1929 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

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C. H.


D. D.,




To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Missouri, A. F. & A. M.:

Your Correspondent herewith presents his Second Annual Report. It reviews the Proceedings of. all the Grand Lodges in this country, the Grand Lodge of the Philippines, the York Grand Lodge of Mexico, the Grand Lodges of England, Scotland and Ireland, Grand Lodges in the Dominion of Canada and in the British possessions in Australasia. Nearly all the Grand Lodges of English speaking Freemasonry are passed in rOeview.

Peace and harmony prevail and the Fraternity is growing all over the world: . About 118,000 Master Masons have been raised in the United States during the year, and while many have been suspended for, non-payment of dues, yet three-fourths of our Grand Lodges show a net increase in membership amounting to about 30,000, after allowing for the losses in the few Grand Lodges which report a decrease in membership. 掳

Standing for路 the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man, based upon the Divine Fatherhood, Freemasonry is today a greater power for good, wherever our English tongue is spoken, than ever before in the world's history. There never was a time when civilizatio.n had greater need of the humanizing and ennobling influences which the stalwart men who believe in our principles are spreading over the earth today, and every intelligent and zealous Freemason can enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that his activitiy in promoting our Fraternity is serving his fellow men and enriching his own life. We "borrow" from a Brother Correspondent's report a poem which has in it the ring of true Brotherhood:


"'Once in so often,' King Solomon said, Watching his quarrymen drill the stone, We will club our garlic and wine and bread . And banquet together beneath my Throne. And all the Brethren shall come to that mess As Fellow-Craftsmen-no more and no less. "Send a swift shallop to Hiram of Tyre, Felling and floating our beautiful trees, Say that the Brethren and I desire' Talk with our Brethren who use the seas. And we shall be happy to meet them at mess As Fellow-Craftsmen-no more and no less. "Carry this message to Hiram AbifExcellent Master of forge and mine:I and the Brethren would like it if He and the Brethren will come to dine (Garments from Bozrah or morning-dress) As Fellow-Craftsmen-no more and no less. "God gave the Hyssop and Cedar theil' placeAlso the Bramble, the Fig and the ThornBut that is no reason to black a man's face Because he is not what hc hasn't been born. And, as touching the Temple, I hold and profess We are Fellow-Craftsmen-no more and no less." So it was ordered and so it was done, And the hewers of wood and the Masons of Mark, \Vith foc'sle hands of the Sidon run And Navy Lords from the "Royal Ark," Came and sat down and were merry at mess As l!~ellow-Craftsmen-no more and no less. The Quarries are hotter than Hiram's forge, No one is safe from the dog-whips reach, It's mostly snowing up Lebanon gorge, And it's always blowing off Joppa beach: But once in so often, the messenger brings Solomon's mandate: "Forget these things! Brother to Beggars and Fellow to Kings, Companion of Princes-forget these things! Fellow-Craftsmen, forget these things!"


Year Alabama __ _ Alberta Arlzona ._. Arkansas _ __ _ British Columbia............... __ Cal i fo rn la : Canada Colorado ConnecticuL Delaware _ _ District of Columbla England _ _._ Florlda __ _ Georgla_ _ Idaho III i n oi s_ In diana Iowa Ireland _ Kansas _ Kentucky LOuisiana Maine _ __ _ l\fanitoba : Maryland Massach uset ts Michigan l\finnesota , Mississlppi. Montana __ _ Nebraska._ Nevada New I-Iampshire New Jersey New Mexico New South 'Vales __ . New York_ New Zealand_ North Carolina North Carolina _ North Dakota Nova Scotia _ Oh io. __ ., __ Oklahoma __ Oregon Pennsylvania _ : Philippine Islands


1928...................................................... 8 1928 10 1929 11 1928 _ __ ...........•............ 12 1928 _ 14 1928.................. 15 1928 17 1928 _..... 18 1929 ._ _ 19 1928 21 1928 __ _ 22 1928 24 1928 , __ 25 1928 26 1928 27 1928 _.,. 29 1929 _ _ 31 1928 33 1928 _ 36 1929 _._ : 36 1928 .. __ 40 1929 41 1928_ 42 1928 44 1928 45 1928 _.. 46 1928 48 1929 49 1929 50 1928 _ _ 51 1928 __ : 53 1928 55 1928 56 1928 57 _1929 59 1928 60 1929_ 61 1928 _ _ 64 1928 _ 64 1929 _ 67 1928 69 192 8_ ~ _. __ 70 ~ 1928 _ _ 71 1929 _ _ 73 __ 1928 _ 75 1928 78 1929 80

Year Prince Edward Island 1928 ..,.......... Quebec 1929 Rhode Island 1928 Saskatchewan 1928 Scotland 1929 South Australia 1928 South Carolina 1929 South Dakota 1928 Tasmania 1929 Tennessee 1929 Texas 1928 Utah """"" 1929 Vermont 1928 Victo ria "'" _19 28 Virginia ""'" 1928 Virginia 1929 vVash in gton c•••.••••••• 19 28 West Australia 1928 West Virginia 1928 Wisconsin 1928 Wyoming 1928 York Grand Lodge of Mexico : 1928


Page 82 83 84 86 87 87 88 90 91 92 94 98 100 102 104 106 107 111 112 114 115 116

1929 MASONIC STATISTICS Compiled from the latest reports which have been received. From the Grand Lodges in the United States. .Jurisdiction No. Lodges 1. Alabama........ 573 2. Arizona........................ 38 3. Arkansas.......................................................... 527 4. California........................................................ 574 5. Colorado........................................... 147 6. . Connecticut................. 121 7. Delaware............................... 22 8. District of Columbia............................ 44 9. Florida................................. 260 10. Georgia................................. 646 11. Idaho......... 80 12. Illinois.......................... 1,008 13. Indiana....................... 559 14. Iowa............................ 558 15. Kansas.... 446 16. Kentucky , ,. 598 17. Louisiana............................ 268 18. Maine......... 207 19. Maryland........... 123 20. Massachusetts 325 21. Michigan........ 499 22. Minnesota........ 310 23. Mississippi.......... 384 24. Missouri...................... 659 2,). Montana............ 134 21;. Nebraska... 293 27. Nevad;J....... .. 23 21\. Ne'.... Hampshil'e 81 29. New .Jersey.. 263 30 New Mexico...................... 57 31. Nev..· york..... 1.011 32. North Carolina.. 420 33. North Dakota.. 129 34. Ohio...................................... 608 35. Oklahoma 458 31i. Oregon.......................... 172 37. Pennsylvania.... 565 38. Philippine Islands... 102 3'1. Rhode Island.... 43 40. South Carolina 290 41. South Dakota... 176 42. Tennessee 454 43. Texas..... 999 44. Utah........... 25 45. Vermont.. 103 46. Virginia.... 352 47. Washington................ 265 48. West Virginia............. 167 49. Wisconsin.......... "'"'''''''''''''' 311 50. Wyoming.. 46



l\Iembershil) 53,293 6,432 36,925 134,312 33,264 45,906 6.058 23,281 32,4"04 68,415 10,302 293,116 129,443 86,486 83,708 63,297 34,204 43.897 33,857 125,288 150.1)50 61,940 36,399 113,791 20.631 41.948 2.9')4 15.560 92,505 6.932 343.700 41,350 15.459 204.638 70.969 30.286 212.803 6.667 18.852 29.698 19.707 50.732 137.836 5.177 19.438 48.782 49,040 34,414 60.305 8.145 3,295,250

Year's Gain

9n· 165 681 4,993 535 345 51 17 1.995 229· 184 2,492

372 55· 207 1.968· 987· 146 622 1.627 1,432 353 454· 86 162 362 64 120 2,968 240 6.142 186· 52 2,513 1,718· 526 2,251

16· 561 150· 24 58 1.096 70 175 220 1,222 322 1.497 220 30,432

From the Grand Lodges Outside of the United States. .Turlsdletlon

No. Lodges .............................................. 563

Membership 112,401

Year's Gain

2. 3. 4.

Canada ..... England. Ireland Scotland ..

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Alberta British Columbia Manitoba Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island... . . Quebec Saskatchewan

. . . . . . .

1!i3 110 103 81 15 89 193

13,301 14,900 17,875 9,820 1.224 15.512 13,843

274 383 128

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

New South Wales New Zealand South Australia Tasmania Victoria \Vestern' AuRtralia

. . . .

575 293 129 44



67,273 26.227 13,658 3,964 46,771 8.117

2,693 648 563 132 1,978 450





York Grand Lodge of Mexico 路Shows Loss

, ""."""'" ..

27 354 237





Grand Master, James 1\1. Pearson. Grand Master, Elected, James M. Pearson. Grand Secretary, George A. Beauchamp, Montgomery. 573 Lodges. 53,293 Members. 1,679 Raised. 973 Loss. 373 Lodges Represented. ONbl HUNDRED EIGHTH ANNUAL. Montgomery, December 4-5, 1928. Present.

13 Grand Officers; 8 Past Grand Masters; 1 Past Grand Secretary, 640 Lodge Representatives. 53 Grand Lodges were represented, Missouri by Hesariah G. Earnest. Distinguished Visitors.

They were Leroy Brandon, Grand Master, A. S. York, Past Grand Master, and Walter Graves, Senior Grand Warden, of Florida, and O. Frank Hart, who is Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge, Grand Secretary of the Grand Chapter, and Grand Recorder of the Grand Co~ncil of South Carolina; also Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of South Carolina and General Grand Master of the General Grand Council of the United States Royal and Select Masters. If he is now holding any more high Masonic offices, information to that effect has tailed to reach this scribe. Cornerstones.

Five Cornerstones were laid by the Grand Master or his Deputies during the year. Washington Memorial.

The Grand Master attended the Grand Masters' Conference and the meeting of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association. While he regrets that Alabama had paid less than one-third of her apportionment, yet he closed his last letter to Governor Watres, President of the Association, with these words: "Alabama will continue to pay as long as there is need. have not been fast but we have never quit and we will not:'


He has this to say of the Conference of Grand Masters: "In addition to what might be termed the business side of the Conference, there are many social functions that tend to bring us all closer together, reminding us again that brotherly love unites men of every country, sect and opinion, conciliating true friendship




among those who might otherwise have remained at a perpetual distance."

Dancing in a Masonic Hall.

In answer to a question whether it would be permissible for the Shrine to use a Masonic Hall for dancing, he quoted Past Grand Master Street as follows: "If there is serious objection to it on the l)art of any substantial portion of the Lodge, I do not think even a majority should force the matter on the objecting minority. It is also my further opinion that the Master, if he deems it derogatory to the welfare of the Lodge, would have the right to forbid the use of the Lodge for that or any other non-Masonic purpose."

Our Grand Master goes on --to say: "A Masonic Lodge is not a Church but it should be a strong right arm of it. Your Grand Master has always thought that Masonic Lodges and school houses should be ranked next to the Church, since they stand for and seek to bring about the enlightenment and betterment of humanity. Nothing should be done in a Masonic Lodge that tends to mar the harmony that is the strength and support of all institutions."

Our Missouri Grand Lodge has declared that dancing cannot be permitted in our Masonic Lodge rooms. When the subject was before our Grand Lodge a few years ago, a statement was made that we commend to the consideration of our light-footed Alabama Brethren to this effect: that Thomas in his "Source Book of Social Origins" tells us that it can scar~ely be doubted that dancing eriginated "as an adjunct to sexual stimulation". That as such it is open!y practiced among primitive peoples and, while in civilized nations it is not acknowledged, it doubtless serves the same purpose. Last Sunday the pastor of the Congregational Church of Springfield had a long article in the local paper in which he looks ahead a hundred years and finds the Church the patron of the theatre and the dance. A few such men do enter the ministry and some Masons want to dance and play cards in Masonic Halls, tiut the great majority of us believe that halls that are solemnly dedicated "in the name of the Supreme and Eternal God, the Grand Architect of Heaven and Earth" should be kept free of. such frivolities. We find no report on Correspondence.


Appendi.-r . ALBERTA;

[Sept. ~


Grand Master, George E. Cruickshank. Grand Master, Elected, Alexander M. Mitchell, Edmonton. Grand Secretary, 'Vm. Ireland. Grand Secretary, Elected, J. H. W. S. Kemmis, Calgary. Correspondent, F. S. Selwood. 153 Lodges. 13,301 Members. 594 Raised. 274 Gain. 132 Lodges Represented. TWENTY路THIRD ANNUAL. CalgarY,June 13路14, '1928. Present. 31 Grand Officers; 11 Past Grand Masters; 233 Past Masters; 140 Lodge Representatives. '35 Grand Lodges were represented, but Missouri was not one of that路 number. Grand Master's Address. The Grand Master reported the loss by death of the Grand Secretary, Past Grand Master S. Y. Taylor, who had filled that office from June, 1917, until his death, Marc,h 28, 1928. He appointed Vlm. Ireland to fill the vacancy. New Lodges. Dispensations, were issued for the formation of six new Lodges. Cornerstones. Five corn'erstones were laid by the Grand Master and two by others' acting for him. Three of these cornerstones were for churches. Visitations. The Grand Master attended the District Meeting in the fifteen Masonic Districts. He also reported a number of visits to individ路 ual Lodges. Fort'y-three pages in the Proceedings are given to the report the fifteen District Deputy Grand Masters. These reports indicated car.eful supervision of the work.


"To Wear Regalia at Divine. Service." 37 Dispensations were given Lodges to wear Regalia at Divine Service. Correspondence. The Report of 127 pages is by Past Grand Master F. S. Selwood, Chairman, assisted by seven others. The report of four




pages which reviews our Proceedings for 1927 is from the pen of Past Grand Master H. C. Taylor. He gives two pages to a very fraternal review of the administration of Past Grand Master Pickard, 'a~d quotes in full our report on the Recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges., \ Many reviews have quoted it and the main points on which we insist seem to command general approyal. He says 01'. Mather's Report on Correspondence "as usual, is most interesting". He quotes, the opening and closing stanzas of Dr. Woods' "Musings at Eventide". But he slips at one point: He thinks Dr. Mather is still Correspondent. He is Grand Secretary and that keeps him busy. A new hand was broken in one year ago. This is his second report. ARIZONA.

,Grand Master, Lloyd Chamberlain Henning. Grand Master, Elected, William Townsley MacDonald, Douglas. Grand Secretary, Harry Arizona Drachman, Tuscon. 38 I~odges. 6,432 Members. 258 Raised. 165 Gain. 34 Lodges Represented. FORTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL. Prescott, February 12-14, 1929. Present.

20 Grand Officers; 15 Past Grand Masters, 1 Past Grand Junior Warden; 123 Past. Masters and Lodge Representatives. 59 Grand Lodges were represented, -but Missouri was not one of that number. Distinguished Visitor.

Mattison Boyd Jones, General Grand Scribe of the General Grand Chapter of the United States was introduced. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master visited all of the 38 Lodges. By glvmg five weeks to one trip, he' reached thirty Lodges in that time and was able to reach all in a little over five thousand miles of travel by railaIid in automobiles. He attended the Grand Masters' Conference -at Washington City and the Washington Memorial at Alexandria, and visited the Grand Lodge of New Mexico. Death of the Grand Secretary.

Arizona's "Grand Old Man", George James Roskrudge, Grand Secretary, di~d July 27,. 1928, aged more th~n eighty-three years. He was Grand Secretary from the formation of the Grand Lodge




in 1882 until his death, except the two years he served as Deputy Grand Master and Grand Master. He was Grand Secretary of the Grand Chapter and Grand Recorder of the Grand Commandery. To fill the vacancy occasioned by his death, the Grand Master appointed Harry A. Drachman and the Grand Lodge expressed its a.pproval of 'his choice by electing the appointee as Grand Secretary. We find no Report on Correspondence. ARKANSAS.

Grand Master, H. D. Bowers. Grand Master, Elected, Hamp Williams, Ho~ Springs. Grand Secretary, Fay Hempstead, Little Rock. 527 Lodges. 36,925 Members. 2,280 Honorary Members. 1,971 Raised. 681 Gain. 450 Lodges Represented. EIGHTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL. Little Rock, November 20-21, 1928. Present.

12 Grand Officers; 12 Past Grand Masters; 16 District Deputy Grand Masters; 525 total attendance. 49 Grand Lodges were represented-Missouri by W. M. Greeson. Distinguished Visitors.'

W. W. Moore, Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Arkansas, and C. E. Smith, Grand Master of the Grand Council, wera introduced. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master reported that he had laid three Cornerstones and granted a Dispensation for one new Lodge. Visitations.

He visited Masonic gatherings in every County in the State but three. He also visited the Grand Lodge of Louisiana at New Orleans and the Grand Lodge of Mississippi at Jackson. He also attended the Grand Masters' Conference at Washington ,City anel the George Washington National Masonic Memorial Association. Appeals for Aid.

In reporting 13 cases where he had permitted Lodges to send out appeals for aid, he adds this' comment, which is suggestive: "It is interesting to note that practically all these appeals for




aid originate in Lodges charging less than $30.00 for the degrees and less than $2.50 for dues."

An Edict.

May 1, 1928, he issued an edict from which we quote: "Brethren: It has repeatedly come within the personal observation of your Grand Master that an increasing number of members路 of organizations whose prerequisite for membership therein is based upon a membership in the Masonic Fraternity, are prostituting meetings or gatherings of these organizations into orgies of gambling, drunkenness and debauchery."

Concerning this Edict, the Committee on Masonic Law and V sage reported: "That inasmuch as the subject matter covered by the decision designated as an 'Edict' dated EI Dorado, Arkansas, May I, 1928, is amply covered by sufficient laws pertinent, therefore this committee sees no reason for its approval as an Edict."

This report was adopted. A youth, who saw through the brush a moving form, shot "to hit it if it was a deer and miss it if it was a calf." The Committee showed equal skill. Outside of Arkansas even Masonic laws are not self enforcing. When the writer was Grand Master of Missouri twenty-nine years ago a District Deputy reported dancing and the serving of wine and beer in a Masonic Temple. The Grand Master brought his big foot down in a way that provoked one of the Lodges to adopt a report in which they expressed the opinion that it was not for the good of Masonry that the matter was taken up with the Grand Master and an organization (not a Lodge) meeting in the Temple protested that they did not recognize the jurisdiction of the Grand Master as extending over their meetings. The Grand Lodge approved the action of路 the District Deputy and the Grand Master and informed the protesting organization that the Grand Master claimed no jurisdiction over their meetings, but had jurisdiction over Master Masons who might chance to belong to their organizations. Correspondence. The Report is by R. W. Bro. W. A. Thomas. To quote the late Sam P. Jones, it is "short but brief". It fills eight pages and de路 "otes six lines to Missouri.





Grand Master, Frank S. McKee.. Grand Master, Elected, Robert Baird, Victoria. Grand Secretary, W. A. DeWolf Smith, New Westminster. Correspondent, W. A. DeWolf Smith, New Westminster. 110 Lodges. 14,900 Members; 611 Raised. 383 Gain. FIFTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL. Vancouver, June 21, 1928. Present.

30 Grand Officers; 17 Past Grand Masters; 45 Past District Deputy Grand Masters. 31 Grand Lodges were represented, Missouri by, Wm. Astley, Senior Past Grand Master. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master reported that he had constituted two Lodges ,and issued dispensations for fQrming two new Lodges . . Report of District .Deputies.

The reports of the fifteen District Deputy Grand Masters fill :拢5 pages in the Proceedings. 'Correspo nde nee.

The Report of 137 pages is by the Grand Secretary, W. A. DeWolf Smith. He gives a.,page and a half to our Proceedings for .1926. Concerning a ruling on the display of the Square and Compass 011 an automobile, he has this to say: "Probably the lack of a law on the point is due to the fact that the law makerR did not imagine that anyone would be so short of good taste as to want to parade the Square and Compasses in the manner referred to." . ,

He quotes our Ritual Committee as "of the opi路nl6n that the saluting of the flag of our cou'ntry has no place in the Masonic ritual" and adds this comment: "There is no one more anJently nationalistic on Imperialistic than ourselves, not withstanding which we see no place for a national flag in a Masonic Lodge room."

1929. ]




Grand Master, Will H. Fischer. Grand Mast€r, Elected, Gustav Hutaff, Dunsmuir. Grand Se.cretary, John Whicher, San Francisco. Correspondent, Jesse M. Whited. 574 Lodges. 134,312 Members. 6,858 Raised. 4,993 Gain. 555 Lodges Represented. SEVENTY·NINTH ANNUAL. San Francisco, October 9·12, 1928. Present.

19 Grand Officers; 21 Past Grand Masters; 1,425 Officers and Representatives of 555 Lodges. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master laid seven cornerstones and dedicated nine Masonic Temples. Three cornerstones were laid and four dedications were conducted by others acting for him. Visitations.

He followed the group plan by which he was enabled to come in contact with Officers and a great many of- the Brethren of 471 Lodges. Similar work on a smaller scale was done by the Deputy Grand Master and the Grand Wardens. Grand Master's Conference.

He attended the Conference in Washington City, February. 20, 1928. He says: "By virtue of its representative character and the eminence and attainments of its members, the· Conference- was extremely impressive,"

He quotes the opening paragraph of the address of Grand Master Howard B. Cruse of New Jersey, who presided over the Conference: "This -g~eat fraternity that we represent, in my humble judgment, is distinguished by Its universality. The language of Freemasonry is a universal language, spoken at the gquator and answered by the Northmen. The wisdom of Freemasonry is the universal wisdom, drawn from the thoughts and the travail of" a thousand generations. The signs of Freemasonry al'e universal signs derived from the childhood of the- race. The symbols of Freemasonry arc universal symbols, g'reat with a nameless age. The religion of Freemasonry is a universal religion, ripe with the worship of ages; and the tenets of Freemason ry are expressed in


[ S~pt.


universal charity and brotherhood sympathy, service and sacrifice."





Speaking at a dinner that evening Grand Master Fischer suggested that the Conference to be held in 1929 should go on record as opposed to any movement looking toward the forming of a National Grand Lodge. In this he was strongly seconded by that eminent Freemason, Past Grand Master Melvin M. Johnson of Massachusetts. We are in hearty accord with their views. We do not need a National Grand Lodge, but an Annual Grand Masters' Conference can accomplish good. Educational Program. Beginning with 1917, the Grand Lodge has appropriated $5路5,000.00 for an Educational program in the Lodges. It is planned to take up three topics each month, one being strictly a Masonic subject. We can say what Old Lady Partington said of the Doctrine of Total Depravity, "It's a very good thing if only lived up to." One topic suggested is, "What the Universe is made 0[," We trust that when our California brethren solve this problem they will enlighten the rest of mankind. The next topic given is "California 'Courts." Is it true as the papers have told us that the Supreme Court of California has decided that the Bible is a sectarian book and that a California Attorney General has ruled that the "Lords' Prayer" is sectarian? 'the Order of DeMolay. The Grand Master says "I believe the Order is doing good work," but he says: "Our Grand Lodge has heretofore adopted the principle that constituent Lodges should not sponsor' Chapters of the Order of DeMo lay. The policy thus expressed, in my opinion, is supported by wisdom. Among individual Masons generally, however sympathy toward this Order is entertained."

But of the ritual of the Order he says: "Insofar as the first degree is concerned, it is admirable; bu t I believe' the ritual of the second degree shOUld be abolished ann a new one substituted therefor."

We believe that if the Knights of Columbus could witness this second degree they would concur in this recommendation. Rom.e's motto is "Semper idem". Her policy changes according to the winds that blow upon it, but her principles do not change and there ,are chapters of history she has made that ought not to be forgotten.


1929. ]



The Report of 150' pages is by Jesse M. Whited, Past Master of California ILodge No.!. The old preachers used to divide sermons into two classes "Textual" and "Topical." .correspondents generally follow the textual plan so a correspondent who wished to know what another correspondent said about his Grand Lodge had only to turn to the comment on that Grand Lodge and could skip all the rest of the report. But W. Bro. Whited adopts the topical plan. He gives a hundred pages to topics from "Advertising" to the "Washington Memorial." Then we have fourteen pages devoted to "Bouquets and Brickbats" in which he refers briefly to the Proceedings of many Grand Lodges. Then follows a heading "Alla-Podrida" which is defined as ",a Spanish term meaning a dish of stewed meat". His "mixture" makes good eating and this scribe looked over all pages of his report but found nothing that would harm Missouri.

CANADA. In the Province of Ontario.

Grand Master, Hon. John S. Martin, Port Dover. Grand Secretary, Wm. M. Logan, Hamilton. Correspondent, William Nesbit, Ponton. 563 Lodges. 112,401 Members. 4,452 Raised. SEVENTY-THIRD ANNUAL. London, July 18路19, 1928. Present.

8 Grand Officers; 2 Past Grand Masters; 32 District Deputy Grand Masters; 1,709 Past Masters and Lodge Representatives. 34 Grand Lodges were represented,but not Missouri. Distinguished Visitors.

Henry Willis, Grand Master of Quebec, W. M. Williamson, Grand Secretary of Quebec, Edwin Smith, Grand First Principal of the Grand Chapter of Canada, and A. F. Webster, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite for the Dominion of Canada, were introduced. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master reported visits to the Grand Lodges 'of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Michigan. He laid the cornerstone of one Masonic Temple. Six Lodges




were constituted and consecrated. Seven Lodges were dedicated and dispensations were issued for four new Lodges. Reports of District Deputies.

The Reports of 31 District Deputy Grand Masters fill more than 240 pages in the Proceedings. Evidently District Deputy Grand Masters in the Grand Lodges lying between us and the North Pole are expected to give their strength to the work of Freemasonry. Correspo nde nee.

Past Grand Master William Nesbit, Ponton, gives a Report of 261 pages. He reviews the Proceedings of all but four of our Grand Lodges, but Missouri is one of the four. he missed.


Grand Master, John Andrew. Grand Master, Elected, J. Emmett Newsom, }<'ort Collins. Grand Secretary, William W. Cooper, Denver. Correspondent, Stanley C. Warner, Denver. 147 Lodges. 33,264 Members. 1,222 Raised. 535 Gain. 133 Lodges Represented. SIXTY路EIGHTH ANNUAL. Denver, September 18-19, 1928. Present. 15 Grand Officers; 19 Past Grand Masters; 34 Members of Standing Committees; 243 Representatives of Lodges. 48 Grand Lodges were represented-Missouri by Frank G. Mirick. Distinguished Visitors.

Guy J. Gay, Grand Master, and Joseph M. Lowncles, Grand Secretary of 'Vyoming, were introduced. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master reported 76 official visitations to Lodges. Some of these visitations were to Lodges grouped together so that he reached nearly ninety Lodges in this way. Cornerstones and Dedications.

He laid eight Cornerstones during the year and dedicated five Masonic Halls.




A Veteran Past Grand Master.

Chase Withrow, who was Grand Master in 1866, urged hig Brethren to establish a Masonic Home in Colorado. He visited our Grand Lodge at its Centennial Session. in 1921 and referred to our M~sonic Home as a good "Illustration of work done for aged Masons and their widows." Corresponde nee.

The Report by Stanley C. Warner gives more than three pages to Missouri. It quotes freely from Grand Master Pickard's Ad路 dress and the Report of the Committee on Jurisprudence commending the Grand Master's decision concerning the misuse of the word "Masonic" in business advertisements. It also quotes with evident. approval the report of 0111' Special Committee on Recognitic?u 'of Foreign Grand bodges. CONNECTICUT.

Grand Master, Robert S. Walker. Grand Master, Elected, George R. Sturges, Woodbury. Grand Secretary, George A. Kies (Made Grand Secretary Emeritus). Grand Secretary, Elected, Winthrop Buck, Hartford. Correspondent, George A. Kies, Grand Secretary Emeritus. 121 Lodges. 45,906 Members. 1,449 Raised. 345 Gain. 120 Lodges Represented. ONE HUNDRED FORTY路FIRST ANNUAL. Hartford, February 6-7; 1929. Present.

15 Grand Officers; 14 Past Grand Masters; 8 District Deputies; 17 Past District Deputies; 339' Lodge Representatives. 49 Grand Lodges were represented-Missouri by Leonard J. Nicherson, Past Grand Master. Distinguished Visitors.

From Vermont: Charles B. Adams, Gran,d Senior Warden. From New Jersey: William T. Vanderlipp, Grand Master, Benjamin J. Havens, Senior Grand Warden, Donald J. Sargent, Junior Grand Warden, Isaac Cherry, Grand Secretary. From New York: John A. Dutton, Grand Master, Robert J. Kenworthy, Grand Secretary, Henry C. Turner, Judge Advocate. From Rhode Island: Edwin O. Chase, Grand Master. Grand Master's Address.

'fhe Grand Master reports 79 visitations.

While most of these



l Sept.

were to Lodges, he reports attendance at the Grand Master's Conference at Washington City and the meeting of the Washington Memorial Association among the number. Also visits to the Grand Lodges of New Jersey, New York, Maine, Rhode Island, Vermont and Massachusetts, the Grand Chapter and Grand Council of Connecticut and the Grand 'Chapter of the Eastern Star. Three cornerstones were laid during the year and two Masonic Temples were dedicated. Thirty-year Masons.

In Connecticut membership in a Lodge for thirty years entitles a member to exemption from payment of dues. 4,932 are now exempt, which is more than ten per cent of the entire membership. The Grand Ma..ster called attention ta the latter in his address and the Grand Lodge adopted a resolution providing that this exemption shall not apply to anyone made a Mason since January 1, 1900. "Ciphers and Unauthorized Rituals".

An enterprising publishing house in New York 'City sent circulars to Secretaries, Tilers and others offering a commission for the sale of a cipher, claiming to give the standard work of Connecticut. The Grand Master sent a warning to every Lodge that any one engaging in circulating such ciphers would be liable to ex路 pulsion. His conclusion was: "From personal conversa ticn and information received from officers of Lodges, I believe said warning was timely and was needed to remind many of our members of our Regulations, and their dut.y to the Fraternity~"

The writer has been a Freemason nearly fifty years, but has never heard of any cipher ritual of our Missouri work. Grand Secretary Emeritus.

M. W. Bro. George A. Kies, Senior Past Grand Master, who has been Grand Secretary for many years, was made Grand Secretary Emeritus for life at a salary of $3,000.00 per annum. The Grand Lodge honored itself as well as M. W. Bro. Kies in taking this action. Correspondence.

The Report of 134 pages is by the Gr,and Secretary Emeritus, George A. Kies. He gives a page and a half to a fraternal.review o~ our Proceedings for 1927. Merrill E. Otis, Grand Orator, to



1929. ]

whose address he refers, is a Judge of the United States Court for Western Missouri. He has been accused of filling the jails of Northwest Missouri with bootleggers. In 1926 this writer helped to make him a Scottish Rite Mason. DELAWARE.

Grand Master, Weldon C. Maples. Grand Master Elected, J. Bayard Hearn, Wilmington. Grand Secretary, John F'. Robinson, Wilmingto路n. Correspondent, Thomas J. Day, Wilmington. 22 Lodges. 6,05:8 Members. 1-17 Rais.ed. 51 Gain. 19 Lodges Represented. ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL. Wilmington, October 3路4, 1.928. Present.

13 Grand Officers; 17 Past Grand Masters; 22 Other Past -Grand Officers; 135 Past Masters; 37 Lodge Representatives; 48 Grand Lodges were represented but Missouri was not represented. Distinguished Visitors.

The following from New Jersey were introduced: William T. Vanderlipp, Grand Master, Benjamin F. Havens, Deputy Grand Master, Donald J. Sargent, Senior Grand Warden, W. Stanley Naughright, Junior Grand Warden, Isaac Cherry, Grand Secretary and Frank C. Sayrs, Past Grand Master. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master says of his official visits: "It was my pleasure during the year to visit each of the 22

Lodges in this Jurisdiction. The support of the Staff on was indeed gratifying. At no visit were there less than and on several occasions the whole staff participated. that all the Lodges were doing their best to make the what it should be."

these visits ten present We found Fraternity

That can be done in compact Delaware but not in Missouri. The writer represents the Grand Lodge of Missouri in the Masonic Temple Association of St.Louis. To attend the last annual meeting took two days of his time and involved 478 miles of railroad travel. Cornerstones. "I received an invitation to lay the Cornerstone of the Methodist Protestant Church in Georgetown, but the Church being unable to conform to the regulations of the Grand Lodge, the invitation was IlOt accepted .



[ Sept.

"1 believe that the recommendation adopted by the Grand Lodge of 1926 in reference to the inscriptions being placed on the stone has and will deprive the Grand Lodge of our State the honor of laying cornerstones. 1 believe that we do not need to have our acts advertised in this manner. "I therefore recommend that the recommendation, recommending that when an invitation is accepted by the Grand Master that the following inscription be placed upon the face of the cornerstone: 'Laid by the Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of Delaware, 19-' be rescinded."

This recommendation was adopted. Finances.

Delaware has 6,058 Master Masons. The Grand Treasurer reported a balance from the previous year of $7,134.11 and he reported $7,500.00 in Bonds and Stocks. We do not hear any wolt howling around their door. Correspondence.

The Report is by Past Grand Master Thomas J. Day. He gives nearly two of his sixty-three pages to Missouri reviewing our Proceedings for 1927. He quotes from the address of Orand Mas-ter Pickard and quotes our Report on the basis of recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges. He .notes our action in requiring each petitioner for the degrees to contribute'one dollar for the W;ashington Memorial. Of Dr. Mather's report on Correspondence he says: "The Proceedings for Delaware for 1926 receives a page of fraternal review. We express our thanks for kind wOl'ds in reference to our report."


Grand Master, James T. Gibbs. Grand Master, Elected, Wisdom D. Brown, Washington. Grand Secretary, J. Claude Keiper, Washington. Correspondent, G. W. Baird, Washington. 44 Lodges. 23,281 Members. 707 Raised. 17 Gain. All Lodges Represented. ONE HUNDRED EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL. Washington, December 19, 1928. Present.

17 Grand Officers; 14 Past Grand Masters; 234 Past Masters 81!d Representatives.

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Distinguished Visitor.

John H. Cowles, Past Grand Master of Kentucky, and Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, was introduced. Grand Master's Address.

1'he Grand Master visited the Grand Lodge of Virginia at its 150th Annual Communication. In October and November he visited all the Lodges in the District of Columbia. New Lodge.

In May he granted a Dispensation for a new Lodge. was granted by the Grand Lodge.

A Charter

Under the head of "Masonic Clubs", he says: "One or the 'prlmary objects of the National League of Masonic Clubs for several years past, namely the establishment of a School of Foreign Service at the George Washington University was realized in part when, on November 24, 1928, two Chairs of Foreign Service in the School of Government In the University, were formally dedicated. It was my privilege to be present at a pa.rt of the ceremonies Incident to the dedication and the occasion was a memorable one. The authorities of the University are most appreciative of the work done by the Clubs in making this course of study possible and predict for it a high d'egree of success. It will not only be beneficial to the students, but will be advantageous to the Foreign Service of our Government. As 'Vashlngtonians we may well take pride in the growth of the Georg-e 짜,Tashington University and as Masons we may rejoice that througoh the instrumentality of our Fraternity there have been established there during the past year the School of Government made possible by the generous gift of our brethren of the Scottish Rite and the Chairs of Foreign Service established by the Masonic Clubs;" 째


The Report by G. W. Baird, Past Grand Master reviews the Proceedings of 38 Grand Lodges in the United States and 24 Foreign Grand Lodges, but Missouri is one of the 10 Grand Lodges of the United States not named in the Report. 째





The Annual Grand Festival of the United Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of England, holden at Central Hall, Westminster, S. W., on Wednesday, the twenty-fifth day of April, 192'8. Rt. Hon. Lord Ampthill, G. C. S. L., G. C.l. E., Pro Grand Master, on the Throne. Sir Colville Smith, C. V. 0., Grand Secretary. Present.

317 Grand Officers (inclUding present Grand Stewards and distinguished visitors); 2'94 Masters; 29-8 Wardens; 591 Past Mastel's; total 1,500. We have no statistics of Lodges or MembeI"Ship. A Quarterly ,Communication was opened at 4 p. m., June 6th, with a total attendance of 1,8'27 members. At 6 p. m. His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, K. G., the .Grand Master, ascended the Throne. Grand Visitations.

A report was presented by a Deputation with Rt. Hon. Lord Cornwallis, C. B. E., Deputy Grand Master, 'at its head, of a visit to the District Grand 'Lodges of Bombay, the Punjab, Bengal, Madras, Burma and Ceylon, where they met representatives of practically every Lodge in the respective Districts, and the District Grand Chapters of Bomhay and Madras. They attended 46 Lodge meetings in which 102 Lodges took part; 8 Royal Arch 'Chapters in which 14 Chapters took part, and 18 other Lodges were met informally. One Temple was dedicated. the Foundation Stone of the Bicentenary Memorial BUilding at Freemason's Hall, Calcutta, was laid; three Lodges ,and one Chapter were consecrated and Masonic Services were held in B)mbay, Lahore, Calcutta, Lovedale, Dibrugarh and Madras. A Quarterly 'Communication was holden at the Town Hall, Birmingham, September 5th, 1928. Present.

307 Grand Officers (inclUding present Grand Stewards and distinguished visitors), and 1,383 Masters, Wardens and Past Masters, Rt. Han. Lord Ampthill, G. C. S. I., G.IC. I.E., Pro GJ:land Master was on the Throne. Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Baths, Lord Mayor of London, w~s elected Grand Treasurer. Finances.

Sir Alfred Robbins, President of the Board of General Pur-




poses, who visited Missouri only a few years ago, submitted his report showing the income of the Grand Lodge for the six months ending June 30, 1'928, was 64,49'8 pounds 10 shillings 10 pence. The Masonic Peace Memorial.

Sir Alfred Robbins reported that work on this Memorial was begun and good progress had been made. Our British cousins are putting into this Memorial as much or more than we are investing in the George Washington Memorial at Alexandria.


Grand Master, Benjamin E. Dyson. Grand Master, Elected, Leroy Brandon, Jacksonville. Grand Secretary, Wilber D. Webster, Jacksonville. Correspondent, Ely P. Hubbell, Bradenton. 260 Lodges. 32,404 Members. 2,618 Raised. 1,995 Gain. 231 Lodges Represented. NINETY-NINTH ANNUAL. Jacksonville, April 17-19, 1928. Present:

17 Grand Officers; 11 Past Grand Masters; 24 District Deputy Grand Masters; 310 Representatives of Lodges. 38 Grand Representatives were present, but Missouri was not represented. Distinguished Visitors:

Dorsey H. Rutter, Grand Commander, Knights Templar of Florida, and Cary B. Fish, Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons of Florida, were introduced. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master reported that illness for months had prevented him from giving to the Craft the service which was expected. It is evident from his reports that he gave such service as he was able to perform and the Deputy Grand Master gave ~uch assistance as the duties of the office required. The Deputy Grand Master gave a full report of his work, which appears in the Proceedings. Between them many Masonic visits were made, a number. of Cornerstones were laid and new Masonic Temples were dedicated.




The year was a prosperous one for Florida Freemasonry. Lodges were chartered April 19.



The Report of 229 pages is made by Ely P. Hubbell. He say:'! the pressure of other Masonic duties prevented him from writing all the reviews. A. W. Gage prepared the report of more than three pages which reviews our Proceedings for 1927. He quotes the Report we adopted on Recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges. This writer's name is signed to that Report, but it was, written by Past Grand Master J. S. McIntyre. He commends the Correspondence Report of Dr. Arthur Mather, who is now our Grand Secretary. GEORGIA.

Grand Master, Raymund Daniel, Atlanta, Re-elected. Grand Secretary, Frank F. Baker, Macon. Correspondent, Raymund Daniel, Atlanta. 646 Lodges. 68,415 Members. 2,459 Raised. 229 Loss. ONE HUNDRED FORTY-SECOND ANNUAl... Macon, October 30-31, 1928. Present.

11 Grand Officers; 11 Past Grand Masters; 1,106 Lodge Representatives. 55 Grand Lodges were represented, Missouri by W. B. Clarke of Savannah. Distinguished Visitors.

W. A. Giles, Grand Master of South Carolina, Leroy Branden, Grand Master of Florida, John Swain, Grand High Priest of Georgia, John T. Waldrop, Grand Master of the Grand ,Council of Georgia, Earl H. Johnson, General Grand Master of the First 'Veil of the General Grand Chapter, James K. Orr, Past Grand Master of the Grand Encampment of the United States, Knight Templar, and Charles S. Wood, Grand Commander, Knights Templar of Georgia. Grand Master's Address.

ALTO TUBERCULAR HOSPITAL FOR LITTLE CHILDREN. The Grand Master reported that work on this building had been started and that it would be completed by the summer of 1929. The cost of construction, $75,000, had been secured and




$19,000 more had been pledged which will be used for equipment. This Hospital is located near the State Tubercular Sanitorium. Corne rStones.

Eighteen Corner路 Stones were laid, six by the Grand Master and twelve. by others acting for him. Six of these were for churches and seven for schools. Visitations. "The visitations of the Grand Master number 112 and the miles traveled approximately twenty thousand."

He visited the Grand Council and Grand Chapter of Georgia. Correspondence.

. The Report of 141 pages is the work of Grand' Master Raymund Daniel, his thirteenth Report. He gives five pages to a very fraternal review of Missouri's Proceedings for 1927. He quotes the nine basic principles adopted by our Grand Lodge to be considered in recognizing Foreign Grand Lodges. He quotes from the address of Grand Master Pickard, says "A masterful oration was delivered by Grand Orator Merrill E. Otis," and quotes Dr. Mather's tribute to Past Grand Master C. C. Woods, who with Dr. Vincil and this writer conferred the First and Third Degrees upon Dr. Mather twenty-five years ago in the side room of the Church of which Dr. Mather was then pastor. But he slips just a iittle at the last: Dr. Mather is no longer Grand Chaplain and Correspondent. His work as Grand Secretary keeps him busy. IDAHO.

Grand Master, Richard Ii.... Curtis. Grand Master, Elecfed, Roy N. Gilbert, Nampa. Grand Secretary, Curtis F. Pike, Boise. Correspondent, Percy Jones. 80 Lodges. 10,302 Members. 353 Raised. 184 Gain. 78 Lodges Represented. SIXTY-FIRST ANNUAI,... Boise, September 11-13, 1928. Present.

15 Grand Officers; 18 Past Grand Masters; 38 Past Masters; 100 Reptesentatives of Lodges; 7 District Deputies. 36 ,Represen, tatives of Grand Lodges were present, but Missouri was not repres ented.




Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master and Grand Secretary attended the eight District Meetings and the Grand Master visited 18 Lodges. He was asked if a Masonic Lodge could legally sponsor a troop of Boy Scouts. His answer was: "No Lodge can stand sponsor for and in anyway assume control or responsibility for any other organization whatever."

. The Washington Memorial.

Idaho, with 10,302 members, has paid to date $11,587.00 for the Washington Memorial. Not half of the forty-nine Grand Jurisdictions have done as well. Oration.

John T. Wood, Grand Orator gave a very thoughtful and sug路 gestive oration, taking as his theme, "The Responsibilities of th~ Masonic Lodge to the Individual Mason". From it we quote: "The mighty forces that impel the d'estinies of this world are rarely, if ever, apparent to the eye. "What are some of these forces: The greatest is Love. Others are fear, hate, courage, ambition, pride, morality, temperance, fortitude and many other such. Yet did any of you ever see these things? You have seen their results but have you ever seen these forces themselves? Of course, you have not. They are not apparent In a world of forms. "So we conclude there is more in this world of mankind tha路n mere form. There is a hidden side of things. And this hidden side is usually the more Important of the two. Moreover everything has Its hidden side which Is not apparent to a casual observation. If this be true, we should also expect Masonry to have its hidden side. And it has. Indeed it Is practically hidden In symbols which are poorly understood at best, and never understood completely except by living the truth, as It is unfolded by study. Perhaps we do not think as much as we should of tl1e mystic ties formed between a brother and his Lodge when he rises from his knees after taldng the obligation of the Third Degree. If you will study the three obligations again, in the light of the thoughts, I am about to present, you will be struck by the fact that the duties enjoined upon you as an integral part of the Lodge are more binding than any others in the world, unless It is the unwritten and unspoken obligations you owe to your family, Hie worth of which is fully recognized by Free Masonry. "We may all entertain different views about the after-death life, but doubtless we shall agree that we expect to recognize and continue family ties in that state. To the same extent we have a right to expect to recognize our Masonic brethren In the after IHe, and to continue the fellowship the mystic tie has inaugurated in this life. Personally, I am satisfied that the ties formed between Us

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through these obligations, shall never be broken, and that we may rightfully expect to continue in closer contact with our Masonic brethren than we ordina rily should with those not so bound to us."


The Correspondent, Percy Jones, gives two pages to a discriminating and fraternal review of our Proceedings of 1927. H0. notes the fact that Grand Master Pickard visited more than 125 Lodges and laid ten cornerstones, and quotes his striking statement of what Freemasonry had done for him in bringing him into closer touch with his fellow-men. That is one of the glories of our institution. It enriches the life of every man who gives himself to its work. A few years ago the writer went to a nearby town to "raise" a Baptist Preacher. The next summer he laid the cornerstone of the Baptist Church in that town. In his address he told the audience of his work the preceding autumn in helping to make a Master Mason of their Pastor and said he was always glad to see a Preacher come into the Masonic Il'raternity, for he knew that no. intelligent Freemason cou'd be a religious bigot. That Preacher has since served his Lodge as Worshipful Master. One week ago, we met and helped con'i'er the Third Degree in another town. ILLINOIS.

Grand Master, Louis L. Emmerson, Springfield, Re-elected. Grand Secretary, Owen Scott, Decatur (Died). G1"and Secretary appointed, Richard C. Dav~nport. Correspondent, Delmar D. Darrah, Bloomington. 1,008 Lodges. 293,110 Members. 9,698 Raised. 2,492 Gain. 994 Lodges Represented. EIGHTY-NINTH ANNUAL. Chicago, October 9-11, 1928. Present.

22 Grand Officers; 8 Past Grand Masters; 97 District Deputy Grand Masters; 67 Members of Committees; 1,330 Representatives of LOdges. 5() Grand Lodges were represented but Missouri was not represented. Distinguished Visitors.

They were: from Missou~'i, Byrne E. Bigger, Grand Master and E. L. Robinson, Grand Chaplain. From Iowa, Charles E. Wright, Grand Master and C. C. Hunt, Grand Secretary. From




Wisconsin, Fred L. Wright, Grand Master; W. M. F. Weiler, Past Grand Mast.er, now Grand Secretary and C. F. Lamb, Past Grand Master. From Michigan, F. Homer Newton, Grand Master and Roscoe Bomsteel, Deputy Grand Master. From the District of Columbia, J. Claude Rei per, Past Grand Master, now Grand Secretary. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master has this to say concerning the use of "Cipher Codes" as printed keys to the ritual: "The use of a ke3- constitutes one' of the most flagrant violations of Masonic duty".

New Lodges.

He issued dispensations for the forming of four new Lodges. Cornerstones.

Ten were laid, 'five by the GrandMaster, two by the Deputy Grand Master, and three by the Senior Grand Warden, acting for him. Dedications.

The Grand Master dedicated nine Masonic Temples and one was dedicated by the Junior Grand Warden as his proxy. Oration.

Bro. Oscar A. Kropf, Grand Orator, in his oration, quoted the fIrst stanza of a poem: "A fire mist and a planet, A crystal and a cell, A Jelly fish and a Saurian Then the caves where the cave men dwell; A sense of jaw and beauty, A face turned from the clod, Some call it eVOlution, Hut others call it God,"

He makes this comment, "We eall Him God." The recognition of Personality, Divine and human, is fundamental in Free路 'masonry. It is Personality which separates man from all other orders of terrestrial life. No theory of evolution can bridge the chasm between these lower forms of life and man. Was immo:'tality inherent in. the lowest life germ? Then how did man become immortal. Immortality is God's gift to his child whom he made in his own image and all theories which try to explain the mystery of 'being without a creating God are as absurd as they' are un路 Masonic. The whole oration is worth quoting, but we give only the closing paragraph: ".The Masonic trOwel helped to lay deep and wide the foundation of the institutions over which floats the American flag. It has

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done much but its task is not e.nded. Ours is the duty to help maintain those institutions not only in wealth and power but in spirit and in high ideals. The meteor flashes with radiant glory across the night sky but there is greater value in the myriads of stars which pour down their siderial fire every evening and glorify the nightly vault of heaven at all seasons of the year. gach man before me is a star in our nation's firmament. Our individual rays of light, though seemingly insignificant, go to make up our nation's splendor. Let our lights shine true. Let us build' not only monuments of steel and stone, but chal'acters of whatsoever things are tl'ue, honorable, just, pure..lovely and of good report. Let us visualize not merely America but the Amel'ican; and the American not merely as 'the man with the hoe' but as the man with the sceptre. I know you are willing in battle to die for OUr country, but let us in every day life so live that ou"r country will indeed be worth dying for, 'Ve possess great pride of ancestry, but let us bequeath to OUI' posterity cause for pride of ancestry born of the work of the Masonic trowel under and around the American flag."

Correspondence. The Report is by Delmar D. Darrah, who was Grond Master in 1911-1912, He gives four pages to a review of Our Proceedings for 1927. vVith commendation, he gives nearly a. page to a quotation from Grand Master Pickard's deliverance. "Along the Line of Masonic Charity." But referring to Dr. Pickard's report of the dedica:tion of a Shrine Temple to Masonic uses, he says: ",Just how a Shrine Temple can be dedicated to Masonic uses is difficult for the writer to understand,"

The Grand Lodge held its Annual Communication in that Shrine Temple. in 1~}'27. Was that a Masonic usâ‚Ź of the Temple'? He quotes our Report on the basis of Recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges and says of our predecessor's work: "The repol't on correspondence is written by Arthur Mather. Illinois is fratel'nally considered and a generous number of excerpts taken from our proceedings,"


Grand Ma!,lter, Charles C. LaFollette. Grand Master, Elected, Jere. West, Crawfordsville. Grand Secretary, William H. Swintz, Indianapolis. Correspondent, Elmer F. Gray. 559 Lodges. 129,443 Members.' 3,942 Raised. 372 Gain, 537 Lodges Represented. ONE HUNDRED TWELFTH ANNUAL. Indianapolis, May 28-29, 1929. Present. 12 Grand Officers; 18 Past Grand Masters; 537 Lodge Repre-




sentatives. 38 Grand Lodges were represented, but Missouri was not. one of them. Distinguished Visitors.

Hanson Peterson, Past Grand Master of Kentucky, Fred W. Hardwicl{, Past Grand Master and Grand Secretary of Kentucky; Harry Johnson, Past Grand Secretary of Ohio; G. Haven Stephens, Senior Grand Warden of Illinois; W. R. Hornada, Grand Lecturer of Illinois, and Fred R. Clarke, Grand High Priest of Indiana, were introduced. Grand Master's Address.

One new Lodge was constituted. Four cornerstones were laid. Two Masonic Temples were dedicated. Visitations.

The Grand Master reports visits to thirteen Lodges. Order of DeMolay.

He says: "I have a high regard for the Order of De Molay and am convinced that it is doing a fine work, yet feel that no Lodge, as a Lodge, has any right to sponsor any movement of any character whatsoever other than that of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons."

Card Parties in Lodge Rooms. "I was asked by two Subordinate Lodges, and one Cl)apter of the Order of the Eastern Star for the privilege of using- the Lodge Room by the Order of the Eastern Star for progressive card parties, where prizes were to be given to those holding highest scores. "I ruled that neither the Lodges nOr the Order of the Eastern Star, could be permitted to hold such entertainments, as Section 77 of the General Regulations plainly states that Lodge Rooms can only be used for strictly legitimate Masonic purposes, and I did not consider progressive card parties as a part of Masonry (Smiles and Laughter)."

Our Grand Master was not wanting in good horse sense. Fraternal Relations with Kentucky.

A year ago we noted that Fraternal Relations with Kentucky had been broken. We are glad to note that harmony has been restored. Two distinguished visitors from Kentucky were welcomed at the Grand Lodge of Indiana. Conclusion.

From his concluding words we quote:

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"This has been the happiest as well as the busiest year of my life, and money could not purchase from me the honor and pleasure that has been milie, nor compensate me for the many enduring friendships that have come to me as your Grand Master." Correspondence.

Past Grand Master Elmer F. Gray gives a report of 148 pages. More than three pages review our Proceedings for 1928. Half a page is given to the tragic death of Past Grand Master Lucas from heart failure on the last day of the Grand Lodge session. He makes kind mention of our Report on Correspondence. He finds in the United States 16,470 Lodges with 3,281,083 members. The gain for the year is given as 37,897. IOWA. Grand Master, David R. Tripp. Grand Master, Elect.ed, Charles E. Wright, Clear Lake. Grand Secretary, Charles C. Hunt, Cedar Rapids. Correspondent, Louis Block, Davenport. 558 Lodges. 86,486 Members. 2,674 Raised. 55 Loss. 458 Lodges Represented. EIGHTY路FIFTH ANNUAL. Cedar Rapids, June 12-14, 1928. Present.

14 Grand Officers; 14 Past Grand Masters; 6 Past Senior Grand "Wardens; 14 Past Junior Grand Wardens; 8 Past Grand Treasurers; 178 District Lecturers; 390 Masters and Wardens; 280 Proxies for Masters and Wardens. Distinguished Visitors.

Past Grand Master Sam H. Goodwin, Grand Secretary of Utah; Percy Erown, Grand High Priest, Raph B. Slippy, Grand Master of the Grand Council, and Carl M. Reed, Grand Commander of Iowa, were introduced. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master reported three cornerstones laid and two Masonic Temples dedicated. He was represented by others on these occasions, but during the year visited 110 Lodges and traveled 8.000 miles. He attended the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons and the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star in October. In February, -1928, he attended the Grand Masters' Conference at Washington City, but expressed the fear that this might lead on




to the idea of a National Grand Lodge. The Committee on Grand Master's Address highly commended his administration, but did not concur in that fear. The Committee said: "The personnel of this group changes from year to year and it is, in our opinion, only reasonable to assume that Grand Masters are as zealous of the independence of their own jurisdictions as we are of ours."


Past Grand Master Louis Block is Correspondent. He prefaces his Foreword with the Scripture story of Jacob's night at Bethel when he saw in vision a ladder reaching from earth to heaven. He says: "Though each and everyone of us at one time well knew it, yet most of us have none the less forgotten that there ever was in Masonry such a symbol as the Ladder of Jacob. "It scarcely seems to find a proper place among these 'tools and implements' of architecture, symbolic emblems most expressive that have been selected by the fraternity to imprint upon the memory these 'wise and serious truths' which form the solid substance of 'the most excellent tenets of our, institution.' For a while, in thinking of Masonry our minds seem to have formed a ready familiarity with such symbols as the plumb and the level, the square and the compasses, the gavel and the trowel, the ladder is not nearly so apt to rise before our mental vision as a Masonic Symbol. "Nevertheless it is not only very propel'ly such a symbol, but at the same time a symbol of vast importance and far reaching significance as we shall presently see. "If there is one thing that strikingly characterizes all Masonlr. symbols it is their power to awaken curiosity. All the way from the naked savage roaming in an African jungle up to the cultured scientist laboring in his laboratory, man is a curious animal, fascinated by what he can not understand, and eager to solve every seeming mystery. "Much of the joy of being a Mason lies in the profitable practice of digging away at a symbol, milling over its mystery, until we force it to yield up its inner meaT\ing, a meaning found without fail to be fraught with comfort and consolation, with an inspiration that gives US sustaining streng路th with which to face anew the eternal battle of life. "Although it happened many years ago, the writer remembers as though it were but yesterday the first time he came upon the symbol of the mystic ladder. A new Masonic temple had been erected in the heart of his native city, located upon the banks of the Mississippi. It was the largest and most imposing structure in the town, dwarfing even the County Court House into insignificance. "Its building had for months been the talk of the town, and all had watched its walls slowly rise in dignity and majesty toward the skies, Finally the building was completed, duly dedicated and

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thrown open to the inspection of a public, most of whom had had a part in the enterprise of its erection. The writer, then but a youth in his early 'teens, had joined the thronging evening crowd that climbed its winding stairways, and trooped and trudged through its halls and rooms, poking, peeking and peering into inner chambers and half concealed recesses, viewing all with wondering eyes. Questions cast at the guides by the curious crowd brought only cryptic answers as these 'smiled superior' at one another, and those who were not in the know, left the building-wondering, wondering. High up in the cove of the lofty ceiling of one of the largest halls, squarely in the center over the Master's chair, a striking figure arrested the eye of that youthful observer. It was the figure of a ... man in Shepherd's garb, lying back fast asleep upon a pile of rough stones, while back and behind him a ladder, sloped up from the earth, its summit hidden in a bank of clouds. Why did the man pick out that bed of rough rocks to sleep on? What was the ladder for? Had the man just come down the ladder from the skies and, worn out with his journey, dropped asleep on the nearest object, hard as it was? What heid the ladder from falling-from where did it come, or to where did it go? Of all the queer pictures, that surely was the queerest! What did the })icture really man? Or did it have any meaning at all? Or wa路s it painted by an artist who was just 'plain crazy?' Yet, somehow it didn't quite look crazy, but just Queer, and queer with a queerness that had' some sort of an odd fascination about it, one that seemed to draw the mind back to it, again and again. "That young man decided then and there that these Masons were mighty queer })eople. But as he grew to manhood he began to note that they were more than queer, that they were made up of the men who formed the very back bone of the community-the men who commanded and held the respect of all. "Finally there came the time of his own initiation with its coincident revelation, and he knew as never before what the poet meant when he said: 'Things are not what they seem.' "The Masonic Monitor pointed the way to the l)aSsages from the Great Light with which we have preceded these lines."

M. W. Bro. Block gives eleven pages to a very full and fraternal review of Missouri's Proceedings for 1927. He pays a deserved tribute to Grand Master Pickard and quotes freely from his able address and notes his condemnation of card playing in a Masonic club room on Sunday. He quotes M. W. Bro. McIntyre's report, which lays down the principles involved in the recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges. He also quotes Dr. Woods' "Musings at Eventide." But even Homer nods.. He rejoices over the fact that Dr. Mather, though elected Grand Secretary, will continue to serve as Correspondent. Alas! he is disillusioned ere this-Dr. Mather's hands are full with his work as Grand Secretary and another takes his place as Correspondent.





1928. The Annual Report for 1928 contains the Address of the Right Hon. The Earl of Donoughmore K. P., Most Worshipful Grand Master to the Grand Lodge of Ireland at the Stated Communication held in Dublin on St. John's Day, December 27, 1928. We find no statistics of Lodge membership. But a list of nearly seven hundred Lodges scattered over the face of the earth giving the amount of dues paid for 1928, shows that the sons of Erin beyond the seven seas still own allegiance to their Mother Grand Lodge. These dues range from less than three poundfl sterling to sixty-eight pounds and thirteen shillings, paid by one of the Dublin Lodges. There are seventy-four Lodges路 in Dublin, with large membership as indicated by their financial reports, from which we conclude that there are some Protestants in the Emerald Isle. Henry 路C. SheIlaI'd, Freemasons' Hall, Dublin, is Grand Secretary.


Grand Master, Ferris M. Hill. Grand Master, Elected, George F. Beezley, Girard. Grand Secretary, Elmer F. Strain, Topeka. Grand Secretary Emeritus, Albert K. 'Vilson, Topeka. Correspondent, Albert K. Wilson, Topeka. 446 Lodges. 83,708 Members. 2,698 Raised. 207 Gain. 329 Lodges Represented. SEVENTY-THIRD ANNUAL. Wichita, February 20-21, 1929. Present.

16 Grand Grand Perry

Grand Officers; 14 Past Grand Masters; 46 District Deputy Masters; 195 Past Masters; 496 Lodge Representatives. 58 Lodges were represented-Missouri by Past Grand Master M. Hoisington.

Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master laid the Cornerstones of three Churches and a Court House. Others acting for him laid the Cornerstones of n. Masonic Hall and a Church.

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Three Lodge Halls were dedicated. Masonic Home.

The Grand Master recommended that additional buildings be erected for the Masonic Home at Wichita and this recommendation was approved by the Grand Lodge. Visitations.

The <Grand Master was unable to accept invitations to visit several Grand Lodges in other states. Concerning visits to Kansas Lodges, he says: "Many invitations have been received from the Lodges in our own Grand Jurisdiction and in every case, when it could be ar路路 ranged, were accepted. However, I have taken the liberty to show preference to the smaller Lodges as it was my belief that a visit from thc Grand East would be an incentive' for thcm to take an added interest in their work."

Our Missouri Grand Master has given much of his time to' the smaller Lodges. Grand Secretary Emeritus.

One year ago the Grand Lodge adopted a resolution authorizing Grand Secretary Albert K. Wilson to retire from active service at his pleasure, to become Grand Secretary Emeritus for life on full pay. He chose October 1, 1928, as the date of his retirement. He is now engaged in preparing a history of the Craft in Kansas. Thirty years ago the writer made his first visit to the Grand Lodge of Kansas and found Albert K. Wilson hard at work as Grand Secretary. His record in that office is a long and honorable one. Oration.

President Wallace B. Fleming of Baker University was Grand Orator. His address is worthy of being quoted in full. We have space for only a few quotations. "I wish to speak to you of three things fundamental in Masonry: The first of these is Toil. The first striking impression which one unfamiliar with our Order gets, comes from our very name. We are Masons. We are builders. 'Ve are toilers. We believe in industry. The thought of constructive work is fundamental with us. "The historic scenes upon which our work is based center around the toiling' in the building of the Temple of King Solomon. Thc great character whose names we cherish and commemorate were all men who labored in one way or another as builders of the Temple of God. In the sheltcr of OUI' Lodge rooms as we hold intimate and satisfying fellowship one with another wc are exhorted so to divide the hours of our day as to leave ample room for honest work.




"The Masonic view is much truer than the ordinary understanding of toil. There are still many who do not understand the first great Light, and who think of labor as a curse of God pronounced upon man since the days of his first transgression in Eden. They are not wise enough to see that the words divinely spoken 'In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread' were not spoken as a curse upon man, but in reality were the announcement of God's first provision for human redemption. There is no hope without toil. Labor is ennobling. All history bears record to this fact. All human experience verifies it."

He quotes Dr. Van Dyke's poem: "But I think the King of that country comes out from his tireless host, To walk in this world of the weary, as if he loved it the most, And here in the dusty confusion~ with eyes that are heavy and dim, He meets again with the laboring men who are looking and longing for him. "He cancels the curse of Eden, and brings them a blessing instead; Blessed are they that labor, for Jesus partakes of their bread, He puts his hand to their burdens, he enters their homes at night; Who does his best shaH have as a guest the Master of life and of light. "And courage will come 'with His presence, and patience return at His touch, And manifold sins be forgiven to those who love Him much, And cries of envy and anger will change to the songs of cheer, For the toiling age will forget its rage when the Prince of Peace draws near. "This is the gospel of labor-ring it ye bells of the KirkThe Lord of Love 'came down from above, to live with the men who work. This is the rose that he planted, here in the thorn cursed soilHeaven is blessed with perfect rest, but the blessing of earth is toil." Again we quote Dr. }i~leming: "The second basic principle of which I wish to speak is RevcrThe Mason respects the work of the architect. He does not pick up materials at random a'nd build them into the templ'e in the order of his own fancy. He looks well to the plans and specifications. He studies carefully the work upon the trestle-board. "Those who toiled in the building of King Solomon's Temple knew that they were following the plans of the wonderful architect, Hiran, the widow's son. Their confidence in his wisdom explains the success of the work. You will remember the one incident in which their confidence wavered. At one point in the building of the Temple the workmen came upon a stone which was not cut in what appeared to be a regular way. It was neither oblong nor square. They could not see how it would fit into the structure being erected, Cllt!C.

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They concluded that at this one point the great architect had made a mistake. The beautiful but strangely cut stone was cast aside, but after some time f'.s the workmen proceeded by the. laying up of other stones an irregular space appeared', and it turned out that the stone cast aside exactly fitted into this important space. And so we read: 'The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner. The ancient temple arose in majesty and beauty because the masons followed the architect's plans'. "We as speculative Masons are striving to build the temple of a better civilization for the honor of our God. We are aware that the plans are not of our own making. There is a Supreme Architect of the Universe. The events, the circumstances, the abilities and the opportunities of our lives are the materials with which we build. \Ve seek not to follow our own will; we study the work upon the Trestle-board: that our toiling may fit into the perfect Temple of God. Some times we come to experiences that do not square with our expectations-great sorrows, sudden calamities-materials apparently i!lfitted for use in temple building. Sometimes we are tempted to reject such stones and conclude that here at least the Great Architect has made a. mistake; but as the years pass and our wisdom matures, we appreciate Inore and more the value of reverenCe for the Architect-not reverence as a passive attitUde but reverence which ieads us to study and to follow His plan and to look well to the work which he lays out in life's trestle-board each day."

We have space for only a few lines more: "The third great ideal of Masonry about which I wish to speak is Brotherhood. This is a popular theme. Much has been written about the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man, and it may be said that the stars are moving together toward the consummation of the ideals. * * • * These then are the three words I bring to you to day, illdustr~¡. re,-erence. brotherh~od. They represent much of the true spirit of Masonry."


The Report is by Grand Secretary Emeritus Albert K. Wilson. As has been his wont, he gives Missouri for 1927 ample and fraternal recognition. Two and one-half pages quote from and comment upon Grand Master Pickard's address. He quotes from our report in Obituaries and gives the points as a basis of Recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges, adopted by our Grand Lodge. He calls Dr. Mather's report on Correspondence "a splendid review of our 1927 Proceedings", and quotes some of the pleasant things Dr. Mather said about Kansas.





Grand Master, Hanson Peterson. Grand Master, Elected, Dr. John W. Juett. Grand Secretary, Fred W. Hardwick. Correspondent, W. W. Clarke, Owensboro. 598 Lodges. 63,297 Members. 2,185 Initiated. 1,968 Loss. 578 Lodges Represented. ONE HUNDRED TWENTY路EIGHTH ANNUAL. Louisville, October 16-18, 1928. Present. 14 Grand Officers; 24 Past Grand Masters; 103 Past Masters; 578 Lodge Representatives. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master reported thirty-seven visitations to Lodges. He also attended a meeting of McMillan Lodge No. 141 in Cincinnati, Ohio, to witness the conferring of the Third Degree upon a Railroad General Manager. About 1,400 Master Masons were present. Decisions.

He reports a number of decisions which are interesting. 'Ve quote one which is unusual, or rather the circumstances which called it forth are peculiar. A Brother living in California was suspended by his Lodge in Kentucky for non-payment of dues. In less than a year after his suspension he purchased a money order for the amount due and mailed it to the Secretary of the Lodge. About two hours later he was killed in driving his automobile. The Grand Master held, and the Grand Lodge approved his ruling, that the Brother died in good standing in his Lodge. Correspondence.

William Whitlock Clarke, who was Grand Master in 1889, presents the report which gives three pages to a review of our Proceedings for 1927. He路 quotes several decisions made by Grand Master Pickard and gives the report our Grand Lodge adopted in laying down the basic principles to be considered in recognizing Foreign Grand Lodges. He quotes at length from the special Report of the Committee on Survey of Lodges. He approves heartily our action concerning the improper use of Lodge Halls. He says:

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"The very able report on Correspondence was by Chaplain Brother Rev. Al路thur Mather, D.D."

the Grand

Dr. Mather writes no more reports as Correspondent. is now our Grand Secretary and his hands are full.



Grand Master, James H. Rowland. Grand Master, Blected, Philip G. Ricks, New Orleans. Grand Secretary, John A. Davilla, New Orleans. Correspondent, Edwin F. Gayle, Calcasieu. 268 Lodges. 34,204 Members. 1,187 Raised. 987 Loss. 244 Lodges Represented. ONE HUNDRED EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL. New Orleans, February 4-6, 1929. Present. 25 Grand Officers; 13 Past. Grand Masters; 800 Lodge Representatives. 51 Grand Lodges were represented-Missouri by L. E. Thomas, Senior Past Grand Mastei路. Dedications. Four Lodge Halls were dedicated. Cornerstones. Nine Cornerstones were laid-five for High Schools, two for Masonic Temples, one for a Church and one for a Memorial Auditorium. Visitations. The Grand Master reports many visitations to Lodges. He also attended the meetings of the Masonic Service Association, the Grand Masters' Conference and the George Washington National Memorial Association. Decisions. Many rulings and decisions were called for, and these cover twenty pages of his Address, which were generally approved by the Grand Lodge. Correspondence. The Report is by Past Grand Master Edwin F. Gayle. It reviews our Proceedings for 1928 and refers very kindly to the writer's report on Louisiana for 1928.





Grand Master, David L. Wilson. Grand Master, Elected, HaroldE. Cook, Gardiner. Grand Secretary, Charles B. Davis, Portland. Correspondent, Rev. Ashley' A. Smith, D. D., Bangor. 207 Lodges. 43,897 Members. 1,379 Raised. 146 Gain. 197 Lodges Represented. ONE HUNDRED NINTH ANNUAL. Portland, May 1-3, 1928. Present.

24 Grand Officers; 6 Past Grand Masters; 28 Other Permanent Members; 273 Representatives of Lodges. 47 Grand Lodges were represented. Charles B. Davis, Grand Secretary, represented Missouri. Distinguished Visitors.

Charles Clarke Davis, General Grand High Priest; O. Frank Hart, General Grand Mast~r of the General Grand Council and Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina; Robert S. Walker, Grand Master of Connecticut; Frank L. Simpson, Grand Master and Arthur D. Prince, Past 'Grand Master of Massachusetts; Edwin O. Chase, Deputy Grand Master of Rhode Island, and David A. Elliott, Past Grand Master of Vermont, were introduced. Grand Master's Address.

In answer to the question, "Is it proper to hang pictures of Past Matrons of the Eastern Star with pictures of Past Masters of Masonic Lodges on the walls of an anteroom?" his answer was: "No." The Grand Master reported many visits to subordinate Lodges. December ,7, 1927, on his visit to Polar Star Lodge No. 114, he had the privilege of raising his own son; Blair C. \Vilson. This writer conferred all three degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry on his son, Frank A. Briggs, the year he was Grand Master of Missouri. That son is Past Commander of Oriental Commandery No. 35 at Kansas City, Mo., and his son, a Californiamade Mason, is an electrical engineer now in the employ of the Westinghouse Company at Pittsburgh. At one of his visits thirty-three Lodges were represented and the Grand High Priest of Maine, Converse E. Leach, was present. From his "Conclusion" we quote: "Masonry stands today in this Grand Old State of Maine unalterideals that are its ancient landmarks; the

(.lbly dedicated to the




ideals of friendship, brotherly love, relief, of justice, righteousness, of truth, of temperance, fortitude, prUde~ce and patriotism. There will never be any question as to where Masonry stands in regard to these great and commanding ideals of life, but there is surely a tremendous opportunity for a wider and fuller expression of them among us. More than anything else, more than an increa.sing knowledge of our forms and ceremonies, great and important as these are, infinitely more than a constant augmentation of our numbers, splendid though that may be, I am concerned that these great ideals, which alone make life worth while, should' find free and fuller expression among us. For it is only thus that we can be good men and true, and the great fraternity of which we are a part have a proper presentation before the world. We are prominently builders, builders of character in ourselves, givers of our assistance everywhere that men may do the same thing for themselves. As our Ancient brethren labored with fervency and zeal that they might construct a magnificent and majestic temple to the Glory of God, so must we labor to erect within ourselves a temple of character that will be as pleasing to our God, as our ancient brethren deemed their earthly temple would be. If this be our constant and increasing purpose as craftsmen, there will never be any question as to the future of our Fraternity. For as the towering Himilayas eternally uplift their snow-crested peaks into the abysmal depths of the unplumbed skies, majestic and glorious in their varied colors as they are kI~sed by the morning sun, or impressingly in their dignified repose as the purpling hues of the evening sweep down upon them from the unending heavens, so Freemasonry, uplifted by its ennobling ideals of character building finding full and free expression in its members guided by. the Great Light which adorns its altar, and inspired by that Supreme Architect before whom it bows in reverence and adoration, will live on and on until the cycles of time shall be merged into eternity. Then hope having become friction, in that spiritual temple not made with hands, eternal in the heavens, all real lovers' of the Craft will enjoy the rewards consequent upon a well spent life in the presence of Him who rules over the celestial Lodge above."

Recognition of York Grand Lodge.

We are pleased to note that Maine has recognized the York Grand Lodge of Mexico. This writer visited the Lodge at Tampico and the two Lodges in Mexico City six years ago and found them worthy of recognition by any American Grand Lodge. Correspondence.

Rev. Ashley A. Smith, D. D., one of the Grand Chaplains, is Correspondent. He gives Missouri ample and courteous recognition in reviewing our Proceedings of 1927. He calls the oration of Judge Merrill E. Otis "wise and eloquent", refers to the help we continue to the orphan children of France and says:




"A report of a special committee, on recognition of Foreig-n Grand Lodges covers identically the same ground as Maine in the matter of principles and rules governing such recog-nition."

Maine has no Masonic Home, but dispenses its Charity to the needy through a Committee. He tells us that: "One Grand Lodge has assessed every member in its jurisdiction $20.00 to provide funds for a million dollar Home, and by the way, this is the only Grand Lodge which shows a loss in membership during the year" and, that many subordinate Lodges are surrendering their charters."

Somewhere he has found a table of statistics (which he hopes is wrong)" showing that in thirty-eight Masonic Homes it costs *3,000,000 to care for 6,000 people, which he finds is $5,000 for each person. According to our arithmetic the average cost is only $500, and that is more than the latest figures at hand show was the cost in the Masonic Home of "Missouri. MANITOBA.

Grand Master, Jabez Miller. Grand Master, Elected, Murdo A. Whimstel', Hamiota. Grand Secretary, James A. Ovas, Winnipeg. Correspondent, James S. MacEwing, Treherne. 103 Lodges. 17,875 Members. 530 Raised. 128 Gain. 97 Lodges Represented. FIFTY-THIRD' ANNUAL Winnipeg, June 13, 1928. Present.

28 Grand Officers; 300 Past Masters; 63 Masters; 44 Senior Wardens; 31 Junior Wardens. Distinguished Visitor.

JohR S. Marlin, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada (in Ontario) was introduced. Grand Master's Address:

He laid four cornerstones, constituted three Lodges, held ten District Meetings and visited more than thirty Lodges. Three new Masonic Halls had been erected, a fourth was under construction, and two other Lodges had purchased buildings which they were remodeling for Masonic uses. District Deputy Grand Master.

Twelve Reports of District Deputy Grand Masters appear in


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the Proceedings. They indicate a careful supervision of the Craft by these Officers. Correspondence.

James S. MacEwing's Report of about one hundred and fifty pages appears, but it does not include Missouri.


Grand Master, Warren S. Seipp, Baltimore. Grand Secretary, George Cook, Baltimore. Correspondent, John L. Sanford, Baltimore. 123 Lodges. 33,857 Members. 1,205 Raised. 622 Gain. 119 Lodges Represented. ONE HUNDRED FORTY-SECOND ANNUAL. Baltimore, November 20-21, 1928. Present.

20 Grand Officers; 1 Past Deputy Grand Master; 12 Past Senior Grand Wardens; 16 Past Junior Grand Wardens; 22 Grand Inspectors; 27 District Grand Inspectors; 345 Lodge Representatives. 44 Grand Lodges w~re represented, but Missouri was not represented. Distinguished Visitors.

J. Bayard Hearn, Grand Master, and John F. Robinson, Grand Secretary of Delaware; Benjamin F. Havens, Deputy Grand Master; Donald R. Sargent, Senior Grand Warden, and W. Stanley Vaughan, Junior Grand Warden of New Jersey were introduced. The Grand Lodge held a Semi-annual Communication May 8. Hence the Address of the Grand Master dealt only with the work of the half year and was a brief document, covering only three pages. The Grand Master said the progress of Masonry for the past six months had been "most satisfactory". Our Maryland Brethren have a way of continuing a Grand Master in office "during life or good behavior". We find no Past Grand Masters on their official roll. If M. W. Bro. Warren S. Seipp lives forty years longer, we may expect to find him presiding over the Grand Lodge of Maryland for we are sure he will continue to behave himself. . Maryland is planning a Masonic Home and has a fund of $265,227.65 accumulated for that purpose. We do not know when they will begin to build.





Owing to feeble health, their Correspondent, .Rev. Henry Branch, D. D., now eighty-five years old, resigned, and, as no appointment was made, no report has been prepared. We will expect a report next year from John L. Sanford.


Grand Master, Frank L. Simpson. Grand Master, Elected, Herbert Warren Dean. Grand Secretary, Frederick W. Hamilton" Boston. 325 Lodg€s. 125,288 Members. 3,746 Raised. 1,62,7 Gain. ONE HUNDRED NINETY-FIFTH ANNUAL. Boston, December 27, 1928. Massachusetts holds four Quarterly Communications of the Grand Lodge and one Annual Communication. Officers were elected at the Quarterly Communication held in Boston December 12th, which was att€nded by 69 Grand Offic.ers, 35 Permanent Members and 825 Representatives of 275 Lodges. Distinguished Visitors.

Leon M. Abbott, Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite for the North€rn Jurisdiction, Frederick W. Hamilton, Deputy for Massachusetts, Clarence E. Burleigh, Grand Commander of Massachusetts, Knights Templar, Olin D. Dickerman, Grand Master of the Grand Council, Royal and Select Masters, and Winthrop J. Cushing, Grand High Priest, were introduced. Grand Master's Address. .

The Grand Master reported more than forty official visits to Lodges. He also attended the Grand Chapter and Grand Council of Massachusetts and the Grand Commandery of Massachusetts and Rhod€ Island. He attended the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Maine and an Emergency Communication of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut. He was present at the Gra~d Masters' Conference in Washington City, the George Washington Memorial Association Me€ting at Alexandria and the meeting of the Masonic Service Association at Chicago.




Annual Communication.

The stated Annual Communication was held in Boston on St. John's Day, December 27th, for the purpose of installing the Grand Officers and celebrating the Feast of St. John, the Evangelist. 65 Grand Officers and 25 Permanent Members were present; also Robert W. Walker, Grand Master and Walter T. Arnold, Past Grand Master, of Connecticut, Howard R. Cruse, Past Grand Master of New Jersey, Winthrop J. Cushing, Grand High Priest of Massachusetts, Clarence E. Burleigh, Grand Commander of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, Leon M. Abbott, Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, Olin Dickerson, Grand Ma~ter of the Grand Council and Frederick W. Hamilton, Deputy for Massachusetts Scottish Rite. Grand Feast.

The installation of Grand Officers was followed by "The Grand Feast", a report of which fills fifty pages in the Proceedings. Speeches were made by Past Grand Masters who were present. They were worth recording and of special interest to Massachusetts Freemasons. The visitors from New Jersey had this to say abouf telling stories in speeches: "It is a dangerous thing. You remember the old saw to the effect that when you tell a story to an Englishman, out of politeness he laup;hs thrice; first, when you tell it to him; second, when you explain it to him and then he laughs a third time when he un路derstands it. When you tell a story to a German he laughs twice out of politeness; first, when you tell it to him and again when you explain it to him, but he never understands it. Wben yOU tell a story to an American, he laughs not at all, because he has heard the old chestnut six Or seven times before. "I am conscious that the hOt~r is growing late and I do not wish you to acquire the frame of mind possessed by a man who went to Church one August Sunday night and sat down in the rear pew. He was induced to gO to Church because they had a newminis路ter who was just beginning his professional career. He had carefully wrought out a master piece. He had a little bit from Shakespeare and something from Noah Webster, I believe it was. Any way he had carefully built up a masterpiece. He was approaching the Minor Prophets, after talking an hour and a half, and he said, 'Now I come to Haggai, where shall I put Him?' The man in the pew immediately arose, stretched out both arms and said, 'Pastor, you can put him in my pla.ce, because J am going home.'''

This story was old to the writer more than a quarter of a century ago. There is no Report on Correspondence.





Grand Master, George W. Graves. Grand Master, Elected, F. Homer Newton, Pontiac. Grand Secretary, Lou B. 'Vinsor, Grand Rapids. Correspondent, Rev. William H. Gallagher, Allegan. 499 Lodges. 150,650 Members. 5,317 Raised. 1,432 Gain. 476 Lodges Represented. EIGHTY-FOURTH ANNUAL. Detroit, May 22-23, 1928. Present.

14 Grand Officers; 19 Past Grand Masters; 14 Members of Committees; 476 Lodge Representatives. 50 Grand Lodge Representatives were present, but Missouri was not represented. Distinguished Visitors.

They were: From Canada-John H. Martin, Minister of Agriculture and Grand Master of Canada for the Province of Ontario; Past Grand Master Williamson, G.rand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Quebec; John A. Rowland, Past Grand Master of Ontario. From Michigan-Fred W. Green, Governor of Michigan; Elgin Miflin, Grand High Priest, and George W. Leedle, Grand Lecturer; John B. Wood, Grand Master of the Grand Council; and Frank Cookson, Grand 'Chaplain. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master reported that eight new Lodges had been constituted and dedicated. He dedicated thirteen Masonic Temples and five cornerstones were laid. He attended the Grand Master's Conference at Washington City and the meeting of the Washington Memorial Association. Correspondence.

The Grand Chaplain, Rev. Wm. H. Gallagher, is Correspondent. The "Proceedings" form an ample volume of more than twelve hundred pa~ges and our reviewer fills more than five hundred and fifty of these. We think he makes a good job of it. He gives seven pages to our Proceedings for 1928. He thinks that Dr. John Pickard "was especially well prepared to become a Grand Master". Concerning our Report on Correspondence, he says: "The Report









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pages of informative statistics. volume."


The usual place is the end of the

Yes, most of the Proceedings which reach us have the Correspondence Report at thâ‚Ź end, of the volume. He quotes the compliment which Dr. Mather passes upon his work and returns it by saying: "Brother Mather has given a courteous and satisfactory review of Michigan, and we thank him, for Michigan's Correspondent, under the impact of Missouri's generous criticism, feels 'chesty'''.

At the end of his report he gives a page of interesting statistics showing that there were in this country 16,309 Lodges with :~,278,278 m-embers. MINNESOTA.

Grand Master, Sam A. Erickson. Grand Master, Elected, Edwin J. Simon, St. Paul. Grand Secretary, John Fishel, St. Paul. Correspondent, Edmund A. Montgomery, Minneapolis. 310 Lodges. 61,940 Members. 1,829 Raised. 353 Gain. 264 Lodges Represented. SEVENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL. St. Paul, January 16-17, 1929. Present.

17 Grand Officers; 15 Past Grand Masters; 343 Lodge Representatives. 43 Grand Lodges were represented-Missouri by Albert F. Pray, Past Grand Master. Distinguished Visitor.

Herbert A. Merrifield, Grand Master of North Dakota, was introduced. <A Decision.

The Grand Lodge in 1928 ordered an assessment upon every member of $12.50 for the benefit of the Masonic Home. The Grand Master ruled that no dimit could be grantâ‚Źd unless that assessment was paid and this ruling was approved. Visitations.

The Grand Master says: "During the year I did not make as many visitations as I would like to have made. Many of the Lodges visited invited in all Lodges in their vicinity to join with them in the work. This made it possible for me to meet and greet $0 many more of the brethren."




Grand Encampment-Knights Templar.

AB the Grand Enoampment is to meet at Minneapolis in 1931, the Grand Lodge appropriated $5,000.00 to help defray the expenses of entertaining that Body-the amount to be paid in three annual installments. Correspondence.

The Report of 194 pages is by Past Grand Master Edmund A. Montgomery, but Missouri is not reviewed. MISSISSIPPI.

Grand Master, Thomas E. Pegram. Grand Master, Elected, William H. Carter, Columbus. Grand Secretary, Edward L. Faucette, Meridian. Correspondent, Henry C. Yawn. 384 Lodges. 36,399 Members. 1,527 Raised. '454 Loss. 337 Lodges Represented. ONE HUNDRED ELEVENTH ANNUAL. Gulfport, February 12-13, 1929. Present.

33 Grand Officers; 26 District Deputy Grand Lecturers; 337 Representatives of Lodges; 102 Past Masters not representing Lodges; 29 Wardens not representing Lodges; 38 Grand Lodges were represented. Missouri was not represented. As we find no roll of Past Grand Masters recorded as present we infer that they are counted among the 33 Grand Officers present. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master reported that one new Lodge had been formed. He is evidently a gallant Brother for he says: "On invitation of the Worthy Grand Matron of the Grand Chapter of Mississippi O. E. -8., it was my happy privilege to attend the 22nd Annual Session of that Grand Body, which convened in the City of Jackson on April 18th. Among the number of visitations made during the year, this was the most memorable and delightful that I have .experienced."

Corner Stones.

He laid the Corner Stones House. He was asked to permit a burial to a suspended member He express.ed the opinion that

of one High School and one Court Mississippi Lodge to give Masonic of a Louisiana Lodge but declined. Mississippi law should be changed




to enable a Lodge to grant such a request when the law of the jurisdiction requesting it permitted it. But the Grand Lodge wisely decided to make no change. No Religious Services in Lodge Halls.

He quotes a section of a By-Law which reads "The Lodge Hall cannot be used for a dining hall, for a festival, religious services, dancing, public or private political meetings, fashionable amusements, or public entertainment." This coupling of "religious services" with "dancing" strikes the writer as being in the language of the late Artemus Ward somewhat "amoosing." The writer spent a Sunday in Tampico, Mexico, in 1922. By invitation of the brethren he preached a sermon in the Masonic Hall. The Episcopal Church held its regular services in that Hall. Twenty-five years ago a Lodge Hall in St. Louis was burned. The Trustees of a nearby Methodist Church tendered the use of a room in their building to the Lodge. While the Lodge was meeting in that room the pastor of the Church petitioned for the mysteries of Free Masonry. At his initiation and again when he was raised, the three principal stations were filled by three Methodist preachers who were Past Grand Masters of Missouri. That Candidate is now Grand Secr~tary of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Correspondence.

The Report of 135 pages by Past Grand Master Henry C. Yawn reviews the Proceedings of 53 Grand Lodges, but Missouri i:3 not reviewed. MONTANA.

Grand Master, William J. Marshall. Grand Master Elected, Francis Hagstrom, Lewistown. Grand Secretary, Luther T. Hauberg, Helena. Correspondent, H. S. Hepner, Helena. 134 Lodges. 20,631 Members. 733 Raised. 162 Gain, 122 Lodges Represented. SIXTY-FOURTH ANNUAL. Billings, August 15-16, ~928. Present.

17 Grand Officers; 15 Past Grand Masters; 98 Past Masters; 300 Lodge Representatives; 39 Grand Representatives were present, but Missouri was not represented.




Distinguished Visitor.

Herbert A. Merrifield, Grand Master of North Dakota, was introduced. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master reported ten Lodge visits and two joint meetings by which he visited the members of six Lodges. Installation.

At a joint meeting at Butte he installed the officers of 6 Lodges, 5 at a joint meeting at Helena, 4 at a joint meeting at Great Falls at 2 at St. Ignatius. In three other Lodges he installed the officers making 20 Lodges whose officers were installed by him. In September, 1927, he attended the Grand Lodge of Idaho at Coeur D'Alene. He constituted one Lodge, laid the cornerstone for one and gave a Dispensation for the dedication of a Masonic Hall. Decision. "Can a suspended brother be reinstated after his death? To this I rendered the following' decision: A suspended brother may be reinstated. after death provided that the suspended brother shall have fulfilled all the requirements of the law for reinstatement l)re,'ions to his death."

The above decision of the Grand Master was approved. Correspondence.

Past Grand Master H. S. Hepner gives his Twentieth Review of the Proceedings of other Orand Lodges. Five of his two hun- • dred pages are devo~ed to Missouri, reviewing our Proceedings for 1927. He gives more than a page to the work of Grand Master Pickard, and then gives the principles our Grand Lodge adopted as a basis for the recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges. Concerning the portrait of Dr. Mather, our new Grand Secretary, he has this to say: "The new Grand Secretary's picture is in the volume before us; it shows a fine looking, strong- and intelligent face."

He tells us that Judge Otis delivered a fine oration and quotes his peroration. He gives in full Dr. Woods' poem, "Musings at Eventide." There is a slight error in his report of Dr. Woods' age. Charles




Carroll Woods was born at Rocky Mount, Virginia, July 4, 1838, and died at Sarasola, Florida, May 12, 1927, aged nearly 89 years. Sometime before his death he arranged all the details of his funeral. The service was held in the Methodist Church at Marshall, Missouri, where he began his. ministry in 1860 and was conducted by Dr. Arthur Mather, assisted by the writer who rendered the Masonic burial service with Dr. Mather as Chaplain at Arrow Rock where a wife and daughter were buried. His first wife died during the Civil War. In 1866 he married her sister who survives him. He notes the fact that our Grand Lodge gave $100.00 per year as an honorarium to our Grand Lecturer who had served us so well for twenty-one years. Referring to Dr. Mather's report as Correspondent, he says: "The views of Brother Mather are all of a hig-h standard and give promise of many masterly efforts in the future."

In this he is doomed to disappointment, for he is now Grand Secretary and another takes his place as Correspondent. Most Worshipful Brother Hepner's Missouri friends sympathize with him in the great loss he suffered on the night of July 16, 1928, when a fire that destroyed five business blocks burned his library and many things of value and interest in his office.


Grand Master, Albert R. Davis. Grand Master, elected, Frank H. Woodland, Omaha. Grand Secretary, Lewis E. Smith, Omaha. Correspondent, Edwin D. Crites. 293 Lodges. 41,948 Members. 1,330 Raised. 362 Gain. 277 Lodges Represented. SEVENTY-FIRST ANNUAL. Omaha, June 5-7, 1928. Present.

12 Grand Masters; 17 Past Grand Masters; 467 Lodge Representatives. Distinguished Visitors.

Harford N. Rosebush, Grand High Priest; Leward E. Cogswell, Grand Master of the Grand Council; Francis A. Mitchell,




Grand Commander; Frank C. Pallor, Inspector General of the Scottish Rite; Edwin Yont, Grand Patron of the Eastern Star and President of the Masonic-Eastern Star Home for Children, and James M. Robertson, President or the Nebraska Masonic Home, were introduced. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master reported Dispensations for forming two new Lodges. Eight Cornerstones were laid, two of which were for churches, but he was compelled to decline several invitations to lay Corner stones for Churches because he was asked to lay them on Sunday. That has happened in Missouri. It is a pity that the Masonic Fraternity is compelled to set a good example to the Churches in regard to Sunday observance. He dedicated three Masonic Temples. Visitations.

Among his visitations were a number to County Masonic meetings. He and the Grand Secretary visited the Grand Lodge of Iowa and our Grand Lodge at Kansas City. (Come again, both of you). They also attended the Grand Master's Conference at Washington and the Washington Memorial Association meeting at Alexandria. They were present at the meeting of the Masonic Relief Association at Denver in 1927. In May he visited the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star. Correspondence.

We infer the Report is by Past Master Edwin D. Crites, but must plead inability to read the signature appended to the preliminary part of his report. On the report we have no criticism to pass. It is Fraternal and discriminating and shows a careful review of our Proceedings for 1927. He notes our payment of our entire quota to the Washington Memorial. When he sees our Proceedings for 1928, he will discover that we have added $25,000 to that amount, and we now require every Lodge to collect for that purpose one dollar for each candidate initiated. He notes the successful work of our St. Louis Employment Bureau, and is evidently pleased with the report of the Committee on Survey of Lodges.




NEVADA. Grand Master, V. M. Henderson. Grand Master, Elected, Charles F. Cutts, Reno. Grand Secretary, Frank D. King, Reno. Correspondent, Frank D. King. 23 Lodges. 2,954 Members. 136 Raised. 64 Gain. 23 Lodges Represented. SIXTY-FOURTH ANNUAL. Reno, June 14-15, 1928. Present. 19 Grand Officers; 16 Past Grand Masters; 1 Past Junior Grand Warden; 95 Lodge Representatives. 'Grand. Master's Address.

The Grand Master reported that he had visited every Lodge in the state. In doing this he traveled 2,460 miles by automobile. He visited the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star. State of the Craft. He says: "I am very pleased to report that complete good will and fraternalism exists between the Lodges of our Jurisdiction. In a good many instances there have been interchanges of meetings, between Lodges, and the visitors have been invited to do degree work. I commend this practice very highly and sincerely hope that it will continue because it undoubtedly promotes Masonic acquaintance and good fellowship, without exception the Financial condition of our - Lodges is good." .

Order of DeMolay. He says: "I am pleased to note the progress made in our state by the Order of DeMolay. This shows that a good many well meaning boys are becoming interested along fraternal Ii.nes. In my estim'ation we as Masons should encourage them in their work and do all we can to see that they reach theirmajori ty through the channels of right living."

Correspondence. }<'rank D. King, Grand Secretary, reviews our Proceedings of 1927 in a most fraternal manner. He says of our Grand Master, Dr. Pickard, that he "has the honor and distinction of having laid more cornerstones, visited more Lodges and of being an attendant at more Masonic functions than any of his predecessors in office,"




Yes, he laid one more cornerstone than did this writer when he was Grand Master, the closing year of the last century. But Judge Ittner, who succeeded Dr. Pickard, exceeded him in the number of official visits to Lodges. Our reviewer quotes Missouri's Report on Recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges twice-once in his "Foreword" and again in his review of M.issouri. We are willing to be quoted. He greets Dr. Mather very kindly on his promotion to the office of Grand Secretary. He notes our adoption of M. W. Bro. Bert S. Lee's motion requiring all Lodges to collect a dollar from each applicant. for degrees for the Washington Memorial. NEW HAMPSHIRE.

Grand Master, J. Melvin Dresser, Berlin, Re-elected. Grand Secretary, Harry M. Cheney, Concord. Correspondent, Harry M. Cheney. 81 Lodges. 15,560 Members. 437 Initiated. 120 Gain. 78 Lodges Represented. ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-NINTH ANNUAL. Concord, May 16, 1928. Present.

32 Grand Officers; 8 Past Grand Masters; 28 Past District Deputy Grand Masters; 3 Permanent Members by election; 206 Lodge Râ‚Źpresentatives; 36 Grand Lodges were representedMissouri by Oscar E. Jewell, Past District Deputy Grand Master. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master dedicated one Masonic Hall. He visited the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star. He attendâ‚Źd the Grand Master's Conference at Washington City and the Washington Memorial Association. New Hampshire leads the list of Grand Lodges in the amount per member paid for the Washington Memorial, $1.82%. He presided at six District Lodges of Instruction. New Lodges.

A Dispensation was granted for the forming of a Lodge at Groveton. Semi-Annual Communication. It was held at Manchester, December 27.

Four hundred partook of the banquet in the new Masonic Temple and it was esti-

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mated that between seven and eight hundred attended the evening • session. Sixty-three Lodges were represented. Correspondence.

Past Grand Master Harry M. Cheney, Grand Secretary, is Correspondent. His opening paragraph does not surprise us: "John Pickard of Columbia, Mo., was the Grand Master for the year. He was born in Penacook, N. H., October 12, 1858. Graduating from Dartmouth College in the class of 1883. For four years he taught school in Portsmouth. His later years have been as 'a teacher in Missouri. We take pride in having given them such a man."

And we gladly acknowledge our indebtedness to the Granite State. Dr. Pickard has been an asset to Missouri for a good many years. The review of our Proceedings for 1927 is discriminating and fraternal. It says of Dr. Mather's report on Corres'pondence: "His treatment of New Hampshire, 1927, is a splendid exhibit of , himself. It is courteous and kind throughout, also quite complete."


Grand Master, Howard R. Cruse. Grand Master, Elected, William T. Vanderslipp, East Orange. Grand Secretary, Isaac Cherry. Correspondent, Ernest A. Reed. 263 Lodge~. 92,565 Members. 4,412 Raised. 2,968 Gain. 259 Lodges Represented. ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST ANNUAL. Trentiss, April 18-19, 1928. Present.

2iG grand Officers; 16 Past Grand Masters; 1 Past Senior" Grand Warden; 1 Past Deputy Grand Secretary; 2,3 District Deputies; 32 Past District Deputies; 639 Lodge Representatives; 873 Past· Masters.; 54 Grand Representatives. Missouri was not r~p­ resented. Distinguished Visitors.

From Pennsylvania: J. W'illison Smith, Grand Master; Otto R. Heiligman, Junior Grand Warden; Charles S. Roberts, Grand Treasurer. Frem Massachusetts: Dudley H. Ferrell, Past Grand Master and Frank H. Helton, Past Senior Grand Warden. From Delaware:· J. Bayard Hearn, Deputy Grand Master: S. B. Irwin Duncan, Senior Grand Warden; David B. Poffenberger, Junior Grand Warden; John F. Robinson, Grand Secretary; Harold W.T. Purnell, Senior Grand Deacon; J. Albert Rumpel, Junior




Grand, Deacon, and Robert H. Palmer, Junior Grand Steward. From Vermont: Christie B. Crowell, Past Grand Master. From Connecticut: Robert S. Walker, Grand Master, and Walter T. Arnold, Past Grand Master. From Rhode Island: Henry S. See, Junior Grand Warden. From Texas: Andrew J. Randell, Past Grand Master, Executive Secretary of the Masonic Service Association. From District of ,Columbia: Eugene E. Thompson, Representative of New Jersey near Grand Lodge District of Columbia, and Carl H. Clandy, Associwte Editor of "The Master Mason." From New York: Harold J. Richardson, Grand Master and Jacob ,C. Klinck, Past Grand Treasurer. From Washington: Martin Gregory, Past Grand Master. Grand Master's Address:

The Grand Master reported that five new Lodges had been constituted and that he had granted four Dispensations to form new Lodges. Cornerstones.

Six were laid. Four for Masonic Temples, one for a Public School and one for a Y. M. C. A. Buildin,g. Visitations.

He attended a Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, the Semi-Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island, the Grand Lodges of New York, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, and made a short speaking tour in Louisiana, under the auspices of the Grand Lodge of that Jurisdiction. He also visited the Grand Chapter of New: Jersey, the Grand ,Chapter of the Eastern Star, the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters, the Triennial meeting of the Council of Deliberation of the Scottish Rite and the Annual Session of the Imperial Council of the Mystic .Shrine. He attended one hundred and thirty-two Masonic functions in his capacity as Grand Master. He attended twenty-two of the twenty-fouf District Lodges of Instruction. The New Grand Master.

After his installation M. W. Bro. W. T. Vanderslipp gave an address to the Grand Lodge. We quote its conclusion: "We live, For the cause that needs assistance, For the wrongs that need resistance, For the future-in the distance, And the g'ood that we can do.




"For the cause tha t needs assistance, Masonry must ever be alert to the needs of the times. She must be alive to the things going on about her. She must ever be ready to lend assistance to those causes, those big things, those unselfish movements that have to do with the betterment of mankind. "For the wrong that needs resistance. ,Vhat might seem a trivial thing to us may loom large in the life of another; a denial of a seemingly insignificant right might be serious enough to hlast the hopes of our fellow man. As Masons we owe it to ourselves to resist wrong and to stand firmly in the pathway of justice denied. Then we must live for the future, we must not live for ourselves alone. None of us are independent being. All of us enjoy privileges for which, years ago, someone died. The very security with which we meet is not our own creation. We owe a debt of gratitude for it to others. So we must see to it that our pragramme is of such a nature that we shall accomplish something which we cannot hope to enjoy, but which we shall leave as a heritage to others-to those in the distance. If we will do these things, Masonry will live for the good which it can do. It will accomplish much and 路as a result turn over this wonderful fraternity to those who come after us, not only unsullied, but a living, vital force in the affairs of men and of nations."


Past Orand Master Ernest A. Reed gives four pages to a review of our Proceedings of 1927. He quotes from Grand Master Pickard's address and quotes with evident approval Past Grand Master McIntyre's Report on Recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges. Referring to Dr. Mather's Report on Correspondence, he says: "The reviews are excellent and there are generous and kindly notices of New ,J'ersey."


Grand Master, Samuel E. Wood. Grand Master, Elected, Herbert S. Murdoch, Springer. Grand Secretary, Alpheus A. Keen, Albuquerque. Correspondent, John Milne. 57 Lodges. 6,932 Members.. 364 Raised. 240 Gain. 33 Lodges Represented. FIFTY-FIRST ANNUAL. Gallup, February, 18-20, 1929. Present. 15 Grand Officers; 8 Past Grand Masters; 1 Past Deputy Grand Master; 1 Past Senior Grand Warder; 3 Past Grand Treasurers; 16 District Deputy Grand Masters; 63 Lodge Representatives.




Distinguished Visitor.

Lloyd C. Henning, Past Grand Master of Arizona, was introduced. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master visited 17 Lodges and the Grand Lodge of Arizona. He also visited the State Conclave, Order of DeMolay. Four cornerstones were laid. One new Lodge was consecrated. One Masonic Hall was dedicated. Correspondence.

John Milne, Grand Marshal, gives a Report of 162 pages. Nearly eight pages review our Proceedings for 1928. He says: "One of the most interesting cases that has come to our attention is the decision of Grand Master Anthony F. Ittner quoted in the following report. Final decision will be made at the next annual meeting."

Then follows in full the majority and minority reports on the Grand Master's decision. He notes the tragic death of Past Grand Master Lucas from heart failure while these reports were being considered.


FORTIETH ANNUAL REPORT, 1928. We have reports of a Special ,communication held at Sidney June 20, 1927, a Quarterly Sâ‚Źptember 14, a Quarterly December 14, a Quarterly March 14, 19218, a Special June 11 and a Quarterly June 13, 1928. There were 575 Lodges with a membership of 67,2'73. were initiatâ‚Źd. There was a gain in membership of 2;693.


John Carlson is Grand Master and David 'Cunningham is Grand Secretary." . There is a Report on Correspondence but after strict search, we failed to find any review of Missouri.

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Grand Master, John A. Dutten, New York (Re-elected). Grand Secretary, Robert Judson Kenworthy, New York. Correspondent, S. Nelson Sawyer. 1,011 Lodges. 343,700 Members. 13,962 Raised. 6,142 Gain.' ONE HUNDRED FORTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL. ~ew York, May 7-9, 1929. Present.

61 Grand officers; 9 Past Grand Masters; 4 Past Grand Treasurers; 804 Lodge Representatives; 56 District Deputy Grand Mastel's; 77 Grand Lodges were represented but Missouri was not represented. Distinguished Visitors.

George R. Sturgis, Grand Master of Connecticut; Herbert W. Dean, Grand Master of Massachusetts; Benjamin F. Havens, Grand Master 'of New Jersey and W. Louis Beyer, Representative of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge Lessing of Czecho Slovakia, were introduced. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master laid four Cornerstones, dedicated six Masonic Temples and gave Dispensations for five new ,Lodges. Visitations.

The Grand Master visited the Grand Lodges of Rhod-e Island, 'Conn-ecticut and New Jersey. He attended the Grand Masters' Conference at Washington and the Washington Memorial Association. Foreign Lodges.

He says tlie Lodges, the Grand Lodge of New York has established in Syria, Lebanon and at Amioun in the hill country near Tripoli are doing well. Boy Scouts and DeMolay.

He quotes an opinion of the Judge Advocate rendered in 192G as follows, "I am of the opinion therefore that a Chartered Lodge as such has no right or power to engage in any enterprise for any l- urpose however laudable not connected with the purposes of the Grand Lodge." He evidently doubts the wisdom of permitting DeM'olay Chapters to meet in Masonic Lodge rooms.




"This is not said in hostility or antagonism to the Order of DeMolay. I have no doubt it is performing a good service to youth, and there is no objection to Masons as individuals, lending to it their support. This should not be done, however, in an organized capacity as Masons or in the name of Masonry."

The Springfield DeMolay Chapter meets in our Masonic Temple. Some years ago the wfitâ‚Źr helped to confer the Third Degree upon its first Master Councillor who was the son of the Master of his Lodge. Sunday Observances. "I have discountenanced the holding by Lodges and other regular organizations, of entertainments, dances and public dinners on Sundays. Sunday is set apart by law as a day for rest and worship. It is to many of our Brethren a sacr:ed and holy day."

Lodge Decorum and Entertainments.

He says: "An atmosphere of either good or evil usually pervades the gathering places of men. There never was and never will be any elevating influence in the atmosphere of a saloon or a vulgar playhouse. On the other hand, even the marvelous arc1:litectural beauty of an old-world Cathedral is secondary to the spiritual atmosphere. within its sacred walls. Our Temple.s. and' Lodge rooms are dedicated to Freemasonry, Virtue and Benevolence. Let us not. defile them with anything not in keeping with these purposes. "Far better is it to reverence them in that spirit expressed by the Almighty to Moses when he commanded, 'Put off thy shoes from off thy feet for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.' "There are many Brethren who have an almost sacred reverence for their Lodge rooms, and many more who do not want to see them used for base or ignoble purposes: Such use of a Lodge room is an offense to such Brethren and helps to breed discord. "Even more harmful is its effect upon the newly made Brother who in joining the Fraternity. has been inspired by high ideals."

The Grand Lodge approved the Grand Master's viâ‚Źws. We quote the conclusion of the Address: "A survey of the present justifies a feeling of optimism for the future. "We are inheritors of the accummulated strength of more than two centuries of accomplishment. In numbers we have more than doubled in the last twenty years. Our wealth has grown proportionately, and has been carefully conserved and converted into instrumentalities which minister to the needs of the unfortunate. Interest on the part of our membe-rs in our Fraternity has steadily increased. These elements form a material background for future end'eavors. Opportunity beckons us on. Perhaps there never was more need for Masonry in the world than today. The call for its moral and spiritual influence is felt in society. The field for relief

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of the unfol路tunate is large, and syml)athy and encouragement will always find worthy subjects upon whom they can be bestowed. "We can best minister to those needs by keeping alive and stimulating a Masonic Conscience. This Masonic Conscience should embrace a consciousness of the fundamental teachings of Masonry and the possession of a firm determination to put them into practice in daily life; an ever conscious thought that we belong to this great Fraternity, and that there is thereby imposed upon us an obligation to ourselves and to society to live better lives, to do something more for humanity and thus elevate the name of Masonry, and thereby command the good will and "respect of the world. "The Masonic Conscience of the Fraternity is the aggregate conscience of its individual members. It is what they make it and no more. This thought shoulil be in the mind of everyone of us. H we grasp this thought and do Our best to live up to the high ideals of our profession, we shall create a spirit that will make Masonry an irresistible force 路for the uplift of society and the betterment of humanity."

One tenth of the membership of the Masonic Fraternity in the United States is in the EmpirB State. The revenue of the Grand Lodge the past year was D;lore than half a million dollars. Five years ago the writer delivered a Masonic Address on St. John's "Day at Vienna, a small county seat in Missouri, some miles away from the nearest railroad. The- Masonic Lodge reported only 66 members one year ago. Roman Catholicism was strong in the county aQ.d Protestant Churches few and weak, yet on that occasion we had an inspiring message from the Grand Master ot New York who began his Masonic career in that littlB Lodge. William A. Rowan was born in Vienna, January 28, 1870, and raised to the Sublime Degre"E) "of Master MaSon fn 1'907. His obituary was read in our Grand Lodge one year ago. Correspondence.

The Rer.ort of Hi8 pages is by Past Grand Master S. Nelson Sawyer. He gives a page and half to a fraternal review of Our Proceedings for 1928. Me says of our Grand Master: "Bro. Ittner's personality is magnetic; and his influence upon the Craft in Missouri h"as been a most beneficient one all around."

He quotes Bro. Ittner's tribute to our new Grand Secretary, Dr. Arthur Mather "as a man of broad learning and culture, dignified and refined, but withal modest and deeply sympathetic with the laudable aims and ambitions of his Brethren."

He says of the work of the new Correspondent: "The reviews, though extremely condensed, are well organized and supply the information most generally looked for in Correspondence reports."





Grand Master, General Sir Charles Fergusson Bart, "Wellington. Grand Secretary, Colonel George Barclay, Dunedin. 293 Lodges. 26,227 Members. 1,329 Initiated. 648 Gain. 242 Lodges Represented. THIRTY-NINTH ANNUAL. Dunedin, November 28-29, 1928. Present.

114 Grand Officers and Past Grand Masters; 300 Past Masters, Masters and Wardens; 32 Grand Lodges were reprâ‚Źsented but Missouri was not represented. Grand Master.

The Grand Master who is serving his fourth year as Grand Master, visited more than 40 Lodges his third year in officâ‚Ź. Warrants were issued for six new Lodges, and several Masonic Temples had been erected or were under construction. There is no report on correspondence. The gain in membership indicates prosperity.


Grand Master, John H. Anderson. Grand Master, Elected, Raymond C. Dunn, Enfield. Grand Secretary, William W. '\Tillson, Raleigh. Correspondent, J. Edward Allen, Warrenton. 429 Lodges. 41,439 Mem'bers. 1,417 Raised. 119 Loss. ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST ANNUAL. Raleigh, January 17-19, 1928. Present.

20 Grand Officers; 14 Pas\t Orand Masters; 3 Grand Custodians; 5 Assistant Grand Lecturers; 32 District Deputy Grand Masters; 452 Representatives of Lodges; 35 Representatives of Grand'Lodges were present, but Missouri was not represented. Distinguished Visitors.

The presence was noted of the Master of the Grand Council, Grand lina, and the Inspector General of the Charlton Durant, Grand Master troduced.

