thou Et.ernal, All Merciful and Gracious God, we come before Thee with hearts full of thanksgiving for all the mercies which we have enjoyed through the changing days, and for the delightful surroundings of this hour and our present life. We thank Thee for the institution of Freemasonry; we bless Thee in that it has gained upon the confidence and affections of humanity un til the persecution which was waged against this institution has given way to the confidence and respect of the world. We thank Thee for the good Freemasonry has accomplished in the past, and we praise Thee for the joy and grandeur and nobler purposes that fill the hearts of our Brethren. and their glowing desire for the upbuilding of Thy kingdom and the spread of a purer civilization in this world. We thank Thee for the integrity of these men we have elected and appointed as our leaders. We thank Thee for our Grand Masters in the past; for the one just retiring from office, for the position that he occupies in the hearts of our people; and we thank Thee for the confidence that we have in the integrity, the nobility of purpose of him who is to rule our affairs during this present year. We beseech Thee, grant that his health and strength may abide, that his Faith in Thee may enlarge and that more and more he may lean upon the Infinite arm and desire the aid of Thy Infinite Wisdom. We beseech Thee to bless all the officers of this Grand Lodge and all the members. Bless them all, everyone; may all merit Thy favor by purity of life. and may all receive Thy favor until time wi th them shall be no more. Hear us, 0 Merciful Father! Forgive all our iniquities, guide us ever to Thy praise, and bring us at last to rest in the Grand Lodge on High. Amen!
Grand Secretary.
1924. ]
Gron,d Lodge of Missouri
NEW LODGES. CHARTERED OCTOBER 22, 1924. Lodg-e Helena Greentop Clarence
117 635 662
Location Helena Greentop Clarence
County Andrew Schuyler Shelby
District Ninth First Fourteenth
ANNUAL COMMUNICATION-192S. The One Hundred and Fifth Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of the State of Missouri will be held in St. Joseph commencing at 10 o'clock on the morning of the FOURTH Tuesday, viz., the Twenty-seventh day of October, 1925.
Proceedings of the
DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. 1st District 2d 3d 4th fith 6th 7t.h 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22d 23d 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32d 33d-A 33d-B 34th 35th 3fith 37th 38th 39th 40th 41st 42d 43d
4fith 4fith 47th
48th 49th
fiOth filst !i2d !'i3il
:l!'ith !'i6th !i7th /'i8th 59th
GEORGE V. CALVERT. Kahoka CHARLES BANKS. Kirksville JOHN SANTEE. Green City, J. L. BARNETT, Trenton FRANK M. FRENCH. Cainesville EMSLEY C.•r AMES. Darlington JONATHAN STARK. Maryville FRED H. WALKUP. Fortescue JOHN W. POLLEY, St. Joseph H. W. SAUNDERS. Maysville WALTER A. CRAVEN. Excelsior Springs .rOSEPH D. STEWART. Chillicothe E. W. TAYLER. Marceline HARRY J. LIBBY. Shelbina HARRY E. SCHNEIDER, Hannibal J. E. THOMPSON. Bowling Green THOS. F. HURD. Paris T. H. WALTON. Higbee T. H. EDWARDS, Salisbury WILLIAM BAKER, Hale J. P. TUCKER. Parkville THOS. H. REYNOrJDS, Kansas City C. B. 