1931 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

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C. H.


D. D.,





To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Missouri, A. F. & A. M.:

Your Correspondent herewith presents his Fourth Annual Report. He has reviewed the Proceedings of all the Grand Lodges in the United States and a number of foreign Grand Lodges. Of the Grand Lodges in this country only 23 show a gain in membership, while 25 report a loss. 92,043 have been raised, but so many have been suspended for non-payment of dues that the Grand Lodges show a net loss of 11,750. The Grand Lodges in the Dominion of Canada, whose Proceedings we have reviewed, all show a gain in membership. The Grand Lodges of Australasia, whose Proceedings have reached us, show a gain except Tasmania, which reports a loss of 12. The scant reports from Grand Lodges in the British Isles give no membership statistics. Of course, we all regret the loss of membership in the United States, but with a membership of more than three million still on our rolls, we are not going to write "Ichabod" on our Masonic Pillars. We believe that many who have been suspended for nonpayment of dues will, in better times seek reinstatement. Not long ago one, who lost his standing fifteen years ago, owing to straitened circumstances, asked the writer how he might regain his membership. He has two sons who are approaching manhood and he wants to be reinstated before they become old enough to petition for the Mysteries of Freemasonry. This case shows that the work done in making a Freemason many years ago was not in vain. \Ve believe there are many of these suspended brethren who are better men by virtue of their Masonic experience and as long 2.S our Lodges are raising 89,051 in a single year, we 'are going to "Carry On." The relations bet~een our various Grand Lodges are most fraternal. The many hours your Correspondent has spent in looking over the Proceedings of more than three score Grand Lodges have increased his respect for the great Fraternity of which he has been a member for more than half a century. Grand Masters, Grand Secretaries and Correspondents everywhere seem to realize the responsib~lities resting upon them and when one completes his work, another, equal to the task, takes his place. Freemasonry is rich in the manhood which it has discovered and developed. And so it will continue to be if we remain true to our principles

and admit none except men who are firm believers in the one True and Living God. Personality-Human and Divine-is the most important verity with which we have to deal. And Human Personality is linked to the Divine. Sixty-seven years ago Tyndall, in his address at the British Association for the Advancement of Science, said: "Prolonging the vision backward, across the boundary of experimental evidence, we can discern in Matter, which we, in our ignorance, have (overed w:th opprobrium, the promise and potency of every form of terrestrial." No grosser error has ever misled millions of mankind. He did not see what he claimed to discern, for it is not there. Life is God's gift and He made Man in his own image and likeness. Fraternally submitted, CORONA H. BRIGGS, Correspondent.



Yeal' Alabama.... . 1930 Alberta........ . Arizona.. . . 1931................ Arkansas. . 1930 British Columbia 1930. . California...... . 1930.......... Canada . 1930........ Colorado... . 1930.. Connectlcut.... . 1931.. Cu ba . 1930... Delaware............. . 1930...... Distriet of Columbia 1930....... England... . . 1930... Florida.......... . 1930.. Georgia.. . . .1930.... Idaho..... . 1930..... . Illi nois 1930........ . Indiana..... l931....... . Iowa. .. .. . 1930.. Ireland..... . . 1930.. . Kansas....... . 1931.......... Kentucky.......... . 1930.. LOUisiana. . 1931... . Maine................... . 1930.. . Manitoba..................... . 1930... Maryland... . 1930........... Massachusetts... . 1930.............. . Michigan 1930.. . Minnesota......... . 1931... . lVlississippi.......... . 1931... . l\lontana........................ . 1930.. . N e bra s k a. """""" 19 30 Nevada...................... . 1930.. . New Hampshire 1930................... New Jel路sey.......... . 1931... . Kew Mexico................. 1930.. . New South Wales.......... . 1930.. . New Y o r k . . . 1931......................... . New Zealand _.1930..... . North Carolina 1931.. . North Dakota _1930 Nova Scotia........................ . _1930..... Oh io - 1930... . . Oklahoma 1931... . Oregon 1930... . Pennsylvania _ 1930... . Philippine Islands.. . 1931.... .



13 14 16 17 22 23 26 27 28 30 32 33 35 37 41 44 45 49 49 52 53 54 56 57 59 61 63 64 65 66 68 69 71 72 73 74 77 77 80 81 82 84 85 87 88

Year POI'to Rico........ . Prince Edward Island Quebec................................ . Queensland Rhode Island Saskatchewan :.... Scotland............... . South Australia......... . South Carolina South Dakota Tasmania............ . Tennessee.......... . Texas . Utah...................... . V ermon L.......... . Victoria Virginia.................. . Was h i n g to n. Western Australia 'Vest Virginia Wisconsin.................. .. . Wyoming......................... . York Grand Lodge of Mexico

1930........ . 1930........ 1931............. . 1929-1930....... . 1930.. . 1930.. . 1931.. 1930... 1931... . 1930 1931............... . 1931........ . 1930...... . 19 31.................... . 19 30 .., 1930 , , 1930........ . 193 0........... .. .. 1930........... . 1930...... . 193 O. . 1930....... . 1930



89 90 90 91 91 93 94 94 95 96 98 99 101 105 10 5 108 108 111 112 114 115 118 119


Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connectlcut.. Dela ware . District of Columbia Florida Georgia : Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota MississippL Missourl. 1\lontana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New york North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania .' Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington "Vest Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

565 39 fi16 572

148 128 22 44 252 618 80 1,015 556 556 448 579 266 207 123 327 509 310 372 652 135 293 23 81 274 57 1,023 397 129 617 450 172 568 43 286 179 451 990 26 103 354 266 167 312 49 16,349

48,354 6,68S 37,509 142,1)62 33,982 46,351 6,154 23,161 :n,262 61,859 10.390 294,011 129,380 86,011 80,938 60,760 31,174 44,002 34,215 124,709 151,734 61,378 33,804 111,172 20,915 42,150 3,059 15,465 97,080 7,047 345,986 39,466 15,446 209,707 66,506 30,638 214.592 19,132 28,092 19,885 49,655 137,740 5,196 19,572 48,812 49,135 34,534 62,338 8 421

1,026 307 1,538 6215 1,005 1,174

171 615 1,175 1,891 3ii6 7,681 3,197 2,275 2,168 1,622 825 1,143 997 3,016 4,851 1,462 1,010 2,383 658 1,372 131 341 2,992 324 8,481 901 514 5,687 2522 966 4,970 537 897 659 1,562 5,345

171 631 1.443 1,638 1,036 2,225 320

3,281,626 94,426 10,605



A I berta......................................

British Columbia.................... Canada................................................. l\lanitoba.............................................. Nova Scotia...................... ..... _----_.-._. Prince Edward Island .... ................ Saskatchewan ................... -- ...............





14.047 15,455 115,981 12,253 9,9fi8 1,242 14,867

640 514 4,105 485 348 49 603

327 170 1,744 185 56 16 234





156 111 567 106 81




New South 'Vales New Zealand South Australia Tasmania Victoria

. . .. . .

l\Iembers Raisings


590 299 147 44 474

71.095 27,259 15,043 4,024 ;:)2,054

2.538 1,293 930 105







305 467 12





ALABAMA. One Hundl"ed Tenth Annual. Montgomery, December 2-3, 1ÂŁ\30. 565 Lodges, 48,354 Members, 1,026 Raised, 3,079 Loss. 329 Lodges represented. Grand Master, Robert F. LoveladY, Bil"mingham. Re-elected. Gl'and Secretary, George A. Beauchamp, Montgomery. Correspondent, William B. Clemmons, Geneva.

Present: 14 Grand Officers; 9 Past Grand Masters; 538 Lodge Representatives. 53 Grand Lodges \vere represented, ~Iissouri by Heseriah G. Earnest. Distinguished Visitors: They were, Ernest E. Sykes, Deputy Grand l\laster of Louisiana, Frank E. Simmons, First Grand Principal of the Grand Chapter of l\Tanitoba, Jack Guy Standi fer, Grand Master of the Grand Council of Georgia, Henry Frank \Villial1lson, Grand Commander of Alabama, Julian Fletcher Spearman, Grand High Priest of Alabama, Llewellyn R. Hillyer, Grand T\t1aster of the Grand Council of Alabama, Joseph S. Southall, Grand Patron and James lVr. Jones, Associate Grand Patron of the Eastern Star of Alabama. Grand l1aster's Address: Suspensions "N. P. D." were 4,119 and the net loss in membership was 3,079. The Grand :Master says: "The whole country has, during the past year, suffered a period of depre3sion. mentally and spiritually as well as in business and finances, but' the pages of Ollr past history show many a darker spot. The generations before us passed through far more trying times and we have enjoyed the fruits of their fortitude, prudence and faithfulness. Let us not be dismayed, but let us take heart from the pages of past history and know that brighter times are sure to come and that we must keep the faith and carryon the work for those who are to follow. The world has nothing but scorn for a 'quitter.' Let the epithet never be applied to any Mason. "Brethren, let us work together for the good of humanity' and of Masonry, knowing that if we do well our work, our reward is certain. Let us do today the work at hand and all we can for the good of others and with perfect faith and confidence, leave the future in the hands of the God of our Fathers."

Three Cornerstones were laid and one new Lodge was organized under a Dispensation. The Grand Master did not report in detail his visits to Lodges, but says: "I have, however, dnring the year devoted a large part of my




time to visits to the Lodges, sometimes officially and more often unofficially, and informally and in every instance I have been accorded every courtesy and hospitality. To all the brethren throughout the State who have been so attentive and cordial, I wish to express my deepest and most sincere thanks."

The Masonic HQme was one of his greatest cares, as it was to borrow money nearly every month to meet its expenses. A "drive" for the Home yielded $25,475.32. Financial: The Grand Treasurer reported a balance on hand of $20,129.93 and received from the Grand Secretary $24,680.78. Correspondence: Vvilliam B. Clemmons reviewed the Proceedings of 68 Grand Lodges in a report of about one hundred and fi fty pages. He gives nearly three pages to an excellent review of our Proceedings for 1929. He ventures to quote an item from our report in which we express the opinion that l\1asonic Halls should be kept free from such frivolities as dancing and card playing. He also gives space to Kipling's poem, "Banquet Night," which appeared in our report. nece~sary

ALBERTA. Twenty-fifth Annual.

"The Lodge", Jasper National Park, Alberta, June 11, 1930. 156 Lodge!;, 14,047 Members, 640 Raised, 327 Gain. Grand Master, Rev. Canon Samuel H. Middleton. Gl'and Master, elected, Sylvester M. Snedden, Edmonton. Grand Secretary, J. H. W. S. Kemmis, Calgal'Y. Correspondent, F. S. Sel wood.

Present: 19 Grand Officers; 7 Past Grand 'Masters; 85 Past l\1asters;. 72 l\-lasters and \Vardens. 24 Grand Lodges \Ve~e represented. l\1issouri was not represented. Grand :Master's Address: The Grand Master laid the cornerstone of one Masonic Temple and dedicated four Masonic halls. One was dedicated by Past Grand Master F. S. Selwood. Dispensations were given for three new Lodges. Three Charters were issued. The Grand l\路laster visited the Grand Lodge of l\10ntana. He attended the regular District meetings in all of the Districts but one, and later attended a special meeting in that District.




He traveled 11,059 miles in the performance of his work as Grand Master. In his visits to Lodges he found some contrasts. "We are told that one extreme will always produce its opposite. This was brought forcibly to my mind after visiting two lodges. One was the essence of propriety, dignity, precision, and candour, possibly verging on the austere side, 'nevertheless, very satisfying. The other was easy-too easy, unmethodical, constantly 'calling off'; brethren we: e smoking indiscriminately, while the V. O. T. S. L. was lying open O;l the altar. In case of making a choice between the two I would much prefer the former, because the latter tends to produce a general slackness and a disregard for things Masonic. Surely a slight reform is needed in this connection. In some lodges there is so much freedom allowed that license has taken the place of dignity. In others the lodge is made to resemble a general smoking room. Such slackness is unbecoming of a real lodge. If there is a place on earth next to the Church of God, where reverence should be found and dignity observed, it is that place where a Masonic meeting is in session. I pass this on for your consideration, because I feel convinced that if we would inaugurate a slight reform in these matters a larger attendance of the best members would be attracted to our meetings."

Speaking of "The Thought" he路 says:

Challenge of




"We are living in a very complex age. No authority is taken for granted. Every power must be determined on the basis of its own strength. Every cross road challenges and every traveler must have a reason for the faith that is within him. Dogmas are widely regarded with indifference if not contempt. Creeds are considered superfluities, and only scientific standards of research are received at par. For three thousand years Masonry has played a large part in the movements of civilization. Naturally, we often wonder whether that which has its origin in the past has a place in the turmoil of today, and we may profitably consider whether. ancient Masonry has any part or can lead any influence in the rapidly changing world. "The prevailing interest of our time is social. We have come to see, rnor~ clearly than any other age that no man liveth to himself. The most richly endowed is not he who cuts himself off from his fellows, seeking nourishment only from the roots of his own路 nature, but he who lives in the world of men around him, drawing strength from the bosom of society, and sharing his strength with others. Life is no longer regarded as a solitary progress, but as a life of fellowship, charged with the spirit of good will toward all and inspired by the ideal of common brother-




hood, when men shall treat each other as they would be treated themselves. This social order is set up and maintained by the cooperation and incentive of its members. They have come to realize that peace, order and harmony are essential to civilization. And thus law becomes the agency through which these efforts attain their fuller consummation. With all its appearance of novelty, the social interest is but a .return to fundamental principles and a solution is found in the ideals and purposes of Masonry. It looks to religion on the one side and to law on the other and standing on the solid middle ground of the universal moral sentiment, puts behind them the force' of fradition and precept, and recognizes the mighty sanction of the approval or disapproval of men. Thus Masonry works hand in hand with the State and the Church, with all societies and organizations, whether local or cosmopolitan, which seek to unify men's energies in any sphere, whether science, or art, or labor, or commerce; and' supports and strengthens the three great pillars of. the social order, Religion, Law and Morals, with the three pillars of Wisdom, Strength and Beauty, all making for the ultimate perfection of humanity. "The State and Masonry are inevitably linked together by the names of those great and noble men who have worn the white apron and have sat under the canopy of the Symbolic Lodge. Let us note those sacred symbols that continually confront us and abiding by their principles, seek continually to make their mean路 ing plainer in our own lives and habits, that they may mould and influence those with whom we intermingle. Let our word be enough, and our evidence assured. To be what the world expec.ts us to be, and unhesitatingly and fearlessly emphasize the words told by Wolsey: 'Be just and fear not. Let all the ends thou aim'sl at be thy country's-thy God's and truth's. Then if thou fall'st, thou fall'st a blessed martyr'."

Financial: The Grand Secretary received from all sources $26,447.00. $6,748.66 of this amount was for the Relief Fund. Correspondence: Past Grand l\t1aster F. S. Selwood presented a Report of 73 pages which gives a page and a half to our Proceedings for 1929. He says the Address of Grand ,Master Bigger "makes very excellent IVIasonic reading," and half his space is filled with apt quotations from that address. He sends kind greetings to Missouri's Correspondent, who had passed the eightieth milestone~ .




ARIZONA. Forty-ninth Annual. Globe, February 10-12, 1931. 39 Lodges, 6,685 Members, 307 Raised, 67 Gain. 36 Lodges were rep res en ted. Grand Master, Amos Arthur Belts. , Grand Master elected, Clarence V. Gulley, Phoenix. Grand Secretary, Harry A. Drachman, Tucson. Correspondent, Lloyd C. Henning.

Present: 19 Grand Officers; 12 Past Grand Masters; 69 Past lVIasters; 51 Lodge Representatives. 43 Grand Lodges were represented. Missouri was not represented. Grand :Master's Address. The Grand l\1aster laid one Cornerstone. He visited every Lodge in the State, which involved 2,731 miles of travel. The number of members presel1t at such visits ranged from 18 to 109. There is an item in the Grand l\1aster's Address which is worth considering and we quote that portion of the Address: "NON-AFFILIATES PERMANENTLY RESIDING IN ARIZONA. "Investigations conducted during the year and experience over a period of more than twenty years. lead me to the conclusion that there are many hundreds of Masons permanently residing in Arizona, who retain their membership in the lodges whence they came and who are not, therefore, contributing either labor or funds to the maintenance of the Order in Arizona. "I consider this a wholly unpatriotic and unworthy practice. The usual alibi is that there is some sentimental reason for the failure to dimit from the home lodge. There may be rare occasions when this plea will stand up. More often it is an unsatisfactory excuse. "The charity demands in Arizona are perhaps heavier, comparatively speaking, than in any other jurisdiction, due to the great influx of sick and afflicted. These calls, in a great majority of cases, come from non-Arizona members, but they are brothers just the same. Weakened by disease, discouraged by physical infirmities, all but hopeless, and in many instances practically penniless, they present pathetic examples of suffering and despair. Their last appeals are to the brethren of Arizona and, happily, they have never called in vain, although we have often failed to secure reimbursement for such advances. "Masons who have located here with the purpose of remaining permanently, owe us the duty to affiliate with our lodges and we are justified in carrying on a constant campaign to bring them into the fold."

Financial: Balance on hand-cash, $8,067.76; bonds, $10,000.00; receipts from all sources, $12,755.75.




The Masonic Home Endmvment Fund amounts to $90,000.00. Correspondence: Past Grand Master Lloyd C. Henning presented a Report of 16 pages which does not report Missouri. ARKANSAS. Eighty-ninth Annual. Little Rock, November 18-19, 1930, 516 Lodges, 37,509 Members. 1,538 Raised, 869 Loss. 400 Lodg'es repJ'esented. Grand Master, G. A. Warren. Grand Master elected, Andrew J. Russell, Little Ro~k Gra nd Secretar:v', Fay Hempstead, Little Rock. Correspondent, Clarence Webb, Powhatan.

Present: 12 Grand Officers; 14 Past Grand "Masters; 24 District Deputy Grand l\JIasters; 453 Lodge Representatives. 49 Grand Lodges \vere represented. rv'Iissonri was not represented. Distinguished Visitors: E. E. Sykes, Grand "Master of Louisiana, and the following from Texas were introduced: t H . F. Lively, Grand 'Master, T. M. Fly and A. A. Rose, Past Grand Masters, \\1. B. Pearson, Grand Secretary, \/Vilber Keith, Executive Secretary, and C. M. Edwards. At a meeting held in the evening for the Freemasons and members of the Eastern Star, 1\1rs. Ann C. Dial, Grand l\latron of the Eastern Star, Mrs. Calloway, Superintendent of the Orphans' Home at Batesville, and Miss Myrtle Baml11, Secretary of the Trustees of the Home, were introduced. Grand IVlaster's Address: Three Cornerstones were laid. The Crand IVlaster attended the Grand lVlasters' Con ference at vVashington City and the \iVashington Memorial Association at Alexandria. He also visited the Imperial Council of the Shrine at Toronto. He regrets to acknowledge that next to Kansas, Arkansas stands at the bottom of the line of Grand Lodges in contributions for the \iVashington lVlel11orial, having contributed only $3,OOO.oa so far; Arkansas' quota to date was about $48,000.00. His appeal to the Grand Lodge to contribute at least $10,Ooa.OO to this fund was in vain. Finances: The Grand Treasurer reported a balance on hand of $7,077.25 and receipts for'the year $75,486.90.




The Orphans' l-Iome had an income last year of $55,064.3 L Oration: Conrad N. Glover, Grand Orator, gave an address from v.;hich we quote: "The Masonic Creed is a belief in One True and Living God and in the immortality of the soul. We believe that God is the Creator of the heavens and the earth and of every creature that inhabits them. We recognize God as being Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent; God is recognized by every true Mason, as being the Great Architect of the Universe. "The belief in the immortality of the soul means that we believe in an eternal life, to which this present life is but a preparatory and probationary state. A belief in God must be assented to before a candidate for the degrees of Masonry ever c~'osses the threshold of the Lodge. The immortality of the soul is expressly taught by legends and symbols, and must be assented to by every Mason, especially those of the third degree, for this degree is founded on the doctrine of a resurrection to a new life. "We also believe in our country, its flag, and its form of government. We believe in the American people, their ability, honesty, integrity and dependability. We believe in our institutions, civil, commercial, judicial, and political. We believe in our laws, in a strict obedience to and enforcement of them, for no body of men Liberty and Justice for all. We believe in every moral and social virtue that binds humanity closer together and closer to God." is above the .law. We believe in Courtesy, Affability, Freedom,

But he sees some dangers: "The devil seems to be holding the reins of most of the educational institutions of the world, for their tendency is to train the minds of men away from God; but true education will lead men onward and upward toward God. Atheism, agnosticism, and infidelity are all being taught in many of our higher institutions of learning. Groups of students attending these institutions are organizing themselves into atheistic societies, and are advertising themselves under such appellations as 'The damned souls', 'The legions of the damned', etc. If these conditions are not remedied, you may write FINIS over their doors, for they are doomed."

Toward his conclusion he says: "We need a holier government as well as a holier religion, a higher type of statesmanship, a nobler purpose of union, and a recognition of government as coming from God and deriving all its sanctity from Divine command. "Let us engage in the performance of civil duties as men and Masons. Then, we shall appreciate the dignity and glory of true human government, recognizing God as its author, and His principles as a guiding Light in the administration of civil govern路




ment. Then, we shall cleanse our land from the foul charge of crime, lawlessness, and selfishness. Then, it will be no longer true that our own America, with her. boasted Republicanism, Liberty and Religion, is a land where human life is sacrificed to greed. Then, we may boast of the glory of our civilization. Then, the heart of humanity will look upwards, the eye of God will light with a mO:'e kindly smile as He looks down upon us. Then, the World will be blessed by the deeds of the sons, as well as by the deeds of the glorious fathers who made possible the privile?;es and opportunities we here enjoy. "The triumph of the principles of Freemasonry will usher in this day. of which we have just spoken. Therefore, let us face the future with much Faith and Hope. "I have no fears relative to the ultimate triumph of the principles of Freemasonry-no doubt as to the continued liberty and freedom of the conscience-no dread that the Jubilee will not come, for the hearts of men and nations have caught the impnlse of TRUTH and LIGHT. Time will never turn back the tide when this Jubilee shall come. Then will the bugle sound, not to call men to arms, but to proclaim the truce of God, and declare 'Peace on Earth and Good 'Will to Men'."

\Ve find no Report on Correspondence. BRITISH COLUMBIA. Fifty-ninth Annual. Powell River, June 1!l, 1930. 111 Lodges, 15,4;)5 Members, 514 Raised. 170 Gain. !l8 Lodges represented. Grand Master, Robie L. Reed. Grand Master elected, Donald E. Kerr, Duncan. Grand Secretary, W. A. DeWolf Smith, New Westminster. rorresnondent. vV. A. De"\Volf Smith.

Present: 24 Grand Officers; 14 Past Grand :Masters: 30 Past District Deputy Grand Masters; 167 Past Masters; 208 Lodge Representatives. 26 Grand Lodges were represented, 1\1issouri by \r\Tm. Astly, Senior Past Grand 1\1aster. Distinguished Visitor: Corbet Locke, Past Grand l\1aster of IVlanitoba, was introduced. Grand 'Master's Address: The Grand Master reported about fifty visits to Lodges. Some of these were joint meetings of several Lodges. One cornerstone was laid and two Lodges were constituted. Three Dispensations were granted for the forming of new Lodges. Financial: The Grand Treasurer reported as follows:



1931 General Fund, balance Receipts

Benevolent Fund, balance Receipts

$ 5,975.90


'War Relief Fund, balance Receipts

$24,771.20 $ 6,745.69 27,416.73 $34,162.42 $ 475.12 1,469.75 $ 1,944.87

Correspondence: \".T. A. De\Volf Smith, Grand Secretary, presented a Report of 136 pages which gives three pages to an excellent rev;cw of our Proceedings for 1929. lIe says of Grand Master Bigger's address: "Naturally his remarks covered a good deal of ground. Missouri is a large jurisdiction and the various matters touched upon are dealt with in a manner which betrays the legal training of the speaker. While of some length the address is interesting, from the start, the fo~lowing paragral)h being indicative of the spirit which pervades the whole document: "'Freemasonry is a progressive science, but that progress is primarily in Our individual selves. It is not a progression of Degrees or offices, it is a question of whether we are better today than we were yesterday. Freemasonry lays down some very fundamental principles and rules of life and rules of living. It is our task to learn those principles and 'rules and upon that foundation to build our individual lives. These rules and principles do not change thrcugh the ages, but it is our task to apply those principles and rules to the changing condition of ,life. Life is changing and if it were not so it would not be progress.'''

Our reviewer speaks very kindly of the Report on Correspondence. CALIFORNIA. Eighty-first Annual. S:'ln Fl'an:~isco, October 14-17, 1f130. 580 Lodges, 142,062 Members, 6,2Hi Raised, 3,410 Gain. ;:;77 Lodg'es repl路esented. Grand Master, Charles M. \Vollcnberg. Grand Master eleeted, John Stewart Ross, San Francisco. Grand Secl'etary, John \Vhicher, San Francisco. Correspondent, Jesse M. \V'hited, San Francisco.

Present: 19 Grand Officers: 19 Past Grand Masters; 1,460 Lodge Officers and Representatives.




Distinguished Visitor: Stephen Jones, Past Grand l\/Iaster of British Columbia, ,vas introduced. Grand l\1aster's Address: The Grand l\1aster visited the Grand Lodge of Arizona .and attended the Grand Masters' Conference at \Vashington and the meeting of the \,Vashington l\Temorial Association at Alexandria. During the year he visited 102 Districts, contacting with 427 Lodges and in addition was the guest of 41 individual Lodges. Four Lodges were constituted: He laid ten Cornerstones and seven were laid by others. four l\/Iasonic Temples were dedicated and the Grand Master dedicated the Masonic Club House of the University of California at Los Angeles. Two Dispensations were given to form new Lodges. Gold Buttons for Veteran Masons: About 300 Gold Buttons were presented during the year ending October 1, 1930. to Master Masons of fifty years' standing. The oldest is George Edvv'ard Buck, who was raised in Summit Lodge No. 170, Ft. \tVayne, Indiaria, May 6, 1859, and who is now a member of Stlnrise Lodge No. 522 at Los Angeles. Financial: Cash receipts for the year, $286,202.60. $35,151.50 was for the Masonic Home Maintenance Fund and $70,300.00 for the Home Building Fund. Oration: The Grand Orator, \:Villiam C. Hassler, delivered a great address, from which we venture to make a few quotations: "The age of Speculative Masonry is satisfactorily fixed in our minds so far as the order of the present day is concerned, but the antiquity of the 'principle' on which our Speculative Masonry is founded, reaches back to the dim and distant past, to the time when man first learned to communicate his thoughts to his fellowman. "No sage of th'e past, nor philosopher since history has been recorded, has been able to testify to its antiquity, for in every age and in every civilization there is evidence that great secret orders existed that taught a faith in Goll above and a moral law within." "It is to the Greeks that we owe the first brief freedom of the human mind. Not so much in the results achieved, but in the attempt that was made, will live the true value of Pythagoras,




Plato, Aristotle, Pericles, Socrates and the other great Greek thinkers and writers. "It is not that they answered questions, but they dared to ask them. Never before their time had man challenged his world or the way of life to which he was born. Never before had he said or thought that he could alter his condition by shattering traditions to which seemingly necessity bound him and still live. '"Hence there is no measuring of the debt which our generation owes to those apostles of light nor to those others of the middle ages of our own era-Shakespeare, Goethe, Pasteur and a host of others. "They were pioneer heroes in life's evolution, whose daring, for the purpose of comparison, was greater than that of an Amundsen, a Peary, a Byrd, or a Lindbergh." "Let it not be misunderstood we claim for Masonry more than that its essence and chief excellence contains the morality of religion. Its wisest scribes have never claimed '"for it, divine origin, nor a supplanting of the Church. We confess to an earthly derivation. It is the handmaid and an adjunct of religion and seeks only to supplement the ministry of the Church. It has, so far as it goes, the same objects in view, to subdue our passions, enlighten our reason and elevate our moral nature. Yet Masonry believes in a vigorous, passionate and energetic religious conviction as the only moral health and vigor on which any nation can survive. "History confirms the fact that no civilization has long outlived the demise of its religious faith, because, as Professor Leighton tells us in his 'Religion "and the Mind of Today', from no worship of nature alone can be drawn the moral power and insight to save society; we must look to the rational conscience within us, to the needs of the social order in which we are inalienable members, and to the moral order of history, as the three-fold revelation of the Divine purpose and destiny of man as an ethical and spiritual being. "Founded upon these tenets, tested by fire and the most diabolical punishment and torture ever conceived by man, Masonry has not only survived, but its benign influence in qle elevation of mankind has grown, and year by year its votaries are increasing in every land. "In the beginning it was the essence of our Speculative Masonry which arose out of man's dire needs for a light on the path to lead him back to his Creator,. who had fashioned him in His Image and divinely endowed him with powers given to no other of his creatures, and whose favor he forfeited by sin; that caused




the foundation stone of the Masonic structure to be laid; and on which each succeeding generation spurred by its clearer understanding, has placed block upon block in the walls of that great social Temple, wherein all mankind is destined to unite in a universal brotherhood that will know no hatred, no greed, no selfishness; a brotherhood that will know only Truth, an unshakable faith in God, a hope sustained by that faith that in our Father's House we shall be welcomed, and an abiding Charity that wipes out all need. "These are the three great stars of Masonry:' Faith, Hope and Charity, Oh Brethren of the Mystic Tie Pure light on your path will shine If 0:1 these stars you fix your eye." "Masonry teaches loyalty to the State, but it abhors and condemns the use of the Ord.er, or even the inference that it can be used for political purposes. It respects the privileges of its members as individuals of the community to exercise the right of franchise as their conscience dictates. "Masons who chooEe to take part in the affairs of State do so as individuals and stand or fall upon their own merits, just as did the patriots who founded Our Government. "It may interest you to know that out of the 56. signers of our Declaration of Ind.ependence, 52 were Masons, and in the Army of Washington, the Commander in Chief, every Officer who attained the rank of Bdgadler General, was a Mason. "There never was and never will be a place in Masonry for a traitor. The principles on which it was founded, the compelling power of its ideals, are the guarantee of that loyalty to government and integr'ity of the home which will ever preserve the Libert.;v and Freedom of man. "Masonry owes to America a great debt, but the world owes to Masonry a still greater obligation. It came to our. shores at an auspicious period in the '''orld's history, a period when the Old World was taking on new life. A time, that as a result of the Renaissance, there came into being a consciousness of the importance of mankind which was to be the beginning of the end of slavery of mind and body. . "No American reviews the history of his country without mingled emotions of pride in her past achievement and responsi路 bility for her future. "The settlement of America by the Pilgrims and Puritans came as a result of the desire to be free, and while in the beginning it was wholly a movement for Religious freedom, it was nevertheless the beginning of true representative Government. "Out of their religious beliefs came the conviction that man-


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kind was born with a right above all others to be free, which led straight to the right of self-government, the necessary corollary to which was the privilege and requirements of education. "A beginning to achieve this was made by the Virginia Company in 1621' when they provided as they said, 'for the education of children and grounding them in the principles of religion * * * whereof both the ,Church and the Commonwealth take their original foundation and happy estate'; this led to the founding of Harvard, College in 1636; the College of William and Mary in 1692; and Yale in 1701. "It was in this atmosphere and in this cradle of liberty that Masonry was rocked and later fostered by the hands of Benjamin Franklin, America's great statesman and philosopher; the immortal Washington, the great organizer and translator of the American spirit of freedom; Hancock, whose bold hand was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence, .Warren, who on the heights of Charleston, was the first to sacrifice his life for his Country."

:Masonic Homes: The one at Decita had 155 men and 144 women. In the Covina Home there \\tere 98 boys and 77 girls. Outside relief was given to 36 men and women and to a number of children. The Endowment Fund for these Homes is now more than half a million. Correspondence: The Report of 154 pages was made by Jesse M. \rVhited. As we noted a year ago he treats of varied 1\1asonic subjects "from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall." He quotes a page from Grand Master Bigger concerning trouble that had deve~oped in the Eastern Star, and about as much more from the same address where Judge Bigger tells of calling other Grand Officers to confer with them over important matters. He even ventures to quote some things this scribe wrote concerning dancing and gives our comment on his report of one year ago. \Ve are glad to note the prosperity of Freemasonry in California. 6,215 were raised last year and the gain in membership ,vas 3,410. The salt of our Order is very much needed in a State whose Supreme Court has decided that the Bible is a sectarian book ancI whose Attorney General has ruled that the Lord's Prayer is sectarian.




CANADA. Sevent~'-fifth

Annual. Toronto, July 16, 17, 1930. 567 Lodges, 1Ui,981 Members, 4,105 Raised, 1,744 Gain. 514 Lodges represented. Grand Master, Roderick B. Dargaval, Toronto, Re-elected. Grand Secretary, \Villiam M. Logan, Hamilton. Correspondent. William Nisbet Ponton.

Present: 7 Grand Offcers; 5 Past Grancl Masters; 32 District Deputy Grand Masters; 514 Lodges were represented by from 1 to 29 members. 4S Grand Lodges were represented. n'Iissom-i was not represented. . Distinguished Visitors: They \vere: From England, Lt. Col. 1--:1on. George Monckton-Arundell, Past Grand \Varden. Rev. Canon Fitz\villiam J. C. Gilmor, Past Grand Chaplain, and Admiral J. Bridges Eustace, Past Grand Deacon of the United Grand Lodge of England. From Scotland, The Earl of Stair, Past Grand ~1aster. From Ireland, E. T. Malone, representing the Grand Master of Ireland. From Michigan, Bro. Dollivar, Grand Master, and Lou \Vinsor, Grand Secretary. From Massachusetts. l__ ouis A. Jones, Deputy Grand l\/Iaster, anel F. \V. Hamilton, Grand Secretary. From Connecticut, E. L. Darhie, Grand Master, L. J. Nickerson, Past Grand Master,A. \"1. Keeler, District Deputy, H.ev. J. G. \Verner, Associate Grand Chaplain, and Bro. Bowman. Grand Master's Address: The Grand ~1aster made many visits /)ut did 110t attempt to name them. He visited the Grand Lodges of Quebec and ~Jichigan. He laid two Cornerstones and cledicated five Masonic Temples. Seven were dedicateu by others. "Chain Prayer": From several quarters he had receivecl complaints of the reappearance of that hardy perennial, the "Chain Prayer." His comment is: "Brethren, this practice is most objectionable and implies a superstition that is at variance with the philosophy and the moral and ethical teachings of our fraternity."

To this we add a hearty :Methodist Amen! The Grand l\路Jaster constituted and consecrated one N e\v Lodge ancl issued Dispensations for the forming of three more.




Financial: The Grand Secretary received f rom the Lodges on general account, $130,317.95. The Grand Lodge has on hand a l\-femorial Fund of $287,821.96, a Semi-Centennial Fund' of $107,883.14 and an investment on general account, $381,850.54. Report of District Deputies: These reports fill more than 200 pages in the Proceedings and indicate a careful supervision of the Lodges. . Correspondence: The Report of 323 pages was made by \Villiam Nisbet Ponton, Past Grand Master. He gives more than six pages to a careful review of our Proceedings for 1929. He deals very kindly with Missouri's Correspondent and gives more than a page ancl a half to quotations from our Report. COLORADO. Seventieth Annual. Denver, September 16-17, 1930. 148 Lodges, 33,982 Members, 1,005 Raised, 372 Gain. 139 LodgeR represented. Grand Master, Reuben W. Hershey. Grand Master elected, Horace H. Mitchell, Colorado Sprin!?;s. Grand Secretary, William W. Cooper, Denver.. Correspondent, Stanley C. Warner, Denver.

Present: 15 Grand Officers; 19 Past Grand Ivlasters; 39 Committee Members; 215 Lodge Representatives. 55 Grand Lodges were represented, Missouri by Past Grand l\laster Frank G. :Mirick. Distinguished Visitors: Orville A. Andrews, Grand l\{aster of Nebraska, was introduced. Sidney A. Knill, Grand High Priest, Charles F. Painter, Grand Master of the Grand Council, and Stanley C. \Varner, Jnspector General of the Scottish Rite of Colorado, were introduced. Grand l\/Iaster's Address: From his address we quote the following paragraphs which are certainly worth reading: "Masonry is a vital force in the community in which we livenot so much the Lodge as the individual Mason's thoughts, words and actions as he comes in contact with other individuals who may or may not be Masons. Some ask, 'What is wrong with Masonry?' My answer is, that there is nothing wrong with Masonry or with the Masons, but there is something radically wrong with some of the members of the Masonic Fraternity. This question has been asked for several years past, and this situation has been




cleared up in different ways in the last three or four years .by suspension and expulsion of some of those members who never had the least interest in Masonry except what they might get out of 1he fraternity Or its members. A genuine Mason joi~s the fraternity with the idea of performing some service for someone other than himself or to assist others in the work they are doing. Masonry is the same today as it was in the beginning, and will continue on until the end of time, as its principles ate as old as the world. "Individuals had and practiced Masonry long before it was organized, and some people today who are not Masons, are practicing what Masons are being taught to do. The teachings of Masonry have always been needed and always will be for the good they have done and will do for all the people in all places, regardless of creed or color, and Masonry has. always been and always will be an educational instit~tion for the uplift and upbuilding of the country, state and nation, wherever it may have found a foothold. A community of any size may well be proud of a Masonic Lodge."

The Grand f.,路'Iaster attended the Grand l\1aster's Conference at Washington and the \Vashington lVlemorial Association at Alexandria. He reports seventy visits to Lodges. Some of these were joint meetings, attended by representatives of two to nine different Lodges. He visited the Grand Lodge of Nebraska. Cornerstones: He laid thc cornerstone of a church and Past Grand l\1aster Ernest N CWS0111 laid the Cornerstone of anothcr church. He refused to lay a Cornerstone on Sunday. Missouri Frcemasons lay no Cornerstones on Sunday. He dedicated onc Ivlasonic Hall. Some nuisances disturbed his peace of mind, as appears f rom the folloviing clipping from his address: CIRCULAR AND CHAIN LETTERS.

"On June 27, 1930, it was necessary to send out a letter calling the attention of the brethren to Section 297, Book of Constitutions, on unauthorized work.' This, on account of the officers of the different subordinate Lodges, throughout thIs jurisdiction, being circularized by so-called Masonic publications that traffic in alleged keys and ciphers. "On June 1, I requested th8 Gra:ld Sccreta;'y to include in his bulletin for that date a paragraph calling the attention of the



brethren to the so-called Masonic Chain Prayer Letter which has become a nuisance. Filled as it is whh threats of misfortune to those who fail to comply with instructions, it is simply an appeal to superstition. For the good of Masonry, it is suggested that all Masons who receive such chain letters completely ignore them."

Dandelions are hard to kill. The year app~ars to have been a prosperolls one. The Grand l\Jastcr says: CONDITION OF THE CRAFT. "In the past year, the Lodges have made a gain of 372 members. There has been an increase in the assets of the Grand Lodge, and wish to call attention to the figures that will be shortly reported by our Grand Secretary regarding suspensions and expulsions, which are and should be very gratifying to the members of this Grand Jurisdiction. "According to reports of the Grand Lecturer, the constituent Lodges have made a large gain in property and cash during the past year. Since the date of organization of the Grand Lod~e of Colorado in 1861; in only one year (1875), have the Lodges under this jurisdiction sustained a net loss inmell1bership."


The Grand Treasurer reported: GENERAL FUND.

Balance on hand, 1929 $34,849.18 Received from Grand Secretary 40,608.46 Balance, 1930 34,965.15 Library Fund, 1930.......................................................... 1,069.23

Correspondence: A Report of 120 pages was presented by Stanley C. \Varner, Inspector General for the Scottish Rite of Colorado. He gave nearly t\\lO pages t<? a review of our Proceedings for 1929. Half of this space is filled with apt quotations from the able address of Grand Master Bigger. He quotes this item from the report of our Committee on the Grand Master's Address: "For the second time in the history of this Grand Lodge it has been served by a Grand Master whose father had preceded him in that high office, a worthy son of a noble sire; who by his wise administration has hono~'ed the name he bears. Grand Master Byrne E. Bigger has visited more Lodges than were ever before visited by a Grand Master in a single year-one hundred and fiftytwo in number."

In his review of Alabama for 1929 he says, "An interest-




ing address was delivered by R. 'vV. Bro. Arthur J. Moore, Grand Orator." In :May, 1930, Arthur J. :Moore was elected a Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. He has charge of the Conferences on the Pacific Slope. His address is The Glide Foundation, Taylor and Ellis Streets, San Francisco. vVe heartily commend him to our Brethren on the Pacific Coast. CONNECTICUT. One Hundred Forty-third Annual. Hartford, February 4-5, 1931. 128 LodgeR, 46,351 Members, 1,174 Raised, 305 Gain. 128 Lodges represented. Gl'and Master, Elbert L. Darbie. Granll Master elected, Howard A. Middleton, Broad Brook, Grand Secretary, Winthrop Hucl;:, Hartford. Correspondent, George A. Kies, Hartford.

I':>resent : 14 Grand Officers; 19 Past Grand IVIasters; 9 District Deputies: 16 Past District Deputies; 268 Lodge Representatives. 53 Grand Lodges were represented, 1vr issouri by Past Grand Master Leonard ].' Nickerson. Distinguished Visitors: They ,,,,,ere: From Canada, Roderick B. Dargarel, Grand I\1aster. From the District of Columbia, Carl H. Claudy, Executive Secretary of the l\lasonic Service Association, representing the Grand 1\1aster of the District of Columbia. From Delaware, \iVilliam E. Valliant; Past Grand Master. From lVIassachusetts, Herbert \1\,1. Dean, Granel 1\/laster and DeBen \t\lakelee, Representative Grand Lodge of Connecticut near the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. From New Jersey, Donald J. Sargent, Grand 1\1aster, and \Villiam Huck, Jr., Grand Marshal. From New Hampshire, George E. Danforth, Grand Master, and Harry 1\1. Cheney, Past Grand Master and Grand Secretary, FrQm Rhode Island, Henry S. See, Grand Master, Harold L. McAnslan, Grand Secretary, Charles Manchester, Grand 'Marshal, and Joseph Lawton, Past Grand I\1aster and Representative of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut near the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island:




From Vermont, Aaron H. Grout, Grand :Master, and \iVilliail1 Ballou, Grand Junior \Varden. Grand l\/{aster's Address: Visitations: The Grand Master attended the Grand ,Masters' Conference at \iVashington City; the meeting of the \Vashington IVlemorial Association at Alexandria and a'n adjourned meeting of the Masonic Service Association at \Vashington. He visited the Grand Lodges of New Jersey, Rhode Island, Vermont. Canada, and Pennsylva11la. He reports 66 Masonic visits made within his own Grand Jurisdiction. He constituted three Lodges, dedicated five ,Masonic Temples and laid one Cornerstone. Financial: The Grand Secretary reported receipts for the year, $165,000.25. The larger part of this amount was for the IVIasonic Charity Foundation. The per capita dues from the Lodges were $20,068.38.. Correspondence: Past Grand l'vlaster George A. Kies presented a Report of 148 pages, which gives two and one-half pages to a good review of our Proceedings 拢or路1930. He has a kind reference to our Report on Correspondence and quotes the tale we told about President Coolidge. Yes. Marcus A. Loevy was the man who sent $500.00 in 1922 by the writer to found a Library in honor of Dr. Kuhn.



There are 202 Lodges with about 15,000 members. The Grand Lodge owns its Temple and supports a Home, while :Masonic contributions conduct a girls' school with sixty, mostly orphans, housing, feeding and clothing them. One-half the members of the Cuban Senate and nearly half the members of the House of Representatives are Freemasons. President Machado and many officials, including officers in the Army and Navy are Freemasons. Dr. Antonio Grayoz is Grand :Master and Jose F. Castellanos is Grand Secretary.




DELAWARE. One Hundred Twenty-first Annual. 'Wilmington, October 1-2, 1930. 22 Lodges, 6,154 Members, 171 RaiRed, 52 Gain. 22 Lodges represented., Grand Master, Harry V. Holloway. Grand Master elected, D. Raymond Keefer, Wilmington. Grand Secretary, John F. Robinson, Wilmington. Correspondent, Thomas J. Day, Wilmington.

Present: 14 Grand Masters; 14 Past Grand 1VI asters; 9 Past Senior Grand \tVardens; 7 Past JunIor Grand \Vardens; 3 Past Grand Treasurers; 125 Past Masters; 43 Lodge Repsentatives. 45 Grand Lodges were represented. 'Missouri was not represented. Distinguished Visitors from New Jersey: They were, Donald J. Sargent, Grand Master, Floyd J. Kirkpatrick, Senior Grand \Varden, Arthur P. Johnson, Junior Grand \i'larden, and Frank F. Sayre, Past Grand :Master, and Past Grand Master Honorarius of the Grand Lodge of Delaware. G.rand Master's Address: Cornerstones: The Grand 1Vlaster laid eleven Cornerstones, one for .a church, one for the gymnasium of the \iVomen's College, University of Delavvare, and, nine for public schools. He dedicated one Masonic Hall. Visitations: He visited every Lodge in the State. He visitecl the Grand Lodges of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. On the invitation of the Grand l\Iaster of l\1aryland he officiat~d as Deputy Grand Master at the laying of the Cornerstone of the dormitory of \Vashington College at Chestertown, 1\1aryland. Other fraternal visits were made beyond state lines. l\1asonic Service Association: He attended the meeting at Chicago in November, 1929, at ,路vhich 13 Grand Lodges were represented, and recommended that Delaware continue its membership in the Association. \i\,r e quote the conclusion of his address: "Freemasonry as a world institution is justified not only by its principles, but by its program. That program is set forth among the earliest teachings of the degrees. That program has a threefold objective: Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth: To foster brotherly love, to provide for relief, and to search for truth. "Friendship is the greatest solvent of human difficulties. It is the basis of easy understanding. Where men recognize each other as brothers, friendship thrives and fear and suspicion disappear as the mists before the morning sun. To teach the foundation of


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and the necessity for brotherly love is the first task of every Masonic Lodge. Out of this comes faith in one's fellows and faith in the divine Architect. But 'faith without works is dead'. Brotherly Love only as an abstract product of logical reasoning is as useless as gold to a starving castaway on a desert island. Masonry translates it into relief for the needy, food for the hungry, funds for the stricken, help for the suffering and the distressed, homes for the aged, hospitals for the afflicted, and the like. "Life is a great adventure. To know is its perpetual challenge. The search for truth is the most alluring and fascinating occupation of manldnd. With resistless energy, man keeps pushing out the frontiers of knowledge and the farther he goes the broader the prospect of possibilities opens. The quest has sent him to the very ends of the earth and to the depths of the sea. He has dug into the very foundations of the earth and has soared to the very limits of the air. 'With ingenius instruments he has measured the immensities of space, analyzed the composition of the stars, and discovered the laws which keep numberless worlds moving with most minute precision through aeons of time. With no less eagerness he has delved into the hidden realms of the spirit in search of spiritual truth, into the realms of nature for scientific truth, and into the mysterious mazes of the human mind for psychological and philosophical ,truth. To encourage this eternal quest, and to make its members realize that every new pathway into the unknown leads to a better conception of the Infinite, to a fuller realization and a more profound appreciation of the source of all Light and Life and Truth, is the purpose and program of Masonry. To this end we are enjoined to labor with Freedom,_ Fervency, and Zeal-freedom from the prejudices of little minds and narrow visions and selfish souls; fervency that characterizes the burning desire to know, to do and to be; zeal that puts forth the utmost powers of body and intellect. "It was never so true in the history of the world as it is today, that man cannot live to himself alone. Our interdependence is one of the most important facts of our existence. Commerce in industry, religion and, education, social life and government, demand alike that men of every clime, of every faith, of every race, shall come to know and to appreciate the contribution which each is making to the welfare and happiness of his fellows. When men have been taught to work together for their common good, then will peace and prosperity reign supreme. Co-operation is one of the most vital forces of modern life. But co-operation cannot come about, except through understanding, and understanding can come only through friendship. I believe, therefore, that the most important function that Masonry can perform in the realm




of material things, and ultimately in the realm of spiritual things, is to multiply opportunities for the building of friendships. More effective will they be in promoting the peace of the world than battleships, more sure will they be in helping to the happiness of mankind than armaments."


The Grand Treasurer reported:

Balance on hand Oct. 1, 1929 $ 7,211.43 Received Grand Secretary 21,332.72 Interest on Deposits........................................................ 102.35 TOT AI...


Not a bad financial shO\ving for a Grand Lodge with a membership of 6,154. "Donation George \A/ashington J\Jasonic National Memorial Association:" Motion was duly made and passed to the effect that it is the aim of this Grand Lodge to set aside as its minimum donation, to the George \,yashington l'vIasonic National Memorial Association a sum equal to three dollars per memher. Good for Dela\'vare. Correspondence: Past Grand :Master Thomas J. Day presented a Report of 63 pages which gives nearly a page and a hal f to an excellent review of our Proceedings for 1929. He quotes some interesting items from Grand :M aster Bigger's address and the personal note in which this scribe reported the Birthday Dinner given him by his friends when he was eio'htv h ... ."vears old. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. One Hundred Twentieth Annual. Washing-ton, December 1/, 44 Lodges, 23,161 Membel's, 615 Raised, 191 Loss. 42 Lodges represented . .Grand Master, James A. West. Grand "Master elected, C. Fred Cool;:, Washington. Grand Secretary, J. Claude Keiper, "\Vashington. Correspondent, James A. West, Washington.


Present: 1:; Grand Officers; 10 Past Grand Masters: 189 Past Masters and Lodge Representatives. Distinguished Visitors: Donald J. Sargent, Grand :Master of New Jersey, L. \Vhiting Estes, Grand High Priest, and Joseph H. :Milans, Grand Commander of the District of Columbia, were introduced.



Grand Master's Address:


Grand Visitations:

"In company with the other officers of the Grand Lodge, during the months of October and November, I paid the usual annual grand visitation to each of the 44 Lodges in our jurisdiction. Everyone of these occasions was most delightful. The spirit of good fellowship and fraternalism displayed was decidedly pronounced, and there is not the slightest doubt in my mind that the annual grand visitations, as held under our present long-established system, have had much to do with establishing the solidarity which characterizes the Craft in the District of Columbia. It was a wholesome experience, and one well calculated to make glad the heart of any man, to exchange hand grips and words of friendly greeting with the thousands of Master Masons who were present on these occasions, and to enjoy the atmosphere of genuine goodfellowship that prevailed."

T\vo Cornerstones were laid. The Grand r.'Iaster has this to say of the Grand "Masters' Con ference : "GRAND MASTERS' CONFERENCE. "For the fourth consecutive year the Conference of Grand Masters of the United States held its meeting in this city in February, 1930, and, folloWing the usual custom, it fell to my lot to welcome the members to our jurisdiction. It was a distinct pleasure to do so and to assure the assembled brethren that we regarded very high~y the compliment implied in their continued selection of Washington as a place of meeting. "As the purposes of the conference are better understood and as it becomes established as a recognized agency for good in the work of our several Grand Jurisdictions, both its benefits and possibilities are more apparent. The frank exchange of opinions regarding the subjects under consideration and the statements concerning the customs of the various Grand Lodges are of real value. Of equal importance are the personal contacts which the conference affords, the friendships which are formed and the clearer understanding of motives and personalities. All these things tend toward the establishment of real co-operation by Grand Masters and Grand Lodges."

Financial: The Grand Treasurer reported a balance of $45,351.52 and received fro111 the Grand Secretary $59,826.70. There was a Temple Fund of $32,655.92 on hand and receipts during the year for that fund were $23,592.75. 1\1asonic and Eastern Star Home: December 30. 1930, there were in the [-lome 54 adults and 48 children. Receipts from all sources for the Home were $86,481.43.




The I-lome has an Endowment Fu'ncl of $167,810.24. Correspondence: Grand Master James A. \iVest presented a l~eport of 56 pa6es in which he reviev,red the Proceedings of 55 Grand Lodges, but Missouri vvas not reviewed. ENGLAND. Quarterly Communication. London. December 3, 1930. Rt. Hon. Lord Ampthill, G. C. S. I., G. C. 1. R., Pro Grand MaRter, On the Thronp. S.r Colville Smith, C. V. O. Grand Secretary.

ATTENDANCE AT GRAND LODGE, 3rd December, 1930. London Provincial........................ Overseas .

Masters 197 165


Wardens Past Masters 203 417 168 690



Total 817 1,023


SUMMARY. Masters, Wardens, and Past Masters Grand Officers (including Present Grand Stewards) Tot.al.

1,840 512 2,352

The Duke of Connaught was re-elected Grand Master. The brief report we have gives no membership statistics. The following quotation show's tInt many Brethren were unable to obtain admission to the Grand Lodge: "BRETHREN UNABLE TO GAIN ADMISSION. "AN UNFORESEEN ATTENDANCE. "The M. W. PRO GRAND MASTER:-Brethren, it is ext.remely regrettable that a very large number of Brethren have been unable to gain admission to this meeting. "Ve owe this unfortunate circumstance to an unforeseen and unprecedented invasion from the North (laughter). I say 'unforeseen' because we had no warning of it whatever until this mOl'l1ing, when the Grand Secretary received a letter asking that the number of the Scrutineers in the Porch might be increased in order to meet a large number of Brethren. That was, of course, impossible at so short a notice, as our arrangements for this meeting are made weeks and weeks beforehand. All I can do is to say t?at we regret it as much as anybody, and we hope that at future meetings of Grand Lodge. which are to be so well attended. we shall have sufficient notice




to arrange sufficient room. It would have to be the Albert Hall, because the Central Hall would not have held the numbers we are asked to accommodate tonight."

Heretofore the Grand Lodge has been supported by voluntary contributions. The amount reported received for the quarter was 8,775 pounds sterling. Sir Alfred Robbins, President of the Board of General Purposes, submitted the following financial statement: GRAND LODGE ACCOUNTS. "The Board submits the following statement of Grand Lodge Accounts presented by the Finance Committee on the 18th of November, for the nine months ended 30th September, 1930. The total income was £78,619 11s. 2d., made up of amounts received by the Fund of General Purposes £ 30,818 14s. Od., the Fund of Benevolence £38,0-48 12's. lld., and the Building Fund £9,752 4s. 3d. The total payments for the same period were £74,479 15s. 2d. The Cash at Bank in respect to these three Funds, on the 30th September, was £7,510 13s. 1d."

Since then English Freemasonry has suffered a great loss in his death. On the occasion of his visit to Missouri a few years ago our Grand Lodge honored itself by making him an Honorary member. In 1825 the same honor was conferred upon La Fayette. /\. measure was proposed to levy a per capita tax of three shillings upon each member of the London Lodges and two shillings upon each member of the Provincial, Military and Overseas Lodges. Action was postponed to the March Quarterly Cammunication. \t\T e understand it was adopted at that time. FLORIDA. One Hundred First Annual. Tallahassee, April 15-17, 1930. 252 Lodges, 31,262 Members, 1,175 Raised, 1,039 Loss. 218 Lodges represented. Grand Master, Stafford Caldwell. Grand Master elected, Wallace R. Cheves, Jacksonville. Grand Secretary, Wilber P. Webster, Jacksonville. Correspondent, Ely P. Hubbell, Bradenton.

Present: 16 Grand Officers; 8 Past Grand Masters; 23 District Deputy Grand Masters; 304 Lodge Representatives. 39 Grand Lodges were represented, Missouri by Richard B. Lowett.



Distinguished Visitors: They were: From Georgia, Hugh VV. Taylor, Grand Master, Clarence H. Andres, Deputy Grand Master, Joseph A. Moore, Junior Grand Warden, Frank C. Jones, Grand Treasurer, ]. G. Standifer, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Council, Charles W. Piccock, Grand Conductor of Council, H.epresentative of the Grand Lodge of Florida. From Louisiana, Ernest E. Sykes, Deputy Grand 1tJaster of the Grand Lodge. From Alabama, Duncan C. Carmichael, Past Grand Master and Past Grand Commander, and William Samuel Gamble, Junior Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge, and Past Grand Master of the Grand Council. From Florida, John Pasco, Grand High Priest, William H. Greer, Grand Scribe, Archie Aitchison, Grand Principal Sojourner, George A. Dame, Grand Royal Arch Captain, R. J. Kichpaugh, Grand Master of the Grand Council, \Villiam C. Marshall, Deputy Grand Commander, and Bradford C. Vvebb, Senior Grand Vvarden of the Grand Commandery. The following distinguished citizens were presented: Hon. Doyle Carlton, Governor; R. A. Gray, Secretary of State; Fred H. Davis, Attorney General; W. S. Cawthorn, Superintendent of Public Instruction; Nathan Mayo, Commissioner of Agriculture; Glenn LeweIl, Chief Justice, Supreme Court; Louie 'AT. Strum, Justice of Supreme Court; Rivers Buford, Justice of Supreme Court; Samuel H. Mathews, Supreme Court Commissioner. Freemasons ought to be good public servants. Grandmaster's Address: One 'Cornerstone was laid by the Senior Grand Warden, Samuel Pasco. "Short of Time": Eight Dispensations were issued to enable Lodges to confer degrees "short of time." Why have a time limit? Visitations: The Grand Master made two visits to the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star, April 24, 1929, and April 9, 1930. ITe reports more than thirty visits to Lodges and Masonic Districts. His address of more than eighty pages gives such a detailed account of his work as to raise the question whether




he had time to do anything except superintend the work of Freemasonry in Florida. lVlasonic Home: The 'present value of the property was'estimated at $270,028.88. The cost of maintenance for the year was $44,198.02. April 1st there were in the Home 19 men, 17 women, 55 girls and 57 boys. Financial: Dues and Assessments $32,472.08 Masonic Home Fund 52,439.00 Building Fund............................................................ 5,120.00 Emergency Relief Fund.......................................... 6,56&.75

Past Master's Degree: A list is given of Masters on' whom the Past Master's Degree was conferred. About thirty years ago the Grand Lodge of Missouri changed' its constitution and no longer requires Masters elect to receive that degree prior to installation. Under our old constitution the writer received the' Past 'Master's Degree f~om Past Masters of his Lodge when he was Grand High Priest of lVlissouri, over thirtyfive years ago. ,The ceremony was, to quote Sam Jones, "Short but brief." Correspondence: The Report of 176 pages was made by Ely P. Hubbell, Past Grand High Priest. He gives three pages to a very fraternal Review of our Proceedings for 1929. He was evidently impressed by the wise administration of Grand Master Bigger and has some kind words for Grand Secretary Mather, Dr. Pickard, Chairman of the Committee on Obituaries, and Missouri's Correspondent, whom he met in Springfield, with other Brethren some time ago. Come again. GEORGIA. One Hundred Forty-fourth Annual. Macon, October 28-29. 1930. 618 Lodg-es, 61,859 Members, 1,891 Raised. 3,681 Loss. Grand Master Hugh W. Taylor. Grand Master elected, William G. Mealor, Gainesville. Grand Secretary, Frank F. Baker, Macon. Correspondent, Raymund Daniel, Atlanta.

Present: 12 Grand Officers; 11 Past Grand Master~: 6 Trustees Masonic Home; 10 Custodians of the Work; 754 Past ~asters; 523 Lodge Representatives. 56 Grand Lodges were represented, l'vlissouri by Senior Grand Warden Vvm. B. Clarke of Savannah.




Grand :Master's Address: Nine Cornerstones were laid. Two Lodges were constituted and Dispensations were issued for the forming of three new Lodges. Decisions: The Grand Master ruled that the violation of the game and fish law was not a Masonic offense and that the fact that an initiate had served a term in the Federal Penitentiary for the violation of the law of prohibition was no bar to advancement. These decisions were approved. A Lodge is hard up for material that will advance a convicted "bootlegger." The Grand Master visited the Centennial Grand Lodge of Florida at Tallahassee and the Imperial Council of the Shrine at Toronto. He attended the Washington Memoriat" Association at Alexandria and the General Grand Chapter at Tacoma. He attended the Grand Chaptet of Georgia and reports many visits made to subordinate Lodges.. Made a Mason at Sight: This honor was conferred _upon Judge William M. Jones, father of the Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge. He was elected to receive the degrees before the commencement of the Civil War, but, having lost a leg in the service was prevented from receiving the ~egrees at that time. Financial: The Grand Treasurer reported a balance of $41.125.90 and received from the Grand Secretary, Grand Lod{!f' dues amounting to $95,186.02. 1\1asonic Home: The Home received from the Grand Lodge $63,000.00. There was in the Home an average monthly attendance of 205. The average per capita cost of the Home was $280.29 for the year. Outside relief was given to 16 widows and 43 children at the cost of $223.75 per month. Correspondence: Past Grand Master Raymund Daniel presented a Report of 181 pages, which gives three pages to a review of our Proceedings for 1929. He quotes more than a page from the excellent address of Grand Master Bigger and quotes at length from the Report of our Committee on Masonic Service. He has a k'ind word for Missouri's Correspondent.' "The New Summons" with which he opens his Report makes




good reading, btlt we have not space to quote it, but we will' give a few paragraphs as a sample: "THE PRINCIPLES OF GOD. "If the Georgia Reviewer had but words to employ there would

be the assertion that Freemasonry is a human-founded and humansupported institution that believes in, and endeavors to teach and follow the principles of God. In all reverence, and as one seeks enlightment and aid, these opinions are expressed. "These things I do know and state; Freemasonry is not merely ceremony, not solely fanatically expounded mysticism, not just brick, mortar and stone. It is the flesh, the blood, the heartthrobs, the joys, the sorrows, the hopes, the aim and attainments that all the various forms of life hold and present. Freemasonry possesses in its members the same frailties and weaknesses of its foilowers as are manifested individually in all other human organizations. "In the past these frailties dealt too much with what its members must not do and otrered advices to what they could do. Previously, its weaknesses have been for intonated ceremonials. "The NE,W SUMMONS that comes to our beloved Crafthood is with regard to the things we MUST DO. The new and potent spirit of the world is an assertive and not negative doctrine. Man's understanding and appeal have been that God would stoop down and carry man up to His abode. God taught man to pray for His kingdom to come ON EARTH as it is in Heaven. God really meant for man, by living God'~ principles, to reach up to God and help God bring, His kingdom into this world. This is the 'new Heaven'. "Such a mission Freemasonry can perform, regardless of all inability to define the differentiations between religion and Freemasonry. "The new summons for our Craft today is for PERFORMANCE instead of observance. Performance will require observance, but observance does not always induce performance. "The great challenge .to Freemasonry is to cast aside its childish路 air of clannish mystery and ritualism and to recognize and accept its new sense of responsibility." IDAHO. Sixty-third Annual. Twin Falls, September 9-11, 1930. 80 Lodges, 10,390 Members, 356 Raised, 50 Gain. 77 Lodges represented. Grand Master, Frank D. Mumford. Grand Master elected, Jay Glover Eldridge, Moscow. Grand Secretary, Curtis F. Pike, Boise. Correspondent, Percy Jones. Blackfoot.


17 Grand Officers; 20 Past Grand Masters; 1




Past Junior Grand Warden; 2 Past Grand Lecturers; 9 District Deputies; 42 Past lYIasters; 96 Lodge Representatives. 31 Grand Lodges were represented. Missouri was not represented. Grand r..1aster's Address: The Grand l\1aster attended the nine District Meetings and visited thirty-two Lodges. He attended the Grand Masters' Conference at Washington and the VVashington l\1emorial Association at Alexandria, and visited the Shrine Imperial Council at Toronto, Canada, in June, 1930. An unusual case was referred to the Committee on Jnrisprudence. A brother was suspended in 1896 for non-payment of dues amounting to $31.00. Four years later the Lodge surrendered its charter. He is "now ninety-five years of age, but remarkably well preserved in mind and body" and desires to be reinstated. The Committee decided that if he would pay $49.00 which would cover arrearages up to the time his Lodge surrendered its Charter, the Grand Secretary might give him a Grand Lodge certificate. I f we were near enough to him, we would advise him to save his forty-nine dollars, for we doubt if any Lodge would vote to receive by affiliation a l\,Iason ninety-five years old who had been suspended thirty-five years. Financial: The Grand Treasurer reported a balance of $13,309.80. He received from the Grand Secretary $40,178.31. The Grand Lodge has an Orphans' Fund of $158,521.46. Oration: George S. Sloan, Grand Orator, cielivered an address on "The Great Lights", from which we quote: "Many apologists for the Bible have arisen. There have been many critics and we still have them. Some have thrown the book aside because some things in it they cannot accept. It seems to me that such men are as fooliSh as a man would be who, finding a piece of ore shot through with gold, would throw it away because it contained some dr?ss, because he could not use all of it. "Masonry has honored no book as it has honored the Bible. May we present it today from a non-sectarian point of view? We well know that scores of denominations have been built up, all differing as to interpretation of the Book. May I present it as it appears to one who looks back to the home in which he grew up and where it was the Great Book, as one who feels that much of the richness of the lives that have blessed his life, found their treasure in the promises and teaching of that great Book; as it




appears to one who has gone to it in sorrow, taken its sayings to those in bereavement, used its teaching to advise, to warn, and to encourage; as it appears to one who has had the high privilege of being accepted into that fellowship where it is held to be the one of 'The Great Lights?' May we present it from a Masonic viewpoint, at least in so far as we are able to think Masonically? "One great church held that this Book was the Great Light. But that church refused to let the people read it. The Great Light was chained to a desk in a cell, and the whole world was in darkness-then the dark ages held sway over a troubled world of mankind. We may as effectually lock the pages of that Book by fear of controversy, or by remaining ignorant of its contents. "The records of that Book begin with God. In that, is it not Masonic? Swiftly the records unfold. What a scene lies back of those first four chapters! Men of science have read the record of the rocks and given great meaning to those observations of minds 'walking in the early morning of human life and understanding.' Next comes man formed of the earth. A living soul! Then the blight. Then the record follows man on that slow toilsome journey up the mountain towards God. Wonder storiesstories of pestilence, famine, jealousy, hatred, murder and intrigue. God gave to man a glimpse of himself now and then. Then comes the mountain of the Law. The Ten Commandments stand alone among codes of law. Unique in their simplicity, their completeness. Not from Justinian nor from Hammurabbi, not from the Roman lawaI' from the English Common law has man been given such a code. Within the Ten Commandments lies the heart of every good law made by man for man's government."

The whole oration is worth quoting, but we can only give adClitional space to its conclusion: "No treatment of the Great Lights would be complete in any sense without the thought of immortality. As we read the Book we become increasingly a ware of the fact that the end of the journey of life lies just at the beginning of the journey of eternity. Here and there the curtains are drawn back from the windows of this, our house of clay, and we are given a glimpse out along that highway that leads to the bright City of God. "Joseph Fort Newton, in a footnote in 'The Builders', quotes the late Edwin Booth as saying, 'In all my research and study, in all my close analysis of the masterpieces of Shakespeare, in all my earnest determination to make those plays appear real on the mimic stage, I have never, and nowhere, met tragedy so real, so sublime,so magnificent, as the legend of Hiram. It is substance without shadow--the manifest destiny of life which requires no picture and scarcely a word to make a lasting impression upon all who can understand. To be a \Vorshipful




Master and to throw my whole soul into that work, with the cand:date for my audience and the Lodge for my stage, would be a greater personal distinction than to receive the plaudits of the people in the theaters of the world. "This universe in which we live is so vast as to stagger the mind of man as he seeks to comprehend it. The light from yonder star that shines in the sky even now will not reach the boundaries of the universe, if the universe be bounded, for a hundred years. How like a flash of light in the darkness is the life of man! Out yonder are heavenly bodies so large that if our sun should be placed in the very center of one, our earth would describe its annual journey upon its equator. Heavenly bodies with diameters of one hundred. eighty million miles! How small we are! "Far from being depressed by the vastness of the universe, the soul of man exults. The power back of all creation is his God. The Grand Master presides over His work. Words of the Great Light paint the picture, but faintly, of what man shall be when he walks out upon that great highway of the universe, free from his prison of clay, with the ears unstopped to listen to the music of the universe, the heavenly choirs, with eyes uncovered to behold Him in His beauty. Faith looks beyond the 'Brow of the Hill', and the thought of life beyond, of glad reunion, of being set to work by the Supreme Grand Master upon the walls of the Heavenly Temple, lightens all the drab pathway of life with luminous glory. "So one Great Light takes man from the Garden to God. And the other two speak of righteousness and love. As we pause before the Altar now and then, may something of these' great lessons, and others which they may teach, enter into our minds and hearts."

Correspondence: The Senior Grand \i\Tarden, Percy Jones, presented a report of 85 pages, which gave nearly two pages to a fraternal review of our Proceedings for 1929. He has this to say of Grand Master Bigger: "The reader of the Grand Master's interesting address will note that the year has been one of much activity, faithful service, and accomplishments. Five conferences with District Deputies and District Lecturers were held; officers of ten Lodges were installed; two halls were dedicated; visits to five other Grand Masonic Bodies were made; participated in three interjurisdiction visits; laid five cornerstones for public buildings: attended fourteen special events given by Lodges; officially visited 152 Lodges; attended the Grand Masters' Conference and the annual meeting




of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association, etc."

He has a kind word for our Report on Correspondence. ILLINOiS. Ninety-first Annual. Chicago, October 14-16, 1930. 1,015 Lodges, 294,011 Members, 7,681 Raised, 198 Loss. 962 Lodges represented. Grand Master, Edward C. Mullen, Chicago, Re-elected. Grand Secretaroy, Richard C. Davenport, Harrisburg. Correspondent, Delmar D. Darrah, Bloomington.

Present: -21 Grand Officers; 9 Past Grawl :Masters; 96 District Deputy Grand IVlasters; 72 l\1embers of Committees; 1,370 Lodge Representatives. 4S Granod Lodges were represented, Missouri by S. 1. Bragg. Grand Mastei-'s Address: During the year three Lodges were constituted. Dispensations were given for two new Lodges. Two Lodges were consolidated. One Cornerstone was laid and three l\lasonic Temples were dedicated-two of them by the Grand Master. The Grand IVlaster reported 46 official visits made to Lodges. The Grand l\1aster recommended a change in the law to permit a Lodge to request another Lodge to confer the Entered Apprentice Degree upon an elected candidate, or to con fer that degree 011 the request of another Lodge, and the change was made by the Grand Lodge. He had this to say concerning "FRATERNAL VISITS FROM FOREIGN JURISDICTIONS. "Our law provides that no other ritual be used in this State, but that which has been adopted by our Grand Lodge. Believing that it was wrong to have an Illinois petitioner as the object of an evening's entertainment, on whom a form and ceremony would be used which he perhaps would never experience again, I have requested all Lodges entertaining a Lodge from a Foreign Jurisdiction to see to it that they have their owD; candidate accompany them. I entertain the idea that Illinois Lodges could not possibly have any interest in the work, as put on by other jurisdictions, other than from an educational point of view. Such educational value is partly lost if the work is done on an actual Illinois candidate as it would then be impossible to explain the work, or for the members of the Lodges to ask questions about it."

Good common sense.




Financial: The Grand Secretary reported receipts from all sources as follows: General Ii'und-Balance Receipts

$302,006.56 216,043.73



Charity Fund-Balance neceipts

$154,421.51 2B8,709.84

Total Permanent' Fund-Balance Receipts Total

$443,131.35 $


9,510.03 1.511.96

$ 11,021.99

\Vith a membership of nearly three hundred thousand and receipts of nearly half a million and a balance of nearly that amount, our Illinois Brethren do not show many marks of distressing poverty. l\1asonic Home: The Home at Sullivan cared for 271 members during the year. There were 258 children in the Orphans' Home at La Grange in October, 1930. For the ensuing year the Grand Lodge appropriated to the Home at Sullivan $105,000.00 for maintenance and $10,000.00 for repairs, etc. For the Orphans' Home at LaGrange the appropriation was $135,000.00 for maintenance and $15,000.00 for repairs, etc. Chicago resents being caIled."The \J\Tickedest City 011 Earth." Dr. Herman N. Bundeson, a native of that city, in welcoming the Grand Lodge, said: "Contrary to widespread popular opinion, Chicago's homicide rate is not the highest in the nation. In the number of murders per 100,000 population during 1929, Chicago stood not first nor second, but last in a list of 39 large American cities located in various parts of the country. And not only that, while Chicago's murder rate actually decreased twenty per cent last year, the rates of 127 other American cities, large and small, with a combined population of over 36,00J,000, actually showed an increase in their murder rate."

'vVe are glad to have these facts. still he does not deny that Al Capone and' \rVilliam Hale Thompson are two of its most widely known citizens.




Oration: An excellent address on Good Citizenship was delivered by the Grand Orator, Richard E. Kropt. VVe quote a suggestive paragraph: "I listened with a great deal of interest and pleasure yesterday morning to Dr. Bundeson's defense of the good name of Chicago and fully agree with him that our fair city is not half as bad as it is pictured, that -Chicago is no worse than other large cities, and that the vast majority of our people are clean, decent, honest and law abiding. But the sad fact is that this large, decent majority, not only in Chicago, but throughout our country, takes but a very indifferent interest in civic and public affairs, and as a consequence we are face to face with conditions which are by no means gratifying. The remedy lies in an aroused, active, aggressive, clean, citizenship and so today I want to talk to you on Good Citizenship, which is one of the basic teachings ofMasonry. In the light of present day conditions, when the obligations which are due to our government are so often either lightly regarded or entirely ignored, and when respect for law almost seems to be a lost virtue, this subject is of particular interest to us, both as Masons and as citizens, for a man is not a good Mason unless he is also a good citizen."

Correspondence: Past Grand Master Delmar D. Darrah presented a Report of 218 pages in which he devotes more than four pages to an excellent review of our Proceedings for 1929. He quotes freely from the able address of Grand Master Bigger. He has this to say of one matter ,,\'ith which the Grand l\laster had to deal: "One problem which Grand Master Bigger had to deal with related to the Eastern Star meddling with Masonic affairs. He was able to adjust the matter without serious difficulty. This same thing has happened in other jurisdictions. The Eastern Star has grown into a rather strong organization, at least so far as numbers are concerned. They seem so overjoyed in their apparent prosperity that in some instances they would like to take the Masonic fraternity over and show how, it should be run. The only safe course to follow is to insist on absolute separation of the Masonic organization from the Eastern Star."

Past Grand Master Darrah opens his report with more than twenty pages given to "The Point of View." It makes interesting reading and we wish all Missouri Freemasons could see it, but we have not space to quote it. He ventures to quote an item or two from our Report on Correspondence.




INDIANA. One Hundred Fourteenth Annual. Indianapolis, May 26-27, 1931. 556 Lodges, 129,380 Members,. 3,197 Raised, 610 Loss. 554 Lodges represented. Grand Master, Roscoe Kiper. Grand Master elected, Ira H. Church, Elkhart. Grand Secretary, William H. SWintz, Indianapolis. Correspondent, Elmer F. Gay, Franklin.

Present: 12 Grand Officers; 16 Past Grand Masters; 544 Lodge Representatives. 39 Grand Lodges were represented, Missouri by Herbert A. Graham. Distinguished Visitor: The Governor of Indiana, Harry G. Leslie, was presented to the Grand Lodge. Grand l\1aster's Address: He has this to say of "Depression" : "The unusual business depression which prevailed during the last year made its impress on the totality of new membership in the several Lodges, but it is gratifying to note, that, by compari路 son with records of other substantial路 fraternal organizations, our institution occupies the front rank, and notwithstanding the backward condition through which we have and are passing, our brethren who are members of the small, as well as the larger Lodges, have redoubled their efforts to meet the situation and maintain the high standard of Masonry. It is also a commendable fact that the Lodges have refrained from entering upon extended building programs, which would result in heavy financial responsibilities, tending to repress the enthusiasm of their members."

Four Cornerstones were laid-two of them by the Grand l\1aster. Two Masonic Temples were dedicated. The Grand l\Iaster visited the Masonic Home and the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star. He reports 10 other visits. A Ruling: "I held that permission could not be given the O. E. S.路 or any other organization to hold a district meeting on Sunday in the lodge room of a Subordinate Lodge, nor in any room or rooms over which it has control."

We quote his conclusion: "My brethren, I shall not trespass upon your patience by extending my remarks further. I do not like farewells and am not taking leave of you. I thank you sincerely for having given me this opportunity to serve you and contribute my small bit to the edification of the Craft. We, in our several stations in life, have our duties to perform. We are masters of our individual des-




tinies, and our relation to God, our neighbor, and society in general, demands that we so order our lives that we bring the greatest benefit to those with whom we must associate. When alone, under the silent stars, our souls may drink in the glory and beauty of Go~:rs creation, and amid the labors of a busy life we may see a g1ciry and beauty in the souls of men about us. Masonry is designed to give us the knowledge and understanding whereby we may come in contact with the beautiful rather than the sordid things of life. It furnishes us the trestle board upon which the course of our existence is designed and it demands of each of us that loyalty and fervency which will perpetuate its ennobling ideals in the hearts of men. As the parting 'hour approaches, my heart goes out to each of you with a brother's desire for the future success and happiness of you and yours."

Financial: Balance on hand $ 47,657.89 Receipts for the year............................ 60,475.95 The Home Fund baiance was 216,503.25 Receipts 197,897.45 May 12, 1931, the Endowment Fund of the Home was $470,873.38. The amount expe~ded for the maintenance of the Home was $235,699.74. Grand Lodges Recognized: Fraternal relations were established with the Grand Lodges of Chile and Holland. Correspondence: Past Grand lVIaster Elmer F. Gay, who superintends the Masonic Home, presented a Report of 170 pages, which gives nearly four pages to a good review of our 'Proceedings for 1930. He gives three-fourths of a page to quotations from Grand Master Freet's address. The amendment which we adopted concerning "Contracting of Debts" he quotes in full and says it is similar to the Indiana law. He has a word of commendation for our Report on Correspondence. IOWA. Eighty-seventh Annual. Des Moines, June 10-12, 1930. 556 Lodges, 86,011 Members, 2,275 Raised, 405 Loss. 458 Lodges represented. Grand Master, Charles Almon Dewey. Grand Master elected, John W. Gannaway, Grinnell. Grand Secreta,ry, Charles Clyde Hunt, Cedar Rapids. Correspondent, Louis Block, Davenport.


14 Grand Officers; 15, Past Grand Masters; 7




Past Senior Grand Wardens; 10 Past Junior Grand vVardens; 14 Past Grand Treasurers; 192 District Lecturers; 667 IVlasters and Wardens or their Proxies. Distinguished Visitol's: J. D. Ringer, Senior Grand Warden of.f'Jebraska, John K. Dulany:of Missouri, a member of the C~lt'ncil of De Molays of Kansas City, and Elmer Strain, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Kansas wereintroduced., Charles A. Schlichter, Grand High Priest; Roy Webh. Grand 1\faster' of the Grand Council, and John A. Belknap, Grand Commander, .were presented to the Grand Lodge. Grand Master's Address: The Grand Master reported that during the year three Cornerstones had, been laid and three Masonic Temples dedicated. He visited the Grand Commandery and Grand Chapter of Iowa, the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star, and the Consistory at Des Moines. He reported a number of visits to subordinate Lodges. He attended the Grand Masters' Conference at Washington and the meeting of the \,vashington :Memorial Association at Alexandria. \Vhile in Vlashington he attended the meeting of the Masonic Service Association. He says: "The meeting was to me a disappointment. The speeches that I heard were with reference to the necessity and advisability of promoting the educational features of Masonry throughout the several jurisdictions of the United States, but I heard nothing new presented. Neither did I hear anything of any revised or changed future programs. I left the meeting feeling that I was glad that Iowa had withdrawn from this Association."

He approved the work of the Grand Masters' Conference and says: ,"The thought came to me that here was an organization that could supplant lh'e work for which the Masonic' Service Association of the United States was formed. There never can be a General Grand Lodge of the United States, but a working organization to do things in a large way for all the Masons of the United States in cases of national emergencies may be necessary, and this Conference of Grand Masters could easily be used as an organization for that purpose."

Financial: The Grand Secretary reported the dues receivecl from the Lodges for the year were $92,728.40. In addition to this the amount received from the Lodges for Masonic Sanitarium was $88,249.00. 1\1ay 30, 1930, there were 42 patients in the Sanitarium.




Iowa ooes its Charity work without a Masonic Home. The past year relief was granted to 124 cases at a cost" of $21,426.47. From the Proceedings we clip a poem: "WAGES-a"' ANY BE DUE. "Let me come home tonight, a Lord, }i'rom all my work, with some reward, Some recompense, for having driven My soul and body, something given To pay me for the weary hours I labored under yonder tow'rs Or walked the furrows in the fields: God grant the night-time something yields To pay a man for all his day, For all the hours he gave away. "Gold?

Yes, a man must have his wages;

It has been so through all the ages.

A man must always have" his hire To set his table, feed his fire. And yet his wage, however much, Is never quite enough to touch His weary hands and heart with healing; He must come homeward somehow feeUng, However much a man has made, That not with this a man is paid. "But if we can come home tonight And know today we did the right, And made the world, that never knew it, A little better, passing through it, Can know we caused a lip to srpile, Or lightened someone's load awhile, That something we have made or done Has brought delight to anyone, Yes, know we served our fellowmen, Then we are paid-and not till then."

Correspondence: Past Grand Master Louis Block presented a Report of about 240 pages. He gives five and one-half pages to a review of our Procee9ings for 1929. Half of this space is filled with quotations from the able address of Grand Master Bigger. He quotes also from the "splendid Report on N ecrology," by Past Grand Master Pickard and gives a page to the work of Missouri's Correspondent, of whom he says some kind things. "Praise from Sir Hubert is praise indeed."




We have not at our disposal 240 pages. The limit set in IVlissouri is 150 pages and hints to keep well within that limit are not wanting. But from his "Foreword" we must quote an editorial from a leading American Masonic Journal, whose name he does not give: "There is a seeming tendency among Masons to graft into the Fraternity the 'ballyhoo' of the present commercialized age. Lodges sometimes introduce novel means to create and sustain interest. There is, apparently, a growing desire for display and publicity, a near ~pproach to what might be termed 'advertising', This may be observed in the eagerness with which some bodies of the Craft adopt plans to build large, costly Temples that are beyond their means and later the bodies are forced to burden their members with assessments and drives to collect the funds. Another tendency may be seen in the many side orders that are composed of Masons, and those of the Fraternity who have not joined such organizations are subject to continued solicitation for membership on the part of their .zealous brothers. "All this perhaps may appeal to those who care for innovations, but it seems far aside from the true and fundamental principles of the Fraternity. The danger is that those great principles, which have enabled Masonry to exist through the ages, may be hidden and forgotten in the many side i~sues. "Masonry was not intended to produce thrills, glitter or display, It does not pretend to give' the sort of entertainment that is to be found in the' theatre. "Masonry would teach its adherents the seriousness of life, would have them learn of those things which are stable and will endure. It has nothing to offer those who spend their entire time in the enjoyment of artificial creations. Rather, it路 would have its members know of the truths and beauties of real life; gain satisfaction from the knowledge that one is making a constructive contribution to the cause of man and is carving in stone, as it were, works that will live on, rather than making marks in the sand to be obliterated by the next tide of years. "If. the ancient principles of Masonry are forgotten, if the Fraternity is c~anged to suit the concepts of a commercialized, materialistic age, a time of hurry and grab, then there is the danger that it may lose .its venerable characteristics and last only the length of the period to which it is changed to conform. Much better that its ancient and sacred principles be preserved inviolable, that they may serve as an anchor by which Masons may maintain th~ir balance, lest they be swept along and ruthlessly lost in a swiftly moving current. "Let the lodge room be a place where one may escape the




rush, forget for a time the material and commercial and pause for thought and reflection." IRELAND. 1930.

The Annual Stated Communicatiori was' held in Dublin on St. John's Day. The l\10st \Vofshipful the Right Hon. the Earl of Donoughmore K. P.,Q'l;alldMas'ter, presided. Henry C. Shellard is Grallq.Secretary. vYe find no statistics of membership, but financial. r:~turns frol11 nearly seven hundred Lodges in various, parts' of the earth show an income of nearly ten thousand poifnds" sterling. <

KANSAS. Seventy-fifth Annual. Wichita, Febl'uary 18-19,< 1931. 448 Lodges, 80,938 Members, 2,168 Raised, 1,283 Loss. 305 Lodges represented. Grand Master, Jay B. Kirk. Grand Master elected, J. Forrest Ayres, Greenleaf. Grand Secretary, Elmer F. Strain, Topeka. Correspondent, Albert K. \Vilson, Topeka.

Present: 17 Grand Officers; 7 Sub-Officers; 16 Past Grand Masters; 51 District Deputy Grand Masters; 321 Past l'dasters; 438 Lodge Representatives. 53 Grand Lodges were represented, l\.lissouri by Past Grand Master Perry M. Hoisington. Distinguished Visitors: E. E. l\lorris, Grand Treasurer, and Dr. Arthur l\1ather, Grand Secretaryof Missouri, and John R. Tapster, Deputy Grand Master, representing the Grand Master of Nebraska, were introduced. Grand :Master's Address: Serious illness confined the Grand l\1aster to his bed for three months and for two months more he \vas able to perform' scarcely any work. During these five months the Deputy Grand :Master, John M. Kinkel, performed the duties of the office. \Ve quote from the opening words of his address: "It is through adversity that the qualities of men are tested, and in times like these we may see the ideals of Masonry in action; for Masonry, if properly .understood and applied, creates within its votaries spiritual reserves which will carry them through adversity and inspire them with a spirit of brotherhood which prompts them to exert their greatest effort in behalf of those in distress.




"Masonry will be measured in the world, not by what its enthusiastic supporters may declare it to be, but by what it is; and what it is depends upon what you and I, as Masons, are doing. Every individual member is a unit upon the yard stick with which the world will measure Masonry, and its value will be the sum total of the value of the lives of its members, for Masonry, like religion, is an individual matter. One cannot merely get by in the crowd and share the good reputation of an organization if his character is below the standard of that organization. The value of Masonry to the world so far as each individual is concerned, is its value within the circle of influence of his life, and he is the determining factor of that value. "Masonry, my brethren, is more than a broad theoretical system of morals to which one may subscribe, but make no personal application in the regUlation of his own life. Our most important Landmark and the one most jealously guarded is that which requires belief in God, but Masonry does not insist that this belief be evidenced through any particular sect or creed, permitting its votaries to interpret their religion through any creed of their choice, or none at all. This universal principle that each shall make such application of the Symbols of Masonry to his religious faith as shall best satisfy his own conscience, is the underlying principle which has brought this great Order down to us through the centuries of time and has caused it to 'outlive the fortunes of kings and the mutations of Empires'. Masonry insists that it is not enough to profess belief in God, but that each must cultivate a personal acquaintanceship and establish a personal relationship with Him. Masonry recognizes the 'fundamental principle t};1at our spiritual life and our material welfare are inseparably linked; that they are cast along parallel lines: that spiritual power is a very real force, just as electricity and gravitation are real forces, which is to be utilized in the regulation of our every day life. In this connection it is significant that we are admonished never to enter upon any important undertaking without first invoking the blessing of the Deity, and when life's pathway becomes rough and perilous and dangers are lurking in the way, a Mason will have established that personal relationship with Almighty God to enable him to pray for himself."

New Lodges: One Lodge was formed under a Dispensation and two Lodges were constituted: Two Cornerstones were laid. Financial: The Grand Treasurer reported a balance on hand of $40,915.19. He received fram the Grand Secretary $187,112.25.




:Masonic Home: There Were 237 guests In the Home. The per capita cost of maintenance for 1930 was $306.10. The Endowment Fund of the Home, January 1, 1931, was $557,753.39. Oration: The Grand Orator delivered an address which was ordered printed in the Proceedings and published in such form that it could be widely distributed. We have only space for a quotation: "We live in an age of science, equipped with instruments that weigh the stars and measure the universe and divide an atom into the unthinkably minute electrons of which it is composed. And hundreds and thousands of men in this skeptical, free thinking, free speaking, infinitely resourceful scientific age of ours, with all the craftiness and cunning and wisdom of the powerful intellects with which they have been endowed, have ranged throughout this mighty universe, from the tiniest bit of matter their microscopes can make visible, to the farthest star their telescopes disclose, searching for some fact, some principle, some law which would explain the world without God, which would make God unnecessary. And from all their far voyaging into the fields of investigation and research and thought they have come back baffled. Many interesting discoveries they haVe made. Yes. Many profound philosophies they have evolved. Yes. Many ingenious theories and hypotheses they have devised. Yes. But always when the critical point was reached, when all that was necessary to complete their chain of logic was to find the fact, the principle, the law that would take the place of God, a great void has risen up before them, a vast chasm which could not be bridged, a missing link which could not be supplied. 'In the beginning-God!' There it stands. The eternal verity. The Rock of Ages! "Upon that Rock we Masons have built the mighty structure of our faith, our philosophy and our practice. Upon that Rock we must build our lives if we are to make them count for anything in this world. Belief in God is to any man, particularly to a Mason, what belief in the North star is to the mariner. What would we think of the captain of a ship who set his course by the North star one night, by some other star another night, by no star at ~1l the third night? What could we forecast for him but shipwreCK and disaster? It is only as men hold fast to their faith in路 God that they are able to steer a steady course through the storms and tempests of this human life. The founders of Masonry, whoever, wherever and whenever they were, knew that. They. were willing that into this Order might come the King and his lowliest subject, might come Gentile and Jew, Mohammedan and Hindu, monarchist and democrat, men of any sect or creed,




believers or disbelievers in any scientific theory, followers of any system of philosophy. But one thing they would not tolerate, and that was Atheism. Against the man who denied the existence of God the doors of every Masonic Temple were forever barred. That is the reason Masonry has lived through all the centuries. Because at the very center and heart of it is faith in the center and heart of the Universe. The obligation of every Mason, therefore, the foremost obligation, is to make that faith a living faith, a vital and challenging faith, a part of his very soul. When we avow our belief in God we fall far short of the teachings of Masonry if we fail to treat Him with reverence, to put ourselves in accord with His will so far as that is possible to human frailty, to show our faith by our words and our works."

Correspondence. The Report of more than two hundred pagefi was presented by Albert K. \Vilson, Grand Secretary Emeritus. He gives nearly three pages to a good review of our Proceedings for 1930. He quotes what Dr. John Pickard, Past Grand Master, said in his Report on Obituaries, in answer to the question, "\\That are the greatest things in the world ?" \\That Dr. Pickard wrote was well worth quoting. He also ventures to quote a few words from the writer's Report on Correspondence. KENTUCKY. One Hundred Thirtieth Annual. Louisville, October 21-23, :)79 Lodges, 60,760 Membel's, 1,622 Initiated, 1,327 Loss. Grand Master, Frank D. Rash. Grand Master elected, John P. Taylor, Hopkinsville. Grand Secretary, Fred W. Hardwick, Louisville. Correspondent, W. W. Clarke, Owensboro.


Present: 14 Grand Officers; 25 Past' Grand Masters; 108 Past Masters; 564 Lodge Representatives. Grand IVlaster's Address: Cornerstones: The Grand 1\1:aster laid the Cornerstone of the Scottish Rite Temple at Louisville, August 4, 1930. Six other Cornerstones were laid during the year. Visitations: The Grand Master attended the usual meetings of the Directors of the Masonic \Vidows' and Orphans' Home and of the Old .Masons' Home and made about 50 visits to Lodges and District Meetings. He attended the celebration of St. John's Day by the St. John's Day League at Fontaine Ferry Park. The League raised $5,000.00 for the Masonic \iVidows' and Orphans' Home.




Financial: The Grand Secretary reported the cash balance on hand October 1, 1929, $199,193.33. Total receipts during the year, $259,649.26. Of this amount $93,605.00 was raised for the Old Masons' Home and the 1\1 asonic Widows' and Orphans' Home. John H. Cowles' Benevolent Fund. John H. Cowles, Past Grand Master of Kentucky, and now Supreme Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction, gave the Grand Lodge $10,000.00, which bears his name, as the Cowles' Benevolent Fund. Correspondence: Past Grand 1\1:aster, W. W. Clarke presented a Report of 120 pages which gives nearly three pages to a review of our Proceedings for 1929. The larger part of his space is given to pertinent selections from Grand Master Bigger's address. He has a good word for Missouri's Correspondence Report and quotes fro111 our introduction. LOUISIANA. One Hundred Twentieth Annual. New Orleans, February 2-4, 1931. 266 Lodges, 31,174 Members, 825 Raised, 1,667 Loss. 225 Lodges Represented. Grand Master, Leon S. Haas. Grand Master elected, Ernest E. Sykes, New Orleans. Grand Secretary, John A. Davilla. Grand Secretary elected, L. E. Thomas, New Orleans. Correspondent, Edwin F. Gayle, Lake Charles.

Present: 21 Grand 1\1:asters; 15 Past Grand 1\1asters. 58 Grand Lodges were represented. . Missouri was not represented. Grand 1\1aster's Address: Three Cornerstones were laid by the Grand Master and one by a Past Grand Master. The Grand 1\1aster dedicated four Masonic Halls. Visitations: He reports thirty-one visits to Lodges. Attorneys Not Vvanted: Brother Thomas, Chairman of the Committee on Masonic Law and Jurisprudence, ruled as follows: "Attorneys are not permitted to represent parties in matters of prosecution before a lodge. This duty rests with the Junior Warden with such assistance as he may request. But no attorney is allowed to represent the lodge in the prosecution. The. defense may have a brother to defend him of his own selection, but the Junior Warden looks after the prosecution."




Some years ago the writer assisted a Junior Warden in prosecuting a member of a Lodge some sixty miles away. He responded to this call for help from the Junior \Varden because another Past Grand Master, a member of his Lodge and a lawyer, had consented to defend the accused. It was a drawn battle. A majority voted to convict, but the majority was not large enough to expel him. No unseemly wrangles between counsel marred the harmony of this trial. A Ruling: The Grand Master ruled that a Fellow Craft, who had broken his leg and was so injured that he had to walk with crutches and could not bend the knee, was disqualified to receive the Third Degree. Chain Letters: They have appeared in Louisiana. The Grand Master says: "For Masons to circulate these letters is encouraging superstition, the very thing which the Masonic Fraternity is trying to destroy."

Financial: The Grand Treasurer reported receipts as follows: General Fund $153,040.25 Temple Fund 287,402.34 Children's Home: There was an average of about 99 children in the Home during the year. The average cost for maintenance was $479.97 for the year. Correspondence: Past Grand Master Edwin F. Gayle presented a Report of about one hundred and fifty pages, which gives about a page and a half to our Proceedings for 1930. l\10re than hal f this space relates to our Masonic Home, which, in its growth, is presenting increasing problems to our Grand Lodge. MAINE. One Hundred Eleventh Annual. Portland, May 6-8, 1930. 207 Lodges, 44,002 Members, 1,143 Raised, 67 Gain. 186 Lodges represen ted. Grand Master, Harold E. Cooke. Grand Master elected, Cyrus N. Blanchard, Wilton. Grand Secretary, Charles B. Davis, Portland. Correspondent, Rev. Ashley A. Smith, D. D., Bangor..


24 Grand Officers; 7 Past Grand Masters; 16




Past Junior Grand \Vardens; 21 District Deputy Grand Masters; 268 Lodge Representatives, 54 Grand Representatives. I\lissouri was represented by Charles B. Davis, Grand Secretary. Distinguished Visitor: Donald J. Sargent, Grand :Master of New Jersey, was introduced. Grand I\1aster's Address: The Grand :Master reported twelve visitations to Lodges. He attended the Grand Masters' Con ference in \i\l ashington and the \Vashington Memorial Association at Alexandria. By special invitation he attended the meeting of the Maine Council of Deliberation of the Scottish Rite. He laid two Cornerstones and dedicated one :Masonic Hall. Dispensations: In four instances he granted dispensations to confer the Fellow Craft and :Mastcr :Mason Degrees upon the same candidate in one evening and also granted dispensations to confer Degrees in less than the regular time. No such authority is vested in a Missouri Grand Master. Financial: The Grand Treasurer reported a balance on hand of $37,154.53 and receipts for the year, $50,670.12. Charity Fund: Balance on hand $31,S70.71 Receipts during the year 39,835.00

$71,405.71 Disbursed during the year. $32,778.47 Correspondence: Rev. Ashley A. Smith, D. D., presented a Report of 83 pages. He gives a page and a half to our Proceedings for 1929. He quotes from Grand Master Bigger's address: "We must do things different than our forefathers did them, but we must not depart from the things that Freemasonry through the ages has established as fundamental."

Concerning one of his rulings, our reviewer says: "We are glad to notice that he refuses to permit a Lodge to sponsor a troop of Boy Scouts, but rightly urging each member to render assistance to this movement. It is the finest thing for boys that has come to America in its history and Masons as good citizens should aid it in every way."

There are many good works in which Freemasons should




be interested which Lodges as such should not undertake. Vl e believe our Maine revie\~Ter will also agree with us that there are many important issues that should concern church members \vhich churches, as organizations, should let alone. VVe trust Dr. Smith will long continue to serve, Maine as Correspondent. MANITOBA. Fifty-fifth Annual. 'Vinnipeg, June 11-12, InO. 106 Lodges, 12,253 Members, 485 Raised, 185 Gain. 85 Lodges represented. Grand Master, William Douglas. Grand Master elected, George Hunter, Deloraine. Grand Secretary,. James A. Ovas, Winnipeg. Correspondent, J. C. "\Valker Reid.

Present: 26 Grand Officers; 13 Past Grand Masters; 299 Past l\1asters; 74 \Vorshipful l\!Iasters; 40 Senior \;\Tardens; 46 Junior \Vardens. 45 Grand Lodges were represented. l\1issouri was not represented. Grand l\1astcr's Address: Dispensations for the forming of three new Lodges were issued. The Grand l\!Iaster attended all of the District Meetings, but we find no detailed report of visits to Lodges. His address gives some wise counsel to his brethren, a portion of which we quote: "You should carry the inspiration of the Craft wherever you go. You must act constantly-individually-under the control and direction of the teachings you solemnly accepted before the sacred altar of Freemasonry, and I cannot imagine the so-called landmarks of Freemasonry will be greatly disturbed if each brother will go out among community life of his own home district and influence public opinion along the well defined lines of MasoniG endeavor. "We must never permit Freemasonry to be considered a thing for mass action by a lodge and only when the brethren are assembled within a tyled Lodgeroom. As Freemasonry is individual in its application, at all times, its great and crowning achievement will be rea~ized when we discover all Our members applying the principles of the ,Craft as the directing force in our duty to God; our obligation to our country, our love to our neighbor, and our defence against sin and error. "Freemasonry is the flowing river and not the stagnant pool. The principles of this great old Craft are expounded to the uttermost ends of the earth. A new breath of life will come to every




Freemason, not alone in this Grand Jurisdiction, but in lands far across the seas, when each brother has an individual realization of the true significance of this Freemasonry and our mission to humanity. "We still pursue the Quest as Masons have done for countless ages. We may possibly work in a different manner to the brother of another generation, but the material is still the same, and individual hearts beat true to the ideal of a common fatherhood, the Fatherhood of God, "Do we in equal proportion accept and strive after the equally important ideal of a common brotherhood, the brotherhood of man. "When these ideals are conjoined and accepted as the goal of our striving, when we truly live and act our Freemasonry, then in sincerity may we claim Freemasonry to be a progressive science. "We shall learn from the past. We will not be encumbered by external precedents. We shall be free and ready to meet the needs of the coming days with a large souled courage and a penetrating understanding. "The universality of Freemasonry will be more than a glib phrase. We will be a world influence, whose wells are watered in individual hearts of men, men who have seen the beckoning light across the sacred altar of Freemasonry."

Financial: The Grand Lodge has an invested Benevolent Fund of more than two hundred thousand dollars. The income for the General Fund was $14,995.72. For relief during the year the sum of $11,159.16 was expended-a good showing for a Grand Jurisdiction with only 12,253 members. Correspondence: The Report of 120 pages was made by Past Grand J\laster J. C. \Valker Reid. He gives a page -and a half to our Proceedings for 1929. He notes the good work being done by our St. Louis Employment Bureau. He calls attention to the fact that a trial may be held by a commission at the option of the Lodge or the accused. MARYLAND. One Hundl'ed Forty-fourth Annual. Baltimore, Nov. 18-19, 1930. 123 Lodges, 34,215 Members, 997 Raised, 216 Gain. 120 Lodges represented. Grand Master, George H. Garsuch, Hal timore. Gl'and Secretary, George Cook, Baltimore. Correspondent, John L. Sanford, Baltimore.

Prese.nt: 21 Grand Officers; 1 Past Deputy Grand Master; 12 Past Senior Grand Wardens; 13 Past Junior Grand




Wardens; 21 Grand Inspectors; 24 District Grand Inspectors; 348 Lodge Representatives. 48 Grand Lodges were represented. Missouri was not represented. We have also a Report of a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge held in Baltimore April 14, 1930, to attend the funeral of Maryland's beloved Grand Master, \V'arren S. Seipp. In our Report on Maryland one year ago, which was written before we had learned of the great loss our J\1arylanc1 Brethren had suffered, we wrote of him: "Our Maryland brethren seem to have fallen into the habit of keeping a Grand Master in office 'during life or good behavior'. Warren S. Seipp is very much alive and has shown himself a very efficient Grand Master and of course he was re-elected."

\Ve knew him and esteemed him as one of the best loved men in our Fraternity, and deeply sympathize with aUf Maryland Brethren. "Surely a Prince and a Great J\1an is fallen in our Israe1." A Semi-Annual Communication was held May 13th. ,The address of the Grand Master at this Communication and at the Annual was brief. Three Cornerstones were laid. The Grand Secretary reported receipts for the year from all sources, $134,851.98. The Trustees of the Masonic Home Fund reported a fund of $431,823.33. Correspondence: Past Junior Grand Warden John L. Sanford presented a report of ahout 150 pages, which gives three pages to a good review of our Proceedings for 1929. He quotes at some length from the able address of Grand Master Bigger. He notes the fact that the per capita cost of maintenance in our Masonic Home in 1928 was $490.00 and says: "This should be a striking lesson to us in Maryland to 'make haste slowly' in the actual operation of the proposed Masonic Home at 'Bonnie Glink'. Not until we have established a sufficient endowment fund sufficient for its maintenance and upkeep should we assume the grave responsibility of undertaking to look after the aged and helpless who shall commit themselves, or be committed, to our care."

Surely he does not mean that while that fund is growing and swelling, "the aged and helpless" should be left to take care of themselves.




MASSACHUSETTS. Annual Communication. Boston, December 29, 1930. Quarterly Communications, March 12th, June 11th, September 10th, December 10th. 327 Lodges, 124,709 Members, 3,016 Raised, 274 Loss. Grand Master, Herbert W. Dean Chester, R~-elected for Third Term. Grand Secretary, Frederick W. Hamilton, Cambridge.

Present: 23 Grand Officers; 4 Past Grand l\1asters; 3 Past Deputy Grand J\1asters; 13 Past Grand V";ardens; 34 District Deputy Grand Masters; 16 Grand Lodges were represented. Missouri was not represented. At the Quarterly Communication held December 10th, when officers were elected, there were present 68 Grand Officers; 37 Permanent l\1embers and 846 Representatives of 282 Lodges. Distinguished Visitors: Charles H. Johnson, Grand Master of New York, R. B. Dargavcl, Grand Master of Canada, Coward \\1. Anner, Past District Grand Secretary of China, and Frederick H. Briggs, Grand Commander of Massachusetts, were introduced. The York Grand Lodge of J\!Iexico was recognized. There is no good reason why any Grand Lodge in the United States should hesitate to recognize that Grand Lodge. On a visit to Mexcio nine years ago the writer witnessed the conferring of the Third Degree in one of the two Lodges he visited in that city, and their work was so much like our Missouri work that he, by request, gave the Lecture and the Charge. The Grand J\'Iaster reported more thai1 forty official visits in Massachusetts. He visited the Grand Lodges of Canada and New Jersey, a Conference of Grand J\1asters of New York, Michigan and l\1assachusetts at New York City, the Grand Commandery and Grand Chapter of Massachusetts, the Grand Masters' Conference at Washington, the Washington Memorial Association at Alexandria, a Masonic Conference in London and various Lodges in India, Burma, China, Honolulu and San Francisco. Financial: The Grand Lodge has on hand a Masonic Education and Charity Fund of $1,762,260.93. The Masonic Temple, Masonic Home, Masonic Hospital and contents are insured for $1.742,500.00. The Grand Lodge dues were $82,442.65.




1\1asonic Home: December 1, 1930, there were in the Home 84 men and 57 women. 37 patients were in the Masonic Hospital December 1, 1930. Two l\1asonic Temples ,vere dedicated and one Lodge was constituted. • The Annual Communication, December 29th, was for the purpose of installing the Grand Officers and celebrating the Feast of St. John the Evangelist. Leon M. Abbott, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Northern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite, and Frederick VV. Hamilton, Deputy for Massachusetts. were presented. At the Feast of St. John three excellent addresses were delivered. VI.!e ask for space to quote from two. From Rabbi Samuel J. Abrams we quote in part: "All religions teach men to be more holy, more pure, more moral. A cursory reading of the religions of mankind would indicate that possibly one religion may have had a more lofty conception of the essential truths than another. One religion may have been the inspirer of another, but if you and I were asked why we are loyal (as we should be) to our respective faiths, I venture to say that we should answer that we feel and believe every truth of our faith is essential to the up-building of the social structure. Yet we would force our creed upon none, for with God character counts for more than creed, and conduct is of greater value than dogma. "You and I make divisions. You and I make demarcations. Man creates these differences, where He who sits in Heaven laughs at them and breaks them asunder. "God looks to the pure heart and the clean hands and the innocence of intention. Where these are is religion. Where these are not, the most scrupulous regard for creed or dogma will not avail."

The last address was given by Charles H. Johnson, Grand l\f<ister of New York. We give his conclusion: "It has been the province of science, of the great discoverers and men of learning, seemingly to rip open every mystery of nature. They have taken us to the heights and the depths and shown us the world as men have never seen it before. They seem to have ripped aside everything which was mysterious. It all seems to have been swept aside, and yet after it is all done, the great scientist will bow most reverently in the presence of the Great Creator of the Universe. The great men of science are not atheists. It is the blithering idiot who walks the streets of the citv




and speaks pratingly of there being no God. It is the men who have searched into the very bowels of the earth and peered into the furthest reaches of space and learned the mysteries of God in His creation, men who bow most humbly and reverently in the presence of the Power above us. Come what will, let science uncover still greater things, let it introduce still greater sources of power, let the age be what it will, there never will be a time in the years to come when the teachings of Masonry, her faith in the living, true God will not be essential. "'I know not where His islands lift Their fronded palms in air. I only know I cannot drift Beyond His love and care.' "Men may become powerful; men may become intelligent, superintelligent if you will, but down in the soul of every individual there is a longing, a crying out for the Power above us that makes for righteousness, and this reaching out of the soul for some great, in"fihite strength above it will always characterize humanity. So, as we lookout into the future after these magnificent addres.ses of this evening, we go out with our heads high and our souls inspired, knowing that this work we are doing is not a temporary job. We are building for the future. We are carrying the torch that we can hand over to our successors; the torch that shall light the ages that are ahead of us. "Masonry will live, in modified form of organization perhaps; in changing forms of method of procedure perhaps in reaching its members; in different types of education of its people, but Masonry will live in the old form of love of country, love of the Brethren, love of God, through all the ages that are ahead of us."

,There was no report on Correspondence. MICHIGAN. Eighty-sixth Annual. Jackson. May 27-28, 193"0. 509 Lodges, 151,734 Members, 4,851 Raised, 164 Loss. 492 Lodges represented. Grand Master, Roscoe A. Bonisteel. Grand Master elected, George B. Dolliver, Battle Creek. Grand Secretary, Lou n. Winsor, Grand Rapids. Correspondent, Rev. William H. Gallagher, Allegan.