Grand High Priest, Grand Commander of North CaroScottish Rite. of South Carolina, was in-




Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master, very properly, refused a. dispensation to lay the Cornerstone of a Presbyterian Church on Sunday. He attended the meeting of the Masonic Service Association in Chicago, and the Grand Masters' Conference at Washington and the meeting of the Washington Memorial Association. We quote the conclusion of his address: "We pass this way but once. Riches may be made and lost. Man lies down and is forgotten, but the monument of kindly deeds, devoted service and cheerfUl disposition built in the hearts of men not only lives throughout all time but is a kingly monument that may be had by the humblest subject. "May it be your pleasure tc erect such a monument. May we live to see the day when Masonry will be enshrined in the hearts of all men and we, as brothers, go marching on in an irresistable tide that shall sweep into oblivion all envy and discord crowning our lives with the blissful knowledge that we have done our best to make this old world of ours a better place in which to live, filling our hearts with the tender recollections of the good we have done, and dying with the satisfaction that we have fought a good fight. Kept the faith and are only passing on to that land where love is supreme and bliss and happiness forever reign,"


Rev. 路C. K. Proctor, Grand Orator gave -as his theme, "Masonry and a Warless World," or "Masonry and World Peace." He told his hearers that in the World War twice as many men were killed as in lall the wars from 1790 to 1913; that the Allied forces mobilized forty-eight million casualties; that the Central powers mobilized twenty-two and one-half million men with fifteen and 'one-half million casualties; that the cost to the United States had been more than forty-eight billion and will go beyond a hundred billion. "This has no reference to the literally thousands of widows that were made; literally thousands and probably millions of orphans that were made. It has no reference to those great losses in broken hearts, dripping- eyes, in crushed' am'bitions, in shattered hopes, in wrecked and ruined aspirations, and the destruction of the Sacred Faith of millions. "No wonder, to my mind, that the Nations of the earth, are beginning to hate war ~路S never before. To my mind, these figures bankrupt the imagination and there are farther facts which indicate that something is wrong."

But we have not space to quote the dangers he points out, but must give his final appeal: "This is no small task.

It is a big problem that challenges the




world today and we are brought to realize that we have been piddling away with little things and made little effort in the solution of big things. This task of a warless world is a ch'allenge that throws itself at the feet of the Church and says: 'Help solve this problem.' It is a challenge that hurls itself in the councils of the Nations and at Inter-National Courts and says: 'Help solve thi路s problem.' It is a challenge that hurls itself into the Colleges and Universities of the world and says to those trained leaders, 'Use your knowledge and brains in an effort to solve this problem.' It is a challenge which hurls itself at our firesides and tells l"athers and Mothers to help inculc~te the principles of brotherly love, friendship and peace and good-will, with emph'asis upon the spiritual things. It is a task that hurls itself at Association for Human Betterment; at Civic Organizations. It is a challenge, men and Masons, that hurls itself at the feet of Masonry and says to you and me, 'You have stood through the centuries in the fore-ranks of every effort for the betterment of manldnd and the breaking of shackles that have held men enstared, and to this tremendous task what will the am;wer of Masonry be?' Ma.y it be, Brethren, that we as an Organization and as individuals shall see that there is something in the task of making a warless world that our great Fraternity can perform. When 'at last the ;;.nnals of the Age shall have been finished, when at last the high purposes of the Supreme Architect of the Universe shall have been achievco, yonder on some memoriate tablet erected in eternity to emblazon the accomplishments of man in a11 worthy undertakings, there will be one erected to the memory of those who had a part in bringing about veace on earth. The Church will be listed here; the Nations that helped with their Leaders will be listed. When all is said and done. I want the name of Masonry written there that it may show that we did our part 'in bringing about a Warless World."


The Report is by ,J. Edward Allen. He reviews our Proceeoings of 19217 and greets our Grand Master, Dr. Pickard ,as "a distinguished scholar." He gives more than a page to a quotation from the oration of Judge Otis, of the Federal Court, who has been crowding the jails of Northwest Missouri with bootleggers. If all our Officials were like him, there would be no question of enforcing the Volstead law. The Report is published in a separate volume of more than four hundred pages and gives many interesting statistical tables. He gives over seven pages to a fraternal and discriminating review of our Proceedings for 1928. . He notes Judge Ittner's activity in visi'ting 123 Lodges in ~:. Masonic year of eleven months, and that he had a part in conferring one hundred Degrees. It is a safe conclusion that he knows our ritual as well as our law.

1929. ]



Our reviewer approves our action in declining to adopt a proposed amendment that would require petitioners to submit to on medical examination. He quotes from the writer's report on Correspondence, but there are two slight inaccuracies in what he gives. This writer was G~and Master in 1900-, not in 1909, and is a preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, not the Methodist Episcopal 'Church. In our Foreword we give one of his statistical tables, with thanks.


Grand Master, R. C. Dunn. Grand Master, Elected, John J. Phoenix, Greensboro. Grand Secretary, John H. Anderson, Raleigh. Correspondent, J. Edward Allen, Warrenton. 420 Lodges. 41,350 Members. 1,378 Raised. 186 Loss. 227 Lodges Represented. ONE HUNDRED FORTY-SECOND ANNUAL. Raleigh, January 15-16, 1929. Present. 20 Grand Officers; 1'2 Past Grand Masters; Including theBe there were 675 Members present; 41 Grand Lodges were represented but Missouri was not represented.

Grand Master's Address. The Grand Master reported twenty-six decisions all of which were approved by the Grand Lodge. One of them indicates ;1 difference between North Carolina Masonic law and Missouri law. It is that no visitor can be present 'at a trial and hence no one can preside at a trial in a Lodge of which he is not a member. The writer once defended a Brother in a "Lodge of which he was not a mem{ber and once presided at a trial in a !Lodge of which he was not a member. This was -at the urgent request of the Master of the Lodge who thought he had good reasons for not wishing to preside. He once helped the Junior Warden in prosecuting an accused member and another P.ast Grand Master defended the accused. We do not claim that our usage is better than that of North Carolina but it suits us better. Oration. Thomas M. Glasgow, Grand Orator, gave as his theme, "The




Power of an Individual." We quote his tribute to the most heroic figure of the Nineteenth 'Century, the greatest Missionary since the Apostle Paul: "In the winter of 1840 we find a stalwart Scottish youth of 27 standing upon an English dock as, with grave and d'etermined eye, he looked across the rolling tide to the dark continent of Africa lying far to the southward. Beside him stood lamenting friends urging that he stay his steps from a fruitless mission, but the ear of David Livingstone had heard the 'Macedon ian man call' from the heart of Africa and' the hand once put to the plow was not then to be withdrawn. In vain were the luring pictures of success and fame and the comforts of an English home brought graphically before his eye; in vain were the pleas of warning friends that he wreck not his brig-ht and unusual career upon the barren coast of a slave-bearing continent; but true to his cause as the needle to her northern pole, deaf to all who would wean him from the course of his heart's selection, this worthy son of 'bonny Scotland,' bearing in his hand the torch of the 'Gospel of Light,' set sail for the dark continent of Africa. . "Plunging into the heart of this unknown land he began the most wonderful career known to the exploring world. Hampered by the want of modern equipment, unfamiliar with the language, the people, and the conditions of the land, he battled single handed with the united problems of African fever, treacherous and superstitious natives and the wilds and dangers of the jungle, emerging' from his unparalleled career the conqueror and master of each and the idol of the English race. Returning to the land of his fathers he was crowned with glory and honor, as an English-speaking people with one accord sang loud l).is deserved fame. But deaf to the glamor of transitory praise the heart of Livingstone still yearned for the dusl{y friends of other years and the face of the explorer, missionary, preacher, turned again to the jungle of this heathen land t.o give his life for the cause which he so nobly served. "Aroused by the career of this great man, the hearts and minds of the entire Christian world wert: turned to the dark land of Africa. Inspired by his sacrifice and daring, thousands have given their lives to carry the Gospel of T-ruth to this sin-fettered people until, today, at a single post led by the faithful hand of a boy of our Sunny Southland the rising sun is met by a sight of more than two thousand dusky forms as with bowed head they send up humble prayer to the God of Livingstone. Thus by the individual 路faith. courage and power of this true son of the Scottish hills the words of the prophet are indeed fulfilled 'The people which sat in darkness saw a great light; and on them which sat in the region of the shadow of death, light is sprung up路 ...

When, a year after his death, his remains were hrought to London for interment in Westminster Abbey, "Punch" paid him this tribute:




"Droop half mast colors, bow, bareheaded crowds. As this plain coffin o'er the side is slung, To pass by woods of masts and ratlined shrouds, As erst by Africa's trunks. liana hung. "'Tis the last mile of many thousands trod With failing strength, but never failing will. By the worn frame, know at its rest with God. That never rested from its fight will ill. "Or if the ache of travel and of toil Would sometimes wring a short, shafl) cry of pain From agony of fever, brain, and boil, 'Twas but to crush it down and on again? "He knew not that the trumpet he had blown Out of the darkness of that dismal land, Had reached and aroused an army of its own To strike the chains from the slave's fettered hand. "Now we believe. he knows, sees all is well; How God had stayed his will and shaDed his way, To bring the light to these that darkling dwell \Vith gains that life's devotion will repay. "Open the Abbey doors and bear him in To sleep with King and statesman, chief and sage. The missionary come of weaver kin, But great by work that brooks no lower wage. "He needs no epitaph to guard a name Which men shall prize while worthy work is known; He lived and died for good-he this his fame; Let marble crumble; this )s Living-stone."


Grand Master, .Walter H. Murfin. Grand Master, Elected, Herbert A. Merrifield. Hankinson. Grand Secretary. Walter L. Stockwell, Fargo. Correspondent. WaIter H. Murfin, Fargo. 129 Lodges. 1'5,459 Members. 503 Raised. 52 Gain. 126 Lodges Represented. THIRTY-NINTH ANNUAL. Fargo, June 19-21, 1928. Present. 17 Grand Officers; 14 Past Grand Masters; 3 Other Past Grand Officers; 2'0 District Deputies; 37 members of Standing Committees; 59 Past Masters; 161 Representatives of Lodges.




Grand Master's 'Address.

The Grend Master reported the lay'ing of two Cornerstones for Masonic Temples and the dedication of five Temples. He visited the 'Grand Chapter of the Eastern star and the Grand Chapter and Grand ,Council of North Dakota. He visited the Grand Lodges of Montana and South Dakota. He reported 16 visits to Lodges ,and 11 to District Meetings. In company: with the Grand Secretary, M. W. Bro. Walter L. Stockwell, who has 'been a welcome visitor to our Grand Lodge, he attended the Grand Master's Conference at Washington City in February and the meeting of the Washington Memorial Association. Correspondence.

George Hovey Phelps, who has been Correspondent since 19'23, diedli'ebruary 29, 1'928. He had not been well for several months but with the aid of Mrs. Phelps had reviewed twentythree Proceedings and this partial report is printed. There is no review of Missouri. We will expect a report next year from M. W. Bro. Walter H. Murfin, the Junior Past Grand Master. NOVA SCOTIA.

Grand Master, John C. McKay, Re-elected, Sydney. Grand Secretary, James Clarence Jones, Halifax. Correspondent, James ,Clarence Jones . . 81 Lodges. 9',82'0 Members. 370 Raised. SIXTY路THIRD ANNUAL. Halifax, June 13-16, 1928. Present.

19 Grand Officers; 4 Past GrandMasters; 8 Past Deputy Grond Masters; 7 Past Senior Grand Wardens; 7 Past Junior "Or,and Wardens; 232 Lodge Representatives; 36 Grand Lodges were repTesented, but Missouri was not represented. Distinguished Visitors.

James Vroom, Grand Master, and F. A. Sawaya, Senior Grand Warden of New Brunswick, and W. A. Ellis, Deputy Grand Master of Grand Lodge of England, in New Foundland, were introduced. Sermon.

A sermon Wt3.S delivered by the Grand 'Chaplain, Rev. G. E. Whiccen. This was followed by an Invitation to a Reception and Dance at Free-Mason's Hall at 9 p. m.

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Grand Master's Address. The Grand Master attended nine District Meetings and reported more than thirty visitations to Lodges. We gave a Dispensation for forming one new Lodge. Distance. From one decision we learn that in Nova S'cotia, a petitioner must have six names to his petition when he lives ten miles away. Lottery. He was asked to sanction a Canada-wide lottery for the purpose of erecting a Masonic Hall. Among the other things he said, and like Truthful James, his language was plain, was this: "The absurdity of the proposal must be apparent to anyone professing Masonic edu?ation or principles."

Correspondence. The Report is by James C. Jones, Grand Secretary. viewing our Proceedings for 1927, he says:

In re-

"The biography of Most Wor. Uro. John Pickard, Grand Master of this Jurisdiction, 1926-1927, with which the Proceedings under review opens, reads almost like a fairy tale from a Masonic standpoint. Initiated, passed and raised at the age of 57 between Feb. 8 and March 3, l:lO.J. He succeeded in securing the Chanter and Knight Templar Degrees by May and all the degrees of the Scottish Rite by November of th'at year. Further honors conf",rred upon him made him a l\.Iaster of his Lodge and High Priest of His Chapter by 1911."

He states our Lodge Membership and adds this comment: "Statistics referring to other aspects of Masonic activity in Missouri, also, as might be expected, run into big figures. For instance we learn that the number disciplined for N. P. D. is 2,296 and so on."

Concerning Dr. Mather's work as Correspondent he says: "It opens with some carefully compiled' statistics as to Masonic

membership throughout the world; followed by interesting reviews of Proceedings of 66 other Grand Jurisdictions. "Brother Mather confines himself to brief resumes of the best portions of each, rarely criticising."


Grand Master, B. Frank Thomas. Grand Master, Elected, Otto H. Hohly, Toledo. Grand ,secretary, Harry S. Johnson, ,Cincinnati. Correspond~nt, O. P. Sperra, Ravenna. 608 Lodges. 2-04,63路8 Members. 6,505 Raised. 2,513 Gain. 596 Lodges Represented. ONE HUNDRED NINETEENTH ANlNUAL. Columbus, October 17-18, 19'28. Present. 12 Grand Officers; 23 Past Grand Masters; 25 District Lee-





turers; 502 Worshipful Masters; 39 Senior Wardens; 15 Junior Wardens; 405' Proxies were on file; 54 Grand Lodges were :represented, Missouri by James M. Morgan. Distinguished Visitors.

John H. Dickerson, Grand 'Commander of Knights Templar of Ohio, and Roy S. Roger,s, Grand Master of the Grand Council of Ohio, were introduced. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master reported that 29 Masoni路c Temples and Lodge rooms had been dedicated and 29 Cornerstones had been laid. Most of these Corner~tones were laid on Sunday. In Missouri we do not lay Cornerstones on Sunday. Our law expressly forbids any Lodge meeting on Sunday and the Grand Lodge will not do that which it forbids a subordinate Lodge to do. In the second degree we teach the candidate that our ancient brethren worked six days in the week and rested on the seventh, for in six days God created the heaven and the earth and rested upon the seventh day; the seventh, therefore, our ancient brethren consecrated as a day of rest from their labors, thereby enjoying frequent opportunities to contemplate the glorious works of creation, and to adore their great Creator. If Masonry yields to this clamor for the ,Continental Sunday, how long can the Churches withstand the pressure? Visitations.

The Grand Master installed the officers of nine Lodges and reports many other Masonic Visitations. Holy Bible.

The Grand Master tells us that approximately fifty per cent of the Lodges present a copy of the Bible to each candidate when he receives the Third Degree. Storm Relief.

$30,0'00.00 was given by our Ohio brethren for relief in Porto Rico, and $22,000.00 for relief in Florida. Games of Chance. "On several occasions it has been brought to the attention of your Grand Master that organizations appendant upon Masonry, their membership consisting entirely of Masons, aTe indulging in the pr路aclice of raising money from a game of chance-commonly called a lottery; also in festivals of the same nature to which the public is

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invited to contribute. Such a practice is not in keeping with the purpose of our Institution, is detrimental to its best interests, and violates the land marlo, of our Fraternity."

The Jurisprudence Committee reporting on this matter serves notice that drastic measures may be expected by future offenders. Foreign Rituals.

The Grand Master refused to permit the conferring of degrees in Ohio Lodges in accordance with rituals of other Grand Juri.sdictions-a sensible decision in our judgment. Correspondence.

The report of 236 pages is by O. P. Sperra, Past Grand Master. He gives nearly three pages to our Proceedings for 1\927. More than half his space is given to the able address of Grand Master Pickard, and he commends the report on Obituaries and the correspondence report by Dr. Mather who gave Ohio for 1926 "his fraternal consideration." This writer knows Ohio as he has seen it from Wabash, Pennsylvania, Big Four and Baltimore and Ohio railroad tMins, but it has an interest for him from the fact that his father was born in Marietta, in October, 1815, and from the further fact that the same city gave birth in 1817 to Williams McKendree Prottsrnan, who was his presiding elder the first two years of his ministry-a great man-also a Free Mason, to whom he owes much. OKLAHOMA.

Grand Master, Wm. Mark Sexon. Grand Master, Elected, Rufus O. Renfrew, Woodward. Grand Secretary, Wm. M. Anderson, Guthrie. Correspondent, Thomas Chauncy Humphrey, ,458 Lodges. 70,969 Members. . 3,547 Raised. 1,718 Loss. 305 Lodges Represented: THIRTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL, Guthrie, February 12-14, 1929. Present.

18 Grand Officers; 14 Past Grand Masters; 951 Lodge Representatives; 43 Grand Lodges were represented, Missouri by Past Grand MasterWm. P. Freeman, who was made a Master Mason in 'Missouri. Distinguished Visitor.

Charles Arthur Chappell, Past Grand Master of NebraSka was introduced.




Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master reported several cases in which he had granted dispensation to Lodges to confer degrees in less than statutory time. Grand Masters in Missouri have no such authority. Cornerstones.

He reports the laying of eighteen ,CQrnerstones. Four of these were for churches. The Grand Master laid two and others laid sixteen. The fact that he was in a hospital for treatment during the year and had to be relieved in small part of the labor of presiding over the Grand Lodge may explain why we have no definite report of Lodge visitations. He was able, howeve,,, to attend the Grand Masters' Conference at Washington City and the George Washington Memorial Association at Alexandri'a. He is a minister in the Christian Church and the writer knows him well enough to say that he shirked no duty he had strength to perform. Storm Relief.

He "reported $2,240.04 contributed 'by Lodges for Porto Rico Storm Relief.


Loss in Membership.

For the first time in its history the Grand Lodge reported a loss in membership. There were 5,126 suspensions for non-payment of dues and a net loss for the year of 1,718. But with 3,694 Initiations we may look for a better showing next year. Times must have been hard in Oklahoma last year. Oration.

We quote one paragraph from the Oration of Judge James L Phelps, Grand Orator: "Historians tell us that it is impossible to trace accurately the time and by whom Masonry was actually brought to our shores, but considering the character of the patriots who braved the dangers of the frontier of a foreign land for the love of God and home, it is reasonable to presume that many Masons landed' upon our shores long prior to the establishment of the first regular Lodge in Philadelphia in 1730 over which Benjamin Franklin so efficiently presided as Worshi!)ful Master. It is certain, however, that -after th.e estaLlishment of this Lodge, l\lasonry thrived and its members multiplied with great rapidity until in 1776 the Colonies were governed almost exclusively by officers who had knelt at the altar of Freemasonry and who had been baptised by its beneficent purposes. And




when General W'arren gave his life blood to stain red American soil at Bunker Hill; when Paul Revere made his midnight ride, and when John Hancock signed the Declaration of Independence. they laid upon Masonry the duty to forever dedicate its service to the cause of human justice and equal rights. to all who should thereafter follow in their footsteps."


The report of 120 pages is by Past Grand Master Thomas Chauncy Humphrey. He gives two and one-half pages 1.0 a very kind review of Missouri's Proceedings for 1928, and quotes from our review of Oklahoma last year.


Grand Master, Robert S. Eakin. Grand Master, Elected, Rex. W. Davis, Salem. Grand Secretary, D. Rufus Cheney, Portland. Correspondent, David P. Mason, Albany. 172 Lodges. 30,286 Members. 1,140 Raised. _526 Gain. 155 Lodges Represented. SEVENTY路EIGHTH ANNUAL. Portland, June 13-15, 1928. Present:

17 Grand Officers; 15 Past 'Grand Masters; 16 District Deputy Grand Masters; 45 Members of Committees; 395 Representatives of Lodges. 41 Grand Representatives were present, but Missouri was not rep~esented. Disti nguished Visitors.

John Whicher, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of California; John J. Johnson, Grand High Priest of Washingto'n; Thomas Sims, Grand High Priest, E. B. Beaty, Grand Master of the Grand Council, and Fred A. Inman, Grand Commander of Oregon, were introduced. On the morning of the second day, the Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshments for the purpose of receiving Jennie O. Rinehart and Leonora H.Kerr, Past Grand Matrons of the Eastern Star, and' Gilbert D. Charters, Grand Patron elect. Grand Master's Address:

The Grand Master ruled that "Loss of right thumb at the



first joint does not disqualify an applicant for the Degrees". ruling was approved.

[Sept. This

He called attention to a situation created by a law which he thought was unwise. A Brother was "raised" on the fifteenth day ot the month. On the thirtieth day of the same month he was stricken by th'e hand of death. Under Oregon Masonic Law the Grand Master was compelled to rule that the man in question was not a Mastâ‚Źr Mason, as he had not passed his examination on the candidate's lecture. The Grand Lodge changed its law to give a newly-raised Br{)ther six months' standing as a Master Mason, but he is disqualified if he does not pass his examination in six months. We believe our Missouri law is a good onâ‚Ź. After he receives the charge, the newly-made Master Mason is informed that it will be necessary for.him to stand an examination in open Lodge and until then he cannot dimit, hold office, or vote. We quote the conclusion of the address: "It is a significant fact that more than a year before Oregon was admitted to the Union, this Grand Lodge was incorporated by an act of the Territorial Legislature. Thus, older than the State itself, our organization has never ceased to function, and Masonry and civic progress have gone forward, hand in hand, through the intervening years. "The names of those who were inslrumental in establishing Masonry in this great Northwest Country, are also prominent in the early history of the State, as builders of those institutions upon .which our present day civilization rests. The working tools laid down by these pioneer brothers are now in Our hands. As we today rejoice in their devotion to the teachings of our Order let us so build that those who follow may also rejoice in our fidelity to the principles of Masonry."

Frederick G. Jennings, Grand Orator, gave as. his theme, "When Is a Man a Mason?" In it he quotes Dr. William Herbert Carruth's poem: "A fire mist and a planet, A crystal and a cell, A jelly fish and a saurian, And caves where the cave men dwell: Then a senSe of law and beauty, And a face turned from the clodSome call it Evolution, And others call it God.




"A haze on the far horizon, The infinite tender sky, The ripe, rich fruits of the cornfield, And the wild geese sailing high: And all over upland and lowland, The charm of the Golden rod; Some of uS call it autumn, And others call it God. "Like tides on a crescent sea-beach, When the moon is new and thin, Into our hearts high yearnings, Come welling and surg-ing in; Come from the mystic ocean, Whose rim no foot has trodSome of us call it longing, And others call it God. "A picket frozen on duty, A mother starved for her brood, Socrates drinking the hemlock, And Jesus on the rood: And millions who, humble and nameless, The straight hard pathway trodSome call it Consecration, And others call it God."

To this he adds: "Many men standing together Standing where Hiram stood; Hand to back of the falling Helping in brotherhood, Wise men, doctor, lawyer, Poor man, man of the road, Many call it 'Masonry' And others call it God."

We give his conclusion: "May I then in closing urge upon you the need of a deeper consecration to the ideals that we as Masons have espoused. Make the communications of your Lodge more and more occasions of inspiration and renewed vigor. Be not content to look only Upon th~ outward expressions of ritual and ceremonial, but raise your heart and attune your ear to hear and your eye to perceive and understand" the hidden things which shall be revealed. "Look then to the East, to the Sun of Righteousness who presides therein, the Sum"eme Architect and 'Ruler of the Universe whose very presence assures our work, success and




"Forward, marching Eastward, In Masonic might! Brethren, Craftsmen, Onward, Forward into LIGHT."


The Senior Past Grand Master, David P. Mason, gives more than four pages to a review of our Proceedings for 1927. He quotes with evident approval Dr. Pickard's ruling against playing cards or pool in a Masonic club room on Sunday. Speaks in high terms of our Grand Master, quotes our Grand Chaplain's prayer at the opening of the Grand Lodge. Commends the able report of Dr. Mather on Correspondence and says that Oregon for 1926 received a fraternal Review.


Grand Master J. Willison Smith, Philadelphia. Grand Secretary, John A. Perry, Philadelphia. 565 Lodges. 212,803 Members. 6,239 Initiated. 2,251 Gain. ANNUAL GRAND COMMUNICATION. Philadelphia, December 27th, 1928. Quarterly Communications were held March 7th, June 6th, September 5th and December 5th. We find no list of members present. A Special Communication was held in the afternoon of March 7th for the purpose of making Gov. John S. Fisher "a Mason at sight". 2'39 Lodges were represented and 21& Lodges were represented at the regular Quarterly Communication held in the evening. 156 Lodg~s. were represented at the Quarterly, June 6th, 177 Lod.ges September 5th and 450 Lodges were represented at the Quarterly 路Communioation, December :5th, while only 123 Lodges were represented at the Annual Communication, December 2'7th. Distinguished Visitors.

Winthrop Buck, Grand Master, and Howard A. Middleton, Grand Junior Warden of Connecticut; and William T. Vanderslipp, Grand Master, Benjamin F. Havens, Deputy Grand Master, Donald J. Sargent, Senior Grand Warden, W. Stanlay Waughright, Junior

1929. ]



Grand Warden, Eugene Sandall, Senior Grand Deacon, George W. Saxtan, Junior Grand Deacon, and Daid McGregor, Grand Lodge Historian of New Jers'ey were introduced. New Masonic Temple.

The Grand Master reported that a site for a New Masonic Temple had been selected. John Smith's Gift for Boys.

He informed the Grand Lodge that Bro. John Smith, who had presented to the Grand Lodge, the John Smith Home for Boys at Elizabethtown, which was opened in June, 1925, had deposited with the Grand Lodge $186,000.00 for the purpose of providing accommodations for more boys. Cornerstones.

Five were laid by the Grand Master and five by District Deputies. Visitations.

The Grand Master reported nine "Grand Visitations" and more than twenty "Visitations". He also visited the Grand Lodge of New Jersey. Masonic Home.

The Masonic Home had 441 guests November 15, 1928. There were 140 men, 206 women, 58 boys and 37 girls. Another dormitory for girls was dedicated in May. It can accommodate, 30 and was the gift of Brother Charles J. Eisenlohr. Pennsylvania Freemasonry has large sums invested in its charities. Pennsylvania claims to be the premier Grand Lodge of America. David McGregor, Grand Lodge Historian of New Jersey, reminded the Grand Lodge that they were celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the Masonic Service held on St. John's Day, December 27, 1778, in Christ Church at which George Washington was present. He also told them that 1931 would be the two hundredth anniversary of the organization of Freemasonry in Pennsylvania. Benjamin Franklin was elected Grand Master of Pennsylvania June 24, 1734. We find no report on correspondence.





Grand Master, Theodoro M. Kalaw. Grand Master, Elected, Seldon W. O'Brien, Manila. Grand Secretary, Newton C. Comfort, Manila. Correspondent, Newton C. Comfort. 102 Lo<-!ges. 6,667 Members. 378 Raised. 16 Loss. 87 Lodges !tepresented. SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL. Manila, January 22-24, 1929. Present. 20 Grand Officers; 9 Past Grand Masters; 1 Past Grand Treasurer; 2 Past Grand Lecturers. Including the above, there were 240 members present. 74 Grand Lodges were represented, but Missouri was not one of that number. Grand Master. The Grand Master reported fifty-five Masonic functions which he had attended during th~ year. Conflict With the Shrine.

This conflict seems to have ended. A delegation of. Shriners from this country went to Manila to confer Degrees last September and were granted permission to proceed with their work. Oration.

The Oration of the Grand Orator, Thomas N. Powell, is worth giving in full. We quote as follows: "A few moments of reflection will convince us that the present is an age of most radical and rapid changes. It is imnrobable that there has ever bet>n a time in the world's history when changes have been so numerous and rapid as those within the memory of the oldest persons now living. Those changes have not been confined alone to mechanical inventions, to discoveries in science, or achievements in art and literature. This has been an age in which the conscience of man, the inward thoughts of man, and the conduct of man to man have changed most materially. "In aU past ages the minds of men were filled with superstitions and fear, largely due to ignorance and to the fact that the men were in constant physical danger. The perils of the sea were great. For man to venture forth in the wilderness unarmed meant certain death. Plagues and pestilence wiped out entire communities. It was quite generally believed that most or all human sufferings were the result of the wraIh of God taking vengeance on man for his wickedness. In such times of danger, with man living in con-

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stant fear, he became exceedingly religious. In such times it was natural for him, realizing his own impotence, to bow down on his knees and ask the assistance of the Divine Power before entering upon any perilous journey or undertaking. "History will show us, however, that such dangers to the physical being of man have decreased. Man can now lie down and sleep without fear of being slaughtered by wild animals or plundered by robbers. A journey by land, or sea, or even in the air is no longer considered perilous. Even pestilence, plagues and diseases, as a result of the discoveries and practice of medical science, have ceased to be a cause of great worry. As a result of the elimination of such fears, man has come to feel secure and to overlook the necessity of Divine assistance in his daily life. He is no longer held in fear of the wrath of God. The result of this has been that the world has gradually been approaching a stage where man devotes most, or all, of his energies in the pursuit of happiness without fear, and without reflection upon the workings of the Almighty. "This change in the world, this absence of fear in the mind of man, and his consequent thoughtlessness of the Divinity, has made man bolder, and more self centered, and unquestionably less religious. It therefore seems that the history of this present age will portray it as an age of human fearlessness; an age in which man has boldly brushed aside all superstitions, and with them much of the religion, of his fathers. "The time is not far gone when eyen for a man to allow his mind for a single instant to question the authenticity of a single word or syllable of the Holy Scriptures would have caused a genuine fear that he would be struck dead by a strol{e of lightning, or that he and his family would be subjected to a scourge forever. The chang~ that has recently occurred in this respect is unquestionably one of the most momentous changes of this generation. Man has become emboldened fearlessly to contrad"ict long accepted doctrines and religions, and to rely upon himself and his Own skill and intelli. gence. The result of this age of fearlessness is not only a cause of worry to our churches, but it is feared that Masons may come to disrespect the teachings of Masonry, and to consider their obligations as meaningless ritual. "When our fathers and our grandfathers went hand in hand with their wives and children to th0ir place of worship, and when they bowed their heads in thanksgiving and praise each day before partaking of their daily bread, and when they asked for Divine protection before closing their eyes in sleep; and when our fathers and grandfathers assembled in路 their lodge rooms and admonished one another to live lives of brotherly love, with charity towards all, especially to widows, and orphans, and to the poor and needy; and when they sought in their daily lives to live holy and acceptably in the sight of God, then there was little fear as to what the future of civilization would be. However, in this age in which man is beginning to be heedless of his obligations to God, he is in danger of becoming lax in his obligations toward his fellowman.




"Under modern conditions the l\!asonic principle::; and teachings of brotherly love, of the fraternity of man, of respect for all that is just and holy, is in the greatest of da.nger. It therefore behooves all Masons to strive with determination to forestall the threatened calamity by renewing their obligations, and pledge::;, and vows of fidelity to Masonic principles. In such a time it is riot only necessary to teach lessons of brotherly love and fraternity among friend" and relatives; but we should remember that there is a great fraternity of interests which binds all human beings in their relations with each other. "This is not a time when religious sects and other organizations ba::;ed upon religious principles and teachings can afford to oppose or hinder the workings or teachings of other similar organizations; but it is a time when all God-fearing men' should unite their efforts to erase from the pages of history \vhich are now being written, every blot and stain, and to work and labor for purity of home, State and Nation. This is a time when every church, every lodge, every society, and every group of men should work in unison for the one purpose of teaching honesty and integrity in public as well as private affairs; in the daily work of the world, as well as in the lodge and the sanctuary."


The. Report of 110 pages by the Grand Secretary does not review Missouri. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND.

Grand Master, William .r. Drake (absent because of illness). Grand Master, Elected, Peter Sinclair, Emerald. Grand Secretary, Ernest Kemp, Charlottetown. 15 Lodges. 1,224 Members. 61 Raised. 27 Gain. FIFTY-THIRD ANNUAL. Port Hill, June 27, 1928. Present:

16 Grand Officers; 10 Past Grand Masters; 6 Past Deputy Grand Masters; 2 Past Junior Grand Wardens; 125 Lodge Representatives. 36 Grand Representatives were present, but Missouri was not represented. Grand Master's Address.

Before his illness, the Grand Master visi.ted every Lodge officially and made several unofficial visits. He dedicated two Masonic Temples. There is no report on Correspondence.





Grand Master, Henry Willis, Quebec. Grand Secretary, W. W. Williamson, Montreal. Correspondent, E. T. D. Chambe,rs. 89 Lodges. 15,512 Members. 673 Initiated. 354 Gain. 87 Lodges Represented. FIFTY-NINTH ANNUAL. Montreal, February 13, 1929. Present.

27 Grand Officers; 8 Past Grand Masters; 75 other Past Grand Officers; 414 Past Masters and Lodge Representatives. 36 Grand Lodges were represented, but Missouri was not represented. Distinguished Visitors.

Hon. John S. Martin, Grand Master of Canada, George MacDougal, Past Grand Master of Nova Scotia, and Floyd B. Jenks, Grand Lecturer, were introduced. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master says: "The year about to close has been an eventful one. Five Lodges have been constituted and consecrated, one new Lodge has been instituted and a Hew Masonic Temple dedicated. "I have traveled over seven thousand miles in the performance of my official duties,. and have found in every district of our Grand 'Jurisdiction the same fervent zeal for the institution of Freemasonry.

Grand Chaplain's Address.

Rev. Chas. George Smith, B. D., Grand Chaplain, gave an address from which we quote: "If you trace back our gentle Craft of Freemasonry to its earliest watershed, you will find that it has been hewn out of the Rock of CIVIL AND RELIGIOUS LIBERTY. Masons have one consistent record concerning liberty throughout all their ancient history. They have always championed (through their principles and through the quality of their members-their character, their intelligence, their public-mindedness) ciVil and religious liberty, and freedom of conscience for all men. They have always believed that it is the natural and the indefeasible right of every human being'to worship God or not, according to the dictates of his own conscience, and that, so long as he does not infringe upon the rights of others, he is to be held accountable to Almighty God alone. Our Masonic principles are consistent only with the contention that religion must be voluntary and uncoerced and that it is not the prerogative of any civil or ~cclesiastical po,"'er to compel men to conform to any religious, creed, or to pay taxes for the support of any religious Dr-




ganization to which they do not belong and in whose creed they do not believe."


The Report is by Past Grand Master E. T. D. Chambers. He gives three of his one hundred and thirty-four pages to a review of our Proceedings for 1928. He quotes at some length from the address of Judge Ittner, notes the tragic death of Past Grand Master Judge Olaf A. Lucas from heart failure, and says some kind words about the report on Correspondence from which he ventures to quote a quotation and a comment, which classified Huxley's guess that the origin of life might be found in "Bathybius" and Edison's opinion that "Life must have come as a spark from some other world" with the profound wisdom of the philosopher who thought the moon was made of green cheese. RHODE ISLAND.

Grand Master, Winfield Scott Solomon. Grand Master, Elected, Edwin O. Chase, Providence. Grand Secretary, Harold L. McAuslan, Providence. 43 Lodges. 18,852 Members. 723 Raised. 561 Gain. 37 Lodges Represented. ONE HUNDREn THIRTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL. Providence, May 21, 1928. Present.

20 Grand Officers; 9 Past Grand Masters; 152 Past Masters; 31 Masters; 20 Senior Wardens; 21 Junior Wardens; 7 Proxies. Distinguished Visitors.

From Connecticut-Robert S. Walker, Grand Master; Rev. Arthur F. Lewis, Grand Chaplain, and Past Grand Master Arthur N. Nashm, Grand Representative of Rhode Island near the Grand Lodge of Connecticut. From New Jersey-Benjamin A. Havens, Deputy Grand Master and Donald J. Sargent, Senior Grand Warden. From New York-John A. Dutton, Grand Master, and C. Albert Schultz, Representative of Rhode Island near the Grand Lodge of New York, were introduced. Grand Master's Address:

From the number of official visits reported, it hardly seems probable that any nook or corner of his Grand Jurisdiction was




overlooked. He laid the cornerstones of one Masonic Temple and two churches, visited the路 Grand Lodges of Connecticut and Massachusetts, attended the meeting of the Masonic Association in Chicago, the Conference of Grand Masters at Washington and the George Washington Memorial Association at Alexandria. He visited the Grand Chapter of Connecticut, the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star, and the Grand Commandery of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Masonic Clubs.

One of the Masonic Clubs sent a wagon through the streets with a transparency which displayed this invitation: "Dance with the Masonic Club-50c". This was a little too raw, and the Grand Master had a meeting with some State Officers of, the Masonic Clubs of Rhode Island, which led to a change of name. We infer they concluded that a rose of anoth,er name would smell as sweet. Large Lodges.

The problem of large Lodges has exercised the mind of the Grand Master. He tells us: "It is an interesting fact that Massachusetts and Rhode Island have the largest average membership per Lodge in the entire world. It is my ol)inion that when a Lodge attains a membership of over five hundred, no longer does the fraternal Masonic spirit exist as in the small Lodge. The members no longer know one another. The officers are busy with rehearsals and working degrees and consequently are unable to devote much time to the real fraternal spirit which manifested itself in our Lodges of the early days and in our small Lodges today. A Master in one of our Providence Lodges recently told me that he made more than three hundred calls during his year as Master, which is evidence of the unwieldy nature of our l:uge Lodges. "In New Jersey we find a Lodge which has already sponsored six new Lodges by refusing to have its membership go above one thousand. Each time this figure is reached, two hundred members are requested to form a new Lodge. More Lodges and smaller Lodges has been my theme, which I firmly believe will greatly strengthen our ancient and beloved institution."

Missouri has thirteen Lodges with membership ranging from one thousand to more than four thousand. The problem is a serious one and has no easy solution. York Grand Lodge of Mexico.

Rhode Island recognized this Grand Lodge which had already been recognized by thirty-five Grand Lodges in the United States,




most of the Grand Lodges of Canada, the Grand Lodges of England, Scotland and Ireland.' There is no good reason why any American Grand Lodge should withhold recognition from this sturdy band of nine hundred Freemasons, who are as good and true Froemasons as we who are on this side of the Rio Grande. SASKATCHEWAN.

Grand Master,The Hon. Mr. Justice W'. M. Martin. Grand Master, Elected, Rev. Canon J. K. Irwin, Assiniboia. Grand Secretary, W. B. Tate, Regina. 193 Lodges. 13,843 Mâ‚Źmbers. 646 Initiated. 2'37 Gain. 143 Lodges Represented. TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL. Saskatoon, June 20, 1928. Present:

30 Grand Officers; 11 Past Grand Masters; 201 Past Masters; 81 Masters; 71 Wardens. 30 Representatives were present, but Missouri was not represented. ,Distinguished Visitor.

J. S. Martin, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada in Ontario, was introduced. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master attended all the District Meetings. He reports three Lodge buildings dedicated and two Lodges constituted. Masonry and Citizenship.


A large portion of the Address is given to this theme. a few quotations:


"The most important of the ancient charges are those concerning God and Religion and the Civil Magistrate and when these charges are read along with the charge to the newly initiated candidate there is found a most comprehensive code of human ethics-a guide for man's conduct through life."

Again he says: "As Canadians therefore we have a national citizenship, an expire citizenship, and a world citizenship, each of which carries with it responsibilities which it is our duty to recognize."

Again we quote: "A good citizen should be law abiding, an upholder of the laws Of the country, thereby setting an example to others. There is noth-

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ing more clearly set out in the Ancient charges of a Freemason than observance of law and· respect for and obedience to the civil magistrate. Laws are sometimes enacted which do not meet with our approval; our duty is, however, to obey them and adopt constitutional means of having them repealed. '\Te must ever remember that as :Masons we are expected to live and act as good citizens and set an example for others to emulate."

There is no Report on Correspondence. SCOTLAND.

1929. The Grand Lodge meets quarterly in February, May, August and November. The Grand Master is The Right Honorable The Lord Blythswood, K. C. V. 0., D. L., J. P. The Grand Secretary is T. G. Winning, Edinburgh. No statistics of membership are given, but we have a long list of Lodges in many lands. Five hundred and seventy Home Lodges paid in dues £3834· 18-11 and 177 Lodges Overseas paid £12'14-13-6. A long list of members present at the Quarterly Communication, February 7, 1929, appears in the Proceedings, but we do not find items that would be of special interest to us. Scottish Freemasonry appears to be in a healthy condition. SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Grand Master, The Honorable Mr. Justice John Mellis Napier, L. L. B. Grand Secretary, Charles R. J. Glover, Adelaide. 129 Lodges. 13,658 Members. 1,002 Initiations. 563 Gain. Adelaide, April 18, 1928. Present: 63 Grand Officers; 311 Representatives of Lodges. 32 Grand Lodges were represented, Missouri by Past Master W. J. Host.

Lodges Consecrated. Fifteen Consecrations of Lodg-es are reported.· tions are reported.

Four Dedica-

Foundation Stones. The Deputy Grand Mast-er laid the foundation stone' of the




New Masonic Temple at Adelaide, February 9, and the Grand Master laid the Foundation Stone of the Masonic Temple at Port Victor, May 28.. Half Yearly Communication.

This was held October 19, 1927, and petitions for seven new Lodges were granted. Six were granted at the Annual Communication. Correspondence.

The Report on Missouri is made by our Representative, Bro. He reviews our Proceedings for 1927. He makes this comment on the decisions of Grand Master Pickard:

V.l. J. Host.

"Many of the queRtions sent to the Grand Master for his ruling were of a nature which we would settle in our own Lodges."


Grand Master, William A. Giles, Graniteville (Re-elected). Grand Secretary, A. Frank Hart, Columbia. Correspondent, George T. Harmon. 29() Lodges. 29,698 Members. 1,374 Raised. 150 Loss. 2'70 Lodges Represented. ONE HUNDRED NINETY-SECOND ANNUAL. Charleston, March 13-14, 1929. Present.

14 Grand Officers; 6 Past. Grand Masters; 23 District Deputy Grand Masters; 2'98 Lodge Representatives. 40 Grand Lodges were represented. Missouri was not one of that number. Distinguished Visitors.

They were Frank A. Miller, Past Grand Master of Georgia; A. G. Miller, Grand Secretary of the Grand 'Chapter and Grand Recorder of the Grand Council of Georgia, the only living Georgian who has presided over all four of the Grand Masonic Bodies of Georgia; John J. Phoenix, Grand Master and John H. Anderson, Past Grand Master of North Carolina. Grand Master's Address.

We quote a few lines: "I feel that Masonry in South Carolina has made a distinct progress during the year. Your action last year in erecting a unit at State Park for T. B. RUfferers, and presenting it to the' State with absolut~ly no strings tied to it, was a real forward step and for

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the first time, I believe, the Grand Lodge of South Carolina has accomplished a work for humanity in general and not for Masons only."

Visitations. He made a number of visitations, only a few of which are specified in the address. He visited the Grand Lodge of Georgia and attended the Grand Masters' Conference at Washington City and the Washington Memorial Association. Cornerstones. He very properly declined to lay one -Cornerstone because the building was about completed. He declined to issue a Dispensation for the laying of the Cornerstone of a Baptist ,Church in Charleston on Sunday, but later he yielded to the importunity of the Church and granted the Dispensation. We do not believe this was a case when second thoughts were best. We ought to set a good example to churches that want Cornerstones laid on Sundays. In Missouri we work six days in the week and rest on the seventh in imitation of our ancient brethren. We know there are a few Grand Lodges that lay Cornerstones on Sundays. They ought to change their practice or change their Second Degree Ritual. Dedications. He dedicated two Masonic Temples. Correspondence. The Report of 152 pages is by R. M. Bro. GeorgeT. Harmon, Grand 'Chaplain. He gives nearly three pages to a review of our Proceedings for 1927. He fills the place of M. W. Bro. James L. Michie who for eighteen years had served South 'Oarolina as Correspondent and is much pleased with Missouri's Correspondent of whom he says "The Fraternal 'Correspondence is written by the Grand Chaplain Right Worshipful Brother Arthur Mather. This scribe is glad to grasp his hand across the table. There is a' kindred fellowship between us." It i-s too bad to chill his enthusiasm but Dr. Mather is no longer Grand Chaplain or Correspondent. He is doing fine work for us as Grand Secretary and another is writing this report. The notice of that change appeared in our Proceedings for 1927 but was overlooked by Bro. Harmon and others. Missouri's New Correspondent, who is Bro. Harmon"s Senior by one year in that office, is glad to greet his younger brother who has made a good start in his new work. Missouri's Correspondent was once a Grand Chaplain of Missouri but that was thirty or forty years ago.





Grand Master, George O. Goodman. Grand Master, Elected, St. Clair Smith, Aberdeen. Grand Secretary, George A. Pettigrew, Sioux Falls. Correspondent, Dr. Arthur H. Tufts, Sioux Falls. 176 Lodges. 19,707 Members. 691 Raised. 24 Gain. 120 Lodges Represented. FIFTY路FOURTH ANNUAL. Sioux Falls, June 12路13, 1928. Present:

16 Grand Officers; 12 Past Grand Masters; 23 Members Stand路 ing Committees; 199 Representatives of Lodges; 37 Grand Lodges were represented, but Missouri was not one of that number. Disti nguished Visitors.

Walter H. Murfin. Grand Master of North Dakota, Harry A. Cheney, Past Grand Master of Nebraska, Albert G. Granger, Grand High Priest of South Dakota and Sanford F. Donaldson, Deputy of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite were introduced. Grand Masters' Address.

The Grand Master reported that he had visited more than sixty Lodges and says: "It gives me real satisfaction to report that the entire craft is working more intelligently and with a better und'erstanding of the purposes of our Fraternity than ever before. In snite of exciting conditions, we are proud of the fact that the great heart of Masonry remains staunch and true. "vVe are pioneers in the Fraternal world; Our history is rich in tradition and pride of ancestry, but we cannot rest on past laurels, nor be unmindful of the future, for continued success and prestige will be ours only in proportion as we labor intelligently and take our part in the affairs of the world. 'l'his fact is especially true in view of our rapidly changing conditions. What has been the destiny of those organizati'ons who have been content to dwell uPOn past glories and past achievements? We know it has been decay and ruin. Let us profit by the experiences of the past. Let us labor diligently in the present, but ever having before us a vision of 'the future."

The Grand Master attended the Conference of Grand Masters at Washington and the meeting of the Washington Memoria~ Association.


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The Grand Secretary reported an income of $30,873.44 for the year. Of. this amount $9,060.50 was for the Grand Charity Fund. Correspondence.

Dr. Arthur ings for 1927. permissible for a Masonic club

Tufts gives two pages to a review of our ProceedHe approves Dr. Pickard's ruling that "it is not a Masonic club to play cards or pool on Sunday in room".

He notes our loss of three Past Grand Masters in less than a year, but makes out Governor Dockery's age as seventy-two. He was in his eighty-second year. Evidently he was pleased with Dr. Mather's work as Correspondent, for he calls his last report a "s1l1endid Correspondence report". It was his last,. for we have made him our Grand Secretary and the work of that office leaves him no time to write Correspondence reports.


Grand Master, Hon. Claude James, M. H. A. Grand Master, Elected, Frank P. Bowden. Grand _Secretary, W. H. Strutt, Hobart. 44 Lodges. 3,964 Members. 123 Initiated. 132 Gain. THIRTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL. Hobart, li'ebruary 23, 1!)29. Present. 27 Grand Officers and Past Grand Officers and "also the Wor. Masters, Wardens and Past Masters of various Lodges in the Jurisdiction".

The volume of proceedings contains 38 pages and gives a report of the Annual Communication and five Special Meetings of the Grand Lodge. There is no Report on Correspondence, but the Grand Secretary acknowledged the receipt of Missouri's Proceedings, also "The Builder". Again we say Freemasonry appears to prosper in that fa.r off land.



Appendix. TENNESSEE.

Grand Master, Stanley W. McDowell. Grand Master, Elected, Quincy A. Tipton, London. Grand Secretary, Stith M. Cain, Nashville. Correspondent, John T. Peeler, Huntington. 454 Lodges. 50,732 Members. 1,787 Raised. 58 Gain. 443 Lodges Represented. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTEENTH ANNUAL. Nashville, January 30-31, 1929. Present.

13 Grand Officers; 13 Past Grand Masters; 109 Past Masters; 471 Lodge Representatives. 46 Grand Lodges were representedMissouri by Frank E. Bartley. Distinguished Visitors.

John ,T. Phoenix. Grand Master of North Carolina, Raymond Daniel, Grand Master of Georgia, Frank F. Baker, Grand Secretary of Georgia, and Arthur Mather, Grand Secretary of Missouri, were introduced. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master was not in a pessimistic mood. from his address:

We quote

"Practically all the nations of the earth are at peace with one another, and our own continues to hold and merit the confidence and respect of them all. ~Te are still a prosperous and happy people, and hav~ abundant evidence that we shall continue SO to be. Our Order still holds its enviable place in the minds and hearts of men, and reflects honor and glory upon the Name of our Great Creator, by whom this most ancient society in the world has been used and blessed for many centuries. "1 am happy to state that the Fraternity in Tennessee is apparently in better condition today than ever before. We enjoy most cordial relations with all our neighbors and are at peace with ourselves. So far as 1 know, and I think that I would know if it were not so, absolute harmony prevails throughout the jurisdiction. So few evidences of strife and discord have come to my attention duriug the past year that it is very remarkable. The morale of the Lodges and of the Brethren is better than 1 have ever known it to be. Apparently they arc practicing as w~ll as teaching the principles of Freemasonry."


M. W. Bro. McDowell is a banker and during the year was not away from his business any day except holidays and during

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a two weeks' vacation, yet by using his car, which he drove "more than 19,000 miles, most of the time at night and many times returning home between midnight and daybreak", he visited some Lodges. This is his record. "I have visited, during my term as Grand Master, three hundred and seventy-one Lodges in three hundred' and thirty-six visits at two hundred and ninety-six Lodge halls in eighty-three counties, seventy-five of these Lodges reported visited being represented by three or more members each at joint meetings. I conferred twentyeight degrees, conducted two Masonic funerals, and installed the officers of ten Lodges."

We find no evidence that he sought re-election. enough.

One year was

A proud and happy Irish father was walking the floor one night in the "wee sma hours", trying to quiet his lusty young heir, who had an engagement with the colic. "Hush! Hush! ye little divfl. I wouldn't take a million dollars. for ye, and I wouldn't give a blooming cent for anither one like ye." Flood and Storm 路Relief.

The Grand Master returned to the Grand Lodge of, Illinois, "with expressions of sincere appreciation", an unused balance of $700 remaining of the fund of $2,500 which Illinois had contributed for sufferers from the Mississippi River flood. In answer to his appeal, the Lodges contributed $'2,031.00 for the relief of distress ('aused by hurricanes in Florida and Porto Rico. Visitors.

We quote from the record of the evening session of the first day: "Most worshipfUl John J. Phoenix, Grand Master of North Carolina; Mo~t Worshipful Raymund Daniel, Grand Master of Georgia; Right Worshipful Arthur Mather, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Missouri and Right Worshipful Frank F. Baker, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Georgia, addTessed the Grand Lodge, and their addresses were not only interesting and entertaining, but gave the brethren some wonderfUl thoughts on Masonry and if their addresses do not bear fruit, it will not be the fault of the addresses, but the fault of the hearers."

Missouri is glad to be represented at Mother Grand Lodge by our Grand Secretary. Correspondence.

The Report by Past Grand Master John T. Peeler, who gives




two pages. to a fraternal review of our Proceedings for 1927. our Grand Master he says:


"Grand Master Pickard was granted a year's leave of absence fl"om his duties in the University of Missouri to serve the Grand Lodge of Missouri as Grand Master. His work was ~utstanding and co-operation he r~ceived everywhere is inspiring."

Again we quote: "The Grand Lodge of Missouri disapproves of the use of its halls or any part of the building for playing cards for gain, Or on the Sabbath day, or Sunday amusement. The address, of the Grand Orator, Merrill J<::. Otis, Federal Judge for the Kansas City District, on 'America' is in the class of 'Acres of Diamonds' and should be broadcast."

This writer is glad to represent Tennessee near the Grand Lodge of Missouri. TEXAS.

Grand Master, G. R. M. Montgomery. Grand Master, Elected, Frank Hartgraves, Menard. Grand Secretary, W. B. Pearson, Waco. Correspondent, W. M. Fly, Gonzales. 999 Lodges. 137,836 Members. 6,100 Raised. 1,096 Gain. NINETY-THIRD ANNUAL. Waco, December 5-6., 192'8. Present.

15 Grand Officers; 15 Past Grand Masters; 4 other Past Grand Officers; 30 District Deputy Grand Masters; 505: Past Masters; 469 Lodgâ‚Ź Representatives. 49 Grand Lodges were represented-Missouri by Dan S. McMillin of Whitewright. Distinguished Visitor.

Bradford \Vebster, Past Grand Master of California, was introduced. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master reported 13 Lodges constituted during the year and three dispensations to form new Lodges were granted. Cornerstones.

He had laid or "levelled" as the Tâ‚Źxas term is, one cornerstone and nine were "levelled" by others acting for him. Four dispensations were refused because "slabs" only could be used

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as the walls were already erected. One dispensation was refused because a Church wanted the work done on Sunday. We commend his action in these cases. He refused to grant a n':lquest for a dispensation to consecrate a new Masonic Temple because the build'ing was not owned exclusively by the Lodge. Low Twelve Club.

This was a death benefit association of which he says: "Not by any stretch of imagination can Ma~onry be considered as an insurance society, and it 'would: be contrary to our established laws and customs for a constituent Lodge to be connected with an insurance project in any way whatsoever; nor would it be permissible for an individual Mason to connect the Fraternity in any way with an insurance association of any description. I order this organization to cease o!)eration until they could obtain proper authorization from the Grand Lodge. The club immediately disband'ed and refunded all payments made by its memberfl."

Ararat Shrine of Kansas City has such an organization, which pays $1,000 on the death 'of each member. Abou Ben Adhe:n Shrine of Springfield pays $500 and an organization formed by the three Lodges of Springfield pays $500. The oost of running these associations is fifteen cents added to each dollar col1ec~ed by Ararat Shrine and ten cents added to each dollar paid to Abou Ben Adhem Shrine and for the Lodge Widows' Fund. The writer has belonged to the Ararat organization and to that of the Springfield Lodges [rom their very beginning and has often had thE' satisfaction of knowing his dollars went where they were sorely needed. Oration.

The address of John H. Crooker, Grand Orator, is worthy of being reproduced in full, but lack of space forbids. We quote: "In all the recorded pages of history there can be found no time or place where greater need exists for wise leadership than in our country today. In our cities vice is not only protected but it appears to be actually encouraged by some of those whose duty it is to protect the public. Graft and corruption seem to have a ~trangle-hold on parts of our National, State and Municipal governments. Certain lax conduct among our young people appears to have caught favor with the girls as well as with the boys. Serious race problems confront the South and becloud the judgment of the North. "Great combinations of capital (not always controlled by patriotic men) on the one hand, and vast armies of workers (sometimes lacking in wise leadership) on the other hand, seeking to reverse established economic laws, present new and difficult prob-




lems and seem equally to threaten the rights and liberties of the masses. The material and spiritual forces in our lives seem to be engaged in the old struggle which history has chronicled from Adam's day down to ours. Still we have the invitation and the strong temptation, still is seen the fierce effort to put matter above mind, money above manhood, social place above social virtue. gain above knowledge, gold above God. "I do not mean to be pessimistic nor to emphasize unduly the dark side of our situation. But I do mean to point out a few things to which we cannot safely close our eyes. I say with all the vigor at my command that .these and, many other like conditions challenge the very ablest leadership in this great Commonwealth. Left alone these vicious tendencies would in time undermine our civilization. Whenever great moral questions are raised, whenever principles become inVOlved, whenever attacks are made upon the highest ideals, the loftiest standards, aye upon the very foundation, where rests our civilization itself-then it behooves all good citizens, more especially all good Masons, to join in the fray to counsel wisely, and to act courageously. "But why should Masons interest' themselves in these things? Why is Masonry called upon to concern itself with these conditions? "First of all if you would draw me up, "on must be on higher ground. If you would . liberate others you must first be free. The necessary upward movement must start from some place in our social strata other than at the bottom. l"rom what source can we reasonably expect a sincere effort at improvement if not from the Masonic Fraternity? Did not Masons conceive the very idea and theory of our government? Who wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence which signalized the very birth of this greatest Christian Nation? 'Vho furnished the splendid leadership which was so essential to the struggle for our national liberty? And indeed, who have watched and guided this Government from its birtll down to this hour, and upon whose loyal and patriotic support has it depended? You know only too welI the answer. We need not here detail the careers of those early Masons whose love and devotion to liberty were the inspiration to our fathers to gain their freedom and set up this Government. 'Ve need not name here the Masons who, from the earliest day to this time of ours, have presided over the destinies of our Nation, have nurtured its fundamental principles, have defended its institutions against attack from within and assault from without-and without whOse loyal service it could not have come to what it is today. "But the vital fact is not that our Nation's past record is glorious. We live in the present and' our hopes' range to the future. That same spirit of progress, development and achievement which accomplished that record of the past still lives in the present. Today and the future must measure accomplishments with the past. Emphasis should not be So strong upon the splendid advance which




Masons have in the past helped achieve for our country, as upon the fact that Masons here, now, today, love that Nation founded by our early brethren, respect its laws, revere its institutions and purpose to see that they survive. "God's plan and God's purpose have existed from the world's early morning and will endure throughout all time. His gradual revelation of these plans and purposes forms the warp and woof of all history. Indeed, He 'moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform' and who doubts that Heavenly inspiration moved man to conceive and give to other men the beautiful truths embodied in Masonry? Who, again, questions that this Order of ours, drawing inspiration from that inexhaustible source, above, has not at hand here and now great opportunities for good men banded together to accomplish splendid results?"

In large measure the preservation of the institutions Freemasons founded a century and a half ago depends upon the Freemasons of today.



The Report was made by Past Grand Master W. M. Fly. He gives four of his 230 pages to a fraternal review of our Proceedings for 192'7. He quotes our basic principles for the recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges. Of Judge Otis' oration he has this to say: "We read it with great pleasure. and inspiring."

It is interesting, instructive

The Judge has been accused of crowding the jails of Northwest Missouri with bootleggers. The morning paper reports that yesterday he and another United States Judge closed fourteen "soft drink" joints in Kansas City. The writer helped to confer the Scottish Rite Degrees upon Judge Otis in St. Joseph three years ago. Of Dr. Mather's Report on Correspondence, our reviewer says: "It is again the accomplished work of Rev. Dr. Arthur Mather

and is a credit to the great Jurisdiction for whom he makes answer every year at the 'Round Table.' In majesty of Love he enshrines the memory of our brother, Dr. Woods, the late Grand Correspondent Emeritus of his Grand Lodge."

Dr. Mather's work as Grand Secretary isa man's job and leaves him no time for his former task.





Grand Master, Alexander Edwin Eberhardt. Grand Master, Elected, Arthur Edward Smith, Salt Lake City. Grand Secretary, Sam Henry Goodwin, Salt Lake City. Correspondent, Sam Henry Goodwin. 25 Lodges. 5,177 Members. 200 Raised. 70 Gain. All Lodges Represented. FIFTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL. 8alt Lake City, January 15-16, 1929. Present.

17 Grand Officers; 16 Past Grand Masters; 1 Past Junior Grand Warden; 31 Past Masters; 75 Repr~sentatives of Lodges. 29 Grand Lodges were represented, but Missouri was not represented. Grand Master's Address.

In his address the Grand Master quoted a poem written by Poast Gmnd Master Lawrence N. Greenleaf of Colorado, which we think is worthy of a place in this report. LIVE ON! 0 MASONRY, LIVE ON. "Say not, say not that Masonry is waning in its power, Supplanted by the secret swarms which multiply each hour. It hath no rivalry with these; it seeks not but is SQught; Relief a tenet, not an end, sole object of its thought; Their single aims are incidents within its past purview, Which sweeps the starry universe and canopy of blue, Which traverses the lines of earth, the flaming sun its guide, With sleepless vigil seeketh truth where 'er it may abide, It sees the Hand Omnipotent which traced the Grand Design, And bows in adoration ere it graspeth square and lineLive on! 0 Masonry, live on. "Live on! 0 Masonry, live on! Thy work hath scarce begun; Live on! nor end, if end there be, till earth's last setting sun. Live on! thy work in ages past hath but prepared the way; For every truth thy symbols teach, there's pressing need today. In cultured or unlettered age, humanity's the same, And evermore the passions rage whose furies thou would tame; Would but the nations heed thy Plumb-war's carnage soon would end, Thy level rivalries subdue, thy square to virtue tend, Thy Trowel spread that true cement which doth all hearts unite, And darkness comprehend and glow with thy immortal lightLive On! 0 Masony" live on!




"Live on! 0 Masonry, live on! Thy 'G' forever blaze, To penetrate the mists of doubt, and heavenward turn our gaze, To set our hearts aflame with zeal where'er Our tasks may lie, Within the quarry' gloom depth, or on the turret high, Or mingling with the outer world, amid its noisy din, Ne'er, ne'er, may we forget without the lessons taught within, Reflected ever may they be in upright lives and pure, For on foundation such as this shall Masonry endure, Till merged in those intenser rays that mark the Perfect Day, Its blessed light, while earth revolves, shall never fade a'YayLive on! 0 Masonry, live on!"

The Grand Master visited all the Lodges, the Grand Lodge of Iowa and attended the meeting of the Masonic Service Association at Chicago in November. Fifty-one delegates from thirteen Grand Jurisdictions with three representatives of the Executive Offices were present. Cornerstones.

The Grand Master laid the cornerstones of two Methodist Episcopal Churches. He declined to lay the cornerstone of a Baptist Community Church, because the structure was so far advanced that the ceremony would have been inappropriate. A Ruling.

We quote from his address: "The only matter approaching the basis of a ruling was a request from a Master of one of our Lodges for an expression of my opinion as to the propriety of holding on Sunday a picnic and dance planned by the entertainment committee of his Lodge for its members and their families. I replied that in' my opinion it was decidedly improper for a Masonic Lodge in this Jurisdiction to hold an outing, a picni~ or a dance on Sunday. "The mere fact that such a thing could be seriously considered in one of our Lodges indicates the need of some clear thinking on the subject and the checking up of our ideals generally in this respect. Lest we forget, let us recall to our minds the words applying to this matter from the Decalogue, that Landmark of the ages which has come down to us from the dim and distant past but which, in its several provisions is recognized as the fundamental basis of all laws governing human conduct today."

He further says: "I think that officers and members of our Lodges should be careful not to call group meetings on Sunday for rehearsal or other purposes, particularly at a time when such meetings conflict with the religious duties of Masons, such as churqh attendance,. etc. "The American Sabbath. as distinguished from the Continental




Sabbath, is an institution that has been a strong and vital force in the achievement of our national history and character and every Masonic Lodge owes it to the community in which it is located to co-operate to the fullest extent with all other agencies interested in the welfare of the people and seeking to establish high ideals of conduct and life, in maintaining the proper respect for and observance of the Sabbath in all places and at all times." ,

We like this clear thinking and plain speaking. Correspondence.

The Report is by the Grand Secretary, Past Grand' Master Sam H. Goodwin. He reviews the Proceedings, of thirty-seven United States and fifteen foreign Grand Lodges, but Missouri is not included in that number. VERMONT.

Grand Master, Frederick H. Babbitt. Grand Master, Elected, Edwin F. Greene, Richford. Grand Secretary, Henry H. Ross. G"rand Secretary, Elected, Archis S. Harriman, Burlington. Correspondent, Archie S. Harriman. 103 Lodges. 19,438 Members. 609 Raised. 175 Gain. 95 Lodges Represented. ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL. Burlington, June 13-14, 1928. Present.

16 Grand Officers; 8 Past Grand Masters; 15 other Past Grand Officers; 12' District Deputy Grand Masters; 239 Lodge Representatiyes. 32 Representatives of Grand Lodges were present, but Missouri was not represented. Distinguished Visitors.

'l'hey were Charles Clarke Davis, General Grand High Priest of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. Benjamin F. Havens, Deputy Grand Master, Donald J. Sargent, Senior Grand Warden, W. Stanley Naughright, Junior Grand Warden of New Jersey. Robert S. Walker, Grand Master; George A. Kies, Past Grand Master and Grand Secretary; Andrew J. Hallock, Past Grand Master, Theodore Foster, Past Grand Master, E. L. Mathison, Past Grand Chaplain, and Willia;.m O. Shelley, Past Master of St. John's Lodge No.4 of Connecticut.




Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master attended the Grand Master's Conference at Washington City, and the George Washington National Memorial Association. He reported that fraternal relations had been established with the York Grand Lodge of Mexico. Good work. He recommended that their Grand Secretary be made Grand Secretary Emeritus at his present salary and the Grand Lodge honored itself in adopting his recommendation. Oistrict Deputies.

Reports from all the District Deputies appear in the Proceedings. Correspondence.

We find no report on Missouri. Past Grand Master Harriman, the new Grand Secretary, tells us he had read and reviewed the Proceedings that came to his desk. We are sorry your Proceedings for 1927 failed to reach him. From his "Foreword" we quote a paragraph which was written months before the last general election: "The question of prohibition has been treated by several Grand Masters, all exhorting their members to obey the law in letter and in spirit. This is, of course, a Masonic requirement. The Grand Master of Arizona expresses a same attitude toward the question. But we can not agree with those who feel that disagreement with the law as interpreted by Congress in the Volstead aet is even quasi-sedition. We sincerely believe that reason will sometime prevail and Mr. Yolstead and his ilk will be relegated to the nations attic with other discarded furniture."

Well, the cat did not jump that way. It is said that some years ago one of our warships was in a Japanese harbor, every time the band played "Nobody knows How Dry I Am" the Japanese stood up and uncovered. They thought it was 路our national hymn. If our reviewer is hoping for the return of "the good old times" when he can place one foot on the rail and blow off the foam, he may grow old in waiting.





Four Quarterly Communications were held. in Melbourne, March 21, June 20, September 19, and December 19. At a Conference of Secretaries held at Melbourne, September 26, 243 Lodges were represented. 46,771 Members, 3,263 Initiations, 1,978 Gain. His Excellency Lord Somers, Governor of Victoria, is Grand Master and was re-elected. Grand Secretary, W. Stewart, Melbourne. There was a total attendance at the March Quarterly Communication of 2,400. 50 Grand Lodges were represented-Missouri by W. B. Marks. Distinguished Visitors.

From New South Wales, J. Goulston, Grand Master; A. E. Packer, Senior Gmnd Warden; W. H. Thompson, President of Board of Benevolence, and A. C. Bond, Grand Steward. Also Bro. Bishop Crick, Past Deputy Grand Master of Queensland, and Lord Stonehaven, Governor General {)f the Commonwealth of Australia. Grand Master's Address.

We quote one paragraph. "The outstanding feature of the year has been the purchase of 25 acres of land at Brighten for the purpose of establishing in the near future a great Masonic Institution, having a three fold object, viz: An Intermediate Hospital for the benefit of our Masonic Brethren and their dependents; a Convalescent Home for those who have passed out of the doctor's hands, but are not equal to taking up their dally task; and a Hostel for those who are aged and infirm, who are not able by reason of their infirmity to enter into or continue in residence in the Freemasons' Homes, but who can now look forward to ending their days in peaceful surroundings, and to whom the alternative would be the Benevolent Asylums Or some other Charitable institution."



There were 124 by the Grand Master, Pro Grand Master, or some other representative of the Grand Lodge. 14 New L<>dges were consecrated and 6 Temples were dedicated. Correspondence.

There is a brief report by the Grand Secretary, but it d{)es not include Missouri.

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Australian Masonic Conference.

The Proceedings contain a report of the Third Australian Masonic Conference held in Sidney, July 16, 1928, with John Goulston, Grand Master of New South Wales as Chairman. There were present 4 delegates from South Australia, 4 from Victoria, 4 from Tasmania, 1 from Western Australia, 4 from Queensland and 5 from New South Wales-22 in all. The report of their sayings and doings fills 38 pages and many 8ubjects were considered. The means of Recognition are not quite the same in the six Grand Lodges represented. A resolution that the Grand Secretaries of England, Scotland and Ireland be written to for further light prevailed. The problem of unaffiliated members was conside~'ed and the Conference decided "That in the opinion of this Conferenee a Brother should be considered as unaffiliated unless Grand Lodge dues be paid by him or for him to some Grand Lodge."

Evidently this action was taken to meet a situation described hy the Chairman who said that, "he had heard of Scottish Life

Memtiers actually claiming that they were entitled to Life Membership in our Lodges". Funeral Service.

South Australia has no Masonic Burial Service. Cremation was presenting some problems. The Chairman held that the Funeral Service was a Burial Service and was permissible only when the ashes were placed in 'a coffin and buried in the usual way. The Conference made no recommendation. Eastern Star.

The following motion was adopted: "That this Conference recommends to the Grand Lodges of Australia: "(a) That no Freemason be permitted to attend any Meeting of or be a member of the Ord'cr of the Eastern Star. "(b) That no Meeting of the Order of the Eastern Star be permitted in any Lodge Room."

Age of Candidates.

Some Grand Lodges fix 25 years as the didate must attain, except he be the son of few instances dispensations had been given ation of a "Lewis". No action was taken.

age to which a cana Freemason. In a permitting the initiWe Americans will




never forget that our Greatest Master Mason was initiated before he was 21. We are spending millions in erecting a monument to his memory. Conferring Degrees.

It was recommended "That not more than two candidates be initiated, passed, or raised at any meeting unless by Dispensation from the Grand Master". That may do where Lodges are small, but would very much hinder our work in this country where we have so many large Lodges. A Lodge can meet early in the afternoon and confer many Degrees before 10 p. m. In a Lodge in this city, in the present year, the writer initiated one of the three sons of the Secretary of the Lodge, who were all initiated at the same meeting and later raised one of them and assisted in the raising {)f the two others the same day. A few years ago he put in a strenuous day with a Lodge which began early in the morning and raised twelve before midnight. Limitation of Members.

The following was adopted: "That this Conference is of opinion that the membership of a Lodge should not exceed 150."

We have many Lodges in this country whose membership reaches into the thousands. I nvitation to Grand Lodge of England.

The United Grand Lodge of England was invited to send a Fraternal Delegation to Australia at the invitation of each Grand Lodge. Next Conference.

The next Conference will be held in Hobart, Tasmania, in February, 1931. VIRGINIA.

Grand Master, James Bowman. Grand Master, Elected, Wm. Lee Davis. Grand Secretary, James M. Clift, Richmond. Correspondent, James M. Clift. 353 Lodges. 48,558 Members. 1,8'00 Raised. 481 Gain. ONE HUNDRED FIFTIETH ANNUAL. Richmond, February 14-16, 1928. Present.

16 Grand Masters; 10 Past Grand Masters; 32 District Deputy




Grand Masters; 268 Past Masters; 499 Representatives of Lodges; 48 Grand Lodges were represented-Missouri by Rev. F. T. McFadden, D. D. Distinguished Visitors.

James T. Gibbs, Grand Master and Gratz E. Dunkum, Past Grand Master, of the District of Columbia, were introduced. Grand Master's Address.

In his address he says: "1 can conceive of no stronger tie that can bind men than that of the mystic Cable tow, which taking us on the level of humanity, seeks to lead us along the paths of rectitude and love and thus fit us for the fellowship of the Saints and servants of our God; and when I contemplate the ennobling lessons of our Ritual and its incentives to better living, I can understand why the greatest men of all ages have counted it an honor to be enrolled among our membership, extend our privileges and patronize our assemblies."

He calls attention to the death in Richmond, November 20, 1927, of Virginia's Correspondent: "Past Grand Master Joseph \Villiam Eggleston, perhaps the best known and one of the best beloved members of our Order."


He laid four and authorized the laying of twenty-nine others. Twenty-three of these structures were Church Buildings for various denominations. We would like to suggest to our good Brethren from whom we are separated by the Father of Waters, that they inquire i~ any harm came to the Masonic Fraternity, or to the churches through this fraternal service. He reports over fifty official visits. From the address we learn that: "No brother can be installed as Master or Warden, nor occupy such office in a Lodge under Dispensations until he shall have received the Degree of Past Master."

Missouri's Constitution was never quite that drastic, but as that Con~titution was construed by our Grand Lodge, it was necessary for this writer to receive the Degree of Past Master from the Past Masters of his Lodge before he could be installed as Master, although at that time he was Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Missouri. But we no longer require the Degree of Past Master as a prerequisite to installation as Master of a 'Lodge and no successor of his in Missouri will ever enjoy his unique experience.




Bronl:e Doors.

The Grand Lodge appropriated ten thousand dollars to be paid in four annual installm~mts for the purpose of purchasing Bronze Doors for the George Washington National Memorial Association. Reports of District Deputies.

Fifty-eight reports are published in the Proceedings. District Deputies failed to present their reports.



Owing to the death of Past Grand Master Eggleston, Correspondent, there was no report. We will expect one next year. VIRGINIA.

Grand Master, William Lee Davis. Grand Master, Elected, John T. Cochran, The Plains. Grand Secretary, James M. Clift, Richmond. Correspondent, James M. Clift. 352 Lodges. 48,782 Members. 1,766 Raised. 220 Gain. ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-FIRST ANNUAL. Richmond, February 12-14, 1929. .Present.

15 Grand Grand D. D.,

Grand Officers; 9 Past Grand Masters; 30 District Deputy Masters; 330 Past Masters; 457 Lodge Representatives. 44 Lodges were represented, Missouri by Rev. F. T. McFaden, of Winchester.

Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master reports 27 official visitations. Cornerstones.

28 cornerstones were laid.

22 of these were for churches.

The George Washington Masonic National Association.

The Grand Master says: "Work is progressing on this great project as rapidly as funds contributed will permit. The plan of the Memorial Association is to limit the expense of the building to $4,000,000.00, with an additional cost of $500,000.00 for land, landscaping and all other items. The total amount expended to date is $2,657,000.00 of which $206,.000.00 was paid out for work done during the year which ended January 21, 1929. It is estimated that the building is 60 per cent completed. "The fact that the Me,morial is located in Virginia, that it is a

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Masonic project, its magnificence and grandeur, and that it is to be dedicated to the memory of Washington, the greatest of all men, entitles it to a high place in the interest of the Craft in Virginia."

Will the fiction writer, who recently tried to spit in the face of please note that the sons of the Old Dominion are not alarmed at his vaporings.


District Deputies.

The Reports of 55 District Deputy Grand Masters are printed in the Proceedings. A Present.

The retiring Grand Master was presented with a beautiful silver pitcher "from a little circle of his friends." Correspondence.

The Report is from the Grand Secretary, James M. Clift. His Report of 91 pages gives more than a page to a fraternal review of our Proceedings for 1928. He quoted from Judge Ittner's address and notes our interest in the Washington Memorial. WASHINGTON.

Grand Master, Robert A. Wilson. Grand Master, Elected, John E. Fowler, Aberdeen. Grand Secretary, Horace W. Tyler, Tacoma. Correspondent, E. H. Van Patten. 265 Lodges. 49,040 Members. 2,261 Raised. 1,222 Gain. 250 Lodges Represented. SEVENTY-FIRST ANNUAL. Tacoma, June 18路21, 1928. Present.

14 Grand Officers; 21 Past Grand Masters; 459 Lodge Representatives. 60 Grand Lodges were represented, Missouri by Louis F. Hart. Distinguished Visitors.

Rex. Wm. Davis, Grand Master, and D. Rufus Cheney, Grand Secretary of Oregon, were introduced. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master reported that he had dedicated three Masonic Temples and three were dedicated by others acting for him.





He laid three cornerstones and two were laid by others. He refused to lay the cornerstone of a church because the exterior of the building, including the roof, was complete. He declined to lay the cornerstone of a Y. W. C. A. building at Tacoma "on the ground that this building was not being erected either for the worship of God, for Charitable or Educational purposes or for the administration of Free Government". This action was approved by the Grand Lodge. We must confess to some surprise. We have a Y. W. C. A. building in Springfield in which God is worshipped and its work is Charitable and in a measure Educational and tends to the maintenance of Free Government. The Grand Master installed the officers of twelve Lodges, constituted three Lodges and granted a dispensation for the forming of a new Lodge. He granted permission to attend Divine Services as Lodges, to eight Lodges. O,'ation.

From the address of William J. Steinert, Grand Orator, we quote: "When we say that there is a God, we mean that there is a real being over and above all our experience and ideas, whom we regard not merely as an ineffable name or irresistable force, but as a Supreme Person, source of all true val ue in life, wi th whom we are in constant relationship, whether we will or no. The thought that suggtsts itself to me from this experience upon the threshold of Masonry, is that there is emphasized and impressed on the mind of the candidate the attribute of God as ,an intimate comrade or associate. When we take Him in that light, it seems to me that we bring Him within the realm' of human understanding and make Him a real Being rather than a symbol or abstraction. An earlier age, perhaps, was very much concerned with the 'highly speculative arguments and proofs of the existence of a deity. Today, these reasonings fail to interest us. Our deepest desire is for comradeship, warmth and blessedness, a sense of harmony, both with ourselves and with the universe. With the dropping away of ,human association, we turn by instinct to a superhuman companionship. We need divine com'" panionship to enable us to bear the pains and griefs of life. We know that human companionship in suffering changes the quality of the suffering, so that what else were unendurable can be borne and can even be matter of philosophical reflection. Yet, in all human companionship there is a defect. Between the closests of friends the barriers of flesh intervene a thousand imperfections and give rise to misunderstanding and estrangement that often end in the bitterness of death. In God we have a companionship not subject to evil

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through its own defect, One from whom we can anticipate no pain that must needs refer us to another for its transmuting. It is not the power of God as mighty, in comparison with other forces in their own fields, that is of value to us; it is God in his personal relation that alone is capable of establishing human peace of mind and, therefore, human happiness. "As the wall of a building is built upon and arises out of the foundation, so the second great doctrine of our Fraternity arises out of and is erected upon the fundamental doctrine of the Fatherhood of God, and its result is the Brotherhood of Man. When the doctrine of the Divine Fatherhood is rightly understood, the conceptions of men respecting their relations to one another must needs be clarified. The belief in the Fatherhood of God has undermined feudalism and has destroyed slaver.y and ushered in democracy. The power of this great idea, more than all other agencies has completed the emancipation of the laboring classes and the establishment in so many nations of political equality. If all men are the. sons of God, then it is plain that one may not enslave another, nor despise another. The doctrine of the equality of rights, which springs from路 the Christian doctrine of the Fatherhood of God, and which is the cornerstone of our modern democracy. is well established in the thought of the race. The laws of the great nations express it; the literature of the present century is saturated with it; it may be regarded as the ruling idea of modern civilization. "There is yet one other foundation stone upon which Masonry rests-the Immortality of the Soul. It is the latter of two great pier-heads of which the Fatherhood of God is the former, and resting upon these two is the span which forms and supports the Brotherhood of Man. "The most profound problem of human life and the most pathetic 'cryof the human soul through ages have been the problem and the cry 'If a man die, shall he live again?' To the great majority of mankind in all times and' among all peoples, physical death has been a leap in to the darkness. The river of death has been the deep and troubled waters of uncertainty and dread, and the intervening haze impenetrable. The travelers of earth who have journeyed down to the shadowy bank that skirts the plane of physical life have peered out into the darkness across the black surface, and it seemed almost in vain: yet路 the eye of hope and faith has ever been able to catch an assuring glint of light from the farther shore. "To the thoughtful mind the question of immortality involves much more than a mere postponed hope about what is going to happen after death, but vitally concerns what we are now. Some chemist with a flair for statistics has analyzed the average man into the chemical elements of which he is composed and has estimated that the total value of these chemical elements at their current market rate is about ninety-eight cents. It is an amazing mystery that our saints, prophets and martyrs, our Shellys, Raphaels, Livingstones and Lincolns are all compounded of ninety-eight cents worth of chemical material. But we know that this is not an adequate' statement of the truth. We know that within and reliant




upon this flesh, as within a scaffolding, personality may be built as a temple, the abiding spirit within the transitory frame, so that when at last the scaffolding is ta.ken down, the permanent consequence shall remain. Immortality, therefore, is not a future matter. On the contrary, it is an imperious assertion about what we are now. A man's thought of himself must always make a difference to his life and immortality is the supreme assertion of abiding spiritual value in man. This has ever been the philosophy of Masonry upon this the greatest, deepest and most enga.ging subject to the mind of man. Through the legend of its SUblime Degree, Masonry is seeking to t~ach that death is neither the' end of life nor the beginning of eternity, but that it is merely a door through which the soul passes, not into immortality, but along the avenue of immortality, which is with us even now. To impress this thought upon us, it presents us with a picture in the form of a drama. It shows the Grand Master, the symbol of human nature, at the crest of life's blackest tragedy, with the forces of evil, cunning, yet sO stupid, thrusting themselves against the soul, tempting it to treachery, even to the degradation of saving its life, though saving it means giving up all that makes life worth living. Then out of the thick darkness there rises, like a beautiful star, that in man which is most akin to God, his love of truth, his loyalty to the highest, and his willingness to go down into the night of death if only virtue may live. "And here Freemasonry rests the matter, assured that since there is that in man which makes him hold to the moral ideal and to the integrity of his own soul, against all the bru't'e forces of the world, the God who made him in His own image will not let him die in the dust. Higher vision is not given us to see in the dim country of this world; deeper truth we do not need to know."

Correspondence. The report of 188 pages is by Edwin H. Van Patten, who was Grand Master in 1904. It gives nearly four pages to Missouri's Proceedings of 1927. Referring to Grand Master Pickard he says: "The address of the Grand Master was full and authoritative and displays the unusual energy and thoroughness of Brother Pickard. He made 121 visits to local Lodges, saw to the laying of ten co~ner足 stones, took part in four dedications and made a number of decisions. He decided that even a Masonic Club could not play cards or pool on Sunday."

He quotes M. W. Joseph S. McIntyre's Report, adopted by our Grand Lodge, which declares the basic principles to govern the recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges. In a report which our reviewer made to his own Grand Lodge, which was adopted by it, substantially the same principles are laid down. He commends the oration by Judge Otis, expresses pleasure




at the election of Dr. Mather as our Grand Secretary and says of his last report as Correspondent: "He reviews the Proceedings of sixty-six Grand路 Lodges, and gives Washington three pages of quotation, comment and appreciation. We thank him for his kind words anent the work of this Commi ttee."


Grand Master, Most Rev. C. O. L. Riley, D. D., L. L. D., O. B. E., V. D., (Archbishop of Perth) Grand Secretary, J. D. Stevenson, Perth. Correspondent, James W. E. Archdeacon. 120 Lodges. 8,117 Members. 547 Raised. 450 Gain. TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL. Perth, May 24, 1928. Present. 111 Grand Officers and Past Grand Officers; 34 Masters; 34 Senior Wardens; 30 Junior Wardens; 89 Past Masters; 41 Grand Representatives were present. Missouri was represented -by A. C. Munro, Past Senior Grand Warden. Grand Master's Address.

Three Quarterly Communications had been held before the Annual Communication. In all, the Grand Master reported 100 official visitations. 11 Lodges had been consecrated and warrants issl:led for the forming of 8 new Lodges. Correspondence.

The Report is made by James W. E. Archdeacon, Past Senior Grand Deacon. He gives nearly four pages to a very fraternal review of our Proceedings for 1927. We quote two paragraphs: "The Annual Oration was delivered by the Grand Orator, R. W. Bro. M. E. Otis. It dealt largely with America as a land of possibilities which it undoubtedly is in 路more senses than one. It may be remarked that the claims made by the Orator on page 190 fOr America as the 'only' land of such possibilities is somewhat too far fetched, as equivalent advancements from humble station to exalted rank have occurred in Australia in at least quite as many cases as those enumerated by Judge Otis. Viewed from the American standpoint, the oration was a fine one, while the language in which it was given must have fallen pleasantly on the ears of its auditors."




He has this to say concerning a Brother who' twenty-four years ago, in a Lodge meeting held in a side room of the church ot which he was then Pastor, was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason by three Methodist Preachers, who were Past Grand Masters of Missouri: "The Report on Foreign Correspondence is by the Chairman R. W. Bro. Arthur Mather, up,on whom there has also fallen the mantle of the late Grand Secretary Bro. Jesse, to whom he should prove an excellent successor, judging from the fine portrait published with the Proceedings. "The Proceedings of 74 Sister Grand Jurisdictions are briefly reviewed. Bro. Mather's splendid worl{ being restricted owing to space limitations, which is a pity. Western Australia is briefly and courteously reviewed."


GrandMaster, F. W. Van Horn. Grand Master elected, R. Boyd Wees, Elkins. Grand Secretary, George S. Laidley, Charleston. {~orrespondent, Lewis N. Tavenner. 167 Lodges. 34,414 Members. 1,047 Raised. 322 Gain. 164 Lodges Represented. SIXTY-FOURTH ANNUAL. Charleston, October 3, 1928. Present.

13 Grand Officers; 16 Past Grand Masters; 10' District Deputy IGrand Masters; 16 Deputy Grand Lectures; 76 Past Masters; 181 Lodge Representatives. 46 Grand Lodges were represented-Missouri by P. P. Lester. Distinguished Visitor.

Ernest E. Cunningham, Past Grand Master of Virginia was in-. troduced. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master reported the laying of ten cornerstones. l?ive were for Churches, four for Schools and one for a Masonic Temple. Visitations.

He visited nine subordinate Lodges and in seven of them conferred the Third Degree. He visited two Maryland Lodges and




in one of them witnessed the conferring of the Third Degree by Grand Master Warren S. Seipp of Maryland. Land Marks.

A Committee on Landmarks in a Report which was unanimously adopted gave the following Landmarks: "1. Belief in God, the Creator, Author and Architect of the Universe-omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent.


Belief in the immortality of the soul.

"3. A 'Book of ture of the Lodge. "4.


Law' as an indispensable part of the furni-

The government of the Fraternity by a Grand Master.

"5. Secrecy, applied to the modes of recognition, certain symbols, the ballot, obligations, signs and passwords and forms of initiation. "6.

The legend of the Third Degree.

"7. Ancient Craft Masonry includes only the degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow-Craft and Master Mason. "S.

A Mason must be a man, freeborn and of mature age."


The Report is by Lewis N. Tavenner who gives. nearly three pages to review of our Proceedings for 1927. He touches upon various features of the work of Grand Master Pickard and says, "Missouri is and has long been a great state and its Grand Lodges great, not only in numibers but in the personnel of Grand Officers of the past as well as the future." He also says: "Grand Lecturer Bro. J. R. McLachlan furnished a wonderful report covering ten pages and showing the results attained, saying however in concluding same 'yOU can teach but they must do the learning."

Our Grand Lecturer is a very useful servant of the Craft, honored and beloved by all. He called Judge Otis' oration "a very great speech." After a kind reference to Dr. Mather's repo:'t he closes with the last stanza of Dr. Woods' "Musings at Eventide."





Grand Master, Herbert W. Dixon. Grand Master, Elected, Fred L. Wright, Milwaukee. Grand Secretary, William F. Weiler, Milwaukee. Correspondent, Ald'ro Jenks, Dodgeville. 311 Lodges. 60,305 Members. 2,661 Raised. 1,497 Gain. 303 Lodges Represented. EIGHTY路FOURTH ANNUAL. Milwaukee, June 12-13, 1928. Present.

17 Grand Officers; 17 Past Grand Masters; 4 Past Senior Grand Wardens; 6 Past Junior Grand Wardens; 462 Representatives of Lodges; 41 Representatives of other Grand Jurisdictions were present. Missouri was represented by Past Senior Grand Warden Charles E. George of Weyauwega. Grand Master's Address.

He reports two Lodges constituted; 4 Masonic Temples dedicated and three cornerstones laid. He also re-dedicated Frontier Lodge No. 45 at LaCrosse on the seventy-fifth anniversary. One of his rulings was: "It is neither proper nor pel'missable for a Lodge to attend Divine Worship wearing Masonic clothing. Such a practice savors too much of an effort to advertise our piety. The necessity for attending Divine services is recognized but we should do so as in. dividuals and not as a Lodge."

This ruling was approved. He also ruled: "The Lambskin or white apron is the badge of a Mason. It is never proper to wear it under the coat. Symbolically the apron suggests a very useful purpose which is destroyed if covered by other clothing."

The Committee on Jurisprudence, whose report was adopted, said: "Your committee is of the opinion that the Masonic apron should never be covered by the coat or other clothing so as not to be readily visible, but there is no regulation which prohibits its being worn underneath the coat, -and are of the opinion that the manner in which it sha.ll be worn may be safely left to the discretion of the Master."

"Freemasonry in Action"

This was the title of an address given Robert J. Clegg, who




gave remInISCenCes of noted Freemasons of different lands. One referred to Garibaldi: Governor Guild of Massachusetts, once Ambassador to Russia, was in Italy in 1868 on his wedding trip. Visiting Florence, he called upon Garibaldi. He inquired concern路 ing reports of cholera in Rome. Garibaldi knew he was a Freemason and confirmed the reports, but in Masonic secrecy told him there was a better reason for avoiding Rome at that time, one might find it easier to get into Rome than to get out. He took the hint thankfully and told his wife and friends he had decided not to go to Rome, but kept his reasons to himself. The next week Garibaldi besieged Rome and many American travelers were shut up there and missed their return steamers. Correspondence.

There is a Report, but it does not include Missouri. WYOMING.

Grand Master, Marion A. Kline. Grand Master, Elected, Guy J. Gay, Casper. Grand Secretary, Joseph M. Lowndes, Casper. Correspondent, Joseph M. Lowndes. 46 Lodges. 8,145 Members. 375 Raised. 220 Gain. 43 Lodges Represented. FIFTY路FOURTH ANNUAL. Cheyenne, August 15-16, 1928. Present.

20 Grand Officers; 17 Past Grand Masters; 104 Past Masters; 214 Lodge Representatives. Grand Master's Address.

The Grand Master planned to visit all the Lodges, but illness in January and February prevented him, but he reports more than twenty official visits. He gave one Dispensation authorizing a Lodge to attend "divine worship on Christmas Day at the Methodist Episcopal Church". The Grand Master of Wisconsin ruled that it was not proper for a Lodge "to attend Divine Worship wearing Masonic clothing" and his ruling was approved by the Grand Lodge. New Templ.es.

He approved plans for the erection of a Temple by one Lodge and the purchase of one by another Lodge. 'Ve quote one paragraph from the address:




"We are each and all builders-builders of our own lives and of the future of this great fraternity. If the Masonic institution is to endure, it must be well built, and its constituent members muSt be selected with care. No buildex: would attempt to place in 3building which he was erecting and which he expected to endure and survive the storms of centuries, imperfect stones or stones which were weak and crumbling in spots. Neither can we as builders, build an institution which will endure and resist all the enroachments of time and decay if we accept as members of that institution those who are morally weak and unworthy. Brethren, we should elect to membership in our Fraternity only those who have been proven good and true men; we should guard well the outer door, and if, by chance, any should become a member of our ord'er who later becomes unworthy and brings disgrace upon the fraternity; then no matter what his station or how high and influential he may be. we shoUld unhesitatingly do our duty and deprive him of his membership in the Order."

Correspondence. The Report is by Joseph M. Lowndes, Grand Secretary. He quotes our Report on Recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges adopted in 1927. He also quot~s that poem on "Growing Old", which Dr. Woods wrote in his eighty-seventh year. It was thi~ writer's duty to conduct his Masonic burial in May, 1927, when he was nearly 89. He and Governor Dockery, at whose burial the writer officiated as Grand Chaplain the preceding December, were two of the outstanding figures of Missouri Freemasonry for more than half a century. Their passing away leaves him the Senior Past Grand Master and Past Grand High Priest of Missouri. In all, our reviewer gives more than four pages to Missouri and is evidently' well acquainted 'with our. Proceedings for 1927. Like many others, he seems to have been impressed with the personality of Dr. John Pick~rd, our Grand Master. YORK GRAND LODGE OF MEXICO.

Grand Master, James F. Berry. Grand Master, Elected, Charles Brueggerhoff, Mexico. Grand Secretary, A. Percival Hughes, Mexico. Correspondent, M. A. Loevy, Mexico. 14 Lodges. 934 Members. 69 Raised. 41 Gain. 9 Lodges Represented. SIXTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL. Mexico City, April 5, 1928. Present. 8 Grand Officers; 4 Past Grand Masters; 33 Lodge Represen-

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tatives. 21 Grand Lodges were represented. Missouri was represented by M. A. Loevy, Past Gran'd Master, who in 1922, sent by the hand of the writer $500.00 to the Grand Lodge of Missouri to start a Library in tionor of Dr. W. F. Kuhn. Grand Master's Address.

In his Address the Grand Master calls attention to the fact that during the year Indiana, Kentucky, Vermont, Texas and Louisiana had recognized the York Grand Lodge and Iowa had re-affirmed its recognition. We are particularly glad to note that Texas has corrected its mistal{e in withdrawing recognition a few years ago. Seven years ago the writer spent eight days with the Brethren in Tampico and Mexico City. He preached sermons and delivered Masonic addresses in both cities, set a Commandery to work under its Charter in Tampico and in Mexico City, assisted in conferring the Third Degree, giving the Lecture and Charge. No American Grand Lodge should hesitate to recognize the York Grand Lodge which is giving our kind of Freemasonry to English-speaking men in Mexico. 38 American Grand Lodges recognize the York Grand Lodge. Correspondence.

Past Grand Master Mark A. Loevy makes a report of over 200 pages, giving 6 pages to a fraternal and discriminating review of our Proceedings for 1927. He speaks in high terms of Grand Master Pickard, quotes from his address and quotes the principles our Grand Lodge adopted as the basis on which to recognize foreign Grand Lodges: He regrets that the York Grand Lodge was not reviewed in the Report on Correspondence. That was because the Proceedings failed to reach Dr. Mather, who was then our Correspondent. This is the second report on the York Grand Lodge which the present Correspondent has written.


In going through the Proceedings of all the Grand Lodges in the United States and many Grand Lodges in other lands where the English tongue is spoken, the writer has realized, if possible, more fully than ever before the great work which our Fraternity is doing in many lands. Holding a firm belief in the one living and true God, basing upon the Fatherhood of God the Brotherhood of Man, holding to the Immortality of the Soul and keeping upon its altars the open Bible, the millions of men who hold to its prin-




ciples contribute more than any other equal number of individuals to the permanence of free institutions. American Freemasons know the important part which members of our Order had in shaping American institutions. They still stand in the forefront of our civilization. It has been more than forty years since Missouri elected a Governor who was not a Freemason. In the confusion raised by shallow thinkers, who are hunting for something new, we still stand for all that has been tested by ages of trial and proven true. The Forty-seventh Problem of Euclid is still what it was in the days of Pythagoras, and the law of gravitation has not been improved since Sir Isaac Newton's time. The Book of the Law on our altars gives the only conception of the Divine Character worth anything to humanity and our Tenets and Cardinal Virtues are as unchanging as the nature of Him who is the source of all that is good. The writer has installed many ~Vorshipful Masters and still requires each Master elect, before installation to admit that it is not in the power of any man or body of men to make innovations in the body of Masonry. PERSONAL. On July 27, 1929, this scribe was eighty years old. His Brethren gave a dinner in his honor in the Shrine Mosque at Springfield. which was attended by about 500 of his friends, some of whom had come more than 200 miles. They sprang some surprises on him. He is writing this report with a desk fountain pen. the gift of Charity Lodge of St. Joseph. Two St. Louis friends sent him a Parker pen and pencil. .Springfield Past Masters gave him a Sheaffer pen and pencil. The Directors of the Masonic Temple Association of St. Louis sent him a fine umbrella. St. John's Commandery of Springfield presented him with a Chapeau. He is Grand Prelate of the Grand Commandery and they thought his old one-which is 40 years old-ought to be laid aside. Springfield Brethren gave him an order for. a suit and hat, and st. Louis Fraters sent him 80 new one dollar bills. So many greetings came by mail and by wire that it took him three days to answer them. These Masonic friendships mean more anel more to him as the years go by. CORONA H. BRIGGS. Springfield, Mo.




OFFICERS \\'. W. Martin, President.. Robt. R. Kreeger, 1st Vice-President Joseph S. McIntyre, 2nd Vice-President : W. S. Campbell, Treasurer Clarence L. Alexander, Secretary Crockett Harrison, Superintendent.. Dr. Solon Cameron, Physician Mrs. W. Waller, Matron of Children Mrs. Luella McCue, Matron of Old People

St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Louis, St. Louis, St. St. St. St.

Louis, Louis, Louis1 Louis,

Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo. MO. Mo.




BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Arch A. Johnson R. R. Kreeger W. W. Martin Jas. R. McLachlan Herman Mauch 1'. W. Cotton W. A. Clark Jos. S. McIntyre Thos. H. Reynolds

Springfteld, Kansas City, St. Louis, Kaboka, St. Louis,

Mo. ) Mo. Mo. Term expires, 1929. Mo. Mo. .


Van Buren, Jefferson City, Mo. St. Louis, Mo. Kansas City, Mo.

W. S. Campbell: Chas. T. Kornllrodt Oreste~ Mitchell F. H. Wielandy

St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Joseph, St. Louis,

Term expires, 1930.

Mo } Mo: Mo. Term expires, 1931. Mo.

EX路OFFICIO MEMBERS Byrne E. Bigger, Grand Master Samuel R. Freet, Deputy Grand Master William R. Gentry, Grand Senior Warden Ray V. Denslow, Grand Junior Warden


Hannibal, Kansas City, St. Louis, Trenton,

Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo.

ADVISOR Y MEMBERS Mrs. Ella Jean Flanders Mrs. Edith V. Bader Mrs. Georgia' S. Bondurant..

Excelsior Springs, Mo. St. Louis, Mo. Kirksville, Mo.

1929. ]



MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI 1929 PRESIDENT'S LETTER To the Most Worshipful Grand J.odge, Free a1ld Accepted Masons of .. the State of Missouri~ Brethren: I hand you a report in detail of the officers of- the Masonic Home of Missouri. At the Annual Session of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Missouri, during the month of September, 1928, held in the Scottish Rite Cathedr?l, St. Louis, Misouri, the following directors were elected for three years: Brother W. S. Campbell, Brother C. T. Kornbrodt, Brother Orestes Mitchell, Brother F. H. Wielandy and Brother Sol E. Waggoner. At this meeting you are to elect four directors for three years and one director for two years to fill the unexpired term of the late Brother Waggoner. The terms of the following directors expire: Bro. Arch A. Johnson, Bro. R. R. Kreeger, Bro. W. W. Martin, Bro. Jas. R. McLachlan, Bro. Herman Mauch. At the meeting held in the Scottish Rite Cathedral at St. Louis, September 26, 1928, the following officers were elected: Sol E. Waggoner, President R. R. Kreeger, First Vice-President. Joseph S. McIntyre, Second Vice-President.. \\T. S. Campbell, Treasurer C. L. Alexander, Secretary Crockett Harrison,' Superintendent.. Mrs. W. Waller, Matron of Children Mrs. Luella McCue, Matron of Old People Dr. D. 1<'. Rice, Physician

St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Louis, St. Louis, St. Louis, St. Louis, St. Louis, St. Louis,

Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo.




The Standing Committees for the past year have been as follows: Trustees of the Endowment Fund--Sol E. Waggoner, R. R. Kreeger, W. W. Martin. Executive Committee-R. R. Kreeger, Chairman; A. A. Johnson, Vice-Chairman; T. \V. Cotton, J. S. McIntyre, W. S. Campbell, W. W. Martin. •

Finance Committee-To W. Cotton, Chairman, W. W. Martin, C. T. Kornbrodt. House Committee-.J. S. McIntyre, Chairman; W. S. Campbell, Vice-Chairman; F. H. Wielandy, Mrs. Edith V. Bader. Legal Committee-A. A. Johnson, Chairman; J. S. McIntyre, Orestes Mitchell, T. H. Reynolds. Administration Committee-Orestes Mitchell, Chairman; F. H. Wielandy, W. W. Martin. Hospital Committee-To W. Cotton, Chairman; W. A. Clark. Medical Staff: Dr. Louis H. Behrens .................... St. Louis, Mo. Dr. M. A. Bliss.................................. St. Louis, Mo. Dr. Solon Cameron ........................St. Louis, Mo. Dr. W. A. Clark. ................... J efferson City, Mo.


expires, 1929.



Dr. Rudolph Buhman .................. St. Louis, Mo. Dr. Frank Morse ............................St. Louis, Mo. Dr. Thomas A. Hopkins ................ St. Louis, Mo. Dr. D. L. Harris ..............................St. Louis, Mo.

Dr. Francis Reader Dr. E. Lee Myers

St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis, Mo.

Dr. .J. B. Wright..

Trenton, M o.

Dr. A. H. Conrad

St. Louis, Mo.


expires, 1930.

1 (Term expires, 1931.



OFFICIAL BONDS. W. W. Martin, President, $5,000.00; W. S. Campbell, Treasurer, $135,000.00; Clarence L. Alexander, Secretary, $2,500.00; Mrs. W'o Waller, Matron, $2,500.00; Trustees of the Endowment Fund: Sol E. Waggoner, $5,000.00; R. R. Kreeger, $5,000.00; Orest.es Mitchell, $5,000.00.



Appendix. INSURANCE:

Tornado $762,400.00

Fire On all buildings and contents $762,400.00 Steam boiler insurance................................... 10,000.00 Contingent Liability-Compensation............. 20,000.00 to General Liability-Compensation................... 25,000.00 to Electrical machinery........................................ 1,000.00 ESTIMATED VALUE


40,000.00 50,000.00


Endowment ~'und cash and securities HOlne grounds ~ In1provements Furnishings

$ 820,284.87

. . .

240,000.00 775,000.00 165,000.00

$2,000,284.87 MEMBER STATISTICS.

Members in the Home September 1, 1928 Admitted during the past year

Men Women Boys Girls

137 37

123 31

57 16

79 8

174 4 29

154 4 22

73 13 1

87 10

141 Total membership September 1, 1929 404 Net increase during year................................... 8




Discharged during the past year Deaths during the year




Brother Waggoner in discharge of his duties as President, died suddenly, March 15, 1929. IN MEMORIAM. SOL E. WAGGONER.

On March 15, 1929, Brother Sol E. Waggoner, President of the Masonie Home Board, folded the mantle of honor about him, laid down upon Life's battlefield and sank into that peaceful slumber Death brings only to the brave. There is no stain or taint upon




his memory and his friellds and brethren can write "Well done, thou good and faithful servant". This hour is another of those too frequently recurring occasions when this Body has paused to pay tribute to one of its departed members. It is proper that these proceedings should take place, because the dead are so soon forgotten beyond the immediate circle that surrounds them, that it is well where men have been of service to their fellowmen, that there should be some reminder and memorial of their deeds. Brother Waggoner was for a long time a leader in' the work in which we are here engaged. He has for many years been the recognized leader of those actively engaged in the practical management of the affairs of the Masonic Home of Missouri, and it is entirely within the bounds to say that during all this time he exercised a commanding influence in the councils of the Home and by virtue of his long experience and sagacity occupied a most prominent position among its foremost men. He possessed, to a remarkable degree the qualifications of leadership. Occasionally we meet with a man who is possessed of an inherent sturdiness of character, of an ability, of a persistence and of those intellectual and moral qualities that enable him to rise with路 out the stimuli of either heredity or environment, the two forces that shape most of our. lives. Such a man was Brother Sol E. Waggoner. He was not the beneficiary of either heredity or environment. He came from the body of the great common people, with no illustrious lineage behind him, with neither fortune nor' fame nor surroundings that were conspicuously fortunate. He began well down toward the bottom. He ended his life, possibly not at the top, but on a plane that anyone might well envy, measure it by any crucial standard you may see fit to apply. His Masonic career was too long and it was too thoroughly crowded and studded with achievements to permit anything like a complete review on an occasion like this, but only an epitome. In this tribute I would not seek, friend as I was to him, to utter one. single syllable -of panegyric or undeserved eulogium. I \vould not measure out even to the dead, however close they may have been in life, aught except a fair, full measure of justice, fOr I am sure that could our Brother whom we mourn, lay aside the cerements of the tomb and sit with us in this memorial service, that justice would be the only shibboleth he would permit in his passage from the things of sentience into those of memory.

1929. ]



Brother Waggoner was born March 8, 1851, in Richland County, Ohio, educated in Oskaloosa, Iowa, and graduated from Oskaloosa College in that town when quite a young man. Soon after graduating he came to Missouri while engaged in construction work for the Western Union Telegraph Company, which at that time was pushing its lines westward, and in this work he 路continued on across the Rocky Mountains, having many thrilling experiences. In 1870 he settled in Macon, Mo., where he engaged in the fire insurance business. In this business he seems to have prospered, gaining both money and honorable promotion, for, in the eighteen years in which he lived at Macon, he rose from local agent to manager of his company. In 1888 he removed to S1. Louis, continuing in the insurance business, where he ,yas again successful, and in 1895 we find him President of the Citizens Insurance Company in that city. In 1872 he w~s united in marriage to Miss Catherine White and they were the parents of three children, two of whom survive. Mrs. Waggoner died ~n 1892. Early in life he had ,demonstrated his business ability and had accumulated a competence of th!s world's goods, and in 1918, when his business ability was still aspiring, he voluntarily surrendered his connections with his associates and devoted himself to the affairs of the Masonic Home. For thirt.y-one years he was a member of its Board of Directors and from October, 1913, to March 15, 1929, the day of his death, he was the President of the Board much of the time performing the duties of both Superintendent and Business Manager. He was signally successful in the management of the finances of the Home. Hundreds of thousands of dollars passed through his hands without the loss of a single dollar in either principal or interest during the long years of his service. When twenty-one years of age he was made a Master Mason in Macon Lodge No. 106 which soon surrendered its charter and was succeeded by Censor Lodge No. 172, with which Brother Waggoner affiliated and served it as Worshipful Master in 1876. In 1891 he affiliated with Occidental Lodge No. 163 and continued to hold membership in this Lodge until his death. Brother' Waggoner was also a member of St. Louis Chapter No.8, Hiram Council No.1, and Tuscan Chapter No. 68, O. E. S., and St. Aldemar Commandery No. 18. He served as Grand Commander of Knights Templar of Missouri in 1880. His funeral service was held




March 19, 1929, in the beautiful Scottish Rite Cathedral, under the auspices of the officers of the Grand Commandery of Missouri, Grand Lodge and Occidental Lodge and in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends, including the children and the 01,9 people of the Masonic Home. Most Worshipful Grand Master, Byrne E. Bigger, read the Masonic burial service. Brother Waggoner left the world better than he found it, having found pleasure in his work all his life. He always judged men by the best that was in them, and never sought to find. their faults. Children loved him for his interest in them, and the old people for his kindly sympathy and understanding of their woes, and all who knew him admired his sterling character, genial disposition, spirit of fairness, manly characteristics and, above alL his love for his fellow-man. He understood, because he was composed not merely of brains and nerves, but because he had a great sympathetic heart which felt what the mind alone could not perceive and which, by its subtle, magnetic current, touched responsive chords, which even the driving powers of intelligence could not stir into activity. His heart made him to understand the plain and unassuming and gave him their unqualified trust and confidence. His intelligence enabled him to strip the mask from the arrogant and the pretentious, the insincere and the hypocritical, the self-sufficient and the intolerant, and made him a Nemesis to all such. I have spent days and nights with him in a lonely shack, 'set in the deep woods on the banks of the beautiful Osage River, where all artificialities were cast aside, where rough habit was our attire, and our substance food such as one could prepare about an open fire, and even under such circumstances, never did I hear a word or see an action that would have jarred upon the nerves of the most sensitive. Brother Waggoner did his own thinking and reached his oWl'i conclusions, and when his mind was made up, it must be admitted that he was frequently a bit stubborn in defending his position, but as years mellowed his judgment, and experience modified his ideas, one felt the unerringness of his sagacity and the soundness of his judgment. Unlike many who attain advanced years, he continued to laugh and did not resort to weeping, and lamentation because of the passing of time and of its changes. His heart cried out for all who trod Adversity's hard road; with tireless brain he wrought to lift the burden from the shoul-




del's of the unfortunate within the ranks of Missouri Freemasons, and he bears with him to his tomb a legacy so rare that even envy is compelled to pay the tribute of admiration. What the reward shall be, we can only conjecture, for the miracle of birth and the mystery of death remain the unsolved problems of all time. The Shepherd Philosopher, who three thousand years ago, upon the Syrian plains contemplated the decree of fate, was as wise, perhaps, as the wisest of today. He knew only as we know that man takes with him nothing except that which he has freely given away, but that even death may not despoil him of the riches of service and self sacrifice. There is a grandeur in towering mountains rising summit until their tops are mantled in snow; there is a grandeur in the prairies extending league on league in undulating beauty as far as human eyes can see; there is a grandeur in old ocean when the Storm King rules supreme and piles waves mountain high, but the grandest thing of all is a good man or a good woman, humbly walking in the paths of Duty as they conceive it, under the guidance of whatever spiritual vision has been given them, trusting others, giving of heart and giving of service, giving out what joy they may, receiving gratefully what affection others may give them, and so preparing themselves and so far as their influence goes, aiding others to shape their lives as living stones for that "spiritual building, that house not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens", and so Brother Sol E. 'Vaggoner, having done his duty throughout life, rests under the benediction of his Masonic Brethren and will live 'in t.he memory of this Home as long as accurate history of good deeds, efficiently done, is written of the members of our Frat~rnal Order. Micah's summary of man's duty might well be his epitaph. "Doing justly, .loving mercy, serving reverently his God". W. A. CLARK, ARCH A. JOHNSON, '\T. S. CAMPBELL, Committee. W. W. MARTIN.

At a Full Board meeting, April 10, 1929, Brother Martin was elected President to fill t.he vacancy caused by the death of Brother Waggoner.



A pp endi.t路,



Brother Rice died June 6, 1929. Brother Rice was connected with the Home as Physician and as a member of the Medical Staff for many, many years.


Dr. D. Frank Rice, for eight years physician in charge of the Masonic Home of Missouri, died at his residence in St. Louis, on June 6, 1929. In his passing a gentle an<i useful life is closed.