'WADDELL, Lexington ROBERT D. JOHNSON, Marshall M. E. SCHMIDT. Boonville HARLEY h WILSON. Columbia S. P. CUNNINGHAM. Mexico .TOHN E. REEDS. Jonesburg .J. .r. SHAW. Elsberry E. A. FLUESMEIER. Wright City W. D. ROGERS. Jefferson City R. A. BREUER. Hermann E. W. WAMBAUGH, St. Louis WALTER A. WEBB, St. Louis .T AMES F. BLAIR, Belton R. B. CAMPBELL. Spruce S. B. KENNON. Sedal ia THORNTON .TENNINGS. Clinton W. C. COWAN. Richland CH ARLES L. WOODS. Rolla CHAS. E. PYLE. DeSoto ED. r. HARRIS. Flemington H. H. FINLEY. Greenfield .TOHN C. SENATE. Lamar HARRY D. STEPHENS, Joplin E. S. WOODS. Springfield CARL A. SW'mNSON. Mountain GroyE' FRED E. McGHEE. Van Buren W. B. MASSEY. Bonne Terre GEO. W. WALKER. Cape Girardeau .T AMES A. BOONE. Charleston .TOHN H. DUNMIRE. Kennett K. C. JOHNSON. Poplar Bluff R. W. GATJLOW AY. West Plains G. J. VAUGHAN. Ozark W. N. MARBUT, Mount Vernon W. A. PHIPPS. Neosho WM. P. MASON. Kirkwood M. E. GUMPHREY. Eldon ALLAN McDOWELL HOYT, Ind~penden('E'
Grand Lodge of Missouri
DISTRICT LECTURERS. 1st District THOMAS A. DAVIDSON, Memphis LOUIS W.OSBORNE, Kirksville 2d " .TOHN SANTEE, Green City 3d J. L. BARNETT, Trenton 4th FRED PEARSON, Eagleville 5th EMSLEY C. JAMES, Darlington 6th JONATHAN STARK, Maryville 7th FRED H. WALKUP, Fortescue" 8th FRANK A. MILLER, St. Joseph lJth H. W. SAUNDERS~ Maysville 10th WALTER A. CRAVEN, Excelsior Sprillg"S 11th JOSEPH D. STEWART, Chillicothe 12th EDW. W. TAYLER, Marceline 13th HARRY J. LIBBY, Shelbina 14th HARRY E. SCHNEIDER, Hannibal 15th .1. E. THOMPSON. Bowling Green 16th 17th THOS. F. HURD, Paris 18th T. H. WALTON, Higbee 19th 'l'. H. EDWARDS, Salisbury 20th WILLIAM BAKER, Hale 21st H. C. NOLAND. Parkville 22d ASA D. HURD, Kansas City 23d C. B. WADDELL, Lexington 24th ROBER'r D. JOHNSON,_ Marshall 25th GUY C. MILLION, Boonville 26th ROY WRIGHT, Columbia 27th S. P. CUNNINGHAM, Mexico 28th JOHN E. REEDS, Jonesburg 29th J. J. SHAW, Elsberry 30th Eo A. li'LUESMEIER, Wright City" 31st W. D. ROGERS, Jefferson City R. A. BREUER, Hermann 32d 33d J. GWYNN GOUGH, S1. Louis JAMES F. BLAIR, Belton 31th 35th R. B. CAMPBELL, Spruc~ 36th S. B. KENNON, Sedalia 37th 'rHORNTON JENNINGS, Clinton 38th W. C. COW AN,. Richland :~9th EDMUND J. KOCH, Rolla CHARLES E. PYLE, DeSoto 40th "" 41st ED I. HARRIS, Flemington 42d H. H. FINLEY, Greenfield JOHN C. SENATE, Lamar 43d J. R. HUTCHINSON, Webb City 44th 45th GEORGE W. CUSTER, Springfield 46th CARL A. SWENSON, Mountain Grove 47th FRED E. McGHEE, Van Buren 48th W. B. MASSEY, Bonne Terre 49th GEORGE W. WALKER, Cape Girardeau 50th G. A. SAMPLE, Chaffee 51st JOHN H. DUNMIRE, Kennett -52d K. C. JOHNSON, Poplar Bluff 53d R. W. GALLOWAY, West Plains 54th G. J. VAUGHAN, Ozark 55th W. N. MARBUT, Mount Vernon 56th W. A. PHIPPS, Neosho 57th HENRY F. WOERTHER, Ballwin 58th M. E. GUMPHREY, Eldon 59th ALLAN McDOWELL HOYT, Independence
Proceedings of the
AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAWS ADOPTED. The following amendments to the Grand Lodge By-Laws were adopted subsequent to reference to and approva~ by the Committee on Jurisprudence. De It Re~olvc(l, That Section 1 of Article I, of the Grand Lodge By-Laws (1921) be amended to read as follows: "An Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge shall be held in the City of St. Louis on the fourth Tuesday of October in each year, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M.; provided, that the place of meeting for the next Annual Communication may be changed when a majority of the Grand Lodge shall deem it expedient. Provided, further, that in the even t of an epidemic, catastrophe or any other cause that would make it impossible for the Grand Lodge to meet as herein provided, the Grand Master, with the consent of his Associate Elective Grand officers, may change the time or place of the Annual Communication."