Present: 13 Grand Officers; 19 Past Grand Masters; 23 Committee Members; 492 Lodge Representatives. 54 Grand Lodges were represented. Missouri was not represented. Distinguished Visitors: R. D. Dargavel, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada, was introduced. Warner K. IVlcSween, Grand High Priest; Francis B. Lambie, Deputy




Grand High Priest, John H. Kingsley, Past Grand High Priest, and Seth H. Jones, Grand Commander, were presented to the Grand Lodge. Grand Master's Address: Three new Lodges were constituted by the Grand Master. He cledicated three Masonic Temples and two others were dedicated by the Deputy Grand Master. The Grand Master laid the Cornerstone of the Adrain College gymnasium. Dispensations were issued for five new Lodges. New :rvl asonic Home: TvT arch 29, 1930, the Grand. Master turned the first sod at the site of the $650,000.00 IVlasonic Home to be built at Alma. Hundreds of Masons from all over the State were present at that ceremony. Financial: The Grand Treasurer reported receipts for the year were $66,333.12 for the General Fund. For the Masonic Home Maintenance Fund the receipts were $99,176.09. $182,853.04 was received for the New Masonic Home Cottage Building Fund. The expense of operating the Masonic Home for the year 1929 was $73,117.15. There were 123 guests in the Home December 31, 1930. Correspondence: Rev. William H. Gallagher, Grand Chaplain, presented a Report of 274 pages in which he gave four and a half pages to a review of our Proceedings for 1929. He says: "The introduction to the Grand Master's address is of a literary quality and makes impressive reading-A busy man was this Grand Master. It is easy to imagine the pleasure and profit that accrued to the Lodges visited."

Yes, -Grand Master Bigger gave 'Missouri a good year's work. But we are used to efficient Grand 路ro/lasters. ( Since it is more than thirty years since the writer filled that office, he will not be accused of giving himself any faint praise in that statement. ) Our reviewer quotes what this writer said about his birthday dinner, given when he was 80 years old and adds, "Brother Briggs was left in ship-shape." . From his conclusion we quote: "Michigan received one page and a third of review. Missouri was not represented. In the words of the late President Harding




at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, 'It must not happen again'. A comprehensive review though short. The R. W. Grand Chaplain, Michigan's Correspondent, gets the lion's share of attention. Strangely Winsor's name and work are not mentioned. Be it reiterated, 'It must not happen again'."

\hle thought that Lou WiI)sor was so well known all over the United States that any reference to him was superfluous. MINNESOTA. Seventy.;.elghth Annual. St. Paul, January 21-22, 1931. 310 Lodges, 61,378 Members, 1,462 Raised, 382 Loss. 277 Lodges represented. Grand Master, William K. Gill. Grand Master elected, Joseph L. Mitchell, Austin. Grand Secretary, John Fishel, St. Paul. Correspondent, Edmund A. Montgomery, Austin.

Present: 17 Grand Officers; 16 Past Grand Masters; 362 Lodge Representatives. 48 Lodges were represented. Missouri was not represented. Distinguished Visitor: M. W. Lewis E. Smith, Grand Secretary of Nebraska, was introduced. Visitations: The Grand Master visited the Grand Lodge of North Dakota. He made a number of visits to Lodges, but few of these are reported in detail. He attended the meeting of the \hlashington Memorial at Alexandria. One Cornerstone was laid by the Grand Master. Trials by Trial Commissions: The Grand Master says: "During the year, 16 cases were referred to the Trial Commissioners. "To merely give an expression of our appreciation of the work done by this noble group of Brothers is not sufficient. The more fitting acknowledgment is the expression of our gratitude. Never faltering, always willing, they go about their work, regardless of the time spent, or the inconveniences to be contended with. They do, indeed, perform a difficult work, in a big way."

Masonic Home: There were 129 residents in the Home December 31, 1930. A detailed report of money raised for the Home Building Fund is given. The amount is $516,265.10. Financial: The Grand Secretary reports $153,266.53 received during the year. Oration: John F. D. Meighen, Grand Orator, delivered a thoughtful and thought-provoking address on "The Adminis-




tration of Justice." It fills eight pages in the Proceedings. We have not room for it and no quotation from it would do it justice. He shows how the growing complexity of our civilization makes the administration of justice increasingly difficult. We give a single sentence, "The need for justice, the necessity of obedience to law are fundamental teachings of Masonry. Correspondence: Past Grand Master E. A. Montgomery presented a Report of 110 pages, which devotes more than five pages to an excellent review of our Proceedings {O楼- 1930. Half or more of his space is given to quotations from the Grand l\laster's address, reports of Committees and the report on Correspondence. He notes the fact that 'Misssouri Masons stand eighth in contributions to the George \;Yashington Memorial, having contributed 131 per cent to their quota." MISSISSIPPI. One Hundred Thirteenth Annual. Jackson, February 17-18, 1931. 372 Lodges, 33,804 Members, 1,010 Raised, 1,499 Loss. 324 Lodges represented. Grand Master, William T. Denman. Grand Master elected, Walton G. Grayson, Biloxi. Grand Secretary, Edward L. Faucette, Meridian. Correspondent, Henry C. Gawn, Lumber路ton.

Present: 43 Grand Officers; 24 District Deputy Lecturers; 321 Lodge Representatives; 142 Past Masters and Vvardens not representing Lodges. 33 Grand Lodges were represented. 1\1 issouri was not represented. Distinguished Visitors: Rev. R. V. Hope, Grand Master, T. S. Ludlow, Junior Grand Deacon and Edgar Hatch, Chairman of the By-Laws Committee, of Tennessee, were introduced. George I-I. Ethridge and J. G. McGowan, Supreme Court Juc1ges of l\1ississippi, were presented. Grand l\1aster's Address: The Grand Master laid one Cornerstone. A few visits to Lodges were reported. Some of these were attended by representatives of a number of T,oc1ges. Financial: The Grand Secretary reported funds on hanel February 1, 1931, $94,130.74. Endowment securities on hand $266,140.00.




?\/f asonic Homes: There were 100 children in the l\1eridian Home and the per capita cost of maintenance was $346.39. At the Columbus Home there were 74 children and the per capita cost of maintenance was $363.37. .Monthly allowances were made to outside beneficiaries amounting to over thirteen thousand dollars. The :~dasonic Home Endowment Fund was $162,077.14. The :M. M. Educational Endowment Fund was $108,190.03.. Correspondence: Past Grand Master Henry C. Gawn presented a Report of 108 pages. Missouri does not appear in that report. MONTANA. Sixty-sixth Annual. Missoula, August 20-21, 1930. 135 Lodges, 20,915 Members, 658 Raised, 10 Gain. 131 Lodges represented. Grand Master, Daniel J. Muri. Grand l\Iaster elected, Carl L. Brattin, Sidney. Grand Secretary, Luther T. Hauberg, Helena. Correspondent, H. S. Hepner, Helena.

Present: 16 Grand Officers; 19 Past Grand Masters; 104 Past Masters; 323 Lodge Representatives. 49 Grand Lodges were represented. Missouri was not represented. Distinguished Visitors: Charles B. Starke, Grand Master, and Ralph L. l\1i11er, Past Grand ?\1astcr of North Dakota; Rev. Canon S. H. Middleton, Past Grand l\laster of Alberta. and Frank B. :Mass, Grand Master of the Grand Council of \Viscollsin, were introduced. Grand Master's Address: The Grand Master made sixtysix visitations. He installed the officers of twenty-seven Lodges. Two Cornerstones were laid. Four Masonic Halls were dedicated. One Lodge was constituted. A Dispensation was given for one new Lodge. The Grand l\.1aster visited the Grand Lodges of Utah and North Dakota. He attended the Conference of Grand :Masters at vVashington City and the meeting of the \Vashington Memorial Association at Alexandria. "CHAIN LETTERS.

"During the year we have received numerous chain letters



with the usual prayers and threats of dire chain was broken. Needless to say that they to the waste paper basket. These letters are, nuisance, annoying as well as disgusting and pose. Masons should disregard them and friends with them."

1931 misfortunes if the were all committed to say the least, a serve no good pur路 not bother their

Chain letters seem as hard to kill as "Johnson grass". Trial by Commission: The Grand Lodge adopted an -amendment providing for Trial by Commission when asked for by a majority vote of a Lodge. :M issouri has adopted such a law. \Vashington l\1emorial: l\'Iontana has paid 103 per cent on her 1930 membership and had over fi fteen hundred dollars more, ready to pay on that fund. Financial: The Grand Secretary reported the various funds of the Grand Lodge $103,335.01. $27,466.25 was a Building Fund for the l\1asonic Home. There was an average membership in the I-lome of 45 during the year. Total receipts were $38,305.34 and expenditures were $38,691.32. Correspondence: Past Grand Master H. S. Hepner presented a Report of 191 pages. He gave nearly three pages to a reviev.., of our Proceedings for 1929. He quotes at some length from the excellent address of Grand Master Bigger, compliment~ our report on Correspondence and -is reckless enough to fill nearly a page with quotations from that report. NEBRASKA. Seventy-third Annual. Omaha, June 3-5. 1930. 293 Lodges, 42,150 Members, 1,372 Raised, 172 Gain. 247 Lodges represented. Grand Master, Ira C. Freet. Grand Master elected, Orville A. Andrews, Lincoln. Grand Secretary, Lewis E. Smith, Omaha. Correspondent, Edwin D. Criles.

Present: 11 Granel "Masters; 12 Past Grand l\lasters; 371 Lodge Representatives; 30 Grand Lodges were represented. Missouri was not represented. Distinguished Visitors: Reuben \V. Hershey, Grand:Master of Colorado; Elmer F. Strain, Past Grand l\1aster and Grand Secretary of Kansas; Edward E. l\10rris, Grand Treasurer and Arthur Mather, Grand Secretary of Missouri, and




Charles C. Hunt, Grand Secretary of Iowa, were introduced. The following Brethren from Nebraska were presented: Fred C. Bosshammer, Grand High Priest; Louis F. Schonlan, Grand Master of the Grand Council; Frank C. Patton, 33째 Sovereign Grand Inspector of the Scottish Rite, Rainsford .q. Brownell, Grand Patron of the Eastern Star, James NT. Robertson, President of the Masonic Home, Edv\rin C. Yont, President of the Masonic Eastern Star Home for Children and James G. l\1ines, Vice-President and Acting President of the Nebraska Veteran Ereemasons Association. Grand :Master's Address: The Grand "Master laid ~leven Cornerstones. Six Masonic Temples were dedicated. Visitations: The Grand Master visited the Grand Lodges of Iowa and Missouri, accompanied by the Grand Secretary. Together they attended the meeting of the "Masonic Relief Association at St. Louis in October, the Grand l\IIasters' Conference at \iVashington in February and the \iVashington Memorial Association at Alexandria. The Grand l\1aster visited \more than twenty Lodges, some of them joint meetings, when a number of Lodges were represented, several Central Schools of Instruction and various social gatherings. New Lodges: Three new Lodges were constituted by the Grand Master, assisted by the Deputy Grand l\1aster and other Grand Officers. A Bequest: He reported that a bequest that would probably amount to more than $25,000.00 had been left to the lVlasonic Eastern Star Home for Children. Financial: The receipts for the year were $100,149.59. l\1asonic Homes: There are one hundred residents in the Masonic Home at Plattsmouth and sixty boys and girls in the :Masonic Eastern Star Home for Children at Fremont. Correspondence: Past Grand Master Edwin D. Criles presented a Report of 110 pages, which did not review Grand Lodges in detail, but treated of matters in general "from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall." So far as we could discover, nothing in Missouri caught his eye. At our Annual at Kansas City in 1930 we were much




pleased to have another visit from Ira C. Freet, then Past Grand Master, who was again accompanied by Past Grand :Master and Grand Secretary Lewis E. Smith, Grand Master Orville A. l\ndrews was with -them. We hope they will visit us often. NEVADA. Sixty-sixth Annual. Reno, June 12-13, 1930. 23 Lodges, 3,059 Members, 131 Raised, 38 Gain. 23 Lodges reprel;ented .. Grand Master, A. L. Haight. Grand Master elected, William it. Adams, Sparks. Grand Secretary, W. M. David. GI'and Secretary elected, V. M. Henderson, Carson City. Correspondent, V. M. Henderson.

Present: 16 Grand Officers; 13 Past Grand lVlasters; 57 Past Masters; 35 Lodge Representatives. Grand Master's Address: Visitations: It appears that the Grand Master paid official visits to all the Lodges and made many other visits during the year. Death of Grand Secretary King: Grand Secretary Frank . D. King died April 20, 1930. The Grand l\ifaster appointed Past Grand Master VV. M. David to fill the vacancy. Cornerstones: The Grand Master laid the Cornerstones of three High Schools during the year. The Grand :Master has a good opinion of Nevada Freemasonry. He says: "One need have no fear for the future of Masonry in Nevada. In making my official visits to our various constituent Lodges I have addressed an audience composed of the aggregate of more than fifteen hundred Masons. Mrs. Haight traveled with me and we made the acquaintance of most of those not already known to us, and as we were finally returning to our home she expressed an idea which had been growing in my own mind in slightly different form when she said, 'Do you lmow, of all the men and women we have met on our entire trip, there is not one I would not be glad to entertain in our home'. Nevad"a Masonry is in the hands of worthy representatives of the institution."

Financial: General FundBalance Receipts

$1,620.03 3,773.05



1931 Charity FundBalance Receipts

$3,561.84 389.20 $3,951.04 579.36


Balance $3,371.68 The Grand Lodge has an Educational Fnnq of $725.00 received during the year. It has a cash balance of $260.00 and has loans outstanding, $1,702.88. Correspondence: Before his death. Frank D. King, Grand Secretary, prepared a Report of 138 pages which gives a page and a half to our Proceedings for 1929. He says: "The Address of Grand Master Bro. Byrne E. Bigger is quite lengthy, but is filled with a wealth of important subjects thoroughly and completely discussed."

He quotes with evident approval from his concluding remarks. He speaks in complimentary terms of the Report on Correspondence. Grand Secretary King was in his sixty-fourth year. \Ve clip a paragraph from his memoir: "Forty-three years ago he came to Nevada. Possessed of a spirit that would not down, he worked in the mills and ice plants along the Truckee River, until he had earned enough to start in the business he had chosen for a life work, the law. A brilliant and sincere attorney, his victories at the bar were many, his friends among all walks of life were legion. Feeling the cause to be just he would fight for that cause with all the vigor and knowledge at his command, without the hope of fee or reward. A selfmade man, an honest man, his memory will live long in the hearts of thousands. A hearty smile, a pleasant joke, a sincere grasp of the hand. There is a catch in the throat and tears will not be held back when we think of that good face that was always letting the sunshine through." NEW HAMPSHIRE. One Hundred Forty-first Annual. Concord, May 21, 1930. 81 Lodges, 15,465 Members, 341 Initiated, 21 Loss. 80 Lodges represented. Grand Master, George E. Danforth, Nashua, Re-elected. Grand Secretary,Harry M. Cheney, Concord. Correspondent, Harry M. Cheney.


31 Grand Officers; 7 Past Grand l\1asters; 23




Past District Deputy Grand :Masters; 193 Lodge Representatives. 35 Grand Lodges were represented, Missouri by Oscar E. Jewell. Distinguished Visitors: Aaron H. Grout, Deputy Grand :Master of Vcrmont and A. Frank Hart, Grand Secretary of South Carolina, and General Grand l\laster of the General Grand Couilcil, were introduced. Grand :Master's Address: Dedications: The Grand Master dedicated two l\!Iasonic Halls. He gave some dispensations to enable Lodges to hold public installations, and also to appear in public in Masonic clothing, and in one instance gave a dispensation to enable a Lodge to confer the Fellow Craft and Master l\lason degrees in less than the required time. Visitations: l\1ay 18-19th he attended a Conference of the Grand Masters of New England, New York and New Jersey. Many other Grand Officers were in attendance. He attended the Grand Masters' Conference at \iVashington and the meeting of the 'vVashington 1\1 emorial Association at Alexandria. The Grand Master presided over several District Lodges of Instruction and made a number of official visits to Lodges. l\lasonic Service Association of the United States: New Hampshire is one of the Grand Lodges retaining membership. The Deputy Grand Master and Grand Secretary attended the meeting at Chicago. The per capita tax has' been reduced from four to three cents per member of affiliating Grand Lodges. It was five cents when l\/Iissouri withdrew. vVhen the Association was organized at Cedar Rapids the writer warned those present that the financial rock would be the one on which there was the greatest danger of splitting. Financial: The Income for the year for the General Fund was $20,458.07. $728.00 was collected for the \iVashington l\1emorial General Fund and $1,583.00 for a memorial window in the l\1emorial Building. The Grand Lodge has a Charity Fund of about $20,000.00 and a War Relief Fund of $17,142.18. Correspondence: Harry M. Cheney, Grand Secretary, presented the Report of 127 pages. He gives two pages to a



very frater'nal review of :Missonri for 1929. say of Grand :Master Bigger:

71 He has this to

"The Grand Master in his address uses the very familiar words, 'Freemasonry is a progressive science.' A lot of men do not know just what that means. He says that it means being better today than we were yesterday. It is a definition that is good enough for us. Difficulties with six of the Lodges were reported as having been happily ironed out. So it seems it can be done. This Grand Master had many special events during the year indicating Masonic activity. My, my, but he visited 152 Lodges in his State, leaving purposely alone the Lodges in the largest communities. This was a wonderful piece of work. It makes this Grand Master ranlr very high with the New Hampshire writer. "With them the Masonic Home is a big institution. It is also something that well excited the pride of the Grand Master, who presents its affairs, at much length, in the address. Supervision of' Lodges, in bUilding projects is advised by the Grand Master. "The address discloses a fact that has just been unearthed in new Hampshire as well as in Missouri. Both states require a fee to go to the home. It has been found in each that some Lodges have not been paying. Missouri is doing just what New Hampshire is doing-making a check-up. "The modern tendency to commercialize Freemasonry is" our greatest danger in the opinion of the Grand Master of Missouri. Well, he has not started any debate into which we propose to enter."

He has a kind word for Missouri's Correspondent and the good feeling is certainly reciprocated. We have met a few times and have taken a liking to each other. NEW JERSEY. One Hundred Forty~fourth Annual. Trenton, April 22-23, 1931. 274 Lodges, 97,080 Members, 2,992 Raised. 923 Gain. 272 Lodges represented. Grand Master Donald J. Sargent. Grand Master elected, W. Stanley Naughright, Newa.rk. Grand Secretary, Isaac Cherry, Trenton. Correspondent, Ernest A. Reed.

Distinguished Visitors: They were: From Pennsylvania, William S. Snyder, Grand Master, and J. Wallace Radcliffe, Secretary to the Grand l\1aster. From Connecticut, Howard A. :Middleton, Grand Master, and \iVinthrop Buck, Grand Secretary. From Vermont, Aaron II. Grout, Grand l\1aster, and Julius C: Thomas, Senior Grand \iVarden. From Delaware, D. Raymond Keefer,' Grand lVlaster; Edward V.,T. \iViltbank,




Junior Grand \\Tarden; William C. \Vingate, Grand Treasurer, and John F. Robinson, Grand Secretary. From District of Columbia, Carl H. Claudy, Executive Secretary of the :Masonic Service Association, representing C. Fred Cook, Grand Master. From the George \Vashington l\1asonic National :Memori.aI Association, Louis A. Watres, President, and Past Grand Master of Pennsylvania. From l\-faryland, George R. Gorsuch, Grand :Master, and George \.\T. Livingston, Deputy Grand l\.faster. Grand l\1aster's Address: Five Lodges were constituted and Dispensations issued for the forming of t\vo new Lodges. Visitations: The Grand l\iaster made two hundred and fi fteen l\tlasonic visits in N eVl Jersey. He visited the Grand Chapter, the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star and the Council of Debbatin of the Scottish Rite. He visited the Grand Lodges of Vermont, New York, l\1aine, Rhode Island, Delaware, l\laryland, District of Columbia, Pennsylvania and Connecticut. The Grand Chapters of Vermont and New York, and the Grand Councils of Vermont, New York, Delaware and Rhode Island. Financial: Receipts for the General Fund were $162.781.17 of which amount $97,048.00 vvas the per capita tax for the maintenance of the Masonic Home. $3,003.00 was raised for the vVashington Memorial. The Grand Lodge has on hand a Memorial \Velfare Fund amounting to $15,934.95. Correspondence: A Report of 199 pages was presented by Ernest A. Reed, but it does not review rvlissouri. NEW MEXICO. Fifty-second Annual. Cla.yton, March' 17-19, 1930. 57 Lodges, 7,047 Members, 324 Raised, 115 Gain. 45 Lodges represented. Grand Master, Herbert S. Murdock. Grand Master elected, Victor L. Winter, Carlsbad. Grand Secretary, Alpheus A. Keen, Albuquerque. Correspondent, John Milne, Albuquerque.

Present: 15 Grand Officers; 9 Past Grand 1'Iasters; 16 District Deputy Grand Masters; 1 Past Deputy Grand l\'laster; 1 Past Senior Grand \\T arden; 3 Past Grand Treasurers; 50 Past Masters; 123 Lodge Representatives. Grand l\faster's Address: The Grand Master attended the




Grand :Masters' Conference at \iVashingtO!l, the \Vashington Memorial Association at Alexandria and the meeting of the Masonic Service Association at Chicago. He says eleven Grand Lodges were represented and about thirty delegates were present. at Chicago. He made mor than fifty :Masonic visits during the year. Financial: The Grand Treasurer reported a balance of.. .. $ 8,134.83 He received from the Grand Secretary............ 14,311.00 There was a lVlasonic Home Fund of.. 107,590.31 ~Masonic Tuberculosis Fund................................ 6,955.00 'More than seven thousand dollars had been loaned to College students. Correspondence : John l\Jilne presented a report of 130 pages. He gave about four pages to a review of our Proceedings for 1929. He quotes at some length from the able address of Grand Master Bigger and fills a page and a half with the report or' our Committee on Recognition of Foreign Lodges. This report corrects the error he falls into when he says Missouri recognized the "Valle de l\/lexico" Grand Lodge. Not so. That report says that we are in fraternal relations with another Grand Lodge in :Mexico-The York Grand Lodge-and declines to recognize the "Valle de l\1exico" Grand Lodge. The name of Missouri's Correspondent is one of four names signed to the report which Bro. l\1ilne quotes. He visited three Lodges in Mexico in 1922, but they were Lodges under the care of the York Grand' Lodge. In one of these Lodges he gave the Third Degree Lecture and Charge. They are our kind of Freemasons, which can not be 'said of the "Valle de Mexico" Grand Lodge. Of course we understand that Bro. :Milne did not intend to misrepresent us, and \vill be glad to be set right. NE.W SOUTH WALES. Forty-second Annual Report. June, 1930. 590 Lodges, 71,095 Members, 2,538 Initiated, 1,585 Gain. Grand Master, Governor General Lord Stonehaven, P. C., G. C. M. G. Grand Secretary, David Cunningham, Sydney. Correspondent, Alex Thompson.

A special Communication was held at Sydney, June 9, 1930, for the nomination of Grand Officers.




Quarterly Coml~1l1nications were held September 11 and December 11, 1929, and March 12 and June 9, 1930. The Grand Lodge has on hand, funds amounting to 318,980 pounds sterling. The Grand Lodge is planning to erect a IVI asonic Hospi'tal at a cost of 60,000 pounds sterling. Correspondence: A Report of 182 pages was presented by Alex Thompson. It contains much interesting information, ,but does not review Grand Lodges in detail. NEW YORK. One Hundred Fiftieth Annual. New York City, May 5, 1931. 1,023 Lodges, 345,!J86 Members, 8,481 Raised, 328 Loss. Grand Mastel', Charles H. John!'on, New York, Re-clected. Grand Secretary, Robert Judson Kenworthy, New York. Correspondent, Samuel Nelson Sawyer.

Present: 65 Grand Officers, 8 Past Grand Masters, 3 Past Grand Treasurers, 61 District Deputy Grand Masters. 9 Grand Lodges were represented, lVl issouri was not represented. Distinguished Visitors: ' They were: From the United Grand Lodge of England: the Right Honorable Lord Ampthill, Pro. Grand l\!laster; The Honorable Lord \tVaxall, Provo Grand :Master for Bristol, and C. R. 1. Nicholl, Grand Director of Ceremonies. From Scotland: Thomas G. \tVinning, Grand Secretary from Inland; lIenry G. Shellard, Grand Secretary, and E. H. Burne, Past Senior Grand Deacon. From Rumania: Ed Papinin, Provo Grand f\'laster of the Grand Orient, and Leo Salzman, Grand Secretary. From 'Mexico: l'vlarclls A. Loevy, Past Grand l\路1aster. From Canada: R. B. Dargavel, Grand Master, Providence of Ontario, and VV. M. Couper, Grand Master of Quebec. From Penn~ylvania: \iVm. S. Snyder, Grand Master. From IVIaryland: George R. Gorsuch, Grand Master. From New Hampshire: George E. Danforth, Grand Master. From l\1assachusetts: Herbert VV. Dean, Grand ,Master; Melville M. Johnson, and Arthur D. Prince, Past Grand ~{I asters, and Frederick \V. Hamilton, Grand Secretary. Fr0111 Rhode Island: Harry S. See, Grand Master.




From New Jersey, Stanley Naughright, Grand Master, and Donald J. Sargent, Past Grand Master. From Connecticut: Howard A. Middleton, GrandMaster. From Wisconsin: Aldro Jenks, Past Grand Master. From District of Columbia: J. Claude Keiper, Grand Secretary; also \11/. 1\1. Logan, Grand Secretary of Canada and Isaac Cherry, Grand Secretary of New Jersey. Dr. Frank Hanaman, Junior Grand \iVarden, represented the Grand Master of Jugoslavia, and Felix Lenhart and Gustav Steinert represented the Grand l\1aster of the Grand Lodge Lessing of Czecho-Slovakia. Grand Master's Address: The Grand Master visited the Grand Council of Royal and Select l\1asters, the Grand Chapter 0 f New York. The Council of Deliberation of the Scottish Rite, the Grand Lodge of New Jersey, the St. John's Day Celebration of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts and the Con ference of Grand l\1asters at \iVashington and the George vVashington Memorial. He dedicated three l\/fasonic Temples and reports 21 Masonic visits. Dispensations were issued for five New Lodges. In speaking of "The Meaning of :Masonry" he says some things worth quoting: "We declare our belief in the existence of one ever-living and true God. We believe in the beneficent power of religion. We assert to all who would take God from the throne of the Universe that as a Fraternity we are founded upon this immutable fundamental of faith in a power above us that makes for righteousness, and that individually and collectively we will oppose all efforts to make of this a Godless world. We believe that every revelation of science .{leclares .more conclusively the existence of a Great Architect of the Universe. Without regard to denomination or sectarian differences, we stand united as a group of believers in God the Father Almighty, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. "Because of this belief in God we also declare our belief that all men are the children of God, and that the finest expression of religious belief is found in the command that 'thou shalt love the Lord thy God and thy neighbor as thyself.' The developments brought about by modern scientific discoveries have made the whole world a neighborhood, and therefore we declare for peace and love among men. We plead for more fraternalism among fraternities, for more fraternalism in industry, for more




fraternalism in religion, and for more fraternalism in the relation of nations to one another. "On this 150th Anniversary we call upon all Masons and Masonic Jurisdictions to join us in furthering this objective of peace among men, that our united influence may be exerted to bring about the end of war and the ushering in of a day of peace upon the earth. We declare that we are a constructive and peaceloving organization. Our emblem is the Trowel and we desire to use it to spread the cement of Brotherly Love throughout the world. "We believe Freemasonry has a task to perform, as told by our own Grand Chaplain, Dr. S. Parkes Cadman, in a radio message: " 'It makes for the consolidation of society. "'It b~lieves in God's Fatherhood and man's Brotherhood. "'It relieves want and distress. " 'It conquers national and racial barriers. "'It teaches loyalty to country, church and religion. "'It upholds established morals and presents a fine example of democracy combining personal freedom with submission to recognized authority.' "And on this anniversary celebration we extend a hand of fellowship to all God路fearing men, of whatever group, fraternal or religious, they may be a part, asking them to walk with us on the broad highway of faith in God, fraternalism, and devotion to our country."

Financial: The Grand Treasurer reported a balance on hand of $213,480.54 and that he had received from the Grand Secretary $553,365.50. The l\/lasonic Home property at Utica is valued at $3,100,000.00 on which there is a debt of $117,000.00. The expense of operating the Home was $376,179.53. For Outside Relief and Tubercular Relief $92,061.90 was expended. Part of this support came f rom the net income of New York property and over two hundred thousand dollars from the per capita tax on members. Correspondence: Past Grand l\/Iaster S. Nelson Sawyer presented a Report of 187 pages, which gives more than two pages to a good review of our Proceedings for 1930. Referring to the help IVfissouri has given to fatherless children in France, he notes the order given that a balance left after that work was completed should be used as a Christmas offering for purchasing presents for poor children, he says: "The splendid Masonic Spirit shown by Missouri in the matter is deserving of the highest commendation."




Speaking of Missouri's report on Correspondence he says, "The reviews are condensed severely." They have to be condensed as a limit is set to that report. NEW ZEALAND. Fortieth Annual. Christchurch, November 26, 1930. 299 Lodges, 27,259 Members, 1,392 Initiated, 305 Gain. 251 Lodges represented. Grand Master, John Clark. Grand Master elected, The Right Hon. Lord Bledisloe, P. C., D. S. C., G. C. M. G., K. B. S. Grand Secretary, Colonel George Barclay, Christchurch.

Present: 108 Grand Officers and Past Grand Officers, 503 Lodge Representatives. Financial: The total funds of the Grand Lodge are 133,795 pounds sterling. More than one hundred thousand pounds is in the "Widows and Orphans' and Aged Masons' Fund"a pretty good showing for New Zealand. Chain Prayers: They have reached New Zealand. VI/e quote the last item in the Proceedings: CHAIN PRAYERS. "'Chain Prayers' are from time to time circulated amongst the brethren. In these Chain Prayers the recipient is requested to write out a certain number of copies and send to Masonic friends. In return for this he is promised some great joy, but is warned that failure to comply with this request will entail misfortune and ill-luck. The Board strongly deprecates this practice, and any brother receiving a copy of such Chain Prayer is requested to at once destroy the document." NORTH CAROLINA. One Hundred Forty-fourth Annual. Raleigh, January 20-21, 1931. 397 Lodges, 39,466 Members, 901 Raised, 841 Loss. 221 Lodges represented. Grand Master, E. W. Timberlake, Jr. Grand Master elected, John W. Winborne, Marion. Grand Secretary, J. H. Andenwn, Raleigh. Correspondent, J. Edward Allen, Warrenton.

Present: 18 Grand Officers; 10 Past Grand l\1asters; 2 Grand Custodians; 6 Assistant Grand Lecturers; 30 District Deputy Grand Masters; 375 Lodge Representatives. 46 Grand Lodges were represented. Missouri was not represented. Grand .l\1aster's Address: Visitations: The Grand Master




addressed the District Meeting in all of the forty-four .Masonic districts and visited thirty individual Lodges, some of them more than once. l-:Ie attended the summer meeting of the District Deputy Grand Masters' Association, the meeting of the Cllstodians and Lccturers and all' the meetings of the Board of Directors of the Oxford Orphanage and the 路Masonic and Eastern Star Home. He visited the Grand Lodges of Virginia and South Carolina and attended the Grand Masters' Conference at \Vashington and the \Vashington lvlemorial Association Meeting at Alexandria. New Lodges: Three new Lodges were formed under Dispensations. l\1asonic Homcs: October 31, 1930, there \vere 393 Children in the Oxford Orphanage and there were 75 guests in the :Masonic and Eastern Star Home, December 31, 1930. The cost of the路 maintenance of each of these 75 guests for the year 1930 was $416.80. The total expenditure for the Oxford Orphanage for the year ending October 31, 1930, was $171,362.61-a per capita cost of over $430.00. Financial: The Grand Secretary reported the total income of the Grand Lodge for the year $102,192.22. Oration: The Grand Orator Rt. Rev. Thos. C. Darst delivered an address from which we quote the conclusion: "We must have a purpose, an objective bigger than ourselves. We must catch the meaning and power of the 'Religion of a soldier'. A great cause and a great comradeship. "We have the cause and it is a great cause. It is nothing less than bringing peace and. stability and power to the Temple of our civilization. Nothing less than the restoration to human society of the eternal principle of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man. . "We have the comradeship. We are a band of brothers and our fellowship knows no limit of time or space. We are linked with the builders of the ages. We are the heirs of the ages and the ancestors of mighty architects yet unborn, but we have no right to live, we do not deserve to live, if we lose the spirit of our fathers and refuse to carryon the plans of our Master. "We must deepen our faith. We must be able to see behind the storm of unrest, the All-seeing eye of God. We must, in the confusion and unrest, that characterizes our day, see the clear, wise design of our Great Architect, and, at whatever cost, carry



that design on to perfect completeness and beauty. "We must warm our love at the very altar of the love of God until these cold, indifferent hearts of ours begin to glow with sympathy and tenderness and loving power. "May we be worthy of our heritage, true to our ideals, loyal and faithful to our trust. As men and Masons may we go forth as the Crusaders went of old, not to wrest an empty grave from heathen hands, but to wrest a living world from the power of evil. "How it thrilled me tonight to feel that I belonged to an or路 ganization represented in every section of the known world. How it thrilled my soul as I heard them call for the representatives of these countries from pole to pole, touching the seven seas of the world, men under every sky who in every language can lift their faces to the Supreme Master or Architect of the Universe and call him God; a companionship world-wide touching the uttermost bounds of the uttermost seas, so in these extraordinary times we. can give ourselves in an extraordinary way to the carrying out of the plans of our God: "May we build with our love and our faith and our services, may we build with ourselves these broken things, restore those ghastly gaps, stone upon stone, may we路 build the Temple of our civilization so fair, so beautiful and so grand that the wayfaring men, the fools, the sinning, broken, weary men of our race today may in the shining supremacy of the Temple that we build from our lives, see and find peace in the Temple and the City of our God."

Correspondence: J. Edward Allen of \,Varrenton is Correspondent. They turn him loose and he fills a volume larger than the Proceedings of the Grand Lodge. Part of it is Esperanto, part Russian and part Arabic. Those portions we did not read. 1\1any pages are filled ,\lith statistical tables which are worth reading. This scribe in reviewing Proceedings of Grand Lodges has been carefully noting statistics. Useless labor. He ought to have waited for Brother Allen to furnish them ready to hand. He gives more than five pages to a review of our Proceedings for 1930. He notes the courtesy of the Missouri Pacific Railroad in transporting 140 Children from our :Masonic Home at St. Louis to Kansas City, free of charge, that they might greet the Grand Lodge. A year ago we rose to the defense of our Grand Secretary who cut Brother Allen off the cnd of a picture. In a half-




hearted way he accepts our defense, but raised a question as to the pulchritude of the two Grand Secretaries. On that issue we have nothing to say. Our reviewer closes his report on :Missouri by quoting more than half a page of the foreword of Dr. John Pickard's Report on Obituaries. It is one of the most striking utterances concerning the things that are worth while that we have ever seen. We suggest to Brother Allen and all others who can lay their hands on the Proceedings of the General Grand Council of Royal and Select IVlasters that they read the Report which Dr. Pickard made to that body at Tacoma in August, 1930. No materialist can answer that paper. NORTH DAKOTA. Forty-first Annual. Fargo. June 17-19, 1930. 129 Lodges, 15,446 Members, 514 Raised, 24 Loss. 109 Lodges represented. Grand Master, Robert B. Cox. Grand Master elected, Charles H. Starke, Dickinson. Grand Secretary, Walter L. Stockwell, Fargo. Correspondent, Walter H. Murfin, Fargo.

Present: 17 Grand O_fficers; 15 Past Grand l\1asters; 1 Past Senior Grand Warden; 1 Past Grand Treasurer; 20 District Deputies; 43 l\tIembers of Standing Committees; 58 Past Masters; 6 Fifty-year l\1asons; 147 Lodge Representatives. 61 Grand Lodges were represented, Missouri by Harry Lord, Past Grand 1\1aster. Distinguished Visitors: Carl H. Kubler, Grand Master of South Dakota; Daniel J. l\1uri, Grand l\1aster of Montana; William Douglas, Past Granel :Master of Manitoba and District Deputy Boyd of Manitoba were introduced. William Hall, Grand High Priest; Ralph L.:Miller, Grand :Master of the Granel Council, Henry W. \i\!ilson, Grano Commander, and Walter R. Reed, Inspector General of the Scottish Rite were presented. Grand M-aster's Address: The Grand Master attended meetings of the Masonic Service Association, the Grand Masters' Conference anel the \i\! ashington Memorial Association. He visited the Grand Lodges of Montana, lvlinnesota and




South Dakota. He attended a number of District :Meetings and visited quite a number of Lodges. Dispensations: One was to enable a Lodge to ballot on nine petitions for affiliation in less than the regular time. One permitted a Lodge to confer the Degree of :Master IVIason on four candidates at an out-door meeting. The work was done on a high hill, properly guarded. Financial: General Fund-Balance $14,160.12 Receipts for the year. 19,511.86 The Relief Fund is $46,856.33. $3,979.00 was expended during the year. Correspondence: Past Grand :Master vValter H. IVI urfin presented a Report of 82 pages in which he gives a page to our Proceedings for 1929. He notes the activity of Grand :Master Bigger in visiting 152 Lodges. He quoted approvingly what our Grand 1\1aster said about the importance of holding to Masonic fundamentals and yet using common sense in applying these to changing conditions. Commenting upon the giving of dispensations to enable Lodges to reballot on petitions. he says: "In fact we are inclined to believe that it would be better if reballoting were absolutely forbidden."

The Grand Secretary of North Dakota is now the General Grand l\1aster of the General Grand Council of the United States. \Valter L. Stockwell "viII be a worthy successor of O. Frank Hart. NOVA SCOTIA. Sixty-fifth Annual. Halifax, June 11-12, 1930. 81 Lodges, 9,958 Members, 348 Haised, 56 Gain. 58 Lodges were represented. Grand Master, M. L. Fraser, New Glasgow, He-.elected. Grand Secrctil.rY, James C. Jones, Halifax. Correspondent, James C. Jones.

Present: 16 Grand Officers; 5 Past Grand :Masters; 5 Past Deputy Grand Masters; 6 Past Senior Grand Wardens; 3 Past Junior Grand \Vardens; 179 Lodge Representatives. 29 Grand Lodges were represented. 1\1 issouri was not represented.




Distinguished Visitors: John A. Rowland, Past Grand l\/laster of Canada and L. l\L l\/lacKinnon, Past Grand l\1aster of Prince Edward Island, were introduced. Grand :Master's Address: The Grand l\1aster reported twenty-three official visits to Lodges. He attended ten District Meetings. lIe issued eight dispensations to confer degrees in less than statutory time. l\1asonic I-lome: The contract was let for the building of an extension to the Home at a cost of about $54,000.00. There were 22 guests in the Home. The Endowment Fund was $57,729.26. $3,847.50 was expended for guests maintained out路 side the Home. Financial Report: Amount received from Lodges General Fund $ 8,307.20 Per capita tax for l\/Iasonic Home 15,611.31 Correspondence: Grand Secretary James C. Jones presented a Report of 147 pages, which gave about two and onehalf pages to a review of l\tlissouri for 1929. He gives some quotations from Grand Master Bigger's address and quotes from the report of our Grand Master on his administration these words: "He has given the best that was in him to a tireless discharge of the responsibilities laid upon his shoulders one year ago. We have only words of commendation for his work."

Since this scribe wrote the report referred t~ he does not object to its being quoted. \hl e are glad to know that our brethren far to the northeast are interested in our work and arc pleased to note an increase in membership in Nova Scotia. OHIO. One Hundred Twenty-first Annual. ColumbUS, October 15-16, 1930. 617 Lodges, 209,707 Members, 5,687 Raised, 2,987 Gain. 611 Lodges represented. Grand Master, James W. Morgan. Grand Master elected, Harry G. Gram, Springfield. Grand Secretary, Harry S. Johnson, Cincinnati. Correspondent, Earle Stewart.

Present: 12 Grand Officers; 17 Past Grand 1\1asters; 25 District Lecturers; 1,063 Lodge Representatives. 47 Grand




Lodges were represented, 'Missouri by Grand Master James W. Morgan. Distinguished Visitors: Emmit E. Everitt, Grand High Priest; Clarence E. O'Neal, Grand Master of the Grand Council; William H. Smith, Grand Principal Conductor of the \\lork, and Robert H. Pausch, Deputy Grand Commander, were prese"nted to the Grand Lodge. Grand Master's Address: The Grand l\1aster says: "CORNERSTONES. "Sixteen Cornerstones have been laid-nine for S<;hools, three for Masonic Temples, three for Churches, and one Post Office. With one exception these Cornerstones have been laid on Sunday, and the one exception was on Washington's Birthday. There seems to be a growing tendency to perform these ceremonies on Sunday, and I am of the opinion that we should use our best efforts to discourage this practice and believe we will prosper more if we observe the Sabbath for other purposes."

We approve the Grand l\1aster's objection to laying Cornerstones on Sunday. Missouri law forbids any Lodge to meet on Sunday except for funeral purposes. In the second degree we teach the candidate that our ancient brethren worked six days in the week and rested on the seventh day, "thereby enjoying frequent opportunities to contemplate the glorious works of creation and to adore their great Creator." Visitations: The Grand :Master visited the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star. The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons and the Grand Council and reports about sixty other Masonic visits. He attended the Grand Master's Conference at Washington City and the meeting of the Washington Memorial Association at Alexandria. Masonic Home: July 1, 1930, there were 437 residents in the Home. The income for the year from the per capita tax was $209,707.00. Financial: Receipts for the year were $286,787.17. The Grand Lodge holds Government Bonds amounting to $210,000.00. Washington l\1emorial: Ohio to date had paid only $50,497.00 for the Memorial and ranked 45th in the list of state~ in per capita payment. An amendment was adopted to go




into effect August 1, 1931, by which the Grand Lodge hopes to raise its contribution to the dollar per capita standard. Dues for the Masonic Home were increased from one dollar to one dollar and fifty cents for each Lodge member. Correspondence: Past Grand Master Earle Stewart presented a Report of about 150 pages, which gives two pages to a fraternal review of our Proceedings for 1929. He notes . Judge Bigger's election to preside over the Grand Master's Conference at \iVashington City; commends his activity; and gives more than half a page to quotations from his address. He quotes from our Report on Correspondence and notes the fact that this scribe confesses that his father was born in Ohio. In early manhood he went across the :Mississippi, and the writer first saw the light in Elkader, Iowa, July 27, 1849. OKLAHOMA., Twenty-third Annual. McAlester, February 10-11, 1931. 450 Lodges, 66,506 Members, 2,522 Raised, 2,365 Loss. :126 Lodges represented. Grand Mastel', Samuel H. Lattimore. Grand Master elected, Claude M. March, Oklahoma City. Grand Secretary, Claude A. Sturgeon, Guthrie. Correspondent, Thomas Chauncey Humphrey.

Present: 18 Grand Officers, 16 Past Grand l\tfasters, 326 Lodges were represented. 42 Grand Lodges were represented, Missouri by Past Grand Master \iVm. P. Freeman, who was made a lVfason in :Missouri. Grand Master's Address: Fifteen Cornerstones were laidseven of them by the Grand :Master. . Two :Masonic Temples were dedicated . .Two Lodges \vere consolidated and one New Lodge was formed under Dispensaticn. The Grand Master attended the Conference of Grand Masters at Vvashington and the meeting of the \iVashington :Memorial Association at Alexandria. Instructions violated: The last Grand Lodge instructed the Grand Master to purchase a new car, trading in the old one. He violated instructions and used the old car. Financial: The Grand Treasurer reported a balance on hand of $28,312.16 and received from the Grand Secretary $137,762.02. Masonic Homes: December 31, 1930, there were 118 in




the Children's Home and 88 in the Home for the aged. $62,853.31 was expended for the Children's Home and $21,278.69 for the Home for the aged. Correspondence: The Report of about 125 pages is given by Past :Master Thomas Chauncey Humphrey, who gives tvvo and one-half pages to a review of Missouri for 1930. Nearly a page is given to quotations from our report on Correspondence. :Missouri and Oklahoma are not only neighbors geographically, but the relations bet\veen the two Grand Lodges are very fraternal. :Missouri has had a large share in the making of Oklahoma and we have been pleased to note the rapid growth of freemasonry in that state. OREGON. Eightieth Annual. Portland, .June 11-13, 1930. 172 Lodges, 30,638 Members. 966 Raised, 104 Loss. 160 Lodges were represented. Grand Master. Milton L. Meyers. Grand Master elected. Otto C. Hagmeier, Astoria.. Grand Secretary. D. Rufus Cheney. Portland. Correspondent, David P. Mason, Albany.

Present: 17 Grand Officers; 16 Past Grand l\1asters; 21 District Deputy Grand Masters; 408 Lodge Representatives. 55 Grand Lodges were represented. ~\'Tissouri was' not represented. Distinguished Visitors: Charles E. Boyden, Past Grand Treasurer of North Dakota; George T. Cockran, Grand High Priest, and H. vVayne Standard. Grand Master of the Grand Council of Oregon, were introducecL On the second day the Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment and Rose J. \Vilson, Grand Matron, and the Past Grand Patron of the Eastern Star were introduced. Grand l\1aster's Address: One Cornerstone was laid by the Grand Senior "Varden. The Grand Master refusecl to lay the Cornerstone of a school after the building was com路pleted. Visitations:

The Grand Master says:

"By means of District meetings and individual visits. I have

met with 162 of our 172 Lodges."

A good record.

He attended the Grand l\/Iaster's Confer-




ence at Washington and the \Vashington Memorial Association at Alexandria. Educational Fund: The fund is $234,496.58: "The interest from this fund has this. year kept in the public schools of Oregon 10'2 children of Master Masons who otherwise would have been denied this privilege." .

l\1asonic and Eastern Star Home: The expenses for the year were $49,430.64. Of this amount $3,876.74 was for outside maintenance. There were 83 members of the Home Family, but 12 of these were maintained outside the Home. Financial: Receipts for General Fund $33,687.31 For Educational Fund 19,073.99 For Home Maintenance 45,391.02 For Home Endowment Fund................ 4,415.87 For Home Building Fund 11,502.00 The Grand Lodge has on hand in all its funds securities amounting to about four hundred thousand dollars. Correspondence: The report of 183 pages was made by DavidP. l\1ason, Senior Grand l\路1aster. He gives two and one-half pages to an excellent review of ou r Proceedings for 1929. Vve quote his opening paragraph: "It is not the exception, but quite the rule to read of a Grand Master highly educated, successful in a profession or business and active in civic and religious organizations. Such is true of Byrne E. Bigger, Grand Master in 1928-1929 of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Perhaps the crowning honor of Judge Bigger's year as Grand Master was his being called upon to preside over the Grand Master's Conference at Washington, D. C., on February 20, 1929."

He has this to say of our Grand Lodge: "The Grand Lodge of Missouri was organized in 1821, and is one of the pioneer Grand Lodges in the West, most of the Grand Lodges to the north and west of Missouri, either directly or indirectly, trace their history through the Grand Lodge of Missouri. The first Lodge in Oregon was formed under Charter from the Grand Lodge of Missouri in 1846, a year before Oregon became a state. Some Missourians may still be interested in Oregon Freemasonry. The writer's grandson is a Royal Arch Mason in Portland-a Civil Engineer in the employ Df the Westinghouse Company."

Our reviewer speaks kindly of l\1issouri's report on Cor-




respondence and quotes from it Kipling's pocm that especially appeals to the Craft. PEN NSYLVAN IA. Annual Grand Communication. Philadelphia, December 27, 1930. 568 Lodges, 214,592 Members, 4,9'70 Initiated, 48!J Gain. Grand Master, \Villiam S. Snyder, Philadelphia, Re-elected. Grand Secretary, John A. Perry, Philadelphia. Correspondent, \Villiam Dick.

Present: 17 Grand Officers; 3 Past Grand 'Masters; 29 District Deputy Grand Masters. 122 Lodges were represented. Distinguished Visitors: Henry S. See, Grand l\'1aster, and Charles R. l\1anchester, Rhode Island. D. Raymond Keefer, Grand l\1aster, and J. Wallace \Voodford, Deputy Grand M'aster, Delaware. Elbert L. Darhie, Grand Master, Connccticut, and Donald J. Sargent, Grand l\;faster, Arthur P. John50n, Junior Grand Warden, \JVilliam Huck, Grand :Marshal, and Frank C. Sayre, Past Grand l\1astel', New Jersey, were introduced. Quarterly Grand Communications were held March 5th, June 4th, Septcmber 5th and December 3d. At the Quarterly Communication December 3d, there were present 24 Grand Officers, 5 Past Grand Masters, 54 District Deputy Grand Masters and 450 Lodges were represented. Officers for the ensuing year \vere elected. Charity Funds: The invested Funds \vere $230,367.50. The Stephen Girard Charity Fund was $89,763.25. The Thomas R. Patton l\Jemorial Charity Fund was $162,913.06. \~lith Charity Funds amounting to nearly half a million and a Sinking Fund $853,329.08 the Grand Lodge ought to be able to pull through these hard times. But there are too many Benevolent Funds reported for us to give them in detail. The Masonic Homes have a Reserve Fund of more than half a million and the various Funds of the Grand Lodge run into the millions. The principal business of the Grand Lodge including the election of officers was transacted at the December Quarterly. At the Annual Communication the Grand :Master read his





address. He announces that the Bi-Centenary celebration of Freemasonry in Pennsylvania will begin with a religious service at Christ Church, Philadelphia, October 11, 1931, and last four days. The Grand :M asters of the United States and Canada are invited to attend and each Grand Master is 'asked to select another member of his Grand Lodge to accompany him. Guests are expected f rom across the seas. Visitations ': The Grand :Master reported a number of Grand Visitations accompanied by other officers of the Grand Lodges, and also visits made by him to various Lodges. He attended the 149th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of New York at New York City. Two Lodges were constituted, one :Masonic Hall was dedicated and four Cornerstones were laid. Correspondence: The Report of 236 pages was presented by \Villiam Dick. He gives nearly four pages to an excellent review of our Proceedings for 1930. He quotes from Grand l\/laster Freet's address these particular words: "It may very well be that this cessation of growth is a blessing in disguise, in that it will give opportunity for us to consolidate our forces and to imbue our membership with the fundamental principles ,of the fraternity. It has been my purpose, as I have journeyed about the state, to revitalize our principles and to make them a power for spiritual good in every community. I have always received a ready response from the Brethren."

Until his health broke down Grand Master Freet did great work in his effort "to revitalize our principles and to make them a power for spiritual good in every community." PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Nineteenth Annual. Manila, January 27-29, 1931. 103 Lodges, 6,4i}2 Members, 323 Raised, 194 Loss. 64 Lodges represented. Grand Master, Vincente Carmona. Grand Master elected, William W'i!ey Larkin, :Manila. Grand Secretary, Newton C. Comfort, Manila. Correspondent, Ne~ton C. Comfort.

Present: 19 Grand Officers; 12 Past Grand Masters; 1 Past Deputy Grand l\J aster; 1 Past Grand Treasurer; 2 Past Grand Lecturers; 266 Lodge Representatives: 72 Lodges were represented, but Missouri was not represented. Grand Master's Address: The Grand :Master reported 37




official VISItS to Lodges. His duties as a government official made it impossible for him to go to the far outlying districts. He has this to say of "THE MASONIC HOSPITAL FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN. "The outstanding charity of Freemasonry in the Philippines, the Masonic Hospital for Crippled Children, is not under the direct control and supervision of the Grand Lodge, but has its most cordial and enthusiastic support and approval. The corporation, formed in 1924, has for the last five years been operating a Masonic Ward for Crippled Children in one of the local hospitals, with splendid results. It is slowly accumulating a fund for the construction, equipment, and operation, of a hospital of its own. Its officers are performing their duties with a disinterestedness, zeal, and efficiency which are admirable. We commend this institution to the consideration and generosity of our Brethren, as we believe it to be the noblest thing Philippine Freemasonry has ever undertaken." FINANCIAL. "The report of the Grand Treasurer covering financial transactions for the year ended Decem bel' 31, 1930, is as follows: Balance January 1, 1930-'Cash in Bank P13, 720.55 Cash in Savings Funds 24,452.92 ReceiptsReceived from the Grand Secretary Represented by Bank deposits, as per certificates Total


P41,082.02 P79,255.49"

The Grand Lodge has a Home Fund amounting to more than a hundred pesos. Correspondence: A Report of more than one hundred page was presented by the Grand Secretary, but it does not review Missouri. PORTO RICO. F'orty-fifth Annual.

San Juan, April 2;;-27, 50 Lodges, 3,309 Members. Grand Master, Rodolfo Haminoz Tabon. Grand Secret.ary Jose Gonzales Ginoris.


Besides the Annual, Sessions were held in July, October and January.




Fifty-fifth Annual. Crapand, June 25, 1930. 15 Lodges, 1.242 Members, 49 Raised, 16 Gain. 14 Lodges represented. Grand Master. George Elliott Full. Grand Master elected, Henry T. Begg, Summerside. Grand Secretary. F.rn~st Kemp, Charlottetown.

Present: 15 Grand Officers; 11 Past Grand Masters; 3 Past Deputy Grand Masters; 2 Past Senior Grand \t\Tardens; 2 Past Junior Grand \Vardens; 110 Lodge Representatives. 39 Grand Lodges vvere represented. Missouri \vas not represented. Grand Master's Address: The Grand Master visitecl all of the Lodges but one. The attendance at these official visitations numbered 1,038. He dedicated one l\lasonic Temple. Financial: Receipts for the year $1,364.30 Cash on hand 1,470.25 $2,835.55 Benevolent Func1 Disbursed during the year

$2,321.76 $ 300.00

QUEBEC. Sixty-first Annual. Montreal, Fehruary 11, 1931. 92 Lodges, 16,114 Members. 622 Initiations, 291 G:::':;1. 88 Lodges represented. Grand Master, 'V. M. Couper, Montreal, Re-elected. Grand Secretary, W. 'V. Williamson, Montreal. Conespondent., g. D. T. Chambers.

Present: 21 Grand Officers; 8 District Deputy Grand :Masters; 8 Past Masters; 52 Past District Deputy Grand Masters; 4 Past Grand Senior vVarc1ens; 1 Past Grand Junior vVarden; 13 Past Grand Registrars. 72 Lodges were represented by their lVlasters or \Vardens; 17 Lodges were represented by Past .Masters. 34 Grand Lodges were represented. Missouri was not represented. Grand Master's Address: Two Lodges were Consecrated and one new Lodge was formed under a Dispensation. The




Grand 1\1aster reported a number of visits to Lodges, attended two District 1\1eetings and visited the Grand Lodge of Canada in Ontario. Financial: The Grand Treasurer reported receipts for the 'year $10,313.71. The Grand Lodge has on hand funds amounting to $324,681.63. The Committee on Benevolence and Charity-expended during the year $5,775.00. Correspondence: Past Grand 1\IIaster E. A. Evans presented a Report of 126 pages, which gives a page to a fraternal review of our Proceedings for 1930. One-third of this space is given to a quotation from our report on Correspondence. QUEENSLAND. Ninth Annual Report. We have the report of 4 Quarterly Communications held September 4-, 1929, December 4, 1929, March 5, 1930, and June 4, 1930. Also two special meetings, August 13, 1929, and May 14, 1930. Grand Master W. H. Green, Re-elected. Grand Secretary, C. H. Harley, Re-elected.

Lists are given of Grand Officers and Past Grand Officers in attendance, "And the ~Vlasters, Past Masters and Wardens of a number of Daughter Lodges." l\1embership: In June 1929 the membership was 21,951. Finances: The General Fund in 1929 was more than ten thousand pounds sterling and the Benevolent Fund more than thirty-five thousand pounds. V.,r e find a report of the Consecration of four Lodges and the Dedication of one Masonic Temple. RHODE ISLAND. One Hundred FOI路tieth Annual. Providence, May 19, 1930. 43 Lodges, 19,132 Members, 5:\7 Raised, 111 Gain. 42 Lodges represented. Grand Master, Arthur S. Vaughn. Grand Master elected, Henry S. Lee, Providence. Grand Secretary, Harold L. McAuslan, Providence.

Present: 26 Grand Officers; IS Past Grand 1\1asters; 226 Past l\1asters; 94 Lodge Representatives. 38 Grand Lodges were represented, Missouri by Henry S. Lee, who was elected Grand l\/Iaster.




Distinguished Visitors: They \vere: From Connecticut: Elbert L. Darbic, Grand Master; \\1inthrop Buck, Past Grand Master and Grand Secretary, and Arthur N. Nash, Past Grand l\laster and Grand Representative. From N ew Jersey: Donald Sargent, Grand l\'1aster. From Vermont: Julius C. Thomas, Junior Grand \iVarden. From New York: C. Albert Schultz, Representative of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island near the Grand Lodge of New York. Grand l\Jaster's Address: Visitations: The Grand :Master visited every Lodge in the State. In all he made more than one hundred visits. He visited the Grand Lodge of Connecticut and the Grand Commandery of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. He attended the Grand l\1asters' Conference and the meeting of the \\1ashington l\femorial Association. He announced the formal withdrawal of Rhode Island from . the National Masonic Service Association. Dedications: He dedicated two l\'lasonic Temples. One Cornerstone was laid by Henry S. Lee, Deputy Grand l\'laster. - Dispensations: He issued twenty Dispensations to Lodges, permitting them to attend Divine Services as Lodges. Financial: The Granel Treasurer reported receipts for the year: General Func1 ; $22,667.11 Educational Fund 20,862.34 Masonic Home Fund 10,837.58 The total of Funds on hanel was $188,503.06. Educational Fund: The Trustees reported that thirty-five new scholarships had been granted, while scholarships of sixtytwo applicants had been renewed-a total of ninety-seven. Masonic Home Funel: The Trustees reported $85,630.90 on hanel. $1,017.75 was expended in relief work. V\le find no Report on Correspondence.




SASKATCH EWAN. Twenty-fourth Annual. Moose Jaw, June 18, l!)30. 198 Lodges, 14,867 Members, 603 Initiations, 234 Gain. 139 Lodges represen ted. Grand Master, J. Orville Clarl'c. Grand Master elected, Dr. C. P, Moore, \Veyburn. Grand SecI'etary, W. B. Tate, Regina. Correspondent, \V. B. Willoughby.

Prese,nt: ' 16 Grand Officers: 12 Past 9rand 1\1asters; 14 District Deputy Grand Masters; 370 Past l\!fasters and Lodge Representatives. 41 Grand Lodges were represented, l\'lissouri by Grand Master J. Orville Clarke. Distinguished Visitor i George Hunter, Grand T\laster of lVlanitoba, was introduced. Grand 'Master's Adcl~ess: Six new Temples were dedicated. Three new Lodges were constituted. Three Cornerstones were laid, one of these, the Cornerstone of a church, was laid on Sunday. In Missouri we teach Fellow Crafts that our ancient brethren worked six days in the week and rested on the seventh day. Hence, in Missouri we hold no I-todge meetings of any kind on Sunday, except for funeral purposes. During the year Dispensations were issued for the forming of three new Lodges. We were a little surprised to learn from one item in the address that it is against the law in Saskatchewan to initiate a candidate the night he is elected. The Grand Master said the most interesting phase of his duties was attending the District :M cetings. "The interest taken by the Brethren was a matter of much cncouragcment." We find no detailed report of visits to Lodges. I-Ie visited the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star. From his conclusion we quote one paragraph. "The idealism of Freemasonry is of the highest type. Running through the entire history of the Craft will be found the principles that have been the guiding motives of every great movement for the betterment of mankind. It teaches unselfishness, it instills friendship, it promotes brotherhood, it brings about good will, it furthers toleration, it broadens the human vision and enlarges the human heart, it lifts humanity out of the slough of despondency and helplessness and points to a better life on earth and a firmer hope beyond the grave."




Financial: Receipts for the General Benevolent and Scholarship Funds amounted to more than forty-seven thousand dollars. Correspondence: Past Grand Master \TIl. B. Willoughby presented a report of 87 pages. He gives a little more than a page to a review of our Proceedings for 1929. He makes some apt quotations from the address of Grand Master Bigger. Referring to our action in providing for the trial by commission, he tells us they have that in Saskatchewan and find it a great improvement on any other way. VYe are glad to note his endorsement of our. experiment. SCOTLAND.

VYe have the Proceedings of a Quarterly Communication, held in Freemasons' Hall, Edinburgh, Thursday, the fifth day of February, 1931. "A. A. Hagart Speirs of Elderslie, V. I., J. P., Most Worshipful, Grand Master on the Throne."

T. G. Winning was Grand Secretary. Five pages are filled with the names of Officers and IVIembers who were present. A list is given of about eight hundred Lodges. \Vhile the majority of them are in Scotland, yet we find the names of Lodges scattered over the face of the earth. No statistics of membership appear. But the names of members arc given. Life is too short for us to undertake to count them. Evidently Scottish Freemasonry is in a healthy condition and its charities are generous. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Annual Communication. Adelaide, April 16, 1930. 147 Lodges, 15,043 Members, 930 Initiated, 467 Gain. Grand Master, The Hon. Mr. Justice Napier, LL.B. Grand Master elected, Governor, Brigadier General the Hon. Sir Alexander Gore Arkwright Hore-Ruthven, V. C., K. C., M. G., C. B., D. S. A. Grand Secretary, C. R. J. Glover, Adelaide.

Present: 25 Grand Officers; 2 Past Deputy Grand Masters; 17 Past Grand Wardens; 1 Past Grand Treasurer; 1 Past Grand Lecturer; 2 Past Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies; 5 Past Grand Deacons; 2 Past Grand Superintendents of Works; 4 Past Grand Sword Bearers; 2 Past


. Appendix.


Grand Standard Bearers; 1 Past Grand Pursuivant; 21 Grand Stewards; 56 \Vorshipful :Masters; 140 Past Masters; 45 Senior Wardens; 41 Junior Wardens. 28 Grand Lodges were represented, Missouri by \"1. J. Host. Four Lodges were warranted during the year. Financial: Dues from the Lodges anlounted to 9,976 pounds sterling. Correspondence: A Report of 98 pages was presented by a Committee. \Y. J. Host, who represents the Grand Lodge of :Missouri, gave a report of nearly two pages on our Proceedings for 1929. He deals chiefly with the efficient work of Grand l\1aster Bigger. SOUTH CAROLINA. One Hundred Ninety-fourth Annual. Charleston, March 11-12, 1931. 286 Lodges, 28,092 Members, 897 Raised, 940 Los!'!. 271 Lodges represented. Grand Master, I. C. Blackwood, Columbia, Re-elected. Grand Secretary, O. Frank Hart, Columbia. Correspondent, Geo. T. Harmon.

Present: 16 Grand Officers; 6 Past Grand l\IIasters; 23 District Deputy Grand 1\1asters; 276 Lodge Representatives. 43 Grand Lodges were represented, Missouri by Past Grand Master George T. Bryan. Distinguished Visitor: Lewis N. Tavenner, Past Grand l\1aster and Fraternal Correspondent of West Virginia, was introduced. Grand Master's Address: The Grand Master laid four Cornerstones. He constituted one new Lodge. He held a special Communication of the' Grand Lodge and installed the officers of nine Lodges. Financial: Dues for the year $56,595.55. Collected for the \-\Toman's Infirmary at State Park, $8,958.83. The Grand Secretary called the attention of the Grand Lodge to the fact that for the second time in the history of the Grand Lodge, they had as their Grand .l\1aster the Governor of their State. The Craft rose to their feet and greeted him with much applause. The Treasurer of the Trustees of the :Masonic Relief Fund reported that he had on hand bonds amounting to $141,000.00.




Correspondence: George T. Harmon, Junior Grand Warden, presented a Report of 192 pages. He gives two pages to a fraternal review of our Proceedings for 1929. He has this , to say of our Grand Master: "It has been our privilege to meet and associate with Grand Master Bigger at the Grand Masters' Conference and the George Washington Memorial Association in Washington. He presided over the former conference year before last. Missouri may well be proud of him and we are not surprised that the introduction to his annual address breathes a high appraisal of Freemasonry."

lIe notes the. fine record made by the Masonic Employment Bureau in St. Louis in securing nearly two thousand positions for applicants. SOUTH DAKOTA. Fifty-sixth Annual. Rapid City, June 1'()-1l, 1930. 179 Lodges, 19.885 Members, 659 Raised, 106 Gain. 133 Lodges re})resen ted. Grand Master, Wm. F. Sargent. Grand Master elected, Carl H. KUbler, Deadwood. Grand Secretary, Georg'e A. Pettigrew, Sioux :B'alls.

Present: 18 Grand Officers; 13 Past Grand Masters; 3 Trustees; 21 District Deputy Grand :Masters; 15 Committee :Members; 216 Lodge Representatives. 32 Grand Lodges were represented, 1\1 issouri by J. K. Kutne\vsky. Distinguished Visitors: Y路/m. L. Sharp, Grand :Master of the Grand Encampment, Knights Templar and John H. Cowles, Past Grand Master of Kentucky, and Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of the Southern Jurisdiction were introduced. vVord being receive1 that the \Vorthy Grand Matron of the Eastern Star was in waiting,: the altar \vas arranged and the following visitors were introduced to the Brethren: 1\1rs. Lucille 1\1. Poznan sky, Grand Matron, Evelyn B. Warne, Past Grand :Matron; Irma Kubler, Grand l\1arshal, and Julia Poznansky, Vlorthy ?vlatron of Golden Link Chapter No. 14 of Rapid City. Grand l\1aster's Address: The Grand l\IIaster dedicated one :Masonic Temple. He constituted one New Lodge and issued Dispensations for the forming of two new Lodges. Owing to circumstances over which he had no control, the Grand .Master was able to make only a few visitations. The




24 District Deputies had given careful supervision to the Lodges. Chain Letters: The Grand Secretary reported that he had received twenty "chain letters" in the past two months. Those weeds are about as hard to kill off as dandelions. Financial: The Receipts for the year were $25,920.15. Of this amount $9,644.00 was for the Grand Charity Fund. Oration: Vve quote the conclusion of a brief address by Rev. \Ai. S. Harper, Grand Orator: "This is an age of questioning and criticism. Nothing stands in this age unless it bears the stamp of efficiency and real value. Masonry has already passed that test and stands today a bulwark against the r路avages of even a Twentieth Century criticism. "Every age has had its problems and its tests of institutions~ Those institutions which have survived have done so because they carried within themselves the eternal values that belong to a Divine creation. Masonry has passed the tests of many generations of the past. It has been the ideal upon which much has been forged that is worthwhile in the present freedom of mind and body. It will continue to live and grow, not because of the faithfulness of the Craft to the externals, but rather to those who see the beauty of the Spirit of Masonry and feel that under the banner they can achieve greater advancement in the things which build the race morally and spiritually. "Pessimistic thought today has doomed the world to destruction. They say we have created a 'Frankenstein Monster' which is to turn and rend us to death. That this age is on the down grade and does not have within itself the elements of -self preservation. Let us remember that in every age there has been just such crises as these, and each age has lived on and sloughed off the baser things and retained the better, Masonry has within itself the answer and the appeal. Its teachings incite to greater sacrifice and devotion to ideals. It teaches the undying principle of truth and virtue and bids its adherents to be builders of character and virtue, choosing to be free in mind and heart, rather than in body. Offers the Divine truth that the battle is not to the strong, in a material sense, but rather in the realm of the moral and spiritual. It has the inherent challenge to all that is high and fine in men and the promise of the Divine co-operation of the Supreme Architect of the Universe in the attainment of all that is worthwhile in life. Masonry needs no defense in public, but rather faithful practice of its virtues and philosophy in daily life. Its virtues and principles are its greatest bulwark and these are its eternal argument."




Correspondence: All we find is a brief report by Arthur I-I. Tufts touching conditions in l\1exico. \Ve quote his concluding paragraph: "It would seem to us that those Grand Lodges in the states bordering on Mexico, which come into most intimate contact with Mexican Masonry, should be the best judges of their fitness for recognition."

This is a plausible reasoning, but not borne out by wellknown facts. Some years ago a Texas Grand l\1aster visited Mexico and tried to bring about a merger between the valle de l\1exico Grand Lodge and the York Grand Lodge. He failed and induced the Grand Lodge of Texas to withdraw recogniti011 : from the York Grand Lodge. He was a Presbyterian Elder. \IVe cannot understand why he did not try to affect merger of Protestant Missions with the Roman Catholic Church, which would have been as reasonable. In 1922 the writer \vent to Tampico, Mexico, to set a Commandery to work under its Charter: He spent four days in that city; preached in the l\1asonic Hall on Sunday morning and gave a Masonic Address one evening. He went to 1\1exico City and spent four days. visiting the two Lodges in that city that are uncler the care of the York Grand .Lodge. To one Lodge he gave a 1\1asonic address. In the other Lodge路 he witnessed the conferring of the Third Degree and gave the Lecture. Their work is nearer the Missouri work than some the writer has witnessed in American Grand Lodges. 1\1ost of the Freemasons the writer met in Tampico and Mexico were Americans or Englishmen and their Freemasonry is like ours, which is not true of the Valle de 1\1exico Grand Lodge.


TASMANIA. Fortieth Annual. Devonport, February 21. 44 Lodges, 4,024 Members, 105 Initiated, 12 Loss. Grand Master, Frank P. Bowden. Grand Secretary, 'V. H. Strutt.



30 Grand Officers.

"Also the Wor. Masters, Wardens, and Past Masters of various Lodges in the Jurisdiction."

The receipts for the year were: General Fund, 1,151 pounds. 15 shillings, 10 pence; Centenary Fund, 866 pounds,

1931 -



3 shillings, 2 pence; Benevolent Fund, 2,441 pounds, 10 shillings, 9 pence. The Proceedings contains only 28 pages and there is no report on Correspondence. \Ve have a brief report of the "Half-Yearly Communication of the Grand Lodge, held at the Masonic Hall, Hobart, on Saturday the 23rd of August, 1930."

There were present: 24 Grand Officers and the Worshipful Masters, Past Masters, and \Vardens of several Lodges." From the Grand l\Jaster's Address we learn that thcre were 4,036 mcmbers in the various Lodges, an incre~se"o(12. 94 were initiated in six months. Frank P. Bowden is Grand l\1aster and \"T. H. Strutt, Grand Secretary. There is also a report of a Special Communication for the purpose of dedicating a IVlasonic Temple. \\1 e find a list of 45 Lodges. Procecdings of the Grand Lodge of :Missouri have reached Tasmal1ia. TENNESSEE. One Hundred Seventeenth Annual. Nashville, January 28-29, 1931. 451 Lodge!;, 49,655 Members, 1,562 Raised, 412 Loss. 442 Lodges represented. Grand Master, E. R. Burr". Grand Master elected, R. V. Hope, Memphis." Grand Secretal-y, T. E. Doss, Nashville. Correspondent, John T. Peeler, Huntingdon.

Present: 13 Grand Officers; 13 Past Grand :Masters; 4 Custodians of the Work; 3 Lecturers; 186 Past Masters; 472 Lodge Representatives. 46 Grand Lodges ,vere represented, IVlissouri by F. E. Bartley. Distinguished Visitors: John X. Taylor, Grand l\1aster; Paul Powell, Grand Chaplain; \"1. W. Crisp, Grand Senior Deacon, and George IVr. Clark, Chairman of the Jurisprudence Committee, all of Kentucky, were introduced. Grand lVlaster's Address: The Grand l\'Iaster reported more than fifty visits to Lodges. l\/J ost of the meetings were joint meetings when from three to sixty-one Lodges ,,,ere represented at each meeting. lIe visited a number of Lodges




that had not received an official visit for many years. Members of most of the Lodges in the State attended these meetings. That he worked at his job is evident from a paragraph we quote from his address: "These visits I have made during my short vacation period, holidays and nights, often leaving my business in the early afternoon, filling engagements that evening and returning home just as the sun was appearing over the Eastern Hills. I have driven through fog, rain, snow, sleet and mud and I have remained for hours on the banks of some turbulent stream, endeavoring to effect a passage, in my ~ttempt to fill my eng,agements."

,,,re did not discover that he was a candidate

for re-election. The Grand :Master appointed Thomas Earl Doss Grand Secretary to fill the vacancy cause J by the death of Stith M. Cain, who died July 22, 1930. He filled the office well and the Grand Lodge elected him Grand Secretary. In less than a month the Proceedings reached the writer, who has the honor of representing Tennessee near the Grand Lodge of Missouri. The Grand Master Dedicated one 'Masonic Hall and three Lodges were Constituted. Two Lodges surrendered their Charters and one Charter was arrested by the Grand Master. Financial: The Grand Treasurer reported receipts for the year $135,950.42. The greater part of this amount was for the l\1asonic Home, $103,852.51. The Home has an Endowment Fund of one hundred and forty thousand dollars. January 1, 1931, there \vere in the home 27 Adults and 134 Children. At the same time 90 Adults anel 79 Children were receiving outside maintenance. Correspondence: Past Grand Master John T. Peeler presented a Report of 114 pages which gives nearly two pages to a fraternal review of our Proceedings for 1930.. He quotes a paragraph from Grand Master Freet's Address which shows we have a growing problem on our hands in our Masonic Home. He also quotes a decision by the Grand Master which shows that the radio is raising a new problem for Freemasonry. He )las a kind \\'oro for Missouri's report on Correspondence. \Ve met some years ago and came together again in August




1930, at Tacoma, where we attended the Triennial Convocation of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch IVlasons. The Tennessee Freemasons we have met make us wish to meet more of them. \Ve hope they will visit our Grand Lodge. TEXAS. Ninety-fifth Annual. \Vaco, December 3-4, 1930. 990 Lodges, 137,740. Members, 5,345 Raised, 356 I..oss. Grand Master, Hiram F. Lively. Grand Master elected, James W. McClendon, Austil1. Grand Secretary, W. B. Pearson, Waco. Correspondent, ,V. M. Fly, Gonzales.

Present: 14 Grand Officers; 14 Past Grand Masters; 2 Past Grand Treasurers; 34 District Deputy Grand IVlasters; 944 Lodge Representatives. 39 Grand Lodges were represented. "Missouri was not represented. Grand l\IIaster's Address: New Lodges: Two Lodges, granted Charters by the last Grand Lodge, were constituted and one new Lodge was created under a Dispensation. Six Cornerstones were laid. One Dispensation to lay a Cornerstone was refused "for the reason they wished to use a slab." . IVlexican I.. odges in Texas: A so-called "Mexico-Texana Grand Lodge" has 15 Lodges operating in Texas in cities near the border. The Grand Master pronounced these Lodges clandestine, and the Grand Lodge instructed the incoming Grand :Master to deal with the matter. \Vork of Other Grand Jurisdictions: The Grand "Master ruled "that it is improper and not permissible for any Lodge in this Jurisdiction to invite a degree team from a Sister Jurisdiction to come into a Lodge !n this Jurisdiction, bringing their candidate and presenting the work of that Sister Jurisdiction in a Lodge of this Jurisdiction. "

The Grand Lodge approved his ruling. Good common sense. Vife saw the Third Degree conferred in a Dallas Lodge in :May, 1902. It differed in some details from IVlissouri work, but it was good work. Chain I.,etters: The Grand :Master reported, "This ubiquitous nuisance still existed" and the response of the Grand Lodge was as follows:




"CHAIN LE路TTERS. "This ubiquitous nuisance, like Banquo's ghost, it seems, will not down. "To Grand Master's denunCiation of them as rank sup'erstition, and his advice to consign them to the waste basket, your Committee adds its own and invites upon its collective head all the dire consequences prophesied as sure to overtake all those ,who dare to break any link in these senseless communications. We suggest the inclusion of this subject in an early number of the Trestle Board, or as a fit question for discussion by our Committee on Service and Education, to the end that the humblest and youngest Mason in this Jurisdiction may know 'Chain Letters' for what they are, a manifestation of credulity and superstition that has no place in an enlightened commonwealth, much less in the literature of Masonic Lodges."

District Deputy Conferences: The Grand JI,/Iaster held fifteen of these conferences and met 75 per cent of the District Deputies and many of the Master~ and \iVardens. He attended the Grand 1\1 asters' Conference at \\r ashington City and the lVfeeting of the \i'lashington Jl,tfemorial Association at Alexandria. Financial: The Grand Secretary reports the following receipts: General Fund $102,666.32 171,177.75 \Viclows' and Orphans' Fund Masonic Service Association Fund............ 37,672.42 JI,-1aster lVlason Degree Fund...................... 63,500.00 Temple Fund 356.00 Donation Masonic Home and SchooL.... 2,325.78 Grand Charity Fund.................................... 44,160.50_ Total..


:Masonic Home and School: For maintenance, $165,895.84; attendance for year, 456; net per capita cost per month, $30.32. Oration : ~1. B. Terrill, Grand Orator, took as his theme, "Masonry-A Teacher of l\1en." His subdivisions were "Man and his relation to God, 1\1 an and his attitude toward VVoman, Man and his Brother."




\Ve quote these paragraphs: "What is religion? Religion is not pure feeling; religion is not mere intellectual acceptance of certain ideas or ideals; religion is not conformity to any' set of rules or dogma; religion is not the getting down on one's knees to the Mother Mary that she may intervene with Him who came to seek and save the lost; but religion, anywhere, everywhere, in a church or out of a church, is the personal, direct experience of fellowship between man and God. Religion is the attachment and devotion of every faculty of the soul to virtue, beauty and truth. Masonry presents religion as something more than mere dogma,' creed and formal piety, because life itself is something that should be pure and holy, possessing f路aith and noble purpose-a striving for perfect knowledge and harmony with Truth and God. Masonry knows nothing of man's doctrines and creeds! Masonry bases none of its teachings on any system, of theology. Masonry reads the Holy Scriptures for itself, and accepts an Obiter Dictum from no layman, clergyman, institution, or pope. Its teaching to all humanity is: 'Thou, Lord, art my Creator, my Guide, and my final Judge'." "The attitude of man toward woman is one of the most potent influences that shape and direct the lives of men. What woman is and what she will be in the centuries to come depend largely upon what man would have her be. Men have two standards of conduct toward woman. The one develops noble and heroic character in the man, and elevates woman to a plane where, as Wordsworth expresses it, she is, 'A Spirit pure and bright, with something of Angelic Light'. The other ideal steals from man his purity and nobleness of being, makes him a fawning hypocritical cynic in his protestations of respect and adoration for woman, and debases her to the level of a pawn, a plaything, a pretty toy for satisfying his passion. Masonry, recognizing the importance of strong teaching on this vital subject, goes far beyond the giving of mere instruction, and places upon the seeker for light a most solemn obligation, wherein he calls upon his Maker to witness the路 pledging of his honor. "Looking upon the serious condition in society today-due to multiple forms of marriage, multiple means of easy divorce, the rapidly changing manner of family life from the old-fashioned home to the modern apartment, the tremendous increase in the wealth of our people and the corresponding increase in the luxuries of life, together with the craving for these luxuries by those unable to afford them-and speaking to men, whose very membership in this august body warrants me in assuming that they represent the leadership and molding power in their Lodges, I wish to say with 路all the earnestness of which I am capable, that


A ppendi.'r.


the Masonic Fraternity of Texas has an opportunity for influence, that will be immeasurable in its far reaching effect, that will aid mightily in clearing away the fogs of this social chaos in our beloved state, if only Masons everywhere within its borders will live up to their obligations and will lift their voices in condemnation of him who treats this great Order with contempt and disregards the pledge of his honor." "Henry Ward Beecher has beautifully said: "'The Supreme Art of Life, above all other arts, is the art of living together justly and charitably. There is no other thing that is so taxing, requiring so much education, so much wisdom, so much practice, as the how to live with our fellow men. This art exceeds all the productive industries which we teach. The business of life is to know how to get along with our fellow-men.' "I like to think of the Masonic Fraternity as a great school, in which men may learn brotherhood by practicing it towards their fellow Masons. The world has talked through the ages of the Brotherhood of Man, but has found a realization of this ideal most difficult because of the inevitable conflict that must ensue between good and evil, but more especially because of the failure of men to let their charitable and generous instincts rule over those which are sordid and selfish. True it is, that integrity can never be good friends with iniquity; liberty can never clasp hands with tyranny, purity can never mate in peace with filth and foulness; men of high integrity and clean emotions can take but one attitude towards those businesses that debauch man in both soul and body, and that is an attitude of unwavering hostility. But in this great MaSOl)ic Fraternity, where men are handpicked because of their good reputation; where, as Brother Joseph Fort Newton has said, 'The Brotherhood of Man begins with the Manhood of the Brother'; where men are obligated under the law of God to keep the laws of their country, to deal justly with their fellow-men, to be helpful and charitable towards humanity, to protect the virtue of woman, to spread the cement of brotherly love and affection, to seek in humble petition the guidance of Him who is to be their final Judge-surely here, if anywhere, one must hope to find the incarnation of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man."

Correspondence: Past Grand l\laster 'Ai. ?vJ. Fly reviews the Proceedings of 67 Grand Lodges in a Report of 188 pages. He gives nearly fouf pages to a review of our Proceedings for 1929. He quotes some striking paragraphs from Judge Bigger's address and devotes the larger part of his space to his efficient work as Grand Master. He makes a very fraternal




reference to our Report on Correspondence. The relations of . Missoui'i and Texas are very cordial and have always been so. IVlethodis111 and l\lasonry in Texas have outgrown the bvo institutions in Missouri, but Missouri has given 111uch to Texas. UTAH. Sixtieth Annual. Salt Lake City, January 20-21, 1nl. 26 Lodg-p-s, 5,196 Members, 171 Raised, 22 Gain. 25 Lodges represented. Grand Master, Charles Francis Barrett. Grand Master elected, Burt H. Hunt, Salt Lake City. Grand Secretary, Sam Henry Goodwin. Salt La);:e City. COrI'espondent, Sam Henry Goodwill.

Present: 17 Grand Officers; 17 Past Grand :Masters; 1 Past Junior Grand \Varden; 20 Past Mastcrs; 75 Lodge Represcntatives. 31 Grand Lodges \vere represented. Missouri was not represented. Grand .Master's Address: The Grand Master visited all of the twenty-five Lodges during the year. One new Lodge was formed under a Dispensation. The Grand Master reports the \vithdravval of Utah fro111 the Masonic Service Association. Financial: The Grand Treasurer reported a balance on hand of $9,408.84. He received fro111 the Grand Secretary $11,030.21. Correspondence: The H.eport of 123 pages by Sam H. Goodwin, Grand Secretary, does not revie\v Missouri. VERMONT. One lIunell'ed Thirt:r-seventh Annual. Burlington, June 11-12, 1nO. 103 Lodges, 19,672 Memben;, 631 Raised, 11:~ Gain. 94 Lodges represen ted. Grand Master Edwin F. Greene. Grand Master elected, Aaron H. Grout, Burlington. Grand Secretary, Archie S. Harriman, Burlingtoll. Correspondent, Archie S. Harriman.

Present: 17 Grand Officers; 9 Past Grand Masters; 9 Past Grand Senior Deacons; 6 Past Junior Grand Deacons; 11 District Deputy Grand Masters; 261 Lodge Representatives. 35 Grand Lodges were represented, MiS50uri was not represented. Distinguished Visitors: They were:




From New Hampshire: George D. Danforth, Grand Master, and Henry L. Sanderson, Grand :Marshal. From New Jersey: Donald J. Sargent, Grand I\'1aster and '\lilli;ll11 r-ruck, Jr., Past Grand Nfaster. From New York: Alex Thompson, Personal" Representative of the Grand Master. From Connecticut: Elbert L. Darbie, Grand :Master; \Vinthrop Buck. Past Grand l',/Iaster and Grand Secretary, and Andre\'v J. Hallock and Frank L. \\Tilder, Past Grand :Masters. From \iVashington: J. Hugo Tatsch, Past Grand Junior Deacon and Grand Orator. Grand Master's Adr~ss: The Grand Master v\;as one of the thirty-six Grand I\!Iasters who attended the Grand :Masters' Conference at \\Tashington. He was also present at the meeting of the \\Tashington 1\1 emorial Association at Alexanclria. The Grancl Master attended the Annual IVleeting of District Deputies and eight of the District l'"r eetings. He made no detailed report of visits to Lodges. From his brief address we make a clipping: "It is well for each of us to pause at times and look back over the record ,ve have made. In order to give each one of you some thoughts for retrospection, I have propounded the following questions: "1. Have I been true to the obligations I have taken and supported those who were carrying on the work of the local Lodge to the best of my ability? "2. Have I contributed anything worth while during the year to the welfare of the community in which I live? "3. Have I stod squarely behind those who were enforcing the law and helped to make my state a better place in which to live? "4. Have I shown an active interest in the welfare of the young people of my community and sought to make the place so attractive that they will prefer to remain here rather than go elsewhere? "5. Have I become well acquainted with my own children and tried to guide them in such a way that they will become useful citizens in the days to come? "6. Have I visited the aged and infirm members of my Lodge and sought to make their declining years happier because of my efforts? "7. Have I been four square in all of my dealings with my fellow men?




"8. Have I faithfully diseharged the three great duties incumbent upon every Mason ?"

Financial: Receipts on General Account.. $35,621.74 Receipts Temple Accoullt.. 15,862.59 Receipts Permanent Charity Fund 11,332.56 Special Charity Fund 9,248.51 There was a balance on hanel June 12, 1929: General Fund, $6,717.93; Permanent Charity Fund $86,737.10. Correspondence: The Report of 150 pages was presented by Grand Secretary Harriman. He gives three pages to a fraternal review of our Proceedings for 1929 and gives quotations fro111 the excellent address of Granel Master Bigger. He gives his approval to a quotation from our report on Correspondence, yet notes one point on which we differ. Vi e give his conclusion: . uHis review of Vermont was short but inclusive. No, Brother Briggs, we are not hoping for the return of the saloon. We would not have it back for anything. We are not, nor ever have been, a drinking man. But we still think the Volstead Act, as a reasonable interpretation of the Eighteenth Amendment, is a piece of monumental assininity, which will some day be superseded by more' reasonable legislation. Under it, the evils of drunkenness have been multiplied. Without it, we could not be worse off."

\tVise men differ in their opinions of the Volstead Act. But so far as we have been able to discover, none of its opposers has proposed anything in its place that commands respect. The Eighteenth Amendment is here to stay. Its enemies 'can secure its appeal about the time a place with a much warmer climate freezes over. The writer travels thousands of miles ev~ry ye3:r and has met in his travels two drunken men in ten years. There is drinking going on but the amount is small in Missouri as compared with former years. We have many corrupt officials, but we are landing some of them in Federal Penitentiaries. Springfield's former Chief of Police is serving a year at Leavenworth. Our IVlayor is under a two years' sentence. He was convicted on the testimony of bad l11e'n and his appeal which is pending may release him. There are good men who believe he is not COrt:~lpt, but, like Old Dog Tray, he got in bad company.




T,vo or three years ago nearly a quarter of a million of automobiles were stolen in one year in this conntry. Shall we rep'eal our laws against theft? \Vait till the Volstead Act has a fair chance in an honest effort to enforce it by competent and honest officials. To repeal the Volstead Act now, without substituting a more efficient law for the enforcement of the Eighteenth Amendment. \vould he a surrender to the criminal classes. VICTORIA.

\Ve have Proceedings of Quarterly Communications held in the IVlasonic Hall at Melbourne, March 19th, June 18th, September 17 and December 17, 1930. His Excellency Lord Somers, K. C. 1\1. G., D. S. 0.,11. C., was Grand M:aster and at the December Quarterly was reelected for another year. \rVm. Stewart, P. S. G. \V., was Grand Secretary. The total attendance at the M:arch Quarterly was 2,700. There are 474 Lodges with 52,054 members. In September there was a balance in the General Fund of 51,072 pounds, 13 shillings, 8 pence. The Benevolent Fund had a balance of 132,732 pounds, 18 shillings, 10 pence. Correspondence: The Grand Secretary, \Vm. Stewart, presented a report of 58 pages. A brief review of our Proceedings for 1930 was written by Baron Marks, who commends the efficient management of our :Masonic Home. VIRGINIA. One Hundred Fifty-second Annual. Richmond, February 11-13, 1930. 3fi4 Lodges, 48,812 Members, 1,443 Raised, 30 Gain. 2:13 Lodges represented. Grand Mastel', John T. Cochran. Grand Mastel' elected, Rev. Frank Talbott McFaden, D. D., \Vinchester. Grand Secretary, James M. Clift, Richmond. COlTespondent, .Tames M. Clift.

Present: 15 Grand Officers; 11 Past Grand Masters; 19 District Deputy Grand 11asters; 365 Past Masters; 600 Lodge Representatives. 47 Grand Lodges were represented, Missouri by Rev. F. T. 11cFaden, D. D., who was elected Grand Master.




Distinguished Visitors: Edward \lV. Timberlake, Jr., Grand :Master, and John H. Anderson, Past Grand :Master, and Grand Secretary of North Carolina, were introduced. Grand Master's Address: The Grand l\1aster laid two Cornerstones and granted permission for the laying of twenty-one others. Fi fteen of these Cornerstones were for churches. \" e commend this good work on the part of Virginia Freemasons to the careful consideration of our Brethren in Illinois, being confident that no harm resulted to Freemasonry or to the churches served. Visitations: The Grand Master reported 93 official visits to Lodges. ' He attended the Grand Master's Conference at vVashington and the meeting of the \Vashington Memorial Association at Alexandria, Joint :Meetings of the Educational Boards of the Grand Lodge, Grand Chapter and Grand Commandery, and other important IVlasonic meetings. From his report of the \Vashington Memorial Association we dip the following': CONCLUSION OF PRESIDENT WATRE.s' ADDRESS OF '1929; "It is true that we cannot by this Temple, or any other Temple, add to the unquenchable lustre of Washington's name, no more than we can create a new planet to shed its splendor among the stars. Our Temple is a memorial to WashingUm, but it. is ,more than that. It is a monument to Freemasonry; a monument to civil and religious liberty and to a stable, orderly and constitutional government. This old world of ours will be more deeply thrilled a thousand years from now by what we are doing on Shooter's Hill than it is today. In its beauty, symmetry and splendor our Temple will stand as a visible expression of the stability, indestructibility and permanence of our Fraternity. It will proclaim to the world that Washington's sentinel spirit still guards the imperishable ideals by which his great career was governed, ideals that constitute the real foundations of government. Because he lived and because of his achievements, ,every. foot of American soil is sacred and every American ,i~richer in the things that count for more than material wealth. T,he. very ground upon which this Temple stands is eloquent\vith m'emories of Washington. "The granite of ou~ Temple will be' neither mute nor inarticulate. Its message throughout the coming years will not be misunderstood nor misinterpreted. It wiU' eloquently tell the world that Masons




are builders-builders of individual character and that the vital question of our time and of our country is not how many adhere to any particular creed, but how many accept as their standard the stabilizing, coristructive character of him in whose memory this Temple. shall stand throughout the coming years. "Our glorious Temple fronts the dawn. As it welcomes the morning sun, it counts each day as an opportunity for noble deeds. Rising in its superb proportions, it will embody the spirit of Freemasonry. It will enkindle new ardor for the land of our love. Lifting its colossal tower heavenward, our national memorial will proclaim its spiritual significance. From foundation to dome will be echoed through the centuries the sublime faith of our Fraternity in the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. Of all the opportunities unfolded by this splendid edifice, none is greater than that vouchsafed to those who are privileged to assist in its construction. "Long after our names shall have faded from the tablets of Time this memorial will attest our devotion to exalted and everlasting ideals. It will tell of our undying love for him in whose memory this Temple stands-whose name deserves to be written among the stars-the immortal Washington.".

Masonic Home: There are 255 children in the Home. The net assets of the Home are $475,256.68. There was a deficit of $28,000 in the operating expenses of the Home and, on recommendation of the Grand }\If aster, the dues for the Home \vere increased, :Masonic Charity: The Committee reported appropriations to sundry Lodges for :Masonic relief $7,308.08, which was almost the income received from the Grand Lodge. .Financial: The Grand Treasurer received in dues for the year $70,054.25. For the IVlasonic Home $38,726.00 and for the Educational Fund $7,802.45. The Grand Master was the Grand Lecturer of the Grand Chapter and during the year 路visited all of the seventy-one Royal Arch Chapters in the state. The new Grand Master is a preacher. The Missouri Grand Lodge has elected three Methodist preachers Grand Masters and a Presbyterian layman became a preacher after serving a year as Grand Master. In April, 1932, we \vill elect a Baptist preacher Grand High Priest; and later expect to elect him Grand Master., Correspondence: The Grand Secretary, James :M. Clift,




gave a Report of 124 pages. Missouri for 1929 is given a fraternal review of more than two pages. 'He quotes freely from the able address of Grand :Master Bigger. Missouri is indebted in many ways to the "Old Dominion." This scribe has had a partner for more than fifty-five years who, though born in :Missouri, came from Virginia via Kentucky. WASHINGTON. Seventy-third Annual. Tacoma, .Tune 17-19, 1930. 266 Lodges, -19,135 Members, 1,638 Raised, 286 Loss. 249 Lodges represented. Grand Master, Arthur W. Davis. Grand Master elected, William C. Bates, Vancouver. Grand Secretary, Horace W. Tyler, Tacoma. Correspondent, E. H. Van Patten.

Present: 17 Grand Officers; 19 Past Grand :Masters; 1 Honorary Past Grand l\1aster; 1 Past Senior Grand \i\Tarden; 125 Past :Masters; 402 Lodge Representatives. 54" Grand Lodges were represented. :Missouri was not represented. Grand l\1aster's Address: The Grand Master reported. 34 visits to Lodges. He dedicated three l\1asonic Temples and laid one Cornerstone. T\vo Cornerstones were laid by others. He installed the officers of ten Lodges. One Lodge U. D. was instituted. He attended the Grand Masters' Conference at \/Vashington and the 1\1 eeting of the \\Tashington l\-1emorial Association at Alexandria. Financial: The Grand Secretary reported that the total assets of the General Fund were $76,678.25. l\1asonic Home: The total income for the Home for the year was $84,357.80. The Home was valued at $792,196.80. June 1, 1930, there were in the Home 75 men and 56 women. The cost per member for maintenance was $37.80 per month. Fifty-one ]~l'1asons and Eastern Star l\1embers were assisted outside the Home at a cost of about a thousand dollars per month. Correspondence: The Report of 176 pages was presented by Past Grand l\Iaster E. H. Van Patten. He gave nearly three pages to a fraternal revie\v of our Proceedings for 1929. He




quotes approvingly' from the address of Grand 'Master Bigger and gives more than a page to a review of his work as Grand Master. Kipling's poem which \ve quoted two years ago caught his eye and he gives it to his VVashington brethren. The General Grand Council and General Grand Chapter met at Tacoma in August, 1930. Grand Master Hates came from Vancouver to greet us and he and the \Vashington brethren generally did their best to make us enjoy our visit to their. state. The boat ride' to Bremerton Navy Yard and the auto trip. to Mt. Tacoma and many other courtesies will linger long in our memory. Vlie have a better appreciation of the great Northwest than we ever had before. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Annual Communication. Perth, May 22-23, 1930. 134 Lodges, 8,897 Members, 538 Initiated, 389 Gain. Grand Master elected, Alexander C. McCallam, M. B. Eo (Mil). Grand Secretary, J. D. Stevenson, Perth. Correspondent, James 짜,r. E. Archdeacon.

Present: 37 Grand Officers; 2 Past Deputy Grand Masters; 123 other Past Grand Officers; 70 vVorshipful Masters: 66 Senior \J\Tardens; 55 Junior Wardens; 208 Past~1asters; 54 Grand Lodges were represented, Missouri by A. C. Munroe. Deputy Grand lVlaster's Address: The Deputy Grand Master reported 109 official visits made during the year. Charity Fund:' The Grand Lodge has a fund of more than forty thousand pounds sterling and expended during the year 2,816 pounds, 10 shillings. Correspondence: James \Y. E. Archdeacon, Past Senior Granu Deacon; presented a Report of nearly t\\'o hundred pages. He gives 4 pages to a good review of our Proceedings for 1929. \Ve quote one criticism which we appreciate: "The following is a tantalizing entry, 'Grand Master Bigger introduced R. W. Bro. Jay Williams Hudson, Grand Orator, who delivered a timely and appropri1ate address which was enthusiastically received with much applause'. There it ends. The 'enthusiastically received' and the "much applause' did not occupy so much space as even a summary of the address would have done."

Our reviewer passed a favorable comment on the :Missouri


1931 Corresp~ndence



\.\le. reviewers have a kindly feeling

for each other. vVe have a report of the Special Communication held at Perth, July 25, 1929, as a :Memorial Service for the late l\10st Worshipful Grand l\/Iaster, the 1'10st Rev. C. O. L. Riley, D. D., LL. D., O. B. E., V. D., Chaplain-General, Archbishop of Perth, who died on Sunday, June 23, 1929. There was a large attendance of Grand Officers, l\![asters, Past l\/Iasters, Lodge Officers and Brethren generally. A. C. l\1cCaIlu1l1 l'J. B. E. (Mil), Deputy Grand l\1aster, presided. "',.,T. \lV. Raad, District Grand l\1astcr Deputy of the Scottish District Grand Lodge in \Vestern Australia, accompanied by' District Grand Lodge officers, attended the Communication.

l\10st Rev. Charles Owen Leaver Riley was born in England, 1'1ay 26, 1854. He was ordained Deacon in 1878, Priest in 1879, Bishop in 1894, and Archbishop in 1914. He received the degree of D. D. in 1894, Hon. LL. D., 1922, V. D. and O. B. E. in 1919. He was Chaplain and Prelate of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in 1923-26. He was Senior Chaplain, 1895; Chaplain General Commonwealth 1'1ilitary Forces, 1914; Chancellor of the University of \Vestern Australia, 1916-1922. He saw the light of Freemasonry in Peace and Unity Lodge No. 314 at Preston, Lancashire, England, January 13, 1890. Soon after arr~ving in \i\!estern Australia in 1895, he became a member of St. George's Lodge. \iVhen the Grand Lodge was formed, he was appointed the first Grand Chaplain. For three years he was Pro-Grand JVlaster and in 1904 was elected Grand Master and filled that office until his death-except two years. He was a past Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of England and at the time of his death was Representative of the United Grand Lodge of England near the Grand Lodge of Western Australia. Our Grand Secretary, Dr. Arthur Mather, knew him at Bradford, England, before their paths separated and recognizeshis worth and greatness.




WEST VIRGINIA. Sixty-:::iixth Annual. Wheeling, October 8-9, 1930. 167 Lodges, 34,534 Members, 1,036 Raised, 1 Gain. 1;; 5 Lodges represented. Grand Master, D. C. Peck. Grand Ma~ter elected, 'Vm. Turner Morris, 'Vheeling. Grand Secl'etary, Geo. S. Laidley, Charleston. Correspondent, Lewis N. Tavenner.

Present: 13 Grand Officers; 18 Past Grand Masters; 13 District Deputy IVIasters; 13 Deputy Grand Lecturers; 48 Past l\tJasters; 165 Lodge Representatives. 47 Grand Lodges were represented, 1\1 issouri by P. P. Lester. Grand :Master's Address: Clandestine Masonry: In the last two years the Secretary of State issued Charters to "The Grand Lodge of Ancient Freemasons of \TV est Virginia" and "The Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the Thirty-third and Last Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the United States of America." Four subordinate Lodges were instituted. By order of the Grand Master on the advice of the Jurisprudence Committee legal proceedings have been instituted against these zealous workers. In the meantime three young men who were induced to receive degrees at their hands had them arrested for obtaining money under false pretences. Some friends bailed them out of jail and after a preliminary hearing before a ] ustice .of the Peace they \vere held over for the action of the Grand J ttry. It is reported that two of them were later arrested in Pennsylvania on a similar charge. The Grand l\/Iaster evidently believes in Ancient Craft Freemasonry. Hear him: "Freemasonry has stood the test of time and defied the erosion of the ages, and its great and fundamental truths are as capable 0[ practical interpretation in our time as they were in the days of Solomon. Heedless of the systematic clamor of the bigot, it has always championed the cause of humanity, truth and justice and constantly endeavors to extend the frontiers of peace and happiness of all free and enlightened peoples."

Cornerstones: Nine Cornerstones were laid. Four for Churches, three for High Schools, one for a Courthouse and one for a :Masonic Hall. Visitations: The Grand l\!Iaster' reports eleven :Masonic




VISIts made in \\1 est Virginia. I-Ie attended the meeting of the \Vashington 1\1emorial Association at Alexandria and the meeting of the Imperial Council of the Shrine at Toronto. Financial: The Grand Treasurer reported: General Fund Balance $27,217.41 l\1asonic Relief 16,521.50 Educational Fund.................................... 4,798.34 Masonic Home ~1aintenance 250.00 Masonic Home Emergency 40,799.00 $89,586.25 The Grand Secretary reported the Grand Lodge Dues f~r the year, $25,905.00. :Masonic Home: September 1, 1930, there \vere in the Home, 18 :Men, 10 \-\fomen, 33 Boys, 30 Girls. "Maintenance cost for the Home and the Farm was $31,572.70. Correspondence: Past Grand ~tJaster Lewis N. Tavenner presented a Report of 163 pages. Nearly three pages are given to a good review of our Proceedings for 1929. He recognizes the efficiency of Grand :I\1aster Bigger, compliments Grand Secretary ~1 ather on his report and has a kind word for :I\1issouri's Correspondent. His good wishes are reciprocated. WISCONSIN. Eighty-sixth Annual. Milwaukee, June 10-11, 1930. :n2 Lodges, 62,338 Members, 2,225 Raised, 82!l Gain. 307 Lodges represented. Grand Master, Frank Jenks. Grand Master elected; Herbert N. Laflin, Milwaukee. Grand Secretary, "William F. Weiler, Milwaukee. Correspondent, Aldro Jenks, Dodgeville.

Present: 18 Graild Officers; 15 Past Grand 1\1 asters; 1 Past DeputyGra~d :I\1aster; 4 Past Senior Grand Wardens; 4 Past Junior Grand Vol ardens; 406 Lodge Representatives. 49 Grand Lodges were represented, :Missouri by Charles E. George. Grand l\'Iaster's Address: The Grand 1\1aster laid the Cornerstone of one church and two Masonic Temples. He dedicated two "Masonic Temples and one was dedicated by



the Deputy Grand Master. stituted. Visitations:


Two 'Masonic Lodges were con-

"It has been my good fortune to visit a number of the Lodges during the past year, and I was received with uniform courtesy and cordiality; and only regret tbat other demands on my time have been so pressing as not to permit of visiting a greater number of Lodges."

The Grand ~ifaster faced a problem.

He says:

"There are an ever increasing number of organizations pre(Heating their membership on Freemasonry, and seeking to meet in Masonic Halls; and in my opinion the Masonic institution is suffering greatly because of them. Simply to enumerate these organizations is to bring one to a realization of the problem they present. Some are of such long standing and so well established as not to admit of any suggestion that they be banned from Masonic L'odge Halls. I refer to the Order of the Eastern Star, Chapter, Commandery and Scottish Rite Bodies. I believe however that the time is now at hand when we should lay down a well defined policy as to these organizations."

The Jurisprudence Committee to which this item was referred reported that under the Constitution the Grand Master had authority to permit other than :Masonic organizations to meet in 1\1 asonic Halls, but expressed the opinion "that the Grand l\路1aster should exercise such power of dispensation only in exceptional cases and very sparingly." WILL FREEMASONRY SURVIVE?

From an address under this heading by Past Grand Master C. C. Rogers we quote: "It helped sow the seeds of patriotism, obedience to law, loyalty to country, indelibly impressed on the early history of this great Republic; was instrumental in giving impetus to our free institutions; contributed to writing the spirit of the Declaration of Independence into the Constitution of the United States; championed the dreams of men to worship God in keeping with the dictates of their conscience; a Knight Herald proclaiming liberty of thought; freedom of speech; majestic in its exaltation of manhood: a beloved shrine for all needs of men who believe in God. Garland crowned by its deeds of charity, let us hope it will go' forward to challenge the world's regard and confidence. "Deeply solicitous of our responsibilities as Masons, let me draw aside the curtain that you may look upon a picture fraught with


A ppendi.t-.


many serious aspects that call for discriminating judgment, clear vigorous thinking. "Perusing the Masonic Weekly Press, its monthly periodicals, the proceedings of other Grand Jurisdictions, it is apparent that only fifteen to twenty-five per cent of its Lodge membership during the year are regular attendants at its Lodge communications. Meetings of a social character have been inaugurat~d, commendable in themselves, to felicitate the minds of the Brethren, but even these functions, with speakers present to arouse the spirit of Masonry, somehow have not deeply touched the hearts of the non-attendant, nor increased his avidity for fraternal associations. "There must be found a remedy for this non-attendance, this inertia that in many ways is sapping the life of the Fraternity. There should be a reason, a cause why so many intelligent Masons only occasionally cross the threshold of our Lodges. "It is my candid opinion that Freemasonry should, as a complement to its ritual that sets forth ennobling ideas clothed in inspiring language, commit itself to a wider field of education; should press to the attention of its leaders, and particularly its worshipful Masters, the necessity of a greater majesty of illuminating thought that shall meet inquiring, hungry minds, those men who knock at Freemasonry's doors, cross its thresholds, kneel at its altars to receive its message."

Financial: There was collected during the year for fees and dues and the various Charity Funds, $98,029.60. The 1\1asonic Home and Hospital, and Farm buildings, with equipments are valued at more tha~ seven hundred thousand dollars with an endowment fund of about a quarter of a million. Correspondence: Aldra Jenks, Senior Past Grand l\1aster, presented his thirty-third report of 170 pages. He gives three pages to a review of our Proceedings for 1929. IIe gives a good review of the wise administration of Grand 'Master Bigger and nqtes the fact that he was the second man in the history of the Grand Lodge of Missouri to follow his father in that high office. There was an interval of 28 years between their terms. \Ve are sorry that our Proceedings for 1928 failed to reach our Wisconsin reviewer in time, and hope that this will not occur again, for we like to read what he says abollt us.




WYOMING. Fifty-sixth Annual. Casper, August 27-28, 1930. 49 Lodges, 8,421 Members, 320 Raised, 112 Gain. 43 Lodges represented. Grand Master, Robert H. Hopkins. Grand Master elected, Elwood Anderson, Gillette. Grand Secretary, Joseph M. Lowndes, Casper. Correspondent, Joseph M. Lowndes.

Present: 15 Grand Officers; 18 Past Grand :Masters; 106 Past 1\1asters; 109 Lodge Representatives. Grand l\!Jaster's Address: The Grand l\1aster attended the Grand Masters' Conference at \Vashington City and the \i\Tashington Memorial Association at Alexandria. He visited all the Lodges but one. His failure to visit that Lodge was the fault of the Lodge. "CHAIN LETTERS.

"I received one of those letters from a good friend. It is needless to say that right then the chain was broken, and so far I have experienced no ill effects."

A Dispensation was issued for one ne"..' Lodge. One ruling made by the Grand l\/laster ,,,,as disapproved as too sweeping. The Masons were asked to concluct the first part of the funeral service and the Odd Fellows the service at the grave. The Grand 1\Taster ruled that it would have to be a 1\1asonic funeral or an acId Fellows funeral. \i\T e think the Grand 1\路1aster was right in his ruling. In Missouri we hold a short funeral service in the Lodge room. Our only public service is the burial service. At the grave a brief Templar service may precede our burial service. A few years ago the ,,,,riter was called to a town in another county to conduct the burial service for a prominent citizen widely knov,,'n over the state. He was told that the K. K. K. wished to hold a brief service at the grave. His answer was that l\1asonic burial service had no opening for anything else. But that when he concluded that service his work was done. So he ,,'ent through with our burial service and stepped aside. The' K. K. K's. then came forward and conducted a brief ceremony. Financial: The Grand Treasurer reported a balance on hand of $23,026.06.




He received from the Grand Secretary $11 ,691.9l. The 1\1asonic I-fome Fund was $26,205.04. appropriated for relief the ensuing year.

$6,030.00 was

The Grand Secretary, Joseph- l\I. Correspondence: Lowndes, presented a Report of 115 pages. He gave a page and a half to a fraternal review of our Proceedings for 1929. He quotes from the excellent address of Grand l\1aster Bigger, notes the fact that Missouri stands seventh in the list of 49 Grand Lodges in the per - cent paid for the \짜ashington Memorial, quotes an item from our report on Correspondence and recognizes the fact that Missouri's Correspondent is more than four score. His good wishes are appreciated. YORK GRAND LODGE OF MEXICO. Seventieth Annual. Monterey, April 17, 1930. 14 -Lodges, 937 Members, 36 Raised, 12 Gain. 13 Lodges represented. Grand Master, H. E. Nyberg. Gl'and Master elected, .John B. McMillan, Monterey. Grand Secretary, A. Percival Hughes: Mexico City. Correspondent, :rvrarcus A. Loevy, Mexico City.