To make a lasting record of his faithful services to the Masonic Home "and of the high esteem in which he was held by all who were associated with him, is but his due. Dr. Rice was born in the State of Michigan, July 24, 1863, and after graduation from the University of Michigan in the year 1885, he obtained his M. D. degree from the University of Louisville at Louisville, Ky., and from Sloan's Maternity Hospital in New York City. For forty years he practiced medicine in St. Louis; where he was a member of the Medical Society and during which time he was also a Fellow of the American Medical Association. Dr. Rice possessed, in a high degree, the qualifications that have ever marked the outstanding figures in his profession; patient, earnest and sympathetic in administering to the needs of his patients, he had the peculiar faculty of convincing them of his sympathy and interest, and by his quiet forcefulness encouraged the afflicted to forget their ills and look upon the brighter. side of life. His services to this Home were not confined to the treatment of the sick, for he was faithful and efficient in his duties of passing upon applications for admission, always careful to guard the Home against admission of those, whose physical or mental condition rendered them ineligible. Thoroughly imbued with the spirit of our Fraternity that supports and maintains this great charity. he would exert every




effort to serve the deserving; but where he thought imposition was being put upon us, he was equally steadfast in opposition. We may truly say of him that he served the Craft, his profession and this Home with devoted zeal and faithfulness that endeared him to the members of the Home Family and its management, all of whom deeply mourn his death. Be it resolved that a copy of this resolution be spread upon our records and that a copy hereof. be presented to his family. ARCH A. JOHNSON, T. 'V. COTTON, Committee. DR. SOLON CAM ERON.

On July 10, 1929, Doctor Cameron was elected Physician of the Home, to take .the place of Doctor Rice. Doctor Cameron is not only a prominent Physician of St. Louis, but also a prominent Freemason, serving this year as one of the District Deputy Grand Masters of the Thirty-third District. From the date of the death of Dr. Rice until the election of Doctor Cameron, Doctor F. L. Morse very kindly looked after the medical needs of the Home. For years Doctor Morse has been on the Medical Staff of the Home and has been very generous with his time. W. S. CAMPBELL.

. Brother Campbell was elected May 8, 1929, to fill the vacancy the Trustees of the Endowment Fund.



Brother Reynolds was appointed May 8, 1929, to fill the vacancy on the Executive Committee. ORESTES MITCHELL.

Brother Mitchell was appointed May 8, 1929, to fill the vacancy on the Finance Committee. H ERMAN MAUCH.

Brother Mauch was elected a member of the Board of Directors, .July 10, 1929, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Brother . Waggoner.




The Advisory Board has been very active during the past year, supplying the linens and furnishings as they were needed. Every piece of furniture, all of the bedding, towels, rugs and much other equipment that have been bought for the Home throughout all of the years have been purchased by the Eastern Star, through the Advisory Board. They respond most gladly to every call and are always seeking ways of serving the Home. The Board of Directors and the management are fully aware of the fine work they are doing and are deeply grateful for the help and service. IN CONCLUSION.

In the past year ninety-two came into the Home. The net . increase this .year is not large for two reasons; twenty-three children have gone to live with their relatives, and. there have been fifty-three deaths,but the Horne is so badly crowded that it would be impossible to take care of a large increase. Every Mason of Missouri should take advantage of every opportunity to visit the Home. We are doing a great work. We are taking care of a big family, and the only way that they can fully know the magnitude of the task and the needs of the Home, is to pay a visit to the Home and see for themselves. May the blessing of Almighty God be upon our Home and all who are helping in any way to make it a Home, is my prayer. Fraternally submitted,

w. 'v. MARTIN, President.


1929. ]


REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE MASONIC HOME. FROM SEPTEMBER 1. 1928, TO AGGUST 31, 1929. September 1, 1928, balance on hand


RECEIPTS. GrandSecretar:v, Per Capita Tax Grand Secretary, O. E. S., Per Callita Tax.... Trustee's Interest................................ Treasurer's Interest...... Miscellaneous.....................................


$169,166.91 19,255.00 35,237.33 4,790.74 13,201.18 241,651.16


D!SBlJRSEl\lEr-;TS. Provisions.......... . $98,313.33 Dry Goods and Clothes 7,861.77 Fuel, Ice, Light and 'Vater........ 17,967.27 Salaries....................... 15,734.66 ':vag-es 33,594.58 Direetol's, Grand Lodge Officers and Advisory Board, attending Boal'd meetings. 2,096.31 Laundry..................................................................... 2,654.97 Hospital Supplies.................... 2,209.79 Insurance 11,875.36 LegaL ,.................................... ],100.00 Car fare for members of Home Family.. 1.240.00 lntel'est paid to Donon; of Bonds................. 2,775.00 Telephones........................... 535.95 Maintenance.............. 3,274.48 Auditing Fees......... 337.50 Miscellaneou:> 18,317.09 Transferred to Children's and Adults' Account. 1,992.74 Transferred to Improvement Fund...... 15,000.00

$431,] 39.84


236,880.80 .$] 94,259.04

Available balance August 31. 19:!!l .. ]~ITIATION

September ], 1928, balance on hand Receipts from Grand Secretary. TI'ea:-;urer's Interest .

]路'lJND. .



Masonic Home Endowment Fund


$ 30,580.00 54.25


30,634.25 31,097路.fi6 5,200.00

.................. - ....

$ 2fi,897.56 IMPROVEMENT Fl;ND. September 1, 1928, balance on hand.............. ..$ 16,939.00 From General Fund $ 15,000.00 Treasurer's Jntcl路est......... 258.86

Disbursements August 31, 1929, balance






32,197.86 11.641.70 $ 20,556.16







~et~~i:s~do~r~~n~egce~~;~.~~:~::::::::..:::..::::::::~~~~:::::.::: ~::: $ 2 3 ~:~ ~~: ~ ~



Disbursemen ts __ Transferred to Improvement Fund...

$221,887.02 15,000.00

241,643.33 $431,146.06


Balance on hand, August 28, 1929

236,887.02 $194,259.04


~:t~:;:~~d:~.0~a~~~c~1f:f;:~·:·~·:·.·.·.~·.~·.~·.~·:··:~·.::·~·:·:.::::. : : .:.:.:·::·.·$···iO:5~~:g~····$ 30,634.25

Transferred to Endowment Fund


$ 25,897.56

IMPROVEMENT FUND. Balance on hand, Aug-ust 28, 1928 Interest on Daily Balances $ 258.86 Transferred to Improvement Fund............... 15,000.00 $ 15,258.86


30,634.25 $ 31,097.56 5,200.00


Balance on hand, August 28, 1929 .........


$ 16,939.00


$ 32,197.86 11,641.70


Balance on hand, August 28, 1929


$ 20,556.16

Respectfully submitted, W. S. CAMPBELL, Treasurer. REPORT OF AUDITOR.

September 12, 1929. To the Board of Directors, Masonic Home of -Missouri, St. Louis; Missouri. Gentlemen: In accordance with instructions received, we have examined the books of the Secretary, Mr. Clarence L. Alexander, for the fiscal year ended August 31, 1929, and have checked his statements on the General, Initiation and Improvement Funds therewith.




We have also checked the statements of the Treasurer, Mr. W. S. Campbell, on these funds, and have verified the balances at August 31, 1929, by obtaining certificates from the depositaries as to cash balances and by examining the securities forming part of these funds. We have also examined the securities in the Endowment Fund and have obtained a certificate 路from the depositary as to the cash balance in this fund. The following is a summary of the Endowment Fund at August 31, 192!J: Real Estate Loans Federal Land Bank bonds Joint Stock Land Bank bonds.. U. S. Liberty Loan bonds................ Rice estate Rife securities Erdhaus estate Comstock estate Comstock estate bonds in default......... Cash in First National Bank in St. Louis.......

$369,632.40 151,702.68 90,000.00 97,000.00 4,600.00 6,000.00 500.00 59,973.30 2,500.00 38,376.49 $820,284.87

Respectfully submitted, PERKINS & COMPANY, BREMEN BANK.

September 5, 1929. Masonic Home of Missouri, 5351 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sirs: In answer to your request of the 4th, we wish to state that the balance to the credit of Masonic Home of Missouri, as of the close of business August 29th, was $5,556.16. Trusting this information will be satisfactory, we are Very truly yours, A. P. BIEGER, AHB-SMT Assistant Cashier. TELEGRAPHERS' NATIONAL BANK. St. Louis, Mo., September 5, 1929. Mr. W. \V. Martin, President, Masonic Home of Missouri, 5~51 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri. My Dear Sir: This is to certify that there was on deposit with this bank,on




checldng account, 'at the close of business, August 29, 1929, to the路 credit of the Masonic Home of Missouri, on Initiation }<'und Account, a balance of Nine Hundred Eleven Dollars and Twenty-seven Cents ($911.27), which balance included $18.23 interest credited on that date. Very truly yours, H. B. O}<-'FENBACHER, ALL. Vice-President. TELEGRAPHERS' NATIONAL BANK. St. Louis, Mo., September 5, 1929. Mr. W. W. Martin, President, Masonic Home of Missouri, 5351 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri. My Dear Sir: This is to certify that there was on deposit with this bank. on checking account, at the close of business, August 29, 1929, to the credit of the Masonic Home of Missouri, on General Fund Account, a balance of Thirty Thousand Seven Hundred Fiftyfive Dollars and Thirty-one Cents ($30,755.31), which balance included $68.21 interest credited on that date. Very truly yours, H. B. OFFENBACHER, ALL. Vice-President. TELEGRAPHERS' NATIONAL BANK. St. Louis. Mo., September' 5, 1929. Mr. W. W. Martin, President, Masonic Home of Missouri, 5351 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri. My Dear Sir: This is to certify that there was on deposit with this bank, in our Certificate of Deposit Department, at the close of business, August 29, 1929, to the credit of the Masonic Home of Missouri, the following: 12 Mo. Cert. Dep., dated 11/ 2/28 $10,000.00 10,000.00 12 Mo. Cert. Dep., dated 8/ 8/29 12 Mo. Cert. Dep., dated 8/13/29................ 5,000.00 Very truly yours, H. B. OFFENBACHER, ALL. Vice-President.

1929. ]


AppendÂŁ.'v. FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN ST. LOUIS. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 5, 1929.

Mr. W. W. Martin, President, Masonic Home of Missouri, 5351 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Certificate of Balance.

This is to certify that at the close of business, August 29, 1929, the balance standing to the credit of Masonic Home of Missouri, St. Louis, Mo., Endowment Fund, according to our records, was Thirty-eight Thousand Three Hundred Seventy-six Dollars and Forty-nine Cents ($38,376.49). FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN ST. LOUIS, F. J. Hollocher, Ass't Auditor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN ST. LOUIS. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 5, 1929. Mr. W. W. Martin, President, Masonic Home of Missouri, 5351 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Certificate of Balance.

This is to certify that at the close of business, August 29, 1929, the balance standing to the credit of Masonic Home of Missouri, St. Louis, Missouri, General Fund, according to our records, was One Thousand Forty-six Dollars and Six Cents ($1,046.06). FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN ST. LOUIS, F. J. Hollocher, Ass't Auditor. MASONIC HOME ENDOWMENT FUND. First mortgage and real estate note~ Federal Land Bank bonds . Joint Stock Land Bank bonds . U. S. Liberty bond:'! . Rice estate securities . Rife secul'ities . Erdhaus estate securitieH . Comstock estate sccul'ities.... . . Comstock estate securities (doubtful value) ..... Cash in bank .

................ $369,632.40 151,702.68 .............. 90,000.00 !l7,OOO.00 4,600.01) 6,000.00 500.01) 59,973.30 2,500.00 38,376.49 $820,284.87




GIFTS TO THE-: ENDOWMENT FUND AS FOLLOWS: .. $ 35,114.00 Knights Templar Fund . 13,150.00 .Tames L. KirkendalL. .. 11,730.00 W. S. Smith Fund . 5,000.00 T. W. Higgins Fund . 1,665.74 James W. Harris Fund . 1,117.60 Masonic Home Certificate Fund 500.00 Ferdinand Herrold Fund.................................. . . 1,000.00 John B. Croshaw Fund .. 1,000.00 Jacob F. Gemlich Fund . 3.000.00 Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons Fund . 2,500.00 Grand Chapter Royal and Selected Masters Fund . T. W. Cotton l<'und . 1,000.00 1,000.00 Orville A. and Maria Haynes Fund . 5,000.00 A. M. Hough Fund . Jacob Lampert Fund .. 30,000.00 Mrs. E. Wurz Fund . 500.00 Adolph Gluck Fund.... . . 500.00 Parralle Massengale Fund.. . . 806.60 Mrs. Lillie L. Fletcher Fund . 1.000.00 Frederick A. Logan Fund. 500.00 Robert Elliott Black !<'und. . . 1,000.00 Nathan Schloss Fund........... . . 932.83 2,067.9] A. P. Christianson Fund........ . Rice Estate . 51,096.35 Hugh Hartshorn Fund . 2,327.75 Wm. Pamprin Fund . 1,000.00 Morgena Peterson Fund .. 500.00 Otto E. and Mrs. Grant Howard Fund .. 1,000.00 General Fund . 128,749.0~ Julius C. Garrell Fund .. 1,000.00 War Relief Loyal Service Fund.............. . . 7,107.50 James W. Boyd Fund.................................. . . 500.00 Ararat Temple, Kansas City, Fund . 500.00 Mrs. Willie A. Woods Fund .. 3,000.00 Grotto and Shrine Fund . 17,056.95 Morris and Ella Leftwich Fund . 1,800.00 Mrs. May Lynch Fund . 1,000.00 A. P. Fletcher Fund . 1,000.00 Frank Beecher Fund........................ . . 1,442.48 A. M. Dockery Fund . 1;000.00 Edward H. Meier Fund . 500.00 \Vm. H. Potter Estate Fund.................... . . 13,305.50 J. C. Jacquith Estate Fund..................... . . 19,122.61 Initiation Fund . 246,700.00 Nicholas R. Wall Fund . 500.00 Abraham Palan Fund . 584.70 . Bonds from a Friend of the Home, sold fOL . 52,218.7:> Maggie Nicholson F'und .. 550.36 Louisa Yott Fund . 500.00 Gustav Bischoff Fund .. 500.00 W. L. Tamme Fund .. 550.00 Erdhaus Estate-secured and unsecured . 7,665.32 Henry T. Kilpatrick Fund . 2,000.00 Wm. A. Hall Fund . 500.00 Heny Siegfried . 1.000.00 Edward Meyer . 500.00 \J,548.75 Chas. V. B. Slade . ]4,!ln.1il Robert F. Stevenson . 1.1 05.14 Glen Marquis .. 1.000.00 Frank L. Schofield . 528.00 D. M. Wilson.............. . . 3,40;).09 Mary E. Clapp.............. . . 7.500.00 Samuel Rife . . 2,500.00 E. C. Robinson .

1929. ]



B. S. Schwarz.......... . . Brocket A. Dickeson.... . . Geo. l<~. B e r g f e l d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarah B. Coffman . Samuel A. Gluck................................. . . Charles Reilly . .. Wellston Lodge No. 613 . Richard Sinclair . Karl Bakrow : . Robert Lungstrass . June Lee Cotton . St. Joseph Chapter No. 198 O. E. S . Marcus A. Lovey .-............. . . Sam Pian .. \V. J. Scherck . Myrtle Lodge No. 338 . Ludwig Katany . Charles E. Koken . Phillip Stremmel. Jr....... . Boor Fletcher . Alphonzo Whipple . A. Bolin Fund . M. A. Covey Fund . William F. Kier Fund . .Tohn T. Short Fund .. Paul Keiser Fund .. .Tohn Olivers Fund..... . .. J. M. Darrow Fund . T. W. Pritchett Fund .. Annie Martin Fund .. Comstock Estate Cash .. Comstock Estate Securities . Comstock Estate (securities doubtfUl value) . .Tulia C. Norton Fund . Fred Hahn . The Endowment Fund has increased the past year . William F. Kier Fund $lO.OOO.OO Hugh Hartshorne Fund.................................... 477.75 John T. Short Fund................... 200.00 Paul Keiser Fund...................................... 2,000.00 R. F. Stevenson Fund........................ 1,000.00 John Olivers Fund...... 371.36 J. M. Darrow Fund....................... 5,000.00 T. W. Pritchett Fund.... 1,000.00 Annie Martin Fund......................... 259.98' Comstock Estate Cash..................... 10,607.31 Comstock Estate Securities................ . 59,973.30 Comstock Estate Securities of doubtful value....................................................... 2,500.00 Julia C. Norton Fund................................................ 200.00 l<~red Hahn Fund.... 1.000.00 Initiation Fund.. 5,200.00

692.83 1,000.00 500.00 465.89 200.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 286.00 250.00 450.00 70.00 100.00 46.00 310.95 200.00 300.00 137.40 400.00 100.00 400.00 25.00 10,000.00 200.00 2,000.00 371.36 5,000.00 1.000.00 259.98 10,607.31 59.973.30 2,500.00 200.00 1,000.00 99,789.70



St. Louis, Mo., August 28, 1929. To the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home: Your Finance Committee begs leave to make the following report:




Your Committee, accompanied -by the President and Secretary, and Public Accountant, met at the Mississippi Valley Trust Company in St. Louis, Missouri, on August 28, 1929, and checked the securities belonging to the endowment fund, and found the securities as follows: First mortgage real estate notes . Federal Land Bank bonds . Joint Stock Land Bank bonds U. S. Liberty Bonds . Rice Estate securities . Rife securities . grdhaus estatesecul'ities . Comstock estate securities . Comstock estate securities doubtful value Cash in Bank .. TotaL

...........$369,632.40 151,702.68 90,000.00 97,000.00 4,600.00 6,000.00 500.00 59,973.30 2,500.00 38,376.49


... $820,284.87

We find that President W. \"1. Martin has installed a very splendid accounting system, which wiII be of great benefit in properly caring for this fund. Respectfully submitted, T. W. COTTON, ORESTES MITCHELL, Committee. REPORT OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.

Kansas City, Mo., August 31, 1929.

Mr. W. lV. Marlin, President, Masonic Home, 5351 Delmar Blvd., St. Lom's, Missouri. My Dear Brother Martin: We submit the following as a report for the Executive Committee of the Masonic Home Board for the Masonic Year now drawing to a close: During the year the Committee had six different meetings, one in each month November and December, 1928, February, March, May and August, 1929. There was no meeting during October, 1928, for the reason that the full board, at its meeting after the adjournment of the Grand Lodge during the last week of September, did not consider the business of the Home required the Executive Committee to meet. This, of course. was in the interest of economy.

1929. .1

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To go into detail in regard to every matter considered by the Committee would require a very lengthy repott. You and the Board of Directors have been fully informed in regard to the Committee's actions by the reading of its records at the full board meetings. However, we feel that it may be interesting to state that at the meetings of the Committee ninety-four applications for admission into the Home were received and given thorough consideration. Of this number, thirty-seven were admitted and twelve denied admission, thus making forty-nine cases finally disposed of by the Committee. The reason for denying admission to an applicant appears in our records, it not being necessary to state them specifically in this report other than to say the Committee was influenced by what it considered to be the best interests of all concerned. The other forty-five were continued for further information and action by the full Board. Fourteen members of the Home Family were discharged, the principal number being on request by friends or by the Lodges from whence the applicants came. During the year no major improvements or contracts for the improvement of the Home were let. The necessary repairs, paint, ing, etc., for the preservation of the property have all been given the necessary consideration, and permission granted to the President, as a general rule, to have the work required done at the most economical figures obtainable. In this connection it is suggested that the expenditures during the coming year will far exceed those of last year. The Home Family is gradually increasing in number, being now four hundred and four, and has about .reached the capacity of the accom modations. It, therefore appears that the facilities must be increased to a considerable extent in the near future. This, of course, will be taken care of by the Eoard as conditions demand, but it seems now that the improvements should consist of additional stories to some of the buildings which are capable of carrying them. As a possible plan has been tentatively considered and ~ill be before the Board at its meeting in the latter part of September, it is 110t considered necessary to make any specific recommendations. The general conditions at the Home during the last year have been satisfactory and the members of the Family, in the main, have been happy. They, as well as the members of the Home Board, were somewhat disturbed and much grieved by the 'loss, March 15, 1929, of our President, Worshipful Bro. Sol E. \Vaggoncr,




who had been clos.ely connected with the Home in the capacity of director since 1891. In October, 1913, he was elected President. Five years later he assumed the duties of Superintendent in connection with those of Preside.nt, and took up his residence at the Home. This, of course, brought him in close personal touch with the different members of the Home Family and his passing away was a great loss to them. His departure from among the living left the Family, in a way, without a father. In due course, the Board elected you as President and it is believed that the former happy condition of the Home Family has been restored. The loyalty and devotion to the best interests of the Home Family by the Advisory Members of the Board from the Order of the Eastern Star still continue. Without these representatives the Home :F'amily would be much like a private family without a mother. Too much cannot be said in regard to their sincerity and helpful ministration. While nothing of outstanding significance has been accomplished by them during the year, the greatest thing possible to do has been given close attention by them in supplying the little things that tend to make life more pleasant, such as may be said as giving a cup of cold water, or visiting the sick. Fraternally yours, R. R. KREEGER, Chairman. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT.

September 2, 1929. Mr. W. W. Marhl, Presidellt, Afasonic II owe Board, St. Louis, Missouri.

Dear Sir and Brother: I came to the Home May 1, 1928, as Superintendent, so have served the Home just sixteen months. During that time I have become quite well ,acquainted with the Home Family, and the needs of the Home. Probably, my touch with older members has become the more intimate, and I find many of them quite appreciative and interesting to work with, and trust I have been a help and some comfort to them as .individuals. The Home sustained a sad loss by the death of Bro. Sol E. 'Waggoner in MarcIl. When I came to the Home, a director told me he would be a real father to me, and that just about expresses

1929. ]

A Ppcndi.'l:.


the relation that existed between us, so I feel his passing quite seriously. We had our second loss by death in the passing of Dr. D. F. Rice. Our relation and work was such that I have missed him much, and often think of our work together. I will- not give any figures and statistics on the year~s work, as they will appear elsewhere in the report. On behalf of the management and members of the Home Family, I wish to express our appreciation and thanks to the Christmal? Committee, and .all others who have given so freely of their time in various ways to make it pleasant for us. Fraternally submitted, CROCKETT HARRISON, Superintendent. REPORT OF ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE.

Mr. W. W. Martin, President of the Mas01lic Home. St. Louis, Missouri. Dear Sir and Brother: Your Administration Committee has endeavored to keep in touch with the affairs of the Home during the last year, and we are happy to report splendid co-operation in all departments. The Home Family seems happier than ever. The Administration suffered a great loss in the death of our late President, Brother Sol E. Waggoner, but since reorganization, affairs are now moving along smoothly. We have given 'considerable thought to the makeup of the official force of the administration, and we believe that it is a useless expense to maintain a separate office with the title of Superintendent, and therefore recommend the abolishing of that office at the next session of the Grand Lodge, and that thereafter the affairs of the Home be administered by the President in conjunction with the heads. of departments under his supervision. We are confronted with a building progr3;m. The old ladies' quarters are full, and the quarters of the boys of high school age, . nearly so. Space is needed for library, assembly rooms, gymnasium and work shop room for the boys and girls, and the hospital quarters need enlarging, and we recommend that the Board take




early' action in enlarging buildings, and llroviding needed additional equipment. The administration building is at present receiving a much needed coat of paint in the interior. Altogether, we are well pleased with the present administrative condition of the Home, which would be much easier to handle, however, were it not for the crowded condition. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) ORESTES MITCHELL, Chairman. REPORT OF HOUSE COMMITTEE.

St. Louis, Mo., August 31, 1929.

Mr. W. W. Martin, Pres路idcllf, 1I1asollic H omc, St. Louis. Missouri.

Dear Sir and Brother: Herewith report of your House Committee for year ending August 31, 1929. The Home Family consists at this time of 128 women, 141 men, 76 girls and 59 boys, making a total of 404 persons. The net increase in our family for the year has been 4. Among our old people we have lost by death 53. This is a very low rate, considering that the average age of our adults is 75 years. For the first time in our history, we have lost during the present year two children; one as the result of an emergency operation, and the other was a child who was not at all well when admitted to the Home. The women's quarters are badly crowded at this time, in fact there are 7 women no\y on the waiting list for rooms. Our nursery department is functioning very satisfactorily, and we have in this department 3 children, all three years of age. It has been the plan of the Board this year more than ever before to get away from the institution idea and make our Masonic Home a home in the true sense of the word, for th'~ comfort and pleasure of the old members; and the comfort, pleasure, education and building of character [or the boys and girls. For the information of the Craft at large we want to say that every aqult, before being admitted to the Home, must give,




deliver and transfer to the Home as its absolute property, all of his or her property. This rule, however, does not apply to minors, as the Home has never taken property from them, but holds it in the nature of a curator and delivers it to the minor on his or her majority. All minors, while in the Home, attend the public schools of SL Louis. In this way our children receive a splendid education up to and including high school, and on the whole take high rank in their school work. Before leaving the Home, as far as is practicable, the management secures suitable positions and good homes for the children. The Christmas Committee, representing the various Lodges and Bodies in St. Louis, brought this year much cheer and comfort to the members of our Home by its generous gifts and many other activities. In addition to this Committee, a number of Chapters and Lodges and many individuals have given generously of their time and money to bring sunshine to our children and old people alike. The Advisory Board of the Eastern Star has been constant and efficient in meeting with the Board of Directors and in giving both time and money toward the comfort and pleasure of the Home Family. For the \Vork accomplished this year by this Committee, the Chairman wants to give special credit to the Vice-Chairman, Bro. W. S. Camp.bell, who has acted as Chairman throughout a large portion of the year. Due credit should also be given to Brother Wielandy as a member of this Committee and to Sister Bader of the Advisory Board, who has at all times met with the Committee.. Our sincere thanks are extended to those Lodges, Chapters, Bodies and persons who have added to the cheer and comfort of the members of our family this year with their money and time. The family is larger than ever before and the affairs of the Home are in every way satisfactory. The death of the President, Brother Waggoner, on the fifteenth day of March, 1929, was a heavy loss and a great shock to all of us, but we are very happy to announce that he was succeeded in the office of President by Bro. VV. 'V. Martin, who has already demonstrated an efficiency which marks him as destined to become one of the best Presidents the Home has ever had. We congratulate the Craft and Board of Directors alike, in having Brother Martin as the head of the Home. The Home also lost Doctor Rice, who passed away on the




sixth day of June, 1929. The Board elected as his successor Dr. Solon Cameron, who is in every way suited to the position. Fraternally submitted, J. S. McINTYRE, Chairman House Committee. HOSPITAL REPORT.

St. Louis, Mo .. August 31, 1929.

W. W. Martin, P1'esidenl, Masonic Home of Missouri. Dear Sir and Brother: I herewith submit the usual tabulated report of the cases treated in the Masonic Home Hospital during the past Masonic year. Doctor D. F. Rice died June 6, 1929. I was elected Home Physician July 10. I have, therefore, had less than two months' time to study the needs of the Hospital. I desire, however, to call your attention to the crowded condition of our Hospital and hope that in the near future some way will be found to overcome this difficulty. We have an excellent corps of nurses and the patients are all well cared for. We have also very splendid assistance from the members of the Medical Staff. 81 . Total patients in the Hospital at beginning of year.................... Total patients admitted during the year.......................................... 499 Total patients treated during year.................................................... 580 Total patients discharged during year............................................. 498 Total Patients in Hospital at end of year...................................... 82 Total patient days in HospitaI... 32,562 Average patients per day ,......................................................... 89 Average daily employes and nurses.................................................. 22 Contagious cases 41 Out patients' cases treated 23,119 Fraternally submitted, SOLON CAMERON, Home Physician.


1929. .1



Mr. W. W. Martin, President, Masonic I-{ome of Missouri, St. Louis, M1路ssouri. Dear Sir and Brother: The plan adopted some years ago, whereby the Legal Committee o'f the Home Board handles the routine matters calling for the services of an Attorney, has worked very satisfactorily. By pursuing this course we have avoided the expense of a regular paid Attorney for the Home and have only been required to employ counsel in a few instances to represent the Home in matters pending in court. We believe that the legal affairs of the Home are in excellent condition. The following form may be used by anyone desiring to make a bequest to the Home: WILL.

KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that I, . of sound mind and disposing memory, do make, p.ublish and declare this as and for my last will and testament, hereby revoking any and all wills and testaments by me heretofore made. FIRST: It is my will and desire, and I hereby direct that all my just debts, including the expense of my last illness and funeral be paid in full. S}<~COND: I give and bequeath unto the Masonic Home of Misscuri, a corporation organized and existing under and in pursuance of the laws of the State of Missouri, the sum of.. _ .. Dollars.

(Testator may also insert such other provisions in his will as he sees fit.) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day of , 19 .. Signed, sealed. published and declared by the above named ................................................ Tes路tator, in the presence of us, who at his request, and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto on this day of ...........................: : , 19 .




At the time of the signing of same the said Testator was of sound and disposing mind.


According to the law of our State, it is absolutely necessary that the signature of the testator be witnessed by two witnesses. Respectfully, ARCH A. JOHNSON, JOSEPH S. McINTYRE, ORESTES MITCHELL, THOMAS H. REYNOLDS, Committee. . LETTER TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM THE MATRON OF THE CHILDREN.

The l)ast year has brotight us many changes. Our Heavenly Father saw fit to call from our midst Brother Sol E. Waggoner, President of the Home, and Doctor Rice, the Home physician. The children felt the loss keenly. We know that "God doeth all things well" and when He took Brother Waggoner to his final reward, He did not forget the need of the Home and gave to us a President who is kind and generous; a true Christian who will inspire the old and young to do greater things and walk closer in the footsteps of Jesus. My part of t.he family feel that they are most blessed to have Brother Martin as the head of our Home. They nre also happy to have a noted physician (Doctor Cameron) to take up the work of Doctor Rice. The shoal work for the past year was above the average. Three finished High School, one boy and two girls and each one is striving for a higher education. One will enter Washington University, one business school and the other Washington University School of Nursing (Barnes Hospital). Two of our girls finished business school and are now holding good position~. Many of our children enjoyed a vacation with relatives, in fact, more were away this summer th~n in past years. Those left at home carried the burden of the work of the Home and at the same time enjoyed many pleasant outings, shows, rides and most or all the swimming pool. The bahies in our nurse:y continue to be the :mnshine of our Home.

1929路1 .



The homecoming, the first of June, was quite a success. Mor2 than a hundred former members of the Home Family attended. It was a real pleasure to see them meet and visit with their old playmates. The entertainments for the Home seem to grow each year and it would be impossible to give full credit to those who have so generously given their time and money to make us happy. We cannot give enough praise to our O. E. S. Advisory Board. They are ever ready and willing to meet the requirements of the Home. As the Family grows, the needs increase and the Board has been most generous in meeting the additional demands. I wish to extend to the members of the Board, the House Committee and Advisory Board, my deepest gratitude for the help given me. I am truly grateful for every kindness. Fraternally, 'VILMOTH WALLER, Matron. LETTER TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM THE MATRON OF THE OLD PEOPLE. .

Afr. W'illia1l1 W. Martin, Preside/lt. Masollic Home of Miss01lri. Another year has passed; a year of many changes.

Mr. Sol

Eo Waggoner, President of the Home for many years, and Doctor

D. F. Rice, physician in charge for eight years, have been called to rest. Mr. William W. Martin and Doctor Solon Cameron, both so capable, have taken up the work. Old people members of the Home Family number 269; men, 141; women, 128. 83 are in the hospital and need constant care. The general health is good, due to careful attention given by Doctor Cameron and Mrs: Miller, Superintendent of Nurses. Many of the old people are having vacations, others are enjoying shady lawns and Home comforts. The Home has been remembered in many ways the past year. 'Ve wish to thank the Christmas Committee for gifts on Christmas Day, shows,watermelon parties, chicken dinners and money donations. We also wish to thank Pilgrim Lodge, the Ma!'>ters' and Wardens' Cluhs, the Order of the Eastern Star for entertainment O. E. S. day, January 1, with donations of money and other gifts, the Past Matrons' and Past Patrons' Club of St. Louis for enter-



. [Sept.

tainment during the year, also Job's Daughters and the DeMolays. We thank the Past Matrons' afid Past Patrons' Club of Kansas City for gifts on New Year's Day. Mr. A. S. Dexheimer gave to each old lady a box of handkerchiefs, a box of candy and one dol路 Iar, and to each old man a pair of slippers and one dollar. I wish to thank the President and Board of Directors for advice and kindness at all times, and I will work for the comfort and contentment of the old people and the good of the Home. Fraternally, LUELLA McCUE. St. Louis, Mo., August 31, 1929. REPORT OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE.

Mr. W. W. Marti1~, President, Masonic H 0111e of Missouri, St. Louis, Missouri. Dear Sir and Brother: The members of the O. E. S. Advisory Board congratulate you upon your election to the office of President of the Masonic Home Board, and rejoice with the Fraternity because of this election. We shall ever路 cherish a fond recollection of your predecessor, the late Brother Sol E. Waggoner, and feel that our lives were made richer because of having had路 him for a friend and councellor. We wish you success in the fulfillment of the many and arduous duties attending your new post of service, and hold ourselves in readiness to assist in every way we can to accomplish that which is for the best interests of the Home and its family. It is a privilege and pleasure to serve the Grand Chapter as its representatives in this great work, and to render a yearly report of what we have done. Our last review told of the completion of the beautiful new Chapel which was dedicated and turned over to the Masonic Home, 'l'uesday, September 25, 1928, while Worshipful Brother Anthony F. -Ittner was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M., and Sister Georgia S. Bondurant was worthy Grand Matron of the Grand Chapter, O. E. S. of Missouri. This was a proud and happy occasion, the culmination of a great. accomplishment, the realization of a mighty ambition, and

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the lifting of a responsibility from the shoulders of the three women who were serving.during the building of this Chapel. Today we are happy to report that aside from paying every bill in connection with this undertaking, and keeping up all requisitions, we still have money in the bank. The voluntary contributions received from Chapters and Clubs since September 1, 1928, amounting to about $8,500.00 and from the Grand Chapter $10,000.00. This latter, added to the per capita tax paid direct to the Home, makes a grand total of $29,256.75 from the Grand Chapter of Missouri. It is impossible to estimate the valuation of gifts, such as quilts, aprons, fruit, jellies, preserves, cakes, candy, toys and so forth, that ar~ being constantly sent to the Home through the O. E. S. and Clubs within the Order. These donations represent not only a large sum of money; they express the love, interest and a desire to help to make others comfortable and happy. We appreciate the confidence placed in us by the Chapters throughout the State, and endeavor to merit their approval, as well as that of your Board, in. whatever we do in behalf of the Home. The gracious courtesies, helpful suggestions and kindly encouragement given us by all concerned in the welfare of the Home, make our work a pleasure and a benediction. As we note the increasing number of applications that come before you for consideration, and know the limit of space for housing the applicants, we realize the need of expansion, which will mean an enlarged field of labor for us. It will be our purpose to be ever ready to meet the demands, and we are confident that the O. E. S. of Missouri will never fail to support us in this work. May you and your co-workers be blessed with health, strength and wisdom as you minister to those who come within the Masonic Home household, is the sincere wish of the members of the O. E. S. Advisory Board. Yours fraternally, (Signed) ELLA JEAN FLANDERS, President, MRS. EDITH V. BADER, Secretary, GEORGIA S. BONDURANT, Treasurer.





NAME Amanda M. ROush . Mary P. Dudgeon . Louis A. Wagner . Mrs. Caroline V. Arthur... Wm. H. MaxwelL. . Hester A. Maxwell . Minnie A. Henley . Catherine Ellis . Mrs. Frances Roebuck . Edgar C. Bilyeu . Mrs. Fannie Stulce . Chas. A. Morrison . Alex. Hazen . Harriett McArthur . Mrs. Mary R. Boyd . Mrs. E. Hatfield . Susan Adams . Sylvester E. Smith . Chas. T. Arthur . John W. McCanne . David T. Martin . Elmer E. Brown . Mrs. Ann Jane Hogan . Mrs. Ruth Williamson . Thomas B. Moss . Charles Gantz . Sanford H. Spence . Thos. Isaac Barnes . David Y. Morris . Chas. Amos Reed . Chas. Goldstein . Davie Smith Leslie . James H. Tillman . Lillian Rivers . I.ola Marie Chambers . Sarah E. Schofield . Edw. L. LeaL . Eliza P. Kirkham . Eliza J. Jones . James W. CraiL. . Laura Venable . Albert M. Smilie . Irene Z. Smilie . Mildred Clifton . Mrs. G. E. BelL . Mrs. Anna R. Fodrea . Evaline Clifton . Earnestine Schlissinger. John R. Vechil.. . Robert D. Vechil.. . 'Valter P. VechiL """'" Juliet T. Trigg . Mrs. Anna F. Stevens .. Mary J. DonnelL . Alma G. Stapleton . Earle Eo Smilie . Hazel M. Branson . Katherine L. James .


Agel Admitted 90 77 94 85 96 89 72 74 84 49 74 82 76 83 83 74 80 84 70 83 81 68 79 86 88 73 82 85 82 83

i I

IDee., IJan., INov., ISept., IFeb., ISept., IMay, ISept., IDee., IJan., IApril, IOct., INov., IDee., IApril, IJuly, INov., IDee., IJan., IJan., IJune, INov .. INov .. IJan., IMarch, IAug., ISept., I·June, IOct.. IDee., 72 IDee.. 81 IOct., 80 IFeb., 21 IMarch, 13 IMarch, 82 IJune, 81 IAug., 77 IDee., 76 IMarch, 83 !May, 68 !.July, 13 ISept., 12 !Sept., 14 ISept., 1i0 ISept., 64 IDee., 15 IDee., 74 IJan., 15 IMay, 13 IMay, 121May, 90 IMay, 8'6 !June, 76 IOct., 13 INov., 14 ISept., 15 INov., 77 IDee.,