To amend Section 11 of Article II, of the Grand Lodge By-Laws so that the last sentence shall read: "He shall receive for his services the sum of $500 per annum." Section 74. Annual Dues. Every Chartered Lodge shall pay annually to the Grand Lodge the sum of Two Dollars and Ten Cents ($2.10) for each Master Mason reported in the annual returns except those whose dues have been remitted. One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50) of this sum shall be used for the support of the Masonic Home, unless otherwise ordered by the Grand Lodge. If any Lodge shall collect from a suspended member duesâ&#x20AC;˘. for the . non-payment of which he shall have been suspended, such Lodge shall pay to the Grand Lodge the sum of ($2.10) for each year's dues so collected, if not previously accounted for. Be It Resoh"ed, That Section 75 of the Grand Lodge By-Laws (1921) be amended by adding thereto the following words, to-wit: "Failure to make such returns shall subject a Lodge to a fine of $10 for each period of thirty days or a fraction thereof such returns are withheld," so that the said section when so amended shall read as follows: Scction 75. Annual Returns. The fiscal year of a Lodge shall close on the 30th day of June and every Chartered Lodge in this Jurisdiction shall forward its annual returns on or before August 1st to the Grand Secretary. Such returns shall contain a list of officers and members of th~ Lodge; a list of t"tlOse who have been initiated, passed, raised and admitted; a list of deaths, dimissions. suspensions, expulsions, rejections and restorations, with respective dates opposite each name; such returns shall be in duplicate, signed by the Master, and attested by the Secretary, under th'e seal of the Lodge, and one forwarded to the Grand Secretary, with the dues, at the time specified above. Failure to make such returns shall subject a Lodge to a fine of Ten ($10) Dollars for eaeh
Grand Lodge of Missouri
period of thirty days or a fraction thereof such returns are withheld. '~-_" :X:)~ ~ Section 76. IUfleage 8)ul Per Diem. The Past Grand Masters, Grand Officers, District Deputy Grand Masters, District Lecturers, and one Representative from each Chartered Lodge and each Lodge U. D., and the Chairman of each Standing Committee, who do not draw mileag-e and per diem in any other capacity, shall be paid the sum of Five ($5) Dollars for e~ch day they may be in actual attendance upon the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, and four cents per mile for each mile necessarily traveled in going to and returning therefrom, pro"'ided, that no Representative shall receive mileage or per diem in a double capacity. Section 204,
Masonic Emblems and the ,vord "Masonic.H-Use
Any Freemason using the word "Masonic," or any otl?-er term, sign or symbol of Freemasonry for commercial or other business enterprises, shall be deemed guilty of un-Masonic conduct; provided, that this Section shall not apply to Masonic books, journals or periodicals, or a legitimate trade in Masonic supplies, and -pro"ided, that any Freemason engaged in the business of publishing any Masonic book, journal or periodical, who permits the printing of any advertisement in any such publication using the word "Masonic," or any other term, sign or symbol of Freemasonry for commercial or other business enterprises, the use of which is prohibited by the Grand Lodge By-Laws, shall be deemed guilty of un-Masonic conduct.
of Prohibited.
That a new section to be known as Section 227-A be added to the By-Laws, which shall be and provide as follows: Section 227-A. B~'-Laws Effective "\Vhen. All additional sections to the By-Laws, amendments -thereto and repeal thereof shall become effective upon the closing of the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge at which adopted, unless otherwise provided.
STANDING RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED. M. W. Bro. A. M. Dockery, and others, offered the following Standing Resolution which was adopted: Resolved, That no Honorary rank shall, at any time be conferred by this Grand Lodge on anyone whose membership is in a Subordinate Lodge of this Jurisdiction.
W. Bro. G. C. Marquis, and others, offered the following Standing Resolution which was adopted: ResolYed, That ali, investments shall be kept in a proper safe deposit box, and that said box shall not be opened except in the presence of any two of the first six Grand Officers.
Proceedings of the
APPROVED DECISIONS OF GRAND MASTER MciNTYRE. List of Decisions may be found in the report of Committee on Jurisprudence.
PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO GRAND LODGE BY-LAWS. The proposed amendments to Grand Lodge By-Laws, as shown below, were referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence, and under the Law lie over until the next session. R. W. Bro. 'rhos. F. Hurd offered the following amendment to Sections 47 and 48 of the Grand Lodge By-Laws: Resolved, That Sections 47,and 48 of the Grand Lodge By-Laws (1921) be, and the same are hereby repealed. THOMAS F. HURD, LOUIS MOLLER, W. A. McCULLAH, S. P. CUNNINGHAM.