Present: 6 Grand Officers; 3 Past Grand l\tlasters; 26 Lodge Representatives. 17 Grand Lodges were represented, :Missouri by Past Grand l\,faster, Marcus A. Loevy. Grand _Master's Address: The Grand }'/Iaster made official visits to seven Lodges. In view of the fact that the official language of the Grand Lodge is English in a Spanish speaking country, an increase of 12, lvhile the foreign population is decreasing, is a good showing for the year. Financial: The income of the Grand Lodge for the year was $4,087.20. 43 of the Grand Lodges in the United States and 7 Grand Lodges in Canada recognize the York Grand Lodge. There is no good reason why any American Grand Lodge should hesitate to recognize that Grand Lodge. Correspondence: The Report of 158 pages was presented by Past Grand Master Marcus A. Loevy. He gives four and onehalf pages to a review of our Proceedings for 1929. Inas-




much as he was made a Mason in St. Louis and occasionally visits our Grand Lodge we were prepared to expect a good report. He expresses his appreciation of the way Missouri has stood by the York Grand Lodge. The five hundred dollars he sent by the writer, some years ago to found a Library in honor of Dr. Kuhn, was a practical expression of his good will. He says: "The writer likes Missouri's Masonry and Missouri's Masons. The Jurisdiction has always been among the leaders in adhering to Masonry pure and undefiled. It is not the largest in numbers or size, but its leaders are among the outstanding thinkers and workers. Its reports are a marvel of completeness and thoro'ness."




OFFICERS W. W. Martin, President. Robt. R. Kreeger, Vice-Pr~sident.. W. S. Campbell, Treasurer Clarence L. Alexander, Secretary Dr. Solon Cameron, Physician

St. Louis, Mo. Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Louis, St. Louis,

Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo.

Mrs. Wilmoth Waller, Matron of Children

St. Louis, Mo.

Mrs. Luella McCue, Matron of Old People

St. Louis, Mo.




BOARD OF DIRECTORS. W. S. Campbell... Chas. T. Kornbrodt.. Orestes Mitchell... F. H. \Vielandy Herman Mauch

St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Joseph, St. Louis, St. Louis,

Mo. } Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo.

Term expires, 1931.

Arch A. Johnson R. R. Kreeger W. W. Martin .las. R. McLachlan

Springfield, Kansas City, St. Louis, Kahoka,

Mo. } Mo. Mo. Mo.

Term expires, 1932.

T. W. Cotton W. A. Clark .los. S. McIntyre Thos. H. Reynolds

Van Buren, MO.} Jefferson City, Mo. Term expires, 1933. St. Louis,. Mo. Kansas City, Mo.

EX路OFFICIO MEMBERS \Villiam R. Gentry, Grand Master Ray V. Denslow, Deputy Grand Master Thad B. Landon, Grand Senior Warden Frank C. Barnhill, Grand .Junior Warden

St. Louis, Trenton, Kansas City, Marshall,

Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo.

ADVISORY MEMBERS Mrs. Ella Jean Flanders Mrs. Alta L. Tate Mrs. GeorF;ia S. Bondurant..

Excelsior Springs, Mo. Jefferson City, Mo. Kirksville, Mo.




MASONIC HOME OF' MISSOURI 1931 PRESIDENT'S LETTER To the .Most Worshipful GrOlld Lodye, F1"(!e alld Accepted Masolls of the State of Missouri: Brethren: I hand you a report in detail of the officers of the Masonic Home of Missouri. At the Annual Session of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Missouri, held on September 30th, October 1st and 2nd, 1930, in Kansas City, Missouri, the following directors were elected for three years: Brother T. W. Cotton, Brother W. A. Clark, Brother Joseph S. McIntyre and Brother T. H. Reynolds. At this meeting you are to elect five directors for three ye.ars. The terms of the following directors expire: Brother W. S. Campbell, Brother Chas. T. Kornbrodt, Brother Orestes Mitchell, Brother F. H. Wielandy, Brother Herman Mauch. At the meeting held in Kansas City, September 30th, 1930, the following officers were elected: Vt/. W. Martin, President.. R. R. Kreeger, Vice路President.. Vt/. S. Campbell, Treasurer C. L. Alexander, Secretary Dr. Solon Cameron, Home Physician Mrs. Wilmoth Waller, Matron of Children Mrs. Luella McCue, Matron of Old People

St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Louis, St. Louis, St. Louis, St. Louis,

Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo.

The Standing Committees for the past year have been as follows: Trustees of the Endowment Fund-W. W. Martin, R. R. Kreeger, W. S. Campbell. Executive Committee-R. R. Kreeger, Chairman; A. A. Johnson, Vice-Chairman; T. W. Cotton, J. S. McIntyre, W. S. Campbell, T. H. Reynolds, Herman Mauch and F. H. Wielandy.




Finance Committee-To W. Cotton, Chairman; Orestes Mitchell, C. T. Kornbrodt. House Committee-W. S. Campbell, Chairman; J. S. Mcintyre, F. H. Wielandy, Herman Mauch. Legal Committee-路A, A. Johnson, Chairman; J. S. Mcintyre, Orestes Mitchell, T. H. Reynolds, W. S. Campbell. Administration Committee-Orestes Mitchell, Chairman; F. H. Wielandy, Herman Mauch, J. R. McLachlan. Hospital Committee-To W. Cotton, Chairman; W. A. Clark. Medical Staff: Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Francis Reader E. Lee Myers J. B. Wright.. A. H. Conrad

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Louis H. Behrens W. A. Bliss Solon Cameron W. A. Clark

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

RUdolph Buhman Frank Morse Thomas A. Hopkins D. L. Harris

St. St. St. St.

Louis, Louis, Louis, Louis,

St. Louis, St. Louis, St. Louis, Jefferson City, St. St. St. St.

Mo. ) Mo. Term expires, 1931. Mo. ( Mo. )


Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo.

1 ~

Louis, MO.) Louis, Mo.~ Louis, Mo.( Louis, MO.)

Term expires, 1932.

Term expires, 1933.

OFFICIAL BONDS. W. W. Martin, President, $100,000.00; W. S. Campbell, Treasurer, $100,000.00; Clarence L. Alexander, Secretary, $100,000.00; Mrs. Wilmoth 'Valler, Matron, $2,000.00. Trustees of the Endowment Fund: W. W. Martin, $100,000.00; R. R. Kreeger, $100,000.00: Wm. S. Campbell, $100,000.00.





Members in the Home September 1, 1930 Admitted during the past year ,

144 37

13.8 30

63 15

66 9

181 Discharged during the year................................ 5 Deaths during the year 21

168 4 19







155 145 72 Total membership September 1, 1931.. Net increase during year , , , Admitted during the past year, but who have not yet arrived

70 .442 31 22

Total .,




Only once before in the history of the Home has it been as badly crowded as it is now. Just before our last building project was completed the Home was filled to capacity and that is the condition today, but never before in the history of the Home was there such a demand made for people to enter the Home. Our civilization is becoming more complex and the problem of caring for our old people is becoming more serious each year. If during the next ten years we should grow as rapidly as we have this past year, it would require a plant more than twice as large as the present one to care for the people who will need our help. GIFTS.

'Ve are deeply grateful to the many friends of the Home who, during this past year, sent us many useful gifts-cash to subscribe for magazines and to purchase play equipment-books and many other useful things for the Home. These gifts have come from Lodges, individuals and other organizations-many of whom have asked that their names be withheld. EDUCATION.

It is the purpose of the Home to try to give every boy and girl

a good education. We are making every effort to put them through High School, and where it is at all possible to give them training in some trade or profession. We have at the present time one girl in Barnes Training School of Nursing, four girls in Washington University, one girl in Hadley Vocational School and one boy in Ranken Trade School for boys. We have received wonderful encouragement from our friends, and many checks have come in during the past year to help us in defraying the expenses of our boys and girls who are in the Trade School and higher schools of learning.





We reported last year a Manual Training Shop which was the gift of Brother Albert Dexheimer. I desire to state that during the past year this. shop was used constantly by our boys, and Brother Dexheimer furnished a competent instructor to train the boys in the use of the tools and machinery. The Board is most grateful for this help. ST. LOUIS CHRISTMAS COMMITTEE.

For many years the Lodges of St. Louis and St. Louis County have had an organization known as the Christmas Committee. This Committee raises and expends several thousand dollars each year for the henefit of the members of the Home Family. During the past year they installed seven radios, and our family enjoyed many programs, picnics, boat excursions. watermelon feasts and many other pleasures provided by this Committee. The Eastern Star and other organizations have also contributed to the happiness and welfare of the Home. ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR.

We have made many calls during the past year upon the Advisory Board for furniture, rugs, linens and other equipment for the Home and they have most gladly complied with our every need and have also rendered valuable service in assisting in the education of our children. Three of our girls in Washington University this fall enjoy scholarships from the Order of the Eastern Star. They are also anticipating the future needs of the Home and are raising the necessary funds to furnish all of the new buildings the Masons of Missouri may find necessary in the immediate future. The Board is deeply grateful to the Advisory Board of the Eastern Star for their splendid help and co-operation in the work we are trying to do. BUILDING PROGRAM.

At the last Session of the Grand Lodge the Masonic Home Board was authorized to secure the grounds for a new Children's Home, and also solicit funds for its erection. Probably in a supplemental report at this Session of the Grand Lodge complete information will be given of the progress that has been made during the year. A great deal of time and effort has been given to the work of securing new grounds, but until the grounds were secured and general business conditions improved, the Board felt that a program for raising money was not in order. However, organizations have anticipated our needs and gifts have come to the Home for the building program that we must shortly undertake if we expect to take care of those who are knocking at our doors.


A ppendi.'r.



The following is a list of the securities in the Endowment Fund: First Mortgage Real Estate Loans :.$362,337.40 Real Estate owned . 19,480.00 Federal Land Bank Bonds . 197,585,00 Joint Stock Land Bank Bonds . 94,280.00 7,500.00 United States Liberty Bonds . 4,600.00 Rice Estate 路 .. Rife Securities . 6,000.00 Erdhaus Estate . 500.00 Comstock Stock Estate . 69,692.51 Comstock Estate (Bonds in Default) . 5,500.00 George B. Mills Estate .. 11,600.00 Municipal and other bonds . 104,497.50 Oscar H. Elbrecht Estate-Stocks and Bonds . 2,780.00 Cash in First National Bank September 1, 1931.. .. 10,870.42 103.85 Due from General Fund : . Total



During the past year $38,039.44 was added to our Endowment Fund. This fund has been made sacred by the By-Laws of the Home and also by Grand Lodge Law. None of this money i~ available for buildings or for any other needs of the Homeonly the interest may be expended and the principal must always remain intact. Needless to say we are placing every safeguard around this fund and are hoping that some day it will grow to such proportions that it will at least take care of the rapidly growing expenses of the Home. INSURANCE. Fire


On all building$ and contents...... $896,660.00 Steam Boiler Insurance.................. 20,000.00 Contingent LiabilityCompensation 20,000.00-$40,000.00 General Liability-Compensation 25,000.00- 50,000.00 Electrical Machinery...................... 1,000.00



Endowment Fund cash and securities Home Grounds Improvements Furnishings

$ 897,326.68 240,OO{).OO 775,00{).00 165,000.00 $ 2,077,326.68





In the language of Nehemiah, the Prophet-"We are doing a g-reat work"-we are trying to furnish a home to many of our needy Brethren, their wives and widows and members of the Order of the Eastern Star who need our help. We are trying to make them comfortable and happy. We are trying to bring such comforts to them as will make their last days their best days. When they get sick they have the best that medical science can bring, but in addition to the 300 old people that we have in our Home, we also have 142 children and we are trying to furnish them just the same sort of Home that they would have had if their fathers had lived. We are trying to give them a good education and to teach them right living in order that they may take their places in the world and make the best of citizens. A home is never a spectacular place and our work is not spectacular, but we are bUilding character and are caring for the needy, and we hope when our boys and girls grow up to take their places in the world that they will make just as useful citizens as the boys and girls who have grown up in private homes. We have a tremendous responsibility, greatly increased by the crowded condition of the Home, but we are very happy to state that we have had the whole-hearted support of the fraternity, and the Lodges have always tried to co-operate in helping us solve the problems of the Home. Fraternally submitted, W. W. MARTIN.







Grand Lodge Per Capita Tax $167,625.06 Grand Chapter O. E. S. Per Capita Tax................ 19,082.25 Interest on Daily Balances $ 354.99 Interest on Endowment Bonds 23,243.28 Interest. on Real Estate Loans...... 16,627.43 Interest on General Fund Securities 5,323.36 45,549.06 Received from Members of Home Family............................... 5,678.68 Pensions 2,185.38 Rent of Farms, etc................................. 613.85 Profit on sale of Bonds 603.47 Miscellaneous Income .". 841.18 Sale of Cemetery Lots.. 100.00


September 1, 1930, Balance on hand



DISBURSEMENTS. Provisions $ Dry Goods and Clothing . Laundry . Ice, Light and Water . Fuel .. Salaries .. Wages .. Directors, Grand Lodge Officers and Advisory Board, attending Board meetings............ Hospital Supplies Carfare for Members of Home Family................ Telephone Legal and Auditing...................................................... Annuities Paid : Insurance Repairs and Maintenance Janitor Supplies Taxes and other Expenses on Farms Foreclosed Taxes and other Expenses Estates Members of Home Family .. Printing, Stationery and Postage .. Miscellaneous Expense .. Option on Kirlnvood Property ..

79,585.24 8,261.58 12,140.72 8,119.59 10,874.60 17,015.75 41,644.36 2,309.91 ] ,635.37 1,173.10 475.82 1,164.83 2,702.84 1,674.85 1,513.72 826.27 978.90 457.47 672.28 11,663.47 200.00


Transferred to Improvement Fund


$232,435.50 40,000.00

August 31, 1931, Balance






INITIATION FUND. September 1, 1930, Balance on hand Receipts from Grand Secretary In terest on Daily Balances In terest on Securities : Profit on Sale of Bonds


$ 61,497.80

$ 25,120.00 . 56.30 . 2,856.74 . 524.68

August 31, 1931, Balance


28,557.72 $ 90,055.52

IMPROVEMENT FUND. September 1, 1930, Balance on hand Interest on Treasurer's Funds Transferred from General Fund

_ . 1,018.75 . 40,000.00






25,951.32 41,018.75 $ 66,970.07

Respectfully submitted, C. L. ALEXANDER, Secretary. TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT.

GENERAL FUND. Balance August 31, 1930 Received from Secretary $239,806.21 Interest on Treasurer's Funds............................ 5,432.75 Profit on Sale of Bonds.................... 603.47 Total




245,842.43 $438;617.38

Disbursements $206,17 4~39 Transferred to Improvement Fund.......................... 40,000.00 $246,174.39 Balance August 31, 1931..

246,174.39 $192,442.99

INITIATION FUND. Balance August 31, 1930 Received from Secretary $ 25,120.00 Interest on Treasurer's Funds................................ 2,913.04 Profit on Sale of Bonds............................................ 524.68 Total Receipts


$ 28,557.72

Total on hand August 31, 1931..

$ 61,497.80

28,557.72 $ 90,055.52

IMPROVIDMENT FUND. Balance August 31, 1930 Transferred from General Fund $ 40,00.00 Interest on Treasurer's Funds................................ 1,018.75

$ 25,95'1.32

$ 41,018.75


Total on hand August 31, 1931..

$ 66,970.07

Respectfully submitted, w. S. CAMPBELL, Treasurer.




September 21, 1931. To the Board of Directors, Masonic Home of Missouri, St. Louis, Missouri. Gentlemen: In accordance with instructions received, we have examined the accounts and records of the Secretary, Mr. Clarence L. Alexander, for the fiscal year ended August 31, 1931, covering the Gen" eral, Initiation, Improvement and Endowment Funds.. We have also checked the statement of the Treasurer, Mr. W. S. Campbell, on the General, Initiation and Improvement Funds, and have verified the balance at August 31, 1931, by obtaining certificates direct from the depositories as to cash balances and by examining the securities forming part of these funds. We submit the following summary of assets comprising the General, Initiation and Improvement Funds at the close of the fiscal year, August 31, 1931. GENERAL FUND. Cash in Telegraphers National Bank $ 15,037.61 Cash in Savings T r'u s t Company, Payroll 962.23 Acco un t . Cash in Savings Trust Company, President's 92.50 Account . Cash in First National Bank, President's 296.16 Accoun t . Cash in Mercantile-Commerce National Bank, Savings Account . 25,000.00 Cash in Mississippi Valley Trust Company . 25,000.00 60.41 Cash in President's Cash Drawer . 200.00 Cash in Matron's Cash Fund 路 . Certificates of Deposit in Safe Deposit Box . 10,200.00 Securities (at cost) in Safe Deposit Box . 115,609.87 Accrued Interest on Securities at Time of Purchase . 330.57 Less: Due to Endowment Fund

$192,78!)'35 353.85



INITIATION FUND. Cash in Telegraphers National Bank


~:~~~f~~es (;/ C~~r)~~~.~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Accrued Interest on Securities at Time of Purchase


3,012.72 20,000.00 66,937.75 105.05

$ 90,055.52

IMPROVEMENT FUND. Cash in Telegraphers National Bank $ 532.12 Certificates of Deposi t.. . 25,000.00 Securi ties (at cost) . 41,070.03 Accrued Interest on Securities at Time of Purchase . 367.92

$ 66,970,07




We have also examined the securities in the Endowment Fund and have obtained a certificate direct from the depository as to the cash balance in this fund. The following is a summary of the Endowment Fund Assets at August 31, 1931: Real Estate Loans . .. $362.337.40 Real Estate Owned (60 % of Appraised Value).. 19,480.00 Federal Land Bank Bonds . .. 197,585.00 United States Liberty Bonds .. __ .. .. __.__ 7,500.00 Joint Stock Land Bank Bonds .. .. .. __ 94,280.00 Municipal and Other Bonds .... ... .. . 104,497.50 Rice Estate (Notes Receivable Secured by Deed of Trust) __ .... . .__ 4,600.00 Rife Estate Securities__ .. __ .. __ __ __.. __ .. .. __ 6,000.00 Comstock Estate Securities .. .. 69,692.51 Comstock Estate Bonds in DefauIL.. .. .. __ . 5,500.00 Erdhaus Estate Securities ..: .. _. __ .. . 500.00 George B. Mills Estate Securities .__ .__ .. 11,600.00 Oscar H. Elbrecht Estate Securities .... ....... 2,780.00 Due from General Fund.... .... . .. 353.85 Cash in First National Bank._ .. __ .... .. __ .____________ 10,870.42 $897,576.68 Less: Earnest Money Received on Sale Contract of Farm ... .. __....... __.__ ..... __

$897,576.68 250.00 $897.326.68

Respectfully submitted, PERKINS & COMPANY, Certified Public Accountants. REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE.

St. Louis, Missouri, September 2nd, 1931. To the Board of Directors of the }I,fasonic Home:

Your Finance Committee begs leave to make the following report: Your Committee, accompanied by the Trustees of the Endowment Fund, the Secretary and Certified Public Accountant, met at the Mississippi Valley Trust Company in St. Louis, Missouri, on September 2nd, 1931, and checked the securities belonging to the Endowment Fund and find them to be as follows: First Mortgage Real Estate Loans_. ~ _. ........ . $362,337.40 Real Estate Owned ..... _ __ .. .. .__ .. __ 19,480.00 Federal Land Bank Bonds __ __ __. 197,585.00 Joint Stock Land Bank Bonds __ __ .. .. . 94,280.00 United States Liberty Bonds__ .. .__ .. __ ._________ 7,500.00 Rice Estate __ .. __ __ __ . __.. 4,600.00 Rife Securities __..__ __ .. _.. .. .. _ __ .. .. 6,000.00 Erdhaus Estate __ . .. . .. __ .... 500.00 Comstock Estate .... __. __ .. __ . 69,692.51 Comstock Estate-Bonds in Default __ __ __ __ __ .. 5,500.00 George B. Mills Estate __ __ __ __ 11,600.00 Municipal and other Bonds __ __ __ __ __ __.__ .. 104.497.50 Oscar H. Elbrecht Estate-Stocks and Bonds __ 2,780.00 Cash in First National Bank September 1st, 1931.. __ .__ . 10.870.42 Due from General Fund __ __ __ __ 103.85 Total.

__ .

$ 897.326.68

We found the books in good condition and a careful follow-up of all interest installments and the loans and securities to be in




splendid condition considering the times through which we are passing. Fraternally submitted, T. W. COTTON, ORESTES MITCHELL, CHAS. T. KORNBRODT. GIFTS TO THE ENDOWMENT FUND AS FOLLOWS: Knights Templar Fund $ 35,114.00. James L. Kirkendall . 13,150.00 W. S. Smith J!'und . 11,730.00 T. W. Higg-ins Fund . 5,000.00 , James W. Harris Fund . 1,665.74 Masonic Home Certificate Fund . 1,117.60 Ferdinand Herrold Fund . 500.00 John B. Croshaw Fund . 1,000.00 Jacob F. Gemlich Fund . 1,000.00 Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons Fund . 3,000.00 Grand Chapter Royal and Selected Masters Fund . 2,500.00 T. W. Cotton Fund . 1,000.00 Orville A. and Maria Haynes Fund . 1,000.00 A. M. Hough Fund . 5,000.00 Jacob l,ampert Fund . 30,000.00 Mrs. E. Wurz Fund......................................... . . 500.00 Adolph Gluck J!'und . 500.00 Parralle Masseng'ale Fund . 806.60 Mrs. Lillie L. Fletcher J!'und . 路1,000.00 Frederick A. Logan Fund . 500.00 Robert Elliott Black Fund . 1,000.00 Nathan Schlos!'! Fund . 932.83 . . A. P. Christianson Fund 2,067.91 Rice Estate . 51,096.35 Hugh Hartshorn Fund . 2,327.75 Wm. Pamprin Fund . 1,000.00 Morgena Peterson Fund . 500.00 Otto E. and Mrs. Grant Howard Fund . 1,000.00 General Fund . 128,749.03 Julius C. Garrell Fund . 1,000.00 War Relief Loy~l Service Fund . 7,107.50 James W. Boyd Fund . 500.00 Ararat Temple, Kansas City, Fund . 500.00 Mrs. Willie A. Wood!'! Fund . 3,000.00 Grotto and Shrine Fund . 17,056.95 Morris and Blla Leftwich Fund . 1.800.00 Mrs. May Lynch Fund . 1,000.00 A. P. Fletcher Fund : . 1,000.00 1,442.48 Frank Beecher Fund . A. M. Dockery Fund . 1,000.00 Edward H. Meier Fund . 500.00 Wm. H. Potter Estate Fund . 13,305.50 J. C. .Jacquith Estate Fund . 19,122.61 Initiation Fund . 246,700.00 Nicholas R. Wall Fund . 500.00 Abraham Palan Fund . 584.70 Bonds from a friend of the Home, sold for . 52,218.75 Maggie Nicholson Fund . 550.36 Louisa Yott Fund . 500.00 Gustav Bischoff Fund . 500.00 W. L. Tamme Fund . 550.00 Erdhaus Estate-secured and unsecured . 7,665.32 2,000.00 Henry T. Kilpatrick Fund . Wm. A. Hall Fund . 500.00 Henry Siegfried . 1,000.00 Edward Meyer .. 500.00 9,548.75 Chas.路 V. S. Slade . Robert F. Stevenson . 14,992.13 1,105.14 Glen Marquis . Frank L. Schofield . 1,000.00 528.00 D. M. Wilson . 3,405.09 Mary E. Clapp . 7.500.00 Samuel Rife . E. C. Robinson . 2,500.00



B. S. Schwartz Brocket A. Dickeson Geo. F. Bergfeld Sarah B. CoITman Samuel A. Gluck Charles Reilly Wellston Lodge No. 613 Richard Sinclair Karl Backrow Ro bert Lungstrass June Lee Cotton St. Joseph Chapter No. 198 O. E. S Marcus A. Lovey . Sam Plan W. J. Scherck Myrtle Lodge No. 338 Ludwig Katany Charles E. Koken Phillip Stremmel, Jr Boor Fletcher Alphonzo Whipple A. Bolin Fund M. A. Covey Fund William F. Kier Fund John T. Short l"und Paul Keiser Fund John Olivers Fund J. M. Darrow Fund T. W. Pritchett Fund Annie Martin Fund Comstock Estate Comstock Estate (Doubtful Value) Julia C. Norton Fund Fred Hahn , J. M. Darrow Estate Wm. J~otham, Jr., Estate John M. Woodson Estate Sol E. Waggoner Esta,te Jacob C. C. Waldeck Estate Adam Herold Estate James Vinyard Estate Geo. B. Mills Estate, Stocks and Bonds



;.. 692.83 . 1,000.00 . 500.00 . 465.89 . 200.00 . 100.00 . 100.00 . 200.00 . 100.00 . 286.00 . 250.00 . 450.00 . 70.00 . 100.00 . 46.00 . 310.95 . 200.00 . 300.00 . 137.40 . 400.00 . 100.00 . 400.00 . 25.00 . 10,000.00 . 200.00 . 2,000.00 . 371.36 . 5,000.00 . 1,000.00 . 259.98 . 115,569.31 2,500.00 . . 200.00 . 1,000.00 . 5,000.00 . 1,000.00 . 5,467.91 .. 1,000.00 . 500.00 . 211.08 . 933.24 . 11,600.00

ADDITIONS TO THE ENDOWMENT FUND THE PAST YEAR: John Rehrs Estate $ 250.00 Wm. Russell Estate-eash................................................................ 1,901.39 Wm. Russell Estate-Bonds and other Securities.................... 4,392.00

~~tP:He:i::r;~~~~1~~~~~.~路~.~.~.~.~.~.~~~~路~~~~~~~~~.~.~.:.~~~~~:.:.:.:.~~.~.~.~.~.~~.~.~~~.~.:.~:~~~~.~~~~.~.:::::::1:ggg:~~ Oscar H. Elbrecht Estate-Cash...................................................... Oscar H. Elbrecht Estate-Stocks and Bonds............................ Edward F. W. Kaiser Estate............................................................

285.00 2,780.00 25,000.00


Mr. W. W. Martin, President, Masonic Home of Miss 0 ul'i, St. Louis, Missouri. Dear Sir and Brother: The plan adopted some years ago, whereby the Legal Committee of the Home Board handles the routine matters calling for the services of an attorney, has worked very satisfactorily. By pursuing this course we have avoided the expense of a regular paid attorney for the Home and have only been required to employ counsel in a few instances to represent the Home in matters pending in court.




We believe that the legal affairs of the Home are in excellent condition. The following form may be used by anyone desiring to make a bequest to the Home: WILL.

KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that I, . of sound mind and disposing memory, do make, pubiish and declare this as and for my last will and testament, hereby revoking any and all wills and testaments by me heretofore made. FIRST: It is my will and desire, and I hereby direct that all my just debts, including the expense of my last illness and funeral be paid in full. SECOND: I give and bequeath unto the Masonic Home of Missouri, a corporation organized and existing under and in pursuance of the laws of the State of Missouri, the sum of.. . Dollars. (Testator may also insert such other provisions in his will as he sees fiL) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day of ,19 . Signed, sealed, published and' declared by the above named ................................................Testator, in the presence of us, who at his request, and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto on this .. day of , 19 .. At the time of the signing of same the said . Testator was of sound and disposing mind.

According to the law of our State, it is absolutely necessary that the signature of the testator be witnessed by two witnesses. Respectfully, ARCH A. JOHNSON, JOSEPH S. McINTYRE, ORESTES MITCHELL, THOMAS H. REYNOLDS, WM. S. CAMPBELL, Committee. HOSPITAL REPORT.

St. Louis, Mo., September 1, 1931.

To the Board of Directors, Masonic Home of Missouri: I herewith submit a report of the work done in the Hospital of the Masonic Home during the year just ended. Because of the




growing number of members of the Home family, and the increasing age of the old folks, the work of the Hospital is becoming heavier. During the year the average number of patients in the Hospital has been ninety-eight as against the eighty-nine the previous year. The members of the Medical and Surgical staff have been unselfish and untiring whenever we have called upon them for their services. The Missouri Baptist Hospital has ever been most generous when we have called upon them in emergency cases which demanded more than our own facilities provided. We have at this time in the Hospital sixty-one patients from among the old folks who are helpless and unable to care for themselves. Because of this fact the work of the nurses has been very heavy, but they have responded willingly to every demand made upon them. The work during the past year has been carried on harmoniously and efficiently largely because of the constant support and assistance which has been received from the Officers of the Board. New arrivals are placed in the Hospital until a thorough physical examination has been completed and rooms can be arranged for them in the Home, and due to the large number of new admissions during the last year the day is not far distant when we will be crowded beyond the limit of our capacity. I am grateful to the Members of the Board of Directors and the Members of the Advisory Board for the support they have given me during the past year. REPORT OF MASONIC INFIRMARY FROM SEPT. 1, 1930 TO SE,PT. 1, 1931. Total patients in Hospital at beginning of year............................ 78 Total patients admitted during year.................................................. 481 Total patients treated during year...................................................... 563 Total patients discharged during year.............................................. 485 Total patients in hospital at end of year........................................ 101 Total patient days in hospital.. 路.36,007 Average patients per day...................................................................... 98 No. of out-patients treatments given 23,413 'Fraternally submitted, SOLON CAMERON, M. D. Home Physician. REPORT OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE.

Mr. W. W. Martin, President, Masonic Home of Missouri, St. Louis, Missouri: Dear Brother Martin: It路 is a pleasure for the members of路 the Advisory Board to submit to you a resume of the work of the past year. We trust that




you will always feel that we are ready to assist you, and the members of the Masonic Home Board in every possible way. Through the generous response from the Chapters we have been able to fill the needs of our growing family during the year, and provide our "older Girls and Boys" with new soft mattresses, for which they have expressed their hearty appreciation. The contributions from the Chapters, Clubs and individuals have amounted to approximately $13,000.00, and our ambitions are to be able to assist you in providing a larger and more adequate Home for our children. A very substantial gift of $1,975.00 was received from the 1930 Matrons and Patrons Club of St. Louis, with the privilege of their designating its use at such time as it is needed for the new home. We feel confident that many more such gifts will be added to the list when they are needed. Our Home Children have proven their ability to win honors in their School work, and it is a joy to be able to assist those who deserve assistance to complete their education. The work of the Advisory Board has been a pleasure, and we deem it a privilege to work with you and the Masonic Home Board in providing for our loved ones. May success crown your every effort, and God's richest blessings rest with you and the members of the Home Family. Sincerely and fraternally, ELLA JEAN FLANDERS, President, GEORGIA S. BONDURANT, Treasurer, ALTA L. TATE, Secretary.






NAME Wm. H. MaxwelL . 98 Louis A. Wagoner . 96 Hester A. MaxwelL . 91 Catherine Ellis . 76 Edgar C. Bilyeu . 51 Mrs. Fannie Stu lee . 76 Alex. Hazen . 78 Mrs. E. Hatfield . 76 Chas. T. Arthur . 71 John W. McCanne . 85 Elmer E. Brown . 70 Mrs. Ann Jane Hogan . 80 Mrs. Ruth Williamson . 87 Thos. Isaac Barnes . 86 David Y. Morris . 84 Chas. Amos Reed . 85 Chas. Goldstein . 74 James H. Tillman . 82 Eliza P. Kirkham . 79 Eliza J. Jones . 78 James W. CraiL . 85 Laura Venable . 70 Albert M. Smilie . 15 Irene Z. Smilie . 14 Mildred Clifton · 16 Mrs. G. E. BelL . 62 Mrs. Anna R. Fodrea . 66 Earnestine Schlesinger.. 76 Walter P. VechiL_ . 13 Mrs. Anna F. Stevens . 88 Alma G. Stapleton - . 15 Earle E. Smilie . 16 Katherine L. James . 79 Catherine J. Key . 95 Marie Edna Boyle . 19 Dorothy Elsie Boyle -.- 17 Ruth E. Boyle.. _ . 14 James Boyle.._ ·· 13 Geo. H. PaschalL . 83 Fannie W. HalL . 70 Doris King . 18 Joseph P. Livesay . 80 Mary Helen Stark _ 16 Margaret Moir _ . 80 Charles P. Grissom . 15 Edna Grissom- . 18 Earl Herbert Ryan _.. 16 Alvin Drummond . 79 Geo. W. Chittenden - 78 Mrs. Flor. L. McIntyre . 79 Mrs. R. A. Pethebridge.. 69 Robt. W. Saunders . 81 Robt. Ross Smith __ _ 12 Ellzabeth west . 73 Wm. H. Remsen . 75 Georgia Ann WhitwelL 13 Andrew J. Journey . 85 Albert F. Morris : 73


IJune, IDee., ISept., ISept., IJan., IApr., INov., IJuly, IJan., IJan., INov., IDee., IJan., IJune, JOct., IDee., IDee., IFeb., IDee., IMar., IMay, IJuly. ISept., ISept., ISept., ISept., IDee.• IJan., IJan., IJune, INov., ISept., IDee., IFeb., IApr., IApr., IApril, IApr., JApr., IJuly, ISept., IOct.• JOct., IDee., lFeb., IFeb., IFeb., IMay, IAug., IAug., ISept., JOct., IJan., IMar., IApril, jApril, IJuly, IAug.,

1909 Linn . 1909 MissourL..: _ . 1911 Linn __ __ _._. 1912 Beacon _ . 1913 Iberia. .. __ _ __ ._ 1913 Sullivan Ch. O.E.S.. 1913 Tren ton _ _. __ _ 1914 Barbee Ch. O.E.S . 1915 Rowley . 1915 Jacksonville . 1915 Mt. Moriah _._ . 1915 Anchor _ _ _._. 1916 OccidentaL . 1917 Sullivan _ . 1917 Cyrene . 1917 Grand Lodge . 1917 St. Louis . 1918 United . 1918 Linn Creek. . 1919 Ava_ _._ . 1919 Agricola _ _. 1919 Rose Hill, O. E. S . 1919 Daggett.. _._ .. 1919 Daggett.. . 1919 St. Johns._ . 1919 Fulton . 1919 Tuscan. O. E. S . 1920 Naphtalia __ . 1920 Trenton _.._ . 1920 West Gate __ _. 1920 Forest Park . 1920 Daggett _ . 1920 Bellefontaine OES 1921 Lebanon . 1921 Meridian __ ._ . 1921 Meridian._ _ _ . 1921 Meridian _ __ . 1921 Meridian _ _. 1921 Gate City _ __ _.. 1921 Oriental, O. E. S . 1921 Beacon . 1921 Paris Union . 1921 Grand River . 1921 Star of West.. . 1922 West Gate .. _ _.. 1922 West Gate _ . 1922 Miami. .. _ _ . 1922 Neosho _ . 1922 Gate City._ . 1922 Tuscan. __ : . 1922 West Ga te._ . 1922 Memphis _ _.. _ 1923 East Gate _ 1923 TroweL_._ _._._ 1923 Westport _ _ . 1923 Pine._ _ _._ . 1923 Palestine _ . 1923 Forsyth _._ .


No. I Residence I I 326 ILinn 1 1St. Louis 326 ILinn 3 1St. Louis 410 lIberia 105 ISullivan 111 ITrenton 31 1St. Louis 204 IDearborn 541 IJacksonville 40 1St. Louis 443 1St. Louis 163 1St. Louis 69 ISullivan 14 JEolia 1St. Joseph 20 1St. Louis 5 ISpringfield 152 II.-inn Creel{ 26 lAva 343 IPetersburg 120 1St. Louis 492 IMcKittrick 492 IMcKittrick 28 IHannibal 48 IFulton 68 1St. Louis 25 1St. Louis 111 ITrenton 445 1St. Louis 578 1St. Louis 492 IMcKittrick 69 1St. Louis 77 ISteelville 2 1St. Louis 2 1St. Louis 2 1St. Louis 2 1St. Louis 522 IKansas City 228 1St. Louis 3 1St. Louis 19 IParis 276 IFreeman 133 IIronton 445 1St. Louis 445 1St. Louis 85 IMiami 247 INeosho 522 IKansas City 360 1St. Louis 445 1st. Louis 16 IMemphis 630 IKansas City 440 IMarble Hill 340 IKansas City 314 IBardley 241 1St. Charles 453 !Forsyth







Age I Admitted


I .Tosie McCallister Wm. R. White Wm. B. Townsend lone Townsend _ Altone N. Corbin_ _ _ Zada N. CroweIL .Tames F. CrowelL Edwin Lee Ryan .._ _ Philip Henry Ryan .Tohn H. Matthews Thomas .T. Wilson Myrtle H. Riley_ E. Gertrude .Tames

. . . . . _. . . . . . . .

71 62 79 73 18 15

11 14 11 79 95 17 60

Mary E. McCoy._ _. Frederick Henry Curtis Teddie Miller Curtis . Mercedes Berlin . Ada Berlin . Silas B. Ballard . Alexander CampbelL . Mrs. Rose Laumand . Clara Lou Smith_ . Sterling Price HilL . Harriet W. Symonds . .Tohn Hoover ,. Owen B. Hudson . Effie M. Holmes._ . Ruth Holmes ...............•.•.. May Holmes . Edna Ford _ . Burnett Ford.._ _ . Mildred Vernice Ford.._ . .Tohn P. Kelso.._ . Edward H. Pease . Sallie K. Bowen . Hattie Cottrill _ . Virginia CottrilL . Malindah Stephens ._ . Alexander J. DeharL._.. Belle H. Dean .

78 16 12 15 67 80 71 79 10 69 74 83 82 57 22 18 13 10 10 78 77 70 15 13 75 83 81

.Tos. H. Van Dover . Helen Van Dover . Dorris .T. VanDover . Elizabeth Kirkpatrick. . Geo. W. BramhaIL _.. Francis M. Johnson _. Ray A. Bonnott, Jr._._._._ . James T. Craighead _._ John T. Trabue . Addie Woodson . James W.' Tate _ . Ella C. Tate _ . . Abram Trigg Mary C. Cruce _.

15 13 11 84 74 65 12 82 78 72 76 69 82 78

I ISept., IOct., IOct., IOet., IJan., IJan., IJan., IFeb., IFeb., IMar., [May, IMay, IMar.,


[July, IAug., IAug., ISept., '!Sept., INov., IDee., INov., IJan., IJan., IJan., IJan., IJan., IJan., IFeb., IFeb., IApril, [April, IApril, IMaY, !May, IMay, IJune, I.June, IJune, IAug., !Sept.,


ISept., ISept., ISept., ISept., ISept., IOet., IOct., INov., IJan., IDee.. IJan., I.Jan., IFeb., IFeb.,



I No. , I



1923 1923 1923 1923 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1926 1925 1926 1926 1926 1926

Palestine _ . 241 Palestine _ _ . 241 Whitesville _._._. 162 Whitesville_ . 162 Illmo . 581 Magnolia _ . 626 626 85 Miami.. __ . 85 Four Mile _._._. 212 Plato _.. _.. 469 Daggett.. _ :_..... 492 Riverview, O. E. Soo_ _.. 315 Laddonia . 115 Wakanda_ . 52 \Vakanda _._ . 52 Cen tralia _ . 59 Cen tral ia _ . 59 Po lloc Ie . 349 Ashlar _ . 306 Cornerstone . 323 Elast Gate . 630 Moscow _ . 558 Polar Star . 79 Cri terion . 586 Cen tertown_ _ . 611 Vi en na _ _. 94 Vienna . 94 Vienna __ .. _ . 94 Card weI L._ _ ,. 231 Cardwell . 231 Cardwell . 231 Kirkwood . 484 Kennedy . 329 Orient Ch. O. E. S . 491 Clarkton._ . 248 Clark ton _ . 248 Golden _ . 475 Gran t Ci ty . 66 Barnes Chapter, O. E. S . 252 Fenton . 281 Fenton . 281 Fen ton _ __ 281 Dexter _ . 532 Hartford_ . 171 Seaman _._._ . 126 Gate City . 522 La Monte _ . 574 St. .Tohns . 28 New Madrid 293 Ravenwood . 201 Ravenwood . 201 Nelson . 560 Crescent Chapter, O. E. S __ 21


1st. Charles /St. Charles IWhitesville IWhitesville IlIImo 1St. Louis 1St. Louis IMiami IMiami ICampbell IPlato IMcKittrick


IHermann ILaddonia ICarrollton ICarrollton ICentralia ICentralia IPollock ICommerce 1St. Louis IKansas City IMoscow Mills 1St. Louis IAlba ICentertown IVienna IVienna IVienna ICardwell ICard well ICardwell IKirkwood IElmo IKansas City IClarkton IClarkton IGolden City IGrant City I ICabool IFenton IFenton IFenton IDexter IHartford IMilan IKansas City ILa Monte IHannibal INew Madrid IRavenwood IRavenwood INelson I !Springfield




I Age I Admitted I I Mary Frances DuvalL __ 11 IFeb., 1926 Julius Haas. __ __ 76 IFeb., 1926 John C. Bowman. __ . 81 IAprl, 1926 1926 Wm. L. Starr . 67 IMar., 1926 Martha A. Starr . 67 IMar., 1926 Wm. J. Hill. . 62 IMay, 1926 Edith Poston...............•...... 18 IFeb., 1926 Bertha Poston .. 16 IMay, 1926 Roy Wal ter Poston . 13 IMay, 1926 Robert Earnest Poston .. 11 IMay, 7 IMay, 1926 Helen Ruth Poston . 1926 Wallace M. Rucker . 75 IJuly, 1926 Sarah E. Howard . 81 IJune, 1926 Eugene Hackett . 74 IJuly, 1926 Wm. Taylor Botts . 83 IOct., 1926 Dorothy M. Hartman . 14 IOct., 1926 Emma B. McAlister . 72 IOct., 1926 Robert C. Veach . 79 IOct., 1926 Ida M. :Johnson . 66 IOct., 1926 Margaret A. Craig...•..... 88 INov., 1926 Lalla C. Winningham . 18 IDee., 1926 Alice Winningham . 15 IDee., 13 IDee., 1926 Wm. T. Winningham . 1927 Victoria E. Bryan . 77 IJan., 1927 Mary E. Carty .. 18 IJan., 1927 Janet Carty . 16 IJan., 1927 Wm. J. Carty . 12 IJan., 1927 Wm. L. King . 15 IFeb., 1927 Wm. L. Baker . 10 IFeb., 1927 John R. Webber . 85 IJan., Mary E. Webber .. 74 !Jan., 1927 1926 Bettie Batts . 83 IDee., 1927 James C. Calloway . 74 IMar., Annie HenkeL .. 77 IMar., 1927 NAME

Julius L. Martin Willa Massena



Elmer E. Boling .. Louise A. HuIL __ . Frederick H. Harrington Sarah Belton .. Robt. C. MitchelL .. Margaret Turley .

75 IApril, 77 IApril, 70 69 86 77 82 80


IApril, IMay, IMay, IJune, IMay, IJuly,


Lewis Lait.. . 74 IJuly, Bertha M. Spaethe .. 71 IJuly, Mary Ann Schocklee . 76 IJuly, Cora B. Madill . 65 IAug., Chas. W. NorwOOd .. 85 IAug., Mary Alice Porteous . 5 IAug., Almina Frederick . 81 IJuly, James A. Rucker . 74 ISept., Mary Noland . 17 lSept., Everett Noland . 15 ISept., Paul Noland . 11 ISept., Floyd T. Smith . 14 ISept., Claude H. W .. Smith . 11 ISept.,


1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927

I No. I Residence I I Bertrand . 330 IBertrarid Perseverance . 92 [Louisiana Polar Star __ . 79 1St. Louis Mercer . 35 IPrinceton Mercer __ .. 35 IPrinceton Caruthersville__ .. __ .. 461 ICaruthersville Whitewater. __.__ ... __ . 417 ILaflin Whitewater __ .. __ . 417 ILaflin Whitewater . 417 ILaflin Whitewater.. __ 417 ILaflin Whltewater __ .. 417 ILaflin Moberly __ . 344 IMoberly Aurora .. 267 1St. Louis Carterville . 401 ICarterville Moberly __ . 344 IMoberly Beacon .. 31St. Louis Perseverance .. 92 ILouisiana Rowley __ __ .. 204 IDearborn St. Johns .. 28 IHannibal Bridgeton __ . 80 IBridgeton Joppa __ __ . 411 IHartville Joppa __ .. 411 IHartville Joppa .. 411 IHartville Paris Union . 19 IParis Greenville __ 107 IGreenville Greenville __ . 107 IGreenville Greenville __ . 107 IGreenville Beacon __ __ .. 31St. Louis Sullivan __ ,__ . 69 ISullivan Mt. Moriah __ . 40 1St. Louis Mt. Moriah __ .. 40 1St. Louis Hale __ __ . 216 IHale New Franklin . 4 INew Franklin Beacon ChapI ter, O. E. S . 256 1St. Louis Saxton . 508 ISaxton Golden Gate I Chapter, O. E. S.. 58 IKansas City. Rose HilL . 550 1St. Louis Tuscan . 360 1St. Louis Aurora .. 267 1St. Louis Williamsburg __ 8 IWilliamsburg La Plata__ .. __ 237 ILa Plata Vincil Chapter. I O. E. S __ 43 IBonne Terre Rural __ .. 316 lKansas City Tuscan __ .. 360 1st. Louis Silex __ .. . 75 ISilex Lambskin __ . 460 1St. Louis Southwest.. . 466 ISouthwest City OccidentaL __ 163 1St. Louis Bevier, O. E. S __ 289 IBevier Huntsville .. . 30 IHuntsv-ille Barnett . 591 IBarnett Barnett. __ . S91 IBarnett Barnett.. __ __ .. __ .. 591 IBarnett Four Mile__ __ .. 212 ICampbell Four Mile __ 212 ICampbell I Lodge





I Agel Admitted

NAME Jessie May Smith ,Teannette M. Kramer J eveta A. Kramer Robert J. BelL W1lliam McCammon John Y. Stone Geo. E. Stuckey Winfield Colvin Edward J. Galloway Eleanor A. Brundage Mrs. Hallie J. Lee

I . . . . . . . . . . .

I 8 ISept.• 15 ISept.• 14 ISept.• 75 ISept.• 72 IOct.• 85 INov.• 76 INov.• 70 IOct.• 14 INov.• 76 INov.• 68 INov.•

1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927


Agnes D. Grant


61 IOet.•

Anna J. Eldred


81 INov..


Mrs. Lucy Presson . Mrs. Sophie E. Phillips.. Mrs. Ada J. Douglas . Mrs. Ella McCoy . Mrs. Sallie A. Lee . Alice A. Baker . Rosa Lee Baker . Sarah Bell Baker . Mrs. Mattie A. yost . Jacob Wybrow . Mrs. Frances Hamilton.. Mrs. Ann E. Ramsey.. Mary Hequembourg .

74 67 71 77 71 12

Mrs. Kate R. Skaggs . Theodore F. Ternetz . Ethel T. Ternetz . Elijah L. Tredway . Mrs. Sarah D. Dennis . Miss l'~lla B. Welsh . Wm. A. Gordon . Ruby Brooks . Elzora Brooks . Fay Brooks . Mrs. Mary E. McDougalL.. Augustus Rohning . James T. Archambeau . Mrs. Kate B. Snyder . Lodiedell H. Scobey . George J. RupperL . Edgar M. Dingle . Margaret A. Derfier .. David B. Lowenstein . Edwin S. TeaL . Mrs. Flora J. Prigmore Anna M. Baty . John D. Baty _.•_ Mildred Brooks . Ruth Tumbleson . John F. LasswelL : . Mrs. Marg. J. Rodgers . Frances May Ruppert .

79 9 7 91 68

7 5

85 78 78 86 78

62 73 10 8 6

76 82 89 67 75 52 76 14

77 75 78 13 10 13 64 78 67 17



IDee.• IDee.• IJan.• IOct.• IJan., IFeb., IFeb.• !Feb.• IFeb.• IFeb.• IDee.• IFeb.• IFeb.•

1927 1927 1928 1927 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1927 1928 1928

lFeb.• IMar.• IMar., IMar.• I.Mar.. IApril. I May, IMay. IMay. IMay. IMay. !June. IJune. IJune. IJuly, IJuly. IApril. IJuly. IJuly. IJuly, IJuly. IAug.• IAug.• IAug.• IAug.• IAug.• IAug.• IAug.•

1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928



• Lodge Four Mile . St. John·s . St. John·s . Cornerstone . United . Pine . Maplewood United . Temple . Kansas City . Maplewood, O. E. S . Geo. Washington, O. E. S . Eminence O. E, S . Bertrand . Mt. Moriah . Barbee. O. E. S . RuraL. .. East Gate. O. E. S . Sullivan . Sullivan .. Sullivan . Tuscan .. Friendship . Granby . Tyro . Maplewood, O. E. S . Clayton, O. E. S . Good Hope . Good Hope . Chula . Higbee . Rose Croix, O. E. S. Moberly . Hornersville . Hornersville . Hornersville . East Gate, O. E. S . Corinthian . Lick Creek . Venus, O. E. S, . Malden . Independence . Moberly . Novinger .. RuraL . Cen tertown . United . MonetL . MonetL . Hornersville .. Sabylla O. E. S . Four Mile . Rose Hill . Independence .






212 ICampbell 28 IHannibal 28 IHannibal 323 1St. Louis 5 ISpringfield 314 IBardley 566 IMaplewood 5 ISpringfield 299 IKansas City 220 IKansas City


264 IMaplewood


333 1St. Louis 93 330 40 31 316 367 69 69 69

360 89 514

321 264 304 218 218 388 527 372

344 215 215 215 367 265 302 153 406 76 344 583 316 611 5

129 129 215 276 212 550



ICarthage IBertrand 1St. Louis 1St. Louis /Kansas City IKansas City ISullivan ISullivan ISullivan 1St. Louis IChillicothe IGranby ICaledonia


IMaplewood IClayton /St. Louis 1St. Louis IChula IHigbee 1St. Louis IMoberly /Hornersville IHornersvilie IHornersville IKansas City )Warrensburg IPerry 1St. Louis IMalden lIndependence IMoberly INovinger IKansas City ICentertown ISpringfield IMonett IMonett IHornersville IBismarck ICampbell 1St. Louis IIndependence






NAME Anna E. Scott . Delpha I. Scott . Marie Sommer . Charles E. Reid . Ethel L. Reid . Mattie Smith . Paul J. Ragland . Franklin A. Archibald . Cornell Curtis . William C. Fee . Mary E. Fee . Orinda Eddy . Josephine Maddox . Betty Jane Ward . John Byrd Ward . Minnie Windhorst . Julia L. Whittemore . Elizabeth Thornham . Mildred M. Swift . Charles A. Swift . Emma Jean Swift . Robert DeVall SwifL . James P. Knisley . Elizabeth M. Turley . Pleasant L. Freeland . Esther E. Allen . Edward T. Joyce . Margaret A. ShendaL . Samuela. Shields . Thomas B. Whitworth . Virginia E. McCanne . George Ira Lane . John Bryan Marshall, Jr. Emily Jean MarshalL . Richard M. MarshalL . Daniel L. Bradshaw ,.. Joseph B. Gathright . Etta A. Dixon . Sarah F. Porter . .Tames C. MitchelL . Robert H. Duncan . AnnieL. Askin . William P. McCollom . Annie McCollom . Joseph E. Wood . .Tames T. Alexander . Edna Montague . Maria J. Mills . Owen .H. Loyd . Bonnie June Loyd . Donnie Mae Loyd . Henri Albert Loyd . Robert M. Petitt . Martha E. Pendleton . Joseph A. BonduranL . Joseph E. Stark . Emma S. Rakestraw . Paul Heine .


Agel Admitted




16 IAug., 14 IAug., 73 IJune, 74 IAug., 73 IAug-., 79 IAug., 66 IAug., 74 IAug., 8 ISept., 73 ISept., 64 ISept., 72 IScpt., 67 ISept., 6 INov., 4 INov., 81 INov., 78 INov.• 86 ISept., 14 INov., 12 INov., 10 INov., 8 INov., 86 INov., 72 IDee., 79 IDee.• 67 IOct., 75 IJan., 84 INov., 82 IFeb., 82 IFeb., 78 IFeb., 49 IJan., 9 IApril, 7 IApril, 6 IApril, 77 IApril, 77 IApril, 71 IMay, 91 IMay. 73 IMay, 79 IMay, 66 IMay, 82 IMay, 70 IMay. 82 IApril, 80 IJune, 74 !May, 76 IJune, 13 IJuly. 10 IJuly, 8 IJuly, 6 IJuly, 77 IJuly, 75 !July, 74 IMay, 65 IAug.• 87 IAug., 13 IAug.,


1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 .1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929

Composite . Composite _ Barbee Ch. O.E.S . Friend . Friend . Vinci!... . Paris Union . Purd y . Wakanda . Ewing . Ewing . Unionville . Saint Joseph O.E.S. Lakeville . Lakeville . Tuscan . Chilhowee . MissourL. . Reeds Spring . Reeds Spring . Reeds Spring . Reeds Spring . Kirkwood . Itaska . Fairview . Zeredatha . Saint Marks . OccidentaL . Grove Springs . Bismarck . Censer . Ivanhoe . Hebron . Hebron . Hebron . O'Sullivan . Appleton City . Mount Moriah . Ivanhoe . Ralls . Nodaway . West Plains O.E.S. Unionville . Unionville . Hebron . East Gate . Temple . york . Gate City . Gate City . Gate City . Gate City . Morehouse . Knob Noster . South Gate . Erwin . Warren . Seaman .

No·1 369 369 31 352 352 62 19

148 52 577 577 210 198 489 489 68 121 1 280 280 280 280 484 420 619 189 93 185 589 41 172 446 354 354 354 7 412 40 446 33 470, 193 210 210 354 630 299 563 522 522 522 522 603 245 547 121 74




IDoniphan IDoniphan ISaint Louis IOzark IOzark /Cameron IParis IPurdy ICarrollton /Ewin g Ewing IUnionvllle ISaint Joseph IBell City IBell City ISaint Louis IChilhowee ISaint Louis IReeds Spring IReeds Spring IReeds Spring IReeds Spring IKirkwood ISaint Louis IFairview ISaint Joseph ICape Girardeau ISaint Louis IGrove Springs IBismarck IMacon IKansas City IMexico IMexico IMexico IWalnut Grove IAppleton City ISaint Louis IKansas City ICenter IMaysville IWest Plains IUn ionville IUnionville IMexico IKansas City IKansas City IKansas City IKansas City IKansas City IKansas City IKansas City IMorehouse IKnob Noster IKansas City ISaint Louis IKeytesville IMilan





ROSTER OF THE HOME FAMILY-Continued. I Lodge Agel Admitted I I 1929 Gate of the Lavern Goetz 13 IAug., Temple ; . 1929 Gate of the Clarence Goetz................... 9 IAug., Temple . I 1929 Liberty . Jared Varney . 71 IAug., 1929 Zalma . Elmo Barrett . 13 ISept., 1929 Zalma . Warren Barrett . 9 ISept., Lucille Goetz . 16 ISept., 1929 Gate of the Temple Milton Hahn . 14 ISept., 1929 Pyramid . Mrs. Jennie Flemming . 46 ISept., 1929 Meramec Springs, o E. S . I 1929 Oregon . James Manring . 66 ISept., August Schrick . 73 ISept., 1929 Keystone .. Mrs. Mary Barada . 67 IScpt., 1929 york . James A. Thompson . 76 ISept., 1929 Elvins .. Mrs. Ella Thompson . 70 ISept., 1929 Elvins . Miss Anna Mack . 73 ISept., 1929 Anchor, O. E. S . Mrs. Alice Honeyman . 70 ISept., 1929 Sullivan, O. E. S . Harry H. McLean . 79 ISept., 1929 Olive Branch .. B. Newton Harvin . 88 INov., 1929 Paris Union . 1929 Cornerstone : . J. Denter Rink . 14 INov., Audrey Rink . 1929 Cornerstone .. 8 INov., Herbert Leonard .. 12 INov., 1929 Sheffield .. Robert Leonard . 9 INov., 1929 Sheffield .. Grant Leonard . 8 INov., 1929 Sheffield . W. Logan Davidson . 87 INov., 1929 Willington . John R. Ray . 15 INov., 1929 Chaffee .. Geo. W. Ray . 11 INov., 1929 Chaffee .. Leslie E. Ray . 1929 Chaffee . 9 INov., 1929 Chaffee . James H. Ray . 4 INov., 1929 Erwin Chapter, Mrs. Anna Schober .. 78 INov., O. E. S .. I 1929 Beacon Chapter, Mrs. Josephine Rehfuss.. 65 IDee., O. E. S . I 1929 RuraL . Wm. E. McClain . 75 IDee., 1929 MissourL . Silas B. Muirhead . 63 IDee., 1929 Alanthus . Wm. Poff . 82 IDee., 1929 Sarcoxie . Guy Strock . 76 ·INov., 1929 Sarcoxie . Elizabeth Strock . 69 INov., 1930 Mt. Moriah . Mrs. Ellen Tontrup . 64 IJan., 1930 Lewistown . Lewis C. True . 76 IJan., 1929 Irondale . John Thompson .. 82 IDee., 1930 Beacon Light, Henrietta Rowland . 83 IJan., O. E. S . I 1930 RuraL . Robert W. Vance 78 IJan., 1930 Venus Chapter, Mrs. Mary CowelL 72 IFeb., O. E. S . I 1930 Rising Sun . James Jesse Reno........... 81 IMar., Mrs. Carrie Burton 71 IMar., 1930 Occidental, O. E. S .. I 1930 Bolivar .. Mrs. Alice Cary . 75 IMar., Wm. Gordon House . 13 ISept., 1929 Van Buren . Harvey J. Callen . 75 IMar., 1930 South Cate . Mrs. Martha Callen . 74 IMar., 1930 South Cate . Beatrice Ody .. 12 IMar., 1930 Sullivan . Maxine Ody . 9 IMar.• 1930 Sullivan . Wm. O. Roper . 73 \Aprll, 1930 Clifton Heights . Mrs. Mary Roper . 67 IApril, 1930 Clifton Heights .






. Residence

I I I 422 /Springfield I 422 ISpringfield 31 Liberty 545 Zalma 545 Zalma 422 Springfield 180 St. Louis

406 139 243

563 599 599

54 105

576 19

323 323 625 625 625 22

615 615 615 615

St. James Oregon 1St. Louis IKansas City IFlat River Flat River \ St. Louis ISullivan 1St. Louis IParis St. Louis St. Louis Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City DeKalb Chaffee Chaffee \ Chaffee IChaffee


194 \St. -Louis

256 316 1

252 293 293

40 494 143 308


St. Louis Kansas City St. Louis Alanthus Sarcoxie ISarcoxie St. Louis 1Lewistown IIrondale




153 St. Louis 13 /Barry 185


St. Louis

195 Bolivar 509 /Van Buren

Kansas City Kansas Citv Sullivan Sullivan 520 St. LOUis 520 1St. Louis 547


69 69

I ,






I Age I Admitted


I No. I I


James L. Jackson Mrs. Mary E. Spain.......... Albert J. HulL Herschel T. Springer Mrs. Sarah Moir.................

83 79 51 71 73

I IApril, IApril, IApril, IMay, IMay.

Mrs. Anna Purdy

70 IJune,

Jullus W. Koch . Richard C. Blackburn . Pleasant Snider .. Margaret Snider . Robert Klein . Kenneth W. StuarL . lone Stuart. . Alvin Fred Wohlschlaeger. E.Henry Wohlschlaeger.. Kenneth Breeden . Ray Thompson . Mrs. E. J. Hamilton .. Chas. K Phillips . Mrs. Gertrude Wood .. Geo. W. Burnside .. Mrs. Sarah Burnside . Mrs. Mary Greene .. MrfJ. E. F. TruxeIL .. Gene L. Cochran . Geo. W. Bradford . Mrs. E. T. Hayward . John F. Carroll . Mrs. Vera Martin . Miss Mattie A. Sprague.. Viola Louise Polk . Mrs. Rebecca Persyn . Mrs. Mary V. Sappington 'Villiam A. WalL .. John R. Schwartz .. Mrs. Alice F. Schwartz.. Mrs. gmily N. Peterman John S. Manchester .. Alexander S. Dampier . Mrs. Anna N. Manchester Lee Aker .. Mrs. Mary Jane Page .. Thomas W. Cleaver .. .Tames H. Roberts . Mrs. Lavonia O. Roberts Charles L. Dennis .. Lillian Bernice House .. Roger B. House . .. .Tames H. LittrelL Mrs. Susan B. Dickson.. Mrs. Sarah N. Price .. Mrs. Ellz. C. RusselL .. Mrs. Henrietta M. Schulz Ephraim D. Hyatt .. William Riley Taff .. William Rigdon 'VaIter W. Berry . William H. Brown ..

76 74 72 72 1)9

12 10 10 8

11 14 74 76 61 72 61 66 87 11

80 66

71 76 56 14 61

69 85 70 65 78

75 i)1

63 78

74 67 73 70 65 16 6 90 65 84 71 63 76 71 80 66 70


l.June.· jJune. IJuly, IJuly. IJuly, IJuly, IJuly, IJuly, IJuly, IJuly, IJuly, IMay, IJuly. IAug.. IAug., IAug.. IAug.• IJuly, IAug., IFeb., IAug., IJuly, IAug., IAug., IAug., IAug., ISept., ISept., INov., INov., INov., INov., INov., INov.• INov., INov., INov., INov.• INov., IDee., INov., INov., IDee., IDee., IDee., IDee., IDee., IJan., IJan., IJan., IJan., IJan.,

1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 ~930

1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 193(' 1930 193(\ 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1931 1931 1931 19:n 1931

Malden . Lockwood . Salisbury .. East Gate .. Oriental Chapter, O. E. S .. Magnolia Chapter, O. E. S .. Rose HilL . Portland . Excelsior . Excelsior . Pride of the West. Cold Water . Cold Water . Fenton . Fenton . Webb City . Lexington . Temple . St. Johns . Hebron . Shekinah . Shekinah . Occidental . lJnited . Bethany .. St. John·s .. HannibaL .. Keystone .. Westport . Isis, O. E. S . Solomon . TrlpletL . Nelson . Clark . RuraL . Rural . Excelsior . Tuscan . Triangle .. Tuscan . Temperance . Gardenville . Morley . East Prairie .. East Prairie . St. Marks .. Van Buren . Van Buren .. Moberly . Vesta, O. E. S .. Bethany . Blue Star, O. E S. Oriental, O. E. S .. Mount Hope . Lebanon . Lowry City . Hinton __ . Clarksville .





406 521 208 Salisbury 630 Kansas City


228 1St. Louis 375 550 242 441 441 179 485 485 281 281 512 149 299 28 354 256 256 163 5

97 28 188 243 340 208 271 122 560 610 316 316

441 ::160 638 360 438 655 184 384 384 93 ri09 509 344 5 23 387 228 476 77 403 455 17


1St. Louis 1St. Louis Readsville j Jackson IJackson 1St. Louis Drexel Drexel Fenton J[enton Webb City ILexington Kansas City IHannibal IMexico Festus Festus ISt. Louis Springfield Bethany Hannibal Hannibal St. Louis Kansas City IKansas City ISpringfield ITriplett INeli:;on IClark IKansas City IKansas City IJackson· 1St. Louis 1St. Louis 1St. Louis ISmithville IGardenville IMorley lEast Prairie lEast Prairie ICape Girardeau IVan Buren IVan Buren IMoberly I Carrollton IBethany 1St. Louis 1St. Louis IOdessa ISteelville ILowry City IHlnton I Clarksville




Ros'rER OF THE HOME FAMILY-Continued. NAME Mrs. Mary S. Brown...... Micajah V. Harrison ........ Joseph W. Hunter............ Mrs. Louise Reinholt...... Mrs. Sadie L. Davis........ Mrs. Sophia DeHority.... __ Edward J. Howard........__ John Dean Sowles____ ......__ Dan Hyde Sowles............ Oscar L. lng...................... Mrs. Caroline Bunyan...... Viola R. Penrod__ .............. James Harold Penrod.... Francis Earl Penrod.....__ . Mrs. Eliz. M. Lanitz........ Byron Tyler ..... ---.-- ........... Velma Ruth Latham .. __ ..__ Vera Frances Latham.... Ella Mae Latham.............. Thomas H. Edmonds __ ...... Mrs. Emma Settle.. ____ ...... Mrs. Mary F. Harrison __ 'Vi lli am C. Clark __... __.....__ Jolm P. Lewis.................... George R. Whiteman__ ... Charles K. Franklin......__ Jean F. Franklin.............. Phillip T. Fitzgerald........ Mrs. Anna Fritz ___............. Arthur T. Freeman.......... Monte Virginia Freeman.. James William Roy __ ........ Herbert Deans Roy.......... Mrs. Etta ,J. Bruce....__.... Edwin H. Lane.................. Mrs. Catherine P. Lane.. Ellington Toalson Mrs. Mollie Toalson.......... George P. Ford.. ___....... __ .... James Orton Lee.............. Robert T. DeAtley............ William Flavens Hanes .. William Edward Turner.. Margaret E. McWilliams Melvin H. McWilliams.. _. Dick House McWilliams George Guilfoyle .......... __ .. Joseph M. Haines.............. Mrs. Emma Haines __ ...... __ James H. Ely.......... ____... __ . Gordon E. Cooper... __ ....... William H. Cooper... __..... Milton L. Cooper...... _....... Elic IVÂŁ. Harris ___ .___ .. __ ..... _ Robert Lee Penrod..........





60 72 79 75 71

72 69 10 5 63 85 13 9 6 65 82 10 6 13 76 73 84 78 85 81 10 4 63 62 12 8 12 7 75 76 85

63 65 82 81 74 70 70 13 8 5 70 66 64 73 11 7 3

72 11


I No. I r


IJan., IFeb., !Feb., [Dec., IFeb., IFeb., IFeb., IFeb., IFeb., IMar., IMar., IApril, IApril, IApril, IApril, [July, IMay, [May, IMay, [May, IMay, IMay, IMay, IMay, I.Tan.. IJune, IJune, IJuly, IJuly, [July, IJuly, [July, IJuly, IJune, IJuly, IJuly, IJuly, IJuly, IJuly, IJuly, l.Tuly, IJuly, IAug., IJuly, IJuly, IJuly, [Aug., IAug., IAug., I,Tuly, IAug., IAug., IAug., IAug., IAug.,


1931 1931 1931 1930 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 19:~0

1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 19::11 1931 1931 1931 1931 Inl

1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 193t 1nt 1931 1931 1931 1931

17 Clarksville................ Aux Vasse............... 357 183 California................. 9 Geo. Washington. __ . 17 Clarksville................ Salem......................... 225 Moberly...__..............__ .344 Mt. Washington....__ 614 Mt. Washington..... 614 Greenville................. 107 Granite................... __ . 272 Pee Dee....._____ ........ __ 498 Pee Dee.................. _ 498 Pee Dee................... _ 498 Tuscan....................... 360 Temple............... __ ...... 299 Morley............ __......... 184 Morley.............. _........ 184 Morley..................... _. 184 Kirksville._ ..__ ...__.. __ ... 105 Clark.......__ ........ __....... 610 60 New BloomfiehL. ____ Puxico......... __ ............ 596 Plattsburg__ ... ____ .. ____. 113 Temple....... __ .............. 299 79 Polar Star._ ..... __ ... __ . 79 Polar Star............... Missouri........... ____ .. __ . 1 Erwin__ ....................... 121 Rutledge.................... 572 Rutledge............. ____ .. 572 Clifton Heights ... __ ._ 520 Clifton Heights.. __ ... 520 Webb City..... __ ........ 512 Albert Pike.............. 219 Albert Pike..... _...... __ 219 Glenwood....... __ ......... 427 Glenwood __..... ____.. __ ._. 427 Green City............... 159 Will iamstown........... 370 Jamesport.. ....... __ ....._ 564 Perseverance............ 92 Wm. D. Muir......__ .. 277 Lowry City.. ____........ 403 T,owry City.............. 403 Lowry City.............. 403 York ... __.. __ ... _....... __.. __ . 563 Strafford................... 608 Strafford..... __ ... __ .... __ . 608 Keystone___ ._. __ .__ ........ 243 Perseverance............ 92 Perseverance... _........ 92 Perseverance......... __ . 92 St. Louis................... 20 Pee Dee.. ____.__ .......... _ 498



I Clarksville IAux Vasso /California 1St. Louis IClarksville ISalem IMoberly IKansas City IKansas City IGreenville ISedalia IMussel Fork lMussel Fork IMussel Fork 1St. Louis IKansas City IMorley IMorley IMorley IKirksville IClark INew Bloomfield IPuxico IPlattsburg IKansas City 1St. Louis 1St. Louis !St. Louis 1St. Louis IRutledge IRutledge 1St. Louis 1St. Louis IWebb City IKansas City IKansas City IGlenwood IGlenwood [Green City IWilliamstown [Jamesport ILouisiana IPilot Grove ILowry City ILowry City ILowry City IKansas City IStrafford IStrafford 1St. Louis ILouisiana ILouisiana [Louisiana 1St. Louis IMusselfork







I Age I Admitted



Miss Mattie A. Sprague.. Viola Louise Polk . Mrs. Rebecca Persyn . Mrs. Mary V. Sappington William A. WalL . Mrs. Laura WaIL ----. Winfield S. Nelson . .I ohn R. Schwartz . Mrs. Alice F. Schwartz.. Mrs. Emily N. Peterman John S. Manchester....__ . Alexander S. Dampier . Mrs. Anna N. Manchester l ee Aker .. Mrs. Anna J. Aker_ __ Geo. A. Page . Mrs. Mary Jane Page_ . Thomas W. Cleaver . James H. Roberts_._ .. \irs. Lavonia O. Roberts Charles L. Dennis . Lillian Bernice House . Roger B. House . James H. LittrelL .. Mrs. Susan B. Dickson.. Mrs. Sarah N. Price__ . Mrs. Eva Clinefelter _ Mrs. Eliz. C. RusseIL .. __ Mrs. Henrietta M. Schulz Ephraim D. Hyatt__ . William Riley TafL _.. William Rigdon __ Walter W. Berry .. William H. Brown ._ Mrs. Mary S. Brown. __ ... Mrs. Louise Reinholt _ Micajah V. Harrison _ Joseph VV. Hunter _ _ Mrs. Sadie L. Davis . Mrs. Sophia DeHority.. _ Edward J. Howard._.__.. _ John Dean Sowles _ Dan Hyde Sowles . Oscar L. Ing _._ _ . 1\:[rs. Caroline Bunyan _.. Mrs. Catherine HuIL.. _ Viola R. Penrod . James Harold Penrod.. _. Francis Earl Penrod _.. Mrs. Eliz. M. Lanitz _ Byron Tyler . Mrs. Sophia Schoenfeld. Ella Mae Latham . Velma Ruth Latham . Vera Frances Latham .. Thomas H. Edmonds __ Mrs. Emma Settle __ __ . Mrs. Mary' F. Harrison.. William C. Clark . John P. - Lewis _. __ . George R. Whiteman __


56 IAug.,

14 61 69 85 76 81 70 65 78 75 51


78 77 74 74 67 73 70 65 16

6 90 65 84 76 71 63 76 71 80 66 70

60 75

72 79 71

IAug., IAug., ISept.. ISept., ISept., \Sept., I Nov., INov., INov., INov., INov., INov., INov., !Nov., INov., INov., INov., I Nov., I Nov., IDee., INov., INov., IDee., IDee., IDee., INov., IDee., IDee.. I.Jan., IJan., IJan., IJan., !Jan., IJan.. IDee.. IFeb., IFeb., IFeb.

72 IFp.b., 69 IFeb., 10 IFeb., 5 IFeb., 61 IMar., 85 IMar., 8~ IOct.. 13 IAprll, 9 IAprll, 6 IApril, 65 IApril, 82 IJuly, 84 IMay,' 13 !May, 10 IMay, 6 IMay, 76 IMay, n IMay, 84 IMay, 78 IMay, 8!) IMay, 81 IJan.. I


No. I



1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1930 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1930 1931 1931 1931 1931 1930 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931

Isis, O. E. S . Solomon . Triplett _ Nelson __ .. Clark _.. _ _ Clark __ _ __ . Southgate .. Rural _ _ Rural _ _. Excelsior . Tuscan _ __ Triangle _ __ __ Tuscan _.. __ .. _ _ Temperance . Temperance. .. _ _ . Gardenville .. Gardenville.. _ .. Morley _ _ East Prairie . East Prairie .. St. Marks __ __.. Van Buren .. Van Buren __.. Moberly _ __ Vesta, O. E. S .. Bethany, O. E. S .. King HilL.__ . Blue Star, O. E. E Oriental, O. E. S . Mount Hope__ . Lebanon _ Lowry City . Hinton __.. _.._ Clarksville . Clarksville.. _ __ . Geo. Washington __ .. Aux Vasse . California _ _. Clarksville _ Salem __ Moberly .. Mt. Washington . Mt. Washington . Greenville _ Granite __._._ _ __ Itaska_ _. __ . Pee Dee . Pee Dee .. Pee Dee . Tuscan __ . Temple _.. __ _. __ Tuscan, O. E. S _ Morley . Morley . Morley _ __._ Klrksville _._.. Clark.__ _.. __ __ .. _._ New Bloomfield __ . Puxico_ __ . In1 Plattsburg .. 1931 .Temple _ _

208 271 122 560 610


547 316 316 441


638 360 438 438 655 655 184 384 384

93 509 509

344 5 23 376 3S7 228 476 77 403


17 17 9 357 183 17 225

344 614 614 107 272 420 498 498


360 299 68 184 184


105 610 60

596 113 299

I /Kansas City ISpringfield ITriplett INelson IClark /Clark Kansas City IKansas City IKansas City IJackson 1St. Louis 1St. Louis 1St. Louis ISmithville ISmithvilie 1St. Louis 1St. LOUis IMorley lEast Prairie IEast Prairie \Cape Girardeau IVan Buren IVan Buren IMoberly ICarroll ton IBethany 1St. Joseph 1St. Louis 1St. Louis IOdessa ISteelville ILowry City IHinton IClarksville 1Clarksville 1St. Louis IAux Vasse [California IClarksville ISalem IMoberly IKansas City IKansas City IGreenville ISedalia 1St. Louis IMussel Fork IMussel Fork IMussel Fork 1St. Louis [Kansas City 1St. Louis lMorley IMorley IMorley IKirksville IClark INew Bloomfield IPuxico \Plattsburg IKansas City I





NAME Charles K. Franklin........ Jean F. Franklin.............. James H. Ely.................... Phillip T. Fitzgerald ........ Mrs. Anna Fritz................ Arthur T. Freeman.......... Monte Virginia Freeman.. James 'William Roy.......... Herbert Deans Roy.......... Mrs. Etta J. Bruce.......... Edwin H. Lane.................. Mrs. Catherine P. Lane.. Ellington Toalson Mrs. Mollie Toalson.......... George P. Ford.................. James Orton Lee.............. Robert T. DeAtley..........:. William Flavens Hanes.. William Edward Turner.. Margaret E. McWilliams Melvin H. McWilliams.... Dick House McWilliams George Guilfoyle .............. Joseph M. Haines.............. Mrs. Emma Haines.......... Gordon E. Cooper............ William H. Cooper.......... Milton L. Cooper.............. Elic M. Harris.................. Robert Lee Penrod..........

I Agel Admitted I

10 4 73 63 62 12 8 12 7 75 76 85 63 65 82 81 74 70 70 13 8 5 70 66 64 11

7 3 72 11


IJune, IJune, IJuly, IJuly, IJuly, IJuly. IJuly, IJulY, IJuly, l.June, IJuly, IJuly, IJuly, IJuly, IJuly, IJuly, I.July, IJuly, IAug., IJuly, IJuly, IJuly, IAug., IAug., IAug., IAug., IAug., IAug., IAug., IAug., I

1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 193] 1931 1931 1931 1931

Lodge Polar Star................ Polar Star................ Keystone................... Missouri..................... Erwin......................... Rutledge.................... Rutledge.................... Clifton Heights....... Clifton Heights ....... Webb City............... Albert Pike.............. Albert Pike.............. Glenwood.................. Glenwood.................. Green City............... Williamstown........... J amesporL............... Perseverance..... __..... Wm. D. Muir.......... Lowry City............ __ Lowry City.............. Lowry City.............. york ........................... Strafford.................... Strafford....... __ .__ .__.... Perseverance............ Perseverance............ Perseverance............ St. Louis................... Pee Dee....................


No. I Residence I I 79 1St. Louis 79 1St. Louis 243 1St. Louis 1 1St. Louis 121 1St. Louis 572 IRutledge 572 IRutledge 520 1St. Louis 520 1St. Louis 512 IWebb City 219 IKansas City 219 IKansas City 427 IGlenwood 427 IGlenwood 159 IGreen City 370 IWilliamstown 564 IJamesport 92 ILouisiana 277 IPiiot Grove 403 ILowry City 403 ILowry City 403 ILowry City 563 IKansas City 608 IStrafford 608 IStrafford 92 ILouisiana 92 ILouisiana 92 ILouisiana 20 1St. Louis 498 IMusselfork I





NAME Mrs. Frances Roebuck . Margaret S. Kipp . Ellen V. McCormick . Olive E. Teed . Thomas B. Moss . Mrs. Anna Pickett . Minnie A. Henley . Chas. A. Thompson . Charles Ehrengart, Sr . Mrs. Ella Skinner . Richard L. Holmes . James W. Moore . George A. Page . Dr. Verbena McMullen . David T. Martin . Mary A. Kidder . Susan Adams . Mrs. Anna J. Aker . Geo. W. Vaughn . Miss Rosa Mack . Mrs. Laura WalL . James K. P. Ragland . Jno. Wm. Combs . Earl B. Kellogg . Sanford M. Mead . Mrs. Catherine HulL . William A. CampbelL. . John W. Dennis . Mary W. Tinker . Chas. A. Simmonds . Harry L. Cary . James A. McFarland . Alexander W. Hunt . Mrs. Caroline G. Hansen .. Minnie Christie :. John W. Medley . Frances R. Smith . Charles Gantz . Mrs. Eva Clinefelter . Mrs. Lester O'NeaL .


Age I Admitted 85 95 77 79 90 73 73 56 84 76 66 84 74 69 83 85 82 77 83 70 88 86 88 74 84 83 83 70 76 83 74 72 84 74 68 76 74 75 76 77


IDee., IJuly, IApril, IAU g ., Mar., Aug., !May, IApril, IJuly, lFeb., IJan., IJuly, \NOV., July, June, \May, INov., INov., \July,

1912 1925 1927 1925 1916 1926 1912 1930 1927 1930 1927 1921 1930 1930 1915 1924 1914 1930 1929 ISep~, 1929 ISep~, 1930 \Feb., 1925 ISept., 1927 IAug., 1928 IFeb., 1930 IOct., 1930 IOct., 1927 IMar., 1928 IApril, 1927 IMay, 1926 \March, 1930 Nov.. 192~ IDec., 1929 IJan., 1928 I April, 1930 \oct., i922 June, 1925 Aug., 1916 INov., 1930 July, 1927


Lodge Carthage . Butler . Anchor . Golden Gate, O.E.S. Joachim . Sturgeon . Polar Star . Rural . West Gate . Zeredatha . Vienna . Rising Sun . Gardenville . South Gate . Hamilton . Hesperia, O. E. S. Good Hope . Temperance . Livingston . Anchor, O. E. S . Clark . Maplewood . Ralls .. Warren . Maryville . Itaska . Magnolia . Higbee . Occidental,O.E.S . Fairmount.. . Bolivar . Herman . Saxton . Gate of the Temple Northeast, O.E.S . Joachim . Trilumina .. Beacon .. King HilL. . Irondale .


Date of Death

I 197jSe p t., 254 Sept., 443 Oct., 58 Oct., 164 INov., 174 INov., 79 INOv., 316 Nov., 445 INov., 189 \NOV., 94 Dec., 13 Dec., 655 !Jan., 5471Jan., 224 Feb., 172 Feb., 218IFeb., 438 March, 51 March, 54 March, 610 March, 566 March, 33 April, 74 April,

l~g l:t~~n: 626 April, 527 185 290 195 187 508 422 300 164 205 3 376 143

April, May, May, May, June, June, June, June, June, June, July, July, Aug.,


1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931


1931 1931 1931 1931







Agel Admitted


Hertial Ford...................... Malinda C. Black.............. Winifred S. Nelson.......... William Baum ................... Gertrude Kathrens.......... Evaline Clifton ................ Arthur F. CrowelL. .......... Lewis W. Siler................ Sarah E. Schofield............ Bertha. Taylor.................... Bernice Whitwell ............ Robt. A. Smock................ David Wayne Stark ........ Mrs. Sophia Schoenfeld .. Catherine A. VanDover.. Leila Whitwell .............. ~ ... John C. Henry............ c•••••••

15 74 81 67 62 17 13 87 84 15 18 70 15 84 17 17 73

I IApril. IJuiy. IAug., ISept.. IJuly. IDee.• !Jan., IFeb., IJune, IDee.. IApril, !June, IOct.• IMay, ISept., IMay, IApril,

Wm. Chester DuvalL....... 15 IFeb., Homer Nestor DuvalL.. 19 \Feb.• Robert D. VechiL............ 15 Nov.


CardwelL.................. Ingomar.................... South Gate.............. United....................... Heroine.................... St. John ·s................. Magn 0 Iia.................. Weston ..................... Craft .......................... Sampson ................... Pine........................... Puxico ...................... Grand River........... Tuscan-D. E. S ...... l!'en ton ...................... Pine ........................... Gate of the Temp Ie...,............. 1926 Bertrand.................. 1926 Bertrand.................. 1919 Trcn ton ....................

1925 1930 1930 1928 1929 1919 1924 1926 1918 1922 1923 1927 1921 1931 1925 1923 1930


No. (Date of Discharge

231 536 547 5 104 28 626 53 287 298 314

596 276 68 281 314


ISept.• /sept..

Ii:~~:: Nov.,

Dec., Feb., March, April, May, May, Dec., June, June July,, July, I



422 330 June, 330 Aug.• 111 Aug.,


1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1930 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931





State AlabaI]la , Ariiona: : Arkansas California CQlorado CQnnecticut : Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan..; Minnesota Missouri.. Mississippi.. Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont.. Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Alberta British Columbia Canada Chili (at Santiago)



George A. Beauchamp Montgomery Harry A. Drachman Tucson Fay Hempstead Little Rock John Whicher San Francisco Wm. W. Cooper Denver Winthrop Buck Hartford John F. Robinson Wilmington J. Claude Keiper Washington, D. G Wilbur P. Webster Jacksonville Frank F. Baker Macon Curtis F. Pike Boise Richard C. Davenport.. Harrisburg Wm. H. Swintz Indianapolis Charles C. Hunt Cedar Rapids Elmer F. Strain Topeka .Fred W. Hardwick Louisville L. E. Thomas New Orleans Charles B. Davis Portland George Cook Baltimore Frederick W. Hamilton.. Boston Lou B. Winsor Grand Rapids John FisheL St. Paul Arthur Mather ~ St. Louis Edward L. Faucette Meridian Luther T. Hauberg Helena Lewis E. Smith Omaha V. M. Henderson Carson City Harry M. Cheney Concord .Isaac Cherry Trenton Alpheus A. Keen Albuquerque Fredrick J. Milligan New York J. H. Anderson Raleigh Walter L. Stockwell Fargo Harry S. Johnson Cincinnati C. A. Sturgeon Guthrie D. R. 路Cheney Portland John A. Perry Philadelphia Harold L. McAuslan Providence O. Frank Hart Columbia George A. Pettigrew Sioux Falls T. E. Doss Nashville W. B. Pearson Waco Sam H. Goodwin Salt Lake City Archie S. Harriman Burlington Tames M. Clift Richmond .Horace W. Tyler Tacoma Geo. S. Laidley Charleston Wm. F. Weiler Milwaukee J. M. Lowndes Casper J. H. W. S. Kemmis Calgary W. A. De Wolf Smith New Westminster Wm. M. Logan Hamilton, Ont. Augustin 1. Palma Santiago



State Cuba Denmark Eclectic Union Egypt England France (National and Independent Grand Lodge of) Germany (National) Ireland Manitoba Netherlands New Brunswick New South Wales New Zealand Norway Nova Scotia Panama Philippine Islands Porto Rico Prince Edward Island Que-bec Queensland (United Grand Lodge of) Roumania Royal York of Prussia San Salvador Saskatchewan Saxony Scotland South Australia Sweden Tasmania Three Globes United G. L. of Victoria Western Australia York Grand Lodge of . F & A. M MeXlCO,. Zur Eintracht.. Zur Sonne





Jose F. Castellanos Havana Rasmus O. Nielsen Copenhagen Philip Hertz Frankfort-on.Main A. M. Younis Cairo Sir P. Colville Smith London }DOuglas Warne :.~ Paris 108 Boulevard Sebastopol. Wm. Wald Henry C. Shellard James A. Ovas A. F. L. Faubel.. .John Twining Hartt David Cunningham George Barclay R. Rosenquist James C. Jones

Berlin Dublin Winnipeg The Hague St. John Sydney Dunedin Christiana Halifax Panama City Victor Jesurun............... Box 350 { Rep. of Panama Newton C. Comfort.. Manila, Box 990 Jose Gonzales Ginorio .S'an Juan Box 747 Ernest Kemp Charlottetown W. W. Williamson Montreal Leslie P. Marks

Brisbane Box 675

.. Berlin San Salvador, C.A. Regina Dresden Edinburgh Adelaide Stockholm Hobart Berlin Melbourne Perth P. O. Box 1986 A. PerCIval Hughes....... Mex'leo C't I y K. Kahlert.. Darmstadt Herman Blumel Bayreuth

G. Mitzlaff Tomas Soley W. B. Tate Rudolph Gottschall Thomas G. Winning Chas. R. J. Glover .Nils Flensburg W. H. Strutt Erich Meyssner WiIliam Stewart.. J. D. Stevenson






The following Foreign Grand Lodges are recognized as regular by the Grand Lodge of Missouri: Grand Lodge. Alberta British Columbia Canada Chili (at Santiago)

Grand Secretary.

Address. Calgary. W. A. DeWolf Smith New Westminster. Wm. M. Logan Hamilton, Onto Augustin 1. Palma Santiago. ~ Havana, Cuba (Island of) Jose F. Castellanos , Apartado 72. Denmark. Rasmus O. Nielsen Copenhagen. Eclectic Union Philipp Hertz Frankfort-on-Main. Egypt A. M. Younis Cairo. England Sir P. Colville Smith London. France (National } {108 Boulevard and Independent Douglas Warne............. Sebastopol, Grand Lodge of) Paris. Germany (National) Wm. Wald 路Berlin. Ireland : Henry C. Shellard Dublin. Manitoba James A. Ovas Winnipeg. Netherlands \.. F. L. Faubel... The Hague. New Brunswick Tohn Twining Hartt.. St. John. New South Wales David Cunningham Sydney. New Zealand '}eorge Barclay Dunedin. Norway R. Rosenquist.. Christiana. Nova Scotia James C. Jones Halifax. . {panama City, Panama Victor Jesurun............. Rep. of Panama. Box 350. Philippine Islands Newton C. Comfort.. Manila, Box 990. Porto Rico Jose Gonzales Ginorio. San Juan. Box 747 Roumania .. Prince Edward Island Ernest Kemp Charlottetown. Quebec W.W. Williamson Montreal. Queensland (United Grand Lodge of) Leslie P. Marks Brisbane Box 675 Royal York of Prussia G. Mitzlaff Berlin. Salvador, San Salvador Tomas Soley I~ San Cent. Am. Saskatchewan W. B. Tate Regina. Saxony Rudolph GottschaII. Dresden. ScotIand Thomas G. Winning Edinburgh. South Australia Chas. R. J. Glover Adelaide. Sweden NiIs Flensburg Stockholm. Tasmania W. H. Strutt.. Hobart. Three Globes Erich Meyssner Berlin. United Grand Lodge of Victoria William Stewart.. Melbourne. Western Australia J. D. Stevenson Perth. York Grand Lodge of {A. Percival Hughes M . C't Mexico, F. & A. M \ P. O. Box 1986 \' eXlco I y. Zur Eintracht K. Kahlert.. Darmstadt. Zur Sonne Herman Blume!.. Bayreuth. 1. H. W. S. Kemmis






Appointed near Other Grand Lodges by the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Grand Lodge.


Alabama H. G. Earnest Arizona Jas. S. Cromb Arkansas M. W. Greeson British Columbia William Astl~y California Wm. T. Lucas Canada .Donald Sutherland Cuba Calixto Fajardo Colorado Frank G. Mirick Connecticut.. Leonard J. Nickerson Delaware Weldon C. Waples District of Columbia Leonard P. Steuart. Egypt England Sir Alfred Robbins Florida Richard B. Lovett Georgia Wm. Bordley Clarke Idaho Clarence D. Purkhiser Illinois ~ George A. Stadler Indiana Herbert A. Graham Treland ~ , \Vm. Hamilton Kansas Perry M.. Hoisington Louisiana Lee E. Thomas ; Maine Chas. B. Davis Michigan Neil W. Murray Minnesota Albert T. Pray Mississippi... John Foggo Dixon Manitoba Alex.路B. Callin Maryland B. F. Lucas Montana :.W. M. Montgomery Nebraska Orville A. Andrews Nevada Nealy H. Chapin New Brunswick John Twining Hartt.. New Hampshire Oscar Earle Jewell.. New Jersey Chas. C. Scott New South Wales James T. Smiles New York James R. Newman New Zealand ;路Wm. Waring De Castro North Carolina Walter E. Moore North Dakota , ,Harry Lord Nova Scotia .Israel Edw. Sanford Ohio James W. Morgan

Address. Anniston. Clifton. Prescott. Vancouver. .8anta Maria. Princeton. .Havana. Pueblo. \\Test Cornwall. Newark. Washington. . London. Tampa. Savannah. Caldwell. Decatur. .Indianapolis. Dublin. Newton. .shreveport. Portland. Detroit. Minneapolis. Natchez. Russell. Baltimore. Anaconda. Lincoln. Ely. St. John Warner. Paterson. Sydney. Buffalo. 'Vellington. \Vebster. Cando. Halifax. Jackson.


154 Grand Lodge. Oklahoma Oregon Panama Philippine Islands Porto Rico P~ince Edward Island Quebec Queensland (United Grand Lodge of) Rhode Island Roumania Saskatchewan Scotland South Australia South Carolina South Dakota Tasmania Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Victoria Virginia Washington V\Testern Australia West Virginia Wisconsin York Grand Lodge of Mexico F. & A. M

Name. :Wm. P. Freeman H. Beckwith .Julio Icaza .Amos G. Bellis Chas. O. Lord C. C. Carlton T. A. Howard

1931 Address. McAlester. Portland. Panama City. Manila. San Juan. Souris. Aylmer.

,Samuel James Cossart...Brisbane. Henry S. See Providence. Dr. Leo Salzman Bucharest. J. Orville Clark Govan. John B. Peden Edinburgh. Wm. James Host.. Adelaide. Geo. T. Bryan Greenville. Jno. K. Kutnewsky Redfield. .Herbert Hays Hobart. Frank E. Bartley White Pine. .Dan S. McMillin Whitewright. Sidney Watson Badcon Ogden. Seymour C. Hard .Arlington. Baron Marks Melbourne. .George W. Wright Marion. John I. Preissner Yakima. A. C. Munro .J>erth. P. P. Lester Fort Gay. Chas. E. George Weyauwega. Marcus A. Loevy

Mexico City.





Appointed by Other Grand Lodges Near the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Grand Lodge. Alabama Arizona ; Arkansas British Columbia Canada Colorado Connecticut.. Cuba Delaware District of Columbia Egypt.. England Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Ireland Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine , Manitoba Maryland Michigan Minnesota Mississippi.. Montana Nebraska Nevada New Brunswick New Hampshire New Jersey New South Wales New York. New Zealand North Carolina North Dakota Nova Scotia Ohio



Wm. A. Clark Byrne E. Bigger James A. Boone Gib. W. Carson Wm. S. Campbell.. E. L. Robison Harry M. Green James H. Scarborough H. R. Mason

Jefferson City. Hannibal. Charleston. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Joseph. Hannibal. Warrensburg. Marceline.

Arthur Mather Ray V. Denslow Julius C. Garrell... W. W. Martin Carl A. Swenson Du Val Smith John H. Barr John P. Austin Chas. L. Woods F. C. Barnhill .John Pickard James A. Kinder Charles H. Pope .James W. Skelly Orestes Mitchell Arch A. Johnson :W. W. Wigginton Curtis J. Neal.. E. E. Morris Seymour Hoyt.. Guy C. Million Henry C. Chiles \\Tilliam C. Rese B. C. Hunt.. 1?red B. Howarth E. W. Tayler Geo. W. Walker F. L. Magoon Wm. R. Gentry Fred O. Wood

St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. Doniphan. Mountain Grove. St. Joseph. Kansas City. St. Louis. Rolla. Marshall. Columbia. Cape Girardeau. St. Louis. St. Lo~is. St. Joseph. Springfield. Moberly. Cape Girardeau. Kansas City. Kansas City. Boonville. Lexington. St. Louis. Columbia. St. Louis. Marceline. Cape Girardeau. St. Louis. St. Louis. Kansas City.




Appendix. Grand Lodge.

Oklahoma Oregon Panama Philippine Islands Prince Edward Island Quebec Queensland (United Grand Lodge of) Rhode Island Roumania Saskatchewan Scotland South Australia South Carolina South Dakota Tasmania Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont.. Victoria Virginia 路Washington West Virginia Western Australia Vvisconsin York Grand Lodge of Mexico, F. & A. M


Address. ..

Thad B. Landon R. H. Woods Anthony F. Ittner W. B. Massey Geo. C. Marquis

Kansas City. Versailles. St. Louis. Bonne Terre. .Independence.

Forrest C. Donnell.. T. W. Cotton:

St. Louis. Van Buren.

E. E. Divinia Andrew J. O'Reilly Theo. C. TeeI... Wm. B. Wood Tames B. Wright.. S. P. Cunningham C. H. Briggs Thos. H. Reynolds A. B. Frey J. R. McLachlan R. R. Kreeger Thos. F. Hurd V. F. Boor C. Lew Gallant.. 'Paul D. Higbee Joseph S. Mclntyre

Breckenridge. St. Louis. St. Loui~. Rosendale. Trenton. Mexico. Springfield. Kansas City. St. Louis. Kahoka. Kansas City. Paris. Kansas City. St. Louis. Kirksville. St. Louis.

Wm. T. Jamison

Kansas City.





DEATHS. Name and Number of Lodge

Names of Deceased Brethren


Revere, 167 Fairmount. 290 Hiram. 362 Gothic. 436 Memphis. 16

Srancis M. Davidson. Wm. B. Kraus, Geo. Lips, C. A. Simmonds. W. B. Townsend, Geo. Arnold. Stephen H. Fulton. Jacob B. Parks, Ferd D. Mason, Wm. H. Rice, :Lee T. Witty. Rutledge, 572 Arthur W. Freeman. Middle Fabius, 244..Will O. Ketchum, Mathew Coffey. Lodge of Love, 259 .. Curtis L. Hounsom, William L. Crump. 011een City. 380 William H. Higley, Edw. C. Sloop. Glenwood, 427 Lemoine McGoldrick. Greentop, 6.35, .Jas. A. Whiteside. SECOND DISTRICT

Kirksville, l05 Paulville, 319 Adair, 366 Ark. 6 Novelty, 181.. Edina, 291.. Greensburg, 414..

Edw. F. Ames, Lowrey Barkley, W. A. Lindsay. Chas. S. Davis. Charles E. Robb, Benj. F. Henry, Frank M. Stoffer. Charles D. Chase, William H. Gordinier. .John W. Hudson. Alfred Pettit, J. M. Hardman. .J. J. Childress. THIRD DISTRICT

Hartford. 171.. Somerset, 206 Unionville, 210 Lucerne, 394 Humphreys, 32 Seaman. 126 G'reen City, 159 Put.nam, 190 Pollock, 349 Arcana, 389 Winigan, 540

Wm. Yates. Kenneth W. Cozad, Robert Robinson, Beecher J. Varner. Lee M. Robbins. Orris F. Wentworth, Gus Piekenbrock. Jas. N. Jones, William J. Wood, David Lowry. Keith A. Watkins. Geo. W. Steward. Jas. T. Reynolds, Andrew J. Harris. Jesse E. Gum, William Strode, Chas. B. Comstock. Henry H. Widner. James L. Smart, Evert E. Smart. John M. Fisher, Van R. Purdy, Overton Harris, W. H. Triplett. W. E. Almond, Chas. Lambert. FOURTH DISTRICT

Trenton, l11 . Galt, 423 : Spickardsville, 524 Mercer, 35 Ravanna, 251L

Elbert M. Dillon, Jas. A. French, Fred L. Rettich, William A. Stuart, Geo. W. Singer. Honley M. Cooper, C. F. Terry, J. A. Willis. D. M. Minter, J. G. Marlay. James Blomm, Loyd Ellis, R. L. Owen, Ray Wyatt, T. J. Enyeart, Ed Evans. H. T. Martin. FIFTH DISTRICT

Lorraine, 128 Joseph M. Peasley, Huston S. Wilkinson. Lodge of Light, 257 ..Isaac L. Kopp, Winfield Scott.




Name and Number of Lodge

Names of Deceased Brethren


Stanberry, 109 Gentryville, 125 Athens, 127 Alanthus, 252 Ancient Craft, 377 Berlin, 378 Jacoby, 447 Grant City, 66 Defiance, 88 Jonathan, 321..

Jacob A. Childers, William M. Fox. J. W. Scott, U. S. Crawford. James R. Randall, Isaac R. Cravens, George Bassler. Arch Lykins. Charles Estill Potter. W. H. Fielder. Lark King. Wm. C. Millison, Joseph V. Davidson, Chas. F. Canaday. Frank G. Johnson. R. B. Baker, E. L. Eslinger. SEVENTH DISTRICT

Xenia, 50 Maryville, 165 Quitman, 196 Ravenwood, 201 Graham, 289 White Hall, 30L Kennedy, 329 Rurlington, 442 Gaynor City, 465 Nodaway, 470 Guilford, 474 Clearmont, 507 Skidmore, 511..

Hiram Caudle. George D. Davis, Mark Cummings, Sanford M. Mead. J. J. Gillinger, J. M. McDonald. Fred Lyle. James Scott. J. W. Miller. J. Walter Cochran. William H. Davis, James Edward Dale. James F. LaFavor. Jos. L. Kraft, J. B. Taylor, Geo. W. Herren, R. W. Young, Berney Harris. Wm. J. Beggs, Martin Pederson. J. E. Beam. Forest J. Weddle, Walter B. Ward, Albert D. Stafford. EIGHTH DISTRICT

Northwest, 358 Fairfax, 483 Maitland, 112 Oregon, 139 Forest City, 214 Craig, 606

A. John Millier, James M. Hurst. Jas. M. Dragoo, Ralph Phillips. Wm. N. Hodgin. Sebourn Carson, Elmer Price. Nelson H. Cook. Joseph H. Laukemper.

Savannah, 71..

Jos. F. Breit, C. A. Camp, R. R. Crabb, Jas. B. Cloonan, L. Thos. Harvey, N. F. Maris. W. F. Combest, F. B. Rodecker, A. R. Selecman. Geo. A. VanHoozer, James P. Gaunt, W. E. Metz. John Emory Barhydt, Elzie E. Barnard, John C. Betzinger, Nelson H. Driver, Edw. P. EIdered, Chester A. Ferry, William G. Hayward, Millard F. Hughes, Joseph Londergan, William O. Makinson, William H. McAdams, Edwin C. McMillan, John J. Rainalter, Eugene Roseberg, John G. Schneider. Thomas L. Yates, Hiram A. St. John, William M. Cox, Loren J. Price.


Whitesville, 162 Wellington, 22 St. Joseph, 78

Birming, 150


1931 Name and Number of Lodge

Zeredatha, 189

Rushville, 238 Brotherhood, 269 Charity, 331

King Hill, 376 Saxton, 508



Names of Deceased Brethren

Joseph Bailey, Artileun V. Banes, Louis F. Bode, Hugh J. Bowen, Edw. A. Brittain, Walter B. Campbell, Alvin J. Clark, Merrill L. Colt, Edw. J. Conyers, Robert A. Donan, Albert L. Gray, Charles T. Johnson, James A. Kemp, Nelson J. Ozenberger, Harlie V. Powell, Charles F. Waller, Lloyd E. Watson. James M. McRea. James E. Clark, Joseph H. Routan. Dewey G. Adams, William L. Whittington, Hal S. Imbrie, Everett C. Borden, Charles Terry, Joseph Hayward, Emil S. Mueller, William Swint, William H. Dowe, Wilber Allen, William B. Thompson, William W. Williams, Ernest J. Orr, Louis E. Grable, Talmage D. Fry, James B. Maloney, Robert E. Poindexter. Hugh Beattie, Jas. W. Burrell, Walter L. Mack, John L. Pagan, James M. Reisch. Louis M. Stallard, Thos. E. Fogg, Thos. F. Donaldson. TENTH DISTRICT

Weatherby, 235 Parrott, 308 Continental, 454 Western Star, 15 Pattonsburg, 65 Gallatin, 106 Earl, 285 Lock Spring, 488 Jameson, 500 Jamesport, 564

G. A. Hudson. George F. Brown, Jacob T. Hayes, Julius S. Sisson. F. R. Faulkner. Sid Everman, J. B. Smith. W. W. Schultz, ArthurCuriningham. Scott F. Hoover, Alex M. Irving, Nat. G. Cruzen, Sylvester Brandom, Fred Brownhill. J. R. Faulkner. J. H. Dawkins. Robt. D. Magruder, Calvin F. Fisher. Geo. W. Estes, J. M. Collier, W. W. Ba路in. ELEVENTH DISTRICT

Liberty, 31..

Hemple, 37 Vincil, 62 Plattsburg, 113 Gower, 397

Marion F. Dunwody, Jacob H. Hymer, James H. Tarrants. John F.Craven, Robt. H. Warren, John H. Watkins. James O. Shouse, George T. Baldwin. Chas. A. 'Collins, Wm. J. Vance, Jno. W. Wilkerson. & W. Snyder. Harry McClelland, Wm. F. Burris. Wm. H. Utter, Joel Funkhouser. Lee R. Jackson, James T. Whitson.

Kingston, 118 Hamilton, 224 Polo, 232 Breckenridge, 334 Cow~ill, 561 Friendship, 89 Springhill, 155

D. E. Jones. Wm. 'Cole, M. M. Crumbaugh, D. T. Martin. Clyde Sid Jones. Joseph N. Chapman. John A. Petty. John Evans. James H. Cusick.

Clay, 207 Kearney. 311.. Temperance, 438


160 Name ann Number of Lodge

Benevolence, 170 Chillicothe, 333 Wheeling, 434



Names of Deceased Brethren

William Brown. Joseph D. Allan, John Atwell, Frank R. Ball, Harry B. Hogan, S. A. stone. B. L. Wilson, J. B. Norman, William Keister. THIRTEENTH DISTRICT

Jackson, 82 Brookfield, 86 Cypress, 227 Bucklin, 233 Dockery, 3:25

Robert H. Morris, George W. Churchill. Andrew M. Grant, Robt. T. McElhiney. James E-. Welsh. 0. L. Martin, R. Price Richardson. Thos. J. Walkup. FOURTEENTH DISTRICT

Bloomington, 102 McGee, 146 Censer, 172 . La Plata, 237 Elmer, 648 St. Andrews, 96 Shelbina, 228

Austin D. Goodale. Jas. C. Gray. George R. Cabeen, Thos. A. Craig, Wm. H. Gooding, Frank M. Stucker. Z. T. Flynn, Thos. F. Gilbreath, J. B. Spencer, Elmer E. Huston. Denzil N. Bailey, J. M. Wright. Arnold M. Cacao Monroe Teachenor, Howard McMahill, Arvin D. Smock, William A. Jordan. FIFTEENTH DISTRICT

Monticello, 58 La Belle, 222

Wm. R. Risk. Emert A. Dowell, Charles A. Gregory, Wilber Scoggin. Craft, 287 A. P. Phelps, J. A. Downs. Williamstown, 370 D. W. Simpson. Lewistown, 494 William E. Glaves. Ewing, 577 Victor Jones. Palmyra, 18 John M. Sosey, Benjamin Gash, John W. Metcalf. St. John's 28 Earl R. Cookingham, Chas. D. Glaves, Reinhold Gustafson, Chris E. Miller, James C. Ridge, Frank J. Rigler, David W. Ward, Wm. J. Workman. Hannibal, 188 Ben E. ,So Ely, Enoch L. Hall, Abner S. Smith. Ralls, 33 J. A. Keithly, J. W. Combs. Lick Creek, 302 Ed P. Hanna, James W. Berry, J. Emmett Fairbairn. New London, 307...... H. T. Sykes, Thos. J. Downing. SIXTEENTH DISTRICT

Eolia, 14 'Clarksville, 17

T. A. Halley, Wm. J. Buchanan. Chas. C. Elgin, Robert C. Prewitt, Henry Hopke. Perseverance, 92 ....... J. F. Dawson, J. W. Grant, Ralph Stewart, J. M. Hedges, Theo. Patterson, M. W. Naxera. Phoenix, 136 Chas. E-. Gibbs, Ralph L. Howell, Barney McManus. Frankford, 192 Daniel H. Stark. Pike, 399 Presley Stewart, Geo. Williams, Ed. Biggs.


1931 Name and Number of Lodge


Names of Deceased Brethren


Paris Union, 19 Florida, 23 Middle Grove, 42 Monroe, 64 Santa Fe, 462

J. M. Crutcher, W. G. Smizer, E. F. Bridgford. Merrit Violette. Nathaniel S. Mallory, Walter A. Teatherton. Robert Brown :Lee, Emmett J. Alexander. Jas. R. Smiley.

Huntsville, 30 Clifton Hill, 161.. Moberly, 344

Alexander :Haggard, A. E.路 Owens. J. F. Tillerson. C. Burkchart, S. Briggs, W. C. Clifford, J. C. Nichols, B. C. Holbrook, Geo. Morris, G. N. Ratliff. Walker Wright. Chas. E. Cornett, S. C. Blythe, John W. Dennis. W. P. Settle, S. P. Busham, T. J. Butts.


Cairo, 486 Higbee, 527 Clark, 610


Warren, 74

E. R. Anderson, C. C. Carlstead, W. C. Gaston, O. L. Herring, E. B. Kellogg. Zachariah Cupp. May Moore, Barton H. Philpott. John W. Cook, James M. Sanders. W. J. Lain, J. L. Perkins.

Westville, 202 Salisbury, 208 Rothville, 426 Pee Dee, 498


De Witt, 39 Wakanda, 52

William E. Miller, Charles Wise. Chas. B. Dean, Wm. J. Dickson, Alvin Goodson, R. D. Heins, James M. Staton, John P. Welch. William N. Shirley. Wm. H. Monson. Jas. L. Wilson, Geo. T. Meehan. Geo. A. Sims, F. W. Myers, Jacob B. Harrison. H. M. Elemwood.

Bogard, 101.. Hale City, 216 Carroll, 249 Hardin, 322 Waverly, 61..


Rising Sun, 13 Weston, 53 Camden Point, 169 Rowley, 204 Adelphi, 355 Platte City, 504 Heroine, 104..

Theo. C. Sparks, Edw. Berry, Geo. A. Rush, James W. Moore. Harry A. Cox, Daniel W. Henderson, John B. Schaback. Shelby Harrington, John Mellon. Geo. H. Galbreath, Edw. C. Smith. Isaac P. Hopkins. James J. Wren, Joseph M. Elgin, John Morin.

TWENTY-SECOND DISTRICT Sol Block, Gale B. Bidwell,

Herman Wolf, Alonzo B. Clark, H. G. Stephenson, Oscar C. Ford, W. M. Rynerson, Simon S. WaHas. Albert Pike, 219 ........ John K. Carinder, Gothard E. Henry, Zollie McCormick, Volney H. Primm, William H. Quigley, Bennett P. Rulon. Kansas City, 220....... Robt. F. Nicholson, Willis M. Prather, Thos. C. Widick, Alva L. Knox, Wilbur F. Brown, John R. Perry, Hiram J. Prather, Harry Levin, George H. Gorton, Matthias W. Adams, Calvin B. Norton, Louis A. Yost, John M. Lyons, Perry L. Bosch.