1890 Wilson

No. ..

~~~~ ~~~Se;~~·i·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· ..·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· 1910 1911 1911 1912 1912 1912 1913 1913 1·913 1913 1913 1914 1914 1914 1914 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1916 1916 1916 1916 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1918 1918 1918 1918 1918 1918 1919 1919 1919 1919 1~19

1919 1919 1919 1919 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920

HannibaL . Linn . Linn . Polar Star . Beacon . Carthage . Iberia .. Sullivan Ch, O.E.S.. Lexington , Trenton . Keystone . Ferguson Ch. OES.. Barbee Ch, a.E.s . Good Hope . Mt. Moriah .. Rowley . Jacksonville . Hamilton . Mt. Moriah . Anchor . OccidentaL . Joachim . Beacon . Ozark. . Sullivan . Cyrene . Grand Lodge . St. Louis . Fairmount . United "" Elvins . Adair ! .. CrafL . Golden . Linn Creek . Ava .. Agricola . Rose Hill, O. E. S . DaggetL .. DaggetL . St. John . Fulton . Tuscan, O. Eo S . St. Johns . Napthalia . Trenton . Trenton . Trenton .. Regina, O. E. S . 'Vest Gate . Jefferson . Forest Parlc . Daggett . Leba non . Bellefontaine OES



191 IPocahontas 47 IFayette 1 1St. Louis 188 IHannibal 326 ILinn 326 ILinn 79 1St. Louis :l 1St. Louis 197 ICarthage 410 lIberia 105 ISullivan 149 ILexington 111 ITrenton 243 1St. Louis 188 IFayette 31 1St. Louis 218 1St. Louis 40 1St. Louis 204 IDearborn 541 IJacksonville 224 IHamilton 40 1St. Louis 443 !St. Louis 163 1St. Louis 164 IHillsboro 3 iSt. Louis 297 IFair Grove 69 ISullivan 14 IEolia 1St. Joseph 20 1St. Louis 290 IWyaconda 5 ISpringfield 5!)9 IFlat River :l66 IKirksville 287 ICanton 475 IGolden City 152 ILinn Creek 26 lAva 343 IPetersburg 120 1St. Louis 492 IMcKittrick 492 IMcKittrick 28 IHannibal 48 IFulton 68 1St. Louis 28 IHannibal 25 1St. Louis 111 ITrenton 111 ITrenton 111 ITrenton 41 IHardin 445 1st. Louis 43 IJefferson City :,78 1St. Louis 492 IMcKittrick 77 ISteelville 6n 1St. Louis

1929. ]


.4ppendi.r. ROSTER OF THE HOME FAMILY-Continued.



Age I Admitted

Catherine J. Key 93 Marie Edna Boyle............ 17 Doroty Elsie Boyle 15 Ruth E. Boyle _..... 12 James Boyle__ 11 Geo. H. PaschalL............ 8'2 Fannie W. HalL _ 68 Jesse F. Stone _._ 20 Deloris E. Stone................ 15 Halane A. Stone _.... 12 James W. Moore 83 Doris King 17 Joseph P. Livesay __ .. _ '" 78 Roberta L Stark_............. 16 Mary Helen Stark __ 14 David Wayne StarIL._.... 13 Margaret MoiL .'_.. 78 Charles P. Grissom .. _ 13 Edna Grissom _.. _ _. 16 Earl Herbert Ryan _. 14 Alvin Drummond............. 78 Lawrence Victor McFall 11 Geo. W. Chittenden....... 76 Mrs. Flor. L. McIntyre.... 77 Mrs. R. A. Pethebridge. 67· Robt. W. Saunders __ .. 79 John ·W. Medley_ __ .. 74 Bertha Taylor.. ..__ .. __ 14 Margaret May Smith __ .. __ 13 Robt. Ross Smith .. __ _.. 10 Elizabeth West.. __ 71 Wm. H. Remsen __ 73 Florence E. Reynolds __ ._ 16 Katie Whitwell .__ ·21 Bernice Whitwell 17 Leila WhitwelL.............. 15 Georgia WhitwelL......... 11 Andrew J. Journey __ 83 Albert F. Morris.............. 71 Josie McCallister __ .. 69 Wm. R. White __ 60 Wm. R. Townsend __ __ .___ 77 Tone Townsend................. 71 James A. McFarland __ .. 70 Fred Stone __ __ .__ .__ 8 Altony N. Corbin __ 16 Zada N. CrowelL............ 13 Arthur F.- CroweIL. __ __ 11 James F. Crowell.. 9 Edwin Lee Ryan. __ . 12 Philip Henry Ryan. __ ... __ 9 John H. Matthews............ 77 Thomas J. Wilson 93 Mary A. Kidder................ 84 John M. Johnston __ 70 Rose M .•Tenkins.............. 70 Myrtle H. Riley __ .........__ .. 15



No. I





IFeb., IApril, IApril, IApril, IApril, IApril, I·July, IAug.• IAug., !Aug., IJuly, [Sept., 10ct.• 10ct., 10ct., 10ct., IDee., \l'''eb., IFeb., 1J:<'eb., IMay, \July, IAug., IAug., ISept.., IOct.• IOct.. IDee., IJan., IJan., IMarch, IApril, IJune, ]April, IApril, IApril. IApril, lJuly, IAug., ISept., IOct., IOct., IOct., INov., IDee.. IJan .. IJan., IJan., I.Tan., IFeb., IFeb., IMarch, [May, IMay, IJune, I.Tune. IMay,


1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 192~

1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924

Lebanon __ . Meridian _ Meridian _ __ Meridian _. Meridian _ .. Gate City __ __ .. Oriental, O. Eo S. __ .. Pine. __ __ _ .. Pine _ _ Pine __ __ . Rising Sun __ .__ Reacon _ _.. _ . Paris Union __ .. Grand River __ Grand River __ Grand River __ .. __ .. __ . Star of West.. .. __ West Gate .. __ .. West Gate. __ .. :\1iami.. .. __ .__ . :-J'eosho...... .. .. Hickory HilL __ .. Gate City ,__ I.'uscan _ West Gate __ .. :.Iemphis_ __ _. Jochim. __ _ .. Sampson __ __ .__ __ I~ast Gate .. __ . _ __ East Gate .. TroweL .. __ .__ WestporL __ .. __ ... __ ._ Maple__ . Pine_ .. __ __ . Pine __ .. __ ._ .. Pine .. __ __ __ .. Pine ... __ .. Palestine __ .. _._ Forsyth __ . Palestine.__ . Palestine __ __ Whitesville __ .. __ .. __ Whitesville __ .. Hermon __ .__ .. Pine.... __ _. __ __ lilmo.. __ .. Magnolia.__ __ __ Magnolia __ .. Magnolia __ .. Miami. __ __ . ;\liami.. __ .. F'our Mile .. Plato;. __ __ __ .. Hesperia, O. E. S .. Fellowship __ ........ .. Carl Junction .. .. Daggett... __ .... __ .. ...


77 iSteelville 21St. Louis 21St. Louis 21St. Louis 21St. Louis 522 IKansas City 228 1St. Louis 314 IBardlev 314 IBardley 314 IBardley 13 IBarry 31St. Louis 19 IParis 276 !Freeman 276 IFreeman 276 IFreeman 133 IIronton 445 1St. Louis 445 1St. Louis 85 IMiami 247 INeosho 211 !Eugene 522 IKansas City 360 1St. Louis 445 1St. Louis 16 IMemphis, Mo. 164 IHillsboro 298 ILutie 630 IKansas City 630 !Kansas City 440 IMarble Hill 340 IKansas City 623 INeelyville 314 !Bardley 314 IBardley 314 /Bardley 314 IBardley 241 1St. Charles 453 IForsyth 241 1St. Charles 241 1St. Charles 162 IWhitesville 162 IWhitesville 187 ILiberal 314 IBardley 581 Immo 626 1st. Louis 626 1St. Louis 626 1st. Louis 85 IMiami 85 IMiami 212 !Campbell 469 IPlato 172 IKansas City 34fi IJoplin, Mo. 549 ICarl Junction 492 IMcKittrick






I Age I Admitted



I No. I I


E. Gertrude James..........

Mary E. Kelso . Mary E. McCoy . Frederick Henry Curtis Teddie Miller Curtis . Drusilla E. Jones . Mercedes Bel"lin . Ada Berlin .. Edw. Philip Koehler .. Silas B. Ballard . Alexander CampbelL . Mrs. Rose Laumand . Clara Lou Smith . Sterling Price HilL . "\Vm. Henry .Jones . Harriet W. Symonds .. John Hoover . Owen B. Hudson . Effie M. Holmes . .James K. P. Ragland . Ruth Holmes _ . May Holmes . Hertial Ford . l~dna Ford . Burnett Ford . Mildred Vernice Ford .. John P. Kelso . Edwin H. Pease . Sallie K. Bowen . McDaniel CottrilL . Hattie Cottrill . Virginia CottrilL . Malindah Stephens """ . Margaret S. Kipp . Robt. H. Smith . Frances R. Smith . Alexander J. Dehart.. . Olive E. Teed . Belle H. Dean Catherine A. VanDover.. .los. H. VanDover .. Helen VanDover . Doris J. VanDover . Elizabeth Kirkpatrick . Geo. W. BramhalL . Francis M. Johnson . Ray A. Bonnot, Jr . .James T. Craighead . Herman O. Stevens . John T. Trabue . Addle Woodson . James "\\T. Tate Ella C. Tate........................ Abram Trigg.....................

58 IMarch, 1924 Riverview, O. E. S . I . 90 IJuly, 1924 .I oplin .. 1924 Laddonia 76 IJuly, . 1924 "\Vakanda_ 14 IAug., . 10 IAug., 1924 Wakanda . 1924 Sonora 79 ISept., Centralia.. . 1924 13 ISept., . 1924 Centralia 64 ISept.. . 1924 Sullivan.......... . 10 JOct., Pollock . 78 INov., 1924 . 1924 Ashlar 69 lDec., . 1924 Cornerstone 77 INov., l~ast Gate . 1925 8 IJan., . 1925 Moscow Mills 67 IJan., _ . 1925 .JeweL. 78 IJan., Polar Star . 1925 72 IJan., . 1925 Criterion 81 IJan., 192-5 Centertown . 80 IJan., Vienna.. _ . 1925 55 IJan., . 1925 Maplewood 83 IFeb., 192:) Vienna .. 20 IFeb., . 1925 Vienna 17 IFeb., 1925 CardwelL _ . 14 IApril, . 1925 Cardwell 11 IApril, 1925 Cardwell . 8 IAvril, 1925 CardwelL. 8 April, . 1925 Kirkwood _. 76 IMay, 1925 Kennedy 75 IMay, . 1925 Orient Ch. O. E. S .. 68 IMav. 1925 Cl ark ton 15 IJune, .. 1925 Clarkton 13 I.June, . 1925 Clarkton . 11 IJune, 1925 Golden............ 73 I,June, ~ 1925 Butler . 94 IJuly, 1925 Trilumina 83 1•.June, ' . 1925 Trilumina _ .. 72 IJune, 1925 Grant City . 81 IAug.• 1925 Golden Gate 78 IAug., Chapter, O. E. So. I 79 IAug., 1925 Barnes Chapter, O. E. S . I Fen ton . 1925 16 ISept., _ . 1925 Fenton 13 ISept., . 192.5 Fenton 12 ISept., _. 1925 I<:en ton 10 ISept., 1925 Dexter ,.. 82 ISept., . 1925 Hartford 72 ISept., 192') Seaman . 63 IOct.• 1925 Gate City . 10 IOct.: 1925 La Monte _ . 80 INov., 1925 Sheffield . 74 !Sept., 1926 St. Johns . 76 IJan., 1925 New Madrid 70 IDee., Chapter, O. E. So.. I 1926 Ravenwood . 74 IJan., 1926 Ravenwood . 67 IJan., 1926 Nelson 80 IFeb., .




315 335 115 52 52 200 59 5')

69 349 306 323 630 558

180 79 586 611 94 566 94 94 23] 231 231 231 484 329 491 248 248 24.8 475 254 205 205 66 58

252 281 281 281 281 532 171 126 522 574 625

28 293 201 201 560


IHermann IJoplin ILaddonla ICarrollton ICarrollton IWatson ICentralia ICentralia ISullivan IPollock !Commel'ce 1St. Louis IKansas City IMoscow Mills IPleasant Hill 1St. Louis IAlba ICentertown IVienna IMaplewood IVienna IVienna ICardwell ICardwell ICardwell ICardwell IKirkwood IElmo IKansas City IClarkton IClarkton IClarkton IGolden City IButler IMarshall IMarshall IGrant City I IKansas City


ICabool IFenton IFenton IFenton IFenton IDexter IHartford !Milan IKansas City ILa Monte IKansas City IHannibal I INew Madrid IRavenwood IRavenwood INelson



1929. ] ROSTI~R



NAME Lawrence J. Brumm Lewis W. Siler.~ Mary A. Cruce................. Homer Nestor DuvalL.. Wm. Chester DuvalL...... Mary Frances DuvalL.. Julius Haas John C. Bowman.............. Geo. R. Swiggett.. Wm. L. Starr Martha A. Starr............. Wm. J. HilL Chas. A. Simmonds Edith Poston........................ Bertha Poston................... Roy Walter Poston.......... Robert Earnest Poston.. Helen Ruth Poston........ Lucius P. Nolan Wallace M. Rucker Eugene Hackett................ Alfred M. Fisher Rhoda A. McComb Wm. Rigdon Mrs. Anna Pickett Sarah E. Howard Eno. E. PowelL.............. Wm. Taylor Botts Dorothy M. Hartman..... Joel D. McAlister............ Emma B. McAlister....... Robert C. Veach.............. Ida M. Johnson................ Donnis Mae Bricker Margaret A. Craig......... Lalla C. Winningham.... Alice Winningham......... Wm. T. Winningham...... Richard L. Holmes Victoria E. Bryan Mary Eo Carty .Tanet Carty, Wm. J. Carty Lida E. Lewis Wm. L. King Wm. L. Baker.................... John R. Webber.............. Mary C. 'Vebber Bettie Batts James C. Calloway......... Annie HenkeL.................


Agel Admitted I I 1926 52 IFeb.. 1926 86 IJan.. 1926 76 IFeb., I 17.1Feb., 1926 13 IFeb., 1926 9 IFeb., 1926 路 74 IFeb.. 1926 79 IApril, 1926 74 IFeb., 1926 65 March, 1926 65 IMarch. 1926 60 IMay, 1926 82 IMay, 1926 16 IMay. 1926 14 IMay, 1926 12 !:i\1:ay. 1926 9 !May. 1926 5 IMay. 1926 72 IJuly. 1926 74 I.Tuly. 1926 72 IJuly, 1926 51 IAug., 1926 81 IJune, 1926 78 IJune, 1926 72 !Aug., 1926 RO IJune. 1926 57 ISept., 1926 81 IOet., 1926 12 IOct., 1926 72 IOct.. 1926 71 IOet., 1926 77 IOct., 1926 64 !Oct.. 1926 16 INov., 1926 86 INov., 1926 16 IDee., 1926 13 IDee.. 1926 11 IDee.. 192fi fi!) I,Jan.. 1927 75 1Jan., 1927 16 I.Tan., 1927 14 lJan., 1927 10 IJan.. 1927 71 IFeb.. 1927 ]3 lFeb., 1927 8 IFeb.. 19.27 83 IJan., 1927 72 IJan., 1927 81 IDee., 1926 72 IMarch, 1927 75 lMarch. 1927


Jullus L. Martin Willa Massena

73 IJan.. 75 IApril,

Mary 'V. Tinker

75 IApr'il,




Chari ty . Weston .. Crescent Chapter, O. E. S . Be rtran d . Bertrand . Bertrand . Perseverance . Polar Star . Bosworth .. Mercer . Mercer . Caru thersville . Fairmon t . Whitewater . Whitewater . Whitewater .. Whitewater . Whitewater . Tuscan . Moberly . Carterville . Arcana . KennetL . Lowry City . Sturgeon . Aurora . Perseverance . Moberly .. Beacon . Perseverance . Perseverance . Rowley . St. Johns . Zeredatha . Bridgeton . Joppa . .Toppa . .Toppa . Vienna . Paris Union . Greenville . Greenville . Greenville . Itaska . Beacon . Su II ivan . Mt. Moriah .. Mt. Moriah .. Hale . Howard . Beacon Chapter, O. E. S . 1927 Saxton . 1927 Golden Gate Chapter, O. E. S ... 1927 Occidental Chapter, O. E. SOo'







331 1St. Joseph 53 IWeston


21 ISpringfield 330 IBertrand 330 IBertrand 330 IBertrand 92 ILouisiana 79 1St. Louis 597 IBosworth 35 IPrinceton 35 IPrinceton 461 ICaruthersville 290 IWyaconda 417 ILaflin 417 ILaflin 417 ILaflin 417 ILaflin 417 ILaflin 360 1St. Louis 344 IMoberly 401 ICarterville 389 IHarris 68 IKennett 403 ILowry City 174 ISturgeon 267 1St. Louis 92 ILouisiana 344 IMoberly 31St. Louis 92 ILouisiana 92 ILouisiana 204 IDearborn 28 IHannibal 189 1St. Joseph 80 IBridgeton 411 IHar'tville 411 IHartville 411 IHartville 94 IVienna 19 IParis 107 IGreenville 107 IGreenville 107 IGreenville 420 1St. Louis 31st. Louis 69 ISullivan 40 1St. Louis 40 1St. Louis 216 IHale 4 INew Franklin I 256 1St. Louis 508 ISaxton


58 IKansas City


185 1St. Louis I







Age I Admitted I

Elmer E. Boling .. Ellen V. McCormick .. Louise A. HulL .. Frederick H. Harrington Sarah Bolton.... __ .... __ .. Robt. C. MitchelL. __ .. Wm. R. Thomas . Charles Ehrengart, Sr .. Helen M. Vaile . Homer H. Vaile . Melvin L. Vaile .. Robt. A. Smock .. Margaret Turley __

68 76 67 84 75 80 74 83 12 10 7 69 78

Nellie Bauer .. Lewis Lait.. __ . Bertha M. Spaethe " .. Frank S. Trimble . Marie E. Trimble .. Marjory Trimble .. Willis 'V. Trimble_ .. Mary Ann Shocklee_ .. Cora B. MadilL . Chas. W. Norwood . Mary Allee Porteous .. Almina Frederick . Mrs. Lester O'NeaL . James A. Rucker .. Henry O'Sullivan __ Jno. Wm. Combs .. Mary Noland .. Everett Noland .. Paul Noland .. Floyd T. Smith _ .. Claude H. W. Smith_ _ .Tessie May Smith __ .Teannette M. Kramer .. Jevita A. Kramer .. Charles E. Lamb .. Leverett N. Harker . Robert J. BeIL __ .. vVllliam McCammon.-- William A. Campbe,ll.. Nels P. Hansen __ ..

67 72 69 1il 12 8 4


IApril, IApril, IMay, JMay, IJune, IMay, JJune, !,July, IJuly, IJuly, IJuly, \,July, IJuly,

1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927

l,July, IJuly, IJuly, IAug., IAug., lAug., IAug., 74 IAug., 6il IAug., 83 IAug., 2 % IAug.. 80 IJu]-..路. 75 IJul~路. 72 ISept., 75 [Sept., 87 ISept., 1 fi ISept., 13 ISept., q ISept., 12 ISept., 9 ISept., 6 ISept., 13 ISept., 12 ISept., 56 !Sept., 95 JOct., n IOct., 69 IOct., 81 JOct., 76 IOct., I Richard D. l<'allis .. 84 INov., John Y. Stone __ 83 INov., Geo. E. Stucky . 73 INov., Winfield Colvin . 68 JOct., Helll'y Wm. Koehler . 4 INov.. Edward J. Galloway .. 12 INov., Eleanor A. Brundage_ .. __ 73 INov., Mrs. Hallie .J. Lee .. 66 INov., I Aaron F. 'Vard .. 80 INov., Agnes D. Grant.. 59 IOet., I Anna .T. Eldl'ed __ 7!l INov., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--:.'

1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927


1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927



, I



Rose HilL............. 550 1St. Louis Anchor _._. __ .. 443 1st. Louis Tuscan __ 360 1St. Louis Aurora __ .. , . 267 1St. Louis Williamsburg...... __ 8 IvViIliamsburg La Plata .. __ 237 ILa Plata Charity 331 1St. Joseph West Gate .. _ 445 1St. Louis Lockwood __ 521 ILocl,wood Lockwood 521 ILockwood Lockwood _ 521 ILocl{\\!ood Puxico 596 IPuxico Vincil Chapter, I _ o. E. Soo._...... _ 43 IBonne Terre Anchor, O. E. So... 54 1St. Louis RuraL _ 316 IKansas City Tuscan __ .. __ .. _ 360 1St. Louis Magnolia 626 1St. Louis Magnolia __ .... 626 1St. Louis Magnolia __ .. _.. _ 626 1St. Louis Magnolia. __ .... 626 1St. Louis Silex _ _ 75 ISilex Lambskin_ _ 4liO 1St. Louis SouthwesL_ __ .. 466 ISouthwest City Occidental .. _.. __ 16:~ 1St. Louis Bevier, O. E. S.__ __ 289 IBevier Irondale. .. . 11:~ IIrondale Huntsville..... 30 IHuntsville CardwelL .. __ 231 \Cardwell Ralls_ 33 ICenter BarnetL................... 5!J1 IBarnett BarnetL 591 IBarnett BarnetL __ .... 591 IBarnett Four Mile_ .. __ .. 212 ICampbell Four Mile .. .. __ 212 ICampbell Four Mile .. .... 212 ICampbell St. John's __ __ .. 28 IHannibal St. John's _ .. 28 !Hanllibal CrafL...... __ .. 287 ICanton Chillicothe __ __ .. 3::13 IChillicothe Cornerstone..... 32:{ 1St. Louis United .. __ ..... ___ 5 ISpl'illgfield Magnolia_____ 626 1St. Louis Gate of the I Temple. __ ... .__ . 422 ISpringfield Joplin ._. 3:l5 IJoplin Pine __ ...... __... 314 IBardley Maplewood _ __ .... 566 IMaplewood United __ ... __ .__ 5 ISpringfield Sullivan .. __ .. __ .__ __ 69 ISullivan Temple.... __ ....... __ .. 299 IKansas City Kansas City.. __ .. 220 IKansas City Maplewood, I 0. K S........ 264 IMaplewood Lick Creek....... 302 JPerry Geo. 'Vashing路ton. I 0. E. S....... __ ... __ .. 3:'1~ 1St. Louis l';minence I --'-O--'-._E_',-'-. -'S:..:....'--.._.._.._--_..-'------_ .._.._.__ !l_~_I_C_~_I_路t_h_~_g_e _




ROSTli;R Ol!' THE HOME FAl\flLY-Continued.


Agel Admitted



Mrs. Lucy Presson __ .. __ ...... 72 IDee., l\Jrs. Sophie E. Phillips__ 65 IDec., Mrs. Caroline G. Hansen.. 72 l.Jan., Mrs. Ada .J. Douglas . Mrs. Ella McCoy . Mrs. Sallie A. Lee . Alice A. Baker . Rosa Lee Baker . Sarah Bell Baker . Mrs. Mattie A. Yost . .Jacob Wybrow . Mrs. Frances Hamilton .. Mrs. Ann E. Ramsey. Mary Hequembourg . Mrs. Kate R. Skaggs . Locke B. Osborne . Theodore F. Ternetz . Ethel T. Ternetz . Elijah L. Tredway . .John W. Dennis . 1\1rs. Sarah D. Dennis . Miss Ella B. Welsh . M. Price Willis . vVm. A. Gordon . Ruby Brooks . Elzora Brooks . Fay Brooks ""'" Mrs. Lettie M. Edgar . Mrs. Mary E. McDougalL Augustine Rohning ..... .James T. Archambeau.' . Mrs. Mary E. Castle . lVII'S. Kate B. Snyder . Lodiedell H. Scobey . George .J. Ruppertt.. . Edgar M. Dingle . Margaret A. Dertler . David B. Lowenstein . Edwin S. TeaL . Mrs. Flora .J. Prigmore Anna M. Baty . John D. Baty . Thomas M. Tudder . Mildred Brooks . Ruth Tumbleson . .John F. LasswelL . Mrs. Marg. .J. Rodgers .. Earl B. Kellogg .. Frances May Ruppert . Anna E. ScotL __ .. Delpha I. Scott __ . Marie Sommer __ . Preston E. Manville . Charles E. Reid . Ethea L. Reid . Mattie Smith






1927 3ertrand 1927 Mt. Moriah 1928 Gat.e of the

l.Tan., IOct., l.Jan., IFeb., :) IFeb., 3 IFeb., 83 IF'eb.,

1928 1927 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928

7fi 76 84 75

1927 1928 1928

6'1 75 60 11


IDee., IFeb.,路 IFeb., I 77 IFeb., 70 7 5 89 68 6fi 60 66 71 8 7 5 73 74 80 87 80 65 73 50 74 12 75 73 76 11 8 91 11 62 77 65 72 15 14 12 70 8



192fl 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928


. 330 IBertrand 40 1St. Louis

Temple .. Barbee, O. E. S . RuraL .. __ , . East Gate, O. E. S . Sullivan . Sullivan __ . Sullivan .. Tuscan . Friendship __ . Granby __ . Tyro, O. E. S . :\laplewood. O. E. S __ . Clayton, O. E. S.. Cleveland . Good Hope .. Good Hope . Chula . Higbee __ . Higbee __ . Rose Croix, O. E. S. Cambridge . Moberly . Hornersville .. Hornersville . Hornersville . Perseverance . ~as.t Ga~e, O. E. S.. '.Jorm thlan __ __ . Lick Creek. __ __ Missouri.. . Venus, O. E. SOo''' __ Malden .. __ __ .. Independence __ . Moberly __ . Novinger . Rural. . Cen tertown . United __ . Monett . Monett __ Kennedy . Hornersville . Sabylla O. E. S .. Four Mile .. Rose HilL .. Warren . Independence.. __ . Composite .. Composite __ . Barbee Ch. O.E.S .. Saxton . Friend __ . Friend __ ..

IMarch, IMarch, !Feb., IMarch, !March, IApril, IMarch, !May, IMay, IMay, IMay, IMay, May, l.June, IJune, luune, IJune, IJuly, l.July, IApril, l.July, IJuly, IJuly, l.July, IAug.. IAug., IAug., IAug., IAug., IAug.. IAug., IAug., IAug., IAug.. !Aug., IJune, IAug., 72 IAug., 71 IAug., I 1928 Vinci!.. 77 IAug..



__ .. __ ..

422 31 311l 367 69 69 69 3fiO

89 514 321 264 304 651 218 218 388 527 527 372 63

344 215 215 215 92 367 265 302 1

153 406 76 344 583 316 611 5 129 129 329 215 276 212 550

74 76 369 369

31 508 352 352


ISpringfield 1St. Louis IKansas City IKansas City ISullivan ISullivan ISullivan 1St. Louis IChillicothe IGranby ICaledonia


!Maplewood IClayton ICleveland 1St. Louis 1St. Louis IChula IHigbee IHigbee 1St. Louis ISlater !Moberly IHornersville IHornersville IHornersville ILouisiana IKansas City !Warrensburg IPerry 1St. Louis 1St. Louis IMalden IIndependence IMoberly INovinger IKansas City [Centertown ISIJringfield IMonett IMonett [Elmo [Hornersville IBismarck Il'ampbell 1St. Louis iKeytesville IIndependence IDoniphan IDoniphan ISaint Louis ISaxton IOzark IOzark


62 ICanleron






Age I Admitted I I Richard F. Robinson . 85 IAug., 1928 1928 Wilhelmina Scott.. . 84 ISept., 1928 Paul J. Ragland . 64 ISept., Mary S. Barker . 69 ISept.. 1928 William Baum . 66 ISept., 1928 1928 George H. File . 79 ISept., 1928 Franklin A. Archibald . 72 ISept., Cornell Curtis . 6 ISept., 1928 1928 William C. Fee . 71 ISept., 1928 Mary E. Fee . 63 ISept., Orinda Eddy . 70 ISept., 1928 1928 Josephine Maddox . 65 ISept., Betty Jane Ward . 1928 4 INov.• John Byrd Ward . 2 INov., 1928 Minnie Windhorst.. . 80 INov .• 1928 James W. Ellington . 83 INov., 1928 William V. Murdock . 55 INov., 1928 Julia L. Whitemore . 76 INov., 1928 Elizabeth Thornham . 84 ISept., 1928 Mildred M. Swift . 12 INov.• 1925 Charles A. Swift 1925 10 INov., Emma Jean SwifL . 1928 8 INov., Robert DeVall Swift.. . 6 INov., 1928 1928 James L. Smart : . 68 IDee.. James P. Knisley . 84 INov.. 1928 1928 Elizabeth M. Turley . 70 IDee., Pleasant L. Freeland . 77 IDee., 1928 Esther E. Allen . 75 IOct., 1928 Edward T. Joyce . 73 IJan .. 1929 Lavinia G. Hale . 67 IFeb., 1929 Margaret A. ShendaL . 83 INov., 1929 1929 Samuela. Shields . 80 IFeb .• Thomas B. Whitworth. __ 80 IFeb.• 1929 Virginia E. McCanne . 76 IFeb .• 1929 George Ira Lane__ .. __ . 47 IJan .. 1929 1929 7 IApr., .John Bryan Marshall, Jr. Emily Jean MarshaIL. __ . 1929 5 IApril, 1929 Richard M. MarshalL. . 3 IApril. 1929 Daniel L. Bradshaw . 75 IApril, 1929 Joseph B. Gathright... __ .. 75 IApril, Etna A. Dixon __ __ . 69 IMay, 1929 Sarah F. Porter.. . 89 IMay, 1929 1929 James C. MitcheIL __ __ . 70 IMay. Robert H. Duncan __ 76 IMay. 1929 Annie L. Askin ... 64 IMay, 1929 William P. McCollom . 80 IMay, 1929 Annie McCollom.... . 68 IMay, 1929 'Villiam ,V. Ba<lon . 83 IJune. 1929 Joseph E. Wood . 80 IApril, 1929 .Tames T. Alexander.. .... __ . 78 IJune, 1929 Edna Montague __ . 72 IMay, 1929 Maria J. Mills __... 74 IJune. 1929 1929 Wilma M. Langendoerfer 7 IJune, Ruel L. Langendoerfer__ . 5 IJune, 1929 Edward Langendoerfer.. 1929 4 IJune, Hartwell Davidson . 15 !June, 1929 Owen H. Loyd__ __ . 11 IJuly, 1929 Bonnie June Loyd __ __ 1929 8 IJuly, Donnie Mae Loyd __ __ .. 1929 6 IJuly, NAME




Chula __ __ .. __ Meridian __ . Paris Union . Memphls .. __ . United .. . Jasper __ __ . Purdy __ .__ . Wakanda.. __ .. Ewing .. ".' Ewing .__ . Un ionville __ Saint Joseph O.E.S. Lakeville . __ Lakeville __ __ . Tuscan. __ __.. __ . Point Pleasant.. . Arcana. __ .. __ . Chilhowee O.E.S . MissourL . Reeds Spring __ Reeds Spring.. . Reeds Spring .. Reeds Spring . Pollock __ __ . Kirkwood --- . Itaska. __ .. Fal rv iew. .. __ .. __ . Zeredatha __ . Saint Marks __ .. Mount Moriah __ .. __ .. Occidental O.E.S . Grove Springs_ . Bismarck .. __ .. Censer __ . Ivanhoe . Hebron . .. _..__ .. .. Hebron __ .. Hebron __ .__ . O'Sullivan __ .. . Appleton City ... Mount Moriah.. __ .. __ Ivanhoe. __ __ . . R.alls . . Nodaway__ .._ .. West Plains O.E.S.. Unionville. . Unionville..... .. Anderson __ .. .:.. .. Hebron ..... .. ..... East Gate __ Temple .__ .. York __ .. Chamois . Chamois . Chamois __ . Athens __ . Gate City __ __ . Gate City_. __ Gate City .. .

388 2 19 16 5 398 148 52 577 577 210 198 489 489 68 176 389 121 1 280 280 280 280 349 484 420 619 189 93 40 185 589 41 172 446 354 354 354 7 412 40 446 33 4,70, 193 210 210 621 354 630 299 563 185 185 185 127 522 522 522


Residence I I IChula ISaint Louis IParis IMemphis ISpringfield IJasper IPurdy ICarroll ton IEwin g Ewing IUnionvllle ISalnt Joseph IBell City IBell City ISaint Louis IMarston IHarris IChilhowee ISaint Louis IReeds Spring IReeds Spring IReeds Spring IReeds Spring IPollock IKirkwood ISalnt Louis IFairview ISaint Joseph ICape Girardeau ISaint Louis ISaint Louis IGrove Springs IBismarck !Macon IKansas City /Mexico Mexico IMexico IWalnut Grove IAppleton City ISaint Louis \Kansas City Center jMaysville IWest Plains IUnionville IUnionville IAnderson IMexico IKansas City IKansas City IKansas City IChamois IChamois IChamois lAlbany IKansas City IKansas City IKansas City

1929. ]


Appendix. ROSTER OF THE HOME l<'AMILY-Continued.


I Agel Admitted I

4 IJuly, 75 IJuly, 73 IJuly, 85 IJune, 72 !May, 61 IJuly, 53 IJuly, 63 IAug., 85 IAug., 6 IAug., 11 !Aug., I Clarence Goetz.._..._._ ...... _... 11 !Aug., ! I

Henri Albert Loyd.......... Robert M. Petitt.............. Martha E. Pendleton..... Sarah A. Longley............ Joseph A. BonduranL.... Gertrude Kathrens.......... Ida Cox............................._.. Joseph E. Stark............... Emma S. Rakestraw ...... _ Paul Heinie._..._._._............... Lavern Goetz........ _.............

1929 1929 19'29 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929




Gate City................. 522 IKansas City Morehouse................ 603 !Morehouse Knob Noster.......... 245 [Knob Noster 48 lFulton Fulton ....................... South Gate.............. 547 IKansas City Heroine..................... 104 IKansas City Constellation OES. 382 !Palmyra Erwin __..__ .................. 121 ISaint Louis W arren .. __.......... ""'" 74 IKeytesville Seaman....._. __ ._......_._. '126 [Milan Gate of the I Temple.................. 422 ISpringfield I 1929 Gate of the Temple ..._.............. 422 !Springfield


Appendix. AD~flTTED





Age I Admitted I

No. \




Marie Sommer . Preston K Manville . Chas. E. Reid . Ethel L. Reid . Mattie Smith . Richard 1<'. Robinson . Joseph P. Harper . Wilhelmina Scott . Paul J. Ragland . Mary Ba-rker . \Vm. Baum . Geo. H. l<'ile . Franklin A. Archibald . Cornell Curtis . Dennis F. Stream.. . . Wm. C. Fee . Mary C. Fee . Don Weir . Richard C. Weir . James B. Marcus . Orinda Eddy . .Josephine Maddox . Betty Jane Ward . .John Byrd \Vard . Minnie WlndhorsL . James W. Ellington . ""Tm. V. Murdock . Chas. R. Embry .. Julia S. Whittmore . Elizabeth Thornham . Robert D. Swift . Mildred M. SwifL . Chas. A. SwifL . Emma Jean SwifL . James L. Smart . James P. Knisley . Sylvester M. Whitchurch. Sarah M. \Vhitchurch . Timothy B. CarmicaL . Elizabeth M. Tul'ley . Helen Helwig . Samuel C. Blythe . Wm. A. Hensley . Pleasant L. Freeland . Esther C. Allen . May Barrioz . Edw. T. Joyce . Margaret A. ShendaL . George n. Whiteman . Samuel O. Shields . William D. EwelL .. Lavina Hale . Thomas B. Whitworth . Adah Merritt . Virginia E. McCanne . Geo. I. Lane . John Bryan MarshalL . Emily Jean MarshalL . Richard M. MarshalL .

70 7 70 70 76 84 78 83 63 68 64 77 71 5 67 70 61 7 6 60 69 64 3 1 78 82 54 68 75 84 6 12 10 7 67 83 86 84 80 69 82 82 69 76 64 43 72 81 79 79

iMay, IAug., IAug., IAug., IAug., IAug., ISept., ISept., ISept., ISept.. ISept., \Sept., ISept., ISept.. IAug., ISept., ISept., [Sept., ISept., ISept.. ISept., ISept., INov., INov., INov., INov., INov., INov., INov., ISept., INov .. INov., INov., INov., IDec., INov., INov., INov., IDee., IDee., IDee., IDee., IDee., IDee., IOct., IJan., l!Jan., INov., IFeb., IFeb., IDee., IFeb., IFeb., IMarch, IFeb., IMa'reh, IApril. IApril, IApril,



66 79 72 75 46 6 5 3


1928 Barbee a.E.S 1928 Saxton....... . 1928 Fr~end 1928 Friend.... . 1928 Vinci!.. 1928 Chula............. 1928 Laddonia 1928 Meridian 1928 Paris Union 1928 Memphis 1928 Gnited 1928 Jasper 1928 Purdy... . 1928 \Vakanda 1928 Independence 1928 Ewing 1928 Ewing 1928 NortheasL 1928 NortheasL 1928 Graham 1928 Unionville 1928 St. Joseph a.KS 1928 Lakeville 1928 Lakeville 1928 Tuscan O.E.S 1928 Point Pleasan1.. 1928 Arcana : 1928 Keystone 1928 Chilhowee O.E.S 1928 MissourL 1928 Reeds Spring.. : 1928 Reeds Spring 1928 Reeds Spring 1928 Reeds Spring 1928 Polloclc. ., 1928 Kirkwood 1928 Parrott 1928 parrot1.. 1928 Mt. Zion 1928 Haska_.... . 1928 Marceline 1928 Higbee 1928 Joachim 1928 Fairview 1928 Zeredatha .. _ 1929 Rose Hill O.E.S 1929 St. Marks 1928 OccidentaIO.E.S 1929 Temple 1929 Grovespring 1928 Solomon 1929 Mt. Moriah 1929 Bismarck 1929 Memphis_ 1929 Censer 1929 Ivanhoe _ 192.9 Hebron 1929 Hebron 1929 Hebron._

. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..



31 1St. Louis 50'8 ISaxton 352 !Ozark 352 IOzark 62 !Cameron 388 IChula 115 ILaddonia 21St. Louis ] 9 IParis 16 IMemphis 5 ISpringfield 398 IJasper 148 IPurdy 52 ICarrollton 76 [Independence 5i7 IEwing 577 IEwing 643 IKansas City 643 IKansas City 289 IGraham 210 !Unionville 198 1St. Joseph 489 IBell City 489 IBell City 68 1St. Louis 176 IMarston 389 IHarris 243 1St. Louis 121 IChilhowee liSt. Louis 280 \ReedS Spring 280 Reeds Spring 280 IReeds Spring 280 IReeds Spring 349 IPollock 484 IKirkwood 308 IMaysville 308 IMaysvill~ 327 IWest Plains 420 1St. Louis 481 IMarceline 527 IHigbee 164 IHillsboro 619 IFairview 189 1St. Joseph 120 1St. Joseph 93 \cape Girardeau 185 St. Louis 299 IKansas City 589 Grovespring 271 Springfield 40 1St. Louis 41 IBismarck 16 \MemPhis 172 Macon 446 IKansas City 354 IMexico 354 IMexico 354 IMexico I

A ppclIdix.

1929. .1 ADMITTED



Age I Admitted




Daniel L. Bradshaw . Joseph B. Gathright . Etna A. Dixon . Sarah Porter . James C. MitchelL . Robert Duncan . Annie L. Askin . Wm. P. McCollom . Annie McCollom . Joseph E. Wood . Wm. ,Y. Bacon . James Alexander . Edna Mon tague _ . Maria J. Mills _ . Wilma Langendoerfer_ . Paul L. Langendoerfer . Edward Langendoerfer.. Hartwell Davidson _. Owen H. Loyd _ . Bonnie June Loyd . Donnie Mae Loyd . Henri A. Loyd_ _.; . Robert M. Petitt _ . Martha E. Pendleton . Sarah A. Longley . Joseph A. Bondurant . Gertrude Kathrens . Ida Cox _ _ . Joseph Starl< _ . Emma S. Rakestraw . Paul Heinie _ . Lavern Goetz _.. _ _ _ . Clarence Goetz





75 IApril, 75 IApril,

69 S9 71 76

64 80

67 80

82 78 72

74 7 5 4

15 11 8 6 4 75 73 85 72

61 53 63 85 11 11

IMay, IMay, IMay, IMay, IMay, IMay, IMay, IApril, IJune, I'June, IMay, IJune, IJune, IJune, IJune, IJune, IJuly, IJulY, !iJuly, IJuly, IJuly, IJuly, IJune, IMay, IJuly, IJuly, !Aug., IAug., IAug., IAug.,.


6 IAug.,




1'0. I



O'Sullivan _ . Appleton City . Mt. Moriah . Ivanhoe _ . Ralls _ . Nodaway _ _ . West Plains O.E.S.. Union ville _ _._. Unionville._ __ . Hebron _ _ . Anderson_ .. East Gate._ . Temple _ .. York _ . Chamois . Chamois . Chamois . Athens . Gate City .. Gate City . Gate City _ . Gate City _ .. Morehouse .. Knobnoster.. _ . Fulton.__ .. South Gate . Heroine_ __ . Constellation OES. Erwin .. Warren _ _. Seaman . Gate of the Temple . 1929 Gate of the Temple _.. _ .

1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 192!l 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929


7 IWalnut Grove IAppleton City 1St. Louis IKansas City ICenter !Maryville I\Vest Plains IUnionville IUnionville IMexico IAnderson IKansas City IKansas City IKansas City IChamois IS5 IChamois 185 IChamois 127 IAlbany 522 IKansas City 522 IKansas City 522 IKansas City 522 IKansas Ci ty 603 IMorehouse 245 IKnobnoster 48 IFulton 547 IKansas City 104 IKansas City 382 !Palmyra 121 1St. Louis 74 IKeytesville 126 IMilan I 422 ISpringfield

412 40 446 33 470 193 210 210 354 621 630 299 563 185


422 ISpringfield








Lucille Carney.................. Leonard Carney............... John Baker........................ Vernon Ford...................... George K. Harris............ James I. Stark................. Joseph De Jarnett.......... Earnest Kramer............... Alphonso Carty................ Edward T. White............ Amy King.......................... Ruth De JarnetL............ Rachel De Jarnett.......... Ruth Harris....................... Lucy A. Keller.................. Alois L. Bergman............ Raymond Earl White.... Norman Paul Chambers.. George R. Whiteman.... Josephine Stone............... Samuel C. Blythe............ Helen Helwig.................... Alpha Reynolds................ May Barrioz....................... Christine C. McFalL...... Virginia May White...... June White........................ Albert Reynolds............... Emmer J. Cole.................. Don J. C. Wier................. Richard Wier...................

15 11 13 16 12 63 14 14 12 10 18 15 11 8 88 69 13 14 79 22 83 83 18 44 16 14 9 15


I IFeb., IFeb., IFeb., IApril, IJan., Aug., ISept., ISept., IJan., IApril, ISept., ISept., Isept., Jan., INov., !July, IJune, IMarch, IFeb., !Aug., IDee., IDee., IJune, IJan., !July, IApril, IJune, IJune, 74 !Sept., 8 ISept., 7 ISept., I

1919 1919 1927 1925 1927 1926 1925 1927 1927 1926 1928 1925 1925 1927 1926 1927 1921 1918 1929 1921 1928 1928 1923 1929 1922 1926 1926 1923 1928 1928 1928



Crane......................... Cran e......................... Sullivan.......:............. CardwelL ................. \Vebster Groves..... Clay............................ Point Pleasant....... Saint Johns............. Greenville................ Clifton Heights..... Beacon ...................... Point Pleasant...... Point PleasanL..... \Vebster Groves.... Mon trose .................. Beacon ....................... Triangle.................... Adair......................... Temple...................... Pine........................... Higbee...................... Marceline................. Maple......................... Rose Hill O.E.S...__ Hickory HilL. ........ Clifton Heights..... Clifton Heights..... Maple......................... Geo. Washington ... NortheasL ............... Northeast.. ...............

519 519 69 231 84 207 176 28 107 520 3 176 176 84 408 3 638 366 299 314

83 481 623 120 211 520 520 623 9 643 643

II Date of DisCh~rge , I

/Sept., /Sept., INov., Nov., INov., !Nov., INov., INov., INov., IDee., IDee., IDee., IDee., IJan., IJan., IJan., IFeb., IFeb., !APril, April, May, IJune, IJune, IJune, lApril, IJune, IJune, June, \July, IJuly, IJuly, I

1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1928 1929 1929







Albert A. NicoL ............... Eliza W. Nicholson......... Martha A. Johnson ......... Amanda Vest. .....................

69 80 77 83

Briggs P. Sims.................. John W. Settle.................. Henry M. Gregory ........... James M. T. Smith........... Mary F. Sandidge............. James Monroe Sanders.. Martha Ann CrafL......... Frank G. Shocklee.......... Kathlyn Harris ................. George W. Moore............ Thomas N. NoeL.............. Hugh Berlin...................... T. B. Carmical................... Irene Heinberger.............. Henry C. Barto................. Sylvester Whi tch urc.l1.... Lillie Miller........................ James J. Bolton.....:,........ W. P. Davis....................... Sara M. Whi tch urch....... Charles J. Hogan............. Nellie P. MitchelL.......... Nancy E. WadeIL ........... Martha B. Quayle............ Cynthia J. Reynolds ....... Aaron J. Cole.................... Roper F. Gregory............ L ouisa Smith ..................... W. D. EwelL .................... N ancy D. Spradling........ H arold E. Vaile ................. M ary Broomfield............... J ohn W. Duncan.............. M ary Ann Giles............... W illiam A. Hensley........ B elle Hun tington ..............

82 74 77 78 70 82 92 78 10 92



IAug., IJuly, IJan., !Feb.•


INov., IFeb., IApril, IJuly, IMarch, ISept.• /sept.• Aug., IJan., IMarch, 77 Isept., 56 Sept., 80 IDec., 74 IApril, 70 IMarch. 86 INov., 57 IDec., 98 IJune, 83 IAug.• 84 INov., 75 IApril, 78 IFeb.• 84 \Sept.• 83 IMarch, 83 IJan., 82 IAug.• 92 /Jan., 70 INov., 71 IDec., 78 Isept.. 3'72 July, 94 IApril. 77 ISept., 78 IFeb., 69 IDec., 79 April,


1920 1927 1927 1923 1916 1926 1925 1927 1925 1920 1917 1927 1927 1917 1926 1924 1928 1926 1923 1928 1925 1927 1917 1928 1925 1922 1911 1924 1923 1928 1920 1916 1928 1911 1927 1924 1923 1924 1928 1923

192!l 1928 1923 A dah Merri tt. ..................... 73 !March, 1929 E lIza Marvin ...................... 84 IIJuly, 1914 C harles R. Embry........... 89 INov., 1928 J oseph P. Harper............. 79 ISept., 1928 M ary A. Abbett.. ............... 91 IDec.• 1920 D ennis Stream.................. 68 IAug.• 1928 J ames M. Fleming.......... 89 IJuly, 1927 L ycurgus F. Lindsey..... 60 IJan., 1928 N ellie Gillespie................... 71 IMarch, 1923 L emuel Bird....................... 78 IMa y , 1928 A manda P. Stout.............

92 IMay. J ames B. Marcus .............. 61 ISept., J oseph S. Swiers.............. 82 IFeb .•


Lodge Temple...................... Osborne..................... Maple......................... Bellefontaine O. E. S ................. Bois D·Arc............... HannibaL................. Four Mile ................ Poplar Bluff............ HaytL........................ Van Buren.............. Crait.......................... Silex..........................·. Webster Groves .... Ada............................. Middle Grove......... Centralia................... 1\fount Zion............. Occidental ................ Tuscan....................... Parrott...................... Polar Star O.E.S...... Williamsburg.......... Vienna ....................... Parrott...................... Tuscan....................... Fayette..................... Keys tone .................. Ballwin ..................... Missouri .................... Geo. Washi·ngton... Summit..................... Hiram ........................ Solomon.................... Mystic Tie............... Lockwood................. MissourL .................. Crescent HilL........ Oriental O.E.S........ Joachim .................... Independence O.E.S...................... Temple...................... Graham ..................... Friend........................ Memphis................... CI into n ...................... Keystone.................. Laddonia................... Loraine...................... Independence .......... Saint James....,.. __ ... Urbana...................... Mount Moriah ........ Hogles Creek. .........


No. I


Date of Death

299 /sept., 317 Sept., 623 ISept.,

1928 1928 1928

69 449 188 212 209 571 509 287 75 84 444 42 59 327 163 360 308 134 8 94 308 360 47 243 435 1 9 263 362 271 221 521 1 386 228 164

1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929

329 299 289 352 16 548 242 115 128 76 230 421 40 279


ISept .• ISept., IOct.• IOct., IOct., INov., INov., IDee., IDee.• IDee.• IDee.• IDec., IJan .• 1,.Tan., IJan., IJan .. IJan., IJan., IJan.• !Feb., IFeb., IFeb., IFeb .• IMarch. IMarch. IMarch, IMarch, IAPril, April, IApril, IMay, IMay, IMay. IMay, IMay, IMay,


IJune, !June, IJuly, IJuly, IJuly. IJuly. IJuly, IJuly, IAug., IAug., IAug., IAug., IAug., IAug., I

1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929

l Sept.





State Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut. Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massacllusetts Michigan Minnesota Missouri.. Mississippi.. Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania !thode Island South Carolina

George A. Beauchamp Harry A. Bachman Fay Hempstead .John Whicher m . W. Cooper \Vinthrop Buck. John F. Robinson J. Claude Keiper Wilbur P. Webster Frank F. Baker Curtis F. Pike Wchard C. Davenport. Wm. H. Swintz Charles C. Hunt Elmer F. Strain Fred W. Hardwick Jno. A. Davilla Charles B. Davis George .cook Frederick W. Hamilton Lou B. \Vinsor John Fishel.. Arthur Mather Edward L. Faucette Luther T. Hauberg Lewis E. Smith Frank D. King Harry M. Cheney .Isaac Cherry Alpheus A. Keen Robt. J. Kenworthy J. H. Anderson Walter L. Stockwell... Harry S. Johnson Wm. M. Anderson D. R. Cheney John A. Perry Harold L. McAuslan O. Frank Hart..


Address Montgomery ,Tucson Little Rock San Francisco Denver Hartford Wilmington \Vashington, D. C. Ja-eksonville Macon Boise Harrisburg Indianapolis Cedar Rapids Topeka Louisville New Orleans Portland Baltimore Boston Grand Rapids St. Paul. St. Louis Meridian Helena Omaha Reno Concord Trenton Albuquerque New York Raleigh Fargo Cincinnati Guthrie Portland Philadelphia Providence Columbia


1929. J


State South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah ; Vermont.. Virginia \Vashington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Alberta British Columbia Canada Chili (at Santiago) Cuba Denmark Eclectic Union Egypt.. England France (National and Independent Grand Lodge of)

163 Address

George A. Pettigrew Sioux Falls Stith M. Cain Nashville W. B. Pearson :.. Waco Sam H. Goodwin Salt Lake City H. H. Ross Burlington James M. Clift. Richmond Horace W. Tyler Tacoma Geo. S. Laidley Charleston Vlm. F. Weiler Milwaukee J. M. Lowndes Casper J. H. W. S. Kemmis Calgary W. A. De Wolf Smith New Westminster \Vm. M. Logan Hamilton, ant. Augustin 1. Palma Santiago Felix V. Proval Perez Havana RasmuR O. Nielsen Copenhagen Philip Hertz Frankfort-on路Main A. M. Younis Cairo Sir P. Colville Smith London )

r Douglas Warne


\ 108 Boulevard Sebastopol.

Germany (National) lreland Manitoba Netherlands New Brunswick New South Wales New Zealand Norway: Nova Scotia

Wm. Wald Henry C. Shellard James A. Ovas A. F. L. FaubeL .John Twining Hartt.. David Cunningham Ueorge Barclay R. Rosenquist.. James C. Jones


Victor Jesurun

Philippine Islands Newton C. Comfort.. Porto Rico Jose G. Torres Prince Edward Island .. Ernest Kemp Quebec W. W. Williamson Queensland (United Grand Lodge of) Charles路 H. Harley

Berlin Dublin 路Winnipeg The Hague St. John Sydney Dunedin Christiana Halifax



City Rep. of Panama Manila, Box 990 San Juan Charlottetown Montreal Brisbane

164 State

Appendix. Name

Roumania Royal York of Prussia G. Mitzlaff San Salvador Tomas Soley Saskatchewan V\7. B. Tate Saxony Rudolph Gottschall Scotland Thomas G. Winning South Australia~ Chas. R..J. Glover Sweden Nils Flensburg Tasmania V\7. H. Strutt.. Three Globes Erich Meyssner United G. L. of Victoria.. William Stewart W'estern Australia J. D. Stevenson York Grand Lodge of ~ 5A. Percival Hughes路路 Mexico, F. & A. M Zur Eintracht.. K. Kahlert.. Zur Sonne Herman Blumel..

[Sept. Address . Berlin San Salvador, C.A. Regina Dresden Edinburgh Adelaide Stockholm Hobart Berlin Melbourne Perth 5P. O. Box 1986 路 l Mexico City Darmstadt Bayreuth


A ppcndi.t路.



The following Foreign Grand Lodges are recognized as regular by the Grand Lodge of Missouri:

Alberta British Columbia Canada Chili (at Santiago)

J. H. W. S. Kemmis W. A. DeWolf Smith W ill. M.. Logan Augustin I. Palma

Cuba (Island of)

Felix V. Proval Perez

Denmark Eclectic Union Egypt. England France (National and Independent Grand Lodge of)....... Germany (National) Ireland Manitoba Netherlands New Brunswick New South Wales New Zealand N orway Nova Scotia

Rasmus O. Nielsen ,Philipp Hertz ,A. M. YOullis Sir P. Colville Smith



Grand Secretary.

Grand Lodge.

Calgary. New Westminster. .Hamilton, Ont. Santiago. 5Havana, , Apartado 72.

Copenhagen. Frankfort-on-Main. Cairo London. 1108 Boulevard Douglas Warne................ .3ebastopol, Paris. Wm. Wald Berlin. Henry C. SheIlaI'd Dublin. James A. Ovas Winnipeg. .H. P. Van Niewenburg 1'he Hague. John Twining Hartt.. St. John David Cunningham Sydney. George Barclay Dunedin. R. Rosenquist Christiana. .James C. Jones Halifax. panama City, Victor Jesurun................. ~~~. 30:0~anama,


Philippine Islanrls Newton C. Comfort.. Porto Rico Jose G. Torres Roumania Prince Edward Island Ernest Kemp Quebec W. W. Williamson Queensland (United Grand Lodge of) Chas. H. Harley Royal York of Prussia.. G. Mitzlaff San Salvadol'

Tomas Soley


w. B. Tate


Manila, Box 990. San Juan. ..

Charlottetown. : l\1ontreal. Brisbane. Berlin.

5, sacnen. satlvAador, m. ;



Appendix. Grand Lodge.

Saxony Scotland : South Australia Sweden Tasmania Three Globes United Grand Lodge of Victoria '\Vestern Australia York Grand Lodge of . MexIco, F. & A. M...... Zur Eintracht.. Zur Sollne


Grand Secretary.


Rudolph GottschaIL Thomas G. Winning Chas. R. J. Glover .Nils Flensburg W. H. Strutt Erich Meyssner

Dresden. Edinburgh. Adelaide. Stockholm. Hobart. '3erlin.

\Villiam Stewart. J. D. Stevenson ~ A. Percival Hughes, P. O. Box 1986 K. Kahlert.. Herman Blumel.

Melbourne. Perth.


f Mexico


Darmstadt. Bayreuth.




Appointed near OtlH~r Grand Lodges by the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Grand Lodge. Alabama Arizona Arkansas British Co!umbia California Canada Cuba Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Egypt. England Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Ireland Kansas Louisiana Maine : Michigan Minnesota Mississippi... Manitoba Maryland Montana ·..··· ..· Nebraska Nevada New Brunswick New Hampshire New Jersey New South Wales New york New Zealand



H. G. Earnest. Jas. ·S. Cromb M. W. Greeson WiUiam Astley \Vm. T. Lucas .Donald Sutherland Calixto Fajardo Frank G. Mirick Leonard J. Nickerson George C. Maull.. Alexander McKenzie

Anniston. Clifton. Prescott. Vancouver. Santa Maria. Princeton. Havana. Pueblo. \Vest Cornwall. Lewes. \Vashington.

Braxton Baker Richard B. Lovett. \Vm. Bordley Clarke Clarence D. Purkhiser George A. Stadler Herbert A. Graham :\Vm. Hamilton Perry M. Hoisington Lee E. Thomas Chas. B. Davis Neil W. Murray Albert T. Pray John Foggo Dixon Alex. B. Callin B. F. Lucas ·\V. M. Montgomery ,Samuel S. Whiting Nealy H. Chapin .John Twining Hartt.. Oscar Earle Jewell.. Chas. C. scott James T. Smiles George Engel. \Vm. \Varing De Castro

London. Tampa. Savannah. Caldwell. Decatur. .Jndianapolis. Dublin. Newton. .shreveport. Portland. Detroit. Minneapolis. Natchez. Russell. Baltimore. Anaconda. Lincoln. Ely. St. John Warner. Paterson. ,Sydney. ,Springville. \·Vellington.




Appendi.'r. Grand Lodge.

North Carolina North Dakota Nova Scotia Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Panama Philippine Islands Porto Rico Prince Edward Island Quebec Queensland (United Grand Lodge of) Rhode Island Roumania Scotland South Australia South Carolina South Dakota Tasmania Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont.. Victoria Virginia Washington 'Western Australia West Virginia W路isconsin York Grand Lodge of Mexico F. & A. M

Name. 'Valter E. Moore .Harry Lord .Israel Edw. Sanford James W. Morgan \Vm. P. Freeman H. Beckwith Julio Icaza Arnos G. Dellis , Cha~. O. Lord C. C. Carlton :r. A. Howard

Address. "Tebster. Cando. Halifax. Jackson. McAlester. Portland. Panama City. Manila. San Juan. Souris. Aylrner.

Samuel James Cossart.. Brisbane. Henry S. See Providence. . John B. Peden 'Vrn. James Host.. Geo. T. Bryan Jno. K. Kutnewsky .Herbert Hays Frank E. Bartley .Dan S. McMillin Sidney Watson Badcon Seymour C. Hard Baron Marks .George W. Wright.. Louis F. Hart.. A. C. Munro P. P. Lester Chas. E. George

Edinburgh. Adelaide. Greenville. Redfield. .Hobart. White Pine. Whitewright. Ogden. Arlington. Melbourne. Marion. Tacoma. :Perth. Fort Gay. Weyauwega.

Marcus A. Loevy

Mexico City.

1929. J




. Appointed by Other Grand Lodges Near the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Grand Lodge.



Alabama ; Wm. A. Clark Jefferson City. Arizona Byrne E. Bigger Hannibal. Arkansas James A. I;oone Charleston. British Columbia Gib. W. Carson St. Louis. Canada Wm. S. Campbell... St. Louis. Colorado E. L. Robison St. Joseph. Connecticut. ,..Harry M. Green Hannibal. Cuba Ja.mes H. Scarborough 'Varrensburg. Delaware H. R. Mason Marceline. District of Columbia John K. Dulaney Slater. Bgypt.. Arthur Mather St. Louis. England Ray V. Denslow St. Louis. Florida Julius C. GarrelL St. Louis. Georgia W. W. Martin Doniphan. Idaho Carl A. Swenson lVIountain Grove. Illinois Du Val Smith St. Joseph. Indiana John H. Barr Kansas City. Ireland John P. Austin St. Louis. Kansas Chas. L. Woods Rolla. Kentucky F. C. Barnhill. Marshall. Louisiana ,John Pickard Columbia. Maine James A. Kinder Cape Girardeau. Manitoba Charles H. Pope St. Louis. Maryland James W. Skelly St. Louis. Michigan Orestes Mitchell St. Joseph. Minnesota Arch A. Johnson Springfield. Mississippi... W. W. Wigginton .Moberly. Montana ,Curtis J. Neal.. Cape Girardeau. Nebraska E. g. Morris Kansas City. Nevada Seymour Hoyt. Kansas City. New Brunswick Guy C. Million Roonville. New Hampshire Henry C. Chiles Lexington. New Jersey "Tilliam C. Rese路 路..路..St. Louis. New South Wales B. C. Hunt.. Columbia. New York Fred B. Howarth St. Louis. New Zealalld E. W. Tayler Marceline.


Appendix. Grand Lodge.

North Carolina No.rth Dakota Nova Scotia Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Panama Philippine Islands Prince Edward Island Quebec Queensland (United Grand Lodge of) Rhode Island Roumania Saskatchewan Scotland South Australia South Carolina South Dakota Tasmania Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont.. Victoria Virginia 路Washington West Virginia Western Australia Wisconsin York Grand Lodge of Mexico. F. & A. M

Name. .Geo. W. Walker F. L. Magoon Wm. R. Gentry, Sr Fred O. Wood Samuel R. Freet Thad B. Landoa R. H. Woods Anthony F. Ittner W. B. Mas?ey Geo. C. Marquis Forrest C. Donnell... 路W. Cottoll

rSept. Address. Cape Girardeau. .st. Louis. st. Louis. .Kansas City. Kansas City. : Kansas City. Versailles. St. Louis. Bonne Terre. lndependenee.

E. E. Divinia Andrew J. O路Reilly Theo. C. Teel... Wm. B. Wood James B. Wright.. S. P. Cunnillgham C. H. Briggs Thos. H. Reynolds .A. B. Frey J. R. McLachlan R. R. Kreeger Thos. F. Hurd V. F. Boor C. Lew Gallallt.. Paul D. Higbee Joseph S. McIntyre

St. Louis. Van Buren. " BreckenridKe. St. Louis. St. Louir.. Rosendale. Trenton. Mexico. Springtield. Kansas City. St. Louis. Kahoka. Kansas City. Paris. Kansas City. St. Louis. Kirksville. St. Louis.

Wm. T. Jamisoll

Kansas City.



A ppclldLr-Dcatlzs.



Missouri No. 1

Meridian No.2 Beacon No.3

Howard No.4 United No.5

Ark No.6 O'Sullivan No.7 'Villiamsburg . No.8 Geo. Washington No.9

Agency No. 10 Pauldingville No. 11 Tyro No. 12 Rising Sun No. 13 Western Star No. 15 Memphis No. 16 Clarksville No. 17


DEATHS. Names of Deceased Brethren

Wm. H. Shukraft, Thorwald Myhre, Joseph M. Bender, Benjamin F. Wallis, Samuel C. Gossom, Samuel C. Haller, Robert P. Gotthelf, Henry Gruenhut, Ralph W. Mottaz, Louis Kuehner, Jacob C. C. Waldeck, Charles E. Title, Frank L. Lamkey, Chauncey T. Davis, Julius Loewenstein, Barnett Gram, Elmo Keck, Paul A. F. Gayer, William L. Wilson, Marshal P. McArthur. William H. Scott, Frank W. Feuefibacher, WHliam O. Carter, August Jaudes, Frank T. Salomo, Bernard J. Otto. Mitchell Gillespie, Charles W. Scheele, Charles Hartwig, .John A. Williams. William J. Rod.gers, Charles A. Reith, Henry F. Abler, Frank J. Froeckmann, Joseph P. Miller, Henry L. Paul, Philip F. Denker, Edward Rousick. August C. Lueking, Robert N. Graham, Herman C. Vehslage. John A. Snoddy, W. W. Smith, P. T. Calloway, G. B. Watkins. Wm. I. Ruyle. HenryC. Beverage, I. N. Lunsford, Jake Marx, Jos. H. English, August H. Aschmann, Jos. B. Tuttle, Green I. Blanchard. Wm. H. Pfeiff. W. E. Piner. J. Lafayette Hormon. James J. Bolton. Charles E . .Tones, Tom D. Davis, Robert E. Milton, William H. Darr, Joseph Hopkins Hill, Henry 0: Butler, Edward P. Stanton, Fred'k L. Daut, John Kipp, Arthur Mosley, Aaron J. Cole, Henry F. Thener, William A. Sommers, William James, Robert Fisher, Henry W. Miller. William E. Goins, Willis C. Hamilton. Louis H. Butts, Stephen C. Doss. C. F. Talley, .T.W. Newcomb, S. McSpaden. Wm. P. Barnes, Benj. F. Cox, Raymond W. Craig, Francis M. Williams. Wesley Lee, Sr., Wm. Cottrell.

Caleb 1. Hill, Jasper E. Mount. Thomas A. Davidson, Fremont L. Beard, Joda B. Gregory. .John Peterson. George Keithley, Alexander 'V. LUke, John 'V. Humphrey.



Appell dl:.r-D ea.f!ts. Lodge

Palmyra No. 18


Names of Deceased Brethren

Benjamin F. Glahn, William F. Howell, James W. Owsley. Paris Union No. 19 Wm. F. Buckner, James L. Stribling. St. Louis No. 20 James R. Jacobs, Nathan Routman, Julius Newman, Sam Spiegel, Herman H. Stockhoff, Abraham Bejach, Herold Adam. Hugh J. Patton. Havana No. 21 Wellington No. 22 Fred Croft, T. F. Freeman, Everett Peck. Wyaconda No. 24 George E. Mayfield. Naphtali . No. 25 Samuel Rife, James F. Kimble. Evergreen No. 27 Louis George Cash, Amos Letcher SheltDn. St. John's No. 28 Howard R. Jenkerson, Charles E. Strode. Windsor No. 29 Isaac N. Hanthorn. Huntsville No. 30 James M. Minor, George W. Mayo, Haden L. Rutherford. Liberty No. 31 Georg~ E. Swan, Elbert J. Walker, Wm. W. 路Walker. Humphreys No. 32 Ro'bert B. Seaman, Martin V. Callihan, J. M. SuUivan. Ralls No. 33 David Clark, Charles A. Pimbly. Cooper No. 36 Edward S. Harte. Hemple No. 37 James Leftwich. Callao No. 38 Ramie Gilstrap, John W. Brown. DeWitt No. 39 James H. Anderson. Mt. Moriah No. 40 Rabert H. Tontrup, John G. Crofton, Henry A. Folmer, Wm. Henry Moss, Allen H. Jacques, Karl Herm. Diaber,' Geo. "',T. Ruane, Albert E. Briesacher, Edw. A. Deadman, Guy M. Norrhc;;, Walter C. Detering, Wm. J. A. Kohrumel, Aug. Benedict Hia.user, Wm. Preston Murphy, Danl. ~taehle, Sr., C'haTles W. Be'rry, Henry B. Morriss. Edw. G. Grubb, Jr. Bismarck No. 41 C. C. Kerlagon. Middle Grove Colby C. Flemings, Thomas N. Noel. No. 42 Jefferson No. 43 H. W. Ferguson, W. R. Hollister, Geo. L. McCutcheon, S. W. Shammel. Fair Play No. 44 Melvin Crain, John W. Brown. Bonhomme No. 45 Charles D. Boisselier. W.entzville No. 46 John W. Williams, Milton A. Gannaway, E. W. Thompson. Fayette No. 47 C. 'V. Watts, Sr., Ben F. RDse, Edward W. Rucker. Fulton No. 48 John B. Harris, Siscera Threldkeld, ,Lovett L. Collett, Edward 'V. Dunavant. Holt No. 49 William H. Pence. Xenia No. 50 H. S. Maxwell, James .9. Pistole. Livingston No.-~1 Jacob S. Dillon, Gustav Rall.

1929. ] IJodge

Wakanda No. 52



Names of Decea.sed Brethren

John Canatsy, Edgar A. Davis, William M. Farr, Roscoe M. Goodson, R. Austin Haskins, John M. Reese, Cliff R. Rogers. Index No. 54 John H. Sisko Arrow Rock No. 55 W. B. Fitzgerald, T. E. Hogge. Richmond No. 57 George W. Pickering, Robert L. Hamilton, O. A. Searcy, James N. Grimes, Thomas J. Wol路 lard. William B. Reynolds. Monticello No. 58 J. H. Lyon, Jr., Hugh Berlin, A. C. Bowne, J. Centralia No. 59 Bryon Fenton. elaud Smith, C. E. Glennon. New Bloomfield No. 60 James H. Salyer. Waverly No. 61 Harry C. Case, Lee Hainline, John J. Wilson. Vincil No. 62 R. T. Jenkins, George Jaques, John P. Griffin. Cambridge No. 63 Monroe No. 64 Lovel O .. Wilson, Rush B. Buell. Rocheport No. 67 W. R. Kuntz. Sullivan No. 69 Arthur W. Ody. Armstrong No. 70 B.F. Snyder. Savannah No. 71 Benj. B. Hazelrigg, John B. Russell,' Sr., John Gillispie, Samuel T. Stanton, Arnett Roberts, Cicero H. Allen. Gorin No. 72 W. P. Rule. Eureka No. 73 William D. Bates, G. D. Kennedy. Silex No. 75 W. D. Middleswortz, Frank G. Shocklee, Richard O. Lon;g, C. T. Magruder. Independence George W. Beets, Daniel Bixler, Harris Bobier, No. 76 John O. Capelle, Elmer E. Corthell, Charles A. Jarvis, James M. Kelley, Robt. L. Mitchell, Edw. W. Sheperd, Ernest D. Smith, Wm. G. Smith. Lebanon No. 77 Charles W. Butler, Joseph A. Stafford, Wm. J. Todd, Robert C. Walker. St. Joseph No. 78 George W. Schwemley, Milo 路L. Chute, Herman H. Kautz, Benj. F. Watson, Wm. E. Cook, WIn. P. Graham, Willard P. Bell, Carson S. Ro'berts, Harry C. Teare. Polar Star No. 79 Albert F. Twellman, Joseph R. Miller, Robt S. Walsh, Thomas E. Seay, Frank C. Conover, Herman V. Buerglar,Charles G. Penney, David J. Porter, August Weinberg, Lee H. Cook, Fred Haack, Jr., Robert J. Callen, Emil Woitchek, Lester MunchweHer, Thos. B. Poth. Bridgeton No. 80 Harry W. Kraeger, Wm. C. Wacker. Wm. B. Calhoun, Enoch M. Kemper, George Jackson No. 82 N. Shanler, William T. Womer. Lorenzo D. Gleason, Albert E. Steinberg, Thos. Lacle~e No. 83 L. Rubey, James F. England, Earl Buckner.


Appelldix-Deaths. Lodge

Webster Groves No. 84

Names of


[Sept. Brethren

Roy E. Hughes, Wm. C. Aulepp, Jr., Markley B. Lake, Wallace A. Lownds, Ira H. Spurrier, Adolph F.Geschwindner, Andrew L. Pritchl~tt, Charles M. Skinner, David P. Moore. Charles C. Deamer, Harry W. Servan. Geo. N. Fairman, Wm. A. Lewis, Jr. Brookfield No. 86 Clark E. Blossom, John W. Gilbert, Simon P. Hartman, Melvin G. Hawkins, Harry M. Priest, Matt Prewitt, Sam R. Williams. Washington No. 87 John Bell, Samuel B. Denton. Friendship No. 89 William C. Arnold, Jefferson B. Brookshier, John W. Reynolds, Nathan R. McDoneld, A. T. Cochran, James H. Carlin, William R. Hicks. Russellville No. 90 Jesse Steenbergen. Perseverance H. J. Armstrong, F. A. Gervig, Jr., S. J. Heaton, No. 92 C. B. May, Wm. A. Smith. St. Marks No. 93 WilLi'am W. Devore, Julius C. Fisher, Chas. W. Hall, George C. Hasslinger, Thomas H. Woody. Vienna No. 94 Levi F. Parker, Wm. P. Davis, PerryC. Ivie. Pomegranate Felix E. Kaiser, Fred J. Opperman, Everett A. No. 95 Hidey, Albert H. ,Carnes. Warren M. Sylvester. Bethany No. 97 Carter B. Emerson, Harry J. Hefner. Webster No. 98 Theran H. Watters, Robert E. Sellars. Mt. Vernon No. 99 J. N. B. Shelton, Granvil L. Knapp. Ash Grove No. 100 Alexander W. Davis. Bogard No. 101 C. E. Graham, W. H. Street. Bloomington Evan Williams. No. 102 West View No. 103 'William Welty: SigC. Stulz, Anson L. Jefferis, Davis Capland. Heroine No. 104 Sam Minor, Max Silverstein, Jacob Sadovsky, Charles V. Katherns, Henry L. Michelson, Raymond L. Wisely, Morris Eisen. Kirksville No. 105 Alex Doneghy, Neil B. Snider, Leon Smith. Ezra Good, Edward Higbee, Samuel M. Pickler, Donald G. Lockett, Eugene C. Brott. John T. Cope, John H. Tedrick. Gallatin No. 106 Greenville No. 107 Edgar Beard, Nbner Barrow. Stanberry No. 109 Henry W. Channell, James P. Shapard, Samuel P. Sherman, Ro'bert A. Smith, William E. Teel, Dorsey D. Tucker. Asa E. Talbert, E. A. Sample, A. V. Downs, Marcus No. 110 ;Charles C. Poor, James E. Graham. John F. Daniel, Horace Davidson, Boliver A. Trenton No. 111 Fry, Harry S. Hall, John .R. Morris, Luther E. McDougal, William J. McKissen, Harry E. Stanton. Isaac B. Trow, Thomas A. Woodress. Chester A. Rozelle. Maitland No. 112 Plattsburg No. 113 Daniel B. Marsh. Twilight No. 114 W. S. Corey, John C. Schwabe, T. E. WiIin.


1929.] Lodge

Laddonia No~ 115 Barnes No. 116 Helena No. 117 Kingston No. 118 DeSoto No. 119 COlnpass No. 120 Erwin No. 121

Hermann No. 123 Seaman No. 126 Athens No. 127 Lorraine No. 128 Monett No. 129 Potosi No. 131 Farmington No. 132 Star of the West No. 133 Olean No. 134 Braymer No. 135 Phoenix No. 136 Delphian No. 137 Lincoln No. 138 Oregon No. 139 Amsterdam No. 141 Pleasant Grove No. 142 Irondale No. 143 Modern No. 144 Latimer No. 145 Cass No. 147 Purdy No. 148 Lexington No. 149 Birming No. 150


Names of Deceased Brethren

L. T. Doyle. D. E. Carnockarr, C. D. Fry. R. C. Varner. J. E. Gartside, W. T. Johnston, Hugh Taylor. !George A. Auerswald, James G. Reynolds, James Vinyard, Theodore Walther. N. B. Hon, Sr., Harry ;C. Noland. Jacob Baer, Herman Diem, Charles F. Michael, Frederick W. Rose, Fred Kalthoff, 'Vm. F. Gieselmann, Joseph L. Overbeck, 'Charles Dauernheim, Otto F. Claus, Henry Luecke, Ernst E. Westphal, Max Gust. O. C. Clifton, Richard Loehnig. .James M'cGraw, J. K. Rodgers, Wm. M. L. 'Vitter. Henry W. Bare, Isaac N. Swetnam, William Judd, Joseph E. Davidson. Erwin A. Miner. Lemuel C. Estes, Addison King, S. O. Richardson, Peter J. Skouby, Charles E. Whitlatch, Drury 路Wilkerson. Marion E. Rhodes. Maurice "\Vestover.


A. W. Garrett, Josiah T. Blanton.

Joseph Gattermeir. George L. Barlow, Charles D. Gearhart, .los. Loomis, Riley M. Milstead, David T. Toomay. Charles A. Lyter, Edward T. Tinsley, James A. Dixon. J. W. McClelland. A. 'C. Trapp. C. J. \Varner, Thomas C. Zeller, George W. Hibbard, Philip Schlotzhauer, James E. Cummins. .James Wallace Lewis Christopher H. Bente. Claud O'Neal, WJlliam Cain. John B. Clement, Charles H. Hopper, Henry W. Arnold, James H. -Mashburn. J. S. Halbert. Allan \V. Bird, William Estes, Allen Glenn, Wm. H. Jackson. 'Charles Anderson, Walter B. Rhea. .John O. Coffin, Fred T. Wilson. James M. \Vinn. John S. Wier, Samuel Harper.


Appelldi.x-Deaths. Lodge

Milton No. 151 Linn Creek No. 152 Bloomfield No. 153 Ionic No. 154 North Star No. 157 Mountain Grove No. 158 Green City No. 159

[ Sept.

Names of Deceased Brethren

Fred G. Klein. Charles O. Calkin. R. Lee Smyth. J. W. Hardin. S. M. Smith. E. Darwon Carpenter, R. G. Ketron.

George P. Bankus, Robert S. Magee, Edw. L. Martin. Pleasant No. 160 Edward M. Mitchell, George C. Bruton. Clifton Hill No. 161 Jeff D. Christy. Whitesville No. 162 E. B. Lightle. Occidental No. 163 Charles H. Filley, William N. Johnson, Fred H. Bacon, Clarence M. Perkins, John N. Beall. 'George Korn, George H. Bahrenburg, James Moores Ball, Edwin Massa, Sol E. W'aggoner. Frank F. Howard. Wm. A. Hensley. Joachim No. 164 Maryville No. 165 John M. Dawson. S. J. Smalley, Wm. Killion, J. D. Parker Portageville No. 166 M. Stallard. Camden Point No. 169 Ro'bert E. Braden. Benevolence . No. 170 Walter N. Gilliland, Nat M. Shelton. Censer No. 172 Henry Reed, Flavius J. North. Gray Summit No. 173 Sturgeon No. 174 Daniel Hartley, Pleasant G. Eads. A. L. Harrison, Jesse F. W,atson, J08. F. Ald路 Texas No. 177 ridge. Pride of the West 'Charles Kauffman, Christopher E. Hilts, Harry Stahl, Lester M. Finley. No. 179 Harry J. Schadt, Norman \V. Ford, John H. Pyramid No. 180 Mahue, John Schulz, Joseph A. Franklin, Otto J. Gossran, Jaco'b J. Pflueger. A. L. Ross. Novelty No. 181 Pilot Knob No. 182 路Cal J. Chambers, Louis E. Lowe. California No. 183 Emil E. Treiber, V. Grant Sterling. Elijah Daugherty. Morley No. 184 Louis E. SOUder, Patrick O. O'Connor. Chamois No. 185 Arthur B. Scott. Hermon No. 187 John W. Settle, Thomas W. Wickham, Philip Hannibal No. 188 J'amieson, John M. Hooten. Zeredatha No. 189 James R. Clark, Harry A. Cobaugh, Louis R. Knight, Gustus L. Low, John W. Nemier, Charles W. Webster, John F. Wilcox, William R. Womach, Joseph G. Yocum. D. T. Griffith, Logan Shuey. Putnam No. 190 E. S. Templeton, Jas. H. Sawyer. Wilson No. 191

1929. ] Lodge

Frankford No. 192 Wellsville No. 194 Bolivar No. 195



Names of Deceased Brethren

W. F. Fry. Samuel N. Pritchett. Felix H. Adriaensens, Samuel H. Boren, John W. }1'ranklin, Augustus H. Lewis, John L. Metier, Jesse Bewley. . Carthage No. 197 W .. R. Schooler, Carl J. Tucker, Francis S. Rickner, H. A. Montague,L. B. Campbell, Joseph H. Manning. New Hope No. 199 Andrew J. Triplett, Hubbard D. Ross. Sonora No. 200 Bertee J. Garrett, Hugh Hays, Byron Morgan. Westville No. 202 Alonzo Slaughter, ICharles Billingsley, Henry Oldrum, William Graves. Brumley No. 203 James H. Williams. Rowley No. 204 Thomas S. Lidstone. Trilumina No. 205 C. M. Buckner, Mills' T. Chastain, George Connell, John W. Robertson, J. Will See, Robert L. Shepherd, Florence C. Wood, Joseph M. Wronker. LeRoy Adamson, James A. DeHoff, Alonzo F. Clay No. 207 Keith, 'Villiam E. Steck, Fred Winters. Salisbury No. 208 Thot:. R. Hamilton, W. Frank Bozarth, Robt. B. Crowder. Charles Cross, Virgil Wm. Maddox, James M. Poplar Bluff T. Smith, Roy E. Cummins~ Marvin L. Webb, No. 209 Emit Coin Nickey. Unionville No. 210 John Helfenstine. Four Mile No. 212 Frank Allen Bristol, Jefferson N. Duckett, Henry M. Gregory. F. H. Geib, George D. Grant, A. J. Hodges, Rolla No. 213 Edwin Long, James S. Porter. Forest City George A. Minton, John C. Hinkle, David C. No. 214 Stallard. M. L. Dunn. Hornersville No. 215 Hale City No. 216 R. H. Browning. George L. Browning, Wade Hampton Reavis. Barhee No. 217 Good Hope No. 218 Gustave Charles Simon, Edward E. Robirds, Wm. D..Marshall, Edward S. Williams, John P. Marshall. Albert Pike James S. Barton, Edward E. Brown, Isadore No. 219 V. Bowden, Fred W. Constable, Franklin D. Crabbs, Jacob A. Ellis, William E. Hiatt, Lawrence Johnson, Frank W. King, Frank W. Por路 ter, August F. Seested, Samuel Stophlet. Alex Rothenberg, John A. Ewins, Jacob S. Kansas City Wolf, Olaf A. Lucas, Samuel T. Spencer, WalNo. 220 ter R. Norton, William O. Lunt, William D. Craig, Gus Bren, James H. Burton, Ira M. Oarroll, Claude C. Longfellow, Frank J. ,Chandler, Frank H. McLanathan.


178 Lodge


Names of Deeeased Brethren

Albert Leslie. Albert Johnson. W. E. Howell, J. F. Parrish, J. O. Thornton. Wm. F. Dent. Henry H. Lamb, John Will Power. Daniel W. Turney. Wint W. James. Henry Slack. Logan S. Arbuckle, John W. Veal, Charles Osborne, Andrew J. Coen, John D. Shook. Weatherby No. 235 E. L. Dildine. Sedalia No. 236 Elmer T. Alcorn, Wilson J. Ferguson, Geo. A. Gold, James H. Humphrey, Kenka Lay Leslie, .los. F. McDougall, George C. Vaughn. Ralph R. Campbell, Saul Shumaker, James F. La Plata No. 237 Bulkley. Hopewell No. 239 John T. Gallaher. Manes No. 240 • Henry Garner. Palestine No. 241 Marion L. Currier, Henry W. Beimdiek, Juliu':. H. Feldman. Keystone No. 243 Sig J. Lang, Wm. F. Boedeker, Edw. J. Heath, Willard A. Wilkerson, George T. McVey, Alex • R. Russell, Edw. C. Kidd, Delos M. Haskin, Thos. L. Smith, Herm. Ruppelt. Middle Fabius H. K. Dellinger, Isaac S. Kight, H. E. Smith, No. 244 W. L. ,Crawford, W. S. Hickerson. Knob Noster J: H. Rothwell. No. 245 W. R. Wright, W. A. Parnell, H. J. Banning, Neosho No. 247 Gus Khlentzos, John M. Propst. A. A. Shores, Frank A. Wolf. Carroll No. 249 W. T. McMorris, Thomas W. Manning, Wil, Hope No. 251 liam F. Farewell, William C. Tingle. William A. l\ferryman. Laredo No. 253 Butler No. 254 Asa H. Culver, Thomas B. Cobb. Alton No. 255 John W. Martin, J. L. Eblen, Levi Sanders, W. L. Williams. Shekinah No. 256 Andrew McCormicl{, Karl L. W. Core, Ben C. Revis. Louis S. Anderson, Elijah Snyder, S. Wade Ravanna No. 258 Lowry. Samuel C. Brightman. Lodge of Love No. 259 Benjamin A. Henderson. Holden No. 262 WilHam P. Paul, Roper F. Gregory. Summit No. 263 Kirbyville No. 264 Boise A. Ellison. Corinthian No. 265 Jos. M. Downing, John W. McFarland, John B. Wayman, Rudolph Loebenstein, Anthony C. Griggs.

La Belle No. 222 Ray No. 223 Hamilton No. 224 Salem No. 225 Cypress No. 227 Shelbina No. 228 Claflin No. 229 Polo No. 232 Bucklin No. 233

1929. J Lodge

Aurora No. 267

Appendix-Deaths. Name~


of Deceased Brethren

Howard Marlowe. Abe 1N. Jacobson, Bernard Susman, Louis Schlueter, George Mueller, Herman Quernheim. New Salem No. 270 M. A. Cannon, Leslie Lewis. Solomon No. 271 Seth Barham, R. B. Thompson, Albert 'Cox, Robt. Dewhurst, M. C. Smith, F. X. Adams, R. H. Burnie, W. D. Ewell, T. R. Ferguson, H. J. Leeper, T. L. Hine, G. W. Culler. Ross Fetters, Otis W. Smith, McKinley Lee, Granite No. 272 Charles S. Swartzel. St. Clair No. 273 Frank J. Husted, Wm. R. Smith. Cold Springs Hiram M. Johnson. No. 274 Grand River Even C. Kyle, Tarlton D. Blevins. No. 276 Wm. D. Muir R. A. Meredith, R. K. Roe. No. 277 Essex No. 278 George Fields. Cosmos No. 282 Daniel S. Green, Duncan McLea.n, John Wm. Tomes, Nathaniel C. Whaley, Wm. D. CobQurn. Canopy No .. 284 D. B. Loy, J. E. Fetherston, Wm. G. Moore, J. F. Eddleman. Earl No. 285 T. A. Glaze. Urich No. 286 W. B. Morlow, T. M. Landfather. Craft No. 287 Pike N. Hanna, Fred LeComte, Wm. Laswell, Lee M. Wagner, Lawrence Hurst, Eugene Bash. Hermitage No. 288 HenryC. Brookshire. Graham No. 289 James Putman. Fairmount No. 290 Edward A. .crandell, Samuel J. Dare, Jos. M. LaFrenz. Edina No. 291 John W. Campbell. Lamar No. 292 W. W. McConnell, Charles B. Hall. Sparta No. 296 C. F. Curtis, R. H. Nelson. Sampson No. 298 V. Hobbs, E. L. Long. Temple No. 299 Albert L. Anders'on, William J. Atkinson, Herbert L. Blaker, William F. Bush, George' W. Campbell, Winfield H. Cook, Frank O. Eppright, Wm. J. ~]vans, Ben M. Ferrel, John D Forrester, T. Eugene Gerdin, Frank Gregon', Ray W. Grimes, ~"'red B. Hamilton, 'Charles P. Hedstrom, Wm. H. Jeter, William W. Knight, Fred E. Lee, Frank R. McDermand, George Clark Mosher, Salim M. Miussallem, Al'bert E. Myers, Albert A. Nicol. Watson K. Paul, William B. Race, Albert H. Rams, Milton W. Richardson, Louis Schwitzgebel, Louis E. Seibel, Enos R. Slade, Louis T. Smith. 'Villiam I. Suits, William P. Summerlin, Charles H. Surber.


180 Lodge


Names of Deceased Brethren

-White Hall James A. Larrabee. No. 301 Lick Creek No. 302 Joseph L. Clark. Osage No. 303 Thos. B. M. Craig, L. R. Fryer, Robt. W. Harding, Henry K. Kuhn, Judson W. Smith. Signal No. 304 Wm. McCluskey, Thomas Sargeant. Cecile-Daylight Alfred R. Buch. No. 305 Parrott No. 308 James R. Hill, Sylvester Whitchurch. Sikeston No. 310 A. Burton Dill, D. J. Malone, Sr., Wm. A. Schneider, Francis M. Sikes. Kearney No. 311 Ray S. Neff, David N. Shuey. Cuba No. 312 Wm. S. Cook, Furm A. Denton, H. Roy Mattox. Me.ramec No. 313 Reed Sturgis, Andrew .J. Hance. Rural No. 316 George W. Wells, Andrew Flood,Chas. W. Glasgow, William K Minor, William Harris, William A. Brigham, Thomas W. Parry, Samuel P. McConnell. Eldorado No. 318 Dan Buckley, F. M. Howell. Paulville No. 319 John H. Black. Versailles No. 320 John H. Webster, I. E. Young. Jonathan No. 321 E. McCleary, G. W. Trotter. Hardin No. 322 William Howe, Kelse M. Kimbrough. Cornerstone路 Maurice W. Smith, Quincy L. Slocumb, Evan No. 323 Gough, Fred W. Rink, William F. H. Blume, Wm. H. Alexander, Charles E. Gossman, Herbert H. Rosenbaum, James H. Fenton. McDonald No. 324 T. W. Oassell, John H. Crandall, Allan McDowell Hoyt, James R. Reardin. Dockery No. 325 Homer A. Strickler. Linn No. 326 John Ebert, J'as. L. Parham, Alonzo Beller. Mt. Zion No. 327 Lee M. Catron, Elmer S. Farmer, Charles M. Hughes, Jack E. Hogan, Timothy B. Carmical, James D. Newton, James K. Powell, Thomas F. Ward, William J. Zorn. Kennedy No. 329 ,C. R. Lamar. Paul Revere William H. Weaver. No. 330 Charity No. 331 Wimam J. Marschal, Charles F. Strop, Ralph O. McBride, Dudley G. Woodard, Ralph O. Stauber, Chas. L. Faust, John L. Henry, William E. Warneke, Andrew Borngesser, Clarence B. Phipps, Orson J. Eoff, Blair Compton. Chillicothe No. 333 Francis M. Bray, Stephen Hawkins, Stephen N. Norris. Breckenridge William B. Wright, Walter M. Gross. No. 334

1929.] Lodge

Joplin No. 335 Hallsville No. 336 Blue Springs No. 337 Herculaneum No. 338 Fidelity No. 339 \Vestport No. 340



Names of Deceased Br.ethren

Harry D. Evans, Preston C. Pate, H. Jack Phillips, Jas. D. Henderson, Silas N. Smith:. James M. Evans, Obe Hill, Gail H. Shoemaker, John Henry Booth, John C. March. Wm. C. Potts. . Clyde Bowman, Curtis Harry Meng.

C. H. Atchison. Edward H. Allen, Warren E. Comstock, Claud H. Congdon, Herman Eckert, William A. Medaris, Chas. W. Miller, Harry J. Morris, Edwin L. Russell, Goo. M. Shelley, Ernest E路. Smith, John D. Warren, Clarence C. Wright, Otto B. Yetchkee. Agricola No. 343 W. S. McIntire, H. W. McMahan. Moberly No. 344 G. O. Lilly, O. E. Shedd, A. M. Furnish, John Bryce, Ed Mulligan, J. E. McQuitty, J. M. Me路 Donald, P. T. McDonald. Fellowship No. 345 Clark Craycroft, Kennedy Brooks, Jeffries K. Condon, Jacob A. Cohenour, Harry Hurwitz, Henry Weymann, William D. Hudson, John A. Cotton, AlbertE. Maitland. Arlington No. 346 John F. Peverley. America No. 347 Leslie F. Strasselle, Otto Edw. Wiegreffe. Pollock No. 349 Harvey D. Easterday, Chas. D. High, Henry C. Shelton. Tyrian No. 350 S. L. Coleman. Mosaic No. 351 B. W. Bynum, D. W. Kness. Friend No. 352 John B. Wilson, Thomas L. Robertson, Thos. J. Frazier, Alonzo M. Hawkins. Barnesville George W. Boyd. No. 353 Hebron No. 354 \Vm. J. McLoney, Wm. H. Turner, Robt. H. Wright. Adelphi No. 355 Edgar H. Tanner, H. H. Boydston. Tuscan No. 360 Horace L. Dyer, Wm. J. MacDonald, Hal C. Ball, Henry J. Bl'aun, Ellis W. Cook, Simon Dejong, Harry D. Barto, Harry G. Hurd, Orman J. McCawley. Joseph C. Adamy, Charles J. Hogan, E. P. Frederick, Hal C. Bellville, George Lonsdale, Frank B. Filley, Anthony W. Lomis. R. O. Hardy. Riddick No. 361 Hiram No. 362 Thomas P. Moore, R. R. Parsons. Fraternal No. 363 .Tulius B. Emmons, Edwin M. Denny, Roy P. Perkins. Higginsville Edward W. Kruse, Wm. A. Corder. No. 364

A Ppc 11 dix-D eaths.

182 Lodge

Adair No. 366


Names of Deceased Brethren

Wm. A. Downing, John C. Carothers, S. A. D. Murphy, A. R. Musick, W. 1. McClay, Geo. B. Rader, Charles A. Ep.person. Barry No. 367 Thomas Hickey, Firm Denton. Crescent Hill Fred Hanley, H. B. Weldin, .John W. Duncan, No. 368 Jas. W. Hall. Composite No. 369 Henry P. Gillespie, Andrew J. McCollum, Ellison W. Pulliam, William H. Stone. Sheldon No. 371 C. O..Jones, C. A. Bird, F. Underwood. Nonpareil No. 372 Jessie R. Richardson. Belle No. 373 A. S. Woody, Fred A. Weber, John Poe. Wilderness No. 374 Alfred Kennedy, Wm. T. Simpson. King Hill No. 376 Samuel D. Gann, Michael E. Dittemore. Wm. Alex Robison. Ancient Craft George Rya.n. No. 377 Queen City No. 380 David J. 'ripton. Ionia'No. 381 C. G. Kiessling, McK. ,Chambers. Pythagoras Jefferson J. Edens, John W. Plummer. No. 383 Richland No. 385 Thomas Bollenger, Charles Hemry. Woodside No. 387 J. M. Davis. Chula No. 388 Charles P. Adams. Marionville William Youngblood, Ro'bert H. Fite. No. 390 W. A. JackstJll. Christian No. 392 Elijah M. Gregory. Lucerne No. 394 Hatfield No. 395 Jesse B. Alley. Gower No. 397 William C. Elliott. Pike No. 399 Henry C. Gibbs. Decatur No. 400 Hugh J. Solomon. Carterville No. 401 Harry M. Close, Elmer C. Jackson, Leouard M. James, Reber .J. Leathers. Malta No. 402 Sam MeR. Calloway. Malden No. 406 William ,C. Hill, H. P. Kinsolving, Sr.. Chas. S. Powell, Thos. C. Stokes, J.' B. Stubblefield, Charleston No. 407 Hugh McPheeters, Ferdinand J. Hess. Louis Baum, R. H. Dugan. Montrose No. 408 Louisville No. 409 John Kaler. Joppa No. 411 Erben C: Steele. Appleton City Silas T. Downer, Walter A. Lansdown, VenH\ C. Romine, W. L. Cole. No. 412 Joseph M. Townsend. . Valley No. 413 Greensburg L. H. 'Cunningham. No. 414 ArchA. MacDonald, Edward Rosenhauer, Cache No. 416 James M. McGuffy, Paul S. Gosslee, Frank Stafford, Archie Nichols, Henry H. Dondeville. Ben F. Winters. 'Vhitewater No. 417

1929路'1 Lodge

Clear Creek No. 418 Star No. 419 Itaslm No. 420

A ppc1l-dix-Dcaths.


Names of Deceased Brethren

Jerome Fewell. .J. S. Heath, W. A. Cotrell.

Henry J. Filsinger, Frank F. Werminghaus, Robert Heitz, Wm. H. Huetteman, Edwin P. Nichols, Otto 'Moser, Charles J. Koertel, Wm. H. Hebrlein. Gate of the Temple E. E. Berst, Ford W. Lane, W. C. McGlasson, No. 422 James A. Naney, George W. White, George F. Bigelow, R. A. Kirl(patrick, James M. Weir, Benj. L. Martin. Paul S. Diuguid. Samaritan No. 424 Frank Bell, Albert J. Norwine. E. E. Durand, Willis' A. Ha:becker. Green Ridge .No. 425 Joseph Hawkins. Winona No. 430 John Rhumpfelt, Reuben. Noble. Competition 'No. 432 .J. N. Whitworth. Macks Creek No. 433 Albert R. Dross. Gothic No. 436 Wm. T. Elliott, Wm. H. Patterson. Temperance No. 438 Charles Dean Walker. Trowel No. 440 Excelsior No. 441 Wm. A. Boone, Leon Clippard. Burlington No. 442 Charles E. Walker, Charles H. Miller. . Charles Herbert, Charles H. Sydnor, J08. G. Anchor No. 443 Ford, Horace T. Price, August Genthert, Chas. Van Graafeiland, .John T. Johnston. William A. Hall, Henry E. Potter, Geo. W. Ada No. 444 Moore, James O. O'Brien, Clarence Bogart. West Gate No. 445 James Hiram Tanquary, Felix Ernest Goerlich, Alexander Malcolm, Arthur Jackson, William Leaman Bowers, William Frantz Hammes, Hyman Simpkin. Julius Lincoln Scheve, William Campbell Kelly, Robert August Priese, Paul Fred Buttiger, Edward Mack, Dell Franl\: Rice. Ivanhoe No. 446 Harvey C. Borchers, Raphel G. Hine, Arthur J. Sallberg, Mark C. Taylor, Chas. C. Kellogg, Walter J.' Lowrey, Harold E. Von Demfange, Allen T. Hirtle, Edgar R. Hathaway, Alfred H. Smith, Herman Loewer, Jno. Thos. Wayland, Samuel L. Long, Alfred 'Campbell Mann, Bert Murray Hayward, Geo. S. McLanahan, Benj. Young, Harry L. Bisbee, Wm. C. Roberson, Henry A. Lindly, David M. Lighton, Nathan B. Hatch, Elmer Richard Johnson, Leopold H. Henschel, Ludolph P. Elber-g, Nelson J. Baker, Herman L. Heck, Stanley P. Moreland, Ralph Hinds, Fred A. Tappe, Samuel M. Dawson, Charles F. Martin.

A PPclldi;l:-Deaths.

184 Lodge

Schell City No. 448 Bois D'Arc No. 449 Belton No. 450 Fo'rsyth No. 453 Wallace No. 456 Jonesburg No. 457 Melville No. 458 Hazelwood No. 459 Lambskin No. 460


l\'ameH of Deceased BJ路.ethren

James M. Darrow. R. T. L. Johns, B. P. Sims. C. Whit Williams. W. H. Adams, J. C. Parrish, J. W. Johnson. Walter N. McNew. J. Martin Brown. W. P. Wardell. C. W. Banks. Charles D. Dewhirst. Charles H. Knabb, Ben Charbulack, Fred A. Lovejoy; James F. Cole, Louis P. Aloe, Charles Noll, Michael Foerstel, Wm. M. Johnson, Ad B. Rathert, Ernst E. Roberts. Arthur L. Oliver, Chas. F. Wood, Geo. W. Caruthersville Bradley, . Walter B. Garrett, John C. Faris, No. 461 "Tarren A. Crockett. Santa Fe No. 462 Chal Henderson, Ben Green. Clifton No. 463 Harold J. Davis, J. L. 'Langley, Frank E. White. Concordia No. 464 H. H. Elling. Southwest No. 466 George W. Smith. Plato No. 469 McCloud Benson. Nodaway No. 470 William A. Burris, Fred M. Coughlin, James F. Colby, William Everhart, John G. Grems, William H. Hudson, Charles Hyslop, Joseph H. Saylor, J. E. Stewart. Nineveh No. 473 Albert R. Wells. Golden' No. 475 George 'V. Vincent. Mount Hope T. 楼l.Carmichael, C. Y. Ford. No. 476 Henderson No. 477 Fred D. Miller, E. C. Smallin. Rich Hill No. 479 James L. Pruyer, Lewis Dunn. Jewel No. 480 Scott C. Bell, Ed A. Gowdy. Marceline No. 481 Ray Bigger, Albert S. Bunch, Cress M. Hill. Clintonville George W. Hainline, Leroy T. Mott. No. 482 Jas. A. Crossan, Ira J. Whitford. Fairfax No. 483 Kirkwood No. 484 Charles W. Steuber, Roy H. Simms, Allen H. McCreedy. Coldwater No. 485 L. J. Barron, C. C. Cable. Chilhowee No. 487 Forest Taylor. Lakeville No. 489 George Frederick. Montevallo No. 490 Lewis C. Dodd. Alexander Nagel, William J. Hughes. Vandalia No. 491 W. M. Stewart, J. F. Tough, W. W. Blake. Unity No. 495 James H. Huckins. Equality No. 497 B. F. Horton. Pee Dee No. 498 George W. Moon. Harmony No. 499 Fallis C. Barnett. Jameson No. 500 Charles W. Ryan. Buckner No. 501

1929.] Lodge

Prairie Home No. 503 Lathrop No. 506 Saxton No. 508 Van Buren No. 509 Skidmore No. 511 Webb City No. 512 Senath No. 513 Granby No. 514 .:ialena No. 515 Milford No. 516 Seligman No. 517 Oriental No. 518 Clifton Heights No. 520 Lockwood No. 521 Gate City No. 522

Stinson No. 523 S pickardsville No. 524 Wayne No. 526 Higbee No. 527 Apollo No. 529 Lane's Prairie No. 531 Dexter No. 532 Columbia No. 534 Blackwell No. 535 Ingomar No. 536 Stella No. 538 Dawn No. 539 Winigan No. 540 Jacksonville No. 541 Ferguson No. 542 Mansfield No. 543



Names of Deceased Brethren

B. Frank Don Carlos. John W. Douglass. R. W. Bagby. Wm. W. Coleman; James M. Sanders. Edw. T. Duval, Lee Chadduck. Herbert H. Barde, William R. Thomason, Carl C. Johnson, Eugene C. Baugher. John Allen, Elton Poe, C. E. Sando. James W. Dale, Charles N. Moore, Jesse L. Woodcock. Peter H. Pampel, Charles Elliff. Burl P. Northcutt, E. F. Woodruff, Stoke D. Bleadsoe, J. Henderson Murray. August Dierking. Gilbert L. Beckley, Joseph F. Storms, John J. Renisch, Jabez Boren, Oliver T. Sweet. T. J. Massey. Aaron D. 'Cain, James Campbell, John C. Clemens, Albert H. Dodt, John Ehman, Henry C. Eldridge, Wentworth E. Griffin, John .H. Jewell, Calhoun F.Larey, Henry Lyon, Caleb S. Monroe, Ernest A. Reid, Christian M. Scheufele, Norman J. Siebothem, Otho W. Sprouse, Charles F. Stiff, Clarence Thompson, Thomas G. Winship. Tillmon Beasley. Lawrence Austin, William Ashbrook, Harry Hall. Thomas B. Balin, Orin L. Munger, Jas. L. Wilkin, John Gurly.. Willard E. Gracey, Wood P. Burton, Claib M. Hargis. Henry J. Bowen. Martin A. Mason. J. F. Blankenship, Charles H. Grissom. Mark Waters. Thos. Cummins, John Cummins. John B. Thomas, Royal D. Rosier, Nelson Olsen. R. M. Bennett, Pocker Cardwell. Thomas Archey, George Lee, Isaac Johnson. C. L. Crowder. Robert O. Wright. Allen E. Johnson. E. C. Henson, J. E. Roote.


Append'ix-Deaths. Lodge

Algabil No. 544



uf Deceased Brethren

William Wagner, Christian Hasenpftug, Sr., Walter L. Hawkins, George T. Pickler, Arthur T. Cotsworth, V\ralter A. Wilkinson. Zalma No. 545 Robt. St-orz, George W. Kerr. Orient No. 546 Ralph L. Barnhouse. South Gate No. 547 Fred P. Hainds, Henry W. Radley, John T. Seiglar, Wm. H. Blades, Walter I. Amerman, Lewis M. Rowland, James B. Wendel, W'm. L. Foster, Herman H. Steckling, Frank H. Latimer, Otto W. Huhn. Rose Hill No. 550 Wayland L. Arnold, Duane D. Holmes, Peter M. Hanson, Archibald B. Lewis, Albert H. Marquand, Louis Landau, James M. Patterson, Gerhard H. Pauly, John E. Mateer, Pratt M. Harris, Percy Werner. Calhoun No. 552 John T. Allen, James H. George, Alford A Gray. Clarksburg No. 553 Lashla Foster, Fred L. Batty. Foster No. 554 Chas. W. Cox. Summersville W. M. Holland. No. 555 Blairstown No. 557 John H. Potter, P. H. Jenkins. Moscow No. 558 Thomas Carter, Charles Davis. Clarksdale No. 559 John F. Kimberlin, Ira L. Farris. Nelson No. 560 Herbert Cramer. Deepwater No. 562 Louis J. Cardis. York No. 563 Wm. Thoma::; Alexander, Thomas WhitehouseA. F. Barbe, Robt. Lee Wilks, Edw. Barada, . Harry E. Colvin, Arthur Major, Wm. F. Yockey, Marion F. Cubine, Raymond J. Kincaid, Glen Hartwell, Ira I. Williams, Arthur W. Brown, Amos Edwards, Jr. J. B. La'skey. Miller No. 567 M. S. Noe. Republic No. 570 Israel Kohn. Hayti No. 571 La Monte No. 574 Wm. F. Yankee, A. C. Alexander" Ira ,C. Mahin. Jas. T. Bartle. Easter No. 575 \Vendel C. Porter, M. F. Stephenson, Geo. J. Olive Branch KaItenthaler, Jas. J. Wallace, Elmer Shepard. No. 576 William J. Hesse, Claude M. Pelter, John W. Forest Park Tremayne. No. 578 Novinger No. 583 Andrew Steele. Bolia L. Rinehart. Red Bird No. 584 George F. Spurlock. Branson No. 587 John Newton. Grovespring 'No. 589 WIll. A. Rhodes. Timothy Hosmer. Advance No. 590 Barnett No. 591 Russell L. Wood. Union No. fi93 Herbert F. Steinbeck, Henry G. Dammer. Puxico No. 596 J. M. Page, R. L. Scott.


1929. :I Lodge


Names of Deceased Bl'ethl'en

Bosworth No. 597 .I ohn R. Kirker. Leadwood No. 598 C. Edward Doss. Elvins No. 599 . Frank L. Keith, Warren W. Kelley, Harry 'Kingsland. Cosby No. 600 A. J. Kelly. Clayton No. 601 Charles H. Miller, Jr., 'William .T. Ham. Acacia No. 602 James R. Campbell. Strasburg No. 604 J. M. Maske!. Walker No. 605 Oliver L. Bush, A. Sumner Haines. Craig No. 606 Richard T. Nauman, George '\T. Robbins, Geo. O. Cooper, Roger McCoy. Strafford No. 608 John rChandler, John D. Coffman. Mokane No. 612 Sam L. Griffin, J. Robert Kemp. Wellston No. 613 JohnH. Stoeppelman, Robert O. Hendricks, Henry Frahk, Henry C. Huff, Charles E路. Brown, Dock C. McMahon. Chaffee No. 615 Ezra A. Paris. Marion No. 616 Jesse Burton Bedell. Swope Park C. T. Browning, M. W. Rose, E. J. Trusky. No. 617 Grandview No. 618 Roy D. Hornbuekle. Willard No. 620 Stilman E. Grafton. Anderson No. 621 W. P. Wardell. Norwood No. 622 F. M. Smallwood. ,V. H. McLean. Maple No. 623 Owensville No. 624 Clarence B. Tappmeyer. Carmillis B. Higgins, Herbert A. Leonard, Sheffield No. 625 James A. Marsh, Jacob B. McClellan, William Sigmon. Geo. H. Steinberg, James N. Kelley, Eugene Magnolia No. 626 H. Wheeler, Moritz Gundel, John Saul, Charles Erickson, "Tilliam R. Mason, Edwa.rd S. Johnson. East Gate No. 630 Minor C. Battles, Herman E. Bell, Edw. P. Cheney, William A. Cue, Homer L. Davis, Wm. E. Malia, Eugene R. Manning, 路W路m. E. Stephens. Wm. G. Stewart, Darwin L. Eggelston, Geo. H. Tower Grove ~..,. Bergmann, Wm. F. M. Buechting, L. SylNo. 631 vester Brand. Belgrade No. 632 Robert C. Bryan. Marvin Hart, Frank A. Huston. Archie No. 633 N. Gibson. Steele No. 634 Theodore Lindberg, J. Frank Paul, Duero. C. Triangle No. 638 Reed. Trinity No. 641 Andrew S. Edgren, Chas. M. Galutia. Chas. O. Ransdell, Harry Rosenberg, Ma-x Benj. Franklin Barnholz, Jesse F. Shirley. No. 642 Northeast No. 643 Burrell L. Day, John J. Eagle, Geo. M. Housand, Eugene H. Rugan, John W. Weber.

路 188

A Ppc 11 di:r-D ea.fhs.



Names of Deceased Brethren

Clever No. 645 Shaveh No. 646 University No. 649 Parma No. 650 Pilgrim No. 652 Shawnee No. 653 Commonwealth No. 654 Country Club No. 656 Progress No. 657

Jeff J. Williams. James C. Elrod. C. L. Derrickson, J. A. Bleakney, C. L. Israel. Charles S. Blackman. Everett R. Farmer. Herman D. Huffine. Walter A. Gilbert.

Purity No. 658 Alpha No. 659 Holliday No. 660 Clarence No. 662 Aldrich No. 664

J. T. McDonald. Otto Brueckmann, Harry J. C. Dorn, Julius G. Mittler, John N. Warren; Frank Towne Wilson. Charles A. Ditmars, W. Lester Williams. Hiram M. Dagg. W. T. Deloney, D. H. Jackson, J. O. H. Sherry. George T. Gilman. William L. Mitchell.

Appendix-Suspensions N. P. D.

1929. ]


SUSPENDED FOR NON-PAYMENT OF DUES. Names of Brethren Suspended, N .. P. D.


Arthur F. Beck, William H. ,Cooper, Alfred J. Qrindon, Jr., Paul M. Heard, Constance Henneberger, Thos. J. Hines, John R. Kelly, Arthur J. Klanke, John Lavan, Wm. A. Mair, George J. Metter, Wm. P. Moss, W'arren M. Murphy, Charles R. Oehler, Dell L. Park, Geo. A. Peach, Nicholas Pfeiffer, Albert Razovsky, Chas. P. Spees, 'Chas. K. Voorhees, Wm. G. Wood, Jr., A. Franklin Ranck, Albert Wbite, Bert S. Wilson. Leo Biedermann, James G. North. Meridian No. 2 J. William Crume, William A. ILaTour, Ralph Beacon No.3 E. Ward. T. G. Herndon, A. B. Goodman, C. W. Snoddy, Howard No.4 J. R. Munroe, H. J. Smith, Chas. F. Cox, A. E. Rodgers, T. A. McElroy, Ben Tarleton, J. A. Whittey, Roy J. 'Carpenter, J. E. Cropp, J. A. Lee, Chas. F. Lee, ·Charles Shumard. Arthur W. Allen, John S. Alsup; Oliver O. United No.5 Bodenhamer, Harold E. Boren, Earl R. Campbell, Raymond C. Cashon, Charles L. Cowell, James N. Eagle, Virgil A. Galbraith, Silas F. Gist, Willard W. Gilmore, Art. Hudson, John A. James, Samson N. James, Fred Jarrell, Gil· bert Johnston, Elmer H. Jordan, Alfred P. Lewis, Guy W. McClure, Paul J. Meyers, Dwight E. Newton, Thos. D. Parnell, John C. Peightel, Thos. S. Proctor, <Clifford L. Rogers, Arthur J. Smith, Chester B. Staley, Wm. S. Thompson, Jack R. Tolliver. Ark No.6 Clinton L. Janny. Geo. Washington Albert L. Dodge, Robert E. Field, Allie F. Funkhauser, Stanley R. Holland, Burrell B. No.9 Hudnall, Herman G. Nelson, Edwin S. Nichols, Qeo. H. Sommers, Chris P. Stroh, Walter E. RUffing. Agency No. 10 Robert A. Gupton. Memphis No. 16 Wade K. Critz, Joe A. Curtis, John F. Chasteen, Claude C. Fagle, Arthur A. Hale, John E. Garrett, G. A. Kirkpatrick, Robt. L. Lancaster, Geo. Lenhart, Chas. O. Lenhart, Earl McDaniel, Otto W. Tennant, James W. Wray. Jos. R. Oxenhandler, Maurie Stahl, Isidor St. Louis No. 20 Schwarz. Wyaconda No. 24 James E. Bane, Presly E. Ellsworth. Harry Brockway, Adolph Mayer, James Marl', Naphtali No. 25 Stewart Morris, Elmer F. Reid, Hugo Teschemacher, Edw. G. Wold, Herm L. Piening, Harry Seddon.

Missouri No.1


Appel'ldi:r-SuspcnS£Ol1S N. P. D. Lodge

St. John's No. 28


Kamc;s of Brethren Suspendcll, K. P. D.

rhomas A. Briscoe, Robert W. Jackson, Edw. L. Love,. Wm. H. McDonald, Alfred G. Schnitzer, Alfred E.' Schutze, Joseph A. Wing. Huntsville No. 30 Sam Kurtz, R. Green Terrill. Liberty No. 31 Russell F. Barnes, S. B. Campbell, F. A. Norris, Jonathan P. Smith. Humphreys No. 32 Abin George, Charley R. McCalley, James E: McKee. Hamilton A. Fike. -Ralls No. 33 T. W. Shannon, J. Grady Kauffman, Carl P. Mercer No. 35 Cockrell. Frank C. Brickey. Cooper No. 36 John W. Rider, Frank L. Spencer, 'Villiam O. DeWitt No. 39 Dysart. Mt. Moriah No. 40 Edwin H. Rose, James O. Ho,vk, Harry K. Temme, Richard A. Brand. Charles C. Garton. Bismarck No. 41 Edgar C. Brooks, William J. Farrell, Bert N. Middle Grove M.allory, Charles T. Mitchell, Carl W. Noel, No. 42 William M. Riggs, Hartman Rector, Kenton K. Stephens, James A. Stewart. Ed S. Bailey, Roy E. Curtis, Robert Enloe, Jefferson No. 43 John H. Temmen. George ¥;'. Johnson. Fair piay No. 44 Bonhomme No. 45 Henry W. Meisch. Joseph L. Bush, Wm. G. Kimbrell, A. W. KinFulton No. 48 sey. Troy Smith, H. E. Tucker, Fred Carrel. Holt No. 49 Livingston No. 51 'Vm. W. Barnett, Oscar Dahlene. .Jesse C. Dugger, Ed M. Harrison, Forrest D. Richmond No. 57 Harrison, Charles H. Allison, Thos. R. Clark, Mort D. Finch, T. E. Williams, George A. White. W. R. Toolson, Dee Roberts, H. M. Jamieson: Centralia No. 59 Charles -Crews. New Bloomfield No. 60 _ John J. Rogers. Monroe No. 64 maud C. Helm, C. E. Line, W. H. McAdoo, Sullivan No. 69 James Williams. G. W. Buford, R. G. Hays, G. R. Pulliam, Gorin No. 72 Everett Triplett. Eureka No. 73 M. A. Knoppenberger. Warren No, 74 R. H. Bradshaw, G. W. Carlstead, R. E. Hurt. Independence Joseph H. Akers, James Akers, William Bea· No. 76 man, James Bennett, Fred Bergschneider, Everett T. Broaddus, Edwin S. Carroll, William C. Chapman, Reginald A. eriley, Harvey T. Davis, Walter E. Durhan, Archie M. Ehle, W. Russell Elliott, Fancher Farmer, C. T. o

1929路1 Lodge

Appcndi.r-Suspcnsion.s N. P. D.


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.

Faust, Jr., John FehI', Charles E. Foster, E. E. Frye, H. A. Gallagher, Donald H. Gibson, Clarence Gillispie, Fred A. Gish, Bert A. Hafer, Obe G. Hamilton, E. D. Harrington. Clay A. Hudson, Wm. 'V. Hunter, Jay G. Jenkins'on, Ashton B. Jones, Paul Jones, Rexford H. Jones, Clyde Kamerick, J. S. Kelley, Ernest E. Kerr, Charles 'C. Koehler, John M. Lerche, Jas. C. Lineback, Vaught A. Link, R. G. Loosemore, HarryC. Mack, H. Wm. Martin, Wm. D. Miller, Roy C. Mustain, Roe D. McCain, Wm. K. McConnell, Leo. W. McDavill, R{)ibert E. Naylor, Wm. S. Out-on, G. Jos. Phillips, Wm. O. Porter, John C. Potter, Geo. L. Remington. Sears F. Riepma, Edw. H. Salzberg, Carl A. Schulz, 'Clarence T. Shepherd, W. Douglas, Sloan, Elmer Smith, W. W. Spencer, Joseph C. Storey, Eugene P. Wheeler, Bert Wesner, Alson A. White, Frank Woodward, Ober L. W-ortz, Julius O. Zutz. Lebanon No. 77 J-ohn L. Bass, James L. Grayson, Wm. W. Haley, Jesse B. Key, N. E. Morrison, Arthur J. McClernand,C. B. Pounds, Raymond H. Parker, Charles Lewis Phifer, Chas. A. Reeves, S. Irving Trask, U. G. Walker. A. N. Wilkinson. St. Joseph No. 78 Abraham F. Optican, Julius Optican, Samuel E. Ringo, Harry iC. Rockwood, Charles E. Wilkinson. Polar Star No. 79 Aug. W. Geipel, Peter G. Burger, Harris P. Emerson, Fred H. Entchelmeyer, Henry Ger'ber, Carlyle E. Latta, Edward C.Lawrence, John P. Miners, Richard L. Richter, Joseph Yochum, James G. Beck, 'Clay M. Brannon, Herman Felgenhauer. Bridgeton No. SO Thos. E. Riley, Lewis C. Hosack, Walter C. Lindsay, Jr., Geo. M. M'Uschamp, James M. Russell. Jackson No. 82 Harry E. Kelley. Miami No. 85 Samuel O. Grady. Brookfield No. 86 Willis R. Brott, Leigh A. Chamberlain, Walter D. Harris, John G. Harris, John L. Hall, Roy Hoagland, LeRoy S. Johnson, Estell E. Landrum, Sam W. Mills, George B. Manuel, Frank D. Markey, Claud G. McKenzie, Larmon E. Osborne, William D. Parks, Emmitt O. B. Rey路 nolds, W. T. Summerton, Herb E. Shoemaker. Washington No. 87 Ernest C. 'Cantrell, Ben Carr, Allan Davie, Fred C. Eastin, tOoe Hudspeth, A. Ham Scott. Defiance No. 88 Vilas Risser, David R. Roper, Eldridge S. King, David E. Br-ogan, Ross A. Stark. Independence No. 76


Appendix-Suspensions N. P. D. Lodge

Madison No. 91 Perseverance No. 92


Names of Brethren Suspended N. P. D.

Lucian Frank. George R. Biggs, Druey Goodman, F. C. Haley 3rd., E. L. McBride, Jr., Ras G. Pribe, J. L. Reading, Jas. C. Thorton, Marion WilliaIlL':l, Claud 'Voodruff. St. Marks No. 93 Ev'a M. Abernathy, Albert C. Dittlinger, Chas. M. Morton, Robert G. Philipson, Gustave W. Polock, Samuel H. Sandbach. Henry B. Avey, Wm. A. Gokin, Mason McD. Pomegranate Tinsley, Ernest F. J. Wundrack, Charles M. No. 95 Wilbert, Jr., Richard J. Foltyn, Eugene Ehrhardt. John M. Terry, Thomas Warden. Webster No. 98 Mt. Vernon No. 99 Max W. Turk, Herbert Crumpley, W. I. Bacon, Geo. F. Seaman, Walter Agan, D. W. Thurman, Walter Davis, Frank Peck, S. E. Harlan, King Jones, Carl Seargent, Robt. M. Saltz, 0.' M. Evans, Richard H. Landrum, Thos. R. Col路 ley, Hugh T. Hukman, Wm. F. Boucher, Ones Hillhouse, Arlie T. Mullins, Norman Smith. Bloomington Roger Davis, Edward L. Hill, Thomas Martin, No. 102 John Hill, Jr:, Walter Wendt. Heroine No. 104 Harry S. Adler, Richard J. Low, Hiram E. Dodge, Jaco1b Eichenberg, Gerson B. Millman, John E. Munden, Louis Rocher, Richard Rodman, Albert N. Guy, Ben Hellert, Louis Hansberg, Isadore Baum, Sam Tirber, Lewis Waters, Borney Schultz, Robt. P. Miller, Robt. F. Patchur, A. Roess, Abe Rubenstein, Jerry D. Raggos, Peter Manos, Geo. G. Markopulos, R. C. Elgin, Rector Fields, Edw. Kramer, C. B. Winsborough, Leo Brown, Saul J. Benyas. Kirksville No. 105 Grant W. Berry, Roy L. Caldwell, Rex E. Cunningham, A. I. DoneghY,Grover N. Gillum, Warren Griffith, Jos. W. Gooch, J. 'C. Gooch. Arthur D. Hamilton, E.H. Henry, W. A. Hopkins, Paul M. Howerton, Edd G. Kitts, H. W. Llewelling, 1. L. Mitchell, Leonard A. Mundis, Frank B. Moon,Clarence L. McKim, Paul J. Pattin, 路Jas. O. Pasley, Cyrus N. Ray, J. G. V. Redmon, John M. Scovel, 'Charles H. Soden, Marion H. Swaim, Gilbert Steen, Fred W. 路"rarren, Andrew S. Wallace, Lloyd V. White, Emanuel F. Withers, Oren O. Williams, Hosea A. Wright. Greenville No. 107 Albert Wood, Isaac N. Daffron, Daniel B. McGee, Smith Givan, William P. Owens, Joseph A. Shoemake. Altamont No. 108 Robert N. Black, Clay H. Wallace.


Appendix-Suspensions N. P. D.

. Lodge


Names of Brethren Suspended N. P. D.

Charles M. Pogue, Robert H. Phelps, Truman R. Sample, C. E. Stevens. Paul F. Halden, Virgil H. Hall, Herbert C. Trenton No. 111 Kimberlin, Ernest L. Stone, Roby H. Willis. Maitland No. 112 Clark E. Brown, Thomas E. Bundy, Hiram L. Leeper. Twilight No. 114 Water Ballenger, T. E. Conley, M. F . .crow, E. N. Crank, ,C. Moss Edwards, Hollis Edwards, F. Layton Graves, E. C. Hawkins, L. T. Hopper, Sam P. Hall, Herman Julich, Henry R. Kernberger, C. W. Loomis, H. F. Mikel, A. O. McAllister, J. D. Robinson, Glenn R. Robertson, James P. Stockton, J. D. Turner, Nelson H. Walden, J. W. Whitaker, Hiram P. Waite. Laddonia No. 115 O. E. BonsaI, O. S. Doyle, J. M. Long, Alaga Boyd. G. G. Bolch, G. T. Graves, G. T. Gflaves, Jr., W. Barnes No. 116 B. Holmes, J. H. Rimel, M. T .. Skyles. Helena No. 117 J. O. Swink. Kingston No. 118 H. T. Baker. Warren E. Donnell, Norman J. Leonard, SamDeSoto No. 119 uel Niccolls, Cale W路. Reynolds. E. L. Lechien, Karl Oelfke, D. C. Dougl,as. Compass No. 120 Erwin No. 121 Charles E. 'Collet, Albert Fischer, Fred E. Hertha, John Schrampf, Henry Sparrer. L. L. Minor, H. A. Elliott, A. J. Fleetwood, G. Triplett No. 122 B. Gains, C. A. Robertson, V. A. Taylor,C. W. McAllister. Union Star No. 124 Charles Elliott, Oliver P. Ott, H. H. Rockhold. Gentryville No. 125 Bert Prior. A. D. Baker, Jacob J. Hoffman, Geo. S. Milnes, Seawan No. 126 Alfred A. Maggart, Wm. A. Matkins, John -Payne, Reuben B. Payne, Nate N. Snyder. Athens No. 127 Claude Cliffman, Claude Gousins, Richard H. ;Hulet, Charles A. Lane, -Luther E. Spainhower. Monett No. 129 W. B. Adcock, Oliver Anderson, Rufus Barnett, W. H. Bradford, G. B. Bowen, F. A. Caldwell, C. A. Carr, C. C. Cook, J. J. Cooper, Carl M. Counts, A. C. Ebright, L. H. Ferguson, Grover Garrison, R. N. Gillette, Ray Guinney, Efton Henson, J. L. Hoover, J. J. Long, Sherman J. Mills, Paul F. Music, W. E. Polson, Tom T. Steele, Newton Shepherd, Will H. Stanley, Wm. F. Stolle, E. E. Suttles, Carl W. Utter, Louis G. Wright. Hume No. 130 John C. Biggs, James F. Hicklin. Olean No. 134 Charles F. Hecht. Braymer No. 135 Oren Enyart, Guy O. Wells.

Marcus No. 110


AP1Jendix-Suspensions N. P. D. Lodge


Names of Brethren Suspended N. P. D.

J. W. McClellan, Thos. L. May, .Tas. D. Sidwell, T. N. Wilcoxon, Barney E. Wells. Delphian No. 137 \V. M. Bradford, E. J. Thomas, T. F. Layman. George A. Dunn, Edwin P. Lock. Cass No. 147 Frank Stuhblefield. Purdy No. 148 Lexington No. 149 Theo. A .. Bates, Lafayette 1. Morris, W. A. Pettit. Claude Old. Chas.Sapp, J. T. Sims, C. B. AdAshland No. 156 kins. Evan W. Chase, Noel M. Hall, Wiley W. Neigh路 Mountain Grove bors, Harry H. Woodworth. No. 158 Green City No. 159 Frank Wood, Jr., George E. Porter, Hoy Steele, Daniel M. Osborne, Joel W. Edelen, Everet H. Parsons, Aldo K Snyder. Will T. Malone. Clifton Hill No. 161 Occidental No. 163 Clarence P. Kidwell, William H. Monroe, Christopher Seale. Maryville No. 165 Samuel Craven, Rudlitts Holt, Alex Holt, Roy Martin, L. R. Popham, Emmett F. Scott, Glen D. Swinford, Winfield S. Swinford, John Cecil Wilson. . Portageville R. J. Blunt, .Tohn J. Killion, Grover C. Meatte, No. 166 P. A. MoLean. Camden Point Frank Lamansky, R. O. Vestal. No. 169 Hartford No. 171 Richard W. Mannon, Gad D. Pearson, Roy C. Wessel. Louie Hulen, David R. Evans, Nelson Evans. Sturgeon No. 174 Skilt A. Altis, Jesse Reaves, F. H. Shannon, Texas No. 177 W. T. Shepard. Pride of the West George W. Gardner, Adolph Jaeckel, John H. Meyer, Jos. A. Michaud, Allyn ,C. Thompson, No. 179 l<-"l'ed J. Worden, Charles J. Klima. Pyramid No. 180 Harry W. McChesney, Charles Edw. Statler. Henry James Lewis, Carl E. Witter, John Jo~ Samborski. Novelty No. 181 C. C. Linson, S. A. D. Pond, Lee Norris, John L. Shoemaker. California No. 183 John R. Blythe, 'Chas. T. Snow, Fred Wood. Wm. Black, E. F. Bynum, Alonzo L. Marshall. Morley No. 184 .las. H. Narrid, Claud O'Connor, Homer E. Tomlinson. Hermon No. 187 'Charles L. Jones, Dale .G. Higgins, Elmer Lakin, Robert 'V. Morris. William J. 'Carson, Chas.G. Fancher, Fonce lVl. Hannibal No. 188 Ford, Harvey H. Jacobmeyer, John R. Johnson, Clarie G. Lewis, Robert H. McKinney, J. Fred Meyer, Chas. H. T. Wessell, Walter Willingham. Phoenix No. 136

Appendi.r-Suspcl1sjons }\/. P. D.

1929. J ."



Lodge': .

Names of Brethren Suspended N. P. D.

Golden If. Benefiel, George B. Crum, Fred L. Lang, John R. Nichols, D. Elmer Sell, Geo. O. Starbuck, Roy W. Swafford. Charles Eaton, Arnold J. Gregory, Clell G. Putnam No. 190 Johnson, Fredrick B. Patton. Kirhy S. Tisdale. Wilson No. 191 Frankford No. 192 W. C. Smith. Carthage No. 197 J. \VardCathers, John W. KUlldsen, Scott McKenzie, Joseph McMillan, Geo. A, Snyder, Oa1yin B. Taylor, Arthur Weil. New Hope No. 199 Benjamin H. Wells. Ravenwood No. 201 H. B. McCaugley. Thomas Adams, Geo. M. Allen, Frank M. AnRowley No. 204 nerson, E. G. Creek, Bruce Coons, F. M. Gibson, Thos. H. Hardy, C. C. Means, W. L. Mullendore, Jas. B. Pennington, W. F. Shortridge, B. B. Thomas, M. G. Duncan, R. H. Bruce. Trilumina No. 205 Chas. W. Bishop, Chas. W. peecher, Ed Purcell, Porter Watts, Robert Watts, Samuel Ec 'Venzel, Lee Davis, Jos. M. King, Arnold H. Lowe, Albert Mikels, Oather 'V. Thomas. Somerset No. 206 John 'V. Doman . Clay No. 207 . Albert J. Arnold, Jr., J. Lee Buck, Elven Lloyd Craven, William G. Johnson, John Judd. Four Mile No. 212 P. G. Bray, N. L. Mitchell, W. W. McCutchen, J. M. McKnight, Robt. F. Price, Harry A. Put路 na.m, Mart Wood, V. V. Wright. J. W. Hale, L. L. Hale, John ,C. Ingram, Chas. Rolla No. 213 T. Jones, John H. PHlman, Alpha Cook, Robt, Craig, H. A. Shelton, F. D. 'Watson, H. G. Tune, D. H. Radcliffe, F. A. Pool, .Tas. L. Gregg. Forest City No. 214 Edward Hopper, Charles Schaeffer, Fred Con路 nor. J. W. Ellis, E. A. Fullbright, C. A. McAnally, Hornersville Major Ray, .J. T. Self. No. 215 Hale City No. 216 Roy Fink, C. C. Myers, Lawson Frazier. Barbee No. 217 William Andrew, Edwin Steinmetz. Good Hope No. 218 'Vm. H. Jacobi. John S. Bates, William H. Cooper, John O. Albert Pike Fredman, Reed G. Gentry, Harry L. Goodwin, No. 219 Norman E. Gresham, Roma A. Hicks, Ervin C. Huffman, 路Wm. R. James, Joseph D. W. Kinyoun, Walter H. Marshall, Albert H. Monsees. Beverly C. Platt, Ray M. Stokes. Herman F. Brandenberger, Horace B. CarKansas City michael, Adolphus S. Coyle, Stuart B. C. ForNo. 220 bes, Walter Gable, Charles W. Glascock, Bernard J. Goldberg, Harry Goldstein, Bernard HUr. witz, David E. Justus, Morris Kort, TIlos. G. Zeredatha No. 1S!)

AppendiJ,,--Suspensions N. P. D.

196 Lodge

Kansas City No. 220

La Belle No. 222 Hamilton No. 224 Saline No. 226 Cypress No. 227 Cardwell No. 231 Polo No. 232 Bucklin No. 233 La Plata No. 237 Rushville No. 238 Hopewell No. 239 Manes No. 240 Keystone No. 243

Neosho No. 247

Carroll No. 249 Glensted No. 250 Alton No. 255 Mechanicsville No. 260 Florence No. 261 Holden No. 262


Names of Brethren Suspended N. P. D.

McLaughlin, Alexander Michelson, Joseph Michelson, Mortimer R. Platt, George A. Potter, Phil W. Ragan, Fred O. Scott, Albert H. Simons, Jared F. Skidmore, George F. Standke, Norman A. Starks, Charles J. Stewart, Roy A. Thrailkill, 'Charles M. 路Westerman, Thomas Woodson. J. L. F. Nickerson. Fred E. Gomiel. Theodore Q. Graff, Herbert Henry Hoff, John G. Turley. Harvey H. Bonds, Charles R. Facto. J. M. Anderson, J. E. Richardson, M. L. Waldrep. Sam F. Cook, Joe T. Lamar. Jas.L. Cantwell, Jas. W. Cantwell, Mont. D. Carter, Israel a. Coen. A. E. Park, W. F. Chambers. C. L. Henman, Henry Henman, R. L. Lutz, C. N. Starmer, Jr. Jesse Hughes, J. H. Lamb, Thos. McNeely, T. D. Shriver, John Trollinger. John Adams, Peter A. Cline, Charles Key, Henry Hutsell, Robert E. L. Julian, Marion Robertson, Walter Crisp. Jas. S. Cumming, Geo. Sommerhauser, Wm. A. Blair, Adolph Bohrmann, Frederick E. Brown, -0has. R. 'Cannafax, Jr., Wm. R. Clement, Robt. V. Johnson, Chas. Lane, Henry Likes, Clarence A. Lillard, Hiram N. Moore, George H. Phelps, Lewis P. Robinson, Theo. F. Smith, Hardesty T. Topping, Otto F. Volland. Robt. Armstrong, A. W. Bushner, Richard F. Bushner, G. W. Caughron, H. F. Cheney, Otto G. Cheney, Fred Jones, C. E. Maness, W. J. Peck, N. H. Saykally, M. W. Shimp, Geo. W. Yodon. Thomas McIntosh, R. M. Edwards. J. C. Miller, J. A. Thixton, Carl Thixton, O. B. Scott. W. R. Phillips, J. A. Hugan. Horace Fulkerson, Emil H. Haferkamp. Charles 'Churchill, Bert Evans, Ralph Owings, VV. O. Peters. J. W. Adams, Wallace D. Durrett, Wilfred C. Lee, Clare Avery Long, Jeptha H. Todd, John J. Wharton.

1929. ] Lodge

Appendix-Suspensions N. P. D.


Names of Brethren Suspended N. P. D.

Corinthian No. 265 S. Loebenstein, Edwin A. Mayes, Guss C. Salley. Aurora No. 267 Charles Schmidt, Walter Whitaker, Charles Olson, Elmer J. Hilliard. D. P. Branham, P. 1<'. Downey, R. E. Johnston. Lodge of Truth John D. 路Wright. No. 268 Dale S. Reno. Brotherhood No. 269 New Salem No. 270 John Knox, Azel Knox, B. E. Magruder, J. G. Bell, Frank Anderson, John Herring, W. C. Eddens, C. R. Green. A. J. Berry, M. F. Brown, L. N. Brooks, E. G. Solomon No. 271 Baker, R. L. Cleveland, G. F. Dunn, D. L. Davis, C. E. h'rrickson, H. E. Elkins, J. S. Fanington, C. M. Fredericks, J. C. Greenstreet, J. M. Hurwitz, J. W. Hamel, K. G. Haseltine, L. P. Krafft, O. E. Lloyd', L. E. Lewis, J. W. McCann, A. E; Mack, A. M. Moore, G. G. Morrow, P. C. Nixon, J. W. Owens, W. F. Patterson, E. C. Roseberry, W. M. Staubus, R. A. Sullivan, Ira Smith, H. D. Silsby, F. W. Tuckwood, C. A. Wolf, M. R. Williams, J. W. Widmier. Granite No. 272 John L. Cousley, Frank E. Paxton, Frank A. Wilson. St. Clair No. 273 Pearl G. Buckles. Bunker No. 275 R. O. Shults. Crosby Pierce, Jr. Grand River No. 276 Roy B. Duncan, Paul C. Darby, Lewis Fancher, Essex No. 278 Fred M. Lance, Wayne A. Martin, Chas. A. Swallows, Chas. M. Triplett, Chas. E. Joseph, Geo. A. Smith. Jacob R. Bird, Dee Brent, John E. Morton, Hogle's Creek Oliver P. Weaver, Harley H. Wilson. No. 2i9 Arnold L. Milentz. Fenton No. 281 Paul Bernstein, George E. Brownhill, Wm. M. Cosmos No. 282 Harley, Calvin W. Hill, John H. Wauge, Chas. W. Willis. Franklin A. Brown, Elton E. Bryson, Francis Stockton No. 283 M. 路Council, John D. Hendricks, Homer Elton Moon. J. S. Flautt, B. A. Hulings, J. V. Lesiuer, Claud Canopy No. 284 Mathis, L. M. Rhea, C. A. Taylor, H. L. Bredouw, Joe C. Crawford. C. R. Wilson, 路W. H. McCoy. Earl No. 285 Craft No. 287 Bert Jeffries, George Owsley, Frank Millspaugh,C. Mortimer Ewalt. Hermitage No. .288 Thomas J. Taylor, Wm. W. Cowen.. Fairmount No. 2:)0 Watson A. Hauptman.


Appendix-Suspensions N. P. D. Lodge

Lamar No. 292


Names of Brethren Suspended N. P. D.

Cllas. W. Gearhart, Chas. E. Jones, Paul McLaughlin, Herril Norwood. Ray Palmer, Truman Richards, Fred Williams, George W. Maxwell. . Sarcoxie No. 2fl~{ W. H. Ball, Joe H. Qulick, O. M. Lewis, ,JaR. R. Robinson, Eldred Sen ekeI'. Mound City No. 294 George W. Deal1. Moniteau No. 295 W. A: Dearing. Sparta No. 296 H. E. Sensa'baugh, .I. F. Bean, W. W. Bond, J. P. Lee, G. A. Johns, .J. W. St. John, T. L. St. .John. Temple No. 299 Date R. Alexander, Ro'bert A. Anderson, LeRoy Atkinson, Ross R. Barr, Nat G. Barter, James G. Bissell, Erick O. Bjorkback, Warner C. Brownfield, William C. Carswell, WilHam O. Cox, Ralph B. Davis, Henry W. Dengolesky, Halley K. Dickey, Wm. A. Dunegan, Warner D. Ege, Hugh Robt. Ennis, Asa J. Ford, Wm. P. Gelabert, John .I. Glover, Martin C. Hackett. Charles E. Haldeman, Oscar M. Helfrich, Wal- . tel' W. Hesler, Harry W. Hard, Homer, W. Hutchison, Charles W. Jenkins, Arthur Johnson, Alfred M. Jones, Wm. C. Junkins, Mason Kittess, John I-I. Lane, Aubrey E. MC'CaIl, Josiah B. McGilvray, :B~rank D. McMillen, Howard Faris McMillen, John H. Manning, Wm. 'J. Mathis, Jean J. Mignolet, Charles E. Mitchell. Shirlie K. Moredock, Wm. A. Morrison, Wm. R. Moshier, Gilbert K Mueller, James C. Musselman, Wm. B. Needles, F. Mitchell Oldham. Cllas. H. Parkhurst, Roy Paxton, MacFarland Pickard, Claude W. Poage, John G. Pruitt. John B. Quigley, John N. Ramsey, Stephen .I. Raphel, Joseph A. Ridgway, Da.mden W. Riley, Eugene O. Saighman, Frank E. Sesler, Marion B. Sharp, Ralph W. Sharp, Charles C. Slaughter, Clifton B. Sloan. Gail B. Sprink, John N. Sprink, Jr., Edmund N. Stephens, John J. Summers, Willard Theilmann, F. Grayer Thompson, Joseph Frank Throm, Ludwig Ellis Throm, James L. Turner, Francis S. Walton, Neil Henry Ward, Paul D. White, Charles P. Woodbury. Signal No. 304 J. Vol. Bricker, Howard Bricker, F. W. Chan路 cellar, B. V. Crockett, L. H. Freeman, Edw. Gathman, Elmer Kelsey, J. L. Lounsbury, Albert Short, Mathew Turnbull, Fred'k Podpechan, D. Ed Crain, .James Nicholson. Ashlar No. 306 'Vm. .I. Stone, C. G. Rodgers, Ambrose High.

1929. ]

Appc'I1di;r-Suspcnsions N. P. D.


New London No. 307 King Hiram No. 309 Sikeston No. 310


Names of Brethren Suspended N. P. D.

Arlie Lake. Ulric D. Blair, Wm. H. Pryor.

Hammond W. Baker, Jr., J. Ruskin Cook, C. Jas. Faulkner, John H. Galeener, Wm. J. Milem, Raymond A. Moll, E. Earl Pate, Frank H. Smith, Thornton A. Wilson, F. Sherrill Winford. Cuba No. 312 Ernst Wenze1. Jerusalem No. 315 W. R. Hall, O. L. Holman, John P. Long, Charlie L. Long, W. F. Mitchell, B. F. Melcher, Ora Mitchell, Lon \V. Mitchell, B. H. McNeece, Tom L. Manley, Joe B. Mitchell, D. F. Deardoff, F. A. Clawson, R. R.Coffey, Geo. W. Frieze, Wrn. A. Farmer, C. E. Frye, Ora Farmer, Enos W. Hubbard, J. T. Holman, Claude R. Holman, James W. Porter, Leo C. Stamps, Henry Winchell. Rural' No. 316 Ernest M. Brazil, Max M. Cohen, A. Horace Cubberly, Sidney H. Easterday, Otto EysselI. Maurice J. Geary, Dwight E. Golden, Hayden H. Hohstadt, Noble B. Hull, Harry A. Kaufmann, J. ,Clyde LoU, Edwin \V. Marshall, Milo F. Miller, Joshua R. Moyers, Fred O'Connor, Arthur F. O'Neal, Russell Page, James Patterson, Max W. Pehl, Meyer Peltzman, Roland D. Perkins, Henry Roemer, Ha.rry F. Sarman, Lambert. Willstaedt, Robert l<"'. Wise. Eldorado No. 318 Walter Blanton, John Frankhouse. Paulville No. 319 John F.Campbell. Versailles路 No. 320 August Welpman . .Jonathan No. 321 George Parman, Otis Hunter. Cornerstone David .T. Alpirn, Nathan M. Antle, Horace No. 32H Barks, Jr., Sidney M. Binder, George E. Bind路 ner, Frank Calhoun, Everett Dunn, Harry G. Greditzer, Max Gundlach, George J. Hager, Albert A. Harper, Henry J. Hartmann, Edward C. Hucker, Leo S. Kalter, Jean Knott, Herman Kr<msbein, Geo. H. Lindsey, Gilbert R. Loewenstein, Maurice L. Roos, Harvey Simpson, William C. Stack, August .J. Schmidt, Leo P. Zeltner. McDonald No. 324 Bryson S. Ayres, John E. Crick, LeRoy E. Haden, George H. Mann, Mell A. Pallette, Wood H. Ramsey, Thomas W. Ress, Mark S. Salisberry, O. C. Sheley, Jr.

Appendi.t路-Suspensions N. P. D.

200 Lodge

Dockery No. 325


Names of Brethren Suspended N. P. D.

Nathaniel C. Hopson, Holly C. Mitchell, J. Lindley Norman, Clarence P. Staats. Mt. Zion No. 327 Miller W. Ellis, Sam R. Laswell, Edw. A. Rice. Cainesville No. 328 George W. Sheets, ,C. G. McDaniel, W. A. Lewis, B. E. Collins, T. S. Duff, Clark Biddison. Paul Revere Clare Acton, Albert Shinneman, Carl H. Wiebrock. No. 330 Charity No. 331 Leo E. Baldwin, V,Tm. H. Bonner, Lonald C. Bruner, Leo T. Gorman, Warren M. Huff, Herman E. Lib-be, Robert C. Little, James S. Lucas, Earl E. Mueller, Edward E. Ott, J. Clyde Roberts, Henry L. Walker. JopIin No. 335 William S. Brown, Earl F. Bryant, Jesse Carrithers, Perley Eaglesfield, Oscar W. Ferree, Albert C. Garrison, Carl E. Geier, Robert D. Glenn, Frank Greenwell, Dan Hamilton, Earl Hart, George Lurwick, Harry J. Mead, George W. Sollars, Chas. A. Robinson, Fred G. Sebas' tian, Chester A. Stone, John R. Ridgway, David K. Winston, William H. Withrow. Blue Springs Robert B. Carel, Ben F. Cornforth, Millard A. Riley, Robt. S. Thomas, J. Edw. Morrison, No. 337 Lem Pryor, J. Prosser Tindall, Orville "VilIiams. Clark Wilson Davis. Herculaneum No. 338 Fidelity No. 339 James Brewer, Charles Minnear, Ed Tenison, Jas. Wright. Westport No. 340 Louis Adelstein, Daniel C. Arnold, Cloyd A. Bacon, 'Cecil J. Baker, Chester H. Blackburn, Charles C. Booher, Jr., George Burgess, Daniel M. Carr, .Tr., George Carter, Geo. W.Cissna, John N. Cowan, 'Leroy M. Davenport, Richard W. Dean, Chauncey B. Drolsbaugh, Arthur R. Englander, William L. Fessler, Julius Frisch路_ er, Hathon G. Getchell. Francis Gruene, Clayton W. Guthrie, John W. Haley, John P. Hammil, Robt. H. Hammond, Harry E. Heite, Ross Hodgson, Walter H. Jackman, Roy R. Kinsey, Jack A. Klapper, CarlA. Larson, Victor H. Lenge, Wm. A. McCoy, John S. Marley, Victor C. Meyer, Roy R. Moorman, Henry Newman. Lawrence P. Norton, Wm. E. Oldfield. Clarence Oliver, Kent L. Perkins, Harold T. Rams. Chas. P. Rankin, Cecil Riggall, Edw. P. Roche. John G. Royster, Walter G. Schaefer, Arthur R. Schubert. Walter .J. Schumacher, Andrew Scott, Ray E. Shore, Herbert B. Wadley, Floyrl C. '\Tahlenmaier, Homer W. 'Varriner, Alvin A. Wiseman.


Appcndi.1:-Suspensiol1S N. P. D.


Rockville No. 341


Names of Brethren Suspende<1 N. P. D.

W. F. Gunn, L. E. Meyer, H. M. Welch, A. O. Griffin, E. H. Hirmi, Geo. A. Sunderwith. Agricola No. 343 C. N. Bliel, F. A. Harrison. H. O. Brough, C. B. Clapp, Robin Gould, O. E. Moberly No. 344 Keidel, John ,Lowe, Carl Moeller, W. A. McClure, Joe R. Woods. Fellowship No. 345 Fred H. Barnes, Roger S. Bennett, B. F. Fugitt, Lacey E. Ga:ger, John B. Hinkson, Rhey H. Howard, Wallie A. Hurwitz, Glen T. Jamison, Leonard J. Lewis, Melvin M. Moriti, Chas. B. Robertson, Ralph C. Robinson, Frank W. Sansom, \\!'8.-rren \\T. Simpson, Albert J. Smith, Clyde L. Snodgrass, Paul F. Stevens, John S. Thornton, James Vawter, Julius G. Waar, William A. Wessel. America No. 347 Martin O. Wendrich. Pollock No. 349 Nova C. McDannold, Frank A. Waldeck William Herrell, Robert S. Snow', I. V. StubTyrian No. 350 blefield. Francis M. Daugherty, Lewis H. Maples, Wm. Friend No. 352 N. Pigg, John W. Wray, William R. Warren. Adelphi No. 355 Maylon S. Downs. J. Spencer Allen, C1'arence V. Beck, Jay L. Tuscan No. 360 Bowman. Alfred G. Busch, Robt. D. Evans, Frank E. Kauffman, Jr., Dick C. Miller, L. O. Muench, S. E. Parsons, A. A. Rasmussen, Thos. E. Siner, Jacob E. Stamm, Geo; H. Tontrup, Hugh K. W路agner. Thomas P. Moore, R. R. Parsons. Hiram No. 362 Fraternal No. 363 George A. \\Tilliams. n. E. Buchanan, Earl A. Bush, Allen E. Cain, Adair No. 366 Clement Craig, E. M.Demarest, F. V. DeVinny, John Diehl,. Frank Eckert, W. J. Ferth. E. S. Finley, George S. Gardner, M. K. Johnston, W. F. KoIste, W. P. Kruse, R. A. MeNealey, Frank L. Miller, W. J. Powell, Wray M. Reiger, R. W. Hans Seitz, W. R. Tuley, Glenn Y. Warner, E. J. Wegner, Elmer L. Williams, Archie W. Wood, Alfred M. Ward. Wm. L. Adeock, Andrew H. Truax, Fred MorBarry No. 367 row, Duncan Northcutt, Joe Vanderpool. Crescent Hill 'George A. Lawson, 'V. H. Twyman. No. 368 Composite No. 369 Paul Keller, Frank L. Page. R. E. Ownbey, A. E. Fretwell. Williamstowll No. 370 J. D. Younger, C. D. Gray, J. F. DeJarnette, Sheldon No. 371 Emmett Wilson.


Appendix-SuspclIsiolls N. P. D. Lodge


Names of Brethren Suspended N. P. D.

Nonpareil No. 372 James A. Harris. Belle No. 373 A. S. Woody, Fred A. We her, John Poe. Wilderness No. 374 Marion Green, Charles Halley, Walter Pigg, Ralph Stotler, Thos. L. Whitten. Waynesville l\-l'ack H. Payne, Sam M. York. No. 375 King Hill No. 376 Jeff Austin, Oscar C. Dandliker, John \Vm. Emerson, Claude Lee Hatton, Theodore Longstreth, Alva Lee McDowell, Harry H. McKee, Wm. Ambrose Tolin, Adolph Karl Widman. Ancient Craft Sidney Levy, Ernest Workman, Frank E. Wag No. 377 ers, Lon C. Frank, Roy F. Case, J. H. 路Welker. Ionia No. 381 A. W. Hayes, W. C. Simmons, M. E. Sooter, G. N. Jukes. Pythagoras No. 383 Wm. R. Weatherby. East Prairie Verlon Braden, Wm. S. Davis, Samuel E. DrenNo. 384 nan, Wm. A. Smith. Woodside No. 387 E. G. Lane. Jos. L. Edmundson, Jas. Iberg, Wm. R. May. Chula No. 388 Marionville No. 390 W. M. Christopher, C. O. Cannady, G. S. Bennage, E. 'L. Logan, C. R. Stark, Wm. C. Woods. Christian No. 392 J. B. Huggins, Paul Miller, H. M. Murray, Wm. A. Stump. Bee Hive No. 393 Bernard L. Davis. Lucerne No. 394 William T. Young, Jacob Young, Wm. E. Hughes, John Riddell, Wilbur G. Williams, J. D. Baskett, Albert G. Reeves, Samuel F. Smith. Malden No. 406 Harry B. Davis, E. L. Frazell, Sam T ..Jordon, Harry Miller, Edward Phillips, John T. Ricketts, W. E. Scobey, Charles H. Workman. Charleston No. 407 Scott Alexander, Frank D. Lair, Tilden Lutz, James L. Lee, 'Wilfred U. Myers, Burt H. Rowe, Homer T. Rowe, Carl S. Soderstrom, G. A. Russell, Homer Wynn, Jacob A. Wynn. Ferd .T. Wilkinson, Sr. Montrose No. 408 A. M. Conrad, W. W. Hendricks, A. Boyd, W. B. Stanford,' Lorenzo Prather. Valley No. 413 Warren F. Stanton. Greensburg No. 414 A. R. Ambrosius. W'm. H. Gueler, C. M. Henry, . L. M. Pierce, Howard Perry, C. P. Reynolds. Albert C. Karcher, Raymond L. Miller, Lester Cache No. 416 A. Prichard. Robt. L. Brase, Lloyd E. Clippard, John D. Whitewater Dameron. No. 417 Wm. L. McClung, George Dillon. Clear Creek No. 418 R. E. Colson. Star No. 419 Itaska No. 420 Chas. W. Daniels, Herman Kury, Albert N. Lewis.


.Appendix-Suspensions N. P. D.


Urbana No. 421 Rothville No. 426 Glenwood No. 427 Pittsville No. 428 New Madrid 'No. 429 Competition No. 432 Macks Creek No. 433


Names of Brethren Suspended N. P. D.

W'alter E. Burris, O. H. Butcher, W. E. Larose, Oscar M. Butcher, Harry A. Morris. William H. Gordon. Orville Dooley, Hugh Scurlock. R. T. Lavelle. W. A. Barnes, S. L. Brasher, A. V. Cook, W. S. Dawson, R. A. Laughlin, W. Paugle, Val Perkins, June C. Ransburgh. Roy Finley, Wm. P. Honeycutt.

F. M. Bryant, Soud Dowell, J. R. E,idsOll, J. E. Edwards, W. S. Harrel, Alvin Hoskins, J. S. Meads, Glen Neff. Wheeling No. 434 E. R. Brown, S. A. Browning, J. C. Carter, Henry Hansen, W. A. Walby, Hugh Youngs. Trowel No. 440 Charles R. Baker, P. R. Bailey, D. C. Clipp'ard. H. Alva Jamison, Eli A. Lincoln, R. McCoy Moyers, Dock G. O'KelIey, J. A. Taylor, Nemon .J. Taylor, Harry Hubert Wells, William F. Wells. ÂŁxcelsior No. 441 Charles Behrens, Harold D. Mabrey, Ernest M. Ford, O. .J. Miller, Robert Reed, Walter D. Taylor. Burlington No. 442 John Dicus. Anchor No. 443 Wm. E. Judy, John V. Botts. Albert F. Schwartz. West Gate No. 445 William Arthur Clemmer, Jack Goldman, Wrn. Harry Margenau, HarveyCarlington Montgomery, Harry Arsene Prudot, Erwin Walton Rawlings, Joseph Shapper, Norbert Francis Weinhaus. Ivanhoe No. 446 John Clark Anderson, Aurelius H. Armstrong, Geo. W. Ayres. James H. Baker, Wm. Clyde Berry, Oscar L. Borgquist, Elmer Canby Boutwell, Frank W. Boyce, Robt. ~'. Brown, Henry E. Bucher, Ralph J. Bunn, Richard Bishop Burks, Robt. James Butterfield, Herman Chase, Edwin T. Coard, Harvey Leo Cotter. Gilbert E. Cox, James T. Dolson, Clyde F. Drollinger, Louis H. Ducker, Linton B. Elliott, .Jos. Earl Evans, Clarence Edw. Falls, Eugene Edgar George, Arthur George Godsoe, Seth Kyle Graham, Wilbur Greishammer, Harold Sheridan Haitley, Samuel Locke Highleyman II, Gloyd F. Hornbaker, Jack Howard. James Frank Huston, Chas. R. Ireton, Wm. H. Jones, Francis Edw. Keith, Bernet S. Kennedy, Wm. P. Ketchum, Geo. Beryl Knapp, Ray E. Leech, Walter S. Lynch, Harry B. McMillin, Edgar Gray McMonigle, Everett C. Mead, Harry E.


Appendix-Suspensions N. P. D. Lodge

[ Sept.

Names of Brethren Suspended N. P. D.

Middlesworth, Paul A. M'inteer, Arthur Marcellus Moss, Geo.. Bryce Nash, Jerome Earl Neal, Robt. Jos. Nelson, Ray L. Newcomb, Ray O. North, Hansard Blake Payne, Guy W. Pickering, Theeb Razook, Raymond F. Reece, Clarence A. Revelle, Howard K. Rowe, Victor H. Schafer, Thos. Talbott Shelton, Richard F. Sheridan, Caryl D. Sinnet, Percy Wm. Slater, Paul Bert Smith, Irwin K. Sparling, Jas. R. Sutherlin, Warren C. Swisher, Jos. Edgar Thomas, Wm. J. Thomas, Clyde IClemont Vandiver, Cabell G. Vogel, Arthur Raymond Ward, Roy Lee 'Weir, Howard Frederick Welsh, Ray Edw. West, Albert Lee Williams, Stanton Clay Willock, Jerome C. Woolf, Wm. Anderson, Jas. Homer Ballard, Jr., Denzil Frank Baltis, Gerald Herbert Bates, David R. Beauchamp, - Ernest Bernard, John Bethune, Arthur J. Boatright, Collis P. Bosworth, Eugene E. Bourque, Francis Henry Brown, Frank R. Brown, Geo. Southworth -Carson, Frederick Chandler, Archie B. Collier, Wm. B. Collins, Lucius Cros'by, John Glenn Cross, Harry Roy Davis, Samuel C. Davis, Roy R. Delaplain, Thos. Howard Edwards, Ohas. Raoul Fenelon, Chas.Wm. Fischer, Wm. T. Gear, Wm. A. Geer, J. Roy Gentry, John Gosling, Jr., Thos. Eli Hafer, Geo. Dewey Heath, Samuel D. Helm, Ernest Wm. Hess, Edgar F. Hoefer, John Cyrie Horn, Melville D. Jenkins, Chas. Leslie Johnson, Wayne Homer Johnson, Clifford L. Johnston, Asher C. Jones, Wm. L. Jones, George H. Kay, Logan Herbert Keller, Bertram J. Keys, Sam W. Kidd, Chas. Geo. Launder, Jr., James Wilbur Leach, James Litchfield, Arthur Alexander Love, Lesley H. Lucas, Warren Lukens, Harry G. Lupinske, Burr H. McConnell, Harry C. McLain, Frank Day McMullen, Gilbert Andrew Mears, Geo. Newton Miller, Thos. C. Mitchell, Jr., James P. Moore, Richard F. Neff, Wm. Oakley, Harry T. Ostrander, Ancel W. Reuvers, Wilbur W. Rhoads, Harold S. Richards, Clarence L. Rinehart, Dave A. Scott, S. Vernon Scott, Edw. Hamilton Stanford, 'Clarence M. Stewart, James F. Tripplett, John E. Wetzig, Earle H. Whitcombe, ErIe Whitney, Frederick E. Whitten, Archie .C. Willis. Bois D'Arc No. 449 James J. Jones. Forsyth No. 453 Louis A. Hires.

Ivanhoe No. 446

1929路1 Lodge

Appendix-Suspensions N. P. D.


Names of Brethren Suspended N. P. D.

Geo. T. Gibbon, Lee Whitworth. Hinton No. 455 Lambskin No. 460 Nelson Brandt, Hague Dreon, Herbert Eichkorn, John A. Kalin, Louis Robin, Everett G. Harris, Y. P. Robards, J. B. Ramsey, Loy H. Rotrock. Caruthersville Thos. B. Gordon, W. E. Langdon, E. L. Lyons, No. 461 F. M. Kinzell, A. P. Kersey, R. L. McGill,路 C. D. Richardson, E. E. Watson, Fred Gossom, Sam Kramer, John R. Martin, W. B. Hitchcock, Jefferson Green, Wallace Dixon. Santa Fe No. 462 Roland Layman. Clifton No. 463 D. C. Burkett, A. R. Sitton. Concordia No. 464 Monroe W. Petering, H. W. Lohoefever, R. J. Walkenhorst. Jesse Swope. Red Oak No. 468 Nodaway No. 470 Gilbert K. Arney. Golden No. 475 W. R. Crouther, E. H. Jewell, W. S. Davis, R. E. Potter, A. Stevenson, A. Marshall, H. C. Bayse, Peter B. Haeberle. Mount Hope Joe L. Benning, J. O. Eppright, Raymond No. 476 Crews, Leslie Mitchell, W. L. Powell. Henderson No. 477 Bertie Felton, H. C. Ramsey, Evert Ramsey, Ben Hayden, M. B. Miller, Harry V. Shelton, J. J. Porten. Jewel No. 480 Donald M. Wilson. Marceline No. 481 Harold E. Bulen, Gale .c. Hamilton, Roy S. Haynes. Fairfax No. 483 Elmer A. Neal, H. M. Patterson, G. F. Noland, E. R. Johnson. Kirkwood No. 484 Chas. J. Ahlmark, John G. Davies, Max S. Good, Arthur E. Johnson, Fr路ancis A. W. Lewin, Roy A. McClintie, Ellis S. Royer, Ralph A. Deacon, Davis Biggs, Frank E. Hamann, Richard L. Jacobsmeyer, Houston A. Jones, Albert W. Neuhaus, Edw. J. Powell, Jr. Coldwater No. 485 Geo. T. Groves, R. R. Harper, R. C. Lucke, Geo. Mitchell, H. N. Rea, Miles Rapalee, F. G. Boyer. Cairo No. 486 Joe T. Bentley, George A. Page, Joseph G. Richeson; James P. Stinnett. Lock Spring Levan Brookshier, Wm. L. Brookshier, Isaac No. 488 F. Litton. Lakeville No. 489 J. W. Brooks, H. A. Bollinger, Geo. Baker, W. A. Cox, Wm. H. Frazell, John Groseclose, L. O. Groseclose, C. K. Greer, N. J. Goldsmith, C. E. Pruett. Otto Richmond. Montevallo John E. Henderson. No. 490 Daggett No. 492 Otto Fahrner

Appendix-Suspellsions N. P. D.




Names of Brethren Suspended N. 1'. D.

Equality No. 497

L. C. Bibb, Harrison Bull, B. B. Pillman, Geo. H. Slawson. Joe Welch. C. E. Hostuttler, S. M. House, Thomas Leuty, D. C. Auld, Henry A. Willi'ams, William Knoche, H. H. S. Du Boise. Will H. Ellis.

Pee Dee No. 498 Buckner No. 501

Prairie Home No. 503 Platte City No. 504 Warren Mitchell, Wm. Hill Miller, J. P. Layton, R. Sam Johnson, Jarvis B. Woodson. Chester B. Marshall, Francis M. Wilson, Irvine Willis, Robt. L. Head, E. H. Manwarring. Louis Irwin, Albert Lewis, Orrin Smiley, Euclid No. 505 Jesse Woodley. William J. Albright, William N. Collins, Frank Lathrop No. 506 H. Fulton, George F. Gilmore, Orner C. Grove, Herman B. Heck, Harry B. Kerr, David H. Morelock, Dewey I. Merand'a, Otto E. Schoenfeld. Clearmont No. 507 Walter S. Davis, Fred E. Griffey. Van Buren No. 509 Chas. L. Bone, Fred M. Moss, Chas. O'De}!. Peter Sanders. Skidmore No. rill B. Augustus Bagby, Harry V. Stewart, Richard A. Walker. \Vebb City No. 512 Clare A. Triplett, James B. Arbuthnot. Frank M. Bissell, Charles C. Matlock, John Y. Lott, Clarence L. Miller, Will C. Murphy. Granby No. 514 William Cole, Howard Gray, Elmer Geller, D. M. Hale, Fred Ivie, H. C. Kenney, Lovell Kellney, Andrew Martin. Seligman No. 517 Carl F. Burnett, Carl H. Haneke, Fl~ank B. King, William E. Frost, Linn A. Patterson, Geo. M. Frost. Clifton Heights Walter C. Crain, Oscar S. Messing, Herman No. 520 O. Rix, Marion J. Yount, John T. Jones, EdwiIJ H. P. Creecy, F. F. Carter, Irving .J. Shalett, Chas. W. Juengel, George C. Hearn. James D. Fui'long, Robt. H. Gnichwitz, Claburn R. Cheatham, Lockwood No. 521 J. L. Alverson, G. K. Adams, Clark McLemore, Don Vaile, Mack F. Vaile. Gate City No. 522 Paul D. Armstrong, Albert Barber, Clayton H. Brace, Joseph C. Brewen, Ira C. Brown. Fred E. Bundy, Harry O. Crosby, T. Jeff Davis, Donald D. Devol, J. Erwin Dodson, Roy Elsea, Frank R. Ferguson, Roy L. Fisher, Forest F. Foster, Nathan Fredman, Rotbert E. BigsOll, Fred \;ll. Grover, Sylvester T. Hard, Raymond A. Harman, Lloyd McCollum, Jas. R. Mitchell. 'Wm. S. Overstreet, Homer Phillips, Geo. H.


AppcndLr-Suspellsions N. P. D.



Names of Brethren Suspended N. P. D.

Gate City No. 522

Schafer, Chas. F. Schooley, WilHam Schwartz, Harry Schwartzberg, Harry W. Shelly, Gerhard J. Siebens, Wm. C. Smith, Thos. A. Streeper, Arthur B. Stricklette, Jas. M. Thomas, Wilbur B. Tungett, Henry Turner, .John W. Wright. W. Estes Colley, Alvin Dickson, 'William Rehman. John E. Paisley.

SpJckardsville No. 524 Cunningham No. 525 Wayne No. 526 Apollo No. 529 Lanes Prairie No. 531 Dexter No. 532

O. W. Hackworth, Henry M. Lucy, H. T. Maddox, Herman L. Mabury, Phil R. Stivers. Joseph R. Heckel. Curgie L. Crum, John B. Ragan. Seth Bray.

F. H. Darnell, W. W. Hamner, G. P. Hill, Geo. W. Munger, G. 1. McGlothlin, L. E. Sherry, Jas. V. Stroud. Columbia No. 534 George W. Smith. John E. Boswell, Thos. W. Boswell, Lawrence Ingomar No. 536 C. 'Collins, F. H. Brien, Walt E. Puckett,Wm. T. Tooley, H. T. Mooney, B. F. Thomas, Pearl Y. Grayham. Henry Curry, Wilber E. Shupe, Chas. D. SparAlgabil No. 544 wasser. William E. Benson, Nelson R. Boice, Wm. O. . Orient No. 546 Carver, Lavell Combs, Andrew C. Ketring, Homer Moran, Edgar R. Rulison, Jr., William L. Thompson. South Gate No. 547 Howard R. Barnes, James D. Bayless, Arthur V. Calkins, Charles W. Dew, George L. Fields. Bruce M. Gibson, Roy E. Harmon, James B. Harris, Chas. F. Hershfield, Frank M. Irving, Clyde E-. King, Elmer L. Moore, George L. Morton, Francis D. Ross, Chas. H. Reeder, Albert g. Smith, Wm. E. Stratton, Leslie F. Webb. Clinton No. 548 'Walter E. Hill, A. W. Pollock, Milo Martin, T. W. Ogg. Carl Junction Ray S. Beadle, Glenn Calvin Moore, Hayes W. No. 549 Shields, Rollin R. Shields. Rose Hill No. 550 Louis H. Campbell, Benj. Cunliff, Harley A. Dailey, D. H; Dougherty, H. G. Hedgcock, Edward L. Kelly, Cortland D. Kelly, Kenneth B. Roy, Chas. H. Shumaker, August H. Snurpus. Pendleton John Manwarrning. No. 551 Summersville G. A. McCaskill, Buck Meadar. No. 555


Appendix-Suspens'ions IV. P. D. LOllge


Names of Brethren Suspended N. P. D.

Blairstown No. 557 E. H. Combs, Grover Delap, Raymond Haller, Floyd Henderson, Geo. H. Long, W. N. Long, D. T. Lotspeich, F. L. Simpson, J. F. Taylor. Moscow No. 558 LeRoy Benedict, J. E. Richards, Jr., J. E. Cot路 tle, R. C. Mayo. . Clarksdale No. 559 Jacob A. Faul, Talmage B. Hines. Nelson No. 560 Freeman Oneal, E. M. Mace. Cowgill No. 561 Charles M. Alspauch, S. C. Ba.nister, J. D. Cooper, Ed Jamerson, Ervin Thomas. York No. 563 Robt. Bruce Armour, Erschell Cecil Davis, Claude H. Anderson, Wm. Eugene Cunningham, Harry Friedman, Jos. 'V. Gallagher, Harry E. Inman, Guy Harcourt James, Chas. Kendall Johnson, Henry D. Mansour, Wm . .T. Riley, Norman Snapp, Fred ChrisUan Roedde. Gordon Vladmar Schwartz, James Henry Woolsey. Maplewood No. 566 Sidney 1. Denniston, Clifford A. Oswald, Elmer F. Proemsey, Wm. L. Schneider, Frank B. Woodworth. Miller No. 567 M. O. Brown, J. F. Parris. Naylor No. 568 J. G. Brewington, Stephen A. Crittenden, Frank Reeves, Edgar Taylor, John R. Wardlow. Republic No. 570 n. C. Bledsoe, P. M. Smith, W. E. Shook. Rutledge No. 572 Marvin Frogge, Milton Francis, Francis M. Dick, Audria Longfellow, Arthur Petty, Wiley' Williams, John E. McDonald, Jesse O. Cooley, Henry C. Thomas. Bernie No. 573 Roy Alex-andel', Henry L. Alstadt, ,Cleo Harmon, vVm. B. Passmore, David M. Miller. Olive Branch Louis Berman, Jacob Blumberg, Howard C. No. 576 Carpenter, Sam Goldstein, David Hochman, WaIter C. Holmes, Harold S. Kelley, Abraham K Lewis, Edw. J. Marglows, Arthur Pond, Chas. J. Schmat, Wm. E. Schulz. Forest Park Henry Herold, Christian Koeln, Chas. B. No. 578 Mitchell, William H. Richardson, Edward A. Runde, Chas. C. Ziegler. Illmo No. 581 Robt. E. Bain, J. Yancy Chandler, Benj. H. Layne, J. B. MDore. Koshkonong Roy E. Staley. No. 582 Novinger No. 583 T. Will Griffith. Andrew F. Asa, Frank Beard, Roy R. Cray, Advance No. 590 Goodman Herrin, Levi Bryant, A. Boyd Jenkins, A. T. Kinder, J. H. Robinson, W. H. Simmons, Ira E.. Welker, Wiley Winchester. Barnett No. 591 Joseph L. Metts. Virgil Spradling. Union No. 593


Appe'ndi.r-Suspensions N. P. D.


Blodgett No. 594


. Names of Brethren Suspended N. P. D.

E. T. Burke, Evin Burke, M. P. Estes, Wm. Hutchinson, W. W. Lemons, R. E. Minner, J. K. Marshall, R. K. Ogilvie, R. R. Sullivan, W. E. Spradling, F. M. Withrow, F. D. Withrow, John Winders, John Reed. Boswortll No. 597 W. H. W'atkins, H. W. Green, A. A. Mueller. Dan C. Edsell, Alex Krappe, A. R. Smith. Elvins No. 599 Alden T. Arn, John Carter, Jr., Elihu R. ChilAcacia No. 602 ders, Wilbur E. Fisher, James Gordon, Walter N. Geery, Horace W. Hughes, W'alter E. Meyer, James K. Parks, Fred C. Richmond, Wm. R. B. Robertson, Ernest S. Rowland, John E. Sykes, Mitchell D. Wood, Albert H. Nichols. Morehouse No. 603 Eo. L. Hindman, F. W. Lemming, J. W. Porter, W. H. Shewbert, J. L. Shewbert. Strasburg No. 604 G. H. Gibbons, J. F.' Paddock, J. W. Bell, W. T. Stafford, Ira Cantrell, J. S. Kennedy, Howard Elevans, O. H. \Villiams, J. B. Yankee. Raymon Hill. F. W. Yankee, W. D. Kennedy, T. F. Ballard. Warrenton No. 609 Fred C. Tuttle, Elmer C. McGee. Clark No. 610 Thos. C. Freeman. Wellston No. 613 Hurley B. Bibb, James M. Casey, Lawrence W. Stark, Claude T. Stroupe, George F. Wieman, Dolphin W. L. Tacke. Jacob H. Baker, Chas. E. Carter, Ernest M. Mt. 'Vashington Ditzler, Thos. W. Hendricks, Robt. M. LockNo. 614 hart, Finley M. Smith, Wm. B. Urie, ehas. V. Wood, W路m. H. L. Watts. Edward Schneider, Wm. H. Margrabe, Harry Chaffee No. 615 E. Arnold, Ira P. Hipes. L. E. Babcock, C. M. Barnes, H. W. Cayton, Swope Park Carl F. Corkins, W. N. Henson, Roy James, No.' 617 Wm. Lorimer, John W. Macleod, (}eo. Numer, Finley L. Scott, Artie Whitlow, Wm. Wiss. Grandview No. 618 Forrest L. Bedford, Edward E. Knoche, Chas. F. Guthrie, Ed Hunt, Joseph W. TolHver, C. V. Higbee. James E. Houston, Darius Conrad, Pleasant L. Fairview No. 619 Freeland, Claiborn J. Marrs, Webster G. Pannell, Carl W. Poor. Wm. F. Admire, Franklin O. Benz, James O. Sheffield No. 625 Brown, Norman L. Colburn, Robert F. Daniel., Chester A. Dougherty, Robert D. Estes, Alva M. Eubank, E-inar Hanson, Chas. C. Harger, William C. Hodges, Chloral J. Hummer, Raymond V. Isham, John D. Jackson, James W. Jones, Leland L. Jones, Raymond W. Kerby,


Appendix-Suspel1S1:0ns N. P. D. Lodge

•Sheffield No. 62;5

Magnolia No. 626 Wallace Park No. 627 Mendon No. 628 F.ast Gate No. 630

Tower Grove No. 631

Archie No. 633 Steele No. 634 Mountain View No. 637 Triangle No. 638 Jennings No. 640 Trinity No. 641

Benj. Franklin No. 642


Names of Brethren SusDended N. P. D .