R. W. Bro. Thos. F. Hurd also offered the following amendments to Sections 166 and 167 of the 1921 'Grand Lodge By-Laws: Resolved, That Sec. 166 be amended by striking out all that part of said Section after the fourth line and enacting in lieu thereof the following: "If the petitioner be elected, he shall become a member of the Lodge he petitioned, at the time of the issuance of his dimit by his former Lodg-e," so that said Section, when so amended, shall read as follows: "Section 166. Any Master Mason, otherwise qualified. desiring to affiliate with another Lodge, may, in lieu of the dlmit, present with his petition a Certificate, under Seal, of his Good Masonic standing in the Lodge to which he belongs. If the petitioner be elected, he shall become a member of the Lodge he petitioned, at the time of the issuance of his dim it by his former Lodge." Resolved, That Sec. 167 of said By Laws be amended by adding to said Section the following words: "And at the same time said Lodge shall issue said Certificate of Good Standing, it shall also enter upon its record; that when its Secretary shall receive notice, under Seal, of the election of the petitioner to membership in the Lodge he petitions, said Secretary shall immediately issue a dimit to said petitioner and for-
Grand Lodge of Missouri
ward it to the Secretary of the Lodge in which the petitioner has been elected to membership." So that ,said Section, when so amended, shall read as follows: "Section 167. Such Certificate shall not be issued if the petitioner is in arrears for dues, under charges. or indebted to the Lodge .n any official capacity, nor shall such Certificate be valid if not presented in ninety (90) days'after its date of issuance. And, at the same time, said Lodge shall issue said Certificate of Good Standing, it shall also enter an order upon its record that when its Secretary shall receive notice, under Seal. of the election of the petitioner to membership in the Lodge he petitions, said Secretary shall immediately issue a dimit to said petitioner and forward the same to lhe Secretary of the Lodge in which the petitioner has ben elected .0 membership," THOMAS F. HURD. KARL M. VETSBURG, JAMES W. SKELLY, C. LEW GALLANT, THOMAS H. REYNOLDS, CHAS. E: CULLEN.
W. Bro. Chas. F. Ballak, and others, offered the following amendment to Section 216a by adding to said Section the words: "Provided; however, that the M. W. Grand Master may, at his discretion, on application from a Lodge grant to said Lodge a Special Dispensation to' confer degrees or hold ceremonials, in any other language." So that said Section 216a, when so amended, shall read: "Section 216a. All degrees and ceremonials of a~y Lodge shall be conducted in the English language and it shall be unlawful for any Lodge to do any degree work or hold any ceremonial in any other language; Provided, however, that the M. W. Grand Master may, at his discretion. on application from a Lodge, grant to said Lodge a Special Dispensation to confer degrees or hold ceremonials in any other language." CHARLES F. BALLAK, J. H. KUEMERLE, A. S. WERREMEYER, CHAS. W. MARKELL, W. A. KLEINSCHMIDT, FRANK GILBERT.
M. W. Bro. W. A. Clark, and others, offered the following amendment to Art. XIX Grand Lodge By-Laws by adding thereto a new Section to be known as Sec. 222a, to read as follows: "Section 222a. Not more than four of the members of the Board shall be residents of the City or County of St. Louis, ap.d not more than two residents of the County of Jackson. The other seven shall reside outside of the City and Counties above mentioned, four south of the Missouri River, and three north." W. A. CLARK, GEO. A. NEES, JOHN SANTEE.
Proceedings of the
The following proposed amendment to Sec. 218, may be found in report of Committee on Jurisprudence: "Section 218. Same. A Lodge as such may attend the funeral of a deceased Brother and accompany the remains to the place of interment, whether or not the Lodge or any other Masonic body performs the Masonic rites at the grave. But nothing herein contained shaH be construed to prevent the appointment of non-Masonic pallbearers or prevent any church or moral or benevolent society from uniting in the funeral procession or from rendering ceremonies at the grave, or prevent any civic or public demonstration of respect for the deceased Brother."
AMENDMENTS TO TRIAL CODE ADOPTED. "Section 247: Trial Committee. All trials under this Trial Code shall be held before a tribunal known as the 'Trial Committee,' which shall be constituted as follows: (a) "The Worshipful Master of the Lodge shall be the chairman of said Trial Committee, and shall fix the date of the trial and preside thereat, provided, however, that if the Worshipful Master disqualifies himself or be disqualified from acting, either because of kinship with the accused, a material witness, or interested for or against the accused, the District Deputy Grahd Master of the District :n which said charges are preferred, or some suitable Master Mason, appointed by the Grand Master, shall be chairman of said Committee. And the Worshipful Master of the Lodge shall be disqualified from acting if the Junior Warden or accused shall file with the Secretary of the Lodge in not less than five days before date fixed for the trial, a declaration made upon his Masonic honor, alleging that the accuser or accused cannot have a fair and impartial trial before him, either because of ldnship with the accused, a material witness, or interested for or against the accused. (b) The Secretary of the Lodge, or a stenographer who shall be a Master Mason in good standing, may be designated as Secretary, such Secretary to be the Secretary of the Committee, take the testimony, keep the minutes of the meetings, and preserve and file all writings or papers that may be filed during the trial. (c) The Marshal of the Lodge shall be the Marshal of said Trial Committee, and shall preserve order, and perform such duties as may be required by the chairman of the Trial Committee. (d) A jury of six Master Masons in good standing of the Lodge shall determine the guilt or innocence of the accused and shall fix the punishment, such jury to be selected in the following manner: "The WorshipfUl Master of'the Lodge shall, within two weeks after his installation, and together with the Senior Warden and Senior Deacon, place in a locked' box provided for that purpose the names of not more than sixty (60) nor less than twenty-four Mastel Masons in good standing in the Lodge, from Which the trial jury shall be drawn as hereinafter provided. If during the year, such