162 Name and Number of Lodge

Temple, 299



Names of Deceased Brethren

Fred'k A. Benson, Philip Benz, Harry P. Bowman, John S. Broughton, Oscar G. Burrows, Claude H. Clauser, John E,. 'Cole, James Dunlap Cox, James E. Dusher, Gerald Elliott, John C. Farrar, Richard Fedeli, Joseph H. Foresman, Thos. W. Hill, Frank K. Hoover, Web A. Hutcheson, Samuel Murray, Chris E. Nielsen, John B. Owens, Claude'S. Peck, Jos. D. Reagan, St. Elmo Sanders, Wm. W. Schwartz, Karl J. Simmeth, Edw. J. Smith, John G. Trimble, LeRoy Walker. Cecile-Daylight, 305.. Edward L. Hyre. Rural, 316 Abijah J. Brooks, Herman C. Breunert, Albert C. Byrns, John W. Cooper, Geo. B. Cushman, Ralph P. Derr, Arthur J. Elliott, Mathew A. Fyke, Lloyd J. Henson, John W. Kepner, Gustave O. Jaccard, Percy L. Lorie, Edwin J. Mosher, Joseph A. Maynard, Chas. A. Thompson, Thos. J. Thornhill, Homer G. Welch, Wm. H. Wise. Westport, 340 Robert A. Bucher, Van T. Ferguson, Stanley W. Field, Robert V. Henderson, Edw. G. Hundermark, Edward D. Jones, Adolph Kluender, Max Krietman, Herman C. Leipsner, Jones W. Longshore, Frank A. Makim路 son, Frank A. Marshall, George C. Moser, John W. McCoy, John C. Reppert, Clarence F. Simpson, Urban V. Taylor, Guy B. Thomas, Howard T. Young. Ivanhoe, 446 Adolph A. Andrews, John W. Barker, Ernest L. Barr, J oho C. Bovard, Geo. W. Briscoe, Robt. M. Brockett, Burton E. Cain, Henry R. Conkey, Lawrence H. Forcade, Geo. Armstrong Gadd, Alvin George, Bert L. Guthrie, Roy Elmer Harner, H. Clay Harvey, Claude A. Heckert, John Wm. Henry, John B. Hornish, John C. Johnson, John Forrester Kendig, John A. Lazonby, Charles E. Lewis, Henry Edw. Lewis, Elbert L. Marks, John E. McNicol, Sr., Leslie B. Miller, Albert H. Norris, Glenwood A. Oliver, Harry E. Oman, Chester H. Peeples, Henry E. Pohl, Frank Secor, Gus Wheeler Seward, Geo. J. Taliaferro, Joseph G. Taylor, Albertis Westhoven, Andrew White, Charlie Winters. Gate City, 522 David O. Astry, Chas. C. Bahret, Chas. O. Balcom, Chas. A. Brown, James T. Cheek, Marvin W. Diegel, Otto M. Evans, John Hawkins, Frank T. J. Higgins, Thos. J. Hord, Jacob Hyman, Charles C. Irish, Chas. A. Johnson, Houston Loyd, Wm. H. McCartney, James L. Mount, Wm. E. Murphy, Fred T. Parks, Frank Reber, Frank H. Rixey, Arthur B. Stricklette, Joseph C. Zane. Orient, 546 Russell Sage Bowen, Martin Edw. Jeffords, Earnest Burton Otis, Henry Thomas Waters.


1931 Name and Number of Lodge

South Gate, 547

York, 563

Swope Park, 617 Sheffield, 625 : East Gate, 630

Northeast, 643 Country Club, 656 Rockhill, 663


Names of Deceased Brethren

Vernon R. Crane, Jules I. Friedman, John A. McCulloch, Arthur Newell, Edward A. Burke, Ira T. Wait, James I. Burgher, Charles H. Doane, Theodore Griffin, Verbenia McMullen, ' Winfield S. Nelson, Peter J. Wendel, John V. Beeman, Thos. M. 'Vilson, Sidney Kaufman, Robert E. L. James, George H. Imbrie, Arthur P. Ten Brook, Gustave W. Pearson, Winton F. Schooler, Dean W. Searles, James H. Mock, Frank L. Sterling, Thos H. McDearmon. Harry Blaney, Buel A. Jacobs, Chas. Childs Robt. Lee Sprinkle, Lucas Bogard, Martin E. Ditzler, Abe Kohn, John Shelton, Wm. E. Middleton. G. E. Herod, E. A. Moore, Wm. Schaller, Geo.. Wimsatt, O. A. Wood. John W. Easterwood, Wm. E. Geary, Chas. Heichelman, Wm. B. Krom, Richard C. Orner, Geo. R. Trueblood, Wm. E. Tuttle. Wm. H. Baldridge, Louis N. Geiss, Josiah P. Hamblin, Frank Harris, Omar C. Heillman, Samuel H. King, Earl R. Levey, Geo. A. Lunbeck, Chas. S. Pennington, Geo. H. Richardson. William Sorseleil, Wm. C. Stewart. A. E. Harvey, A. H. Starcke, W. V. Carpenter, E. Hunter. Ike Gilberg. TWENTY-THrRD DISTRrCT

Lexington, 149 Mt. Hope, 476 Richmond, 57 Ada, 444

L. D. Lesueuer, C. A. Morrison, O. H. Westerman. David J. Powell, J. Willis Worley. Joseph E. Black, John S. King, Charles Ramsey. J. B. Brannon, W. H. Pettus, T. Bert Offutt. TWENTY-FOU RTH DISTRICT

Cambridge, 63 Miami, 85 Trilumina. 205 Barbee, 217 Malta, 402

A. R. Bybee. Paul D. Grady, Al Wheeler. Chas. B. Bacon, Chas. Petry, Thomas Nugen. Thos. C. Andrew, Marmaduke Harwood, Stephen A. Wagner. Charles Hume. TWENTY-FIFTH DISTRICT

Cooper, 36

Charles P. Browning, Wm. Morris Johnson, Leslie O. Moore, Curtis E.Chrane. Pleasant Grove, 142.. P. J. Siegel, Amos J. Kahrs. Howard, 4 Ray Raines. Livingston, 51.. Geo. W. Vaughan, Ben D. Moberly. TWENTY-SIXTH DISTRICT

Centralia, 59 Twilight, 114

J. M. Boyle, J. E. Angell, T. H. Wiseman, J., M. WaJIer. D. D. Moss, O. B. Wilson, A. K. Taylor.


164 Name and Number of Lodge


Names of Deceased Brethren

Ashland, 156 August Woody, W. R. Hamilton. Sturgeon, 174 T. B. Garnett, Enoch Turner. Hallsville, 336 John March. Anc. Landmark, 356..Geo. W. Doyle. Acacia, 602 Arthur J. Meyer, Jackson C. Callicott, Walter Wobus, Louis Niemann, Carl A. Johnson, Edwin W. Stephens. TWENTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT

Central. 81.. Laddonia, 115 Hebron, 354

David M. Slonaker, James G. Crawford. John W. Freeman, P. P. Hummell. C. L. Blanks, M. J. Decker, J. H. Dilliard, Philip Redman, Herman Itt Turley, E. B. Watson. Vandalia, 491.. W. D. Stacy, C. C. Caldwell. Houston, 580 W. H. Wilmot. Fulton, 48 Cary Turner, John J. Curry, Francis G. Brown, Frank Maerz, Arthur G. Brigleg. New Bloomfield, 60.. Bruce Taylor. Portland, 242 John W. McCall, S. A. Davis. TWENTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT

Wellsville, 194 Montgomery, 246 Florence, 261..

Ed Delemater, John T. Jerman, Edw. White. Wm. Graves, W. S. Oliver. H. E. Stewart. TWENTY-NINTH DISTRICT

Silex, 75 New Hope, 199 New Salem, 270 Louisville, 409 Nineveh, 473 Moscow, 558

David W. Scheeley, George W. Rector. Peter Levengood. W. S. Killian. Anton Kliesner, J. Campbell Nunn, Wm. G. Kliesner, Jesse P. Simpson, Thos. Gregory. Walter L. Northcutt. D. A. Dyer, Jr.

Wentzville, 46 Palestine, 241.. Pauldingville, 11..

John J. McCoy, Silas J. Johnson. Everett C. Palmer. Roy W. Lichte.



Jefferson, 43 Russellville, 90 Hickory Hill, 211 California, 183 Moniteau, 295 Clarksburg, 553 Chamois, 185 Linn, 326

Fred J. Holleroth, Howell H. Lotter, John D. Turner, John E. Turner. J. F. Son. T. L. Glover. Fred Hert, Sr. John T. Harris, A. S. Hudson, J. C. Meyers. F. M. Hill, W. A. Bruce. John P. Watson. W. C. Matthews, S. A. Bowles, R. H. Bryan, V. C. Gilbert, Geo. J. Gove, Chas. Moore. THIRTY-SECOND DISTRICT

Evergreen, 27 Sullivan, 69 Gray Summit, 173

David S. Canter. W. S. Rutherfurd, A. J. Manion. James E. Taylor.

A Ppendix-:-D eaths

1931 Name and Number of Lodge

Hope, 251.. Fraternal, 36.3 Columbia, 534 Easter, 575 Union, 593 Owensville, 624


Names of Deceased Brethren

F'red W. Springer, Ferd Muench, Robert F. Simmons, Emil L. Horn. George R. Frost, James Shannon. Albert Koppitz, Sr.; Edward Straumann. S. D. Belew. Jake L. Walker, Jr. Peter S. Feig. ' THIRTY-THIRD DISTRICT-A

Missouri, l..

Jere F. Gossom, William Say, Warren Coons, Wm. B. Archer, John Poorman, Charles W. Craig, Robert E. Meyer, James A. Harris, Hayes Bunting, D. Henry Carpenter, James Gibson, Jacob Dexmer, Edw. E. Jarks, Nicholas N. Field, Hiram S. Townsend. Beacon, 3 Henry Speck, Louis W. Borgstede, Harry P. Voerster, William Kollmeyer, John W. Oldfield, Alois J. Klein, Garfield A. Bateman, Henry J. Woods, Cash J. Smith, Nate L. Sunley. Mt. Moriah, 40 E. Mundelius, L. F. Schuenemann, Oscar H. F. Holzboog, Samuel B. Sutter, Gustave L. Meisch, Henry O. Stanton, L. T. Eschenbach, Henry L. Bensiek, Chas. A. Bass, Frank H. Grawe, Luke B. Lindsley, John C. Lane, John W. Latty, Geo. W. Heuman, Chas. Dawson, Samuel Dunbar, J. A. P. Duckworth, Chas. J. Bader, James F. Wobbe, Urial E. Penney, Wm. Emerson, John A. Swanson, Walter I. Fertig, Henry C. Kling, Fred H. Miller, Oscar R. Weinel, Wm. H. Dehlendorf, Rose E. Merritt, Edwin P. Seger, Robt. T. Perry. Pomegranate, 95....... Charles Zeman, Henry Meisinger, Chas. Semands, John Albers, Walter J. Hasemann. Erwin, 121. Franz Warncke, Fred Segelke, Ernst Sommer, Albert Abel, John Lankenau, Chas. Happel, Sr., Herman H. Tubbesing, Peter Tolch, John H. Freudenstein, Hugo Anschuetz, Geo. C. Huschke, Adolph J. Schmidt. Occidental, 163......... Thos. J. Humphrey, Richard B. Norris, Chas. Galloway, Milton J. Moore. Pyramid, 180 Charles Emberton, Frank Tessmer, Geo. Stranghoener. Edw. O. Schweitzer, Wm. L. Hulburd, Fred W. Henning. Keystone, 243 Frederick Wm. R. Muelhberg, Theo. J. Hart, Edw. Oliver, George X. Ruegger, Marvin H. Goodwin, Seth Lester, Edw. P. Bittner, Robt. A. O'Neil, Clarence W. Meslon, Wm. J. Wool路 fries, John C. Lebrecht, Geo. P. Heckel, Philip C. Schneider, Fred M. Mugele, John L. Turner, Frederic S. Holton. Aurora, 267 W. Bahrenburg, H. G. Rotermund, Samuel Zeiser, Joseph Boyer, H. G. Gaus, Ferd Meyer, J. Krueckmeyer, F. O. Krebs, H. W. Dingeman, A. Cabrillac, C. F. Sievert. Paul Revere, 330......Benjamin H. Boxer.



Name and Number of Lodge


Names of Deceasetl Brethren

Tuscan, 360

Wm. E. McGarry, H. M. Coudrey, Lucius Nolan, Henry Priest, Scott Blewett, Sam J. Parks, Edwin R. Culver, Geo. R. Merrill, C. E. Blankenship, Wm. B. Homer, John C. Boyd, Robt. J. Redick, -W. C. Bitting, W. J. Hall, Thos. Dunn, C. W. Nelson, H. P. Robbins, X. P. Wilfley, E. Chancellor, E. H. Bradbury, Thos. Knight, Bruce Ramsey. Itaska, 420 Herman Naue, Carl W. Andel, Adam Fuhrmann, John P. Sippel, Harry S. Platt, Edwin P. Niebling, Edwin Eberlein, Philip A. Wenzel, Philip C. Weber, Geo. H. Fox, Walter A. Stork, E. C. Wm. Ortmann, Robert ThaI, Wm. H. Buchanan, Jos. L. Karbach. Euclid, 505, Nicholas Anselmi, Henry P. Bennett. Clifton Heights, 520.. Charles Mowen, Herman F. Grossoehme, Oscar R. Biswell, Edgar Me~vin, Clarence N. Cottin, Wm. J. F. Bade, Charles A. Speidel, Fred C. Schneider, Frank M. Yewell. Rose Hill, 550 Wm. H. Worsam, Wm. R. Cosgrove, Henry C. Pollman, Henry Woods, Chas. E. Riley, Allen G. Escllbach, Alfred P. Bohlinger. Olive Branch, 576..... Manuel Blum, Edw. H. Strecker, John R. P. Sullivan, Homer B. Arens, Albert A. Scholz, Wm. G. Panzer, Thos. Theodore. Magnolia, 626 Richard Betzold, Louis C. Hunt, Arth L. Henschen, Al Von Hoffmann, Chas. H. Schureman, Edw. F. Grupe, Wm. N. Watters, Wm. A. Campbell, Theo. C. Fitzler. Triangle, 638 Hartmann J. Moeckel, John R. Spencer. Shaveh, 646 Louis Seeburger, Guy R. Trendley, Ernest A. Bauer, Elbert B. Gaskill, Norman V. Blackford, Geo. W. Gaskill. Comm<>nwealth, 654.. Charles Krieger. THIRTY-THIRD DISTRICT-B

Meridian, 2

Emil J. Dieny, Emil H. Lehmann, H. G. Gillingham, Geo. J. Wirth, Fred Eistrup, Sr. , Lincoln K. Loy, Harry Gevecker, Jul. E. Petry, Arthur Zwicki, David E. Adams. Geo. Washington, 9.. Frank J. Bremser, Orville L. Brown, Siegel S. Dunlap, Webster Kettlekamp, John Kincade, Andrew J. Link, James M. Lozier, Stewart Scott, August Spies, George W. Steines, Robert L. Waddell, Sidney D. Weaver, Harold Woodward, Walter A. Wright, Edw. Wuertenbaecher. St. Louis, 20 Julius Weil, Pincus Fischlowitz, Harry I. Watel, Henry Unterberger, S i ill 0 n Gutfreund, Charles L. Goorman, Elias Spiro, Abr. Rosenberg, Jos. D. Shaffar, Paul Treurnan, John Beiser. Naphtali, 25 Louis Pearlstone, Harry C. Neff, Alex F. Korschgen, Emil Vogel, J. J. Wuertenbaecher, Harry E. Knapton, Frank J. Hoyt,' Chas. Gietner, Julius Finkel.

1931 Name and Number of Lodge

Polar Star, 79



NameR of Deceased Brethren

Gustav C. Engelke, Charles F. Schulte, David Bishop, Sidney Cook, Frederick A. PIache, John Scherzinger, William A. Joos, Jacob P. Pluth, John E. Coombs, Edward Bader, Bertram A. Franklin, Charles H. Teuteberg, Charles E. Paschedag, Herman H. Teuteberg, Jack P. Davis, Samuel W. Greaves. Pride of West, 179 .. Jos. W. Eilers, John W. Coleman, James T. Hayes, Milton B. Heins, Edwin D. Koenitz. Good Hope, 218 Edward E. Griggs, Joseph Metzler, Thomas H. Jones, Henry -Kuehl, Walter A. Nicolaus, Charles Zoller, Al W. Schwartz, Thomas'D. Jones, Edward W. Fischer, Wm. R. Ragsdale, Edw. E. Bircher. Cosmos, 282 Carl Mannist, Emory A. Said, Max Schwimmer, Herbert A. Porter, E路dward R. Samuels, Michael Golland, Meyer Friedman, Fred A. Bender, Victor H. Falkenhainer, Eugene Johnston. Cornerstone, 323 ....... Harry Wedge, Frank L. Bryan, Walter I. Jones, Wm. N. Conrad, John A. Betz, Hy. L. Bostelman, John A. Miller, Moritz Koch, Sam Guckenheim, Henry F. Vogel, Jas. A. Brown, David P. Silverman. America, 347 Edwin A. Derwostyp. Cache, 416 Edward F. Mason, Samuel H. Firestone, Wm. R. Grate, Forrest Courvoisier, James H. Butler, Henry M. Wesselman, Robert J. Gazzard, Frank Sampson, Anton Schneider, Eugene Williome, John Rein, Henry R. Schmitz. Anchor, 443 James D. Farmer, John M. Hockmuth, Adolph F. Cederqust, Harvey G. Turley, Geo. Brand, Bruno H. Pippart, Wm.. J. Knickerbacker, Albert E. Upton, Francis J. Lutteke, Geo. E. Williams, Andrew Fruth, Stephen R. Johnson. West Gate, 445 Thomas M. Smart, Albert A. Margenau, Francis M. Johnson, Charles Ehrengart, Sr., Louis Moller, Frederick J. Walter, Samuel C. Crutchfield, John George Aff, Elmer L. Musick, Louis Moller, Jr., Stanton Palmer. Lambskin, 460 Benj. F. Higgins, Chas. H. Nensel, Jacob Grimm, Ernest T. White, Leon Allan White, Wm. L. Harford, Geo. H. Barth, Joseph E. Duvic, Michael E. Cutner, Louis G. Roseman, Arthur Mulholland, Orner A. Flickinger. Harmony, 499 Albert M. Hassivec, Harold H. Weatherford. Apollo, 529 Irving Leroy Brown. Algabil, 544 Richard H. Hatton. Forest Park, 578 Gustave A. Zeiser, Walter P. Coon, George E. Quidor, Edward A. Dehn, Joseph W. Tremayne. Tower Grove, 631.. .... August BoIlin, Frank Zapf, Chas. F. Huthmacher, Frank Gunnerson.


168 Name and Number of Lodge


Names of Deceased Brethren

Mizpah, 639

Levi W. Hadley, Benj. J. KIene, Edw. W. Zamzow, Henry C. Toedtmann, Herman Bader, Joseph W. Mattmann. Benj. Franklin, 642.. Walter J. Walton, Harold J. Hirschfeld, Harry S. Rein, Kachadoor Kalenian, Herman S. Gross, Benjamin Gelber. Pilgrim, 652 Thos. D. Jones. Progress, 657 David Barrie, Ralph E. Dyer, Alexander Nelson. THIRTY-FOURTH DISTRICT

Index, 54.. Helton, 450 Raymore, 451.. Jewel, 480 Coldwater, 485 Peculiar, 530

Thos. J. Jones, Geo. R. Talbot, Erva J. Pedicord. Geo. E. Plummer. John W. Caldwell. Hayes C. Riker, Jas. P. Farmer. J. B. Wilson. W. W. Shackleford. THIRTY-FIFTH DISTRICT

Hume, 130 Amsterdam, 141.. Butler, 254.. Tyrian, 350 Rich Hill, 479

0ren Thompson. J. H. Buchwald. Geo. A. Caruthers, Rufus B. Campbell, Francis M. Taylor, Perry Bourquin, Paul Walton, Jas. E. Thompson. J. T. Cowan. John Vernon. THIRTY-SIXTH DISTRICT

Cole Camp, 595 Shawnee, 653 Holden, 262

D. W. Jordan. N. W ...Nelms. William F. Howard, J. R. Johnson, Herbert H. Wallace. Corinthian, 265 Jas. H. Christopher. Cold Spring, 274 J. W. Houx, J. F. Flassing. Chilhowee, 487 H. F. Crooks, O. L. Moore, Joe L. Evans. Sedalia, 236 Judd L. Babcock, Frank G. Faulkner, J. Ben Gorrell, Ira H.' Latour, Reuben F. Sellers, Andrew M. Slaton. Granite, 272 J. H. Bucher, R. M. Maynard, Burt J. Wright, Wm. H. Beaman. Green Ridge, 425 ......W. H. Pfaff. THIRTY路SEVENTH DISTRICT

Windsor, 29 Urich, 286 Agricola, 343 Montrose, 408 Clinton, 548

Finis E. Means, A. J. Jones, J. W. Faler. H. T. Mullins. 0scar St. Clair Moore. R. B. Fewell, Louis B. Clark. W. F. Carter, John Bushnell, W. E. Goodwin, James Bunger. Blairstown, 557 E. H. Wall, Geo. T. Kersey. Deepwater, 562 S. B. Weaver, J. D. Arnold. St. Clair, 273 George D. Dalgliesh. Lowry City, 403 Harrison G. Blaylock, Emory C. Cherrington, H. M. Bethel. Appleton City, 412 .... W. T. Mains, Joel H. Teel, Creth O. Hedrick, Ed A. Hook. Star, 419 C. A. Grisham, Ezra Prough.

1931 Name and Number of Lodge



Names of Deceased Brethren THIRTY·EIGHTH DISTRICT

Linn Creek, 152 Mack's Creek, 433 Laclede, 83 Competition, 432 Conway, 528 Waynesville, 375 Brumley, 203

Sidney A. Griffith, Geo. M. Moore. F. M. Bryant, W. W. Sears, J. M. Pate. D. J. Adkins. Pulaski Sartwell. W. H. Martin, M. G. Roberts, J. L. Jones. Preston T. Bailey, Lee M. Baker, Fred W. Brownfield. W. D. Dickson. THIRTY·NINTH DISTRICT

Lebanon, 77

Waller J. Parker, Lewis C. Ross, Raymond L. Stough. Cuba, 312 S. R. Avery. Salem, 225 Spencer H. Ware, Fayette E. Stafford, John Otto KraUL Lane's Prairie, 531....M. C. Harrison. Rolla, 213 E. W. Walker, S. N. Lorts, Adolph Watson. St. James, 230 George Lindner, Chas. S. Chappel. Equality, 497 B. M. Harnly. Arlington, 346 H. J. Von Gremp, Luman Stevens, Robt. R. McGregor. Latimer, 145 J. S. Cameron. FORTIETH DISTRICT

De Soto, 119 Joachim, 164 Shekinah, 256 Potosi, 131.. Irondale, 143 Belgrade, 632 Blackwell, 535

John F. Walther, Peter G. Walton, N. C. McKinzie. Thos. B. Moss, Hy. Hagelmann, John W. Medley, L. P. Williams. Louis Phillippi. Robt. S. Browne, Andrew Simmons, Ellis W. Bliss, James A. Shields. H. C. Wallen. James M. Wiley. Wm. B. Mallicoat. FORTY-FIRST DISTRICT

Western Light, 396..William H. Padgett, O. E·. Reed. Urbana, 421.. R. B. Green, R. M. Butts. Hogle's Creek, 279 W. E. Rickson. Fair Play, 44 Chas. W. Grant. Modern, 144 H. Lee Capper, Chas. L. Landacher. Pleasant, 160 B. W. Mitchell. Bolivar, 195 William D. Crone, Stonewall J. Cowden, Henry P. Liggett, Harry L. Cary. Aldrich, 664 Constant T. Massey. FORTY·SECOND DISTRICT

Stockton, 283 Clintonville. 482 Everton, 405

Jesse Edwin Hall. John Hatcher, O. C. Corbin, W. E. Magruder. T. J. Blakey. FORTY-THIRD DISTRICT

Osage, 303 Sheldon, 371 Schell City, 448

Flora L. LaCaff, Reuben A. Lucas, Oscar Mc· Ginnis, Lloyd H. Price, Silas A. Weltmer, Frank E. Woodfill. Frank Baker. Roy B. Smith.


170 Name and Number of Lodg-"

Montevallo, 490 Unity, 495 Walker, 605 Hermon, 187 Lamar, 292 Golden. 475 Milford, 516


Na.mes of Deceased Brethren

Wm. E. West. Modestus E. stewart, W. G. Morrison, Fred Lewis, Roland Hughes. Samuel Dalton, S. J. Preston. James A. McFarland. C. A. Lockwood, Sr., J. K. Cole, Jas. R. Gregory, Berry G. Thurman. L. C. Buffington, W. R. Crowther. Jas. A. Winningham. FORTY路FOURTH DISTRICT

Carthage, 197

David Wise, Truman Wolf, Calvin B. Taylor, Wade Goldstein. Sarcoxie, 293 Lewis Lux. Joplin, 335 George Petro, Harvey V.Peters, Edward W. Trott, John E. Henson, Frank W. Page, Jack M. Maret, Walter S. Crane, Alexander C. Lachman, Maurice Barnett, H. A. Brecken路 ridge. Fellowship, 345 Frank E. Treganza, John M. Lambert, Buford Grandstaff, Jordan J. Breazeale, John Gmeiner, William A. Clay, William L; Chaney, Chester L. Chickering. Jasper, 398 E. A. Hardee, L. P. Triplett, F. I. Hill, H. L. Hille. Carterville, 401.. Frank B. Loomis, Vincent M. McGrew. Webb City, 512 Elroy J. Pratt, John N. Flack; Snowden H. Veatch, George J. Kusterer, Clare A. Triplett, James O. White, Clarence E. Smock. Carl Junction, 549 .... John W. Stoops. FORTY-FIFTH DISTRICT

United, 5

Ash Grove, 100 Solomon, 271 Ozark, 297 Gate of Temple,

Bois D'Arc, 449 Mt. Olive, 439 Hazelwood, 459

Charles E. Bray, Bert Lee Hall, Wm. H. Gottfried, William M. Baum,. Harry A. Pearce, Richard R. Leftwich, Walter C. Hawkins, Frank S. Welch, Wm. C. Sebring, Willi.am A. Coy, Andrew J. Markley, Frank E. Jones, William J. Leyde, William D. Martin, August Hammer, Samuel A. Looney. James McCray, B. E. Woolsey, Carl B. Swift, Lewis Cagle, J. R. Hagerty, Thomas B. Holder. E. M. Hansladen, J. A. Gammon, W. W. Thomas, J. E. Harris, A. M. Ullman. A. A. Goodnight. 422.. Samuel H. Benjamin, Elmer C. Jacobs, Wm. G. Pike, Geo. W. Gibony, Wm. Goodson, Chas. H. Greene, Hiram A. Dailey, John T. Evans, David N. Tillman. A. Sprague. Guy H. Triplett. R. A. Alcorn, Asbury L. Williams, H. V. Bolender.

A Ppend拢x-D eaths

1931 Name and Number of Lodge


Names of Deceased Brethren FORTY路SIXTH DISTRICT

Ava, 26 Pilot Knob, 182 Texas, 177 Plato, 469 Mtn. Grove, 158 Grovespring, 589 Norwood, 622

J. E. Cummins, John Squires, Wm. M. Giles. Cecil B. Dickison, William H. Baker. A. E. Leavitt, J. M. Embree. D. S. Smart, J. W. Breeden. Z. T. Skirvin, Dan B. Tedrick, Isham P. Langley, John Johnson, Edward C. Wittwer, Harold E. McDonald. Silas Hudson. J. A. Hanes. FORTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT

Van Buren, 509 Hopewell, 239 . Delphian, 137 Eminence, 607

John L. Greene. John Carty, J. J. Jamison, Jesse Lee Thrower. James Brown, R. P. James, W. C. Yarnell. W. J. Buxton. FORTY路EIGHTH DISTRICT

Star of West, 133 Mosaic, 351.. Marcus, 110 Bismarck, 41.. Ionic, 154 St. Francois, 234 Samaritan, 424 Leadwood, 598 Elvins, 599 Saline, 226.

A. D. Rosseter. H. L. Carr. J. E-. Burns, Wm. H. Hill, N. B. Henry, John A. Chapman. A. A. Smith. Clifton D. Toler, E. G. Godshalk, William R. Hill, John C. Eaves, Charles Wheeler. E. L. Rodgers, Sr., J. A. Hetherton. Clarence C. Woodside. Fred M. Mayberry. Saunders Goodman, Wm. Jackson Layne. C. F. Luckey, Wm.W. Wilder. FORTY-NINTH DISTRICT

Trowel, 440 St. Marks, 93 West View, 103 Wilson, 191.. Excelsior, 441.

Sam J. McMinn, Caleb Myers, Albert Myers. James D. Allen, Arthur Astholz, Jesse S. Dalton, David A. Glenn, Eugene A. Hart, Chas. Wippermann. vViley R. Wallace. D. C. Thompson, James P. McNeely. Frank W. McGuire, G. B. Tindall, J. H. Howard. FIFTIETH DISTRICT

East Prairie, 384 Charleston. 407 Morley, 184.. Ashlar, 306 Sikeston, 310 IIlmo, 581.. Chaffee, 615 Bloomfield. 153 Dexter, 532 Advance, 590

W. C. Bryant. John G. Russell. Perry A. Latham, Joshua H. Hutton. T. F. Frazer, Edw. F. Hutson, L. H. Hughes. R. A. Lewis. William H. Church, J. HalleCk Wilson. Samuel A. Ruch, James F. Hart. A. L. Harty. John N. Moore, L. H. Neal. J. H. Simmons.

Kennett, 68 Four Mile, 212

E. Y. Baldwin, R. R. Pankey. Bland Rice.


liZ Name and Number of Lodge



Names of Deceased Brethren

Malden, 406 W. P. Robinett. Portageville, 166 H. A. Killion. New Madrid, 4~29 Chas. Knott, Franklin Moore, W. L. Stacy. Parma, 650 Henry Asbon Rice. Caruthersville, 461...E. W. McCutcheon, Grover C. Moffitt, Hina C. Schult, John T. Fields. Hayti, 571 Amos Huffman. FIFTY-SECOND DISTRICT

Poplar Bluff, 209 ....... W. B. Davis, J. S. O'Neal, E. E. Penzel, Z. K. Williams, Will E. Walker, Chas. W. Milster, R. H. Quail. Pine, 314 C. T. McKee. Composite, 369 Andrew J. Rouse, R. C. Barrett, Sr., Jesse O. M. Jones. Greenville, 107 Clyde M. Burkett. Wayne, 526 Jas. B. Chilton, Asa Simpson, P. G. Pennington. FIFTY路THIRD DISTRICT

Mt. Zion, 327 Frank L. Ross, William Morrison. Ingomar, 536 Finly J. Muir, John Kelley. Mountain View, 637.. John F. Burrell, Luke Lytle. Alton, 255 J. R. Brooks. Clifton, 463 Joseph B. Nalle. Koshkonong, 582 W. C. Amerman, J. H. Pressley. FIFTY-FOURTH DISTRICT

Sparta, 296 Friend, 352 Billings. 379 Kirbyville, 264 Forsyth, 453 Branson, 587 Galena, 515 Crane, 519

H. R. Elkins. William W. Tennis, John W. Ray, Robt. M. Mapes. 0. W. Anderson, N. L. Leitensdorfer. Charles O. Barnwell. Andrew J. Friend. John Burnett, A. J. Brazeal, John M. Nelson. Ben D. Seaman. L. Roy Smith, James S. Bradley. FIFTY路FIFTH DISTRICT

Monett. 129 . Purdy, 148 Pythagoras, 383 Seligman, 517 Comfort, 533 Canopy, 284 Marionville, 390 Decatur, 400 Miller, 567

A. T. Brown, Louis O. Calvin, Chas. T. Dusenbury, Wm. Fredrick, Wm. B. Green, Jas. L. Jeffries, Melvin L. Lane, Wm. P. Watkins. 1.. A. Doyel, A. Worcester. 0tto Thomas, James Talbert, Curtis D. Smith. Joe M. Finn. John M. Davidson, Earl B. Montgomery. Ermyn E. Bassett, Raymond E. Cantrell. J. A. Williams, Wm. B. Logan, D. D. Tanner. Louis P. Hanson, Finis M. Johnson. John W. Morris. FIFTY-SIXTH DISTRICT

Anderson, 621.. Noel, 647

W. W. Bacon, Harry J. Sears, Chas. C. Holler, A. V. Manning, H. C. Prater, A. L. DeAtley, R. D. Sanders. Robert L. Tackitt.


1931 Name and Number of Lodge

Neosho, 247 Granby, 514 Stella, 538


Names of Deceased Brethren


B. Morgan, J. F. Shannon, James B. Brogassa. Geo. Williams, Jess A. Cook, W. S. Barnard. .1. W. Kenney, D. L. Weems. FIFTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT

Bonhomme, 45 Joseph Kroenung. Bridgeton, 80 Isaac S. Gaskill, Chas. F. Mitchell. Webster Groves, 84..Chas. E. Wallace, Oscar H. Hausner, Wm. K. Richards, Wm. W. Hayward, Richard Kopplin, Peter Hansen, Harry R. This, H. H. Pipkin, Edw. O. Hunter. Meramec, 313 William S. Geggie. Kirkwood, 484 Fred L. Wallace. Ferguson, 542 Harry D. Meyers, William B. Bryant,. Lloyd Q. Slocumb. Maplewood, 566 Chas. D. Love, James K. P. Ragland, Marvin K. Elliott, Frederick G. Udell. Clayton, 601 B. Comer Specking, Lee Hurst Love, Thos. E. Bayer, Martin J. Fleiter. Wellston, 613 Raphael Morris, John G. Gillis, George E. Lindsey, Thos. U. Williams, James W. Ray, Herbert I. Hays, John Cook No.1. Valley Park, 629 George W. Coon. Jennings, 640 AlfredG. Haupt. University, 649 F. M. Weddell, Leland R. Payton, John H. Kentner, Alexander Tebelmann, Wm. M. Pat~ terson, Louis C. Meid. Gardenville, 655 George A.Page. FIFTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT

Glensted, 250 Barnett, 591.. Ionia, 381.. Vienna, 94.. Belle, 373

L. B. Hawks, S. T. Stone. Wm. J. Tipton. A. P. Weaver, C. J. Smith, N. J. Shepherd. R. L. Holmes, James E. Harney, J. D. Bishop. F. W. Schweer, J. S. Johnson.

Independence, 76



J. Drummong, M. B. Rice, Sylvester Marqua, John E. Farber, Lynne路 E. Peck, Edw. J. Hanley. McDonald, 324 Guy R. Coggshall, Walter S. Dickey, Ben Gibbons, Wm. R. Latimer, Daniel P. Mason, Sr. Blue Springs, 337 J. Edward Quinn. Buckner, 501.. Newton Harrison. Mt. Washington, 614.Ray Peden, Walter G. Sherlock, Nathan H. Stone, Howard C. Clardy. Grain Valley, 644......Matt Stilwell, Wm. A. Cannon.

Appendix-S. N. P. D.




Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.


Fairmount, 290

Garland Suter, Geo. A. Hudson, Wm. Kerner, Clarence Lane. St. Francisville, 588 .. A. H. Bowles, J. E. Miller, R. W. Cruze, Riley M. Davis, G. Marion Reid. Memphis, 16 Weldon P. Shofstall, Milton Morris, Leo Morris, Kenneth B. Wood, George Lenhart, Chas. M. George, Harry Lee Board, Herbert E. Prather, Lewis R. Grinstead. Gorin, 72 John M. Howard, S. C. Shorts. Queen City, 380 Isaac S. Piper, Leighton E. Patterson, James T. Fugate, John H. Roberts. Glenwood, 427 John H. Hill, A. C. Chambers, W. B. McGoldrick, A. S. Lanham, A. L. Bryan, Adolph Dooley, Fred Lanham, W. T. Marshall, Geo. McGoldrick, E. E. Frady, W. R. Spargus, Clyde Moore, Hatton Mitchell, Elvin Roberts, .John C. McCullough, H. C. Evans, Ora McDade, John A. McCullough, Ward Rector, :Stanley Rector, R. E. Forsythe, Austin Hartley, W. R. Minear. SECOND DISTRICT

Kirksville, 105

Paulville, 319 'Adair, 366

Ark, 6

Jas. R. Alexander, Lloyd E. Browne, Jas. A. Billington, Jr., D. C. Burchett, C. H. Beat路 ty, L. R. Cremer, Walter C. Chappell, C. C. Curtis, W. E. Crawbuck, Henry Daubresse, Joseph Dangler, F. R. Freeman, A. Pearl Funk, Andrew S. Groenewoud, Alpha L. Hodges, Jas. L. Hicks, A. E. Hennon, Alvah Johnson, Victor Kirk, Roy Ratliff, Raymond Rogers, Eugene Rice, Alex. H. Rutheford, Dan R. Sisson, Harry Schaffer, Bert E. Sees, Wm. L. Stewart, Wm. J. Scott, John M. Scovel, Hardin See, Charles Tallman, Frank B. Tompkins, Harley Tucker, Rufe Wingo, Ralph A. Waggoner, Aubrey R. Marshall, Archie L. Music, Frank B. Moon, G. W. Motter, Glen H. Mummaw, Harry C. McCahn, Clarence McKim, Leon E. Page. Ralph A. Brunk, Harvey R. Watkins. J. L. Adams, C. E. Brabb, J. B. Claverie, W. G. Connor, A. H. Cowgill, Ray T. Everetts, Geo. S. Gardner, J. B. Hoag, T. C. Holmes, C. C. Klumph, J. C. Meade, Chas. G. Smith, J. B. Smoyer, J. Frank Ward, J. B. Weston, W. F. Whitright, H. S. Hain. L. H. Cole, C. H. Bauldwin, James E. Jones, Samuel Kern, Wilbur O. Myers, Walter B. Simpson, M. Kaylor Schofield, Percy Schofield, I. S. Wear, Marvin O. Wright.

Appendix-S. N. P. D.

1931 Name and Number of Lodge

Edina, 291 Greensburg, 414


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.

Charles IShumate, Charles Huffman, Daniel E. Bowen, George Lester Moore. Ralph Suter, Dewey Ammerman, Roy Barker, Frank Fischer, Loren Eliott, Loyd Thompson, Clyde Matlick. THIRD DISTRICT

Somerset, 206 , Unionville, 210

Humphreys, 32 Putnam, 190 Arcana, 389 Winigan, 540

Ira Ellis, John S. Wilson. J. W. Jones. Isaac McKinley, Gus Lindemann, Frank Middleton, Clyde Martin, James F. Schnelle, O. E. Pittman, A. R. Gibson, N. T. Wynn, O. L. Cunning, Frank Statton, Vere Rachford, Geo. W. Armstrong, J. B. Frost, Albert McKinley, John A. Probasco, Albert M. Smith, Bert Wyckoff, Jacob H. Kirby, Harry S. Scott, J. Otis Williamson, ;Chas. A. Middleton. G. C. Campbell, George Clem, Stephen Groves, J. R. Glaze. James David Gregory, John Fred Hawk, Basil L. Widner, Park L. Robinson. L. W. M. Richcreek, Fred 'Seltser, Herbert Haley, B. L. Jones. Elijah Wyatt, Truman Ritz. FOURTH DISTRICT

Trenton, 111

Laredo, 253 Mercer,


Ravanna, 258 Marion, 616

Lorraine, 128

Cainsville, 328 New Hampton, 510 Prairie, 556

John Scott Banta, Herbert G. Dennis. Dwight L. Ferguson, Virgil Herbert Hall, Ralph W. Lowell, Otis W. Richardson, George A. Thurber, Charles A. Wineberger, Clarence Williams. Vernon T. Beckner, William Merrill Stone, Earl Dooley. D. W. Branam, W. S. Thompson, W. E .. Kauffman, Lloyd Wright, H. A. Ormsby, Vernon Covey, W. T. Cox. T. A. McIntosh, Darl Hudson, G. F. Campbell, Glen Spidle. Benjamin F. Fisher, Andrew A. Anderson, James G. Wells, William H. Farris, Jesse S. Wells, William Arthur Girdner, Oliver Graham, ArthurK. Gladfelder. FIFTH DISTRICT R. B. Combs, Albert S. Harding, Elbert S. Miner, James A. Misner, John H. Shirer, Elgin L. Stoughton, Earl G. Spragg, Loroy N. Neff, H. Ray Tull, O. R. Wilson, Frank D. Glendenning, Garland P. Johnson, Millard F. Champlin, Geo. W. Nible. Daniel Shepherd, A. E. Childs, Linus H. Chambers, Joseph D. McDaniel, Geo. E. Girdner, Stephen F. Eastin. Charles E. Brown, Will Carlton Magee. Normal O. Dowell, Harvey D. Nally, Claude T. Netherton, Ross Tibbitts, Guy W. Vogelgesang.

Appendix-S. N. P. D.

176 Name and Number of Lodge


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D. SIXTH DISTRICT

Stanberry, 109 Athens, 127

William K. Richardson. Clayton Allen, Robert L. Campbell, Charles S. Cramer~ Joseph H. Degginger, Willis H. Hanner, Orville S. Parman, Fielding P. Pierce, James C. Ross, Frank M. Welch, Raymond L. Yeater. Alanthus, 252 John Millsap, R. L. Richardson, D. M. Pierce, A. E. Denham, O. B. Wyres, James M. Coffey, W. R. Gunter, J. T. Flangan, Earl Gage, E. E. Spainhower, Robert Miller, Fred Darrell, Frank L. Rainey, G. H. Pickett, Edward IB. Coffey, Roy Campbell, Merritt Richardson, Wm. Lykins, Egbert Jennings. Ancient Craft, 377.... Samuel M. Barton, Carl E. Jacobson, Frank M. Lykins, David F. McCammon, James A. Welker. Jacoby, 447 Fred C. Gillespie, Orville F.Gillespie, N. Emil Nelson, Elmer J. Rouse, Garland D. Young, William M. Baker, James Rice. Defiance, 88 Newton Long, Milton Engle, Grant Munn, W. H. Trueblood, Kim J. Sanders, Monta C. Runyon, Cornelius Engle, Delmar New. Allensville, 198 Chas. Combs, Lee Hobbs, Paul J. Uhlig, San. ford L.Conn, Weldon Brown. Jonathan, 321.. John Newman, Earl Hunter, Willard Harmon, W. A. Craven. SEVENTH DISTRICT

Maryville, 165

Graham, 289 White Hall, 301.. Kennedy, 329 Burlington, 442 Nodaway, 470

Skidmore, 511

Benjamin F. Allen, George B. Baker, J. Banner Brummett, Dale I. Castillo, Oscar K. Herndon, Charles S. Jackson, Ralph J. Masters, Lloyd A. Myers, William C. Pierce, Dillard R. Palmer, Charles Gleason Womack. 1... E. Tietz. W. A. Blagg, F. E. Wohlford, J. B. Baker, 'G. A. Council, N. L; Pearce, J. H. Moberly. Joseph G. Sloan, James M. Clardy. Hubert S. Corken, Harry R. McGinnis, John P. Beavens, Wayne Nicholas. Carlos J. Alderman, Raymond M. Barry, W. Lewis DeHart, Ed Godsey, Ernest W. Moore, Guy L. Prather, Sam Scowden, Geo. J. Wamsley,路 Paul E. Willson, Wilfred H. White, G. Fred Gray. J. W. Weddle, Jr., Charles Pfeiffer, Bert O. Ford, George T. Barrett. EIGHTH DISTRICT



Northwest, 358

Warren A. Burke, Herbert Ericson, N. E. Morrison, H. B. Shandy, Burney Stepp, Jess Edw. Ward. A. C.Manifold. Lewis H. Fosket, E. E. Peacock, Andrew J. Salmon, Wm. L. Holmes, Orville W. Banks. Wm. P. Ford, Wm. J. Johnson. H~rry A. Luckhardt.

1931 Name and Number of Lodge

Fairfax, 483 Maitland, 112 . Oregon, 139 Forest City, 214

Appendix-S. N. P. D.


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.

:\1:. Z. Jones, Martin Green, H. M. Patterson,

E. L. Scarlett, W. R. Moorman, Emmett Combs, L. W. Campbell, Jr., Joe Noland. Charles M. Childers, Homer R. Cowan, Dewey Lewis, Leslie E. Linville, Elijah W. Lyon, John M. Mason, Joseph M. Myers. John Cortland Gifford, Bert H. Dawson, John Townsend, Chas. Kieffer, Avon H. Murray, Ora Boswell, Frank A. Andrews. Albert O. Swope, David H. Menton, John R. Marriner, William Schaffer, Chas. H. Taylor. NINTH DISTRICT

Savannah, 71.. Rosendale, 404

Agency, 10 St. Joseph, 78

Birming, 150 Zeredatha, 189

Rushville, 238 Brotherhood, 269 Charity, 331..

C. B. Clayton, Thos. W. Henderson, Walter Howard, Ralph E. Jenkins, O. H. Loomis, Chas. T. White. Edward Adams, J. Irvin Bennett, G. Elmer Barrow, Jacob L. Baum, John T. Bill, John L. Ba.rrow, Paul Christianson, HaTry M. Denney, Fay E. Denney, Louis H. Graff, Chas. F. Jackson, Andrew Johns, W. Rosius Roderick, Charles A. Roberts, William F. Swartz, George W. Wells, Edw. L. Wells, Camby A. Wright. Benj. D. Dowell, J. Preston Wilson, Chas. L. Smith, Jesse Woodrutt. CarICyril Castel, James G. Charnock, James L. Deaton, Emiel H. Eickhoff, Frank Freytag, Jr., Burrit W. Graves, John W. Haigler, Fred J. Haskins, Oliver T. Kern, Harry Ellsworth Moore, Albert C. Murrell, Abe Riegleman, Alford Baity Showers, Mandley Thomilison, Harold C. Warren, Elton Wakefield, John H. Vaughn, Lee Harrie Vestal. C. D. Arthur, James Stevenson, Lester O. Isaacson. William E. Cherry, Bishop R. Craig, Raymond G. Faus, Frank E. French, Albert W. Osborn, Albert E. Perkins, Douglas B. Robertson, John H. Simpson, Marion F. Smith, Allen T. West, Vargne H. Ford. P. C. Hunsicker, Byon Redman, Hannibal Morrison. William H. Gardner, Jack L. Wilderman. ,Joseph A. Allen, William C. Deger, Carl W. Bower, Christian F. Buchele, Leo. H. Cochran, Herbert E. Dreitzler, Paul R. Gerding, Watson T. Guile, Lawrence Kastendick, Russell G. Munns, Thos. W. Parker, Ray C. Rumsey, Guy E. Thomas, Eugene C. Tynes, William F. Uhlman, Charles L. Weiss.

178 Name and Number of Lodge

King Hill, 376

Appendix-S. N. P. D.


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.

Leonard H. Brown, Harley Robert Haskell, Ernest V. Madden, Jesse C. Marshall, Max Messenger, Carl John Nero, Chester D. Newhart, Wm. Carl Peuker, Thos. J. Reznor, F. Hall Rowland, Ivan Fay Shipley, Paul Steele, Robt. Logan Taylor, Wm. E. Thompson, Homer Evert Trent, Henry Walter Webb, William D. Webb, Lloyd E. Wilson. TENTH DISTRICT

Union Star, 124

J. S. Folks, Floyd P. Ott, Lee E. Ott, Hubert . E. Laffoon, B. A. Baker, C. C. Ott. Continental, 454 Frank S. Hunt, Louis H. Smith. Clarksdale, 559 HenryC. Dunn, Philip G. Hewitt, Wesley J. Morton. Western Star, 15........ John Alleman, Oscar Bartlett, Buford Case, Carl C. Manering, Hugh Tritt, Wm. G. Castor, Wm. H. Dice, Hobert Hiley, Glen D. Johnson, D. B. Kirkindoll, Wesley Lee, Jr., Edw. B. Miles, Amos C. Spires, Floyd B. Sampson. Gallatin, 106 Lawrence W. Alexander, Archie E. Brookshier, Jr., J. Luther Harlow, Loren Hagadorn, Frank E. Irwin, John L. Lewis, Chas. F. Myers, Wm. H. McGee, Russel W. Place. Lock Spring, 488 A. D. Warner, W. R. Pearcy, Wilbur Mansfield, C. L. Tolen, Joe L. Roe, H. W. Bills, Harry L. Brookshier, J. E. Wyckoff, Wm. Bowersox, Geo. W. Minnick, Roger Buchanan. Jamesport, 564 Isaac W. Haines, Chas. Lindsey, Wm. E. Cropper, Davis H. Hill, Leslie Irwin, J. Fern Gillett. ELEVENTH DISTRIC路T

Liberty, 31.. Holt, 49 Clay, 207

Temperance, 438 Hemple, 37 Vincil, 62

Plattsburg, 113 Gower, 397

Louis R. Carr, Albert W. Land, John A. Manlove, L. B. McDowell, Roland A. Peace, Miller A. 'Sandusky, Charles E. Yancey. Rolla V. Cutler, James W. Henson, George C.' Henson, James Walker, Leo Goebel Sellers, Donald J. Eby. George M. Barnes, Jas. D. Clevenger, Kenneth T. Cole, George W. Diemer, Perley L. Hudgens, Andrew H. Montgomery, Ed Polland, Alton W. Ray. Eldon Aker, Lynn T. Tinney. Freeland Hadly. John M. Divinia, Harold D. Farmer, A. T. Gantz, Claude Gilchrist, Clinton H. Harrison, Virgil R. McCue, James E. Munson. John J. Munson, Ray Neff, J. Lehman Page, Guy B. Seaton, Mark Lester Wigle, Mont R. Williams. Clarence E. Fowler, James W. Robinson, Caleb A. Leedy. Erskin L. Moxley, Wm. R. Herring, Verny Daniels, Thos. D. Maddox, James A. Gibson.

1931 Name and Number of Lodge

Appendix-S. N. P. D.


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.


Kingston, 118 Hamilton, 224 Polo, 232

Chas. L. Hess, W. T. Knight, Trav. Hopkins. Clarence A. Greene, Glenn D. McPherson. Ellis Burns, Alonzo Cain,路 Russell G. Kincaid, James L. Spicer, Wm. A. Thompson, Zack D. Wheat. Friendship, 89 Henry S. Adams, Hen"ryBeeler, John G. Beard, Richard C. Coburn, Robt. S. Carr, John R. Chaney, Chas. M. Cooper, Leon Dennis; John C. Hood, Lyman Howes, Roy R. Jackson, Fredrick W. Kroeger, James E. Meek, Alf M. Meek, Reuben H. Ober, Geo. L. Owens, JamesW. Ware, Albert F. Waniska, Irvin W. Watkins. Spring Hill, 155........Geo. Hargrave, Chas. Black, Leo Tout, Harry Shuler. Benevolence, 170 Hiram Brewster, E. W. McCoy, Fred Roloff, J. C. Neal, H. J. Cramer, Geo. McMillen. Chillicothe, 333 George W. Beckler, Wm. ,C. Baehner, Chas. D. Chase, Arthur W. Cies, Mervin E. Cies, Ross Diehl, Vernon M. Fay, Miles M. Gilbert, John J. Jordan, Samuel C. Killam. Chula, 388 Albert V. Wilson. Dawn, 539 D. R. Lewis, Frank Bishop, Edger Lewis, Joe Linhart, Dan Mossbarger, John W. Griffith. THIRTEENTH DISTRICT

Jackson, 82 Brookfield, 86

Cypress, 227 Bucklin, 233 Dockery, 325 Marceline, 481

Harry Chester Adams, Simon Wesley Head, Jas. A. Slater. Albian W. Baker, Harold W. Bundy, Ralph A. Cook, Paul Bushnell, Roy H. Frye, Wm. H. Ferguson, William J. Hays, Lee S. McElhiney, Geo. S. Manuel, Edwin O. Markham, O. M. Pryor, Wm. D. Parks, N. G. Ransom, Jr., Wm.T. Summerton, C. E. Seaver, Edward A. Tooey, Basil W. Verdier. Joseph Disney, Earl F. Johnson. George H. Applegate, David E. Evans, Homer B. George, Roy O. Moddox, Fredrick E. Simpson. August J. Brooks, Lawrence E. Sidebottom. Norris L. Barnes, Vernon E. Briggs, Guy D. Chase, Otis L. Delong, Tiffin M. Duell, Floyd B. Fitch, Elbert D. Howe, Wm. E. Kinnear, Glenn E. Lancaster, Edgar I. Maddox, Ross McAllister, LeRoy D. Mudd, LeRoy Munyon, Maurice E. Neason, Oscar J. Neiderwimmer, George Ovens, Marvin T. Phillips, Kenneth L. Rinehart, Wm. H. Sepmeyer, Clyde F. Shelton, Ernest D. Smith, Newcomb C. Smith, John Stewart, James D. Sutherland, Kenneth C. Taylor, Ernest B. Thompson, Benjamin L. White, Raymond S. Williamson, Louie H. Youngeman.

180 Name and Number of Lodge

Appendix-S. N. P. D.


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.


Bloomington, l02 McGee, 146 Censer, 172 La Plata, 237

Walter Wendt. C. L. Gipson, Jas. G. Linn, T. A. Munn. Fred H. King. Earl L. Sutor, W. Z. Tucker, Joseph D. Johnson, B. Keith Dickerson, Arthur Chappell. St. Andrews, 96......... Everett P. Carlile, James M. Freeman; S. E. Hoover. Shelbina, 228 Sam. H. Bush, Ezra Peter, William G. Middleton. Bethel, 537 Geo. W. Bonnell, A. F. Carmichael, D. Leroy Miller, Roy Nicol, Alva Culler. FIFTEENTH DISTRICT

Wyaconda, 24..

Mayfield C. Sumpter, Jas. E. Bane, J. Will White, W. T. McChristy. Craft, 287 Chas. H. Smith, H. R. McRoberts, James B. Weldon, John B. Weldon, John H. Wood. Williamstown. 370 Grover C. Smith. Lewistown, 494 Ewing P. Burnett, Harry D. Barkelew, Henry C. Ewalt. Ewing, 577 James 1. Leach, Cyress Leach, Robert Ewalt. Hannibal, 188 James R. Marvin, Harry H. McConnell, Arthur E. Minor, Clarence C. Schaffer, Harry C. Smith. Lick Creek, 302 George North Judy, Wallace Warren Bailey, W. G. Mish, Harry Dallas Carter, John Herron. New London, 307...... Charles Woollen. SIXTEENTH DISTRICT

Phoenix, 136 Frankford, 192

J. W. McClelland, Alexander K. Wilson, Thos. H. Wilcoxen, J. L. Wise. Joshua Fikuart. SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT

Paris Union, 19.......... J. W. Warren, J. F. Smith, J. J. Browning, W. B. Davis, Lee Ball, Frank P. Jackson, B. E. Cowherd, R. M. McGee, T. J. McAdams, Eugene Moore, Arthur Alverson. EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT.

Huntsville, 30

William H. Griffith, W. Dysart Million, John C. Milam, John R. Heether, Loyd Frazier. Clifton Hill, 161........ R. D. Gwinn. W. A. Ficklin, John M. McCorkle, W. L. Mason, Geo. L. Johnson, E. L. Terry. Moberly, 344 T. A. Baker, C. E. Burns, W. F. Bolinger, R. C. Bradley, G. H. Brodt, C. W. Carey, C. R. Chamberlain, J. H. Cleeton, Ira B. Davenport, Woodson Davis, Vince R. Davis, H. L. Ellerbush. N. C. Fee, A. S. Freelin, G. E. Gaines, M. R. Halsey, A. W. Hinton, J. G. Lannon, M. R. Leach, Lee R. Lockridge, J. W. Mikel, J. W. Morrison, W. M. Rubey, B. F. Seymour, C. L. Taylor, W. C'. Thompson, J. E. Wirt, E. N. Wood.

1931 Name and Number of Lodge

Jacksonville, 541.. Clark, 610

Appendix-S. N. P. D.


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.

F. A. Neal, Harry G. Walker. Wm. M. Mathis, Geo. T. Carr, Geo. F. Settle, Ernest Cottingham, Reuben W. Davis, Smith Edwards, Robert Lee King, Earl Littrell, Oscar L. Morton, Walter Robinson, Ralph S. Dodd, Robert Gardner, William H. Embree, Kelley McCune. NINETEENTH DISTRICT

Warren, 74 Salisbury, 208

Cunningham, 525 Mendon, 628..:

L. S. Brewer, F. M. White, W. A. Taylor. W. Frank Bruner, Elmer N. Clanton, Felix Clearman, W. Arthur Colley, Ossie A. Eagan, Arthur H.Eddins, Edw. L. Eichhorn, Wm~ E. Gallemore, Clarence W. Glassen, Wm. S. Green, Wm. J. Harlan, Guy R. Lee, Chas. D. Munsell, Wallace Y. McAdams, John D. Powell, Henry L. Steinbach, Gen. B. Smith, Elmer H. Straub. Floyd W. Tate, Grover C. Taylor, Ray Windsor, Chas. S. Wybert. Earl A. Robinson. Arthur Pennington. TWENTIETH DISTRICT

DeWitt, 39 Wakanda, 52 Hale City, 216 Carroll, 249 Bosworth, 597 Hardin, 322

Waverly, &l.

Chauncy C. Richards. George W. Branch, Walter J. Searle, Robert L. Stout, James F. Trotter. James E. Stinson, Oscar Todd, George Ramsey, Thomas Zell. George N. Cies, Carl L. Roberts, Sam W. Thompson. Byron Townsend, John Vincent, J. Obed Eaton, W. T. Small. Geo. L. Alcorn, T. A. Buchanan, Lewis Booth, Chas. F. Cunningham, Emmett George, W. C. Kimbrough, Alvah Mansur, Sterling B. Wood, John Wood, Harry Seward, Ralph V. Seward, Ira C. Gibson, Price DeMint, William DeMint. H. T. Kimbrough, Sam Pennington, Marvin Summers, Wm. E. Gant, S. C. Clark, R. L. Crowe, G. R. Timbrook, R. A. Brown, E. S. King. Theo. H. Tussey, John Thompson. TWENTY-FIRST DISTRICT

Rising Sun, 13 Weston, 53

Lee G. Thorp, Roy E.Dudley. Harry Colman, Benjamin J. Cooper, Egbert M. Hardesty, J. E. Hughes, John E. D. Gabbert, Mathrew C. Ferrell, Sr., George E. Root, Walter L. Montgomery, George Weigman, Jr., Ray C. Winburn. Camden Point, 169.... Richard H. Bywaters, Egbert R. Hull, Jas. N. Willis, Robt. Lee Wilson, Curtis E. Grace.

Appendix-S. N. P. D.

182 Name and Number of Lodge


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.


Heroine, 104

R. P. Miller, Philip Hoffman, Ben Arenson,

Arthur W. Lackey, Ben Leven, Morris Kivovitch, Harry O. Lane, Morris Bergman, Sol Bortnick, Joseph Goldberg, Jacob Goldberg, Barnett Goldstein, Samuel Goldberg, Joseph Kantor, Charles Levine, Lawrence V. Lindell, Winford L. Mead, Walter F. Millichip, Irving Stacks, Max Hirschorn, Walter James, Louis Czachow, Abe Danciger, Joseph Danciger, Jacob Danciger, Vincent Farina, Sam Saffran, Jos. R. Shannon, Samuel Sher, Saul Pruzan, D. W. Rawlings, O. W. Rowe, Adolph Wolgang, Julius N. Wimberly, Geo. O. Bumcrots, Felix Cannatella, Arthur Cohen, Harry Copelman, Olin I. Carl. Albert Pike, 219 Charles A. Barker, George I. Bartlett, Robert S. Beard, Robert A. Bergner, Isaac M. Da路 vis, Henry H. Fox, Homer G. Glasgow, Albert E. Huff, Leonard H. Johns, Walter H. Marshall, Robe;rt P. Michaelsen, John S. Mileham, Anthony R. McClanahan, Philip Nathans, Samuel W. Ramsey, Lloyd E. Seiberling, Claude W. Sheppard, Edward R. Spiegel, Wm. B: Sutton. Kansas City, 220...... Chris J. S. Aus, Israel Berlau,. Herman G.Bernat, Robert R. Bernstein, Herold C. Campbell, Max Cohen, Joe T. Doyle, Louis G. Galamba, Meyer Goldberg, Milton H. Gilbert, Manuel Greenbaum, Granville E. Gresham, Charles H. Hisle, James D. Holladay, Harry Liebling, Halliwell H. H. Lynch, Harvey B. Parsons, Orville G.' Pebley, Phil M. Ragan, Harry Rubin, Jacob M. Rudnick, Chas. S. Sebastian, Edward J. Shea. Jesse L. Sherwin, Wm. W. Stephens, Elmer L. Van Tine, Harold C. Whitney. Temple, 299 James H. Anderson, Louis T. Ashton, Wallace Colt Bagley, Maurice W. Baldwin, Harold D. Barrett, Wm. E. Beckwith, James G. Bissell, Howard C. Brown, Wm. S. Buck, Jr., Henry S. Campbell, John S. Cannon, Samuel E. Carter, Edward J. Cleary, Ellis C. Cook, Charles P. Crawford, Craig J. Cundiff, Whitman Dart, Geo. A. Davidson, Nolan W. Dorrance, Wm. J. Ehrke, Wm. A. Elias, Samuel P. Ellison, Charles P. Feebusch, Wayne A. Fogel, Leonard S. Foster, Jesse B. Frenkel, Wm. F. Goforth, Clarence Graham, Waller Washington Graves, Jr.. Roy A. Guettler, Nicholas C. Hall, Forest Walker Hanna, Porter D. Hansen, George Warren Harding, Willis M. Hawkins, Frank E. Hermon, Walter W. Hesler, Frank H. Holloway. Vernon Lee Holmes. Wm. Edw. Hopkins,

1931 Name and Number of Lodge

Appendix-S: N. P. D.


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.

Temple, 299

Harvey H. Hord, Harry W. Hord, Wm. L. Hutchison. Garnett January, Wm. C. Junkins, Thad G. Landon, Delbert B. Lasher, J. Frank Lindsay, Clarence W. Luchsinger, Ralph E. McKlevy, Richard McMenamin, Wm. A. Mahoney, Warren E. Maxey, John P. Merritt, Harry D. Mosby, Hanson E. Moser, Robert B. Murphy, Ray E. Nixon, Geo. Morgan Norman, Abel F. Norton, John Geo. Pickett, Jr., Harry S. Roll, Irwin E. Ruhl, Geo. D. Scearce, Miles A. Shadley, Ralph W. Sharp, John S. Shearer, Harry J. Sheldon, Louis D. Simpson, Charles C. Slaughter, Clifton B. Sloan, Dearcy A. Smith, Fred C. Smith, Samuel H. Snavely, Gail B. Sprink, Alexander Stewart, Jos. H. Story, Sr., Louis C. Stuart, Albert H. Telgemeier, Philip M. Terry, Dallas M. Tourtellot, Carl W. Weber, Otto H. Wederman, Bert W. Welch, Ralph W. Wells, Rollo R. Wells, Edgar C. Welsh, . Giles E. Whitaker, Paul D. White, Westel T. White. Marius E. Wilcox, Wm. E. Wilcoxen, Harry W. Hord, Wm. L. Hutchison, James H. Anderson.

Rural; 316

Elmer J. Allen, Harry W. Allen, Wm. S. Austin, Frederick Wm. Baer, August K. Berndt, Wm. O. Berndt, Paul H. Bethman, Max M. Block, Eric M. Bottom, Lloyd W .. Briggs, Leslie J. Brookings, Thos. E. Carter, Samuel D. Christie, Chas. E. Collins, James I. B. Conway, Samuel H. Conway, Philip J. ::Dar~ ling, Donald J. Dousman, Harry W. Dugay, Robt. J. England, Arthur U. Eslick, Roland R. Evans, Henry H. Frie, Monty E. Gibson, Jos. H. Harris, .Jr., George E. Hibler, F. E. Hildebrand, Leon C. Hunt, French E. Johnson, Cloyse J. Jones, Hyman Junsberg, Eu. gene A. Kiger, Louis A. Laughlin, Ernest E. Laws, Argo L. Linck,路 John W. Lingefelter, Earl McDowell路 Mann, Wm..C. Mann, Ames Martin, Ernest E. Martin, Carl Muehlebach. Jack McEwen, Alexander N. Murphy, Homer A. Meade, Floyd L. Miller, Simon A. Miller, Chas. A. Mohrle, Jose G. Mondejar. Wm.P. Morse, Emil A. Nielson, Samuel Pappas, Chas. H. Pierson, Harry C. Porter, James W. Rawlings, Edw. G. Roxbury, Philiu Rozelle. Jos. R. Rubenstein, Arthur S. Schmidt, Howard G. Schuler, Isador Schuman, Lewis H. Scurlock, Geo. M. Siefe, Homer T. Simmons, Edw. G. Smith, Wm. Stevens, Clarence L. Summers, Geo. E. Sweeten, Frank L. Thompson, James A. Thompson, Ernest路F. Tibbling, Elan R. Warren, Harry H. Webb, Carl P. Wiand, Edwin T. Wilkins.

184 Name and Number of Lodge

Westport, 340

Ivanhoe, 446

Gate City, 522

Appendix-S. N. P. D.


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.

Theodore C. Alford, Dallas E. Anderson, MahIon D. Arbuckle, Henry H. Beebe, Karl W. Booy, Jr., Green W. Broadhurst, Myron D. Brooks, Wm. D. Carroll, Robt. B. Collins, Carl T. Enquist, Clyde G. Evans, Wm. E. Evans, John L. Farris, Louis Feld, J. Calvin Filholm, Harry Friedberg, William S. Graham, Otto J. Hanning, Thos. O. Hopkins, Charles F. James, Guy W. Johnson, Geo. B. Johnston, Carl R. Jones, Arthur W. Klein, WencH L. Kvasnicka, Henry N. LaMar, Albert A. Lamb, Robert Latham, Ernest W. Lawyer, Earl C. Littlefield, Warren E. Long, Thos. A. J. Mastin, Joseph T. Meredith, Wm. D. Miller, David W. Morris, John L. Orear, Elmer F. Parker, Elroy R. Parker, Charles M. Phillips, Harold M. Pickett, Harvey Reck, James A. Reeds, Homer E. Reeves, James H. Richardson, Frank H. Ruede, Frederick A. Schenck, Fred W. Seager, Kyle G. Shores, George F. Smith, Wade A. Stokes, Vahan Tabibian, Roy E. Tanner, Roy C. Tappan, James .c. Thebaut, Eugene C. Thompson, Wesley Thorpe, Robt. T. Van Horn, Floyd C. Wahlenmaier, Samuel J. Walker, L. Allen Wallace, Chas. E. Ward, Jos. H. Wehner, George A. Welles, Chas. M. Whelan, Ernest D. Wilson, Milton B. Winegar, Walter G. Winegar, August W. Zander. Frank J. Barlow, Maxwell Bernard Corman; Robt. John Cowan, Wm. T. Cox, Wm. Jesse Funk, James Jefferson Hancock, Thos. Jos. Hart, John Ricketts Hughes, John Wm. Lawson, Edgar A. Lowry, John Paul Maginity, Claud B. Mitchell, Wm. Franklin Orr, Sidney A. Reardin, Wm. J. Richardson, Edwin Musgrove Sargent, Edw. M. Smith, Fred Henry Uehling, John Marshall Weir. Clarence E. Anderson, Ray E. Barnett, Harvey Bates, James H. Beddow, Raymond F. Bengert, Roscoe D. Bowman, Arthur G. Brown, Richard H. Brown, John H. Caton, Frank Clampitt, James R. Cleveland, David B. Cohn, Robert T. Coie, Charles D. Dailey, Joseph N. Dale, Donald D. Devol, Leon A. Dew, Walter E. Dorsey, Leslie E. Eldridge, Bert L. Elmer, Herbert S. Ferguson, Quincy W. Flint, Ralph Foote, Hugh Ford, Clyde r.... Foster, Nathan Fredman, John H. Gentry, George H. Glass, Robert F. Gornall, Elmer A. Gress, Duane T. Hauser, Wilson C. Hervey, Joseph J. Hofacre, Theo. C. Hoffman, Hugh L. Holder, Norman Hughes, Herman Hurst, William Huttig, Jr., Thos. S. Irish,

1931 Name and Number of Lodge

Gate City, 522

0rient, 546

South Gate, 547

Appendix-S. N. P. D.


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.

Paul C. Irwin, Jack H. Jewell, Fred W. Joers; Marshall A. Junior, James P. Kelley, Jesse A. King, Stephen H. Langmaid, Jas. B. Line, Samuel F. Maiden, Perlee M. Mathers, Max J. Meyer, Martin B. Nicholson, John G. Parker, Ralph A. Parsons, Frederick A. Peters, Chas. A. Pierson, Harvey C. Potter, Glenn B. Pratt, John Dee Quillen, George Rally, John R. Rawson, Roy B. Reed, William D. Reed, Jr., Roy O. Rinehart, Alonzo L. Ripley, Charles C. Ros拢man, George H. Schafer, Morton P. Schoettlin, Floyd B. B. Sims, Oscar W. Slayback, Ernest G. Smedley, William Spiropulos, Orville R. Stanley, Claude E. Stephens, George E. Steventon, Ray A. Stewart, Wilbur B. Tungett, Herman Vander Dussen, George C. Versaw, Carl G. Wagner, Harris S. Walden, Fred M. Webber, AndrewC. Weir, Orentas C. WeI felt, Francois J. Whiteley, Rae L. Willis. Earl R. Wininger, Wm. E. Wolff. Fred Morris Becker, James Orville Bunyard, Harry Collins, Thos. Andrew Currier, Cline Herndon Dragoo, Wm. Mowett Hannay, Carl Emil Hildebrandt, Edwin C. Luthy, Richard Roscoe Miller, Robt. Alexander Nelson, Leslie Maurice Pico, Henry E. Rich, Yewell F. Tungett, Dennis F. Waters, Fred White, Harold Bock, Arthur Hurlbert Clark, Carl Jos. Coons,Chas. Edwin Dorsch, Don Kay Hammer, Lawrence C. Harris, John Clement Landers. Gerald Edwin Massey, Wm. Earl Nash, Clarence Chas. Peacock, David Wesley Proctor, Claude Michael Samuels, Don Sheldon Varnum, Webster Wenie, Wm. Frank Yowell. Hilmer Atwell, Gary E. Baltis, Edwin C. Benedict, Frank L. Bennett. Clyde L. Bowman, Milford T. Brandberg, James W. Burkhardt, Sylvester R. Connor, Richard 路C. Corsaut, Gorton M. Cooper, Albert F. Crist, Oscar O. Demarais, Floyd L. Doan, George L. Fields, Berrien H. Findlay, Floyd N. Gibson, Louis A. House, Roy D. Johnson, Ray E. Jones, Frank Kretchmer, David Laidor, Roland E. Lightcap, Sidney Loeb, Harry B. Marquis, Justin L. Mooney, Mark G. Morse, Orville D. Morse, Samuel McCaughey, Allen D. Rebo, Ralph Reed, John C. Ransted, James D. Rhea, Wm. C. Rice, Wm. G. Riggs, Francis D. Ross, Ramer Sanneman, Clint L. Schley, Gus A. Seiglar, John W. Shanks, Claude A. Sharp, Wm. C. Stratton, Jos. A.Sickels, Robin R. Tenney, Anson Thacker, Henry J. Thompson, Manly A. Webb, Marcel C. Weill, Wm. H. Wier, Walter ,L. Whitney.

186 Name and Number . of Lodge

York, 563

Appendix-S. N. P. D.


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.

Jess M. Buzard, Chas. L. Calahan, Richard W. Cannon, John R. Charles, Arthur D. Clossen, John Cossairt, John A. Costelow, Erschell Cecil Davis,Robt. W. Elston, Raymond Paulis Field, Elmore L. Goodloe, Alfred O. Grombach, Wilbur F. HaIl, AlIen L. Hearst, Blaine Holcomb, John L. Knorpp, J. O'Neil Kuincy, A. H. Lau, Bernard B. Mark, Claude S. Moore, Chas. H. Mitchell, Archibald Morrison, Arlie D. Nichols, Chas. Wm. Oldham, P. Emery Pease, 'Frank Perdue, Harbert J. Powell, Roy Samuel Ritchie, Bernard N. Rule, Troy AlIen Ryan, Leo M. Schneideman, Clifton D. Simmons, Carlin P. Smith, Lester Carl Smith, John Stocker Stone, Cecil W. Sydensticker, James Richard Taylor, Frank J. Thomson, Albert S. Watson, William Walter Williams, Herbert Engle Wilson. Swope Park, 617...... 1. I. Angell, J. B. Bickers, Fred Deardorff. E. T. Hugoboom, Lloyd W. Lafever, Richard C. Maunder, Elbert M. Minor, Burton W. Moler, Joseph W. Patton, Jay Ruble, Malcom B. Seton, D. A. Applegarth, Sr., H. R. Carson, Rupert W. HilI, Boone Ingles, Fred Letzig, Sr.. Walter G. Metz, Grant T. Moffatt, W. Herbert Myers, Robt. E. Penfold, Lewis E. Rhoades, G. M. Sullivan. Sheffield, 625 :.Ed Allison, Elmer W. Argo. Chas. G. Arnold, Marion Biehe, James Billings, Julius Blickham, Willard Brammer, Minter D. Brooks, Frank L. Bross, Carrie H. Brown, Nathanel C. Canon, William L. Chaney, Linzie V. Cleeton, Norman L. Colburn, William A. Collins, Thos. H. Condon, Clarence V. Cross, John A. Dawson, Samuel J. Davis, Grant S. Denton, Geo. C. Doane, Arthur W. Dye, Harvey D. Edwards, Ralph D. Ellard, Frank Fields, Jas. R. Figgins, Walter B. Franklin, John C. Gieger, Leonard C. Griffith, Walter A. Henry, Edwin C. Hinkley, Geo. H. Hoetzel, James Holt, James E. John, Russell C. John, John H. Johnson, Dwight F. Kelso, John A. Knight, Floyd A. Lute, James T. McClellan, Joseph M. McGuire, James C. McKaughlan, John W. Mayden, Edwin B. Minter, Joseph R. Moore, Ray E. Morris, William Murphy, Frank B. Neaves, Guy L. Nixon, Anmil C. Noe, Harvey O'Brien, Emnil Paulson, Tommy W. Pewett, Cecil A. Puckett, Noah L. Roberts, Charles N. Rogers, Harry C. Ross, George M. Schwartz, Lee R. Seese, Albert J. Sherman, Lloyd J. Seibert, Leroy N. Simon, Clarence Smith, Dabney H. Sneed, John T. Steffens, John R. Stillwell, Dennis

1931 Name and Number of Lodge

Appendix-S. N. P. D.


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.

Sheffield, 625

H. Swartz, Sidney M. Swope, William Waltermeyer, Rufus T. Wilder, Richard Whiteside, John H. Williams, Raymond L. Williams, James C. Wills.

East Gate, 630

Robert L. Ashbury, Clarence D. Barber, Chas. R. Blackmore, Wm. R. Carswell, Harry E. Chapple, Chas. L. Christie, Floyd A. Christie, Wm. F. Cleveland, John A. Collins, Jr., Cecil 1. Cresswell, Earl M. Crist, Julius S. DeLancy, Chas. M. Dwyer, Ralph E. Evans, Arthur L. Fields, John C. Gillies, John G. Hall, Charles H. Harrison, James A. Hays, li""rank E. Hester, Tell J. Hite, Eugene C. Hunter, Charles E. Hutton, Merlin E. Jacobson, Clifford J. Kerl, John C. King, Wayne W. Kinney, Herman C. Klein, Allen E. Lehmer, Ralph Loback, Earl M. McDonald, Howard E. Masters, Roy L. Mattox, Francis R. Moore, Chas. C. Naschold, Oscar A. Olson, Edw. E. Parnell, Willard O. Pemberton, Offie R. Penick, Judd Pettijohn, Asa A. Powell, Christian O. Richardson, Wm. F. Roberts, Claude E. Schroeder, Jos. H. Skiles, Jos. E. Wood, Eddie Woods, George T. Gleason, Robt. N. Evans.

Northeast, 643

Spencer B. Apple, James L. Calvin, Eugene Carbaugh, Jr., Thos. Esteb, Albert S. Friend, Howard E. Gill, Athol C. Green, Chas. H. Greenlee, Luther A. Harrison, Harry J. Hines, Arthur A. Hitchcock, Blaine Holland, Roy W. Hoover, Teddy T. Hughes, George W. Jewitt, Mark A. Kerst, Roy S. Landes, William C. Leslie, Jesse B. Lyons, Jack McMahon, Karl P. Maurer, Joy Parsley, Ernest G. Peyton, LaurelL. Pierce, Harry E. Rhodes, Charles D. Rinehart, Chas. P. Scully, Herbert M. Shour; Charles S. Sites, William A. Stapleton, Crafford H. Taylor, Farris A. Taylor, LeRoy Thompson, LeRoy Vaught, Himey White, Lee V. Williams, Boyd Woodard, Hans O. Zimmerman.

Country Club, 656..... L. G. G. DeMartelly, F. D. Fawcett, F. W. Guthrie, F. Herbst, S. M. Hitt, W. A. Leimer, H. A. Sterling. Rockhill, 663

Joseph H. Berger, Michel J. Burens, R. L. Jolliff, Harry H. Rose, J. H. Steward, John R. Williams, William Waterman.

Alpha, 659

Joseph H. Bowman, John A. Campbell, Howard Lee Emerson, John Fightmaster, Joseph N. Gittinger, Joseph L. McDowell, Harry R. Sallee, Grover G. Sims, Jacob Thorpe, Edward G. Thrasher, Lloyd O. Watson.

Appendi.x-S. N. P. D.

188 Name and Number of Lodge


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.


Higginsville, 364........ S. S. Bertsch, L. M. Dailey, A. .c. MacKinney, WIn. Koemmel, H. F. Wiegers, Saul Harris, C. H. Gallatin, B F. Grogan, H. Stoll, M. S. Vickers, F. J. Voss. Lafayette, 437 T. Y. Jackson. Concordia, 464 Herman W. Schlapper. Richmond, 57 Wallace W. Wilson, George L. Joy, Charles H. Allison, Ben E. Byers, Stone L. Wall, Vernon Bates, David E. Izett. Bee Hive, 393 Palmer Blackwell, Floyd M. McCollough, W. W. Parsons, Chas. R. Stockard, Wm. E. Widmer. TWENTY-FOURTH DISTRICT

Trilumina, 205

Barbee, 217 Malta, 402

Wayland Burroughs, Ralph Bolton, W. J. Herndon, R. A. Hutchens, Fred Leyhe, Phil Ott, Geo. Schmidtt, Roland Snuffer, Don Van Winkle, William A. Vawter, R. C. Winslow. Harry L. Elsner: Douglas F. Smith. Buford D. Allen, John H. Alexander, F. W. Baker, H. W. Baker, Harry R. Fulton, Chas. A. Jones, Leon M. Jacobs, Forest Mitchner, Lorne D. Van Stone, Leon M. Jacobs. TWENTY路FIFTH DISTRICT

Cooper, 36

George Glen Cowell, George M. Danforth, Acy B. Eades, Albert M. Hall. Lafayette Johnson, Wilbur T. Johnson, Elsie B. Lancaster, Charles F. Osterloh, James C. Rothwell. John M. Graham. Pleasant Grove, 142.. R. E. Hutchison, Wm. Sitters, Geo. F. Rudy, Frank Simmons, Franklin V. Richards, Solon L. Hurt. Prairie Home, 503 Andrew S. Mills, Paul R. Eager. Fayette, 47 0. B. Reigal, William A. Buckner, John W. Rader, Jesse F. Rose, Loren T. Brockman, J. William Mobley, John E. Bridges, Cecil M. Crigler, Thurman W. Payne, Harry G. Dale. Livingston, 51............ Rolf R. Noll. TWENTY-SIXTH DISTRICT

Centralia, 59 Rocheport, 67 Twilight, 114

W. G. Chappell, R. C. Jones, A. Sander, L. C. Schooler, C. W. Settle, A. C. 'Stormont, F. P. Wade. Henry R. Harris. Frank E. Blaser, Fred Brown, Ben B. Putter, J. C. Collins, Glenn C. Collins, J. M. Frazier, C. Moss Edwards, Lawrence B. Goldman, Hugh J. Evans,' E. Cleav Hawkins, Chas. O. Koeppen, Harrison R. McAllister, Edward G. Levy, John W. McCune, Chas. Morris, F. Layton Graves, Geo. B. Phillips.

Appendix-S. N. P. D.

1931 Name and Number of Lodge

Twilight, 114

Ashland, 166 Hinton, 455 Acacia, 602


Names of Brethren Suspended. N. P. D.

Harry A. Parr, M. A. Rose, Glen E. Robertson, Chas. A. Robertson, Oliver C. Owen, Y. P. Rothwell, Chester O. Calvert, William Walten, Harry L. Davis, Roland E. Crane, Chas. W. Allen, A. J. Diemer, J. L. Wilson, L. D. Owen, C. G. Fox, Ed. V. Akard. J. W. Dickson, J. W. Whitaker. E. R. Rippeto. Sam West, James M. Phillippe. C. C. Bateman, Fred J. Coyne, A. W. Klemme, Joe D. Paxton. F. M. Sapp, Nelson H. Trimble, Arthur D. Bond, J. E. Downing, O. F. Meyerseick, E. C. Phillips, Preston Shearer, Vaughn E. Bonham, F.S. Hanna, O. C. McBride, R. L. Richards, D. S. Thornton, Chas. H. Cox, C. F. Johnson, S. T. Packwood, Charles Roster, Vernon L. Tiller. TWENTY路SEVENTH DISTRICT

Central, 81.. Laddonia, 115 Hebron, 354

Vandalia, 491.. Houston, 58()O Fulton, 48 Portland, 242 Shamrock, 585 Mokane, 612

Harry Householder. Virgil W. Parker, F. L. Peery, David R. Williams, Carl Renner. George Blowers, C. C. Covey. C. P. Cauthorn, S. B. Dickerson. Marshall Feddis, Robert L. Gooch, Edward F. Moore, Richard C. Nich~ ols, George Rodhouse, George R. Snook, Jas. D. LeRoy Thomas. 'Thos. D. Cook. 0!iver P. Craghead, William W. Leach, Joe A. Gregory. Lewis S. Beard, J. Hort Clatterbuck, Mitchell, G. Duncan, Morton C. Cunningham, W. M. Ramsey, A. Paul Taylor. Robert Vernon Gilbert, Wm. J. Smith. C. G. Dillard. Lloyd E. Moore. TWENTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT

Wellsville, 194

Montgomery, 246 Florence, 261..

James. R. Appling, R. L. Burchfield, Guy B. Dugan, Earl B. Finley, John H. Holt, William K. Hintz, John H. Nebel, Edward Ogden, Earnest Phears, Jake Schwendker, Thos. K. Shelby, Chas. Walz. Wm. S. Metcalf. Howard Norman Gentry, W. H. Kelsick, Ovid L. Stewart, Mark C. Tate, Edward A. Wilson. TWENTY-NINTH DISTRICT

Troy, 34 New Hope, 199 New Salem, 270 Louisville, 409 Nineveh, 473

Amos Rinaman, Orvil C. Upson, Harry T. Thurman, Douglas H. Walton, Chas. L. Henkey, Jas. S. Cox, W. F. Guinn. Allie D. Suddarth. Don Hewitt. Elgin Cannon. James B. Hellyer.

Appendi.x-S. N. P. D.

190 Name and Number of Lodge


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.


Wentzville, 46 Palestine, 241..

John M. Keithly. Willis Baird. Douglas Howard Baird, Henry George Hill, Claude Gosney Jacobs, Raymond E. Kluesner, Philip Vierling, Luther Parks Johnson. Q. L. Drennen, Albert A. Lind.

Warrenton, 609


Jefferson, 43

Russellville, 90 Hickory Hill, 2'11.. Centertown, 611. Moniteau, 295 Linn, 326

Paul C. Hunt, H. H. Miller, Earl B. Ruthven, C. A. Shelton, James D. Smith. R. L. Smith, C. N. Thompson, Roy H. Wack, A. L. Wallace, James H. Woods, Frank Wymore. 0. H. Fischer, E. B. Hart. Logan Long. Karney Collett, Rudy Walters, I. W. Brown. 0wen Hudson, J. M. Edwards. Brete Bradley. THIRTY-SECOND DISTRICT

Evergreen, 27 Sullivan, 69

Ferdinillld E. Junge, Harry C. Fair. W. Ray Cox, Claud C. Helms, Norman L. Garbush, .John H. Martin, Wm. H. McAdoo, James M. Williams. Percy Cook. George Thomas Frost. William M. Thomas, August Hulmuth Miller, Robt. W. Bowen. Hugh Hackett. Robert Hoff, Thos. A. Williams. C. E. Short, August J. Redage. John H. Tackitt.

Hope, 251.. Fraternal, 363 Columbia, 534 Easter, 575 Union, 593


Missouri, 1.. Beacon, 3


Edward D. Meier. Bert J. Mangan. Walter J. Mueller, Franklyn Wice, Sol Nusholtz, Thomas Rhine, Wallace Beardsley, Theron W. Enright, Harry Hasselbusch, William J. Heinemann, Frank J. Miller, James W. Pearson, George P. Stein. Mt. Moriah, 40 .......... David D. Colquhoun, Geo. Miller Tait, Geo. Wells Mitchell, Wallace B. Noble, Arthur R. Oberle. Frank Edw. Mowry, Chas. M. Hurst, Arthur C. Hagedorn. Pomegranate, 95 Louis L. Burgesson. Charles Sonnemann. Erwin, 121.. 0tto H. C. Bertram, James Varey, Heinrich Ernst Muller. Occidental, 163 John A. Busch, Nestor S. Hebert, Marion R. Leathers, Valentine E. Sheets, William O. Suhre. Pyramid, 180 Fred A. Cross. Chester R. Turley. Keystone, 243 Harry F. Grelle, Roy H. Neun. Aurora, 267 Everett Hook, Chas. D. Tamme, Geo. Cochnower, Aug. Zurcher. Paul Revere, 330...... Earl P. Crandall, Ernest F. Jaech, William O. Howk, Edward J. G. Berg.


Appendix-:...S. N. P. D.

Name and Number of Lodge


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.

Itaska, 420

Sidney B. Cole, Harry J. E. Foerster, Wm. McCrea, Otto Tomek. Euclid, 505 Richard McKinney, Frank Herbst, Howard Seals, Andrew Wieland, John Yeager, Arthur Boeckmann, Charles Robert Henshaw, Milton C. Robinson, Edward C. Koch, Harry Beckoff, Wesley Miles, Hanry Klein. Clifton Heights, 520..Irving H. Haffner, Joseph B. Felkel. Olive Branch, 576 ..... Rodney A. Bell, Samuel Bricker, Robert C. Dunn. John F. Kellen, William O. Moss. Magnolia, 626 Walter E. Aufderheide, Cline B. Finnell, Waldo W. Forsman, John J. Reichert, Orla O. Couch, Conrad .J. Dammann. Triangle, 638 P. Marquis Brown, Raymond E. Burnside, Joseph J. Cytron, Wilds S. DuBose, Arthur E. Dutton, Ivan E. Freese, Sam Gardner, E. George Hartmann, Mark A. Renick, Hilbert G. Schoeninger, George W. Schumacher, Grant U. Squires, Conrad B. Werner, Walter A. Wood. Trinity, 641.. Jake S. Branning, Max J. Kopman, George A. Evans, Jacob Goldman, Samuel Hoffman, Saul L. Kopman, Jacob M. Krupen, Harry E. Merrill, Carmen A. Newcomb, Joseph Newportstok, Charles Shaplin, Louis C. Zeelinger. Commonwealth,654..Henry Heins, Milton G. Crume. James Norris, Arthur M. Barker, Albert Hendry, Robert B. Price. Th. Roosevelt, 661.. .. Edwin R. Hill, George D. Marr, George W. Van Dyke, Julian P. Van Dyke, William C. Kersten. THIRTY-THIRD DISTRICT-B

Meridian, 2

Donald L. Cathels, Frederick E. Dilg, Benjamin Finkelstein, EdwinW. Harmacek, William J. Heger, Otto F. Herget, Jr., James G. North, George N. Vail. Geo. Washington, 9.. Henry Bartelsmeier, Frank A. Dodge, Milton H. Fritschle, Richard L. King, Frank A. Mignerone, Christopher L. -'Norden, James W. Spencer, Faye G. Prather, Sherwood E. Bullock, Clarence B. Folluo, Arnold H. Grote, Robert M. Maxwell. Frank G. Milkey, John S. Osiel, Harry R. Thayer. St. Louis, 20 Harry M. Berger, Henry Block, Abraham D. Friedman,路 Samson D. Frohlichstein, Melvin Goldman, Robert F. Hagnauer, Herman Reuben Harris, Nathan Levy, Ben G. Lipton, Morris Loewenstein, S. Powell Meyer, Irvin D. Routman, A. S. Harris, JOB. R. Oxenhandler. Naphtali, 25 Harry Johnson, Clarence M. Westerman, Simon G. Nipper, Joseph J. Jacobson, James J. Long, Stephen Stathis.

192 Name and Number of Lodge

Polar Star, 79

Appendix-S. N. P. D.


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.

James I. Epstein, Jr., John S. Wood, Roy G. Trafton, Frank B. King, Carl Ausbeck, William H. Challis, Jr., Gustav A. Engel, William S. Hall, Oliver A. Haupt, Abraham W. Katz, William J. Kenrick, Wallace O. Kirkendall, Louis J. Schad, Nate S. Susman. John S. Tinnea, Louis Underhill, Earl Welton, Robert W. Wesenberg. Pride of West, 179.. John Anderson, Lee R. Kniffen, Marcus H. McGahey, Robert A. Seals, John W. Besse, Isaac Gardner, .las. H. Hornstein, Harrold M. Van Horn. Good Hope, 218 Oscar C. Friede, Bernardt Juergens, Paul Mills, William Claude Wintz. Cosmos, 282 Ralph E. Brown, Gustav Cohn, Isadore Pergament, Christian A. Roehrig, Lester Teiser, Julius A. Razovsky, Louis B. Harris, Calvin W. Hill, William Kurtzman, David F. Reis, Theodore I. Singer, Charles L. Strauss. Cornerstone, 323 ...... Marcus Baumoel, Hays W. Blackman, Ben H. Bothmann, Samuel S. Friedman, Harold H. Hermann, Leo S. Kalter, Geo. H. Lindsey, Gilbert R. Loewenstein, William C. Mashmeyer, William C. Stack. Cache, 416 Horace W. Davis, Herbert H. Keller, William J. Bryant. Anchor, 443 WilliamE. Barton, Louis R. Brock. West Gate, 445 Charles Lorain Cleveland, Marcus Therian Donahue. Zina James Surine, Edmund Willard Wells. Lambskin, 460 Thos. F. Lynch, Arthur A. Williams, Ben Kolodney, Norman B. Rathert, Edwin R. Babcock. Harmony, 499 John Fiedler, E. F. Brinkman, Fred E. Meise, Alex. H. Fihn, Herman Reucking, Walter L. Wolf. Apollo, 529 Joseph R. Heckel, Gilbert L. Huff, Benjamin H. Cox, Ralph William Cushman, Charles J. Edelmann, Earl J. Mattson, Earl J. Meyer, Guy Peverly, Lee C. Phalen, Whiteside G. Tannehill. Algabil, 544 Malcolm L. Wagstaff. Forest Park, 578 William E. Hargate, Lemuel E. Hawsey, Festus N. Moore. Tower Grove, 631.. .... Joseph A. Clacker, Joe Cohn, Harry Craven, Horace E. Fritschle, James Gibbs, James Griffiths, Harry Lebeson, Gustaf Ljunglof, .John G. Vogt.Edward Weigel, Fred S. Zollo Mizpah, 639 Clarence W. Adams, J. Arthur Davis, Harry C. Steinmeyer, August F. Walz. Benj. Franklin, 642 .. Irvin S. Protzel, Charles F. Richards, Sam Werber, Alfred H. Yesley, James R. Carter, Herman Mayer, Mike Gillman, Joseph P. Oleon, David Rothberg.

Appendix-S. N. P. D.

1931 Name and Number of Lodg-e

Pilgrim, 652 Progress, 657


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.

Earl R. Schneider, Wm C. Swartout, James C. Wiley. Eli Bunting, Jr. THIRTY-FOURTH DISTRICT

Index, 54 Cass, 147

:.Ira M. Withers. Ethelbert Barrett, Everitt F. Harvey, Abia Morris Sharp. Grand River, 276 ...... Gideon A. Boger, Thomas C. Bundy, Charles E. Bybee, Joseph W. Davis, GusF. Dunsing, Elzie P. Hunter, Charles C. Marrs, Wayne E. Newton, Samuel C. Reed, Harry W. Williams. Wadesburg, 348 ........ Chester A. Crawford, B. O. Byers, James W. Butcher, John W. McCoy. Belton, 450 Edw. R. Beawner, J. P. L. Jones, T. Aubrey Anderson. Raymore, 451.. Lyndon Z. Smith. Coldwater, 485 W. C. Berry, F. E. DeForest, J. T. Groves, W. S. Park, Herbert Ramer. Peculiar, 530 C. M. Burney, T. E. Moore, Jas. W. Welhorn, John B. Bishop. " Cleveland, 651.. Jesse A. Meador. TH I RTY-FI FTH DISTRICT

Hume, 130

Ralph T. Hancock, R. N. Jones, Ralph H. Preston. Amsterdam, 14l........ Jean Monroe, F. E. Pattee, F. L. Tucker, C. E. Crumly. Homer J. Thomas. Butler, 254 George W. Bush, Joseph C. Deaton, Roderick D. Harper, Charles A. Lusk, Jr., Alfred N. Newlon, Andrew B. Owen, Presley B. Price, Clair C. Rhodes, John S. Walker. Rockville, 341.. Chas. L. Domer, R. H. Dunham, G. E. Griggs, O. L. Judy, J. E. Jeffries, G. F. Layher, E. H. Payne, D. A. Nolin. "G. N. Yost, O. A. Griffin. J. C. Rinehart, T. R. Allman, H. A. Snively. Crescent Hill, 368 1,. E. Leaver, B. F. Ely. Rich Hill, 479 J. S. Bell, E. E. Brown, A. J. Bowyer, C. B. Dalton, R. W. March, H. H. Hutton, M. F. Gench, E. H. Inman, Ivor Jinkins, David Reese, Wilber E. Thomas, J. M. McCullouch, C. C. Nafus, H. M. Ruble, W. D. Janssens, F. A. Strickland. Foster, 554 Paul V. Laughlin, Clarence B. Click, Ralph Hines, Francis Hines, Hix Mullies. THIRTY-SIXTH DISTRICT

Cole Camp, 595 Shawnee, 653 Holden, 262 Corinthian, 265

G. O. Ellis. John W. Laukemper. William P. Adams, John J. Wharton, Howard R. Danielson. J. W. H. Newkirk, Harry L. Matthews, Loren B.McMahan, Whitfield Thurman Quiett, David T. Surbaugh, Martin Kieth Ream, Richard R. Fallen.

Appendix-S. N. P. D.

194 Name and Number of Lodge

Sedalia, 236


Names of Brethrtn Suspended, N. P. D.

Nelson M. Codding, Allen H. Cox, A. B. Harriman, Glenn A. Hatton, Ernest E. Holtzen, D. Wade Jared, Ben Jenkins, Herman H. Kueck, Wm. A. King, James F. McAninch, Harold C. McLaughlin, John M. May, Kenneth R. Middleton, Ben Parker, Frank W. Redfield, Dean M. Selby, Hopkins B. Shain, Burford P. Yankee, John Stuart Mill. Forest E. Burnett, R. T. Easley, Bernard R. -Gardner, Louis H. Kell, John O. McMurdo, Chas. W. Mowbray, Harvey J. McPherson, Walter Petty, E. Ross Sanford, Clinton B. Walston, Fred W. Buente, Leslie A. Elton, Edgar James, Sterling A. Lipscomb, Wm. L. Monegan, Albert C. Melton,. Wm. V. Per路 ry, Loan W. Richardson" Wm. L. Specht. Frank A. Wilson Edw. L. Zoellig.

Granite, 272


Clear Creek, 418 Windsor, 29

0. Ray Powell. Richard F. Williams, H. C. Rogers, W. Glen Mayfield, W. C. Thompson, E .. R. Miller, Forrest W. Richardson, Dee Matlock, Fred L. Bowen. Montrose, 408 J. A. Erhart, W. B. Johnston, Ray H. Parker, Chas. D. Marsh, W. H. Morris, Wm. Chesham. Clinton, 548 E. B. Cohn, E. C. Rhodes, E. M. Shankland, James O. Steele, J. L. Slagle, Glenn B. Vanderford, Geo. L. West. Blairstown, 557 J. W. RUsh, M. R. Hughes, T. D. Hughes, Rolla A. Swindell. Deepwater, 5&2 Earl R. Howard, Chas. Reece, C. F. Howard, Albert Newbill, Wilson Smith. Appleton City, 412 .... W. F. Abbey, W. W. Garrett. THIRTY路EIGHTH DISTRICT

Mack's Creek, 433 Conway, 528 Waynesville, 375 Richland, 385

Iberia, 410

Lebanon, 77

Earnest Clemmons, Ralph C. Mills. J. A. 'Shields, Custer Marshall, Roy Warner, Frank Warden, Charles McElfish, Otto Phelps. Geo. W. Bartlett, Lewis Fisher. 0scar Traw, Lynn Partlow, Jodie W. Rogers, Samuel S. White, H. S. Gove, Clyde A. Titterington, Virgil M. Evans, Thomas DebeI" ry, Herbert M. Harrison, E. M. Dye, 'Ellis C. Evans, Alpha Deberry. Allen J. Arandall, Fred D. Whitlock, Walter von Gremp, Everett Mace, Bert R. Mace, L. P. Kounz, Emmett Allen, E. T. Bond, Isaac Lawson, S. J. Heltzell. THIRTY路NINTH DISTRICT Wm. P. Darst, Joseph I. Dulany, Preston A.

Gibson, Daniel H. Husband, Chas. Corbett Leezy, James G. Quinley.

1931 Name and Number of Lodge

Appendix-S. N. P. D.


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.

Cuba, 312 Floyd C. Babcock, Thos. E. Licklider. Lane's Prairie, 53L.. Ashley Crum, Wm. E. Cordsmeyer, John C. Spurgeon, Samuel L. Hildabrand, Thos. B. Kinsey, Thos. E. Nanney, Thos. E. Hart. Rolla, 213 Floyd Henry Asher, Ira L ..Brown, Kenneth E. Gray, George F. Heath, James L. Holman, Joseph O. Hunt, Charles S. Daniels, Fred C. McGrath. Samuel W. Melone, Robertus E. Hutcheson, Henry S. McQueen, Francis A. Pool. St. James, 230 Chas. A. Halbach, Auto F. Shinkle, Randolph L. Hall, Arthur Craig. Equality, 497 C. O. Alexander, J. M. Baker, H. C. Dean, E. L. Dillon, Van V. Elting, N. J. Gottschall, John H. Hawkins, N. C. Hudgens, Geo. C. Hughes, T. C. Heuer, Delbert C. Johnson, C. E. Jones, E. A. Kramme, R. D. Kerr, .J. W. Long, H. T. Morgan, W. S. Rinck, H. M. Stoll, Geo. H. Threlfall. Latimer, 145 John S. Shoemate, Marion York, Irvin SIeger, Will. Clouse. FORTIETH DISTRICT

DeSoto, 119 Joachim, 164 Shekinah, 256

Potosi, 131..

John F. Kane. ,Jesse E. Pounds. W. C. Boyce, A. B. Horton, Harvey Reddick, O. A. Smith, "V. W. Tucker, C. E. McFarland. E. E. McCormack, W. E. Butler, Geo. Groom, Homa Siefert, W. C. Gaines. George W. Miller. FORTY-FIRST DISTRICT

Hogle's Creek, 279 Fair Play, 44 Modern, 144 Pleasant, 160 Bolivar, 195

John W. McClelland, Jacob R. Bird. Walter W. Jarmagin. Chas. F. Green, Rollie A. Ferrill, Robert L. Whittenburg, Earl C. Brock, Milo Shenk, James E. Heavener. John M. Alaup, J. C. Underwood, Orie Scroggins, A. A. Thoma:sson. D. Raymond Darby, Fred W. Griffin, Charles B. Hood. Charles E. Mahaffey, Joseph A. Payne, William E. Rice, Virgil A. Smith, Tony C. Smith, William U. Townsend, Rolla U. Terry. FORTY路SECOND DISTRICT

Clintonville, 482 ........ C. A. Bessier, H. R. Esry, T. G. French, B. O. Hunt, S. R. Price, R. M. Ridgeway. Washington, 87.......... W. T. Briscoe, Emerson Crews, W. N. Holeman. Albert A. Hall. George P. Johnson, Cordus Montgomery, O. L. Holman. Everton, 405 M. V. Mynatt, Clyde Burney, D. F. Burlison.


Appendix-S. N. P. D.

Name and Number of Lodge


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.


Osage, 303

Vernon, 493 Unity, 495

Walker, 605 Lamar, 292 Signal, 304..

Golden, 475

Louis A. Boatright, Burnett Goss, Earl R. Howell, Vernon B. Hill, W. W. Hooper, Joe Russell Moss, Ray W. Pottorf, Richard K. Phelps, Jesse W. Randolph, Woody Swearingen, John W. Talbot, Joe A. Wilson, Maurice F. Wood. L. A. Davis, O. G. Bickwell, Geo. R. Butcher, W. E. Farmer, Forest Linn, Geo. D. Thompson. H. N. White. S. S. Gordon, J. W. Johnson, Clark A. Yoakam, Ralph O. Crume. J. W. Shriver, W. H. Nicholson, Charley M. Auer, J. C. Roller, Elmer R. Hunt, William A. Strange. Fay L. Brown, J. B. Kinkade. Gerrie Snip, Oscar Ernest Beyer. Bart V. Crockett, W. A. Sharp, E. E. Rolison, Geo. H. Davis. Clarence Watson. Edward Gathman, R. C. Fletcher, A. LeRoy Davis, E. M. Barber. J. B. Stevenson, A. L. Stevenson, L. W. Montgomery. FORTY路FOURTH DISTRICT

Carthage, 197

Joplin, 335


Jasper, 398 Carterville, Webb City,

James W. Ammerman, Walter E. Bailey, H. C. Brocaw, Ralph L. Crosby. Thos. M. Daugherty, Joseph L. Frerer, E. Glenn Havens, John W. Hildreth, Francis Milo Johnson, Jeff C. Mahan, Geo. W. Miller, Albert W. Munday, Jas. P. Newell, W. L. Neibelsick, James Selsor, James L. Smith, Claude E. Swope. J. W. Wakefield, Clarence A. Wiggins, Roscoe R. Wyiatt, George Pollard. Jack Abrams, Ashley A. Ash, Frank Balding, Clarence E. Barker, Sam R. Casey, Oscar A. Crume. Reginald Dickinson, Charles E. Hardesty, Louis H. Hertz, Frank Holly, Roy Kinslow, Karl F. Kumli, Theodore R. Longworth. Paul A. Marsh, Francis Nicholson, Fred M. Powell, Isaac Rothchild, William R. Shanklin, Harry E. Slevins, Frank A. Sorber, C. D. Templeton, William H. Withrow. 345 Leroy S. Dewey, Andrew J. Elliott, Leo B. Elliott, Clarence N. Gearhart, H. Tom James, Alfred E. McClaren, Willard P. Taylor, Haskell O. Trusty. R. W. Hale. N. H. Patterson, J. L. Garrett, S. W. Garrett. 401.. ........ Joseph C. Benner, Roy W. Elrod, Andrew H. Harrington, James Milne, Charles D. White. 512.......... Robert L. Milton, Charles W. Hilburn, James E. H. Simpson, Arthur C. Hackney, Homer Hess.

1931 Name and Number of Lodge

Appendix-S. N. P. D.


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.

Carl .Junction, 549.... Robt. Leslie Akin, O. L. Alberty, Geo. E. Amos, Melton G. Black, H. R. Chitwood, John T. Johnson, Sullivan R. Landers, Sam T. McBee, Glenn C. Moore, Jesse Oliver, Hayes W. Shields, Roliin R. Shields. J. E. Smith, T. E. Solomon, Prestos K. Trussell, E. B. Wensel. FORTY-FIFTH DISTRICT

United, 5

Arthur W. Allen, Guy R. Mace, Garland E. Bird, Roy A. Mallonee. Gus H. Boehm, Ira I. Miller, Griffith K. Bonham, Amon Mitchell, Charles T. Brotherton, Farris H. Newton. Frank W. Campbell, Leon H. Ragsdale, Raymond C. Cashon, Harold L. Rubenstein, Pinkney V. Collier, John Snarr, Frank G. Cook, William C. Snyder, Charles L. Cowell, Robert D. Cunningham, William L. Starne, Joseph F. Davis, William C. Stoner, Thomas W. Duvall, Earl S. Swindler, Bernard W. Fitzgerald, James C. Tally, WaIter N. George, Clyde P. Wells, James Harper, Samuel L. Hendrickson, James P. Koch, Emil F. Kromer, Erwin F. Leake. O'Sullivan, 7 Harry Lee Carpenter, Homer D. Looney. Ash Grove, lOO Ulysus C. Conway, Joseph W. CoIlins, Chester L. Conway. Elisha G. Conway, Chas. H. Elson, George H. Hadlock, L. C. Kelley, E. G. Loyd. W. P. Maples, Chas. W. McCroskey, Claud M. McKinzie, Thomas F. Prosise, Edward Reich, Homer E. Smith. Logen P. Tuck, Jess H. West, M. P. Elkins, Chas. Kapple. Chas. Yates. Evert W. Banty. . Solomon, 271 James H. Bray, Elwin E. Beekham. Frank P. Clement, Roger C. Coger, Gene G. Dienier, Chas. R. Dillon, James C. Graves, Albert C. Hayward, Harry Heinz, Jacob M. Huowitz, Alpha Ingle, Rain B. Julian, W. Cecil Johnson, Leon E. Kahn. Fayette A. Leane, E. E. Lorrinier, Otho R. McAtee, A. W. MacElvanny, Carl G. Mark, Robt. A. Murphy, Gus G. Morrow, Ward Morgan, Frank I... N erurl, Price C. Nixon, Wm. H. Pelkington, Wm. F. Patterson, Chas. W. Ross, Geo. P. Ryan. Eli A. Reid, Caswell L. M. Stinnett, Cecil E. SUmmons, Royal O. Salsmon, S. Irma Smith, Coulter V. Welholter, Peter S. Winans, Maurice R. Williams. Ozark, 297 George Treon, J. H. Purington, Glen Wingo, J. M. Wingo, N. J. Highfill, Vernie Icenhower, Omar Buchheit, C. F. McCroskey. Gate of Temple, 422 ... Edw. B. Baker, Walter Lee Brown, Wm. O. Burrows, Nels Benson, Chas. R. Barto, John F. Boegel, Homer S. Chism, Chas. J. Copley, Clifford L. Carter, Ed H. DeClew, Thos. E. Daugherty, Preston H. Daugherty, Edmund

198 Name and Number of Lodge

Appendix-S. N. P. D.


Names of Br,ethren Suspended, N. P. D.