Delbert C. Klingman, Ray Myers, Harry Nichols, Chester J. Piper, Cecil A. Puckett, Ulysses Secrest, W. F. Trueblood, Walfred O. Wallner, Gus A. Weber, Edward T. Whited. Joseph Miller, Russell B. Deeds, Benj. E. Montague, Alfred T. Peters, AI Weingaertner. Thomas Lamor, James Sewell. T. L. Denney. Paul M. Baylor, Frank McF. Bell, Jr., Jas. Ii'. Brady, Geo. L. Cabiness, Rector Callicotte, Walter E. Closser, Frank J. Goleman, Austin Donohew, Carlton C. Fisher, Geo. Forrester, Jas. A. Forrester, Tom Forrester, Buford G. Hamilton, Geo. H. Holzbaur, Wm. 0.' Hughes. Wm. L. Inskeep, Sam M. Isenson, Frank M. Keith, Geo. E. Latham, Wm. J. McHenry, Roy L. lVI'attox, Frank D. Miller, Glenn O. M<mlder, Geo. R. Robinson, Jas. P. Saunders, Harvey H. Smith, Isaac Z. Smith, Frank A. Whitmeyer, Roy W. Yantis, Leighton G. Zellers. Frank L. Augustine, Guy C. Bibb, Bolfour S. Craib, Geo. T. Crawshaw, Howard 1<""'. Dobeck, Arthur G. Frankel, Harry Hirsch, Fred Howell, Harry R. Kurtz, Harry Lebeson, Doyle E. Pyle, Martin Safron, Ben A. Hugel. Raymond V. HolwelI, Arthur H. Parish, Chas. W. Pitcher, Martin H. Shipley, Guy M. Towers, Eldridge Dildine, Newbery JoQhnson, Marsh Sullivan, Paul McCutcheon, S. L. Wagster, A. Y. Goodman. H. Leslie Bailey. W. Edward Dwyer, Harry L. Ettlinger, Ellsworth D. Gundelfillder, Earl S. Moore, George \V. Schunacher. James Harry James. James T. Bavarinos, Morris Bilfeld, Edw. E. Glaus, Meyer N. Grossman, H. C. Knickman, Louis H. Kern, Frank W. Lowe, Benjamin Sparbur, W. E. Sullivan, E. R. Terry, Carey F. Teague. Irvin V. Amerman, Font K. Clendenen, Jacob Inger, Harrison King, Fred Mencher, Henry Stein, C. B. Bishop, Arth. W. Braun, Thos. J. Lynn, Leslie Olian. Abraham Oleon. Aaron Shanvet.


.-Ippendi.r-.";uspcnsiolls N. P. D.


Northeast No. 64:3

. 211

Names of Brethren Suspended N. P. D.

Glen W. Baldwin, Lloyd O. Barnes, David E. Boline, Edgar Boyer, Louis P. Broderson, Jas. R. Bryan, Jr., 'Coley J. Corlew, Harry Chamberlain, Otto Conkle, Frank De Haas, Abe M. Eisen, Jesse J. Fitzgerald, Albert Gaffney, Florence R. Harris, Ernest Holmesley, Blaine H. Howard, William J. Hudson, Harry L. McClure, 'Charles Patrick, Fred Pratt, Alfin Phillips, Hiram A. Pickering, WilHam Purnell, Earl W. Randolph, Edward L. Reisner, Claud D. Scott, Rolland A. Sharp, William A. Smith, Claude F. Sparks, Lewis S. Walker, George Zarro University No. 649 W. M. Patterson, A. K. Atkinson, B. S. Cornwell, Robt. S. Erskine, Ronald S. Hoskin, A. E. Lochmoeller, Thos. W. Ross, Harrison Weber, Jack T. Lupton. Parma No. 650 Jesse M. Massengill, Walter G. Wellman. Cleveland No. 651 .R. S. Butts, Earl Craycroft. Pilgrim No. 652 OdeI' C. Hazelrigg, Brace E. Jarrett. Shawnee No. 653 Geo. W. Henderson. Country Club E. D. Barker, H. S. Chapman, F. D. Fawcett, No. 656 R. M. Martin, V. H. Parks, J. Peycke, J. P. Taylor, C. S. Tipton, L. D. West, ,C. A. Walker. Progress No. 657 Samuel S. Jeffries, Chas. E. Keplinger. Theo. Roosevelt Chester C. Cook. No. 661 James Ellis Edwards, George W. Willey. Clarence No. 662 Jacob Braun, John T. BradburrY. Claud L. Rockhill No. 663 Horning.

A ppe ndix-R einstateltlcnts.




Missouri No.1 Beacon No.3 United No.5 Ark No.6 Geo. Washington No.9 Agency No. 10 Western Star No. 15 Naphtali No. 25 St. John's No. 28 Liberty No. 31 Troy No. 34 Mercer No. 35 Cooper No. 36 Mt. Moriah No. 40 Jefferson No. 43 Fayette No. 47 Holt No. 49 Waka.nda No. 52 ·Weston No. 53 Tipton No. 56 Richmond No. 57 Centralia No. 59 New Bloomfield No. 60 Waverly No. 61 Vincil No. 62 Grant City No. 66 Kennett No. 68 Sullivan No. 69 Sava.nnah No. 71 Eurelm No. 73 Independence No. 76

Names of Reinstated Brethren

John Holland, Dell L. Pratt, Wm. G. Wood, Jr., John R. Kelly, A. Franklin Ranck. Harry Hasselbusch, William A. Short, Carl G. Blandford, Come].ous O. Fost.er. Neal O. Garner, Roscoe S. Linton, Wm. Jack, Jr., John A. Love, ,Clem P. Horat, Raymond C. Cashon, John A. .Tames, .James Harper. C. Ernest Minor. Frederick P. Ackerman, Harry E. Frantz; Frederick L. Linne, Walter E. Ruffing. Ethelbert J. M-eCall. Oscar A. Bartlett. Geo. Himmler, Clarence Lichtenstein, Abe Barg. Joshua C. Frank, Jr., Francis C. Hopkins. Wm. J. Ellington. C. Latham Henke. H. W. Moss. George G. Cowell, John H. Turley. Edw. B. Rapley. Geo. L. Shultz, Eben Wilhelm Erikson, Geo. W. Reichert, Wm. O. Hardin. John P. Sebree. F. A. Culmer. Rolla V. Cutler, C. M. Odor. Lewis W. Ruggles, Paul H. Rude. Benj..J. Cooper, Gilbert Lee Lindsey. Robert K.Thom, J. E. ,Crawford, D. C. Lingle. Cecil M. Farris. David M. Jennings, Chas.W. Aushene, Stanley E. Harley, Geo. B. Kessler, August Sander. R. R. Dunn. Geo. B. Williamson, Hugh Elenwood. John W. Wright. Wm. W. White. C. Allen Burrus, Wm. D. Lasswell, John L. Batten. W. A. Brown, L. B. Mc'GasIin, L. E. Norman. John L. Vincent, Elmer Fuliler, Ernest E. Graff, Charles T. White. J. C. Holliday. All€n C. Boling, Charles -C. Lee.

1929.J Lodge

Lebanon No. 77 St. Joseph No. 78 Polar Star No. 79 Bridgeton No. 80 Webster Groves No. 84 Brookfield No. 86



Names of H.einstated Brethrell

U. G. Walker. Ray C. Arnhold, Ralph D. Foster, Walter D. Ladd, Walter ,Purkett, Fred O. Specht. Samuel Wolff, Geo. E. Brashear, Clarence Anderson, Nat Agruss. Geo. M. Muschamp. D. Hayes McLaughlin, John H. Watson.

Charles F. Bower, A. W. Baker, Howard A. Cowan, Elmer W. Dougherty, Hans P. Dryer, Percy H. Markham, R. E. Shumaker, OseE Turpin, Lawrence F. Thiehoff, John L. Watts, Ralph J. Wheeler. Washington No. 87 Samuel W. Jopes, John P. McCammon. Friendship No. 89 Irvin B. Allen, Arthur M. Gully. Russellville H. W. Leslie, R. R. Norfleet. No. 90 Madison No. 91 Wm. S. Armstrong. Perseverance A. E. Miller, V. S. Pinkerton. No. 92 St. Marks No. 93 Eva M. Abernathy, Keith A. Brumback, James Oliver Cox, Glenn Eaker, Oliver G. Edwards, Harry Erickson, Gustav J. Freidrich, Alexander Handmacher, Charles Ed\\'. Kage, Seth Green McKee, Samuel H. Sandha.ch, Shelby Owen Smith. Mt. Vernon No. 99 Ohas. B. Quinton. Ash Grove No. 100 Thos. A. White. Bogard No. 101 Abraham Messner, Wilbur E. McCarty. Heroine No. 104 Ed J. Cocalis, Chas. Haggard, Chas. Mackey, R. 路C. Elgin, Sam Naster, sam Plain, Chas. Levine, J.L. Rabinowitz, J. R. ULman, Oarl Shafer, George Leitz. Kirksville No. 105 John A. Johnson, Horace W. Leecing, Willis F. Sawyer, Walter H. Reid, W. A. Fowler, Arthur G. Chappell, Guy Brenton Hall, Fred Maurer, David A. Ely. Greenville No. 107 Mathew 1.. Rhodes, Wm. Lat. Wilkinson, Thos. T. Murray, Sheridan A. Freer, Francis M. Shipton, Ira Lee Rhodes, Henry T. Eaves, Oscar L. Ing. Stanberry No. 109 Theodore F. Morris, Frank A. Parker. Marcus No. 110 Paul Griffith, Arthur P. Gray. Trenton No. 111 Keith Cresap, Wm. V. Davenport, Geo. N. Huckins.


214 Lodg'e


Names of Reinstateo B)'ethren

Maitland ,No. 112

Emil C. Groves, William S. Schooler, Paul A. Weller, Thos. E. Bundy. Plattsburg No. 113 Gilbert R. Watson. Twilight No. 114 Azariah Mize, Harry Viner. Barnes No. 116 John Skyles. Hermann No. 123 W. I. Maulding, W. C. Wessel. Lorraine No. 128 Hamlin R. Tull, O. R. Wilson. Monroe Decl{er, E. L. Hagler, Elmon Hagler, Monett No. 129 Junius W. Houston, W. S. Lester, Geo. J. Porterfield. O. L. Polson, Geo. J. C. Wilhelm, William P: Smith, Joseph H. Smedley. Wm. H. Cawthorn, Thos.' R. Tinsley. Phoenix No. 136 Delphian No. 137 E. T. Buffington, A. F. Buffington, M. E. Hargroves. Irondale No. 143 Walter Schmalz, Arthur Thompson. Geo. W. "Taldron, J. A. Bowen, Stanley GoodModern No. 144 son, William Coleman. James L. 'Campbell, Harry G. Stewart. Latimer No. 145 Cass No. 147 Arthur J. Miller. Lexington No. 149 John R. Vaughn. North Star No. 157 T. P. Wood. R. S. Newcomb. Mountain Grove No. 158 Clifton Hill G. L. Johnston, R. L. Patton. No. 161 Maryville No. 165 Oscar K. Herndon, Oliver O. Howard, Paul M. Westfall. Portageville W. H. Buck. No. 166 Colony No. 168 William P. Ethridge. Camden Point Robert Lee Wilson. No. 169 Censer No. 172 Cody S. Reagan, Forest 路C. Sutton, James L. Tibbs. Point Pleasant John W. Kimes, Arthur Hodge, Claude McNo. 176 Raven. Texas No. 177 William F. Carty, Lance Miles, John Gross, W. T. Shepard, William T. Bridges. Pride of the West Ralph S. Duke, Orval C. Moore. No. 179 Chamois No. 185 Fred W. Grampp. Hannibal No. 188 Fred Goe. Zeredatha No. 189 Elvin C. Devorss, Rolla Mowry.



1929. "I Lodge

Carthage No. 197


Xames of Heinstated Brethren

L. R. Smith, Scott McKenzie, Jos. McMillan. Jas. H. Selsor, H€nry S. Daniels, Geo. W. Pollard, Jeff C. Mahan, R. E. Covert, Edgar Thomas, Joseph D. Hackney, M. C. Woodward, A. Clinton Miles. Allensville No. 198 L. A. Kinney, A. E. Harper. Rowley No. 204 H. 1\1. Pennington, Geo. R. Lewis. Trilumina No. 205 O. C. Griffith, Dorsey Bail, Richard B. Russell. Somerset No. 206 Werf C. Reck, Wm. A. Garner. Poplar Bluff Arthur S. Baldwin, Louis F. Waltemate. No. 209 Hickory Hill Janies J. Glover. No. 211 Four Mile No. 212 Russell S. Medley, Claud E. Porter. Rolla No. 213 J. W. Hale, John H. Pillman, F. A. Pool. Hornersville W. R. Mc:Lerkin, R. B. RO'bertson, S. K. Ruffin. No. 215 Hale City No. 216 H. R. Fullerton, Roy Fink, Lawson Frazier. Good Hope No. 218 Frank E. Layman, Walter Keiser. Albert Pike Eugene D. Miller, Otto M. Slaughter. No. 219' Kansas City Charles H. Hisle, Louis D. Toeile, Richard E. No. 220 Cline. La Belle No. 222 Pearl Lewis. Hamilton No. 224 Edward F. Bowman, W. E. Atherton, Roe Parker. St. James No. 230 Thomas A. Lenox. Cardwell No. 231 R. A. Warren. Polo No. 232 Hugh E. Robison. Bucklin No. 233 Clarence A. Nickerson, .J. D. Higdon. St. Francois A. W. Bradshaw. No. 234 Weatherby No. 235 Leslie Bromley, ';Y. T. Vanover. Sedalia No. 236 Harry Garrison, D. Wade Jared, Harry M. Lingle. La Plata No. 237 \V.Z. Tucker. Rushville No. 238 E. L. Gardner, Forest Gore. Hopewell No. 239 L. B. Rolls. Manes No. 240' James C. Rumfelt. Keystone No. 243 Lloyd H. -Vick, Lewis P. Robinson, Geo. Sammerhauser, Van Burus, Forest L. Nelson, Robt. G. Rutherford, Frank H. Moss, A. Chas. Hartmann, David C. Gilliland. Carroll No. 249 James C. Belt. G. T. Thomason, C. O. Custer, N. C. Acree, Alton No. 255 Fred F. Acree.


Appendix-Reinstate/nenls. Lodge

Shekinah No. 256 Ravanna No. 258 Lodge of Love No. 259 Kirbyville No. 264 Aurora No. 267 Lodge of Truth No. 268 Brotherhood No. 269 New Salem No. 270 Solomon No. 271

Granite No. 272

Cold Spring No. 274 Grand River No. 276 Reeds Spring No. 280 Fenton No. 281 Cosmos No. 282 Canopy No. 284 Urich No. 286 Craft No. 287 Hermitage No. 288 Fairmount No. 290 Temple No. 299


Names of Reinstated Brethren

Albert Thomas, T. A. Warne, F.路 A. Moore. Thos. A. McIntosh. Isaac Lee Atteberry, Wm. F. Shepherd. John T. Keith. R. B. Pougher. Raymond L. Atterberry.

,V. Allen Kennedy. J. G. Bell, C. R.


E. G. Baker, A. W. Chandler, J. L. Hine, E. C. Roseberry, W. A. Steele, K. G. Hase.Hine, O. H. Williams, Harry Hines, E. IC. Smith, J. M. Hurwitz. Fred W. Welling, John A. Love, MHlard D. Hale, Harry Alcorn, Leland I. 'Coontz, Sllim R. Dameron, Herbert J. Lotz, Peter Lee, Leroy C. Puckett, Mark P. Weer, Leroy S. Tindle, James H. Looney, Homer R. Hancock, Fred G. Rose. Cyrus E. Lindsey. Theod-ore King, Van Meeter. E. W. Cornog.





Arnold L. Milentz. James William Earley. C. C. Elsey, T. E. Shaw, G. R. Tooker. Henry McCoy. F. C. Millspaugh. David E. Hitson. Grover A. Boggus. James H. Anderson, William J. Atkinson, Maurice W. Baldwin, Grover J. Books, Roy L. Boutilier, Wm. O. Brackett, Henry E. Brown, Moreland Brown, Louis Chernikoff, James T. Byars, Claude H. Clauser, Robt. H. Colvin, Wallace H. Cundiff, Chas. E. Cyrene, Edward J. Davies, John R. Drayton, Clyde O. Eschbaugh, Jesse B. Frenkel, Clarence T. Graham, James William Gra.ham, Porter D. Hansen, Orrin V. Hayward, Ray Girdner Henry, Leonard M. Hicks, Henry R. Hoffman, John R. Hollingsworth, Robt. Lester Hutton, Alfred E. Hyde, Arthur W. Jenkins, Rushin LeR-oy


Appendix-Re'insta.fe路J1'l.ents. Lodge

Temple No. 299


Names of Reinstated Brethren

Jones, Gustave F. Keller, Orvil E. D. Koonse, Wm. B. Lathrop, Julian R. Latimer, Robt. Laykin, Levi McDermott, John W. McKecknie, Richard McMenaniin, Jas. A. Martin, Wm. J. Miathis, Robt. L. Maurice, Warren E. Maxey. Roy J. Maybee, 'Chas. E. Mitchell, Geo. G. Moffett, Wm .. A. Morrison, Emery L. Neal, Watt G. Randall, James M. Robertson, Marion B. Sharp, Ralph W. Sharp, Oscar A. Sundeen, Amos Townsend, Crawford B. Williams. Signal No. 304 Frederick Podpechan, D. Ed Crain, Thos. Sargeant, E. E. Rolison, James Nicholson, W. A. Sharp. Ashlar No. 306 Lynn Waggener. Parrott No. 308 Lloyd Anderson, Benjamin F. Meek. Sikeston No. 310 John H. Galeener, Raymond A. Moll, F. Sherrill Winford. Cuba No. 312 John Jenkins. Rural No. 316 George B. Thompson, Chas. G. Sherman, Elmer J. Allen. Versailles No. 320 M. H. Morris, T. R. Cox, Archie White. Hardin No. 322 Frank T. Williams. Herman Kronsbein, Hays W. Blackman, Wal路 Cornerstone lace E. Zelle, Edwin G. Newman, Geo. H. LindNo. 323 sey, Geo. E. Bindner, August J. Schmidt, Leo S. Kalter. Manley Littrell. Dockery No. 325 Mt. Zion No. 327 Ross R. Reed, Albert B. Shuttee. Cainesville No. 328 'Vm. E. Riley. Joseph H. Allen, Oren B. Boyer, Ray W. Charity No. 331 Young, William W. Bell, Edwin A. Kraft. Breckenridge Robert C. Bowen. Jas. N. Roberts, Derrell L. Gross. . No. 334 .10hn R. Ridgway, .John A. Burford, Orville A. Joplin No. 335 Hurst, George B. HaTmon, Reginald Dickinson, 'VaIter V. Buxton, Adolph McDonald. Hallsville No. 336 G. C. Tucker, J. H. Booth. Robert B. Collins, Mark T. Fulton, Adolph W. Westport No.. 340 Kluender, W. Louis Kvasnicka, Jas. H.Lapham, Grover F. Morgan, James McKillop, John E. Perkins, John H. Pryer, Jr., Homer E. Reeves, Geo. W. Selders, David T. Simmons, Robt. L. Stewart, Raymond O. Wing. Rockville No. 341 Orner L. Judy, Geo. Starr, Allen Starr, Geo. Boehm, E. N. Hurst, L. E. Meyer, Ben C. Bellamy, F. A. Strickland, W. G. Thomas. S. W. Laughlin, Wm. M. Campbell.


Appendix-Hcinstatements. Lodg'e


Names of Reinstated Brethren

Moberly No. 344 A .. E. Clutter, R. E. Love, Logan Kri'bbs. Fellowship No. 345 William A. Wessel, Chas. R. Wadlow, Ralph L. Burke, Glen T. Jamison, Jos. D. Wintermute, Leonard J. Lewis, Clyde L. Snodgrass, -Carl H. Plumb, Leo B. Elliott, Alfred E. McClaren, George C. Dawson, Harold D. Waterhouse, Theodore Cottle, James B. Porter. Wades burg Chester A. Crawford. No. 348 Tyrian No. 350 Charles A. Lurk. Jesse Harbison, Geo. W. Duren, W. H. SteMosaic No. 351 phens. Hebron No. 354 Stuart B. Dickerson, Loren G. Sanford, Wm. W. Wilson. Garrett No. 359 Will Price. Tuscan No. 360 George A. Shadwick, Thos. R. McCully, W. W. Patton, A. L. Sullivan, Raymond M. Drace. Ludwig O. Muench. Riddick No. 361 Lundy Hoover, H. C. McPheeters. R. T. Andrews. Fraternal No. 363 Harvey M. Pearl. Composite No. 369 Louis H. Kerstner. Sheldon No. 371 E. R. McKay. Nonpareil No. 372 James A. Adams. Belle No. 373 'Vm. C. Feuers. King Hill No. 376 Alexander Beattie, Louis W. Cramer. James LeRoy Dennis, Henry Dischner, Albert C. Kronenberger, Max Messenger, Wm. E. Thomp路 son, Wilber O. Timmerman, Geo. Albert Tietz. Queen City Osie S. Meredith, Robert Lee Phillips, Arthur No. 380 J. Rolston. Ionia No. 381 L. C. Davis. East Prairie 0eorge W. Moore. No. 384 Marionville John Benton, W. N. Burney, H. C. Carroll, D. No. 390 D. Howard, C. E. Johnson, J. E. Johnson, Wm. B. Logan, E. L. Logan, P. D. Lawing, Neal H. McNeal.. W. A. McCulloh; H. L. Sanders. D. P. Walker. . Raytown No. 391 Lon B. Clark, Marcus Pendleton, Edw. F. Thompson, Ben U. Brown. Christian No. 392 W. E. Church. Bee Hive No. 393 Joseph H. Brock, Wm. A. .James. Jasper No. 398 Abraham L. Patterson. Carterville No. 401 Roy W. Elrod, Earl Groff, Andrew J. Harrington. Rosendale No. 404 Irvin D. Groff.

A ppcnd-{x-Rcillstatc1n.cnts.

1929.] Lodge


Namel; of Reinstated Brethren

J. R. Hudspeth. Edward Killian, W. F. Miller, Jas. M.' Robertson, Wofford 路C. Wade, C. M. Edwards. Charleston No. 407 C. L. Soderstrom, John G. Russell. Wm. H. Collier, Ferd J. Wilkinson, Sr., J. Fred Nunnellee, F. Max Ostnel', Lawrence N. Gunther, Henry H. Faris, H. M. Hoffman, Ora S. Reid. Robert L. Shelby, Thos. J. Brown. Montrose No. 408 James R. Dugan. Ap'pleton City Logan C. Kidd. No. 412 Greensburg Virgil Doss, Fred Pettit. No. 414 Whitewater J. E. Jones. No. 417 Milton Heath. Star No. 419 W. M. Hodge. Urbana No. 421 Gate of the Temple Fred C. Walters, Geo. F. Bigelow, Edmund C. No. 422 ForS'burg, Virgil B. Smith, Frank P. Carroll. Jas. E. Baker, Oscar G. Mitchell, Charles H. Nelms. Samaritan No. 424 Walter H. Dinwiddie, Lawrence E. Rhoads. Glenwood No. 427 W. R. Minear. New Madrid C. J. Prince, L. F. Swartz, J. D. Burney. No. 429 Winona No. 430 James W. Brody. Lafayette No. 437 Samuel E. Poisel, Wm. W. Winn. Excelsior No. 441 Lawrence H. Morton, J. D. Chisholm. Burlington No. 442 Charles G. Dean, Clarence H. Miller. Loren E. Wallace. Anchor No. 443 'Vm. S. Johnson, George M. Blair. West Gate No. 445 Joseph Shapper, Edwin Ohas. Freegard, Walter Shaw, William Griever Tinker, Conner Horton Tucker, Floyd Hibbins Lewis, Wm. Harry Margenau, Erwin Walton Rawlings. Ivanhoe No. 446 Posey W. Reeves, Frederick R. Hill, Arthur J. Yorker, Ralph S. Page, Hartley B. Enochs. Jacoby No. 447 Walter S. Enochs. Raymore No. 451 A. A. vValtmire. I. J. Kehr, Ralph C. Hogue, Wm. H. J. Friday, Wallace No. 456 Sam J. Starkey. Hazelwood No. 459 Walter Goss. Frank N. Dawson, John E. Duncan. Caruthersville No. 461 J. R. McNeil. Red Oak No. 468 D. S. Smart. Plato No. 469 Nodaway No. 470 .J. P. Renfro. Everton No. 405 Malden No. 406

... Appendix-I?einstatc'11wnts.




Names of Reinstated Brethren

Golden No. 475 Rich Hill No. 479 Clintonville No. 482 Kirkwood No. 484

R. L. Adams. H. H. l'''erry, James S. Bell. John P. Begley, Donald E. Bent, Chas. R. Dodd. G. Thomas Barnes. Charles J. Ahlmark, George E. Lehmann. Ellis S. Royer, Richard L. Jaco'bsmeyer. George E. Lewis. Silas H. Harvey.

Chilhowee No. 487 Lock Spring . No. 488 Lakeville No. 489

L. O. Groseclose, Homer Rudolph, August "Vood. Vandalia No. 491 R. H. Williams, T. S. Matth~ws. Modestus E. Stewart, C. L. Pratz, Charley M. U~ity No. 495 Auer. Harmony No. 499 John A. Bortshaller. C. J. Mann, Wallace Chiles, R. L. Hock. Buckner No. 501 Van Buren No. 509 Robert P. Lowther, John Bowen. Skidmore No. 511 Albert D. Stafford, Howard P. Manning. Webb City No. 512 Joseph H. Ensing. L. D. Anderson, John M. Dalton, T. M. Gunter, Senath No. 513 L. B. Motsinger, V. A. O'Connor, Walker L. Rose, E. A. Shepherd. Galena No. 515 Herbert E. Parsons. Clifton Heights W.alter C. Crain. No. 520 Gate City No. 522 'Ben M. Bolton, Abner J. Burkhardt, Frank Clampitt, Lee Cohn, Guy O. Dana, Roy Edmiston, F. Winton Eitemiller, Duane T. Hauser, James Wm. Havens, Granville J. Kelly, Harry N. Lawson, Lloyd McCollum, JQhn J. Magee, Joseph R. Mi.ller, Elisha T. Patterson, Charles P. Peppard, Theron O. Sa.ndell, Wm. C. Smith, William E. Wolff. E. G. Hensley. Wayne No. 526 Dexter No. 532 W. W. Hamner, Jeff D. Kimbell, L. H. Neal, ' Jas. V. Stroud. Columbia No. 534 John G. Dickerson, Allen C. Brown. Ingomar No. 536 Walter G. Cook, Hugh M. Shipley, Ben J. Dryman, Myron C. Bottom. Stella No. 538 Marshall Campbell. Mansfield No. 543 C. L. Morgan. Charles H. Georges, Henry Curry. Algabil No. 544 Fred M. Burton, [Clyde O. Morgan, Homer L. Orient No. 546 Neff. Leslie M. Pico, Clayburn Pritchett, Jesse B. Snyder. Herbert B. Teeple, Benjamin E. West.

1929.] Lodge



Names of Reinstated Brethren

South Gate No. 547 Robin R. Tenney, Edw. L. Butler, Gerald F. Rhodes, Chas. A. McCoy, Ubert H. Phillips, Milford T. Brandberg. Clinton No. 548 W. D. Goss, James L. Pellor. Carl Junction George E. Amos, Lorenzo Dolph Hargis, Elmer No. 549 Hayes, Warren E. Lofton, Glenn Calvin M{)ore, Hayes W. Shields. Rose Hill No. 550 Harry George Haake, Norman J. Sutton, Henry E. Binks. Summersville W. M. Breeden, J. R. Day, Geo. Kirkman, Geo. No. 555 W. Shedd, W. L. Smith. Clarksdale No. 559 Thomas H. Stuart, Elliott S. Ca"mpbell, Talmage B. Hines. Allen C. Smith, Otis E. O'Connor, Edwin C. York No. 563 Pollitt, Elmore L. Goodloe, Chas. Henderson, Herman V. Holcomb, Fred M. Crumly, Dorland W. DeShong, Dewey H. Jones, Harry Friedman, Oarlin P. Smith, Max G. Garrison Geo. W. Carter, Harbart J. Powell, Blaine Holcomb. Tebbetts No. 565 George Dunn, W. W. Rauschel'back. Maplewood Russell E. Hughes, Jas. E. Bailey, Geo. H. Patterson. No. 566 Republic No. 570 L. R. Lamb, J. K. Woodfill, J. P. Howell, F. I. Noe, C. H. Noe, C. S. Harris, Geo. W. Edgar, Ralph E. Stewart. Easter No. 575 Chas. F. Kincaid. Olive Branch Abraham E. Lewis, Walter D. Parker, Jacob No. 576 Blumberg, John E. Friede, Sam Goldstein, Dave Hochman, Walter C. Holmes, Arthur Pond, . Chas. J. Schmat. Forest Park Wallace R. Dupree. No. 578 Grandin No. 579 Edwin G. Ezell. Robert W. Church, Wm. B. Halbert. Illmo No. 581 Koshkonong Chas. D. Peterson. No. 582 Harvey L. Bell, Levi H. Bryant, A. Boyd JenAdvance No. 590 kins, McArthur Smith, Elijah L. Smith. Joseph L. Metts. Barnett No. 591 J. L. Potter. Puxico No. 596 Bosworth No. 597 Frank Dodd. Elvins No. 599 Harry L. Adams, Wade H. Adams, Chas. A. Colson, Donald H. Cameron, James Cozian, Clyde Fay .Edmonds, James Harry Layne, Grant E. Rickard, Harris Rutledge Sloan, Aden Skaggs, Thos. W. RUbottom, Ed Turner.


Appendix-Reinstate/llents. Lodge

Clayton No. 601 Acacia No. 602 Centertown No. 611 '''ellston No. 613



of Reinstated Brethren

Erwin Van Doren Wallace, James G. Pavyer. Jr., Wm. Fraser Stewart, Jr. Earl R. Gordon, Pruitt F. Anderson, Chas. R. Johnson, Ray W. Wright, Nelson H. Trimble. Eugene E. Smith.

Chas. E. Brown, Wm. McE. Haines, -Ghas. W. Ames, Jr. Chaffee No. 615 RobertT. Barnes, Fred F. Lett. Willard No. 620 N. C. Baker, M. E. Bryant, Willis L. Perryman. Anderson No. 621 William E. Boyer, Benjamin H. Elliff, Hildreth Richardson, Lester L. Tracy. Sheffield No. 625 Walter B. Franklin, Albert M. Poslick, Albert M. Lute. Magnolia No. 626 Arnold G. Gaffer, 'rruman A. Ruler. East Gate No. 630 Paul M. Baylor, Rector V. Callicotte, Henry L. Chandler, Walter E. Closser, Geo. Forrester, Mason R. Jones, Frank M. Keith, Jos. Lynn, Howard E. Masters, Roy L. Mattox, Jos. W. Mock, Glenn路 O. Moulder, John T. Ratigan. Jas. P. Saunders, Russell J. Stump. Tower Grove Howard F. Dobeck, Balfour S. Craib, Harry R. No. 631 Kurtz, Fred Howell, Arthur G. Frankel, GUY C. Bibb, Doyle E. Pyle, Geo. T. 路Crawshaw. Martin Safron, Harry Le'beson, WalkeI' B Allen. Steele No. 634 J. A. Combs, J. Y. P. Stanfield, J. A. Wallace. Mountain View .Toe A. Collins. No. 637 Trinity No. 641 Elmer A. Dempsey, Max .T. Kopman, Ben Sparbur, Elmer R. Terry. Benj. Franklin Aaron Shanuet. No. 642 Northeast No. 643 Arthur G. Hahn, Oscar H. Hinote, Karl P. Maurer, Arthur A. Yaple. University No. 64H Walter E. Diggs, A. E路. 'Lochmoeller, W. M. Patterson, Jack T. Lupton, Ronald N. Hoskin. Parma No. 650 Frank W. Hartwig. Pilgrim No. 652 .Tohn. W. Huber, Cecil N. Robinson, Thea. S. Summerill, Ernest C. Diethelm. Commonwealth Andrew T. Main, Albert B. Hendry. No. 654 Country Club .J. P. DeWolfe, F. A. Theis. No. 656 Progress No. 657 Orville P. Baum. Rockhill No. 663 G. C. Daly, Wm. A. Berrier.




Names of .Brethren Suspended

De Soto No. 119 Sol Hohenthal. \Vellsville No. 194 Reece Hughes. Kirkwood No. 484 Lewis C. Young. EXPELLED. Lodge

Beacon No.3 St. Louis No. 20 Cooper No. BG Lebanon No. 77 St. Joseph No. 78 Bogard No. 101 Bloomington No. 102 Modern No. 144 Maryville No. 165 Rushville No. 23R Corinthian No. 265 Granite No. 272 Temple No. 299 F'ellowship No. 345 Higginsville No. 364 Adair No. 366 Richland No. 385 Greensburg No. 414 Competition No. 432 Clintonville No. 482 Galena No. 515 Illmo No. 581 Sheffield No. 625 East Gate No. 630 Cleveland No. 651 Shawnee No. 653

Names of Brethren Expelled

Edward H. Hall. Conrad Meisel. Morris Singer. Homer McGuire. John W. Donier. W'illiam H. Moore. Harry H. Coburn. Edward J. Hill. Othie J. Akins. Dillard Jefferson Thomas. R. L. Brown, Jr. Edward H. Golden. "VaIter A. Harman. Guy Nicholas StrOUd. William .J. Bell. Elmer L. Hamilton. \Va,lter L. Odor. Joseph W. Barlow. C. S. Huston. Chester Doll. Ben \V. Daugherty. Conrad E. Mallonee. Leo J. Snell. Roy Saunders. Harold M. Stunz, Thomas Thornton. M. N. Stark. Gilbert S. Kirby.






Name of Lodge

Location of Lodge

A 602 Acacia Columbia 444 Ada Orrick 366 Adair Kirksville 355 Adelphi.. Edgerton 590 Advance .Advance 10 Agency Agency 343 Agricola Petersburg 252 Alanthus .Alanthus Grove 219 Albert Pike Kansas City 664 Aldrich Aldrich 544 Algabil. St. Louis Allendale 198 Allensville 659 Alpha .N. Kansas City 108 Altamont.. Altamont.. 255 Alton Alton 347 America St. Louis Arnsterdam 141 Amsterdam 443 Anchor St. Louis 377 Ancient Craft.. King City 356 Ancient Landmark Harrisburg 621 Anderson .Anderson 193 Angerona Missouri City 529 Apollo St. Louis 412 Appleton City Appleton City 389 Arcana Harris 633 Archie Archie 6 Ark Newark 346 ArIington Dixon 70 Arrnstrong Armstrong 55 Arrow Rock Arrow Rock. 100 Ash Grove Ash Grove 156 Ashland Ashland 306 Ashlar Commerce 127 Athens Albany 267 Aurora : St. Louis 357 Aux Vasse Aux Vasse 26 Ava Ava


Boone Ray Adair Platte Stoddard Buchanan Henry Gentry Jackson Polk


Callaway Douglas

26 23 2 21 50 9 37 6 22 41 33-B 6 22 10 53 33-B 35 33-B 6 26 56 11 33-B 37 3 34 2 39 25 24 .45 26 50 6 33-A 27 .46

Saline Moi路gan Tcxas Reynolds Barry Ozark

24 58 .46 .47 55 53

Worth Clay Daviess Oregon Bates Gentry Boone .McDonald Clay St. Clair Sullivan :Cass I(nox Pulaski Howard SaIine Greene Boone Scott Gentry


2'17 591 116 353 367 365

Barbee Earnett. Barnes Barnesville Barry Bayou


Sweet Springs Barnett Cabool.. Ellington Washburn Bakersfield


1929. ] No.

3 393 632 373 450 170 642 378 573 97 537 379 150 41 535 557 594

153 102 337 101 449 195 45 597 587 135 334 80 86 269 203 233 501 275 442 254

Name of Lodge

Location of Lodge

225 County

Beacon St. Louis Beehive Lawson Ray Belgrade BeIgrade Washington Belle Belle Maries Belton Belton Cass Benevolence Utica Livingston Benjamin FrankIin.. .st. Louis Berlin Berlin Gentry Bernie Bernie Stoddard Bethany Bethany Harrison Bethel... BetheI Shelby BiIIings BiIIings Christian Binning :B'aucett Buchanan Bismarck Bismarck St. Francois Blackwell... BlackweIl... St. Francois Blairstown BIairstown Henry Blodgett BIodgett .scott Bloomfield Bloomfield Stoddard Bloomington Bevier Macon Blue Springs BIue Springs .Tackson Bogard Bogard Carroll Bois D'Arc Bois D'Arc Greene Bolivar BoIivar Polk Bonhomme Ballwin St. Louis Bosworth Bosworth Carroll Branson : Branson Taney Braymer Braymer Caldwell Breckenridge Breckenridge Caldwell Bridgeton St. John's Station St. Louis Brookfield Brookfield Linn Brotherhood St. Joseph Buchanan Brumley Brumley Miller Bucklin Bucklin Linn Buckner Buckner Jackson Bunker Bunker Reynolds Burlington Burlington Jct.. Nodaway Butler Butler Bates


33-A 23 40 58 34 12 33-B 6 51 5 14 54 9 48 40 37 50

50 14 59

20 .45 .41 57 20 ,


12 12 57 13 9 38 13 59 .47 7 35


416 328 486 552 183 38 63 169 284 231 549 249

Cache Cainesville Cairo Ca1houn California Callao Cambridge Camden Point.. Canopy Cardwell Carl Junction Carroll,

St. Louis CainesviIIe Cairo Calhoun CaIifornia Callao Slater Camden Pt Aurora Cardwell Carl Junction Norborne

Harrison Randolph Henry Moniteau Macon Saline Platte Lawrence Dunklin Jasper Carroll

33-B 5 18 . 37 31 14 24 21 55

51 .44 20

226 No.

Name of Lodge.

401 197 461 147 305 172

Carterville Carthage Caruthersville Cass Cecile-Daylight. Censer Centertown Central.. Centralia Chaffee Chamois Gharity Charleston Chilhowee Chillicothe Christian Chula Circle Claflin Clarence Clark Clarksbutg Clarksdale Clarksville Clarkton Clay Clayton Clear Creek Clearmont.. Cleveland Clever Clifton Clifton Heights Clifton Hill Clinton ; Clintonville Cold Spring Cold Water Cole Camp Colony Columbia Comfort. Commonwealth Compass Competition Composite Concordia Continental... Conway Cooper Corinthian


81 59

615 185 331 407 487 333 392 388 342 229 662 610 553 559

17 248 207 601 418 507 651 645 463 520 161 ri48

482 274 485

- 595 168 534 533

654 120 432 369 4,64 454

528 36 265

I Sept.

Appendix. ]~ocation

of I,oc!ge


Carterville Jasper Carthage Jasper .caruthersville Pemiscot Harrisonville Cass Kansas City .Jackson Macon Macon Centertown Cole Molino Audrain Centralia Boone Chaffee ; Scott Chamois Osage St. Joseph Buchanan Charleston Mississippi Chilhowee Johnson Chillicothe Livingstoll Oak Grove Jackson Chula Livings ton Roscoe St. Clair Prot€m Taney Clarence Shelby Clark. Randolph .Glarks burg Moniteau Clarksdale De Kalb Clarksville Pike Clarkton Dunklin Excelsior Springs.Clay Clayton St.· Louis Lincoln, R. l.. Benton Clearmont. Nodaway Cleveland Cass Clever Christian Thayer Oregon .st. Louis Clifton Hill... Randolph Clinton Henry EI Dorado SpringsC€dar Leeton Johnson ,Drexel Cass Cole Camp Benton Colony Knox Pacific Franklin Wh€aton Barry ,St. Louis Parkville Platte Competition Laclede Doniphan Ripley Concordia Lafayette Stewartsville.~ De Kalb Conway Laclede Boonville Cooper 'Varrensburg Johnson .. ,.. ,.,."


44 44

51 34

22 14 31 27 26 50 31 9 50 36 12 59 12 37 54 14 18 31 10 16 51 11 57 37 7 34

54 53 33-A 18 37 .42 36 34

36 2 32 55 33-A

21 38 52 23 l0 38 25 36


323 600 282 656 561 287 606 519 368 586 312 525 227



1929.] Name of J,odgc

Location of l,odge

Cornerstone St. Louis Cosby Cosby Cosmos St. Louis Country Club Kansas City Cowgill.......................•Cowgill.. Craft Canton Craig Craig Crane Crane Crescent Hill. Adrian Criterion .Alba Cuba Cuba Cunningham Sumner Cypress Laclede



Jackson Caldwell Lewis Holt Stone Bates .Jasper Crawford Chariton Linn

33-D 9 33-n 22 12 15 8 54 35 .44 39 19 13

Montgomery Livingston Cass Lawrence Henry Worth Shannon Jefferson Carroll Stoddard Linn Webster

28 12 34 55 37 6 .47 .40 20 50 13 45

Daviess Jackson Mississippi Franklin Knox Clark Macon St. Francois Shannon Pike Phelps

10 22 50 32 2 1 14 .48 .47 16 39 33-A 50 3 3-A 19 32 42 15 14 .49


D 492 539 386 400 562 .88 137 119 39 532 325 300

Daggett Dawn : Dayton Decatur Deepwater Defiance Delphian De Soto DeWitt.. Dexter Dockery Doric

McKittrick Ludlow Dayton Pierce City Deepwater Sheridan Birch Trec De soto .DeWitt Dexter Meadville Elkland E

285 Earl.. 630 East Gate 384 East Prairie 575 Easter 291 Edina 318 Eldorado 648 Elmer 599 Elvins 607 Eminence .." 14 Eolia 497 Equality 121 Erwin 278 Essex 505 Euclid 73 Eureka 27 Evergreen 405 Everton 577 Ewing 332 Excello 441 Excelsior

· Coffey Kansas City East Prairie St. Clair Edina Luray Elmer Flat River Eminence Eolia Newburg St. Louis Essex St. Louis Brunswick. New Haven Everton Ewing Excello Jackson

Stoddard Chariton Franklin Dade Lewis Macon Cape Girardeau


228 No.


Appendix. Name of J.odge

Location of Lodge




483 290 44 619 132 47 345 281 542 339 261 23 214 578 453 554 212 192 363 352 89 48

Fairfax Fairmount.. Fair Play Fairview Farmington Fayette Fellowship Fenton Ferguson Fidelity Florence Florida Forest City Forest Park Forsyth Foster Four Mile Frankford FraternaI... Friend Friendship Fulton

Fairfax Wyaconda Fair Play Fairview Farmington Fayette Joplin Fenton Ferguson Farley New Florence Florida Forest City St. Louis Forsyth Foster Campbell. Frankford Robertsville Ozark. Chillicothe Fulton

515 106 423 655 359 522 422 465 125 9 250 427 475 218 72 436 397 289 644 514 579 276 618 272 66 173

Galena ,Galena Gallatin Gallatin ~ Galt Galt Gardenville Gardenville Garrett Arcola Gate City .Kansas City Gate of the Temple.Springfield Gaynor City Parnell Gentryville Gentryville George Washington.St. Louis Glensted Glensted Glenwood Glenwood Golden .Golden City Good Hope St. Louis Gorin Gorin Gothic Alexandria Gower Gower Graham Graham Grain Valley .Grain Valley Granby Granby Grandin Grandin Grand River ,Freeman Grandview Grandview Granite Sedalia Grant City Grant City Gray Summit.. Gray Summit

Atchison . Clark Polk Newton St. Francois Howard Jasper St. Louis St. Louis Platte Montgomery Monroe Holt : Taney Bates .Dunklin Pike Franklin Christian Livingston Callaway

8 1 .41 56 48 25 44 57 57 21 28 17 8 33-B 54 35 51 16 32 54 12 27


Stone Daviess Grundy St. Louis Dade Jackson Greene Nodaway Gentry Morgan Schuyler Barton Scotland Clark Clinton Nodaway Jackson .Newton Carter Cass Jackson Pettis Worth Franklin

54 10 4 57 42 22 .45 7 6 33-B 58 1 43 33-B 1 1 11 7 59 56 .47 34 59 36 6 :.32


Name of J.odge

Location of Lodge

159 425 414 635 107 178 589 474

Green City Green Ridge Greensburg Greentop Greenville Griswold Grovespring Guilford

216 336 224 188 322 499 171 395 21 571 459 354 117 37 477 338 123 288 187 104 211

580 4 130 32 415 30

Hale City Hallsville Hamilton Hannibal. Hardin Harmony Hartford Hatfield Havana Hayti. Hazelwood Hebron Helena Hemple Henderson Herculaneum Hermann Hermitage Hermon Heroine Hickory Hill... Higbee Higginsville Hinton Hiram Hogle's Creek Holden Holliday Holt Hope Hopewell HornersvilIe Houston Howard Hume Humphreys Hunnewell... Huntsville

Green City Green Ridge Greensburg Greentop Greenville Bellflower Grovespring Guilford H Hale Hallsville Hamilton Hannibal.. Hardin St. Louis .Hartford Hatfield .McFall. Hayti Seymour Mexico Helena Hemple Rogersville Herculaneulll .Hermann Hermitage Liberal. .Kansas City Eugene Higbee Higginsville Hinton Kahoka Wheatland Holden Holliday Holt. Washington Lesterville ,Hornersville .Gant .New Franklin Hume Humphreys Hunnewell.. Huntsville

410 581

Iberia Illmo

Iberia .Illmo


364 455 362 279 262

660 49 251 239 215






Sullivan Pettis Knox Schuyler Wayne Montgomery Wright Nodaway

3 36 2 1 52 28 46 7

CarrolI Boone Caldwell Marion Ray

20 26 12 15 20 33-B 3 ;) 6 51 45

Putnam .Harrison Gentry Pemiscot Webster Audrain Andrew Clinton Webster J efferson Gasconade Hickory Barton



Cole Randolph .Lafayette Boone Clark Hickory J ohnson Monroe Clay Franklin Reynolds .Dunklin ,Audrain Howard Bates Sullivan Shelby Randolph


9 11 45 .40 32 41 43 22 31 18 23 26 1 .41 36 17 11 32 47 51 27 25 35 3 14 18


Miller Scott

38 50

230 No.

76 54 536 381 154 143 420 446


APtendlX. Name of


Independence Index Ingomar Ionia Ionic Irondale Itaska Ivanhoe

IJocation of Lodge


220 311 329 68 243 376 309 118 264 '105 484 245 582

Kansas City Kearney Kennedy Kennett Keystone King Hill... King Hiram Kingston Kirbyville Kirksville Kirkwood Knob Noster Koshkonong

.Independence Jackson Garden City Cass Willow Springs Howell Eldon Miller Desloge St. Francois lrondale Washington St. Louis Kansas City Jackson J Linneus Linn J acksonville Randolph Darlington Gentry Jameson Daviess Jamesport.. Daviess Jasper Jasper Jefferson City Cole Jennings St. Louis Jerico Springs Cedar Pleasant HilI.. Cass Hillsboro Jefferson Denver Worth Jonesburg Montgomery Joplin Jasper Hartville Wright K Kansas City Jackson I{earney Clay Elmo Nodaway Kennett. Dunklin St. Louis St. Joseph., Buchanan Knoxville Ray Kingston Caldwell Hollister Taney .Kirksville Adair Kirkwood St. Louis Knob Noster Joh.nson Koshkonong Oregon

222 83 115 437 489 292 460 574 531 237

La Belle Laclede Laddonia Lafayette Lakeville Lamar Lambskin La Monte Lane's Prairie La Plata

La Belle Lebanon Laddonia Corder Bell City Lamar St. Louis La Monte Vichy La Plata

82 Jackson 541 Jacksonville 447 . Jacoby 500 Jameson 564 Jamesport.. 398 Jasper 43 Jefferson 640 Jennings 315 Jerusalem 480 JeweI.. 164 .Joachim 321 Jonathan 457 Jonesburg 335 Joplin 411 Joppa


59 34 53 ~58

.48 40 33-A : 22 13 18 6 10 10 44 31 57 .42 34 .40 6 28 44 .46 22 11 7 51 33路A 9 23 12 54 2 ::.. 57 36 53


Lewis Laclede Audrain Lafayette Stoddard Barton Pettis Maries Macon

15 38 27 23 50 43 33-A 36 39 14

1929. ] No.

Name of Lodge

253 592 506 145 598

Laredo La Russell.. Lathrop Latimer Leadwood 77 Lebanon 494 Lewistown 149 Lexington 31 Liberty 302 Lick Creek 138 Lincoln '326 I.,inn 152 Linn Creek 51 Livingston 521 Lockwood 488 Lock Spring 257 Lodge of Light 259 Lodge of Love 268 Lodge of Truth 128 Lorraine 409 Louisville 403 Lowry City 394 Lucerne


Appendix. Location of Lodge

Laredo La Russell.. Lathrop Licking Leadwood Steelville Lewistowll Lexington : ~Liberty

Perry Fillmore Linn Linn Creek Glasgow Lockwood Lock Spring Eagleville Lancaster .Atlanta Ridgeway Louisville Lowry City Lncerne



Grundy Jasper Clinton Texas St. Francois Crawford Lewis Lafayette Clay Ralls Andrew Osage Camden Howard Dade Daviess Harrison Schuyler Macon Harrison Lincoln St. Clair Putnam

4 44 11 39 48 39 15 23 11 15 9 31 38 25 42 10 5 1 14 5 29 37 3

Camden Monroe

38 17 33-B 8 51 24 46 .46 52 57 13 .48 4 55 59 7 59 14 30 42 1 19 57 4 33-B 24


433 91 626 112 406 402 t240 543 623 566 481 110 616 390 569 • 165 324 146 260 458 16 628 313 35 2


Mack's Creek Madison Magnolia Maitland Malden • Malta Manes Mansfield Maple Maplewood Marceline Marcus Marion Marionville Marlborough Maryville McDonald McGee Mechanicsville Melville Memphis Mendon Meramec Mercer Meridian Miami.

Mack's Creek Madison St. I~ouis Maitland Malden Malta Bend Manes Mansfield Neelyville "Maplewood Marceline Fredericktown Mercer Marionville Marlborough Maryville .Independence College Mound Howell. Dadeville Memphis ,Mendon Eureka Princeton St. Louis "Miami.

Holt :Dunklin Saline Wright Wright Butler St. Louis Linn Madison Mercer Lawrence Jackson Nodaway Jackson Macon St. Charles Dade ,Scotland Chariton St. Louis Mercer Saline

tConsolidated with Mtn. Grol'c Lodge No. 158 Sept. 27, 1929.

232 No.

Appendix. Name of Lodge

Location of Lodge

[Sept. County

244 42 516 567 151 471 1 639 344 144 612 129 295 64 490 246

Middle Fabius Downing Schuyler Middle Grove Middle Grove Monroe Milford Milford Darton Miller Miller :Lawrence Milton Milton Randolph Mineral. Oronogo Jasper Missouri. St. Louis Mizpah St. Louis Moberly Moberly Randolph Modern Humansville Polk Mokane Mokane Callaway Monett Monett ,.Barry Moniteau Jamestown Moniteau Monroe Monroe City Monroe Montevallo Montevallo Vernon Montgomery Montgomery City.Montgomery 5~ Monticello Monticello Lewis 408 Montrose Montrose ,Henry 603 Morehollse Morehollse New Madrid 184 Morley Morley Scott 351 Mosaic Belleview lron . 558 Moscow Moscow Mills Lincoln 294 Mound City Mound City ,Holt 614 Mount Washington.Mt. Washington Jackson 158 Mountain Grove Mountain Grove Wright 637 Mountain View Mountain View Howell 382 Mt. Ararat.. Topaz Douglas 476 Mt. Hope Odessa Lafayette 439 Mt. Olive Rogersville, R. 3..Webster 40 Mt. Moriah St. Louis 99 Mt. Vernon Mt. Vernon Lawrence 327 Mt. Zion West Plains Howell 221 Mystic Tie Oak Ridge Cape Girardeau 25 568 560 247 60 510 199 307 429 270 473 470 647 372 643 157

Naphtali Naylor Nelson Neosho New Bloomfield New Hampton New Hope New London New Madrid New Salem Nineveh Nodaway Noel.. Nonpareil.. Northeast.: North Star

N St. Louis Naylor Ripley N elson Saline Neosho Newton New Bloomfield Callaway New Hampton Harrison Elsberry Lincoln New London Ralls New Madrid New Madrid 'Vinfield Lincoln Olney Lincoln Maryville Nodaway Noel.. McDonald East Lynne Cass Kansas City .Jackson Rockport Atchison


1 17 43 55 18 44 33-A 33-B 18 41 27 55 31 17 43 28 15 37 50 50 48 29 8 59 .46 53 .46 23 .45 33-A 55 53 49 33-B 52 24 56 27 5 29 15 !)1 29 29 7 56 34 22 8

1929.] No.

Name of Lodge

358 622 181 583

Northwest.. , Norwood Novelty Novinger

163 134 576 139 546 518 303 317 7 624 297

Occidental. Olean Olive Branch Oregon Orient.. Oriental Osage Osborn O'Sullivan Owensville Ozark

241 18 19 650 308 65 11 330 319 530 498 551 92 502 136 472 399 652 182 314 428 469 504 113 160 142 467 176 79 349 232

Palestine ; Palmyra Paris Union Parma Parrott Pattonsburg Pauldingville Paul Revere Paulville Peculiar Pee Dee Pendleton Perseverance Philadelphia Phoenix Pickering Pike Pilgrim Pilot Knob Pine Pittsville Plato Platte City Plattsburg Pleasant Pleasant Grove Pleasant Hope Point Pleasant.. Polar Star Pollock Polo

A PPend,ix. I.ocation of Lodge

Tarkio Norwood Novelty Novinger

233 County


Atchison Wright Knox Adair

8 46 2 2

Miller ; Holt Jackson .saline Vernon ,De Kalb Greene Gasconade Gil3ene

33-A 58 33-A 8 22 24 43 10 45 32 45

o St. Louis : Olean St. Louis Oregon Kansas City Blackburn Nevada Osborn Walnut Grove Owensville Fair Grove

P St. Charles Palmyra .Paris Parma Maysville Pattonsburg Wright City St. Louis Brashear Peculiar Musselfork Doe Run Louisiana Philadelphia Bowling Green Pickering Curryville St. Louis 路..Rich ville Bardley Pittsville Plato路 Platte City Plattsburg Morrisville Otterville Pleasant Hope Conran St. Louis PoIlock Polo

St. Charles Marion Monroe New Madrid De Kalb Daviess Warren Adair Cass Chariton St. Francois Pike Marion Pike Nodaway Pike Douglas Ripley Johnson Texas Platte Clinton Polk Cooper Polk New Madrid Sullivan CaldwelI

30 15 17 51 10 10 30 33-A 2 34 19 .48 16 15 16 7 16 33-B .46 52 36 46 21 11 41 25 .41 51 33-B 3 1~


234 No.

95 209 166 242 131 556 503 179 657 148 658 190 596 '180 383

Name of Lodge

J,ocation of J,odge

Pomegranate St. 路Louis Poplar Bluff Poplar Bluff Portageville Portageville Portland Readsville Potosi. Potosi Prairie Gilman City Prairie Home Prairie Home Pride of the West..St. Louis Progress St. Louis Purdy Purdy.: Purity St. Louis Putnam Newtown Puxico Puxico Pyramid St. Louis Pythagoras Cassville

[Sept. County

Butler New Madrid Callaway Washington Harrison Cooper : BarrY Sullivan Stoddard Barry


33-A 52 51 27 40 5 25 33-B 33-A 55 33-B 3 50 33-A 55


380 196

Queen City Quitman

478 33 258 201 223. 451 391 584 468 280 570 167 479 385 57 361 13 496 67 435 663 341 213 550 404 426 204 316 238 90 572

Racine Ralls Ravanna Ravenwood Ray Raymore Raytown Red Bird Red Oak Reeds Spring Republic Revere Rich Hill Richland Richmond ~ Riddick Rising Sun Robert Burns Rocheport.. Rockbridge RockhilL Rockville Rolla Rose Hill. Rosendale Rothville Rowley Rural.. Rushville Russellville Rutledge


Queen City Quitman R Seneca Center Ravanna Ravenwood Camden Raymore Raytown Red Bird Red Oak Reeds 'Spring Republic Revere Rich Hill.. Richland Richmond Buffalo Barry Gainesville Rocheport.. Rockbridge Kansas City Rockville Rolla St. Louis Rosendale Rothville Dearborn Kansas City Rushville RusseUville Rutledge

Schuyler Nodaway

1 7

Newton Ralls Mercer .Nodaway Ray Cass Jackson Gasconade Lawrence Stone Greene Clark Bates Pulaski Ray Dallas Platte Ozark Boone Ozark Jackson Bates Phelps

56 15 4 7 23 34 59 32 55 54 .45 1 35 38 23 41 21 53 26 53 22 35 39 33-A 9 19 21 22 9 :..31 1

.Andrew Charitol1 Platte ,Jacksol1 Buchanal1 Cole Scotland

1929. ] No.

N a me of Lodge


Appendix. Location of Lodge




225 226 208 424 298 462 293 71 • 508 448 126 236 517 513 585 646 653 625 256 228 371 304 310

75 511 266 271

206 200 547 466 296 524 155 96 273 588 234

230 28 78 20 93 109 419 133 634 538 523

Salenl Saline Sal isbury Samaritan Sampson Santa Fe Sarcoxie Savannah Saxton Schell City Seaman Sedalia Seligman Senath Shamrock Shaveh Shawnee Sheffield Shekinah Shelbina Sheldon Signal. ; Sikeston Silex Skidmore SociaL Solomon Somerset... Sonora South Gate Southwest Sparta Spickardsville Spring HilL St. Andrews St. Clair St. Francisville St. Francois St. James St. John's St. Joseph St. Louis St. Marks Stanberry Star Star of the West Steele Stella Stinson

Salem St. Mary's , Salis bury Bonne Terre I.Jutie Santa Fe Sarcoxie Savannah Saxton Schell City Milan : Sedalia Seligman Senath Shamrock St. Louis Warsaw Kansas City Festus Shelbina Sheldon Mindenmines Sikeston Silex Skidmore Martinsburg Springfield Powersville Watson Kansas Cit.y Southwest City Sparta Spickard Spring Hill Shelbyville Osceola Wayland Libertyville St. James HannibaL St. Joseph St. Louis Cape Girardeau Stanberry Taberville lronton Steele Stella Stinson

Dent Ste. Genevieve Chariton St. Francois Ozark Monroe Jasper Andrew Buchanan Vernon Sullivan Pettis Barry Dunklin Callaway Benton Jackson J efferson Shelby Vernon Barton Scott I.Jincoln Nodaway Audrain Greene Putnam Atchison Jackson McDonald Christian Grundy Livingston Shelby St. Clair Clark St. Francois Phelps Marion Buchanan Cape Girardeau Gentry St. Clair lron Pemiscot Newton Lawrence

39 .48 19 .48

53 17 44 9

9 .43 3 36

55 51 27 33-A 36 22 .40 14 43 .43 50 29 7 27 .45 3 8

22 56 54 4 12 14 37 1 48 39 15 9 33-B 49 6 37 .48 51 56 55

l Sept.


236 No.

Name of Lodge

283 608 604 174 69 555 263 617

Stockton Strafford Strasburg Sturgeon Sullivan Summersville Summit.. Swope Park

Location of Lodge

565 438 299 177 661 56 631 111 638 205 641 122 440 34 360 114 350 12

Tebbetts Tebbetts Temperance Smithville Temple Kansas City Texas Houston Theodore Roosevelt.. St. Louis Tipton Tipton To\ver Grove st. Louis Trenton Trenton Triangle st. Louis Trilumina MarshalI... Trinity St. Louis Triplett.. Triplett.. T'roweI... Marble Hill Troy Troy Tuscan St. Louis Twilight.. Columbia Tyrian Johnstown Tyro Caledonia U Union Union Union Star Union Star Unionvil1e Unionville United Springfield Unity Richards University University City Urbana Urbana Urich Urich V Valley Bolckow Valley Park Valley Park Van Buren Van Buren Vandalia Vandalia Vernon ~Bronaugh Verona Verona VersaiiIes Versailles Vienna Vienna Vincil. Cameron W路 Wadesburg Creighton Wakanda Carrollton

Stockton Strafford Strasburg Sturgeon Sullivan Summersville Lee's Summit.. Kansas City


. District

Cedar Greene Cass Boone Franklin Texas Jackson Jackson

42 45 34 ;.26 32 .46 59 22


593 124 210 5 495 649 421 286 413 629 509 491 493 452 320 94 62 348 52

Callaway Clay Jackson Texas

Boone Bates Washington

27 11路 22 46 33路A 31 33-B 4 33-A 24 33-A 19 49 29 33-A 26 35 40

Franklin De Kalb Putnam Greene Vernon St. Louis Dallas Henry

32 10 3 45 43 57 41 37

Moniteau Grundy Saline Chariton Bollinger Lincoln .;


Andrew st. Louis Carter Audrain Vernon Lawrence Morgan Maries Clinton

9 57 .47 27 43 55 58 58 11

Cass CarrolI

34 20

1929. ]




Name of Lodge

605 456 627 74 609 87 61 526 375 235 512 98 84 22 613 194 46

Walker Wallace Wallace Park Warren Warrenton Washington ~Taverly

Wayne Waynesville Weatherby Webb City Webster Webster Groves WeIlington Wellston ~rellsviIle

Wentzville ~Test Gate 10~ West View 396 Western Light.. 15 Western Star 53 Weston 340 Westport.. 202 'Vestville 4~4 Wheeling 301 White Hall 417 Whitewater 162 Whitesvi1le 374 W il derness 620 Willard 8 Williamsburg 370 WiIIiamstown 191 Wilson 29 Windsor 540 路Winigan 4~0 Winona . 277 Wm. D. Muir 387 Woodside, 24 Wyaconda 445

Location of Lodge

Walker Bunceton Wallace Keytesville Warrenton Greenfield Waverly Piedmont.. Waynesville Wl?atherby Webb City Marshfield Webster 路Groves De Kalb Wellston Wellsville Wentzville St. Louis Millersville Louisburg Winston Weston Kansas City Westville Wheeling Barnard Whitewater \VhHesville V'r;loprness Willard :.Williamsburg Williamstown Pocahontas Windsor Winigan Winona Pilot Grove Thomasville Ta Grange


Vernon Cooper Buchanan Chariton Warren Dade Lafayette Wayne Pulaski De Kalb Jasper Webster St. Louis Buchanan St. Louis Montgomery St. Charles Cape Girardeau Dallas Daviess Platte Jackson Chariton Livingston Nodaway CapeGirardeau Andrew Oregon Greene Callaway Lewis Cape Girardeau Henry Sullivan ooShannon Cooper Oregon ; Lewis



43 25 9 19 30 42 20 52 38 10 44 45 57 9 57 28 30 33-B .49 .41 10 21 22 19 12 7 .49 9 53 .45 27 15 49 37 3 47 25 53 15


50 . Xenia







Kansas City



Bollinger Buchanan :

.49 9


545 189

Zalma Zeredatha

Zalma St. Joseph


/1 p/Jcndix.



Adrian Advance :I: Affton, RR l.. Agency Alba Albany Aldrich Allendale Altamont ~ - Alton Alexandria Amsterdam Anderson Appleton City Archie Arcola Armstrong Arrow Rock Ash Grove Ashland Atlanta Aurora Aux Vasse Ava ·.. · Ballwin *Ballwin · Bakersfield Bardley ········· ..· Barnard Barnett Belgrade Bell ,City Belle Belleview Bellflower Belton Bernie Bethany Bethel Bevier Billings Birch Tree Bismarck Blackburn Blackwell Blairstown : Blodgett

Name of Lodge


Crescent Hill Advance Gardenville Agency Criterion Athens Aldrich Allensville Altamont Alton Gothic .Amsterdam Anderson Appleton City Archie Garrett Armstrong ,Arrow Rock ,Ash Grove Ashland Lodge of Truth Canopy Aux Vasse Ava .Bonhomme Valley Park Bayou Pine ·White Hall Barnett Belgrade Lakeville Belle Mosaic Griswold Belton Bernie Bethany Bethel Bloomington Billings Delphian Bismarck Oriental Blackwell Blairstown Blodgett


• Address of Secret.:!!')'.



Bates 590 Stoddard 655 St. Louis 10 Buchanan 586 Jasper 127 Gentry 664 Polk : 198 Worth 108 Daviess 255 Oregon 43,6 ·Clark 141 Bates 621 McDonald .412: St. Clair 633 Cass 359 Dade 70 Howard 55 Saline 100 Greene 156 Boone 268 Macon 2,84 Lawrence 357 Callaway 26 Douglas 45 St. Louis 629 St. Louis 3·65 Ozark 314 Ripley 301 Nodaway 591 Morgan 632 Washington .489 Stoddard 373 Maries 351 Ir<1Tl 178 Montgomery 450 Cass 57a Stoddard 97 Harrison 537 Shelby 102 Macon 379 Christian 137 Shannon 41. St. Francois 518 Saline 535 St. Francois 557 Henry F>94 Scott

35 50

57 9 .44 6 .41 6 10 53

1 35 56

37 34 42 25

24 45 26

14 55 27 46 57 57 i

53 52

7 58

40 50 58

48 28

34 51 5 14 14 54 47 .48 24 40 37 50


1929·1 Post Office

Name of Lodge

Bloomfield Blue Springs Bogard Bois D'Arc Bolckow Bolivar Bonne Terre Boonville Bosworth *Bowers Mill Bowling Green Branson Brashear Braymer Breckenridge Bronaugh Brookfield *Browns Station Brumley Brunswick Bucklin Buckner Buffalo Bunceton' Bunker Burlington junco Butler Cabool Cainesville Cairo Caledonia Calhoun California Callao Camden Camden Point Cameron Campbell Canton Cape Girardeau Cardwell Carl Junction Carrollton Carterville Carthage Caruthersville Cassville Center Centertown Centralia


Bloomfield , Blue Springs Bogard Bois D'Arc Valley B'olivar Samaritan : Cooper Bosworth Red Oak Phoenix Branson Paulville Braymer Breckenridge Vernon Brookfield .Hinton Brumley Eureka Bucklin Buckner Riddick Wallace Bunker Burlington Butler Barnes Cainesville ·Cairo Tyro Calhoun California ." ;..Callao ,Ray .' Camden Point Vincil .. Four Mile Craft St. Marks Cardwell Carl Junction Wakanda Carterville Carthage Caruthersville Pythagoras Ralls Centertown Centralia

of Secretary.



153 337 101 449 .413 195 .424 36 597 468 136 587 319 135 33·1 .493 86 .455 203 73 233 501 361 456 275 442: 2·54 116 328 486 12 552 183 38 22·3 1&9 62 2:12. 287 93 231 549 52 401 197 .461 383 33 611 59


Stoddard Jackson Carroll Greene Andrew : Polk S1. Francois Coope,r Carroll Lawrence Pike Taney Adair Caldwell Caldwell Vernon Linn Boone Miller Chariton Linn Jackson : Dallas Cooper Reynolds Nodaway Bates Texas Harrison Randolph 'Washington Henry Moniteau Macon Ray Platte Clinton Dunklin Lewis Cape Girardeau . Dunklin Jasper Carroll Jasper Jasper Pemiscot Barry Ralls Cole Boone


50 59 20 .45 9 .41 .48 25 20 55 16 54 2 12 12 .43 13 26 38 19 13 59 .41 25 .47 7 35 .46 5 18 40· 37 3'1 14 23 21 11 51 15 .49 51 .44 20 44 44 51 55 15 31 2&

A PPend'l.r.

240 Post Olfice

Chaffee Chamois Charleston *Chilhowee R. 4 Chilhowee Chillicothe Chillicothe *Chillicothe, R. 3 Chula Clarence Clark Clarksburg Clarksdale Clarksville Clarkton Clayton Clearmont Cleveland Clever ; Clifton Hill Clinton Coffey Cole Camp College Mound Columbia Columbia Commerce Competition Concordia Conway Corder Cosby Cowgill Craig Crane Creighton Cuba Curryville *Cyrene Dadeville Darlington Dearborn Deepwater DeKalb Denver Desloge DeSoto DeWitt Dexter Dixon

Name of Lodge

Chaffee Chamois Charleston Agricola Chilhowee Chillicothe Friendship Spring Hill Chula Clarence Clark Clarksburg Clarksdale Clarksville :..Clarkton Clayton Clearmont Cleveland Clever Clifton Hill Clinton Earl ·..· Cole Camp MoGee Acacia Twilight Ashlar · Competition Concordia Conway Lafayette Cos·by Cowgill Craig Crane Wadesburg Cuba Pike Louisville MelvilIe Jacoby Rowley Deepwater Wellington J·onathan .Ionic DeSoto Dewitt Dexter ,Arlington

• Address of Secreta ry.

[Sept. No.


615 185 407 343 .487 333 89 155 388 662 610

Scott Osage Mississippi Henry Johnson Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Shelby Randolph Moniteau DeKalb Pike Dunklin St. Louis Nodaway Cass Christian Randolph Henry Daviess Benton Macon Boone Boone : Scott Laclede Lafayette Laclede Lafayette Andrew Caldwell Holt Stone Cass Crawford Pike Lincoln Dade Gentry Platte Henry Buchanan Worth St. Francois Jefferson Carroll Stoddard Pulaski


559 17 248 601 50,7

651 645 161 548 285 595

146 602 114 306 .432 .464 528 437 600561 606 519 348 312 399 409

.458 .447 Z04


562 22 321 154 119 39 532 346-



31 50,

37 36 12 12 12 12 14 18 31 10 16 51 57

7 34 54 18 37 10 :16 14 26 26 50

38 23 38 23 9 12 8 54 34 39

16 29 42 6 21 37 9 6 .48 40 20 50


1929., Post Oft'lce

Appendix. ~ame



Doniphan Composite Downing Middle Fabius Drexel Coldwater Eagleville Lodge of Light East Lynne Nonpareil East Prairie East Prairie Edgerton Adelphi Edina Edina Eldon .Ionia EI Dorado Springs Clintonville Elkland Doric .. ~ Ellington Barnesville mlmer : Elmer Elmo Kennedy Elsberry New Hope Eminence Eminence E·olia · Eolia Essex ···· Essex Eugene Hickory Hill Eureka Meramec Everton E·verton Ewing ·· · Ewing Excello Excello Excelsior Springs Clay Fairfax Fairfax Fair Grove · Ozark Fair Play · · Fair Play Fairview ·..·..Fairview Farley · l1idelity Farmington Farmington "'Farmington, R. 7 Pendleton *FarmingtonR. 1 St. Francois Faucett Birming Fayette Fayette Fenton Fenton Ferguson Ferguson Festus Shekinah Fillmore Lincoln Flat River Elvins Florida F'lorida ForeRt City Forest City Forsyth Forsyth Foster Foster Frankford Frankford Fredericktown Marcus .. : Freeman Grand River Fulton Fulton Gainesville Robert Burns Galena Galena Gallatin Gallatin • Addrcss of Secrctary.

241 No.

369 244 485 257 372 384 355 291 381 .482 300 353 ;648 329 199 607 14 2·78 211· 313 .40;) 577 332' 207 .483 297 44 619 339 132 551 234 150 47 281 542 2:56 138 599 23 214 .453 55·i 192 110 276 48 .496 515 , 106


Ripley Schuyler 'Cass Harrison Cass Mississippi Platte J{nox Miller Cedar Webster Reynolds Macon Nodaway Lincoln Shannon ~ Pike Stoddard Cole St. Louis Dade Lewis Macon Clay Atchison Greene Polk Newton Platte St. Francois St. Francois St. Francois Buchanan Howard St. Louis St. Louis Jefferson Andi'ew St. Francois MonroA Holt Taney Bates Pike Madison Cass Callaway Ozark Stone Daviess


52 1 34 5 34 50 21 2

58 .42 .45 47 14 7 29 .47 16 50 31 57 42 15 14 11 8 45 41 56 21 .48 .48 .48 9 25 57 57 40 9 .48 17 8 54 35 16 .48 34 27 53 54 10




Post Office

Name of Lodge

Galt Galt *Garden City Dayton Garden City .Index Gentryville Gentryville Gilman City Prairie Glasgow Livingston Glenwood Glenwood Golden City Golden Gorin Gorin Gower Go'ver Graham ,Graham Grain Valley Grain Valley Granby Granby Grandin Grandin Grandview Grandview Grant City Grant City Gray Summit Gray Summit Green City Green City Greenfield Washington Green Ridge Green Ridge Greensburg Greensburg Greentop Greentop Greenville Greenville Grovespring Grovespring Guilford , Guilford Hale Hale City Hallsville Hallsville *Hamburg R. F. D. 1 Mechanicsville *Hamden 路 Pee Dee Hamilton Hamilton Hannibal Hannibal Hannibal St. John's Hardin Hardin Harris Arcana Harrisburg Ancient Landmark Harrisonville ' Cass Hartville Joppa Hatfield Hatfield




.423 386 54 125 556 51 427 .475 72 397 289 644 514 579 618 66

Grundy Cass Cass Gentry Harrison Howard Schuyler Barton Scotland Clinton Nodaway Jackson Newton Carter Jackson Worth Franklin Sullivan Dade Pettis Knox Schuyler Wayne Wright Nodaway Carroll Boone St. Charles Chariton -Caldwell Marion Marion Ray Sullivan Boone -Cass Wright Harrison pemiscot Andrew Clinton Jefferson Gasconade Hickory Randolph Lafayette Jefferson Johnson Johnson Monroe

173 159 87 425 .414 63;) 107 589

474 216 336 260 .498 224 188 28 322 389 35&

147 .411 395

~:r;~a路 路:::::::::::::::::::::::::ii:iet~a "::::::::::::::::::::::::::~i~

H'emple Herculaneum Hermann Hermitage Higbee Higginsville Hillsboro Holden ':'Holden R. 5 Holliday

Hemple Herculaneum Hermann Hermitage Higbee Higginsville Joachim Holden Pittsville Holliday

*Actdress of Sec]',,!ary.

37 338 123 288 527 364 164 262 .428


. District

4 34 34 ti

5 25

1 .43 1 11

7 59 56 .47 59

6 32' 3 .42 36 2 1 52 .46

7 20 26 30 19 12 15 15 20' 3 26

34 46 5 51 9 11 .40 32 .41 18 23 .40 3& 3&





Post Office

Name of Lodge

Hollister !folt Hopkins Hornersville Houston Humansville

Kirbyville Holt Xenia Hornersville .., Texas Modern Burne Hume Humphreys Humphreys Hunnewell ···· · Hunnewell Huntsville ··· ·..·· Huntsville Iberia · ·· ..···.. ·· · ·...Jberia IlImo · ·.. ·.. ··· ····· ·..Illmo Independence Independence Independence · ··· McDonald Irondale ..·· .. · ··· .. ····..Irondale Ironton ·..· · · Star of the West · Jackson Excelsior Jacksonville ·..· ·..·.. ,Jacksonville *Jake Prairie · ··· ·Red Bird Jameson ···· ..·..· ··.. Jameson Jamesport Jamesport Jamestown ·..··..· Moniteau Jasper ·.. ·.. ·····.. · ·..··· Jasper Jefferson City ··· ··· Jefferson Jennings ·.. · ·.. ·..· Jennings Jericho Springs ·..··..·.. Jerusalem Jonesburg ·· :·· ·..·..·.. Jonesburg Joplin ·..· Fellowship




Taney Clay Nodaway Dunklin Texas Polk Bates Sullivan Shelby Randolph Miller Scot.t Jackson Jackson Washington Iron Cape Girardeau Randolph Gasconade Daviess Daviess Moniteau Jasper Cole St. Louis Cedar Montgomery Jasper Jasper Clark Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson .Jackson Jackson Jackson ." .Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson


50 2115 177 144 130 32

415 30 410 581 76 324

143 133 441

541 584 500 561 2'95 398

43 640 31fi 457 345

~o~~~~a "::::::::::::::::::::::::::~i~~~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~

Kansas Kansas Kansas Kansas Kansas Kansas Kansas Kansas *Kansas *Kansas Kansas Kansas Kansas Kansas Kansas Kansas Kansas Kansas Kansas Kansas

City City City City City City Cfty City City City City City City City City City City Cit.y City City

· · Albert Pike ..· ·..Cecile-Daylight · · ··..Countrv Club ·..·· ·.. East Gate .. ·..· ···Gate City · ··.. Heroine Ivanhoe ·· · ·..Kansas City Marlborough ·..·..· · Mt. Washington ··..··..···..·..Northeast ·..· ·····.. Orient ·· ·-Rockhill ·· ··..Rural · ·..Sheffield ·· ·..·South Gate · ·..·..·Swope Park Temple ,Westport York

• Address of Secreta ry.

219 305 656 630 522 10.1

.446 220 569 614 64;1 546 66.3 316 625 547 617 299 3-40 563


54 11 7

51 46 41 35 3 14

18 38 50 59 59 .40 48 49 18

32 1()

101 31 .44 31 57 42 28 44

.44 1 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22, 59 59· 2'2 2'2 22! 2'2 2'2-

2Z 221 2'21 22, 22'

244 Post Office

Append'/:(. Name of Lodge

[Sept. No,

Kearney ." "Kearney .. " " 311 Kennett Kennett 68 Keytesville Warren " 74 King City Ancient Craft 377 *King City, R. 6 .Berlin " " " ..378 Kingston .. " "Kingston 118 Kirksville ·· Adair 366 Kirksville Kirksville 105 Kirkwood ·..· Kirkwood ." " .484 Knob Noster · Knoh Noster 245 *Knox City " ·Colony " 168 Koshkonong ".. Koshkonong 582 La Belle La Belle .. "" " 222 Laclede " Cypress ." " " 2:27 Laddonia .. ,,· : Laddonia 11!') La Grange .. ,,· Wyaconda .. " 24 I.amar ·· ..·..····· ·..·.. · Lamar 292· La Monte · ".. La Monte " 574 Lancaster Lodge of Love 259 La Plata La Plata .. " 237 Laredo "Laredo .. " " "..253 La Russell ·La Russell .." .."" 5n Lathrop " "" Lathrop 506 Lawson ·.. · Bee Hive ." " 3n Leadwood Leadwood " 598 Lebanon " .. " Lac1ede "" " 83 Lee's Summit " " Summit 2'63 Leeton ·· ..··,,·..· Cold Svring 274 Lesterville .. " "Hopewell 239 liewistown " "Lewistown " 494 Lexington " T,exington "".149 Liberal Hermon " 187 Liberty Liberty ".. 31 Licking " Latimer " 145 *Lincoln, R. 1 Clear C:'eek " "..418 Linn " " Linn "."" 326 Linn Creek " Linn Creek " .. 152 Linneus " ".Jackson " 82 *Livonia Hartford 171 bock Spring Lock Spring .488 Lockwood ."" " ".. Lockwood 521 Louisburg Western Light " 396 Louisiana "" " Perseverance .. " .. " 92 Lowry City Lowry City 403 Lucerne Lucerne .. " 394 LUdlow Dawn " " 539 Luray "." " Eldorado ",,318 Lutie " Sampson 298 Mack's Creek " Mack's Creek " .433 Macon "" "" " ..Censer " " """ .. 172 • Address of Recretary.



Clay 11 Dunklin " 51 Chariton 19 Gentry " 6 Gentry 6 Caldwell 12 Adair 2 Adair " 2 St. Louis 57 Johnson "" 36 Knox '2' Oregon .. " " 53 LeWis 15 Linn 13 Audrain " 2'7 Lewis 15 Barton .43 Pettis 36 Schuyler 1 Macon 14 Grundy "" " 4 Jasper " 44 Clinton 11 Ray 23 St. Francois .48 Laclede 38' Jackson " ",,59 Johnson " 36 Reynolds .. "".." .47 Lewis ." "" 15 Lafayette 23 Barton .. " .43 Clay 11 Texas " 39 Benton 37 Osage ,,::n Camden .. ~ ,,38 Linn " 13 Putnam " .. " 3 Daviess 10 Dade " 42' Dallas ." "..41 Pike 16 St. Clair " 37 Putnam " 3 Livingston 12 Clark " 1 Ozark " 53 Camden 38 Macon " ,,14

1929·1 Post Otflce

Appendix. Name of Lodge

Madison Madison *Madison, R. 5 Middle Grove Maitland Maitland Malden Malden Malta Bend Malta tManes Manes Mansfield ·Mansfield M.aplewood · Maplewood Marble Hill · · Trowel Marceline ..· Marceline ·Marceline · ···..· Westville Marionville Marionville Marshall ·.. · ··..Trilumina Marshfield ·..· ·Webster *Marston · · · ·..Point Pleasant Martinsburg · Social Maryville , MaryviIle Maryville ··· ··..·..·.Nodaway Maysville ··Parrott McFall · Havana McKittrick Daggett Meadville ·.. ··· · · Dockery Memphis Memphis Mendon Mendon Mercer Marion Mexico Hebron Mexico, R. F. D. 1 Houston Miami Miami Milan Seaman Milford Milford Miller Miller *Miller, R. 1 Stinson Millersville Westview Mindenmines Signal Missouri City Angerona "'Moberly, Route 3 Milton M'oberly Moberly Mokane Mokane Molino Central Monett Monett Monroe City Monroe Montevallo Montevallo Montgomery City Montgomery Monticello Monticello Montrose Montrose "'Montrose, R. 35 Tyrian Morehouse Morehouse Morley' Morley Morrisville Pleasant Moscow Mills Moscow

245 Xv.


91 Monroe 42 Monroe 112' Holt 406 Dunklin .402 Saline 240 Wright 543 Wright 566 St. Louis .440 Bollinger 481 Linn 202 Chariton 390 Lawrence 205 Saline :. 98 Webster 176 New Madrid 2'66 Audrain 16.5 Nodaway .470 Nodaway 308 DeKalb 21 Gentry .492 Montgomery ; 325 Linn 16 Scotland 628 Chariton 616 Mercer 354 Audrain 580 Audrain 85 Saline 126 Sullivan 516 Barton 567 Lawrence 523 Lawrence 103 Cape Girardeau 304 Barton 193 Clay 151 Randolph 344 Randolph 612 Callaway 81 Audrain 12·9 Barry 6·1 Monroe 490 Vernon :246 Montgomery 58 Lewis 408 Henry 350 Bates 603 New Madrid 184 Scott 160 Polk 558 Lincoln

• Address of Seereta ry. tCollsolidafed with l\ltlr. GrO\'e J-,odg-e No. 158 Se)Jt.. 27, 192H.


17 17 8 51 24 46 46 57 .49 13 19 55 24 .45 51 27 7 7 10 6 28 13 1 19 4 :27 27 24 3 .43 55 55 .49 .43 11 18 18 27 27 55 17 .43 28 15 37 35 50 50 41 29

Post Office

l Sept.

A PPcnd£.t".

246 ~ame

of Lodge

Mound City Mound ·City Mountain Grove Mountain Grove Mountain View Mountain View Mt. Vernon l\1t. Vernon Naylor Naylor 'Neelyville Naple Nelson ·Nelson Neosho ·..·Neosho Nevada · ·Osage Newark ·..· · ·Ark New Bloomfield New Bloomfield Newburg Equality New Florence · ·..·Florence New Franklin ·.. Howard New Hampton New Hampton New Haven ·.. Evergreen New London ·..··New London New Madrid ·New Madrid Newtown · ·.Putnam *Noble Rockbridge Noel : Noel Norborne Carroll North Kansas City Alpha *North Kansas City, R4..Rising Sun Norwood Norwood Novelty Novelty Novinger Novinger Oak Grove Christian Oak Ridge Mystic Tie Odessa Mt. Hope Olean Olean Olney Nineveh Oregon Oregon Oronogo Mineral Orrick Ada Osborn Osborn Osceola St. Clair Otterville Pleasant Grove *Overland Bridgeton Owensville Owensville Ozark , Friend Pacific Columbia Palmyra Palmyra Paris Paris Union Parkville Compass Parma Parma Parnell Gaynor City Pattonsburg Pattonsburg Peculiar Peculiar Perry Lick Creek '" Address of SCl're!:lTY.




Holt Wright Howell Lawrence Ripley Butler Saline Newton Vernon Knox Callaway Phelps Montgomery Howard Harrison Franklin Ralls New Madrid Sullivan Ozark McDonald Carroll Clay Platte Wright Knox Adair Jackson Cape Girardeau Lafayette Miller Lincoln Holt Jasper Ray DeKalb St. Clair Cooper St. Louis Gasconade Christian Franklin Marion Monroe Platte : New Madrid Nodaway Daviess Cass Ralls


637 99

568 623 560 247

303 6


.497 261 4 51,0 27

307 .429 190

.425 647 249

659 13 622 181 583 392 221

.476 134 473 139 .471 444

317 273 142 80 624

352 534 18 19 1'20 650 .465 65 530 302


8 46

53 55_ 52,

52 24 56 .43 2 27

39 218 25 5 32

15 51 3

53 56 .'20 22 21 .46 2 2

59 49

23 58 29 8


23 10 37 25 57 32 54 32 15 17 21 51 7 1,0 34 15

1929. ] Post Office

Philadelphia Pickering Piedmont Pierce City Pilot Grove Plato Platte City Plattsburg Pleasant Hill Pleasant Hope Pocahontas Pollock Polo : Poplar Bluff Portageville Potosi Powersville Prairie Home Princeton Protem Purdy Puxico Queen City Quitman Ravanna Ravenwood Raymore Raytown *Rayville, R. 1 Readsville Reeds Spring Republic Revere Richards Rich Hill Richland Richmond Richville Ridgeway Robertsville Rocheport Rockport Rockville Rogersville *Rogersville R. 3 Rolla Roscoe Rosendale Rothville Rushville '" Address of Seactary.


Appendix. Name of Lodge

Philadelphia Pickering Wayne Decatur Wm. D. Muir Plato Platte City Plattsburg ,Jewel Pleasallt Hope Wilson Pollock Polo Poplar Bluff Portageville Potosi Somerset Prairie Home Mercer Claft.in Purdy Puxico Queen City Quitman Ravanna Ravenwood Raymore Raytown King Hiram Portland Reeds Spring Republic Revere Unity Rich Hill Richland Richmond Pilot Knob Lorraine Fraternal Rocheport North Star Rockville Henderson Mt. Olive Rolla Circle Rosendale Rothville Rushville



502 .472 526 400 277 469 504 113 480 .467 191 349 232 209 166 131 206 503 35 229 148 596 380 196 258 201 451 391 309 242 280 570 167 .495 479 385 57 182路 1'28 363 67 157 341 .477 439 213 342 .404 42路6 238


Marion Nodaway Wayne Lawrence Cooper Texas Platte .clinton Cass Polk Cape Girardeau Sullivan Caldwell Butler New Madrid Washington Putnam Cooper Mercer Taney Barry Stoddard Schuyler Nodaway Mercer Nodaway Cass Jackson Ray Callaway Stone Greene Clark Vernon Bates Pulaski Ray Douglas Harrison Franklin Boone Atchison Bates Webster Webster Phelps St. Clair Andrew Chariton Buchanan


15 7 52 55 2路5 .46 21 11 34

41 .49 3 12 52 51 .40 3 25 4 54 55 50 1 7 4

7 34 59 23 27 54 .45 1 .43 35 38 23 46 5 32 26 8 35 .45 .45 39 37 9 19 9

I Sept.

A ppcndix. Post Oft'ice

Russellville Rutledge St. Charles St. Clair St. James St. Joseph St. Joseph St. Joseph St. Joseph St. Joseph St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis

Name of Lodge


Russellville 90 Rutledge 572 Palestine 241 Easter 575 St. James 230 Brotherhood 2&!l Charity 331 King Hill 376 St. Joseph 78 Zeredatha 189 Algabil 544 America 347 Anchor 443 Apollo 52·9 Aurora 267 Beacon 3 Benjamin Franklin 642 Cache 416 Clifton Heights 520, Commonwealth 65L Cornerstone 323 Cosmos 282 Er\vin 121. Euclid : 505 Yorest Park 578 George Washington.. 9 Good Hope 218 Harmony 499 Itaska 4·20 Keystone 243 Lambskin .460 Magnolia 626 Meridian 2 Missouri 1 Mizpah 639 Mt. Moriah 40 Naphtali 25 Occidental 163 Olive Branch 576 Paul Revere 330 Pilgrim 652 Polar Star 79 Pomegranate 95 Pride of the West.... 179 Progress 657 Purity 65S Pyramid 180 Rose Hill 550 St. Louis 20 Shaveh 646



Cole Scotland St. Charles Franklin Phelps Buchanan Buchanan Buchanan Buchanan Buchanan

31 1 30 32 39 9 9 9 9 9 33-B 3:~·B


33-B 33-B 33-A 33-A 33-B 33·B 33-A 33·A 33-B 33-B 33.A 33-A 33-B 33-B : 33-B 33-B 33-A 33-A 33-A 33-B 33-B 33-A 33-B 33-A 33-B 33·A 33-A 33-A 33-B 33-B 33-A 33-.B 33-A 33-B 33·A 33·A 33-B 33-A

Post Office

Name of Lodge

St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Marys Salem Salisbury Santa Fe · · Sarcoxie Savannah :· Saxton Schell City ·..· Sedalia Sedalia .· Seligman Senath Seneca Seymour Shamrock Shelbina Shelbyville Sheldon Sheridan Sikeston Silex Skidmore Slater Smithville Southwest City Sparta Spickard Springfield . Springfield Springfield *Stanberry, R. 4 Stanberry Steele Steelville Stella ; ,Stewartsville Stockton Strafford Strasburg Sturgeon Sullivan Summersville Sumner Sweet Springs ~ Address



1929. ]


Theo. Roosevelt 661.. Tower Grove 631. Triangle 6.38 Trinity 641 Tuscan 360 West Gate 445 Saline 226 Salem 225 Salisbury , 208 ···Santa Fe 462 Sarcoxie 293 Savannah 71 ·Saxton 508 Schell City 448 Granite 272 ···Sedalia 236 Seligman 517 Senath 513 Racine .478 Hazelwood .459 Sbamrock 585 Shelbina 228 St. Andrews 96 Sbeldon 371 Defiance 88 Sikeston 310 Silex 75 Skidmore 511 Cambridge 63 Temperance .438 Southwest 466 Sparta 296 Spickardsville 524 Gate of the Temple ..422 Solomon 271 United ".............. 5 Alanthus 252 Stanberry 109 Steele 634 Lebanon 77 Stella 538 Continental .454 Stockton 283 Strafford 60S Strasburg 604 Sturgeon 174 Sullivan 69 Summersville 55!l Cunningham 525 Barbee 217

of Secretary.



33-A 33-B 33-A 33-A

Ste. Genevieve Dent Chariton Monroe Jasper Andrew Buchanan Vernon Pettis Pettis Barry Dunklin Newton Webster Callaway Shelby Shelby Vernon Worth Scott Lincoln Nodaway Saline Clay McDonald Christian Grundy Greene Greene Greene Gentry Gentry Pemiscot. Crawford Newton DeKalb Cedar Greene Cass Boone Franklin Texas Chariton Saline

33-A 33'-B .48 39 19 17 44 9 9 .43 36 36 55 51 56 .45 21 14 14 43 6 50 29 7 24 11 56 54 4 .45 .45 .45 66-

51 39 56 10 42 .45 34 2'6 32 .46 19 24

250 Post Olfice

Name of Lodge

Taberville Star Tarkio Northwest Tebbetts : Tebbetts Thayer Clifton Thomasville Woodside Tipton Tipton Topaz ·lVIt. Ararat Trenton Trenton Triplett ··· ..······.. ·· · Triplett , Troy · · Troy Union ···.· ..·· ..·..Union - Union Star Union Star Unionville ··· ..·.. ·..· Unionville University City University Urbana Urbana Urich ·.. · · · ·.. ·Urich Utica · Benevolence Van Buren ·..Van Buren Vandalia Vandalia Verona Verona *Versailles, R. 3 · Glensted Versailles ·Versailles Vichy Lane's Prairie Vienna · ·Vienna Walker Walker Wallace Wallace Park 'Valnut Grove ··O'Sullivan Warrensburg Corinthian Warrenton Warrenton Warsaw ·Shawnee Washburn Barry Washington Hope Watson ·Sonora Waverly Waverly Wayland St. Francisville Waynesville Waynesville Weatherhy Weatherby Webb City Webb City Webster Groves Webster Groves Wellston : Wellston Wellsville Wellsville Wentzville Wentzville Weston Weston West Plains Mt. Zion Wheatland Hogle's Creek Wheaton Comfort Wheeling 'Wheeling 'Vhitesville Whitesville Whitewater Whitewater Wilderness Wilderness • Address of Seeretary.


Appendi.r. No.


St. Clair 358 Atchison 565 Callaway .463 Oregon 387 Oregon 56 Moniteau 382 Douglas 111 Grundy 122 Chariton 34 Lincoln 593 Franklin 124 DeKalb 210 Putnam 649 St. Louis .421 Dallas 28·6 Henry 170 Livingston 509 Carter .491 Audrain 452 Lawrence , 250 Morgan 320 Morgan 531 Maries 94 Maries 6.05 Vernon 627 Buchanan 7 Greene 265 Johnson 609 Warren 653 Benton 367 Barry 251 Franklin 2'00 Atchison 61 Lafayette 588 Clark :.375 Pulaski ;.:235 DeKalb 512 Jasper 84 St. Louis 613 St. Louis 19'4 Montgomery 46 St. Charles 53 Platte 327 Howell 279 Hickory 533 Barry .434 Livingston 162 Andrew .417 Cape Girardeau 374 Oregon .419


37 8 27

53 53 31 .4&

4 19 29 32

10 3 57 .41 37 12 47 27

55 58 58

39 58 .43 9 .45 36

30 36 55 32' 8

20 1 38' 10


57 57 218 30 21

53 .41

55 12 9 .49


1929., Post Office

Willard Williamsburg Williamstown Willow Springs Windsor Winfield Winigan 'Vinona 'Winston Wright City Wyaconda Zalma



Name of Lodge



Willard Williamsburg WiIliamstown Ingomar Windsor New Salem Winigan Winona Western Star Pauldingville Fairmount Zalma :

620 8 370 536 2'9 270 540 430 15 11 290 545

Greene Callaway Lewis Howell Henry Lincoln' Sullivan Shannon Daviess Warren Clark Bollinger


.45 27 15 53 37 :.29 3 47 10 30 1 49







Adair ......................• 2 Andrew .......•.......•..•• 9 Atchison ..............•..... 8 Audrain ..................•• 27 Barton 43 Barry 66 Bates .....................•. 35 Benton 36 Benton (Lodge 418) 37 Bollinger 49 Boone 26 Buchanan 9 Butler 62 Caldwell 12 Callaway 27 Camden 38 Cape Girardeau .49 Carroll 20 Carter 47 Cass 34 Cedar .....................• 42 Chariton 19 Christian 64 Clark ....................••. 1 Clay 11 Clay (Lodge 659) 22 Clinton ...................•. 11 Cole 31 Cooper ..................•.. 25 Crawford 39 Dade 42 Dallas ..................•... 41 Daviess 10 DeKalb ................•.... 10 Dent 39 Douglas 46 Dunklin •................•.. 61 Franklin ....•......•...••.•• 32 Gasconade 32 Gentry 6 Greene 45 Grundy ..................••. 4 Harrison .................•.. 5 Henry ...................•.. 37 Hickory .................••. 41 Holt .......................• 8 Howard 25 Howell ,53 Iron 48



Jackson (County) ......•.... 69 Jackson (Kansas City) ••..•. 22 Jasper 44 Jefferson 40 Johnson 36 Knox ......................• 2 Laclede 38 Lafayette 23 Lafayette (Waverly 61) 20 La\vrence ........•.......... 55 Le\vis ..............•....... 15 Lincoln 29 Linn 13 Livingston 12 14 1'1acon Madison ..............•..... 48 1'1arion .................•... 16 Maries 68 Maries (Lodge 531) ..•...... 39 McDonald 56 Mercer ....................• 4 1'1ille1' ................•...•. 68 Miller (Lodges 203 and 410) .. 38 Mississippi •............•... 50 l''Io1'gan ............•......•. 68 Moniteau .................•. 31 1\'Ionroe 17 Montgomery ..............•. 28 New Madrid ........•....... 61 New Madrid (Lodge 603) ..... 50 Ne\vton ................••... 66 Noda\vay .................•. 7 Oregon 63 Osage 31 Ozark .................•..•• 63 Pemiscot ..........•..•..... 61 Perry .....•.•........•••..•• 49 Pettis .........••••.•••••••• 36 Phelps 39 Pike .................•...... 16 Platte ....................•. 21 Polk .................•...... 41 Pulaski 38 Pulaski (Lodge 346) ••••.•••• 39 Putnam .................•... 3 Ralls 15 Randolph 18 Ray 23 Ray (Hardin 322) 20




COUllty District Reynolds .•.............••.. 47 Ripley " 52 St. Charles 30 St. Clair 37 St. Francois 48 St. Francois (Lodge 535) •... 40 St. Genevieve 48 St. Louis (City) 33 St. Louis (County) 57 Saline 24 Scott •...................... 50 Schuyler ...................• 1 Scotland 1 Shannon 47 Shelby " 14


County District Stoddard 50 Stoddard (Lodge 573) 51 Stone .................••...• 54 Sullivan 3 Taney 54 Texas 46 Texas (Lodge 145) 39 Vernon 43 Warren 30 Washington 40 . V\T ayne 52 Webster ".. ;45 6 Vv'orth Wright 46


[ Sept.


Lodges According to District.s and Time of Meeting }'ms'l' DlSTHICT.

George V. Cal\"ert. D. D. (;. County Clark do do do do do Scotland do do Schuyler do do do do


1lij 2fJO

318 _362 -436 588 16 72 572

244 .25!J

380 427 635

Xame of I.odge IA)c,ttion Rcvere _Re\"ere.. . l<'airmount Wyaconda Eldorado Luray Hiram Kahoka Gothic ..Alexandrla St. Francisville .way1and Memphis l\fcll111his Gorin Gorin Rutledge Rutledge Middle Fabius Downing I.odge of Love Lancaster Queen City Queen Clty GIenwood GIenwood Greenlop Greentop SECO~D


'l'lme of Mceting .1st and 3d Thursdays 2d llIld 4th Fridays lst and 3d Tuesdays lst and 3d Frida;ys Friday on or bef. f. Ill. lst and 3d Thursdays Friday on or ber. f. m. lst and 3d 'fhursdays Frl.. on or bef. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 2d and 4th Thursda~'s 2d and 4th :Fridays 2d and 4th Tuesdll.Ys Sat. on or aft. r.m. & 2 wks. aft. 2d and 4th :Mondays


Chas. F. I,ink, D. D. f:. ;\1., Adalr 105 do ...........•.... ~319 do :366 do 583 Knox 6 do 168 do ................•181 do ................•291 =.414 do



Kirks\"ille Klrksville . ..Ist a nd 3d Tuesdays Panlvllle Brashear l\fonday on or before full moon Adair Kirksdlle 2d and 4th Tuesdays Xovinger No\"inger .J~\"ery Friday Ark Newark... . 1st Saturday aft. full moon Colony..........•........Colony... . Saturday on or before full moon No\"elty Novelty 1st l\1onda~' on or bef. fnll moon Edina Edina Fridny on or before full moon Greenshnrg Greenshurg Sat. on or hef. f.m. & 2 wks. aft.




THIRD DI STHI CT·. .Joseph W. Moore, D. D. G. l\L, .Newtown. County Putnam do do do Sullh·an do do do , do do do


_.1il ..206 210 394 32 _126 .159 190 349 389 540

Name of Lodge Hartford Somerset lJnionville Lueerne Humphreys Seaman Green Clty Putnam Pollock. Arcana Winlgan


Time of Meeting

Hartford .Powersville Unionvllle Lueerne HumphreYs _'IiIan Green City ,Newtown PolIoclL Harris Winigan

Saturday on or oef. full lst and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th Mondays 'fhursday Oil or bef. full 2d and 4th Fridays .lst and 3d Mondays 1st and 3d Thursdays Saturday on or ber. full lst and 3d Tuesdays lst and 3d Wednesdays Saturday on or bef. full





}'OTJRTH DISTRICT. K M. Wilson, D. D. G. M., Laredo. Grundy do do do :'Ilercer do do

.l11 .253 423 .524 35 .258 616


Trenton Laredo Galt Galt Spickardsvllle Spiekard Mercer.......... .... Prineeton Ravanna Ravanna ~Iarion....... . l\fercer


1st and 3d Thursda~'s 2d and 4th Mondays _2d and 4th Fridays 1st and 3d Wednesdays Tues. on or bf. f.m. & 2 w~s. aft. Wednesday before full moon 2d and 4th Tuesdays

FIl!'TH DIS'l'mC'f. Hendrix Newman. D. D. G. ;\1., New Hampton. Harrison do do do do do do

!Ii 128 .257 328 395 510 556

Bethany Bethany 2d and 4th Tuesdays J,orraine Rldgew3Y l\fon. on or bf. r.m. & 2 wks. art. Lodge of Llght...Eaglevllle 1st and 3d Tuesdays Cainesvllle Cainesville.. .lst and 3d Thursdays Ha Uleld Hatfl.eld First Wednesday New Hampton New Hampton 1st and 3d Tuesdays Prairle Gllman City 2d and 4th Wednesdays SIXTH DISTRICT. D. D. Snap\>. D. D. G. J\£., 1\.lng City.

Gentry do do do do 'do do do Worth do do do

21 Ha\·ana , 109 Stanl.!erry 125 Gentryrille 127 Athens 252 Alanthus 377 Ancient Craft 378 Berlin 447 Jaeoby 66 Grant City 88 Deflance 198 Allensrille 321 Jonathan

McJ<'all.. Stanberry Gentryvllle Albany .Alanthus Grv R:ing City .Berlin DarIlngton Grant Clty Sheridan Allendale Denver

-!st and 3d Wednesda~'s 1st and 3d Saturdays Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 2d and 4th Fridays 2d and 4th Saturdays .1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Sa turdays lst and 3d Fridays lst and 3d Mondays lIfon. on or bf. r.lIl. & 2 wks. aft. Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. art. 2d and 4th Wednesdays.




SEVENTH DISTRICT. Jonathan Stark, D. D. G. M., Maryville. County


Nodaway: do do do do do do do do do do do do do

50 .165 .196 201 289 301 329 442 465 470 .. 472 474 507 .')11

Name of Lodge Xenia MaryvlIle Qllitman Ravcnwood Graham White Hall... Kennedy


Time of Meeting

Hopkins 1st l\faryville 1st Quitman lst Ravenwood 2d Graham 1st Barnard 2d Elmo 1st Burlington .T et.lst Parnell... lst MaryvllIe 2d Plekcring 2d Guilford 2d Clearmont.. .1st Skidmore 2d


Gaynor Clty Nodaway Plckering Gllllford Clearmont Skidmore

aud and and and and and a nd and and and and and and and

3d Thursdays 3d Wednesdays 3d Saturdays 4th Thursdays 3d Thursda~'s 4th Thursdays 3d Mondays 3d Fridays 3d Wednesdays 4th Thursdays 4th 1'uesdays 4th 1'hursdays 3d Thursdays 4th Mondays

EIGHTH DISTRICT. Frank Elton, D. D. G. M., Tarl<io. Atchlson do do do Hoit.. do do do do

157 200 358 .483 112 139 214 :;:94 606

North Star Sonora North- West... Fairfax Maitland Oregon Forest City Mound City Craig

Rockport Watson Tarkio Fairfax Maitland Oregon Forest City Mound City Cralg

2d and 4th Thursdays .1st and 3d ThursdaYJ 2d and 4th Thursdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3d Mondays lst and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3d Tuesdays

NINTH DISTRICT. Alva D. Tiison, D. D. G. M., St. .Joseph Andrew do do do do do do Buchanan do do do do do do do do do cln


Savannah Helena .138 Lincoln 162 Whitesville .404 Uosendale 413 VaIlcy GOO Cosby 10 Agency 22 Wellington 78 St. Joseph 150 Birming 189 Zeredatha 238 Rushville 269 Rrotherhocd :131 Charity :H6 King Hill... "08 Saxton G27 Wallace Park


Savannah 1st and 3d Thursdays Helena 2d Monday and 4th Saturday FlIlmorc lst and 3d Tuesdays WhitesvlIle Sat. on or b. f.m. & 2d Thul'. aft. Rosendalc 2d and 4th Thursdays Bolckow lst and 3d Thursdays Cosby............ .lst and 3d Saturdays Agency b;t and 3d Saturdays De I{alb.......1st Saturday St. Joseph ls.t and 3d Tuesdays Faucett.. .4th Saturday St. .Joseph 2d and 4th Tuesdays Rushville 2d and 4th Mondays St. Joseph 2d and 4th Fridays St. Joseph 2d and 4th Mondays st. Joseph lst and 3d Thursdays Saxton~...... ..1st and 3d Saturdays WaUace. .. .2d Saturdny

Appendix. _

1929. ]


TENTH DISTRICT. Chas. A. Harvey. D. D. G. 'M., Maysville. County


Name of Lodge

De Kalb 124 do ............• 235 do 308 do 317 do 454 do 559 Daviess 15 do 65 do 106 do 108 do 285 do 188 do .500 do 564

Union Star Weatherby Parrott... Osborn Continental... Clarksdale Western Star PattonslJurg Gallatin Altamont ~ EarL. _ Lock Spring .Tameson Jamesport


Time of Meeting

Union Star Weatherby Maysville OslJorn Stewartsville Clarksdale 'Vlnston Pattonsburg Gallatln .Altamont.. Coffey Locl{ Spring .Jamesou Jamesport

2d and 4th Fridays 2d and 4th Saturdays lst and 3d Saturdays 2d and 4th Saturdays .lst and 3d Tuesdays lst and 3d Thursdays Sat. on or bf. r.m. & 2 wks. art. lst and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Tuesda~'s 2d and 4th Thursdays lst and 3d Wednesdays lst and 3d Thursdays lst and 3d Thursdays lst and 3d Mondays

EI.EVENTH DISTRICT. D. M. Foster. D. D. G. M.• Cameron. Clay d9 do do do do Clinton do do do do

31 49 .193 207 3p 438 37 62 113 397 506

Llberty Holt Angerona Clay Kearncy Temperancc Hemple Vincil Plattsburg Gower Lathrop

Liberty 2d and 4th Mondays Holt 3d Friday .l\fissourl City lst and 3d Tuesdays Excelslor Springs.lst and 3d Mondays Kearney lst and 3d Thursdays Smithvllle lst and 3d Wednesdays Hemple lst and 3d Thursdays Cameron lst and 3d Mondays Plattsburg .lst Thursday Gower 1st and 3d Tuesdays Lathrop lst and 3d Mondays TWELFTH DISTRICT.

E. E. Divinia, D. D. G. 1\1., Breckenridge. Caldwell 118 do ": 135 do 224 do _232 do 331 do _561 Livingston 89 do 155 do 170 do 333 do 388 do ,434 do 539

Kingston Braymer Hamllton Polo Breckenridge CowglIL. J!'riendshlp Spring HBL. Benevolence Chlllicothe Chula Wheeling Dawn

.I\.ingston .Braymer Hamilton .Polo Breckenrldge Cowglll Chillicothe Spring Hill... Utica Chillicothe Chula , Wheellng .LudJow

lst and 3d Thursdays .2d and 4th Tuesdays .1st and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Wednesdays .2d and 4th Thursdays 2d and 4th Fridays lst and 3d Fridays lst and 3d Saturda'y~ Saturday 011 or her. filII 2d and 4th Fridays .1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th 'Thursdays 2d and 4th Fridays





'l'HIH'l'lmNTH D1STHICT. Forrest L. Madden, D. D. (;. M .• Meadville. county 1.lnn do do .'" do do do

Xo. 82 86 221 233 325 .481


Time of Meeting

Llnneus Brookfleld Laclede Bucklin l\fcadvllle.. ..Marceline

lst and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Tuesdays .1st and 3d Wednesda~'s .1st and 3d Tuesdays .... E~ery Tuesday 2d nne! 4th Tuesdays

Name of Lodge Jackson Brookfield Cypress Bucklin Dockery... . lIIarcellne..



Luther E. Wilhoit, D. D. G. 1\1., Macon. 1\1 aeon

do do do do do do do Shelby do do do do

38 Callao.... Callao 102 Bloomlngton Beder.. 146 l\lcGee CoIlege l\follnd 1i2 Censer l\iacorr 231 TAl 1'Iata La Plata 268 IAldge of Truth...AUanta 332 ExceIlo .Excello 648 Elmer Elmer ~. 96 St. Andrews Shelbyville .228 Shelblna Shelbina 415 HunnewelL. HunnewelL. ,537 Bethel... Bethel... 662 Clarence c Clarence F1FT}~ENTH

1st and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Saturdays .1st and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th Thursda)'s lst and 3d Mondays lst and 3d Wedrresdays 2d and 4th Mondays 2d and 4th Fridays 1st and 3d Frlda)'s 1st and 3d Fridays 1st and 3d Mondays lst and 3d Tuesdays


Donald H. Sosey, D. D. (;. 111., Palmyra. Lewis do do do do do do Marlon do do do Ralls do do

24 58 222 281 310 494 .577 18 28 188 502 33 502 307


l\lontlcello I,a Belle CrafL WllIlamstown Lewlstown Ewlng Palmyra St. John HanrrlbaI... Phlla.delpbla. Ralls lAck Creek New London

IAt Grange l\lonticello La Belle....... . Canton ;..williamstown Lewlstown .Ewlng Palmyra HannlbaL. Hannlbal... Philadelphia Center Perry New London

lst and 3d Thursda~'s Thurs. orr or b. Lm. & 2 wks. nft. 2d nnd 4th Fridays .1st and 3d Mondays 1st and 3d Thursdays .1st and 3d Fridays lst and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Thursda)'s 1st nnd 3d Mondays 2d and 4th Mondays .1st Thursday 2d and 4th Saturdays .sllturday on or bet. full moon lst and 3d Fridays

1929. J




Warren H. May, D. D. G. County


Pike............... do .do do do do _


Name of Lodge

Eolla 17 ClarksvilIe 92 Persevcrancc 136 l)hoenix 192 }..' rankford 399 Pike.. .




Time of Meeting

Eolia........ . Sat. on or bef. f. m. CIarksvllIe .. Ist and 3d Thursdays Louisiana lst and 3d Tuesda)'s Bowling Grccn lst and 3d Tuesdays Frankford 2d and 4th Mondays Curr)·viIle Thursdays on or bef. full moon



Thos. l<'. Hurd, D. D. G. 1\1., Paris. ~I onroe

do do do do do do

. 19 23 42 64 ........... 91 ...........462 ...........660

Paris Union :Florida Middle Grove Monroe l\Iadison Santa Fe Holllday

Paris }~lorida

l\l1ddle Grove .l\lonroe Clty Madison Santa Fe .JIolllda)·

2d and 4th Mondays lst Saturday lst and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Mondays 2d Wednesday Saturday on or bef. full moon lst and 3d Tuesdays

EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT. Will. F. Wigginton, D. D. G. M., Moberly.

Randolph do do do do do do do

30 1[;1 161 344 .486 52i 541 610

Huntsvillc Milton Clifton HilL. Moberly Cairo Higbee Jacksomille Clark.

Huntsville Mllton Clifton HiII Moberly Cairo _ Higbee Jacksonvllle Clark.


1st and 3d 'l'uesdays 1st and 3d Saturda)·g 1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Mondays 2d and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3d Wednesdays 2d and 4th Saturdays 1st and 3d Thursda)'s


Horace I•. Mann, D. D. G. l\f., Brunswick. Chariton do do do do do do do do


Eureka Warren 122 Triplett... 202 Westville 208 Salisbury .426 Rothvllle 498 l>ee Dee 52~ Cunningham 62R Mendon ,~

Brunswick Keytesvllle TripletL. Westville Salisbury .RothviIle l\Iusselfork Sumncr.. Mendon

1st and 3d Tuesdays fd and 4th Fridays .lst and 3d Thursdays 3d Saturday 1st and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Wednesdays 1st Thursday 2d and 4th Wednesda)'s 2d and 4th Mondays


l Sept.

Appendix. I


Otto Hale, D. D. G. M., Carrollton. County


Carroll do do do do do do Lafayette

39 52 101 216 249 597 822 61

Name of Lodge DeWltt... Wakanda Bogard Hale City Carroll Bosworth Hardln Waverly

Location DeWltt... Carrollton Bogard .Hale Norborne Bosworth Hardln Wa\路erly

Time of Meeting lst and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Thursda~'s 2d and 4th Tuesdays lst and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th Mondays 2d and 4th Thursdays lst Tuesday and 3d Saturday Thursday on or bef. full moon


J. P. Tucker, D. D. G. l\f., Parkville. Platte do do do do do do do

13 53 120 169 204 339 355 .504

Rising Sun Weston Compass Camden Polnt... Rowley Fldellty Adelphl... Platte Clty

Barry Saturday on or bef. full moon WestoIJ lst and 3d Thursdays Parkville 2d Saturday Camden Polnt......lst and 3d Tuesdays Dearborn 2d Wednesday .Farley 2d Wednesday Edgerton lst and 3d Saturdays Platte Clty 2d and 4th Mondays

TWENTY 路SECOND DISTRICT. Darius A. Brown, D. Jackson do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do CIll.y

l04 219 220 299 305 316 340 .446 522 546 547 563 617 625 630 643 656 663 659


G. 1\1., Kansas City.

Herolne Kansas Clty 2d and 4th Tuesdays Albert Plke Kansas Clty 2d and 4th Mondays Kansas City Kansas City 2d and 4th Mondays Temple Kansas City lst and 3d Tuesdays Ceclle-Da)路llght Kansas Clty lst and 3d Wednesdays Rural... Kansas Clty lst and 3d Mondays Westport Kansas Clty 2d and 4th Tuesdays Ivanhoe Kansas Clty 2d and 4th Thursdays Gate Clty Kansas City lst and 3d Saturdays Orient... Kansas Clty 2d and 4th Fridays South Gate Kansas City lst and 3d Thursdays York ~ Kansas City 2d and 4th Saturdays Swope Park Kansas Clty 2d and 4th Thursdays Shetfleld Kansas Clty 2d and 4th Thursdays East Gate Kansas Clty lst and 3d Tuesdays Northeast Kansas Clty lst and 3d Thursdays Country Club Kansas' City lst and 3d Tuesdays Rockhlll Kansas City 2d and 4th Thursdays Alpha N. Kansas Clty 2d and 4th Mondays





C. B. Waddell, D. D. G. M., Lexington. . County Lafayette . do do do do Ray do do do do


Kame of Lodge


149 Lexington Lexington 364 HIgglnsville Higginsville .431 Lafayette Corder .464 Concordia _ Concordia .476 Mount Hope Odessa 57 Rlchmond Richm·ond 223 Ray...............•........Camden 309 King Hlram Knoxville 393 Bee Hi\'e Lawson .444 Ada Orrick

Time of Meetlng 3d Tuesday 2d and 4th Mondays 3d Saturday 2d and 4th Mondays 2d and 4th Fridays 4th Friday lst and 3d Fridays Saturday on or before full moun lst and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Thursdays

TWENTY -FOURTH DIS'fmCT. .Tames Morgan, D. D. G. 1\1., Blackburn. Sallne .... f. do do do do do do do

55 63 85 .205 .217 .402 .518 .560


Arrow Rock Arrow Rock Cambrldge Slater Mlami... Mlami... Trllumlna Marshall Barbee................•..Sweet Springs M:alta l\falta Bend Orlental.. Blackburn Nelson Nelson

Thursday on or bef. full moon lst Tuesday Friday on or ber. full moon lst Thursday Last }'riday ill' each month lst Tuesday Tuesday on or bef. full moon 2d and 4th Tuesdays

TWENTY-FIFTH DISTRICT. Guy C. Million, D. D. G. l\t:, Boonville. Cooper 36 do 142 do 277 do 456 do 503 Howard........... 4 do 47 do 51 do 70

Cooper Pleasant Grove Wm. D. Muir Wallace I'ralrie Home Howard Fayette Livingston Armstrong

Boonvllle OttenilIe Pllot Grove Bunceton Pralrle Home New Franklin Fayette Glasgow Armstrong

2d and 4th Fridays 2d and 4th Wednesdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays lst and 3d Fridays lst and 3d Thursdays lst and 3d Thursdays lst and 3d T.uesdal's Every Thursday lst and 3d Thursdays

TWENTY-SIXTH DISTRICT. Roy R. Wright, D. D. G. 1\1.. Columbia. Boone do do do do do do do do

59 61 114 156 174 336 356 .455 602

Centralia Ccntralla Rocheport Rocheport... Twlllght Columbla Ashland Ashland Sturgeon Sturgeon Hallsville Hallsvllle Ancient L·dmark..Harrlsburg Hinton Hinton Acacia C'olumbla

lst and 3d Thursday Thurs. on or b. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. .2d and 4th Tuesdays lst and 3d Fridays Friday on or before full moon Friday after 1st Tuesday Sat. on or br. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. Saturday on or ber. full moon lst and 3d Tuesdays




'l'WENTY 路SEYENTH DIS'l"IUcr. Louis .J. Graue, D. D. G. M., Mexico. County


Audrain 81 do 115 do 266 do 354 do t91 do 580 Ca llaway........ 8 do 48 do 60 do 242 do 357 do 565 do 585 do 612


of J,odgc

CcntraL Laddonia Social.. Hebron Vandalia Houston Williamsburg l!'ulton New Bloomfield PorUand Aux Vasse Tebbetts Shamrock l\Iokane


Time of Meeting

1\10Iino 2d Saturday Laddonia :Friday on or' before full moon l\Iartinsburg ~d Friday l\1exico lst and 3d Tucsdal's Vandalia 2d and 4th Fridays Gant 3d Fridal' WlIlialllsburg 2d Sat. (afternoon) each month l!'ulton 18t and 3d Fridays l'\ew Bloomfield.. lst and 3d Fridays Reads\路llle Saturday on or before fUll moon Aux Vasse 2d and 4th Mondays Tebbetts 2d aud 4th Mondays Shamrock Thul'sday on or ber. full moou :\fokane....... .lst and 3d Saturdays

TWENTY -EIGHTH DISTHlC'l'. S. S. Cox, D. D. G. M., Wellsville. l\fontgomery;.178 do 194 do 246 do 261 do 457 do . 492

Griswold WellsvlIle l\Iontgomery Florence Jonesburg Daggett..

Belltlower l\fonday on or after full moon Wellsvllle 2d and 4th Tuesdays l\fontgolllery City.2d and 4th Mondays !\ew Florence lst and 3d Mondays }onesburg Saturday on or bef. full moon l\IcKittrick.. ....Sat. on or bf. f.lll. & 2 wks. aft.

TWENTY路NINTH DISTRICT. L. T. Baskett, D. D. G. )1., Elsberry. I.lncoln do do do do do do

34 Troy 75 Sllex 199 New Hope 270 New Salem .409 Louisville .473 Nlneveh 558 l\Ioscow

Troy.. . Silex Elsberry Winfield Loulsville Olney l\Ioscow Mills

2d and 4th Mondays Friday on or bef. 1st full moon Saturd.'lY before full moon lst and 3d Saturdays Friday on or before full moon lst Saturday Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft.

THIRTIETH DISTRICT. Edwin H. Barklage, D. D. G. M.. 81. Charles. 81. Charles do do Warren do

46 241 260 11 009

Wentzville. . Palestlne Mechanlcsville Pauldlngville Warrenton

Wentz\'ille St. Charles Howell... Wright Clty Warrenton

Saturday on or bef. full moon lst and 3d Tuesdays Sa 1. on or bf. LIll. & 2 wks. aft. 2d and 4th Saturdays 2d and 4th Fridays




do do do ~Joniteau.~ do do do Osage do

'l'HIItTY -FlItS'!' DI8'l'H1C'1'. W. D. ltogers, D. D. n. )L, .lelTerson City. Name of J.odge Location Time of Meeting 1\0. JelTerson City 1st and 3d l\londays 43 .TelT~rsolr... RusselIville Friday on or before full moon 90 Russelhillc . lst Saturday 211 Hickory HlI1... Eugene...... Centertown lst and 3d Mondays 611 Centertown Tipton 2d and 4th Thursdays 56 Tipton California..... ....2<1 and 4th Fridays 183 California.. Jamestown Sat. on or b. f.m. & 2d Tues. aft. 295 Moniteau Clarksburg I::>t and 3d Mondays 553 Clarksburg Chamois.... .... 4th Friday 185 Chamois Linn............... .. Sat. on or ber. r.m. & 2 wks. aft. 326 Llnn

Franklin do do do do do do do Gasconade do do

THIRTY -SECOND DISTRICT. It. A. Breuer, D. D. G. U., Hermann. Evergreen New Haven.. 2d and 4th Thursdays SulIlvan Sullivan Sat. bef. f. m. and 2 weeks aft. Gray Summit Gray Summit l::>t and 3d Thursdays Hope Washington lst and 3d Fridays Fraternal.. .RobertsvilIe Saturday on or after full moon Columbia Pacific 2d and 4th Thursdays Easter St. Clair 2d Wednesday Union Union 2d and 4th Wednesdays Hermann Hermann lst and 3d Mondays Red Bird Red Bird Saturday on or beC. full moon OwensvllIe OwensviIle lst and 3d Thursdays

Count.y Col~......

St. Louis do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do

27 69 173 251 363 534 575 593 .l23 584 624

THIRTY-THIRD DlSTIUCT-(Al. Chas. F. Drehmann, D. D. G. l\f., St. Louis. City .. 1 Mlssouri... St. J.ouls lst and 3d Thursdays St. J.ouis 2d and 4th Thursdays 3 Beacon 40 Mount Moriah 8t. J.ouis lst and 3d Saturdays 95 Pomegranate St. J,ouis.. lst and 3d Saturdays 121 Erwin St. Louis 2d and 4th Fridays 163 Occidenta1... St. J.ouis lst and 3d Mondays I.'lO P~Tamid St. I,ouis 2d and 4th Fridays 243 Keystonc St. Louis lst and 3d Wednesdays 267 Aurora St. Louis lst and 3d Tuesdays 330 Paul Revere St. Louis 2d and 4th Fridays 360 Tuscan St. Louis lst and 3d 'fuesdays 420 It<'lska St. J.ouis lst <'Ind 3d Mondays 460 Lambskin St. Louis 2d and 4th Wednesdays 505 Euclid St. Louis lst and 3d Mondays .520 Clifton Heights St. J-ouis 2d and 4th Tuesdays 550 Rose HiIl St. J.ouis 2d and 4th Tuesdays 576 Olive Branch St. I-ouis 2d and 4th Tuesdays 638 Triangle St. Louis lst and 3d Saturdays 641 Trinity St. Louis 2d. and 4th Thursdays 646 Shareh St. J-ouis 2d and 4th Tuesdays 654 Commonwealth ~t. I-ouis lst and 3d Thursdays 657 Progress St. J-ouis lst and ~d Thursdays 661 Theo. Roosevelt...St. Louis 2d and 4th Mondays



Appendix. THIRTY-THIRD DISTRICT-IB). Leroy A. Weldle, D. D. G. M., St. Louis.



St. Louis City. 2 9 do 20 do 25 do 79 do 179 do H8 do 282 do 323 do 347 do 416 do 443 do 445 do 499 do 529 do 544 do 578 do 626 do 631 do 639 do 642 do 652 do 658 do

Name of 1,odge


Meridian St. Geo. Washington. St. St. Louis St. Naphtali St. Polar Star St. Pride of the West.St. Good Hope St. Cosmos .81. Corner Stolle .8t. Amerlca St. Cache St. Anchor St. West Gate St. Harmorry St. Apollo St. Algabil... St. Forest Park St. Magnolia St. Tower Gro\'e St. Mlzpah St. Benj. Franklin St. rllgrlm St. Purity St.

Louls Louis Louls Louls Louis Louis l.tOuls Louls Louis Louis Louls Louls Louis Louls Louis Louls Louis Louis Louis Louls 1,ouls Louis Louls

Time of Meeting 2d and 4th Thursdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Wednesdays 2d and 4th Thursdays 1st a'nd 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Wednesdays 1st and 3d Saturda~'s 2d and 4th Mondays 1st and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Saturda~'s 2d and 4th Wednesdays .lst and 3d Tuesdays 1st and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th Wednesdays 2d and 4th Fridays 2d and 4th Mondays 2d and 4th Wednesdays 2d and 4th Thursdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Wednesdays 1st and 3d Tuesdays

THIRTY-FOURTH DISTRI<..."T. James F. Blatr, D. D. G. M., Helton. Cass do do do do do do do do do do do do do

54 .147 ~76

.348 .372 .386 450 451 480 485 .530 604 633 651

1ndex Cass Grand River Wadesburg Nonpareil Dayton Belton........ . Raymore Jewel... Coldwater Peculiar Strasburg Archle Clevcland

Garden City lst and 3d Tuesdays Harrisomille 1st and 3d Fridays Freeman Saturday on or bef. full moon Creighton Friday on or before full moon East Lynne Saturday 011 or bet. full moon Dayton Saturday on or after full mOun lJelton 1st and 3d Tuesdays .Raymore 2d and 4th Tuesdays Pleasant HllL. 2d and 4th Fridays Drexel... 1st and 3d Mondays Peculiar 2d and 4th Thursdays .8trasburg 1st Tuesday' Archle 2d and 4th Tuesdays Cleveland 2d and 4th Tuesdays




'l'HIRTY -FIFTH DISTRICT. R. A. Padgett, D. D. G. 1\1., Rich Hill. County Bates do do do do dfJ d. .. do

No. __130 _141 _ 254 _341 __ 350 _368 _479 554

Name of Lodge


Hume Hume Amsterdam Amsterdam.... Butler ..Butler Rockville .Rockville Tyrlan Tohnstown Crescent HilI... Adrlan Rich HilI... Rich HilL Foster Foster

Time of Meeting 1st and 3d Thursdays .lst and 2d Tuesdays lst and 3d Saturdays 2d and 4th Wednesdays Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 2d and 4th Mondays 2d and 4th Mondays Every Friday

THIRTY -SIXTH DISTRICT. H. E. Allee, D. D. G. 1\1., Warrensburg. Ber.ton do .Tohnson do do do do do l'ettls do do do

595 653 245 262 265 274 428 487 236 __ 272 .425 574

Cole Camp Shawnee Knob Noster Holden Corinthlan Cold Sprlng Pittsville Chllhowee Sedalla Granlte Green Rldge La Monte

Cole Camp Warsaw Knob Noster Holden Warrensburg Lecton .Plttsville Chllhowee Sedalla .sedalia Green Rldge La Monte

lst and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th FrIdays lst and 3d Fridays lst and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Mondays Thursday on or bef. full moon Frlday on or before full moon 1st and 3d Fridays First Eriday 3d Friday lst and 3d Thursdays 2d Friday

THIRTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT. Thornton .Tenninogs, D. D. G. 1\1., Clinton. Benton Henry do : do do do do do do S1. Clalr do do do do

.418 29 286 343 408 548 .552 557 562 273 342 403 .412 419

Clear Creek Lillcoln Windsor Windsor Urlch Urich Agricola Petersburg Montrose Montrose Clinton Cllnton Calhoun Calhoun Blalrstown Blairstown Deepwater Deepwater St. Clair Osceola Circle Roscoe Lowry Clty l..owry City Appleton City : ..Appleton City Star Taberville

Monday following 4th Saturday lst and 3d Tuesdays lst and 3d Fridays Sat. on or b. f.m. & 2d Wed. aft. lst and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th Fridays lst and 3d Thursdays :st and 3d Thursdays lst and 3d FridaYs 4th Friday Thursday on or before full moon lst and 3d Frida)'s Saturday on or bef. full moon Saturday on or ber. full moon




THIRTY -EIGHTH DISTIUCT. Win:m 1. 1\Iayfield, D. D. G. M., Lebanon. County No. Camden.........•.152 do .......•..433 Laclede 83 do ........•.432 do 52~ Pulaski. 375 do 385 Miller............•.203 do .410

Name of I,odge I,oca liull 'l'ime of Meeting Linn Creek Linn Creek. 2d Thursday Mack's Creek Mack's Creek.. __ .. lst Saturday Laclede Lebanon_ .. _._ _.lst Wednesday Competition Competitioll Saturday on or after full moon Conway Conway .. __ Sat. on or bef. 1st full moon Waynesville Waynesville 2d Saturday Rlchland...•............Hichland.... . 2d Wednesday Brumley _ .Brumley _._ Saturday on or before full moon Iberin lberia. ._ .. _. _ lst :Friday THIRTY -NIi'iTH DISTRICT. Chas. 1.. Woods, n. D. G.l\I., Halla.

Crawford 77 do •....._312 Dent ,_225 Marles...........•.531 Phelps...........•.213 do 230 497 do PulaskL 346 Texas 145

Lebanon _ .steelvillc. ._.~aturday on or before full moon Cuba _ Cuba_._ __ .. Saturday on or after full moon Salem _ _ Salem...... . .. _Frlday on or before full moon Lane's' Pralrie_._ .. Vlchy..... _.... .Saturday before full moon Rolla _ Rolla __ ._.Ist and 3d Saturdays St. James _._ St. .Tames . 1st lind 3d Fridays Equallty Newburg .. 2d and 4th Tuesda)'s .Arlington _ Dixon lst and 3d Thursda)'s I,aUmer__ . .Llcking. . _Sat. on or bf. Lm. & 2 wks. aft. FORTIETH DISTRICT. Chas. E. Pyle, D. D. G. M., De Soto.

Jefferson........•ll!! do •.......• 164 do ....•..••256 do ........• 338 Washlngtoll'..• 12 do •. 131 .•143 do do ..632 St. Francols.535

De Soto _ .. _.. 2d and 4th Thursda)'s De Soto. __ Joachlm _. __ _.lIillsboro .. _.. _. . .lst Saturday Sheklnah.. _ Festus 2d and 4th Tuesdays Herculaneum__ .. _._.Herculaneulll_ 2d and 4th Thursdays Tyro _.. _. __ ._Caledonla _ Saturday on or before full moon Potosl... Potosl........... _.. Friday on or before full moon .._.lst and 2d Saturdays Irondale...... .__..Irondale... _. Belgrade... . Belgrade...... ..._3d Saturday. Blackwell... .... _.. __ Dlaclnvell...._.__ ._lst Saturday

M. E. Dallns 361 do 396 do ...........•.421 Hlckory. 279 do 9.88 Polk. _._ 44 do 144 do 160 do _ 195 do .. 467 do 664

FORTY -FIRST DISTRICT. D. D. G. M.. Morrisville.


Riddick. ... .... __ ._.Buffalo_ _.. _.. Frlday on or before full moon Western Llght. .. _.Loulshurg.... ..._Saturday on or before' full moon Urbana __ 4th Saturday Urbana._ _ Hogle's Creek ..Wheatiand _._.Saturday on or before full moon Hermltage Herlllltage __ __ Saturday on or before full moon Fair play_ Fair Play... __ .. Thursday on or bef. full moon Modern Humansvlllc I..' ri. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. pleasant .l\Iorrisrille Friday on or before full moon Bolivar Bolhar_...... _. Wednesday on or bef. full moon Pleasant Hopc _pleasant Hope._. Thursday 011 or bef. full moon Aldrich.__ ..Aldrich ..~First Tuesday



Appcndi.L It'OU'l'Y -SECOND DISTRICT. H. H. Finley, D. D. G. M., Greenfield.

County Cedar do do Dade do do do do


"ame of I,odge

2S:{ 315 .482 8i 359 405 .458 521

Stockton .TerusaleIII ClintomllIe Washlngton Garrett.. Everton


Time of l\leetlng

Stockton lst and 3d FrIdays Terico Sprlngs lst and 3d Wednesdays E!dorado Sprlngs ..2d and 4th Thursdays Greenfteld .4th Tuesday Arcola Thursday on or before full moon El'erton 2d and 4th Tuesdays Dadeville Thurs. on or b. Lm. & 2 wks. aft. l,ockwood 2d and 4th Thursdays



It'ORTY-THIRD DISTRICT. D. Y. Morris, D. D. G. M., Nevada. Vernoll do do do do do do BlIrtoIr do do do do

303 Osage 3il Sheldon .448 Schell CIl~路 .490 Monterallo .493 yernon .495 路Unlty 605 Walker... . .1111 Hermon 292 Lamar 304 SignaL........... 475 Goiden .516 Mllford

Nevada Sheidoll Schell City l\Iontevallo Bronaugh Rlchards Waiker....... LlberaL... J,amar . l\Iindellmines Golden City l\Iilrord

2d Friday lst and 3d Thursdays Thursday on or before full moon 1st and 3d Saturdays Sat. on or br. f.III. & 2 wks. aft. lst and 3d Wednesdays .3d Saturday and 2 weeks after ...1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Frida~'s 2d Tuesday 2d and 4th Tuesdays 3d Saturday


.rasper do do do do do do do do do do

19i 293 335 345 _.198 401 171 512 ..:i49 :)86 5!J2

Bond, D. D. G. M., Joplin.

Carthagc Sareoxle Joplln Fellowship .Tasper Cartervilll' l\Iilleral.. Webb Clty Carl .Tunctlon Crlterlon La RusscII..

Carthage.... Sarcoxie Joplin

.2d and 4th Thursdays lst and 3d Tuesdays .Ist and 3d Fridays ~Toplin 2d and 4th Fridays .JlIspcr lst and 3d Tuesdays Cartervllle lst and 3d Fridays Orono~o .1st and 3d Thursdays Wehh Clly '2d and 4th ThursdllYs Carl Jullction 211 and 4th Wednesdays AIba... .lst and 3d Mondays T,a Russell. ...lst and 3d Wednesda~'s


I Sept.

ApPC'lldix. l!'ORTY -l!'IFTH DISTRICT. .lewelI E. Windle, D. D. G.



Name of





Greene......... 5 do 7 do 100 do 271 do 291 do 422 do 449 do 5'i0 ~o 608 do 620

United .springtleld O·Sulll\'an Walnut Gro\'c Ash Gro\·e Ash Gro\'e Solomol1..; Springfteld Ozark Fair Grove Gate ot the Temple.Springtleld Bois D'Arc Bois D'Arc Republlc Republlc StratTord StratTord Willard Willard

Webster 98 do 300 do ...••_439 do 459 do 477

Webster Doric Mount Oll\'e Hazelwood Henderson

l\Iarshtleld .Elkland Mt. Ollve Seymour RogersvlIle

Time of Meetlng 3d Monday 2d Tuesday 2d and 4th Thursdays 2d MondaY Saturday on QI' before 1st f. m. 3d Thursday 1st and 3d Tuesdays 2d Thursday lst and 3d Saturdays lst Thurs .• April to Sept., 1st and 3d Thursdays thereaft. 1!'riday on or after full moon Saturday on or before full moon Fridaybefore full moon Thurs. on or b. f.m. & 2 wks. afl. 3d Thursday

FORTY -SIXTH DISTRICT. Carl A. Swenson, D. D. G. :\f., Mountain Grove. Douglas do do ..; Texas do do do Wright... do do do do

26 182 382 116 177 469 555 158 .411 543 589 622

Ava Ava lst and 3d Wednesda)'s Pilot Knob .. _ Richvl1le.. .. Sllturd~y on or before full moon Mt. Ararat.. Topaz Saturday on or after each f. m. Barnes Cabool... .Ist and 3d Saturdays Texas Houston Every Saturday Plato Plato Saturday bp.fore full moon Summers\·lIIe .summersvllle 2d and 4th Saturdays Mountain Gro\'e.l\lountain Grove.2d and 4th Fridays .Joppa Hart\'llle Frl. on or bf. f.m. & 2d Frl. aft Manstleld l\lansfteld Wednesday on or bef. full moon (;rovesprirrg Grovesprlng 2d Saturday Norwood Xorwood Thurs. on or b. t.m. & 2 wks. aft.

FORTY -SEVENTH DISTUICT . •J. N. Sparks, D. D. G. )1., Grandin.

Carter do Reynolds do do Shannon do do

509 Van Buren 579 Grandin 239 HopeweIl... 2i5 Bunker .353 Barnesvllle 137 Delphlal1 430 Winona GOiEmlnence

Van Buren Grandin Lcster\'llle Bunker Elllngton Birch Tree Winona..... .. Eminence. ..

Saturday on or after full mooll 2d Saturday Saturday on or after full moon 2<1 Saturday .4th Saturday 3d Saturday Thursday on or before full moon l~t Saturc1ay

A PpClIdi.r.






John J. Bowman, D. D. G. M.• Bonne


Name of Lodge Location

Time of MeeUng

Iron do

133 Star of the West 351 Mosaic ~ladison 110 Marcus St. Francois.. 41 Blsmarek do 132 Farmlngton do 154 Ionic : do 234 St. Francols do 424 Samaritan do 551 Pendleton do 598 Leadwood do 599 Elvlns 8te. Genevleve.226 Sallne

Il'onton Belle\'iew Fredericktown Bismarck Farmington Desloge Llbertyvllle Bonne Terre Doe Run I,eadwood .I~lat River.. .st. Mary·s


James A. Kinder. Ro:lInger _~440 do 545 Cape Girard'u 93 do 103 191 do do 221 do 4li do 441 Perry .

Trowel... Zalma St. Marks West Vlew Wllson Mystic Tie Whitewater Excelsior


2d and 4th Fridays Saturday on or after full moon lst and 3d Thursdays .1st and 3d Saturdays .1st and 3d Fridays lst and 3d Wednesdays .1st Thursday lst and 3d Saturdays 2d and 4th Saturdays 2d and 4th Saturdays Every 'l'uesday Saturday on or after full moon


D. G. M.• Cape Girardeau.

Marhle HIll... 2d and 4th Fridays Zalma lst and 3d Saturdays Cape GirardeaJI..2d and 4th Tuesdays MillersvllIe Sa turday on or after full moon l'ocahontas lst and 3d Saturdays Oak Hidge Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. Whitewater Sat. on or hr. r.m. & 2 wks. aft. Jackson 2d and 4th Thursdays

FIFTIETH DISTlUCT. Jas. A. Boone, D. D. G. M., Charleston. M ississlppl.....3S4

do 407 Scott... 184 do 306 do _310 do 581 594 do do _61;, Stoddard 153 2i8 do do 489 do 532 :;90 do do 596 1'\ew Madrld /l03

East Pralrlc Charleston Morley Ashlar Sikeston ; Illmo Blodgett... Chatfee Bloomfield Essex I.ake.ille Dexter Advance Puxlco l\Iorehouse

East Prnlrle Chnrleston .l\forley C(lmmerce Sikeston JlImo Blodgett... Chatfee Bloomfleld Essex Bell Clty Dexter Advance Puxico l\forehouse

E\·ery Thursday .1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Fridays .2d and 4th Tuesdays .1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th 'fhursdays lst and 3d Thursdays lst and 3d Thursdays lst and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 3d Saturday .lst and 3d Tuesda}'s .lst and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Fridays 2d and 4th 'fuesdays




FIFTY -FInST DISTRICT. G. C. Bishop. D. D. G. :\I., Caruthersville. County


Dunklin 68 do 212 do 215 do 231 do 248 do .406 do 513 X;,w l\Iadrld..166 do .. li6 do ..429 do •.650 Ppmlscot... 461 dt) 571 do 634 Stoddllrd 5i3

Time of l\1eetlng

!\ame of Lodge I.ocatlon Kennett Four l\llle Hornersville Cardwell... Clarkton l\Ialden Senath PortagevlIle Point Pleasant.. New l\Iadrid Parma CaruthersYiIle Haytl Steele Bernie

Kenrrett........... ... lst a nd 3d Fridays Campbell .1st and 3d Thursdaj's Hornersville lst and 3d Mondays Cardwell .lst and 3d Fridays Clarkton lst and 3d Mondays Malden 2d and 4th Thursdays Senllth lst and 3d Thursdays Portageville lsi and 3d Thursdays Conran Sat. on or b. r.m. & 2d Thur. aft-. New Madrld 2d and 4th Morrdays Parma lst and 3d Tuesdays Caruthersville lst and 3d Tuesdays Hayti... lst and 3d Thursdays Steele 2d and 4th Thursdays Bernle lst and 3d Fridays

FIFTY-SECOND DISTRICT. I';:. C..Johnson,. D. D. G. M., Poplar BlulT. Butler do Ripley..; do do Wayne do

209 _623 314 369 Ji68

J01 526

Poplar BlutT l\Iaple Plne Composlte Naylor GreenviIle Wayne

Poplar BlutT Neelyville Bardley Donlphan l'\aj·lor Greenville Piedmorrt...

2d and 4th Tuesdays .lst and 3d Saturdays Saturday after full moon 2d and 4th Tuesdays lst and 3d Thursdays lst and 3d Saturdays 2d and 4th Saturdays

FIFTY -THIHD DISTlUCT. C. E. Armstrong, D. D. \.. Howell... do do Oregon do do do do Ozark do do do

:{21 ;.. 536 631 255 _.314 381 463 ;)82 298 365 .435 4!l6


1\It. Zion ,West Pillins Ingomar WiIlow Sprlngs Mountain Vlew..Mountaln Yiew Alton Alton WlIderness Wllderness Woodslde Thomasville Clifton Thayer Koshkonong Koflhkonong Sampson.. . I.utie Bayou llakersfteld Rockbridge Rockbrldge Robert Rurns 1.:1 inp!wl1le. .

West Plains. lst and 3d Frldaj's Jst and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays. Saturday on or before Saturday on or before Saturday on or before 2d and 4th Tuesdaj's 2d Wednesday Saturday on or hefore Saturday on or hefore Saturday 011 or hefore lst Monday

full moon full moon full moon

full moon full moon full moon

A ppe1ldi.r.



}<'IJ"TY -FOUH'l'H DlS'J'HIC'l'.

(; .•1. County



D. D. G. M.. Ozarlc

Name of Lodge I,ocalioC'r

'!'imc of Meeting

Chrlstilm......:.296 Sparta....................Sparta. ...............Frlday on or before full .........3;;2 Friend .................... Ozark.... Saturday on or before full do ..2d and 4th Thursdays do •..•••...:)7H Billings..... ............Billings......... do ..•......615 Clevcr..... ..............Clever............. .. Frldny 011 or before full 'l'aney ............•.22!) Claflin ........ ........... Protem .......... ..Saturday on or before full do ........•.•.•2(;4 KirlJyvllle ............Hollister........ .. 1st and 3d Thursdays do ............. 4;,~ }'orsyth..... ............ Forsyth .............. .lst and 3d Saturdays do .............;,87 Rranson .................Brallson .......... ..... lst and 3d Fridays Reeds S)lJ'ing.......Reeds Spring.. ... 2d and 4th Mondays ~tonc..............280 do .......:.....51;, Galena .................. Ga1ena................ .. 1st and 3d Thursdays do ............. 519 Crane..................... Crane................ ... 2d and 4t.h Tuesdays

moon moon moon moon

FIFTY -FIFTH DISTRICT. W. N. Marbut, D. D. G. M., Mount Vernon.

Barry do do do do do Lawrence do do · do do do do do

129 l\follctt.. 148 Purdy 367 Barry 383 P)·thagoras 511 Seligman 533 Comfort.. 99 nit. yernon 284 Cnnopy 390 Marlonvllle 400 Decatur 452 Verona 468 Red Oak <>23 Stinson 567 Miller


Purdy Washburn Cass\·lI1e..... Seligmilll .wheaton..... Mt. Yernon Aurora....... I\Iarlonville Pelrce City Verona ked Oak Stlnson l\Iiller

lst and 3d Fridays lst and 3d Thursdays lst and 3d Saturda~s . 2d and 4th Saturdays 2d and 4th Thursdays . 2d and 4th Wednesdays 1st and 3d Fridays . 2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3d Fridays 1st and 3d Thursdays lst and 3d Tuesdays Even' other Thmsday Sat. on or aft. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 'ld and 4th Fridays

l'IFTY -SIXTH DISTRICT. W. A. Phipps, D. D. G. ~kDonald

4G6 do .....•621 do 647 i\ewton 247 do .478 do ........••• <>14 do 538 do 61!l

Southwest.. Anderson Nocl... Neosho Raclne Granby~

Stella Fairvlew



Southwcst City .. 1st and 3d Tuesdays Anderson 2d and 4th Wednesdays Noel... 1st and 3d Wednesdays .Neosho 1st and 3d Thursda)'s Seneca 2d and 4th Mondays Granbr 1st and 3d Fridays Stella.... . lst and 3d Tuesdays Flliniew Thursday on or beforl' full moon




FIFTY -SEY}<~~TH DISTUICT. Gaetano D'Amato, D. D. G. l\L, .Jennings. Countl'


St. Louis Co do do do do do do do do do do do do do

45 Bonhomme Bnllwirr lst and 3d Saturdays 80 Bridgeton St. John's Station. 1st and 3d Thursdays 84 Webster Groves.Webster Groves 2d and 4th Tuesdays 281 Fenton Fenton .2d and 4th Saturdal's 313 Meramec Bureka....... . 2d and 4th Saturdays 484 Kirkwood Kirkwood..... . 2d and 4th Mondays ;:)42 Ferguson Fergnson lst and 3d Fridays 566 l\Iaplewood Maplewood lst and 3d Fridays 601 Clayton Clayton......... . lst and 3d 'l1lUrsdays 613 Wellston WeIlston 2d and 4th Thursdays 629 Valley Park Valley Park 2d and 4th Wednesdays 640 Jennings ,Iennings lst and 3d Tuesdays 649 University University City lst and 3d Mondays 6;:)5 Gal'denvllle GardenvlIle lst and 3d Saturdal's

Name of Lodge i.ocatioll

Time of Meeting

I,mTY -EIGHTH DISTRICT. I-i:leber C.•Iones. D. D. G. l\-f., Versallles . . Morgan do do 1\Iiller -do Maries do

250 _320 _591 _.134 381 94 __373

Glensted Versallles Barnett.. Olean Ionia Vienna Belle

Glensted......... ..Saturday on or before full moon Versailles 2d and 4th Mondays Barnett....... ... Saturday on or before full mOlm Olean........ 3d Saturday .Eldon 2d and 4th Saturdays Vienna...... . Saturday on or before full moon Belle _.2d and 4th Saturdays FIFTY -NINTH DISTRICT.

Harry S. Truman. D. D. G. 1\1••, Independence. .J ackson do do do do do do do do do do

76 _263 _324 337 ..391 392 501 569 614 618 644

Illdependence Summit McDonald Blue Springs Raytown Chrlstlan Buckner l\-farlborough Mt. Washington Grandview Grain Valley

.lrrdependence I.ee·s Summit Independence Blue Springs ..llaytown Oak Grove Buckner Marlborough Jlft. Washingtoll Grandview Grain Vnlley

2d and 4th Mondays lst and 3d Fridays lst and 3d Mondays lst and 3d Fridays lst and 3d Fridays lst and 3d Fridays lst and 3d Tuesdays lst and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th Fridays 1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Saturdays



FROM ITS ORGANIZATION APRIL 23, 1821. Date' Election. April, Oct.. Oct., Oct., Oct.. Oct., Oct., Oct.. Oct.,


Grand Master.

D. Grand Master

Grand S.


Grand J.


Grand Treasurer.

Grand Secretary.

1821 ••••• Thos. F. RiddiCk .• ' .•.•..•..........•.. James Kennerly .... " William B.ates • Archibald Gamble .. ' Willlam Renshaw.' 1821. •••• Nath'l B. Tucker.' Thompson Douglass' Edward Bates.....•• Wllliam Bates • Archibald Gamble .. ' Wllllam Renshaw.' 1822 ••••• Nath'l B. Tucker.· Thompson Douglass' Edward Bates......• Wm. G. Pettus • Archibald Gamble .. ' William Renshaw.' 1823 •.••• Nath'l B. Tucker.· Geo. H. C. Melody.' Edward Bates • Wm. G. Pettus • Archibald Gamble .. ' T. Douglas." 1824 .•••• Nath'l B. Tucker.' Geo. H. C. Melody.' Wm. G. Pettus .....• Thornt. Grimsley ' Archibald Gamble .. ' T. Douglas.' 1825 .•••• Edward Bates .•.• • Geo. H. C. Melody.' Wm. G. Pettus • Thornt. Grimsley * Archibald Gamble .. ' John D. Daggett.' 1826 ••••• Edward Bates .•.. • Hardage Lane • Martin Ruggles ' John F. Ryland • Rich. T. McKinney.· John D. Daggett.' 1827 .•••• Edward Bate'! .. ~.· Hardage Lane • Martin Ruggles H. R. Gamble • Thornton Grimsley." John D. Daggett." 1828 ..••• Hardage Lane • Geo. H. C. Melody.' H. R. Gamble • Adam L. Ml1ls • Thornton Grimsley.- John D. Daggett.' 1829 .•••• Hardage Lane ...•• Fred L. Blllon • H. R. Gamble " Adam L. MIlls • Bernard Pratte.....• John D. Daggett.1830 ...•• Hardage Lane - Geo. H. C. Melody.- Sinclair Kirtley - Adam L. :\ll1ls * Thomas Andrews " Fred L. Bll1on." 1831. •••• Edward Bate:> - Geo. H. C. Melody. - Ollver Parker - Au~ustus Jones ' Thomas Andrews ' Fred L. Billon.1832 H. R. Gamble • Geo. H. C. Melody.- M. J. N.yes Augustus Jones • Thomas Andrews * Fred L. Blllon.1833 Sinclair Kirtley • A. B. Chambers -John Wilson - G. A. Tuttle .......• Geo. H. C. Melody .. • John Garnett.1834 .••• § A. B. Chambers ' Sinclair Kirtley • Ollver Parker • S. W. B. Carnegy .. • Geo. H. C. Melody ..• Thos. W. Conyers.1835tt .•. A. B. Chambers ' Sinclair Kirtley • Ollver Parker • S. W. B. Carnegy .. • Geo. H. C. Melody .. • Thos. W. Conyers.· 1836 .•••• S. W. B. Carnegy.· John D. Daggett. .. - Edward Searcey ' Granvllle Snell ..... ~ Geo. H. C. Melody ..• Richard B. Dallam.1837 .•••• S. W. B. Carnegy.· John D. Daggett. .. • A. B. Chambers .. ,. - Thomas Andrews ...• Geo. H. C. Melody .. • Richard B. Dallam.· 1838 ••••• S. W. ·B. Carnegy.· John D. Daggett. .. • A. B. Chambers ....• Alex. T. Douglass .• o Geo. H. C. Melody .. ' Richard B. Dallam.· 1839 ••••• P. H. McBride ..• • A. B. Chambers - Alex. T. Douglass .. ' Wm. C. Vance • Geo. H. C. MelodY .. • Richard B. Dallam.1840 .•••• P. H. McBride • Joseph Foster • Alex. T. Douglass .. • John Orrick ' Geo. H. C. Melody .. ' Richard B. Dallam.· 1841 ...•• P. H. McBride • Joab Bernard.......• Joseph Foster ' C. H. Bowers Geo. H. C. Melody ..• Richard B. Dallam.· 1842 ....• P. H. McBrlde - Joab Bernard - Joseph Foster - C. H. Bowers John Simonds • Richard B. Dallam.1843 ..••. P. H. McBride - Joseph Foster - J. W. S. Mitchell ...• E. S. Ruggles ......• Fred L. Bl1lon ' Richard B. Dallam.1844 ..••• J. W. S. Mitchell.- Fred L. Blllon • E. S. Ruggles • J. L. F. Jacoby • John S. Watson • Richard B. Dallam.· 1845 ••••• J. W. S. Mitchell.· John D. Taylor • E. S. Ruggles • J. L. F. Jacoby • John S. Watson • Fred L. Bll1on.1846 .•.•• John Ralls ....•.. • John D. Taylor • E. S. Ruggles • J. L. F .•Jacoby • John S. Watson • Fred L. Billon.· 18H .• '" Joseph Foster - E. S. Ruggles • J. L. F. Jacoby - Cyrus Osborn • John S. Watson * J. W. S. MitchelL· 1848 ..•.• Joseph Foster ' E. S. Ruggles - Cyrus Osborn.......• Joseph Megguire - John S. Watson ...• • .T. W. S. Mltchell.1849 John F. Ryland .. ' E. S. Ruggles • Joseph Megguire • P. Draper John M. Reed * C. D. W. Johnson.1850 John F. Ryland .. • B. W. Grover * P. Draper • S. F. Currie • .J. T. Johnson * C. D. W. Johnson.1851 B. W. Grover • E. S. Ruggles * S. F. Currie - J. H. Turner • J. T. Johnson * C. D. W. Johnson.1852 .•.•• B. W. Grover - S. F. Currie • J. H. Turner .......• S. H. Saunders • J. T. Johnson * A. O·Sullivan.1853 ..•.• Wilson Brown • L. S. Cornwell. • J. W. Chenoweth .. * R. C. Hllt • .Joseph Foster • A. O·Sulllvan.· 1854 ..•.. L. S. Cornwell ' D. P. Wallingford .. ' James H. Britton .. ' ..................• - Joseph Foster ' A. O'Sulllvan.1855 .•... L. S. Cornwell ' n .1. W. Chenoweth .. ' H. E. Van Orsdell.· John D. Daggett • A. O'Sul1lvan.· 1856 ...•. Benjamin Sharp.. • W. A. Cunningham .. S. H. Saunders - Marcus Boyd • John D. Daggett * A. O'Sulllvan.· 1857.. S. H. Saunders • P. Draper • Marcus Boyd ' John F. Houston • John D. Daggett .. ' A. O·Sulllvan.·

Oct.. Dec.• Oct.• Dec .• Nov., Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct., Oct., Oct.• Oct., Oct.. Oct.• Oct.• Oct.. Oct.. Oct.• May. May, May. May. May. June. May. May. May. Mav. § Was not Installed.



.~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~


N 'J W

LIST OF ELECTED OFFICERS OF THE GRAND LODGE A. F. &. A. M. MISSOURI Date Election May. May. May. May. May. May. May. May. May. Oct.• Oct.. Oct.. Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct•• Oct., Oct.• Oct., Oct.• Oct.• Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct.,

Grand Master

G. Semor Warden

D. Grand Master

Grand J. Warden

N "'l ~

FRO:\'I ITS ORGANIZATION APRIL 23, 1821 Grand Treasurer

Grand Secretary

S. H. Saunders " Marcus Boyd ...•.•• " John F. Houston " John Decker " John D. Daggett. .. • A. O·Sullivan." Marcus Boyd ....• • M. H. McFarland .. " W. R. Penick " John Decker • John D. Daggett ' A. O·Sulllvan." M. H. McFarland." W. R. Penick • John Decker " Samuel M. Hayes .. " John D. Daggett. .. " A. O·Sullivan." Wm. R. Penick • John Decker • Geo. Whitcomb " A. L. McGregor " John D. Daggett ... o A. O·Sulllvan." Geo. Whitcomb • John H. Turner ..•. • Wm. N. Loker " Samuel Russell. * John D. Daggett. .. * A. O·Sulllvan." John H. Turner .. • Wm. N. Loker John D. Vlncll " A. L. McGregor • John D. Daggett. .. " A. O·SuIIlvan." John F. Houston.· John D. Vinci!. ••.• • A. L. McGregor Martin Colllns Wm. N. Loker " A. O·Sulllvan.· John F. Houston.· John D. Vlncll .•..• • Martin Collins .•.... " R. E. Anderson • Wm. N. Loker ....• * A. O'Sulllvan.· John D. Vlncll..•• • W. E. Dunscomb • R. E. Anderson " A. L. McGregor " Wm. X. Loker • A. O·Sulllvan.·t W. E. Dunscomb.· C. A. Rowley • T. E. Garrett. " Wm. D. Mulr * Wm. N. Loker • G. Frank Gouley.·::: lll~~ .•....Tohn D. Vinci!. • R. E. Anderson " Wm. D. Muir • Ale):. M. Dockery .• • Wm. X. Loker " G. Frank Gouley. 1869 •• , .. Wllltam D. Muir.· T. E. Garrett ••••••• A. M. Dockery .....• Sam H. Owena .•••• • Wm. N. Loker ..••• • G. Frank Gouley. 1870 Thos. E. Garrett.· R. E. Anderson • Sam H. Owens • John E. Ryland • Wm. :N. Loker • G. Frank Gouley. 1871. Thos. E. Garrett.· R. E. Anderson • Sam H. Owens • John E. Ryland • Wm. N. Loker • G. Frank Gouley. 1872 Sam'l H. Owens .. • J. E. Ryland • John W. Luke • Jas. E. Cadle • Wm. N. Loker • G. Frank Gouley. 1873 R. E. Anderson .. • John W. Luke .. , .. • Jas. E. Cadle ,. Xenophon Ryland .. • Wm. N. Loker .. , .. • G. Frl1nk Gouley. 1874 John W. Luke .... • Xenophon Ryland .. " Jas. E. Cadle • Thos. C. Ready .... • Wm. N. Loker ..... • G. Frank Gouley. 1875 .•••• James E. Cadle .• • Xenophon Ryland .. • Thos. C. 'Ready .••. " Noah M. Givan ..•• • Wm. N. Loker .• , •. • G. Frank Gouley. 1876 .•••• Xen. Ryland •.•.• Thos. C. Ready •••• • Noah M. Givan •.•. • M. G. Hubble .....•• Wm. N. Loker •... ,. G. Frank Gouley.·O 1877 .. , .. T. C. Ready ...... " Noah M. Glvan .... * Jos. S. Browne ..... • W. R. Stubblefield.· Wm. N. !.oker John D. Vlncll. 1878 , Noah M. Givan .. • Joseph S. Browne.: W. R. Stubblefield.: Jas. E. Carter • John W. Luke • John D. Vlncll. 1879 .los. S. Browne .. • W. R. Stubblefield. Jas. E. Carter V Alex. M. Dockery John W. Luke ·John D. Vlncll. 1880 W. R. Stubblefield· Alex. M. Dockery .. • Chas. C. Woods ~ Lee A. Hall • John W. Luke n John D. Vlncll· 1881. Alex. M. Dockery .. • Chas. C. Woods * Lee A. HalL Robt. F. Stevenson.· John W. Luke • John D. Vlncll· 1882 Chas. C. Woods • Lee A. Hall • Robt. F. Stevenson.· .Tames W. Boyd • Samuel M. Kennard. John D. Vlncll· 1883 Lee A. Hall * Robt. F. Stevenson.* James W. Boyd • Geo. R. Hu·nt • Samuel M. Kennard. John D. Vlncll· 1884 Robt. F. Stevenson.· James W. Boyd.... * George R. Hunt • Wm. M. W1llIams .. • Samuel M. Kennard. John D. Vlncll· 1885 ••• , •.Tames W. Boyd ••• * George R. Hunt. ••• • Wm. M. Williams.. • James P. Wood •••• • Samuel M. Kennard. John D. Vlncn· 1886 Geo. R. Hunt • W. M. WllUams • James P. Wood • Samuel M. Kennard. John D. Vlncn· 1887 Wm. M. W1ll1ams· James P. Wood • Theodore Brace Geo. E. Walker • Samuel M. Kennard· John D. Vlncll· 1888 James P. Wood ~ Theodore Brace • Geo. E. Walker • B. H. Ingram Samuel M. Kennard· John D. Vlncll· 1889 Theodore Brace Geo. E. Walker * B. H. Ingram, ·John R. Parson * Samuel M. Kennard. John D. Vlncn· 1890 Geo. E. Walker .. • B. H. Ingram • John R. Parson * Harry Keene • Samuel M. Kennard· John D. Vlncn· 1891. , B. H. Ingram • John R. Parson * Harry Keene • J. B. Thomas • Samuel M. Kennard. John D. Vlncll* 1892 John R. Parson * Harry Keene .1. B. Thomas • A. M. Hough • Samuel M. Kennard· John D. Vlncll· 1893 Harry Keene J. B. Thomas • A. M. Hough • D. A. Jamison Samuel M. Kennard*John D. Vlncn· 1894 .•••• J. B. Thomas •••• • A. M. Hough .. " •• • D. A. Jamlson ••••.. * F. J. Tygard ••••••• Samuel M. Kennard. John D. Vlncn· 1895 ..... A. M. Hough .... • D. A. Jamlson ..... F. J. Tygard * E. F. Allen • Samuel M. Kennard· John D. Vlncn· 1896 .•••• D. A. Jamlson., .. F. J. Tygard •.••••. • E. F. Allen * C. H. Briggs Samuel M. Kennard· .John D. Vlncll· 1858 ••••• 1859 ..••• 1860 ..••• 1861. 1862 1863 .•••• 1864 ••••• 1865 .••.. 1866 .•••• 1867




~ ~ ~

~ ~


r.n (l)

"'0 r'"

Oct., 1897 .•••• F. ~. Tygard ••••• E. F. Allen • C. H. Briggs Campbell Wells Samuel M. Kennard· John D. Vlnell· Oct., 1898 E. F. Allen C. H. Briggs Campbell Wells Joseph C. Flnagin Samuel Y. Kennard· John D. Vlnell· Oct., 1899 C. H. Briggs •••••• Campbell Wells ••••• Joseph C. Finagln John C. yocum Samuel Y. Kennard· John D. Vlnell· Oct., 1900 Campbell Wells .••• Joseph C. Flnagln John C. yocum • Wm. F. Kuhn ••••••• Samuel M. Kennard· John D. Vlnen· Oct., 1901. Joseph C. Finagln •• John C. yocum Wm. F. Kuhn Leroy B. Valllant •• • Samuel M. Kennard· John D. Vlnen· Oct., 1902 ••••• John C. Yoeum •• - Wm. F. Kuhn Leroy B. Valliant .• • A. S. Houston * Samuel M. Kennard· John D. Vlnen· Oct., 1903 ••••• Wm. F. Kuhn ••• ~. Leroy B. Valliant ••• A. S. Houston ..••.• * D. M. Wllson .•.•.. * John R. Parson ••••• • John D. Vlncil· Sept.• 1904 •.••. Leroy B. ValUant· A. S. Houston ..•.•.• D. M. Wilson •.•... '* Howard Watson •••• - John R. Parson lohn D. Vlncil·~~ Sept., 1905 A. S. Houston D. M.Wilson..............• John T. Short... R. R. Kreeger Alphonso C. Stewart· John R. Parson*i· SeIlt., ·1906 D. M. Wilson John T. Short R. R. !(reeger William A. HalL Alphonso Co Stewart- John R. Parson· Sept., 1907 _ John T. Short... R. R. Kreeger William A. Hall Clay C. Bigger Alphonso C. Ste\vart· John R. Parson· Sept., 1908 R. R. Kreeger William A. Hall Clay C. Bigger Arch A..Tohnson Alphonso C. Stewart· John R. Parson· Sept., 1909 Wm. A. HalL ClaY C. Bigger Arch A. Johnson Jacob Lampert Alphonso C. Stewart· .Tohn R. Parson· Sept., 1910 Clay C. Bigger Arch A. Johnson Tacob Lampert Van Fremont Boor AIDhonso C. Stewart· .lohn R. Parson· -Sept., 1911 Arch A. Johnson .Tacob Lampert Van Fremont Boor Chesley A. ::\fosman Alphonso C. Stewart'" John R. Parson· Sept., 1912 .Tacob Lampert Van Fremont Boor Chesley A. Mosman Tolman W. Cotton Alphonso C. Stewart· John R. Parson· Oct.. 1913 Van Fremont Boor.. Chesley A. Mosman Tolman W. Cotton Frank R. Jesse _ Alphonso C. Stewart· .Tohn R. Parson· Sept., 1914.. Tolman W. Cotton.. Frank R. Jesse Edward Higbee " Wm. A. Clark Alphonso C. Stewart· John R. Parson· Sept., 1915 Frank R. .Tesse Edward Higbee Wm. A. Clarlc. John W. Bingham Alph. C. Stewart..·.. John R. Parson· Sept., 1916 Edward Higbee Wm. A. Clark .Tohn W. Bingham Julius C. GarrelL Wm. A. Hall • .Tohn R. Parson· Sept., 1917 Wm. A. Clark John W. Bingham....• Julius C. GarrelL Wm. F. Johnson Wm. A. Hall • .lohn R. Parson· Sept., 1918 .lohn W. Bingham .Tullus C. Garrell Wm. F. Johnson O. A. Lucas Wm. A. HalL • .Tohn R. Parson· Sept., 1919 .lulius C. GarrelL Wm. F . .Johnson • O. A. Lucas Bert S. Lee Wm. A. HalL: • .Tohn R. Parson· Sept., 1920 Wm. F .•Johnson • O. A. Lucas • Bert S. Lee .Tos. S. McIntyre Wm. A. HalL • .Tohn R. Parsontt· Sept., 1921.. O. A. Lucas • Bert S. Lee Jos. S. McIntyre Orestes Mitchell Wm. A. HalL • Frank R. Jesse· Oct.. 1922 Bert S. Lee .Toseph S. McIntyre Orestes MitchelL W. W. Martin Wm. A. HalL • Frank R. Jesse· Oct., 1923 Joseph S. McIntyre.. Orestes Mitchell W. W. Martin John Pickard Wm. A. HalL • Frank R. Jesse· Oct., 1924 Orestes MitchelL W. W. Martin .Tohn Plclrard A. F. Ittner Wm. A. HaIL ttt Frank R. Jesse· Oct., 1925 W. W. Martin .Tohn Pickard A. F. Ittner B. E. Bigger E. E. Morris Frank R. Jesse· Oct., 1926 John Pickard A. F. Ittner B. E. Bigger S. R. Freet... _ E. E. Morris Frank R. .Tesse·*tt Oct., 1927 :. Anthony F. Ittner B. E. Bigger S. R. Freet..__ ~ Wm. R. Gentry, Sr E. E. Morris Arthur Matherttt Sept., 1928 Byrne E. Bigger _ S. R. Freet _ Wm. R. Gentry, Sr Ray V. Denslow E. E. Morris Arthur Mather Sept., 1929 Samuel R. Freet Wm. R. Gentry Ray V. Denslow Thad B. Landon E. E. Morris Arthur Mather ·Deceased. • tDled August 11th, 1866, while in office. • *Appolnted August 13th, 1866, by John D. Vincll, G. M. .... IIDled April 11th, 1877, while In office. .~~D1ed October 12, 1904, while in office. • uDled April 22, 1916, while in office. • "John W. Luke served, by appointment, as Grand Secretary, from Aprl1 11th. 1877, to October 11th, 1877, and died October, 1888. ~Dled within one week after his installation. OFFICERS

EDWARD BATES. Worshipful Master. JOSEPH V. GARNIER, Treasurer.

ttThere was no Communication in 1835, owing to the antl-)Iasonlc [excitement. ··Wft.hdrawn f~om Masonry. U·Appointed October 22, 1904, by Leroy B. ValIlant, Grand Master, tt*Resigned May 20, 1921. accollnt 111 health. ·tttDied November 7, 1924, while In office. .... ·Appointed October 22, 1904, by Leroy B. Valliant, Grand Master. ..ttDied August 29, 1927, while in office. tttAppointed Sept. 1, 1927. by John Pickard, Grand Master.




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N '.J tTl

WILLIAM BATES, Junior Warden. ABRAl'i BECK, Secretary.



'-l 0\


No·1 1 2

3 4 5 6 7

8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3G

I I Mlssouri...


Town or P. O. Address







Edw. H. Lotfhagen

John Wohradsky, Jr

1st and 3d Thursdays

Ward B. :\'Iartln

1st and 3d Thursdays

:::~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::~t t~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~~~\~~ ~y~;~~~:::::::: ~~~~'t{


New Franklin

O'Sullivan Willlamsl.!Urg Geo. Washington Agency Pauldlngvllle Tyro Rising Sun Eolia Western Star Memphls __ Clarksville Palmyra Paris Union St. Louis Havana Wellington Florida Wyaconda Naphtali... Ava Evergreen St. .Tohn's Windsor Huntsville Liberty Humphreys.................. Ralls : Troy Mercer Cooper

Walnut Grove................ Greene Williamsburg Callaway.............. St. Louis......................... . Agency Buchanan Wright City Warren Caledonia __ Washington No. Kansas City, R. 4 Platte Eolia Plke \Ylnston Davless __ Memphis Scotland _ Clarksville Pike Palmyra __ Marlon __ Paris __ Monroe St. Louis........................... McFalL. __ Gentry DeKalb Buchanan Florida '-'onroe LaGrange Lewis __ St. Louis Ava Douglas New Haven Franklin............. HannibaL Marion Windsor Henry Huntsville Randolph Liberty Clay Humphreys Sullivan Center Ralls Troy :...... LJncoln ; Princeton 1\-lei-cer Boonville Cooper