Grand Lodge of Missouri
box shall be depleted by withdrawal therefrom, it shall be the duty of the parties herein named to place additional names therein to fill the vacancies occasioned by such withdrawal. Such box shall be kept locked and no one shall have access thereto, except for the purpose of drawing the jury therefrom or placing the names of jurors therein. The names in said box shall be destroyed at the end of the year and refilled by the incoming officers at the commencement of their terms. All persons whose names are drawn from said box and who serve as a trial jury shall not be required to serve again for one year. The names of persons drawn from the box and not selected as a trial jury shall be returned to said box. "It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Lodge to provide a locked box suitable for the purpose mentioned in' the preceding paragraph' and to safely keep and preserve the same. "The Chairman of the Trial Committee shall, after charg'es have been preferred and filed, and notice thereof given, as herein provided, and blindfolded, and in the presence of the Senior Warden and Senior Deacon, draw 18 names from said box, from which number the trial jury shall be selected. The names of the said 18 jurors so drawn shall be filed with the Secretary of the Lodge who shall at once cause the Brethren so drawn to be summoned by written notice to appear on the date named for the trial. Failure to so appear in obedience to said summons and serve if selected, unless for good cause shown to the Chairman of the Committee shall constitute a Masonic offense. If any of the 18 so drawn shall be related in any manner or degree to the accused, or be a witness either for or against the accused, or have either formed or expressed an opinion as to the guilt or innocence of the accused, they shall be disqualified as jurors, and if more than six shall be disqualified, other names shall be drawn from the box until twelve, disinterested Master Masons in good standing have been drawn from said box. If, on the day of the trial, less than twelve of those summoned shall appear, the Chairman of the Trial Committee shall fill the vacancies by ,drawing additional names from said box; and, Provided, that if a panel of twelve jurors is not obtained on the day of sa,id trial, the Chairman of the Trial Committee shall have the right to postpone said trial until such jury panel shalf be filled. If the Chairman of the Trial Committee shall not be able to secure twelve qualified jurors from the Lodge in which the charges have been preferred, then he shall summon from adjacent Lodge or Lodges sufficient qualified jurors to complete the panel of twelve. "The 18 Brethren or a less number of said Brethren, but not less than twelve, so drawn or selected, shall answer upon their Masonic honor such questions touching their qualifications to sit as jurors as may be put to them, either by the Junior Warden, the accused or the Chairman of the Trial Committee. "Either the accused or the Junior Warden may challenge for good cause, and if such challenge shall be sustained by the Chairman of the Trial Committee, the Brother so challenged shall be excused. And if the number of. the jury panel shall, after the 'sustaining of any challenges, for good cause, be less than twelve, then the panel shall be filled by the drawing from said box in 'the mannel'
Proceedings of the
hereinbefore provided. The first twelve qualified jurors shall constitute the trial panel, and the Junior Warden shall peremptorily strike off three names from said panel and the accused shall thereupon strike off three names, and the six so remaining shall constitute the trial jury, and said trial jury shall be sworn upon their Masonic honor, to well and truly try the issues, and true findings render according to the law and evidence. "Immediately after said trial jury shall have been selected, the Trial Chairman shall charge said jury to refrain from discussing the' case among themselves, or with any witness, or with the accused, and shall not allow any other person to talk with them about said case, and if any person shall attempt to talk to them with reference thereto, they shall immediately refer the matter to the Trial Chairman, so that they will keep their minds free and open until the conclusion of the entire trial. And this same admonition and charge shall be given at every recess or adjournment of the trial of said cause. "If any person shall attempt to talk about the pending trial with either the trial jury, or any member thereof, or the eighteen Brethren selected as above, it shall constitute a Masonic offense. (1) "That Section 262 be amended by striking out the word 'complete' in line' 13 thereof so that said section when so amended shall read as follows: "Section 262. Expense of Trial. The Chairman of the Trial Committee shall make an itemized statement of the costs attending the trial, which may include the traveling expenses of the members of the Committee, and other necessary expenses, the necessary mileage and per diem as allowed in civil cases, for witnesses attending the tr'ial at the request of the Junior Warden, the necessary expenses incurred in the taking of depositions at the request of the Junior \-'Varden, the services of a stenographer or other persons secured by the Committee ta take down the testimony, and the service of notices provided by the By-Laws, which items, but no others, shall be paid by the Lodge; provided, however, that the party ordering a transcript of the testimony shall pay for such transcript; and provided further, that if the W'Orshipful Master of the Lodge shall be satisfied and shall certify in writing that the accused is unable to pay the expenses of securing the attendance of witnesses, or the expense of a transcript or both, such expense shall, at the request of the accused, be also paid by the Lodge."