Gate of Temple, 422... C. Forsburg, Wm. W. Fowler, Chas. H. Gustafson, Earl E. Genung, Robt. H. Hight, Ernest C. Hamlin. Willard W. Hamlin, Earl S. Hoyt, Roy E. Herrick, W. A. Irvin, Earl J. Inman. Oscar K. Jolley, Umfrey Johnson, James E. King, Wm. U. Light, Wm. F. Lawson, G. Raymond Laverty, Wm. J. Manes, Ernest A. Noblett, Chas. H. Nelms, Oral L. Peck. Herman E. Rose, Clinton L. Reed, Harry E. Strong-, Artie L. Stoops, Elmer L. Stolp, Roy A. Sullens. Virgil B. Smith, John E. Shields, Edw. R. Sanderson, R. L. Vansant. Virgil T. Wilks, John C. Watts, John P. Walters. Bois D'Arc, 449 J. Gordon Bennett, B. H. Frame, T. P. Frye, M. A. Mount. Republic, 570 0ren O. Adams. Edw. L. Beal, Ernest H. Cantrell, James P. Howell, Wm. A. Hillard, Harry J. Hillard, Charles L. Loyd, Wm. W. Levitt. Leroy R. Lamb, Wm. Leslie Massey, Fred W. O'Bryant, Buid Odell, Sherman Robertson, James E. Westrich, Howard Yount. Willard, 620 Roy R. Fallen. G. D. Marshall, C. M. Tooker, W. C. Garrett. Webster, 98 W. L. Anderson, William B. Foster, A. J. Brooks. Doric, 300 M. P. Atteberry, R. B. Dugan, James Hembree, F. A. Coward. Charley Cofer. D. B. Davidson, Geo. H. Parker, C. B. Marlin. Hazelwood, 459 Robert N. Daniel. Henderson, 477 W. W. Sherty. J. C. Petitt. W. T. Feltan, Winford Todd. L. L. Wilkerson. FORTY路SIXTH DISTRICT

Pilot Knob, 182.......... John W. Freeman, George Freeman, Edd M. Loring. C. W. Rogers, James R. Graham, Geo. W. McMurtrey. Mt. Ararat, 382 Doan A. Smith. Texas, 177 T. C. Smith. J. R. Howard, Chas. E. Fry, Lance . Miles. W. T. Bridges, E. M. Minor. Summersville, 555.... J. C. Bramlet, Herman Stringfield, S. J. Watson. Mtn. Grove, 158........ William A. Lynch, Harry H. Brown, Edw. H. Rhoads, John F. Crisp, Clovis Freeman, Duane A. Dennis. W. C. Ellis, Floyd B. Ricketts. C. M. Williams. Evan W. Chase. Mansfield, 543 John A. Gross, Foster A. Rippee, James D. Reynolds. Clarence W. Banks, Hugh Williams, Phil Erb, J. E. Stout, Cecil V. Hilsabeck, Ellison C. Gaines, Homer Tarbutton. FORTY路SEVENTH DISTRICT

Van Buren, 509

Jo11n Goodridge, John M. Haynes, Marion V. Shelton, Wm. J. Snider, James D. Sartin, Johnson M. Sweazea, Carl P. Turly, Virgil Vincent, E. J. Watt, Joseph R. Davidson.

1931 Name and Number of Lodge

Grandin, 579 Hopewell, 239 Bunker, 275 Barnesville, 353 Delphian, 137 Winona, 430 Eminence, 607

Appendix-S. N. P. D.


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.

Edward G. Ezell, George Campbell, Charles' Ferrill. A. G. Bell, J. M. Baugh, John Goff, John G. Goff, F. M. Crocker, A. A. Pinkley, James V. Carty. S. J. Bunker, Edd Sutterfield, E. H. Highley, I. L. Sutterfield, Roy Houston. John P. Copeland, M. E. Gallaher, F. B. Hargrove. L. M. Hackworth, H. M. Rook, U. S. Vineyard. A. H. DePriest. John Williams, Jas. W. Brody, J. Homer Norton. Lynn A. Breeden, li'rank Brown, Clarence Counts, C. J. Cox, Dave Y. Cox, Alex J. Deatherage, Wm. J. Deatherage, Ferd E. Deatherage, Ed Hanger, Oscar Hart, Chas. L. Huett, T. M. Hurt, Roy H. Long, John M. McCann, Walter Patterson, Marion T. Roberts, V. T. Sherrill, Long G. Sherrill, Bert L. Sherrill, J. E. H. Simpson, Geo. S. Sizemore, Elias W. Staples, W. R. Thompson, Murl C. Warne, L. Walter Warren, D. Pearl Wells, Salem C. Wilson. FORTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT

Marcus, 110

Samaritan, 424 Pendleton, 551.. Elvins, 599

W. E. Vansickle, E. W. Snider, H. D. Revelle, John Howell, Luther Schamel, Harry Scott, Roy Miller, alas E. Sanders, Thos. N. Grady, George G. Sharp. Amos C. Norwine, Charles H. Meyer, John T. Ward, Louis M. Zach, Lee Turley, Otto M. Long, James B. Son, Byron H. Hosking. Henry Waltman, John G. Hunt, Philip Turpin. Charles L. Abshier, Donald H. Cameron, Chas. A. Colson. James Cozian, Henry F. Duncan, Clarence David Frobes, James Henry Hamblin. Harvey H. Hay, Lloyd R. McGuire, Richard Elmer Murray. FORTY-NINTH DISTRICT

Trowel, 440

St. Marks, 93 Whitewater, 417 Excelsior, 441..

David C. Bailey, Robert B. Conrad, David J. Conrad, John M. Conrad, Wilbur M. Eaker, Sylvester Estes, J. A. Taylor, Mitt N. Kinder. Rufus Schell, Chas. R. Bailey, Paul R. Bailey, John F~ Myers, John B. Smith, George Weltch, Jacob B. Welker. Benjamine G. Krueger, Loyd T. Lindsay, Robert W. Martin, James Curtis McLaughlin, Wm. August Rau, William Jasper Williams. Wes L. Baker, J. Edward Jones. A. H. Hoffman, J. C. Hoffmeister, Harvey C. Jones, S. D. Masterson, O. J. Miller, L. H. Morton. F. S. Rogers, T. H. Sachse, Robert Vinyard.

200 Name and Number of Lodge

Appendix-S. N. P. D.

Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.


Charleston, 407

Morley, 184.. Ashlar, 306 Sikeston, 310 Illmo, 581.. Blodgett; 594

Chaffee, 615 Lakeville, 489

Advance, 590



L. T. Berthe, Neal Corbit, Fred D. Davis, H. C. Finley. John G. Fowlkes, Thomas J. Hackney, Harry M. Hoffman, Carl E. White, L. R. Jenkins, O. W. Joslyn, Jr., James T. Nelson, Hubert L. O'Reilly,路 John J. Russell, Thomas B. Russell, L. A. Simpson, Kiah Smith. Chester G. Black, E. Otis Bryeans, Jas. E. Morrow, James S. Wallace. B. Hugh Smith. B. B. Gaither. J. Walter Clymer, Leroy Moore, Jeffrey A. Meyer, George A. Stone, Martin A. Arterburn. W. B. Halbert. E. T. Burke, Evin Burke, C. H. Bailey, D. P. Bailey, A. J. Carroll, E. A. Eaton, E. W. Francis, L. P. Gober, W. W. Lemons, Henry Lee, J. M. Powell, E. R. Putnam, R. K. Ogilvie. Tom Reames, J. W. Winders, R. D. Wadlington, Tony Smith, Alford Marshall. Robert L. Mattingly, John B. Taylor, Hollis E. McBride, Herbert W. Richardson, Curran P. Ray. W. C. Cox. Dwight Anderson, Chas. Aslin, H. A. Bollinger, George Baker, A. M. Crockett, John Groseclose, T. L. Huff, J. Loyd Jones, R. A. Kinney, S. N. Williams, A. N. Deck, Otto Richmond, Cecil Stroup. B. T. Lampher, D. W. Dysinger, R. C. Hammond. W'iley Winchester, Alfl~ed Wilson, Paul Sturgeon, Frank Crites, Raymond Drum, J. H. Roberson, Victor J. Putman. FIFTY-FIRST DISTRICT

Kennett, 68

Chas. Baumblott, C. Allen Burrus, Frank Carmean. Herbert Cooper, Vol. H. Baldwin, J. H. Dunmire, .John G. Fisher, W. F. Gerhardt. E. F. Harrison, L. R. Jones, L. H. Johnson, Edw. B. Miller, L. C. Martin, Jas. Meharg, Floyd McCombs. U~ A. V. Presnell, Howard G. Price, Joe C. Pell, D. M. Rigdon. Elmer Tribble, Dare Wells, Fred O. Wickl}am, Ernest F. Wells. Four Mile, 212 R. J. Smith, Claud Porter, Rufus Runnels, Harold L. Pollock, Wm. N. Jones, W. R. Lazalier, Thomas H. Raper. Hornersville, 215 ...... Raymond B. Robertson, Thos. A. Parson, .John O. Mathews, Amos V. Kennett, Gus H. Ridings. Cardwell, 231. J. M. Anderson, A. M. Bishop, W. H. Bishop, Jr.. Sam Carpenter, G. C. Hinsley, J. D. Holcomb. R. L. Matthews, W. E. Pettey, J. 路E.

1931 Name and Number of Lodge

Appendix-S. N. P. D.


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.

Richardson, L. ,V. Rose, John A. Stanfill, F. L. Vaughn, R. W. Waldrep,' Charles Yancey. Malden, 406 Austin Acuff, W. R. Anderson, R. M. Blaylock, Fred Collier, Harry B. Davis, James B. Duke. L. J. Dunn, Ralph Dunn, Carl C. Hayward, James W. Layne, H. J. Luckey, W. F. Miller, Ralph B. Meeteyer, Edward Phillips. Frederick Rutledge, James A. Robertson, A. V. Rice, Chas. D. Sheets, A. E. Thomas, H. N. Phillips. " Portageville, 166 J. T. Barnes, Geo. L. Black. T. E. Baker, J. D. Clifton, J. W. Duvall, Luther Folks, Frank Haines. C. T. Johnson, P. A. McLean, H. Patterson, G. W. Sutherland, H. J. Sutherland, John M. Stewart, Chas. F. Smith, B. C. Wrather, G. C. Worth, Jesse E. Young, E. R. stone, W. H. Buck. Point Pleasant, 176.. John B. Metts, Geo. A. Babcock, Chas O. Hawkins, John W. Kimes. New Madrid, 429 ......J .. D. Burney, C. H. Dean, F. S. Hummel, Gus LaFont, W. B. Rossiter, R. F. Sharp. Parma, 650 Archie B. Brown, Luther Dutton, Joseph Andrew Parker. Caruthersville, 461..Casey E. Killgore. Sam J. Kramer, Floyd Barnhart. Wm. W. Corbett, Jr., Wm. L. Dooley, Frank N. Dawson, Black M. Fowlkes, Ivy E. Williams, E. E. Watson. Hayti, 571.. Arthur O. Allen, O. B. -Davis, Lamar Thompson, Henry Byars, F. E. Teaster, Birce Clark, Dan W. Miller, Sam Frissell, G. A. Gardner, Tom T. Turner, Roy Hawkins, L. J. Banner, Orvil E. Hooker. Steele, 634 Alvin Stevens. J. A. Wallace, J. A. Workman, Delvy Heathcock, John Cooke Robertson, Isaac K. Northcut. Cardwell, 231..


Composite, 369 Greenville, 107

Wayne, 526

Samuel W. Quick. Harley E. Estes, Charles A. Morgan, Charles Shipton, Harrison Shipton, E. Ray Strickland. James M. Burkett, Fred Shipton, Philip Bollinger, Benjamin Franklin Russell. John T. Markham, Charles S. Ijames, Emanuel R. Zimmer, Roy C. Haynie, M. Jefferson Markham, Ralph M.Reed, Paul Saunders, Z. M. Jenkins. 0. Lee Munger. W. 'V. Malloy, J. C. Leach, W. C. Hale, Geo. C. Bowles. FIFTY路THIRD DISTRICT

Mt. Zion, 327

Robert T. Riggle, Uria C:"Atha, Harry J. Dwyer, Robert N. Bricker, Jonas W. Ledbetter.

202 Name and Number of Lodge

Appendix-S.N. P. D.


Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.

Mountain View, 637..Harry McNutt, Edward Hall, John Pickering, W. C. Park, Frank Rose, Virgil E. Roush, John W. Smotherman, Herbert D. McFarland. . Clifton, 463 W. F. Atkisson, Frank E. Bates, Thos. W. Blaine. L. Don Davis, Henry G. Eaton, Carl Franke, Ogelsby Johnson, Henry B. Nichols, Wm. E. Croom, Loren Edwards, Chas. P. Goetting, Dan R. Hackett, James R. Wilcox, Wm. R. Riddling, Bernie Ritter. Koshkonong, 582 James A. Hagan. Geo. M. Kenyon. Robert Burns, 496 Averill D. Harrison, Josiah H. Collins, W. O. Kibbe, Moses Snow, I. E. Cantwell, Bert R. Swain. Oliver S. Wood, Everett Luna, Charles L. Wade, Wm. E. Shanks. FIFTY-FOURTH DISTRICT

Kirbyville, 264

Forsyth, 453

Branson, 587 Crane, 519

Simeon Puderball, Clyde R. Bonsteel, Alex W. Arnett. Roy Maxwell, Kyle R. Jackson, J. B. Tremble, C. D. Allison, Franklin L. Davis, Van H. Funck. Andrew .J. Hicks, Lyman N. Felkins, Harry H. Rogers, Ashel L. Jackson, Willis Licklider, Charles O. Harned, Forrest I. Officer. Howard E. Bateman, S. H. Coulter, W. I. Moore.. 0tis J. Benight. B. C. Cuningham, Chas. Murphy, H. M. Cash, John P. Harris. Quin B. Fairleigh. FIFTY-FIFTH DISTRICT

Monett, 129

Purdy, 148 Pythagoras, 383 Seligman, 517

Edward B. Beasley, Joel D. Bounous, Hiram K. Bradford. Raymond I. Crawford, Alcie R. Davis, Benj. Franklin Ellis, Louis H. Ferguson, Alvin H. Floreth, Erasmus Folger. Lester V. Galbraith. Ira O. Garris, Arthur Wilson Gilbert, Junius W. Houston, Elisha L. Hagler, James F. King, Treva G. Lea. Monroe Lovings, Oscar L. Lewis, William H. Lipe, Alfred E. Long, Thomas M. McMillen. Efton M. Henson. William M. MilJer. Harry S. Morelock. Edward Oleson. Robert J. Peters, George J. Porterfield, Melbourn L. Rounds. Richard R. Roy, Kemp P. Richardson, Hillery C. Russom. Ora E. Robberson. Edward C. Salzer. Fielding P. Sizer, Jr., William E. Smedley, William E. Smilev, Norman E. Spain, Louis S. Tash, Grant Z. Utter, Charles M. Wilhelm, Kenneth Williams. Charles E. Woolsey. Key Browning, Sherman Neal, A. J. Clevenger. Collie L. Hankins, Ed Roberts. P. L. Barnes, J. F. Beal. J. C. Bridges, Carl F. Burnett, E. J. Coombes. Monroe Hammers, Charles W. Huffman, L. T. Murray, J. F. Snyder.

.. 1931

Appendix-S. N. P. D.

Name and Number of Lodge

Comfort, 533 Mt. Vernon, 99

Canopy, 284

Marionville, 390

Decatur, 400 Verona, 452

Red Oak, 468

Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D.

Geo. M. Campbell, Clarence Sanders. William S. Jennings, Thos. J. Kemper, Fred B. McDonald, Arthur Jeffords, Charles R. Landrum, Milford Hubert Forrester, Raymond Gardner, Harry O. Halterman, Rex J. Clark, John H. Brown, Ralph McCanse, Oscar Fred Bruhn, Walter P. Fulkerson, Jr., William . H. Austin. W. W. Weber, R. L. Mathews, Thos. E. Shaw, C. C. Elsey, Chas. E. Brown, C. F. Weast, J. R. Bagby, Rex V. McPherson, J. C. Ryker, O. S. Goodman. J. Bonkemeyer E. A. Bullock, W. E. Biddlecome, J. E. Grubaugh. W. A. Barris, H. C. Carrol, Frank DeWitt, W. L. Gamble, W. C. Kyle, P. E. Miller, G. P. Steele. O. M. Shellenbarger, Marion Shellenbarger, G. W. Woodard, B. F. Woodford, D. P. Walker. Wesley Clayton Morris, Arch M. McConnell, Edwin F. Spilman. Daniel W. Bennett, Ralph S. Erickson, L. Ernest Miller, Walter J. Paschal, Herbert S. Rudig, George H. Ruggles, William Ralph Taylor, Fred Young. Jesse Swope, W. A. Delp. FIFTY~SIXTH

Southwest, 466 Noel, 647 Stella, 538



Sidney Lee Montgomery. D. A. Kirk, Pryor McBee Collins. Logan McKinley, H. C. McKinley, Paul Kist路 ler. FIFTY路SEVENTH DISTRICT

Bonhomme, 45 Bridgeton, 80

Walter W. Clarkson. Joseph T. Howard, Wm. L. Howe, Arthur E. Johnson, Joe Lawton, Jr., Geo. M. Muschamp. Webster Groves, 8LEarl C. Adams, Geo. M. Black, Franklin B. Bush, Peter E. Doyle, Brodie Hamilton, Alanson P. Holly, Noah L. Housewright, D. Hayes McLaughlin, Forest O. Phillips, R. Millard Shands. Edward J. Smith, Eugene Taylor. Vance E. Taylor, Leigh C. Turner, Ray Van Benthuysen, Fletcher O. Webster. Fenton, 281.. Arnold L. Milentz, Wm. Barth. Meramec, 313 Edgar T. Snyder, Wm. F. Heckenberg. Kirkwood, 484 Lloyd F. Worthington. Clayton, 601. Joseph A. Berkemeier, Homer R. Hee~e, Leo R. Larsch, James Lindsay, Julius J. Moeller, Rufus G.Stoll. . Wellston, 613 Charles C. Carroll. Jennings, 640 Charles R. Fancher.

204 Name and Number of Lodge

Appendix-S. N. L-J. D.

1931 .,

Names of Brethren Suspended, N. P. D. FIFTY·EIGHTH DISTRICT

Versailles, 320

Barnett, 591.. Belle, 373

Foster Y. Brown, Thomas R. Cox, Ralph A. Johnson, Peter J. Keotting, Mansel H. Morris, Hanson L. Palmer, Jacob S. Bridges, William M. Otten, Clinton J. Shores. Henry H. Brown, Douglas L. Dutcher, James L. Guthreg. Robt. F. Moreland, James A. Harris, B. F. Tague. E. H. Wallace, Christ A. Boesch, Robt. L. Wallace, John Fred Lindner, Hy. W. Schweer. FIFTY·NINTH DISTRICT

Independence, 76 ...... Wm. R. Allen, John P. Arends, John R. Beatty, Stanley W. Burgess, C. T. Faust, A. H. Fleishman, Geo. F. Hackett, Wilmer T. Henderson, Robert P. High, Walter R. Kelley, L. C. Larson, J. C. Linebeck, Harry C. Mack, W. E. Ragan, James W. Renick, Frank R. Searcy, Wm. Sermon, James M. Sexton, W. C. Shank, Harry E. Smith, Richard L. Vieten, Jesse M. West. Summit, 263 Frank Sarver. McDonald, 324 Harry B. Allen, Hayward G. Austin, Virgil E. Caldwell, Harry W. Goode, Frank G. Lee, James Cleo Smith. Christian, 392 J. H. Owings, H. D. Palmer. Buckner, 501.. Clyde R. Williams, Roscoe O. Toms, George R. Speaker, Lewis S. Webb. Marlborough, 569...... Marshall Buxton Hayner, Marshall Hayes McCully, Charles Whitenton Turney, Benjamin Charles Blaye. Mt. Wash'gton, 614.. Ernest D. Bolinger, Chas. S. Bullock, Robt. J. Beattie. McBride Baker, Thos. F. Cole, Richard B. Carpenter, Edgar Ely, Conrad J. Erickson, Fas. M. Fowler, Hanley H. Gillespie, Geo. L. Gilson, Jas. D. Harmon, Jewell H. Hall, Chester A. Ives, Levi S. Johnson, Carl W. Jackson, Glenn G. Judson, Fred J. Kleever, Robt. R. Kinney, Jas. M. Leedy, Roy N. Mitchell, Richard G. Meyers, Geo. W. McChristy, Roy E. McMillen, Kenneth H. Nelson, Paul R. Preston, Truman A. Pink· erton, Emmett G. Reid, Burt Rule, Irving Ross, Geo. S. Shelton, Chas. B. Shumate, John F. Simon, Enoch H. Simms, Willis E. Tippie, John F. Wortz, Ethan A. Whipple. Lloyd E. White, Herman H. Weidman,· Wil· lard G. Williams.




REINSTATED. Name and Number of Lodge

Names of Reinstated Brethren


Fairmount, 290...•...... G. A. Bogguss. Eldorado, 318 John Walter Blanton. St. Francisville, 588 .. Theodore H. Goldsberry. Gorin, 72 George R. Pulliam. SECOND DISTRICT

Kirksville, 105 Adair, 366

Jas. O. Carrico, Clarence L. McKim, Emanuel F. Withers. S. B. Bohon, Charles E. Rogers, A. A. Scriven, R. H. Spell, F. V. DeVinny, David A. Dreyer, E. M. Demarest, H. M. Stoel, J. O. Bruce. THIRD DISTRICT

Somerset, 206 Unionville, 210 Seaman, 126 Putnam, 190

William A. Pollock, Samuel L. Robinson. Frank Middleton. Jacob J. Hoffman. James G. Busick.

Trenton, l11.. Galt, 423

JamesRaymond Davidson. Harry George, George L. Hamblin.



Bethany, 97 Tobias Beeler Sherer, Dwight C. Poland. Lorraine, 128 Trav Campbell. Lodge of Light, 257.. George R. Miller. Cainsville, 328 B. Everett Collins. SIXTH DISTRICT

Defiance, 88 Jonathan, 321

Mark M. Million, George W. Tippie. Ben F. Craven, A. R. Pringle, T. B. Miller, George W. Parman.

Maryville, 165 Clearmont, 507

Emmett F. Scott. William H. Burr, John Ervin Beam.

North Star, 157 Northwest, 358

Donald J. Sawyer. 0rville P. Harvey, William O. Morgan, Thos. M. Grimmett, Harry A. Luckhardt. John N. Carter, Wm. R. Erwin, Henry O. Freet, E. Ralph Johnson, Wilbur R. Moorman, E. Lee Scarlett. Harman L. Hadden. William M. Miles, Jr., William A. Taylor.



Fairfax, 483 Mound City, 294 Craig, 606


Savannah, 71 St. Joseph, 78 Zeredatha, 189

Virgil T. Reece, Ambrose R. Hunt, James Earl Gillispie. Emanuel Berenberg. Henry Holtzer.

A Ppendix-Reinstated

206 Name and Number of Lodge

Brotherhood, 269 Charity, 331..


Names or' Reinstated Brethren

Saxton, 508 Wallace Park, 627

Earl C. Brown, William A. Kennedy. George E. Montray, Robert .J. Brown, Stephen F. Hotchkiss, Harris H. Clark. Carl R. Haas, James Hiram Morgan, Wrn. Edwin Bowen, Lloyd E. Wilson. Julius Thompson. Bolden Boyd.

Parrott, 308 Gallatin, lQ-6 Altamont, 108 Lock Spring, 488 Jamesport, 564..

Charles Tate. DanieI M. Knight. Robert N. Black. W. L. Brookshier, Levan Brookshier. T. P. Drummond.

Liberty, 31..

Requa W. Bell, Frederick C. Luedecke, Chas. W. Woolfolk. James W. Henson, George C. Henson, Joseph Holt, Raymond Bradley, Robert M. Thompson, Vernon L. Koehner, Frank Troxler. Richard C. Anderson. Caleb A. Leedy, Clarence E. Fowler, M. W. Bohart.

King Hill; 376



Holt, 49 Vincil, 62 Plattsburg, 113


Breckenridge, 334..... Fred A. Rougemont, James H. Hall, Leigh W. Hunt, John Lee Bilby,路 Nathaniel E. Reynolds, Willie C. Shackleford. Friendship, 89 Jos. P. Shirley, Elmer D. Goben, Everett O. Harvey, W. A. Summerville, Leon Dennis, Alvin J. Cole. Chillicothe, 333......... Joseph D. Allen, Frank R. Ball, John A. Repper, Robert H. Reed, Van T. Sherman. Wheeling, 434 J. C. Carter. Dawn, 539 M. A. Yahns. THIRTEENTH DISTRICT

Brookfield, 86 Dockery, 325 Marceline, 481..~

John L. Hall, Sidney H. Margirave, Harry L. Roberson, Ralph J. Wheeler. Norman J. Lindley. Cason W. Pendleton, William E. VOgt. FOURTEENTH DISTRICT

Excello, 332

Hubert Brammer.

La Belle, '222 Craft, 207 St. John's, 28 Hannibal, 188

Fred Bert Iver John


Z. Layton. F. Jeffries. H. Johnson. P. Price.


Perseverance, Phoenix, 136

92......E. L. McBride. Jr., Jas. L. Reading, Chas. T. Lovell, Marion Williams; Jas. C. Fry. Ely V. Biggs.

A Ppendix-R einstated

1931 Name and Number of Lodge


Names of Reinstated Brethren


Huntsville, 30

William H. Griffith, W. Dysart Million, John C. Milam. Roy S. Neal, O. T. Sears. Louis C. Duffy, John Lowe. Robert Lee King.

Clifton Hill, 161.. Moberly, 344 Clark, 610


Triplett, 122

F. E. Diemer.

De Witt, 39 Bogard, 101.. Hale City. 216 Carroll, 249

John W. Wollister. Henry J. Minnis, John F. Parks. Ernest J. Jennings, James E. Stinson. R. M. Edwards.



Rising Sun, 13 Weston, 53 Camden Point, 169 Adelphi, 355 Platte City, 504

Arthur G. Wilson, Garland C. Thomas. George Doppler. Robert L. Duncan. Ray M. Luyster. Irvine Willis, Edward H. Manwarring.


Heroine, 104

Lawrence V. Lindell. Bernard Greenberg, Louis Emrich, Andrew D. McMahan, Borney Schultz. Kansas City, 220 ...... Harry Rosenberg. Dave Cohen. Leo Rubenstein. Bernard J. Goldberg. James G. Walker, Ernest V. Tuley, Roy E. Barlow. Temple, 299 James H. Anderson, Harold D. Barrett, Harley G. Beets. Roy L. Boutilier, Charles S. Bramblee. Leroy 1. Brooks, Marion D. Brown, Moreland Brown, James Byrnes, Robert T. Cawthon, Edward J. Cleary, Ellis C. Cook. Charles P. Crawford, Craig J. Cundiff, Oscar C. Cutler, LeRov V. Danielson, Gilmore 1. Derne. Douglas K. DeVorss, Jay Donohue, James E. Dusher. Herman Epstein. Edward J. Heins. Frank H. Holloway. Phil J. Holzman, Harry W. Hord. Buford Frank Hulen, Wm.L. Hutchison. Eugene R. Jett, William C. Junkins. Edwin O. Koch. Benjamin B. McBride, Neil C. McInnes. Richard McMenamin, Walter C. MacNaughton, William R. Moshier, John M. Nichols, Ray E. Nixon, Norman J. One1. Charles II. Parkhurst, Homer Paul Patterson, John Baird Quigley. Camden W. Riley. Calvin N. Rouse Jr., John Russell, Jr., Walter W. Russell, Charles R. Sadler, Jesse Shields, Oscar A. Sundeen. Edward R. Swan, Milton A. Timmig, Ralph W. Wells, Frank B. Whitney, Marius E. Wilcox.

A Ppendix-Reinstated



Name and Number of Lodge

Rural, 316 Westport, 340

Ivanhoe, 446

Gate City, 522

Orient, 546 South Gate, 547 York, 563 Swope Park, 617 . Sheffield, 625

Names of Reinstated Brethren

Charles Herman Allm, J. Aloyses Henske, 'ViIHam Virgil King, Arthur Evander Scroggins, Mason Freeman Smith. William F. Allen, John N. Cowan, Roy R. Kinsey, Edward C. Lefkovitz, Lester H. Pendergrass, John E. Stevers, Charles L. Van Fossen. Henry C. Adams, Howard B. Agnew, Robt. Thrower Anderson, Albert Wm. Baeder, Milton N. Baer, Frank Clarence Recker, Harold Leigh Becker, Wallace Bell, Chas. Anderson Black, John Albert Broaddus. Alpha Nelson Brown, Maurice C. Butterfield, Cameron W. Fullerton, James A. Garnier, Chas. Willard Hall, Merle F. Hampton, Richard B. Holloway, James A. Howard. W. Harry Jennings, Edwin Leonard Johnson, Merrill Wright Joyner, Fred Kimberling, Ivan C. Kuhns, John H. LaGalle, Oliver Kingsley Lientz, Edgar Johnson Long. Gilbert Douglas Marks, Stewart Boone McCarty, Roderick D. MoGinnis, Horatio C. Miles, Wayne Allen Morse, Wm. Francis Motsinger, Harry G. Munden, Roscoe S. Myers. George Henry Nail, Louis F. Nelson, Erschell Irving Paris, Norman Jean Pierce., Harry Walter Randall, Sidney A. Reardin, Oliver E. Renfro, Donald Leonard Rozelle, Glenn T. Stebbins, Clarence M. Stewart, Ernest A. Underhill, Patrick M. Wheeler, Adelman Eyster White, Frank M. Williams, Frank Walter Williams, Archie C. Willis, Daniel H. Wright. Joseph Anderson, David C. Baker, Carl Brockman, Irving A. Cotton, Louis A. Feinberg, Nathan Fredman, Robert路 E. Gibson, Frank D. Griffin, Arthur B. Hager, William A. Hiltebrand, HerbertB. Hof, Fred W. Joers, Ernest L. Johnson, Floyd E. Knight, Arthur S. Krebs, Edward E. Kuhn. Raphael S. Moseley, Ewart G. Palmer. Cecil H. Parker, Glenn B. Pratt, Samuel L. Siegel, Arthur B. Stricklette, .Tames M. Thomas. Gustav A. Thommen, Wilbur B. Tungett, Andrew C. Weir. William Orval Carver, Thomas Smith Clayton, Paul Hart Maier, George Slinkard Nichols. Volla W. Green, Hugh L. McCoy, Albert E. Lang, Willis J. P. Marshall, Erie J. Ackley. Ralph LeRoy Reams, Geo. E. Halley, Wm. J. Riley, Harry Rickel. Roy James. C. E. Maiden, Lee C. Johnson, John 'V. Macleod; William Alff. Noah Adams, Regnald Brown, Floyd F. Denham, Earl Hawkins.


1931 Name and Number of Lodge

East Gate, 630

Northeast, 643 Country Club, 656 Rockhill, 663


Names of Reinstated Brethren

Royal F. Carter, Paul B. DeJarnett, Edward Lee Fabian, Dwight L. Moody, Starr D. Ramey, Eugene E. Rau, Benj. F. Smith, Robert L. Weldon, Karl H. Whiter. Dean E. Henderson. S. M. Hitt, J. C. McCoy. Albert E. Smith, Jacob Braun. TWENTY-THIRD DISTRICT

Richmond, 57

Ruel C. Lillard, Louis Megede, Sr. TWENTY-FOURTH DISTRICT

Trilumina, 205 Malta, 402

Charles W. Peecher. Charles A. Jones, Leon M. Jacobs, Lorne D. Van Stone, Buford D. Allen. Abner Holliday.

Nelson, 560

TWENTY路SIXTH DISTRICT Paul R. Pruett, Fred Shelledy,

Centralia, 59 . Twilight, 114

Chas. W. Adams, Grant Irvine. Herman Julich, Charles H. Furtney, M. F. Crow. E. T. Martin. Marvin E. Richards. Charles T. Warne, Ezra L. Morgan, William E. Grubb. Charles F. Johnson, Edward F. Gibbs.

Ashland, 156 Sturgeon, 174.. Acacia, 602


Laddonia, 115 Hebron, 354.. Mokane, 612

Carl Renner. William Sims Roxsey. William G. Hooper, Homer H. McQuitty. TWENTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT

Wellsville, 194 Montgomery, 246


Moscow, 558


Sullivan, 69 Hope, 251.. Columbia, 534

James D. McCain, James M. Williams, Joel H. Benson, William Maxfield. William A. Fisher. Lewis P. Clothier, Frederick Conrad Koetzla. THIRTY路THIRD DISTRICT-A

Missouri, 1..

Beacon, 3 Mt. Moriah, 40 Occidental, 163

Samuel A. Whistler, Wm. B. Crane, Philip A. Allison, Edward W. Davis, Howard F. Neale, Glenn E. Holmes, Dell L. Pratt, Alfred Gfeller. Walter Buerer. Clarence A. Callan, Elmer L. Baldus. Charles A. Hayes.



Name ahll Number of Lodge


Names of Reinstated Brethren

Pyramid, 180

William Eo Jost, William Hurst, Charles Emberton. Nolan G. McElroy, William K. Heins. Keystone. 243 Robert V. Johnson. Aurora, 267 Charles B. Yoder, Wallace K. Coates, David Goldman. Paul Revere, 330 Oscar E. Pourcely. Tuscan, 360 Arthur F. Felker. E. H. Rutledge, Glenn C. Hill, Sr., Leonard Decker, C. C. Butler, Hugh K. Wagner. John P. Chambers. Itaska, 420 CIounts Stanfill. Euclid, 505 Edward C. Koch. Clifton Heights, 520.. Joseph B. Felkel. Rose Hill, 550 Harry L. Binks, Fred H. Wilson, Carl F. Miller. Olive Branch, 576 .... Edward H. Clay, Walter C. Holmes, Ralp.h E. Walker. Magnolia, G26 Fred L. Wehmeyer. Triangle, 638 Antonio Agneta, Charles G. Cobb, E. George Hartmann, Oscar H. Roberts, Hart Vance. Jr., Conrad B. Werner. Trinity, 641.. Jacob M. Krupin, Louis C. Zeelinger, Harry Ohren, Elmer G. Brine, Samuel Brodsky, Samuel Hoffman. Walter V. Wolff, Joseph Newportstok. Shaveh, 646 Fred H. Domke. Theo. RooseveIt,6G1..Ralph C. G. Dyer. THIRTY-THIRD DISTRICT-B

Meridian, 2 James G. North. Charles E. Erwin. Geo. Washington, 9.. Elmer J. Lutz, Lester J. Mueller. St. Louis, 20 David Richard Nieman, .Joseph R. Oxenhandler. Naphtali, 25 Leo H. Peltason, James M. Lederer. Polar Star, 79 Victor A. Wolfsfeld. Harry .Tankawitch. Earl F. Morton, Thomas W. Hunt, Fred H. Entchelmeyer. Pride of West, 179 Otto A. Steuer, Henry C. Muskopf. Good Hope, 218 William Morrison Crysler, Abe Lifiansky. . Cosmos, 282 Ike Kaiser, Milton Rosenthal, Isidore Pergament. Cornerstone, 323 ....... Hays W. Blackman, George H. Lindsey, Leo Gerson. Chas. H. Blackman. Edw. G. Newman, Hays W. Blackman, Arthur King. Horace Barks, Jr.. Wallace E. Zelle, Robert E. Drave, Marcus Baumoel, Sam S. Friedman. America, 347 John J. HeB. Arnold C. Stedingk. Cache. 416 Leland W. Skaggs, Carl A. Bauer. Anchor. 443 Solomon C. Martin, William E. Barton. West Gate, 445 0scar Edward Woelfert, August F l' an k Haeussler, Gustav Henry Toelle, Morgan Alexander Hervey. Harmony, 499 Fred E. Meise, Walter B. Clayton, John A. Bortschaller. Apollo. 529 Benjamin H. Cox.


1931 Name and Number of Lodge


Names (}1 Reinstated Brethren

Algabil, 544

Paul P. Blackwell, Arnolph B. Mues, Harry Pottis. Forest Park, 578 William E. Chambers, A. William Rudolph. Tower Grove, 631.. Arthur G. Frankel. Benj. Franklin, 642.. H. P. Manovill, Abe Feld, Ben Wilson, P. A. Goldstein, David Rothbe路rg. TH1RTY-FOURTH DISTRICT

Cass, 147 Grand River, 276 Belton, 450 Jewel, 480 Archie, 633

Ethelbert Barrett. Wayne E. Newton, Fred B. Roberts. G. Scott Wilson, Morgan Ross. Harry C. Des Combes. Arthur H. Parish. THIRTY-FIFTH DISTRICT

C. E. Thompson. W. J. McAninch. Earl E. Cramer.

Hume, 130 Butler, 254 Foster, 554


Knob Noster, 245 Granite, 272

Jas. C. McKeehan. Charles A. Bucher, Arthur L. Hume, Charles R. Carpenter. Robert E. Kerby.

La Monte, 574


Windsor, 29 Clinton, 548 Blairstown, 557 Star, 419

Fred F. Wesner. W. W. Greer. Floyd Henderson. R. E. Bowman, Charley Chambers. THIRTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT

Mack's Creek, 433 .... John H. Perkins, Ernest Clemmons, John R. Eidson. THIRTY-NINTH DISTRICT

Lebanon, 77 Cuba, 312 Rolla. 213 Equality, 497

Chas. Lewis Phifer, N. E. Morrison. George W. Reeves. Robert Craig. John H. Hawkins, Harley Houk. Noah C. Hud~ens, H. T. Morgan, F. A. Moore, W. S. Rinck.

De Soto, 119

Cale Woodson Reynolds.



Hogle's Creek, 279 Modern, 144 Pleasant, 160

Marvin L. Henderson. J ohn A. Ham. Ernest E. Watson, Louis T. Roberts, Carl L. Crocker. Pleasant Hope, 467..T. N. Cassity. FORTY-SECOND DISTRICT

Washington, 87

M. L. Young.


212 Name and Number of Lodge .


Names of Reinstated Brethren


Osage, 303 Sheldon, 371.. Lamar, 292 Signal,304 Golden, 475

Frank F. Gearheard, Harry S. Mitchell. J. O. Schlegel, J. H. Hulett. Leon Jewell, Merideth Daubin. Andrew McCluskey, J. L. Loansbury. Ralph E. Potter, William N. Hall, Roy L. Adams, William R. Crowther. FORTY-FOURiH DISTRICT

Carthage, 197

Thos. M. Daugherty, Fred A. Crawford, Gerald N. Rowley, Marcus B. Bell, Roscoe R. Wyiatt, Lawrence T. Melugin, A. C. Van Hook, Phillis N. Wiggins, Claude B. Taylor, Vertil C. Gragg. Joplin, 335 George W. Sollars, Eyerle H. Quigg, Morton H. Krugg, Clarence W. Atwater. Fellowship, 345..........William M. Parker, Teddy H. Moore, Horace C. Scoville, Ralph C. Robinson. Carterville, 401.. Guy. D. Newkirk. Carl Junction, 549 John T. Johnson, Cortis F. Reed, T. E. Solomon, John B. Thompson, E. B. Wensel. LaRussell, 592 W. W. Woodfill. FORTY-FIFTH DISTRICT

United, 5

William R. Walters, Norman K. Knaub, Chas. B. Davison, Guy R. Mace, Art Hudson, Chester S. Barnard, Oliver D. Bodenhamer. Alfred C. Exby. O'Sullivan, 7 G. C. Watson. Ash Grove, lOO Chas. Kapple, Chas. Yates, Evertt W. Banty. Solomon, 271.. Ward Morgan, C. L. Weaver, Price C. Nixon, A. T. Hart, H. A. Lowe, M. F. Brown, C. L. Whittaker, John J. Schneider, J. H. Brightfield. Gate of Temple, 422 Lester M. Barnhart. Bois D'Arc, 449 J. G. Hayes. Republic, 570 Wm. Edwin Shook, Tol F. Plumlee, Arch B. Carr, Geo. B. Coward. Willard, 620 D. C. Gorman, Jr., Roy R. Fallen. Mt. Olive, 439 Elton Bumgarner. Barnes, 116

FORTY路SIXTH DISTRICT A. M. Payne, G. S. Dowell, E. J. Fredrick,

Texas, 177 Summersville, 555 Mtn. Grove, 158 Norwood, 622

Clyde Phillebaum. George M. Willhite. M. C. Talbot. Joseph A. Killburn, Richard R. B. Parker. John L. Hart. FORTY路SEVENTH DISTRICT

Van Buren, 509 ......... Walter C. Allison, James L. Nowlin, Robert P. Lowther. Delphian, 137 Joel M. Clark. FORTY路EIGHTH DISTRICT

Marcus, 110 Leadwood, 598 Elvins, 599

J. B. Cook, L. D. Farrar. Joseph A. Evans. Levi Graham, Virgil Lee Parsons.

1931 Name and Number of Lodge .



Names of Reinstated Brethren


Trowel, 440 Zalma, 545 St. Marks, 93

Mystic Tie, 221.. Excelsior, 441.

Charles R. Baker, Anthony A. Bollinger, Philip S. Fullbright, R. McCoy Moyers. Herman Payne. Charles W. Boutin, John A. Buchanan, Albert S. Duckworth, Marion Claude Eggers, Harry Wilson Frissell, Thomas E. Joyce, Morton William Randol, John L. Stout. Archie Reid. Robert Latta Crowe. FIFTIETH DISTRICT

East Prairie, 384 Charleston, 407

Sikeston, 310 Chaffee, 615 Lakeville, 489 Dexter, 532 Advance, 590

Walker T. Boyd, Verlon Lee Braden. 0. W. Joslyn, Jr.. Neal Corbit, J. H. Collier, W. H. Collier, Thomas B. Russell, Leland S. O'Reilly, John J. Russell, Fred D. Davis, O. S. Reid, M. T. Lee, W. C. Brewer, J. F. Talbert, New T. Strickland. Thornton A. Wilson. H. W. Richardson. G. C. Ventres, Homer RUdolph, James Lewis, Elmer Rolla Bryan. L. H. Neal, T. E. Sherry, James V. Stroud. Ira Thrower, W. J. Vaughn, G. I. McGlothlin. Harvey Bell, W. F. Morgan, J. H. Simmons. Ira E. Welker. James H. Swain. J. A. McCullough. FIFTY·FIRST DISTRICT

Kennett, 68

W. H. Mayberry, R. B. Sanders, T. P. Hicks, • Hugh Cawthow. Four Mile, 212 Idus M. Castlio. F. M. Mayfield, Jerry H. Williams, Louis McCutchen, Jr. Malden, 406 Richard N. Beall, James W. Layne, James A. Robertson, John T. Pearson, Charles D. C. Drace, H. N. Philips, Clay E. Napper. Senath, 513 D. W. Roland, L. D. Anderson, T. B. Utley, M. A. Williams. Point Pleasant, 176.. Norval Worth. New Madrid, 429........C. J. Billington. Caruthersville, 461..C. E. Bragg, E. L. Willett, James R. Lewis, A. L. Bramblett, Glynn Glasscock. Hayti, 571 Joseph Edgar McFall. FIFTY-SECOND DISTRICT

Poplar Bluff, 209 Composite, 369 Greenville, 107

Wayne, 526

Waldo H. Bailey. William Clinton Murray. Claude Gross, Alva J. Haynie, Charles Shipton, Brook E. Frady, Frederick E-. Brooks, Nathaniel W. Strickland, M. Jefferson Markham, Theodore Franklin Magill, Arthur B. McDermott. J. M. Payton, Edward Couch.



Name and Number of Lodge


Names of Reinstated Brethren


Mt. Zion, 327 Ingomar, 536 Alton, 255 Koshkonong, Bayou. 365


George V. Carter, John M. Grisso, Felix G. Halstead, Jonas W. Ledbetter, Albert B. Shuttee, Walter D. Storms. C. E. Bryan, Roy G. Fisher, L. C. Long, E. H. Myers, D. F. Tobias. 0ren Simpson. Chas. D. Peterson. V. M. Calohan. FIFTY-FIFTH DISTRICT

Monett, 129

Barry, 367 pythagoras, 383 Mt. Vernon, 99 Canopy, 284.. Marionville, 390 Decatur, 400 Miller, 567

Geo. L. Blackwell, Haynes I. Bradford, Clarence E. Bridwell, Charles E. Geister, Elmer E. Johnson, Oscar J. Jaques, Lorel R. Lea, Charles J. Lauderdale, Loyd V. McKinney, Oliver W. Mitchell, Jess J. Newberry, Harry T. Osborn, John E. Northern, Claud I. Linthicum, Thomas F. Phillips, Glenn T. Prevo, Eldon L. Riggs, Folice R. Schafnitt, Wm. E. Schafnitt, Louis W. Wilhelm. Jas. Lauderdale. Harrison J. Doty, William C. Potter, A. Newton Kisler. William N. McDonald. Pierre Grigg, J. W. Lupton. John A. Williams, George S. Bennage, Charles O. Cannady, Charles K. Frazier. William O. Merrill. E. H. Connel. FIFTY-SIXTH DISTRICT

Anderson, 621. Neosho, 247 Fairview, 619

Albert G. Whited, Pal L. Tye, Herbert Perkins, Ben D. Palmer, John E. Roark. W. G. Evans, Dan M. White, H. H. Hubbard, Fred J. Foster, Walter W. Pierce, M. W. Shimp, T. R. Kirk, Sam Tague. James E. Houston. FIFTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT

Bridgeton, 80 Kirkwood, 484..

Arthur E. Johnson, Geo. M. Muschamp. Arthur H. Gale III, Fred J. Kinyon, Edw. J. Powell, Jr., Ralph A. Deacon. Wellston, 613 Fred H. Carter, William McE. Haines. University, 649 George H. Whitcomb, William E. McIlroy, Theodore Lucks, Robert E. Meyer, Jr., David V. Campbell, Alva William Snyder, Frank L. Betts, Wiley R. Comstock. Gardenville, G55........ Albert Henry Pottgen. FIFTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT

Versailles, 320, Ionia, 381.. Vienna, 94

Hanson L. Palmer, Clinton J. Shores. R. P. Houser.

Henry Ellis Crum, H. Clay Ivie.

Appendix-Reinstated-S. U. lvI. C.


Name and Number of Lodge -


Names of Reinstat.ed Bret.hren


Independence, 76 McDonald, 324 Raytown, 391..

8amuel D. Osborn. 8. Bryson Ayres, William K. Chatton. Marcus S. Pendleton, Jas. F. Gault, Edw. J. Mantle. Christian, 392 H. M. Murry. Buckner, 501.. L. N. Williams. Marlborough, 569路 Ernest Huey Bouse, Eulisse Clinton Epps, Oliver R. Geeting, Geo. L. Kendrick, Wayne F. Reed. Mt. Washington, 614 .. Wm. Bauman, George F. Scrivener. Grand View, 618 E. E. Knoche, T. W. Storry. Grain Valley, 644 Gilbert A. Storms.


Names of Brethren Suspended


Forest City, 214........ John S. Chesney. NINTH DISTRICT

St. Joseph, 78 Zeredatha, 189

0mar J. Murphy. Collis I. Roundy. TWENTY路SECOND DISTRICT

Rural, 316


Euclid, 505 Magnolia, 626

Louis Mason Daum. Truman A. Ruler.

Belgrade, 632

William M. Brooks.

Puxico, 596

C. B. Cookson.




Appendix-Expelled EXPE.LLED.

Name and Number of Lodge .

Names of Brethren 路Expelled


Hiram, 362

0. L. Berens.

Novelty, 181.. Edina, 291..

Lloyd V. Dudgeon. Rees Marble.

Agency, 10

Lester E. Gay.

Jamesport, 564

C. T. Hampshire.



st. Andrews, 96........ Waymond W. Davis. THIRTY路THIRD DISTRICT (A)

Itaska, 420 Magnolia, 626

Ralph L. Riggs. Truman A. Ruler. THIRTY-THIRD DISTRICT (B)

Geo. Washington, 9.. Reuben Adcox. Naphtali, 25 Ben Shatzman. Cache, 416 Bjorne J. Bjornson. THIRTY-FIFTH DISTRICT

Foster, 554

0tis M. Edwards.

Belgrade, 632

Leonard W. Garrett.


United, 5


Robert V. Richardson. FORTY-SIXTH DISTRICT

Mtn. Grove, 158........Kirk Harrison. FORTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT

Ionic, 154.. Saline, 226

Elmer C. Liestner. Roy Kiefner.

Puxico, 596

S. L. Chaney.

Monett, 129

Wilson F. Wright.

Anderson, 621..

James Turner.


Marlborough, 569 ...... George W. Beal, Jr.






I-Missouri 57-Richmond 2-Meridian 58-Monticello 3-Beacon 59-Centralia 4-Howard 60-New Bloomfield 5-United 6l-Waverly 6-Ark 62-Vincil 7-0'Sullivan 63-Cambridge 64-Monroe 8. 65-Pattonsburg 9-Geo. Washington 66-Grant City lO-Agency 67-Rocheport ll-Pauldingville 68-Kennett l2-Tyro 69-SuIlivan l3-Rising Sun 70-Armstrong 14-Eolia 7l-Savannah l5-Western Star 72-Gorin H}-Memphis 73-Eureka l7-Clarksville l8-Palmyra 74-Warren 75-Silex 19-Paris Union 20-St. Louis 76-Independence 2l-Havana 77-Lebanon 78-St. Joseph 22-Wellington '23-Florida 79-Polar Star 80-Bridgeton 24-Wyaconda 25-Naphtali 8l-Central . 26-Ava 82-Jackson 27-Evergreen 83-Laclede 28-St. John's 84-Webster Groves 85-Miami 29-Windsor 30-Huntsville 86-Brookfield 3l-Liberty 87-Washington 32-Humphreys 88-Defiance 33-Ralls 89-Friendship 34-Troy 90-Russellville 35-Mercer 9l-Madison 36-Cooper 92~Perseverance 37-Hemple 93-St. Marks 94-Vienna 38-Callao 39-DeWitt 95-Pomegranate 40-Mt. Moriah 96.-St. Andrews 4l-Bismarck 97-Bethany 42-Middle Grove 98--Webster 43-Jefferson 99-Mt. Vernon 44-Fair Play 100-Ash Grove 45-Bonhomme lOl-Bogard 46-Wentzville 102-Bloomington 47~Fayette 103-West View 48-Fulton l04-Heroine 49-Holt l05-Kirksville 50-Xenia 106-Gallatin 51-Livingston 107-Greenville 52-Wakanda 108-Altamont 53-Weston 109-Stanberry 54-Index 110-Marcus 55-Arrow Rock 111-Trenton 56-Tipton 11'2-Maitland

113-Plattsburg 114-Twilight 115-Laddonia 116--':"Barnes 117-Helena 118-Kingston 119-DeSoto l20~Compass

121-Erwin 122-Triplett l23-Hermann 124-Union Star l25-Gentryville l26-Seaman l27-Athens 128-Lorraine 129-Monett 130-Hume 131-Potosi 132-Farmington 133-Star of the West l34-0lean 135-Braymer 136-Phoenix 137-Delphian l38-Lincoln 139-0regon 140. 14l-Amsterdam 142-Pleasant Grove 143-Irondale 144-Modern 145-Latimer 146-McGee l47-Cass 148-Purdy 149-Lexington 150-Birming 15l-Milton l52-Linn Creek 153-Bloomfield 154-Ionic 155-Spring Hill 156-Ashland 157-North Star 158-Mountain Grove 159-Green City 160-Pleasant 161-Clifton Hill 162-Whitesville 163-0ccidental l64-Joachim 165-Maryville 166-Portageville 167-Revere 168-Colony

218 169-Camden Point 170-Benevolence 171-Hartford 172-Censer 173-Gray Summit 174-Sturgeon 175: .. 176.-Point Pleasant 177-Texas 178-Griswold 179-Pride of the West 18o-Pyramid 181-Novelty 182-Pilot Knob 183-California 184-Morley 185-Chamois 186.. 187-Hermon 188-Hannibal 189-Zeredatha 190-Putnam 19l-Wilson 192-Frankford 193-Angerona 194-Wellsville 195-Bolivar 196-Quitman 197-Carthage 198-Allensville 199-New Hope 200-Sonora 201-Ravenwood 202-Westville 203-Brumley 204-Rowley 205-Trilumina 206-Somerset 207-Clay 208-Salisbury 209-Poplar Bluff 210-Unionville 21l-Hickory Hill 212-Four Mile 213-Rolla 214-Forest City 215-Hornersville 216-Hale City 217-Barbee 218-Good Hope 219-Albert Pike 22'0-Kansas City 221-Mystic Tie 222-La Belle 223-Ray 224-Hamilton 225-Salem 226-Saline

Appendix. . 227-Cypress 228-Shelbina 229-Claftin 230-St. James 23l-Cardwell 232-Polo 233-Bucklin 234-St. Francois 235-Weatherby 236-Sedalia 237-La Plata 238-Rushville 239-Hopewell 240. 24l-Palestine 242-Portland 243-Keystone 244-Middle Fabius 245-Knob Noster 246-Montgomery 247-Neosho 248. 249-Carroll 250-Glensted 251-Hope 252-Alanthus 253-Laredo 254-Butler 255-Alton 256-Shekinah 257-Lodge of Light 258-Ravanna 259-Lodge of Love 260-Mechanicsville 261-Florence 262-Holden 263-Summit 264-Kirbyville 265-Corinthian 266-Social 267-Aurora 268-Lodge of Truth 269-Brotherhood 270-New Salem 271-Solomon 272-Granite 273-St. Clair 274-Cold Spring 275-Bunker路 276-Grand River 277-Wm. D. Muir 278-Essex 279-Hogle's Creek 280. 281-Fenton 282-Cosmos 283-Stockton 284-Canopy

1931 285-Earl 286-Urich 287-Craft 288-Hermitage 289-Graham 290-Fairmount 291-Edina 292-Lamar 293-Sarcoxie 294-Mound City 295-Moniteau 296-Sparta 297-0zark 298-Sampson 299-Ternple 30o-Doric 30l-White Hall 302-Lick Creek 303-0sage 304-Signal 305-Cecile Daylight 306-Ashlar 307-New London 308-Parrott 309-King Hiram 310-Sikeston 311-Kearney 312-Cuba 3l3-Meramec 314-Pine 3l5-Jerusalem 3l6-Rural 3l7-0sborn 3l8-Eldorado 319-Paulville 320-Versailles 32l-Jonathan 322-Hardin 323-Cornerstone 324-McDonald 325-Dockery 326-Linn 327-Mt. Zion 328-Cainsville 329-Kennedy 330-Paul Revere 33l-Charity 332-Excello 333-Chillicothe 334-Breckenridge 335-Joplin 336-Hallsville 337-Blue Springs 338-Herculaneum 339-Fidelity 340-Westport 34l-Rockville 342-Circle

1931 343-Agricola 344-Moberly 345-Friendship 346-Arlington 341-America 348-Wadesburg 349-Pollock 35O-Tyrian 351-Mosaic 352-Friend 353-Barnesville 354-Hebron 355-Adelphi 356-Ancient Landmark 357-Aux Vasse 358-Northwest 359-Garrett 360-Tuscan 361-Riddick 362-Hiram 363-Fraternal 364-Higginsville 365-Bayou 366-Adair 367-Barry 368-Crescent Hill 369-Composite 370-Williamstown 371-Sheldon 372-Nonpareil 373-Belle 374-Wilderness 375-Waynesville 376-King Hill 377-Ancient Craft 378-Berlin 379-Billings 380-Queen City 38l-Ionia 382-Mt. Ararat 383-Pythagoras 384-East Prairie 385-Richland 386-Dayton 387-Woodside 388-Chula • 389-Arcana 390-Marionville 39l-Raytown 39 2-Christian 393-Beehive 394-Lucerne 395. 396-Western Light 397-Gower 398-Jasper 399-Pike

Appendix. 400-Decatur 40 l-Carterville 402-Malta 403-Lowry City 404-Rosendale 405-Everton 406-Malden 407-Charleston 408-Montrose 409-Louisville 4lo-Iberia 411-Joppa 412-Appleton City 413-Valley 414-Greensburg 415-Hunnewell 416-Cache 417-Whitewater 418-Clear Creek 419-Star 420-Itaska 4'21-Urbana 422-Gate of the Temple 423-GaIt 424-Samaritan 425-Green Ridge 426-Rothville 427-Glenwood 4¡28. 429-New Madrid 430-Winona 431.. 432-Competition 433-Mack's Creek 434-Wheeling 435-Rockbridge 436-Gothic 437-Lafayette 438-Temperance 439-Mt. Olive 440~Trowel

441-Excelsior 442-Burlington 443-Anchor 444-Ada 445-West Gate 446-Ivanhoe 447-Jacoby 448-Schell City 449-Bois D'Arc 450-Belton 451-Raymore 452-Verona 453-Forsyth 454-Continental 455-Hinton 456-WaUace

219 457-Jonesburg 458-Melville 459-Hazelwood 460-Lambskin 461-CaruthersviIle 462-Santa Fe 463-Clifton 464-Concordia 465-Gaynor City 466-Southwest 467-Pleasant Hope 468-Red Oak 469-Plato 470-Nodaway 471-Mineral 472-Pickering 473-Nineveh 474-Guilford 475-Golden 476-Mt. Hope 477-Henderson 478-Racine 479-Rich Hill 480-Jewel 481-Marceline 482-Clintonville 483-Fairfax 484-Kirkwood 485-Coldwater 486-Cairo 487-Chilhowee 488-Lock Spring 489-Lakeville 490-Montevallo 49l-Vandalia 492-Daggett 493-Vernon 494-Lewistown 495-Unity 496-Robert Burns 497-Equality 498-Pee Dee 499-Harmony 500-Jameson 50l-Buckner 502-Philadelphia 503-Prairie Home 50'4-Platte City 505-Euclid 506-Lathrop 507-Clearmont 508-Saxton 509-Van Buren 5lO'-New Hampton 511-Skidmore 5l2-Webb City 513-Senath 514-Granby

220 515-Galena 516-Milford 517-Seligman 518-0riental 5l9-Crane 52o-Clifton Heights 521-Lockwood 52'2-Gate City 523-Stinson 524-Spickardsville 525-Cunningham 526-Wayne 527-Higbee' 528~Conway

5'29-Apollo 530-Peculiar 53l-Lane's Prairie 532-Dexter 533-Comfort 534-Columbia 535-Blackwell 536-Ingomar 537-Bethel 538-Stella 539-Dawn 540-Winigan 541-Jacksonville 542-Ferguson 543-Mansfield 544-AIgabiI 545-Zalma 546-0rient 547-South Gate 548-Clinton 549-Carl Junction 550-Rose Hill 551-Pendleton 552:--Calhoun 553-Clarksburg 554-Foster 555-Summersville 556.-Prairie 557-Blairstown 558-Moscow 559-Clarksdale 56Q-Nelson 56l-Cowgill 56.2-Deepwater 563-York 564-Jamesport 565-Tebbetts

Appendix. 566-Maplewood 567-Miller 568-Naylor 569-Marlborough 570-Republic 571-Hayti 572-Rutledge 573-Bernie 574-La Monte 575-Easter 576-0live Branch 577-Ewing 578-Forest Park 579-Grandin 580-Houston 58l-Illmo 582-Koshkonong 583-Novinger 584-Red Bird 585-Shamrock 586-Criterion 587-Branson 588-St. Francisville 589-Grovespring 590-Advance 591-Barnett 592-La Russell 593-Union 594-Blodgett 595-Cole Camp 596-Puxico 597-Bosworth 598-Leadwood ,599-EIvins 6.00-Cosby 601-Clayton 602-Acacia 603-Morehouse 604-Strasburg 605-Walker 606-Craig 607-Eminence 60S-Strafford G09-Warrenton 610-Clark 61I-Centertown 6I2-Mokane 613-Wellston 6I4-Mt. Washington 6I5-Chaffee

1931 6l6.-Marion 6I7-Swope Park 618-Grandview 6I9-Fairview 62Q-Willard 621-Anderson 622-Norwood 6'23-.....................•...... 624-0wensville 625-Sheffield 626-Magnolia 627-Wallace Park 628-Mendon 629-Valley Park 630-East Gate G31-Tower Grove 632-Belgrade 633-Archie 634-Steele 635-Greentop 636.. 637-Mountain View 63S-Triangle 639-Mizpah 640-Jennings 64I-Trinity 642-Benj. Franklin 643-Northeast 644-Grain Valley 645-Clever 646-Shaveh 647-Noel 648-Elmer 649-University 650-Parma 65l-Cleveland 652-Pilgrim 653-Shawnee 654-Commonwealth 65 5-Gardenville 656-Country Club 657-Progress 658-Purity G59-Alpha 660--Holliday 661-Theodore Roosevelt 662-Clarence 663-Rockhill 664-Aldrich





602 444 366 355 590 10 343 252 219 664 544 198 659 108 255 347 141 443 377 356 621 193 529 412 389 633 6 346 70 55 100 156 306 127 267 357 26

Narne of Lodge

Location of I,odge

A Acacia Columbia Ada Orrick Adair Kirksville Adelphi.. Edgerton Advance Advance Agency Agency Agricola Petersburg Alanthus :..Alanthus Grove Albert Pike Kansas City Aldrich Aldrich Algabil. St. Louis Allensville Allendale Alpha N. Kansas City Altamont Altamont Alton Alton America St. Louis Amsterdam Amsterdam Anchor St. Louis Ancient Craft.. King City Ancient Landmark. ..Harrisburg Anderson Anderson Angerona Missouri City Apollo St. Louis Appleton City Appleton City Arcana Harris Archie Archie Ark : Newark Arlington Dixon Armstrong Armstrong Arrow Rock. Arrow Rock Ash Grove Ash Grove Ashland Ashland Ashlar Commerce Athens Albany Aurora St. Louis Aux Vasse Aux Vasse Ava , Ava



Boone Ray Adair Platte Stoddard Buchanan .Henry Gentry Jackson Polk Worth Clay Daviess Oregon


Bates Gentry Boone McDonald Clay St. Clair Sullivan Cass .Knox Pulaski Howard ,Saline Greene Boone Scott Gentry Callaway Douglas

26 23 2 21 50 9 37 6 22 41 33路B 6 22 10 53 33-B 35 33-B 6 26 56 11 33-B 37 3 34 2 39 25 24 .45 26 50 6 33-A 27 46


2'17 Barbee 591 Barnett 116 Barnes 353 Barnesville 367 Barry 365 Bayou 3 Beacon 393 Beehive 632 Belgrade 373 Belle 450 Belton 170 Benevolence

Sweet Springs Barnett Cabool. Ellington Washburn Bakersfield St. Louis Lawson Belgrade Belle : Belton Utica

Saline Morgan Texas Reynolds Barry Ozark Ray Washington Maries Cass Livingston

24 58 46 .47 55 53 33-A 23 40 39 34 12

222 No.

Appendu. Name of Lodge

Location of Lodge

1931 County

642 378 573 97 537 379 150 41 535 557 594 153 102 337 101 449 195 45 597 587 135 334 80 86 269 203 233 501 275 442 254

Benjamin Franklin Berlin Bernie Bethany Bethel. 路 Billings Birming Bismarck Blackwell Blairstown Blodgett Bloomfield Bloomington Blue Springs Bogard Bois D'Arc Bolivar Bonhomme Bosworth Branson Braymer Breckenridge Bridgeton Brookfield Brotherhood Brumley Bucklin Buckner ~ Bunker Burlington Butler

St. Louis Berlin Gentry Bernie Stoddard Bethany Harrison Bethel Shelby Billings Christian Faucett Buchanan Bismarck St. Francois Blackwell. St. Francois Blairstown Henry Blodgett Scott B路loomfield Stoddard Bevier Macon Blue Springs Jackson Bogard Carroll Bois D'Arc Greene Bolivar Polk Ballwin; St. Louis Bosworth Carroll Branson Taney Braymer Caldwell Breckenridge Caldwell St. John's StationSt. Louis Brookfield Linn St. Joseph Buchanan Brumley Miller Bucklin Linn Buckner Jackson Bunker Reynolds Burlington Jct.. Nodaway Butler Bates

416 328 486 552 183 38 63 169 284 231 549 249 401 197 461 147 305 172 611 81 59 615 185

Cache Cainsville Cairo Calhoun California Callao Cambridge Camden Point Canopy CardwelL.. Carl Junction Carroll Carterville Carthage CaruthersviIle Cass CeciIe-Daylight Censer Centertown CentraI , Centralia Chaffee Chamois

St. Louis Cainsville Cairo Calhoun .california Callao Slater Camden Pt Aurora CardweIL.. CarI Junction Norborne Carterville Carthage .caruthersviIle Harrisonville Kansas City Macon Centertown MoIino Centralia Chaffee Chamois


33-B 6 51 5 14 54 9 .48 40 37 50 50 14 59 20 .45 41 57 20 54 12 12 57 13 9 38 13 59 .47 7 35


Harrison Randolph Henry Moniteau Macon Saline Platte Lawrence ,Dunklin Jasper Carroll Jasper Jasper Pemiscot Cass Jackson Macon Cole Audrain Boone Scott Osage

33-B 5 18 37 31 14 24 21 55 51 44 20 44 44 51 34 22 14 31 27 2G 50 31




1931 Name of I.odge

Location of Lodge


331 Charity 407 Charleston 487 Chilhowee 333 Chillicothe 392 Christian 388 Chula 342 Circle 229 Claftin 662 Clarence 610 Clark 553 Clarksburg 559 Clarksdale 17 Clarksville 207 Clay 601 Clayton 418 Clear Creek 507 Clearmont.. 651 Cleveland 645 Clever 463 Clifton 520 Clifton Heights 161 Clifton Hill 548 Clinton 482 Clintonville 274 Cold Spring 485 Cold Water 595 Cole Camp 168 Colony 534 Columbia 533 Comfort.. 654 Commonwealth 120 Compass 4:~2 Competition 369 Composite 464 Concordia 454 Continental... 528 Conway 36 Cooper 265 Corinthian 323 Cornerstone 600 Cosby 282 Cosmos 656 Country Club 561 Cowgill 287 Craft 606 Craig 519 Crane 368 Crescent Hill 586 Criterion 312 Cuba 525 Cunningham 227 Cypress

St. Joseph Buchanan Charleston Mississippi Chilhowee Johnson Chillicothe Livingston Oak Grove Jackson Chula ~ Livingston Roscoe St. Clair Protem Taney Clarence Shelby Clark Ranrlolph Clarksburg Moniteau Clarksdale De Kalb Clarksville Pike Excelsior Springs.Clay Clayton St. Louis Lincoln, R. l.. Benton Clearmont.. Nodaway Cleveland Cass Clever Christian Thayer Oregon St. Louis : Clifton Hill... Randolph Clinton Henry EI Dorado SpringsCedar Leeton Johnson Drexel. Cass Cole Camp Benton Colony Knox Pacific Frariklin Wheaton Barry St. Louis Parkville Platte Competition Laclede Doniphan Ripley Concordia Lafayette Stewartsville De Kalb .conway Laclede Boonville Cooper Warrensburg Johnson St. Louis Cosby Andrew St. Louis Kansas City Jackson Cowgill Caldwell Canton Lewis Craig Holt Crane Stone Adrian Bates Alba ,Jasper ,Cuba Crawford Sumner Chariton Laclede Linn

492 539

,McKittrick. Ludlo,w


9 50 36 12 59 12 37 54 14 18 31 l0 16 11 57 37 7 34 54 53 33-A 18 37 .42 36 34 36 2 32 55 33-A 21 38 52 23 10 38 25 36 33-B 9 33-B 22 12 15 8 54 35 44 39 19 13


Daggett.. J)awn

Montgomery Livingston

28 12

224 No.

Appendix. Name of Lodge

386 Dayton 400 Decatur 562 Deepwater 88 Defiance 137 Delphian 119 De Soto 39 DeWitt. 532 Dexter 325 Dockery 300 Doric 285 Earl. 630 East Gate 384 East Prairie 575 Easter 291 Edina 318 Eldorado 648 Elmer 599 Elvins 607 Eminence..; 14 Eolia 497 Equality 121 Erwin 278 Essex 505 Euclid 73 Eureka 27 Evergreen 405 Everton 577 Ewing 332 Excello 441 Excelsior 483 290 44 619 132 47 345 281 542 339 261 23 214 578 453 554 212 192 363 352 89 48

Fairfax Fairmount Fair Play Fairview Farmington Fayette Fellowship Fenton Ferguson Fidelity Florence Florida Forest City Forest Park Forsyth Foster Four Mile Frankford Fraternal Friend Friendship Fulton

Location of Lodge


Dayton Pierce City Deepwater Sheridan Birch Tree De soto DeWitt Dexter Meadville Elkland E Coffey Kansas City East Prairie St. Clair Edina Luray Elmer Flat River :..Eminence Eolia Newburg St. Louis Essex St. Louis Brunswick New Haven Everton Ewing Excello Jackson

F Fairfax Wyaconda Fair Play Fairview Farmington Fayette Joplin Fenton Ferguson Farley New Florence Florida Forest City St. Louis Forsyth Foster Campbell Frankford Robertsville Ozark Chillicothe Fulton

1931 District

Cass Lawrence Henry Worth Shannon Jefferson CarroIl Stoddard Linn Webster

34 55 37 6 47 40 20 50 13 45

Daviess Jackson Mississippi Franklin Knox路 Clark Macon St. Francois Shannon Pike Phelps

10 22 50 32 2 1 14 48 47 16 39 33-A 50 33-A 19 32 42 15 14 49

: Stoddard Chariton Franklin Dade Lewis Macon Cape Girardeau Atchison Clark Polk Newton St. Francois Howard Jasper St. Louis St. Louis Platte Montgomery Monroe Holt Taney Bates Dunklin Pike Franklin Christian Livingston Callaway

8 1 .41 56 48 25 44 57 57 21 28 17 8 33-B 54 35 51 16 32 54 12 27


1931 No.

Name of Lodge

Location of Lodge

225 County



515 Galena Galena Stone 54 106 Gallatin : Gallatin Daviess 10 423 Galt Galt Grundy 4 GardenviIle St. Louis 57 655 Gardenville Arcola Dade : 42 359 Garrett 522 Gate City Kansas City Jackson 22 422 Gate of the Temple.Springfield Greene 45 465 Gaynor City Parnell Nodaway 7 125 GentryviIIe GentryviIle Gentry & 9 George Washington.St. Louis 33路B Glensted Morgan 58 250 Glensted 427 Glenwood : Glenwood Schuyler 1 475 Golden Golden City Barton 43 218 Good Hope St. Louis 33-B 72 Gorin Gorin Scotland 1 436 Gothic Alexandria Clark 1 Gower Clinton 11 397 Gower 289 Graham Graham Nodaway 7 Grain Valley Jackson 59 644 Grain Valley 514 Granby Granby Newton 56 Grandin Carter 47 579 Grandin 276 Grand River Freeman ,Cass 34 ;..Grandview Jackson 59 618 Grandview 272 Granite Sedalia PetUs 36 66 Grant City ,Grant City Worth 6 Gray Summit.. Franklin 32 173 Gray Summit.. Green City Sullivan 3 159 . Green City 425 Green Ridge Green Ridge , Pettis 36 414 Greensburg Greensburg Knox 2 635 Greentop Greentop Schuyler 1 107 Greenville Greenville Wayne 52 178 Griswold Bellfiower Montgomery 28 589 Grovespring Grovespring Wright 46 474 Guilford Guilford Nodaway.................... 7 H

216 336 224 188 322 499 171 21 571 459 354 117 37 477 338 123 288 187

Hale City HallsviIle Hamilton Hannibal. Hardin : Harmony Hartford Havana Hayti. Hazelwood Hebron Helena Hemple Henderson Herculaneum Hermann Hermitage Hermon

Hale Hallsville Hamilton Hannibal.. Hardin St. Louis Hartford McFall Hayti. Seymour Mexico Helena Hemple RogersviIIe Herculaneum Hermann Hermitage Liberal.

CarrolI Boone Caldwell Marion Ray Putnam Gentry Pemiscot Webster Audrain Andrew Clinton Webster Jefferson Gasconade Hickory Barton

2.0 26 12 15 20 33-B 3 6 51 45 27 9 11 .45 .40 32 41 43

226 No.

Appendix. Name of Lodge

104 211 52'7 364 455 362 279 262 660 49 251 239 215 580 4 130 32 415 30

Heroine Hickory Hill Higbee Higginsville Hinton Hiram Hogle's Creek Holden Holliday . Holt Hope Hopewell Hornersville Houston . Howard Hume iIumphreys ~ Hunnewell Huntsville

410 581 76 54 536 381 154 143 420 446

Iberia Illmo Independence Index Ingomar Ionia Ionic Irondale Itaska Ivanhoe

82 541 447 500 564 398 43 640 315 480 164 321 457 ,335 411

Jackson Jacksonville Jacoby Jameson 路Jamesport Jasper Jefferson Jennings Jerusalem Jewel. Joachim Jonathan Jonesburg Joplin 路 Joppa

220 311 329 68 243 376 309 118

Kansas City Kearney Kennedy Kennett Keystone King Hill.. King Hiram Kingston

Location of Lodge

1931 County

Kansas City Jackson Eugene Cole Higbee Randolph Rigginsville Lafayette Hinton Boone Kahoka Clark Wheatland Hickory Holden Johnson Holliday Monroe Holt Clay Washington Franklin Lesterville Reynolds ,Hornersville Dunklin Gant Audrain New Franklin Howard Hume Bates Humphreys Sullivan Hunnewell Shelby Huntsville Randolph I lberia Miller lllmo Scott lndependence Jackson - Garden City Cass Willow Springs Howell Eldon Miller Desloge St. Francois lrondale Washington .st. Louis : Kansas City Jackson J Linneus Linn Jacksonville Randolph Darlington Gentry Jameson Daviess Jamesport Daviess Jasper Jasper Jefferson City Cole Jennings St. Louis Jerico Springs Cedar Pleasant Hill Cass Hillsboro Jefferson Denver Worth Jonesburg Montgomery Joplin Jasper Hartville Wright K. Kansas City Jackson Kearney Clay Elmo Nodaway Kennett .Dunklin St. Louis .8t. Joseph Buchanan Knoxville Ray Kingston Caldwe11



22 31 18 23 26 1 41 36 17 11 32 47 51 27 25 35 3 14 18 38 50 59 34 53 58 48 40 33路A 22


13 ;..18 6 10 10 44 31 57 .42 34 40 6 28 44 46 22 11 7 51 33路A 9 23 12




1931 Name of Lodge

Location of Lodge

264 105 484 245 582

Kirbyville Kirksville Kirkwood Knob Noster Koshkonong

Hollister Kirksville Kirkwood Knob Noster Koshkonong

222 83 115 437 489 292 460 574 531 237 253 592 506 145 598 77 494 149 31 302 138 326 152 51 521 488 257 259 268 128 409 403 394

La Belle Laclede Laddonia Lafayette Lakeville Lamar Lambskin La Monte : Lane's Prairie La Plata Laredo , La Russell Lathrop Latimer Leadwood Lebanon Lewistown Lexington Liberty Lick Creek Lincoln Linn : Linn Creek Livingston r,ockwood Lock Spring Lodge of Light.. Lodge of Love Lodge of Truth Lorraine Louisville Lowry City Lucerne

La Belle Lebanon Laddonia Corder Bell City Lamar St. Louis La Monte Vichy La Plata Laredo : La Russell Lathrop ; Licking Leadwood Steelville Lewistown Lexington Liberty Perry Fillmore Linn Camdenton Glasgow Lockwood Lock Spring Eagleville Lancaster

433 91 626 112 406. 402 543 566 481 110 616 390 569 165

Mack's Creek Madison Magnolia Maitland Malden Malta Mansfield Maplewood Marceline Marcus Marion Marionville ' Marlborough Maryville



Taney Adair St. Louis Johnson Oregon

54 2 57 36 53



Ridgeway Louisville Lowry City Lucerne M Mack's Creek Madison St. Louis Maitland Malden Malta Bend Mansfield Maplewood Marceline Fredericktown Mercer Marionville (Jackson Co.) Maryville

Lewis Laclede Audrain Lafayette Stoddard Barton Pettis Maries Macon Grundy Jasper Clinton Texas St. Francois Crawford Lewis Lafayette CIay Ralls Andrew Osage ~ Camden Howard Dade Daviess Harrison Schuyler Macon Harrison Lincoln St. Clair Putnam Camden Monroe .Holt Dunklin Saline Wright St. Louis Linn Madison Mercer路 Lawrence Jackson Nodaway


15 38 27 23 50 43 33-B 36 39 14 :. 4 44 11 39 ,48 39 15 23 11 15 9 31 38 25 42 10 5 1 14 5 29 37 3 38 17 33-A 8 51 24 .46 57 13 48 4 55 59 7




228 Name of Lodge

Location of Lodge



324146 260 458 16 628 313 35路 2 85 244 42 516 567 151 471 1 639 344 144 612 129 295 64 490 246 58 408 603 184 351 558 294 614 158 637 382 476 439 40 99 327 221

McDonald .Independence Jackson McGee College Mound Macon Mechanicsville ,Howell St. Charles Melville Dadeville Dade Memphis Memphis Scotland , Mendon Mendon Chariton Meramec Eur路eka St. Louis Mercer Princeton Mercer Meridian St. Louis Miami. 1Vliami. Saline Middle Fabius Downing Schuyler Middle Grove Middle Grove Monroe Milford Milford Barton Miller Miller ; Lawrence Milton Milton Randolph Mineral Oronogo .Jasper Missouri. St. Louis Mizpah St. Louis ; Moberly Moberly Randolph Modern Humansville Polk Mokane Mokane Callaway Monett Monett Barry Moniteau .Jamestown Moniteau Monroe Monroe City Monroe Montevallo Montevallo ~ ;..vernon Montgomery Montgomery City.Montgomery Monticello Monticello Lewis Montrose Montrose ; Henry Morehouse Morehouse New Madrid Morley Morley Scott Mosaic Belleview .Iron Moscow Moscow Mills Lincoln Mound City Mound City ,Holt Mount Washington.Mt. Washington .Jackson Mountain Grove Mountain Grove Wright Mountain View Mountain View Howell Mt. Ararat Topaz Douglas Mt. Hope Odessa Lafayette Mt. Olive Rogersville, R. 3..Webster Mt. Moriah St. Louis Mt. Vernon Mt. Vernon Lawrence West Plains Howell Mt. Zion Mystic Tie Oak Ridge Cape Girardeau

25 568 560' 247 60 510 199 307 429 270' 473 470

Naphtali. Naylor Nelson Neosho New Bloomfield New Hampton New Hope New London New Madrid New Salem Nineveh Nodaway

N St. Louis 路 Naylor Ripley Nelson Saline Neosho Newtoll .New Bloomfield Callaway New Hampton Harrison Elsberry Lincoln New London Ralls New Madrid .New Madrid 'Vinfield Lincoln Olney Lincoln Maryville Nodaway

59 14 30 42 1 19 57 4 33-B 24 1 17 43 55 18 44 33-A 33-B 18 41 27 55 31 17 43 28 15 37 50 50 48 29 8 59 46 53 46 23 .45 33-A 55 53 .49

. ;

33-B 52 24


27 5 29. 15 51 29 ~.29





1931 Name of Lodge>

Location of Lodge

647 372 643 157 358 622 181 583

Noel Nonpareil.. Northeast North Star Northwest Norwood Novelty Novinger

Noel. East Lynne Kansas City Rockport Tarkio Norwood Novelty Novinger

163 134 576 139 546 518 303 317 7 624 297

Occidental. Oleari ::: Olive Bran路ch Oregon Orient OrientaI... Osage Osborn O'Sullivan Owensville Ozark

241路 18 19路 650 308 65 11 330 319 530 . 498 551 92 502 136 472 399 652 182 314 469 504 113 160 142 467 176 79 349 232 95' 209

Palestine St. Charles Palmyra Palmyra Paris Union Paris Parma Parma Parrott.. Maysville Pattonsburg :.Pattonsburg Pauldingville Wright City Paul Revere St. Louis Paulville Brashear Peculiar Peculiar.: Pee Dee Musselfork Pendleton Doe Run Perseverance Louisiana Philadelphia Phihtdelphia Phoenix Bowling Green Pickering Pickering Pike Curryville Pilgrim St. Louis Pilot Knob 路 Richville Pine Bardley, Plato Plato Platte City Platte City Plattsburg Plattsburg Pleasant , Morrisville Pleasant Grove Otterville Pleasant Hope Pleasant Hope Point Pleasant Conran Polar Star St. Louis Pollock Pollock Polo Polo ; Pomegranate St. :Louis Poplar Bluff Poplar Bluff


. District

McDonald Cass .Jackson Atchison .Atchison Wright Knox Adair

56 34 22 8 8 46 2 2

o :

St. Louis Olean St. Louis Oregon Kansas City Blackburn Nevada Osborn Walnut Grove Owensville Fair Grove

33-A 58 33-A 8 22 24 43 l0 .45 32 45

Miller Holt Jackson Saline Vernon De Kalb Greene Gasconade Greene


St. Charles Marion Monroe New Madrid De Kalb Daviess , Warren Adair Cass Chariton St. Francois Pike Marion Pike Nodaway Pike Douglas Ripley Texas Platte Clinton Polk Cooper Polk New Madrid Sullivan CaldwelI Butler


30 - . 15. 17 51 l0 10 30 33-A 2 34 19 48 16 15 16 7 16 33-B 46 52 46 21 11 41 25 :...41 51 33-B 3 12 33-A 52


230 No.

Name of Lodge

Location of Lodge

166 Portageville Portageville 242 Portland Readsville 131 Potosi. Potosi.. 556 Prairie Gilman City 503 Prairie Home Prairie Home 179 Pride of the WesLSt. Louis St. Louis 657 Progress 148 Purdy Purdy 658 Purity St. Louis Newtown 190 Putnam 596 Puxico Puxico 180 pyramid St. Louis Cassville 383 pythagoras

1931 County


New Madrid Callaway Washington Harrison Cooper

51 27 40路 5 25 33-B 33-B 55 33-A 3 50 33-A 55

Barry Sullivan Stoddard Barry


380 196

Queen City Quitman

Queen City Quitman

478 33 258 201 223 451 391 584 468 570 167 479 385 57 361 13 496 67 435 663 341 213 550 404 426 204 316 238 90 572

Racine Ralls Ravanna Ravenwood Ray Raymore Raytown Red Bird ; Red Oak Republic Revere Rich HilL Richland Richmond ~ Riddick Rising Sun Robert Burns RocheporL Rockbridge RockhilL Rockville Rolla Rose HilL Rosendale Rothville Rowley RuraL Rushville Russellville ltutledge

Seneca Center Ravanna Ravenwood Camden Raymore Raytown Red Bird Red Oak. Republic Revere Rich HilI... Richland Richmond Buffalo Barry Gainesville Rocheport.. Rockbridge Kansas City Rockville Rolla St. Louis Rosendale RothviIle Dearborn Kansas City Rushville Russellville Rutledge

225 226 208 424 298

Salem Saline Salisbury Samaritan Sampson

S Salem St. Mary's Salisbury Bonne Terre Lutie

Schuyler Nodaway

1 7


Newton Ralls Mercer Nodaway Ray Cass Jackson Gasconade Lawrence Greene Clark Bates Pulaski Ray Dallas Platte Ozark Boone Ozark Jackson Bates Phelps Andrew Chariton ; Platte Jackson Buchanan Cole Scotland

, :

Dent Ste. Genevieve Chariton St. Francois Ozark

56 15 4 7 23 34 59 32 55 45 ,. 1 35 38 23 .41 21 53 26 53 22 35 39 33-A 9 19 21 22 9 31 1 39 .48 19 .48 53

1931 No. .

Appendix. Name of Lodge

Location of Lodge

231 County

462 293 71 508 448 126 236 517 513 585 646 653 625 256 228 371 304 310 75 511 266 271 206 200 547 466 296 524 155 96 273 588 234 230 28 78 20 93 109 419 133 634 538 523 283 608 604 174 69 555 2-63 617

Santa Fe Sant~ Fe Monroe Sarcoxie Sarcoxie Jasper Savannah Savannah Andrew Saxton : Saxton Buchanan Schell City Schell City Vernon Seaman Milan Sullivan Sedalia Sedalia Pettis Seligman Seligman Barry Senath Senath Dunklin .: Sh.amrock Shamrock Callaway Shaveh St. Louis ~ Shawnee Warsaw Benton Sheffield .Kansas City Jackson Shekinah Festus .Jefferson Shelbina Shelbina Shelby Sheldon Sheldon Vernon Signal... Mindenmines Barton Sikeston ~ikeston Scott Silex SiIex Lincoln Skidmore Skidmore Nodaway SociaI Martinsburg Audrain Solomon Springfield Greene Somerset. Powersville Putnam Sonora ~ : Watson Atchison South Gate Kansas City Jackson Southwest.. Southwest City McDonald Sparta Sparta Christian SpickardsviIIe Spickard Grundy Spring Hill... Spring Hill Livingston St. Andrews Shelbyville Shelby St. Clair Osceola St. Clair St. FrancisviIIe Wayland Clark St. Francois LibertyviIIe St. Francois St. James St. James ,., Phelps , St. John's Hannibal.. Marion St. Joseph St. Joseph Buchanan St. Louis St. Louis St. Marks Cape Girardeau Cape Girardeau Stanberry Stanberry Gentry Star Taberville St. Clair Star of the WesLlronton .Iron Steele Steele ~ Pemiscot Stella Stella Newton Stinson Stinson Lawrence Stockton Stockton Cedar Strafford Strafford Greene Strasburg Strasburg Cass Sturgeon Sturgeon Boone SulIivan SuIIivan Franklin Summersville Summersville Texas Summit.. Lee's Summit Jackson Swope Park. Kansas City Jackson

565 438

Tebbetts Temperance


17 44 9 9 43 3 36 55 51 27 33-A 36 22 40 14 43 43 50 29 7 27 45 3 8 22 56 54 4 12 14 37 1 48 39 15 ~' 9 : 33-B 49 6 37 .48 51 56 55 .42 45 34 26 32 .46 59 22

T Tebbetts SmithviIle

Callaway Clay

27 11

232 No.

Appendix. Name of Lodge

Location of Lodge

299 177 661 56 631 111 638 205 641 122 .440 34 360 114 350 12

Temple Kansas City Texas ~ Houston Theodore Roosevelt..St. Louis Tipton Tipton Tower Grove .st.. Louis Trenton Trenton Triangle St. Louis Trilumina _ Marshall Trinity St. Louis Triplett Triplett Trowel... Marble Hill... Troy Troy Tuscan St. Louis Twilight.. Columbia Tyrian Johnstown Tyro Caledonia

593 124 210 5 495 649 421 286

Union Union Star Unionville United Unity University Urbana Urich

413 Valley 629 Valley Park 509 Van Buren 491 Vandalia 493 Vernon 452 Verona 320 Versailles 94 Vienna 62 VinciI. 348 52 605 456 627 74 609 87 61 526 375 235 512 98 84 22 613 194



Wadesburg Wakanda Walker Wallace Wallace Park. Warren Warrenton Washington Waverly Wayne Waynesville Weatherby Webb City Webster Webster Groves WeIlington WeIlston Wellsville

1931 County


Jackson Texas Moniteau Gru:r.dy Saline Chariton Bollinger Lincoln Boone Bates Washington


22 46 33·A 31 33·B 4 33·A 24 33·A 19 49 29 33-A 26 35 .40

U Union Franklin Union Star De Kalb Unionville Putnam Springfield Greene : Richards Vernon University City St. Louis Urbana Dallas Urich Henry ·

32 10 3 45 43 57 41 37

V Bolckow Valley Park Van Buren Vandalia Bronaugh.., Verona Versailles Vienna Cam·eron

Andrew St. Louis Carter Audrain Vernon Lawrence Morgan Maries Clinton

9 57 .47 27 43 55 58 39 11

W Creighton Carrollton Walker Bunceton Wallace Keytesville Warrenton Greenfield Waverly Piedmont Waynesville Weatherby Webb City Marshfield Webster Groves De Kalb WeIlston WeIlsviIle

Cass ; Carroll· Vernon Cooper Buchanan Chariton Warren Dade Lafayette Wayne Pulaski De Kalb .Jasper Webster St. Louis Buchanan St. Louis Montgomery



34 20 - 43 25 9 19 30 .42 20 52 38 10 44 45 57 9 57 28



1931 No:

Name of Lodge

46 445 103 396 15 53 340 202 .434 301 417 162 374 620 370 191 29 540 430 277 387 24

Wentzville West Gate West View Western Light.. Western Star Weston Westport.. Westville Wheeling White Hall Whitewater Whitesville Wilderness Willard Williamstown Wilson Windsor Winigan Winona Wm. D. Muir Woodside Wyaconda

Location of Lodge

Wentzville St. Louis Mi11ersville Louisburg Winston Weston Kansas City Westville Wheeling Barnard Whitewater Wliitesville Wilderness Willard Williamstown Pocahontas Windsor Winigan Winona Pilot Grove Thomasville :..La Grange



St. Charles , Cape Girardeau Dallas Daviess Platte Jackson Chariton : Livingston ; Nodaway Cape Girardeau ..Andrew Oregon Greene Lewis Cape Girardeau Henry Sullivan Shannon Cooper Oregon :: Lewis

30 33-B .49 .41 10 21 22 19 12 7 .49 9 53 45 15 49 37 3 47 25 53 15








y 563


Kansas City



Bollinger Buchanan

49 9


545 189

Zalma Zeredatha

Zalma St. Joseph





Name of J.odge


Adrian......................•. Crescent HIll... 368 Advance .Advancc 590 Agency Agency 10 Crlterion 586 Alba........... . Albany Athens 127 Aldrich..... . Aldrlch 664 Allendale AllensvllIe 198 Altamont Altamont 108 Alton......... . Alton 255 Alexandria. . Gothlc............... .436 Amsterdam 141 Arllllterdam Anderson ~ Anderson 621 Appleton C1ty Appleton Clty 412 ·Arcadla.. . Star of the West.. 133 Archie Archie. . 633 3:i9 Arcola... . Garrett Armstrong Armstrong 70 Arrow RoelL Arrow Rock...... 55 Ash Grove Ash Grove l00 Ashland Ashland 156 Atianta........................• Lodge of Truth 268 Aurora Canopy 284 Aux Vasse Aux Vasse 357 Ava Ava 26 Ballwln Bonhomme 45 Bakersfteld Bayou 365 Bardley Plne 314 Barnard ~ White Hall 301 Barnett Barnett 591 Bell City LakevllIe .489 Belle Belle 373 Bellevlew Mosalc 351 Belton Belton 450 Bernie........ . Bernle 573 Bethany Bethany 91 Bethel Bethel 537 Bevler Bloomlngton 102 BllIlngs _ Billings 379 Birch Tree Delphian 137 Blsmarck Blsmarck 41 Blackhurn Oriental 518 Blackwell Blackweli 535 Blairstown Blairstown 557 ·Blanche Pilot Knob : 182 Blodgett Blodgett 594 Bloomfield Bloomtleld 153 Blue Springs : Blue Springs 337 ·Blythedale Lodge of Light.. 257 Bogard Bogard 101 Bois D·Arc Bols D·Arc 449 Bolckow VaHey 413 Bolivar , Bolivar 195 Bonne Terre Samaritan .424 Boonvllle _ Cooper 36 • Address of Secretary.

Post Office

Name of Lodge

Bosworth.... . Bosworth ·Bowers MIll... Red Oak _ Bowling Green Phoenix Branson Branson Brashear Paulvllle Braymer Braymer Breckenridge Breckenridge Bronaugh Vernon Brooldleld Brookfleld ·Browns StaUon Hlnton Brumley Brumley Brunswlck Eureka Buckllll Bucklin Buckner Buckner Buffalo Rlddlck Bunceton.. . WalIace Bunker Bunker BurlIngton Junc Burlington Butler Butler Barnes Cabool ·Cabool Mt. Ararat.. Calnsville Cainsvllle Cairo Cairo Caledonia Tyro Calhoun Calhoun California California Callao Callao Camden Ray Camden Point Camden Point Cameron ........•.............. Vinci! Campbell Four Mlle Canton Craft Cape Glrardea u S t . Marks CardwelL Cardwell Carl Junction Carl Junction Carrollt.on __ Wakanda CartervllIe CartervllIe Carthage Carthage Caruthersville CaruthersvllIe Pythagoras Cassville Center Ralls Centertown Centertown Centralia Centralia Chaffee _.Chaffee Chamois..... . Chamois Charleston __ .' Charleston .Chllhowee R. 4 Agricola Chilhowee Chllhowee Chilllcothe ChlIIlcothe ChUilcothe Friendshlp .Chillicothe, R. 3 Sprlng HIll Chula Chula Clarence Clarence Clark Clark

No. 597 .468 136 587 319 135 334 .493 86 .455 203 73 233 501 361 .456 275 442 254 116 382 328 486 12 552 183 38 223 169 62 212 287 93 231 549 52 40 I 197 .461 383 33 611 59 615 185 407 343 487 333 89 155 388 662 610

1931 Post OtTice

Appendix. Name of Lodge


Clarksburg.... ... Clarksburg 553 Clarksdale Clarksdale 559 ClarksvlIle Clarksville 11 Clayton Clayton 601 Clearmont Clearmont 501 Cleveland Cleveland 651 Clever Clever 645 Clifton Hill ClIfton Hill 161 Clinton Clinton 548 CotTey Earl 285 Cole Camp Cole Camp 595 College Mound _ McGee 146 Columbla Acacia 602 Columbla TwllIght 114 Commerce Ashlar ~305 Competitlon Competition 432 Concordla ,..Concordla 464 Conway ; Conway 528 -Conway, R. R. 4 Dorlc 300 Corder Lafayette 431 Cosby Cosby 600 Cowglll COwgill 561 Craig Cralg 606 Crane Crane 519 Crelghton Wadesburg 348 Cuba · Cuba 312 Curryv1lle Plke 399 .Cyrene Loulsvllle 409 Dadeville Melvllle 458 Darllngton lacoby 441 Dearborn Rowley 204 Deepwater Deepwater 562 DeKalb .welIlngton 22 Denver .Jonathan 321 Desloge +lonlc ; 154 DeSoto DeSoto 119 DeWitt DeWltt 39 Dexter Dcxter 532 D1xon A.rllngton 346 Donlphan Composlte : 369 Downlng Mlddle Fabius .; 244 Drexel... _Coldwater 485 East I,ynne Nonparell 372 East Pralrle..: .East Prairie 384 Edgerton Adelphl 355 Edlna Edlna : 291 Eldon .lonla 381 El Dorado Sprlngs ClIntonville 482 Elllngton Barnesvllle 353 Elmer Elmer 648 Elmo Kennedy 329 Elsberry New Hope 199 Emlnence Emlnence 601 Eolia...............•............. EoIla :.. 14 Essex Essex 218 Eugene + Hlckory Hill 211 • Address of Secretary.

Post OtTlce

235 Name of Lodge


313 Eurel{a........ . Meramec Everton Everton 405 Ewlng Ewing 571 Excello.... . Excello 332 Excelsior Springs Clay 201 Falrfax··········· .. · i·······Fairfax 483 Fair Grove Ozark 291 Fair Play Fair Play 44 Fairvlew .Falrview 619 Farley.. . Fldellty 339 Farmlngton Farmlngton 132 ·Farmlngton, R. 6 Pendleton 551 ·Farmington, R. 1.. 81. l!'rancols 234 Faucett Blrmlng 150 Fayette Fayette .. 7 Fenton..... . Fenton 281 Ferguson. . Ferguson 542 Festus..... . Sheklnah 256 Flllmore Llncoln 138 Flat River Elvlns 599 Florida Florida 23 Forest City Forest City 214 Forsyth Forsyth 453 Foster Foster 554 Frankford Frankford 192 Frederlcktown l\farcus 110 Freeman..... .Grand Rlver 216 • Fulton Fulton 48 Gainesville Robert Burns .496 Galena Galena 515 Gallatin Gallatin 106 Galt Galt 423 ·Garden Clty Dayton · 386 Garden City .Index 54 Gashland Rislng Sun.............. 13 Gentryville Gentryville 125 Gilman Clty Prairle 556 Glasgow Llvlngston 51 Glenwood Glenwood 427 Golden City Golden 475 Gorin Gorln 12 Gower Gower 391 Graham Graham 289 Grain Valley Graln Valley 644 Granby Granby ;.514 Grandin Grandln 579 Grandvlew Grandvlew 618 Grant City Grant City 66 Gray Summlt Gray Summit 113 Green Clty Green City 159 Greentleld Washlngton 81 Green Rldge Green Rldge .425 Greentop Gr-eentop 635 Greenville Greenville 101 Grovespring Grovespring 589 Guilford Gullford 414

Appendix. Post Office Name of Lodge No. Hale Hale Clty 216 Hallsville Hallsville , , 336 ·Hamburg R. F. D. 1.... Mechanicsvl}le ,.. 260 ·Hamden Pee -Dee 498 Hamilton Hamllton 224 Hannlbal.,: , Hannibal 188 Hannibal... , St. ·John's 28 Hardin Hardln 322 Harrls , Arcana 389 Harrisburg Ancient Landmark.. 356 Harrlsonvllle Cass 147 Hartville .Joppa 411 Hayti. Hayti 511 Helena .Helena 111 Hemple Hemple 31 Herculaneum Herculaneum 338 Hermann Hermann 123 Hermltage Hermitage 288 Higbee Hlgbee 521 HIgglnsville Hlgginsville 364 Hillsboro Joachlm 164 Holden Holden 262 Holllday HoIllday 660 Holllster Ki.rbyville " 264 Holt.. Holt : 49 Hopkins Xenla 50 HornersvlUe : Hornersvllle 215 Houston Texas 177 Humansville M:odern 144 , Hume 130 Hume Humphreys -Humphreys 32 Hunnewell ,..415 Hunnewell ·Huntsvllle Huntsville 30 .Iberla lberla 410 Illmo lllmo 581 Independence lndependence ,.. :76 Independence ; McDonald 324 Irondale ;Irondale 143 Jackson Excelslor 441 Jacksonville Jacksonvllle 541 .Jake Prairle Red Bird 5R4 Jameson Jameson 500 Jamesport ····Jamesport 564 ·Jamesport ·Lock Spring 488 Jamestown Monlteau , 295 Jasper Jasper 398 Jefferson 43 Jefferson etty Jennlngs Tennlngs 640 Jericho Sprlngs .Jerusalem 315 Jonesburg .Jonesburg 451 Joplin.: Fellowshlp 345 Joplln .Joplin 335 Kahoka Hlram ;362 Kansas Clty , Albert Pike :.219 Kansas Clty Ceclle-Daylight 305 Kansas Clty Country Club 656 ·Address of Secretary.

Post OlTlce

1931 Name of Lodge


Kansas Clty East Gate· 630 Kansas Clty :.Gate Clty 522 Kanslls (jlty Berolne 104 Kansas Clty lvanhoe 446 Kansas City Kansas Clty 220 ·Kansas .City" 8534 JVoodland Ave.Marlborough 569 ·Kansas City, 614 HI008 Van Horn Rd.Mt. Washlngton Kansa~ . Clty Northeast 643 Kansas .City Orient 546 Kansas City Rockhllt 663 Kansas Clty Rural 316 Kansas City ShelTleld 625 Kansas City South Gate : 541 Kansas Clty :Swope Park 617 Kansas City Temple 299 Kansas City :::..Westport 340 Kansas Clty York 563 Kearney · ··· .l~Elarney 311 Kennett Kennett 68 Keytesvllle Warren .:" 74 King Clty ..,.nclent Craft 371 Klngston ,Kingston 118 Kirksvllle Adalr 366 Klrksville 105 Klrksville Klrkwqod 484 Klrkwood Knob Noster Knob Noster 245 ·Knox Clty Colony 168 Koshkonong Koshkonong 582 La Belle La Belle 222 Laclede.., Cypress 227 Laddonia Laddonla 115 La Grange Wyaconda 24 Lamar Lamar 292 La Monte La Monte 514 Lancaster Lodge of Love 259 La Plata La Plata 231 Laredo ···.·····..Laredo 253 La Russell... La Russell... 592 Lathrop Lathrop 506 Bee Hlve 393 Lawson Leadwood Leadwood 598 Laclede ,....... 83 . Lebanon Lee's Summit ~ummlt 263 ·Lee's Summlt Raymore 451 Leeton Cold Spring 274 Lestervllle .Hopewell 239 Lewlstown Lewlstown 494 Lexlngton " Lex1ng1on , 149 Liberal. : Hermon IS7 Llberty Liberty 31 Llcklng Latimer 145 .Llege Griswold 118 Lincoln, R. 1.. Clear Creek 418 .Llnn Linn 326


1931 Name of Lodge


·Llnn Creek Linn Creek Llnneus ..Jackson Lockwood Lockwood Louisburg Western Light Loulsiana Perseverance Lowry City Lowry Clty Lucerne _Luccrne Ludlow Dawn Luray Eldorado Lutle .8ampson Mack's Creek. Mack·s Creek Censer Macon Madlson Madlson Madison, R. 5 Mlddle Grove It.aitland Maitland Malden Malden Malta Bend Malta Mansfield. Mansfield Maplewood Maplewood Marble Ulll Trowel MarceIlne MarceIlne ·MarceIlne, R. R. 3 Westvllle Marionvllle Marionvllle Marshall.. Trllumlna Marshfleld Webster ·Marston Point Pleasant Martinsburg Soclal MaryvilIe Maryville Maryvllle Nodaway Parrott Maysvllle McFall Havana : ·McFall. R.. R. 2 Berlin McKittrlck. i>aggett MeadvlIle....................•Dockery Memphls Memphis Mendon Mendon Mercer Marion Hebron l\fexico Mexico, R. F. D. 1...Houston Mlami Miami Mllan Seaman J\:lllford MlIford Mlller MlIIer : .MllIer, R. 1 Stlnson MlllersvlIIe Westvlew Mindenmines Slgnal Missouri Clty............• Angerona .Moberly, Route 3 MlIton Moberly Moberly Mokane Mokane Central Molino Monett Monett Monroe Clty Monroe MontevaIlo Montevallo Montgomery Clty Montgomery MonticeIIo MontlceIIo • Address of Secretary.

Post Otl'lce

152 82 521 396 92 .403 394 539 318 298 .433 172 91 42 112 406 .402 543 566 .440 481 202 390 205 98 176 266 165 470 308 21 378 492 325 16 628 616 354 580 85 126 516 567 523 103 304 193 151 34"4 612 81 129 64 490 246 58

Post Office

237 Name of Lodge

Montrose Montrose ·Montrose. R. 6 Tyrlan Morehouse .Morehouse Morley Morley Morrlsvllle Pleasant Moscow MiIls Moscow Mound City Mound City Mountain Grovc Mountaln Grove MountaIn Vlew Mountaln Vlew Mt. Vernon Mt. Vernon Naylor Naylor Neison Nelson Neosho Neosho Nevada Osage Newark Ark New Bloomfield New Bloomfield Newburg EquaIlty Florence New Florence Howard New Franklin New Hampton New Uampton Evergreen New Haven New London New London New Madrld New Madrld .Putnam Newtown Noel. Noel Norborne Carroll North Kansas City Alpha Norwood Norwood • Novelty Novelty Novinger Novinger Oak Grove Christlan Oak Rldge Mystic Tie Mt. Hope Odessa Olean Olean Olney Nineveh Oregon Oregon Mlneral Oronogo Orrick Ada Osborn OSborn St. Clair Osceola Ottervllle Pleasant Grove OwensviIle OwensvlIle Ozark Friend Columbia . Paclfic Palmyra Palmyra Parls Paris Union Parkvllle Compass Parma Parma ParneII Gaynor City Pattonsburg Pattonsburg Peculiar Pecullar , ·Peoria Belgrade Perry : Lick Creek Phlladelphia :.Phlladelphia Pickering Pickerlng Piedmont Wayne :.,

No. 408 350 603 184 160 558 294 158 637 99 568 560 247 303 6 60 497 261 4 510 27 307 429 190 641 249 659 622 181 583 392 221 476 134 473 139 411 444 317 213 142 624 352 534 18 19 120 650 465

65 530 632 302 502 41'2 526

238 Post OlTice

Appendix. Name of Lodge


Pierce City Decatur Pilot Grove Wm. D. Mulr Plato Plato ~ Platte Clty Platte Clty Plattsburg Plattsburg Pleasant Hlll .Tewel Pleasant Hope...........•Pleasant Hope Pocahontas Wilson Pollock Pollock Polo Polo Poplar Blul't... Poplar BlutL. Portageville Portagevllle .Portiand Portland Potosl... Potosi Powersvllle Somerset Pr~lrle Home Prairie Home Prlnceton "!If ercer Protem Claftln Purdy Purdy Puxico Puxico queen Clty Queen Clty Qultman Qultman Ravanna Ravanna Ravenwood Ravenwood Raytown Ra)·town .Rayvllle. R. l.. Klng Hlram Republlc Republlc Revere Revere Rlchards Unlty Rich HilL. Rlch HlIL. Rlchland Rlchland Rlchmond Rlchmond Lorralne Rldgeway Robertsvllle Fraternal Rocheport Rocheport Rockbrldge Rockbrldge Rockport North Star Rockvllle Rockville Henderson Rogersvllle .Rogersvllle, R. 3 Mt. Ollve Rolla Rolla Clrde Roscoe Rosendale Rosendale Rothvllle Rothvllle Rushville Rushville Russellvllle : Russellvllle Rutledge Rutiedge .RuUedge, R. R. 4.. Greensburg St. Charles Palestlne St. Clalr Easter St. James St. James St. John's StaUon Brldgeton St. Joseph Brotherhood St. Joseph Charlty St.. Joseph King HllL. St. Joseph St. Joseph .Address of Secretary.

400 271 469 504 113 .480 .467 191 349 232 209 166 242 131 206 503 35 229 148 596 380 196 258 201 391

Post Oft'lce

1931 Name of Lodge


St. Joseph Zeredatha 189 ·St. .Joseph, Saxton 508 804 Noyes Ave St. J.ouls Algabll 544 St. Louls Amerlca 341 St. J.ouls Anchor 443 St. Louls A.pollo 529 Aurora 261 St. Louls St. Louls Beacon 3 St. Louls Benj. Franklln 642 St. Louis Cache 416 St. Louis Clifton Helghts 520 Commonwealth 654 St. Louls St. Louls Cornerstone 323 St. Louls Cosmos 282 Erwln 121 St. J.ouls St. Louls Eucild 505 St. Louls Forest Park 518 St. Louls Geo. Washington.... 9 St. Louls Good Hope 218 St. Louls Harmony 499 St. Louls .Itaska 420 St. Louls K~ystone 243 St. Louis Lambskin 460 St. Louls Magnolla 626 Merldlan 2 St. Louls 309 St. Louis Mlssourl.................... 1 510 St. Louis Mlzpah 639 161 Mt. Moriah 40 St. Louls .495. St.. Louls Naphtall 25 .419 St. J.ouls Occldental 163 385 St. Louls Ollve Branch 516 51 St. Louls ~Paul Rev"ere 330 128 St.. Louls .Pllgrlm 652 363 St. Louls Polar Star 19 67 Pomegranate 95 St. Louls 435 St. Louls Prlde of the West.....119 151 St. Louls Progress 651 341 St. Louls .Purlty 658 .417 St Louls Pyramld 180 439 St. Louls 1tose Hlll 550 213 St. Louls ~t. Louis 20 342 St.. Louls..· -Sllaveh 646 404 Theo. Roosevelt 661 St. Louls 426 St. Louls Tower Grove 631 238 St. Louls Trlangle 638 90 512 St. Louis (·Clayton, 414 308 Edgewood Dr.) Trinity 641 241 St. Louls Tuscan 360 515 St. Louis \Vest Gate 445 230 .St. Louis, 80 Gardenvllle 655 5211 Heege Road 269 .St. Louis, 331 613 5550 Cabanne Ave Wellston 376 St. Marys Sallne 226 18 Salem Salem 225


1931 Post Ortlce

Name of Lodge


Sallsbury Sallsbuiy 208 Santa Fe Santa Fe 462 Sarcoxle Sarcoxle 293 Savannah Savannah 71 Schell Clty Schell Clty .448 Sedalla Granlte 272 Sedalla Sedalla 236 Sellgman Sellgman 511 Senath Senath 513 Seneca .Raclne 478 Seymour Hazelwood 459 Shamrock Shamrock 585 Shelblna 8helblna 228 ShelbyvUle St. Andrews 96 Sheldon Sheldon 371 Sherldan......................•'Deflance 88 Slkeston Slkeston 310 Sllex Sllex 15 Skidmore Skidmore 511 Slater Cambrldge 63 Smlthvllle Temperance 438 Southwest Clty Southwest .466 Sparta Sparta ; 296 Splckard Splckardsvllle 524 Sprlngfleld Gate of the Temple..422 Sprlngfleld Solomon 271 Sprlngfleld Unlted 5 .Stanberry, R. 4 Alanthus 252 Stanberry Stanberry 109 Steele Steele 634 Steelvllle Lebanon 77 Stella Stella 538 Stewartsvllle ConUnental 454 Stockton Stockton 283 Strafrord Strafrord 608 Strasburg Strasburg 604 Sturgeon Sturgeon 174 Sullivan SulUvan 69 Summersvllle Summersvtlle 555 Sumner Cunnlngham 525 Sweet Sprlngs Barbee 217 Taberville Star 419 Tarklo Northwest 358 Tebbetts Tebbetts 565 Thayer Cllfton 463 Thomasville Woodslde 387 Tlpton Tlpton 56 Trenton Trenton 111 Trlplett Trlplett 122 Troy , Troy 34 Union Union 593 • Address of Secretary.