~~~~~:::::::::: :::::::::::::::. ~~~;~~~.~~.~::


1'Iert Wood


Time of Meeting

r·. S~~ito·;;::::: ~~ :~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~

:..:.:.:::::..~ : ~~e;:~:::::::::::::::::::: ~hdo~~yS~I.K~:J~i~k:::::::. ~!.ergttH~·ydSe~~:~:::::::::: ~~t~~~~a~fter .T. Frank Hobbs C. A. Crump Clarence D. Herrry Arthur T. Tyler Wm. E. Lange E. E. Drew W. M. McCorlrle ·.1. J. Graham J. M. CarroL Neal Payne R. B. ScholL. F. G. Carlstead .Tos. L. Akers Max H. Doyne O. R. Hunt.. H. C. Martin 'rhos. A. Utterback Geo. E. Brose Elmer W. Schoenlaw I,. H. Pettit Eo Edwin :\Iurphy Samuel D. Alexander 1. S. Carter, Jr Nick D. Minor Chas. H. Witthaus G. V. Allen R. E. Herron Otto Hann!... C. R. West F. H.Moehle

full moon .Tohn S. McLemore 2d Tuesday O. Garrett 2d Saturday Wm. L. Reynolds 2d and 4th Tuesdays O. H. Smith 1st and 3d Saturdays H. Koopmann 2d and 4th Saturdays W. J. Dent.. Saturday on or before full moon .T. :VI. Blevins Saturday on 01' before full moon Wharton Schooler Saturday on or before full moon Carl DunlaJ} Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. Ralph I. Ladd Friday on or before full moon K. C. Patton 1st and 3d Thursdays :VIilton J. Glahn 2d and 4th Thursdays Thos. F. Hurd 2d and 4th Mondays H. A. Steiner ::d and 4th Wednesdays H. Clay Jolly 1st and 3d Wednesdays Byron A. Stroud 1st Saturday D. P. Violett.. Sat. on or bef. f. m. Leslie Edwards 1st and 3d Thursdays P. E. Eckardt... :ld and 4th Thursdays Lloyd E. Reynolds 1st and 3d Wednesdays .T. Gordon Roark :.. :ld and 4th Thursdays Wm. H. Blackshaw 1st and 3d Mondays Otto F. Weiss _ 1st and 3d Tuesdays David S. Eubank 1st and 3d Tuesdays Edgar Archer 2d and 4th Mondays W. E. CQok 2d and 4th Fridays G. C. Layne 2<1 and 4th Saturdays H. E. Cockrell... _ '>.d and 4th Mondays W. A. Mabe Tues. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. M. E. Schmidt 2d and 4th Fridays


~ ~ ('\)

~ ~


r.n (D



37 38 39 40 41 42

43 44 45 46

47 48


50 51 52 53 54 51)


57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

66 67 68 69 70 71 72 7:{

74 75 76 7j

78 79 80


Hemple Hemple Callao Cnllao DeWitt... DeWitt....................... Mt. Moriah St. Louis........................ Bismarck Bismarck _ Middle Grove Madison, R. R. 5....... Jefferson .Tefferson City Fair Play Fair Play Bonhomme Ballwin Wentzville _ Wentzvllle Fayette Favette Fulton.......................... Io'ulton Holt................................ HolL Xenia Hopldns

Clinton Macon CarrolL.

.Tames S. Freeman H. L. Baker .T. J. McKinny Robt. W. H. Serge!.. St. Francois........ Harry F. Dace }Ionroe G. L. Ownby Cole........................ .r. Lloyd Tate Polk W. N. Price St. Louis............ O. S. Grotpeter.. St. Charles R. C. M. Mlllar Howard............ Walter E. Ackerson Callaway........ .. H. I. Owen Clay.................. ~IiltoIl' Isley Nodaway Clyde R. Melvin

James R. Vaughn Io'. W. Lingg r. A. Williams Henry A. Borgmann.. C. E. Davis F. H. Newman R. L. Gwinn H. N. Paynter H. F. Woerther W. R. Dalton 1. D. Settle W. L. Meng Don Thompson Fred J. yeomans

1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Fridays 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Saturdays 1st and 3d Saturdays 1st and 3d Fridays 1st. and 3d Mondays Thursday on or before full moon 1st and 3d Saturdays Saturday on or bef. full moon 1st and 3d Tuesdays 'Ist and 3d Fridays :~d Friday 1st and 3d Thursdays

Weston Index Arrow Rock Tipton Richmond Monticello Centralla New Bloomfield \Vaverly Vincil.. Cambridge }Ionroe Pattonsburg Grant City Rocheport... Kennett.. Sulllvan

Platte Cass................... Saline }loniteau.............. Ray Lewis Boone.............. Callaway Lafayette Clinton............... Saline............... Monroe.................. Daviess Worth.................... Boone.................. Dunklin Franklin

M. M. Ohlhausen G. C. Kimberlln B. C. Bradshaw .T. A. Conn R. B. Hughes .T. L. BrightwelL. r. C. Hunt Wade F. Enloe r. A. Allison E. G. Crawford B. F. Pledge................. J. V. Proctor Geo. L. Turner.. Wm. P. SpllIman Bryan Hourigan }f. F. Simer Chas. S. BetE

1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Tuesdays Thursday on or before full moon 2d and 4th Thursdays Ith :Friday Thur. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Fridays Thursday on or bef. full moon lst and 3d Mondays 1~t Tuesday 2d aJ11d 4th Mondays lst and 3d l'uesdays 1st and 3d :\fondays Thur. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 1st and 3d Fridays Saturday bef. f. m. &. 2 wks. aft.


\0 ~


~~~~~~J~~:::::::::::::.::::::: g~~~1\7~·;j.·::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~f~::::::::.:::::::·: ~~r~F.Fb~~ee:sm~n~:·.:::::·~: ~~. T~;~~~~·...·.·.·.·.·.·:.·.·.·.·.·.· ~Je~~d T~t~rs~~~rSdayS weston Oarden City Arrow Rock Tipton Richmond Monticello...................... Centralia New Bloomfield \Vaverly Cameron Slater :\1onroe City Pattonsburg · Grant City ltocheport.. I\:ennett. Sullivan

Earl W. Foley . Wm. L. Gilkeson A. B. Hogge S. E. Worley .Tos. L. Simms Wm. R. Risk R G. Blanton Fred P. Holt A. A. Tice ~'. E. Luce A. O. Conrad Thos. V. Proctor.. Carl E. :Morris Geo. R. Hunt.. G. S. Flaugher W. W. Poole Thos. P. ShatTer




~ ~

~~~~~~~~g:::::::.::::::::::::. g~~s~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~:e~::::::::::::::::::g~0F.\iu~;~r~~.~::::::::::::::~iV\v:I~~lf~.~.·.·.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·.·.·.· i:~ ~~~ 33~ T4h~:~:::s

Gori·n Eureka Warren Silex Independence Lebanon St. Joseph Polar Star Bridgeton CentraL

!iorin Brunswick Keytesville Silex Independence..: Steelville St.•Joseph St. Louis st..John's Station :\'Iollno

Scotland , w. E. Shannon Chariton W. S. Waller Chariton............... W. D. Dotson Lincoln C. D. HowelL .Jackson Edw. J. Schulenberg Crawford Thos. H. Roberts Buchanan Paul Priestley Wm. ZavadiL St. Louis............. .los. C. MlIler .A.udrain .Tas. C. DowelL.

J. W. Pulliam

S. P. Sorensen.............. W. F. Arrington D. W. Scheeley Frank F. Livesay Wm. L. Wingo Omar J. Murphy .Tos. L. Kohner.. W. J. Goddard Ross C. Ewing

1st and 3d Thursdays I,;t and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Fridays Friday on or before full moon '~d and 4th Mondays Saturday on or before full moon tst and 3d Tuesdays 1st and 3d Fridays 1st and 3d Thursdays 2d Saturday

'1 '1


N 'J


No·1 82 83 84 85

86 87

88 89 90 91 92 93


95 96 !l7 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 ]11 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119

Lodge Jackson Laclede Webster Groves MiamL Brookfield

Town or P. O. Address Linneus Lebanon Webster Groves MiamL Brookfield

County Linn Laclede S1. Louis Saline Linn.......................

Master A. J. Knapp Ray L. Butts Chas. L. KeIL Geo. W. Wilson Purl G. Ferguson


Friendship Russellville Madison Perseverance St. Marks yienna Pomegranate St. Andrews Bethany Webster Mt. Vernon Ash Grove Bogard. Bloomington West yiew Heroine Kirksville.................. Gallatin Greenville Altamont.. Stanberry Marcus....................... Trenton Maitland Plattsburg Twillght..

Chillicothe Russellville :\-Iadison Louisiana Cape Girardeau Vienna St. Louis........................ Shelbyville BethanY' Marshfield 'It. yernon Ash Grove Bogard Bevier ;\'lIllersville Kansas City Kirksville Gallatin Greenvllle Altamont.. Stanberry Fredericktown Trenton Maitland Plattsburg Columbia

Helena Kingston De Soto

Helena Kingston De Soto

Secretary R. C. Perkins W. I. May1l.eld Geo. A. Shepardson Frank M. Burruss Lee Bond

8: ~~f~:L:::::::::.~:

Time of Meeting 1st and 3d Fridays' 1st Wednesday 2d and 4th Tuesdays Friday on or before full moon 2d and 4th Tuesdays

~: .:~~~~e::::::::::::: ~}~n:~:s~~ybf.

Shelby Harrison Webster Lawrence Greene CarrolL. Macon Cape Girardeau .Jackson Adair Davless Wayne Daviess Gentry __ Madison Grundy Holt Clinton Roone

Elmer A. Turner R. H. Ober..................... J. H. Hunter W. B. Thompson G. M. Grimes Cicero H. Eubank Leonard Pounds Wm. H. yager Maple S. Martin W. Glenn McCain -fohn B. Palmer R. M. Humphrey Emil A. Neutzling Emile E. Vetter C. V. Eaton J. M. Miller.. Mark Butler C. T. Bridges David R. Swing Clyde C. ·Klng Rex Johnson M. B. Phillips Marcus L. Grable Lester C. Snoddy........ W. Ray Appleberry S. K. Bartlett.. Claude N. Dye D. M. Williams Geo. W. Howard .John F. Miller .Jos. S. Epstein _ Leo Adler Tames M. DeWitt Grover C. Chambers Huston Vanbeber Wm. O. Tague H. L. Marsh A. G. Templeton Sam R. Surface Ben H. Kuhns M. D. Mlller John A. Moore W. A. Rhodes Louis Schwaner Roy L. Beck A. O. Ginn Thos. M. Sanders Lafe Dawson R. W. Hayward C. W. Chastain T. M. Walden Robt. N. Hall

f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 1st and 3d Fridays Friday on or before full moon 2d Wednesday 1st and 3d Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays Saturday on or bef. full moon 1st and 3d Saturdays 2d and 4th Fridays 2d and 4th Tuesdays Friday on or after full moon 1st and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Thursdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays Saturday on or after full moon 2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays l!\t and 3d Saturdays 2d and 4th Thursdays lst and 3d Saturdays 1 st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays First Thursday '2d and 4th Tuesdays

Andrew Caldwell Jefferson

H. E. Shanks D. P. Wolf.. A. L. Schwaegerle

moon 2d MondaY and 4th Saturday 1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Thursdays

Livingston Cole Monroe Pike Cape Girardeau Maries

~~~~:~~::::::::::::::::::::~~g~~r~.~:::.·:.·:.·:.·:::.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.~·~~:::.~~:::::::::.::::::: ~~rT.a~fc~{1;~~·y::::.-:.-::::Jes~~ l~:~ii::::::~:·.:::::::·.·. ~::d~don3dorsa~~~:y/ul1 E. W. TrachseL .J. P. Jones D. L. Rouggly _


~ ~ <:';)



~ ..

w. ("l)




120 Compass 121 Erwin 122 Triplett 123 Hermann 124 I Union Star 125 I Gentryville 126 Seaman

Parkville St. Louis Triplett Hermann Union Star GentryvllIe Mllan


C. A. Bunker Raymond W. Poertner. Charlton............... .J. L. Becker Gasconade Hugo T. Bock DeKalb Fred L. McLain Gentry O. C. Riggins Sullivan Leman E. Atherton

J. W. Fleming Wm. A. Kleinschmidt R. P. Price John C. Woest L. A. Graham A. W. Bowman Chas. E. Smith

2d Saturday 2d and 4th Fridays 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th Fridays Sat. on or bf. t.m. & 2 wks. aft. 1st and 3d Mondays

131 PotqsL : 132 Farmington 133 Star of the West 134 1 Olean 135 Braymer 136 Phoenlx _ 131 Delphian 138 Lincoln 139 Oregon 140 I 141 \ Amsterdam 142 Pleasant Grove 143 I Irondale

PotosL. Farmington Ironton Olean Braymer Bowling Green Birch Tree FllImore Oregon

Washington St. Francois Iron Mlller Caldwell Pike Shannon Andrew Holt

.Tohn L. Patterson Fred A. Gillespie Thos. E. BelL.............• J. E. Wiser F. B. Veatch, .Tr G. A. Magruder C. L. Fry )!. A. Wardlow John P. Lacy

L. J. CampbelL Oscar W. Bleeck Edw. L. Barnhouse W. H. Crum D. Irving Farrar Harry M. Strother C. O. Lemons................ Fred N. Foster Ralph C. Moore

Friday Oil' or before full moon 1st and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Fridays 3d Saturday 2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3d Tuesdays 3d Saturday 1st and 3d Tuesdays 1st and 3d Mondays

Amsterdam Otterville Irondale

Bates Cooper Washington

E. .T. Evens H. S. Ramseyer John A. Robinson

E. A. Smlser···············..·2d and 4th Tuesdays J. H. Gunn 2d and 4th Wednesdays John B. Robinson 1st and 2d Saturdays

mII ~Yi~~~::': ~~!;7·'::.··~· i;?liioo:.i··· ~~;;:~:~~l~~;;:·.· ti ~~;;I:;.~' g!::;~nii giiy~ I

2 wks.


\0 N




B~ II ~~tb~i.~::·::::::::::·::· :·::::: ~~V~~1~~:~:~~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~:.:.:.:.:.l~~~~:~::~:~:.~:.~:.:::~::~:.: ~frt~~::~~:~~:~:~:::::::::::· a~o:.C~:~~i:~~~·::·::·:·:·:·:·::· ~t~;g Jl ~J~tt~a~ i :~:: :~t Cass Harrisonvllle Cass Orion .J. L. Brookhart Wm. P. McCooI... 1st and 3d Fridays

141 148 149 I 15(} 151 1521 153 154 155 156 151 158 159 160 161 I 1621 163 164


I Lexington Blrmlng )IIlton Linn Creek _ Bloomfield Ionic Spring HUL Ashland North Star Mountain Grove Green City PleasanL Clifton Hill Whitesville OccidentaL Joachim

Purdy Barry IJexlngton Lafayette ]'aucett Buchanan Moberly, R. 3 Randolph Linn Creek Camden Bloomfield Stoddard Desloge St. Francois ChlIllcothe, R. R. 3 Livingston Ashland Boone Rockport Atohlson Mountain Grove Wright Green City Sullll'an MorrlsvlIle Polk Clifton Hill Randolph Whltesvl!le Andrew St. Louis _ HlIIsboro Jetferson


Flo,Yd N. McIntosh Roe Clemens Chas. S. Mays E. J. Vroman Russell Foster E. A. Humphrey S. L. Hood W. M. Black H. P. Cheavens G. C. McNalL Elmer H. Hlrt.. Marlon G. Walker ehas. L. Hamilton W. C. Bybee C. A. Roberts Jos. L. Walter Louis Dierks _.

C. E. Williams Walter R. Eckle John L. Warren Arthur Haak Tames E. Foster F. A. Brannock J. L. Blunt... T. E. Stith E. P. Crenshaw H. P. Savage John H. Hicks Robt. H. McLanahan.. B. W. MitchelL J. E. Crutchfield .T. F. Roberts C. L. Alexander E. M. Williams

1st and 3d Thursdays 3d Tuesday 4th Saturday 1st and 3d Saturdays 2d Thursday 1st and 3d Fridays 1st and 3d Wednesdays 1st and 3d Saturdays l!;t and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Thursdays 2d and 4th Fridays 1st and 3d Thursdays Friday on or before full moon 1st and 3d Thursdays Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2d Thur. aft. 1st and· 3d Mondays 1st Saturday



~ ~







IAldge ~[aryvl1le

Town or P. O. Address


165 166


Maryville................ . Porta.geville,

Nodaway New Madrid

169 liO. 171 1i2 li3

Camden PoinL Benevolence Hartford Censer.. Gray Summit

Camden PoinL Utica Livonia Macon Gray SummiL

Platte Livingston Putni!-m

1i6 17i 1i8 179 180 181 182 183 18'! 185 186 187 18"l 189 190 191 192 193 l!J4 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202

Point PleasanL Texas Griswold Pride of the West.. Pyramid Kovelty Pilot Knob California

Marston __ Houston. __ . Bellflower. __ St. Louis........... St. Louis............ Novelty Richville California ~Iorley __ _ Chamois __ --LiberaL __ HannibaL __ : _ St. Joseph __ Newtown Pocahontas Fmnlaord __ Missouri City Wellsville __ __ __ Bolivar Quitman Carthage __ Allendale __ . Elsberry __ __ . Watson __ Ravenwood __ Marceline

~n ~~~oe~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~eCity:::::::::·::::::.··.·.·::~~~~:..:






Chamois -Hermon __ __ HannibaL __ _.. __. Zeredatha __ __ __ Putnam __ __ Wilson .. ,, __ Frankford Ang-erona. __ Wellsville __ Bolivar.. Quitman.. __ : Carthage.. __ Allensville New Hope. __ Sonora __ Ravenwood __ Westville .0__

Knox -Douglas :..__ Moniteau __ SeotL Osage __ -Barton Marion __ Buchanan __ Sullivan ('ape Girardeau.. Pike __ .__ Clay __ ~Iontgomery __ Polk Nodaway Tasper __ Worth __..__ Llncoln .. __ __ Atchison __ Nodaway __ __ Linn __ ..__

Time of


Roy V. Canon Ernest Tyson

F. H. French A. L. Carnahan

A. J. Hlllix Ashford .J. Stamper.. Jennings Furgason Alva R. BurkharL Florus Muehler

full mOOD 1st and 3d Tuesdays J.' H. Roloff Silturday on or before full muon W. H. Timmons Saturd1LY on or before full moon Clarence C. KorthcotL 1st and 3d Mondays Aug. J. Holthaus 1st and 3d Thursdays

J .... :..::..__::..:..:: Chas. I,. Latimer.. T. W. Holbrook R. W. River R. W. Linnemeyer.. Chas. V. Mosley 1". M. Browning : O. E. Dickison L. P. Embry D. ~1. ~Iargra'<e Ernest TopeL --. C. R. Jones __ Daniel C. Millhizer Chas. B. Pace O. K Cooley __ H. R. Stevenson R. G. Teague .fohn F. Wheeler S. E. Adams __ Samuel )1. Wino H. D. McDonald __. E.Glenl1 Havens __ Alison A. HunL Clarence H. Feix H. L. l'Iartin · C. A. Shunk Edw. W. Howard

Geo. Neumann Wm. H. Farris .Tohn B. Moseley Louis Tisch Ralph S. Lorimier Victor E. Irminger Ira Woodward __ R. L. Fulks R. H. Leslie Otto F. Siebern __ -E. H. Roselle __ .Tullus A. Brown __ Geo. L. Markley __ H. O. Hoover.. D. C. Thompson H. C. Steele... .. Robt. E. Hicklin __ C. A. HeckarL __ .Toe W. Gravely Fred Wright.. W. B. Pingree. __ Chas. O. BrewiL H. K. Cunningham J. D. Hays __ J. J. Smith.. __ . -Victor .Tackson .. __

~~b~~t C~.ri~\~ifett·:::.·.·.·::. ~: ~: ~fl~~~~.·.·.·.· __ ·.·

~~~ ~.t~~.~~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::.~.~~~~~~~:::::::.:::::::::::::::::.~~~~::::::::.:::.:::::.:: w. New ~Iadrid Texas :\Iontgomery __





1st and 3d Wednesdays 1st and 3d Thursdays .·.·:.·.·.·.

W. K. Bywaters

~~\u~~~y 3~n To~U~Se~~~:

~: .. ~: .. ~~n~.r~ ..::::::::::.::::: ~~~~.~~....~.~ ... ~~ ...~~~.~.~~ ... ~~~~....~~~~

Sat. on or bf. f.m., 2d Thur. aft. Every Saturday Monday on or after full moon 2d and 4th Wednesdays 2d and 4th Fridays Monday on or before full moon Saturday on or before full moon 2d and 4th Fridays 2d and 4th Fridays 4th Frld~y .. 1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Mondays 2d and 4th Tuesdays Saturday on or before full moon 1st and 3d Saturdays 2d and 4th ;\-Iondays 1st and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Tuesda.ys Wednesday on or bef. full moon 1st and 3d Saturdays 2d and 4th Thursdays Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. Saturday before full moon 1st and 3d Thursdays td and 4th Thursdays 3d Saturday

.~ "":)"":)~





(f) ('D



20il Brumley Brumley Miller Kirt K. Gatt.. Dearborn Platte Oten FQster 204 Rowley 205 . Trilumina Marshall Saline Claude L. Fichthorn 206 Somerset Powersville Putnam A. B. Shelton 207 Clay ; Excelsior Springs Clay S. R. Williams 208 Salisbury Salisbury Chariton Ralph M. Fellows 209 Poplar Bluff Poplar Bluff Butler Clyde H. Hendrickson. 210 Unionville Unionville Putnam W. B. Cassady 211 Hickory Hill Eugene Cole O. E. Norfieet.. 212 Four Mile CampbelL Dunklin Guy Miller 2] 3 Rolla Rolla Phelps Robt. L. Wllkins 214 Forest City Forest City Holt Fred Doebhe-ling 215 Hornersville Hornersville Dunklin L. A. Chailland 216 Hale City Hale CarrolL W. G. Dailey 217 Barbee ~weet Springs Saline A. H. Rin~en 218 Goodl Hope St. Louis : Edw. E. Griggs 219 Albert Pike Kansas City Tackson Lewis H. McArthur 220 Kansas City Kansas City Jackson ;\or. M. Ohler 221 Mystic Tie Oak Ridge Cape Girardeau D. M. Wills 222 I,ll. Relle La Belle IJewis R. C. Galbraith 223 Ray Camden Ray W. T. Brinkley 224 Hamilton Hamilton CaldwelL........... Eclw. B. Vaughn 225 Salem Salem Dent...................... Granville L. Gamblin .. St. l\olary's Ste. Genevieve... Henry Schroeder 226 Saline 227 Cypress Laclede Linn 'rhos. H. Wade 228 Shelbina ~helbina Shelby.................. Thos. W. I,yell 229 Claflin Protem Taney ~alJ1h H. Parks St. James....................... Phelps W. C. Jacobs 230 St. James 2ill CardwelL CardwelL Dunklin W. H. Lockard 232 Polo Polo CaldwelL 'F. B. Hendren 233 Bucklin Bucklin Linn S. H. Townsend 234 St. l'rancois Farmington, R. 1.. St. Francois........ H. N. Thomas 235 Weatherby Weatherby DeKalb T,. E. Brown 236 Sedalia Sedalia Pettis................... Wm. H. CarL La Plata )lacon J. L. McKinstry 237 I,a Plata 238 RushvllIe Rushvllle Buchanan Albert Trautloff 239 HopewelL................ Lesterville Reynolds G. R. ::\fcHenry 240 Manes \-Ianes Wrlght.. C. C. BIll.ckweIL _ 241 Palestine St. Charles St. Charles Wm. M. Dixon 242 Portland Readsvllle Callaway J. C. Garrett 243 Keystone '3t. Louis........................ .. R. W. l\oIyers 244 Middle Fabius Downin~ Schuyler Warren S. Cornell 24.5 Knob Noster Knob Noster ,Johnson J. W. SlberL. 246 Montgomery y(ontgomery City Montgomery James Wyatt Cook 247 Neosho Neosho Newton : Justin Ruark 路Consolldated with Mountain Grove Lodge No. 158, September 27, 1929.

loel B. WalL Geo. W. Kirby Geo. H. Fuller.. F. A. Cozad Walter A. Craven John Mode Fred L. Mueller Ray Mabee .T. E. Dooley Bland Rice B. W. Humphrey X. H. Cook. B. P. Parks R. L. Bartlett.. W. C. Pelot Robt. L. Dixon L. V. Knapp los. W. SchlaegeL. Tohn R. Jenkins A. L. Boone W. P. Humston J. Guy King Joseph J. Norton fohn F. Bartels Poster W. Burke Robt. L. Thomas Walter T. Holt.. W..J. Moreland P. A. Fitzgerald Chas. N. .Jones Elhert Lamkin P. A. Cashion C. R. l\olcClure Walter .J. Kennedy...... L. B. l\ollles Dixie DeBerry J. C. McHenry G. W. Keith Edwin H. Barklage 'Iarshall Gibson Chas. W. Spell's T. B. Bridges J. H. Rothwell Hugh N. Cason F. A. BurL

Saturday on or before full moon :ld Wednesday 1st Thursday 1st and' 3d 'Mondays 1st and 3d Mondays 1st and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4.th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Mondays 1st Saturday 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Saturdays 1st and 3d Fridays 1st and 3d l\olondays 1st and 3d Mondays Last. Friday in each month 1st and 3d Saturdays 2d and 4th Mondays 2d and 4th Mondays Sat. on or bf. Lm. & 2 wks. aft. 2d and 4th Fridays 1st and 3d Fridays 1st and 3d Tuesdays Friday on or before full moon Saturday on or after full moon 1st and 3d Wednesdays 1st and 3d Fridays Saturday on or before full moon 1st and 3d Fridays 1 ~t and 3d Frlda~'s 2d and 4th Wednesdays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 1st Thursday '~d and 4th Saturdays 1st Friday . 2d and 4th Thursdays 2d and 4th Mondays ::;aturday on or after full moon 1st Saturday 1st and 3d Tue~d~ys Saturday on or before full mOOn 1st and 3d Wednesdays '~nd and 4th Thursdays 1.st and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Mondays 1st and 3d Thursdays .


\b N

~ ..........


~ ~ <\)

;:s ~


N 00



xo·l 248 249 250 251 252 253

254 255

256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 261 268 269 270 211 212 213 274 215 216 271 2i8 219 280 281 282 283 284 285


Town or P. O. Address



Clarkton Clarkton......................... Dunklin garron .......................• Norborne CarrolL

Elvin E. Board

Alanthus Laredo Butler

Stanberry. R. 4 Laredo Butler

Gentry Grundy Bates

Herman E. Rainey Guy M. Farnsworth Elmer B. Butler

Eagleville Ravanna Lancaster Hamburg, R. F. D New Florence

Harrison Mercer Schuyler St. Charles :\fontgomery

Lawrence .J. Caster O. T. McDonald W. L. McClain Earl R. Sutton W. H. Branstetter

Frank Y. Cramer Charles Saylors H. C. Burkland H. H. Selb Howard Ellls

R. Emmett Parrish

·.-.·.· ·.·.

~~t:~~·~h:::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~~s:.·::.·:::::::::::::.-::::.-::::.·?:~~~~~~:::::::::::::::: .~. ~:TO~~S~~:···sr··.·.·.·.-.·. t

Lodge of Light Ravanna Lodgu of Love Mechanicsville Florence

Time of Meeting

_ 2d and 4th Mondays n ~. NA. ~~~rs·~ii·.· ~~tu:~~y 3J F~rdabye:ore full moon Frank Minshall 2d and 4th Saturdays E. M. Wllson 2d and 4th Mondays Luther R. Twyman..... 1st and 3d Saturdays

H~~e~~.~~.·.·.·.·.·.·.·:.·.·.·.·:.·::.·.··.·: ~e::~I~~~~·.·.·.~~·.·.·.·.~·.·.· ·.·.~·.·.·: ~ro:~;~~~ ..::::::::::::::: ~~~is T ·sl~~1~::::.·.·.·.·:.·.·.~.·.·.-.· ,


N 00 N

:l J~:~f~~·~:::::::::::::::

~~t~~~a~t~n To;es~~;:e

1st and 3d Wednesday 2d and 4th Sat. on or 1st and 3d

full moon Tuesdays before full moon Fridays bf. fm. & 2 wks. aft. Mondays

iy~fJti;~:::::::::::::::::::~~i~::~~~~~~:::::::::::::·:::··~ ,t q~ :·:·:·:·: ·:·: ·: ·: ·:·:·:·: ·Osbern ~i~n~.~ ~:~~s~~~~:~:::::::~~s~~BJ~~:~~:~~~::::::::::~:i f£i i~d ~r~!~~;:s Warrensburg Johnson W. GreeL H. E. Allee 1st and 3d Mondays

Corinthian SociaL Aurora Lodge of Truth Brotherhood New Salem Solomon Granite

Martinsburg St. Louis Atlanta St. Joseph Winfield Springfield Sedalia

Bunker Grand River Wm. D. Muir Essex Hogle's Creek Reeds Spring Fenton ~ Cosmos : Stockton Canopy EarL

Bunker Freeman Pilot Grove Essex Wheatland Reeds Spring Fenton St. Louis Stockton Aurora Coft'ey

Audrain }facon Buchanan Lincoln Greene Pettis

Wm. P. 1\-foser H. J. Vogler Carl E. Barclay Harry K. Hopkins H. .T. McHugh O. E. Clarke W. R. Stirling

R. W. Moser R. A. Tubbeslng Paul L. Jones TIlos. Shaft'er H. H. Arnhold G. W. Nonemacher S. B. Kennon

2d Friday 1st and 3d Tuesdays 1st and 3d Mondays Zd and 4th Fridays 1st and 3d Saturdays 2d Monday ::ld Friday

I. A. Hulsey R. S. Adams S. L. Stites E. Y. I,aunius J. S. Tilford L. St. Clair Shumate Arthur A. Brock Morris Stone _ C. E. Fritts F. A. Davis Otto H. White

C. C. Wilkins D. S. Wilson S. L. Lockridge Roscoe A. Prater J. M. Murphy A. A. Gracey _ Chas. A. Lawrence Sam Broadbent E. G. Hoft' E. B. SamueL C. W. Githens

bef. full moon 2d Saturday Sat. on or before full moon 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays Saturday on or before full moon 2d and 4th ;\fondays 2d and 4th Saturdays 2d and 4th Mondays 1st and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3d Wednesdays


~ ~ ~



~~·ld~~~i~g:::.-.-.-.·.-.-.-.-.-.·:.-~:~fg~~.·.·.·.·.~~·.~:·.:·.·.:·.:·.·.::·.::·.·.·.·.i;hn~~~~::::::::::::::::f~~~eJO~~~~:::::::.-:::::.-~oe~~ ~: ~:~~~~::::::::::::: i~u~~~~ayon or Reynolds eass Cooper Stoddard Hickory Stone St. Louis

Cedar Lawrence Daviess


r.n ('b



286 281 288 289

290 291

292 293 294

295 296

297 298 299

300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311

312 313 314 315 316

317 318 319 320

321 322 323 324 325

326 327 328

329 330

Urich........................... Craft Hermitage Graham

Urich Canton Hermitage Graham

Mound City Moniteau Sparta Ozark Sampson Temple Doric White HaJJ Lick Creek. Osage Signal..... ~ Ceclle-DayUght..

Mound City Jamestown Sparta Fair Grove Lutie Kansas City Elkland Barnard Perry Nevada Mindenmines Kansas City


Henry Lewis Hickory Nodaway

B. W. Hendricks J. L. Zimmerman Isaac W. Clark. Walter L. Bussell

R. E. McDonald........... A. Clyde Stor.k............. Geo. E. Wilson Frank E. McNeal...

Holt... Moniteau Christian Greene Ozark Jackson Webster Nodaway Ralls Vernon Barton Jackson

Fred Binder '1'. J. Bridgmon Chas. H. Kratzer, Jr.. S. R. .Tohnson M. C. Johns J. M. Shipman J. E. J)avison Chas. E. Klingner P. V. Duggins W. D. Hampton Elisha Y. Hurt Alfred D. Ludlow D. W. Haymes L. M. Hoover Paul D. Stalling W. H. Farman J. E. Moore O. R. Jackson Geo. A. Kaupp F. M. Peterman Ray A. Goff J. C. Nelson Wm. H. Richards Sherman C. Hoyt..

1st and 3d Fridays 1st and 3d Mondays Saturday on or before full moon 1st and 3d Thursdays

~~~::.;~~~:~~~:::~.:::.:::::::.f!~::.~.~~:::::::::::::::::::::::~~i~~:·::·:::::·:·:·:·:::::::·:f!~~tp;:e»::i~::::.:.:::.:::: f·Henry~: Bi~~:~·~:·:·:·:~·:~~~~~::::: fii~~~ ~~:i:r::~~e full moon Sarcoxie Sarcoxie Jasper : Paul McConnell Sabert.. 1st and 3d Tuesdays

2d and 4th Tuesdays Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2d Tues. aft. Friday, on or before full moon Saturday on or before full moon Saturday on or before full moon 1st and 3d Tuesdays Saturday on or before full moon 2d and 4th Thursdays Saturday on or before full moon 2d Friday 2d Tuesday 1st and 3d Wednesdays

~~:t~~~~~~:::::::::::::::~S~iA~.~:~::::::::::::::::::·~:~ti~:::::::::::::::::::~~;::;~7::~:.:.::.:::.::.:.:::::.re~:L~{fi~~~::::::::::::::::·!:~ ~f~~4}~ }~1~;j::s King Hiram Hayville, R. 1.. Ray .John Russell Aaron T. Moffitt... Saturday on or before full moon ~i:.'le:~~~:::::::::::::::::::::: ~i:ae:~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~f~;::::::::::::::::::::::: ~rn~~t Dr.. iioii~~~::~~~::::: te;h~' N~a~~~~~~ Chas. F. Wilmesherr

Wm. Recklein

m ~~~ ~~ :g:~~:~:~: Saturday on or after

GUY Farmer....: Warner E. Lind

A. W. Porter Mason F. Smith

1st and 3d Wednesdays 1st and 3d Mondays


.T. C. Cox

D. GabrieL



T. W. Caldwell, Jr

W. Lee Whitmire

Cainesville Elmo St. Louis

Harrison Nodaway

Carl E. Glaze Verne A. Gates L. C. A. Wilmsmeier

m. & 2 wks. aft. 1st and 3d Fridays Edmond F. Harrold 1st and 3d Thursdays Doy H. Carr 1st and 3d Mondays Clarence R. Niccum : 2d and 4t.h Fridavs



.Terusalem. RuraL

Jerico Springs Kansas City



~ie;~~~~~:::::::~:::::~·.:~~~:·. ~~~~~:y



.-.-. ~~Pl~~~.~~ Cedar Jackson

· :.·

b~m~~. BHO~~~::::::::::::::::: ~ha~" ~~~~~~e:~~





~ ~ ~

~ ~


full moon


~~;~~~f::::::::::::::::::::~~!;i:~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::T: ~ ·~·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·. ~~.~~. ~=~~.:.:::.:.:.:.::::. r~£O~~!~~~~~~:::::::::. ~~n~~ !~h ~~~\~~r[;Ul1 ~~~l~:~~~~:::::::::::::::·it~~itt:~:.:::::::.::.:::::::::::::::~~~f.:~::::::::::::::::::::-~n~~~:\!~i~::::::::::::::::~:? :GrE!i·~L::::::·::: mY;~s~1 ~~~:!~:aJ:turday



P,~r:.~.~~::::. :::

Mt. Zion Cainesville Kennedy Paul Revere

::::..:::::..: West ri~~~.~~.l.~~:::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~a~a:~:~~~~.~ : .-.-.~ ~;. ~: ~~~~~~·~i·: Plains HowelL T. Fred Park C. S. Galloway ,

2d and 4th Mondays

1st and 3d Mondays

.-.-.:·..:. ~:tr~nT~:S:;yf.


00 C;.)



331 332 333 334 335 33G 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 35il 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368

Charity Excello Chillicothe Breckenridge

Town or ·P. O. Address St. Joseph Excello Chillicothe Breckenridge


county Bucharran ~Iacon

Livingston CaldwelL


Blue Springs : Herculaneum Fidelity Westport.. RockvlIle Circle Agricola Moberly FellowshiP Arlington America Wadesburg Pollock Tyrian .Mosaic Friend Barnesville Hebron Adelphi.. Ancient Landmark... Aux Vasse Northwest Garrett.. Tuscan Riddick Hiram FraternaL Higginsville Bayou Adair Barry Crescent HilL ,

Blue Springs Herculaneum Farley Kansas City Rockville Roscoe Chilhowee, R. R. 4.. Jloberly .Toplin Dixon St. Louis Creighton Pollock. Montrost'!, R. R. 35 Belleview Ozark Ellington Mexico Edgerton Harrisburg ALL" Vasse Tarkio Arcola St. Louis Buffalo Kahoka Robertsville Higginsville Bakersfield IOrksville Washburn Adrian




Time of Meeting

X. G. Gaethle Geo. G. Miller R. R. Barney Paul G. Benson

Wm. A. Piner Chas. S. King Geo. A. Smith H. R. Milby

2d and 4th Mondays 1st and 3d Wednesdays 2d and 4th Fridays 2d and 4th Thursdays

:",L T. Scott Walter Q. Woodward Wallace J. Farley W. M. LaBrant.. Elmer R. Dodds Calvin Holloway E. Lee Schroff Amos B. Magruder qaude B. Kenney L. B. Howard T<'rank H. HeideL R. H. Ross Rollie E. Banner John P. Heiman W. H. RusselL. Fray ,Johnson Wm. G. RusselL. E. M. Kerrt.. James T. Lawrence H. Gullett... .1. A. Harrison Harry D. Fay W. D. yates Alex P. Stewart Leonard Perryman L. H. West .los. Kober Gus. Schmidt.. J. R. Price L. L. Pennock Ran Edens Ben F. Ely

Harry E. CareL Jos. V. Cassiedy Samuel Ray H. C. Elberg S. H. BothwelL C. A. Weinllg Giles G. Cates John Wm. Tate Pranl, G. Ade: Frank T. Burton F. Wm. KuehL F. C. Blossom Otis Reinhard W. H. Dudley R. S. :\-IcClary Geo. T. Breazeale Jerry B. Russell T. J. KelsQ W. H. Mizener .1. W. Hord G. P. Batterton T. Lee Craigmile T. R. Owens Wm. C. Hilmer Donovan A. Walling !\-Iarion L. CI~y _ J. Wm. Shannon J. A. Simpson............. .1. F. Singer Chas. F. Link James L. Sage G. C. Blow

1st and 3d ~'ridays 2d and 4th Thursdays 2d Wednesday 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th 'Wednesdays Thursday on or bef. full moon Sat. on or bf. f.m., 2d Wed. aft. 2d and 4th Mondays 2d and 4th Fridays 1st and 3d ~rhursdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays Friday on or before full moon 1st and 3d Tuesdays Sat. orr or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. af. Saturday on or after full moon Saturday on or before full moon 4th Saturday 1st and 3d Tuesdays 1st and 3d Saturdays Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 2d and 4th Mondays 2d and 4th Thursdays Thursday on or before full moon 1st and 3d Tuesdays Friday on or before full moon 1st and 3d Fridays Saturday on or after full moon 2d . and 4th Mondays Saturday on or before full moon 2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3d Sa.turdays 2d and 4th Mondays


:.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· ~.~nv ~~e~s~~~.~::::::::::: ~~h£. ~at%~~~~~:::::::::::: 1~ld~~daf~~r ~r/~a~eSday

Jackson Tefferson Platte .Tackson Bates St. Clair Henry Randolph Tasper.. Pulasl,i...

Cass Sullivan Rates Iron Christian Reynolds Audraln Platte Boone Callaway.: Atchison Dacle Dallas Clark : Franklin Lafayette Ozark Adair Barry Bates


~ ~ (1)

;;2 ~



rn. (1)



369 I Composite 370 WBllamstown 371 Sheldon 372 Nonpareil 373 Belle 374 Wilderness 375 Waynesville 376 King Hill 377 Ancient CrafL 378 Berlin 379 Billings 380 Queen City 381 Ionia 382 l\-It. Ararat 383 Pythagoras 384 East Prairie 385 Richland 386 Dayton 387 Woodside 388 Chula 389 Arcana 390 Marionville 391 Raytown 392 Christian 393 Bee Hive 394 Lucerne 395 Hatfield 396 Western Light. 397 Gower 398 .Tasper 399 Pike 400 Decatur 401 Carterville 402 Malta 403 Lowry City 404 Rosendale 405 Everton 406 Malden 407 Charleston 408 Montrose 409 Louisville 410 Iberia 411 Joppa 412 Appleton City 413 Valley


Doniphan Williamstown , Sheldon East Lynne Belle Wilderness Waynesville St. Joseph King City King City, R. R. 6 Billings Queen City Eldon Topaz Cassville East Prairie Richland Garden City Thomasville Chula Harris Marionville Raytown Oak Grove I,awson Lucerne Hatfield Louisburg Gower .Jasper Curryville Peirce City Carterville :\falta Bend Lowry City Rosendale Everton Malden Charleston Montrose Cyrene Iberia Hartville Appleton Clty Bolckow


Ripley Lewis Vernon Cass Maries Oregon Pulaski... Buchanan Gentry Gentry Christian Schuyler Miller Douglas Barry Misslsslppi.. Pulaski.. Cass Oregon Livingston Sullivan Lawrence Jackson .Jackson Ray Putnam Harrison Dallas Clinton .Tasper Pike Lawrence Jasper Saline St. Clair Andrew Dade Dunklin :\-Ilssisslppl... Henry Lincoln Miller Wrlght.. St. Clair Andrew

Henry E. BelL Thos. H. Spurgeon Earl Gamble P. T. Sullivan G. E. SlInkman .Tames P. Simpson Roy C. Wilson Clyde Miles Wade Sylvester Finley N. Davidson Colmore Gray Marcus Coons .John W. Layne .T. B. Ford John O. Sanders G. W. Merrell... Fred B. Manes H. A. LenharL V. L. Floyd Wade :Manning Estel L. Rhodes Horace J. Anderson r. L. Robinson E. H. Perry W. A. Block .Jos. L. Torrey .J. N. Snedeker I. N. Smith Luther B. Chaney LesUe B. l\-Iaples Robt. K. Rose Otto H. Thiele Theodore R. Schulze Clyde H. Blosser A. E. Armstrong W. B. Wood Arley Mallory L. F. Spencer Leslie W. Fox T. R. Wilson Malcom Moore Frank C. Ferguson Earl Sanders Clyde Kelly J. Elmer Middleton

Aubrey C. Jones 2d a.nd 4th Tuesdays John S. Smith 1st and 3d Thursdays W. G. Jones 1st and 3d Thursdays I. A. Stone _. Saturday on or before full mOOn T. J. Tynes 2d and 4th Saturdays Richard N. Simpson Saturday on or before full moon .John L. MitchelL 2d Saturday Jesse Moore 1st and 3d 'I'hursdays .T. A. Ringold 1st and 3d Thursdays C. H. Carson 2d and 4th Saturdays Albert G. Garbee 2d and 4th Thursdays G. L. Lauer 2d and 4th Tuesdays A. P. Weaver.. 2d and 4th Saturdays J. E. Barnes _.. Saturday on or after full moon W. T. PrlesL 2d and 4th Saturdays .T. Harley :\elson Every Thursday I-I. B. Warren 2d Wednesday S. W. Wagner Sat.urday OIl or after full moon G. L. Davis Saturday on or before full moon Ross D. Adkins 1st and' 3d Thursdays Tolbert Stinson 1st and 3d Wednesdays Tra D. McCullah 1st and 3d Fridays Geo. W. CasselL 1st and 3d Fridays L. W. Peeples 1st and 3d Fridays 'r. E. Manso 1st and 3d Fridays Arthur F. Lowry Thursday on or before full moon Orville D. Nelson 1st Wednesday Roscoe S. Lindsey Saturday orr or before full moon H. T. Bowlin 1st and 3d Tuesdays Clarence E. Brown 1st and 3d Tuesdays .T. Henry Sisson Thursday on or before full moon E. T. Ecroyd 1st and 3d Thursdays Chas. W. Keith 1st and 3d Fridays Tohn G. Nye 1st Tuesday E. C. Cherrington 1st and 3d Fridays \1. H. Lewellen 2d and 4th Thursdays Don O. Adamson '~d and 4th Tuesdays Geo. L. Epplhlmer 2d and 4th Thursdays .Tames A. Boone 1st and 3d Thursdays E. M. Fenimore 1st and 3d Mondays H. H. Higginbotham Friday on or before full moon C. L. Brown 1st Friday H. H. Curtis Fr!. on orbef. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. F. C. Roblnson _....• Saturday on or before full moon Robt. P. Carter 1st and 3d Thursdays


\0 N



~ ~ (I)

~ ~


N 00




No·1 ' 414

415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434

435 436

437 438

439 440 441 442 443 444 445

446 447

448 449 450


Town or P. O. Address


Greensburg Hunnewell Cache Whitewater Clear Creek Star Itaska Urbana Gate of the Temple Galt.. Samaritan Green Ridge Rothville GlenwOOd Pittsville New Madrid Winona


Greensburg Hunnewell St. Louis Whitewater Lincoln, R. 1.. Taberville St. Louis Urbarra Springfield Galt.. Bonne Terre Green Ridge Rothvllle Glenwood Pittsvllle New Madrid Winona

·.:· · ·.:

County Knox Shelby Cape Girardeau Benton St. Clair Dallas Greene Grundy St. Francois Pettis Chariton Schuyler Johnson NeW' Madrid Shannon

C'~;;;.petXtio~·.·.·.·.··.·.~ Mack's Creek. Wheeling Rockbridge Gothic Lafayette Temperance Mt. Olive TroweL Excelsior Burllngton Anchor

C'~;;;peiitio-;·; Mack's Creek Wheeling Rockbridge Alexandria Corder Smithville Rogersvllle, R. R. 3 Marble HilL..: ,Jackson Burlington June St. Louis

L~~ied;:::::::::::::::: Camden Livingston Ozark Clark Lafayette Clay Webster Bolllnger Cape Girardeau Nodaway

Ivanhoe Jacoby Schell City Bois D'Arc Belton Raymore

Kansas City Darlington Schell City Bois D·Arc Belton Raymore

Jackson Gentry Vernon Greene Cass Cass



~ Time of Meeting


Chas. E. Rice R. R. Short.. Claude Parkhurst. J. M. Slagle Theodore McClain Tohn L. Webster Jos. W. Hennekes Robt. Richey D. B. Reynolds Frank George Paul Paulsen Wilford Acker Floyd I. Wilson B. H. Bryan R. P. Shafer H. SchrotT V. O. Balew

Homer D. Kopfer L. M. Landrum Jos. W. Schuette Thos. O. Morgan : Harry M. Fraley T. M. Sandage G. E. Black H. F. Bartlett Edw. W. Clark A. R. McKay Ernest Mason L. E. Nicholson Lee Clair.. Guy Kerby J. M. RiCe Wm. Buesching J. T. Loyd

·ii~yl;~~ry::::::::::::: John L. Darby 1\. L. Willlams Allen Mlller.. John P. Foley R. T. Stark R. S. Clements W. C. North J. A. McGlothlin Jos. F. Mllde Robt. W. ShieL Leslie W. Foster


;;;irgii··F:··LO~~y·.· E. R. Creach Clyde Butler J. D. Bennett.. J. D. Rebo S. M. Reynolds A. O. Lowman Otto Brooks R. A. DeWitt.. Henry M. James Geo. A. yates R. H. CatTaiL

Edgar F. Smith M. F. Jameson W. B. Maus M. O. Likins Jas. W. Klnnemer W. D. ChatTin

A. H. Mann H. R. Ireland C. P. Finks W. T. Jennings Carl G. Ryden Robt. R. Clendenen

Sat. on or bef. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 1st and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Saturdays Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. Monday follOWing 4th Saturday Saturday on 01' before full moon 1st and 3d Mondays 4th Saturday 3d 'J:'hursday 2d and 4th Fridays 1st and 3d Saturdays 1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Wednesdays Sat. on or aft. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. Friday on or before full moon 2d and 4th Mondays Thursday on or bef. full moo~

::::::::: Satu;d~y· ..o~···o~ .. ~·ii·e~ .. ·f;;ii"··~"O~~


~ ~ ~




1st Saturday 2d and 4th Thursdays Sat. on or bef. f. m. Friday on or before full moon 3d Saturday 1st and 3d Wednesday Friday before full moon 2d and 4th Fridays 2d and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Wednesdays

~:st G~te:::::::::::::::::: ~r~~~·s:::~~~~:~:~:::~::~::::::~ ~.~~::::::::::::::::::::::::: g~l~in G~~s~~·ipps:::: . ::::: ~~. ~~G~g~n:·.· ·:.·.·:.:·.: ~~t ~~~ \t~ :g;~:J~;:s

2d and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3d Fridays Thursday on or before full moon 1st and 3d Tuesdays 1st and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays

...... en .g rt'

452 Verona 453 Forsyth 454 ContinentaL 455 Hinton 456 Wallace 451 Jonesburg 458 Melville 459 Hazelwood 460 Lambskin 461 Caruthersville 462 Santa Fe 463 Clifton 464 I Concordia 465 Gaynor City 466 Southwest 461 Pleasant Hope 468 Red Oak 469 Plato 410 Nodaway 411 Mlnera!... 412 Pickering 473 Nineveh 474 Guilford 475 Golden 476 Mt. Hope 471 Henderson 478 Racine 479 Rich HilL 480 JeweL 481 Marceline, 482 Clintonville 483 Fairfax 484 Kirkwood 485 Cold Water 486 Cairo 481 I Chilhowee 488 Lock Spring , 489 Lakeville 490 Montevallo 491 Vandalia 492 Dnggett. 493 Vernon 494 I Lewistown 495 Unity 496 Robert Burns





Verona Forsyth Stewartsville Brown Station Bunceton Jonesburg Dadeville Seymour St. Louis Caruthersville Santa Fe Thayer Concordia ParnelL Southwest City Pleasant Hope Bower's MilL Plato :\Iaryville Oronogo Pickering Olney Guilford Golden City Odessa Rogersville Seneca Rich HilL Pleasant Hill Marceline EI Dorado Springs Fairfax KirkwQod Drexe!... Cairo Chilhowee Lock Spring Bell City Montevallo Vandalia McKittrick Bronaugh Lewistown Richards Gainesville

Lawrence Taney De Kalb Boone Cooper Montgomery Dade Webster PemlscoL \-Ionroe Oregon Lafayette Nodaway McDonald Polk Lawrence Texas Nodaway Jasper Nodaway Lincoln Kodaway Barton Lafayette Webster Newton Bates Cass Linn Cedar Atchison St. Lollis Cass Randolph Johnson Daviess Stoddard Vernon Audrain Montgomery Vernon Lewis Vernon Ozark

!J. E. Mlller

Ernest young 1st and 3d Tuesdays M. P. Pierce H. M. Blunk 1st and 3d Saturdays E. M. Wood Roy W. I{lbbey 1st and 3d Tuesdays W. E. Fenton Tilford Goslin Saturday on or before full moon H. L. Shirley M. K. Gentry 1st and 3d FrIdays H. D. Carter G. L. Wilson _. Saturday on or before full moon Lewis Morgan A. C. Blakemore Thur. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. Walter McAnally A. L. Williams Thur. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. Wilbur J. Waters Fred G. Fucsse!... 2d and 4th Wednesdays S. R. Castleberry B. A. Jumper 1st and 3d Tuesdays Geo. D. Talley Frank Snyder Saturday on or before full moon E. Banks A. A. Taber 2d and 4th Tuesdays Everett L. Pape Geo. Duensing, Jr 2d and 4th Mondays Hiram Day F. J•. Hart 1st and 3d Wednesdays ·K L. Shields W. F. Stevenson 1st and 3d Tuesdays Claud G. Tillery R. E. Fullerton Thursday on or before full moon L. Greer Pickens , J. V. Patton Every other Thursday Arthur E. Hartzog E. E. Moft'att.. Saturday before full moon Walter S. Todd L. P. Colvin 2d and 4th Thursdays A. E. Avery L. R. Whitfield 1st and 3d Thursdays J. F. Hanna F. C. Smith 2d and 4th Tuesdays R. H. Porter Donald G. Hazzard 1st Saturday Virgil F. Laughlin Alex H. Wilson 2d and 4th Thursdays Fred Blakesley C. R. Boone 2d and 4th Tuesdays Horace Blincoe C. D. Newhard 2d and 4th Fridays T. Maynard Burns E. R. McCormack 3d Thursday John N. EberL Logan Smith 2d and 4th Mondays Thos. E. Phillips W. E. Carpenter 2d and 4th Mondays Thos. J. Ross Geo. W. Smitt.. 2d and 4th Fridays Hubert R. Mason Wm. E. Parks 2d and 4th Tuesdays Arthur A. Pray Elton P. Evans 2d and 4th Thursdays Ray E. Steele C. A. Templeton 2d and 4th Tuesdays Jos. T. Fossberg Herman Schroeder 2d and 4th Mondays Grover C. Holt.. Elbert Land 1st and 3d Mondays Hubert .T. Engle Chas. J. Robertson 2d and 4th Thursdays W. H. TempeL It J. Cowden 1st and 3d Fridays J. A. Green R. M. Hicks _.. 1st and 3d Thursdays C. K. Greer W. G. Pyle 3d Saturday E. T. Dark W. S. Kokendoft'er 1st and 3d Saturdays Melvin E. Ash W. Clem Ralston 2d and 4th Fridays Loren Ellis J. E. Lavender Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. T. D. Combs S. P. Linn Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. Lawrence W. McAfee. J. M. Bagby 1st and 3d Fridays J. W. Marsh B. C. Armstrong 1st and 3d Wednesdays M. T. Harl1n _ E. W. Ebrite _ 1st Monday

~ ~


~ ~ ~








500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 521> 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 531> 531 532 533 534


Town or P. O. Address



f,~~la~:~:::::::::::::: . ::.. .::: ~~~~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::. ~~~~~o~::::.·.·:.·.·::::::: ~.

. .:.·. __-


i: t:r~::::::::::::::::::::~:

TIme of Meeting


i~~~~i~J-/!: Y.~l~~~: ~~~~~_(~ t.:¥~~~~:~~~:( t:~}~~{~~~~g,,:.: .• ff~~~;i:~... ~t~~;;':_E i~ii~D. ~It~~riE~~r~tlS- t:~::i~~~~4~:E

f~~ton:_i ~~i~{toni-;i/· ~~~~:~;;;;; I;~;t~~:(~~~::;~ i}~~~~~:~:i-( ~~~~~:I~.::~·.~·.~·.·.::·.·.:·.·.·.·.~·.~~~iS:~~~~:::::::::::::.:::'.:::' ~~I~~e::::::::::::::'::::::

Crane CIlfton HeIghts Lockwood

Crane St. LouIs Lockwood


Splclmrdsville CunnlnghallL

SpIckard Sumner

r -t. J~;~~~~:.~~:'.::'.'.'.'.::: ~~s~~. ~·ol~~~~~.~::::::::::


Harold Crumpley Lee O. Shannon M. M. Hunt

David A. Holderman .. Wm. H. Haley . Calvin S. Crow .

Grundy Chariton

R. I. Dickerson Clyde E. Stoner

Gaylord E'. Shaw A. Stobaugh

~~~so;I.~~:::::::::::::::::::: ~~fI~~~ yfitr.·:·.·.·.·..·.·.·..·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· i~~~~~~:::::::::::::· ¥I~~~~ P~~t:~~~~:::::::::: re~. Ift·iC~~~~;~~::::::::::::

. .

~~~:~::::::::::::::::::::::: ~l~~:i:~:::::::::::::::::·::::::: F£~~~~~:::::::::.:::::: r·· L~'~1~:..~~.~~~:·:·:·:·:·:·:::·: id~~ i:~~:~~~~~~:::·:

Apollo Peculiar I,ane's Prairie Dexter Comfort.. Columbia

St. LouIs Peculiar Vichy De:-..1.er Wheaton Pacific

Cass Maries: : Stoddard Barry ~·ranklln

\Valter E. Reynolds C. E. Lofland W. J. Little A. L. Thrower A. D. Wiseley John L. Thiebes

Geo. Ruths

L. D. LatToon R. :\1. Copeland

Thos. J. Ross _ O. L. Burger Louis M. Roemer

N 00 00

. .. . . . .

2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st Thursday 1st and 3d Mondays 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Tuesdays 1st Thursday 1st and 3rd Thursdays 2d and 4th Mondays 1st and 3d Mondays 1st and 3d Mondays 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Saturdays Saturday on or after full moon 1st and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Mondays 2d and 4th Thursdays 1st and 2d Thursdays 1st and 3d Fridays 1st and 3d Thursdays 3d Saturday 2d and 4th Thursdays Tuesday on or before full moon 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3d Saturdays Sat. on or aft. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 1st and 3d Wednesdays 2d and 4th Wednesdays 2d and 4th Saturdays 1st and 3d Wednesdays Saturday on or before full moon 2d and 4th Wednesdays 2d and 4th Thursdays Saturday before full moon 1st and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Wednesdays ~d and 4th Thursdays


~ ~





en ~



535 Blackwell 536 Ingomar 537 BetheL. 538 Stella Dawn 539 Winigan 540 Jacksonville 541 Ferguson 542 543 Mansfield AlgabIL.. 544 545 Zalma 546 Orient South Gate 547 548 Clinton....................... Carl .Jullctlon 549 Rose HilL. 550 Pendleton 551 552 Calhoun Clarksburg 553 Foster 554 Summersville 555 556 Prairie Blairstown 557 Moscow 558 Clarksdale 559 560 Nelson CowgilL. 561 Deepwater 562 563 york .Jamesport __ 564 Tebbets 565 Maplewood 566 567 Mlller.. Naylor 568 569 Marlborough 570 , Republic 571 HaytL Rutledge................... 572 573 I Bernie 574 i 575 576 Ewing 517 578 579 ~~~~~I:.~.~~

Blackwell Willow Springs BetheL Stella Ludlow Winigan -Jacksonville Ferguson Mansfield St. Louis Zalma Kansas City Kansas City Clinton Carl Junction St. Louis Farmlnll;ton, R. Calhoun Clarksburg Foster Summersville Gilman City Blairstown Moscow Mills Clarksdale :\'elson CowgllL. Deepwater Kansas City .Tamesport.. Tebbetts Maplewood MlIler Naylor Kansas City Republic HaytL Ttutledge Bernie

St. Francois Howell Shelby


Roy T. Brown -J. A. Armstrong A. H. Graves ~ewton M. P. Weems Livingston Orville Jameson Sulllvan l'hos. H. HilL Randolph............. Wm. N. Miles St. Louis Ollvl'r G. Hanson Wright.. Henry O. Brown Edward F. Apple Bolllnger O. Kerfoot .Jackson Donald E. Williams Tackson Roy L. Sharpe Henry.................... Chas. H. Wll11ams .Jasper J. M. Boots Syl. C. Nifong St. Francois P. P. Gruner Henry R. F. Richardson :\'lomteau fred Bailey Bates N. W. Arbogast Texas Carl C. Crume Harrison Geo. S. Gusewelle ; Henry F. L. Hayden Lincoln : Walker Powelson De Kalb Turner Hines Saline N. P. Thornton Caldwell John Stephens Henry Thos. E. Downlng Jackson Malcolm C. Dale Davless C. E. McCoy Callaway R. .1. Huffmaster St. Louis Tames W. NlcKee Lawrence E. G. Webb Ripley C. E. Smith Tackson ·Tames C. Hagood Greene Ira R. Britain Pemiscot............. A. O. Allen Scotland G. W. Adams Stoddard Wm. M. Piatt..

H. E. Brown 1st Saturday W. E. Armstrong [st and 3d Thursdays Sam Ziegler.: tst and 3d Mondays Noble C. Jessee 1st and 3d Tuesdays Ralph C. Stewart.. 2d and 4th Fridays Thos. M. Crowder Saturday on or before full moon E. H. Dennis 2d and 4th Saturdays Harry A. Magoon [st and 3d Fridays C. A. Stephens Wednesday on or bef. full moon W. J. H. Perkins 2d and 4th Fridays Wm. Allison 1st and 3d Saturdays F. M. Hutrman 2d and 4th Fridays 'l'hos. M. Pratt 1st and 3d Thursdays C. C. Canan 2d and 4th Fridays .Tos. E. Herd 2d and 4th Wednesdays Chas. C. Jackson 2d and 4th Tuesdays Wm. Rosenstengel.. 2d and 4th Saturdays W. C. Maupin 1st and 3d Thursdays Hy. B. Sappington 1st and 3d l\Iondays O. D. Jennings Every Friday Lee Beli 2d and 4th Saturdays Ira L. Noble '!d and 4th Wednesdays L. B. McKean 1st and 3d Thursdays Fred Karrenbrock Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. .John H. Mann 1st and 3d Thursdays R. B. Flnley.................~d and 4th Tuesdays Robt. R. Rone 'ld and 4th Fridays .T. H. Dunning 1st and 3d Fridays r. F. Strycker '!d and 4th Saturdays C. T. Hampshire 1st and 3d Mondays E. C. Heller 2d and 4th Mondays .John W. :\1enaugh........ 1st and 3d Fridays Walter Ruark 'd and 4th Fridays S. E. Vandover 1st and 3d Thursdays G. W. Beal ..Jr 1st and 3d Mondays .James .J. Baln 2d Thursday .T. B. Buckley 1st and 3d Thursday J. A. Bailey Frl. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. D. B. Abernathy........... 1st and 3d Fridays

~~~~~:-::~:~~:::::::::::::~f ~~f:::::::::::::::::::::::::·~~~~~.~~.~. : :.:.:.:.:.: : : .: t;~~o~~?~~~·Z:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ~~:8h ~~~ii~i~·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·. ~~ :~1~f~~d¥ueSdayS Ewing


·. · ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ~~a~I~I.~:::::::::::::::::::::::::. C"~·~·iei-· ·

Sam. Shackleford

·.-. · ·::· :·. ~ot~a~. ;~~rt~·.~·.·.·.:·

Ora Willows

:·. j~~~i. ~'I~e~:~::

1st and 3d Thursdays

.-:..::::: :

~~ ~~~u:~y Mondays


\0 N

~ --..