CLAY C~ BIGGER Past Grand Master 'Born August 17, 1855
Died January 26, 1924
Grand Lodge of Missouri
IN MEMORIAM Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of Missouri St. Louis, Missouri, February 1st, 1924. To the Officers and Members of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri, and Members of all Subordinate Lodges in Missouri: It is my painful duty to officially inform you of the death, at his home in Laclede, Missouri, on the morning of January 26th, 1924, of our beloved Past Grand Master, Clay C. Bigger.
Brother Bigger had been in robust hearth until the very day of his death, and hence his passing came as a great shock to his family, neighbors and friends, both within and without the Craft throughout the entire state. BIOGRAPHY. He was born near Laclede, Missouri, on August 17th, 1855, and died in Laclede, January 26th, 1924, where he had practiced law successfully since 1885. Among the positions of trust held by him were those of City Attorney and City Clerk of Laclede, member of Laclede School Board for twenty-five years, Prosecuting Attorney of Linn County, member of the Board of Managers of State Hospital No. 2 at St. Joseph, and Commissioner for Missouri to Trans-Mississippi Exposition at Omaha. He is survived by his widow and one son, Byrne E. Bigger, now .Junior Grand Deacon of the Grand Lodge of Missouri.
MASONIC HISTORY. He was made a Master Mason in Cypress Lodge No. 227 at Laclede, Missouri, in 1886. which he later served as Worshipful Master for six years. Beginning with 1897 he served the Twelfth Masonic bistrlct ten years as District Deputy Grand Master and District Lecturer. In 1904 he was appointed Grand Senior Steward and in 1910, elected Grand Master, and served the Craft wisely and faithfully In every station he occupied. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home at t.he time of his death. The Capitular degrees were conferred upon him in Linn Royal Arch Chapter at Brookfield in 1900. He received the Cryptic degrees in Solomon Council No. 26, at Milan in 1902. and was Knighted in Couer de Lion Commandery No. 41, statlon~d at Brookfield in 1904. He was a member of Moolah Temple of the Mystic Shrine in St. Louis. and a Charter member of Laclede Chapter of the Eastern Star which he served as Patron. He was Worthy Grand Patron of t.he Gr.and Chapter of Missouri itl 1914.
In conjunction with the Methodist Church. the funeral was con-
Proceedings of the
ducted by the Grand Lodge at Laclede, Missouri, on Tuesday, January 29th, with the Grand Master officiating. Eight past Grand Masters of this jurisdiction, and many brethren were in the line of march, including an escort of Knights Templar from Brookfield Commandery. It may be truthfully said that Brother Bigger so lived that he will be long missed, and lovingly remembered by his friends and Brethren throughout the State.
Calmly he looked on either life, and here Saw nothing to regret, or there to fear. May our Heavenly Father have those who were near and dear to our departed Brother in His Holy Keeping. Out of respect to the memory of Brother Bigger, let this memorial be read in each Lodge in this Jurisdiction at the first stated communication after its receipt, and proper record thereof made in the minutes of the Lo路dge. . Fraternally, JOSEPH S. McINTYRE, Grand Master.