Post OlTice

239 Name of Lodge

Unlon Star Ulllon Star : Unlonvllle Unlonvllle ·Unlonville, R. R. 8 Hartford Unlverslty Clty Unlverslty Urbana Urbana Urich Urlch Utlca Benevolence Valley Park Valley Park Van Buren Van Buren VandaUa Vandalia Verona Verona ·Versailles, R. 3 Glensted Versailles Versailles Vlchy Lane's Prairle Vlenna Vlenna Walker Walker Wallace Wallace Park Walnut Grove O·Sulllvan Warrensburg Corlnthian Warrenton Warrenton , Warsaw Shawnee Washburn Barry Washlngton Hope Watson Sonora Waverly.......................•Waverly Wayland St. Franclsvllle Waynesvllle Waynesvllle Weatherby Weatherby Webb Clty Webb Clty Webster Groves Webster Groves Wellsvllle Wellsvllle Wentzvllle...................•Wentzvllle Weston Weston West Plains :..Mt. Zion Wheatland Hogle·s Creek Wheaton Comfort · WheeUng Wheellng Whltesvllle Whltesvllle Whltewater Whltewater : Wllderness wnderness Willard .willard WllllamstoWD Williamstown Wlllow Springs lngomar Windsor Windsor Winfteld New Salem Winlgan Winlgan Winona Winona Winston Westerp. Star Wright Clty .Pauldlngvllle Wyaconda Falrmount Zalma Zalma

No. 124 210 171 649 421 286 110 629 509 491 452 250 320 531 94 605 621 7 265 609 653 367 251 200 61 588 315 235 512 84 194 46 53 327 279 533 434 162 411 314 620 310 536 29 270 540 430 15 11 290 545







Adair 2 Andrew 9 Atchison 8 Audrain 27 Barton 43 Barry 55 Bates , ,: 35 Benton 36 Ben ton (Lodge 418) 37 Bollinger 49 Boone :: 26 Buchanan 9 Bu tIer 52 Caldwell 12 Callaway : 27 Camden 38 Cape Girardeau 49 Carroll __ 20 Carter 47 Cass __ 34 Cedar .42 Chariton 19 Christian 54 Clark 1 Clay 11 Clay (Lodge 659) 22 Clin ton 11 Cole 31 Cooper 25 Crawford 39 Dade 42 Dallas : 41 Daviess 10 DeKal b 10 Den t 39 Douglas · 46 Dunklin 51 Franklin · 32 Gasconade : 32 Gen try.............................................. 6 Greene · , 45 Grundy 4 Harrison 5 Henry 37 Hickory 41 Holt 8 Howard 25 Howell 53 Iron : 48 Jackson 59 Jackson (Kansas City) 22 Jasper .44 Jefferson 40 Johnson 36 Knox 2 Laclede 38 Lafayette : 23 Lafayette (Waverly 61) :•.. 20 Lawrence 55 Lewis : 15 Lincoln 29 Linn 13 Liv ingston 12

C ount.v



14 48 15 : 39 56 4 58 M!ll~r ~Lo.dges203 ~nd 410) 38 50 MISSISSIPPI Morgan 58 Moniteau 31 Monroe 17 Montgomery : 28 New Madrid 51 New Madrid (Lodge 603) 50 Newton : 56 Nodaway 7 Oregon 53 Osage 31 Ozark :.53 Pemiscot ..· 51 Perry 49 Pettis 36 Phelps : 39 Pike 16 Platte 21 Pol k .41 Pulask i 38 Pulaski (Lodge 346) 39


Marion Maries McDonald Mercer Miller

~~}fsa~....~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1~ Randolph Ray Ray (Hardin 322) Reynolds Ripley St. Charles St. Clair St. Francois St. Francois (Lodge 535) St. Genevieve St. LOUis (City) St. Louis (County) Saline Scott Schuyler Scotland Shannon Shelby Stoddard Stoddard (Lodge 573) Sto ne Sullivan Taney Texas Texas (Lodge 145) Vernon Warren WaShington Wayne Webster Worth , Wright

18 :.. 23 20 47 52 30 37 .48 .40 .48 33 57 24 50 1 1 47 14 50 51 54 3 54 46 39 .43 30 40 52 45 6 46

UST OF ELECTED OFFICERS OF THE GRAND LODGE A. F. & A. M. MISSOURI FROM ITS Date Election. April. Oct.. Oct.. Oct., Oct.• Oct•• Oct., Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.• Dec.• Oct.. Dec., Nov., Oct., Oct.• Oct., Oct., Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.• Oct.. 'Oct.. Oct,. May, May, May, May, May. June, May, May, May. May. May, May. M8V ..

1821 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 ••••• 1829 1830 1831. 1832 1833 1834 § 1835tt ••• 1836 ..... 1837 .•••• 1838 ••••• 1839 ..... 1840 ••••• 1841 ••••• 1842 ••••• 1843 ••••• 1844 ••••• 1845 ••••• 1846 ••••• 1847 ..... 1848 .•••• 1849 1850 1851 185~ ••••• 1853 .•••• 1854 1855 1856 .•••• 1851 ••••• 1858 1859 ••••• lR60 .••.•

Grand Master. Thos. F. Riddick.· Nath'l B. Tucker.· Nath'l B. Tucker.· Nath'l B. Tucker.· Nath'l B. Tucker.· Edward Bates • Edward Bates • Edward Bateo'! ' Hardage Lane ••••• Hardage Lane •••• • Hardage Lane .... • Edward Bates .•.. • H. R. Gamble ..•. • Sinclair Kirtley • A. B. Chambers • A. B. Chambers • S. W. B. Carnegy.· S. W. B. Carnegy.' S. W. B Carnegy.· P. H. McBride • P. H. McBride ' P. H. McBride ..• • P. H. McBride •.. • P. H. McBride ..• • J. W. S. Mitchell.· J. W. S. Mltchell.John Ralls, ...••. ' Joseph Foster • Joseph Foster • John F. Ryland .. ' John F. Ryland .. ' B. W. Grover ..... ' B. W. Grover .•... Wilson Brown ..•• • L. S. Cornwell. • L. S. Cornwell • Ben1am In ~harp.. S. H. Saunders • S. H. Saunders .•• Marcus Boyd .•... M. H. McFarland.-

I Was not Instanett..

D. Grand Master


Grand B. Warden.

Grand J. Warden.


APRIL 23, 1821. Grand Treasurer.

Grand Secretary.

James Kennerly • WilHam Bates • Archibald Gamble .. • WilHam Renshaw.Thompson Douglass· Edward Bates • WUlIam Bates • Archibald Gamble .. • William Renshaw.· Thompson Douglass· Edward Bates • Wm. G. Pettus • Archibald Gamble .. • William Renshaw.· Geo. H. C. Melody.· Edward Bates • Wm. G. Pettus • Archibald Gamble .. • T. Douglas.· Geo. H. C. Melody.· Wm. G. Pettus - Thornt. Grimsley • Archibald Gamble .. - T. Douglas.· Geo. H. C. Melody.· Wm. G. Pettus • Thornt. Grimsley, .. • Archibald Gamble .. • John D. Daggett.· Hardage Lane Martin Ruggles John F. Ryland • Rich. T. McKlnney.- John D. Daggett.· Hardage Lane • Martin Ruggles H. R. Gamble • Thornton Grimsley. - John D. Daggett.· Geo. H. C. Melody. - H. R. Gamble ....•. - Adam L. Mills • Thornton Grlmsley.- John D. Daggett.· Fred L. Blllon ....• • H. R. Gamble ...••. - Adam L. Mills - Bernard Pratte - John D. Daggett.· Geo. H. C. Melody.· Sinclair Kirtley..... • Adam L. Mills • Thomas Andrews • Fred L. Blllon.· Geo. H. C. Melody.· Ollver Parker ...•.. • Au~ustus Jones - Thomas Andrews - Fred L. Blllon.· Geo. H. C. MelodY.' M. J. Noyes .•••.... • Augustus Jones - Thomas Andrews • Fred L. BllIon.· A. B. Chambers • John Wilson • G. A. Tuttle • Geo. H. C. Melody .. • John Garnett.· Sinclair Kirtley •••. • Ollver Parker .•.••. • S. W. B. Carnegy •. • Geo. H. C. Melody .• ' Thos. W. Conyers.· Sinclair Kirtley .•.. • Ollver Parker .••••. • S. W. B. Carnegy Geo. H. C. Melody .• - Thos. W. Conyers.· John D. Daggett ... • Edward Bearcey .... • Granville Snell - Geo. H. C. Melody .. - Richard B. Dallam.· John D. Daggett ...• A. B. Chambers ....• Thomas Andrews - Geo. H. C. Melody .. ' Richard B. Dallam.· John D. Daggett .•. • A. B. Chambers .... • Alex. T. Douglass Geo. H. C. Melody .. - Richard B. Dallam.' A. B. Chambers ....• Alex. T. Douglass .. ' Wm. C. Vance • Geo. H. C. MelodY .. • Richard B. Dallam.· Joseph Foster ......• Alex. T. Douglass .. • John Orrick ...•. , ..• Geo. H. C. Melody .. • Richard B. Dallam.· .Toab Bernard Joseph Foster .•••.•• C. H. Bowers Geo. H. C. Melody .. • Richard B. Dallam.· .Toab Bernard..• , ...• Joseph Foster ...••.• C. H. Bowers John Simonds .....•• Richard B. Dallam.· Joseph Foster....•. ·.T. W. S. Mltchell - E. S. Ruggles - Fred L. Blllon ..•.. • Richard B.' Dallam.· Fred L. Blllon .. , .. - E. S. Ruggles, ,.- J. L. F. Jacoby • John S. Watson - Richard B. Dallam.· John D. Taylor •... - E. S. Ruggles * J. L. F. Jacoby • John S. Watson • Fred L. Blllon.· John D. Taylor, • E. S. Ruggles * .T. L. F. Jacoby - .Tohn S. Watson .•.. * Fred'L. BlI1on.· E. S. Ruggles • J. L. F. Jacoby • Cyrus Osborn - John S. Watson .... * .J. W. S. Mitchell.· E. S. Ruggles • Cyrus Osborn.......• Joseph Meggulre * John S. Watson., .• • :1. W. S. Mitchell.' E. S. Ruggles ' Joseph Meggulre • P. Draper * John M. Reed • C. D. W. ,Johnson.· B. W. Grover ,. P. Draper • S. F, Currie • J. T. Johnson • C. D. W. Johnson.E. S. Ruggles • S. F. Currie • .T. H. Turner • J. T. Johnson • C. D. W. Johnson.S. F. Currie • J. H. Turner .......• S. H. Saunders - .J. T. Johnson • A. O·Su11lvan .• L. S. Cornwell - J. W. Chenoweth .. - R. C. HIlI. .•....... - .Joseph Foster ......• A. O·Su11lvan.• D. P. Wa11lngford .. • James H. Britton .. • * Joseph Foster • A. O·Sulllvan....•............. .•• .T. W. Chenoweth .. • H. E. Van Orsdell.· John D. Daggett. .. * A. O·Sulllvan.W. A. Cunningham .. S. H. Saunders • Marcus Boyd .......• John D. Daggett ... • A. O'Sullivan.• P. Draper.. . ......• "arcu!! Boyd • John F. Houston - John D. Da~~ett .. ' A. O'~ulltvan.Marcus Boyd ....••• - .John F. Houston .•• • .John Decker - .John D. Da~~ett. .. • A. O'!::ulllvan.M. H. McFarland .• ' W. R. Penick • .Tohn Decker • .lohn D. na~~ett.•. • A. O·~ul1lvan.• W. R. Penick .•..•. • John Decker • Samuel M. Hayes .. • John D. Daggett.,.· A. O·Sullh'll.n .•


~ ~ (':)





LIST OF ELECfED OFFICERS OF THE GRAND LODGE A. F. & A. M. MISSOURI FROaI ITS Date Election May, May, May, May, May. May, Oct., Oct.• Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., ,Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct.; Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct.• Oct., Oct., Oct.,

Grl1nd Master


G. Senior Warden

D. Grand :i\Iaster

APRIL 23, 1821 Grand J. Warden

1861. .••• Wm. R. Penick • John Decker • Geo. Whitcomb • A. L. McGregor .... • 1862 ••••• Geo. Whitcomb • John H. Turner • Wm. N. Loker • Samuel Russell. ....• 1863 .•••• John H. Turner .. ' Wm. N. Loker....•. ' John D. Vlncll. • A. L. McGregor .... • 1864 .•••• John F. Houston.' John D. Vinci!. .... • A. L. McGregor • Martin Collins...•.. ' 1865 ....• John F. Houston.' John D. Vlncil ....• • Martin Collins • R. E. Anderson • 1866 .•••• John .D. Vinci!. ... • W.E. Dunscomb • R. E. Anderson • A. L. McGregor .•.. ' 1867 W. E. D\lnscomb.· C. A. Rowley • T. E. Garrett • Wm. D. Muir........ 186~ , . John D. Vlncl\.. .. • R. E. Anner!lon * Wm. D. Muir ' Alex. M. Dockery .. ' 1869 ••• ,. William D. Muir.' '1'•. E. Garrett .••••• • A. M. Dockery .•••• ' Sam H. Owens .•••. • 1870 Thos. E. Garrett.' R. E. Anderson • Sam H. Owens ' John E. Ryland..... • 1871. Thos. E. Garrett.' R. E. Anderson • Sam H. Owens • John E. Ryland •••• • 1872 •.••• Sam'l H. Owens .. ' J. E. Ryland .••••• • John W~ Luke •••.. • .las. E. Cadle .••••• • 1873 ••••• R. E. Anderson .. ' John W. ·Luke ..•.. • .las. E. Cadle .••••• • Xenophon !tyland •• • 1874 John W. Luke .... • Xenophon Ryland .. ' .las. E. Cadle • Thos. C. Ready .... ' 1875 James E. Cadle .. ' Xenophon Ryland .. ' Thos. C. Ready • Noah M. Givan .••• ' 1876 Xen. Ryland Thos. C. Ready • Noah M. Givan • M. G. Hubble ....... 1877 T. C. Ready • Noah M. Givan • .los. S. Browne • W. R. Stubblefield.' 1878 Noah M. Givan •• ' Joseph S. Browne.' W. R. Stubblefield.' .las. E. Carter ..••. ' 1879 .los. S. Browne .. ' W. R. Stubblefield ..' .las. E. Carter .... V· Alex. M. Dockery •• ' 1880 W.R. Stubblefield' Alex. M. Dockery •• ' Chas. C. Woods .••• • Lee A. Hall •••..••• • 1881 ••••• Alex.. M. DockerY •• ' Chas. C. Woods •••• ' Lee A. Hall ..•••••. ' Robt. F. Stevenson.' 1882 ..... Chas. C. Woods ' Lee A. Hall ........ ' Robt. F. Stevenson.' James W.' Boyd .... ' 1883 ••••• Lee A. Hall ' Robt. F. Stevenson.' James W. Boyd •••• ' Geo. R. Hunt. ..•.. • 1884 Robt. F. Stevenson.' James W. Boyd .••. ' George R. Hunt •••. ' Wm. M. Williams •. ' 1885 James W. Boyd ' George R. Hunt .... • Wm. M. Wl1llams .. • James P. Wood .... • 1886 Geo. R. Hunt • W. M. Williams .••. • James P. Wood ••.• • ...•.•••••.•.• ~ ••. " 1881 Wm. M. Williams' James P. Wood .... ' Theodore Brace ' Geo. E. Walker ' 1888 James P. Wood..._... ~ Theodore Brace •••• ' Geo. E. Walker • B. H. Ingram ' 1889 Theodore Brace •• ' Geo. E. Walker • B. H. Ingrattl. ·John R. Parson 1890 ••••• Geo. E. Walker.. ' B. H. Ingram • John R. Parson ' Harry Keene ' 1891 B. H. Ingram .... • John R. Parson .••• • Harry Keene ...••• • J. B. Thomas • 1892 John. R. Parson .•• ' Harry Keene •••••• J .. B. Thomas .•.•. ' A. M. Hough • 1893 ••••• Harty Keene .••• 'J. B. Thomas .••••• • A. M. Hough ..••.• • D. A. Jamison ••... '" 189f .•••• J. B. Thomas •••• ' A. M. Hough .••••. • D. A. Jamison ..••.. * F . .1. Tygard ...••• • 1895 A. M. Hough • D. A. Jamison F . .1. Tygard • E. F. Allen • 1896 D. A. Jamison F . .1. Tygard • E. F. Allen • C. H. Briggs 1897 F. J. Tygard • E. F. Allen • C. H. Briggs Campbell Wells • 1898 E. F. Allen C. H. Briggs Campbell Wells " Joseph C. Flnagin ' 1899 C. H. Briggs Campbell Wells Joseph C. Finagln * John C. yocum • 1900 Campbel~ Wells .. ' Joseph C. Flnagln ' John C. yocum • Wm. F. Kuhn



Grand Treasurer


Grand Secretary

John D. Daggett. .. • A. O·Sulllvan.· John D. Daggett. .. ' A. O·Sulllvan.' John D. Daggett. .. * A. O'Sullivan.' Wm. N. Loker • A. O'Sullivan.' Wm. N. Loker * A. O'Sullivan.' Wm. N. Loker * A. O·SulIlvan.'t Wm. N. Loker * G. Frank Goulev.·: Wm. N. Loker * G. Frank Gouley' Wm. N. Loker .•••• ' G. 'Frank Gouiey. Wm. N. Loker • G. Frank Gouley' Wm. N. Loker • G. Frank Gouley' vVm. N. Loker .•••. • G. Frank Gouley' Wm. N. Loker .•.•. • G. Frank Gouley' Wm. N. Loker ' G. Frank Gouley' Wm. N. Loker ,· G. Frank Gouley' Wm. N. Loker • G. Frank Gouley"O Wm. N. I.oker • John D. Vlncll' John W. Luke ...•• • John D. Vlncll' John W. Luke • John D. Vlncll' John W. Luke 11 John D. Vlncll' John W. Luke ' John D. Vlncll' Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlncll' Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlncll' Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlncll' Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlncll' Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlncll' Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlncll' Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlncll' Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlncll' Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlncll' Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlncll' Samuel M. Kennard' John D. VlncU' Samuel M. Kennard" John D. Vlncll' Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlncll' Samuel M. Kennard' John D. "Incll' Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vincll' Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlncll' Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vincll' Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlncll' Samuel M. Kennard" John D. Vlncll'


~ ~ (':)

~ ~






Oct., 1901. .... Joseph C. Finagln •• John C. yocum .... • Wm. F. Kuhn ....... Leroy B. VaIllant •• • Samuel M. Kennard· Oct., 1902 ••••• John C. Yocum •• * Wm. F. Kuhn ••••••• Leroy B. Valllant .. * A. S. Houston ••••• * Samuel M. Kennard· Oct., 1903 Wm. F. Kuhn ••••• Leroy B. Vaillant •• • A. S. Houston D. M. Wilson John R. Parson •••••• Sept., 1904 Leroy B . Vaillant· A. S. Houston * D. M. Wilson Howard Watson * John R. Parson Sept., 1905 A. S. Houston D. M. Wilson • John T. Short R. R. Kreeger Alphonso C. Stewart· Sept., 1906 D.M. Wilson John T. Short • R. R. Kreeger William A. Hall Alphonso C. Stewart· Sept., 1907 John T. Short R. R.Kreeger William A. HalL Clay C. Bigger Alphonso C. Stewart· Sept., 1908 R. R. Kreeger William A. Hall - Clay C. Bigger Arch A. Johnson Alphonso C. Stewart· Sept., 1909 Wm.· A. Hall ClaY C. Bigger • Arch A. Johnson Jacob Lampert Alphonso C. Stewart· Sept., 1910 Clay C. Bigger.......•• Arch A. Johnson Jacob Lampert Van Fremont Boor Alphonso C. Stewart· Sept., 1911 Arch A. Johnson....•. Jacob Lampert... • Van Fremont Boor Chesley A. Mosman Alphonso C. StewartSept., 1912 Jacob Lampert Van Fremont Boor Chesley A. Mosman..• Tolman W. Cotton Alphonso C. Stewart· Oct., 1913 Van Fremont Boor.. Chesley A. Mosman..• Tolman W. Cotton Frank R. Jesse Alphonso C. Stewart· Sept., 1914.. Tolman W. Cotton.. Frank R. Jesse • Edward Higbee ........• Wm. A. Clark Alphonso C. Stewart· Sept., 1915 Frank R.•Jesse • Edward Higbee Wm. A. Clark John W. Bingham • Alph. C. Stewart..··· Sept., 1916 Edward Higbee ......• Wm. A. Clark John W. Bingham Julius C. Garrell Wm. A. HalL. • Sept., 1917.. Wm. A. Clark John W. Bingham • Julius C. GarrelL. Wm. F. Johnson Wm. A. Hall • Sept., 1918 John W. Bingham..• .Julius C. GarrelL Wm. F. Johnson • O. A. Lucas Wm. A. HalL. • Sept., 1919 Jullus C. GarrelL Wm. F. Johnson • O. A. Lucas * Bert S. Lee Wm. A. HalL • Sept., 1920 Wm. F. Johnson • O. A. Lucas • Bert S. Lee .los. S. McIntyre Wm. A. Hall • Sept., 1921.. _ O. A. Lucas • Bert S. Lee Jos. S. McIntyre Orestes Mitchell Wm. A. HalL. • Oct., 1922 Bert S. Lee Joseph S. McIntyre Orestes MitchelL. W. W. Martin Wm. A. Hall • Oct., 1923 Joseph S. McIntyre.. Orestes Mitchell W. W. Martin John Pickard Wm. A. HalL. • Oct., 1924.. Orestes .. Mltchell W. W. Martin John Pickard A. F. Ittner Wm. A. HalL. ·ttt Oct., 1925 _ W. W. Martin John Pickard A. F. Ittner B. E. Bigger E. E. Morris Oct., 1926 _. John Pickard A. F. Ittner B. E. Bigger S. R. Freet _ E. E. Morris Oct., 1927 Anthony F .. Ittner B. E. Bigger S. R. Freet -I- ••• Wm. R. Gentry, Sr E. E. Morris Sept., 1928 Byrne E. Bigger__.. S. R. Freet..._ Wm. R. Gentry, Sr Ray V. Denslow E. E. ~[orris Sept., 1929 _ Samuel R. Freet Wm. R. Gentry Ray V. Denslow Thad B. Landon E. E. Morris Oct., 1930 Wm. R. Gentry Ray V. Denslow Thad B. Landon Frank C. BarnhilL. E. E. ~Iorris Sept., 1931.. Ray V. Denslow Thad B. Landon Frank C. Barnhill Duval Smith E. E. Morris ·Deceased. • tDied August 11th, 1866, while in otTice. • ~Appointed August 13th, 1866, by .John D. Vincil, G. M. •• IIDied April 11th, 1877, while in otTice. .n~Died October 12, 1904, while in olTice. ".Died April 22, 1916, while in otTice. • IIJohn W. Luke served, by appointment, as Grand Secretary, from April 11th, 1877, to October 11th. 1877, and died October, 1888. '1Died within one week after his installation. OFFICERS

EDWARD BATES. Worshipful Master. JOSEPH V. GARNIER, Treasurer.



John D. VlncU* John D. Vlncll* John D. VlncU* John D. Vincll-~~ John R. ParsonU· John R. ParsonJohn R. Parson· John R. Parson· John R. Parson· John R. ParsonJohn R. Parson· John R. Parson· .John R. Parson· John R. ParsonJohn R. Parson· John R. Parson· John R. Parson· John R. Parson· John R. Parson· John R. Parsontt· Frank R. Jesse· Frank· R. Jesse· Frank R. Jesse· Frank R. Jesse· Frank R. Jesse· Frank R..Jesse.. tt Arthur Matherttt Arthur Mather Arthur Mather Arthur Mather Arthur Mather




~ ~ ~

~ ~


ttThere was no Communication in 1835, owing to the anti-Masonic [excitement. ·*Wlthdrawn from Masonry. U·Appointed October 22, 1904, by Leroy B. Valliant, Grand Master, tt*Ireslgned May 20, 1921, account 11l health. ·tttDled November 7, 1924, while in olTice. ·**Appointed October 22. 1904, by Leroy B. Valliant, Grand Master. ··ttDied August 29, 1927, while in otTice. ttt Appointed Sept. 1, 1927, by John Pickard, Grand Master.



JA.MES KENNERLY, Senior Warden.




WILLIAM BATES, Junior Warden. ABRAM BECK, Secretary.






I, 1931.

FIRST DISTRICT-GEO. V. CALVERT, KAHOKA, D. D. G.. M. County Clark " " " " " Scotland " " Schuyler "



Revere No. 161.:.., Revere Fairmount No. 290 Wyaconda Eldorado No. 318 Luray Hiram No. 362 Kahoka _ Gothic No. 436 Alexandria _ St. Francisville No. 588 Wayland Memphis No. 16 ;.. JIemphis Gorin No. 72 Gorin _ Rutledge No. 5i2 Rutledge Middle Fabius No. 244 Downing Lodge of Love No. 259 Lancaster ......: Queen City No. 380 Queen City ................... GlenWood No. 421 Glenwood ................... Greentop No. 635 Greentop



C. D. Christy Arthur R. Dorsey E. P. Sparks Stanley Hayden Harry R. Carver Chas. M. Fore C. E. Trask Glen Rice T. I'. Burkhart Homer H. Lewis Thos. E. MitchelL F. C. Shelton A. L. McGoldrick R. D. Arnold........•.......

O. W. Harlan M. C. Haldeman Henry W. Calvert L. H. West JetTerson D. Rebo Guy G. Wiggins Ralph I. Ladd.............• J. W. Pulliam James A. Balley J. B. Bridges H. C. Burkland G. L. Lauer Guy Kerby Robert A. Boon

Time of Meeting 3rd Thursaay 2nd and 4th Fridays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Fridays Frl. on or before full moon 1st and 3rd Thursdays 1st Friday 1st and 3rd Thursdays 1st and 3rd Fridays 2nd and 4th Thursdays 2nd and 4th Fridays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays Sat. on or aft. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. 2nd and 4th Mondays



~ ~




Knox " " " "


Kirksville No. 105 _ Paulvllle No. 319 Adair No. 366 NovInger No. 583 Ark No. 6 Colony No. 168 Novelty No. 18L Edina No. 291.. Greensburg ?'Io. 414

Kirksvllle....•................... D. M. Frederick Brashear Geo. B. Easley. Jr Kirksville C. S. Crawford Novinger C. J,. Bronson Newark A. H. Marquette Colony Robert E. Moffett Novelty Carl R. Welsh Edina R. J. .Johnston Greensburg ChitS. E. Rice

G. C. Chambers R. P. Propst Chas. F. lAnk C. R. Truitt R. G. Hayden Harry N. Klllen Harry Clements C. M. Smith Floyd B. Jones

1st and 3rd Tuesdays Mon. on or before full moon 2nd and 4th Tuesdays Every Friday 1st Saturday after full moon Sat. on or before full moon On or before full moon Frl. on or before full moon Sat. on or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. aft.




Putnam "

Hartford No. 111 Somerset No. 206 ..................... Unionville No. 210 ..................... Lucerne No. 394 Sullivan Humphreys No. 32 " Seaman No. 126 .................... Green City No. 159 .................... Putnam No. 190 .................... Pollock No. 349 .................... Arcana No. 389 .................... Winigan No. 540

Hartford Powersville Unlonvllle Lucerne Humphreys Milan Green City Newtown Pollock Harris Winigan

H. L. Dickerson M. L. Brown Ura B. Lemen Russell Schoech H. E. Humphre.vs Smith Simpson Claude E. Page OraM. Stout....•......... WilHam J. Banner Tom D. Purdy R. .T. McCollum

lohn Gilstrap F. A. Cozad L. E. ProtTer A. F.Lowry W. E. Cook Chas.. E. Smith J. M. Border Jas. F. Myers Otis Reinhard Tolbert SthlS'm T. M. Crowaer

Sat. on or before full 1st and 3rd Mondays 2nd and 4th Mondays Thursday on or before 2nd and 4th Fridays 1st and 3rd Mondays 1st and 3rd Thursdays Sat. on or before full 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 1st Wednesday Saturday on or before




moon full moon

moon full moon



~ ~ (':l

Grundy "

Trenton No. 111.. Laredo No. 253 ...................... Galt No. 423 ...................... SpickardsvUle No. 524 Mercer Mercer No. 35 " Ravanna No. 258 ~ " Marlon No. 616

Trenton Laredo Galt. Spickard Princeton Ravanna Mercer

lohn A. Baugher E. .1. Robertson T. O. Brassfield W. T. Wild Quincy E. Thogmartin Orin Callaway Andrew A. Cochell

A. O. Ginn Emmett M. Wilson A. R. McKay R. B. Kennedy W. A. Mabe Charles Saylors Abijah A. Alley

1st and 3rd Thursdays 2nd and 4th Mondays 2nd and 4th Fridays 1st and 3rd Wednesdays Tues. on or b. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. Wednesday before fUll moon 2nd and 4th Tuesdays

~ ~



FIFTH DISTRICT-HENDRIX NEWMAN, NEW HAMPTON, D. D. G. M. Harrison......•...........• Bethany No. 97 " c. Lorraine No. 128 .................... Lodge of Light No. 257 .................... Cainsvllle No. 328 ...... ~ New Hampton No. 510 .................._ Prairie No. 556

Bethany Ridgeway Eagleville Cainsville New Hampton Gilman City

W. P. Bryant C. A. Brock........•....... Frank Y. Cramer Fred Harrison E. F. Moore F. E. Eberhart

Chas. John L. J. E. F. R. L. I. L.

T. Bridges A. Dale Caster Harrold Grun (Dr.) Noble

2nd and 4th Tuesdays Mon. on or b. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 2nd Ilnd 4th Wednesdays







Gentry Havana No. 21.. " ......................• Stanberry No. 109 , ....................... Gentryville No. 125 ....................... Athens No. 127.. ....................... Alanthus No. 252 ....................... Ancient Craft .No. 377 .....................:. BerllIL No. 378 ; ...................; Jacoby Xo. 447 ..; Worth ; Grant City No. 66 ....................... Defiance No. 88 ;.•..... ....................... Allensville No. 198 " Jonathan No. 321..

Location McFalL Stanberry Gentryville Albany Alanthus Grove King City Berlirr Darlington Grant City Sheridan Allendale Denver......... .

Master Chever Manring H. L. Shanabarger Curtis Crawford Frank L. ~mith Roy Grantham Alvin C. Undley C. H. Carson B. F. Cobb Elvis S. Campbel!... M. P. Allee _ G. E. McLeish Lawrence Ruckman ..


R. Clay Jolly John A. Moore A. W. Bowman J. Garvin Whiteley Frank Minshall Tesse A. Ringold S. F. Sweat.. Mark King W. P. Spillman V. L. Ambrose C. O. Brewlt.. C. ]\f. Craven

Time of :\Ieetlng Saturday on or before full moon 1st and 3rd Saturdays Sat. on or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. aft• 2nd and 4th Fridays 2nd and 4th Saturdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 2nd and 4th Saturdays 1st and 3rd Fridays 1st and 3rd Wednesdays Mon. on or b. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. Sat. on or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. 2nd and 4th Wednesdays


Xenia No. 50 Maryville .~o ..165 ................... Quitman No. 196 ................... Ravenwood No. 201.. ................... Graham No. 289 ................... White Hall No. 301.. ................... Kennedy No. 329 .................. Burlington No. 442 ................... Gaynor City No. 465 ................... Nodaway No. 470 ................... Pickering No. 472 ................... Guilford No. 474 ................... Clearmont No. 507.. ................... Skidmore No. 511

Hopkins Maryville Quitman RavenwOOd Graham Barnard Elmo Burlington Jet Parnel!... Maryville Pickering Guilford Clearmont Skidmore

.Tohn W. Demott .Tames A. Greenlee Wm. F. Tompkins D. M. Bishop R. E. Geyer H. E. WlnemlIler _ R. Orville HaUsa Frank !.. Crane Hiram Day E. C. Kessler Ervin Neal Wallace C. KenL R. N. Bancroft W. Robert Wells

F. J. yeomans 1st and 3rd Thursdays Fred H. French 1st and 3rdWednesdays J. J. McDonald 1st and 3rd Saturdays J. J. Sm.lth 2nd arrd 4th Th.ursdays Frank E. McNeaL 1st and 3rd Thursdays P. D.. Stalling 2nd and 4th Thursdays Earl L. Aldrich 1st and 3rd Mondays Geo. A. yates 1st and 3rd Fridays Wm. C. Timmerman 1st and 3rd Wednesdays L. P. Colvin _ 2nd and 4th Thursdays Tas. L. Clayton 2nd and 4th Tuesdays Alex H. Wilson 2nd and 4th Thursdays W. M. Simpson 1st and 3rd Thursdays Enos D. French _.2nd and 4th Mondavs


~ ~ (':)

~ ~



\0 CoN ~






North Star No. 151 Sonora No. 200 ................... Northwest Xo. 358 ................... Fairfax Xo. 483 Holt Maitland Xo. 112.. " Oregon No. 139 ........................... Forest City No. 214 ........................... \-round City No. 294 ........................... Craig No. 606

Rockport Watson Tarkio Fairfax :\Ialtland Oregon Forest City Mound City Craig..........................

Virgil E. Walter Oscar Landen Geo. R. Wllklnson J. A. Combs Gerald E. Rozelle E. F. Kearney Garrle Alkire Marion F. Wllson .T. B. Oft'enbacher

J. E. Welch A. W. Landen J. R. McNulty N. F. Dragoo.......... Lafe Dawson Paul Bragg Archie M. Brown Frank E. Cottier C. M. Randall

2nd 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 1st 1st 2nd 1st

and and and and and and and and and

4th Thursdays 3rd Thursdays 4th Thursdays 4th Tuesdays 4th Tuesdays 3rd Mondays 3rd Fridays 4th Tuesdays 3rd Tuesdays



~ ~ ~

Andrew Savannah No. 11 " Helena No. 111.. ...................... Lincoln No. 138 ...................... Whitesville No. 162 ...................... Rosendale No. 404.. ...................... Valley No. 413 ...................... Cos~y No. 600 Buchanan Agency No. 10 .. .. Wellington No. 22 ................. St. Joseph No. i8 ................. Blrmlng No. 150 Zeredatha No. 189 ................. Rushville No. 238 ..., Brotherhood No. 269 ...~ Charity No. 331.. .. ~ King Hill No. 3i6 ................. Saxton No. 508 ................. Wallace Park No. 621.. . . .r

Savannah Helena Fillmore Whitesville Rosendale Bolckow Cosby Agency DeKalb St. Joseph Faucet1. S1. .Joseph Rushville St. Joseph St. Joseph St. Joseph Saxton Wallace.......

Fred H. Kurz .T. A. Maughmer.. W. C. Bradford Earl Sherman W. D. Cummins Ressle Wade J .. R. Kieser P. H. Lacey Chas. Brumley Earl F. Sinclair Frank D. ConnetL Phllip Welch ""'''''''' W. R. Vanhoozer Jay A. Smith Virgil B. Million F. C. Black Francis A. Ewing W. C. Poston

W. W. HalL H. E. Shanks Muriel Wardlow J. F. Roberts M. H. Lewellen R. P. Carter W. B. Durant.. Geo. M. Bostick Byron A. Stroud W. L. Mulvanla Chas. S. Mays Geo. L. Markley D. H. DeBerry B. T. Andrews W. A. Piner Jesse Moore Milton A. Edwards M. W. Dooley

1st and 3rd Thursdays ~nd Monday and 4th Saturday 1st and 3rd Tuesdays Saturday. on or bef. full moon 2nd and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 1st and 3rd Saturdays 1st and 3rd Saturdays 1st Saturday 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 4th Saturday 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Mondays 2nd and 4th Fridays 2nd and 4th Mondays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 1st and 3rd Saturdays 2nd Saturday

~ ~










Union Star No. 124 ...................... Weatherby No. 235 ...................... Parrott No. 308 ...................... OsbQrn No. 311 ...................... Continental No. 454 ...................... Clarksdale No. 559 Davless Westerrr Star No. 15 .. . Pattonsburg No. 65 ..................... Galla.tln No. 106 ..................... Altamont No. 108 ..................•_ Earl No. 285 ..................._ Lock Spring No. 488 .................. ~ Jameson No. 500 ..................... Jamesport No. 564

Location Gnlon Star Weatherby


Osborrr StewartsvllIe Clarksdale Winston Pattonsburg Gallatin Altamont Coffey Lock Sprlng Jameson Jamesport



B. U. Clark W. M. Roberts Charles S. Brant Lewis Eo Doak. Shelby R. Thornton.. .T. Herald Thornton Floyd West W. C. Perry Glenn Havner Elmer Kirkendall H. A. Cunningham .T. Ray Ramsbottom.. Marvin A.' Feurt Byron Mahar~ ..

:T. W. Miller C. R. McClure Richard F. Brant Raymond Brand R. W. Kibbey John H. Mann J. M. CarrolL .Tas. R. Gromer (Dr.) W. O. Tague Ben H. Kuhns _. C. W. Githens R. M. Hicks John E. Robison Leslle O. Langford


ot Meeting

2nd and 4th Fridays 2nd and 4th Saturdays 1st and 3rd Mondays 2nd and 4th Saturdays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays Sa.t. on Qr bet. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3rd Wednesdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 1st and 3rd Mondays


"';::). "';::). ~




ELEVENTH DISTRICT-EMSLEY C. JAMES, HEMPLE, D. D. G. M. Clay J.lberty No. 31.. ............................. Holt No. 49 ............................. Angerona No. 193 ............................. Clay .No. 201 ............................. Kearney No. 311 ........................_ Temperance No. 438 Clinton.....................• Hemple No. 31 .. ..................•.... Vlncll No. 62 .. . Plattsburg No. 113 .. .. Gower No. 391 .. .. Lathrop No. 506 _

Liberty Holt Missouri City Excelsior Sprlngs Kearney SmlthvllIe Hemple Cameron Plattsburg Gower Lathrop

C. W. Carpenter Alton Bailey, J. F. Wheeler Odus Sisk S. J. Chapman Fred J. Venrlck Chas. O. Daniels B. E. Bangs Hugh 0 .. MarshalL A. J. Walkup E. H. Walker

Edgar Archer

_ _ Robt. E. Hicklin Walter A. Craven J. N. Shouse A. O. Lowman...•........ Jas. R. Vaughn.........••. Fred E. Luce C. W. Chastain......... H. T. Bowlin John S. Shouse ROY E.Powell..

2nd and 4th Mondays 3rd Friday 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Mondays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 1st and 3rd Wednesdays 1st and 3rd Thur!!days 1st and 3rd Mondays 1st Thursday 1st and 3rd Saturdays ht and 3rd Mondays

.... 1.0

.... CoN



\0 ~

CaldwelL Kingston No. 118 " Braymer No. 135 .................... Hamilton No. 224 .................... Polo No. 232 .................... Breckenridge No. 334 .................... Cowgill No. 561.. Livingston...............• Friendship No. 89 " Spring Hill No. 155 ................. Benevolence No. 170 ......: Chillicothe No. 333 ................. Chula No. 388 ................. Wheeling No. 434 ................. Dawn No. 539

Kingston Braymer Hamllton Polo Breckenridge Cowgill Chillicothe Spring Hill Utica Chillicothe Chula Wheeling Ludlow

H. M.. Zook....•........... M. H. Flol'd J. H. Bryan Fred A. Farr H. Porter DulJett Homer Buster Elmer A. Turner f'red M. Wrlghtman .. W. G. Kent .Tos. J. Shy Wade Manning C. E. Aye M. F. Pollard

.T. P. Jones D. Irving Farrar ,fohn G. King Chas. N. Jones PaUl G.Benson Bobt. R. Rone John M. GallaUn T. E. Stith A. J. Stamper George A. Smlth R. D. Adkins Arley D. Mace F. R. Yahns

_ 1st and 3rd Thursdays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 2nd and 4th Thursdays _ 2nd· and 4th Fridays ,. 1st and 3rd Fridays 1st and 3rd Saturdays Sat. on or ber. full moon _ 2nd and 4th Fridays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 2nd and 4th Thursdays 2nd and 4th Fridays


Jackson No. 82 Brooldleld No. 86 ........................... Cypress No. 221 ........................... Bucklin No. 233 " Dockery No. 325 " Marceline No. 481..

Linneus Brooldleld Laclede Bucklin Meadville Marceline

W. H. Childress John E. Burch J,yle Savage Earl S. Green .T. W. Jones F. K. Haddock

R. C. Perkins Lee Bond F. W. Burke Elbert Lamkin B. K. Sturges: Wm. E. Parks

,. 2nd and 4th Mondays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Wednesdays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays Every Tuesday 2nd and 4th Tuesdays



~ ~ (':)




FOURTE'ENTH DISTRICT-W. C. HEWETT, SHELBYVILLE, D. D. G. M. Macon " ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ Shelb)· " ....................... ....................... "

Callao :So. 38 Bloomington No. 102 McGee No. 146 Censer No. 112 La Plata No. 231 Lodge of Truth No. 268 Excello No. 332 Elmer :So. 648 St. Andrews No. 96 Shelbina No. 228 Hunnewell No. 415 Bethel No. 531 Clarence No. 662

Callao Revier COllege Mound Macon La Plata Atlanta Excello........................... Elmer Shelbyville Shelbina Hunnewell BetheL Clarence

Rene S. Goodrich D. R. Peck LeWis M. Brockman Wm. H. Burkhart Leon A. Carter G. M. Elsea Charles R. King C. S. Smith C. A. McAnulty R. Harry Wailes Albert Howe C. L. Shouse C. W. Layne

TelJ M. Banta 1st and 3rd Fridays D. M. W1l1Iams _ 2nd and 4th Tuesdays Emmett Rector _ 2nd and 4th Saturdays Luther E. Wilhoit 1st and 3rd Fridays Arthur S. King 2nd and 4th Thursdays A. C. Dearing _ 1st and 3rd Mondays Chas.. S. King 1st and 3rd Wednesdays C. I. Murry 2nd and 4th Mondays J. M. Miller _ 2nd and 4th Fridays B. L. Thomas _ 1st and 3rd Fridays Richard F. Lyell 1st and 3rd Fridays Sam Ziegler 1st and 3rd Mondays .T. L. McCoy 1st and 3rd Tuesdays









Lewis Wyaconda No. 24 .. . Monticello No. 58 .. . La Belle No. 222 ......................... Craft No. 287 ......................... Williamstown No. 370 ......................... Lewistown No. 494 ......................... Ewing No. 577 " Marlon Palmyra No. 18 " St. John's No. 28 ....................... Hannibal No. 188 ....................... Philadelphia No. 502 Ralls Ralls No. 33 " Lick Creek No. 302 " New London No. 307..



La Grange Monticello La Belle Canton Williamstown Lewistown Ewing Palmyra HannibaL HannibaL Philadelphia Center Perry New London


Wm. R. Waterston Otto P. Shanks J. A. Richmond M. T. Boulware Thos. H. Spurgeon .James A.. Coder S. W. Brumback A. V. Ely T. Earl Starke O. M. Herring W. E. Dunn C. C. Beavers J. L. Ornburn Onie D. Newlon


Time of Meeting

Leslie Edwards .........• J. L. BrightwelL A. L. Boone A. Clyde Stork .John S. Smith.............• E. F. Arnold John W. Terpening Milton J. Glahn W. H. Blackshaw .Julius A. Brown T. J. Blelgh G. C. Layne W. Dewey. ;Morris G. D. Harris

1st and 3rd Thursdays Thurs. on or b.f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 2nd and 4th Fridays 1st and 2nd Mondays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 2nd and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3rd Mondays 2nd and 4th Mondays 1st Thursday 2nd and 4th Saturdays Sat. on or before full moon 1st and 3rd Fridays


Eolia Ko. 14 Clarksville No. 17 Perseverance No. 92 Phoenix No. 136 ........................... Frankford No. 192 " Pike No. 399

Eolia .' Clarksville Louisiana Bowling Green Frankford Curryville·

J. C. Mitchell O. H. McLeod E. E. Angle W. G. Williams Kennedv S. Bucks R. K. Rose

'Vharton Schooler K. C. Patton Wro. H. Yager.. H. M. Strother H. C. Steele J. Henry Sisson


~ ~ ~

~ ~


Sat; on or before full moon 1st and 3rd Thursdays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Mondays Thurs. on or before full moon

SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT-GEORGE E. CHIPMAN, MONROE CITY, D. D. G. M. Monroe " ....................... ....................... " " "

Paris Union No. 19 Florida No. 23 MIddle Grove No. 42 Monroe No. 64 Madison No. 91 Santa Fe No. 462 Holliday No. 660

Paris Florida Middle Grove Monroe City Madison Santa. Fe Holliday

E. W. Seibert William Thornton E. H. Engle Geo. J.. Hicks n. M. Grimes Marion Rouse J•. J•. Curtright

Ladell Gwynn D. P. Violette F. H. Newman G. E. Chipman Cicero H. Eubank Frank Snyder Thomas E. Sparks

~nd and 4th Mondays Saturday on or bef. full moon 1st Friday 2nd and 4th Mondays 2nd Wednesday Saturday on or bef. full moon 1st and 3rd Tuesdays



CoN .....

EIGHTE.ENTH DISTRICT-WM. F. WIGGINTON, MOBERLY, D. D. G. M. Randolph _ " ................... ................... ..............__ ................_ ................... ...................

Huntsvllle No. 30 ,'Hllton No. 151.. Clifton HIlI No. 161.. Moberly No. 344 Cairo No. 486 Higbee No. 521 .Jacksonville No. 541.. Clark No. 610

Huntsville Milton Clifton HilL Moberly Cairo Higbee Jacksonvllle Clark........

M. H. Harden .1; Marvin Meals E. E. Hurt... Herbert Martin Clyde Gooddlng Elgar Noble H. J. McKinney Ray Walker

David S. Eubank Arthur Haak J. E. Crutchfield J. W. Tate Chas. J. Robertson E. B. Hawkins E. H. Dennis Frank L. Ornburn

..... \0 CN .....

1st and 3rd Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Saturdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 2nd and 4th Mondays 2nd and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3rd Wednesdays 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays


Eureka No. 73 Warren No. 74 ................... Triplett Xo. 122.. ................... Westville Xo. 202 ................... Salisbury No. 208 ................... Rothville No. 426 ................... Pee Dee No. 498 ................... Cunningham No. 525 ................... Mendon No. 628

Brunswick Keytesville Triplett... Westvllle Salisbury Rothville Musselfork Sumner Mendon

M. B. Fisher H. D. Garnett.. C. W. Sanders Kennith R. Fox Jesse F. Rainey :. A. H. Wilson A. E. Lain Ira Kaye S. L. Leipard

Soren P. Sorensen W. F. Arrington R. P. Price Walter O. Hainds .Tohn Mode Lee Clair P . .T. Buchanan A. Stobaugh Wm. Larson

1st and 3rd Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Fridays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 3rd Saturday 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 1st Thursday 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 2nd and 4th Mondays


~ ~ <:I)

~ ~



TWENTIETH DISTRICT-OTTO HALE, CARROLLTON, D. D. G. M. Carroll .. . .. . _ ....................... ....................... ....................... Ray Lafayette

DeWitt No. 39 Wakanda No. 52 Bogard Xo. 101.. Hale City No. 216 Carroll No. 249 Bosworth No. 591.. Hardin No. 322 Waverly No. 61..

DeWitt... Carrollton Bogard Hale Norborne Bosworth Hardin Waverly


Glen R. Craig Frank Johnson C. :\1. Levan Cllfford E. Westcott.. Frank Wagner Uriel C. Recob M. S. Cline Frank Riley _

.T. L. D. R. R. L. O. T.

A. Williams H. Thomas W. Minnis L. Bartlett E. Parrish B. Willis C. Grimes A. Allison

1st and 3rd Thursdays 2nd and 4th 'thursdays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Mondays 2nd and 4th Mondays 2nd and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 2nd Thursday








TWENTY-FIRST DISTRICT-J. P. TUCKER, PARKVILLE, D'. D. G. M. County Platte " ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... "

Lodge Rising Sun No. 13 Weston No. 53 Compass No. 120 Camden Point No. 169 Rowley No. 204 Fidelity No. 339 Adelphi No. 355 Platte City No. 504..

Location Barry Weston Parkville Camden Point Dearborn Farley Edgerton Platte Cltv

:\'Iaster C. E. Williams O. Blackburn R. R. ]O'leld John Pinckard E. G. Pumphrey W. P. Naylor E. ~'. Gaines DlIdlev A. DeaL

Secretary L. D. Williams M. M. Ohlhausen J. W. Fleming W. K. Bywaters Geo. W. Kirby Samuel Ray W. H. Mlzener A. Ham

Time of Meeting Sat. on or before full mOOD lst and 3rd Thursdays 2nd Saturday 3rd Tuesday . 2nd Wednesday ~nd Wednesday 1st and 3rd Saturdays 2nd and 4th Mondays





~ ~



Heroine No. 104 ..................... Albert Pike No. 219 ..................... Kansas City No. 220 ...................._ Temple No. 299 ..................... Cecile-Daylight No. 305 ..................... Rural No. 316 ..., Westport No. 340 ..................... rvanhoe No. 446 ..................... Gate City No. 522 .........._ Orient No. 546 ..................... South Gate No. 54L ..., York No. 563 ..., Swope Park No. 61L ..., _ She1Tield No. 625 ..................... East Gate No. 630 ..................... ~ortheast No. 643 ..................... Country Club No. 656 ..................... Rockhlll No. 663 Alpha No. 659

Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Kansas Clty Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City N. Kansas Cltv

Alexander Bauer Irvin Wymore John F. CelL Clarence B. Pickrell.. T. Frank Allan Harry F. Sunderland John N. Blomquist.... J. M. Fisher Herman P. Keusch Wm. C. Gordon C. O. Kimball Frank A. Thomas Fred Ellis : Hiram P. Gensler Rolland R. Smith Fohn C. Dods Robt. G. Hackman F. E. Wolfson W. H. Chinn

Leo Adler L. V. Knapp Jos. W. Schlaegel.. Alfred D. Ludlow Sherman C. Hoyt George W. Paddock... H. C. Elberg A. H. Mann Fred H. Knlght.. F. M. ,JIu1Tman Thos. M. Pratt.. r. F. Strycker T. W. Ferguson Leonard F. Owens Ernest W. Berry George R. Hodge M. H. DeVault J. Weinsaft E. L. Clemans

2nd and 4th Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Mondays 2nd and 4th Mondays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Wednesdays 1st and 3rd Mondays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3rd Saturdays 2nd and 4th Fridays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 2nd and 4th Saturdays 2nd and 4th Thursdays 2nd and 4th Thursdays 1st Ilnd 3rd Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Thursdays 2nd and 3rd Mondays




TWENTY路THIRD DISTRICT-C. B. WADDELL, LEXINGTON, D. D. G. M. Lafayette Lexington No. 149 " Hlgglnsv1lle No. 364 .................... Lafayette No. 437 .................... Concordia No. 464 .................... :\'Iount Hope No. 476 Ray Richmond No. 57 " Ray No. 223 ........................... King Hiram Xo. 309 ........................... Bee Hive No. 393 " Ada No. 444..

Lexington Higginsville Corder Concordia Odessa Richmond Camden Knoxville Lawson Orrick

D.ouglas A. Dunford John R. young L. F. Slusher Milton Uphaus W. F. Thieman Claude .T. Lewis W. T. Brinkley Carl McCollough John H. Roney. Jr P. M. Vandlver..

W. R. Eckle .Tames A. Simpson E. L. Roberts Everett Pape C. D. Newhard R. B. Hughes V. L. Huffman A. T. :\loffltt T. E. Manso S. D. Brady

..... \0 CoN .....

3rd .lnd 3rd 2nd

Tuesday and 4th Mondays Saturday and 4th Mondays '~nd and 4th Fridays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays lst and 3rd Thursdays Saturday on or bef. full moon 1st and 3rd Fridays 2nd Thursday



....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... .

Arrow Rock No. 55 Cambridge No. 63 Miami No. 85 Trilumlna No. 205 Barbee No. 217 Malta No. 402 Oriental No. 518 Nelson No. 560

Arrow Rock Slater Mlaml... MarshalL Sweet Springs Malta Bend Blackburn Nelson

_ Will H. Wood .T. A. Jaycox H. O. Kelley John W. Adams Paul A. Wylie Sewall Burruss G. A. Richart.. M. G. MC!AIIster

B. C. Bradshaw B. F. Pledge F. :\f. Burruss G. H. Fuller Will C. Pelot .T. G. Nye T. W. Morgan R. B. Finley

Thursday on or before full moon 1st Tuesday Friday on or before full moon 1st Thursday Last Friday In each month 1st Tuesday . Tuesday on or before full moon 2nd and 4th Tuesdays


~ ~ ~

~ ~


TWENTY路FIFTH DISTRICT-GUY C. MILLION, BOONVILLE, D. D. G. M. Cooper " ....................... .. . .. . Howard .. . ...................... ......................

Cooper No. 36 Pleasant Grove No. 142 Wm. D. Muir No. 277 Wallace No. 456 Prairie Home No. 503 Howard No.4 Fayette No. 4L Livingston No.' 51.. Armstrong No. 70

Boonv1lle Otterville....................... Pilot Grove Bunceton Prairie Home New Franklln Fayette Glasgow Armstrong...............

Paul M. McGee .T. H. Gunn S. L. Lockridge A. Blomquist Luther C. Simmers .T. B. Hopper Wm. J. Shaw E. E. Lewis John B. Thorpe

M. E. Schmidt A.. N. Howlett P. E. Hays M. K. Gentry Fred L. Schilb H. L. Hall .T. D. Settle R. W. Ralnes Levi :Markland

2nd and 4th Fridays 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Fridays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 1st and 3rd Thursda)'s 1st and 3rd Tuesdays _ Every Thursday _. 1st and 3rd Thursdavs








Boone...............•........ Centralia No. 59 ....................... Rocheport No. 61.. ....................... Twilight No. 114 ....................... Ashland No. 156 ....................... Sturgeon No. 114 ....................... Hallsville No. 336 ....................... Ancient Landmark No. 356 ....................... Hinton No. 455 ....................... Acacia No. 602..................

Location Centralia Rocheport.. Columbia Ashland Sturgeon _ Hallsvllle Harrisburg Hinton Columbia......................

Master Chas. I. Wrlght G. E. Minor Thomas W. Ficklin Roger Wilson A. E. Booth~ D. R. Powell R. V. Wood Fred Beerbower E. S. Dysart


Molino Laddonia Martinsburg.................. Mexico Vandalia Oant.. Fulton New Bloomfield Readsvl1le Aux Vasse Tebbetts Shamrock Mokane

Clyde W. EllIs W. K. McCall W. P. Moser R. A. Wilson Ed. Kurz Theophilus Dunn R. L. Brown John B. Lawson A. J. Holzhauser C. H. Hook C. A. Harris Tas N. McKibben I. W. Hazlett..


Time of Meeting

.T. C. Hunt _ •. 1st and3rd Thursdays J. P. Huntington On or before full moon Victor Victor ~ '::nd and 4th Tuesdays A. F. Martin 1st and 3rd Fridays Ray Streeter Friday on or beL full moon F. L. Faucett 1st Friday .T. W. Hord Sat. on or bet. t. m. & 2 wks. aft. Tilford Goslin Saturday on or bef. full moon Roy R. Wright 1st and 3rd Tuesdays

TWENTY·SEVENTH DISTRICT-LOUIS J. GRAUE, MEXICO, D. D. G. M. Audraln Central No. 81.. " Laddonia No. 115 ...................... Social No. 266 ..................... Hebron No. 354 ...................... Vandalia No. 491.. ..................... Houston No. 580 Callaway Fulton No. 48 " New Bloomfield No. 60 ................... Portland No. 242 ................... Aux Vasse No. 351.. ................... Tebbetts No. 565 ................... Shamrock No. 585 ................... Mokane No. 612


Ross C. Ewing 2nd Saturday _ A. R. Hancock Friday on or before full moon R. W. Moser _._ 2nd Friday B. C. Denton 1st and 3rd Tuesdays A. L. Motley 2nd and 4th Fridays H. W. Groves 3rd Friday W. L. Meng 1st and 3rd Fridays Wade F. Enloe 2nd and 4th Mondays J. C. Garrett Saturday on or bef. full moon G. P. Batterton 2nd and 4th Mondays E. E. Hord 2nd and 4th Saturdays J. S. Lall Thursday on or bef. full moon Theo. F. Hatner 1st and 3rd Saturdays


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TWENTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT-PAUL A. THOMAS, MONTGOMERY CITY, D. D. G. M. Montgomery " .............. .............. .............. ..............

Griswold No. 178 Wellsville No. 194.. Montgomery No. 246 FlQrence No. 261.. Jonesburg No. 457.. Daggett No. 492

IBellflower Wellsvllle Montgomery City New Florence Jonesburg McKittrick

C. C. Maxwell D. L. Grll'l'ith Eugene H. Miller A. C. Schroeder Geo. M. Snarr Arley Scharnhorst

.Tno. B. Moseley G. R. Barton _ Hugh N. Cason Howard Ellls ..........•. .Toe N. Lavender W. A. Bezold

Monday on or after full moon 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Mondays 1st and 3rd Mondays 3rd Monday Sat. on or bet. f. m. & 2 wks. aft.


\0 W ......

TWENTY-NINTH DISTRICT-W. P. SMITH, TROY, D. D. G. M. Lincoln " ...................... ...................... .................._.. .................._.. ......................

Troy No. 34 Silex No. 75 _ New Hope Ko. 199 New Salem' :Ko. 270 Louisville No. 409 Nineveh No. 473 Moscow NQ. 558

Troy..: Silex Elsberry Whrfleld Louisville Olney :. Moscow Mills

George M. Penn John M. Kuhne Otis V. Wheeler _ E. C. Teague T. L. Wells H. K. Cunningham A. L. Ricks H. H. Arnhold.............• T. M. Mathews H. H. Higginbotham.. Everett C. LovelL Donald G. Hazzard .. J. J. Hopkins Fred Karrenbrock

...... ~ ......

2nd and 4th Mondays Fr1. on or before 1st full moon 2nd Thursday 1st and 2nd Saturdays Friday on or before full moon 1st Saturday Sat. on or b.f.m. & 2d Wed. aft.


St. Charles " " Warren "

Wentzville No. 46 Palestine No. 241.. Mechanicsville No. 260 Pauldingville No. n Warrenton No. 609


Wentzville St. Charles Howell : Wright City Warrenton

C. K. Seymour Paul J. Reinert O. H. Dieckmann Alfred Miller John O. Wilson

\-V. R. Dalton John G. Duebbert.. R. L. Fulkerson Clarence H. Feix.. L. M. Hutcherson

Sat. on or before full moon 1st and 3rd Tuesdays Sat. on or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. 2nd and 4th Saturdays 2nd and 4th Fridays


~ ~ ~




THIRTY·FIRST DISTRICT-ALBERT L1NXWILER, JEFFERSON CITY, D'. D. G. M. Cole Jeft'erson No. 43 ............................. Russellville No. 90 ........................... Hickory Hill No. 211.. ......_ Centertown No. 611 Moniteau Tipton No. 56 " California No. 183 .................. ~ Monlteau No. 295 Osage "

................... Clarksburg No. 553 Chamois No. 185 Linn No. 326

.left'erson City Russellville Eugene Centertown Tipton California Jamestown

Thos. R. H. B. E. B. H. E. L. .T. T. Harry

B. Mather Eberhart.. Henderson Stark Ferguson Lee M. Meyer

Clarksburg Chamois Linn

Frank B. Clark. .lohn H. Rau C. R. Ferguson

R. L. Gwinn W. B. Thompson J. E. Dooley K. 1. Mahan .T. A. CQnn Robt. L. Fulks S. R. Johnson Jerry Cantlon P. J. F'aulsmeyer W. F. McDanieL

1st and 3rd Mondays Friday on or before full moon 1st Friday 1st Monday 2nd and 4th Thursdays 2nd and 4th Fridays Sat. on or bef. f. m. and 2nd Tues. aft. 1st and 3rd ~·Iondays 4th Friday Sat. on or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. aft.


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Franklin " ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... Gasconade " ._ .................

Evergreen No. 21 Sullivan No. 69 Gray Summit No. 113 Hope No. 251.. Fraternal No. 363 Columbia No. 534 Easter No. 515 Union No. 593 Hermann No. 123 Red Bird No. 584.. Owensville No. 624

LocatlQn New Haven Sullivan Gray Summit Washington Robertsville Pacific St. Clair Union Hermann Red Bird Owensville

T. B. Pratt George Adams Eo W. Stlegemeyer .Tul. H. Conrads H. W. Dlcklnson Chas. .J. Hoppe D. A. Woody Casper M. Bassman.. .Toy .K. Schattner A. E. Breuer Alfred F. Berger

Time of Meeting



Gordon Roark J. H. Mueller Aug. J. Holthaus W. A. Pfautsch .T. Wm. Shannon ·Louls M. Roemer R. C. Murphy P. W. Vltt L. R. WentzeL C. G. Sewell James A. Holt .T.


2nd and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3rd Saturdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 1st and 3rd Fridays Saturday on or after full moon 2nd and 4th Thursdays 2nd Wednesday 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 1st and 3rd Mondays _ Saturday on or ber. full moon 1st and 3rd Thursdays



~-Ilssourl No. 1.. ......... Beacon No.3 ......... ~Iount Moriah No. 40 ......... Pomegranate No. 95 ......... Erwin No. 121.. ......... Occidental No. 163 ......... Pyramid No. 180 ......... Keystone No. 243 ......... Aurora No. 261 ......... Paul Revere No. 330 .......•• Tuscan No. 360 ......... Itaska No. 420 .......•. Euclid No. 505 ......... Clifton Heights No. 520 ......... Rose Hill No. 550 ......... Olive Branch No. 516 ......... Magnolia No. 626 ......... Triangle No. 638 ......... Ttlnlty No. 641._ ; ......... Shaveh No. 646 ......... Commonwealth No. 654 ......... Purity No. 658 ......... Theo. Roosevelt No. filiI..

St. St. St. St. St. St. St. st. St. St. St. St. St. st. St. St. St. St. st. St. st. St. Rt.

Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louls Louis Louis Louis Louis

N. 1'.. Zlmmer R. S. Reifschneider Louis H. StetTen R. C. Wlnkelmaler Wm. J. Wltler Bruce Starke Chas. O. Vasterllng Arthur Kramer Louis C. Hoppe P. Ochsenknecht .Tohn R. Hundley H. L. Warrington Alfred Welckert Paul L. Barry W. N. Love John F. Bannecker Henry C. Mayer Henry G. Diller .T. M. Lltton ~ Arthur W. Burbank. Tohn Rush Powell O. A. McClung .Tohn A. Harvie

.T. Wohradsky. Jr Frank L. Magoon H. A. Borgmann Emile E. Vet.ter A. A. Blankenmeister C. L. Alexander Ralph S. Lorimler Chas. W. Speirs R. A. Tubbeslng Clarence R. Niccum W. C. Hilmer G. E. Black _ }Ierle E. Campbell Wm. H. Haley Chas. C. Jackson E. V. Corte .T. H. Leathers W. F. .Jungbluth W. P. Morgan H. W. Williams Duval O'Neal .Tohn Heines Henry H. Spencer

1st and 3rd Thursdays 2nd and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3rd Saturdays 1st and 3rd Saturdays 2nd and 4th Fridays 1st and 3rd Mondays 2nd and 4th Fridays 1st and 3rd Wednesdays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Fridays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Mondays 1st and 3rd Mondays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 1st and 3rd Saturdays 2nd and 4th Thursdays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 1st and 3rd Mondays 2nd al7d 4th Mondavs


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St. Louis City....... Meridlal1 No.2 ......... Geo. 'Vashington No.9 ........ ~ St. Louis No. 20 ......... Naphtali No.2;) ......... Polar Star No. 79 ......... Pride of the West No. 179 ......... Good Hope No. 218 ......... Cosmos No. 282 ......... Cornerstone No. 323 ......... America No. 347.. ......... Cache No. 416 ......... Anchor No. 443 ......... West Gate No. 445 ......... Lambskin No. 460 ......... Harmony No. 499 ......... Apollo No. 529 ......... AlgabU No. 544.. ......... Forest Park No. 578 ......... Tower Grove No. 631.. ......... Mizpah No. 639 ......... Benj. Franklin No. 642

St. St. St. St.


St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St.

.: : : : : ~~~::~s ~~. ~~t.·.·.·.·.·.·.~~·.·.·.·.·.··I~t

LQuls _ Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis LouIs Louis Louis Louis...................... Louis Louis...................... Louis....................... Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis·......................

.Jul. L. Mueller Edgar L. ~eagrave Chas. I. Glaser E. A. B. Krech H. F. Steininger Wm. ~f. Schlsler.. F. C. Schulz Stanley S. :\'Iorse .John B. Corn, ,Tr... Geo. L. Wolfs berger.. Victor ,Toseph Kunz.. Paul R. HenseL ;.. John Lehr A. G. Wollmershauser .John J. Gallagher.. Melvin J. Holloran E. D. Reising J. Oliver .T-ohnson Edw. .J. Tofte Arch F. Barber David Brilliant Clair F. Stevens Harry J. Sherman :

Arthur V. Schopp Wm. L. Reynolds Henry A. Steiner P. E. Eckardt.. Tos. L. Kohner Louis Tisch Robert L. Dixon Sam Broadbent W. R. Schmltt.. F. Wm. KuehL .Joseph W. Schuette R. H. CatTaIL Edward McGuIgan W. J. Waters .Jno. W. Kessinger George Ruths W. J. H. Perkins Wm. C. Rese Arthur M. Bischoff Walter H. Voss Morris Popper Theo. C. TeeL Fred. .J. Mahner

2nd and 4th Thursdays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 2nd and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3rd Fridays 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 1st and 3rd Saturdays 2nd and 4th l\Jondays 1st and 3rd l\londays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Saturdays 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 1st and 3rd l\londays 2nd and 4th Wednesda:ys 2nd and 4th Fridays 2nd and 4th Mondays 2nd and 4th Thursdays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays


C.N ~


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THIRTY-FOURTH DISTRICT"':":'JAMES F. BLAIR~ B'ELTON, D. D. G. M. Cass Index No. 54.. ............................. Cass No. 147.. ............................. Grand River No. 276 ........................... Wadesburg No. 348 ........................... Nonparell No. 372 ........................... Daytorr No. 386 .......................... Belton No. 450 ........................... Raymore No. 451.. ........................... Jewel No. 480 ........................... Coldwater No. 485 ........................... Pecullar No. 530 ........................... Strasburg No. 604.. ........................... Archie No. 633 ... Cleveland No. 651..

IGarden City Harrisonville Freeman Creighton East Lynne Dayton Belton Raymore Pleasant HilL DrexeL Peculiar.. Strasburg Archie Cleveland

Park J. Shepp ·.: William C: .. Deacon Clarence Price C. R. Lindsay Ed. M. Lesley H. A. Lenhart.. H. R. Williams S. E. Dowden L. :\1:. Seymour L. H. Garner C. E. Lofland Wm. Beckman E. M. GoodrIch Andrew Shaw . .Tr

G. C. Kimberlin Wl1llam P. l\IcCool.. D. S. Wilson F. C. Blossom Irvin A. Stone S. W. Wagner............. Carl G. R~·del1 W. D. ChatTin Geo. W. Smith C. A. MitchelL L. D. Laffoon .T. W. Seaton T. :\1. York. .Tr G. W. Coble

'lst a~d 3rd Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Fridays Saturday on or before full moon F'rlda.v on or bef. full moon Saturday on or bef. full moon Saturday on or aft. full moon 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Fridays 1st and 3rd Mondays 2nd and 4th Thursdays 1st Tuesday 2nd Tuesday 2nd and 4th Tuesdays









Hume No. 130 Amsterdam Xo. 141.. ......................... Butler No. 254.. ......................... Rockville No. 341.. ......................... Tyrlan No. 350 ......................... Crescent Hlll No. 368 ......................... Rich HI11 No. 479 ......................... Foster No. 554

Location Hume Amsterdam Butler Rockville Johnstown Adrian Rich HIlL. Foster.........................

Master Devon Snell E. J. Evens Roy C. Baker T. G. Sandage Grover Boyd C. A. Six Fred. W.• Klumpp S. Dow·Colller..


Time of Meeting

Frank L. Martin 1st and 3rd Thursdays E. A. Smlser 2nd and 4th Tuesdays Luther R. Twyman 1st and 3rd Saturdays S. H. BothwelL. 2nd and 4th Wednesdays W. H. Dudley Sat. on or b. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. G. C. Blow '" 2nd and 4th Mondays W. E. Carpenter 2nd and 4th Mondays Otis D. Jennings '" Ever~' Friday


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THIRTY·SIXTH DISTRICT-JAS. A. LOGAN, WARSAW, D. D. G. M. Benton Cole Camp No. 595 " Shawnee No. 653 Johnsou Knob Noster No. 245 " :;. Holden No. 262 ..................... Corinthian No. 265 ..................... Cold Spring No. 274 ..................... Chilhowee No. 487 Pettis _ Sedalia No. 236 .. .. Granite No. 272 ......................._ Green Ridge No. 425 ......................._ La Monte No. 574

Cole Camp Warsaw Knob Noster Holden Warrensburg Leeton Chilhowee Sedalia Sedalia Green Ridge La Monte.

Roy E. Freund Irvin L. Bennett.. H. A. Wimer.. D. H. Robertson Walter Basham r. A. Moore L. R. Byram Elmer Fingland G. L. Rlssler.. Geo. Bucher G. M. Wellman

E. H. Preultt .lames A. Logan O. F. EIliott J. T. Glass, Jr H. E. Allee E. E. Courtney R. J. Cowden W. .T. Kerrnedy S. B. Kennon Geo. T. Murphy O. G. Agee

1st and 3rd Mondays 2nd and 4th Fridays 1st and 3rd Fridays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 1st and 3rd Mondays Thursday on or bef. full moon 1st and 3rd Fridays 1st Friday 3rd Friday 1st and 3rd Thursdays 2nd Friday 1---0







w Benton........•.............. Henry " ......................... .........................

Clear Creek No. 418 Windsor No. 29 Urich No. 286 Agricola No. 343 :\fontrose No. 408

Lincoln Windsor Urich Petersburg Montrose

Theo. :\fcLaln ;. Harry M. Fraley Fred L. StatTord O. F. Weiss H. P. Smith R. E. McDonald.; W. B. McSpadden Paul Beaty \.bel Hensel E. M. Fenimore

::::::::::::::::::::::::: g~~t~~ ~~. 5:~2::::::::::::::::: g~l~t~:;;; ..:..::::..::::::::::..:::: ......................... Blairstown No. 551.. Blairstown

Monday 1st and 1st and Wed. on 1st and

after 4th Saturday 3rd Tuesdays 3rd Fridays or bef. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 3rd Mondays


~. ~: ~~f~;;i:::::::::::::: ~i. ~. ~~~~~~y::::::::::: i~td aan~d 3~~h i~~~~~~yS L. W. Atkins

F. L. Hayden

1st and 3rd Thursdays

St~',~i~i~~~~~~.:~~~~;.~.:.:.:~~~~r~:~~H:N~Lo~~.~.~:~::.::::.::~:.::.~~ ~ ~.~.~.~.:.:.:.:~.:~.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.. : ~: ~~. B~~~r~:~~:~~:::::::: g~~oi~ ~::~fg~~:~~:::::::: ~~ur~~?~~~r:r .................... Lowry City No. 403 .................... Appleton City No. 412 .................... Star No. 419

Lowry City Appleton City Tabervllle..............

Clayton Bunch C. Fred Simpson R. E. Colson

Leo E. White Frank C. Robinson .T. E. Harper

::::::sfUll moon 1st and 3rd Fridays Saturday on or bef. full moon Saturday on or bef. full moon

THIRTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT-WINAN I. MAYFIELD, LEBANON, D. D. G. M. Camden " Laclede " ...................... Pulaskl... .. .. Miller ..........................

Linn Creek No. 152 Mack's Creek No. 433 Laclede No. 83 Competition No. 432 Conway No. 528 Waynesville No. 375 Richland No. 385 Brumley No. 203 Iberia No. 410

Camdenton Mack's Creek Lebanon Competition Conway Waynesville Richland Brumley Iberia

Daniel B. Claiborn "ROY A. True

Ernest Freece Clarence L. Hough Fred E. Dennis Roy C. Wilson · "Fred H. Steward Chas. R. Hawkins Clarence L. Casey

.Tames E. Foster E. R. Creach Wlnan I. Mayfield Virgil F. Loney E. H. Harris John L. Mitchel!... Henry B. Warren A. M. Phllllps ChllS. L. Brown

2nd Thursday 1st Saturdav 1st Wednesday <:;aturday on or aft. full moon Sat. on or bef. 1st full moon 2nd Saturday 2nd Wednesday Saturday on or before full moon 1st Friday


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THIRTY·NINTH DISTRICT-CHARLES L. WOODS, ROLLA, D. D. G. M. Crawford " Dent.. Maries Phelps " ., " Pulaskl... Texas

Lebanon No. 77 Steelville Cuba No. 312 Cuba Salem No. 225 Salem.. Lane's Prairie No. 531.. Vichy Rolla No. 213 Rolla St.•Tames No. 230 St. .Tames Equality No. 49L _ Newburg Arlington No. 346 Dixon Llltlmer No. 145 U"king


\.. C. Shelton Clarence C. Cox T,ouls L. McSpadden.. C. P. WoodrutT ,.. E. W. Carlton A. M. Kirby W. F. Houk Fred H. Gilbert Heber SherrilL

W. L. Wingo Chas. F. Wllmesherr.. Joseph .T. Norton R. M. Copeland B. W. Humphrev Wm. J. Moreland A. B. Cottle Don R. Stevens Geo. C. Martin

<:;aturdllY on or bet. full moon Saturday on or atter full moon 1st and 3rd Fridays Saturday before full moon 1st and 3rd Saturdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Thnrsdays Sat. on Qr bet. f. m. & 2 wks. aft







County Jefferson "


De Soto No. 119 Joachim No. 164.. ................... Sheklnah No. 256 ................... Herculaneum No. 338 Washington Tyro No. 12 " Potosi No. 131.. .............. Irondale No. 143 , Belgrade :--;0. 632 St. Francois Blackwell No. 535

Location DeSoto Hillsboro F'estus Herculaneum Caledonia Potosl... :..-.~ ...Irondale Belgrade Blackwell



.Tos.S. Withington Albert Wilson Clarence H. Colin Wilbur L. Gebauer Frank F. Wallis r. W. McGuire .Tohn A. Evans : .Tas. T. Garrett.. S. 'McKlnstry

Secretary D. L. Rouggly E. M. Williams r. E. Jennings Joseph V. Cassledy Iva Queen Wilson Bell r. B. Robinson .T. M. Goforth Howard E. Brown

Time of Meeting 2nd and 4th Thursdays 1st Saturday 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Thursdays Saturday on or bef. full moon Friday 011 or bet. full moon 1st and 3rd Saturdays arct Saturday 1st Saturday


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FORTY-FIRST DISTRICT-M. E. EWING, MORRISVILLE, D. D. G. M. Dallas " .......................... Hickory , " Polk " ........................... ........................... ........................... ...........................

Riddick No. 361.. \-Yestern Light No. 396 Urbana No. 421.. : Hogle's Creek No. 2i9 Hermitage :--;0. 288 Fair Play No. 44 :\fodern No. 144 Pleasant No. 160 Bolivar No. 195 Pleasant Hope No. 46i.. Aldrich No. 664

Buffalo Louisburg Urbana Wheatland. Hermitage Fairplay Humansville Morrisville Bolivar ' Pleasant Hope Aldrich

Leonard B. Jones Ike Price r. A. Atchely ,. Roscoe S. Lindsey Terry .T. Clymore (:Ien H. Thomas T. S. Tilford Roy J,afaver Elzle I. :\-liller Geo. E. Wilson W. L. Morgan H. N. Paynter Neil McShane Chas. D. Tharp H. O. Ezell M. E. Ewing T. H. B. Dunnegan, Jr. .Toe W. Gravely Roy J. Cochran '. F. P. Slagle Ralph L. Taylor Patrick R. Myers

Friday 011 o'r before full monn Saturday on or before full moon 4th Saturday Saturday on or before full moon Saturd~tY on or before full moon Thursday on or before full mnoll Frl. on or b.f.m. & 2 wks. aft. Friday on or bet. full moon Wednesday on or bef. full moou Thtl"sday on or bef. full moon 1st Tuesday





FORTY-SECOND DISTRICT-M. D. GWINN, ELDORADO SPRINGS, D. D. G. M. Cedar _ Stockton No. 283 " _ Jerusalem No. 315 " Clintonville No. 482 Dade Washington No. 81.. " Garrett No. 359 .......................... Everton :No. 405 .......................... Melville No. 458 " Lockwood :No. 521..

Stockton .Jerico Springs Eldorado Springs Greerrfleld Arcola Everton Dadeville TJoekwood

M. T. Carender F. M. Davis L. S. Emison E. O. Ball G. M. Gambill Lewis A. Newldrk Homer Hayward C. R. Boone

Francis H. Babbs Guy Farmer T. W. Snodgrass R. H. Merrill T. R. Owens .I. R. Hudspeth A. C. Blakemore J. A. Finley (Act.).

1st and 3rd Thursdays 1st and 3rd Saturdays 2nd and 4th Thursdays Hh Tuesday Thursday on or bef. full moon 2nd and 4th Tuesdays Thurs. on or bef. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 2nd and 4th Thursdays



FORTY-THIRD DISTRICT-D. V. MORRIS, NEVADA, D. D. G. M. Vernon " , ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... Barton " ....................... ....................... .......

Osage No. 303 Sheldon No. 37L Schell City No. 448 Montevallo No. 490 Vernon No. 493 Unity No. 495 Walker No. 605 Hermon No. 187 Lamar No. 292 Signal No. 304.. Golden No. 475 Mllforct No. 516 _

Xevada Sheldon Schell City Montevallo Bronaugh Richards Walker Llberal..~

Lamar Mindenmines Golden City Milford

L. G. Reed M. S. CaldwelL O. W. Waggoner E. W. Combs A. H. Worsley A. M. Benedict.. Estill L. Wright... Harold Todd S. F. Endsley O. J. Hubert Ira P. Griffin J. A. Medlln ~

Geo. A. Kaupp W. G. Jones C. P. Finks W. S. KokendotTer.. C. J. Clark B. C. Armstrong S. T. Prewitt E. H. Roselle .I. W. Hagny r. C. Nelson Arthur Farr .I. C. Thomas

2nd Friday 1st and 3rd Thursdays Thursday on or bef. full moon 1st and 3rd Saturdays Sat. on Qr bef. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. 1st and 3rd Wednesdays 3rd Saturday and 2 weeks after 1st and 3rd Thursdays 2nd and 4th Fridays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 3rct Saturday


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Carthage No. 197.. Sarcoxie No. 293 ........................Toplln No. 335 ...................... Fellowship No. 345 ....................... Jasper No. 398 ....................... Carterville No. 401.. ....................... Minerai No. 471.. ...................... Webb City :No. 512 ....................... Carl Junction No. 549 ....................... Criterion No. 586 La Russell No. 592

Carthage Sarcoxie .Joplin Joplin Jasper Carterville Oronogo Webb City Carl Junctlon Alba La RusselL

Page A. Wagner.: W. B. Pingree H. H. Page Henry Sabert John W. Cowell Sherman A. Smith .1. S. Walker Frank G. Ade John Gresham Clarence E. Brown W. H. Morgan •.. Chas. W. Keith ; L. E. Vaughan Leslie Whitfield Herbert B. Kerr Lee O. Walker _ James Giles J. W. Fowler r. F. Crissman D. A. Carlyle C. M. Gillock .1. G. Meador

2nd and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Fridays 2nd and 4th Fridays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Fridays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 2nd and 4th Thursdays 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 1st and 3rd Mondays 1st llnd 3rd Wednesdays



N 0\ N




United No. 5 Springfield O'Sullivan No.7 Walnut Grove ....................... Ash Grove No. 100 Ash Grove ....................... Solomon No. 271.. Springfield ....................... Ozark No. 297.. Fair Grove ....................... Gate of the Temple No. 422 Springfield ...................... Bois D'Arc No. 449 Bois D'Arc ...................... Republic No. 570 Republic ....................... Strafford No. 608 Strafford

Master Herbert S. Ramey B. F. Cantrell .John T. Cawlfield G. G. West B. Eo' Armstrong F. F. Freeman M. O. Likins W. S. Maxey Harry E. Grier



Secretary M. F. Smith .T. S. McLemore Joseph H. Turk G. W. Nonemacher C. E. Klingner E. W. Clark W. T . .Jennings J. J. Baln O. C. yarbrough

Webste·~::::::::::::::::::::~~~~f~r ~~'. ~~~::::::::::::::::: ~i~~:~g~i~i'.·.·.~·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.::·.·.·.·.::·.·~~l~' ::t~~~~·..:::::::::::: ~.hogsoKi~~~.~~~~ "

Doric No. 300 .................... Mount Ollve.No.~439

Elkland O. W. Haymes Rogersvll1e (R. R. 3).E. Rathben

:::::::::::::::::::: :~~~~~~~ ~~'. 4tii:·.:·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· ~~;~~~fii~::::::::::::::::::::::::


Time of Meeting

O. P. King Otto Brooks


3rd Monday 2nd Tuesday 2nd and 4th Thursdays 2nd :\-Ionday Saturday on or before fuB moon 3rd Thursday 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 2nd Thursday 1st and 3rd Saturdays

~~~ a;'r~d~~d

Thursdays Saturday on or before full moon Friday before full moon

f:~:~:~~:::'.::::::~' ~: ~~~~·;;;~~k:::::: I~dur~;h~~soJa~· f. m. &

2 wks. aft.



~ ~



Ava No. 26 Pilot Knob No. 182.......... ..................... )H. Ararat No. 382 Barnes No. 116 '.fexas " Texas No. 177 ........................ Plato No. 469 ......................... Summersville No. 555 Wright.. Mountain Grove No. 158 " Joppa Xo. 411.. Ylansfield No. 543............ .............. ~ ....................... Grovespring No. 589 ....................... Norwood No. 622

Ava Richville Topaz CabooL Houston Plato Summersville Mountain Grove Hartville l\-lanstleld Grovespring Norwood

Chas. R. Burris C. M. Cearley W. H. Mmrell.. S. H. Curry J. M. Willson W. L. Tilley J. C. Greig M. L. Anderson C. G. Newton H. H. Hensley .John L. Hudson Oscar Freeman

L. E. Reynolds Lee F. Russell Errrest Barnes A. E. Wood W. H. Farris Roy E. Daniels Lee Bell John H. Hicks Alvin Wynne C. A. Stephens .John M. VestaL. H. J. Schofield

1st and 3rd Wednesdays Saturday on or before full moon Saturday on or after fuB moon 1st arrd 3rd Saturdays 2nd Saturday Saturday before full moon 2nd and 4th Saturdays 2nd and 4th Fridays Frl. on or b. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. Wed. on or bef. full moon 2nd Saturday Thurs. on or b.f.m. & 2 wks. aft.



CoN ~



\0 CN ~

Capter " Reynolds "

Van Buren Xo. 509 Grandin No. 579 Hopewell No. 239 Bunker No. 275 ................... Barnesville No. 353 Shannon Delphian No. 13L " Winona No. 430 ................... Eminence ~o. 607........... ~

Van Buren Grandin Lesterville : Bunker Ellington Birch Tree Winona Eminence

Roy J. Mann !R. L. Coleman :.. W. E. McKinney James M. McGhee R. Reed .T. C. McHenry I. A. Hulsey _ C. C. Wilkins Paul M. Dunn John B. Wadlow O. L. Wallls C. O. Lemons H. C, Lockman J. T. Loyd Lygander Smith _ .T. Vlr'!f1 Thomnson

Saturday on or after full moon 2nd Saturday Saturday on or after full moon 2nd Saturday 4th Saturday 3rd Saturday Thursday on or before full mOOD l~t SaturclllY

FORTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT-JOHN J.BOWMAN, BONNE TERRE, D. D. G. M. Iron Star of the West Xo. 133. Ironton " Mosaic No. 351.. Belleview Madison Marcus No. 110 Fredericktown S1. Francois Bismarck No~ 41 Bismarck " Farmin~ton No. 132 Farmington ............. Ionic No. 154 Desloge ............. St. Francois No. 234 Ubertyvllle ............. Samaritan No. 424 Bonne Terre ............ Pendleton No. 551.. Doe Run ........... Leadwood No. 598 Leadwood ............ Elvlns. No. 599 Flrrt River Ste. Genevieve Sallne No. 226 St. Mary路s..............

LOllis R.路 Mlller Andrew Hall E. P. Francis R. J. Barger F. F. l\-lcCllntock E. C. Colson T. G. Milne _ C. P. Hill. .Tr R. G. Maddox Walter Hager .los. E. Dalton .lohn F. Reece

F. H. Comfort W. H. Russell Louis Schwaner C. E. Davis .T. Clyde Akers J. L. Blunt P. A. Cashion Henry C, Thompson Wm. Rosenstengel " M. G. Mason E. A. Counts : .Tohn F. Bartels

2nd and 4th Fridays Saturday on or after full moon 1st and 3rd Thursdays 1st and 3rd Saturdays 1st and 3rd Fridays 1st and 3~d \Vedriesda)'s 1st Thursday 1st and 3rd Saturdays 2nd and 4th Saturdays 2nd and 4th Saturdays Every Tue!lday Saturday on or before full moon







FORTY-NINTH DISTRICT-JAMES A. KINDER, CAp路E GIRARDEAU, D. D. G. M. Bollinger " Cape Girardeau " ....... ....... ....... .......

Trowel No. 440 Zalma No. i/45 S1. Marks No. 93 West View No. 103 Wilson No. 191 Mystic Tie . No. 221.. Whitewater No. 417 Excelsior No. 441..

Marble Hill Zalma Cape Girardeau ;\-fillersvllle Pocahontas Oak Ridge Whitewater Jackson.........................


T. H. G. A. A. E. H. W.

S. D. C. B. C. C.

McGee Nichols Walther Cobble Hope Drum B. Venable G. ~Iblack

C. F. Wedeking O. Kerfoot W. Glenn McCain Geo. W. Mlller H. R. Stevenson .Tohn R. .Tenklns Otto B. Shepard Henry M. .Tames

2nd and 4th Fridays 1st and 3rd Saturdays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays Sat. on or after full moon 1st and 3rd Saturdays Sat. on Qr bef. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. 2nd and 4th Saturdays 2nd and 4th Thursdays

N 0\



N C\ ~

FIFTIETH DISTRICT-G. A. SAMPLE, CHAFFEE. D. D. G. M. county Mlsslsslppl... " Scott " ......................... .._ ......................... " Stoddard " ................... " ................... ................... New Madrid

Lodge East Prairie No. 384 Charleston No. 407 Morley No. 184 Ashlar No. 306 Sikeston No. 310 Illmo No. 581.. Blodgett Xo. 594 Chalfee No. 615 Bloomfield No. 153 Essex No. 278 Lakeville No. 489 Dexter No. 532 Advance No. 590 Puxico No. 596 Morehouse No. 603



East Prairie.., Charleston Morley Commerce Sikeston Illmo Blodgett Chalfee Bloomfield.' Essex Bell City Dexter Advance Puxico Morehouse.......

:'.-Iaster L. B. Cook Dee Jennings ~. H. It'. Kirkpatrick.....• G. H. Pate _ Wade L. Shankle .J. A. Waller ,.....• O. L. Spencer Enos H. Gettings .Joseph H. Jones.........• Albert Tarpley .........• Geo. A. Long D. A. Medlock .John H. Revelle Glenn H. Fuson W. T. Wolfo..d....

Time of :\feetlng


W. W. Bledsoe Jas. A. Boone R. H. Leslie H. M. Zarlcor A. A. Harrison F. M. Craig Geo. W. Pearman M. H. Stubblefield Frank A. Brannock E. Y. Launius W. G. Pyle T. J. ROSS A. D. Bollinger L. B. Lacock F. W. Leming

Every Thursday 1st and 3rd Thursdays 2nd and 4th Fridays :::nd and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 2nd and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 1st and 3rd Fridays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 3rd Saturday [lst and 3rd Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 2nd and 4th Fridays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays


~ ~ ~

~ ~.


Kennett No. 68 Four Mile No. 212 ..................... Hornersville No. 215 ..................... Cardwell No. 231.. ..................... Malden No. 406 ..................... Senath No. 513 New Madrid Portageville No. 166 ............. Point Pleasant No. 1i6

Kennett CampbelL Hornersville CardwelL. Malden Senath Portageville Conran

Clay A. Slmer C. W. DavenporL John L. Sando W. H. Lockard L. O. Wisecarver O. H. Storey J. V. Marr Chas. Plkey

............. New Madrid No. 429 ............. Parma No. 650 Caruthersville No. 461.. Hayti No. 571.. ................... Steele No. 634 Stoddard Bernie No. 573

New Madrid Parma Caruthersville Haytl... Steele Bernie

H. G. Sharp William Bueschlng BurlE. Underwood \V. B. Morgan F. H. Blomeyer............•r. W. McCloskey Albert Wilson H. B. Bryant G. H. Northcutt C. P. Howard Geo. D. Abernathy D. B. Abernathy

Pemlscot "

:\1. F. Simer R. D. Whiteaker Robert W. Killian P. A. F·ltzgerald Geo. L. Epplhlmer R. E. Oliver A. L. Carnaharr Geo. Neumann

2nd and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 1st and 3rd Mondays 1st and 3rd Fridays 2nd and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays Sat. on or bef. f. m. and 2nd Thurs. aft. 2nd and 4th Mondays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 2nd and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3rd Fridays









Butler Ripley "

Poplar B1utT No. 209 Pine No. 314.. : Composite No. 369 ....................... Naylor Ko. 568 Wayne Greenville No. 101.. " Wayne No. 526

Poplar BlutT Bardley Doniphan Naylor GreenvlIIe PledmonL

J. W. Clarke W. Earl Hilton F. E. Jordan Walter C. Koehler Noah L. Brown Elmer Spledel

Art. H. Harwell (Act.) Chas. F. Franken A. C. Jones, Jr J. G. Brewington A. G. Templeton J. A. Banks


2nd and 4th Tuesdays Saturday after full moon 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays ~nd and 4th Saturdays

FIFTY-THIRD DISTRICT-C. E. ARMSTRONG, WEST PLAINS, D. D. G. M. HowelL " " OregolJ " .................._ .......................

:\1t. Zion No. 327 Ingomar No. 536 Mountain View No. 637 .. Alton No. 255 Wilderness No. 374.. Woodside No. 381 Clifton No. 463

West Plains WlI10w Springs Mountain View Alton Wilderness Thomasville Thayer

C. E. E. B. M. E. S. A. Philip E. F. T. W.

Armstrong Richman Smith Doug-las Neal Plerce Erwin

Robert Bums No. 496


W. C. Boone

E. N. l.alrd \Y. E. Armstrong Frank Todd Geo.. C. Martin Jas. P. Simpson J. C. Woodside Albert A. Taber

..Ilst and 3rd Fridays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays Saturday on or before full moon Saturday on or before full moon Saturday on or before full moon 2nd and 4th Tuesdays


~ ~ ~

oz.~rk:::::::::::::::::::::::::i~~E~~:03:f.~~~:~:~:::::::.::~~~::::~~:~.:.:.:.:~.:.:.:.::.::~.:.:.:.: .:~ir~' ~ h~ .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ., ~~y~:a~~~i~:::::::::::::: ~~!~~l~tÂŁr~~ ~:~~~: ~~U :~~~ ~ .. .. Rockbridge No. 435 Rockbridge Otto Enloe Ora P. Murphy 2nd Saturday ..


E. W. "Ehrfte

1st Saturday

FIFTY-FOURTH DISTRICT-G. J. VAUGHAN, OZARK, D. D. G. M. Christian '0' .. . ................... Taney " ......................... ......................... Stone "

Sparta No. 296 Friend No. 352 Billings No. 379 Clever No. 645 Claflin No. 229 Klrbyvilie No. 264 Forsyth No. 453 Branson N9. 587.. Galena No:. 515 Crane No. 519

Sparta Ozark Billings Clever Protem Hol1lster Forsyth Branson Galena Crane

S. O. Bradley R. M. Mapes A. B. Gado T. W. Maples Almus R. .Tames R. W. Wade .T. Chester Arnold Paul Patterson Henry .T. Warren Harold A. Crumpley..

Millard .Tohns G. T. Breazeale Colmore Gray G. W. Estes Walter T. HoIL W. C. Hurley H. M. Blunk S. P. Winch Troy Stone D. A. Holderman

Friday on or before full Saturday on or before full 2nd and 4th Thursdays Friday on or befote full Saturday on or before full 1st and 3rd Thursdays 1st and 3rd Saturdays 1st and 3rd Fridays 1st and 3rd Thursdws 2nd and 4th Tuesdays

moon moon moon moon

N 0\


N 0\ 0\








Monett No. 129

" " Lawrence

3eligman No. 517.. Seligman Comfort No. 533 Wheaton Hount Vernon No. 99 .Ht. Vernon Canopy :Ko. 284 Aurora :\-Iarionville No. 390......... :\'Jarlonville Decatur No. 400 Pierce City Verona No. 452 Verona Red Oak Xo. 468 Red Oak Stinson No. 523 Stinson Miller Ko. 567............ . -'HIler


Master Wilson



Frank M. Shrlver

Time of Meeting llst and· 3rd Fridays

.: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~~f!LEt Ut· · ~·~·~·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:· ~ ~ ly~ · :·:·.: ·: :·:.:.: .:.:.:.:~ ~.: .:.: [a\. HE~¥iI:~~:::::::::::: t~.s·:~·';~:~~r:~:::::::::::: ~~t ~F}d~;~h~~Ift~;;Hs : .................. .................. .................. .................. .. ~ .................. ..................

A. M. Dale......... J. W. Fox Homer Goodman Tesse Florer Burl Newton Ernest A. .Tones Walter F. Strawn Finis Hagler A. R. Richesin E. G. Webb

.... Floyd E. Fawver...... 2nd and 4th Thursdays Jno. S. McQueen 2nd and 4th Wednesdays NIlles B. Phillips 1st and 3rd Fridays W. H. Lloyd 2nd and 4th Tuesdays I. D. McCulloh 1st and 3rd Fridays E. T. Ecroyd 1st and 3rd Thursdays Ernest Young 1st and 3rd Tuesdays J. V. Patton ..:: Ever~· other Thursday A. P. Hlll.. Saturday on or after f. m. Walter Ruark 2nd and 4th Fridays


~ ~ ~

~ ~




_ 30uthwest No. 466 A..nderson Xo. 621.. ~oel No. 647 :Kewton ~eosho No. 247 " Racine No. 478 ...................... Granby No. 514 ...................... Stella No. 538 ...................... Fairview No. 619 .................


Southwest City Anderson NoeL. Neosho Sene~·a...........................

Granby Stella Fairview.....


Roscoe V. Smith Chas. W. Green :'ioah Y. East G. M. Sansbury C. L. Higginbotham.. E. B. Weems Paul E. Antle Chas. S. Ghan

W. F. Stevenson Henry Eppard B. F. St. Clair Tohn D. Stout Chas. M. RusselL W. H. Williams Noble C. Jessee L. N. PannelL

1st and 3rd Tuesdays 2nd Wednesday 1st and Sru Wednesdays tst and :lrd Thursdays 2nd Monday 1st and 3rd Fridays Ist Ilnd 3rd Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays

..... \0 w .....

FIFTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT-WM. P. MA~ON, KIRKWOOD, D. D. G. M. St. Louls.. ~ ~ Bonhomme No. 45 " ..: ~ Bridgeton No. 80: .................. Webster Groves No. 84.... .................. Fenton ~o. 281.. .................. Meramec No. 313 .................. Kirkwood No. 484.. , ..: Ferguson No. 542 .: Maplewood No. 566 ................. Clayton No. 601.. .................. Wellston Xo. 613 .................. Valley Park NO. 629 .................. Jennings No. 640 .................. Urriversity No. 649 .... ~. Gardenville No. 655


Ballwin St. John's Station Webster Groves l"enton Eureka Kirkwood Ferguson Maplewood Clayton Wellston Valley Park .Jennings University City Gardenville

J.' H. T. Schrader Walter Reinemer Clarence H. AppeL David J. Seltrich Louis W. Mottert Wm. J. Mille!'.. Joseph L. Huck Udell Thomson I. F. Rosenfelder Lawrence B. Picha ,. Donald E. Beard Wm. J. Fennel, Jr Adrian I,. Kleln Albert T. Ashwell

Henry F. Woerther W. J. Goddard G. A. Shepardson Chas. A. Lawrence R. C. Carpenter Herman Schroeder Harry A. Magoon: : r. W. Menaugh Edw. P. Clark, Jr C. A. Tolin Geo. W. Booth Geo. E. Kohlmeyer Alfred A. NaiL Florian Wolz

1st and 3rd Saturdays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 2nd and 4t-h Sn.turdays 2nd and 4th Saturdays 2nd and 4th Monda~'s 1st and 3rd Fridays 1st and 3rd Fridays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 2nd and 4t.h Thursdays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 1st and 3rd :\londays 1st and 3rd Saturdays

FIFTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT-E. F. STARLING, OLEAN, D. D. G. M. Morgan " " Miller " Maries "

Glensted No. 250 Versallies No. 320 Barnett No. 591.. Olean No. 134 [onla Xo. 38L Vienna Xo. 94 Belle: No. 3i3

Glerrsted Versailles BarnetL : Olean Eldon Vienna Belle :

; :

Marvin W. Klein A. G. Hendrickson Robt. Edmondson James E. Helms G. C. Vanosdoll W. M. Robinson George Koenig

T. N. Hanby W. B. Todd J. D. Bradshaw W. H. Crum J. H. Rea 1\1. M. Tackett.. T.· .T. Tynes

Saturday on or before full moon 2nd and 4th Mondays Saturday on or before full moon 3rd Saturday, 2nd and 4th Mondays Saturday on or before full moon 2rrd and 4th Saturdays








~ .~.

FIFTY-NINTH DISTRICT-N. ,D. JACKSON, INDEPENDENCE, D. D. G. M. Jackson " ..................:.• ..................... ...: ..................... ..................... ..................... ...................


..................... ..

Independence No. i6 Summit No. 263 McDonald NO. 324 Blue Springs No. 33i.. Raytown No.: 391..., Christian: No. 392 Buckner No. 501.. Marlborough No. 569 Mt. Washington No. 614 .. Grandview No. 618 Grain Vallev No. 644..

Independence Lee's Summit., Independence Blue Springs Raytown Oak Grove Buckrrer 8534 Wood~and, K. C Mt. Washington Grandview Grain Valley

Herbert H. Rahe J. G. Boyd Francis M. Payton Fred H. Burk J. Edw. Burch M.. G. Ewing Paul W. Knn.pheide C. B. Vaughan Chas. T. Tunget W. P. Bewley .T. B. Perkins :.

Frank F. Livesay M. R. Hoberecht W. Lee Whitmire Harry E. CareL Geo. W. Cassell L. W. Peeples John Ahrens Floyd R. Smith Gregg B. Christy M. V. Long Earl F. Pentecost

2nd and 4th Mondays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Mondays 1st and 3rd Fridays 1st and 3rd Fridays 1st and 3rd Fridays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 1st and 3rd Mondays 2nd and 4th Fridays 1st and 3rd Thursdays 2nd Ilnd 4th Saturday~






'l:l ...~

. c.i. . 'l:l111~1~ ~ 'l:l 'l:l ... ~ ~ ~ '~l:l '" Z~ "'~: '~l:l ~ ~ ~ :l ~ '5 ~ ~ Qi


Revere, 167 FaIrmount, 290 Eldorado, 318 Hiram, 362 GothIc, 436 ·St. Francisville, 588 Memphis, 16 Gorin, 72




'" -


it:: .-








::: Q)






:§~~<~~i3~~~~~ .. . . . . .. .. .

2) 32

3 41





1 1 11 31 21 3






1 /


~I~1 ~1 9


14 3

1 301 401 381


41 211 121 201 471







.....~~ .. ~f ~ .. ~>'

§~ "e.c" '8 ~

~... ~

:o",:s~ et':lu~ Q)~













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-aoo~ ~ 2::: :s~c:: 0Q)



~~:a t':l







coo Oc




56/$ 111.60 1 $ 111.60\' ...1$ 111.6 0 \$ 20.001$ 2.00 3.00 30.00 69 144.90 $ 2.10 141.00 6.301 140.10: 9.00 90.00 10/ 141.00 .......•... 141.00\............ 141.00: 3.00 30.00 125 262.50 262.50 262.50 3.00 30.00 371 17.70 77.70/ 10.50 ·67~30 10.00 63 132,30 ,...... 132.30 132.30 1.00 90.00 9.00 220 462.00 462.001 14.70 447.30 10.00 3.00 64 134.401 2.101 136.50 4.20 132.30 10.00 721 151.20 1........ 151.2G 2.10 149.10 1.00 94\ 191.40\ 197.40 ·6.30 191.10 141 296.10 296.10 296.10 711 149.101............ 149.10 10.50 138.60\ .. 2.00 69 144.90 144.90 2.10 142.80 20.00 511 101.101............ 107.101 : 1 101.10 . 21 1,2021$ 2,524.20:1$ 4.201 1$ 2.528.401$ 56.701$ 2,411.801$ 340.001$ 36.00


~ ~ (';)




SECOND DISTRICT-CHAS. F. LINK, D. D. G. M. Kirksville, 105.................... 31 61 6 Paulville, 319..................... 2' 5 4 Adair, 366........................... 18 17 18 NovInger. 583..................... 1

4 4


3 17 1 11 3 9 2

9 10

31 43 1 2 3 17......



3791$ 691 369 781

795.901$ 6.30 $ 144.90 174.90 18.90 $4.20 163.80

802.201$ 35. 70 144.90 789.60 21.00 163.801............


766.50 $ 30.00 144.90 10.0.0 768.60 200.00 163.80 10.00

~ t~e~t:\6:i':':':~ ':':':~':':':':':':':':~':~':':':" ::::~ ..··:I·..·~ : : : : : : ::::~ . . J ~l::~~ : : : ::::iI:::::: Hi 2H:l~ : : : : : : : : ~-: : 2~~:1gll ::::~::~:~il 1~:·:1g!:::::::~~:~~


5.00 2.00 20.00 1.00

1.00 Edina, 291........................... 2\ 2\ 11 1 1 2 1 21 4...... 11...... 59 123.90 2.10 121.801 4.20 117.60 10.001 1.00 Greensburg, 414 11...... 3...... 1 1, 1 1 631 132.301............ 132.301 6.301 126.001 · .. TOTAL......................... 211 341 331 101 121 331 281 131 831 1 21 1 1,2001$ 2,520.001$ 25.201$6.30 $ 2.538.901$ 69.301$ 2,469.601$ 270.001$ 30.0:0 .Credlt $0.10.


\0 C,N ~


THIRD DISTRICT~JOSEPH W. MOORE, D. D. G. M. 1 21 4 1 2 11 11

Hartford.,. 171. ,................. 1/ S.omer!Set, 206 ,................. 41 5 Unlonvllle. 210.................. 21 3 Lucerne, 394...'.................... 2 2 HU.'mPhreys, 32.................. 11 Seaman. 126........................ 1 1 Green City. 159................. 2 Putnam, 190 ··.. Pollock, 349......................... 2 2 1 Arcana. 389 1 Winigan. 540 1 11 TOTAL........................ 131 131 151


I···..·l ···

.11 21/ 3/1 /


1 \...... 1 1 1 11 1.....




1...... 51 51

/ 1, 8\ 1 1 11 .\ 21 11 141 21 51 21 2,...... 41 31 21 31 431 131

I J /. . .


1 11 571$ 119.. 7011 .......•. ..1$ 119.70"$ 3 21 1 /...... 621 130.20/$ 2.101........ 132.301 31 22\...... 1 1391 291.90 2.10 294.00 3 431 90.301 1 90.301 11 4: 531 111.30/ 1........ 111.301 3 1. 1...... ...... 187 392.10 2.10 $2.10 392.101 31 \ , 1...... 1221 256.201 256.20/ 11 4 ,. 1 1291 270. 90 1 2.10 273.00 2 1...... 1 69 144.90 144.901 41 41 1 1...... 1031· 216.301 \........ 216.301 2 21 1 1...... 611 140.101............ 140.101 261 381 1 1 3 1.0311$ 2.165.101$" 8.401$2.10 $ 2,111.401$




1 6.30\1$ 113.40\1$ 20.001 $ 2.00 2.10 130.20 40.00 4.00 16.801 211.201 10.00 2.00 2.101 88.201 80.00 2.00 2.101 109.201 10.00/ 1.00 4.201 388.501 10.00 2.00 29.!0/ 226.801 . 10.00 262.501 ······ · 4.201 140.101 20.00 2.00 8.401 207.901 I .. 4.201 136.501 10.001 1.00 90.301$ 2.081.101$ 200.001$ 16.00

FOURTH DISTRICT-E. M. WILSON, D. D. G. M. Trenton, 111....................... Laredo. 253 Galt. 423.............................. Spickardsvllle, 524............. Mercer. 35........................... Ravanna. 258...................... Marlon. 616 TOTAL I

1 1 1 41 3/ 41 2/ 111 91 ,...... 31 31 11 1 2 21 51 51 3 1 1 31 4\ 51 6\ \ 1 101 1 11 1 , 1 1 1 \ 171 141 131 21 31 28 1


1 91 3r

J II, ..

2/ 51 1 ' I 11 3 1 1 Il 2/ 1 1 1 6 1/...... 1 1. 4 1 1 81 41 17\ 311 1





1 1 . 1 . 1 1







w .....



3861$ 810.60/' 1 $ 810.601$ 18.901$ 191.70\$ 40.00 $ 4.00 781 163.80 163.801 6.301 151.50 .. 103\ 216.30 $ 4.20 220.501 4.201 216.30\ 30.00 3.00 84 176.401............ 176.401 6.301 *110.301 110.00 4.00 2061 432.601 1 432.601 21.001 411.601 60.00 5.00 105.001 2.10/ tI 05 . OOl·..· ·..· 50 105.001 371 11.70 77.10 11.70 . 9441$ 1,982.401$ 4.201 ......·1$ 1,98&.601$ 58.8111$ 1.930.101$ 240.001$ 16.00

~ ~ (':)

~ ~



FIFTH DISTRICT-HENDRIX NEWMAN, D. D. G. M. Bethany, 91 Lorraine. 128 Lodge of Light. 251 Calnsv1lle. 328................... New Hampton, 510............ Prairie. 556 TOTAL......................... .Credlt $0.20.

1 Ii

1 21 11 11

11 1 / 21 , 1 1 101 11 3/ 11 11 \ 1 11...... :ll 21 2 21 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 41 41 61 131 51 71

tCredit $2.10.

11 31

11 31



2 21 '

I I1. L.... 141 1......

1 21 61 1...... 2/ 1 1 5 61 41 211



1 1

1...... 1...... 1...... 1.....



115/ $ 56 55 431 501 431 3621$



241.50 1$ 4.20'\ ·· 1$ 117.601 2.101$2.10 115.501 2.10 . 90.301 2.10 . 105.001 1 . 90.301 . 760.201$ 10.501$2.101$

245.101$ 111.60



2.10\$ 4.20


105.001 1 90.301 2.101 168.601$ 14.701$


243.601$ 113.401 111.301 92.401 105.001 88.201 153.901$

10.001$ 30.001 1 20.001 30.001 1 90.001$

1.00 3.00 . 2.00 3.00 . 9.00






ci d



'01 a.>




!~~1~~~~~~7~~ .~.: .:.: : :.: .: :.: .:.:

Alanthus, 252..................... Ancient Craft, 371............


1 1 I


Havana, 21..........................






11 11

2 1

3 1
















······1······1····..'···..·...... ··.. ··1 ......'·..···

i[.. ~ . . ~ ::::j :::::: I····~ !I ~ "1: : : : : : : 1

51 3


I 19 1 5

~1{r?,~:{¥5~:·::::::::::·j': • ·.~I·.....;II;I ; 11;1•.·• • Allensville, 19S I Jonathan. 321..................... 3 .2 21...... TOTAL......................... 161 151 161 6!


51 4 1..... 21 4... 61 151 121 111 591 /


1:::::: .



1 1

.. 1


i•.• •· 1 1

. .












~ ~ ~ ~.





~a.> E 5


~ ~






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_ ~.

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SMITH, D. D. G. M.










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C ;:I












g E -<



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I:: <l>


'0':: 0"i: ?~= ....


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1 81.90/$ 50.00\$ 5.00 39/$ 81.90\ ..1 $ 81.901 ..1'$ 300.301 10.001 1.00 143/ 300.30j ,......... 300.301 1 48 100.S0 100'SUI 2.10 *260.40 96.60/ 10.001 1.00 40.00 4.00 129/ 210.90 270.90 10.50 102.90 30.00 3.00 541 113.40 113.40 10.50 220.50 10.00 1.00 lOS! 226.801 226.80' 6.30 1 . 96.60\ 461 96.601............. 96.60 601 126.00 126.00 1 .. 79\ 165.90\ \ 165.90\ 2.10 161.70 . 75 157.50 $ 4.20 161.70 .. ·..·1 . 591 123.90j \ 123.901 ·· 1 t 103.901 681 142.80 6.30 149.101 1 30.001 3.00 149.101 9081$ 1.906.801$ 10.501 $ 1,917.301$ 31.501$ 1,863.70i'$i9O:"o;)I$ 20.00


i~;:~~I . · ·. ~·~·:~~I··· ·~·:~~








I Xenia, 50....... Maryville, 165.................... Quitman, 196......................

11 2 2

1 2 2




1 I


1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 11 1 ...... ..... ..... ...... 2....




I 1 .. I .


f~~~~~;~;:~~u{:i~i~\~\!I~ • ~,I::~I: IiI~I,l Pickering, 472.............. *Balance Due $2.10.

41 4

3 / tBalance Due $20.00.


1.. 1 1 tCredit $2.10. /



133/$ 1241 41 1 106" 611 48/ 35 571 431 2361 591

1 / • ·.. 1$ 219.30 1 260.40/ $ 2.10 .. 86.10\ _ . 222.60 . 128.101 .

l~g:~~1 ::::::::::::, ........ 1~~:~~1 ::::::::::::/ ::::::::

495.60/ 123.90






279.301 262.501 86.101 222.601 128.101

I 1$


4.20 . 4.20 .

1~~:~~I· 4:2ii

119.701 90.301 - 495.601 123.901

1 1

10.50/ ..


27.9.30!$ 258.30\ 86.10 218.40 128.101 100.8.01 69.30 119.701 90.301 487.201 123.901


10.001$ 20.00 20.00 10.00 . 40.00 30.00 10.00 .. 30.00/ 30.00

1.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00


\0 C;.) ~

\ Guilford, 414 , \ 1 , , 21 , 1 Clearmont, 501................... 41 3 4...... 2/ 1...... 1 1 Skidmore. 511... .1 .1-..... 2...... 3 41 ~. 1 241 201 211 TOTAL 71 31 141 101 241 391 1.

511 119.101 551 115.501 631 132.301 1 1 1,1181$ 2,347.801$ 1..'



1 \ 119.101 1 119.101 ········.···1 ·· . 4.201........ 119.;01 2.10\ * 121.80\ 40.001 4.00 1 ·.... 132.301 4.20 128.10 ..········· ..··.1··········.. 6.301 $ 2,354.101$ 29.401$ 2,331.001$ 240.001$ 26.00





EIGHTH DISTRiCT-FRANK ELTON, D. D. G. M. North Star, 151.. 1 1 Sonora, 200......................... 51 5 Northwest. 358................... 41 5 Fairfax. 483........................ 2 5 Maitland, 112..................... 2 2, Oregon, 139....................... 21 21 Forest City, 214................. Mound City, 294................ 21..... e"'g. 606 ! J TOTAl}. 171 191

1 ...... 5 21 3 5...... 2...... 2......

11· 4 6


1...... 1 1


51 141

J. I .1..

··1· ·.1 ··.1.. .1..

3 ···· .. I 21 1 4 21 3 1 1 2 11 1 1 1 1 11 211 91


61······ 9...... 8...... 11


,...... 1

2 2 1 ··1...... 21 11 all...... , 1 '..... li i 91 421 11 1 1




01 281.4 1$ 2.10" $ 283.5011 1$ 283.50/ 1 .. 92.40 92.40 6.30/ 86.10j$ 50.00 $ 9.00 180.60 6.301........ 186.90 4.20 182.70 10.00 1.00 235.201 12.60 247.801 8.401 239.40 .20.00 1.00 151.50 151.501 6.301 151.20\ 20.00 2.00 142.80 142.801 2.101 140.10) 20.00 2.00 184.80 1........ 184.801 14.701 110.101 ·..·..· . 231.30 2.101........ 239.401 2.101 231.30 10.00\ 1.00 761 159.60 4.20i 163.80i , 163.80\... I . 1961$ 1,611.601$ 27.301. .. $ 1.698.901$ 44.101$ 1,654.801$ 130.001$ 22.00 1341! $ 44 861 112 75( 68 881 1131


~~y:~~.a~it~::::::::::::::::.:::::: 1~11 ~ il::::::I....~I\ ....:.!.... ~! ~I ~I: : : I : : : I:::::: 1;~1$ 4~~:~~\~ ~~~~\ ....

Lincoln, 138........................ 1 1 3111...... 11····..\ 1 ,...... Whitesville, 162 1...... 1 1 31...... Rosendale, 404................... 1 1 I 1181 "'" Valley, 413 1 1 .1 31 11 1 1...... Cosby, 600 I I···.. 1/ j 1 ··1 ·.. Agency, 10.......................... 13111\ 1 1...... 2 41. \ 1 Wellington, 22................... 3 1 1 , 3/ 2 31 1...... St. Joseph. 18 16/ 15/ 12 51 1 1 2 15118! 1...... 1 Blrming, 150 1 2\ 31 1. 1 31 1 4 31 \ \...... Zeredatha, 189................... 221 23 221 51 1 51 31 171 111 1...... 5 Rushvllle, 238 11 1. 1 11 11 3\ \ ,...... Brotherhood, 269............... 121 13 14 3/ 2, 3 1, 2 2...... ~harlty, 331... 241 301 24 2 41 41 ~111 161. 1 ·1 2 King Hill, 376.................... 81 51 4...... 4 31 6 5 181 1...... Saxton, 508 ,.;............ 51 5\ 31 11 1 11 3\. 1 \...... Wallace Park, 621............ 11 1\. .1...... 1 1 1 1 '.. TOTAL 11611191104[ 181 11/ 361 311 161 991 21 11 S

1 .\


··j····.. I·..···'




*Credlt $4.20.

tBalance Due $2.10.

*Credlt $4.20.

:::::::: $ 511 119.701 2.101 ·.. 681 142.80/............ 41 86.10 --.... 621 130.201 611 140.101 1 , 1021 214.201 681 142.80) \ 5931 1,245.301 2.101........ 89 186.90 1 1........ 8tll 1,766.10\ 2.10\ 1?1 ~59.~01 24al a14.aOI 4.201........ 1,0261 2,!54.601 8.401 2701 ;)67.001 8.401...... 43\ 90.30\ 4.20\ 321 61.20 2.10 3.9041$ 8.198.401$ 39.901 $


4~f~gl\~. ~.~:.~.+ t 3:::~~1::::::::::::::::11~ ~:~~ ....

121.80 2.101 119.10\$ 10.00 1.00 142.801 2.10/ 140.10 .. 86.101 1 86.101 10.001 1.00 130.201 6.301 123.90 .. 140.101 2.101 138.601 . 214.201 1 214.20/ 150.001 13.00 142.801 6.301 136.501 30.00 3.00 1,241.401 2.10\ 1,245.301 560.00 16.00 186.90/ 6.30 180.60\ · · 1.· . 1.168.20 10.501 1,751.701 200.00 24.00 159.601 2.10\ 151.50\ 1 . 518.701 6.30 ·512.40 120.001 12.00 2,~~~.001 8.40 2,154.601 230.001 24.00 ala.40 6.30 569.10 10.00 1.00 94.501 \:\: 98.10 50.00 5.00 69.301 69.30 10.00 2.00 R.238.301$ 15.601$ 8,164.801$1.440.001$109.00


~ ~ ~

~ ~


N '-J







l::i d





I-='~ III -<~ I~





~ ~rI'J ~rJ'J ~ ~~ ~ .:.::: ::: .-





~ Cl::





Union Star, 124................. Weatherby, 235.................. Parrott, 308........................ Osborn, 311..

11 11 11...... 41 4

11 1, 31

Western Star, 15................ Pattonsburg, 65.................. Gallatlrr. 106.......................

1 51 41

1\ 3 6

::l Q

<:l Cl::




1 1 1...... g~'lnr~~~~~:.I.5~~~:::::::::::::::: ~II ~ ~i:::::: ::::::

~~t~~~~L.~.~.~.·.·. .·.·.·.·.·.·.·. .·.-. .·.·.·.·.·.·.·



11 5 31


1 2


::l 00








21 3( ...... / 61 -\-..... 1 ,,1 3,.... 31 1\ 2/ ··/· ·1



n::::: 21




1 21 11 21. 3 5







Lock Spring, 488............... 4 41 51...... .Jameson, 1\ 11 31...... Jamesport. ;>64................... 21 3 7 ...... TOTAL I 301 301 391 91


21 3 11 11. \ 21· 1 51 2 3 61 231 141 211














=: ;:;

e::a>~ ~E";


























77 $ 161.701 $ 161.70\$ 4.20\$ 157.501$ 10.001$ 1.00 561 117.601 1........ 117.60 117.601 20.00 2.00 1441 302.401$ 2.101$2.00 302.50\ 6.301 296.20 40.00 4.00 43 90.30\............ 90.301 2.101 88.201 ..... ,........ ·1 ..···.... 1 ·· . 401 84.00 84.001 6.301 7U nl 30.001 3.00 60 126.00\ ,/........ 126.001 2.10\ 123.901 20.001 2.00 6il 140.701............ 140.70 140.70 10.001 1.00 14/ 1 · 80 168.001 1 168.001 4.20 *168.001 50.00 5.00 1 1..·..· 91 1 . 1471 308.701 2.101........ 310.80\ 4.201 306.60 80.00 3.00 10.Cll 1.00 65 136.501 2.10 138.60 138.60 1 54 113.40 1 113.401 2.10\ 111.301 10.00] 1.00 11 , . 841 176.401 8.40 ........ 184.801 4.20 180.601 '40.00 4.00 671 140.701 '140.70 2.101 138.601 10.00 1.00 ·1 ..··..1 . 6 ...... I .. 1231 258.301 6.30 ........ 264.60 10.50 254.10 20.00 2.00 511.., ,1 11 2 1.1071$ 2.324.701 21.001 2.001$ 2.343.701$ 48.301$ 2.299.601$ 350.001$ 30.00 1







i :::::: :::::: ::::::

~I ~1""2 .... ~ ....1::::::1....1!::::::1:::::1:::::1:::::· 1







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-!-·····, 4





1........ 1........


~ ~ ('::)





Liberty, 31.......................... Holt, 49 Angerona. 193

11 11 11 4\ 31 11 1 1 1 1 71 1; 1 1 1 1 1 11

Temperance, 438 Hemple. 37... Vincll. 62............................ Plattsburg, 113................... *Credit $4.20.

1..... 31 3 1 1

~le~V;n;~:·3il::::::::::::::::::::::.. j



61 31 71 11 1 61. 1 1 1

ilZI il.21 . j::::::,.... ~I j 11 1 11 Ii 11. 1 1 21 3\ 11 11 2\ 1 3 9


5\ 2

1 1

1 1 .

1 I


~ 1 ~I:::::: ::::::I ~

3 21. 1 . 11. 11. ·.. 1.. · .. ·1 .. 2 131 ..:... 1 2 3 oo!..

2441$ 511 391 2031 791 124/ 31 1451 971


6.30\ ....... \ $

1~~:~~I ~.~.:~~\ ::::::::

426.301 165.90\ 260.40 65.101 304.501 203.701



_ .

.. 1 2.101 6.30


, .


518.701$ 2.101$· 121.801 2.101 81.901 2.101 426.301 8.401 165.901 1 260.401 23.101 65.101 4.201 306.60\ 4.201 210.00 18.901




. ·.