~ ~ (':)


R. ~.

N 00 \0


No·1 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 58i 588 589 590

591 592 593

594 595 596

597 598 599 (l00 (j01 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 GO!! 610' 611 612 613 614 615 616 617


Town or P. O. Address


Mexico, R.

Red Bird Shamrock




Time of Meeting


W. M. Patterson

Harold W. Groves

3d Friday

Jake Prairie Shamrock

Gasconade Callaway

S. C. Bayless J. N. 'McKibben

C. G. SewelL J. S. Lail

Saturday on or before full moon Thursday on or before fun moon

St. Francisville Grovespring

Wayland Grovespring

Clark Wright

H. F. Kitcher.. Yestar Smittle

Chas. M. Fore .Tohn L. Hudson

La Russell

La Russell




H~!r:g~:~:~~~~·:·:·:~·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·.~~=~~~~.:~~:~:~.:~.:.:.::.:~.:.:.:. ~l~;t~ :.:.:.:.:.:.:~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .: I~~~::~~~~f11~.~.~:~~·::::::·.: ka~~~~1:.~.~~~~~::.::::~:: lte~f:~1~~fhUrSdayS

~~~~~On~::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~·son·.·.·.·.~·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·""".·.·.'.·.·.'.'.·: ~~~ee:~



r A':·T~~~~t~~:::::::::::: ~: ~: ~~~~~~

~~;~~t~~:::.·::::::::::· · :: ~~;~~t~~:::::::::::.·:.·::::..:.·.·..::.· ~It~~~~~.~:::::: ..:::~::::: ~. ~'. ~e::~~~ ...:..::: :::..: Robt. N. Patton


::: :..::::::. ~:: ~~~ ~~ ~~f:I~~8

1st and 3d Thursdays 2d Saturday

.f'.T. G.~: Meador ~~~~:k~w·.· ~~· :..: ~~\u~~~y3~nT:~~:f~~ full moon 1st and 3d Wednesdays

IW;~::ii:~~\ii~ i~~~;E:~_EEI~ii~;:+;~~+f; ~~!{~~cti;:i"_ i~~:~ltJ!~~~~:: Ii: !b~i~~;~~~~~' Leadwood

~~~~;:. ::::..:: :::::..:::

Clayton Acacia Morehouse Strasburg Walker


~~~~:.~~.~.~:::: . ::~. ::~. ::

Clayton Columbia Morehouse Strasburg Walker

St. Francois

:..:;,. St. ~~l:~~~~~~::::::::~ Louis : Boone New Madrid Cass Vernon

G. J. Bartlow

M. G. Mason

2d and 4th Saturdays

Gus. T. Lehmberg L. H. Sapp W. H. Dillon W. H. Ragsdale Samuel R. Harvey

R. W. McElhlnney J. ""I. I,ong W. T. Wot'l'ord J. W. Seaton Harold A. Walker

1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st Tuesday 3d Saturday and 2 weeks after

6~~: Jsc~~;:~~::::::::::. ~.1i. ~~~~t·: . :.·::..::.·.·.·:.· ~~er:nl~~Sd~iturdayS


~ ~ ~





~ {~e~ ~ :·: ·:·: ·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·: :Warrenton ~2I~~~~~::·.·: ·:.·: ·:·:·: ~·:·: :·: :·~: ~Warren :~ ~ ~:.:.:.:.: :.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .: . ~~1: t~~~:~~:~::~:·::::::: t·. ~~g¥:f!~~~~~.~:::::: H! ~~~rHy A. H. Juergensmeyer Hutcherson 2d and 4th Fridays

Warrenton Clark Centertown Mokane Wellston !\It. Washington Chat'l'ee Marion Swope Park

L. M.

.'.. Clark Randolph :.. Centertown Cole :\Iokane Callaway Wellston ! St. Louis Fairmount Sta. K. C ; Jackson Chat'l'ee Scott Mercer Mercer Kansas City Jackson

A. E. Hubbard Herman Son Harry K. Taylor G. F. Thompson John W. Early Wm. J;. Ferguson Henry E. Shaffer Wm. A. Davis

Reynold L. Bradley Hermon ;\1ilIer Theo. F. Hafner C. A. Tolin Gregg B. Christy M. H. Stubblefield Tohn Dale Alley Thos. W. Ferguson

1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Mondays 1st and 3d Saturdays 2d and 4th Thursdays 2d and 4th Fridays 1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Thursdays


en (1)


618 619 620 621 622 623

624 625

626 627

628 629 630. 63t 632 633' 634

635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642

643 644 645

646 647 648 649 650

651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658

659 660 661 662 663 664

Grandview Fairview Willard Anderson Norwood Maple Owensvllle Shelfield Magnolia Wallace Park Mendon Yalley Park East Gate Tower Grove

Grandview............................• Fairview Willard Anderson Norwood :\Teelyvlllc Owensvllle Kansas City St. Louis Wallace Mendon Valley Park Kansas City St. Louis

Jackson Newton Greene McDonald Wright Butler Gasconade Jackson

Steele Greentop

Steele Greentop

Pemlscot.. Schuyler

Buchanan Chariton St. Louis Jackson

Sylvester Vaughn Boyd T. Ghan....•.......... Dewey Marshall Paul Margosian Fred McMillian M. W. Owen Charles E. Vaughan.. Jno. W. Townsend Edw. P. Walsh Lee Jarboe H. R. Mayo Franz G. Humphrey Ralph H. Kinder John V. Horn ,

M. V. Long L. N. PannelL H. L. Fox Henry Eppard H. J. Schofield W. M. Reynolds .lames A. Holt.. Leonard F. Owens Jas. H. Leathers Henry Shapter Wm. Larson B. A. Feldmann Ernest W. Berry A. M. Blscholf e ¥.aw C. P. Howard D. Dee Newlin

~~~t~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::~~~~:~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~va~~~~~~~~~::::::::::~. ~'\i.HG~~~~ich::::::::::::: '

:·.:·.·.: ·.·.·.:·.: · :: ·ii:"~·;~i'i:::::::::::::::::::

Harvey Ballentine J. E. Pierce

1st and 3d Thursdays Thursday on or before full moon 1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Wednesdays Thur. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 1st and 3d Saturdays 1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Thursdays 2d and 4th Wednesdays 2d Saturday 2d and 4th Mondays 2d and 4th Wednesdays 1st and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Thursdays

(i.. ·w:··wii·iia:~~:::~::::::~:: ~;~~n:k··T~dd:::::::::::::::::::: 2d··~~·d··4th··T~e~d~ys· Jos. H. Beasley John A. Witthaus Herman J. Hart.. Percy W. ShulL Hyman G. Stein Stanley L. Burbridge. Walter G. Hoehn T. W. Maples Albert Fults Otto E. Periman Allen Bailey Frank W. ·Swann James R. Lucy J. A. Main Aug. G. W. Meyer P. F. Wroy Roy H. Frobase Harry Evering Walter K. Holfman Fred E. RuehL Andrew H. Barnicle Chas. L. Shippee E. E. Curtright Robt. W. MacDonald. Frank K. Roy .luhn L. Replogle James L. Cowan

Jackson Jackson Christian McDonald Macon St. Louis New Madrid Cass Benton St. Louis Jackson Clay MQnroe Shelby Jacllison Polk



2d and 4th Thursdays 2d and 4th Mondays

Triangle Mizpah Jennings Trinity Benjamin Franklin.. Northeast.. Grain Valley Clever Shaveh NoeL. Elmer University Parma Cleveland Pilgrim Shawnee Commonwealth Gardenville Country Club Progress Purity Alpha HoIllday Theodore Roosevelt.. Clarence RockhilL. Aldrich

St. Louis


i~~k~~~~~.~ ·.·.·.·.·.~·.: ~~ ~~~U~~~yTuesdays


St. Louis St. Louis Jennings 81. Louis St. I.ouls Kansas City Grain Valley Clever St. Louis............................... NoeL Elmer University City Parma Cleveland. St. Louis Warsaw St. Louis R. R. No.7, Alfton Kansas City St. Louis St. Louis North Kansas' City Holliday St. Louis Clarence Kansas City Aldrich


WaIter F. Jungbluth Waiter H. Voss Geo. E. Kohlmeyer Wm. P. Morgan Morris Popper Geo. R. Hodge Carl F. Pacholke G. W. Estes : H. W. Williams Wili Bryson C. Y. :\!urry Alfred A. NaIl Burl E. Underwood G. W. Coble Theo. C. TeeL W. L. McClung Duval O'NeaL Florian Wolz M. H. Devault F. J. Mahner.. John Heines Walter Hansen J. D. HarrelL Henry H. Spencer J. L. McCoy Jos. Weinsaft Thos. J. Wrlght..

. ··.. ·······.. ······..

1st and 3d Saturdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Saturdays Friday on or before full moon 2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3d Wednesdays 2d and 4th Mondays 1st and 3d Mondays 1st and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Wednesdays 2d and 4th Fridays 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Saturdays 1st and 3d Tuesda.ys 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Mondays 1st and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Mondays 1st and 3d Tuesda.ys 2d and 4th Thursdays 1st Tuesday


~ ~ (':)

~ ~












1 I1 Missouri................................

I Meridian............................... Beacon..................................

2 3 4 I 5 I


Howard.................................. United....................................

~ I ~;~uii·i;~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::



7I 17 34 6 13

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. 1753 5011 31 5011722 10 501 1367 .. 1377 60 21 001 3507 . 3528 00 .. 245 701 4 201 241 37 80 1883 ·· 1921 50 2 10\ 210 . 212 101 . , 172 172 201 39 90 1 39 . 12 601 1925 . 1938 30 . 216 30 4 201 212 , 98 98 701 . . ]07 101................ 107 6 30 228 235 201 . 96 4 201 .. 100 80 1 176 . 176 401 ·. 432 601 16 80 415 .. 199 501................ 199 12 601 291 . 304 501 10 501 279 . 289 80 .


001 10 00 501. 101 00\. 201 90 10 10 701 10/ 90 60 401 801 50 901 30

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

70 201 301 401 101 00 301 001 90

. . . . . . .. . .



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13~~ ~&II ........ ~ . ~~I 13:~ ~gl::::::::::::

149 10 10 50 .14(} 52 50 6 30 46 . 195 . 195 30 12 60 1037 . 1050 00 .. 296 101................ 296 , , 141 . 147 001 4 20 1014 .. 1018 501 6 30 252 258 30! .. 8 401 396 . 405 301

1· ·· .. 6 301 /










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II I fl~~;::ajf!l~~~~-:ii~~-il:;~I·!::::I;:;:~:=::l::::::II:::~~ri!;I: 19 Paris Union......................... 20 St. Louis............................... 21 I Havana..................................


.a S <t>

833 I Ii 49 30 201 15 1 3 I 656 1377 60 61 5 2 151 10 7 1676 3519 60 117 245.1'0 4/ 2 . 907 1904 70\ 9 181 1 1(}(} 210 00 82 172 20 19 39 901 919 1929 90 102 214 20 1 21 2 .. 47 98 70 2 3 51 107 10 112 235 201. 48 100 801 1 83 Ii4 30 206 432 60 95 199 50 145 304 5.0\ 138 289 80 1 21 51 ..··.. 644 1352 401 11 7 3 6 32 67 20 1 11 .. 71 149 101 25 52 501 93 195 301 497 1043 70 /' 21 6 4 141 296 10, 70 147 001. 483 1014 301 123 258 30 193 405 30 1 3 41 ..

I 24 J 2.. . 3 2 15 1 29

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31 I Liberty , 32 I Huml'hreys _ _............ 33 I Ralls.......................................

~~ liie°!c·e~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


I Cooper....................................

41 I) 2;



11 1 1


11 2 11



21 1 11









: ~ : ~ ::::::::1.

4 3 1

3 1



3 1 21

11······ I . 3 1


11 1 11 1 3











43 I JeITerson................................








1 4



I Fayette.................................. . I Fulton.................................... 5





3 41

4 7

. 4

~~ Mt. g:u~i~::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::: ..... ~ ::::::~ ::::::~ :::::::: :::::::: ::::::i :::::::: ::::::~ ':::1' ~ ....~ :::::: Moriah........................... :~ :rll~~f:c~rov~.-:::::::::::.-.-:.-.-:.-.-.-.-.-

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1········1········ 1 1




1\ I 2

1 4

5 1 2 1

11········/ 3 .. 1 41 2 1 1 2\ 1 1 1 1 1 5 ·······.1.···..·· .. 1 31

ii I~~¥.i[~::.=.:~j::::~;:;:~;~I;I:::~:::~·;1 67 I Rocheport 68 I Kermett................................. 69 1 Sullivan................................. 70 I Armstrong.............................

71 I Savannah.............................. 72 I Gorin...................................... 73 I Eureka................................... tCredit $6.30



41 11








31 5







3\ 3

·· 1 4



4 1








2 1........ 1........

21········1 I/········I········I········j·····...I 1 1 1 I 1 1 /


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1 •••••• 1


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259 2 101 539 701 . 541 801 2 10 121 80 . 123 90 59 120 252 00.1 6 30 t252 00 . \ . 252 00 2 10 289 80 . 138 289 80 2 10 . 291 90 209 438 90 2 10\ 21 001 420 00 . . 441 00 214 449 40 12 60 6 30 455 70 . . 462 00 36 75 60 2 101 73 50 . 237 30 4 20 233 10 . 113 126 001................ 126 00 .._.•..•..• 60 39 901 3824 10 . 1835 3853 50 10 50/ . 3864 001 114 239 40 . 239 40 10 50l 228 90 1 . 94 50 6 30 88 20 . 45 1 . 94 50.· 852 60 . 10 50 842 10 ...........• 406 852 60 1....•..•.... 92 401 1 92 40 .. ........• 92 40 1 . 44 241 50 2 10 239 401 . 1 . 115 241 50' 75 601 6 301 69 30 .....•...... 36 75 60 / . 302 40 8 40 294 001 . 144 302 40 1 . 443 101 14 70 428 401 . 1 . 211 443 10 61 128 10 4 20\ . 132 30/ . 2 101 130 201 4 20 279 30 ...........• . 283 50 135 283 50 4 20 119 70 . 1 . 123 901 59 123 90 4 201 606 90 . 289 606 901 4 201 . 611 10 13'5 283 501 4 201 . 287 701................ 287 70 ...........• 136 501................ 136 50 . 65 136 50 .··.·· ··1· . 52 501................ 52 50 . 25 52 50 . 163 80 .•.......... . 163 80 76 159 60 4 201 16 80 546 00 ...........• 267 560 70 2 101 ·.. 562 80 109 20 ...........• ..1. . 109 20 52 10'9 201 . 12 60 302 401 145 304 50/10 501 . 315 00 4 20 203 10 ...........• 2 101 . 207 90 205 80 00 147 00 ..•....•...• 147 142 80/ 4 201. . 2 10 342 30 ...........• 163 342 30 2 101 · 344 40 6 30 506 10 . 512 40 244 165 90 ...........• 165 90 791 . 172 20/ 4 201 168 00 82 172 201 1 . 170 10 2 10 81 170 10 2 101 . 172 20 88 20................ 88 20 . . 88 20 42 4 20 245 70 6 30 120 252 00 4 201 . 256 20 6 30 325 50 ...........• 156 327 601 4 201 . 331 80 151 20 2 10 149 10 .......•.... 72 151 201 . -..... 449 401 .......•.... 441 00 8 40 210 . 449 40 121 80 4 20 111 60 ........•..• 121 80 . 58 264 601 ...•.......• 125 1 262 50 2 101 . 264 60

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. . .·": : .:·.: ·.:·:":, , .·.·: : : .:·.: : ....18 ....2°161 ....201......231

Independence Lebanon St. Joseph Polar Star

.. . .. ..

~~ ~~~~~:~~~::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::. ~~ I ~~~~:~~:::. ::..:::::: ::::::::: :::..:: .

84 I Webster Groves 85 I MlamL 861 Brookfield

.. .. .

89 1 Friendship 90 I Russelll'llle : 91 I Madison 92 I Perseverance 93 I St. Marks 94 I ,Vienna 951 Pomegranate:

.. .. .. . . . ..

~~ ~eaJ~~~~~~.~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::

· · ::.: . : :

~~ ~;t~~~~~~~ ~~ I ~~b~~~n·o-;..· :.- ···: ·.::·:..:. :.:

100 I Ash Grove

101 II Bogard Bloomlngton View 104 IWest Herolne


~ ~

.. .. . .. ..



9 24

91 241

1\ 1 231 1 3

3 1 20 1 3

3 ..· ·1 11 21 16 31 2 3 1


3\ 1 21

2 1 2

2 1 1 ........ 2 2

2 1 2

21 31 81 61 9 21 1 2

25 31 1 6 10 4 1 2

32 1 41 ..·..·.. /· 8 3 5 1 9 ......../ 21 1 1 2

. . ·~I






11 ..·..·../

1 51

2 ........ / 21........




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41 91


3 11

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11 ...... 1 31 .. ·..· 6 1

~I ~I::::::I

2 1... 5/ 2' ·.... ·1 '........ . 1...... 1 2 12/21 2 2 I 2 2 1 1........ 20 .. ! 21 ...... 1 1 2........ 11 2 2 6 11 21 1 __ 1 5111121



1 1

.. 21 .. 1


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85 41 1 395\ 210 626 1006 233 1 36 125 1


814 16 243 149 1 81 243 72 39 201 391 10 526/ 95 120 120 1 144 117

1~~1 56


~~i ~~

1314 2112 489 75 262 3il 1109 159 510 312 110 510 151 81 434 821 147 1104 199 252 252

= ::l 0



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I 1 1

.. ..

I 118 501

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501 401 101 1 1 1 201 1 201 201 101 201 201 101 351. 201


.. 1325 10 .. 2121 00 .. .. .. 262 501 .. .. .. 159 60\ .. 535 50 .. 311.10 .. 172 20 .. 514 50 .. 155 40 .. 84 00 . 439 05 846 30 .. .. 141 00 .. . 1 .. 262 651 :.. 252 00 302 401 801 . 373 254 10


901 501 60 90 23 10

12 60

4 20 18 90

4 20

l~g ~~1"""33"60 40 30 30 10 20 10 30 601 80 30

f~~ g~I . . . . ~ . ~~

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I 118 501 86 10

249 136 117 1069 2244 1

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1 71

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16 11 I 18 I 191





102 103






4 20 4 20 .. 4 20 2 10

2iU U.. . . :. ::

I 165 86 191 430 1320 2102 489 75 258 311 1680 151 521 310 110 510 153 71 426' 829 140 1100 199 258 241 302 369 252 132 111 2259

901 10 10 50 90 101 301 60 30 70 00 20 10 80 10 30 30 70 451 50 10 40 50 45 80 40 60/ 00 30 601 60

. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . 2 10 .. . . . .. . . .


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105 106 101 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115

19 1 1 32 .... 1 81 21 1 . 2 81 41........ ,6 ' ... 1 2 2 1 . .. 1 6 1 2 1 4 .1 51 10 3 1 5 4 3 ..1 1\ I 11 1 3 . 2 ··22 .. 1 3111 21 ... 1 11 .... 1 31 ...1 41 31 1 4 .... 1 21 .... 1 121 :::::::: ....

I Ktrksvllle.............................. 101 10"\ 101 1 I Gallatin................................. 9 8 5 2 1 Greenville.............................. 51 51 5 11 I Altamont................................ . 1........ 1 I Stanberry.............................. 21 1 1 Marcus................................... 51 3\ 3 1 Trenton.................................. 51 2 4 1 I Maitland................................ 31 31 4 ·.. 1 Plattsburg............................. 21 3 3 5 Twlllght................................. 51 21 2 3 Laddonl............................... 3,




H~ I SfI~t~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

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.... 1

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1'1...... 1

2 5 1 11. \ 41. 1 5\...... 1 1 11 2 1...... 31......


2/ 2 41 1 41······\ 2 ... \ 1 41'.'.. '1 .......... 1 21······ ... 1 3 3 "'1 4/ 21 1 ... 1, I, 1 ... 61 41...... 1 1 1 4/ I 1..... 1 2 1 I 2 11...... 1 2 .,... 5 .... 1 3 8.. .. .... 1 4

~ \ 7 ....1 .... 2

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·····:1····..: ······:c:::::i::::::~ ······~I:::::::: 91 9 6 21········ g~ I i~~rn~~~. . . .·.:·.:·.·. .·.·. .:..:.::..:.·. . .:.::..: ~ 1~ 1~ ~ J::::::::

119 I DeSoto...................................


71 \ 41......





4281 898 1671 350 114 239 61 1 128 158 331 166 1 348 389 816 821 112 1081 226 193\ 405 64 134 91 203 30\ 63 1251 262 2681 562 102 214 6151 1417 65\ 136 105 220 82 1 172 57 119 187 392 139 1 291 14 155 385 808 75 1 151 94 191 1811 392 16 159 62 130 121 266 14& 294 10 147

:1, ••••.•••.•••........

... .... 1

1 21 41 11

2 ."", 2 21 21 1

....1 41


.... 1






911 342 256 128 333 348 812 118 218 399 132 203 63 256 560 210 1409 128 218 163 115 386 287 157 821 151 ·199 388 155 126 258 281 144

401 . 30 ...........• 20 ...........• 10 1 . 90 ...........• 60 ...........• 70 . 501 . 401 2 10 00 ..........•. 30 . 70 . 001 . 201 ·· 701. . 001············ 10 . 10 . 40 . 80 1 . 50 . 40 . 70 1 . 50 . 10 1 . 50 . 50 . 50 . 401 2 10 00 . 30 . 40 1 . 90 .


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:.' I ....I

80\ 21 301............ 926 101 14 701 70 1............ 350 70 8 401 40 16 801............ 256 20 101 1............ 128 10················1 801 4 201............ 336 001 2 10 601 4 201............ 352 80 4 201 901 6 301............ 823 20 10 50 201 8 401............ 180 60 2 101 801 2 101............ 228 901 8 40 301 4 201............ 409 50 10 50 401. 134 401 2 10 70 2 10 20;) 801 2 10 001............ 63 00,................ 50............ 262 501 6 30 80 ···1 ········· 562 80 1 2 10 20 214 20 4 20 501. 1 : 1417 50 8 40 50 1 1............ 136 50/ 8 40 4 20 50 2 10 222 60 201 , 1............ 172 201 8 40 1 70-1············1.··········· 119 701 4 20 70 1............ 392 701 6 301 90 1 1............ 291 90 4 20 40 4 201............ 159 60 2 10\ 50 21 00\............ 829 501 8 40, 1 50 1 1............ 151 50 40 1............ 197 401 , 70' 1............ 392 10 4 201 601 1............ 159 liO 2 10 20 130 20 4 20 701 266 10 8 40 00 4 20 298 20 1 16 80 00 6 30 153 30 8 40

17 81 114 139 54 136

161!0 182 10 239 401 291 90 113 401 285 60-

4 20 8 401............ 4 201............ 1............ 2 101............

161 186 241 296 113 287

70 4 201 151 50 . 90 4 201 tl89 00 . 80 4 20 243 60 . 10 4 20 291 90 . 40................ 113 40 ....•....... 10 2 101 285 60 .

~ CJl





~ .-


en ~

.::: .5::..


148 Purdy 149 LexIngton 150 I Blrmlng 151 I Milton 152 I J.lnn Creek

__._._._ _ . . . .

f~~ I ~i~r~~·:~ii::::::::::::::::::::::·:·::::

156 I Ashland 157 1 North Star 158 I Mountain Grove 1591 Green City 160 Pleasant 161 CIlfton HIlI 162 I Whitesville 163 I OccidentaL

~~~ I :J:i;l:~\·E;

166 161 168 169 170 111 172 173 174 175 176 177 178





.c S ;:l Z

I Portageville 1 Revere 1 Colony I Camden PoInt I Benevolence I Hartford I Censer.. , Gray SummIt... I Sturgeon

. . . . . . . .














4 31

21 5 3

1 ···..·.. 1

21 1 9 5

31 11........ 8 2 11 8





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11..... 41 ..·.. 2 1 \.....

69/ 165


144 90 1 346 50 182 70









1 2 101


J~f ~li il I·

38 83 142 195

79 174 298 409

801 301 20/ 50


.. .

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4 ·.. 1 31


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178 501

2 10 1




~.I :.: ~.'I~: ~: I ~.~.~.\ ~~~ ~.~I : .:~:.: ~ :~ I : : : : ~ ~ ;128··10,..···..·2..10 ....119..;;°1


11........ 3 .. 1. 1 1\ 2........ ........../ 2/ 5

. .JII ~I::::::~I::::::~ :::::::: ':::::::1:::::::: ::::::~



144 901 21 001 123 901 . 346 501 12 60 333 90 ...........• 182 70 8 40 174 30 . 71 401 1 71 40 . 165 90 2 10/ 163 80/ . 226 80 6 30 220 50 ...........• 312 90 10 50/ 302 401..........•. 2 10 71 70 . 79 80 17430 84016590 . . 298 20 4 20 294 00 411 601................ 411 60 . 33 60 245 70 . 279 301 94 501 2 10 92 40 . 123 901 . 123 90................ 153 301 4 20 149 10 . 6 30 714 00 . 120 301 193 20 . 201 60 8 40 296 10 10 501 2115 60 ...........• / 180 601 . 180 60

JI"~ljlti>fiIJI iil;n i!i}:~155; 1~~ :~I ::::::::::::::::

. . .. . .. ....... 1........ 81 11 . . .




'0:0 ..... Q>Y:l














~l ~ ~I.~II

..... 1

·.·.· ·.· ···.. ~I11 ~I31

I . I Point Pleasant...................•

I Texas I Griswo'd


I I~ I ~







11 .. 5 1






5.51 2031

115 501 426 301

551 188 621

115 50 1 12 60/ 394 80 10 50 130 20l... 1

6 301

, 136 121 .. . 115 . 432 136 344

501. 1 80/ 2 101 50 2 10 601 10 50 50/............... 40. 2 10

. . . 405 30, 10 50 . 130 201................

136 119 113 422 136 342

50 70 40 10 50 301

394 80 130 20


~ ~ ~

~ ~


. . . . . .

. .


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179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 :l01 I 2021

Pride of the West Pyramid ·Novelty Pilot Knob California Morley Chamois

. . . . . .. .

Hermon HannibaL Zeredatha Putnam Wilson Frankford Angerona Wellsville Bolivar Quitman Carthage Allensville New Hope Sonora Ravenwood Westville

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

~~! ~~r~~·~:::::::::·:·:·:·:·:·::~:·:·:·:·::·:·:·:·:·:·:·:

206 I Somerset . 207 Clay . 208 Salisbury . 209 Poplar BlutT........................• 210 Unionville . · 211 Hickory Hill .. 212 Four Mlle 213 Rolla . . 214 Forest City 215 Hornersville .

il I~!~;~~~{;i/!!: g~ I r1s~l~lle~~~~·.:::::::::::::::::::·.·.·.::: tCredlt $1.00

91 151 1

101 9 2


11 1 12 2........

2 1

21 / 4 1........

7 / 41 51 11 5 71 61 4 4.... 11. 1......

4721 3431 471 45!

991 720 98 94

20 1 4 201 . 30 1 8 40 70 1 . 501 1 .


'1 \·····

3 2 4........

4'''1 10 7

11 4 9

3 41 5



1 1 2......

39 1 81 90 1 176 369 60






Jlh!I::<.:·~l·::::::~ . . I~I:I J::~imW.:.:~·:~~I: ·1············ 1 8 20

1 10 13



11........ 14 5 17 6

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1 5

i2 ~1 i11 ~1 . ····12 ~4 :::::::: ::::::::8

11 41 3 2 31 5010 7

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12 5 2 2 3 59 13 6 5 4

12 5 51........ 2\ 4 4........ 41 3 51 2 13 5 9 3/ 4



3 2 3........ 3 2 4........ 3 10 3 11 1



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7S I 4041

31...... 4 31...... 31 1 21 11 51 1

~ ~I ~

3 8 2 13 5 2 1 3 3 6 5 11\ 1...... 3.... 1 1\...... 2 2 4 3 1... 51 7 21 14... 12 3 ..:... 26 14 33 3 /...... 211 1 1 1 4

1~~1 3~~ ~~II::::~::::::I:::::::::::: 636 30 2;>

~~I ~~~ ~~I ~ i~i:::::::::::: 88 201

lill mm;;ri! 1161 276 1 66 215 222 343


243 579 138 451 466 720

601' 60 601 501 20: 301

4 6

2 4

3n ~~1::::::::::::'1::::::::::::

116 243 60\ 442 928 201 94 197 40 1 76 159 60 83 174 301 151 317 101 988 2(}74 801 506 1062 60 1095 2299 50 67 140 701 126 264 60

4 6 6 4

4 6 5 2

401 10 501 90! 12 60 70 50................ 40

984 699 98 94 386

90 ...........• 30 . 70 . 50 . 40 .

80 6 30 t158 50 8 40 842 20 10 50 1715 60 4 20 281 10................ 149 00 126 90 2 10' 79 601 4 201 365 80 2 10 371 77 10 8 40 501 6 30 655 60 141 80 163 201............... 88 601 4 20 218 501 8 40 128 001................ 147 801 6 30 241 90 8 40 571 70 6 30 134 50 6 30 445 20 4 20 462 50\ 10 50 714 00 6 30 350 801................ 11 80/ 16 80 231 50 4 20 930 401 12 60 184 90 165 50 2 10 116 101 8 40 308 001 14 1012064 901 6 30 1062 45 69 30 2236 10 4 20 136 10 8 401 258

50 ........•._ 10 ...........• 70 ..........•• 40 . 10 . 00 . 80 . 40 . 70 . 70 . 20 . 60 . 80 . 20 . 40 . 10 ...........• 00 . 50 . 50 . 40 ........•..• 20 . 00, .: . 001 . 10 . 10 2 10 00 . 30 . 80 .......•.... 90 . 40 . 70 . 30 . 60 : . 15 ...........• 50 ...........• 30 .


\0 tv


~~~J~I L~~ . J~~ . ~~ : : : : : :

163 : . 850 . 1726 285 149 126 81 1 . 1 . 369 373 86 201 . 661 141 163 88 1 . 222 136 147 201 . 247 301 .. 585 10 . 140 451 1 . 1. . 466 20! . 724 357 79 20 . 241 934 301 . 191 1 . 30 . 165 20.' ..........•. li8 1 . 317 201 . 2019 301 . 1068 95 . 2305 140 1 . 10 . 266

163 80 ..··..· 848 40 2 10 8~01 1722 00 4 201

~I::::~II:::::: 1nl H~ ~~ ::::::::::::1::::::::::::

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H1, ~hi.~~l!~::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::·:·:: !I-..... :I.. 233 I Bucklin.................................. 61 234 St. Francois.......................... 235/ Woath"by 236 Sedalia................................... ~37 La Plata................................ 2381 Rushville................................ 239 Hopewell................................ 240 I IHanes 241 Palestine............................... 242 Portland................................. 243 1 Keystone................................ 244 I Middle l<'ablus...................... 245 I Knob Noster..........................


~:~ I ~~~:g~~.~.~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::

248 1 Clarkton.................................. 249 Carroll....................................

iii i~~~~iii:


i ::::::~


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.. 1 101 8/ 11 . 51 4..... 1 11... I.....

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IE H~ !~! ~ H!::::::::::::. 107 224 701 3 351

541 113 54 1 113 485 1018 145 304 80 168 88 184 25) 52 200. 420 411 86 70911488 99 207 50/ 105

401 2 40\ 4 50 6 50 2 001 6 801 2 501 2 00\ 10 901 7 90 001 ..··

101 20-1 301. 10 301 101 101 1

1 551

. . . .. .. . . .

.. . ..


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94 315 394 262 180 283 96 260 163 199 228 115 117 1024 306 174 186 54 420 86 1496 207 105








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I 50/................ 94 50 00 6 30 308 70 801 2 10 392 70 1~ 50 252 00 50 60 180 60 1 50 10 50 273 00 601................ 96 60 40 4 20 256 20 80 4 20 159 60 50 199 50 05 4 20 223 85 50 8 40 107 10 60 2 10· 115 50 80 14 70 1010 10 60 2 10 304 50 30................ 174 30 901 2 10 184 80 54 60 60 00 12 60 407 40 101................ 86 10 451 16 80 1479 65 90 8 40 199 50 001................ 105 00





. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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~~~ .. ~~ ~~ ..~~ ~~~}~ :::::::::::: ....

182 70 119 701 279 30

6 30 6 30

182 70 113 40 273 00

. . .

~~~ ~~I . . . ~~ . ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ . ~~

rn (D '"0


254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270

I Butler . I Alton . I Sheklnah............•.................. I Lodge of Light . I Ravanna . I Lodge of Love . Mechanicsville . l'lorence............•....•............... I Holden........•.......................... I Summit . I Kirbyville . I Corinthian . I Soclal. . I Aurora . Lodge of Truth . Brotherhood . I New Salem .



~g I ~~~On~t~~.::~:::·:.:~~::~:~:~::~::~·.~:·.:·.:::

273 I St. Clair 274 Cold Spring 275 Bunker 276 I Grand River 277 I Wm. D. Muir 278 I Essex 279 Hogle's Creek 280 Reeds Spring 281 1 Fenton 282 I Cosmos


.. . .. . . .. .. . . .

~~~ I ~~~c:;~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

IU II ~~;i~~~::~~~:~~~~~~:~~:;:~:

289 290 291 292 . 293 294 29fi 296


1 Falrmount.. I EdIna I lJamar

I Sarcoxie

I Mound City I Monlteau I Sparta -Credit $2.10

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..



19 It 1




11 ..···.. ·1





•• · ~I: :I • •.••~I


51 ........ 1

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5 14 4

61 81 31

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1951 89 215 53 1 561 148 76 1 51 151 156 52 225

409 186 451 111 117 310 159

5~~1 60 219

107 1096 126 459 176 1365 966 289 147 84 216 138 98 218 58 270 1222 254 459 102 136 268 178 136 163

84 650 460 138 70 1 40 103 1 661 471

9: 1


129 582 121 1 2191 49/ 6-


65 78 67 129 119 114 91 571

501. 901 8 50 10 30 601 2 80 4

1 401 50

. .. ..



101 201.

.. ..




g~ ~gl::::::::::::I:::::::::::: 327 60

1 2 10

409 195 462 111 119 315 159 119 329 325

~~~ ~g ::::::::::::1:::::::::::: ~~~


270 249 239 191 119

10 20 2 O(} 2 90 2 40 00121 00 29 8(} 00 2 I}0l 2 30 6 60 701 401 801 2 901 2°1 10 90 6 90 50 2 80 2 50 8 50 80 2 70 90 90 40 2 10 70


101 10 10 001 4(}1 1 101 10 1 30


1 1 101 1 1 1

301 1 101 101 40\ 10 1

10 1


.. 101 .. . . 462 .. 176 . 1386 .. 995 .. 289 ..




30 403 20 40 112 55 14 50 451 50 ..' 10 109 20 111 60 2 10 : .. 315 00 4 20 155 401 .. -121 80\ .. 329 10 2 10 323 40 ;~ ....·..·2..iiil 109201 470 40 101 2 101 105 00 1077 3(}1 128 101 00 2 10 459 901 401 6 30 170 101 00 II} 50 1375 50/ 40 21 00 974 40 80 6 301 283 501 147 001 86 10 214 20\ 60 8 40 130 20 96 601 70 2 10 40 4 201 214 201 58 80 270 90 20 14 701 1207 501 10 2 101 252 00 20 10 501 455 101 102 90 16.. 121 80 90 .. 270 90 90 4 20 182 10 50 2 101 134 40 90 8 40 157 50 70 4 20 136 50 90 10 50 260 40 90 . 249 90 50 2 10 239 40 10 .. 191 10 701 . 119 701

50 30 0030 70 00 60 70 70 50

6 8 10 2

ig ......~~ . ~~I

~U i~I""_":"::'1

. 138 .. 98 . 218 .. . . 1222 . 254 . 466 . . .. 270 . 186 . 136 . 165 140 .. .. 270 . 249 . 241 ,. 191 .. 119

2~g ~~ ........ ~ .. ~~I

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. 35 . .. . . . . :.• . :.. . . .. . .. . . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .




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~ ::::::::1:::::::: 15

Ii! ~?~~~~~~:~~::.~~:~~~~:~;Ii;: • ·...<.1: I

304 305

SignaL.................................. Ceclle-Da}·llght....................

~~~ ~~~aiO;:;d~~::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~g~ ~f~~o~·ir~·m~~~::::::::::::::::::::::: 310 3U

Sikeston................................. !{earney.................................

i i I[~fi~~··.~~··• : ·~ E~· ·~ ·: 311

I Osborn

1, 12 '

2/ 121

i ~ il41 ....·il1 1




2 12


~1 .. 1 ~!I . . . ~

1 1 1.. . ..



.\ 3




~I.:::. ~11:.::.: ..

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1 141 71 1 61 18

11 1 8 41..... 1 1 . 6 21





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;:,:)'0 :::

1 511 107 ····I····~;\······ 431 90 .... " 1 . 189713983 59 123 ... .. 53 111 .... 1 2 1 1321 277 2i6 579 .... 1 '5 1 1 53 111 ... 1 21 1 1 1571 329 70 147 ·11 .. 81 170 134 281 52 109 144 302 ... 1 41 . 86 180 2f 2 , 134 281 31 . 4i 98 21 . 53 111 1 4 56 117 ...... \1 11...... 795 1669 1.... 81 .. 49 102 57/ 119 .../ 12/ 1 . 70 147 ... ... 1 21 6 1 1 1131 237 801 168 ... 2 1 ... , 21 11 1 1261 264 .... 91 9:...... 1 652 1369 294 617 69 144 167 350 .... 1 31 31 11 2571 539 47 98


2 . . 41" 23 2........ 9 1....... 4




mIfo~il~i~;;::.;:.::;:;:;;:;::i:::: i:}I.;i, :•• • • • 1 322 I Hardin.................................... 11 11 323 I Cornerstone........................... 8 11 324 I McDonald.............................. 8 10, 325 I Dockery................................. 1 I 21 2 326 J Linn........................................ 321 , Mt. Zion............................... 151 14 1 328 I Cainesvllle............................ . ·Credlt $2.10 tCredlt $ .10



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8 :l:::





I:l';:: =:







:g ~ t:




1 1 351 1 1 601 1 101 1

201 1 101 1 101


1 101 301 1 ,


30 1

101 50 10 1

201 10

107 101.............. 101 90 30 2 10 ·90 . 48 30 4043 . 4092 05 4 20 117 .. 123 90 2 10 109 .. 111 30/ 4 20 273 . 277 20 . 579 60( 2 101 577 123 . 123 90 . 329 70................ 329 . 149 10\ 4 201 144 . 1 170 170 10 . 285 601 4 201 281 2 10 107 . 109 20 . 304 501................ 304 .. 180 60 4 201176 . 283 50'................ 283










\ 1011 30 701108 901 301 201 60 30 12 701 00 2 10 401 4 201 401 2 601. ·· 40! 2 iol 301. 601 2 50/ 6 90 701 001. 301 6 001. 601 2 20 10 401 90 2 70 701 4 70 2



~~1········8 ..40 1~~ . . 119 701 2 10 117 25 20 1650 . 1675 801 .. 102 901................ 102 . 119 701................ 119 . 147 001................ 147 . 243 601 12 60 231 . 168 168 00 2 10 264 .. 266 701 . 1379 70 18 90 t1360 .. 617 40/ 4 20 613 . 141 00 2 101 144 .. • 350701 6 301 344 4 201 539 . 543 90 .. 100 801 1 100

I 10j . 30 . 75 .. 60 2 10 201 . 001 . 50 . 901 . 701 . 901 . 101 . 401. .. 101. . 501 . 40 . 50 .


~ ~ (':)

~ ~



601 601 901 10 001 001 00 60 90 20 901 401 70 80

. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .

(f) (l)



3291 330 331 332 I 333 I 334 I 335 1 336 I 337 1

Kennedy Paul Revere Charity Excello Chillicothe Breckenridge Joplin Hallsville Blue Springs

. . . . . .. . . ..

~~~ I :i~;IW;~.~.~~~::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:~ I ~oe:~~fI~~·.~·.~~·.~::::·.·.·.~·.·.·.·.·.·.:·.·.·.·.·.· :

342 1 343 I 344 I 345 346 34 j I 3481


Circle Agricola :\loberly Fellowship Arlington America Wadesburg

IBarnesville 356 I Ancient J,andmark 351 Aux Vasse 353

Riddick Higginsvllle

I Sheldon

tCredlt $4.20


20 8




31 31..... 21 1 1 8 81 91 2, 31...... 11 [ / 2\......

3~113 3~13: 3~!41 ......1i ..··14111 ·..·12 :::::::: 5~:::IIJI ..i2( 5 1..· 3, I



I 2~ \



i·/ 11

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:! d\I··. .i / 5






~1· . ·31::::::



. .

40 84 00 1 181 380 101 1 128 268 801 6 30! 564 1184 401 14 1~~ 37 77 70 1 4 201. 85 178 50 1 631 132 30 1

. .

. . . .

13~~1179 2~~l ~~I ..i9..4iil:::::::::::: 16'5 901 101 .. ..




102 901...:·

·.. 1..··..·..·..

Igg ~gl""5"45 ::::::::::::

703 1476 30 29 401 1 97 203 70 1

. ..

2~g 4~~ g~ ·.. ·2..1ii:::::::::::::

66 39 48 115 93, 325\

138 81 100 241 195 682

60 901 80 50 30 50\



2 101 6 30\.

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61 21 4........ 11........ 1........ 1



.. .. .


~~~ I ~:~~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::

361 , 362 , Hiram 363 I FraternaL 364 I 365 I Bayou

41 2

31 1 3 3 2........ 18 4 2........ 1........ 1 1

31 1 21...... 31...... 21 / 3\...... 9 4'

~~~ I ~~~fJ~~i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 358 I Northwest..


11 51 21 131 2 1 1

. .... r ·.. 1· ·· I . "'40 3 4::.::::: .: ( _. "'19 221 19 15 161 7 14 3 1 21 1 91 . .. 11 1...... 1 ·1 1 . 1 '.::::' ..·.( ... . 21 I:..! 1........ 2 / 31 ....... 1 11 1...... 1 \ 3... 11 5i 51 51..... 31..... ..1 2 : .. 6' 4' 41 21 , 11........ 5 .. J 4' 3/ 1 11 11 ' 11 111 81 8; 8 1 31 3.... 3\

~~~ r.~~~~~~::::::::::::::::::. :::::::::::::::: 351 1 Mosaic 352 I Friend


1~1 44I~JI ....i511 ..·.. ·11::::::::I::::::::I::::::::I·.... ·3 ::::1 ~1 . J·.. ·51 1 3~~ ~~I::::::::::::I:::::::::::: 43 5 5 12 12... 12 5 41 1021 2144 10 9 401 ..

481 11 11 21 121

J \ /.

Ifr91 1231 86, 144 32/ 3731 45 1 133 1 113 561 86

228 258 180 302 67 783 94 279 237 117 180

901 30 60 40 201 301 501 301 30 601 601



· .. --!2 10 1 2 101


.. ..

·..·..· .. . ..

86 101 4 201 81 90\... _ . 359 101 . 359 10 2153 501 10 50 2143 00 . 84 00 84 00 . 373 80 . 380 10 6 30 275 10 275 10 ...........• 1199 10 16 80 1182 30 . 81 90 6 30 75 60 . 17850 17850 . 1 132 30 1 . 132 30 163 80 163 80 . 2944 20 46 20 I 2898 001···..······· 189 001 6 30 182 70 . Ifr2 901................ 102 90 . . 119 70/ 6 30 113 40 1326 35 33 60 1292 75 . 1505 701 10 50 1495 201 . 203 701............... 203 70/ . 483 00\............ 483 00 . 75 60 6 30 69 301 . 138 601 6 301 132 301 . 84 00\ 4 20\ 79 801 . . 107 10 6 30 100 80 241 501 4 201 237 30 . 195 30 6 301 189 00 . 688 80 18 90\ 669 901 .. 142 80 2 101 140 70j . 98 701 ·1 98 70 . 58 801............... 58 80\.. . 203 70 4 20 199 501 . 6 30 90 301 . 96 601 33 601 2597 70 . 2631 301 235 201 2 101 233 101 . 2 10: 256 201 .. 258 301 182 70\. 1. 182 70 .. 306 601 4 201 t306 601 .. 67 201................ 67 20 . 783 301 8 40\ 774 90l ..· · 94 50! 4 201 90 30 . .. 279 30\ 1 279 30 ' 239 40 6 30\ 233 10 .. 2 101 115 50 1 . 117 601 . 182 70 1 182 701

\0 N






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I~I~I~I~I! :; .; E ..s =





~~~ I ~~~~~.~~~~.'.'.'.' '.~~:'.'.:~'.'.'.'.~' :~:~'.~~~' '

374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402

I Wilderness I Waynesville

1 Kin~

Hill... I Ancient CrafL I Berlin Billings Queen City Ionia Mt. Ararat... Pytha~oras

East Prairie Richland , Dayton WoodsIde Chuia Arcana Marionville Raytown Christian Bee Hive Lucerne Hatfield Western I.ight.. Gower .Jasper Pike Decatur Cartervllle l\lalta tCredit $2.20


.. .. , . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. ..






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501 1251 301 94 296

111 51 49 81 253 441 173

1~~11 27

36 48 116 142 97 82

88 42 20 34 78 96 25 98 142



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1 243 298 203 172 184 88 42

60j , 20 '19 80 1 70 8 401 20 2 101 80 4 201 201



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105 262 63 197 621 233 107 102 170 531 92 363 165 30S 56





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102 90 176 401

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:~i HI·.. . .·:.. ~~I 00 70 70 601 80 601

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6 30 4 20 4 201 2 101

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~~~ ~~I""2"lO 56 197 627 231 107 102

701 40 90 00 10 901

92 357 163 302 54 69 96 231 301 212 174 182 79 t44 71 161 191 46 201 300 161

40 00\ 80 401 601 30 601 001 20 101 301

. . . . . .


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:~~ I ~~::~dS~:':·.·.:·.·.·.·.:·.·",·.:·.·.:·.·.·.·.·.·.·.:·..... ~ 405 I Everton.................................. 406 1 Malden................................... 407 Charleston............................. 408 Montrose................................ 409 I LoulsvUle............................... 410 I 1."la _ _....................



Urbana ,...... Gate of the Temple......... I Galt......................................... I Samaritan.............................. , Green Ridge Rothville................................ \ r Pltts~lIle................................


jiJ I. 436 437

2 2 2 5 5 3

i ······i)

21........ 1 1 2 5 3 3 11 5 1 1 3 1........ •

~I::::::::I:::::::::::I::::::I ~I::::::1\ 1


5 21. 21 1

81 .. /...... 3!...... 1 1


1 1 8 1........ 12 5 1........ 1

1 1


J , 11······

1~~ i~~ ~~I 4.. 2iil::::::::::::

70 180 204 74 56 57

147 210 428 155 117 119

001 2 101 00110 501. 40 23 101 40 1 60 1.

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Hi II r~r~·.·~.~:~·~~·:·:::~~:::::::::::·:::::::::

421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428

~ ······21

2 3 2 5 5 5

J::::i~ ::::iij ::::::~ ::::::~

2 29



6 1



31 2 41 1 1 1

2........ 27 9 2 6 7 1

1 8 2

. . . .



~ :::::::: ~.:j ~\··1. . :I::::i 5H 10~~ Hi::::::::::::!::::::::::::

11........ 2 1 2


1 1........


5 ·.··,

1 2 1

11 2 10 11 3 \...... 21 21...... 21······1······ 1




1 2......

61 128 10 953 2001 30 110 231 00 198 415 80 61 128 10 49 102 90 93 195 301 45 94 501.

2 101 16 801. 1 4 20 2 101 1

~itt~~;;~\\-\~\~{ • ·.· ~I· ·: ; · · 11.11.1 · ~I· .il·•• •~I::.j .,1;1./ 1 · · fl l· ·!lil ,:~ I· • • •

. . . . . . . .

~~~ I, if~~~~~~~.~.~:::::::::::::::::: : ::.·: j

1\ 5

11 440 Trowel.................................... 441 Excelsior................................ 4 1 442 I Burlington.............................. 443 I Anchor................................... 91 444 I Ada......................................... 445 I West Gate............................. 3 446 Tvanhoe.................................. 1lJo6 *Credlt $2.10. tCredlt $6.30.

1 41





3 31........ 1 1 1 9/ 91········ 1 2 1 4 5 2 96 WI 66

4 3 21


5 1•••••• 11 1

~I31 ~1::::::::\::::::::1 ~1::::::::1:::::::: ::::1'····~11~11.::::: 4 2........ 11 1. 1 1 8 5

6 1 3

3 61········, 2 5 1 8 26........ 152

2 5 2 .1...... 1 71 61..... , 5 11. ·.1 13 41 5 32 23 1

36 66

75 601 138 601

1~~ 2~f ~~

. i:O..50

~~~ ~~I········2 .. i:ii

~~~ ~~I

94 501 113 40

90 30 . 113 401 ....•.......

4 20

\0 N




~ ~


~:~..~: \······i::··~;I····~:;··::I::::::::::::


Gothic.................................... Lafayette...............................

235 201 12 60 222 60j . 123 90 : . 123 90 149 10 149 10 . . 220 50 16 80 203 70 . 451 50 *453 60 6 30 149 10 . 155 40) li7 60................ 111 60 . 2 10 111 60 ....•..•.._ 119 70 111 301 4 20 *109 20 . 256 20 6 30/ 249 90 . 138 60 8 40 130 201 . 153 30 4 20 149 10 . . 102 90 102 901 1598 10 14 10 1583 40 . 109 20 . 109 20 98 70\. 4 20 94 50 . 7560, 7560 . 1087, 80\ 6 30 1081 50 . 2 10 *130 20 . 130 20 2018 10 23 10 t2001 30 . . 231 001................ 231 00 420 00 4 20 415 80 . . 128 101................ *130 201.



4 201


::::::::::::/:::::::::::: 137 287 70 \ . 135 283 50 4 20 . 64 134 40,' 10 501 . 5971 1253 70 4 20 . 1071 224 70\ \ . 856 1797 60 12 60 . 4006 8412 601 10 501 .

157 189 100 75 142 264 81 287 287 144 1257 224 1810 8423

50 00 80 60 80 60 90/ 70 701 90 90 701 20 10

2 4 2 10 2 21 2 2 10

12 2

8 48

10 20 10 501 10 00 10 10 50

155 184 87 65 140 243 79 285 277 1 144 6011245 10 222 40 1801 301 8374

40 . 80\ : . 30 11 40 101 . 701 . 601 . 80 . 60 . 20/ . 90 . 301 . 661 . 80 . 80 .






0 :...




~ :l w





447 448 449

I!I~I~I~II 's





~ ~


Jacoby Schell City Bois D'Arc

. . .

I :~~ I ::~~~·~e::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::· 452 I Verona . 453 I Forsyth 454 I ContinentaL 455 1 Hinton 456 I Waliace

. . ·. .

!H I ~~~1~r:~·:·::·:::::::::~:·:·:·:·:·:·::·:·::·:::·:·:·:· 460 I Lambskin 461 I Caruthersville

. .




.~ ~


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: : :~

........ I

1::::::; 1 ••




:~~ ~~~~:.:>:::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::... 411 I MineraL. 472 1 Pickering

l~~ I ~~~ff~~~·.·.·


· · · ·.·.· · · :~~ I ~~~d':~p·e:·.·.:·.:· :::::.::::·.:::::::::::::

161 98 90 214 7i 37 58 121 132 63 81 39 52 161 I;) 157 56 117 91 191 854 1793 149 55 310 148 75 157 451 94 all 1G7 651 136 42 20 81 1 170 251 527 1 134 117 451 94 56 117 60 126 1481 310 47






~ ~ ~i . · . ~I::::::J· ....~ :::::::: :::::::: ::::' ~I""~[:~I 1


50 1 42



4 4



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·;::;:::1 •.• I• • tl.• •; 2 16~1 :l2'L2 111 121111 ..·..·J,I:::::... HI I••••••


. .







'11 :~~ I ~fm~n~.~.·.·.·.·.· ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·~.·:.·.·.·: . 464 Concordia...............•.............. ~ ~ ::::::~[::::} ~ :::::::: ~ :.:.:.) . }( ~I1l. J 465 I Gaynor City . . . . ~: 466 I Southwest 467 Pleasant Hope





... t.lI g ....oS:: ;; 't:l:O ","'''' ... ",'" ~~~ ",,,,e: ",,,,,,, ...... '" tll< .... ~~;...


, 70i 70\. 301. 201. 701 801. 301 901 501 701 50\. 60\ 10 40/

n; ~~I

~:l 1'

80 50 50\ 10 50 GOI

101 101


60 50 601 OG 1 80 1





2 101 ,

. .. . . .

2 10



2 10 1




\...•....••.. 8 401. . 1 1

2 101




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\ 2 10 2 10/ 2 101

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2 10\ 1

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163 98 90 214 79 121 134 81 52

I ! 801 j 70\. .. 30 12 60 20 4 20 80 .. 80 . 40 10 50 6 30 90 50 8 40

H~ ~~I . . ·.. f~~1

1~~~ ~gl 312 115 310 157 94 107 136 44 172 529

90 50 80 50 50 10 501 10 20 20

~t~94 50 ~~I

117 601 128 10 310 801

. ·.. ·16··8ii 14 8 8 10

70 40 40 50 . 2 10 . . 2 10 4 201

. . ·..~ . ~~I

2 101 4 201 2 10 10 501


:l ~







~ I:ll



163 98 77 210 79 121 123 75 44 170 153 111 193 1716 298 107 302 147 94 105 136 44 170 525 132 117 92 113 126 300

801 70 70 00 80 80 90 60 10 10 30 30 20 60 201 10 40 00 50 00 50 10 10


30 601 40l 40 00 301


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

'A ~ ~ (':l

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. . . . . .




m~!:;~~:::::';':;::;:::::' II



:~~ Kirkwood............................... ~~~~~~.~~~.~::::::::::::::::::::::::~::

1 ii··t:~l ........;1 i\ 7










~ ::::::::4












il :1 31.


~ ::::::::1 ······4 j ~I ~I····~ 14.. 3 3 1

:~~ g~~~O.~.~.~~~.:::::::::::::·.·.·.:::·.::::·.:: i i ~ ·····'1 :::::::: ~ :::::::: ~ ::J ~ ""1 ::::::

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lillll\)1,i~:~i[:~)i °i.i.ilj.i i.i •• iliiii.:::ii::!I!:l! • t!i~.il: i i i!i~ ~1~,:;~!:.:~:f;i .~i .~; . oj • • ;•• i: · ·~i il:• •~1:2 :.I•••.

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il I~N~~~tj~/>'l ~ ;::~::::~::!;':~ }I ~I!I °

5121 Webb City............................




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~:"'8 .::::.

mI~tEn··::·::::·.::::::l :::::·~~,i ••:·...:~I.l~IJI!1 .Credlt $2.10

tCredlt $4.20

*Credlt $10.00

i6 i51 154 163 222 95 113 2i9 84 73 116 93 33 40 110 67 29 61 i9 63 109 40 311 65 106 40 53 104 379 79 58 41 114 45 80 310 96 106 iO

44 53 64 168

157 159 323 342 466 199 231 585 11.6 153 243 195 69 84 231

50 60. 40 30 20 50 30 90 40 30 60 30 30 00 00

128 165 132 228 84 653 136 222 84

90 30 90 00 10 50 60 00

.1 1

4 201

. .






8 401 2 10i 1

. . . .

. 2 10 . 2 101"""'_"" 6 30 _. 1

4 201



1~~ 10 ~~ ::::::::::::1 :::::::::::: .....•..................


~ t~ ~~ :::::::::::: I::::::::::::

795 90

t~~ ~~ ~ .. ~~ l.. ~~ ~~ 86 10


168 651 201 222 147 1

:8 ~. ~~I:::::::::::: 00 4 00 60 14 60 12 00 2

~i ~~ ::::::::::::

134 40 352 80

50 60 60 30 20 90 30 00 40 30 70 40 60 00 20 70 90 10 20 30 90 00 20 50 05 00 30 40 90 90 80 10 60 50 201 00

4 20 2 10

4 4 6 2 4 6

20 20 30 10 20 30 . 2 10 . 4 20 . . . .

153 157 323 338 459 205 233 581 116 151 245 193 15 84 235 140 t65 128 t174 132 228 84 648 134 224 84 111. 216 193 150

30 50


. .


10 . 90 . 80 ..•......... 10 . 70 . 40 . 20 . 701 . 201 . 601 . 001 . 201 .. 70 _ . 10 . 10 . 30j"""""" 30 _ . 90 . 001 . 901 . 401 . 851 . 00 .. 301 . 30 . 80 _. 90 ..

, . _ 172 2 10 . 132 . . 228 . 1 . 84 . 101 . 655 6 30 , . 136 2 10 45 . 229 4 20 1 . 84 , . III . 2 10 218 1. . 795 2 10 150 121 2 10 1 . 86 10 50 _. 243 6 30 ·239 40 94 94 50 . . 201 """" li2 4 20 168 00 . 651 2 10 648 90 . 701 . *226 301 . 601 . ~~~ ~~I······16··sii 218 40 . 101. . 149 10 2 10 14 i 001 . . 92 40 _ I:::::::::::: . 109 20 1 . 132 30 """""" 1 . 352 80 6 30 346 50 .

6 30


157 159 327 342 466 207 237 588 176 153 245 197 75 84 2.35 140 60 128

lH H.I'···'···~"~~I·


\0 N



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1~~ ~&I::::::::::::











'"rnrn o:l


Clifton H'lght'....................










T.. .

mI~~b~::~":;~:::::·jfj·: . . . ~ 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535

Conway.................................. 9 10 8 1 Apollo..................................... 4 5/ 5 ........ Peculiar................................. 11 1 1 ........ Lane's Prairie...................... 1• 1 3 1 Dexter......._............................ 10 7 2 4 Comfort.................................. 51 4 3 3 21 1 1 ........ Columbia................................ Blackwell....................................... I........................

~:~ ~~y~~i.~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.. 549 5'50
















19 ........ 1 ........

• 1 ........ 1 ........ 2






ii> A












Ij I '

::::I.. J i::::::

1 5 ....I




·r··; . .1:1. . . 'I ':1 III I~i 1'1

3 2 ................ 1 ........ 3 .... , 3 ........ 7 ....

........ I........




13 5 36 .... 181 24 1 .. I 11 ............

:::::::: ......3

........ ........ ........ 4




6 ........ ........ 6 ........

·..·.. II




1 ............ 21 ............

.... ......I



j ~I i ••••••


546 547 548 I



11 ...... ' 2 2 ........ 1 ................ 4 1 ........ 9 i ........ 1 Stella............................................ 3 5 1 1 1 Dawn..................................................................... Winigan................................. .............................. ........ 1 1 .... 1 L2 ...... Jacksonville........................... 1 2 2 ....... ...... .... 1 2 ...... Ferguson................................ 16 16 14 1 1 ........ .... 21 ............ Man'.'l................................ , , '\ 1 2 3 ........ 3 6 1 2 .... 2 1 1 ...... 281 24/ 19 45 8 6 ........ 8 .... , 11 1 1 OrienL................................... 6 4 ........ 18 .... 11 8 ...... Sonth Gato............................ 2 2 ........ 4 .... 1...... 1 5 ...... I ClInton....................;.............. 4/ 9 111 1 6 ........ ........ 4 Carl .Junction........................ 3 ~ 1\........ Rose Hill............................... 41 5 4 4 3 6 ........ 10 ::::1"1i ·'iii :::::: *Credit $2.10

~~~ k~~~t.~::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::

538 539 540 541 542 543




~H ~Spi'k.,... l~:~ ~:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:~ ~·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:~:·:·:·:·:.:.:.:.:.: .:::~~5::::~~5 3~ ....} 524 i!I........................



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01 101101 5







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591 56 1712 61 89 65 143 140 96 205 41 62 120 63 111 47 107 60 62 97 76 75 148 71 348 78 620 1026 219 99 666

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10 ............ /............ 1241 10 14 70 1226 60 117 60 2 10 115 20 3635 05 50 40 3584 10 128 10 128 90 186 90 4 20 182 50 2 10 134 136 50 30 10 50 294 304 501 00 ............ 1............ 294 00 10 50 283 60 203 70 8 40 *197 50 430 50 2 10 428 10 86 10 8 40 77 20 130 20 ... __ ........... 130 00 260 40 ................ 30 ............ 1............ 132 30 2 10 130 10 2 10 ............ 235 20 4 20 231 ............ 98 70 2 10 96 2~~ ~~1 8..4i) 6 30 226 233 10 126 00 2 10 ......... _-. 128 10 2 101 130 20 2 10 ............ 132 30 8 40 123 203 70 ............. ............ 203 70 2 10 201 159 60 ............ ............ 159 60 4 20 155 157 50 ............ ............ 157 50 4 20 153 310 80 ............ ............ 310 80 4 20 3G6 10 20 ................ 730 80 2 10 ............ 732 90 2 10 730 . 163 80 ............ ............ 163 80 2 10 161 2 10 1316 1302 00116 80 ............ 1318 80 2154" 12 2161 20 16 80 1 2150 4 20 ............ 464 10 10 50 453 459 90 207 90112 60 ............ 220 50 ................ 220 1398 60 6 30 ............ 1404 90 21 001 1383 12U 117 3595 128 186 136 300 294 201 430 86 130 252 132 233






401............ 5l.......... 65 ............ 10 ............ 70 ............ 40 ............ 00 ............ 50 ............ 40 ............ 40 ..... -...... 70 ............ 201...........

260 'l.......... 20 ............


~ ~ ('::>

~ ~



00 ........... 60 ............ 801 ............

126 0l.......... 90 ............

'll......... 151

"I.. . . . . ·


60 40 30 60 20 80 70 70 40 60 50 90

........... ............ ............

............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............

en :':>



551 I Pendleton 5521 Calhoun

. .


. _ . . . . . .

!'f'i:::iI::~ :::iii':: :":.; ::::1

5641 Jamesport.. 565 Tebbetts

. .


2 1 3 2 5 18 '2 3

_. .

~~~ ~ml~~~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

568 1 Naylor 569.1 :\iarlborough

I ~:~~~~.~~ :: . ~~~ I ~~;~~~~ ~.:.: :::::::..:::.::.::::::..~.:.: ~~~ I ~~s~;~~.~.·.·:::::::.·.·.·:.·.·.·::::::::.·.·:.·.·.·: ~~~ I ~~T~g~~~~~~::.·::::.·:.·.·:::::::.·.·.·::: 578 Forest Park. ~~~

579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 I 5891 590 591


3 1 5 1 4 2 13 6 ....... 15 1 ....... 8

~~~ I ~~~k~~~.~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Grandin . Houston................................•. Illmo . Koshkonong . Novinger . Red Bird . Shamrock . Crlterion _ Branson , .. St. Francisville . Grovespring . Advance 1 Barnett...................................


2 1 4 1 4 2 9 1

16 3

2 11........ 1 2 3 1 4 3 1., 8 15 3........ 2 17 4 3 3







1........ 1 4 4 3 3 4 4........ 16 16 2 2 2 1 3 5


tCredlt $ .10






i1 ~ ::::::. 1



::::i ~1""51""1

1 1 1

9 4 2 2 1 5 1 . 8 15 2 . 2 ............•... 1........ 5 2 2 ... 1 1 1........ 5 . .. 1 1 . ... 3 ... 1 1 3 . .. 1 1 1 9 1 5 . ... 1 31 . ... 1 11 1 12 ... 1 5 . 4 6



.::I.. ~~ 1~ .... ~

..:1:::::: ··..2 ····5 1 2 4

. . . .



:::I::::::I.... ~ ::::::

1 9 1

JI:~i ::::::~::~···;i:::::!