JOHN ROLPH PARSON Past Grand Master Past Grand Secretary Born February 24, 1839
Died April 8, 1924
Grand Lodge of Missouri
IN MEMORIAM Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of Missouri St. Louis, Missouri, May 9th, 1924. To the Officers and Members of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri, and all Subordinate Lodg-es and the Members thereof in MissourI: It is with inexpressible sadness that I officially announce the death of Past Grand Master John Rolph Parson, who dIed in the City of St. Louis, Tuesday evening, April 8th, at the age of eightyfive. BIOGRAPHY. M. W. Brother Parson was born In Buffalo. New York, on the 24th day of February, 1839, and received his education In the public schools of that city. He began his btlsiness career in St. Lou'Is in 1859, but for many years he has given the whole of his time to the Masonic FraternIty. He was the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri in 1892, being the forty-ninth Grand Master in this Grand Jurisdiction. He was alRo Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of this State for 1903, and路 served as Grand Secretary of this Grand Lodge for the years 1904 to 1921, inclusive. He was made a Master Mason in Aurora Lodge No. 267 in the City of St. Louis on the 2nd day of May, 1869, and served Aurora as its Worshipful Master thereof in 1878. He was also Treasurer of Aurora from 1879 until 1894 and a member thereof at the time of his death. He receIved the CapitUlar Degrees in 1871 in Bellefontaine Chapter In St. Louis, and was for four years High Priest of this Chapter. He also served as路 Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Mis路souri for the year 1892. He was elected to membership in Old Hiram Council No. 10, R. and S. M., on October 21st, 1871, and later served this Council as Master and Recorder. He was elected Grand Master of the Grand Council, R. and S. M., of the State of Missouri in 1881. He was created a KnIght Templar In St. Aldemar Commandery No. 18, August 15, 1871. and served it as Commander in 1874 and Recorder in 1892 and 1893. In 1877 he was elected Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Missouri. and later served that body as Grand Drill Master for a term of ten years. In 1881 he receIved the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted ScottIsh Rite from the Fourth to the Thirty-s.econd, inclusive, and in 1899 was crowned Honorary ThIrty-thIrd Degree. He was active in the. formation of the General Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star and served as Grand Patron of the Grand Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star in MIssouri in 1888 and 1889, and was its Grand Secretary from 1875 to 1887. In the Grand Encampment of the United States of AmerIca he was Grand Sword Bearer, 1883 to 1886, and Grand Standard Bearer from 1886 to 1889. In 1886 he was Chairman of the Triennial Committee of the Grand Encampment. "Uncle John," or "John R.," as he was popularly known to the Craft throughout the State, was one of the most beloved members
Proceedings of the
our Graft has ever had in Missouri. It will be seen that he gave a very great part of his entire life to Freemas'onry and he was always careful to impress on everyone that he regarded the Blue Lodge degrees as absolutely fundamental, and the equal of any other degrees or honors that. might be conferred on any member of the Craft in anyone of the other Masonic Bodies. It wlll also be seen that he had joined all of the regularly recognized bodies of Freemasons. as well as a number of its auxillary organizations, and It is said that he never took a dim it from ltny Masonic organization which he had joined. and he was. therefore. a member in good standing In all of the Bodies. both regular and auxiliary, at the time of h!s death. He was one of the Founders of the Masonic Home; serveo on its Board of Directors for a long time. and was one of the best ftlends the Home ever had up to the very day of hiR death. He regarded his services in connection with the foundation of the Home l'lS his greatest achievement. and we know of no greater service that l'lnyone could render our Craft or humanity. than to found and foster 8. great. henevolent institution .lik~ our Masonic Home. With the assistance of two or three others he. l'lS Chalrm:m of the Triennial Committee of the Grand Encampment of Knights Temnlar. gave an entertainment at the old Fall' Grounds In the City of St. Louis in 1886, which resulted in a net profit of thirty-five thouSRno oo11ars, all of which went to our Masonic Home as an endowment fund, and was the beginning of the present endowment fund. Funeral services were conducted at the home of his daughter. 5639路 Cates Avenue. St. Louis. Missouri, on Thursday. April 10th. 1924. and the Masonic service was rendered at the grave in Bellefontaine Cemetery by the Grand Lodge with the Grand Ml'tster offlclatin~: and in addition thereto a Rhort form of committal service was rendered by the Knights Templar. Six Past Grand Masters of this .Turisdiction. a large representa~ tlon from Aurora Lodge No. 2/17. and St. Aldemar Commandery No. 18. together with many other Brethren and friends were in the line of march. No member of our Craft has ever rendered greater service to Freemasonry In this State than did "Uncle .Tohn." whose memory will be remembered and revered so long as any who knew him shall live. His qualities as a man and as a Freemason endeared him to everyone. and will stand as a living monument to a life well spent. We do not hesitate to say that we shall not soon see his like again. He Is survived by one daughter, Miss Evelyn T. P,arson, who resides In St. LOUis, Out of respect to the memory of M. W. Brother Parson. let this memorial be read at each Subordinate Lodge in this .Turlsdlction at the first stated communication after Its receipt and let a proper record of this memorial be made in the minutes of each of our Subordinate Lodges, either by pasting it into the records of the minutes of the meeting at which It is read, or else Incorporated therein in full by the Secretary of each Lodge. Fraternally yours, JOSEPH S. McINTYRE, Grand Master.