~~~ ~~lr ~·~·:~~I$ ~··~~

79.801 417.901


. 1.00

60.90\. 302.401 191.101

\ 30.00\ 10.00

1.00 3.00 1.00

~~~:~~; ::::::::::::::::1 :::::::::.::




Gower, 397 1 21 2\ 21 1 \ 1\ 11 2\ 5\ I,athrop. 506....................... 2 2 2 II..... 2 II TOTAL........................ 131 131 141 10\14\ 341 20\18\ 45\





\ 1



67 1 140.70 84 176.40 1 1 13 1,1641$ 2,444.401$ 29.401


.1.... I




140.701 2. 10 1 138. 60 1 20.001 2.00 176.401 4.20 172.20 20.001 2.00 $ 2,473.801$ 71.401$ 2,402.401$ 130.001$ 11.00
















:~~~!~. t~t:·:·: ·: ·:·:·:·:·: ·: ·:·:·: ·: .. ··~I· . ·: . . ~ ::::/:::::' .~ ~I . . ~ ····~I::::::· :::::J:::i 1 61······ / 1 Polo. 232 ,...... 1 1...... 1 ~~~~rrr~~l~~ ~.~.~.-.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· ~ i t i .... ~ :::::: ~ ~ ::::::(:::: ::::::/:::::. i~~~~~?T~/iNri·::::::·:::::::::· ::'J:::::: ::::~ ::::~'::::~ ....: ~ 1~1:::::{:::t:::. 1

Chl11lcothe, 333.................. Chula, 388

~~~~~in5~9.~.~.~::.-.·.-.·.-:.·:.-.·.·.·.-:.·.-.-.-.· TOTAL




··.. 31··.. 31 ....31

I 211 16\ 20\


53 1

::J 41 1

5 101 1 ·


1 ..

·1 ..

~ ~ I:::::: 1....21 ~1 .... 61:::::: ::::::1:::::. 7\19\ 29\ 111 18\ 571 --!-

I 1251$ 117 148 86 1~3

99 198 35 50

262.50 245.10 310.80 180.60 $ 4.20 258.30 12.60 207.90 415.80 12.60 73.50 105.00!




3~~:~~ ~.~:~~


I I 262.501$ 8.401$ 245.101 10.501 310.801 8.401 184.801 2.101 270.901 1 1 207.90 428.40 16.801 73. 50 1 1 105.00 6.301







254.10\$ 10.001$ 1.00 235.20 ...................•........ 302.401 50.00\ 5.00 182.10[ . 270.901 40.001 4.00 207.901 20.00\ 2.00 411.60 10.00 1.00 13.50\ ···..·.. 98.70 ..


3~~·.1gl... ~~:~~



88\ 184.801 2.10\........ 186.901 1 186.901 / .. 90 189.001 189.001 1 189.001 30.00 3.00 1 1$ 2,874.90\$ 60.901$ 2,814.001$ 210.001$ 21.00 1 2 1,349 $ 2.832.901$ 42.001








P.... ~.



il. . ~

lackson. 82......................... Brookfield 86...................... Cypress, 221 ........................ Bucklin, 233....................... 31 Dockery. 325....................... Marceline, 481.................... TOTAL......................... 131

il I

1 ...... 2 2 1 ...... 2 3 1 2 31 1 1 21 ...... 12 81 1 41

,Iii :1 1 ;14~1 !

2 71


I 81



'll I· 1

2 ............ 1...... 3 ...... 29 1............ 1..... 10 sl 5SI ...... I......I...... 1





256.20 ............. 493.50 $ 8.40 172.20 ............ 82 226.S0 ............ 1081 153.30 2.10 73/ 190 399.00 S.40 810\$ 1,701.001$ 18.901

12211 235

I I I 256.20 $ 10.001$ 1.00 ........ $ ;~~ :~~ ·6:30\$ 495.60 50.00 5.00 ........ 112.20 10.00 1.00 ........ 172. 20 1 ............ 1 226.S0 ............ 226.S0 30.00 3.00 ........ 151.20 40.00 4.00 ....... 155.401 4.20/ 407.40 10.00 1.00 6.30 401.101 ........ ........ $ 1,719.901$ 16.80\$ 1.703.101$ 150.001$ 1500











'J ~



~~ ~~"O~


; .=





~ ~I"OI"O

~ ~

i5 0 ~ ~










T 81 3


6!.... 4: 1\......

3 ' 614,

1. 41


3 1















~ ~ ~











I 233.101 .........


251 221 241 151

11 261 101 171 211








: : .: : : : : : : :

........ ........ '"

-- ......




S <:



I I 233.101$ 4.20\$ 2.10 134.401 98.701 6.301 40iAOI 12.60/ 310.801 4.20 123.901 ............ 1 84.001 ............ 1 117.601 ............ 1 182.701 14.701 6.30\ 268.80! 98.701 2.101

g~::~I . . .~:~~1


<.> ","0









3~ 0







···1··...... $





~~1:!::~t·642~·~··········:·::::::::::··: ::::~ I::::~ I.... ~ ::::~! ::::::1.... ~ l····tI:::::: ::::~I:::::. ::::::1:::.:: TOTAL





1111$ 6·1 4-1




407.40: ............ 310.80\ ............ 148\ 123.90 ............ 59 391 81.90 $ 2.10 117.601 .......... 1•••••• 182.701 ........... 266.70\ 2.10 127\ \ . 47 98.70\ ........... 54 113.40 ....... 134.401 ............ 1 64 1 11. . 1.0971$ 2303.701$ 4.201 ·1.···.

~1{i:!::~~;ri~~2\:I • •~I.·.·~',:ll1~1;!····;I; • • • !1

Shelbina., 228



~<ll ~ btl ~


~f~~~in~~~~~··lo2:~~~~~~::::~~~·. 5/1 ~i ~I::::::I::::::' ill::::::I .. ·}I,....}!I:::::: ::::::!:::::.

McGee, 146......................... Censer, 172.........................


rJ:i .... <:.> .c

~ ~Q ~Q ~~ ~U ~


rn .... ~





Q 0









I I 228.90\$ 10.00\$ 2.00 132.30 30.00; 300 7.00 70.001 92.401 394.80 30.00 3.00 306.60 50.00 5.00 123.901 ............... [ ............ 84.001 20.001 2.00 117.601 ... ·.....................

~:i:·~g~ ·······:::::1·····:::: ~5U~I::::::::::::::::1





~ ~


........ $ 2.307.901$ 54.601$ 2,253.30!$ 240.001$ 25.00

FIFTEENTH DISTRICT-DONALD H. SOSEY, D. D. G. M. WyacQnda, 24.....................

1/ 11








~~n~iecl~~,o'2~:.-.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.~·.·.·.·. ~II ~I ~i\::::::II..··ll····3 .... ~\I ~I::::::C:::

Cr.af~, 28i ;: WIlliamstown, 3/0............. Lewistown. 494.................. Ewing, 571.......................... Palmyra, 18........................ St. John's, 28 ,......... Hannibal, 188..................... .Balance Due $46.10.

:; :..1 31 1.1 31 71



21 1

11 1

2 81 71

1 7 7



11 21 2 1 1...... 1...... 41 1 11 1 51 1 11 1 9 41 11 41...... 41 11 101 4 1

21 1 1 11 31. 8\ 3




51 1 11. 31 31······




1 1 1 1...... \......



2 1




<>41 591 521 1461 4931 406[


184.801 100. 80 1 256.20 $ 260.40 113.40 123.90 109. 20 1 306.60 1,035.30 852.60 .




. .

2.10 2.10 .

2.10 2.10;


. . .


;~~. ~g

. . 1


184. 80 1 ············1$ 184.801$ 10.00 1$ 100.80; . • 54.70\ 10.001 258.301$ 6.301 262.501 4.201 2.101 113.401 111.301 20.001 115.50 30.00 123.90 8.401 98.70 10.00 109.20 1 10.50 287.701 30.001 306.601 18.90 90.001 1,037.401 8.401 1,029.001 833.70 190.00 854.70 I 21.00


1.00 1.00


2.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 9.00 1.00




Philadelphia, 502.............. Ralls, 33.............................. Lick Creek. 302................. New I,ondon. 307... TOTAL........................

11 1 3

1111 1 1 1 \ 1.•.... , 1 2 2 8 1 21 """ 1 1...... 1 1 31 5 1 -1 1 21 11 311 281 241 151 41 411 131 301 271 1


1...... 1......

401 84.001 1$2.10 81.901 1 81.901 10.001 I.CO 1161 243.60............ 243.601 16.80 226.80 40.00 1.00 1...... 1241 260.40 260.401 260.40 30.00 3.00 1... 811 170.10\ .......•...\ 170.101 ...\ 170.101 . 1 5 1.9,,31$ 4.101.301$ 8.401$2.10 $ 4.101.601$ 96.601$ 3,964.901$ 490.001$ 34.00






~4............................... ~I 2i

1 1 1 1 Eolia, 21 31 ClarkSVille, 17.................... ~ 21 3 1...... 4 Perseverance, 92 181211 23 4 51 9 Phoenix, 136....................... 2 3 31 1 1 91 Frankford, 192 " ..: ..; ; .!.. 1 Pike, 399 1 1 1 1 , 31 TOTAL I 241 281 311 61 61 281



21' 31 6 3 11 1 31 51 181 1

1 1 21 11

11 41. 1 / 51

1 1 ······1···... 1··· 1 1......


~.··I ..·...


1.·.... ,1 1




52j$ 1/ $ 6.301$ 102.901$ 20.001 $ 2.00 186.90 20.00 2.00 93, 19;).30 19;).30 8.40 497.70 170.00 17.00 2411 506.10 $ 10.50 516.60 18.90 213.00 20.00 3.00 1381 289.80 2.10 ....•... 291.901 18.90 119.701 ···· . 57 119.70 119.701 ······· 201 42.00 42.001 6.301 35.701 20.00 1.00 6011$ 1,262.101$ 12.601 1$ 1.274.7015 58.801$ 1,215.901$ 250.001$ 25.00



I 2

Paris "Lnlon, 19................. Florida, 23..........................


2 1






~lJE:~:~Ii~~42i·~!t:ill' Holiday. 660 TOTAL


1 1I

2 1•••••••••••• 10 1 1 1

1 1 1 41 41 61






3 11 1 \






124!$ 261

fit:.• • .I~~~~~:lil. i i

1 / 1 281 l'

9i 111.


1...... 1...1

301 3961$

260.40 54.60




:UUi • • • • • ·i 63.001 831.601


:fHil :ml

1........ 1


260.40 $ 21.00 $ 54.601 \



63.001 1 831.601$ 5.8.801$

2~H~I,$;~~~'1$i~~ 1~~:~~\·······~~:~~I··· . ~:~~ 10.00 1.00

102.901 63.001 772.801$



~ ~ ~




. 5.00


~yl~ ~il~ ·I.~.~.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.: : : :.·.· :i :i. ~i. ~i ~i. Clifton Hill, 161............... 2 1111 1 Moberly, 344....................... 11 13 12 1 Cairo, 486............................ II Higbee. 527......................... 1 3 31...... .Jacksonville, 541................ 11 11······ Clark, 610............................ 2 2 1 1 TOTAL I 181 221 231 21

*Balance Due $66.07.


21 1 2 13 1 1 91 31 1 11 81 331

~ \:::::/:::::l':::::: 2~~1$ 4~g:ggll : : : : : :~ :::::::: $4~~ ~~.1:$ ~.~ :.~.\$ 4~~ ~~11~ ~.~·.~~\~ ~:~~

1 1 6 10 7 28 3111".'.'" 1 3 / .2 1 3 14 151 171 551..1


.. .. 551 115.50 $ 4.20 119.70/ / , . 53.631 20.00/ 2.00 6021 1,264.20 4.20 1,268.40 27.30 1,241.10 90.00 9.00 701 147.001 1...•.... 147.001 1 147.001 1 · . ..1...... 133,1 279.301 1 "" 279.301 18.90 260.401 10.001 1.00 1 1 741 155.40\ ,........ 155.40' 6.30 149.101 . 1.. 65 136.501.......... 136.501 2.101 134.401 20.00 2.00 1 41 1.2341$ 2.59i.401$ 8.401 1$ 2.599.801$ 69.301$ 2,464.431$ 160.001$ 16.00 \...... 1 3 1......







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1261$ 264.601 / , $ 264.60/$ 4.201$ i~g:fg $ ·50:00\$····5:00 861 180.601 .. 180.60 10.50 681 142.801$ 2.10 . 138.60 . 144.901 6.30 138.60, 8.40 130.20 . 661 138.601 . 424.201 12.60 90.001 9.00 411.60 2021 424.201 .. 461 96.60 .. 96.60\ ..·..· 1 15.601 . 361 75.601 .. 651 136.50 .. 1 136.501 I ..... 51\ 107.1nl .. 107.10\ 1 74'61$ 1,566.601$ 2.101 ........ 1$ 1,568.101$ 42.001$ 1,528.801$ 170.001$ 11.00

·~;:;~I :::::::::::::::: i~t~~II .......a.~.:~~









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39 \\akanda, 52...................... Bogard 101......................... Hale City 216 Carroll, 249........................





13110 11 10 10 31 )· 2


11'···.. J..·..

1...... 1 21 1 2 2 1

61 1 2 1 3...... 1 1

~~~I~t3~r-~~:::::::::::~::::::: ~! . .h.. h::::+:::: .... ~I TOTAL

.Credlt $2.10.

I 30\ 28\ 25\

51 6\ 15\ 1



2/ 61

11 41

11 2

4 1•••••• 31......








•.. •.. 1.. · .. ·


i . . ~1 2i!:::::: :::::J::::: 81, 16\ 41\




$ 121.80 ,1$ 121.80\ \ .. 57\$ 119.10.\$ 2.10 / / 12.60 2951 619.501 619.50$ 606.90\$ I~O.OO $ 15.00 111 245.101 4.20 249.901 4.20 245.70 100.00 10.00 741 155.401 4.201 , 159.60' 6.30; 153.30 .. 861 180.601 4.20. 184.801 2.101 182.101 20.00 2.00 681 142.80\ 6.30\........ 149.10 4.20 144.90 20.00 3.00 1071 224.101............ 224.101 2.101 222.60 50.00 5.00 631 132.301............ 132.301 1 132.301 1 1.00 8611$ 1,820.70\$ 21.001 ........ $ 1,841.701$ 31.50\$ 1,810.20/$ 340.001$ 36.00














Rising Sun. 13................... 4 4 4 1 2 2...... 4 21I I 1I' 1 Weston, 53.......................... 1 1 1 1 7 1 3 10 Compass, 120...................... 11· 1 2 1 1 1 / ·. Camden Point, 169............ ...... ...... 1 ...... 21 51...... Rowley, 204......................... 31 4' 4 2 ."... 4 1 2 ,...... Fldellty, 339 · 11 1 1 '...... 11 1.. ·..· / Adelphi, 355....................... ] 1 1 , 1 2 1 ' Platte City, 50L 1 11 2/ \ 1 31 1 /...... TOTAL .! 111 121 111 41 71 171 4i 151 171 1 11 I I I I 1 1 I' I I 1 I


1...... 1





108 $ 226.80\$ 2.101 228.90/$ 4.201$ 224.70\$ 50.00 $ 5.00 124 260.401 2.10 247.80 10.00 1.00 262.50/ 14.701 220.50 . 216.30, 20.00 1.00 105 1 119.70 2.10 121.801 . 57 254.10 1211 .. 245.701 30.00 3.00 254.101 8.40 1 159.60 10.00 1.00 76 1 159.60 . 159.60 1 132.30 4.20, 63 .. 132.30/ . 222.60 . 104 218.401 4.201 .. 7581$ 1,591.801$ 14.701 ........ r;$ 1,606.501$ 35.701$ 1,570.801$ 120.0011$ 11.00 I I ! I I




~~~:~~I ~:~~I





Heroine, 104 271' 23 231 11 51101 6/ 8/' 39 11 1 1 I 1,061\$ 2,228.10 1$ 10.50 1 $ 2,238.601'$ 21.001$ 2,217.60 $ 270'00 j$ 27.00 Albert Pike, 219................ 4 3 3. 4 3 3 6 19 I....... 473\' 993.30\ \. 993.301 6.30 987.00 40.00 4.00 Kansas City, 220............... 15 16 8 41 7 37 3 141 27 1 1 1,047 2,198.70 18.90 2,217.60 77.70 2,139.90 130.00 13.00 Temple, 299 :.;........... 9 8, 5 71 53 1 65 17 27195 1 2. 1,7MI' 3,704.401 98.35 3,802.75 136.50 3,666.25 70.00 9.00 Cecile-Daylight, 30a.......... 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 , , 1 166 348.60/............ 348.60 1 348. 60 1 50.00 5.00 Rural, 316........................... 10 11 8 3 5 14 10 18 74 1...... 2 680 1,428.00 12.60 1,440.601 29.40 1,411.20 90.00 12.00 Westport, 340..................... 7 8 8 5 7 1 20 10 19 68...... 1 1,294 2,717.40 14.70 2,732.10 42.00 2,690.10 80.00 8.00 Ivanhoe, 446 42 47 52. 62 63113 21 371 19 1 4 3.8361 8,055.601132.30 8,187.901 27.30· 8,160.601 400.00 67.00 1 Gate City, 522 19 21 21 2 26 50 7 221871 1 1,617\ 3,395.70\ 54.601........ 3,450.301 105.00 3,345.30 190.00 19.00 Orient, 546 92182 80 821 4...... 31 4 301 \...... 4 854 1,793.40 8.40 1,80l.8(} 1,801.80 890.00 191.00 South Gate, 547................ 14 13 141 5 5 7/ 41 24 491 / 1...... 9551 2,005.50 10.50 2,016.00 14.70 2,001.30 140.00 14.00 York. 563............................. 6 8 121 3 4 15 6 91 411 , 1 6281 1,318.801 16.80 1,335.60 31.50 1,304.10 80.00 11.00 Swope Park, 617............. 25 23 21...... 5 2 91 5 22 4271 896.70 10.50 907.20 4.20 903.00 260.00 26.00 Sheffield, 625 221 27 25 11 4 37\ 3, 7 741...... ] 5691 1,194.901 8.40 1,203.30 77.70 1,125.60 180.00 18.00 East Gate, 630 51 51 53 131 9 28110110 491 1 1 1 1,4081 2,956.801 18.90 2,975.70 58.80 *2,921.10 510.001 51.00 Northeast. 643 15 14 16 3 1 13 8 2 381...... 571 1,199.101 2.10 1,201.201 27.3011'173.901 150.00 15.00 Country Club, 656............ 1 2 61 21 1R 21 4 71 1 .. 331/ 695.101 4.201........ 699.30/ 37.80 661.501 1 1...... Rockhill. 663 23 18 17 3 21 2 11 1 7 1 1 1 118 247.801 4.20. 252.00 4.20 247.80 230.001 23.00 Alpha, 659 12 111 111 61 1 1 11 \ 111 1. 1 1 1341 Z81.401 281.401........... 281.401 110.001 11..00 TOTAL 39513881:~821212120213361125121817561 11. 1 21 17,9331 $37 .659.301$425.95/ $38,085.251$701.401$37,388.051$3,870.001$524.00 1



~ ~





+..... ......



.Cedlt $4.20.
















N '-l "'1



'-l 00





Lexington, 149....................


IoS~ III ~d I~ ~

~ ~

-.S· ~










~ ~

;::: if -<r:






71······ 1

~~~~;~~~~~le43~~~:::::::::::::::: ~I ~ ~I::::::\::::::I ~l····~· Concordia, 464 1...... 4 11










-' o:l





'" .c

'"<1> '8 :::l A :5






U ~

~ ~






: : : 1~ ::::::1::::::1::::::


11;81$ 1311 671 67



<1> <1>


S -<r::;





tp...~ ~p... c <:




1 1



AS ",<1>

·3 Q


352.801 1 275.10 1 140.701............ 140.70




1:"0 01:

O(f) :::

o g~

-' I: ::l 0

'0 o:l 0 ' -


352.80\$ 14.70:$ 275.10 8.40/ 140.701 6.301 140.70 1 8.40




-;;;~:I:.s p...

1 $


'S <1>r;.. ~S~

s -<

~~ ...:l



















C ~ ...







... ~





338.10!$ 10.00\$ 6.00 266.701 30.00 3.00 134.401 20.001 2.00 132 30 380.00 ..

~~~·.~~(f. 4:201 :::::::: ~~~:~gi ~~·.~~I ~~i:j~ ~~:~~ U~ ~ ~202;~.~.~.~.-.·~·~·~·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:~·:·:·:·:~· ::::~I····~ I ~ ~\::::~ \ ~I ~ \ ~ \::::~ I:::::: :::::-J:::::: g~1 ..~~\ ~~:~~I :::::::.::::I~~:~~ 86.-~~.II·.:.·.···.····L ~6.~.011:::::::::::.·:··1 1........ King Hiram, 309 / 1 ' , , Bee Hive, 393.................... 1 11 1...... Ada, 444............................ 2' 2 21. 1 TOTAL I 16 1 lSi, IS' 41 21, 1 1


1 1



/ : 1······1······,······/······ 1••.... ' 5 . 1 21 31 J I ···I . 33il 111 111 251 1( 1 1 1 1 1 1


921 193.201 99/ 207.90 1,072\$ 2,251.201$


:.: ::::: 193.201 8.401 184.80..... . . 207.901 1 *209.701 20.001 2.00 4.201$2.101$ 2,253.301$ 69.301$ 2,185.801$ 510.001$ 18.00








~ ~ ~




TWENTY·FOURTH DISTRICT-JAMES MORGAN, D. D. G. M. Arrow Rock, 55 1' .. ' . .1' Cambridge, 63.................... 2 31 Miami, 85 1...... Trllumlna, 205................... 41 41 217... , :.. 1 11 Malta, 402........................... 4 41 Oriental, 518 , ! 560 1 1 TOTAL......................... 111 121

Barbee, Nelson, ·Credit




111 I 2 II , 11······\ · 5 4 11 11 21..... 4 1 4\ 21 1 1 1 11 161 71 61 1 I I I


/I I' ,I 1 4 11 4 1 21 ···1 2/ 51 3/111 7 11 3 21 21...... 11 91 31 1 1 1 21 1 1: 1. 211 101 10! 221 I




r J..... ,



1..... 1 / 1 1 1...... \ 1...... ···1··.... 1 1 1



25 1$. 52.50\ 1/ 2341 491.401............ 73 153.30 1 2621 550.201$ 4.20 153 321.30 761 159.60/............ 631 132.301......... 501 105.001 2.10 9361$ 1,96.5.60/$ 6.301






52.50\1 52.50\$ SO.OOI . 491.40 $ 2.10\ 153.301 8.40 554.401 4. 20 1 550.20/ 50.00/ 5.00 306.60 10.00 1.00 321.30 14.70 155.40 40.00' 4.00 159.601 4.20 132.301 6.301 l:00 107.10 4.20 $ 1,971.901$ 44.10:$ 1,927.80 1$ 200.001$ 13.0U


~~.:~~I$ ~.:~~









Cooper, 36........................ Pleasant Grove, 142 Wm. D. Muir, 277


Howard, 4 Fayette, 47

/ 21













1 I






31· 21 4 101 1 3 2 61...... 21 1/.'




2051$ 691 701

430.501 144.901 147.001

1::1,' 131



·· 1 \ \

·.. · $


430.501$ 144.901 147.001

';Yr~il~~eH~~:~:··50i~~·.·.·.~~~~:·.· ::::::I::::::I::::::I.. J :::::: . . Ill ~i:::::: J:::::/, ::::::1:::::: ~~l I~U~1 ::::::::::::1 :::::::: 1~U~I""'2:101 i...... ······1..···· . -!--... .~~~~f:;~~: ¥L:.'.'.·:.·:::::.·.':.·:.'· ~ I....\ ....~ C::: i::::::/.. J . . ~ ~ I.... ~ 1::::::\:::'::1:::::: nil ~j~:Jgl ::::::::::::1 :::::::: i1~·.1~', .: . .~. ~.~.ll ,


'...... 21 1


5 3.




·/ 101.








10.50, 6.30,



I 101




1 201


91 291



R48 $ l.7Ro.SOI '




6.301$ 6.30' 4.20\




Ht~~'II$,·.:::~:~:~~I~::::~::~~ 157.50



2~~:~~ ::::::::.:::::::1 :::::::::::


U~. ~~I

1$ 1,780.801$ 42.001$ 1,738.801$



1.00 1


100.001$ 10 00






i! 41 11 / 61 11 21 11 2111 41 11 51 1





Centralia, 59....................... 21 11 1\ Rocheport, 67..................... 11 1 11 Twilight, 114...................... 91 81 81 Ashland, 156....................... 31 \. 1 Sturgeorr, 174..................... 11 11: 1/ Ha.llsville, 336................... 21 1 1 Ancient Landmarlt 356 1 2 ' 21 Hinton, 455 I. i .... I Acacia. 602......................... 81 101 9 TOTAL......................... 261 241 231





11 31 1 1 / 11 1 11 I


\ 21

1\ 9




1/ 3 351...... 21 11 2 1 1 11





: 1


101 5 91 6 211 14/ 141 381 18/ 191 671

1 .. 1

\...·.. 1·'

1 1



. ..





1301$ 42 185' 801 155/ 39 54)



273.001$ 88.201 388.50 168.001 32.5.501 81.901 . 113.40l



8.401 ........ $


6.30 2.10 2.10 ' . . . . 1 1

8g:~~ ·..10:501·:....


281.401$ 14.701$ 88.20\ 2.101 394.80 12.60\ 170.101 4.201 327.601 4.20/ 81.901 8.40 113.401 10.50\

8i~:~gi 1::~gl


266.70'$ 20.001$ 2.00 86.10/ 10.00 1.01) 382.20 100.00 10.00 165.901 \ .. 323.401 10.001' 1.00 *75.60 20.00 2.00 102.901 1 ..


~ ~ <":)

~ ~

8fr:~gl· . ·.. ·80:iiol·.. ··8:0n

$ 2.333.101$ 79.801$ 2,255.401$ 240.001$ 24.00

1,0971$ 2.303.701$ 29.401

TWENTY·SEVENTH DISTRICT-LOUIS J. GRAUE, D. D. G. M. CentraL 81. I.addonia. 115.................... so.clal. 266 Hebron. 354...................... Vanda.lIa, 491.. ,......... Houston, 580 Fulton, 48........................... New Bloomfield, 60.......... .Credit $2.10.

\ 11 ; 21 11 41 41



\ 1......

..1. 31 1 7 41

5 1 8 4



1 ···1

11 11 7


11 11 11 1...... 1 ·1 2 9f ..·· 81 21 1 21



21 2

1r..·.. I 41


31 21 31 11

6 11 2111 1 3 5 61·.. 1......





--!-..... 1


1 1......



3211$ 60 511 3161 1081 31 2181 1011

67.20\ 126.001 107.101 663.601$ 22~.801

6:).10 457.80\ 212.101

·.. 1 $


1 2.101 \ 1




67.201 126.001$ 2.101 107.101 2.101 665.701 14.701 22~.80I, 1 6;).10, 4.201 457.801 16.~01 212.101 4.201


67.201· 123.90\$ 105.001 651.001 226.801

·.. 1 10.001$ 1 20.001 10.00

· ·· 1.00 .. 2.00 1.00




42tggll......·;iii.-ooj ..·..4·:00





tV 00



i::l r:.i



1~1~1~llll~ ~ .=






























4\ 251 161 211 301








Tebbetts, 565
















g~ . .







391 281 49

1.. ,.~ ·:..2[ .... 2....21::::::. ~1:::::L':::I"i

14\ 181 211 15i






~~~tl~~;s:,42i5i::::::::::::::::: :::::: 11 II ~ I:::::: ~ .... ~ ~ ~ ::::::1:::::: :::::: 1



rl~ ~ ~ ~


;;J ..:::: . ·S ~'" g ::l











... ~><


1 81.90 1 58.80 102.901


't:l>~tl~ '~<3



0 \




2§ ~L.; c;l~S ~~o= 'O~~







~~::c ...




l;:'-Zg, ·....4·.-201




81.90\ 2.1011 58.80 2.10 102.90\............


1~~:~~\ ·4":20 ::::::::

1.1491$ 2.412.901$



19.80 56.10 102.90



. .



·.. Io:oO! ..·..2:00


6.301 ........ $ 2.419.201$ 52.501$ 2.366.101$ 130.001$ 14.00

TWENTY·EIGHTH DISTRICT-R. G. McKIBBEN, D. D. G. M. Griswold, 118 Wellsville, 194.................... Montgomery, 246............... Florence, 261...................... Jonesburg, 451................... Da~gett, 492....................... TOTAl, 1



2 1 3 3 :11 3 11.... 21 11 11! 81



2 1 1 1 21......

2 91

11...... 61 21

..1......'...... 1...... \


TrOY, 34...............................


Silex, 15..............................




1 1 /' 1 31...... 1 3 12\ 11 21 2111 11 1 1 51.


11 81





61 181



I 1...... ,...... 1




1 41












11 151


1 1


1 21..




130 $ 39


~11 ~I j:::::: :::::: :::::: 5


1\...... 1

~~~~~~: Ji:::::::::::::::::::::: .. J--.. ~ t,::::::I .. ·1 .... 41·.. ·1\ ~1 ....\:::::1:::::: :::::. I









·.. 1.....



I 1$

$ 132.30\$ 10.001 $ 1.00 2.00 346.50 352.80\ 352. 801$ 6.30 20.00\ 3.00 30.00 231.001 233.101............. 233.10 2.10 1 3.00 30.00 128.101 \ 128.10! 2.10 126.001 2.00 ·151.30 20.001 155.401........... 155.401 4.20 HI 1.00 10.001 1........ 155.40 2.10 153.301 155.40 5511$ 1.151.101 1 1$ 1,151.101$ 16.801$ 1,140.401$ 120.001$ 12.00 63!$ 1681 111 61

1...... .... 1. ,......

I 132.301


~:: :a~~~. 1:190::::::::::::::::: 11:::::: 11::::::/:::::: Louisville, 409 4 5 TOTAL .Credlt $0.10.


21 31 21

I '1 132.301


~ ~

31 111 101.





~~~:~~I ::::::::::::1 ::::::::


:K~~i,$8'OI$ :iH~1 i~.~~\$.:.~~ $ ....

176.401 14.101 161.101 10.001 54l 113.40\ \ .. i 113.401 ..·..·.. 113.401 102.90 . 102.901 1 102.90\ 30.00 114.30 182.101' 8.401 .. 180.601$ 2.10 5131$ 1.071.301$ 2.101. ....... 1$ 1.079.40\$ 31.50\$ 1.047.90\$ 130.001$



213.001 81.90


········1···· 3.00 ·..· . 5.00






\Yentzvllle, 46 / 1 1 ,...... Palestine. 241..................... 1 31 31 1 Mechanicsville, 260........... 1 2 3 ,...... Pauldlngville. 11............... 5 8 9 1 Warrerrton. 609.................. 61 61 41 TOTAL I 131 191 191 21 1





11 61 71· 1 151





21 1







1 21




21 41 101



1...... 1 31



291$ 192 1 77 581 731 4291$

1 60.90/ 1 $ J 403.20 161.701 ....•....... 1........ 121.801 153.301 1$ 1 900.901



60.90/$ 2.10/$ 403.201 12.60/ 161.70\ 14.70\ 121.80 . 153.30 1 900.901$ 29.401$





. 58.801$ 40.001 40.001$ 4.00 390.601 10.001 6.00 147.001 50.001 5.00 121.80/ 153.30 60.001 6.00 871.501$ 200.00:$ 21.00


THIRTY-FIRST DISTRICT-W. D. ROGERS, D. D. G. M. Je1Terson. 43....................... Russellville, 90................... Hickory HI1l. 211............. Centertown, 611................. Tipton, 56........................... California, 183 Monlteau, 295..................... Clarksburg, 553.................. Chamois, 185...................... },Inn. 326............................. TOTAL.........................

1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 21125/ 261 51 111 3/ 41 11/...... 2 3 2 1 ~ ._.... 11 2...... 3 2 31 1 1 ···1 l' 1...... 1 1 1 /...... 2 1 1 3...... 2 2 1...... 1 1...... \...... 2\...... 1 2\ 2 1 /...... 3 2 1 1/ 11 4...... 11 2 -5 41 51·· 1··.··· 1...... 11···... 31 2 31 1 3 2 6 1...... 401 411 451 81 1 211 91 191 201 1




I 1 I I 1 1 4361$ 915.60/ 1 $ 915.601$ 23.101$ 892.501$ 280.001$ 28.00 73 153.30 1 153.30 4.20 149.10 20.00 3.00 38\ 79.80 ' ···1 79.80\ 1 .81.90\ 20.001 LOu 1 631 132.30 1 -- ..···1....... 132.30 4.20/ 128.10 10.001 1.00 731 153.30 153.301 2.10 151.201 20.00 3.00 1811 380.101 · 380.101 2.101 378.001 ··· . 87 182.701 182.70/ , 182.701 20.00 2.00 1...... ,...... 59 123.90/ ·1 · In.90 123.90/ 10.001 1.00 1431 300.30 300.30 1 2.10 298.20 50.001 5.00 1611 338.101............ 338.10 6.301 331.80 30.001 6.00 1 3 1.3141$ 2.759.401 1 $ 2.759.401$ 44.101$ 2.717.401$ 460.001$ 50.00 2




~ ~ (':)

~ ~



Evergreen. 27..................... Sulllvan, 69........................ Gray Summit, 173............ Hope. 251............................ Fraternal. 363.................... Columbia. 534....................

4\ 3 2 7/ 1 21

~;!~~i~:i:~:i::::::::::::::.:.:::::. ····~I



2 5

4\ 2 2 5





1 1 51




! ~I


I······1 4 21 3 j



1. / 41 1 11 11 4 11



1 2/ 1 2 6 1 ··· 1 ··· 4 1 2 11······ 2 3






2 .


. . .

~I::::::II !I::::~ ~I . JC::: ::::J::::~

Red Bird. 584 1 1 11 1 1 , Owensville, 624.................. 81 4 11. 1...... 11. 1 11 I 34i 311 281 12j 71 201 71 151 191 TOTAL ·Credit $2.10.






. 1 4






155.401 ····· ···1


~~U~l~ ~~:~~

1411 296.10 2.10 831 174.301 . 1091 228.901 2.10 831 174. 30 1 . 87 182.70 . 1231 258.30 , 521 109.201 / 1021 214.201 1.0841$ 2.276.401$ 14.701.

. .. .

1 155.401 342.301$ 151.201 298.201 174.301 231.001 174.301 182.701

..1'$ 155.40/$ 4.201$ 338.101 1 ·153.301 8.40/ 289.801 2.10\ 172.20 8.40 222.60 6.301 168.001 2.101 180.601

i~~:i~I ~ ~~.


50.00\$ 40.00 20.001 70.001 10.001 20.00/ 30.001


5.00 3.00 2.00 7.00 1.00 2.00 . 3.00


214.201 2.10 212.10 80.00 8.00 $ 2.291.101$ 42.001$ 2.251.201$ 360.001$ 35.00

N 00 ~






~ I I I~ ~ ~ ~





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1':"0 01':

o ~~


~~~:S ~~~ ;i; ....cO

• I I I I I ! I I I I I I i I I Missouri, 1.......................... 81 6i 81 11' 81 601 9 15/ 11······,·····1 1 7871$ 1,652.701$ 16.801········ $ 1,669.501$126.00\$ 1,543.501$ 80.001$ 8.00 Beacon, 3............................ 141 171 161 6 1 9 51 10 12 1 4 1,6811 3,530.101 2.101....... 3,532.20/ 18.90 3,513.30 140.00j 14.00 Mount MorIah. 40............ 91 18' 181 21 21 301101301 81 i 1 3 1'8051 3,790.501 4.201........ 3,794.70 63.001 *3,750.60 90.00, 9.00 Pomegranate, 95 1;;1 151 151 41 10 1 5 21..... 3 550 1,155.00 1,155.001 21.001 1,134.00 150.00\ 15.00 121........................ 81 1! 1 14 1 2 12/ 31 1 ·1 ·· 1,354.501 29.40! 1,325.101 90.001 9.00 OccIdental, 163.................. .1 6. I . . . . : 1 11 11 4 51 1...... 321 686.10' 2.10, 6888°1 23.101 665.70 60.00 5.00 Pyramid, 180.................. 131 81 8 21 51 101 1 6 2...... ...... 1 3·'541 743.401 10.50 7~3.90 21.00 732.90 110.00 14.00 Keystone. 243..................... 51 71 1:l1 11 11 41 2116/ 2 1 7081 1,486.81 2.10 1,488.90 8.40 1,480.50 50.00 16.00 Aurora, 267......................... 31 21 41·· .. 3\ 91 4'1111 41 1 4!il! 6.3(\ 1,037.40 18.90 1,018.501 20.00 4.00 Paul Revere, 330............. 9 10 91 .<. 1 21..... 1 4 / 1 1 1981 41<>.801 4.20 420.00 4.20 415.80 80.00 8.00 Tuscan, 360........................ 10110 91 7 71 3:l! 5 22 1 4 1,22:;1 2,572.501 14.70 2,587.20 67.201 2,520.001 90.00 10.00 Itaska, 420........................... 51 51 51 1/ 11 71 71 151 41 ,..... 4891 1,026.901 2.10 1,029.00 14.701 1,014.301 40.00[ 5.00 Euclid. 505.......................... 91 61 8/ .....1 1 11 1 21 121 11...... 2 38f1! 810.60 2.10 812.701 2.10 810.60/ 100.001 12.00 Clifton Heights, 520........ , 221 9 12 4 1 61. 1 91 2 ..... !...... 1 601 1,262.10 2.101....... 1,264.201 12.60 1,251.60 220.00! 22.00 Ro.se Hill, 550...;;............... 71 71 61 51 31 111 61 ~1 ·I 1 2 ~7~1 1,413.301 6.30 1,419.~0 23.10 1,396.501 70.001 7.00 O!Jve Branch, 5/6............. 61 61 61 21 3 11 21 I ';:' ...... 1. 1 1 <>3.<.1 1.117.201 6.30 1.123.;:,01 2.10 1,121.40 60.001 6.00 Magnolla. 626 101 91 ll! 11 I! 21 41 91 61 11 I 2 9851 2,068.501 2.101....... 2,070.601 4.20 2,066.401 100.00 10.00 Triangle, 638...................... 61 61 HI 3) 6 3i 51 21 141 I 1 2821 592.20 12.60 604.801 6.301 598.501 60.001 6.00 TrinIty, 641.......;.. 161 131 181 1/ 8116!. 1..... /121. 1 .. I 3 3561 747.60 23.10118.90 751.80/ 33.60/ 718.Z0/ 160.001 16.00 Shaveh.646........................ 141 121 17\...... 11 4' ... 1 6 .... 1 "1 3 3031 636.301 2.10 638.40 8.40 6:-10.00 140.00 14.00 Commonwealth, 654.......... 51 51 6 21. 1. I 21 11 6 1 . 1251 262.501............ 262.50! ......... 1 262.501 50.00 5.00 Purity, 658.......................... ;,1 51 pi 11. 1 :-11 .1 J i.... 1971 413.701 ~ I 413.701 6.301 407.40 60.001 13.0n Theo. Roosevelt, 661......... 31 71 111.. . 1 11 41 2! 1 :;1. 1. I..... 1341 281.4012.101 2.10 281.40 8.401 273.001 30.00 3.00 TOTAL 2 71197 1230/ 461 5;312491 68119011091 21. 1 3313,834/$29,051.40 1$123.90 121.00 $29,15(30I$522.90I$Z8,650.30/$2,050.001$231.00 I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I *Credit 18.90.




6~~ 1.354.~O















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..-. \0

w ..-.

THIRTY-THIRD DISTRICT (B)-ABRAHAM ROMANSKY, D. D. G. M. Meridian, 2......................... Geo. Washington, 9........... St.. Louis, 20...................... Naphtall, 25........................ Polar Star, 79 Pride of the West, 179... Good Hope, 218................. Cosmos, 282........................ Cornerstone, 323................ America, 347...................... Cache, 416 Anchor, 443........................ West Gate, 445................... Lambskin, 460 __ Harmony, 499..................... APOllO.' 529.......................... Algabll, 544........................ Forest Park, 578.............. Tower Grove, 631... Mizpah, 639........................ Benj. Franklln, 642......... Pilgrim, 652 Progress, 657.. TOTAL

I I 31 4 3 1 91 9 12 1 61 11 11 1 51 7 6...... 19116 14 2 10 10 8 1 221 21 21 _..... 3 3 4...... 12113 11 11 8 11 2 121 12 15 3 51 4 4 1 6 8 8..... 331 29 35 2 61 6 9 1 81 10 11 .. --31 4 5) 21 41 5 5 121 61 5 2 5[ 9 911 161 9112 2( 101 8 9 1 101 9 9 1 230122\1237/ 231



21 2, 2 41 2 71 2 29 5 18 2 7 2116 3 9 121 20\ 21 2 111 2 81 4 12 1171 3 21 1 3 3 81 2 3[ 1 201 1



51 121 1 21 57,121.'5/ 1






1 10 8 """1 2 3 15 15 1 3 11 14 , 4 2 9 .6...... 1 3 ~ 1~. 18 ; 2 2 ;>1 8 1 1 4 11 4...... 9 4 10 121...... 3 3 12 101""" 1 2 1 5 _. 12 3 _. 1 2 3/12 2 __ .. __ . 5 11 4...... 1 9112 5 -.. 1 6 3 2 6 ..1...... 1 -.1 1 10 """1 1 :: 1 1 1 1 5 3 1 8 41 111...... 1 6[ 41 ~l 6i 9 1 7 21 11 3 \ 1 11 3 11...... 3 69117611571"""/ 31 54









I I 6331$ 1,329.301$ 4.20/ $ 1,333. 50 1$ 4.201$ 1,329.30 $ 30.00\$ 3.00 8901 1,869.001 4.20 1,873.20 8.40 1,864.80 90.001 9.00 635: 1,333.501 4.201........ 1,337.70 14.70 1,323.00 60.00 6.00 4841 1,016.40j 4.201........ 1,020.60 60.90 959.70 50.00 5.00 9ill 2,039.10\ 10.50\ _.. Z,049.60 37.80 2,0~1.80 190.001 19.00 4681 982.80 4.20 987.00 14,70 9/2.30 100.00 10.00 1,~~21 2,146.201 4.20 2,150.40 33.60 2,IJ6.80 220.00 22.00 ;);>11 1,157.101 4.201 _ 1,161.30 18.90 1,142.40 30.00 3.00 1,3. 18.90.1 _.. 42.001 130.00111.00 2621 5;>0.201 4.201........ ;>54.401 _.. _... ;>54.40 110.00 11.00 7631 1,602.301 4.20 1,606.501 23.101 1,583.40 130.001 13 . 00 5721 1,201.20 4.20 1,205.40\ 16.801 1,188.60 50.00 5.00 8321 1,747.201 16.80: __ . 1,764.00 25.201 1,738.80 60.00 6.00 8851 1,858.50 1 _\........ 1.858.501 35.70[ 1,822.80 330.00 40.00 3191 669.901 6.30 676.201 4.201 672.00 40.001 4.00 211: 443.101 1 443.10\ 6.30! 436.80 80.00, 8.00 3551 745.501 6.301 751.80 16.80 735.00 50.00/ 2.00 2781 583.801 4.201 588.001 6.30 581.70 40.00 4.00 4721 991.201 2.101........ 993.301 42.001 951.30 120.00 12.00 1,243. 20 1 5921 1,243.201 .···· ·.1 ..· · 1.243. 20 1 50.001 5.00 4251 892.501 10.50 903.00 10.50 1 892.50 160.00 16.00 2391 501.901............ 501.90 25.20\ 476.70\ 70.00 8.00 202 424.201............ 424.201 4.20 420.00 90.001 9.00 12,696/$26,661.60,1$117.60,1 $26.779.20\$451.50\$26,327.70l$2,280.0JII$231;00

6~5i ~3.501





00 • •



~ ~


THIRTY-FOURTH DISTRICT-JAMES F. BLAIR, D. D. G. M. Index, 54 Cass, 147............................ Grand River, 276..............

1 1





) 5


2/ 1

1 2

21 31 41

II' 3' 1\'··.··_1'1 21...... 3 .. _.. 31 101.....

¥fii€::l;/~~~.:· : : :· : : 1 ..1 :;1····;!11 1 1 :.:.:·..

Raymore, 451.. Jewel, 480............................ Coldwater, 483...................


21 1

21 2 21 2



1 2



1...... 1 5 1 2'


;::111 11 11··.. ··1· 2...... 11 51

·\..·..· 1......


581 $ 1431 851

121.801 300.301$ 178.501

,\ 2.10 4.20

if: :lni\~;: : : : :.

35\ 165 821

73.50\ 346.50 2.10 172.201 ..· ·.


121.80['$ 302.401 182.701

1 4.201 $ 6.301 8.40

:llii'l :::

73.50 348.601 172.201

. \




102. 90 1_



1 20.00\ 10.00

.. 2.00 1.00



i~t~~l~ . ···~~:~~l~· ·1.00 ~:~~ 69.301 10.00 1~~:~~ ::::::::::::::::1 ::::::::::::

73.50 348.601 172.20

N 00



N 00








_ ::


I I a;~ I.-~=




trJ rJj



< ~

.1...... I








Peculiar. 530 Strasburg, 604












111 101 111



~~ ~~S ~ ~~ ~I'OI~ ~ 2 rJ)-~Q,Q.Q,)~ ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ .~ ~_C)~=,~~





I 31...... 1 3


~[~~~~n~~3ii5'i' · ·.·.·.· ·.·.·.· ::::::,:::::: 11:::::: ~ ..J ~i::::::I TOTAL


71 20/ 181







.1 .

.\.. .


9/ 32/










~ I.i:~ :;"''g~



r;~r;:;<3 ~~~ e~

l: ~...::;.. ~.,J




:2 'gE-<


:::.. ....









~~ ~

"'~ oo::l:











~~ ::l ....


01:: "'::l







....I:: g



:E~~:S ~~~ <::





351 73.501 /....... 73.50\ 6.3011 67.20'\ .. 321 61.2. 0 1 67.20 67.20 .. 47 98.101 2.101....... 100.801 4.20 * 32.98/ . 39 81.90 81.90 81.90 10.001 2.00 9281$ 1,948.801$ 14.701 ·· . $ 1,963.501$ 42.00:$ 1,857.881$ 120.001$ 13.00

I Hume. 130........................... Amsterdam. 141................. Butler, 254..........................

2'1 ;; 10

11 5 81

/..... 1 6 1 ...... 5 2 1

l......1I......11 1




111 1 6

31 ,..·..···..·.. 5 .. 91. ...... ..


Ig :::::J.. ~II::::::

~~~r:~~1~5t~::::::::::::::::::::: 1.. j .... ~ :::::: :::::: ~ ~ I .. ~~ :::::: :::::: 1

e"""nl Hili, 368


~~~~e~i~15/~.~.~~~~~:::~~::::::~::: TOTAL


+..... ,...... ~I ~




:/ :::::: .... 1 :::::: 251 191 161 71 31 141 111 101 531



1 11



~ ~









155.401 1$ 155.401$ 20.001$ 3.00 73 \$ 153.301$ 2.101 1$ 81.901 .. 81.901$ 2.101 39 79.801 50.00 5.00 188 394.80 2.10 . 396.90 8.401 388.50 100.00 10.00 12~.10 1 . 61 119.70 10.00 3.00 128.101 8.40/ 36 7;>.60 , .. 75.601 4.20 71.40 10.00 1.00 260.401 1 260.401............... ............ 124 260.401 1 . 1411 296.101 .. 289.80\ 40.00 6.00 63 132.301 6.30 .. 138.60 30.00 3.00 7251$ 1.522.501$ 10.501 .... 1$ 1.533.001$ 29.401$ 1,503.601$ 260.001$ 31.00



~~~:~~I ~.:~~I


Cole Camp, 595 111 Shawnee. 653...................... 3 Knob Noster, 245 .. Holden. 262......................... 51 Corinthian. 265.................. 21 *Balance Due $63.62.

111 7 1





2 7 51

....J 1\ 2 ..I 1 471...... I 21 5 51 31 51 31





1 \


1'1 1 3/ 1

11 1




1 1




/ .




51 2041 220

I 98.701 172.20 10i.l0 428. 40 1 462.00



1 ·



. ..


98.70/ 172.201$ 107.101 428.401 462.001

,,1$ 4.20 .. 4.20 6.30

98.70.\ $

I 10.001$


50.00/ 30.00

5.00 2.00


424.20/ 455.70

. . .~:~~

-.... \0 ~


······1·· 1/ 161...... 11 21

Cold Spring, 274................ 11 111 1 Chilhowee, 487................... 3,' 3 3 Sedalia, 236........................ 101 10 7 21 Granite, 272........................ 31 7' 9...... Green Ridge, 425 1 La Monte, 574 1...... 11 TOTAIJ......................... 281 351 41' 611



, 3

3 8

5 21


21 1 11 3 ·1 6 19...... 4 211...... 11····.. 1 ·: , 221 521. 1

······,.. I


1\ 11 1 51 361 21 1

1 1 1 144.90 \ ...•..... ..\ •.•.... 144.901 2.101 *144.90 20.00 1 2.00 222.601 ·····1........ 222.60 33.60 189.00 30.00 3.00 4 957.601 957.60 6.30 951.30 100.00 10.00 928.20 $ 6.30 934.501 16.80 917.70 30.00 3.00 ··..!··.... 126.00 126.001··········.,\ 1£6.00 .. 1] :)91 123.90 2.10 126.00 2.101 }.:.3.90 . / tJ 1,7961$ 37i1.601$ 8.401..... $ 3,780.001$ 75.601$ 3,706.501$ 310.001$ 30.00




691 1061 456 442



1 ·...






Montrose, 408.....................














1 ..


¥~j~:~~~6~:~:::::::::::::::::::::: ~I ! !::::~ .:::~ 1~1 1 ~ ::::~ : : : : : :..1.... ::::i ~f~:~;~~51.~~~:;.::.::::.~~.:::.~~~:.:.:.: ..... ~I::::~ ::::~ ::::~ ····~I . J:::::: . . ;.. .: ::::::1:::::--1:::::' 1

1 ...... ......

Deepwater, 562................... 1/ 1 11 St. Clair, 273..................... 4 4 7 342 ·1···· L wry City, 403............... 3 3 3 Appleton City, 412........... 3 2 2 Star, 419 I TOTAL I 221 261 291


\ 1

1 1

, I





1 21 3 11


2 1

I·.. ...!······I' · 3. 2!....


6 ......\....


. 51 2 4 2 2 1 1 2 51 491 111 251 331.

1 ..





I .

.. .

! 1




441$ 92. 40 1 $ 92.40 $ 4.20 $ 88.20 \ . 245.70 6.30 239.40 $ 20.00\$ 2.00 117/ 245.70 6.5 136.50$ 2.10 138.60 33.60 105.00 20.00 2.00 57\ 119.701 _... 119.70 8.40 111.30 20.00 2.00 67\ 140.70\............ 140.70 12.60 128.10 10.00 1.00 2171 455.70 2.10 457.80 14.70 443.10\ 40.00 .. 54 113.401 113.401 2.10 111.30............... 1.00 731 153.301 2.10 155.40\............ 155.401 10.00 1.00 78 163.80\ 163.80 163.80\ 10.00 1.00 143 300.30 300.30 6.30 294.00 40.00 4.00 471 98.701 i 98.701............ 98.70 . 114 239.40 ,........ 239.40 4.~0 2?5.20\ 30.00 3.00 1131 237.30,1 237.30 10.;)0 226.80 30.00 3.00 391 81.901 81.901 81.90 / . 1,228!$ 2,578.801$ 6.301 ...... \$ 2,585.101$102.901$ 2.482.201$ 230.001$ 20.00


~ ~ ~

~ ~


THIRTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT-WINAN L. MAYFIELD, D. D. G. M. Linn Creek, 152................ 6 7 5...... 31 2: 2 1 Mack's Creek, 433............ 12 13 12 1 3...... 11 3 2...... Laclede, 83.......................... 1 1 4 3...... 1 Competition, 432................ 1 1 1 10j'''''' 1 Conway, 528....................... 1 2 4 2 3 6 Waynesville, 375................ 21 3 4 11...... 2 1 3 2...... Richland. 385..................... I! 3 5...... 4 12...... Brumley, 203...................... 11 1 ···.. ·1·..··· 1. ; Iberia, 410........................... 4 31 6 1 2 1 10 TOTAL......................... 281 331 391 51 31 251 61 141 321 1


.Credlt $2.10.

1 1


..1...... 1...... 1 2

791$ 165.90 86 180.60 $ 1821 841 116.40 8;3 178.50 105 220.50 141 296.10 63 132.30 57 119.70 8H21$ 1.852.201$



165.901$ 6.301$ 159.601$ 50.00 $ 7.00 184.801 184.80 120.00 12.00 382.20/ / 20.00 2.00 176.40 21.00 1;);).40 10.00 1.00 : $8.40 170.101 8.40 161.701 · .. 220.50 4.20 216.30/ 20.00 2.00 296.10 8.40 281.70 10.00 Ul(i 132.301 132.301 10.00 1.00 119.101 4.20 115.50 40.001 5.00 4.201$8.40 $ 1,848.001$ 52.501$ 1,795.501$ 280.001$ 31.00 4.20



N 00



N 00 0\




.;1 ~ I :5~ I~ I.~ I ~~~ IE] .5 gj '0


.;:; = =






~ ~g. I



~ ~

Q:l.~ ~ ~


Lebanon, 17 Cuba, 312............................ Salem, 225 Lane's Prairie, 531.. Rolla, 213............................ St. James, 230.................... Equality, 497...................... Arlington, 346 Latimer. 145 TO'l'AL 1

~ '0



I .g~

~ '0


w w




Q ~

J11 I'1 11111 3,21' 1121 4\51 ......111\ 13 8 3...... 1 2 J J ·I -"'" 19111 131 3 11 11 21 9

2 2





' 1 37\ 25\





Q ~







til< ....









:~tn 0; ... u ...







=~ """ I:£r... o'O~ 0'"














<ell::: :§C













.::w,;; o~~ § cr.E...; o~s ""s:: Q

~~=:§ ~-~~











2081$ 436.8JI$ 4.20/ 31 6/ ,I I' . $ 441.00\$ 10.501$ *431.501$ 10.00 $ 1.00 291.90 2.10 294.00 8.40 285.60 10.00 1.00 1 2.... 2 411.60 411.60 2.10 409.501 120.00 12.00 3 1 1 2 ;};} 115.50 115.501 ..\ 115.50 1 / . 11 71 .\. 1 . 448 2.101 942.901 130.00 13.00 940.80\ 4.20 945.00\ 31 12 \ 1. 1 3 245.70 2.10 243.60 20.00i 2.00 245.70 ........ _... 2 ...... 1 1 2 4 _.1 1 117 ..1 _., 6 1, 19 1 1 . 170.10 12.60 182.701............ 182.701 20.001 2.00 811 203.701............ 203.701 1 203.7 01 / . 1 2- 1 1 / 31 1 1 1 .. 97/ 141 296.10 296.101 2.101 294.001 10.00 .. 2...... II..... 11 41 _.. 1 ",,,. 27\ 13\ 10\13\ 6\ 18\ 5411 \ 1, 8 1,4821$ 3,112.201$ 23.101 ... _... /$ 3,135.301$ 27.301$ 3,109.001$ 320.001$ 31.00











~: ~ (';)

~ I;:l..


FORTIETH DISTRICT-H. H. BALSIGER, D. D. G. M. DeSoto. 119......................... ,,,,him. Sheklnah, 256..................... H'"ulan,um. 338............ Tyro, 12...............................


6I 3 4 2 1

16........................ 11 11 r,~~J~I,~3}43::: il ;1 31 11


9 1I 1 I 3 ...... 1 71 1 ..... 31 1 .......... I



III.. . I ~I

Belgrade, 632 ........................ 1.................. 1.... I Blackwell. 535.... ....... ...... 1...1 ......... I...... TOTAL......................... 171 241 311 41 11 14\ I I I 1 I *Credlt $1.00.

tCredlt $0.90.





1 I I I I 1 2801$ 590.10:$ 6.301$ 583. 80 1$ 110.00 $ 11.01) $ 2.10 971 70 201.601 30.00 3.00 203. 1 6.30 443.10 30.00 3.00 2141 449.40 449.40/ ............ ....... 144.90 ............ 2.10 1.00 691 144.90 142.80\ 10.00 12!UOI ............ ........ 61 128.10 2.10 11.00 ~it~g s.o.OO 103 1 216.30 4.20 3.00 216. 30 1 ............ .....-.. 186.90 ............ 186.901 ............ 1 89\ ..... 90.301 ............ .. -_ .... 43 90.30! 2.10 96.601 ............ 1 ........ 94.501 10.00 1.00 461 96.601 2.101 4 1,0021$ 2,104.201$ 2.101 ........ $ 2,106.301$ 27.301$ 2,079.901$ 240.001$ 36.00 I I I I I I I

3/ 11 31 Ii.. '1" I -- .. 11 ...... 1 41 11· .... I.... 31... 1 1 11 ....... 1 2 1\ .... 1...... 1..... \ .... \..... \ 2 1 11.... ....... " " 21 11 11 II .................. 1.....

41 l+1

~I ~::::::: ..j .. j::::::

61 151 141








~~~:nl~ . . ~:~~1



t1~~:~gl ....... ~-O:.~.~ll




~ ......



I I I I I I ~ ~ :::::: :::::: .... ~ ····:(···2 :::::: ::::::1::::::1:::::.

W~~~~ ~i~'hi:"'396:::::::::: ::::::1 l:rbana. 421.. 1...... 3 1 I

'\1 ......+ . 1


~~~:?l{:J;~~':~··1~ll:l:j)1 ;;I::;;;;I~~~~:~ :~.~ : :~~~:~~t 1~~p~:···4·67·::.·.·.·.·:.·: ~I ~ k.. ~ } i n . . ~ . ~~.1: : : : : : : : : ..1. Pleasant. 160


Aldrich, 664 TOTAL





l.. 1 1 1 1 sl 101 151 81 61 121

Stockton, 2S3...................... .Jerusalem. 315


31 '





1 11 71 141 231




1 ..













~~!~~~~d~~:~:i: :.: .:·: : : : :.:.:.: : ::::~I.. . ~ !I::::~ : : : . . ~!::::~ I: : :1 ::::~ I::::::I::::::1::: 1 I....




2~~:~~1 :::::::::::'1 :::::::


I 131 151 151


11 131


51 16!

1 ,.1








2;~..~~lr ~ ~.~.II$ 2;~·.~~r ....~.~.:~~I~ ~.:~~



132.30 $ 2.101..... 134.401 ··1 134.401 30.00 1j :~.ll(). 203.701 2. 101$2.10 203.701 1 203.70[ IS0.601 ····· lS0.601 6.301 174.301 10.00 1.00 10.IJO 1.00 92.401 1....... 92.401 4.20 88.20 441 237.30 3.151 240.451 240.45/ 3{1.()Olt 3.06 1131 S1.901 2.101 79.80I··············.l·····..·.··· 75.60 6.30\ 36\ 166 4.201 348.601 In.OO' LuI) 348.60 4.20 352.801 130.20 130.201 2.10 128.10 ~o.ool 2.00 621 102.90 102.901 102.90 10.00; 2.00 491 8631$ 1.812.301$ 17.851$2.10 $ I,S28.051$ 21.001$ 1.807.051$ 130.001$ 1·1.00



FORTY-SECOND DISTRICT-M. D. GW!NN, D. D. G. M. 1241 260.401 ·.. ·1 ....... $ 260.401 1 1\ 1\ 1 1 \ 11

~~~~~~~i~~: ~~~::::::::::::::::. ····il 5 3( ~ 1.... i\ ~I ~1 ~I::::::I::::::I:::::. Garrett, 359........................


1121$ 35! 631 971 861


117.601 561 S51 178. 50 1 147 30S.70 9S.70 47 1 .. 138.601 661 117.601. 561 121.801 581 63!l1$ 1.341.901




260.40\$ 115.50

50.001$ :

5.00 1.00

i;N816iOl mr815000I' "'5:00



1 ..

1$ 2.10

9S.70, 6.301 92.401 10.00 1.00 2.101 136.50 40.00 4.00 138.601 117.601 1 * 10. 50 1 \ . 121.801 10.50 tll1.S0 . $ 1,341.90'$ 27.301$ 1.208.001$ 150.00'$ 16.00



<'::> ~ ~


FORTY-THIRD DISTRICT-D. V. MORRIS, D. D. G. M. Osage, 3fr3........................... 81 SI Sheldon, 371... __ I...... ScheU City, 448


Unity, 495........................... Walker. 605 Hermon, 187....................... Lamar. 292......................... Signal, 304.......................... Golden, 475......................... Milford. 516........................ TOTAL *Balance Due $107.10.


91 1

1"'' '1' ' '



1 41 41 11 61 11 26\


1 1 41 41 11 41


21 2......


21 11

61 131. 1...... 11 1



·..·.. 1..··..

i1 :::::: ::::::1:::::: :::::: .... ~ 7\:::::: :::::: ::.::: ..__.. ...... 11...... 4 101...... ...... --

1······1 2 11 3 31 21 1\...... 21 5 4 4, 1 11 ..1. 1. 24\ 241 lSI 121

tCredit $0.50.

41 211 4 11 1 1 341


11 21 \ 11 4, 4 21 ...... 1 3! 2' 11 r 141 231




2...... 9 1 31 I


461... 1


3 1 1 1......


1 4

2661$ 86 48



558.60\ IS0.60 $ 100. 80


, 4.20



558.601$ 4.201$ 184.!l01 ..· 1 100.80/...........

:g::gl ::::::::::::

554.401$ 80.001$ 184.80................ 100.S01·····..·

:g:2g', .

8.01} 1.00


::::::::::::1 :::::::: ·····40:001 ···.. 6:00 70 147.00 4.20 151.20 2.10 149.10 10.00 1.00 63\ 132.301............ 132.301 8.40 123.90 . 8~ 168.001............ 168.00 44.101 1~3.90 40.001 4.00 12;, 262.501 4.20 266.70 8.401 2;,8.30 40.001 4.00 491 102.90 4.20 107.10' 2.101 105.00 10.00 1.00 661 138.601 12.60 151.20 2.10 149.10 70.00 7.00 391 81.901........... 81.901 1 81.901 10.00 1.00 9641$ 2.024.401$ 29.40\ $ 2,053.80\$ 71.40\$ 1,982.401$ 300.001$ 33.00

N 00 'J




1]1~I~l~l~ :5 :s 0: ~





.~'=.E ~ ~ ~



Iii I I Carthage, 191..................... 121 81 101 211 101 Sarcoxie, 293...................... 31 31 21 ...... 1...... 1 Joplin, 335......................... 14/141 151 41 4: Fellowship, 345.................. 13 151 121 61 41 ,Jasper, 398 1 11 1/. I Carterville, 401.................. 8 71 81 1 11 Mineral, 471 1 1 1 I ''''ebb City, 512................. 31 51 31' 3\ 1 Carl ,Junction. 549 1 \ 31 1 51





Z ::5

..c:: ....'"


'cv" ::l


~ ~





°\ i

~ r..-::


1 I

1 11 41 211 1...... 1 11 ...... 1 51 11 101 22/ 41 11 81 81 II...... 4 41 21 11 21 51 3! /. .1 1 11 11 71 51 21. 1 11 161



'" rn




1 /. 1

1 !


/ ,')6/ 551 551 34/ 25/ 24/





1 1...... 1 2 1 6 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1





8/ 371 81/... /



i~lt~~~~~1l~8;9i::::::::::::::::: ~I ~ l.. J ::::::I....ll.. . ~1 ~I:::::: I:::::: 1::::::1 :::::: I:::::: TOTAL

...'" ~ Sc:.>


= $.


'g~ 0",


'" ......


til ~



... !:l)


r... !:.Os.... O"Cd

'O>t ~eJ Coc:.>




~A.t 0



N 00 00

D. D. G. M.




.;; ~~

=' 0 S








:E~ 0







B:: !:l)-




:E~~:S d


3081$ 646.801$ 21.00: $ 667.801 1$ 667.80'$ 1221 256.201 1 256.201 256.201 567/ 1,190.701 8.40/ 1,199.101$ 10.501 1,188.60(' 7151 1,501.50 8.40 1,509.901 8.401 1,501.50· 79 165.901 \........ 165.901 2.101 163.80 141 2%.101 4.20 ....... 300.301 4.20 296.101 651 136.501 136.501 6.30\ 130.201 3131 657.30 657.301 2.101 655.201 85\ 178.501 12.601 191.101 4.201 186.901 501 105.001 1 105.001 12.601 92.401 261 54.601 2.101........ 56.70 1 56.70 2.471/$ 5.189.101$ 56.701 ........ 1$ 5.245.80/$ 50,40/$ 5.195.401$



01: .... ~.-




130.001$ 13.00 30.00 3.00 150.001 16.00 130.00113.00 .. 80.00 8.00 .. 20.00i 3.00 20.001 2.00 10.001 1.00 30.00 3.00 600.001$ 62.0~


~ ~



~ ~





United, 5 151 121 11! 141 O'Sullivan, 7....................... 1! ...... 1...... 1...... 1 Ash Grove, 100................. 41 61 51 1 Solomon, 271...................... 4/ 31 31 31 Ozark, 297... 1 1 1 Gate of the Temple. 422 261211221 51 Bois D'Arc. 449 /. 1 .1. 1 Republic, 570...................... 51 31 31 21 Strafford, 608 1 1 1 WlIIard, 620........................ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1 Webster, 98......................... 41 31 2~ 1 Doric, 300............................ 31 11 11 1


81 261 11 11 31 21 91 171 1 1 11151 11 7/. 41 1




31 161 341 ..1...... 1 21 1 61 20\ 51 51 361 31 11 81 61 91 46/. 1 1\ 41 1/. \ 15\ /. 1 1 \ 2/ 1/ 11 / 41 1 41 11 1 31 1 31 ...... ~ 1 81

1 1

1 1

1... 1 i 1


1 /

1. 1 1

J 1, 1 1







1 I 1 1 I 1,833.30 $ 16.801I 8731$ 1 $ 1,8.50.101$ 54.601$ 1,795.501$ 150.00/$ 15.00 851 178.50 2.10 ""'" 178.50/ 10.00 1.00 180.60\ 2.10/ 350.70 4.20 .. 1671 350.701 . 346.50 40.00 4.00 1,285.201 35.70 .. ....... . .. ·1 1,852.20\ 260.001 26.00 8961 1,881.60\ 2.101 . . 371 77.70 2.10 .. 79.801 14.701. 2g::~~I 1;., 1191 258.30\ ! 249.90\ 8.401 ·.. . 401 84.00 . 84.001 I .. 2':10/ . 137.10/ 10.001 1.00 651 136.50/ 2.701 .. 2 112' 235.20 .. 235.201 8.40\ 226.801 40.001 4.00 1 431 90.301 .. 90.301 6.301 84.001 30.00[ 4.00

11 2 1 ..

6~~1 l,2~U~I",~~:~~,


1,8~~}gl· ii':501

19::ggl ·




·50:ool· 5:o0


CoN ....-

Mount Olive, 439 Hazelwood, 459.................. Henderson, 477.................. TOTAL


11. .1. 1 11._ ,.. _ 1 1...... 361 75.60/ 2.10l........ 77.701 1.77.70\ \ . 1 31 1/ 1 41 1 31 1 / .1.. _ 91\ 191.10 191.101 8.401 182.70 _ . 21 2 21 1 1 31 1 1 51 _ !..... 78 163.801............ 163.801 6.301 157.501 20.00 2.00 651 531 53\ 271 30\ 83\ 20142\186\ \ 1\ 6 3,2831$ 6,894.30,1$ 55.20 1 $ 6,949.50\$174.30\$ 6,775.201$ 650.0U 1$ 70.00

...... \0

w ......




J..J .. I . ~~:~~ra~t!~ . ~.~.~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ::::iI::::i! ""~-I::::::I ::::~ i ~i ::::ii::::~ i ~ I::::::i:: : :.: ::::::

Ava, 26................................




Texas, 177........................... Plato, 469............................ Summersville, 555 __

4/ 11

21 11

31 1 11 21······ , 2 1





..1' 111 31





21 21


1 1 1


1. 1









~~~~~~a~~l.~.~~~:~: ~~~::::::: ~I ~ ~I . . ~I ~' ~i ~ ~I . ~~I::::::I . j:::::. Mansfield, 543 , / , 4 , 1 11 1 101 1...... 11 1/ 1/ 1.. _ Grovespring, 589................ 2 2 21 Norwood, 622..................... 31 31 21 11 1 21 2 1 1 TOTAL I 161 15/ 21/ 121 91 181 121 l7i 361










1........ 1 II






148\$ 310.80'1 1 $ 310.801 1$ 310.801$ 10.00 1.00 :.. 77.701$ 4.201 73.50j . 37/ 77.70 45 94.50 94.501 4.201 90.30/ 10.001 1.00 89 186.90 $ 8.40 25.20 170.10/ 170.10 10.00 1.00 1801 378.00 4.20 382.20 12.60 369.60 40.00 4.00 82 172.20 ._.......... 172.20/............ 172.201 10.00 1.00 73 153.30 153.301 2.101 151.201 1 . 214 449.40 4.20 ._..... 453.601 2.101 451.50\ 20.00 2.00 521 109.20 _... 109.201 6.30 102.90 20.00 2.00 66/ 138.60 138.601 1 138.60 .. 28 58.801 58.80/ 2.101 ·60.90 .. 841 176.401 8.40 5.1r 179.70 4.201 17;;.501 30.001 15.00 1,098:$ 2,305.801$ 25.20130.3°1$ 2,300.701$ 37.801$ 2,267.101$ 150.001$ 27.00 1






~ ~ (':)



FORTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT-J. N. SPARKS,D. D. G. M. Van Buren. 509................. 11 Grandin, 579....................... 2 Hopewell, 239..................... 51 Bunker, 275 1 Barnesville, 353................. 21 Delphian, 137..................... 4 Winona, 430........................ 11 Eminence. 607.................... 151 TOTAL


.Credlt $4.20.

2/2 31 2 4 1 2 161



21 ...... 31' 21 ...... 1 31 2 -..... \ 2\ ...... 1 21...... 1 1...... 3 , ' 1 1 , 2 4 ·.1 ·· 4 2 11 21...... 3 21...... 11 11 ...... 1 II 1 11 11 11 161 41 41 111 41 81




1 I





1 1 ......

7 _ 51 ..··.. .. ·.. 6 .. -.. -1 ,...... 1 ....··,· ··1 · 31...... ...... 211 /...... 1 62/ 1.. 1 3





1 1 1 216.30'\$ 6.30\ $ 222.601 $ 4.2°1 $ 218.40 $ 20.0011$ 2.00 174.30. .... .. 174.301............ 114.3()1 20.00 2.00 165.90;... .... 165.90 2.10 163.80 50.00 5.00 .. ..·· ·· _ 67.20 ; . 9::11 199.00 . 199.00 8.401 191.10 20.00 2.00 741 155.40 2.101...... 157.50, 4.201 153.30 40.00 4.00 581 121.801.. . __ 121.801 2.10 119.70 10.00 1.00 761 159.60 159.601 2.101 157.501. . 6001$ 1,260.001$ 8.401 $ 1,268.401 23.101$ 1,245.301$ 160.001$ 16.00

1031$ 831 791

3~1 67.~01" I







. I



N .\0





1~1~1~lil~ .; 6 < ~



Star of the West, 133...... Mosaic, 351........................









2 1....


II 1/ 1/ 11·.. ·/

... 21 FarmIngton, 132................. 21 IonIc, 154........................... 61 St. Francois, 234.............. ..... SamarItan, 424................... 41 Pendleton, 551.. '1" LeadwQod, 598................... :: Eivins. 599........... 4 Saline, 226......... 31 TOTAL I 25\

U ~









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3 1 1\ 41 ...... 1

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~71$ 16~.701. .... $ 16~.701$ 6.301$ 155.40,1$ 10.001$ 1.00 ;)0\ 10;>.001 ....... ... 10;>.001 8.401 96.601 10.00 1.00 1541 323.401$ 4.201....... 327.60 6.30 321.301 20.00 3.00 1151 241.50 241.501 12.601 228.90 1.00 . 1921 403.201 403.201 6.301 396.90 20.00 2.00 1461 306.601 1 306.601 10.501 296.10 60.00 6.00 1 1 1...·· 471 98.701· · 1........ 98.701 2.10/ 96.601 · .. 1.. / 1891 396.901 · 1 ........ 396.90 12.60 384.301 40.00 4.00 57 119.701 1........ 119.70 2.10 117.60 .. '.. 1 1.... 134 281.40 2.10/'"'''' 283.501 4.201 279.301 30.00 4.00 1851 388.501 4.20 392.70 31.50 361.201 40.00 4.00 1 ·1 2 I I 1301 273.001 273.001 10.501 262.501 30.001 3.00 1 1 21 4 1,476'$ 3,099.601$ 10.501 ....... 1$ 3,110.10 $113.401$ 2.996.701$ 260.001$ 29.00 I......

1 51

1 1 11 81 31 11...... 1 2\ 10\ 2 201 311




os:: ..... '0

'...... I..·..· ~I . ·i ~I ~ ill i . 1·~I::::::II:::::::

3 3 3 2 1 3 1 61 71 1 \ 51 1 \.. 1 1..... 11 1 2 5/' 51.... 61 121 ·1 1..··1 11 1 3 31..... 1 21...... 6 71 11 21151...... 3 3. ...... 51 1 281 331 121 5\ 541 181















~ ~ ~


R. ~.



II..·.. ·'

Trowel, 440......................... 61 31 41 11 4/ 31 11 3/151 Zalma. 545.......................... 11 1 1\...... \ 11 ...... 1...... 1 St. Marks, 93..................... 41 2/ 2 101 8 13 31 6 6 West VIew, 103.................. ...... 3 31 1...... 11 1 Wilson, ~91......................... 3 2/ 21 1. --1- ,...... 21. 1 Mystic Tie. 221................. 7 6 61 1 1. 2, 11 1 1 WhItewater, 417................. 1 11 ...... 1 \...... 1 21 21 ExcelsIor, 441................. 2 31 3 1 1 6!...... 3 91 TOTAL I 241 211 211 111 151 271 71 151 321





II.. . . ' II '



J J.1....... 1

I 3

'·..·.. 1

··1 1

1 1 1


I .:...

. 1 3 I


I 1 18.90/1 I 1321$ 277.201$ $ 296.10 \ $ 6.30 1$ 289.801$ 60.00'$ 6.00 751 157.501 2.10 159.601........... 159.601 1.00 10.001 3841 806.40/ 16.801 823.201 27.30 795.901 40.001 4.00 581 121.80 121.80 2. 10 1 119. 70 1 ·iiiii 701 147.001............ 147.001......... 147.00 761 159.601 159.601 4.20 155.401 70.001 7.00 531 111.30\........... 111.301 4.20\ 107.101 10.00\ 1.00 1311 275.10 2.101...... 277.201 12.60 264.60\ 20.00 2.00 9791$ 2,055.901$ 39.901 ..·..... 1 $ 2,095.801 $ 56.701$ 2,039.101 $ 250.00! $ 24.00













FIFTIETH DISTRICT-G. A. SAMPLE, D. D. G. M. East Prairie, 384............... ·.. 1 Charleston, 407................... Morley, 184 Ashlar, 306......................... Sikeston, 310........................ Illmo, 58.1............................ 2 Blodgett, 21 Chaffee, 61;> 11 Bloomfield, 153.... 6! Esse.x, 278.. 11 Lakeville, 489..................... 11 Dexter, 532.......................... 2\ Advance, 590...................... 21


~~~~~o~u~~~·603:::::::::: TOTAL


,' 21' 21 1 11······\I ,!I······ l...... 2 2 13 41 2 1 16...... 1 2 11···· 21.... 2 4...... 1 11 11····· 51 1 3 21 ,...... 1/ 1 211 1 2 1 51······,····.. 3 3 j 8 2 2 1 21 2 1..... 2 ;,. 18 ' ,...... 1 21 2 1 21 1 '" 5 1 1 7 8 11.. 2 1...... 11 1/ . ,I. .... /.. .. 1 1 .1-..... 11 21" I 41 1 1..... 141 , 21 3 1 6 , 3 2 ...... 2 2 .... 1 6 2 1 10 ...... ,......

· · \ · .\






·L:::J..:../.'::../::.::.I....\.:.:. :::::: :::::.I.j.....+:::::

···· ··.. 17; 221 291 101 331 301 15116\ 151 I





1 Ii






78 1$ 1821 781 6~

14;>1 1401 391 1331 112 481 28 1 130 591

1 163.801$ 6.30 , $ 382.201 25.20/........ 163.801............ 132.~0 ; 1 304.;)01 2.101 ..···.. 294.001 ........1 81.901 1..... 279.30 2.101...... 235.201 100.801 1........ 58.801 8.401 ..· · 273.00112.60.. 123.90 12.601........


1 170.10 .1$ 4.20\$ 407.401 8.401 163.801 4.20\ 132.301 10.50 306.601 2.101 294.001 16.80 81.901 1 281.40 4.20 235.20 4.20 100.801 1 67.201 \ 285.601.......... 136.:"i0! 4.201

~~I I~U~ ::::::::::::1 :::::::: 1;~::~I.~:.~~I:

1,:HOI$ 2,814.001$ 69.301

t i l


165.90L 399.001 159.601 121.801 304.50 277.20 $ 81.90 277.20 231.00 100.80 67.20 285.60 132.30


I \






30.00 $ 20.00 10.00 1 60.00 1 20.001 10.00 2'0.00 20.00



. 3.00 2.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00

$ 2,883.301$ 63.001$ 2,762.601$ 190.001$ 19.00 I




1.00 .



~ ~ (I:)


FIFTY·FIRST DISTRICT-G. C. BISHOP, D. D. G. M. Kennett, 68......................... 51I 6/I 6\ I1 41I Four Mile, 212................... 3 4 41. 4. Hornersville, 215............... 21 2 11 1 Cardwell, 231... 1 1. I .. I.. -\ Malden, 406........................ "I 51 51. ! 1 Senath, 513 1 2 4\ 21 41 Portageville, 166 1.. ·1 21 31 1 Point Pleasant. 116 1... 11' ·1 11 New Madrid, 429 1 21 2 11 11 Parma, 650.......................... 21 31 3 I Caruthersville, 461............ ::1 31 21 11 51 Hayti, 57L......................... ;/ 11 21...... 1 4 6;7 TOTAL ' 1 251 301 33\ 91 271


~~er~f~. 3".::::::::::::::'

\ .. \.J 1 I

*Balance Due $57.70.

tCredlt $1.90.

I 1I 2, 23I......I.I .·.. I/

8 8.


1 1 1....... 1 1 1 51...... 21 21 \.141 ···.. ·1 ..···· 8, 5\ 1 20..',...... ...... 61. 1 1 1 J...... 1\ 1 1119\ 1 11 1 11...... 41 1 21 11 3 61 '1".... 1 \ 1 1 31............ 1 6..... 41 91 \ 1.... 21...... 11 131 ·1 1


-1~\::::::C::J::::-:::::::l..~I:::::T::::::.::: 1


431 13\ 1411291







I 1161$ 105/ 73 56 1 116 90; 721 511 421 591 1441 901


I 8.401I ·.... $ 243.60/$ 220.50 8.401 · 153.301 1........ 111.601 ·1.. 243.601 14.70\ .... 189.001 8.40.... 151.201.......... 107.10 2.101 ..··.... 88. 20 1. 2.101.· 123.90 1.... 302.40\ 10.501 ...... 189.00 2.10i

~~~:~~l ::::::::::::1 ::::::::

811.1211$ 2.354.10\ $ 56.70\




\ 252.00/$ 228.901 153.30 111.601 2!)s.:{01 197.401 l.'i1.20! 109.20/ 90.30 123.901 312.901 191.10,



16.80 \$ 16.801 4.201 1680 12.60) 2.101 1

4.201 \ 12.60 4.201

~n:~~1 ::::::::::::1

1 60.001$ 235.201$ 212.101 40.00 153.30, 100.00 113.401 / 241.50\ 50.00\ 184.80) 149.101 1 tllI.lOI

86.101·· 123.901 300.301 186.901


······ 1 20.00 20.00 10.00

1.00 3.09 2.00 .. 6.00 . ..

· .. · ..



2.00 2.00 1.00

~~~:~~I:::::::::::::::.·I :::::::::::.

$ 2.410.801$ 90.30/$ 2,322.401$ 300.00\$ 23.00 I I I





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.. .... Composite. 369................... 1 3 1 3 1 Naylor, 568 1 1 ·· 1..·.. · 1..·.. ·\1 GreenvUle, 107................... 61 6 5 2 9...... 1 1 171 Wayne, 526......................... 31 3 3 11 2 41 1 3 5 TOTAL I 15118119\ 5111 13\ 131 1\ 15\ 2311



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813.60 $ 4.20 111.30 ............ 107 224.70 2.10 53 111.30 ............ 93 195.30 18.90 308.10 4.20 1471 8691$ 1,824.901$ 29.401 4161$





........ $ .-_0 ....



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811.801$ 111.301




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8.401$ .813.60\$ 340.001$ 14.00 4.201 101.10 1................/ ............