~~~ I t~~n~~.~.~~.l.:::::::::~:::::::::::::::::. : *Credlt $2.10

,........•...•....•........ . ... 1...... 1 .... 1 31··

~~~ ~~~~~:~.~.~~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::

555 I Summersville 556 I Prairie 557 Blairstown 558 Moscow 559 Clarksdale 560 Nelson 561 Cowgill


11···..· 4 3

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Blodgett. Cole Camp Puxico Bosworth Leadwood

. . . . ··

Morehouse Strasburg Walker Craig Eminence StratTord Warrenton Clark Centertown Mokane Wellston Mt. Washington ChatTee Marion Swope Park

.. . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . .

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625 I 626 I 621 I 6281 629 630 631 632 633 I 634 I 635 I 636 I 631 I 6381 639 640 641 642 643 I


ShetTield Magnolia Wallace Park

. . . ~Iendon . Valley Park . Eastgate............•.................... Tower Grove . Belgrade . Archie . Steele . Greentop .



Mountain View Triangle Mizpah Jennings Trinity Benj. Franklin Northeast..

.. . . . . . ..

~:g I 8f:;~r.~·.~~~.~.~.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·:.': ::..: .·.·. ::.·.

646 I Shaveh 647 I NoeL 648 I Elmer

. . .

~~g I ¥~~~e:.~~.~~::::::::.-:::::::::.-:::::::::::

651 I 652 I 653 I 654 I 6551

Cleveland Pilgrim__ Shawnee Commonwealth Gardenville

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661 662


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594 30

334 429

701 40 900 90-1


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58;> 88 128 726 123 84 478 144 268 193 661 390 359

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701 890 1281 197 86 583 88 128 730 126 81 480 142 213 191 663 392 357 256 63 252 123

40 __ .. 40 .. 001 .. 401 .. __ .

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Chartered Lodges on the Rolls, October, 1928


Charter Morality Lodge 186 consolidated with Moberly Lodge 344, January 3, 1929


Charter Cement Lodge 431 consolidated with Bolivar Lodge 195, February 20, 1929............................................

2 659

Vacant-Nos. 140, 175, 186, 431, 6.36. Actual Number of Lodges, 192'9













863 5,109



Suspended for un-Masonic conduct........................................ Suspended for non-payment of dues Expelled Died

3 2,407 2'7


1,508 4,999

Gain in Chartered Lodges.............................................................. 110 Rejected, 387. Note-The membership obtained from chartered Lodges is 113,791. Net gain, 86.


\C N






0' Lodg..



3 Hiram......•...•..•..... ISt. Charles ..••. 4 Harmony .••........... Louisiana ••.... 5 Taylor ...••.••.......... ISprlngfield .••.. 5 011ve Branch •••..•....• Alton ..•..•.... 6 Unity ...•.•.•.....•...•. Jackson .•...•. 7 Franklin Union Franklin ..•.... ': Grover Calhoun 8 Vandalia .••..•.... , Vandalia ..••.•. 9 Sangamon .•............ Springfield ••...



St. Charles .•••. Pike .••..•.•... Greene .•••••... Madison Cape Girardeau. Howard....... Henry Fayette .• , •.. " Sangamon •••..




D_a_t_e_o_r_C_h_a_r_te_r_._ _ .

Mo •...... 1820, by G. L. or Tenn ..... Mo •••.... Oct. 11, 1821. .••.••....... Mo •••••••• May 6,.1852 .•••••.••.•••.. 111.. .••..• April 3,1822 ..••••.•..••.. Mo .•.... 'INOV. 25, 1821.dlsp. G.L.Ind. Mo ••..... April 3, 1822 .....•...•. : .. Mo May, 1852 IlL •.••.. , October 8. 1822 ....•.•. , ., III 'j'october 25,1822


Surrendered April 4, 1826. Surrendered April, 1825. United with "United No.5." United with 1st G. L. or l111nols, 1824. Surrendered January 7, 1823. Arrested December 20, 1831. Died 1860. United with 1st G. L. or Illinois, 1824. Arrested April 11, 1826.

~g ~~~O:~~~:::.~:::::::::::,~~X;S:::~~F~::¥:~~~~~::::::::~~::::::: ~~t~,b:~5~~'.~~~~·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·",·. ¥~~;:~d:;~~ i~~?'

10 13 14 l4 15 15

ChapeL •.•.•.•......... Eden ..••••............. rucker .•••.•.... , Boonv1lle ••............. Auburn .••..•••......... CentraL Perseverance .•..........


Columbia •.••••••••••••••


2] 21 22 23 24 24

New London •.•.......•• Greencastle •••.......... Franklin Hiram ..•••••••......... Harmony •••••••..•..... Wyaconda ••.•.•...•.... 25 Joachlm-............... 26 Springfield 26 Ava •••••••••.•..•....•. 2& Mexico ..•••.•.•.......• 27 Ringgold •.••. ·.• ,....... 27 Temperance............ 27 Temple..... -Changed to Joachim No.2

Chapel Hill ...• Covington ....•. Ste. Genevieve .. Boonv1lle ..•... Auburn ...•••.. Smlthv1lle Louisiana ..•••• Columbia ....•. New London .•.. Greencastle .••. Alton St. Charles .•••• Jacksonville •••. La Grange •••••. Herculaneum .• Springfield Ava ..•••••••••• Mexico •.••••••• Camden Point •• Vandalia ••••••• Mellville

Lafayette .•...• Washington 8te. Genevieve .. Cooper ..•.•.... Lincoln .••••.•. Clay Pike .••••..•••. Boone •.••••... Ralls ..••..•... Sullivan .•....•. Madison St. Charles .••.. Morgan ..•.•.•• Lewis .•..•.•••. Jefferson ....••. Sangamon Douglas .•.••••. Audrain ••••••.. Platte .•••••••• Platte .•••••••• Dade ..••••••••

L. or Illinois, 1824. Mo ••..... May 6, 1852 , , .. Surrendered 1855. Ill. October 9, 1R22 .. , United with 1st G. L. or Illinois, 1824. Mo ••..... October 10.1826 Surrendered April 6, 1831. Mo ••..... April 3, 1827 Arrested October 3, 1838. Mo ••.••.. May 8,1852 Arrested Oct., 1884, by Lee A. Hall, G. M. Mo May 6,1852 Went down on account of war, 1861. Mo •..•.•.. April 8, 1828 ..••.......... Arrested April 3. 1838. Mo ••.•••• October 5,1830 .••........ Arrested October 3, 1838. Mo ••..... October 5,1837 Surrendered 1862, on account or war. Mo ••.•... June 2,1866 .....•....•... Arrested April, 1879. Ill 10ctober 5.1837 ,l,;nlted with G. L. or Illinois, 1843. Mo 'IOctober 5.1837 ...•••..... Arrested October 16, 1846. 111.. ...••• October 2.1838 ...•.•..... United with G. L. or Illinois, 1840. Mo ••..•... June 10, 1853. " •••....... Surrendered 1876. Mo ••••... Oct., 1820, by G. L. or Tenn Arrested April 8. 1825. Ill Octoher 8. 1839 United with G. L. or Illinois, 1840. Mo .•...•. October 13. 1887 ..•.••.••. Arrested June. 1892, by B. H. Ingram, G. 'M. Mo .••••• May 6,1852 ...•.....•...• Consolidated 1887 with Hebron ~o. 354. Mo .••. , •. May 6. 1852 .....•...•..••. Arrested May, 1855. Ill..•.•.•• October 9, 1839 .. , •...•.•. United with G. L. or Illlnois. 1842. Mo .••..•. May, 1858 ..•..•.......... Surrendered.1863.


~ ~ ~



w ...... I-"

ROLL OF "DEAD LODGES." ETC.-Continued. No. 29 29 32 32 32 33 35 37 37 38 39 39 39 40

41 41

41 42 42 42 44 44 46 46 49 60 60 50 51 64 56 58 59 69 60 61 62 62 63 63 64 65

es II

Name of Lodge. Far West ............••. Osage Lafayette Lafayette .•.•••...•..... Triangle Hlllsboro allasMt.Moriah Independence Dawson................ Cedar .••.•.•........... Graham .•..••.......... Tully Clinton ..•.........••... Modena ..•............. Coleman Des Moines " Bollvar Aetna Houston Iowa ...•..•....•....... Middle Grove ......•.••. Jacksonville ..••.•.•.... Rochester I3parta, for'ly "Kabzeett". Martha Washington .•... Mineral Point Middletown Ozark Anderson ...•...•••..... Livingston Douglas Platte .•...••........... Monticello ..•........... Lancaster ..•........... Marlon St. Clair.•..•.••........ Osceola Maysville Dubuque St. Marys ..•............ Iowa City ...•.•......... Landmark ....••........ Melody ...........•..... Marshall .••............ Linn ..•................



Galena ...•..... Jo Davless .•... Little Osage Vernon Lexington .•... Lafayette ••.... Lexington ..••.. Lafayette... .. Perryville .•.... Perry Hlllsboro .•.... Montgomery •.. Independence .. Jackson....... Wellington Lafayette .•.... Owensville Gasconade Pleasant Hill Cass.......... Tully Lewis Carlyle ...•.... Clinton .•...... Modena Mercer ...•.... St. Louis. Burlington Bollvar Polk Aetna Scotland Breckenridge .. CaldwelL •..... Bloomington ...........•...... Middle Grove Monroe Jacksonville .•.. Randolph ••.... Rochester Andrew ..•..... Sparta ...•••... Buchanan... .. Washington Franklln...... Mineral Point: Middletown Montgomery Springfield Greene Chapel Hill Lafayette ..•... Glasgow Howard Marthasville Warren .••.•... Platte City•.... Platte ...••.... Monticello .••.. Lewis ....•.... Lancaster .•.••. Schuyler••..... Salem Marlon Bellev1lle ••••.. St. Clair ..•.... Osceola St. Clair Maysv1lle DeKalb ..•..... Dubuque Perryville Perry •..•...... Marshall Platteville .•.•. Benton Warsaw ..•.........•..•...... Iowa City .•.... Sallne ..•...... Linn .•...•..... Osage


Date of Charter.

Ill. .•..... Mo Mo ..•.... Mo ..•.... Mo Mo Mo Mo....... Mo Mo Mo Ill Mo Mo Ia. Ty .. ,. Mo Mo ....•.. Mo la. Ty Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo ·Wis. Ty Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo....... Ill Ill Mo Mo Ia. Ty Mo ...•... Ia. Ty ..•.. Mo Wis. Ty Mo Mo ..•....

October 11. 1839 ••.••••••• May 6, 1852 October 8.1840 .•.....•••. October 19. 1867 ••..•..••• October 12, 1882 ....•..•.. October 8, 1840 •....•.•••• October 8, 1841. May 28•. 1858 .•.......•... October 15. 1868 ...••..••. June 12. 1853.••••••.••••• June 9, 1853 October 8. 1841. •..•.••••• June 2. 1866 October 8. 1841. .••.••.••• October 20. 1841. ...•..•.. June 9. 1853 June 2. 1866.•••...•...••• June 2. 1866 October 20. 1841 ...••••••• June 9, 1853 June 2. 1866.••••.•••••••• June 10, 1863 , October 8. 1841. .••••••••• June 10, 1863.••.•.•..•••• October 11. 1842 May 25, 1864 October 17. 1842 Mal', 1858 .....•.......... October 11, 1842 October 11. 1842 ...•.. , October 14. 1842 •.•.•••••• October 12. 1842 •••••••••• May 25. 1864 ••••••••••••• October 11, 1842 October 11. 1842 •••••••••• October 16. 1842 •.•••••••• May 25. 1854 .•.••..•••••• October 10. 1843 May 25. 1854 October 10. 1843 .••••••••• October 12. 1843 .•••••.••• October 12, 1843 .••..••••• October 12. 1843 ..•......• May 28, 1856 .•.•.•..•..••



Remarks. Surrendered 18H. Destroyed 1861. by war. Arrested December 1. 1866. Consol. 1882 with Lexington No. 149. Consol. 1887 with Triple Tie No. 467. Arrested Oct-ober 16. 1846. Surrendered October. 1846. Surrendered 1864. Arrested January. 1900. Destroyed 1862. by war. Surrendered May. 1863. Arrested October 19. 1846. Arrested October. 1876. Changed to "Mt. MOl'lah No. 40," 1844. United with G. L. of Iowa. 1844. Surrendered 1863. Consol. with Memphis No. 16, 1890. Arrested April 22. 1869.. United with G. L. of Iowa. 1844. Arrested February 29. l!l64. Surrendered October, 1899. Surrendered 1865. Arrested October 19. 18'46. Arrested May. 1863. United with G. L. of Wisconsin. 1844. Arrested May 18, 1858. Arrested October 18. 1847. Destroyed 1861. by war. Surrendered September. 1876. Surrendered November 15. 1883. Surrendered 1864. Arrested by Ja8. W. Boyd, G. M., Oct., 188S. Arrested 1866. United with G. L. of Illinois. 1844. United with G. L. of Illinois. 1843. Destroyed 1861. by war. Destroyed 1862. by war. United with G. L. of Iowa. 1844. Surrendered January. 1864. United with G. L. of Iowa, 1844. Destroyed 1861, by war. United with G. L. of Wisconsin. 1844. Arrested 1851. Arrested 1894. by Harry Keene. G. K.

u~ ~



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rn. ~



IS8 69 70 70 72 76 76 75 81 83 84 84 86 86 86


88 88 88 90 90 94 94 95 95 95 95 99 100 101 101 103 105 106 106 106 107 108 108 '108 108 109 109 111 112

Tebo .••.•.••.........•. Alexandria •••.....•.... College ••••••........... Dickerson ••••...•..•... Danville ••.•••.......... Ashley Bowling Green " Neosho •..•....•........ HIckory Grove ,. Dana Multanomah .•.......... Potter ••••.•••.•........ Johnson .••.••••••••.... Mitchell Mo. MIL 3d Reg't Mo. Vol

Clinton ....•... Her.:-y .•..•...• Mo •.•..•• October 23, ISH •••••••••• Alexandria ..... Clark .•••.•.... Mo ••..... October 16, 1S44 ••••.•..•• Marion College. Marion .•••..... Mo ••..... October 16, 1S44 ••••.••••• Warren .••..... Marion ...•.... , Mo ......•.•••••.•••••••••••.•••••• Danville .•••... Montgomery ..• Mo .•..... October 16,1844 .•••.•.••• Ashley Pike Mo .•..... October 19. 1846 ••••••••• ~ Bowllng Green. Pike ...•.•.•... Mo .•..... October 14. 1846.' •.••••••• Neosho ...••.•• , Newton .•••... , Mo .•..... October 14. 1846 ••.....••• Hickory Grove. Callaway Mo ••..... June 2, 1866 Calhoun Henry Mo October 17,1846 Oregon City .........••..•..... Oregon October 19, 1846 ........•• Longwood ..•.. , Pettis .•..•.. , .. Mo May 25. 1854 •••..•....••• Warrensburg Johnson Mo ...•... March 19. 1847 •........•. Col1}mbus Johnson Mo May 9. 1850 ..•.••..••............••.......•........ October 14. 1847 ••.•...••• Hardin•••••••••••••••••• Santa Fe ~ew Mexie October 9, 1841 ••••••••••. 'Bates Butler Bates Mo May 28, 1858 Olive Branch .•......... Union ...••..... Franklfn Mo •...•.. October 14, 1847 •......••• Dresden .•••••.......... Dresden .•..... PetUs .•••..... Mo •••.... October 19.1867 •......••• Prairie ••..••........... Harrisonville Cass .••.•...... Mo .•..... October 12. 1847 ...•.•.••• King Solomon St. Catharine Linn .•.••...... Mo •••..•• June 2, 1866..••.... , ..•.• Boone .......•......... , Columbia .••••. Boone .•..•.... Mo •••.... May 8. 1848 ••••.... '.....• Evening Star Cuba •.••.••... , Crawford Mo .•..... May 29.1855 .••.......•.• Acacia .•...•..•........ Jackson Cape Girardeau Mo .•..... May 5, 1848 ...•....•.••.• Pleasant Hill .••........ Pleasant HIlI. .. Cass ...••.••••. Mo , May 8. 1848 .•••......•••• Chapman .•.•.•......... Las Vegas .••... Ter. of N. Mex..•••••••••• June 2. 1866..... , ..•..... Meramec ..••••.••••.•.. Eureka •.••.... ' St. Louis .••••.. Mo .•..... October 17. 1878. " ......• Mt. Vernon ......•....•. Mt. Vernon Lawrence Mo .•..... May 11. 1848 .••..•.•.•••• Canton .•••••••••••••••• Canton .•.•..... Lewis .•....... Mo .•..... May 11, 1848 •••.••..••.•• Greene ..•...•.......•.. Springfield ••... Greene .•.•.... Mo May 12, 1848 •.•......•..• Easton .•••••........... Easton ...•.••.. Buchanan Mo .•..... May 28, 1858 ••••...•.•.•• Carthage •••.......••... Carthage •••••.. Jasper ....•.... Mo .•....• May 12. 1849 ••••.••.••••. Rellef •••••••••..••••••• Georgetown .••. Pettis ...••..... Mo ..•.... May 10. 1849 ••••.....•••• Macon ..•.••••••.••••.•• Macon •••••.••• Macon ..•••.... Mo .•..... May 28. 1858 •••••.......• Laporte .••••••....••••• , Macon .•.....•• Macon .••.••... Mo .•...•. May 28, 1858 •••••...•..•• Miami. Miami Sallne , Mo May 10, 1849 Golden Square ••.•...••. Westport. •••.. Jackson ....•... Mo May 10, 1849 ••.•.•....... New Madrid ..••......•. New Madrid .. ,. New Madrid .. , . Mo •••.... May 10. 1849 .•.••••....•. Aztec .••••..•••....... ,. Las Cruces .•... Ter. of N. Mex '. October 19, 1867 ••........ Gothic ..••..•..•........ Moberly ..•••.. Randolph ..•... Mo October 17.1878 .•......•• Pinevllle Plnevllle..... McOonald Mo October 22, 1896 Montezuma ....•........ Santa Fe .•..•.. Ter. of N. Mex.......•••.. May 8. 1851. ••.••••••.• ,. Louisiana .•...••..•.... Ste. Genevieve .. Ste. Genevieve .. Mo ••..... 1807. by G. L. of Pa ..... St. Louis .......••.•.•.. St. Louis .••.... St. Louis .••••.. Mo ••..•.. 1809. by G. L. ot Pa •••..• Ezell .•...•............. St. Francisville. Clark ••.•..•... Mo ••..... May 9. 1850 ••••••••••....

Arrested 1889. by J. P. Wood. G. M. Arrested 1864. Changed to "Dickerson." 1847. Formed from "College No. 70." ConsoI. with 1"lorence Lodge No. 261, 189%. Surrendered October 18. 1897. Changed to "Ashley No. 75," Surrendered 1863; restored as 247. In 1867. Surrendered March. 1893. Arrested October 28. 1852. 1st Lodge on Pac. Coast. United G. L. Ore. Surrendered December 2, 1896. Oestroyed 1861. by war. Destroyed 1861. by war. Closed with Mexican war. No rec.ord except dIspensation. Destroyed 1861. by war. Arrested about 1855. Arrested July. 1878, by T. C. Ready. G. M. Destroyed 1861. by war. Conso!. with Brookfield No. 86. Jan., 1888. Surrendered May 25. 1858. Surrendered June 12. 1875. Went down during the war. Arrested 1853. United with G. L. of New Mexico. 1877. Arrested Sept.. 1916. by F. R. Jesse, G. M. Surrendered December 27. 1862. Conso!. with Craft Lodge No. 287. Dec., 1898. United with "United No.5," 1857. Arrested October. 1886. by J. W. Boyd, G. M. Burned out 1861. Went down 1860. Surrendered 187~. Changed to "Macon No. 106," Surrendered February 10. 1857. Arrested October, 1886. by J. W. Boyd, G. M. Destroyed during the war. ' United with G. L. of ~ew Mexico. 1877. Conso!. with Moberly Lodge No. 344. 1896. Arrested by G. L., 1919. United with G. L. of New Mexico. 1877. Arrested by G. L. of Pennsylvania. 1824. Arrested. Surrendered 1860.

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ROLL OF "DEAD LODGES," ETC.-Continued. w

No. 114 115 115 116 111 1]8 119 122 124 124 128 128 129 129 130 130 134 135 135 137 137 138 140 UO 141 141 141 143 144 145 145 147 148 150 152 153 154 166 158 158 159 159 160

Name ot Lodge.



Waverly •••••••••••••••. Waverly ••••••. Lafayette •••... Sibley -;Ibley Jackson Border ••••••••......••.. ~outh-West Cit)' McDonald ••.... Daviess •••••••.•....••.. Gallatin •••••••. Daviess-••••.... Versallles Versa1lles Morgan Hiram ••.•••..•••.•.•.. ':;t. Charles ..•.. St. Charles Foster Boston Scott Dover ••••.••.•..•.•.... Dover .••••••••. Lafayette ....•. Cedar rremont Cedar Dardenne .•••••.•.••..•. O·Fallon .•..•.. St. Charles Klrksvllle .•••.••.•••••. Kirksville Adair ....••.•.. Live OaIL ••••.•••••.••. Pleasant Hlll. .. Cass .••...••... Constantine Charleston Mississippl. Charleston .•.••••.••••.. Charleston •••.. Mlssisslppl. Barry ......•...•..••.•. Cassv1Iie .•.•.•. Barry .•.• , ...•. West Prairie Clarkton Dunklin Sarcoxie ...••.....••.••. :Sarcoxie .•••••. Jasper ••••..... Ridgley Ridgley Platte Warrensburg ..•.••..... Warrensburg .•. Johnson ••..... Warrenton •••.•.•.•••.. Warrenton ••••. Warren ..•.•... Prairieville ....••..•.••. Prairievllle ..•.. Pike .•.•.•..... Round Prairie .••••.••.. :>:ewark ..•••••. Andrew ••...... Smithton .•••........... Smithfield •••••.•••.•.••.•..... Papinsville •••••.••..••••. Paplnsville ..•••. Bates •••.••..... Middlebury ••......••... Middlebury .... Mercer .•••.... OrientaL .•••.••.••.••.. Trenton •••..•.. Grundy .•••••.. Chain of Rocks ....•.•.•. Owen ....••.... Lincoln ....•... Flint Hlll .•••••.•••..... Flint HilL •..•. St. Charles .Tohn Dade .••••. , " ••... Cassvflle .•••••• Barry......... Windsor City •••.•..••.. Windsor City •.. CarrolL •••.•.. Rising Star ••••...•.•... Ebenezer .•••••. Greene .••.••.. Buffalo ....••••.•....••. Buffalo .••••••• Dallas •••••••.. yancy Pinev11le McDonald Leavenworth Leavenworth Linn Creek ••••••.•••••• Linn Creek .•... Camden ••••••.. Kansas .•••••••••••••••• Wyandotte •••....•.•••.••.•... Concord •••••••••••••••. Concord .•••••• Callaway ••••••. Giddings............... ~ebraska City •• Otoe .••.•••..•. Cornwell •••••••••••••.. Rose Hill •••.•. Johnson •..••.•. Johnson .••••.••••.•.••. Greenv1l1e •••••. Wayne •••.•••.. Pacific Pacific Franklin Mendota •••••••••••••••. Protem .••••••. Taney ••....... Edina Edina Knox


Date ot Charter.

Mo ••..... May 9. 1850 .••••••••••••• Mo May 10, 1850 Mo , October 15, 1814 •• ; ••••••• Mo .•..... May 10. 1850 •••••••.••••• Mo May 10, 1850 Mo ••......\1ay 10.1850 •••••••••••.. Mo May 10. 1850 Mo ••..... May 20. 1850 •••••••.••••• Mo May 10, 1851. Mo •.•.... October 19. 1867 ••••.•. '" Mo .•..... May 8. 1851. ..•.•••... : •. Mo .•..... October 19. 1867... . •. Mo May 8, 1851. Mo .••.... October 12. 1876~ •........ Mo May. 1852...•••••••.....• Mo May 28. 1858 Mo .•..... May. 1851. .•••••••••••••• Mo May 7. 1851. Mo .•..... October 19. 1867 .•.•.••••. Mo ....•.. Tune. 1851. ..••••••.•...•. Mo .•..•.. May 28. 1859 ..•••.•...••• Mo May 31. 1855 •••••••••..•• Kan. Ty May. 1855 Mo .•..•••. May 28. 1858 .•••.•••.•.•. Mo .•••... May 31. 1855 ....•••.•...• Mo October 17.1873 ..•••..••. Mo October 14.1880 .•••...... Mo May 31. 1855 .•..••.•..... Mo June 1. 1855.••..••.•.•... Mo .•..... Tune 1. 1855 Mo .•..... May, 1858 .•••.•...•••.•.. Mo ...•... May. 1855 ...•••.•.•••.••• Mo .June 1. 1855 Kan. Ty Tune 2. 1855 Mo .•...•. May 26. 1856 Kan. Ty... May. 1855..•••••••••••••. Mo .•..•.. ,June 1. 1855 Neb. Ty ... May 29. 1856 ••••••••••••• Mo ••.•••. May 28. 1856 •...••••••••. Mo ••••... October 19. 1867 .••••••••• Mo May 28. 1856 Mo ••.•••• ')ctober 11. 1879 .••••• ; ••• Mo May 29. 1856

.Remarks. Surrendered January 28. 1860. Surrendered 1863. Surrendered October. 1882. Arrested 1876. Cons. with Morgan 320 under 320 a8 Veraallles Surrendered May. 1862. Surrendered 1866. Conso!. with L,a.fayette No. 431, Feb., 1893. Surrendered 1863. Arr. Jan. 15. 1885, by R. F. S·tevenson,G. M. Arrested 1863. New Charter 1864 to No. 105. Arrested by G. L. of Missouri, 1877. Surrendered July 28. 1874. Surrendered December. 1889. Arrested 1852. Arrested October. 1886. by J. W. Boyd, G. M. Arrested May. 1858. Destroyed 1861. by war. Conso!. with Corinthian Lodge No. 265, 1889. Surrendered 1856. Arrested 1895. by J. B. Thomas. G. M. Arrested 1865. United to form. G. L. of Kansas. Consol. with Rockville 341, March, 1928. Arrested 1872. Consolidated with Trenton Lodge No. 111. Cons. with Moscow Mllls No. 558, Oct., 1905. Surrendered 1863. Destroyed 1861. by war. Surrendered 1855. Arrested by E. F. Allen. G. M.. 1898. Arrested 1861. Arrested Jan. 19, 1884, by L. A. HaJl, G. M. United to form. G. L. of Kansas. Destroyed 1861. by war. United to form G. L. of Kansas. Surrendered April, 1901. Made no returns. Destroyed 1861. by war. Surrendered April 25. 1885. Arrested Jan .• 1878, by T. C. Ready, G. M. Arrested June 12. 1884, by L. A. Hall. G. M. Arrested May. 1866.



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161 166 167 167 167 168 169 172 173 173 173 175 177 180 180 182 183 184 184 184 184 186 186 187 187 191 195 197 200 201 203 203 204 205 208 211 212 216 216 217 219 219 219 22Z %23 %23 %24 %%9 229

Robert Morris ..•.•...... Savannah ••.... Andrew ..•.... Mo ..•.•.• Mirabile .•••••••........ Mirabile •••..•• Caldwell .•...•• Mo .••..•• Eldorado ••••••••••..... Luray •.•••.•••. Clark .••••..... Mo •.....• Orient Francais St; Louis City ...••.•••..•••. '.•• Mo •...... Puxico Puxico Stoddard Mo Fairmount. •••••••...... Fairmount •.... Clark ••••...... Mo .•..... Tuscumbia ••••.••••.... , Tuscumbia •..•. Miller ••.•....•. Mo .•..... Wolf Island ••••••••••.•. Wolf Island Misslssippi. Mo Union,form'ly"Bollinger" Wolford's Store. Bolllnger .....•. Mo .••.... Union .•••.••••••••..... Union ..•.•..... Franklin ..•.... Mo .•••... Powell .•••.••••.•••.... PowelL .•••...• McDonald Mo Newton Shirk City ..••.. Newton ••....... Mo Winchester Winchester Clark Mo Kenner .•••••••••.•..... Athens Clark .•........ Mo .•..... Des Moines .••••........ Athens .••...... Clark .••.•..... Mo Stewartsville ••.••••••••• Stewartsville DeKalb Mo California ..•.......•... California Moniteau Mo .•..... Modern Humansville , Polk Mo Calhoun •.•••••••••••••• Calhoun .•...... Henry ..•...... Mo •...... Hale •.•••••••.••••••••• Hale City ..... , ' Carroll. ••...... Mo .. , .... Fairfield ••.•...•........ Fairfield ••••. ,. Benton .••...... Mo •...... Dayton Dayton Cass : Mo Morality ••••••••••••••••• Renick •..•.•.... Randolph " Mo "Henry Clay ,: .. Millersburg CalIaway Mo Carter Jeffer&on City Cole Mo Zerubbabel. ..•••••••••• Platt City •....• Platte , Mo .•.... Wet Au Glaize .••••••••. Wet Auglaisc Camden .•...... Mo .•..... Camden Camden Ray Mo Washburn Washburn Barry Mo Jamesport ......•....... Jamesport. Davless .•... '" Mo .••.... Pleasant Ridge ..•.•.••. Pleasant Ridge. Harrison •••.... Mo .••.... Green Ridge •...••••.... Windsor •••..... Henry .••.•.... Mo ..•.... Bent ...•...••.•.••..•.. Taos ..••.•.•....•.....•••..... N. Mex ... ROCky Mount. Camp Floyd ..•...•..•••••..... Utah Ty .. Alto Vista •••...•.••.... Alto Vista Davless ..•..... Mo .•..... Orfon .•••..•..•....••.• , St. Joseph Buchanan ....•. Mo .••.... Austin , Austin Cass Mo West Plains •.••.•..••... West Plains Howell. •....... Mo ..•.... Granby .•.•••.••••..•... Granby •.•.•... Newton .•...... Mo ...•... Quincy Quincy Hickory Mo Emerson ..••..••••..... Emerson ••..... Marlon ...•..... Mo ..•.... Everett .......•...•••... Everett. •••.•.. Cass ..•. " •...•. Mo .•..... New Boston ..•..•••.... ~ew Boston .••. Macon •••••..•. 1\Ito ..... ,. Farmers.,.............•. Labelle ••...•.. Lewis .•••.•..• Mo ....•.. Jasper •••••••••••••..•.. Sarcoxie ••••.•. Jasper ••••....• Mo •.••... Woodlawn Woodlawn Monroe Mo Lamar...... • Lamar Barton Mo Nevada .••••••••••••.••. Nevada .••.•••. Grundy •••••••.. Mo ••••••• MitchelL •.....••••...•. Columbus ....•. Johnson .•... '" Mo •••••.•

May 28. 1856 ... ,. .......•. May 30, 1857 •....•.•..... May 18. 1857 .•.........• , October 19, 1867 , October 11. 1888 Ma~' 18. 1857 ••..... : May 18, 1857 ••........... May 30, 1857 ••••......... May, 1857 October 19. 1867 October 13. 1892 :\'Iay 30. 1857 .••.......... May, 1857 May. 1858.••............• October 19. 1867 .........• May 29.1859 •..........•. May 28. 1859 .•••.......•• May, 1859 October 19, 1867 .......••. October 15. 1886 .......•.. Octll"er. 1892.••.......••• May. 1859 October 19. 1867 May. J.859..•..........••. Octobt!r 13. 1881. May 28, 1859 ...........•• May. 1860..••••.......••• May, 1859 May, 1860 May 30. 1860 .••..•...•.•• May. 1860...•........•••• October 19. 1867 ......•••• June 1. 1860.•••.....••.•. June 1. 1860 May, 1861..•••••....••••• May. 1861 May. 1861. May. 1861. •..•.••.•.••••. October 17. 1867 .....•.... May. 1861 May. 1861. ............••. October 15. 1868 .....•.••. October 12.1869 .•.....•.. May 30. 1861. •..... ' ..... May. 1861 .••••••••••••••• October 19. 1867 May, 1861 May 29. 1861 ••••••••••••• October 13. 1871. •••••••••

Surrendered 1857. Consol. with Polo Lodge No. 232. in 1889. Surrendered 1861. Surrendered January. 1888. Surrendered June. 1892. Surrendered June 12, 1863. Surrendered 1863. Surrendered August 22.1874. ~o records. Surrendered May. 1892. SUlTendered September - , 1903. Consol. with Granby Lodge No. 514. Dec. 1927. Destroyed 1861. by war. Destroyed 1862. by war. Arrested by Grand Lodge. 1916. Arrested 1894. by Hany [{eene. G. M. Surrendered June. 18n. Destroyed 18G!. by wat·. Arrested by J. W. Boyd. Gl'&nd Mast.er·, 1811G. Arrested September. 1892. Arr. by E. F. Allen. G. M., .lan. IS. 1!l!l!l. Destroyed 1861. by wat·. Con so!. with Moberly I,odge 344. JaIl. 3. 1929. Arr. June, 1~81. by W. It. Hlllhidelieid. O. M. ("·mso!. with .leffel·son Lo(lge No. 4:1, nnw. Arrested June. 1879. hy N. M. Givan. G. M. Surrendered 1862. Went down 1~61. by war'. Destroyed 1R61. hy wal'. Arr. January. 18!J2. hy B. H. rllgralll, G. M. Arrested 1863. Surrendered 1873. Surrendered 186". Surrendered 1~62. Arrested 18fi5. Surrendered 1863. Destroyed 1861. by war. Surrendered 1861. Surrendered December. 11l92. Destroyed by war. Destroyed 1861, hy wal·. Cons. with Colowater Lodge No. 4~!i. 11194 Surrendered 1871. Surrendered 1881. Destroyed 1863, hy war. Consol. Aug., 1920, with Madillon J.odge 91. Destroyed 1861. by war. No returns. Surrendered October. 1888.





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ROLL OF "DEAD LODGES." ETC.-Continued. 1110.

Name of Lodge.




Date of Charter.


w ......

0\ \Varrenton Warren .....•.. Mo May. 1863 .••••••••••••••• Surrendered 1899. DeWitt Carroll. Mo October 27. 1863 .•.••••••• Surrendered 1865. No returns. Lone Jack Jackson Mo October 19. 1867 •••.••••.• Surrendered 1877. Rensselaer Ralls Mo May 26. 1864 Arrested In 1889. by J. P. Wood. G. M. Spencersburg Pike Mo ..•.•••• May. 1865 Surrendered September. 1881. Granville Monroe Mo May 25. 1865 Cons. with Woodlawn No. 223. Sept., 1911. Montgomery Cy. Montgomery Mo May 26. 1865 ...•••......• Surrendered May 12. 1919. Helena Andrew " Mo October 17. 1867 •••..••••• Arrested July. 1917. by Edw. Higbee. G. M. High Hill Montgomery Mo Dctober. 1867 Con. with Jonesburg Lodge No. 451, Feb., 1899 Fa~ettevllle Fayetteville Johnson .•.••... Mo October 15. 1868 Arrested January. 1900. Rock Prairie ••••••.•••• Halltown ..•••. Lawrence ••••• Mo October 15. 1868 .•..•••••. Cons. with Ash Grove Lodge 100, Feb. 11, '22. New Market New Market Platte ....•..... Mo October 15, 1868 •••••••••• Surrendered October. 1~711 Tranquillity Orearville Saline ...•..••.. Mo ...••.. October 15. 1868 •••••••••• Cons. with Cambridge No. 63, Jan'y 5, 1915 Index ...........•....... Index Cass Mo Octobler 15. 1868 .•.••.•••• Arrested 1877. Avilla .........•.•...... Bower's Mills Lawrence Mo October 15, 1868 .•.••••••• Arrested by Grand Lodge, 1904. Lodge of Peace .......•.. Chllhowee Johnson Mo October 15. 1868 Cons. with Chilhowee No. 487. Oct., 1908. Lilly ............••..... Grant City ..••• Worth "!'vIo October. 1868 Arr. Dec., 1880, by W. R. Stubblefield, G. M. ~ New Boston New Boston Linn Mo October 13, 1881. ••••••••• Arrested 1889. by J. P. Wood, G. M. ~ Hesperlan Virgil City Cedar Mo October 15. 1868 •••••••••• Surrendered September. 1888. ~ Acacia Paradise .. , Clay ...•....... Mo October 15, 1868 •.•••••••• Cons. with Temperance No. 438, Sept., 1899. ~ ~ Grove ....•.............. Webster Groves. St. Louis ....•.. Mo .••••••. October 15, 1868 ••.••••••• Surrendered 1874. ~ Cameron Cameron Clinton Mo October 10. 1875 •••••••••• Consol. with Vlncll Lodge Xo. 62. 1888. ~. Marhle Hill Marble Hill Bollinger Mo October 15. 1868 ••..•••••• Consol. with Trowel No. 440, Dec., 1899. Faithful .•. " ..•........ FairDealing Ripley Mo October 12. 1869 .•.•.••••• Surrendered June, 1903. Clarence............... Clarence....... Shelby .•.•••.•• Mo....... October 12, 1866 ••••••.•• Arr. Aug. 26, 1921, by Wm. F. Johnson, G. M. Mt. Pleasant Ellington Gentry Mo ....•.. October 12. 1869 ••.••.••.• Consolidated with Stanberry No. 109. Klngsvllle .•••••••••.•••• Klngsvllle ••••• Johnson • •..• Mo. . . . . .. October 12, 1869 .•••...••• Surrendered September 2, 1922. St. Aubert. St. Aubert Callaway ~fo OctOber 12. 1869 Surrendered December 14. 1882. Rome Rome Douglas Mo October 11. 1883 Consol. with Ava No. 26. March, 1888. Altona Altona Bates Mo October 12, 1869 •••••••••• Arr. March, 1896, by A. M. Hough. G. M. Chapel HilL .........••. Chapel HilI. " ., Lafayette '" Mo October 12, 1869 •••••••••• "urrendered September 14, 1889. Amazonia " •. Amazonia Andrew Mo October 15, 1890 •••••••••• Con. with Savannah Lodge No. 71, Apr.. a07. Many Springs ..•........ Many Springs Oregon Mo September 26. 1907 ••••••• Consol. Sept.. 1917. with Alton No. 255. Morgan .•..•••.•••..•.... Versallles.•..... Morgan ....•.... Mo September 19, 1911 Cons. with Versallles 111 Oct. 18, 1923 as 320 New Home Sprague Bates Mo October 16. 1879 Consolidated with Foster Lodge No. 554. Kit Carson Elizabethtown Mo..•..••. October 12. 1869 •••••••••• Arrested 1878. by T. C. Ready. G. M. Bertrand •••.••..••..•... Bertrand ....•... Mississippi .•.... Mo.••••••• October 16, 1819 Arrested March 12, 1923, by B. S. Lee, G. M. Lathrop Lathrop Clinton Mo October 13. 1870 Arrested May, 1879. by N. M. Givan, G. M. Clark City .•............ Clark City Clark ..••...... Mo October 12. 1870 Surrendered 1875. Ryland Berlin Gentry Mo October 14, 1876 Arr. Sep. 10, 1904. by W. F. Kuhn, G. M. (1) Oak Grove .••.••••.•••.. Pink HilL ....•. Jackson ....•... ·Mo ..•.... October 12, 1870 •••••••••• Surrendered October 3,1873. '"0 ;t" Malta. .. , •.... , " Malta. Bend Saline .. , Mo , . .. October 12, 1871. Arrested Jan., 1887. by G. R. Hunt, G. M. 1I1yrtle MlIIvllle Ray Mo. •••••• Octobe.r 13, 1810 Consol. with Richmond Lodge 51 Sept. 23, 11%1. Amity .•................ Smithton ..•.... Pettis ......••.. Mo .•..... October 13. 1870 •••••••••• Surrendered January, 18R4. Jericho .•........ , Jericho Cedar Mo ,October 16. 1884 •••••••••• Arrested Oct.• 1894. by Ha.rry Keene. G. Y.

Warrenton t>eWltt : Lone Jack Ionic Spencersburg ...•.....•. Granville 346 Montgomery City ••.•.•.. 248 Rochester ......••....... 250 High HilL 231 232 232 235 239 240


269 274 275 277 278 280 284 Z84 286 289 296 Z96 298 104

305 312 313 314 314 315 320 320 320 320 326 326 330 330 332 332 336 337 S38 140 140


I.U U7 147 348 U8 349 353 353 357 357 358 364 ,365 366 371 373 373 374 375 378 378 379 382 384 384 385 385 394 395 401 402 404 405 406 407 407 409 409 417 421 423 425 426 426 428 431 432 4311

Rellef Republic nreene : Mo Landmark ....•......... Kennett .••...•. Dunklin •...•... Mo .•.•... Spring Creek •••••••••••• Lecoma .•..•••. Dent •.•. ~ .••... Mo •.•..•• Ash Grove ..••••....••.. Ash Grove •.••.. Greene .•....... Mo .••..•• Cimarron .•.•........... Cimarron ' Colfax :-<. Mex Lone Star .•.•........... Lone Star Gentry Mo .•.•... Ben Franklin ..•....... , Savannah ••.•.. Andrew Mo Benton St. Louis 11.10 Phelps .•.•.•.••.•...••. Phelps City ..•. , Atchison Mo ...•... Young's Creek Rowena Audraln ' Mo Comfort ..•............. Rocky Comfort. McDonald..... Mo King David .•.•.•....... Kansas City ..•. Jackson , Mo Warsaw ....••..••...... Warsaw Benton , Mo Unanimity .•...••....... Weston ......•. Platte , Mo Craig Craig Holt Mo Mandeville Mandeville ..•. , Carroll Mo. . . . . .. Amity Filley Cedar Mo Golden Rule .••.......... Jonesburg Montgomery Mo ,. Plumb ................•. Middletown , Montgomery Mo Kllwlnnlng •••.••......• , Downing Schuyler Mo Warsaw ..•..••......... ' Warsaw ..••..•. Benton ........• Mo .•..... Coatesville .••.••........ Coatesville Schuyler Mo Richland ••••........... Richland ....•.. Pulaski Mo Harmony ; Vlbbard Ray Mo Boone Columbia Boone Mo Reynolds Centerville Reynolds Mo Alexander ..•........... Bedford ...•.... Livingston Mo Dagan .•.....•.......... Mlndon Charlton Mo Latimer ...•............ Licking .••..... Texas Mo Centre .....•••.......... Lebanon Laclede ..•..... Mo Gavel •..•..•••.......... New Cambria Macon Mo Alexandria ..••••....•... Alexandria Clark Mo Meridian Sun .••......... Austin Cass Mo Ituraea ......•••........ Hannibal ...•.•. Marlon Mo Houston Wellington Lafayette Mo Royal. ••.••••.........• , Mooresville ..••. Livingston Mo ...•... Unity ....•.•..••...•.... Richmond Ray ..•••....... Mo. . . • . .. Civil Bend ....•......... Civil Bend Davless .•...... Mo ...••.• Covenant•.............. Carrollton Carroll ••.•..... Mo 'Euclid Versailles Morgan Mo Newburg Competitlon Laclede Mo Cedar. City Cedar City Callaway Mo Leesville ....•.••••...•.. Leesvflle .•.... , Henry Mo ......• Sedgwlckvflle .•.••...... Sedgwlckvllle .. n<>l11nger Mo .•.•... Louisville Louisville U~coln Mo Cement................ HalfwaY ..•.•.. , Polk •••.•.•.•••. Mo.•••.••. Dauphine ...••••..•....• Dauphine ....•. Osage Mo Black Oak .••••..•....•. Preston ...•.•.• Hickory •.....•• Mo .••. '"

October 13. 1870 •••••••••• Surrendered May, 1899. October 13. 1870 •••••••••• Arrested March, 1879. by N. M. Givan. G. M.• October 16; 1884 •••.•.... Surrendered October 19. 1918. October 13. 1870 •••••••••• Arrested 1872. October 14. 1875 •.•••••••• Surrendered 1879. October 13. 1870 •••••••••• Arrested Jan. 25. 1884, by L. A. Hall. G. K. October 13, 1870 •••••••••• Conso!. with Savannah Lodge No. 71. October 14, 1886 Arrested 1905. by L. B. Va11lant, G. M. October, 1870 Surrendered 1881. October 13. 1881. ••••••••• Conso!. with Hebron No. 354. July. 189!. October 13, 1870 ••••••••.• Arr. Jan. 19, 1884, by L. A. Hall, G. M. October 13. 1870 ••.•••••.• Surrendered 1879. October 13, 1870 ..•.•.•.•• Arr. Sept., 1888, by W. ~. Williams, G. M. October 13, 1870 .•.......• Surrendered 1879. October 13, 1870 Arr. Jan. 10, 1883. by C. C. Woods. G. M. October 13. 1871 ••••••••.• Arr..Jan. 14, 1896, by A. M. Hough, G. M. October 22, 1896 Cons. with Clintonville No. 482, Feb., 1906 October 16, 1872 •••••••••• Surrendered June. 1892. October 13, 1871 •••..••••• Arr. Sept.• 1888, by W. M. Williams, G. M. October 13, 1871 •••••••••• Cons. with Middle Fabius No. 244. Oct.• 1894. October. 10, 1894 •••••••••• Arr. by Grand Master Houston, Feb., 1906. October, 1871.•••••••••••• Conso!. 1881 with Glenwood No. 427. October 13, 1871 •••••••••• Arr. by Grand Master Tygard, Feb .• 1898, October, 11171 Consol. with Clay No. 207, June, 1899. October 17. 1901. Consol. with Twilight No. 114, May 12. 1904. October 13,1887 Conso!. with Hopewell No. 239, May, 1899. October 13, 1870 •••••••••• Conso!. with Hale Lodge No. 184. Oct., 1887. October 13, 1871 •••••••••• Surrendered December, 1902. October 13. 1871. •.••••••• Arrested by Grand Lodge. Oct. 21, 1897. October 13, 1871. ••••••••• Consolidated with Laclede No. 83, 1893. October 13. 1871. ••..••••• Surrendered October. 1900. October 13, 1871. .••.••••• Arrested Oct. 22, 1896. by Grand Lodge. October 13. 1871 •••••••••• Arr. Aug., 1885, by R. F. Stevenson. G. M. October 13. 1871 ••.••••••• Conso!. with Hannibal Lodge No. 188. October 13. 1871. Destroyed by fire December 19. 1873, October 17. 1878 •••••••••• Arr. Aug., 1893, by John R. Parson. G. M. October 13, 1871. ••••••••• Surrendered 1876. October 17, 1878 ••••••••.• Arrested Oct.• 1899. by E. F. Allen. G. M. October 12. 1872 •••••••••• Conso!. with Wakanda Lodge No. 52, 1880. October 12. 1872 Conso!. with Versaflles Lodge No. 117. October 16.1872 : Arrested March 29, 1890. by T. Brace. G. M. October 17. 1873 Arrested by Grand Lodge, 1904. October 16. 1872 ••••••.••• Arrt'sted Oct., 1886. by the Grand Lodge. October 14. 1886 •••••••••• Arr. March, 1897. by D. A. Jamison, G. M. (')ctoher 16. 11172 Arr. December. 1898. by D. A. Jamison. G, M. October 16. 1812 .........• Consol. with Bolivar Lodge 195, Feb. 20, 1929. October 17. 11l73 .••••..•. Surrendered 1879. October 13. 1881 .••.•.••• Consol. with Urbana No. 421. Dec., 1890






~ ~


..... (J.,)


ROLL OF "DEAD LODGES," ETC..:....-Continued. No.


Name of Lodge.




U3 Silent Temple Macon Macon Mo 435 St. Nicholas Cave Spring Groene Mo 436 Lamonte •••••••••••••••• Lamonte Pettis ..••••.... Mo ...•... 436 Ash Grove ••••••••.•••.. Ash Grove .•.... Greene Mo 431 Tuscumbia. •••••••••••• '•• Tuscumbia.' Miller ...•••... 'Mo 442 Mto Lebanon •.••..•..•.. Mt. Moriah ...•. Harrison ..••... Mo ..••... 445 West Gate.~ ••.•••...•.• St. Louis St. Louis City Mo ...•... 446 Greenfield •••.. 0" 0.•..•. Greenfield ..•... Dade .....•..... Mo ...•... 441 Fairview ••••••.••••••••• Browning ....•. Sullivan Mo. . . . . .. 449 Piedmont •••••••.••••.••. Piedmont ..• 0" Wayne ..•...... Mo ..•.... 451 Argyle Nevada Vernon Mo 454 Benton Lincoln Benton Mo 454 Cecil••••••••.•.•.••••.•. Cottonwood Pt.. Pemlscot .•..... Mo 455 Barnesville ••••••••.••••. Ellington Reynolds ..•.... Mo ..•.... , Brazeau Perry Mo 451 Triple Tie 463 Lake •••••••.••••..••.•.. Cunningham .. o' Chariton .. 0•••. Mo 465 SlIver City .•.••..•• 0••• Silver City ..•.. Grant •......... N. Mex 466 Centre VIew 0..•.••. Centre View Johnson Mo 479 Triangle .••...... '" .•.. Butler Bates Mo , 480 Union •••••••..••• La Junta .. N. Mex... 481 ClInton Clinton Henrw Mo Pettis ..•....... Mo 485 Paragon ••••. 0.••..•.••. Green Ridge 481 Herndon .••............. Herndon. 0•.••. Saline Mo .•..... 491 PlttsvUle••••••.••. 0•.••. Pittsville .•..... Johnson .•...... Mo 495 Globe•....• 0.•.••..••.•• Louisiana ..•.•. Pike ....•. 0 .•.. Mo ..•.. ,. 495 West PraIrIe Clarkton Dunklin Mo 491 Stratford•••..........•.. Strafford .•..... Greene ...•... o' Mo 498 KaseyvUle ••...•.....•.. Kaseyville ..•.• , Macon ...•..... Mo....... 499 PaynesvUle. 0.....••.... Paynesvllle , Pike Mo 505 Avalon ••••••........... , Bedford ..•.. o' . Livingston Mo 510 Biswell Browning Linn , Mo 513 Charlton ••..•....•••...• Guthridge Ml1ls. Chariton Mo 514 Exeter .••....•.....•...• Exeter .••.... o' Barry .••.••.... Mo .•..•.. 519 Turney.•............... Turney ..•....•. Cl1nton Mo 520 Toltec ••••.. 0•.•• 0..••.• Mexico •••...... Republic of Mex ••••••.... 523 Kidder .•... 0...•........ Kidder ..••..... Calhoun ..•..... Mo....... 529 Niangua .•...••......•.. Niangua .....•. Webster •.... 0" Mo.... 530 Ritchey Ritchey ~ewton Mo 533 \Valker •••••••••••••••••. Walker ••....•.. Vernon .••..... ,Mo ..•.... 541 Frauklln•• , •.•.. 0••••.•• St. Clair .....•.. Frankl1n .•..... Mo....... 543 Fides ••••••••••........• Kansas City •... Jackson. 0.•.... Mo .•.•... 544 Mexico 0 Mexico Audraln Mo 546 Prairie HIlL •..•..•..... Prairie Hill ••••. Charlton •• , •••• Mo•••••••• 569 I Tltr City Titf City McDonald Mo Duncan Webster Mo 589 Duncan 592 Stoutsvllle •••••••.•••..•. Stoutsville•••••. Monroe•••••••• , Mo. ••••••• 595 CecIl 0 ' Cottonwood Pt.. Pemlscot Mo 595 Emmanuel Bado Texas Mo 609 Victory •••••••.••••.••.• Pomona Howell •••...•.. Mo .•..... 628 Moundvllle Moundvl1le Vernon Mo 635 Tuscumbia ••••.••••••.•• Tuscumbia •..•.. Miller ••••..•••. Mo •••••••. 636 I ~eaubleau ....•......... Weaubleau .••... Hickory •• Mo ...•..••








Date of Charter.

October 16. 1872 ••••••••• Surrendered October, 1877. October 16, 1812 Arrested 1897, by D. A. Jamison, G. M. October 16, 1872 ••••••••• Arrested Oct., 1878, by T. C. Ready, G. M. October 13, 1881'••••••••• Arrested 1897, by D. A. Jamison, G. M. October 16, 1872 •.••••••• Arrested Oct., 1886, by J. W. Boyd, G. M. October 16, 1872 Surrendered 1879. October 16, 1872 ••••••••• Arrested 1887. by Geo. R. Hunt, G. M. October, 1873.••••••.••••• Consol. with Washington No. 87, Dec., 189lL October, 1873.0 •••..•••••• Surrendered August, 1899. October 16, 1812 ......•.• Arrested Jan. 19, 1884. by L. A. Hall, G. M. October 16. 1872 Surrendered March, 1892. October 16, 1872 Arrested May 21, 1884, by L. A. Hall, G. M. October 16. 1884 ••.•••••• Consol. with Caruthersville No. 461, 1903. October 16, 1872 ••••••••• Arrested Jan., 1904, by W. F. Kuhn, G. M. October 17, 1873 0" Surrendered April, 1893. October 17, 1873 ••••••••• Arrested November 7, 1876. October 17. 1873 ••••.... 0 Sur. char. and unit. with G. L. ot N. M., 1882. October 17, 1873 ••••••••• Arrested by Grand Master Brace, Nov., 1889. October 16, 1874 ••••••••• Surrendered October, 1877. October 15, 1874 ........•. United with G. L. of New Mexico, 1871. October 15, 1874 ........•. Arrested 1889, by J. P. Wood, G. M. October 16. 1874 ••••••••• Surrendered 1879. October 15, 187f ••••••••• Arr. March. 1906, by Grand Master Houston. October 15. 1874 ••••••••• Arrested 1875. October 12. 1876 ••••••••• Consol. with Perseverance No. 92, 1890. October 15, 1890. " Arrested Dec., 1894, by J. B. Thomas, G. M. October 11, 1877 ••••••••• Arr. Sept., 1906, by Grand Master Houston. October 11, 1877 •....•.•• Surrendered January. 1898. October 11. 1877 ••••••••• Consol. with ClarksvUle No. 17, May 5, 1917. October 12. 1882 •.•••.•• 0 Consol. with Wheeling No. 434, Mch. 8, 1917. October 12, 1882 Surrendered June 20, 1925. OctOber, 1882.•• 0" •.•••.• Surrendered March. 1899. October 12, 1882 ••••••••• Arr. March, 1901. by Grand Master Wells. October 11, 1883 Surrendered November 18, 1895. October 11, 1883 ••••••••• Surrendered January 31. 1894. October 16, 1884 Conso!. with Hamflton No. 224, 1902. October 15, 1886 ••••••••• Arrested 1918, by W. A. Clark, G. M. October 15, 1886 Arrested by F. R. Jesse. G. M. October 12, 1887 ••••••••• Surrendered February 19, 1898. October 16, 1889 ••••••••• Arrested July, 1904, by W. F. Kuhn, G. M. October 15, 1890 ••••••••• Consol. with Heroine No. 104, Dec., 1890. October 16, 1890 ••••••••• Consol. with Hebron No. 354, Dec. 26, 1916. Oct. 16, 1890 •••••••••••• Consolo with Salisbury No. 208, Nov. 18, 1919 Sept. 29, 1904 Cons. with Anderson No. 621, Oct. 1, 1926. September 26. 1907 ~ame changed to "Grove Spring", 1913. Sept. 26, 1907 ••••••••••• Arrested Sept., 1920, by J. C. Garrell, G. M. September 30,1908 Arrested Sept.. 1915. by T. W. Cotton. G. M. October 2, 1913 Consol. with Texas Lodge 117, Sept. 5th, 1925. September 28.1910 Conso!. With Mt. Zion :"0. 327, Apr. 16, 1917. October 2, 1913 Surrendered May 2, 1925. October 1, 1914 .•......... Consol. with Ionia. 381, Aug. 21, 1923. October 1, 1914 •.......... Surrendered Sept. 17, 1921. 0






~ ~ ~


~ ~

r:.n ~ (b





St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 26, 1929.

To the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri: Your Committee on Credentials submits the following report: At the present session of the most Worshipful Grand LOdge, there are represented 513 Subordinate Lodges and there are present: 20 Grand Lodge Officers; 12 Past Grand Masters; 13 Grand Representatives; 47 District Deputy Grand Masters; 15 District Lecturers; 658 Past Masters; 469 Worshipful Masters; 126 Senior Wardens; 85 Junior Wardens; 17 Chairmen of Committees, and 5 Distinguished Visitors. Those marked with an asterisk (*) are proxies.

Lodge. MISSOURI ••••••••••••••••••••


MERIDIAN ••••••••••••••••••••





HOWARD ••••••••••••••••••••• UNITED ••••••••••••••••••••••

4 5


6 7


8 9

ARK •••.•••••.••.•.•.•••...•..


TYRO ••••••.•......•..•.••.• RISING SUN •••••.•.....•••.. WESTERN STAR •............... MEMPHIS •••••••....•••••••.•

10 11 12 13 15 16

CLARKSVILLE ••.....•........•• PALMYRA •••• : .•.• ; ••••••••••

17 18



PAULDINGVILL~ •••••.•••••••••




ST. LOUIS ••.•••.••••.•..••.••. WYACONDA •••••.•.••.....•.•••

19 20 24

Representative. E. H. Loffhagen, W. M. M. Kline, Jr., S. W. N. P. Zimmer, J. W. C. H. Stock, W. M. JuI. L. Mueller, J. W. E. M. Layton, W. ·M. M. Schneider, S. W. Mert Wood, W. M. S. M. Payne, W. M. G. C. Proctor, S. W. W. W. McCloskey, W. M. J. F. Hobbs, W. M. P. R. Stockton, S. W. *0. Garrett, W. M. C. D. Henry, W. M. Edgar L. Seagrave, J. W. A. T. Tyler, W. M. Wm. E. Lange, W. M. C. E. Drew, W. M. W. M. McCarkle, W. M. J. M. Carroll, W. M. Neal Payne, W. M. W. T. Roberts, S. W. R. B. Scholl, W. M. F. G. Carlstead, W. M. W. H. Potter, S. W. J. L. Akers, W.M. J. F. Hohriner, S. W. S. Pasternak, S. W. *D. C. Adams, W. M.







Sl". JOHN ••••••••• ~ •••••••••• WINDSOR •••••••••••••••••••• HUNTSVILLE ••••••••••••••••• LIBERTy ••••••••••••••••••••• '. HUMPHREYS ......•...••••..•• RALLS ••••••..••••...•••••••• MERCER ••••••••••••••••••••• ~ IIEMPLE ••••••••••••.••••••••• CALLAO ••••••••••••••••••••• DEWITT ••••••••••••••••••••• MT. MORIAH .••••••••••••••••


FAIR PLAy ••....••..•.....••. BONHOMM'E •••••••••••••••••

WENTZVILLE •••.••..•.••...... FAYETTE •••••••••••••.•.•••. FULTON •••••••••' •••••••••••• HOLT •••••••••••••••••••••••• LIVINGSTON •••.....•.••....... WAKANDA ••••••••.•••••••••• \VESTON •••••••••••••••••• : •• INDEX •.•.•••.•.•........•.... ARROW ROCK ••...•••.•••••.. RICHMOND ••••••••..•••••••• MONTICELLO •••••.......•••... CENTRALIA ••••••.•••••••••••• NEW BLOOMFIELD ..••••.•.••. , VI~CIL ••..••••••....••...••.. CAMBRIDGE •••••••••••••••••• MONROE ....•••••...••....••• SULLIVAN •••••••••••••••.••••. ARMSTRONG ••••••••••••••••••• SAVANNAH •••••••••••••••••• GORIN ••••••••••••••••••••••• EUREKA ••..••..•.•.••......•. WARREN " ••••••••..•..••••• INDEPENDENCE •••••••••••••••


E. W. Schoenlau, W. M. L. A. Gerber, S. W. 28 S. D. Alexander, W. M. . 29 J. S. Carter, Jr., W. M. 30 *R. C. Myers, W. M. 31 *J. E. Tarrants, W. M. *W. Thompson, S. W. 32 *J. M. Dillinger, W. M. 33 R. E. Herron, W. M. C. C. Beavers, J. W. 35 C. R. West, W. M. 37 J. S. Freeman, W. M. 38 H. L. Baker, W. M. 39 *J. A. Williams, W. M. 40 R. W. SergeI, W. M. J. W. Jones, S. W. Louis H. Steffen, J. W. 41 H. F. Dace, W. M. 43 J. L. Tate, W. M. C. G. Bartlett, S. W. Thomas B. Mather, J. W. 44 W. M. Price, W. M. 45 O. S. Grotpeter, W. M. A. R. Campbell, S. W. J. H. Theo. Schrader, J. W. 46 R. C. Miller, W. M. 47 D. E. Miller, S. W. 48 H. 1. Owen, W. M. 49 Milton Isley, W. -M. 51 A. E. Fisher, W. M. 52 E. F. Cheesman, W. M. 53 E. W. Foley, W. M. 54 Wm. L. Gilkeson, W. M. 55 *B. C. Bradshaw, W. M. 57 J. L. Simms, W. M. 58 Wm. R. Risk, W. M. 59 R. G. Blanton, W. M. 60 *W. F. Enloe, W. M. 62 F. E. Luce, W. M. 63 J. A. Jaycox, J. W. 64 *G. E. Chipman, W. M. 69 *H. G. Landon, W. M. 70 W. E. Batterton, W. 'M. 71 D. F. Turner, W. M. 72 *G. V. Baskett, W. M. 73 W. S. Waller, W. M. Milo Fisher, J. W. 74 J. A. Michael, S. W. 76 E. J. Schulenberg, W. M.



Appendix. Representative.

Lodge. LEBANON •••.•• , . ST. JOSEPH ••••• ~ . POLAR STAR •...••••.•.•••..••


JACKSON •.•••......•.•.•.•.• LACLEDE •.••••...•....•••••. VVEBSTER CiROVES ••••••••••••• BROOKFIELD •••••••••••••••••• DEFIANCE ••••••••••••••••••• FRIENDSHIP •••••••••••••••••• RUSSELLVILLE •....••••••••••• PERSEVERANCE ....•••••••••.• ST. MARKS •••••••••••••••••••

POMEGRANATE ••.•••••••••••••

ST. ANDREWS . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . BETHANY •••.....•.••••• o • • • • WEBSTER •••......•••..•.••.. MT. VERNON ••.•••••••••.•••• ASH GROVE .....•......•.•.... BOGARD •••••.•••••••••••••••• 'VEST VIEW ......•...•••••.• HEROINE ••••....•••••••••••••• KIRKSVILLE

GALLATIN ••.••.•••••••••••••• GREENVILLE . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . MARCUS •••••••••••••••••••••• TRENTON ••••.•.•••....••••.• MAITLAND •.•••••.••••..•••..• TWILIGHT •••..•.••.••••••••• LADDONIA •••.....•...••.•....• BARNES •••••••••••••••••••••• HELENA ••....••....•••.•..•• KINGSTON ......•.••..•.••..... DESOTO •••.•••••••••••••••••• COMPASS •••••••••••••••••••••

77 78 79

T. H. Roberts, W. M. P. Priestley, W. M. Wm. Zavadil, W. rM. F. Koenig, S. W. Harry F. Steininger, J. W. 80 J. C. Miller, W. M. C. C. Wuest, S. W. Walter Reinemer, J. W. 82 A. J. Knapps, W. M. 83- R. L. Butts, W. M. 84 Chas. L. Kell, W. M. C. H. Appel, J. W. 86 P. G. Ferguson, W. M. 88 W. C. Walker, W. M. 89 E. A. Turner, W. M. 90 J. H. Hunter, W. M. E. A. Taylor, S. W. 92 ·Wm. H. Yager, W. M. 93 M. S. Martin, W. ·M. A. S. Reed, S. W. Gustav C. Walther,J. W. 95 E. A. Heutzling, W. M. J. J. Groff, S. W. Robt. C. Winkelmaier, J. W. 96 C. V. Eaton, W. M. 97 M. Butler, W. M. 98 D. R. Living, W. M. 99 R. Johnson, W. M. 100 *J. R. Spake, S. W. 101 *D. W. Minnis, W. M. 103 G. W. Howard, W. M. 104 J. S. Epstein, W. M. H. P. Sagand, S. W. 105 J. M. De Witt, W. M. D. M. Frederick, S. W. *J. C. De Witt, J. W. 106 C. R. Osborn, S. W. 107 H. L. Marsh, W ..M. 110 *J. W. Andrews, W. M. 111 R. L. Beck, W. M. John R. Kernahan, S. W. 112 Gerald E. Rozelle, J. W. 114 T. M. Walden, W. M. 115 N. Hager, W. M. 116 A. J. McKinney, W. 'M. 117 H. E. Shanks, W. M. 118 D. P. Wolf, W. M. 119 A. L. Schwaegerle, W. M. 120 R. R. Field, J. W.


Appendix. Lodge. ••••••••••••••••••••••


HERMANN ." •••••••••••••••••• UNION STAR ..••••..••.•••• "•••

123 124

GENTRYVILLE ••••••••••••••••• SEAMAN ••..••••.•••••••••••.• ATHENS ••••.••••••••••••••• LORRAINE ••••••.•••••••••••••• MONETT ..••••.•••..•••••...•• •

125 126 127 128 129

HUME .•••••••••••••••••••••• POTOSI •••.•••.•••••••••••••••• STAR OF THE WEST ••••••••••• OLEAN .•..•••..••........... '" PHOENIX ••••••••••••••••••••

130 131 133 134 136

DELPHIAN •.••.•..••••••••••. LINCOLN ••••••••••••••••••••• OREGON •••.....•........•...•• IRONDALE •.•..•........••••.. MODERN ••••••••••••••.••..•. LATIMER ....•••.•...••••..•.•

137 138 139 143 144 145

MCGEE •••.................... CASS ••••••••.•••••••••••••••

-146 147

PURDY ••••......•••..••••••• •LEXINGTON •••••••••••••••• " BIRMING •••••••.••••••••••••• Mil-TON ••••••.•••••••••••••• LINN CREEK •.•.••••••••••••• BLOOMFIELD ....•.•••.•.••••• [ONIC ••••••••••••••••.••• "••••

148 149 150 151 152 153 154

SPRING HILL •••••••••••••••• NORTH STAR ••••••••••••••••• MOUNTAIN GROVE •••••••••••• GREEN CITy ••••••••••••••••• PLEASANT •.••••••..••...•.... CLIFTON HILL •••....•....••• WHITESVILLE •••••••••••••••.• OCCIDENTAL •••••••••••••••••

155 157 158 159 160 161 162 163

JOACHIM ••••••••••••••••••••• MARYVILLE ••••••••••••••••••

164 165



RepresentatIVe. R. W. Poertner, W. M. W. G. Mueller, Jr., S. W. H. T. Bock, W. M. F. L. McLain, W. M. J. Miller, S. W. C. Crawford, S. W. L. E. Atherton, W. M. *J. B. Hardin, W. M. C. A. Brock, J. W. A. R. Long, W. M. W. F. Davis, S. W. Wilson O. Gates, J. W. H. E. Horton, W. M. J. L. Patterson, W. M. T. E. Bell, W. M. J. E. Wiser, W. M. G. A. Magruder, W. M. W. G. Williams, S. W. *T. J. Humphrey, W. M. M. Wardlow, W. M. J. P. Lacey, W. M. J. A. Robinson, W. M. *R. R. Bean, W. M. W. H. Barnes, W. M. A. C. Stair, S. W. C. L. Fray, W. M. O. J. C. Burkhart, W. M. *J. R. Ewing, S. W. F. N. McIntosh, W. M. R. Clemens, W. M. C. S. Mays, W. M. E. J. Vroman, W. M. R. Foster, W. M. E. A. Humphrey, W. M. G. L. Hood, W. M. C. G. Dresser, S. W. J. H. Linhardt, J. W. *B. Young, W. M. G. C. McNall, W. M. E. H. Hirt. W. M. *R. H. McClanahan, W. M. C. L. Hamilton, W. M. *J. T. Knox, W. M. C. Roberts, W. M. J. L. Walter, W. M. E. G. Widdicombe, S. W. B. Starke, J. W. L. H. Dierks, W. M. R. V. Canon, W. M.


Appendix. Representative.

Lodgl!. REVERE •••.•••....••........•. COLONY •••••••........••.•.. CAMDEN POINT •...•••••••••• CENSER •••••••••••..••...••• GRAY SUMMIT . STURGEON ••••..•.•............ POINT PLEASANT ••........ • TEXAS •••••••••••••••.•••••. GRISWOLD ••••••••••••.•..••.• PRIDE OF· THE WEST .

PyRAMID ••••••.•.•......•• CALIFORNIA. ~ •..•... MORLEy ••••.•••••..••••••••.. CHAMOIS.· • . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HERMON ••••••••••..•••••••.•• HANNIBAL ••••....••••.•••.•• ZEREDATHA



PUTNAM ••••••.......•...•... FRANKFORD •••.•••••••••••.••• WELLSVll.LE •••.•..••••••••.. BOLIVAR; •••....•..•...... ~. CARTHA<JE ••••••••••••••••••• ALLEN SV ILLE ••.•..•..•••••.• NEW HOPE ••••••••••••••••••• RAVENWOOD ••..•.•....•......• \VESTVILLE ••.•• '••••••••••..• BRUMLEy •••••••••••••••••••• ROWLEy., •••••.•...•••••••.•. '. TRILUMINA.,• • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOMERSET.••••••••••••••••••• CLAy ••••••••••.•••••••••••.• SALISBURy •••...... '....•.....• POPLAR BLUFF ••••.•••••••.•

UNIONVILLE •••••.•...•••••••• HICKORY HILL . FOUR' MILE •••..•....••..••• ROLLA ••••••••••••••..•••••••• HORNERSVILLE •...••...•••••• BARBEE ••••••• ~ ..•...•••••• '.•• GOOD HOPE .' •..•.•••••••••.•••

167 O. D. Christy, W. M. 168 R. E. Moffett, W. M. 169 A. J. Hillix,W. M. 172 A.·R. Burkhart, W. M. 173 F. Muehler, W. M. 174 W. J. Toalson, W. M. F. W. Owings, S. W. 176 *R. K. Robbins, W. M. 177 J. W. Holbrook, W. M. 178 R. W. River, W. M. 179 R. W. Linnemeyer, W.M. O. F. Hassemer, S. W.' W. M. Schisler, J. W. 180 A. L. Rymer, S. W. 183 L. P. Embry, W. M. 184 *R. H. Leslie, W. M. 185 *0. F. Siebern, W. M. 187 C. R. Jones, W. M. 188 D. C. Millhizer, W. M. O. E. Bailey, S. W. 189 C. B. Pace, W. M. Richard F. Erders, J. W. 190 *H. O. Hoover, W. M. 192 *H. C. Steele, W. M. 194 S. E. Adams, W. M; 195 L. B. Parrish, S. W. 197 E. G. Havens, W. M. A. M. Wood, S. W. 198 A. A. Hunt, W. M. 199 C. W. Powell, S. W. 201 C. A. Shunk, W.M. 202 *W. R. Colyer, W. M. 203 *D. G. Wall, W. oM. 204 O. Foster, W. M. 205 *G. H. Fuller, W. M. 206 *F. A. Cozad, W. M. 207 S. H. Williams, W. M. 208 R. M. Fellows, W. M. 209 C. H. Hendrickson, W. M. *E. L. McGee, S. W. Lloyd E. Langley, J. W. 210 W. B. Cassady, W. M. 211 *J. M. Logrbrinck, W. oM. 212 C.W. Davenport, S. W. 213 R. L. Wilkins,W.M. 215 L. A. Chailland, W.: M. 217 J. E. White,S. W. 218 E. E. Griggs, W., oM. E. O. Suhm, S. W. Fred C. Schulz, J. W.


324 Lodge.

[Sept. Representative.

ALBERT PIKE •••••••••••••••• KANSAS CITY •••••••••••••••• MYSTIC TIE ••••••••••••••••• LA BELLE •••••...•...••....•. RAy ••.•••••••.•.••••••••...• HAMILTON ••..••••..•••....... SALEM •••••••••••••••••••••••. CyPRESS ••••••••••••••••••••• SHELBINA ••••••••••••••••••• CLAFLIN ..••........••..••...• ST. JAMES ••••••••••••••••••• CARDWELL •••••••••••••••••••• POLO •••••••••••.••••••••••. BUCKLIN •••••••••••••••••••• ST. FRANCOIS •••••••••••••••• WEATHERBy ••.••••••..•..••••. SEDALIA •••••••••••••••••••••

219 220 221 222 223 224 225 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236

LA PLATA ••••••••••••••••••• RUSHVILLE •••••.•..••.....••.. HOPEWELL •••••••••••••••••..

237 238 239

PALESTINE ••••••••••••••••••• PORTLAND •••••••••••••••••••

241 242



MIDDLE FABIUS •••••••••••••• MONTGOMERY ••••••••••••••••. NEOSHO •••••••••••••••••••••. CARROLL ••••••••••••••••••••• GLENSTED ••••••••••••••• ~ ••••• HOPE ••••••••••••••••••••••• ALANTHUS ••••.•..•••••••••••. I~AREDO ••••••••••.•••••••••.• BUTLER .••••••••.....••..•••.. ALTON •••••••••••••••••••••••

244 246 247 249 250 251 252 253 254 255




LODGE OF LIGHT ••.••••••••••• RAVANNA •••••••••••••••••••• LODGE OF LOVE ••••••••• '••••••• FLORENCE •••••••••••••••••••• HOLDEN ••••••••••••••••••••• KIRBYVILLE •••••••••••.••••... CORINTHIAN ••••••••••••••••

257 258 259 261 262 264 265

*L. Rownd, W. M. M. M. Ohler, W. M. D. M. Wills, W. M. R. C. Galbraith, W. M. W. T. Brinkley, W. M. "'C. S. Anderson, W. M. G. L. Gamblin, W. M. T. H. Wade, W. M..T. W. Lyell, W. M. R. H. Parks, W. M. W. C. Jacobs, W. M. W. H. Lockard, W. M. F. B. Hendren, W. M. S. H. Townsend, W. M. *G. B. Perkins, W. M. L. E. Brown, W. M. "'D. C. Moore, W. M. A. R. Stevens, S. W. Elmer Fingland, J. W. J. L. McKinstrey, W. M. *0. C. Jones, W. M. *C. R. Burroughs, W. M. B. E. Sezemore, S. W. *M. White, W. M. J. C. Garrett, W. M. A. J. Holzhauser, J. W. R. W. Myers, W. M. J. J. Buehlman, S. W. Arthur Kramer, J. W. W. S. Cornell, W. M. J. W. Cook, W. M. J. Ruark, W. M. *J. T. Vale, W. M. G. T. Scott, W. M. L. Siegel, W. M. H. E. Rainey, W. M. G. M. Farmsworth, W. M. E. B. Butler, W. M. J. H. Johnson, W. M. S. A. Douglas, S. W. *J. L. Moore, W. M. ,C. H. Juncker, S. W. L. J. Caster, W. M. O. T. McDonald, W. M. W. L.McClain, W. M. W. H. Branstetter, W. M. *R. Wallace, W. M. *R. W. Wade, W. M. *H. E. Allee, W. M. V. T. Wood, S. W.

1929.] Lodge.

o SOCIAL •••••••••••••••••••••• AURORA ••••••••••••••••••••• B1WTHERHOOD .••••••••••••••••

NEW SALEM ••••••••••••••••• SOLOMON •••••••••••••••••••• GRANITE •••••••••••••••••••••

ST. CLAIR .•••.•••••••••••••• COLD SPRING ••......•.......•• GRAND RIVER •••••••••••••••• ESSEX •••••••••..•••••••••••• HOGLE'S CREEK .•.........••.• FENT6N ••••••••••••••••••••• COSMOS ••••••••••••••••••••••

STOCKTON ••......•.....•...... CANOPy . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EARL •••••.•••••.••••••••••••• CRAFT ••••••••••••••••••••••• HERMiTAGE ••..•••••.•••••••• FAIRMOUNT ••••••••...••••••• EDINA .•....•..........• , ..••• . LAMAR,••••••••....••...•••••• SARCOXIE •••••••••••••••••••• MOUND CITY ••••••••••••••••• MONITEAU ••••••.•••••••••••• SAMPSON ••.............•...•.• TEMPLE •••••••••••.•••••••••

DORIC ••••••••••.••••.••••.••. WHITE HALL ••.•••..•••••••.•• LICK. CREEK ••••••••••••••••• OSAGE




SIGNAL ......•.•... '" .....•.. CECILE- D AYLIGH T . . . . . . • . . . . . . . ASHLAR ••••••••••••••.••••••• NEW LoNDON


Representative. W. P. Moser, W. M. H. J. Vogler, W. M. W. L. Tamme, S. W. 269 H. K. Hopkins, W. M. E. E. Cadwell, S. W. J. A. Smith, J. W. 270 *H. A. Schierbaum, W. M. 2'71 O. E. Clarke~ W. M. J. C. Prescott, S. W. 272' N. R. Stirling, W. M. J. B. Hancock, S. W. Geo. G. Rissler, J. W. 273 C. Polson, W. M. 274 J. W. Oran, W. M. 276 *W. J. Laffoon, W. M. 278 E. Y. Launius, W. M. 279 J. S. Tilford, W. M. 2'81 A. A. Brock, W. M. 282 Morris Stone, W. M. A. S. Dexheimer, S. W. S: S. Morse, J. W. 2'83 ·C. E. Fritts, W. M. 284 *E. B. Samuel, W. Mo. 285 O. H. White, W. M. 287 J. L. Zimmerman, W. M. *A. C. Stark, S. W. 288 I. W. Clark, W. M. 290 R. E. Butler, W. M. 291 C. Powell, W. M. 292' J. B. Davis, W. M. 293 P. McConnell, W. M. 294 *T. J. Bridgmon, W. M. 295 *S. R. Johnson, S. W. 298 P. V. Duggins, W. M. 299 E. Y. Hurt, W. M. O. A. Teague, S. W. ,Clarence B. Pickrell, J. W. 300 D. W. Haymes, W. M. 301 P. D. Stalling, W. M. 302: J. E. Moore, W. M. L. B. Caldwell, S. W. 303 F. M. Peterman, W. M. J. C. Howard, S. W. 304 *J. ,C. Nelson, W. M. 305 W. H. Richards, W. M. *E. C. Mankin, S. W. 306 C. C. Reed, W. M. 307 *M. D. Watson, W. M. S. D. Elzea, J. W. 266 267





Represcnta tive.




PARROTT ••••••••••••••••••••• SIKESTON' ••••••••••••••••••• KEARNEY •••••••••••••••••••• CUBA' ••••••••• , .••••.•..•••• MERAMEC •••••.••••••••••••••• PINE' •• '~ ••••••••••••••••••••• RURAL ••••• ~ •• : ••••••••••••• ELDORADO •••••••••••••••••••• PAULVILLE •••••.•••••.••••••• ' VERSAILLES •••••••••• '•••••••• JONATHAN ••••••••••••••••••• rIARDIN ••••.••....•......... CORNERSTONE •••............••.



DOCKERY ••••••••••••••••• 0 0 0 LINN ••••••••••..•.•..••.•• , MT. ZION . CAINESVILLE •••••••••••••••• 0

KENNEDy ••••••••••••••.••.... PAUL REVERE ••••.••••••••••••


EXCELLO •.••••••••••••••••••• CHILLICOTHE •••••••• BRECKENRIDGE •••••••••••••••• JOPLIN ••••••••••••.•..•••••••• 0


BLUE SPRINGS ••••••••••••••• HERCULANEUM •••••••••.••••.• FIDELITy ••••••••••••••••••••• WESTPORT ••••••••••••••••••• ROCKVILLE.· •••....•.......••.• AGRICOLA •••...••••.••••••••• MOBERLy, •••••••••••••••••••• FELLOWSHIP ••••••••••••••••• ARLINGTON ••••••••••••••.••• AMERICA ••••••••••••••••••••

WADESBURG.· •••••••••••.••••••

R. F. Brant, W. M. *C. S. Brant, J. W. 310 T. C. Dye, W. M. 311 E. L. Zion, W. M.. 312 C. F. Wilmesherr, W. M. 313 T. L. Roques, S. W. 314 E. Hilton, S. W. 316 *M. F. Smith, W. M. Harry F. Sunderland, J. W. 318 A. M. Davidson, W. M. 319 W. G. Humston, W. M. 320 J. C. Cox, W. M. 321 J. C. Miller, W. M. 322 G. T. Wallace, W. M. 323 W. Black, W. M. E. S. Warner, S. W. John B. Corn, Jr., J. W. 324 *W. L. Whitmire, W. M. 325 *R. B. Smiley, W. M. 326 *E. T. Zewicki, W. M. 327 J. F. Park, W. M. 328 *Chas. Willett, W. M. F. Harrison, S. W. 329 Z.o R. Alexander, S. W. 330 L.C. Wilmsmeier, W. M. E. A. Thomas, S. W. Paul Ochsenknecht, J: W. 331 N. G. Gaethle, W. M. J. H. Hoopes, S. W. *P. Amerman, J. W. -332' G. G. Miller, W. M. 333 R. R. Barney, W. M. 334 *W. B. England, W. M. 335 H .. W. Bauer, W. M. C. D. Bennett, S. W. 337 R. T. McGuire, S. W. 338 W. Q. Woodward, W. M. 339 *S. Ray, W. M. 340 W. M. LaBrant, W. M. 341 E. R. Dodds, W. M. 343 W. McSpadden, S. W. 344 Herbert Martin, J. W. 345 C. B. KenneY, W. M. C. W. Helm, S. W. 346 L. B. Howard, W. M. 347 F. H. Heid'el, W. M. H. R. Schroeder, S. W. G. L. Wolfsberg~r, J. W. 348 *H. D. Coe, W. M. 0






POLLOCK .....•••.•..•••••••• TVRIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . MOSAIC ••..••......•••..•..•..

349 350 351

FRIEND •••••••••••••••••••••• BARNESVILLE . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . HEBRON •••••••••••••••••••••

352 353 354

ANCIENT LAND MARK . NORTHWEST ••••.•..•.......... TUSCAN •••••••••••••••.•••••

356 358 360

RIDDICK . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . HIRAM ••••••••..•..•••••..•

361 362

FRATERNAL •••••••••••••••••• HIGGINSVILLE ••.•..•••••••••• ADAIR •••••••••••.•.••••••••• CRESCENT HILL ..•••.•••••••• COMPOSITE •••••.••.••••••••.• WILLIAMSTOWN ••...••••.•••• SHELDON ••••••.............• WAYNESVILLE ••..••••....•••

363 364 366 368 369 370 371 375

KING HILL •••••••.•••••••••• BERLIN •••••••.••...••.•.•.• IONIA ••••..••••...•••.••••.•

376 378 381

PYTHAGORAS ••••.•••••••••••• EAST PRAIRIE . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . .

383 384

RICHLAND ••••....•.•••...••• WOODSIDE ••••••••••••••••••• ARCANA •••.•••••••••••••••• MARIONVILLE ..•••••••••••••• RAYTOWN ••....•••......•... CHRISTIAN •....•..•.•••..•.. LUCERNE ..•••••••••••••••••• GOWER . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JASPER . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DECATUR . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . CARTERVILLE ••...•••••••••••• MALTA •••••.........•....... MALDEN ••••••.••••••••••••• CH ARLESTON •••••••••••••••• MONTROSE ••••.....•••..•.••• IBERIA .•••••••.••••...••.•.•.

385 387 389 390 391 392 394 397 398: 400 401 402 406 407 408 410

R. E. Banner, W. M. J. P. Herrmann, W. M. R. B. Moore, W. M. J. C. McColl, S. W. F. Johnson, W. M. *H. T. Chitwood, W. oM. E. M. Kent, W. M. B. C. Elliott, J. W. H. Gullett, W. M. H. D. Fay, W. M. A. P. Stewart, W. M. T. B. Morton, S. W. John R. Hundley, J. W. R. A. Ramsay, W. M. L. H. West, W. M. J. O. Brown, S. W. W. D. Cresswell, S. W. "A. H. Hoefer, W. M. *L. F. Poehlman, W. M. *A. C. Baie; W. M. H. E. Bell, W. M. *W. Laswell, W. oM. *R. B. Kabler, W. M. R. C. Wilson, W~ M. Clyde H. Colby, J. W. C. Miles, W. M. *L. C. Mason, W. M. *A. P. Weaver, W. M. O. D. Taylor, S. W. J. O. Sanders, W. M. G. W. Merrell, W. M. W. D. Cain, S. W. F. B. Manes, W. M. V. L. Floyd, W. 'M. E. Rhodes, W. M. "'V. W. Anderson, W. M. J. L. Robinson, W. M. *L. W. Peeples, W. M. *D. :B~. Studabaker, W. M. L. B. Chaney, W. M. L. B. Maples, W. M. O. H. Thiele, W. M. W. O. Bright, S. W. C. H. Blosser, W. M. L. F. Spencer, W. M. L. W. Fox, W. M. *A. B. Conrad, W. 'M. F. C. Ferguson, W. M. Walter Grady, J. W.



App,endix. Representative.

Lodge. JOPPA •••••••••••.••••••••••••• ApPLETON CITy •••••••••••••••

411 412

VALLEy •••••••••••••••••••••. HUNNEWELL •.•••...•...•••••• CACHE ••••••••••••••

413 415 416

CLEAR CREEK . ITASKA •••••••••••••••••••••• URBANA ••••••••••••••••.••••• GATE OF THE TEMPLE ••••••••

418 420 421 422

GALT •••••••••••••••••••••••• SAMARITAN ••••••••••••••••• ROTHVILLE •••..•...••••••..••••

423 424 426

GLENWOOD ••••.••.•••••.....•• PITTSVILLE NEW MADRID •••••••••••••••• WINONA •••••••••••••••••••• COMPETITION ••.•.••.•.••.... MACK'S CREEK MT. OLIVE ..•.••...•.........•. TROWEL •••••.••••..•.•...••. BURLINGTON •..•.•..•........•. ANCHOR .••••...•............•

427 428 429 430 432 433 439 440 442 443

WEST GATE •.•••.•••...•.•••


IVANHOE • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


JACOBy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . BOIS D'ARC ••.•.•...••.••.••• BELTON ••..•••••.••••••••..•.• VERONA •••.•••.........•..... FORSYTH ••••......•........••.. CONTINENTAL .....•..•••• : •.• HINTON . HAZELWOOD . LAMBSKIN ••......••.........•

447 449 450 452 453 454 455 459 460

CARUTHERSVILLE . SANTA FE ••...............•.. CLIFTON ••••.................• CONCORDIA •••.•...•..•.•..••.•

461 462 463 464







E. Sanders, W. M. C. Kelley, W. M. C. F. Simpson, J. W. J. E. Middelton, W. M. Albert Howe, J. W. C. Parkhurst, W. M. Henry J. Heideman, S. W. Victor F. Kunz, J. W. J. T. McClain, W. M. *G. E. Black, W. M. R. Richey, W. M. D. B. Reynolds, W. M. C. H. Jones, S. W. *L. G. Robinson, W. M. P. Paulsen, W. M. *L. J. Cameron, W. M. L. C. Mobley, S. W. B. H. Bryan, W. M. R. P. Shafer, W. M. *C. M. Barnes, W. M. *S. C. Gardner, W. M. *F. E.' Dougan, W. M. J. L. Darby, W. M. *0. Brooks, S. W. J. A. McGlothlin, W. M. R. W. Shiel, W. M. L. ·W. Foster, W. M. B. E. Carter,S. W. Paul R. Hensel, J. W. C. T. Dripps, W. M. C. F. Dietrich, S. W. John Sehn, J. W. E. F. Smith, W. M. G. S. North, S. W. J. M. Fisher, J. W. B. F. Cobb, J. W. *W. T. Jennings, W. M. *E. W. Miller, Jr., W. M. J. N. Wood, S. W. M. P. Pierce, W. M. S. R. Thornton, S. W. W. E. Fenton, W. M. W. McAnally, W. M. W. J. Waters, W. M. A. G. Wohlnershauser, J. W. *C. E. Watson, J. W. ,G. D. Talley, W. M. J. W. Erwin, J. W. E. pape, W. M.




329 Representative.

SOUTHWEST ••••••..•••••.••••• PLATO ••••••••••••..••••••••• NODAWAY ••••••••••••••••••• MINERAL •••.•••..•.•..•.•..•.. NINEVEH ••••••••••..••.••••• MT. HOPE . RACINE •••••••••.••.••.•••••• RICH HILL ....••.•••••••••.• JEWEL ••..•••••.•.••••••.••••• CLINTONVILLE •....••..•...•. FAIRFAX ••••••..•.•••••••••• KIRKWOOD ••••..•• '• •••••••••

466 469 470 471 473 476 478 479 480 482 483 484

COLD WATER .............•..•. CHILHOWEE •••..•..••••••••• LOCK SPRING •• • ••••••••••••• MONTEVALLO ............••.... VANDALIA •••••....•..••••••• VERNON •••••...••............. LEWISTOWN . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . UNITy ..••••..............•... EQUALITy ••••.•..•••••••••••• PEE DEE •••••.•..•.•.•.•••.• HARMONy •••.•. : . JAMESON •.•••.......•••••••• BUCKNER . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHILADELPHIA ..•.••.•••••••• PRAIRIE HOME •...••..••••••• PLATTE CITY •••.••..•••••••• EUCLID ••••••••••••.•••.••••

485 487 488 490 491 493 494 495 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505

CLEARMONT •.••••••••.....•• SAXTON ••••••••.•••.••....• VAN BUREN ••••.•••••••••• NEW HAMPTON.•.••••••••.••• SKIDMORE ••••••••••.••••••••• WEBB CITy ••••••...•.•••••••

507 508 509 510 511 512

SENATH ••••••••..•.••••••••• GRANBY ••••••••...•••••••••• MILFORD •.••....••.•••••••••• SELIGMAN ••••••••••••••••••• ORIENTAL ••••••••••••••••••• CRANE ••••••••••••••••••••• CLIFTON HEIGHTS ••••••••••• GATE CITy ••••••••••••••••••

513 514 516 517 518 519 520 522

E. L. Shields, W. M. *R. B. Tilley, W. M. W. S. Todd, W. M. *W. H. Stark, W. M. R. H. Porter, W. M. *R. W. Powell, W. M. J. N. Ebert, W. M. *A. Wiek, W.M. *C. J. Bienert, W. M. *J. R. Owen, W. M. R. E. Steele, W. M. J. T. Fossberg, W. M. G. V. Signor, S. W. W. J. Miller, J. W. G. C. Holt, W. M. W. H. Tempel, W. M. *D. P. Reece, W. M. E. T. Dark, W. M. M. E. Ash, W. M. T. D. Combs, W. M. *J. F. Wilson, W. M. J. W. Marsh, W. M. *A. B. Cottle, W. M. A. E. Lain, W. M. J. A. Graham, W. M. *F. L. Scott, W. M. P. W. Knapheide, W. M. P. M. Bailey, W. M. L. Simmers, J. W. L. F. Rollins, ·W. M. J. Dillingham, S. W. A. Weickert, J. W. *D. C. Gray, W. M. L. W. Clark, W. M. *J. M. Cavender, W. M. S. W. Skelton, W. M. F. R. Bassett, S. W. T. A. Harbaugh, W. M. J. W. Ball, S. W. D. W. Roland, W. M. W. W. Schobs, W. M. J. A. Medlin, S. W. W. A. Stapleton, W. M. *J. W. Morgan, W. M. *B. P. Norton, W. M. L. O. Shannon, W. M. H. P. Hovey, W. M. P. E. Nelson, S. W. H. P. Keusch, J. W.


Appendix. Lodge.


STINSON •••••••••••••••••••• SPICKARDSVILLE ••.••••••••••• WAYNE ••••••••••••••••••••• CONWAY ••••••...••••••••••• ApOLLO •••••••••••••••••••••

LANE'S PRAIRIE ••••••••••••• DEXTER ••••.••.•..•.•.••..•. . INGOMAR •••.•.••••••.•••••• BETHEL . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . STELLA •..•••••.•......•••••• DAWN' ••••••••••••.••.••••••• WINIGAN . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • JACKSONVILLE ••••.••••••.••• FERGUSON ••••••.•.•.••••••••

MANSFIELD ••••....•••••••••. ZALMA •••••••..•..•••••••••. ORIENT ••••••••••••••••••••.•• SOUTH GATE •.••.•••••••••••• CLINTON •••••.•••••••••••••• CARL JUNCTION •••••••••••••• ROSE··HILL •••••••••••••••••• CLARKSBURG .••...••••..•.•... SUMMERSVILLE. : •.•........... BLAIRSTOWN ..••.. , . . . . . • . . . . .



CLARKSDALE ••••••••••••••••• NELSON •.•.•••...••••......••. COWGILL ••.•.•....•••••••.••••. YORK •••••••••••••••••••••• JAMESPORT ••••••••••••••••••• MAPLE\\TOOD •••••••••••••••••

MILLER ••••.•••••••••••••••• NAYLOR •••••...•.....•••.•.. REPUBLIC ••••••••••••••••••• RUTLEDGE ..•.•.......••••.•... OLIVE BRANCH •••••••••••.•••




523 Thos. Prater, W. M. 524 R. 1. Dickerson, W. M. 526 *J. A. Banks, W. M. 528 J. L. Price, W. M. 529 W. E. Reynolds, W. M. W. H. Dann, S. W. M..J. Holloran, J. W. 531 *J. J. Woodruff, W. M. 532 A. L. Thrower, W. M. 536 *F. H. Hammer, W. M. 537 *W. A. Looney, W.· M. 538 M. P. Weems, W. M. 539 *R. C. Stewart, W. M. 540 *J. L. Davis, W. M. 541 W. N.Miles, W. M. 542 O. G. Hanson, W. M. H. C. Grimm, S. W. E. T. Hem, J. W. 543 *S. E. Newton, W. M. 545 *H. D. Nichols, W. M. 546 D. E. Williams, W. M. F. A. Baldwin, S. W. 547 R. L. Sharpe, W. M. M. B. Jenkins, S. W. 548 E. N. Brandenberg, S. W. 549 *R. E. Miller, W. M. 550 S. C. Nifong, W. M. W. N. Love, J. W .. 553 .F. Bailey, W. M. 555 J. J. Scott, W. M. 557 F .. L. Hayden, W. M. 558 W. J. Powelson, W. M. 559 *J.. H. Mann, W. M. 560 N. P. Thornton, W. M. 561 J. Stephens, W. M. 563 *I. F. Strycker, W. M. F. Wooldridge, S. W. 564 *H. S. Hook, W. M. 566 J. W. McKee, W. M. D. E. Weiss, S. W. H. Thompson, J. W. 567 *J. W. Webb, W. M. 568 *C. C. Helgoth, W. M. 570 *H. E. Maness, W. M. 572 T. P. Burkhart, J. W. 576 S. A. Kortes, W. M. G. J. Fischer, S. W. J. F. Bannecker, J. W. 577 S. B. Shackleford. W. M.








GRANDIN ...•..•.•...••..•..••.


HOUSTON . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • ILLMO ••••••••••••••••••••••• KOSHKONONG ••••••••••••••••. RED BIRD •.•••.•... , . . . . . • . . . . SHAMROCK . CRITERION , ". BRANSON .•.••...•........••.. ST. FRANCISVILLE ••........ , ••. GROVESPRING, • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ADVANCE .•••••••....•••••...•• BARNETT . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LA RUSSELL ••...•••...•.•.••

BOSWORTH •••••.•........... LEADWOOD '••...........••..... ELVINS ••.••...•...•......•.• COSBy ••..•.•.........••......

580 581 582 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 596 597 598 599' 600






.: :



ACACIA , "., , . WALKER .•••....•.•..•.•..•.•• CRAIG •.••.••.....•.•.•.••••• EMINENCE .

~~~~~~: ::::: .. ::.. : "


CENTERTOWN ••••...• , .....•.•

MOKANE '" •.••..••...•••.... WELLSTON ••••••.••.......••

MT. \\1 ASHINGTON . • . . . . . . . . . . . CHAFFEE

••••••••.• ~ ..••.•.••

602 605 606 607 608 610 611 612 613

614 615

OWENSVILLE . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . , ..

616 617 618 621 623 624

SHEFFIELD ......•••............




SWOPE PARK ••••..••.•••..••. GRANDVIEW • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ANDERSON •.•••••••.•.•••••••• MAPLE



E. Von Arx, W. M. W. H. Heaton, S. W. J. O. Johnson, J. W. J. N. Sparks, W. M. A. S. Carnahan, S. W. *E. J. Sims, W. M. *B. Hill, W. M. *C. W. Pease, W. M. S. C. Bayless, W. M. W. S. Armstrong, S. W. *J. G. Berry, W. M. P. A. Thornhill, W. M. *H. G. McDaniel, W. M. V. Smittle, W. M. J. Revelle, W: M. *R. A. Beard,.W. M. R. N. Patton, W. M. H. P. Jennings, W. M; C. E. Rogers, W. M. *G.. R. Craig, .W. M. G. J. Bartlow, W. M. F. J. Buckner, W. M. C.' E. Schwalm,. W. M. M. Schwalm, S. W. G. T. Lehmberg, W. M. J. Grueninger, S. W. L. H. Sapp, W. M. S. R. Harvey, W. M;. W. A. Sharp, Jr., J. W. ,A. A. Lewis, W. M. N.A. .Lundh, W. M. F. L. Ornburn, W. M. J. H. Son, W. M. *J. F. McCreery, W; M. E. C. Smith, S. W. L. B. Picha, J. W. J. W. Early, W. M. W. J. Ferguson, W. M. A.. A. Klages, S. W. E. H.' Gettings,J. W. *0. VV. Cunningham, W. M. *T. W. Furguson, W. M. *A. T. McMillan, W. M. P. Margosian, W. M.· *W. B. Davis, W. M. *J. A. Holt, W. M. A. F. Berger, J. W. J. W. Townsend, W. M.



Appendix. Lodge.


1\IAGNOLIA •••••••••••••••••••


VALLEY PARK ••••••••••••••• EAST GATE ••• " ••.•••••••••••••

629 630





BEI:GRADE •••••••••...•••••••.• ARCHIE •••••• STEELE •..••••••.•.••.••• '•••.•

632 633 634

MOUNTAIN VIEW ••.•••••••••• TRIANGLE •••••••••••••••••••

637 638

.,,~ •••••••••••.••••••




TRINITY ••• ~ •• " •.•••••••••••••


BEN]. FRANKLIN •••••••••••••


NORTHEAST ••••••••••••••••••


GRAIN VALLEY •••••••••••••• : SHAVEH ••••• " •• ,. ••••••••••••

644 646

NOEL •.•••••.••.•••••••••..•••• ELMER ....•..•••.•..••••••••. UNIVERSITY ••••••••••.••••••


PARMA •.•••••.••••••••....•• PILGRIM •••••••••••••••••••••

650 652

SHAWNEE •••.••••••••••••••••. COMMONWEALTH •••••••••••••

653 654

GARDENVIL1.E ••••.•••••••••••••








648 649

E. O. H. B. R.

P. Walsh, W. M. B. Klein, S. W. C. Mayer, J. W. A. Feldmann, W. M. H. Kinder, W. M. N. F. Bond, S. W. J. V. Horn, W. M. J. Maag, S. W. E. J. Tofte, J. W. J. F. Hanson, W. ·M. *E. W. Longwell, W. M. H. Ballentine, W. M. G. H. Northcutt, S. W. *H. E. Doener, J. W. *M. E. Smith, W. M. J. H. Beasley, W. M. H. G. Diller, J. W. J. A. Witthaus, W. M. H. P. Wiehe, J. W. H. J. Hart, W. M. H. F. Sylvester, S. W. Wm. J. Fennel, J. W. P. E. Greitzer, S. W. J. M. Litton, J. W. H. G. Stein,. W. M. W. N. Barry, S. W. D. Brilliant, J. W. S. L. Burbridge, W. M. A. L. Fox, S. W. W. G. Hoehn, W. M. A. Fults, W. M. Wm. Jackels, S. W. A. W. Burbank, J. W. O. E. Periman, W. M. *1. H. Grubbs, W. M. F. W. Swann, W. M. A. B. Park, S. W. A. L. Klein, J. W. *E. J. Hoke, W. M. A. G. W. Meyer, W. M. C. T. Stevens, J. W. E. H. Hays, S. W. H. H. Hutton, S. W. J. R. Powell, J. W. H. Everning, W. M. H. Kettler, S. W. A. T. Ashwell, J. W. W. K. Hoffman, W. M. R. G. Hackman, J. W.


Lodge. PROGRESS ••••••••••••••••••••




ALPHA ••••••••.••••••••.... HOLLIDAy ••••••••••••••••••••. THEODORE ROOSEVELT •••••••••

659 660 661

CLARENCE ••.•••••••.••••..••••• ROCKHILL •••••...•..••..•.•.•. ALDRICH ..•••••••.••.•.••••••.

662 663 664





F. E. Ruehl, W. M. F. J. Niemann, S. W. H. J. Sherman, J. W. A. H. Barnicle, W. M. O. A. McClung, J. W. C. L. Shippee, W. M. E. E. - Cartright, W. M. R. W. Macdonald, W. M. H. B. Givens, S. W. F. K. Roy, W. M. J. L. Replogle, W. M. J. L. Cowan, W. M.

GRAND LODGE OFFICERS. Byrne E. Bigger, Grand Master. Samuel R. Freet, Deputy Grand Master. Wm. R. Gentry, Grand Senior Warden. Ray V. Denslow, Grand Junior Warden. Edmund E. Morris, Grand Treasurer. Arthur Mather, Grand Secretary. James R. McLachlan, Grand Lecturer. Emmett L. Robison, Grand Chaplain. Samuel Thurman, Grand -Chaplain.

James E. Todd, Grand Chaplain. Thad B. Landon, Grand Senior Deacon. Frank C. Barnhill, Grand Junior Deacon. Harold L. Reader, Grand Marshal. Geo. W. Walker, Grand MarShal. Henry C. Chiles, Grand Sword Bearer. Duval Smith, Grand Senior Steward. Jas. W. Skelly, Grand Junior Steward. E. S. Woods, Grand Pursuivant. Jay Wm. Hudson, Grand Orator. Henry F. Woerther, Grand Tiler.

PAST GRAND MASTERS. Corona H. Briggs R. R. Kreeger Van Fremont Boor Arch A. Johnson T. W. Cotton Bert S. Lee

JUlius C. GarrelI Orestes MitchelI John Pickard Wm. "V. Martin Anthony F. Ittner

GRAND REPRESENTATIVES. Corona H. Briggs, Grand Lodge of Tennessee. Ray V. Denslow, Grand Lodge of England. Anthony F. Ittner, Grand Lodge of Philippine Islands. Richard H. Woods, Grand Lodge of Panama. Jas. R. McLachlan, Grand Lodge of Vermont. T. W. Cotton, Grand Lodge of Rhode Island. Byrne E. Bigger, Grand Lodge of Arizona.

Julius C. Garrell, Grand Lodge of Florida. Andrew J. O'Reilly, Grand Lodge of Scotland. Thos. F. Hurd, Grand Lodge of Virginia. F. B. Howarth, Grand Lodge of New York. Carl A. Swenson, Grand Lodge of Idaho. John P. Austin, Grand Lodge. of Ireland.




DISTINGUISHED VISITORS. Ira C. Freet, Grand Master of Nebraska. Louis E. Smith, Grand Secretary of Nebraska. F. H. DeCou, Grand Commander of Grand Commandery of Missouri.

Ed Von Gunden, Grand High Priest, Royal Arch Chapter of Missouri. K. C. Johnson, Illustrious Grand Master of Grand Council of Missouri.

DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. Dist. Name 1 Geo. V. Calvert 2 Chas. F. Link 3 Jos. W. Moore 4 E. M. Wilson 5 Hendrix Newman 7 Jonathan Stark 8 Frank R. Elton 11 D. M. Foster 13 Forrest L. Madden 14 Luther E. Wilhoit 15 Donald H. Sosey 16 Warren H. May 17 Thos. F. Hurd 19 Horace L. M'ann 20 P. E. Waite 21 .T. P. Tucker 22 Thos. H. Reynolds 25 Guy C. Million 27 Louis J. Graue 28 S. S. Cox 29 L. T. Baskett 30 Edwin H. Barklage 31 W. D. Rogers 32 R. A. Breuer

Dist. Name 33 Solon Cameron. 33 Richard O. Rumer 35 R. B. Campbell 36 Sid B. Kennon 37 Thornton Jennings 38 W. C. Cowan 39 Chas. L. Woods 40 Chas. E. Pyle 41 M. E. Ewing 42 H. H. Finley 43 D. V. Morris 46 Carl A. Swenson 48 John J. Bowman 49 Jas. A. Kinder 50 ..Tames A. Boone 52 Kipp C. Johnson 53 C. E. Armstrong 54 G. J. Vaughan 55 W. N. Marbut 56 W. A. Phipps 57 H. H. Strait 58 K. C. Jones 59 Harvey S. Truman

DISTRICT LECTURERS. Dist. Name 1 H. M. Jayne 2 Grover C. Chambers 8 Frank R.Elton 9 Frank A. Miller 15 Donald H. Sosey 19 Horace L. Mann 20 P. E. Waite 21 Henry C. Noland

Dist. Name 33 Leroy A. Weidle 39 Edmund J. Koch 43 John C. Senate 44 Harry S. Hightower 45 E. F. Hannah 50 G. A. Sample 52 Kip"p C. Johnson

JURISPRUDENCE COMMITTEE. Forrest C. Donnell, Chairman Henri 路L. Warren

John C. RobertSOn

APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES COMMITTEE. Karl M. Vetsburg, Chairman Chas. A. FitzGerald W. F. Woodruff

J. H. Barns R. E. Kavanaugh




CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE. Walter A. Webb, Chairman F. B. Howarth Louis H. Abrams

Harry S. Hightower Reinhold Haeussermann David W. Parker

WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE: James A. Kinder, Chairman C. D. Struble Douglas W. Robert

B. C. Hunt

Jas. W. Christian

CHAIRMEN OF STANDING COMMITTEES. Library _ __ .. _ _ _.. _ _._ W. B. Massey Ritual _ _.. _ _.. _ _. __ __ .. _.. _ __ _ Anthony F. Ittner Arrangements _ _ __ _. __ _ _ Solon Cameron D. D. G. M. Reports _ B. L. Tatman Pay Roll .. _ _ _ __ Walter R. Shrodes Chartered Lodges Clarence L. Alexander Special Masonic Home Initiation Fund.. _._ _.. _ __ _...James W. Skelly Service Record __ __ ~ _ _ Harold L. Reader Hotels and Transportation __ __ ._ _ John P. Austin Board of Relief __ _ __ _ Andrew J. O'Reilly Masonic Home Service _ _ --. __ _ _ _ Thad R. Smith Credentials _ _.. _ __ _ W. A. Webb PAST MASTERS; Name Lodge Number Anthony F. Ittner _ Missouri. 1 John R. Kelly _._ _ _ Missouri 1 Geo. H. Coulson _.. _ _ _ Missouri 1 E. H. Clucas Missouri ..................•....................... 1 Arthur H. Carriere Missouri 1 M. H. Hodson __ Missouri 1 James A. Harris __ Missouri __ ..............• 1 Geo. M. Spalding __ __ Missouri 1 .John Wohradsky, Jr Missouri 1 Henry A. Boye _Missouri 1

~~I~I~rC~~~K~i~.~ .. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::J'it:~ ~~i~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::::::::::

Fred Surridge _ A. M. Simon _ John L. Ziegenhein .__ ._ Harry F. Becker__ __ ._ A. J. Cammann _ _ _ Fred Boehning _ _ G. E. Dellert __ Leo A. Jaudes __ Rudolph P. Block _. Fred W. Fenor __ _ H. Kleberger __ __ L. F. Kirby Jesse G. Westerman __ Otto W. Vossmeyer _ Walter S. Parker Alfred J. Kirby Frank L. Magoon ._ Byron Chaphe Herman Kroepel __ .__ .. __ Henry R. P·feifer :._

Missouri Meridian Meridian l\!eridian Meridian Meridian Meridian Meridian Meridian Meridian Beacon Beacon Beacon Beacon Beacon Beacon Beacon Beacon Beacon Beacon


1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3


Appendix,_ Name


[Sept. Number

Chas. Barth Beacon 3 Arthur D. Miller _.. _ Beacon _ _._ _............ 3 Geo. M. Hunter _ _._ United __ _....... 5 F. E. McGhee _ _ _ United _ __ 5 E. F. Hannah ._ _._ United 5 Ockerman Garrett _.. Williamsburg _ __ 8 J. Gwynn Gough _. __ _ _ Geo. Washington 9 W. S. Campbell _ _._ _._ Geo. Washington _ _........... 9 Carl E. Dudley __ _ _._ _ Geo. Washington _.............. 9 J. L. Bishop _ _.. Geo. Washington __ 9 Walter H. Niestroth .. _ Geo. Washington .._._..................... 9 Robt. C. Duffin _._ _.. _.. _.. __ .. _.. Geo. Washington _ _...... 9 Eugene McQuillin __ ._ Geo. Washington 9 Wm. I Reynolds ._ _ Geo. Washington _ _.............. 9 E. R. Dryden Geo. Washington .._. __ _ _........ 9 F. W. Palmer, Jr _ Geo. Washington _._._ _......... 9 W. L. LaBerge _._ Geo. ""Vashington _ _.... 9 W. J. Kennedy _ _ Geo. Washington _. __ 9 R. R. Bean _ _ __ __ _ Tyro __ ._ __ __.. 12 H. M. Jayne __ _ Memphis 16 Thad R. Smith _.. _ _ _ Palmyra _ _.................... 18 Donald H. Sosey .. _ _ Palmyra __ _ _._ _............ 18 J. W. Christian __ _ Palmyra .._.._ __.__ ._._ 18 Thos. F. Hurd ._ _.. Paris Union __ _.............. 19 Jacob Chasnoff _ _ _ _.. _.. St. Louis _ __ __ _............. 20 Rudy Kohn _ _ St. Louis _ _._ _ _........ 20 Henry A. Steiner _ 8t. Louis _.._ _ _._ __ 20 Sam A. Meyer _ _ _8t. Louis __ _ _ _........ 20 Louis Kohn __ ._ __ _ 8t. Louis __ __ ._...... 20 G. S. Fleishman _ _ _ 8t. Louis _ _ _ __ 20 Phil Isaacson _._ 8t. Louis _. __ _ _........ 20 D. C. Adams _ Wyaconda. _._._._ _.. 24 Henry E. Evers __ _ _.Naphtali _ __ _........... 25 _ _ Naphtali _._._._ _._............. 25 O. B. M'ueller ~ F. C. G. Lanz _ _ Naphtali _ _.............. 25 John N. Stewart.. _ _ _..Naphtali _._ .._............... 25 Fred Reinhardt : Naphtali __ __ _................. 25 Werner Hencke _ _ Naphtali .._ _ _.. 25 F. J. Hoffman .._ _ _ _ _._ Naphtali _ _............. 25 Reinhold Haeussermann _8t. John's __ _._ _......... 28 Ray C. Myers _ Huntsville _............... 30 Wert Thompson _ : Liberty _ _ _ ._... 31 J. E. Tarrants._ _ __ _ _ Liberty . _._._ _............ 31 J. M. Dillinger _ _ _._ Humphreys __ _ _... 32 Guy C. Million _ _ _ _. __ .. _ :.Cooper _ _.. 36 James A. WiIlfams _ _ DeWitt _ _........... 39 Walter A. Webb _ Mt. Moriah .._ _ _ _...... 40 Chas. F. Blomberg _.._ _.. Mt. Moriah _ _.._..__. 40 F. M. Mathewson _ _. __ Mt. Moriah 40 Edwin O. Miller _ _ Mt. Moriah _ __ _........... 40 John C. Robertson Mt. Moriah _._........................ 40 Sol A. Link ._ _ __ : Mt. l\loriah __ _ _ _.......... 40 H. A. Borgmann _ Mt. Moriah __ _ _.._........... 40 S. E. Smith _ Mt. Moriah _ __ _. 40 Chas F. Drehmann __ __ ._ Mt. Moriah _..__ __ 40 E. F. Konering ._. . ._ .. Mt. Moriah _ _ _._...... 40 W. C. Heim ._.. _ _ __ .. .. _ _.. Mt. Moriah __.._........... 40 F. W. Heuermann _ __ Mt. Moriah _._........................ 40 W. L. Bowcott __._.. _ __ _M't. Moriah __ .__ . .__ __ _............ 40 Albert E. Schaefer _ __ .__ __ Mt. Moriah __ __ _ _.. 40 W. D. Rogers _ _. __ _.. __ .__ .Tetterson _.............. 43 A. Linxwiler __ __ Jetterson _ _................................ 43 C~ Wollman --- __ ._ Jetterson _ _................ 43 John H. Price __ .. ._ .__ I<'air Play _.._ : _ __ 44



1929.] Name



Henry F. Woerther Bonhomme _ _ _.. John L. Crain _ __ __ Bonhomme .. _. .. .. 'V. R. Dalton _ __ .. ~·entzville .. __ _.. _. . B. C. Bradshaw . _ _ _.. Arrow Rock _ _ __.. __ _.......... Julius R. Edwards __ __..__.. Centralia __ _ __ Wade F. Enl<>e .. _ .. _ Ne~ Bloomfield .._.. D. M. Foster _ __ .. __ __ .Vincil -- --.......... Emmitt L. Robison __ .. __ Vincil --__.. _.. __ _.._._ __ ..__.. John K. Delaney _ _ Cambridge -- --- -----........... G. E. Chipman ._ _ _. __.. l\1onroe ..--------..--.-..-.-----.. F. C. Martin ........ .. __ . .Sullivan .------------...-..-------.. ------.----..---

~~o~·V~~~roknett.. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~f~a~_.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

45 45 46

55 59 60 62 62

63 64 69


Horace L. Mann __ _Eureka - -----..- --..-..--..--... John 'Jonas __ Lebanon -- -- - ---...... H. H. Lark __ . : _ __ .Lebanon --- ..---..----.. -----.-.. -N. A. Johnson _ _ _ _._._. ._St. Joseph -.--.--- ---.. Frank A. Miller _ __ _ St. Joseph ..- _ .. W. Scott Hancock _. __ __ Polar Star .._ __. __ .. __ _..__ . Jos. L. Kohner _ _ .. Polar Star .. .._ _.. _. Leroy A. Wcidlc __ ._ __ .__ . Polar Star .. .. . __.. Walter G. NeuzcL. .. __ ._ _ Polar Star .._ _ ..__ ._...._...... Chas. Wolff ... _... _ _.. __ ._ .. Polar Star __.. _ __.._.. __.._.. Wm. C. M'itchell _.. _ _ __ .. Polar Star -..-.--__ __ __ Henry M. Eckermann __ .__ Polar Star ..---- -_............. Edward W. Gore ._._. Polar Star __ Jesse C. Bridell _ _ __ . .. __ . Polar Star ..-..- -- - ..__ __. Henry J. Heimburger.. __ --Polar Star ..- - --..-.- _ _ _.. Jos. C. Roehl ._...__ _ .Polar Star ---..---------..---__. E. F. Von Gunden _ __ ._ __ .. Polar Star --..-...... William 1. Crawford _ Polar Star .- .. -.. ---..----..--.--- -... Benj. A. Stege .. _ _.. _.. __ Polar Star - ------.. -.. _. .. __ Alex B. Oeth __ _ __ Polal' Star ----- -... Raymond C. Grass · _ __ Polar Star _.. .__ .. .. __ .. __.. Wm. R. Gentry _.. _ __ .. Bridgeton --..---_ __ H. H. Strait _.. .. _...... . .. _._ Bridgeton -- ---.--_.... W. J. Goddard __ ... __ .. __ _.. Bridgeton -- ----.-..----------Chas. A. FitzGerald ..__ .. Bridgeton -- -............ '\Vm. J. Mayfield __ __ Laclede .-..--- -- ---..-.. _. A. F. Billings __ .__ _ _ __ ._.. _..Laclede -.. ------ --.--.-.. -------- --_________

73 77 77 78 78 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 80 80 80 80 83 83

H. H. Finley E. A. Taylor .J. K. Hun ter

- -..----. -----..---..-----.--..-..--.... ----- --..---- ----- -

90 90

----.---.----..---..... ----------- ------ ----.

93 93

~: ~: ~~fe~:~n. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~~;:~ g;g~:~ ~:~:~.-.-:~::~~-':.':--:::::::::: ~t _ _


_ __ .. _


_._ ..

Washington __ Russellville Russellville ---


E~~~·. ~:B~~::::::::::::::::::::::::-::::::::::::·:~~~~~~~~~~~: ~:::~~:::::::::~:::::::::::::::::: i~

Geo. W. Walker Jas. A.. Kinder __

~~;'tii~ .f.°~~:le~_~~_

__ ._ .. _



St. l\-1arks St. Marks

~~: ~~~~~


..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: R. L. Holmes . ._..__ _ _._. __ __ Vienna -- --- - --- ---.---- --... 94 Wm. Loeffelman _. __ c _ __ Pomegranate ..-- -----.--.------..:.. 95 I'~dw. W. Werner, Sr. .. __ Pomegranate .. ----- ..----- -- ..-.-- -..-- 95 C. W. Myers _ __ _ _ __ Bethany ._.. _.. __ _ __ .. _ 97 J. O. McQuary _ _. .. Bethany _..__ __ .. .. __ . 97 W. N. Marbut -.l\it. Vernon ..--- --.------.......... 99 J. R. Spake __ _.. _.. _ _ _. __ Ash Grove __ ._ .. ..-.. 100 D. W. l\linnis .. __.. _ _ _ _ Bogard --..-- ..------------------- --..------- 101 Leo Adler _ __ l-Ieroine .. __.__.. .. . . . . 104 J. C. DeWitt .. _ __ .. __ Kirksville _. .. 105 Grover C. Chambers __ Kirksville __ __ .. 105 Arthur G. Templeton _.. Greenville .. __ _ _: ..__..__ 107


Appendix. Name




James W. Andrews Ray V. Denslow R. E. Kavanaugh

Marcus Trenton Trenton

110 111 111

.. Chas. E. Pyle D. L. Rouggly Henry C. Noland ~ J. P. Tucker John A. Pilot Chas. F. Ballak O. E. Friedrich : R. A. Breuer ~ F. M. Johnson _ John C. Senate J. B. Hardin T. J. Humphrey W. A. Green _ _ J. R. Ewing _ _ Z. M. Williams G. C. Marquis __ Henry C. Chiles _ Ben Young _ Carl A. Swenson J. Fred Ellis R. H. McClanahan _ M. E. Ewing J. F. Knox Julius C. Garrell Louis H. Abrams Clarence L. Alexander John D. Hamilton Edward L. Dillon _ F. H. Littlefield .. __ .. __ John R. Wilder _ Edward J. Ravold Charles G. Hirt Jonathan Stark Luther E. Wilhoit Aug. J. Holthaus __ _ Sam Pikey __ _ J. K. Robbins Floyd S. Green James Tisch _ Manford Griffith _ Walter H. Bredenkoetter L. L. Tisch Chas. L. Barr _ _ Gib. W. Carson Chas. G. Gund J. P. Harrington _ R. S. Lorimer ,

DeSoto DeSoto Compass Compass Erwin Erwin Erwin Hermann Seaman Seaman Athens Delphian McGee Cass Lexington Lexlngton Lcxington Sprlng HilL Mountain Grove Mountain Grove _ Green City Pleasant Clifton __ Occidental Occidental Occidental Occidental Occidental Occidental .._ Occidental Occidental Occidental , Marysvllle Ccnser Gray Summit Polnt Pleasant Point Pleasant Pride of the WesL Pride of the West Pride of the West Pride of the West Pride of the West Pride of the West Pride of the West Pyramfd Pyramid Pyramid

~~~rk.NDo~f~I ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ÂŁ:J~~~ia..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: }}t




119 119 120 120 121 121 121 123 126 126 127 137 146 147 149 149 149 155 158 158 159 160 161 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 165 172 173 176 176 179 179 __ 179 179 179 179 179 180 180 180

;.h~. ~e~~~~e~~ ..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~:~~~ :::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::}~~

W. R. Flynt R. L. Fulks F. W. Cleaver R. H. Leslie Otto F. Siebern C. H. Hatten


_ __

_ - _ _

California _ California Morley Morley Chamois Hermon



183 183 184 184 185 187

~i~~; ~. ~~;~r::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~~:~:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::J~~ F. M. Mase Duval Smith


Hannibal _ _ Zeredatha


188 189



Name H. L. Chandler Joseph W. Moore H. O. Hoover Henry C. Steele __ Samuel S. Cox __ L. T. Baskett __ W. R. Colyer : D. G. Wall F. C. Barnhill G. H. FUller F. A. Cozad E. L. McGee Kipp C. Johnson J. M. Logrbrinck Edmund J. Koch A1fred A. Smith Chas. L. Woods B. P. Parks Earl Pope Alfred P. Fletcher ..: __ Jos. L. Meyer Henry A. Chapin L. J. Mottel Victor Seifert Chas. C. Keck Robt. L. Dixon Albert W. Schwartz A. C. Goering' E. P. Rowort'h Logan Rownd Edwin W. Ernst H. H. Vogts __ Jas. W. Schlaege C. S. Anderson F. W. Burke T. M. Cullen Henry O'Sullivan

Lodge Putnam Putnam Putnam Frankford :.Wellsvllle New Hope Westville Brumley Trilumina Trilumina Somerset Poplar Bluff Poplar Bluff Hickory Hill Rolla Rolla RolIa Hornersville Hornersville Good Hope Good Hope Good Hope Good Hope Good Hope Good Hope Good Hope Good Hope Good Hope Good Hope Albert Pike Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Hamilton Cypress Claflin Cardwell

~.a~y~~k1~~o~.. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~t~C~~i::n~o·i·~·

Del C. M'oore



339 Number 190 190 190 192 194 199 202 203 205 205 206 209 209 211 213 213 213 215 215 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 219 220 22 0 220 224 227 229 231



·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·:.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·:.'.·.·.·.'.'.·.'.·.·.·:.'.·.·i:: 236

i{' J.' ~~ne~e~~:::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: ~~~tl~~ le·.. ·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.·:::::.·~i:

!~~l~~~!~l~;e._ • • • • •-• • • • • • • • !![~II~~ -~:-:----:~~--.-=~_::_::~: •.J}i ~~~: ii'a~~:~i~~ ..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~l;::~~~ ':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.~~~

J. M. Bradford : Thos. M'oyser R. A. O'Neil Louis A. W. Sommerich __ A. E. Boeschenstein Chas. W. Speirs Eugene J. Al theirner F. A. RaitheL Wm. Roessler Geo. J. Page W. A. Phipps John I. Vale W. H. Rau E. M. Wilson R. B. Campbell iT. :L. Moore

Keystone __ . Keystone Keystone Keystone Keystone Keystone Keystone Keystone Keystone Keystone Neosho Carroll Hooe Laredo Butler Shekinah




243 2 43 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 247 249 251 253 254 256



Name Raymond Wallace R. W. Wade H. E. Allee , Jas. S. Scarborough H. N. Hutchison R. A. TUbbesing Harry B. Wandell E. ·S. lVIurdock Wm. Myrer 'Vm. Sessinghaus }<~. P. Alloway H. A. Scherben H. C. Dalrymple .··· .Arch Johnson Sid B. Kennon J. P. Hertel 'V. J. Laffoon Fred H. Carter Sam Broadben t Jack Bierman ,John II. Herzog Edw. O. Herget Richard G. Sendke C. Lew Gallant. Parks Bacon E. B. Sam uel A.. Clyde Stork T. J. Bridgman S. R. Johnson Edmund E. Morris Alfred D. Liedlow Wm. Lade



Lodge Number Holden 262 Kirbyville .............................•...........264 Corinthian 265 Corinthian 265 Aurora 267 Aurora 267 Aurora 267 Aurora 267. Aurora 267 Aurora 267 New Salem 270 New Salem 270 Solomon 271 Solomon 271 Granite 272 Granite 272 Grand River 276 Fenton 281 Cosmos 282 Cosmos ~ 282 Cosmos 282 Cosmos 282 Cosmos 282 Cosmos 282 Stockton 283 Canopy 284 Craft 287 Mound City 294 Moniteau 295 Temple 299 Temple 299 Temple 299

~~~('l B~·L~~~~n··::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::j~~ I~1~: ~~ute~~.~.~~.~. : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~~: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::

Cha s. M. Ch ristie D. V. Morris Jacob C. Nelson Ernest C. M'ankin Drake Watson Charles S. Brant Mason F. 'Smith Van F. Boor K. C. Jones Richard H. Woods William R. Schmitt Fred Hach Walter E. Seewoster Wm. E. Grein Edgar B. Snouffer Emanuel Weil William Watson Sam Stampfer Ben L. Shifrin Percy F. Wilson Karl M. Vetsburg "V. Lee Whitmire Robert B. Smiley Forrest L. Madden E. T. Zewicki C. E. Armstrong Chas. Willit R. A. Chambers



Temple Osage Signal Cecile :Qaylight New London Parrott Rural Rural Versailles Versailles Cornerstone Cornprstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Corncrstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone McDonald Dockery Dockery Linn Mt. Zion Cainsville Calnsville



299 303 : 304 305 307 308 316 316 320 320 323 323 323 323 323 323 323 323 323 323 323 324 325 325 326 327 328 328

1929.] Name


Appendix. Lodge

Paul Amerman ~.Charity Wm. A. Piner : _ __ .. __ ._ Charity Orestes Mitchell _ Charity Walter B. England ._ _ llreckenridge Samuel Ray _ _._ Fidelity Henri L. Warren .. _. __ 'V~stport Geo. C. Williams Westport Frank A. Marshall . . .__ ._. __ ._ .. \Vestport A. T. Philips __ .. .__ __ Westport Henry C. Elberg __ . .. __ .__ Westport Carl A. Wishrapp _ __ _ Westport Albert J. Hochland .. .. .. _.. __ Westport Frank Haswell __ .. .__ .__ __ Westport M. F. Baker .__ _ .. __ __ Westport J. H. Barns ._ .. __ __ .__ . Moberly W. Ed Johnson .__ __ .. __ ._. .. __ __ Fellowship Harry S. Hightower . __ __ ._ .. __ __ .. __ .. Fellowship . Frank G. Ade __ __ . ._._ .. __ .. _ __ .. _. Fellowship . .. _ . . Arlington S. R. Shelton H<lirry F. Dfen __ __ _ America John E. Furnis _. __ An1erica F. Wm. Kuehl __ __ America Horace D. Coe __ ._. __ _ __ . ._ 'Vadesburg John S. Taylor ._ .. __ .. _ _. __ .__ Friend G. J. Vaughan __.. _ __.. __ _.. __ .. _ Friend Charles E. Reid _ _.. __ Friend H. T. Chitwood _ __ .. _ .__ __ .. Barnesville E. W. l\long .. _ __ .. __.__ __ . ..Hebron Egbert Miller _.. .__ __ __ Hebron Frank R. Elton __ .. __ Northwest Harry S. Bristow .. __ _ Tuscan H. W. Lyman __ _ __ Tuscan Irvin Mitchell __ .. _.. _ __ Tuscan Edwin E. Huffman __ _ Tuscan Forrest C. Donnell __ _ __ _._..Tuscan


_ _ __ __ : __ __ __ __ _



__ .__ .. __ ._ __


__ . __

__ __ ..__ __ .. __ __ __ _ .. __

_ __ . __ .. __ __ __ __ __ ,





331 331 331 334 339 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 344 345 345 345 346 347 347 347 348 352 352 352 353 354 354 358 360 360 360 360 360

~~~~~;~r~!~~~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::路::::::::f~~~~~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ig ~;~~~~~~:~~~~~'.~:.::.::.:.:::.:::.:.:.:.:.:.:_::::.:.:.:.:.::::J~~~:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Ji~ George Coslow .. .__ __ .. Tuscan __ .. __ __ __ Geo. W. Calvert __.. _ _ Hiram J. R. McLachlan __ .. __ __ _.. Hiram Louis Bauer .. __ .__ .. __ __ Fraternal __ __ A. H. Haeffer_ .. __ _.. .__ .. __ Higginsville L. F. Poehlman .__ __ _ Adair __.. _ Chas. F. Link _.. _. .__ .. __ Adair __ __ .. .. Arnie C.Bare _.. _ .. __ __ .__ Crescent Hill __ Walter Laswell __ __ __ .. __ vVilliamstown R. B. Kabler __ ._ .. _. __ . . Sheldon __ _._. __ _ __ Lester C. Mason .. __ ._. .__ .__ Berlin __ W. M'. Hixon .. _.. __ _ Billings __ .__ A. T. Weaver _._ __ _ __ Ionia W. C. Cowan Richland E. L. Tredway .. _ __ ._ Chula __ V. W. Anderson _.. ._ _._ .. _.. __ Marionville L. W. Peeples _ __ ' Christian D. F. Studabaker __ _ . .. __ ..Lucerne __ __ Jas. A. Boone _.. Charleston Arnold B. Conrad .__ __ .. __ Montrose __ .__ __ E. F. Meyer .__ _ _ Cache A. P. Watkins __ __ __ Cache C. L. McDonald __ .. .__ _ Cache __

360 362 362 363 364 366 366 __ 368 370 371 378 379 381 385 388 390 392 394 .407 .408 .416 416 .416



342 Name Fred C. Hackler W. H. Murdock J. H. Kuemerle Gustav Heinichen Claude O. Pearcy Joseph \\T. Schuette G. E. Black W. P. French Will Ortmann Geo. H. Tiemann Erwin Marty Jas. W. Graves James. M. Jones Geo. C. Gundlach L. G. Robinson W. B. Massey John J. Bowman L. J. Cameron C. M. Barnes S. C. Gardner F. E. Dongan R. T, Brown __ otto Brooks John N. Skinner



__ __


Cache Cache Cache Cache Cache Cache Itaska : Itaska Itaska ........................•..... :~ Itaska Itaska Itaska Itaska Itaska Galt Samaritan Samaritan Rothville New Madrid Wenona Competition Mack·s Creek Mt. Olive Anchor



416 .416 .416 416 416 .416 420 420 420 .420 420 .420 420 420 423 .424 .424 426 .429 430 .432 .433 439 443

~S~[~Ej:I;ll'::.:• •·:• ·: • • • • • .~E~g~ :.· . ·:·.:.·····.·.·.·· . . • 111 Louis T. Graves



t:.~: ~·~~r::-::·:·:·::·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·::·:::::.:.::.:.:.::.:.::~~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::!~i

!i~~~~~~~f::~:~~t![!i·;;::;;i;;;i;;;;;i;;·;:;?;?:ll! Cornelius D. Struble J. R. Christensen Leon T. Snow W. F. Woodruff. L. C. Owen A. H. Mann Lester L. Dooly W. F . .Jennings E. W. M'iller Robert J. Loyd John E. Winter W. D. Moore John E. Clippard Jas. M. Moore Fred G. Fuessel L. S. Hoffstetler C. W. Seagrave

W bU. R. W.



.Ivanhoe Ivanhoe Ivanhoe lvanhoe Ivanhoe Ivanhoe Ivanhoe Bois D'Arc Belton Lambskin Lambskin Lambskin Lambskin Lan'lbskin Lambskin Lambskin Lambskin

__ __ __ , __ __




.446 .446 446 .446 446 .446 446 .449 450 460 460 460 .460 .460 460 460 460

s~~rli 1~.~::. ..~~~~~::'.~:~::::~:::::::::::::~:~~~rJ~~rai···::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~ i

Powell Albert Wiek Chas. J. Bienert J. Ralph Owen Herman Schraeder Leo. E. Heinzelmann


Mt. Hope Rich Hill Jewel Clintonville Kirkwood Klrkwood

.476 .479 480 .482 484 484






H. E. Sneed _ Wm. P. Mason B. L ..Tatman



Kirkwood .- -- _ Kirkwood __ Kirkwood ._ _ _


f.' J<~' ~~r~~n··:~~::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~sft;~ng _ Equality

A. B. Cottle __ Oliver H. Flemming B. N. Lowry _

Harmony _.Harmony



__ _


_ 484 484 484

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1g~ __



_ __

497 .499 _._ __ .. 499

~d~: ~.ot~e·te·r~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~l~~on ::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~

Wm. Girscht D. Clark Gray T. W. Cotton._

_._ _




_._ _

Euclid C1earmont .. _ Van Buren




505 507 509

~aes~d~~~ c::;~:~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~ ~~~~t~;;··::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~g ~o:;.· ::o~~~~(;;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::g~~e::~~_.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~ F. M'. Held- _

Clifton Helghts

__ _ _



Geo. F. O·Brion J. J. Woodruff _._ F. H. Hammer _._ W. A. Looney.._ Ralph C. Stewart J. L. Davis __ Claude E. Rouse. __ .. _ _ 1. H. Skinker Geo. K. Durham __ . __ .__ .

_ _ -

Apollo _ 529 Lanes Pralrle.. __ _ _ _._ _._ 531 .Ingomar _ _._ __ _._._._ _..536 _Bethel _ _ _.. 537 Dawn ._ _._ _.._.. _ _.. _._. __.._..539 Winigan _ _ _ _._ _ __ 540 _._Ferguson _ 542 Ferguson _ 542 Ferguson _ _ ._.. 542

~~~? t· ~:r~o:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:~:~~~~~~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~ __ .. __ . __ Ferguson .. __ .. __ .__ ._ 542

Geo. S. Land

~~mH·E~~~~t;;;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::t:~rfs'A~?d ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~i

Frederic k Gordon .. __ __ .. __




__ ._ _._.544

~~~:~·:~i~o-~:~::::::::::::::·,:::::.:::::::::::::1i~:~iI ~:~::::~::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::~::~~i!

H. D. Nichols _._.. __ .__ _ __ Zalma ._ Thos. M. Pratt.. __ __ : __ .South Gate Sidney G. Hurd __ __ South Gate Albert L. McBride..__._.._ __ ._.._ _ South Gate Chas. T. KornbrodL._ __.. _ _ South Gate Th 0 rn ton J enn i ngs __ __ ._ _Clinton Ray Eo Miller._ __ _ Carl Junction T. R. Ayars __ .. __ .. __ __ .. Rose Hill G. B. Leitch _ _ _ Rose Hill H. G. Nicks.. __ __ Rose Hill Chas. C. Jackson __ __ Rose Hill W. H. Dickey _.. __ Rose Hill Marvin E. Boisseau .. __ __ Rose Hill J. H. Mann _ __ Clarksdale J. F. Strycker York David W. Parker __ __ .. __ York --

_ _

_ _._. ..545 _.. ._. ._. .__547 _. __.._. _ _.._ 547 _ _ _._ __. .__ ..__ .._._.547 _. __. __ _..547 __ __ . ._._548 _._ _ __ _._ _ _549 _ _ __ _._._550 _. ._ .._ __._ _550 ._ __ __ .. _._ _ _..550 _ _ _ __.550 _._ _. _ 550 -._ _ _.. 550 - --..-_ _. . .559 _.. __..__ ._563 -.--__ 563

~. ~. i£~f~~~:_::::::::::::::::::·::::::::::::::::::::.:ff~r~~::~d::~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~:~:~:~~~:::~~~:::::::iii






Name B. J. Dietrich _ E,. Kitchell M. K. Elliott. John W. Webb _ __ ._ _ Homer E. Maness .. __ ._ Wm. J. Sparhard __ Frank Gilbert __ . . .. John Brangenberg .__ .__ . _. "V. C. Fee. __._ _ __ _._ J. A. WeidknechL _ __ __ Seth B. Worthington .. . Wm. C. Rese __ .. .. _. ._ .. __ John P. Austin .. __ ._ R. B. Tweedy.. __ ._. ._ .. __ . _ Arthur Mather . __ __ .. __ R. A. Ecoff .. .. Egbert J. Swiss __ .. __ __ _.


Maplewood Maplewood _ Maplewood _ _ _Miller .__._ _._Republic _ .. __ _Olive Branch .. Olive Branch Olive Branch Ewing __ . Forest Park __ . Forest Park __ Forest Park c. ••• Forest Park Forest Park .. __ .. __ Forest Park Forest Park .__ .Houston

566 _ 566 __ 566 _ _.._ _.567 _ __ __._ __ _ 570 _._. __ ._. .__ 576 _ ._._.._. .. ._ 576 .._. _._._ 576 ._ _. __ ._._. .__ ._ _.577 578 .. 578 _ __ ._, 578 __ .__ . 578 __ .._._.._ 578 _578 578 ----._.. 580 _ _


~~~s~W. ··p~~·s·~·.·.-.·.·.·_·.·.:·.:·.:·.·.::·_·.·.·.:::::::::::·.·.·.:::U~T~ko·iiong·-·:::::::::·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::j~~

J. G. Berry. .. _.. ._. ._ .. __ ._... .. _..Criterion __ ._ _. __ . ..__ .586 John Hoover __ ._ .. . .. .. .. _Criterion -__ _ 586 Homer G. McDaniel. __ . _. __ __ St. Francisville ._.. __ .. _.588 R. A. Beard __ __ __ _ __ __ . _.. _..Barnett _. .. _ __ . .__ ._..591 P. ·E. ""Vaite._ .. .__ __ .. __ .. _. Bosworth __ _ ._._.. __ .. _ 597 Geo. W. Craig ._._._._. ._. _ Bosworth ..--. .. __ _ __ _ _..597 Otto W. KOch. ._ __ __ ._.Clayton ..--.------------_ __ __ .._.. 601 J<Jdward P. Clark, Jr.. . .__ Clayton _ _ __ _.. _ 601 I. E. Ross __ .__ ._._ .. __ __ __ .. _ _. .__ .. Clayton _ .__.. __ __ 601

~~bl.rtB~·j~i~~.~_~~.~~~.·:::::::::::::::::::.·.·.·.:g:~~t~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~t Bernard C. Hunt. __ .__ _ __._ Acacia .-. ._ John ,Pickard ._ ....... __ . . .. __ ._ Acacia _ __ ...... .. __ ._.. E. A. Fl uesmeier __ .. _. . .. __ ._ Warrenton __ .__ ._._ W. E. Rice .. .__ ._ _._ _ Clark _. __ __ _._ Jessie F. McCreery._ .. __ .__Mokane . Wm. J. Kuntz __ ._._ __ .__ _.. Wellston __ . .. ._ W. M. Collins _.. _._. .. .__ ""Vellston _ __ .... __... .....'

._.._..__ ..602 ._. __ . 602 609 .._._ ..__ .610 __ __ 612 _._ 613 _ 613

~d. ~~~~~~~.. ~.~.~~.~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~ll~t~~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~ Harold L. Reader __ ._.. __ . .. __ .vVellston _ _ . .__ . . 613 C. A. Tolin __ . __ .._ John C. Ury .. __ . . .__ M. H. Stubblefield. . G. A. Sample _.~._ __ . ..

._ .. _.. ..

.. __ . ._ .. __

Wellston . Wellston ._Chaffee .Chaffee

-.. _

__ _.. 61~ _._. .. .._.613 _ _ __ ._ _..615 _ _. ._ 615

~~a~s~n~. ~·er~~~~;~.~~.~.~::::::::::::::::::~~~oenp~~k::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~i¥ Andrew T. McMillan .. .. __ .. . Harry S. Truman ... __ .. . ~.

._Grandview .. __ Grandview



__ ._.__ .__ .._ . ..

_ __ .618 .. .618

~a~· }<~~~~·i~-i"~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::.:~,~~~~\;ii"i~· ..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:

A. H. Diestelkamp __ .. __ . .Owensville .. .__ .. .__ .. __ .. _. __ .. 624 Erwin L. Ocker _. __ __ __ ._ Magnolia _.. _ _._ _ 626 H. A. ROsskop.f--.-- --.-------- .. -- - Magnolia __ .._._ _. __ .._._.._ _626 James L. Flaven .__ .. __ .__ __ .. Magnolia __ _._ __ _.. 626 V. I.ippert ._._ __ _ ._ .. .. . l\-Iagnolia _ _ 626 James J. Ritterskamp .. _ Magnolia . ._..__ __ 626 H. G. Beedle _. __ __ __ . .__ ._ .. __ .. __ Magnolia .._. __ ._._ _ _ 626 Oliver W. Kortjohn. __ .. .. .. __ .Magnolia _ _ . . 626 Benjamin Wolf .. __ _.. _ . _.. Magnolia _ __ .. ._.. _.· 626 J. H. Leathers .. __ Magnolia __ __ ._.. __ .. .626 B. W. Feldmann . .. __ .. __ . .. Valley Park .__ __ _629 Harry J. Lucksinger.... ._. __ .. . Valley Park ._ _ __ 629 Ernest W. Berry c ••• •• _.. __ ._ •• __ East Gate .._. .630 F. G. Prosser..__ __ __ _ East Gate __ _ ;.._ _. 630



Name A. M. Jacobs _.. Ernest Dunford Richard O. Rumer _ Fran 1< Kaelzel _._._ E. W. LongweIL_ Haas E. Dorner _.. __ M. E. Smith _._ _ W. E. Jungbluth __ Wal ter H. Voss .. Archie F. Daugherty _ F. W. Evers._. __ _ _ Ernest B. Claus __ Oscar R. Haeckel __ F. B. Howarth._ _ Percy B. Eversden .. __ Wm. F. Niehaus __ Geo. L. W al ters __ . Geo. E. Kohlmeyer.. _ __ Oliver G. Kohlmeyer Gaetano D' Amato __ . Henry F. Max Percy W. Shull. Chas. F. Attebery . .. __ C. F. Schneider __ Maniel Goodman .. __ _. __




Tower Grove ; 631 __ Tower .Grove _ _ 631 __ ._ Tower Grove _ _ _ __ .631 _ _ Tower Grove .__ ._._._ _._._.._.. _ 631 _ Archie _ __ __ 633 _. __ .Steele __ ._ __ _._.._._ __ _._.634 _ Mountain View __.__ __ 637 _ Triangle __ _ __ .. __ 638 __ Mizpah __ __ 639 __ __ .. __ ..Mizpah __ 639 __ .. Mizpah 639 __ .. Mizpah __ 639 _ __ .. M.izpah __ __ __ _.. _.. 639 Mizpah __ _ _ __ 639 __ Mizpah _ __ _.. 639 __ __ Mizpah __ __ 639 __ __ ..J ennings __ __ __. 640 _ _ __ Jennings __ .._ __ 640 __ Jennings __ __ 640 __ ._._ _ Jennings 640 __ __ Trinity __ __ __ 641 __ .. __ Trlnity _ . 641 .. Trinity __ __..__ .641 Trinity __ __ 641 __ . Benjamln Franklin ..__ __ 642

roos~rbseo~~~~:i~~;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~~~~:~~~~~~~:~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~ Fred K. Borggraefe.. __ R. H. Wadlow __ .. __ __ __ J. E. Gorman.. __ __ ..__ C. W. Tacke.. __ _ __ . C. A. King_ _ ._. T. H. Grubbs __ . __ __

Shaveh Shaveh Shaveh Shaveh . Noel __ Elmer . .. _


__..__ __ __..,.. __ __ _

__ .. __ 646 __ __ 646 __ .. __ 646 __ ..__.__ 646 .. __ 647 _ __ 648

~:[r~~rtA~路N~ft~.i.~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::g~:~:~::i~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~1:

E. .r. Hoke __ Parlna ..__ __ __ 650 L. S. Osborne __ _ Cleveland .__ 651 A. L. Bartsch. __ Pilgrim __ __ 652 Theo. C. Teel.__ . _ _ _ Pilgrim ..__. __ __ .652 Glenn A. Tumelson Pilgrim __ ..652 Ben Weidle __ .__ __ __ Pilgrim __ 652 Clinton W. Bishop _. Commonwealth __ __ __ 654 O. A. Menke __ __ __ Commonwealth __ __ .. __ __.654 Duval O'Neal _ _. _ __ .. Commonwealth .__ __ 654 Florian Wolz Gardenville .. __ __.. ..__ __ .. 655 Paul C. Anthes __ .. __ _.Gardenville .. .. .. __ ..__ __ __..655 Wm. Walter ..__:__ .. . ..__..__ __.__ Gardenville .. .. .._ ..__ 655 Fred J. Mahner __ __ .. __Progress -- ---__ 657 P. G. Fix .. __ __ __ __ Progress --..-.__..__ __ 657 Wm. F. Kuergeleis __ __ Progress __ .657 Thos. A. Cunningham __ ..Holliday __ .. _. __ __ __ 660 Harry r. C. M路eyer __ Theo. Roosevelt -- __ .. __.. __ 661 Fraternally submitted, W ALTER WEBB, Chairman, DAVID W. PARKER, HARRY L. ABRAMS, HARRY S. HIGHTOWER. R. HAEUSSERMANN, FRgD B. HOWARTH.




INDEX Page Address of Grand Master 6-41 Address of Grand Master, Report of Committee on 1l1 Addresses of Officers 34 Alphabetical List of Lodges, Locations, DistrictsAppendix 224-237 Alphabetical List of Post Offices, Lodges, DistrictsAppendix 238-251 Amendments to By-laws Adopted 203 Amendments Presented on Third Day 159 Amendments to By-laws Proposed 96-99, 142, 203-208 Amendments to By-laws-Consideration of I73-184 Amendment to Constitution 50, 183 Annual Communication, 1930 121 Annual Meeting-Opening 4 Annual Meeting-Closing 199 Appeals and Grievances, Committee on (1930) 197 Appeals and Grievances, Committee on-Report of.. 144-153 Appointments of Chairmen of Standing Committees (1930) 196 Appointments of District Deputy Orand Masters 200 Appointments of District Lecturers 201 Appointments of Grand Officers.: : 195 Appointments of Representatives to Masonic Temple Association of 路St. Louis 198 Appointments of Special Committees, 1930 198 Approved Decisions 173 Attendance 189 Auditor, 1929 Report of.. 7.9-82 Ballot for Grand Lodge Officers (Digest in 1919 Proceedings, 170) Bigger, Byrne E 192-195 Biographical Sketch of Byrne E. Bigger, Grand Master .i, ii, iii Boards of Relief, Committee on, Report of.. 133-138 Bonds, Government. 94 Bonds of Grand Lodge Officers, and Depository 9 Borrowing Money 35 Briggs, Corona H., Celebration of Birthday App. 118 Budget Committee 36



[Sept. Page

Buckner, Wm. F., Oldest Freemason in U. S 85 Burial Lot of Grand Lodge (Digest in 1919 Proceedings, 169). Business, in Masonry 22-24 By-laws, Amendments, Proposed 96-99, 142, 203-208 Cement Lodge No. 431. 50, 127 Chairmen Standing Commi.ttees, 1930, Appointed 196 Charity, Committee on (1930)., 197 Charity, Committee on, Report of 116-118 Charters Consolidated 50, 127 Charters, Duplicate 48, 127 Charter Restored : 10, 50 Clarkton Lodge No. 248 : .48, 50, 127 Commissions 12, 48 Committee, Auditing, Report of.. 79-82 Committee on Ap'peals and Grievances, Report of. 144-153 Committee on Appeals and ~rievances (1930) 197 Committee on Boards of Relief, Report of.. 133-138 Committee on Charity, Report of.. 116-118 Committee on Chartered Lodges, Report of.. 127-133 Committee on Credentials, Report of.. 4, 189; Appendix 319-345 Committee on Credentials (1930) 197 Committee on D. D. G. Masters' Reports, Report of.. 1l9 Committee on Fraternal Correspondence, Report of.,82; App.. 1-118 Committee on Jurisprudence, Report of 142-144, 173-184 Committee on Jurisprudence (1930) 196 Committee on Manuals 139 Committee on Obituaries, Report of.. 83-94 Committee on Pay Roll, Report of.. 161-173 Committee on Ritual 140 Committee on Transportation and Hotels 198 Committee on Ways and Means, Report of.. 153-155 Committees, Standing and Special (1929) .46-47 Condition of the Craft.. 127-133 Conferences, D. D. G. Masters and D. L ll Constitution, Proposed Amendment to 50, 183 Cornerstones, Laying of 15, 50 Correspondence, Committee on, Report of 82; Appendix 1-1l8 Counties, According to Districts Appendix 252-253 Courtesy Degrees, Received and Granted 51 Credentials, Committee on, Report of...... 4, 189; Appendix 319-345路



349 Page

Dead Lodges, Roll of Appendix 311-318 Deaths, List of Appendix 171-188 Decisions of Grand Master 25-26, 173, 181 Dedications 12, 50 Degrees, Conferred by Request.. 51 }Jepository Bond 9 Dispensations Granted, Special... 22, 50-51 Distinguished Visitors 5, 121, 190 Districts, District Deputy Grand Masters, Lodges, Time of Meeting Appendix 254-272 District Deputy Grand Masters, Conference of.. 11 District Deputy Grand Masters, List of.. 200 District Deputy Grand Masters, Reports of, Report of Com. on 119 District Lecturers, List of 201 Districts, Masonic, State of Missouri.. Appendix 254-272 Dues, Suspensions for Non-payment of.. : Appendix 189-211 Dues to Grand Lodge on Members Reinstated 131 Elected Officers in Past, List of.. Appendix ~73-275 Election of Directors of Masonic Home 116 Election of Grand Officers 115 Emblems, Commercial Use of Forbidden 181 Employment Bureau 137-138 Endowment Fund, Masonic Home Appendix 135-138 Entertainment v., 110 Exemplification of Work 110, 156 Expulsions Reported Appendix 223 l<'ee, to Masonic Home 33 Finances of I~odges :: 36 Financial Tables Appendix 292-309 Fisher, Robert, Grand Tiler 8, 84, 217 Flood Sufferers 118 Foreign Grand Lodges, Report of Committee on 112 Freet, Samuel R 191-192 French Children 114 George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association 24, 60-66, 118 Government Bonds 80 Grand Lodge, Closing of 199 Grand Lodge, Financial Statement of 67-69 : 4 G路rand Lodge, Opening of



[Sept. Page

Grand Lodge Proceedings 33-34, 199 Grand Lodge, Property of 79-82 Grand Lodge Statistics .49, 127-133 Grand Lodges, List of Foreign, Recognized Appendix 165-166 Grand Lecturer, Report of 99-108 Grand Master's Address 6 Grand Master's Address, Report of Committee on 111 Grand Master's Jewel, Presented to Samuel R. Freet 192 Grand Masters' Conference at WashIngton, D: C 24 Grand Orator 115 Grand Representatives Commissioned 12, 48 Grand Secretary, Recapitulation of.. Appendix 310 Grand Secretary's Report Presented 48 Grand Secretary's Tabular Statements Appendix 276-309 Grand Secretaries, List of Appendix 162-166 Grand Treasurer, Report of 70-78 lIalls Damaged 11 Higbee, Edward , 8, 83, 211, 215 Higginsville Lodge No. 364.. 10, 50 Home, Masonic, Sum Contributed to, During Year 52, 53-59 Honor Roll. 132 Hurricane Relief , 118 Initiation Fee (Special) 33, 53-59, 109 Installation of Grand Officers 190, 195 Instruction, Lodges of 99-108 Investnlent 94 Invitation to Kansas City 121 Invocations ~ 4, 199 Jewel, Grand Master's, Presented to Grand Master-elect. 192 Jewel, Past Grand Master's, Presented to the P. G. Master 193 Jurisprudence, Committee on (1930) 196 Jurisprudence, Report ,of Committee on 142-144, 173-184 Kuhn, Dr. Wm. F., Library Fund 52, 80 Letters to Lodges 42-45 Librar.y 39, 122-125 List of Foreign Grand Lodges recognized as regular Appendix 165-166 List of Grand Lodges, with names of G. Secretaries App. 162-164 List of Living Past Grand Masters 198

1929. ]


351 Page

Lodges, According to District, Location and Time of Meeting~ Appendix 254-272 Lodges, Alphabetical List of, Locations, Districts..Appendix 224-237 Lodges, Alphabetical List of Post Offices, etc 238-251 Lodges, Dead, List of Appendix 311-318 Lodges of Instruction 99-108 Lodges, Referred to Grand Master lO Lucas, O. A., Death of 8, 83, 209, 214 Manuals 139 Masonic Employment Bureau 137-138 Masonic Home, Yearly Amount Paid to 52, 53-59 Masonic Home, Directors Elected 116 Masonic Home, Endowment Fund ..: Appendix 135-138 Masonic Home Initiation Fund, Report of Spec. Committee........ 109 Masonic Home, Mention of. 27-28, 33, 52, 156 Masonic Home, Report of.. 82; Appendix 119-161 Masonic Home, Report of Visiting Committee 139, 158 Masonic Service Association of Missouri... 125-127 Masonic Temple Association of St. Louis 114 Masonic Trials 35 Mather, Arthur 39 McIntyre, Joseph S 5 McLachlan. J. R 39 McLanahan, George S 84. 132 Meeting of Grand Lodge (1930) 199 Meetings of D. D. G. M.'s 11 Memorial Service-Record 110, 113 Memorial Tablets to Deceased Brethren : 213-223 Mileage and Per Diem, Report of Committee on 161-173 Minutes Approved 199 Morality Lodge No. 186 50, 127 Nash. Austin L 9, 219 Nebraska, Grand Officers of 159, 160 N ecrology 83-94 Obituaries 83-94 O. E. S 30 Officers, Grand, Appointed 195 Officers, Grand, Elected 115 Officers, . Grand, Installed 195-196 Officers, Past Grand, in the Past, List of Appendix 273-275



[Sept. Page

Opening of Grand Lodge 4 Oration 115 Past Grand Masters, List of Living 198 Past Grand Master's Jewel, Presented to Retiring Grand Master Bigger 19:l Past Masters Present, List of.. Appendix 335-345 Pay Roll, Committee on, Report of 161-173 Per Capita Tax, 1929 : 49 Petitions, Minimum Fee for 189 Post Offices, List of 238-251 Prayer 4, 199 Printing Proceedings Authorized 199 Pro Forma Decree Corporations 184 Reballot on Petitions 22, 51 Recapitulation of Grand Secretary's Report.. Appendix 310 Redistricting the State 158 Regional Conferences 11 Reinstatements, List of Appendix 212-222 Report of Committee on Address of Grand Master 111 Report of Committee on Appeals and Grievances 145-153 Report of Committee on Boards of Relief.. 133-138 Report of Committee on Charity 116-118 Report of Committee on Chartered Lodges 127-133 Report of Committee on Credentials......4, 189; Appendix 319-345 Report of Committee on District Deputy Grand Masters' Reports 119 Report of Committee on Fraternal Correspondence App. 1-118 Report of Committee on Jurisprudence 142-144, 173-184 Report of Committee on Mileage and Per Diem 161-173 Report of Committee on Recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges 112 Report of Committee on RituaI.. 140 Report of Committee on Unfinished Business : 95 Report of Committee on Ways and Means 153-155 Report of Grand Lecturer 99-108 Report of Grand Secretary .48-69 Report of Grand Treasurer 70-78 Report of Officers of Masonic Home 82; Appendix 119-161 Representatives of Lodges in Grand Lodge Appendix 319-345 Representatives of other Grand Lodges near this Grand Lodge ~ Appendix 167

1929. ]


353 Page

Representatives of this Grand Lodge near other Grand Lodges Appendix 169 Representatives Commissioned 12, 48 Representatives Recommended for Appointment.. 34, 48 Reprint of Proceedings 33-34 Resolutions , 94, 157, 160, 181, 202 Second Day 111 Secretaries, Grand, List of.. Appendix 162-164 Service Record Memorial. 110-113 Special Committees, 1930, Appointed 198 Special Dispensations 50-51 Special Initiation Fee 路 33, 53-59, 109 Standing and Special Committees, 1929 .46-47 Standing and Special Committees, 1930 196-198 Statistics 49, 128-132 Suspensions for Non-payment of Dues Appendix 189-211 Suspensions for un-Masonic Conduct Appendix 223 Telegrams 5, 142 Temple Associations 31-33 Thanks 157, 159, 160 'l'hird Day 157 Thurman, Samuel 160, 199 Transfer of Lodges to Other Districts 157-158 Transportation and Hotels, Report of Committee 13!l 'I'rustees 32 Unfinished Business, Report of Committee 95 Un-Masonic Conduct, Suspension for Appendix 223 Visitors, Distinguished 5, 121, 190 Visitations : 13-14, 16-21 Waggoner, Sol E., Death of.. 8, 83; Appendix 123-127 Ways and Means, Committee on, Report of.. 153-155 Will, Form of, for Masonic Home Bequest.. Appendix 145-146 V\Tork in the Degrees 110, 156

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