W. F. KUHN Past Grand Master Born April 15, 1849
Died September I, 1924
Grand Lodge of Missouri
IN MEMORIAM Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of Missouri St. Louis, Mo., September 11, 1924. '拢0 the Worshipful Masters, 'Vardens and Brethren of all Lodges,
Anyient Free and Accepted Masons in Missouri: For the third time since the first of the year it becomes our melancholy duty to officially inform the Craft of the death of one of our Past Grand Masters. In his seventy-fifth year, Illustrious Brother Dr. W. F. Kuhn laid down forever the working tools of Freemasonry at his home in Kansas City on the evening of September 1st. Funeral services were conducted on Thursday, September 4th, in the Masonic Temple at Kansas City by the Grand Lodge, Most Worshipful Brother Corona H. Briggs, Past Grand Master, presiding. Many officers and .members of the Grand Lodge, including Past Grand Masters and representatives from all the various Bodies of Freemasonry in Missouri were present at the services, both at the Temple and Mt. Moriah Cemetery, as were also路 many f!'fends and relatives. It is not the purpose of memorial letters of this kind to pronounce encomiums, but rather to perform the solemn duty of conveying to the Craft the irreparable loss the Community and Fraternity have sustained. However, we feel constrained to say that thIs Grand Lodge has never had a more conspicuous member or upstanding man than was Bro. Kuhn. In the ordinary walks of life he was popular and prominent, standing at the very head of his profession, while in Freemasonry he was recognized as one of the leading thinkers and authors throughout the entire United States.
Born in Alsace on April 15th, 1849, he accompanied his family to Michigan in 1858 where his father homesteaded. a farm. His early education he received in the . little red schoolhouse near his. father's farm, and graduated from Wittenburg College at Springfield, Ohio, in 1875. He then taught for a short time before entering Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia, Pa., from which he graduated in 1884. He began the practice of medicine at EI Dorado, Kansas, but moved to Kansas City, Mo., in the fall of 1888 where he continued to practice medicine until the very day of his death, having been connected for the last fifteen years with the staff of the University Medical College of Kansas City. Twice the State called on him for public service. He was Superintendent of State Hospital No.4 at Farmington from 1905 to 1907 and held the same position from 1907 to 1909 with Hospital No. 2 at St. Joseph. His Masonic history is long and illustrious. He was made a Master Mason in Belle Center, No. 347, Belle Center, Ohio, on April 30th, 1877, and was a charter member of York Lodge No. 563, Kansas City and its first Master in 1895.
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He became a Royal Arch Mason in 1882 and served as High Priest of Orient Chapter No. 102, Kansas City, for 1891, 1892 and 1893. He became a member of the Council in 1891 and was first Master of Shekinah Council No.4, Kansas City, in 1892. He joined the Commandery in 1887 and was Commander of both El Dorado Commandery at El Dorado, Kansas, and Oriental Commandery, Kansas City. Mo. In Scottish Rite Masonry he was also very active. He was not only a 32d degree Mason, but had been honored with the degrees of KCCH., and served as Prior in Western Consistory No.2 in Kansas City for seven years. He was Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Missouri in 1897; Grand Master of the Grand Council of Missouri in 1893 and 1894; Grand Commander of the Knights Templar of Missouri in 1901; Grand Patron of the Grand Chapter, O. E. S. of Missouri in 1900, and served as M. W. Grand Patron of the General Grand Chapter of the United States in 1900, and he was serving as General Grand High Priest of the General Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons of the United States at the time of his death. His first appearance in the Grand Lodge was the death of Grand Master Yocum, Dr. Kuhn Grand Master a portion of 1902 and 1903 until he Master and served a full term as such. Since Grand Master he has at all times been active in ters, and will be greatly missed at our sessions come.
in 1893. Owing to served as Acting was elected Grand his retirement as Grand Lodge matfor many years to
Truly one of the noblest of the noblemen of our Fraternity has fallen and we shall not soon see his like again. Truly he wore to the grave his Masonic apron just as it was handed to him at the altar-spotlessly white and wholly unsoiled by the grime or sin of this world. Let this Memorial be read in each Lodge in this Grand Jurisdiction. JOSEPH S. McINTYRE. Grand Master.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
3Jtt tlrmnrtam
Most Worshipful Brother
CLAY C. BIGGER Elected Grand Master September. 1910 DIED
January 26. 1924
Grand Lodge of Missouri
lJu flrmnrtam
Most Worshipful Brother
JOHN ROLPH PARSON Elected Grand Master October. 1892 DIED
April 8. 1924
Grand Lodge of Missouri
lin :!Irmnrium
Most Worshipful Brother
WM. F. KUHN Elected Grand Master October. 1903 DIED
September I. 1924
1924. ]
Grand Lodge of Missouri
lJu memoriam
Right Worshipful Brother
A. L. ROSS Past Grand Senior Steward DIED
February 1. 1924
1924. ]
Grand Lodge of Missouri
11 u _rmnrtam
Grand Lodge of Missouri
3Jn :!Irmnriam'