. ....... 226.801 6.30/ ........ 111. 301 ............ ........ 214.20 ............ ........ 312.90 8.40 ...... $ 1,854.301$ 21.30!$ 1,831.201$ 420.001$ 22.00







~ ~ (\)




FIFTY·THIRD DISTRICT-C. E. ARMSTRONG, D. D. G. M. Mt. Zion, 327..................... Ingomar, 536...................... Mountain View, 631 Alton, 255........................... Wilderness, 314 Woodside, 381.....................

~~~~ok~n~~~:.. 58i::::::::::::::·


3\ 3 1


1 3 , 3111 6! 3 4 1 5 11 2 1






4/ ...... 1 41......


3 4\ 31

i\....~ ....~ :::::: . ·..i ....~.1



21 51 /...... 2 .... I ~.. I...... 21 81 1··..·· 1 / 1 1



.. ..

. ..


~. ~ 1~::::::1:::::: 1 IJ ······1



i~[~~fli{t:·~5~~~·:·:::::·:·::::·:: ::::i\::::::I:: : :I::::il ::::~ 1 ::::~I····~\ : : : I::i~ \::::::I:: : :I:::::. TOTAL

I 121

·Credlt $4.20.

tBalance Due $36.29.

9111\101141 21\

61101 401





I 1 I 267 $ 560.10 $ 12.60 I $ 573.30 \ $ 8.40\$ 564.901$ 30.00,'$ 3.00 104 218.40 1 10.50 228.90 8.40 220.50 40.00 4.00 34 71.40/ 2.101. 69.301 , . 941 197.40. 2.10 199.0>01 6.301 193.201 10.00 1.00 32\ 61.201............ 61.201 8.401 58.801 . 31 77.101............ 11.70, 6.301 11.40 10.001 1.00 1311 275.101 ....·....... 275.10 12.60 262.50 20.00 2.00 581 121.801 2.10 123.90 123.901 10.00 1.00 401 84.001........... 84.001 1 84.00l .. 23\ 48.301 4.20 52.501 1 52.50 \ .. 42 88.201 88.20/ 4.20/ t 84.00 . 51 107.101 36.29 143.39 101.101 10.00 1.00 9131$ 1,911.30/$61.19 1 ........ 1$ 1,854.30/$ 27.30/$ 1,831.201$ 420.001$ 22.00










\0 (J..l





FIFTY·F·OURTH DISTRICT-G. J. VAUGHAN, D. D. G. M. Sparta, 296......................... Friend, 352..........................

11 <I

1 5

1 4......

/ 1

11 2 3......




~;~fC~ii;~i···~·:··:·«!• • • • • • 1/i:I::::~ ~:~ ~: :~·~: I· . Forsyth, 453....................... 1 1 Branson, 587...................... 5 8 8 Galena, 515......................... 2 1 1 Crane, 519 TOTAL 14\ 16\ 17\1

1 6...... 1





1 10 3 5 ,...... 2 1 1 _. 1 21 I 19\, 13\ 141, 25\·····t·· .. ·ll

1 1

I.... 1

551$ 114



115.50 239.40

il 1m •·••••••••·• • 1

54 113.40 103 216.30 66 138.60 160 336.001............ 709,'$ 1,488.90,1 )



115.50 239.40 $

$ 2.10

115.501$ 237.301

10.001$ 50.00

iUlI'}·l.~ i1iil~~'~~

1.00 5.00


113.40 18.90 94.50 10.001 3.00 216.30 216.30 50.00 5.00 138.60' 4.20 134.40 20.00 2.00 336.001 6.301 329.701 . $ 1,488.90,!$39.90·l 1.449.00 1$ 160.00',$ 18.00





1 Monett, 129 16/10 Purdy, 148.......................... 1\ 1 Barry, 367.......................... 1 r Pythagoras, 383................. 10 8 Seligman, 517 Comfort. 533....................... 2 Mount Vernon, 99............. 3 3 Canopy, 284........................ 6 3 Marionville. 390................. 31 Decatur, 400....................... 1 1 Verona, 452 " Red Oak, 468

~m:~~,5~i.~::.·.·.· TOTAL

*Credit $14.20.

··.:.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· ·.·.·


5 20

1...... 8 3 ,... 2 1 1 1 4 3 3 1 2 1

1 3 1 2 4 1

51 5/ 101··.... 1 4 3 3 2 1 2 3\ 5 7 5



~ ~

DISTRICT-W. N. MARBUT, D. D. G. M. 1 8 42 1' 2 3


IlL . . . 3

3 1 2

2..... 9 . 2 14 2 11 3 15 2 31 · 8 2 ··..

.. 1 . ] . .

······1······ ······1······ ·····.I······ ······ -t···.. ~ ~ i :::::: ····i:C:::/··..i: l:::::: ::::::,:::::: :::::f:::.

I 401 341 29114\ 33\ 32\ 31\ 23\111',





~ ~


I '160.00 I $ 16.00 3411$ 716.10I $ 42.00I $ 758.10 $ 10.50 $ 747.601$ 64) 134.40 134.40 21.00 *127.60 10.00 1.00 34 71.40 2.10 $8.40 65.10 2.10 63.00 10.00 1.00 163 342.30 6.30 348.60' 6.30 342.30 100.00 10.00 461 96.60 96.60' 4.20 92.401 . 59 123.90 123.90/ 2.10 121.80\ 20.00 2.00 131 275.10 4.20 279.30 279.30 40.00 4.00 1981 415.80 2.10 417.901 6.30 411.60 60.00 6.00 132 277.20 8.40 285.60114.70 270.90l . 96' 201.60' 4.20 205.80 _....... 205.80 10.00 1.00 81.901 81.90 81.90 . 39' 191 39.901 39.90 39.90/ _ . 56 117.601........... 117.60/............ 117.60 10.00/ 1.00 701 147.001 2.101 _··· 149.10 149.10 10.00 1.00 1,448/$ 3,(}40.80!$ 71.40 1$8.401$ 3,103.801$ 67.201$ 3,050.801$ 430.001$ 43.00






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. . . . . . . . .

.... / 51 ..... 1 81 41 31 21 .... 1 221



111 3


2/ 31

/ 1


8 3 41 21



:.( 5,

21 81


7 3 41 2 1

211 211



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1·11.····· 1...... 8:...... 1

1...... 41...... 1 1 31 41 51 141 261 7\


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Southwest, 466 Anderson. 621.., Noel, 647 ~eosho. 247 Racine, 478 Granby, 514 Stella. 538 Fairview, 619 TOTAL

ci U ~






11 1 71 11 2 1\ 2\. , 31······1······\······ 1 1..... 31·· 2 31................ 1·· 1 1 ·1...... 16\ 61. 1 11 3



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1 52 :$ 109.20 1 $ 109.20 1$ 4.20\$ 105.0011 \ . 1121 235.20/$ 10.50 245.701 16.801 228.90 $ 50.00 $ 5.00 40\ 84.00 84.00/ 1 84.001 , 1.00 252/ 529.201 16.80 546.00 546.001 80.00 8.00 78 163.801............ 163.801 2.10 161.7.01 40.00\ 4.00 112 1 235.201 . 235.201 16.80 218.40 40.00 4.00 57 119.701 1...... 119.701 8.40 ~11.30 20.001 2.00 20\ 42.001 2.101........ 44.101 6.30\ 42.001. ••• __ •••.• 1 7231$ 1.518301 29.401 $ 1,547.701$ 54.601$ 1,497.301$ 230.001$ 24.00 1


*Credlt $4.20.

/ 61 101 61 31 16. 71 81 61 121 11 51 61 131 991


1 1 I l 1 /...... 117"$ 245.70 1. [1 1 3/ / 1 1 11 II $ 245.70 , _ 245.70 1 6 11 101 21 81 1 2 5\...... I 3 2641 554.401$ 4.201$2.10 556.501$ 16.801 539.70 1$ 91 9 21 1 20\ 121 9116\. .1...... 7981 1,675.80\ 1,675.80 42.00 1,633.80\1 2\ 31... ..1. 1 1 1\...... 2\. 1 3 132 277.20 2.10 279.30 2.101 277.20 21 21····--!-·····1····/ 11 11 21 , 1 1 481 0.801 \ 100.80 100.80 13 131 7, 4 2...... 1 11...... 1 3101 601.001 8.401....... 659.40 4.20 655.20 41 4! 61. 1. 41 I! 31 \...... 1611 3~8.10\ \ 3~8.10 8.40 329.701 61 10, 6\. \ 61 3 41. 1 2 4071 8;)4.70 8'14.70 12.60 842.101 41 ~I 21...... 21 2 41 61 1 \ 1 3351 703.50 .· 1 703.50 4.201 699.301 171 101 31 21 201 91 7\ 11 \ ;...... 6001 1.260.001 4.20123.10 1,241.10\ 42.001 1,199.10\ 11 2 1 1 1 11.· 1 1... 591 123.901 1........ 123.901 1 123.901 5/ 51 / 1 21 21 I! 11. 1 1 1 1921 403.201 403.201 4.201 399.00 6 61 9 81 6' 31 6.1. 1 \ 1 1 3641 764.40 14.70 779.10/ 12.601 766.501 131 14 I! 11 l 1 11 1 1 4 1121 23:>.201 2.101 2.10 235.20 1 235.201 8811011 491 171 711 341 411 351. 1 1 17 3.8991$ R.181.!lOI$ 35.70127.30 $ 8,196.301$149.101$ 8.041.201$










FIFTY·SEVENTH DISTRICT-I. ERLE ROSS, D. D. G. M. Bonhomme, 45 Bridgeton. 80...................... Webster Groves, 84 Fenton. 281......................... Meramec. 313..................... Kirkwood. 484.................... Ferguson. 542..................... Maplewood. 566................. Clayton. 601....................... Wellston. 613 Valley Park. 629............. Jennings, 640...................... University, 649................... Garoenvllle. 655 TOTAL


~ ~

40.00 $ 110.00 40.00 30.00 160.00) 90.00i 80.00\ 60.00 120.00 20.001 50.001 40.001 120.001 960.001$

. 4.00 11.00 4.00 3.00 16.00 9.00 8.00 8.00 12.00 2.00 5.00 4.00 12.00 98.00


\D W



1 Glensted, 250 1 1 1 1/ 11 21 ' Versailles, 320.................... 31 3 41 1 21 6 1 9\...... Barnett, 591.. 1 1...... 1 1 3 Olean, 134 11 21""" 3 1 -- 1 Ionia. 381.. 36 40 43 6 11······ 2 31"""\""" Vienna. 94........................... S/ 7 8 11 2...... 1 3 Belle. 373............................ 71 5 5 1 1...... 1 2 8_ TOTAL I 54\ 56\ 62 1 91 51 71 10\11\20\ \ 1 1

.1.. ,'



1 1 1..... 1 10



1 2 \ 14 1






56 1$ 117..60\ $ 117.601$ 2.101$ $""3:00 1091 228.901 1"""" 228.90 12.60 123.90 . 59 123.90 123.90 . 123.90 . . 591 123.90 123. 90 1 . 627.90 430.00 43.00 3011 632.10 $ 2.10 """" 634.20 6.30 161.70 80.00 8.00 741 155.40 6.30 161.10 . 258.30 70.00 7.00 1231 258.301............ 258.301 1 781,1$ 1,640.10 1$ 8.40 1 """"1$ 1,648.50\$ 21.00\$ 1,627.50/$ 610.00/$ 61.00 1 1



Independence, 76............... 91 9/ 121 2/ Ii 71. I 61 Summit, 263 I 1 1 1 1\ 21 McDonald, 324................... 41 9\ 10 3 2 4 61 5 Blue Springs, 337............. 71 7 7 1•.. 11 Raytown, 391...................... 111 1 2 3 I, 1.. I Christian, 392..................... 3 5 6 1 1 21 21...... Buckner, 501...................... 2 1 1 1 1 51. 1 11 Marlborough, 569.............. 20 15 13 1 5 11 I,...... Mt. Washington. 614........ 131 12 13 3 2 6 21 4 Grandview, 618.................. II..... 2\ 3\ / \ Grain Valley. 644............. 11 21 3 . 1.... 11 2 TOTAL......................... 611 611 661 131 181 301 151 191



·Credit $10.

, .,



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1 858.90 2.1011 $ 861.00/$ 315.00 \ 315.001 1..... 627.901 4.20 632.101 / 1 , 1 210.001 1........ 210.001 .,.. 201.601 6.301 207.901 21 _. 189.00 2.101 191.10 41 /..... 224.70 2.101........ 226.801 41··.... 11..... 193.201 10.501........ 203.701 40...... 720.30 8.40 728.70 1 1 1 247.R01 4.20 252.00\ 1...... 9;>1 199.50' 199.50 791 1 II 2 1,8991$ 3,987.901$ 39.901 $ 4,027.801$ 1

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I I Harold M. Jayne--l.. .. 2'0' 30 47 ...... 11 ~ 1,2021$ 2,524.201$ 4.20 ......... $ 2,528.40 $ 56.70 $ 2,471.80 $ 340.00 $ 36.0~ 27\ 12 381 2/ 4 40/ 33 Chas. F. Llnk-2........... 27 34 10 12 13 83...... 2I 1 1,200 2,520.00 25.20 $ 6.30 2.538.90 69.30j 2,469.60 33 28 270.00 .Tos. W. Moore-3 ........... 13 13, 2,171.40 90.30 2,081.10 200.00 16.0C 151 5 !) :\ 1,031 43 13 26 2,16li.lOj 8.10 2.10 E. M. Wllson-4............ 240.00 16.0~ 17 1 1,986.60 58.80 1,930.10 17 1 9441 1,982..l0 4.20 ....... 3 28 4 Hendrix: Newman-5...... 2 :) 362 760.20 10.50 2.10 768.60 14.70 753.90 90.00 9.0~ 6 13 7 6 4 27 ...... ...... 1...... Curtis F. Smith-6....... 1,917.30 31.501* 1,863.70 190.00 20.0C 15 16 6 6 59 ...... ...... ...... 90S/ 1,906.80 10.50 ......... 17 15 12 JOll'athan Stark-7......... 241 2,354.10 29.40 2,331.00 240.00 26.0C 2,347.80 21 7 3 20 6.30 .......... 24 39 ...... ...... I 1,118 14 10 1,698.90 44.10 1,654.80 130.00 22.0C Frank R. Elton-8 ....... 796 1,671.60 27.30 ......... 9 42 1 ..... 171 19 18\ 5 14 21 9 1 8,238.30 75.60 t 8,164.80 1,440.00 109.0C Perry W. Peck-9........ 1161 119 104 181 17 36 31 76 2 1 8 3,904 8,198.40 39.90 .......... 99 2,343.70 48.30 2,299.60 350.00, 30.0e Thos. D. WiIllams-10. 301 30 23 14 21 51 ...... 1 " 1,107 2,324.70 21.00 2.00 2,473.80 71.40 2,402.40 130.00 11.0C D. M. Foster-H........... 29.40 ......... 18 13 1 14110 146 34 20 45 ...... ...... 3 1,164 2,444.40 2,87' 4.90 210.00 21.0e 60.90 2,814.(}0 42.00 ......... E. E. D1vhrla-12 .......... 21 18 57 ...... ...... • J 1.349 2,832.90 29 17 161 20 7 19 1,7'19.90 Forrest L. Madden-13. 13 16.80 1.7'03.10 150.00 15.0C 12 4 7' 810 58 ...... ...... 8 81 8 10 1,701. 00 1 18.90 ......... 2.307.901 54.60 2,253.30 1,0971 2,303.70 Luther E. Wilhoit-14 .. 25 24 15 240.001 25.00 4.20 .......... I 17 26 10 21 ...... 1 .... 221 Donald H. Sosey-15... 24 1 15 4 30 28 47 13 27 ...... ...... 5 1,953\ 4,101. 30 f 4,107'.60/ 96.60/:1: 3,964.901 490.00/ 34.0C 311 8. 40 1 2.10 1,274.70 58.80 1,215.901 250.00 25.00 Warren H. May-16..... 601 1,262.10 12.60 .......... 28 6 6 28 5 18 5 ...... 2:1 831.601 58.801 5.0C Geo. E. Chlpman-17'. 1 ...... 831,60 ...................... 9 4 11 ...... 28 1 3961 772.80\ 50.00\ 69.30 § 2,464.43 160.00 16.0f Wm. F. Wigginton-IS 23 2 S 1,2341 2,591.401 8.401 .......... 18 22 2,599.80/ 17 15 331 1,568.7'0 42.00 13, S 1 1,528.80 T. H. Edwards-19..... 46 16 170.001 17'.00 20 9 12 27 ...... ...... 2 11 1,566.601 2.101 .......... 7'867 1 1,820.7'0 21.001 ......... 55 340.00 36.0~ 25 5, 6 Otto Hale-20................ SO 28 41 ...... ...... 4 2 15 8 16 1,841.7 0 1 31.50 1,810.20 1,606.50 35.7'0 1,570.80 J. P. Tucker-21............ 120.00 11.0~ 17' ...... ...... 1 15 11 121 11 4\ 7 171 4 1581 ',591.80\ Darius A. Brown-22... 395 3881 382 2121202 3361125 218 756\ 1\ ...... 1 2] 17',933\ 37,659.30 425.95 ........ 38.085.251 701.40 37',388.05 3,870.00 524.0C 2,185.80 30 69.30 510.00 1800 C. B. WaddelI-23......... 16 18 41 2 2,251.20 4.20 2.10 11 181 33 11 25 ............ \ 1 1,07'2 2,253. 1 1,971.90 44.10 1,927' .80 200.00 13.0~ James Morgan-24......... 11 16 7'1 6 9361 1,965.60 6.30 .......... 21 10 10 22 ...... ...... 1 1~1 1,7'80.80 42.00 1,7'38.80 Roy C. Roberts-25.... ~. 10 7' 61. ..... 848 .......... 9 20 29 ...... 1...... 100.001 10.0fi 2,255.40 1 240.00 24.0~ 23 14 11 7'9.80 J. Emmett Hawklns-: 26 38 18 19 67' 1...... ...... ..·..·1 1 1,097 2,419.20 52.50 2,366.70 21 15 1 4 6.30 2'833. 130.00 14.0~ Louis J. Graue-27........ 14 1 18 21 30 ...... ...... 2 1,149 1 2,412.90 25 1 16' 1,157.10 16.80 12.00 2 1.157.10 ............ 120.001 R. G. McKibben-28 .... 8 8 2 6 / 18/ ...... HI 5511 9 61 1,140.40\ 1,079.40 31.50 1,047'.90 7' ...... j I 5.00 513; 1,077'.301 4 L. T. Baskett-29.......... 81 15 3) 101 ...... 2.10\ ......... 130.00/ 900.901 29.40 19 21 ...... Edwin H. Barklage--30.. 13 87'1.501 200.00 21.00 42!l1 900.901 ...................... 15 21 101 ..·..·\ ...... 1 3 19\ 2,759.401 44.101 2,7'17.401 45 1 8 ...... 201. ........... 1,3141 27'59.401 ...................... 460.001 50.00 W. D. Rogers-3!.......... 40 1 41 21 / 91 191 ·Balance Due $22.10. tBalance Due $2.10. tBalance Due $46.10. §Balance Due 66.07'.




39 '[







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, 1,084\ 2,216.40\ 14.70\ .......... 2,291.1' 42.00 2,251.2' 3••.001 35." 20 1 7\ 15 1 191 .......1 1 R. A. Breuer-32............ 34 311 28 12 7 Erwin L. Ocker-33A. 235 221 253 41 54 263 741 196 109 1 1 4 113,1391 28,851.90 121.80 '21.00 28,952.70 552.30 28,419.30 2,310.00 251.00 26,980.80 422.10 26,558.70 2,020.00 205.00 •......... 119.10 :12,1911 26,861.10 Abrah. Romansky-33B. 202 197\ 214 22 5~ 201 63\ 110l 1511 1 31.J7 1,963.50 42.00· 1,857.88 120.00 13.00 928 1,948.80 14.70 .......... .Tames F. Blllir-34....... 11 10 11 7 I 201 18, 91 321 .. 31.00 260.00 1,503.60 1,533.00 29.40 ........... 723 1,522.50 10.50 10 1 53 R. A. Padgett-35..:....... 25 1~ 16 7 ~ 141 1 1 310.00 30.00 8.40 .......... S. B. Kennon--3o........ 28 3a 41 61 <> 36121 22 52 6 1,1961 3,111.60 3,780.00\ 75.60 3,106.50 20.00 230.00 2,585.10 102.90 2,482.20 6.30 .......... Thornton Jennings-37 22 26 29 9 5 49 11 25 33 1 1, 228 1 2,518.80 280.00 31.00 1,848.00 52.50 1,795.50 4.20 8.40 882 1,852.20 Winan 1. Mayfield-38.. 28 33 39 5 3 25 6 14 32 2 320.00 31.00 3,135.30 27.30 3,109.00 Chas. L. Woods-39...... 31 25 27 13 10 13/ 6/ 18 54 8 1,4821 3,112.201 23.101 .......... 240.00 36.00 02 2'104.201 Ii 24 31 4 1 14 6 15 14 1 1 4 H. H. Balsiger-40 ..... 2,106. 30 1 21.30 2,019.90 2.1' 130.00 14.00 1,807.05 2.10 1,828.05 21.00 1,812.30 11.85 863 M. E. Ewing-41............ 8 10 15 8 6 121 71 14 23 . 1,0 1 150.00 16.00 1,341.90 21.30\ t 1,208.00 639 M. B. GWinn-42........ 13 15 15 5 1 13 7 5 16 2 33.00 300.00 '''29:40 964 2,053.80\ 71.40 1.982.4' D. V. Morris-43.......... 26 24 24 18 12 341 14 23 46 ..__.. -t 600.00 62.00 5,245.80 50.40 5,195.40 Ray Bond-44................ 56\ 55\ 55 34 25 241 8 31 81 11 2,4111 5,189.10\ 56.10 .......... 6.949.50 174.30 6,775.201 650.00 70.00 233 6,894.30 55.20 .......... Jewell E. Windle-45... 65 53 53 27 30 831 20 421 186 1 t3 21.00 150.00 2,261.10 2,300.10 31.80 25.20 30.30 2,305.80 1,098 Carl A. Swenson-46... 161 15 21 12 9 18 12 1 11 361 __ 1\...... 3' 1 160.00 16.00 600 1'2••. 60 1 8.40 ... __ ..... 1.268.401 23.1' 1.245.30 .1. N. Sparks-47............ 15 16 16 4 4 11 4\ 81 62...... ...... 3 29.00 260.00 3,110.10 113.40 2,996.10 ......... 10.50 3,099.60 1,416 John J. Bowman-48.... 25 28 33 12 fi 54 If! 20 31 __ 21 4 250.00 24.00 2,095.80 56.10 2,039.10 919 2,055.90 39.90 .......... .James A. Kinder-49.... 24 21 21 11 15 27 7 15 32 ,...... 1 3 190.00 19.00 2,883.30 63.00 ~ 2.162.60 75 1 11 1 2 1,340 1 2,814.00 69.30 .......... G. A. Sample-50.......... 17 22 29 10 33 30 15 16 300.00 23.00 2,410.801 90.30 2,322.40 G. C. Bishop-51............ 25 30 33 9 21 43 13 14 129 .. __.. 8 1,121\ 2,354.101 56.70 ........... 22.00 420.00 1,854.30 27.30 1,831.20 869 1,824. 90 1 29.40 .......... K. C. Johnson-52......... 15 18 19 57113 13 7 15 231-"--. 1 130.00 13.00 1,985.09 56.701 § 1,892.10 9131 1,911.30 67.79 .......... C. E. Armstrong-53.... 12 9 11 10 L4 27 6 10 40 --. ~ 160.00 18.00 1,488.90 90 1,449.001 109\ 1,488.90 ............ ........... G. J. Vaughan-54........ 14\ 161 17) 8 ...... 19 13 14 25 1 430.00 43.00 67.20 1 3,050.80 3,103.80 39. W. N. Marbut-55........ 40 34 29 141 3:3 32 31 23 1111 .. 1 5 1,448 3,040.80 71.40 8.40 230.00 24.00 1,547.70 54.60 1,491.30 123 1.518.30 29.40 .......... W. A. Phipps-56......... 22 21 21 51 14 26 7 16 6 .. _... 1 3 960.00 98.00 8,196.30 149.10 8,041.20\ 3,899 8,181.90 35.70 21.30 I .. ErIe Ross-51.. _..... 991 8811011491 Ii 71 34 41\ 35 610.00 61.00 1,648.50 21. 00 1 1,627.50 8.40\ .......... 781 1 1,640.10 Kleber C. Jones-58..... 54 56 62 91;} 7 101 111 201...... 14 104.00 960.00 John S. Carmical-59. 611 61 66 13 18 301 151 191 791 ......1 11 2 1,8991 3.987.90 39.90 .......... 4,027.80l 63.00 4,008.70 GRAND TOTAL : 12'290[2,253[2,383193018 I3 122 93[926\ 1,58713,4781 8\ 19\271 111121!233,354.IDII770.091114.20 235,009.99[4806.90;229,929.61125,250.00[2626.00 I I ; 1 1 1 I

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Total Credits $121.60.




.Balance Due $63.62.





tBaiance Due $101.10.

*Balance Due $57.70.

§Ba1ance Due $36.29.

Total Balance Due $401.08.







Chartered Lodges on the Roll, September 30, 1930


Maple Lodge No. 623 consolidated with Poplar Bluff Lodge No. 209, Nov. 11, 1930


Hatfield Lodge No. 395 consolidated with Lodge of Light No. 257, Feb. 17, 1931..


Pittsville Lodge No. 428 consolidated with Holden Lodge No. 262, Feb. 27, 1931..



Charter Reeds Spring Lodge No. 280 surrendered April 8, 1931..........................................................................................


Vacant-Nos. 8, 140, 175, 1&6, 240, 248,280, 395, 428, 431, 623, 636. Number of Chartered Lodges September 29, 1931.


MEMBERSHIP RETURNS. Membership June 30, 1930

113,171 1931.

Initiated Passed Raised Affiliated Reinstated Corrections

2,290 :2,2'53 2,383 930 813 14

4,140 117,311

Dimitted 926 Suspended, U. M. C................................................................... 8 Suspended, N. P. D 3,478 Expelled 19 Died 1,587 Members Defunct Lodges...................................................... 121


Membership June 30, 1931.. 111,172 Net Loss.......................................................................................... 1,999 113,171 Rejected,27l. Note:-The membership obtained from 651 reporting Lodges l11,121 Membership in King Hiram Lodge No. 309................................ 51 Total Membership, June 30, 1931..



........ \.0





3 4 5 5 Ii 7

': 8

8 9 10 10 10 11 13 14 14 15 15

16 21 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 26 26 27

Name of Lodge.


Hiram ............•.••. St. Charles . Harmony.............. Louisiana . Taylor................. Springfield . Olive Branch. . . • . . . . . .. Alton . Unity.................. Jackson . Franklin Union .•..•.... Franklin ....•. Grover ..•••..•.....•... Calhoun . Vandalia ..•..........•. Vandalia . Williamsburg............ Williamsburg . Sangamon............. Springfield . Union •..••.••.......... Jonesboro . Shawnee............... :-.lew Santa Fe. Chapel................. Chapel Hill . Eden.................. Covington . Tucker................. Ste. Genevieve. Boonville.............. Boonville . Auburn ..••.•.......... Auburn . CentraL Smithville .. Perseverance........... Louisiana . Columbia •••••••••••••••• Columbia . New London .•.........• .'lew London . Greencastle .•........... Greencastle . Franklin............... Alton . Hiram ..•••.•.•........ St. Charles . Harmony.............. Jacksonville . Wyaconda .•............ La Grange •.... Joachim................ Herculaneum .. Springfield ...•....•.•... Springfield . Ava ...•••....•....•.... Ava . Mexico ..••............. Mexico . Ringgold •..•........... Camden Point. .Changed to Joachim No.2



St. Charles .•... Mo ••..... Pike ....•..... Mo •••.... Greene ....•... Mo ••••••• Madison. . . . . .. [11 .••••••. Cape Girardeau Mo . Howard Mo ••..... Henry ....•.....\10 ••.•... Fayette ...•. '" fll . Callaway " "'fo . Sangamon. . . .. lIloo •••.•. Union fl1..•••.•. Jackson. ...•.. ';10 ••••••• Lafayette Mo •••.•.. Washington. .. Ill . Ste. Genevieve. Mo •...... Cooper Mo ••••••. Lincoln ....•... Mo ••••.•• Clay ....•...••. Mo . Pike ..••.•.•... Mo ••••... Boone Mo .. Ral1s Mo .. Sullivan Mo .•..... Madison. . . . . .. fll ...•.... St. Charles " Mo . Morgan Ill. . Lewis 'Mo . Jefferson ,.. Mo •••.... Sangamon. . . .. 111. ••••••• Douglas. . . . . .. Mo . Audraln :\-10 , Platte Mo ..

Date of Charter.


1820. by G. L. of Tenn ..... Surrendered April 4. 1826. Oct. 11. 1821. .•...•...•... Surrendered April. 1825. May 6.1852 ............•.. United with "United No.5." Aprll 3. 1822 ...........•.. United with 1st G. L. of Illinois. 1824. Nov. 25. 1821.dlsp. G.L.Ind. Surrendered January 7. 1823. April 3. 1822 " •.••••. Arrested December 20. 1831. May. 1852 Died 1860. October 8. 1822 ..••.•••••• United with 1st G. L. of Illinois. 1824. May 6. 1852 Surrendered Dec. 31, 1929. October 25. 1822. . . • . •. Arrested April 11. 1826. October 25.1822 .••••••••• United with 1st G. L. of Illinois. 1824. May. 1858 ... " ..... , . . .. Surrendered 1863. May 6. 1852. . . . . . . . . • . . .. Surrendered 1855. October 9.1822 ....••....• United with 1st G. L. of Illinois. 1824. October 10.1826 Surrendered April 6. 1831. Aprll 3. 1827 Arrested October 3. 1838. May 8. 1852 " Arrested Oct.• 1884. by Lee A. Hall. G. M. May 6. 1852 , . . . .. Went down on account of war. 1861. April 8. 1828 Arrested April 3. 1838. October 5. 1830 , Arrested October 3. 1838. October 5. 1837 ..•.•...... Surrendered 1862. on 9,ccount of war. June 2.1866 ...•..•...••.. Arrested April. 1879. October 5. 1837 United with G. L. of Illinois. 1843. October 5. 1837 Arrested October 16. 1846. October 2.1838 ..•........ United with G. L. of IllInois. 1840. June 10. 1853 ....•........ Surrendered 1876. Oct.• 1820. by G. L. of Tenn Arrested April 8. 1825. October 8. 1839. . . . • . • . . .. United with G. L. of Illlnois. 1840. October 13. 1887 Arrested June. 1892. by B. H. Ingram. G. M. May 6. 1852 ...•.......... Consolidated 1887 with Hebron No. 354. May 6. 1852 ...•.......... Arrested May. 1855.

::t:,. ~





N \0 \0


ROLL OF "DEAD LODGES," ETC.-Continued. No. 27 21 211 29 32 32 32 33 35 37 37 38 39 39 39 40 41 41 41 42 42 42 44 44 46 46 49 50 50 50 51 54 56 58 59 59 60 61 62

Name of Lodge.



Temperance ...•••••.••• Vandalia .•••.•• Platte ..••.•••. Temple................ Mellville Dade Far West ....•.......••. Galena Jo Davless ...•. Osage Little Osage Vernon Lafayette .•...•.•....... Lexington Lafayette ...•.. Lafayette .•.••••••...•.. Lexington Lafayette Triangle ......••••...... Perryv1l1e Perry .••....... Hillsboro allas Mt.Moriah Hll1sboro Montgomery Independence ••.••...•.. Independence .. Jackson ..••.•.. Dawson ...••••.•••••••. Welllngton Lafayette ...••. Cedar ..•..•...••••..... Owensville Gasconade ..••. Graham ..•..•....•.••.. Pleasant Hill Cass .•.••...... Tully .............•..•.. Tully Lewis ..•....... Cllnton ..•.••••..••••••. Carlyle Clinton ••...••. Modena Modena Me.cer Coleman •...........•••. :-It. Louis ....•.....••••.•...... Des Moines .....•....•.. Burllngton ........•..••....... Bolivar Bolivar Polk Aetna Aetna Scotland Houston .•..........••.. Breckenridge Caldwell ....••. Iowa Bloomington Middle Greve ....•...••. Middle Grove Monroe .•...... Jacksonvllle ••••.•.•.•.. Jacksonville .••. Randolph .•.•.. Rochester ..•..•.•...•.. Rochester .•.... Andrew I3parta. for'ly"Kabzeett". Sparta Buchanan Martha Washington .•••. Washington Franklln...... Mineral Point. .•.....•.. Mineral Point .....•••.......•. Middletown ••.•......... Middletown .... Montgomery Ozark .......•.•........ Springfield .•... Greene Anderson ...•.•.••..•••. Chapel Hili Lafayette ..••.. Livingston .•..••........ Glasgow. . . . . .. Howard ....• , .. Douglas .....••......... MarthasYille Warren .•...••. Platte Platte City Platte Monticello .....••....•.. Monticello .••.• Lewis ..••.•.... Lancaster ....••.•...... Lancaster ••.••• Schuyler •..•... Marlon ......••••....... Salem Marlon .....•.. St. Clair ..•..••••••..... Bellevll1e •••••. St. Clair .....•• Osceola .....•...•....... Osceola St. Clair ......• Maysville ...•..•........ Maysvll1e DeKalb ..•.....

State. Ill

Date of Charter.

October 9.1839 '\110 May. 1858 111. ..•.•.• uctober 11. 1839 Mo May 6, 1852 i"10 ••••••• October 8. 1840 ..••••••••• Mo ......• October 19. 1867 .•••.••••• Mo .....••. October 12. 1882 ...•••.••• Mo October 8. 1840 Mo•.•••••• October 8. 1841 iVlo ..••.•• May 28, 1858 ...•.•.••••.• Mo .....•• October 15. 1868 ...••••••• Mo .....•. June 12. 1853.•••••••••••• Mo .Tune 9. 1853 Ill. October 8. 1841. ..•.•.•••. Mo June 2. 1866 Mo ; •• October 8. 1841. ....••.••. lao Ty ..••. October 20. 1841. ...•.•••. .Mo .Tune 9. 1853 Mo .Tune 2. 1866 Mo ......• .Tune 2. 1866 ....•.•••.•••• Ia. Ty October 20. 1841. Mo ......• .Tune 9. 1853.••.•••••.•••• Mo June 2. 1866 ..•.•••.•••••. Mo ......• June 10, 1853 ..•.••••••••• Mo October 8. 1841 Mo Tune 10. 1853 ....•.•.••••• Wis. Ty October 11, 1842 ••.••.•••. Mo .....•• May 25. 1854 .........•.•• Mo .....•. October 17. 1842 .••••••••• Mo May, 1858 ........•....... Mo , October 11, 1842 Mo ...•... October 11, 1842 Mo October 14. 1842 Mo ..•••.. October 12, 1842 .••••••••• Mo May 25. 1854 ...•••••••••• Ill.. .•..••. October 11. 1842 .•.•••••••• II!. ..•.... October 11, 1842 •••••••••• Mo October 15. 1842 •••••••••• Mo May 25. 1854 .......•.•.•.

o o Remarks.

United with G. L. of Illinois, 1842. Surrendered 1863. Surrendered 18411 Destroyed 1861, by war. Arrested December 1. 1866. Consol. 1882 with Lexington No. 149. Con so!. 1887 with Triple Tie No. 457. Arrested October 16. 1846. Surrendered October. 1846. Surrendered 1864. Arrested January. 1900. Destroyed 1862. by war. Surrendered May, 1863. Arrested October 19. 1846. Arrested October. 1876. Changed to "Mt. Moriah No. 40," 1844. United with G. L. of Iowa. 1S44. Surrendered 1863. Conso!. with Memphis No. 16. 1890. Arrested Aprll 22. 1869. UnIted wIth G. L. of Iowa. 1844. Arrested February 29. lll64. Surrendered October. 1899. Surrendered 1865. -\.rrested,October 19. 1846. Arrested May. 1863. United with G. L. of Wisconsin. 1844 Arrested May 18. 1858. Arrested October 18. 1847. Destroyed 1861. by war. Surrendered September. 1876. Surrendered November 15. 1883. -':urrendered 1864. Arrested by Jas. W. Boyd, G. M., Oct.• 1886 Arrested 1866. United with G. L. of I1llnols, 1844. United with G. L. of Illinois, 1843. Destroyed 1861. by war. DE-stroyed 1862. by war.







62 63 63 64 65 66 66 &8 69 70 70 72 75 75 75 81 83 84 84 85 86 86


88 88 88 90 90 94 94 95 95 95 95 99 100 10] 101 103 105 106 106 ]06 107 108

Dubuque St. Marys ...•........... Iowa City Landmark ....•......... Melody Marshall Linn .......••......... , Tebo oo Alexandria ...•......... College .•.•............. Dickerson Danv11le Ashley Bowling Green Neosho Hickory Grove Dana Multanomah Potter , Johnson ......•......... Mitchell ....•........... Mo. MIl. 3d Reg·tMo. Vol

Dubuque Perryville Marshall Platteville .•... Warsaw Iowa City Linn Clinton Alexandria Marion College. Warren Danville Ashley Bowling Green. :-<eosho Hickory Grove .. Calhoun Oregon City Longwood Warrensburg Columbus

Bates , Olive Branch Dresden •.••.•.......... Prairie •.•.............. King Solomon ,. Boone., Evening Star Acacia Pleasant HilL Chapman.............. Meramec ...•..•••.•..•. Mt. Vernon Canton .••...••••••••••• Greene Easton ...•............. Carthage , Relief Macon Laporte Mlaml. Golden Square New Madrid •••••.•••• ,.

Butler Bates Mo Union Franklin Mo Dresden Pettis Mo Harrisonville Casso Mo St. Catharine Linn Mo Columbia Boone 1>10 Cuba Crawford Mo Jackson Cape Girardeau Mo .•..... Pleasant HlIl Cass Mo Las Vegas .. , Tel'. of~. Mex..••.••••••• Eureka St. Louis .•..... Mo .•..... Mt. Vernon Lawrence Mo Canton Lewis Mo Springfield Greene Mo Easton Buchanan Mo Carthage Jasper Mo Georgetown Pettis, Mo Macon Macon "'10 Macon , .. Macon Mo MiamI. Saline Mo Westport. Jackson Mo ..••••• New Madrid New Madrid Mo

Perry Benton ..•....• Saline Osage Her.:-y Clark Marion .•....... Marlon Montgomery Pike Pike :-<ewton ...•.... Callaway ..•... Henry Pettis ......•... Johnson Johnson ...•... ,

Ia. Ty Mo ......• lao Ty Mo .•..... Wis. Ty Mo Mo ~o Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Oregon Mo .•..... Mo Mo

October May 25. October October October October May 28. October October October

10. 1843 1854 •••••.••••••• IO. 1843 12. 1843 .•.•••..•• 12.1843 12. 1843 1856 ..••... , .•.•. 23. 1844 16. 1844 .•••.••••• 16. 1844 ••••••••••

October 16. 1844 October 19.1846 October 14, 1846 ••••••.••• October 14. 1846 .•......•• June 2. 1866.•..•.•••••••• October 17. 1846 October 19. 1846 May 25. 1854 ••.•.......•. March 19. 1847 •......•... May 9. 1850 .•••......•••• October 14. 1847

United with G. L. of Iowa. 1844. Surrendered January. 1864. United with G. L. of Iowa. 1844. Destroyed 1861. by war. United with G. L. of Wisconsin. 1844. Arrested 1851. Arrested 1894. by Harry Keene. G. M. Arrested 1889. by J. P. Wood. G M. Arrested 1864. Changed to "Dickerson." 1847. Pormed from "College No. 70." Consol. with Florence Lodge No. 261. 1892 Surrendered October 18. 1897. Changed to "Ashley ~o. 75." Surrendered 1863; restored as 247. In 1867. Surrendered March, 1893. Arrested October 28. 1852. 1st Lodge on Pac. Coast. United G. L. Ore. Surrendered December 2. 1896. Destroyed 1861. by war. Destroyed 1861. by war. "Iosed with Mexican war.

May 28. 1858 October 14.1847 October 19.1867 ••...••••• October 12. 1847 ••••.••••• June 2. 1866 May 8. 1848 May 29.1855 May 5. 1848 ..•....•...... May 8. 1848 .rune 2. 1866............•. October 17. 1878 ...••....• May 11. 1848 .•••.•.•••.•• May 11. 1848 .•••••••••••• May 12. 1848 May 28. 1858 ...•..•.••••• May 12. 1849 May 10. 11149 May 28.1858 May 28. 1858 May 10, 1849 May 10. 1849 ....•.••.•.•. May 10. 1849 ....•.•......

Destroyed 1861. by war. Arrested about 1855. Arrested July. 1878. by T. C. Ready. G. M. Destroyed 1861. by war. Consol. with Brookfield No. 86. Jan.• 1888. Surrendered May 25. 1858. Surrendered June'12. 1875. Went down during the war. Arrested 1853. United with G. L. of New Mexico. 1877. Arrested Sept.• 1916. by F. R. Jesse. G. M. Surrendered December 27. 1862. Conso!. with Craft Lodge No. 287. Dec.• 1898 United with "United No.5." 1857. Arrested October. 1886, by J. W. Boyd. G. M Burned out 1861. Went down 1860. Surrendered 1873. Changed to "Macon No. 106." Surrendered February 10. 1857. Arrested October, 1886. by J. W. Boyd, G. M Destroyed during the war.

Hardin •••••••••••••••••• Santa Fe •••••••..•••••••••••••. ~ew Mexlc October 9, 1841 ••.•••••••• No rec.ord except dispensation.



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o N


Name of Lodge.

108 108 108 109 109 111 112 114 115 115 11ti 117 118 119 122 124 124 128 128 129 129 130 130 134 135 135 137 137 138 140 110 141 141 141 143 144 145 145

Aztec Gothic Pineville Montezuma Louisiana.............. St. Louis Ezell Waverly ....••.•.•...... Sibley Border Davless ......••......... Versallles............... Hiram .•............... Foster Dover .•.........•...... Cedar Dardenne ..•............ Kirksville Live Oale. Constantine............ Charleston .....•.•..... Barry West Prairie ••........ , Sarcoxie Ridgley Warrensburg........... Warrenton ......•...... Prairieville Round Prairie Smithton PaJllnsville ..••...•..••.•. Mlddlehury OrientaL.............. Chain of Rocks Flint HilL............. .John Dade............. Windsor City.......... Rising Star.•........... Buffalo ....••...........





Date of Charter.


Las Cruces Ter. of N. Mex October 19. 1867 United with G. 1.. of New Mexico. 1877. Moberly Randolph Mo October 17. 1878 Consol. with Moberly Lodge No. 344. 1896. Pineville..... McDonald aio October 22. 1896 Arrested by G. 1.., 1919. Santa Fe Ter. of N. Mex May 8, 1851. .••.••..•••.• United wit.h G. L. of New Mexico. 1877. Ste. Genevieve .. Ste. Genevieve .. Mo , 1807. by G. L. of Pa Arrested by G. L. of Pennsylvania, 1824. St. Louis St. Louis Mo 1809. by G. L. of Pa .•.••• Arrested. St. Francisville. Clark......... Mo...... May 9. 1850 Surrendered 1860. Waverly ....•.. Lafayette..... Mo May 9, 1850 .••••••••••••• Surrendered January 28, 1860. Sibley Jackson .'1.10 May 10. 1850 Surrendered 1863. South-West Cit) McDonald Mo .)ctober 15. 1874 Surrendered Octoper, 1882. Gallatin Daviess Mo May 10. 1850 ••••••••••••• Arrested 1876. Versailles ..••... Morgan Mo May 10, 1850............ Cons. with Morgan 320 under 320 as Versallles St. Charles ..•... St. Charles Mo May 10. 1850 ••••••••••••• Surrendered May. 1862. Boston ....•.... Scott Mo · May 10. 1850 Surrendered 1866. Dover Lafayette Mo May 20. 1850 .•••••••••••• Conso!. with Lafayette No. 437, Feb., 1893. Fremont Cedar .'1.10 May 10. 1851. Surrendered 1863. O·Fallon St. Charles Mo October 19. 1867 .•.....••• Arr. Jan. 15. 1885. by R. F. Stevenson. G. M. Kirksville Adair .•....••.. Mo May 8. 1851. ........•.... Arrested 1863. New Charter 1864 to No. 105. Pleasant Hill Cass Mo .•..... October 19. 1867.... • •. Arrested by G. L. of Missouri. 1877. Charleston .•... Mlssissippi. :v10 May 8, 1851. •..•••••••••. Surrendered July 28. 1874. Charleston ••... Misslsslppi. Mo October 12. 1876 .•••••••.. Surrendered December. 1889. Cassville Barry Mo May. 1852 Arrested 1852. Clarkton .•..... Dunklin....... Mo May 28, 1858 Arrested October, 1886, by J. Boyd, G. M. Sarcoxie Jasper Mo May. 1851. Arrested May. 1858. Ridgley Platte Mo May 7. 1851. Destroyed 1861. by war. Warrensburg Johnson Mo October 19. 1867 ••...••••• Consol. with Corinthian Lodge No. 265. 1889. Warrenton .•... Warren ....••.. Mo June, 1851. , ••••....••• Surrendered 1856. Prairieville ••... Pike.......... Mo May 28. 1859 ..•.......••• Arrested 1895. by J. B. Thomas, G. M. Newark ...•••.. Andrew....... Mo May 31. 1855 .•••••••••••• Arrested 1865. Smithfield.................... Kan. Ty.. May. 1855.....••...•.•.•. United to form G. L. of Kansas. Paplnsville Bates }lo May 28, 1858............. Consol. with Rockville 341, March, 1928. Middlebury Mercer 1\10 May 31. 1855 Arrested 1872. . Trenton Grundy ....•... Mo October 17. 1873 ..••..••.. Consolidated with Trenton Lodge No. 111. Owen Lincoln Mo October 14.1880 Cons. with Moscow Mllls No. 558, Oct.• 1905 Flint HilL St. Charles Mo May 31, 1855 .•••••.....•• Surrendered 1863. Cassv11le ....•.. Barry Mo June 1. 1855 Destroyed 1861. by war. Windsor City Carroll Mo June I, 1855 Surrendered 1855. Ebenezer Greene Mo May, 1858 ..••.•••••.•.•.• Arrested by E. F. Allen, G. M.• 189R. Buffalo Dallas Mo May. 1855 ..••••....••...• Arrested 1861.


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....... \0 w .......

148 150 152 153 154 156 158 158 159 159 160 161 166 167 167 167 168 169 172 173 173 173 175 177 180 180 182 183 184 184 184 184 186 186 187 187 191 195 197 200 201 203 203 204 205

yancy .•.•...••••••...•. Pineville ••••••. McDonald ..•••. Leavenworth ..•....•••. Leavenworth ......•••.•••••••• Linn Creek Linn Creek Camden Kansas Wyandotte Concord .•••••••••..••.. Concord .•.••.. Callaway ••••••. Giddings .•••••...••.... Nebraska City •. Otoe •••••••.•.. Cornwell •.••.•.•••.•... Rose HIlI. •.... Johnson ..••••• Johnson .••.••..••....•. Greenvllle ••••.. Wayne ••.••••.. Pacific .•••..•••••••..•. Pacific .••.••... Franklin ..•.... Mendota ..••.•••••••.••. Protem •.•.•... Taney Edina ................•. Edina......... Knox ....••.... Robert Morris •.•........ Savannah .•.... Andre· Mirabile ..••••••........ Mirabile ..••... CaldwelL Eldorado ..•.....••..... Luray •..•..•••. Clark ..••.•.... Orient Francais St. Louis City ........•..••...•. Puxico ....••••••••••••• Puxico •..••.... Stoddard •...... Fairmount Fairmount Clark Tuscumbia .•.••.•....... Tuscumbia •••.. Miller Wolf Island Wolf Island Mlsslsslppi. Union.form'ly"Bollinger" Wolford's Store. Bollinger Union Union Franklin Powell. .......•.•••.•.. Powell •••••••.• McDonald Newton Stark City Newton Winchester Winchester Clark Kenner Athens Clark Des Moines ..•••.••••••. Athens ..•...... Clark ..••...... Stewartsvllle •••••••••••• Stewartsville •.. DeKalb ..••.... California ....•......... California Monlteau Modern .....•....••••... Humansville Polk Calhoun .•..••••••••••.. : Calhoun ...•.... Henry Hale .•...•••••••••.•••. Hale City Carroll Fairfield ........•...... , Fairfield .•.•... Benton Dayton Dayton Cass Morality Renick : Randolph "Henry Clay Millersburg Callawa~' Carter ...•..••.•..••..•. Jefferson City .. Cole ...•....... ZerubbabeI............. Platt City Platte ...•...... Wet Au Glalze .••••..••. Wet Auglalse Camden Camden Camden ...•.... Ray Washburn Washburn Barry Jamesport. Jamesport.., Daviess Pleasant Ridge •••...••. Pleasant Ridge. Harrison Green Ridge ..•....•.•.. Windsor ••...... Henry Bent .....•...••.•••••.. Taos .......•.....•.....•...... Rocky Mount .•••••••••. Camp Floyd .•.•••••••••••..•..

Mo June I, 1855 Arrested Jan. 19, 1884, by L. A. Hall. G. M. Kan. Ty June 2. 1855.•••.••••••••• United to form G. L. of Kansas. Mo May 26. 1855 Destroyed 1861, by war. Kan. Ty May, 1855 United to form G. L. of Kansas. Mo June 1. 1855 Surrendered April, 1901. Neb. Ty May 29. 1856 ••••••••••••• Made no returns. Mo .••..•. May 28. 1856 •.•.•••••••.. Destroyed 1861. by war. Mo .•..••. October 19, 1867 .••••••••• Surrendered April 25. 1885. Mo ••••.•. May 28, 1856 ..••••••.•.•. Arrested Jan., 1878, by T. C. Ready. G. M. Mo •••.... October 11, 1879 .•••.••••• Arrested June 12. 1884, by L. A. Hall, G. M. Mo May 29. 1856 ••.....•..••. Arrested May, 1866. Mo "'liay 28, 1856 ..••.•••••.•. Surrendered 1857. Mo .....•. May 30, 1857 •..•.•....... Consol. with Polo Lodge No. 232, In 1889. Mo May 18, 1857 •••••......•• Surrendered 1861. Mo October 19, 1867 Surrendered January, 1888. Mo October 11,1888 ••......•. Surrendered June. 1892. Mo Mar 18, 1857 Surrendered June 12, 1863. Mo May 18, 1857 •...•........ Surrendered 1863. Mo May 30, 1857 Surrendered August 22,1874. Mo May, 1857 ~o records. Mo October 19, 1867 Surrendered May, 1892. Mo October 13,1892 .•••..•.. SUI'rendered September - . 1903. Mo May 30, 185'j Consol. with Granby Lodge No. 514. Dec. 1927. Mo May, 1857 : Destroyed 1861. by wal·. Mo May. 1858 Destroyed 1862, by war. Mo October 19. 1867 .•...•.•.. Arrested by Grand Lodge, 1916. Mo May 29, 185!) .•.•••....••. Arrested 1894. by Harry Keene. G. M. Mo ..•.... May 28. 1859 .••••••••••••1 Surrendered June. 1898. Mo May. 1859 Destroyed 1861. uy war. Mo October 19. 1867 ••.•••.••• Arrested by J. W. BoYd. Grand Master. I88R. Mo October 15. 1886 .•...••••• Arrested September. 1892. Mo...... OctolJer. 1892 Arr by E. F. Allen. G. M., .lan. 18, I8!!!l. Mo Mar. 1859 Destroyed 1861. by war. Mo October 19. 1867 Consol. with Moberly J.odge 344. Jan. 3. 1929. Mo May, .1859 Arr. June. 1881. by W. n. Stuhhletield. G. M. Mo October 13. 1881. .•.....•• ('onsol. with Jefferson Lodge No. 43. 1889. Mo. . .. .. May 28. 1859 ...•..... , .•• Arrested June. 1879,.lJY ~. M. Gi van. O. M. Mo May. 1860...•••........•• Surrendered 1862. Mo · May, 1859 Went down 1861. by war. Mo May. 1860 Destroyed 1861. by war. Mo May 30. 1860 .•••••.•..••• Arr. January, 1892, by B. T-J. Ingram, G. M Mo May. 1860..•....•••..•••• Arrested 1863. Mo October 19. 1867 .••....••• Surrendered 1873. N. Mex. .. June 1. 1860..•••••.••.••• Surrendered 186:5. Utah Ty .. June 1, 1860....••.•...••. Surrendered 1~62.



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~ ~o.

Name ot Lodge.

208 Alto Vista 211 Orion 212 Austin 216 West Plains 216 Granby .........•....... 217 Quincy ..•..•...•....... 219 Emerson 219 Everett 219 New Boston 222 Farmers 223 Jasper 223 Woodlawn 224 Lamar...... .. 229 Nevada .•••...•......... 229 Mltchell. 231 Warrenton ....••........ 232 DeWitt 232 Lone Jack .. , •..•....... 235 Ionic 239 Spencersburg........... 240 Granville ...•...........

240 246

248 248 250 264


274 275 271 278 2RO

280 284 Z84 286 289 296

Manes Montgomery City Clarkton Rochester High HlII ...•........... Fayetteville., Rock Prairie ••••••••... New Market. Tranquillity Index Avilla Longe of Peace Reeds Spring Lilly New Boston Hesperlan Acacia .•..•............ Grove ....•.............


Town Alto Vista St. Joseph Austin West Plains Granby Qulnc~·

Davless .•...... Buchanan Cass Howell ,. Newton Hickory Marlon Cass Macon........ Lewis......... Jasper Monroe Barton

Emerson Everett =-<ew Boston Labelle Sarcoxie Woodlawn Lamar Nevada Columbus Warrenton " DeWitt Lone Jack Rensselaer Spencersburg Granville Manes .•........ Montgomery CY. Clarkton Helena High Hili Fayetteville lIalltown ..•.•• New Market OrearvlIle Index Bower's Mills <':'hllhowee Reeds Spring Grant City .. , .. New Boston Virgil City Paradise Webster Groves.


Johnson Warren Carroll. Jackson Ralls Pike Monroe Wright Montgomery Dunklin Andrew Montgomery Johnson Lawrence •.••. Platte .•....... Saline •.••...... Cass Lawrence Johnson Stone................... Worth Linn Cedar .•........ Clay St. Louis

Date ot Charter.

State. Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo ~l:o

Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo.. . . . .. Mo....... Mo Mp •••••.•

Mo Mo ..•..•.• Mo 1\10

Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo


\1:0 •.•••••

YJo )10

·Mo....... Mo NIo Mo Mo .••.•.•.


May. 1861 Arrested 1865. May. 1861 Surrendered 1863. May. 1861. Destroyed 1861. by war. May. 1861. ........•.•.••. Surrendered 1861. October 17.1867 Surrendered December, 1892. May. 1861. .••••.......... Destroyed by war. May, 1861. Destroyed 1861, by war. October 15. 1868 .•........ Cons. with Coldwater Lodge No. 4&5, 1!l94. October 12. 1869 Surrendered 1871. May 30. 1861. Surrendered 1881. May. 1861. Destroyed 1863, hy war. October 19, 1867 Conso!. Aug., 1920, with Madison J.odge 91. May. 1861. Destroyed 1861. by war. 'May 29, 1861 :--;0 returns. October 13. 1871. •.••••••• Surrendered October. 1888. May. 1863 •••••••••••••••• Surrendered 1899. October 27, 1863 ••••••••• : Surrendered 1865. No returns. October 19, 1867 ••••••••.• Surrendered 1877. May 26. 1864 Arrested In 1889. by J. P. Wood, G. M. May. 1865 •..•.•.••••••••• Surrendered SePtember, 1881. May 25, 1865 Cons. with Woodlawn No. 223. Sept.. 1911 October 2. 1913 Cons. with Mtn. Grove Lodge 158, Sept. 27, 1929. May 26. 1865 Surrendered May 12. 1919. Sept. 19, 1917 Cons. with Malden Lodge No. 406. Apr. 1, 1930. October 17.1867 •••••••••• Arrested July, 1917, by Edw. Higbee. G. M. :)ctober, 1867 .•••••••••••• Con. with Jonesburg Lodge No. '51, Feb., 1899 October 15, 1868 •••••••••• Arrested January, 1900. October 15, 1868 .••••••.•• Cons. with Ash Grove Lodge 100, Feb. 11, '22. October 15. 1868 •••••••••• Surrendered October, Ill78. October 15, 1868 •••••••••• Cons. with Cambridge No. 63, Jan'y 5. 1915 Octobler 15, 1868 •••••••••• Arrested 1877. October 15. 1868 .•.••••••• Arrested by Grand Lodge, 1904. October 15, 1868 •••••••••• Cons. with Chilhowee No. 487, Oct., 1908. Sept. 29, 1909 Surrendered AprU 8. 1931. October. 1868.•••••••••••• Arr. Dec., 1880, by W. R. Stubblefield, G. M. October 13. 1881. ••••••••• Arrested 1889. by J. P. Wood, G. M. October 15, 1868 •••••••••• Surrendered September, 1888. October 15, 1868 Cons. with Temperance No. 438. Sept., 1899. October 15. 1868 •••••••••• Surrendered 1874.



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296 298 304 305 312 313 314 314 315 320 320 320

320 326 326

330 330 332 332 336 337 338 340 340

341 347 347 348 348 :l49

353 353 357 357 358 364 365 366 371 373 373 374 375 378

Cameron Cameron Clinton Marble Hlll ....•........ Marble Hlll Boillnger ...••.. Faithful. •••.. , Fair Deallng .. , Ripley •..•..... Clarence ••••••••••••••• Clarence ••••••• Shelby Mt. Pleasant. •.......... Ellington Gentry Klngsvllle ••••••••••••••• Kingsville ••••• Johnson • • .• St. Aubert St. Aubert. Callaway Rome .•••............... Rome '" . Douglas Altona Altona Bates Chapel Hill .•.... ; ...••. Chapel HIli Lafayette " Amazonia Amazonia Andrew Many Springs Many Springs .. Oregon Morgan •• : Versailles Morgan New Home •.•........... Sprague Bates .•........ Kit Carson. . • . . . . . . . . .. Elizabethtown................. Bertrand..... •• .• ••. . . .. Bertrand....... Mississippi .•••.. Lathrop Lathrop Cllnton Clark City .•............ Clark Cit~· Clark ..••...... Ryland Berlin Gentry Oak Grove •••.•••....... Pink Hill Jackson Malta ...••..•.......... Malta Bend Sallne ...•...... Myrtle ••••••••••••••••• Millville .••.••• Ray •••• Amity Smithton Pettis .......•.. Jericho Jericho ; .. Cedar Relief Republic C1reene Landmark Kennett Dunklln .•...... Spring Creek .•••.••.••.. Lecoma ......•. Dent. •....•.... Ash Grove ..••.......... Ash Grove Greene Cimarron .••............ Cimarron Colfax ..•...... Lone Star Lone Star Gentry Ben Franklln Savannah Andrew Benton ••••..•.......... St. Louis Phelps ...•..........••. Phelps City Atchison Young's Creek Rowena Audraln Comfort •.••............ Rocky Comfort. McDonald King David Kansas City Jackson Warsaw ...••........... Warsaw ......•. Benton .....•.. Unanimity ..•........... Weston Platte .•••...... Craig Craig Holt Mandeville Mandeville Carroll Amity ..•....•.......... Filley .•.•...... Cedar Golden Rule Jonesburg Montgomery , Plumb •.••..•........... Middletown Montgomery .••. KlIwlnnlng ••........... Downing Schuyler •...... 0


Mo Mo •...... Mo....... Mo Mo .....•• Mo....... }Io \10 Mo Mo....... Mo Mo Mo Mo .•..... \10 \10.••••••• Mo Mo Mo Mo .•..... Mo \10..••••• Mo .•...•. Mo •...... Mo ..••... Mo ..•.... Mo .....•. Mo ....•.. :-.. Mex Mo Mo Mo •...... Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo •...... Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo .....•. 0

October 10. 1875 •••••••••• Consol. with Vlncll Lodge No. 62, 1888. October 15, 1868 .•.••••••• Consol. with Trowel No. 440, Dec.• 1899. October 12, 1869 •••••••••• Surrendered June, 1903. " October 12. 1866 Arr. Aug. 26. 1921. by Wm. F. Johnson, G. M. October .12, 1869 •••••••••• Consolidated with Stanberry No. 109. October 12. 1869 •••••••••• Surrendered September 2, 1922. October 12, 1869 .••••••••• Surrendered December 14, 1882. October 11, 1883 •••••••••• Consol. with Ava No. 26, March, 1888. October 12, 1869 •••••••••• Arr. March. 1896, by A. M. Hough, G. M October 12, 1869 •••••••••• ~urrendered September U, 1889. October 15. 1890 Con. with Savannah Lodge No. 71, Apr.. 1907. September 26, 1907 Consol. Sept., 1917, with Alton No. 255. September 19, 191i. Cons. with Versallles 117 Oct. 18. 1923 as 320 October 16, 1879 •••••••••• Consolldated with Foster Lodge No. 554. October 12. 1869 .••••••••• Arrested 1878, by T. C. Ready, G. M. October 16, 1819......... Arrested March 12. 1923, by B. S. Lee. G. ;\1. October 13, 1870 Arrested May, 1819, by N. M. Givan, G. M. October 12. 1870 •.•••••••• Surrendered 18i5. October 14. 1875 Arr. Sep. 10, 1904, by W. F. Kuhn, G. M. October 12, 1870 •••••••••• Surrendered October 3,1873. October 12. 1871. •• ; •••••• Arrested Jan .• 1881, by G. R. Hunt, G. M. October 13, 1810 .•••.••••• Consol. with Richmond Lodge 51 Sept. 23, 1921. October 13, 1870 •••••••••• Surrendered January. 18114. October 16. 1884 Arrested Oct.. 1894. by Harry Keene. G. M. October 13. 1870 •••••••••• Surrendered May. 1899. October 13. 1870 •••••••••• Arrested March. 1879. by N. M. Givan, G. M. October 16. 1884 •........ Surrendered October 19, 1918. October 13, 1870 •••••••••• Arrested 1872. October 14. 1875 ..•••.••.• Surrendered 1879. October 13. 1870 Arrested Jan. 25. 1884, by L. A. Hall, G. M. October 13.1870 ••••.••••• Consol. with Savannah Lodge No. 71. October H. 1886 •••••••••• Arrested 1905, by L. B. VaIllant, G. M. October. 1870 Surrendered 18S1. October 13. 1881. Consol. with Hebron No. 354, July, 1891. October 13, 1870 •••.••••.• \rr. Jan. 19, 1884, by L. A. Hall, G. M. October 13, 1870 Surrendered 1879. . October 13, 1870 ..•.•....• Arr. Sept., 1888, by W. M. Wllliams, G. M October 13, 1870 ..•.•....• Surrendered 1879. October 13, 1870 Arr. Jan. 10, 1883, by C. C. Woods. G. M. October 13, 1871 Arr. Jan. 14, 1896, by A. M. Hough, G. M. October 22, 1896 .•..•.•.•• Cons. with Clintonville No. 482, Feb., 1906 October 16. 1872 Surrendered June. 1892. October 13. 1871. Arr. Sept., 1888. by W. M. Williams, G. M. October 13. 1871. •.••••••• Cons. with Middle Fabius No. 244, Oct., 1894. 0



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~o'l 378 379 382 384 384 385 385 394 3115 395 401 402 404 405 406 407 407 409 409 417 421 423 425 426 426 428 428 431 432 432 433 435 436 436 43; 442 445 446 441



0\ :-iame of Lodge.




Warsaw •............... Warsaw ...•.•.. Benton ..•...... Mo .•••••• Coatel;ville Coatesvllle Schuyler .••..•. Mo .•••... Richland Richland Pulaskl. Mo Harmony ..•............ Vlbbard .•••••.. Ray ....•....... Mo Boone Columbia Boone Mo Reynolds Centervllle Reynolds Mo Alexander Bedford Livingston Mo Dagan Mindon Charlton Mo .....•. Latimer Licking Texas Mo Hatfield Hatfield Harrison .......•....... Mo Ceno'e Lebanon Laclede Mo Gavel. l'\ew Cambria Macon Mo Alexandria ...........•.. Alexandria Clark ......•... Mo ...•... Meridian Sun Austin , Cass Mo Ituraea ...............•. Hannlbal. Marion ....•.... Mo Houston Wellington Lafayette ..•... Mo ...•... Royal. Mooresville Livingston Mo Unity Richmond Ray .•••........ Mo ....•.. Civil Bend Civil Bend Davless Mo Covenant. Carrollton Carroll. ...•.... Mo.. . . . .. Euclid Versallles Morgan Mo 1'<ewburg ....•.......••.. Competition Laclede Mo Cedar City Cedar City Callaway Mo Leesville Leesvllle Henry ..•....... Mo Sedgwlckvllle ..••....... Sedgwickvllle .. nomnger Mo •...•.. Louisvllle ....•.......... Louisville Lincoln Mo....... Pittsville Pittsvllle Johnson Mo Cement... • .. • •• • • • .. • • Halfway Polk •••••.•••••. Mo Dauphine Dauphine Osage Mo Black Oak Preston Hickory Mo Silent Temple ..•..•..... Macon Macon ..•.•.... Mo St. Nicholas •••••••••••• Cave Spring Greene Mo '.' Lamonte •••••••••••••••• Lamonte ...•... Pettis .••.•..... Mo .•..... Ash Grove .••••••.•.••.. Ash Grove .•.... Greene .••••• , .. Mo ..•.... l'uscumbia ••••••••••••.• Tuscumbia Miller., ....•.. Mo ....•.. Mt. Lebanon •.••••.•.••. Mt. Moriah Harrison Mo West Gate •••••••••••••• St. Louis St. Louis City Mo Greenfield ...•••.••.•.••. Greenfield ..•.•. Dade ...•••..... Mo .•.•... Fairview •••••••••••••••• Browning Suillvan ..•...•. Mo. . . . . ..

Date of Charter.


October 10. 189f .••••••••• Arr. by Grand Master Houston. Feb., 1906. October, 1871.••••••..•••• Conso!. 1881 with Glenwood No. 427. October 13, 1871. ••••••••• Arr. by Grand Master Tygard, Feb., 1898 October, 1871.•••..••••••• Consolo with Clay No. 207, June, 1899. October 17. 1901. Conso!. with Twllight No. 114, May 12, 1904. October 13. 1887 •••••••••• Conso!. with Hopewell No. 239, May, 1899. October 13, 1870 Conso!. with Hale Lodge No. 184, Oct., 1887. October 13, 1871. •.•.••••• Surrendered December, 1902. October 13, 1871. •••.••••• Arrested by Grand Lodge, Oct. 21, 1897. October 19, 1898 Conso!. with Lodge of Light 251, Feb. 11, 1931. October 13, 1871. Consolidated with Laclede l'o. 83. 1893. October 13, 1871 .•...••••• Surrendered October, 1900. October 13, 1871. •.......• Arrested Oct. 22, 1896, by Grand Lodge. October 13, 1871. •.••••••• Arr. Aug., 1885, by R. F. Stevenson, G. M. October 13, 1871. •..••.••• Con so!. with Hannibal Lodge No. 188. October 13, 1871. ••.•••••• Destroyed by fire December 19, 1873. October 17, 1878 Arr. Aug., 1893, by John R. Parson, G. M. October 13, 1871. ....•.••• Surrendered 1876. October 17, 1878 Arrested Oct., 1899, by E. F. Allen, G. M. October 12, 1872 ••••.••••• Conso!. with Wakanda Lodge Xo. 52, 1880. October 12, 1872 OIConso!. with Versallles Lodge No. 117. October 16, 1872 ••.•••••••: Arrested March 29, 1890, by T. Brace, G. M October 17, 1873 Arrested by Grand Lodge, 1904. October 16, 1872 •••••••••• ArrE'sted Oct., 1886, by the Grand Lodge. October 14, 1886 .•••.•.••• Arr. March, 1897, by D. A. Jamison, G. M. October 16, 1872 .•...•.••• Arr. December. 1896, by D. A. Jamison, G. M October 19, 1898 Consol. with Holden 262, Feb. 21, 1931. October 16. 1812 Consol. with Bolivar Lodge 195, Feb. 20, 1929. October 17, 1873 Surrendered 1879. October 13, 1881. •••••••• Conso!. with Urbana No. 421, Dec., 1890 October 16, 1872 .•••••••• Surrendered October. 1877. October 16, 1872 .•••••••• Arrested 1897, by D. A. Jamison. G. M. October 16, 1872 ••••••••• Arrested Oct., 1878, by T. C. Ready, G. M October 13, 1881 ••••••••• Arrested 1897. by D. A. Jamison, G. M. October 16. 1872 .•••••••• Arrested Oct.. 1886, by J. W. Boyd, G. M. October 16, 1872 .•••••••• Surrendered 1879. October 16. 1872 .•••••••• Arrested 1887, by Geo. R. Hunt, G. M. October, 1873.•••••••••••• Consolo with Washington No. 87, Dec:'. 1898 October, 1873 ..•••.••••••• Surrendered August, 1899.


~ ~

<1:l ~




\0 W

449 I Piedmont ••••••••••••.•. Pledmont. ••.•. 451 Argyie •••••••••••••••••• Nevada ..•..••. 454 Benton Lincoln ......•. 45~ CeciL •••••••••••••••••. · Cottonwood Pt.. 45a Barnesvllle •••••••••••••. Elllngton 451 Triple Tie Brazeau 463 Lake Cunningham 465 SlIver City Silver City 466 Centre View •••.•.•..... Centra View 419 'I'riangle ••••••••••.••..• Butler; 480 Union L La Junta 481 I Clinton Cllnton 485 \ Paragon •••••••••••.•••• Green Ridge 487 Herndon Herndon 491 I Pittsville ••••••••••..••. Pittsvllle 495 I Globe ...•...••..•..•.•.. Louisiana ....•. 495 West Prairie ••••••.••••. Clarkton 491 Strat!ord ...••.••••..•... Strafford ....•. , 498 I Kase~'\'llle .••••..•••••.. Kaseyville ..•.. 499 1 Pa~'nesvllle .•••.••..•... Paynesville.... 505 Avalon .•••••.•••••.••.. Bedford, Browning 510 Bis\vell 513 I Chariton •••••••••••••••. Guthridge Mills. 514 I Exeter ••••••.•••..•..•.. Exeter........ 519 I Turney .•••.•••..•.•.. ,. Turney •.....•.. 520 'I'oltec •••.•••••••.••.... Mexico 523 Kidder ••......... , Kidder , ~291 Niangua .••••••••••••••. Niangua a30 Rite-hey : Ritchey 533 Walker Walker....... 541 I Franklin •••••••••..•••.. St. Clair 543 I Fides Kansas City 544 I Mexico ...••.••.•.•••.•.. Mexico 546 I Prairie Hill Prairie Hlll 569 I Tit! City •.••••••••••••• TIt! City •••••. 589 I Duncan Duncan Stoutsvllle 592 1 Stoutsvllle 595 Cecil. Cottonwood Pt.. 595 EmmanueL Bado fl09 I Victory Pomona NeelyvllIe 623 1 Maple 628 Moundvllle ••••.•••...... MOUnd\'lIIe .•••.. 635 Tuscumbia Tuscumbia 636 I Weaubleau .........•.... Weaubleau .•....




Wayne •........ Vernon •........ Benton .....••.. Pemlscot ..•.... Reynolds ..•••.. Perry ..•....... Charlton Grant. ...•.... Johnson ....•.. Bates ......••.. Henry .•..•.... Pettis .•..• , •... Saline Johnson ..•.... Pike , ...•.. Dunklln Greene .••...... Macon ...•... ,. Pike ......••... Livingston .•... Linn Charlton Barry .•.•...... Cllnton .•...... Republic of Mex Calhoun Webster •...... ewton Vernon Franklin Jackson Audraln Charlton McDonaid ••.•. Webster Monroe Pemlscot Texas Howell Butler Vernon .•••••.•• "filler Hickol'~· ••....•.

Mo .....•. Mo Mo ..••. ,. Mo Mo Mo .....•. M6 ~. Mex Mo .•..... Mo :--;. Mex Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo :\10.. . . . ..

Mo Mo....... Mo ~Io

Mo .. , Mo Mo .••••..... Mo Mo .. , Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo .•..... Mo Mo :'0'10 Mo..· Mo'.. . :\10

Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo

October 16. 1872 ...••••••• Arrested Jan. 19. 1884, by L. A. Hall, G. M. October 16. 1872 ...•••••• Surrendered March. 1892. October 16. 1872 •.••••••• Arrested May 21, 1884, by L. A. Hall. G. M. October 16. 1884 ••••••••• Consol. with Caruthersvll1e No. 461, 1903 October 16, 1872 ..••••••• Arrested Jan., 1904. by W. F. Kuhn. G. M. October 17. 1873 ..••••••• Surrendered April. 1893. October 17. 1873 Arrested November 7. 1876. October 17. 1873 Sur. char. and unit. with G. L. of N. M., 1882. October 17. 1873 Arrested by Grand Master Brace. Nov.• 1889. October 15. 1874 Surrendered October. 1877. October 15, 1874 United with G. L. of New Mexico, 1811. October 15. 1814 Arrested 1889, by J. P. Wood, G. M. October 15. 1874 ••••••••• Surrendered 1879. October 15. 1874 Arr. March, 1906. by Grand Master Houston. October 15. 1874 Arrested 1875. October 12. 1876 .•••••••• Consol. with Perseverance No. 92. 1890. October 15. 1890 ••••••••• Arrested Dec.• 1894. by J. B. Thomas. G. M. October 11, 1877 .••.••••• Arr. Sept.• 1906. by Grand Master Houston. October 11, 1~77 ........• Surrendered January, 1898. October 11, 1877 •.••.•••• Consol. with Clarksvllle No. 17, May 5, 1917. October 12, 1882 .••.••••• Consol. with Wheeling No. 434. Mch. 8, 1917. October 12, 1882 Surrendered June 20, 1925. October. 1882 ...•••••••••• Surrendered March. 1899. October 12. 1882 Arr. March. 1901, by Grand Master Wells. October 11. 1883 .•••••••• Surrendered November 18. 1895. October 11, 1883 Surrendered January 31, 1894. October 16, 1884 ••••••••• Consol. with Hamilton No. 224, 1902. October 15. 1885 Arrested 1918. by W. A. Clark, G. M. October 15, 1885 Arrested by F. R. Jesse, G. M. October 12. 1887 Surrendered February 19, 189~. October 16. 1889 Arrested July. 1904, by W. F. Kuhn, G. M. October 15, 1890 Consol. with Heroine No. 104, Dec., 1890. October 15. 1890 Consol. with Hebron No. 354, Dec. 25. 191f). Oct. 15. 1890 Consol. with Salisbury No. 208, Nov. 18, 1919 Sept. 29, 1904 •••••••••••. Cons. with Anderson No. 621, Oct. 7, 1926. September 26,1907 :--;ame changed to "Grove Spring", 1913. Sept. 26. 1907 Arrested Sept., 1920, by J. C. Garrell, G. )I. September 30. 1908....... Arrested Sept.. 1915, by T. W. Cotton, G. M. October 2, 1913 Consol. with Texas Lodge 177, Sept. 5th. 1925. September n. 1910 Consol. with Mt. Zion No. 327. Apr. 16. 1917 May 29, 1912 Consol. with Poplar BlulT No. 209, Nov. 11, 1930. October 2, 1913 .........•. Surrendered May 2, 1925. October I, 1914 Canso I. with Ionia 381, Aug. 21, 1923. October 1, 1914 ...•....... Surrendered Sept. 11. 1921.
















St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 30, 1931.

To the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri: Your Committee on Credentials submits the following report: At the present session of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, there are represented 541 subordinate Lodges and there are present: 19 Grand Lodge Officers'; 13 Past Grand Masters; 12 Grand Representatives; 44 District Deputy Grand Masters; 7 District Lecturers; 648 Past Masters; 507 Worshipful Masters; 115 Senior Wardens; 76 Junior Wardens; 17 Chairmen of Committees, and 5 Distinguished Visitors. Those marked with an asterisk (*) are proxies.

Lodge. Missouri






Howard United

4 5

O'Sullivan Geo. Washington

7 9

Agency Pauldingville Tyro Rising Sun Eolia Western Star Memphis Clarksville Palmyra St. Louis

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20

Havana Wellington Florida Wyaconda Naphtali

21 22 23 24 25





Representative. N. P. Zimmer, W. M. Otto R. Dobbs, S. W. Jul. L. Mueller, W. M. T. H. Marek, S. W. Ralph S. Reifschneider, W. M. John S. Ellis, S. W. *Mert Wood, W. M. Herbert S. Ramey, W. M. Wilmer Speckard, S. W. B. F. Cantrell, W. M. Edgar L. Seagrave, W. M. T. S. Koch, S. W. G. F. Schwebel, J.W. *W. C. White, W. M. *Wm. E. Lange, W. M. Frank F. Wallis, W. M. C. E. Williams, W. M. J. C. Mitchell, W. M. *Alfred Dunlop, W. M. C. E. Trask, W. M. O. H. McLeod, W. M. A. V. Ely, W. M. Chas. I. Glaser, W. M. R. A. Korngold, S. W. Edw. Rosenthal, J. W. Chiver Manring, W. M. *H. V. Redmon, W. M. Wm. E. Thornton, W. M. Wm. R. Waterston, W. M. E. A. B. Krech, W. M. R. L. Foster, S. W. O. B. Ferguson, J. W. *H. S. Wilson, W. M. *L. H. Pettit, J. W. *B. F. Bailey, W. M.


1931 Lodge.



St. John's




Liberty Humphreys Ralls Mercer Cooper Hemple Callao DeWitt Mt. Moriah

31 32

33 35 36 37 38

: ;

39 40

Bismarck Jefferson


Fair Play Bonhomme Wentzville Favette Fulton Holt Xenia Livingston Wakanda Weston Index Arrow Rock Tipton Richmond Monticello Centralia New Blo'omfield Vinci! Cambridge Monroe Pattonsburg Grant City Rocheport Kennett

44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 62 63 64 65 66 67 68



Savannah Gorin Eureka Warren Silex Independence Lebanon St. Joseph

71 72 73



75 76 77 78

T. E. Starke, W. M. *Wm. H. Blackshaw, S. W. Wm. W. Fox, J. W. M. H. Harden, W. M. Gilbert C. Minor, S. W. Clarence W. Carpenter, W. M. *J. M. Dillinger, W. M. C. C. Beavers, W. M. Quincy E. Thogmartin, W. M. S. L. Jewett, S. W. *James R. Vaughn, W. M. *H. L. Baker, W. M. Glen R. Craig, W. M. Louis H. Steffen, W. M. O. O. Gillworth, S. W. Geo. L. McGauley, J. W. R. J. Barger, W. M. Thos. B. Mather, W. M. Russell T. Keyes, S. W. *W. M. Price, W. M. J. H. T. Schrader, W. M. C. K. Seymour, W. M. K. G. Todd, J. W. R. L. Brown, W. M. *.John Burris, W. M. *E. R. Alexander, W. M. *Robt. R. Wright, W. M. Frank Johnson, W. M. O. Blackburn, W. M. P. J. Shepp, W. M. *B. C. Bradshaw, W. M. E. L. Ferguson, W. M. Claude J. Lewis, W. M. Otto P. Shanks, W. M. Charles I. Wright, W. M. John B. Lawson, W. M. B. E. Bangs, W. M. J. A. Jaycox, W. M. Chas. S. Hicks, S. W. Roy Gromes, S. W. E. S. Campbell, W. M. R. F. Baldwin, W. M. *T. R. R. Ely, W. M. *0. S. Harrison, S. W. M. B. Workman, J. W. George Adams, W. M. K. W. Cline, J. W. *D. H. Stephens, W. M. Glen Rice, W. M. *Wm. S. Waller, W.M. • H. D. Garnett, W. M. "'Isaac Josephson, W. M. Herbert H. Rahe, W. M. Ambrose C. Shelton, W. M. E. F. Sinclair, W. M. A. F. Spoor, S. W. Edward Baker, J. W.



Lodge. Polar Star Bridgeton

79 80

Central Jackson Laclede

81 82 83

Webster Groves


Brookfield Washington Defiance Friendship Russellville Perseverance St. Marks Vienna Pomegranate


.. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .

86 87 88 89 90 92 93 94 95

St. Andrews Bethany Webster Mt. Vernon Ash Grove Bogard Bloomington West View

96 97 98 99


Heroine Kirksville

104 105

Gallatin Greenville Stanberry Marcus Trenton Maitland Plattsburg Twilight Laddonia Barnes Helena Kingston De Soto Compass Erwin •

106 107 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121



Union Star Gentryville Seaman

124 125 126

101 102 103

Representative. Harry F. Steininger, W. M. Walter Reinemer, W. M. S. C. Gossom, S. W. Stanley Horn, J. W. *F. L. McGee, W. M. Wm. H. Childress, W. M. *James Buster, W. M. J. H. Easley, S. W. Clarence H. Appel, W. M. Wm. J. Irvin, S. W. K. W. Howe, J. W. J. E. Burch, W. M. E. O. Ball, W. M. Marion P. Allee, W. M. Elmer A. Turner, W. M. *J. H. Hunter, W. M. E. E. A. Angle, W. M. G. C. Walther, W. M. *John B. Palmer, W. M. R. C. Winkelmaier, W.M. M. A. Balmer, S. W. Edward C. Ludwig, J. W. Homer F. Turner, S. W. W. P. Bryant, W. M. Paul V. Rathburn, W. M. Homer Goodman, W. M. *]os. H. Turk, J. W. C. M. Le Van, W. M. D. R. Peck, W. M. A. B. Cobble. W. M. J. R. Estes, S. W. Alexander Bauer, W. M. D. M. Frederick, W. M. S.. E. Smith, S. W. Glenn Havner, W. M. Noah L. Brown, W. M. *Earl W. Lawson, W. M. E. P. Francis, W. M. john A. Baugher, W. M. d: E. Rozelle, W. M. If O. Marshall. W. M. Thomas W. Ficklin, W. M. *A. R. Hancock, W. M. S. H. Curry, W. W. .J. A. Maughmer, W. M. R. K. Hartley, S. W. J. S. Withington, W. M. R. R. Field,W. 'M. W. J. Witler, W. M. Jos. J. Scheid, S. W. Harry A. Delne, J. W. J. K. Schaffner, W. M. *L. R. Wentzel, J. W. B. U. Clark, W. M. Curtis Crawford, W. M. Smith Simpson, W. M. W. R. Shrodes, S. W.


1931 Lodge. Athens Lorraine Monett Hume Potosi Farmington Star of the West.. Olean Phoenix Delphian Lincoln Oregon Modern Latim~r

McGee Cass Purdy Lexington Milton Linn Creek Bloomfield Ionic Spring Hill Ashland Mountain Grove Green City Pleasant Whitesville Occidental Joachim . Maryville Revere Colony Camden Point Censer Gray Summit Sturgeon Point Pleasant Texas Griswold Pride of the West.. Pyranlid Novelty California Morley Chamois Hermon Hannibal Zeredatha

Appendix. Representative. 127 F. L. Smith, W. M. 128 C. A. Brock, W. M. 129 W. O. Gates, W. M. 130 *Frank L. Martin, W. M. 131 I. W. McGuire, W. M. 132 F. F. McClintock, W. M. 133 Louis R. Miller, W. M. Charles Kreis, J. W. 1~4 James E. Helms, W. M. 136 *H. M. Strother, W. M. 137 O. L. Wallis, W. M. 138 W. C. Bradford, W. M. 139 *H. S. Teare, W. M. 144 Neil McShane, W. M. 145 Heber Sherrell, W. M. 146 L. M. Brockman, W. M. 147 W. C. Deacon, W. M. 148 *Floyd McIntosh, W. M. 149 D. A. Dunford, W. M. 151 J. M. Meals, W. M. 152 D. B. Claiborn, W. M. 153 Jos. H. Jones, W. M. 154 E. C. Colson, W. M. 155 *Thomas E. Stith, W. M. 156 Roger Wilson, W. M. 158 *John H. Hicks, W. M. 159 *Walter E. Singley, W. M. 160 *Charles L. Hamilton, W. M. 162 Earl Sherman, W. M. . 163 Bruce Starke, W. M. W, C. Smith, S. W. 164 Albert Wilson, W. M. 165 James A. Greenlee, W. M. 167 M. F. Wood, W. M. 168 R. C. Moffett, W. M. 169 John Pinckard, W. M. 172 Wm. H. Burkhart, W. M. 173 *A. J. Holthaus, W. M. A. A. Stettes, S. W. 174 *F. W. Owings, W. M. 176 Chas. Pikey, W. M. C. Camberon, J. W. 177 John M. Willson, W. M. 178 C. C. Maxwell, W. M. 179 Wm. M. Schisler. W. M. 180 Chas. O. Vasterling, W. M. J. W. Rob'inson, S. W. Erwin .c. Otto, J. W. 181 *W. E. Throcknorton, W. M. 183 J. T. Lee, W. M. 184 H. F. Kirkpatrick, W. M. 185 John H. Rau, W. M. M. H. Paulsmeyer, S. W. 187 *M. S. Higgins, W. M. 188 A. K. Cameron, J. W. 189 Phil J. Welch, W. M. E. M. Flack, J. W.



Appendix. Lodge.


Putnam Frankford Wellsville Quitman Carthage


Allensville New Hope Sonora Ravenwood Westville Brumley Rowley Trilumina Clay Salisbury Poplar Bluff Unionville Hickory Hill Four Mile Rolla Forest City HornerSVille Barbee Good Hope Albert Pike Kansas City Mystic Tie La Belle Ray Hamilton Salem Cypress Shelbina Claflin St. James Cardwell Polo Bucklin St. Francois Weatherby Sedalia La Plata Rushville Hopewell



190 H. L. Chandler, S. W. 192 *H. C. Steel, W. M. 194 E. E. Pittker, S. W. 196 Wm. F. Tompkins, W. M. 197 Page A. Wagner, W. M. Willis L. Clark, S. W. 198 *Alson A. Hunt, W. M. 199 T. L. Wells, W. M. 200 *A. W. Landen, W. M. 201 *John W. Kirkbride, W. M. 202 K. R. Fox, W. M. 203 C. R. Hawkins, W. M. 204 *John W. Tays, W. M. 205 John H. Adams, W. M. J. O. Pauley, J. W. 207 Oden Sisk, W. M. 208 Jess F. Rainey, W. M. 209 John W. Clarke, W. M. 210 U. B. Lemen, W. M. 211 B. E. Henderson, W. M. 212 Chas. W. Davenport, W. M. 213 E. W. Carlton, W. M. 214 Garrie H. Alkire, W. M. 215 John L. Sando, W. M. 217 Paul Wylie, W. M. 218 Fred. C. Schulz, W. M. Jos. P. Elleard, S. W. 219 Irvin Wymore. W. M. G. T. Wyne, S. W. 220 John F. Cell, W. M. Henry J. Sprictzer, S. W. O. B. Housinger, J. W. 221 Harry Jenkins, S. W. 22~ *A. L. Boone, W. M. 223 W. T. Brinkley, W. M. 224 J. H. Bryan, W. M. C. A. Neal, S. W. 225 L. L.McSpadden, W. M. 227 Lyle Savage, W. M. 228 R. H. Wailes, W. M. Eo H. Ralls, S. W. *R. L. Thomas. J. W. 229 *Virgil R. Rogell, W. M. 2~0 A. M. Kirby, W. M. 231 W. H. Lockard, W. M. 232 F. A. Farr, W. M. 233 E. S. Green, W. M. 234 G. Milne, W. M. Alex Low, S. W. 235 W. M. Roberts, W. M. 236 E. Fingland, W. M. Jess Brown, J. W. 237 L. A. 'Carter, W. M. 238 *0. C. Jones, W. M. 239 *G. R. McHenry, W. M.





Lodge. Palestine


Portland Keystone Middle Fabius Montgomery Neosho Carroll Glensted Hope Alanthus Laredo Alton Shekinah 路Lodge of Light Ravanna Lodge of Love Mechanicsville Florence Kirbyville Corinthian Aurora

242 243 244 246 247 249 250 251 252 253 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 264 265 267


Lodge of Truth Brotherhood New Salem 'Solomon

268 269 270 271



St. Clair Cold Spring Grand River Wm. D. Muir Essex Hogle's Creek Fenton

273 274 276 277 278 279 281



Stockton Canopy Earl Urich Craft Hermitage Fairmount Edina Lamar Sarcoxie Mound City

; ;

283 :284 285 286 287 288 290 291 292 293 294

P. J. Reinert, W. M. *E. A. Ringe, S. W. *Chas. E. Bartfeld, J. W. A. J. Holzhauser, W. M. John C. Henn, J. W. H. H. Lewis, W. M. *P. A. Thomas, W. M. G. M. Sansbury, W. M. *E. R. Cox, W. M. M. W. Klein, W. M. J. H. Conrads, VV. M. Roy Grantham, W. M. *J. R. Pence, W. M. S. A. Douglas, W. M. *J. F. Colin, W. M. *J. E. Harper, W. M. O. Callaway, W. M. Thos. E. Mitchell, W. M. O. H. Dreckmann, W. M. A. C. Schroeder, W. M. R. W. Wade, W. M. W. Brasham, W. M. L. C. Hoppe, W. M. E. V. Whitesell, S. W. G. R. Moult, J. W. G. M. Elsea, W. M. J. A. Smith, W. M. A. L. Ricks, W. M. G. G. West, W. M. *R. D. Gilbert, S. W. G. L. Rissler, W. M. T. W. Aulgur, S. W. Robert Ramsey, J. W. Walter L. Foster, S. W. J. A. Moore, W. M. C. Price, W. M. *P. E. Hays, W. M. Loyd E. Estes, S. W. J. S. Tilford, W. M. D. J. Seitrich, W. M. Geo. F. Feechs, S. W. W. H. Stein, .T. W. S. S. Morse, W. M. T. S. Niss, S. W. M. T. Carender, W. M. *w. B. Rickman, W. M. H. A. Cunningham, W. M. H. P. Smith, W. M. M. George, S. W. E. J. Miller, W. M. A. B. Dorsey, W. M. R. J. Johnston, W. M. G. M. Beal, S. W. S. F. Endsley, W. M. *C. F. Le Furjah, W. M. *F. E. Cottier, W. M..




Lodge. Ozark Temple


Doric White Hall Lick Creek Osage Cecile Daylight Ashlar New London Parrott Sikeston Kearney Cuba Meramec Pine Jerusalem Rural Eldorado Paulville Versailles Jonathan Hardin Corner Stone McDonald Dockery Linn Mt. Zion Cainsville Paul Revere Charity Excello Chillicothe Breckenridge Joplin Blue Springs Herculaneum Westport Rockville Agricola Moberly Fellowship America

B. E. Armstrong, W. M. C. B. Pickrell, W. M. W. M. Lewis, S. W. H. I. Jones, J. W. 300 D. W. Haymes, W. M. 301 *C. A. Perkins, W. M. 302 J. L. Ornburn, W. M. 303 *G. J. Braham, W. M. Robt. Jordon, S. W. 305 T. F. Allam, W. M. F. H. Burkert, S. W. 306 G. H. Pate, W. M. 307 O. D. Newlon, W. M. 308 -C. S. Brant, W. M. 310 *F. E. Mount, W. M. 311 S. J. Chapman, W. M. 312 *W. F. Mitchell, W. M. 313 L. Mattert, W. M. 314 W. E. Hilton, W. M. 315 *G. Farmer, W. M. 316 H. F. Sunderland, W. M. Chas. G. Seaton, J. W. 318 E. R. Sparks, W. M. 319 G. B. Easley, Jr., W. M. 320 *1.. E. De Vinna, W. M. 321 L. Ruckman, W. M. 322 *G. M. Tinsley, W. M. 323 J. B. Corn, Jr., W. M. J. G. Matthews, S. W. Jos. H. 'Schweich, .Jr., J. W. 324 F. M. Payton, W. M. 325 J. W. Jones, W. M. 326 *V. Mason, W. M. 327C. E. Armstrong, W. M. 328 F. Harrison, W. M. 330 P. Ochsenknecht, W. M. A. B. McKee, S. W. 331 V. B. Million, W. M. C. A. Carpenter, S. W. W. F. Hahn, J. W. 332 C. R. King, W. M. 333 J. J. Shy, W. M. 334 H. P. Duffett, W. M. 335 J. W. Cowell, W. M. E. C. Lawrence, S. W. 337 F. H. Bush, W. M. 338 W. L. Gebauer, W. M. 340 J. N. Blomquist, W. M. Chas. E. Mann, S. W. G. M. Spambower, J. W. 341 T. G. Sandage, W. M. 343 L. V. Beaty, J. W. 344 H. Martin, W. M. 345 J. S. Walker, W. M. S. R. Main, S. W. 347 G. L. Wolfsberger, W. M.

297 299




Lodge. Wades burg Tyrian Mosaic Friend Barnesville Hebron

348 350 351 352 353 354

Ancient Landmark North West Tuscan

356 358 360

Riddick Hiram Higginsville

361 362 364

Adair Composite Williamstown Sheldon Waynesville King Hill

366 369 370 371 375 376

Ancient Craft Queen City Ionia

377 380 381

Mt. Ararat Pythagoras East Prairie

382 383 384

Richland Woodside Chula Arcana Marionville Raytown Christian Lucerne Gower Jasper Decatur Carterville Malta Lowry City Rosendale Everton Malden Charleston Montrose Louisville Iberia

385 387 388 389 390 391 392 394 397 398 .400 .401 402 .403 .404 405 .406 407 .408 .409 410

Joppa Appleton City

.411 .412

R epresenta live. *H. D. Coe, W. M. G. Boyd, W. M. *R. S. McClarey, W. M. *J. S. Taylor, W. M. *Henry Chitwood, S. W. R. G. Wilson, W. M. *S. G. Emmons, J. W. R. V. Wood, W. M. *J. McNulty, W. M. J. R. Hundley, W. M. John A. Guhl, S. W. Warren Browne, J. W. L. B. Jones, W. M. S. Hayden, W. M. J. R. Young, W. M. *B. L. Hill, S. W. *A. N. Gardner, W. M. F. E. Jordan, W. M. T. H. Spurgeon, W. M. M. S. Caldwell, W. M. R. C. Wilson, Vv. M. *C. Miles, W. M. L. W. McCoun, J. W. A. C. Lindley, W. M. F. C. Shelton, W. M. G. C. Vanosdoll, W. M. Ford Vaughan, S. W. H. W. Schroeder; .J. W. W. H. Murrell, W. M. M. D. Koon, W. M. *w. W. Bledsoe, W. M. Chas. F. Watson, J. W. F. H. Steward, W. M. E. F. Pierce, W. M. W. Manning, W. M. C. M. Clem, S. W. *J. R. Webb, W. M. J. E. Burel, W. M. M. G. Ewing, W. M. R. 'Schoech, W. M. *J. C. Cummings, W. M. L. B. Mapler, J. W. E. A. Jones, W. M. *C. W. Keith, W. M. *L. W. Nye, W. M. -C. I. Bunch, W. M. W. D. Cummins, W. M. *A. Mallary, W. M. *A. S. Metzger, W. M. D. Jennings, W. M. A. Hensel, W. M. *John Kleisner, W. M. C. L. Casey, W. M. *Chas. L. Brown, S. W. C. G. Newton, W. M. C. F. Simpson, W. M.





Lodge. Valley Hunnewell Cache

Representative. 413 *P. P. Carter, W. M. .415 A. Howe, W. M. 416 V. J. Kunz, W. M. H. C. Grupe, S. W. Chas. W. Meyer, J. W. .418 T. McLain, W. M. 420 *G. E. Black, W. M. E. E. Pearcy, J. W. 421 J. J. Clymore, W. M. .422 F. F. Freeman, W. M. 423 T. O. Brassfield, W. M. 424 G. H. Norman, S. W. 425 *J. A. Calvert, W. M. 427 *C. Chattine, W. M. .429 *C. M. Barnes, W. M. 430 H. C. Lukman, W. M. 432 C. L. Hough, W. M. .433 R. C. True, W. M. .434 *M. L. Aye, W. M. 435 O. Enloe, W. M. .438 F. J. Venrick, W. M. 439 E. Rathbun, W. M. 440 T. S. McGee, W. M. .442 F. L. Crane. W. M. 443 P. R~ Hensel, W. M. Louis R. Stein, S. W. R. V. Wilson, J. W . 445 J. Lehr, W. M. G. D. McAlister, S. W. W. B. Adams, J. W. 446 J. M. Fisher, W. M. Daniel R. Ward. S. W. "'G. S. North, J. W. 447 B. F. Cobb, W. M. .448 G. Steincross, S. W. 452 W. F. Strawn, W. M. 453 J. C. Arnold, W. M. 454 S. R. Thornton, W. M. 455 F. G. Bierbower, W. M. 456 A. BloIIlquist, W. M. 457 G. M. Snarr, W. M. 460 A. G. Wallmershauser, W. M. Wm. F. Riley, S. W. J. A. Keithly, J. W. .461 F. H. Blomeyer, W. M. 462 *G. D. Talley, W. M. :463 J. W. Erwin, W. M. 464 M. F. Uphaus, W. M. .466 J. I. Poynor, S. W. 469 W. L. Tilley, W. M. 470 E. E. Kessler, W. M. 471 L. E. Vaughan, W. M. 473 E. C. Lovell, W. M. .474 W. C. Kent, W. M. 475 I. P. Griffin, W. M. E. H. Jewell, S. W.

Clear Creek Itaska Urbana Gate of the Temple Galt Samaritan Green Ridge G-lenwood New Madrid Winona Competition Mack's Creek Wheeling Rockbridge Temperance Mt. Olive Trowel Burlington Anchor . West Gate Ivanhoe Jacoby Schell City Verona Forsyth Continental Hinton Wallace Jonesburg Lambskin Caruthersville Santa Fe Clifton Concordia South West Plato Nodaway Mineral Nineveh Guilford路 Golden




Lodge. Mt. Hope Racine Rich Hill Jewel Marceline Clintonville Fairfax Kirkwood


Cold Water Cairo Chilhowee Lock Spring Lakeville Montevallo Vandalia Daggett Vernon Lewistown Unity Equality Pee Dee Harmony , Jameson Buckner Philadelphia Prairie Home Platte City Euclid Saxton Van Buren New Hampton Skidmore Webb City Senath Granby Galena Milford Seligman Oriental Crane Clifton Heights Gate City Stinson Spickardsville Wayne Conway Apollo

476 W. F. Thirman, W. M. 478 "'C. M. Russell, S. W. 479 F. W. Klumpop, W. M. 480 L. M. Seymour, W. M. .481 *E. W. Taylor, W. M. 482 L. E. Knowlton, S. W. 483 J. A. Combs, W. M. 484 Wm. J. Miller, W. M. N. W. Riemeier, S. W. H. G. Crain, J. W. .485 L. W. Garner, W. M. .486 A. C. Gooding, W. M. H. H. Wright, S. W. .487 L. R. Byram, W. M. .488 J. R. Ramsbottom, W. M. 489 E. M. Garner, ,So W. 490 E. T. Dark~ J. W. 491 E. Kurz, W. M. 492 A. L. Scharnhorst, W. M. 493 *T. D. Combs, W. M. 494 *E. F. Arnold, W. M. 495 A. M. Benedict, W. M. 497 W. F. Houk, W. M. 498 A. E. Lain, W. M. 499 *J. .I; Gallagher, W. M. 500 M. A. Feurt, W. M. 501 P. W. Knapheide, W. M. 502 W. E. 'Dunn, W. M. 503 L. C. Simmers, W. M. 504 D. A. Deal, W. M. 505 A. Weickert, W. M. H. A. Hagerty, S. W. L. N. Kuykendall, J. W. 508 H. H. Ahrens, S. W. 509 *J. M. Cavender, W. M. 510 *H. E. Campbell, W. M. 511 *F. R. Bassett, W. M. 512 H. Kerr, W. M. 513 O. K. Sterey, W. M. 514 E. B. Weems, W. M. 515 H. J. Warren, W. M. 516 J. A. Medlin, W. M. 517 A. M. Dale, W. M. 518 *S. F. Pape, W. M. 519 H. A. Crumpley, W. M. 520 P. L. Barry, W. M. C. E. Wess, S. W. H. L. Meyer, J. W. 522 H. P. Itensch, W. M. A. P. Gottschammer, J. W. 523 *L. J. Yingst, W. M. 524 O. E. Higgins, W. M. 526 *J. A. Banks, W. M. 528 F. E. Dennis, W. M. 529 M. J. Holloran, W. M. Willard E. Henges, S. W. J. M. Jones, J. W.



318 Lodge. Lane's Prairie


Dexter Comfort Columbia

532 533 534

Blackwell Ingomar Bethel Stella

535 536 537 538

Winigan Jacksonville Ferguson Mansfield Algabil

540 541 542 543 544

Zalma Orient


South Gate


Clinton Carl .Tunction Rose Hill

548 549 550

Pendleton Clarksburg Foster Summersville Prairie Blairstown Moscow Clarksdale Nelson Cowgill York

551 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 563

Jamesport Tebbetts Maplewood

564 565 566

Miller Naylor Marlborough

567 568 569

Republic Hayti Rutledge Bernie Easter



570 571 572 573 575

Representative. C. P. Woodruff, W. M. L. E. Seeler, S. W. u. A. Meelock, W. M. J. W. Fox, W. M. C. J. Hoppe, 'V. M. "'E. W. Gross, S. W. *J. P. Welch, W. M. *Sam Preston, S. W. C. L. Shouse, W. M. P. Antle, W. M. F. A. Lynn, S. W. *H. F. Baker, S. W. H. J. McKinney, W. M. .T. L. Huck, W. M. *W. C. Coday, W. M. E. D. Reising, W. M. H. Bischoff, S. W. E. M. Benish, .T. W. H. D. Nichols, W. M. W. C. Gordon, W. M. F. H. Moeller, S. Vi. F. H. Brown, J. W. *T. M. Pratt, W. M. G. fl. Pierce, S. W. W. B. Hargis, W. M. *.T. W. Fowler, W. M. W. N. Love, W. M. .Tos. T. Davis, S. W. D. A. Holmes, J. W. *H. F. Herbst, W. M. F. Clark, W. M. S. D. Collier, W. M. B. E. Coats, W. M. *M. Q. Thompson, W. M. L. W. Atkins, W. M. J. J. Hopkins, W. M. J. H. Thornton, W. M. M. G. McAlister, W. M. H. Buster, W. M. F. A. Thomas, W. M. Ben H. Kolbe, J. W. B. Maharg, W. M. C. B. Harris, W. M. U. Thomson, 'V. M. Harry E. Gracey, S. W. G. F. Tuerhuster, J. W. E. G. Webb, W. M. W. C. Koebler, W. M. *F. R. Smith, W. M. E. B.Chapman, S. W. J. G. Barger, J. W. *F. E. Owens, 'V. M. A. Wilson, W. M. T. P. Burkhart, W. M. *W. Crutchfield, W. M. *P. C. Murphy, W. M.



1931 Lodge.


Olive Branch


Ewing Forest Park

577 578

Grandin Illmo Koshkonong Novinger Red Bird Shamrock Brans.on St. Francisville Grove Spring Advance Barnett La Russell Union Cole Camp Bosworth Leadwood Cosby Clayton

579 581 582 583 584 585 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 595 597 598 600 601

Acacia Morehouse Strasburg Walker Craig Eminence



602 603 604 605 606 607

Strafford Clark Centertown Mokane Wellston

608 610 611 612 613

Mt. Washington Chaffee

614 615

Marion Swope Park Grandview Willard Anderson Owensville

616 617 618 620 621 624

Sheffield Magnolia

625 626

Mendon Valley Park

628 629

J. F. Bannecker, W. M. H. F. Doyle, S. W. H. M. Lipstadt, J. W. S. W. Brumback, W. M. J. O. Johnson, W. M. J. R. Davis, J. W. G. McDowell, S. W. *B. Hill, W. M. R. M. Hitt, W. M. C. L. Bronson, W. M. R. F. St.ubblefield, S. W. C. L. McCubbin, J. W. P. Patterson, W. M. *H. G. McDaniel, S. W. J. T. Hudson, W. M. J. H. Revelle, W. M. R. Edmondson, W. M. C. M. Gillack, W. M. C. M. Bassman. W. M. R. E. Freund, W. M. N. C. Recob, W. M. W. Hager, W. M. J. R. Kieser, W. M. I. Rosenfelder, W. M. G. A. Anderson, S. W. E. S. Dysart, W. M. *C. H. Pease, W. M. D. W. Beckman, W. M. E. L. Wright, W. IVI. J. B. Offentacker, W. M. L. Smith, W. M. W. A. Despain, S. W. H. E. Grier, W. M. R. Walker, W. M. B. H. Stark, W. M. S. N. Hazlett, W. M. L. B. Picha, W. M. Chas. F. Bath, S. W. M. .T. Erwin. J. W. C. T. Tunget, W. M. E. H. Gettings, W. M. *M. H. Stubblefield, S. W. *A. Klages, J. W. A. A. CacheII, W. M. *T W. Ferguson, W. M. *M. V. Long, W. M. R. V. Brower, W. M. C. W. Green, W. M. A. F. Berger, W. M. H. F. Wiese, S. W. H. P. Gensler, W. M. H. C. Mayer, W. M. L. Langeneckert, S. W. L. H. Brinkmann, J. W. *C. N. Jackson, W. M. . H. J. Lucksinger, W. M.




Lodge. East Gate

Rept路esentative. 630 *E. W. Berry, W. M. F. H. Millard, S. W. F. A. Dobler, J. W. 631 E. J. Tofte, W. M. J. P .. Berryman, S. W. C. W. Arnott, J. W. 632 J. T. Garrett, W. M. 634 G. H. Northcutt, W. M. 635 R. D. Arnold, W. M. 637 M. E. Smith, W. M. 638 H. G. Diller, W. M. W. K. Kairn, S. W. C. C. Langeneckert, J. W. 639 A. F. Barber, W. M. F. R. Williamson, S. W. A. H. De Van, J. W. 640 W. J. Fennel, Jr., W. M. W. C. Burbach, J. W. 641 J. M. Litton, W. M. Wm. Zyack, S. W. 642 D. Brilliant, W. M. H. P. Rosecan, J. W. 644 J. B. Perkins, W. M. 646 A. W. Burbank, W. M. F. E. Lonergan, S. W. F. Rolle, J. W. 647 N. Y. East, W. M. 648 S. Smith, W. M. 649 A.L. Klein, W. M. L. T. Ward,S. W. :652 C. F. Stevens, W. M. W. H. Heelmege, S. W. G. L. Gaston, J. W. 653 *J. A. Logan, W. M. 654 J. R. Powell, W. M. C. W. Lieder, S. W. Wm. V. Kopfstein, J. W. 655 A. T. Ashwell, W. M. C. L. Hammer, S. W. F. Kitzberger, J. W. 656 R. G. Hackman, W. M. 657 H. J. Sherman, W. M. J. B. Page, S. W. F. Wm. Johanpeter, J. W. 658 O. A. McClung, W. M. Wm. C. Hawk, S. W. Harry J. Casey, J. W. 659 *P. D. Hodge, W. M. 660 L. L. Curtright, W. M. 661 J. A. Harne, W. M. E. L. Doelling, J. W. 663 *1. M. Lux, W. M. Sam A. House, S. W. 664 *A. B. Hensley, W. M.

Tower Grove Belgrade Steele Greentop Mountain View Triangle Mizpah

Jennings Trinity Benjamin Franklin Grain Valley Shaveh Noel Elmer University Pilgrim Shawnee Commonwealth Gardenville Country Club .: Progress Purity Alpha Holliday Theo. Roosevelt Rock Hill Aldrich





GRAND LODGE OFFICERS. Wm. R. Gentry. Grand Master. Ray V. Denslow, Deputy Grand Master. Thad B. Landon, Grand Senior Warden. Frank C. Barnhill. Grand Junior Warden. E. E. Morris, Grand Treasurer. Arthur Mather, Grand Seretary. •J. R. McLachlan, Grand Lecturer. Samuel Thurman, Grand Chaplain. DuVal Smith, Grand Senior Deacon. .James W. Skelly, Grand Junior Deacon.

Elwyn S. Woods, Grand Marshal. Hy. C. Chiles, Grand Marshal. Karl M. Vetsburg, Grand Sword Bearer. Geo. W. Walker, Grand Senior Steward. H. L. Reader. Grand Junior Stew-


Harry S. Truman, Grand Pursuivant. Walter E. Seewoster, Grand Tiler. Walter M. Langtry. Grand Chaplain. E. L. Robison, Grand Chaplain.

PAST GRAND MASTERS. Corona H. Briggs R. R. Kreeger Arch A. Johnson Van Fremont Boor T. W. Cotton Wm. A. Clark Julius C. Garrell

Bert S. Lee J. S. McIntyre W. W. Martin John Pickard A. F. Ittner Byrne E. Bigger GRAND REPRESENTATIVES.

C. H. Briggs. Grand Lodge of Tennessee. J. S. McIntyre, Grand Lodge of Wisconsin. B. E. Bigger, Grand Lodge of Arizona. J. C. Garrell, Grand Lodge of Florida. A. F. Ittner, Grand Lodge of Philippine Islands. F. B. Howarth. Grand Lodge of New York.

Arthur Mather, Grand Lodge of Egypt. C. A. Swenson, Grand Lodge of Idaho. A. J. O'Rielly, Grand Lodge of Scotland. J. W. Skelly, Grand Lodge of Maryland. J. P. Austin, Grand Lodge of Ireland. E. E. Divinia, Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan, Canada.

DISTINGUISHED VISITORS. J. Forrest Ayres, Grand Master of L. E. Smith, Grand Secretary and Kansas Past Grand Master of Nebraska. Chester G. Cole, Dp.puty Grand J. R. Tapster, Grand Master of Master of Iowa. Nebraska. C. C. Hunt, Grand Secretary of Iowa. DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. Dist. Name. 1 H. M. Jayne. 3 J. W. Moore. 4 E. M. Wilson. 6 C. F. Smith. 7 J. Stark. 8 F. R. Elton. 11 E. C. James. 12 E. E. Divinia. 15 D. H. Sosey. 16 W. H. May. 17 G. E. Chipman. 19 T. H. Edwards. 20 Otto Hale. 21 J. P. Tucker. 23 C. B. Waddell. 24 J. W. Morgan. 26 J. E. Hawkins. 27 L. J. Graue. 28 R. G. McKibben. 29 L. T. Baskett. 30 E. H. Barklage. 31 W. D. Rogers.

Dist. Name. 32 R. A. Breuer. 33a E. L. Ocker. 33b A. Romansky. 36 S. B. Kennon. 37 T. Jennings. 39 C. L. Woods. 40 C. E. Pyle. 41 M. E. Ewing. 42 M. D. Gwinn. 43 D. V. Morris. 44 H. S. Hightower. 46 C. A. Swenson. 48 J. J. Bowman. 49 J. A. Kinder. 50 G. A. Sample. 51 A. C. Bishop. 52 K. C. Johnson. 54 G. J. Vaughan. 55 W. N. Marbut. 56 W. A. Phipps. 57 I. E. Ross. 59 J. S. Carmical.




DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND LECTURERS. Dist. Name. 1 H. M. Jayne. 2 L. W. Osborne. 3 J. W. Moore. 4 E. M. Wilson. 5 H. Newman. 6 C. F. Smith. 7 J. Stark. 8 F. R. Elton. 9 F. A. Miller. 10 T. D. Williams. 11 D. M. FORter. 12 E. E. Divinia. 13 F. L. Madden. 14 L. E. Wilhoit. 15 D. H. Sosey. 16 W. H. May. 17 G. E.路 Chipman. 18 W. F. Wigginton. 19 T. H. Edwards. 20 O. Hale. 21 H. C. Noland. 22 K F. Smith. 23 C. B. Waddell. 24 .T. Morgan. 25 R. C. -Roberts. 26 R. R. Wright. 27 J ,. J. Graue. 28 S. S. Cox. 29 J '. T. Baskett. 30 E. 1-1: Barklage.

Dist. Name. 31 W. D. Rogers. 32 R. A. Breuer. 33 E. H. Wessel. 34 .J. F. Blair. 35 R. A. Padgett. 36 S. B. Kennon. 37 T. Jennings. :l8 W. I. Mayfield. 39 E. J. Koch. 40 C. E. Pyle. 41 M. E. Ewing. 42 M. D. Gwinn. 43 J. C. Senate. 44 H. S. Hightower. 45 E. F. Hannah. 46 C. A. Swenson. 47 .T. N. Sparks. 48 J. C. Akers. 49 .T. A. Kinder. 50 G. A. Sample. 51 B. P. Parks. !i2 K. C. Johnson. 53 C. E. Armstrong. 54 G . .T. Vaughan. 55 W. N. Marbut. 51l W. A. Phipps. :'7 F. G. Fulkerson. 1i8 K. C. Jones. 59 J. S. Carmical.

CHAIRMEN OF STANDING COMMITTEES. Jurisprudence __ __ __ __ __ __ John C. Rnbertson Appeals and Grievances .. __ __ __ __ .__ __ __W. F. Woodruff Ways and Means.. __ __ . __ D. W. Robert Credentials __ __ __ __.. _ __ __.. __.__ .. _.W. A. Webb Pay Roll __ __ __ __ .__ __ __ W. R. Shrodes Chartered r.odges __ .__ __ __ ._ __C. L. Alexander Lodges IT. 1)..__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Gib. W. Carson Charity __ __ .. .. __ __ _ _..__.. __.. __ .. __ .__ T. W. Cotton Reports of D. D. G. M.'s __ __ ._ __ .. __ C. A. Fitz-Gerald Masonic Boards of Relief.. . __ __ .__ __ A. J. O'Reilly Ritual __ __ __ . _ __ __ ..__ __ .1. C. Garrell Masonic Home (Visiting Committee) .__ . .__,.. .. _. . A. S. Dflxheimer Correspondence __._.. __ _ __ __ __ _.C. II. Briggs Necrology .. __.. __ __ .. __. ._ .. __ _. __ __ __ ._ ..Tohn Pickard Auditing__ .. _ __ _ __ __ H. C. Perkins Grand Master's Address __ __ __ .__ __ __ C. H. Briggs Unfinished Business _ __ __ .. _.. __ __ Thos. A. Harbaugh Transportation and Hotels__ .__..__ _ __ J. A. Flaven COMMITTEE ON JURISPRUDENCE. J. C. Rnbertson, Chairman :H. L. Warren W. E. Bailey

J. Chasnoff R. E. Kavanaugh

COMMITTEE ON APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES. Wm. F. Woodruff, Chairman L. T. Johnson A. H. Mann G. C. James R. O. Rumer COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS. D. W. Robert. Chairman J. A. Kinder Geo. C. Marquis Thos. A. Harbaugh B. C. Hunt COMMITTEE ON CREDENTIALS. W. A. Webb, Chairman F. B. Howarth H. F. Woerther

F. H. Knight V. Lippert




COMMITTEE ON PAY ROLL. W. R. Shrodes, Chairman Roy C. Roberts C. F. Drehmann J. R. Baker D. G. Mellier COMMITTEE ON LODGES UNDER DISPENSATION. Gib. W. Carson. Chairman E. L. Harrison C. C. Reed COMMITTEE ON CHARITY. T. W. Cotton, Chairman W. S. Campbell R. R. Kreeger A. A. Johnson Thos. H. Reynolds COMMITTEE ON REPORTS OF D. D. G. M 's. Chas. A. Fitz-Gerald. Chairman. G. S. North

L. A. Weidle

COMMITTEE ON RITUAL. J. C. Garrell. Chairman S. R. Freet J. R. McLachlan J. A. Kinder Gwynn Gough COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND HOTELS. J. L. Flaven, Chairman H. F. Becker J. D. Sloat PAST MASTERS. Name Lodge Number Solon Cameron __ Missouri __ __ __ __ 1 Arthur H. Carriere ~ ..Missouri .__ ._ __..__ 1 Geo. H. Coulson __ __ __ Missouri __ .__ .. 1 Milton Kline, .Tr. __ __ Missouri . 1 John R. Kellv. __ __ __ Missouri .. 1 Anthony F. Ittner __ __ Missouri ._ .. __ . .. 1 Henry A. Boye _ Missouri .__ .. __ __ 1 Fred Surridge --.--------. __ __ Missouri .. __ .. __ __.__ .. 1 Taylor B. Wyrick __ Missouri . __ __ 1 John Wohradsky --.---- __ . .__ Missouri 1 Mat H. IIodgson .. __ Missouri __ __ ..__ __. 1 Arthur C. Yehlcn ..__ __ . Meridian .. __.__ 2 Fred Boehning .. __ __ __ Meridian __ __ __ 2 Gelbo . tE'J Dcellert.-- .. -- ..----- ---- MMer!dd!an ----.---------...... ~ . ammann ..__ ert lan __ __ . A er Arthur V. Schopp __ __.__ ..:.Meridian . . __.. ..__.. 2 Harry F. Becker . __ ..Meridian .__ . 2 C. H. Stock __ __ .__ lVferldian __.__..__ .__ __.__ .__ .. 2 J eo Jaudes __. Merldian 2 John L. Ziegenheim .__ __ __. Meridlan .__ .. __.__ __ __ . 2 Charles Barth --. __ __ Beacon . .__ __ __ __ 3 Edw. M. Layton..__ __ __ __ .., Beacon ..__ __ __ 3 Alfred J. Klrby. Beacon 3 Otto W. Vossmeyer__ . . .. __ .__ Beacon __ 3 Henry R. Pficfer. __ .__.__ __ Beacon .. __ __ 3 Herman R. Kroepel. __ __ __ Beacon __ . __ __ 3 Jesse G. Westerman __ __ Beacon .. __ _ 3 Frank L. Magoon __ Beacon __ ..__ ,. __ __.. 3 L. F. Kirby __ _. __ __ __ __.. ..Beacon __ 3 Henry Kleberg-er -__ Beacon .__.__ __ __ 3 Arthur D. Miller Beacon __ c............................... ::I Carl F. Hammcr Beacon . _ _ __..__ 3 Mert Wood ----.- .. --- -- --.-- -Howard __.__ __ __ 4 Clarence W. Allen __ __ United 5 S. M. Payne.-- -__ __ TJnited __ c. __ __ __ 5 Elwyn S. Woods TTnited __ __ .. . 5 A. J. Michener.. Geo. Washing-ton .. .. __ 9 J. Gwynn Gough .. __ __ __.. __Geo. Washlngton __.. 9 Eugene O. Bacon __ __.. __ .Geo. Washington __ 9 E. R. Dryden ..__.__ __ Geo. Washlngton __ __. .. __ 9 Eugene McQul11in __ .__. __ Geo. Washlngton __.__. ..__ .. 9 Robert C. Duffin ..__ Geo. Washington __ 9


324 Name Walter Niestrath W. S. CampbeIL W. C. White William }<~. Long Alfred Dunlap H. M. Jayne Thad R. Smith Phil Isaacson Abraham Romansky G. S. Fleishman IIenry A. Stciner Jacob Chasnoff Rudy I<:ohn Sam Pasternlck Sam A. l\1:eyer Joseph Spiro H. V. Redman O. D. Davis John N. Stewart. Frank .T. Hoffman Harry E. Evers H. S. Wilson B. F. Bailey R. Haeussermann J. M. Dillinger M. E. Schmidt. Guy C. Million James R. Vaughn H. L. Baker Walter A. Webb Chas. F. Drchmann John C. Robcrtson E. F. Konering H. A. Borgmann W. C. Heim Edwin O. MiIler Albert E. Schaefer R. W. SergeL , J. W. Jones W. L. Bowcott A. Linxwiler Claude G. Bartlett J. L. Tate Caesar Wallman W. D. Rodgers W. M. Price Henry F. Woerther Alvin R. CampbelL. John Burris F.arl R. Alexandpr Robert R. "\Vright.. Otto Hale B. C. Bradshaw J. D. Million. Jr Julius R. Edwards T. R. R. Ely John H. Mueller Levi Markland D. H. Stephens Wm. S. Waller N. D. Jackson H. A. Johnson C. M. Thomas W. S. Mulvanla W. C. Mitchell. Leroy A. Weidle .Tesse C. BundelL. Wm. Zavadil H. J. Helmburger .los. L. Kohner F.dward W. Gore Ben Stege Fred Koenig Alex B. Oeth


Lodge Number Geo. Washington.............................. 9 Geo. Washington.............................. 9 Agency 10 Pauldingville : 11 Western Star 15 Memphis 16 Palmyra l!l St. Louis 20 St. Louis ~O St. Louis 20 St. Louis 20 St. Louis 20 St. Louis 20 St. I~ouis 20 St. I ouis 20 St. Louis 20 Wellington 22 Wellington 22 Naphtali 2') Naphtali , 25 Naphtali 25 Ava 26 Evergreen 27 St. John's 23 Humphreys 32 Cooper , 36 Cooper 36 Hemple 37 Calla0 33 Mt. Moriah 40 Mt. Moriah 40 ; Mt. Moriah 40 Mt. Moriah 40 Mt. Moriah 40 Mt. Moriah 40 Mt. Moriah 40 Mt. Moriah 40 Mt. Moriah 40 Mt. Moriah 40 Mt. Moriah 40 J efferson 43 .Tefferson 43 .Tefferson 43 .T efferson 43 Jefferson 43 Fair Play 44 Bonhomme 4:; Bonhomme 45 Holt 49 Xenia 50 Livingston 51 Wakanda 52 Arrow Rock 55 MonticeJlo 58 Centralia 59 Kennett 68 Sullivan 69 Armstrong ; 70 Savannah 71 'Eureka 73 lndependence 76 St. Joseph 78 St. .T oseph 78 St. Joseph 78. Polar Star 79 Polar Star 79 Polar Star 79 Polar Star 79 Polar Star 79 Polar Star 79 Polar Star 79 Polar Star 79 'Polar Star .. __ 79 Polar Star 79


1931 Name Geo. T. Mauten .los. C. Roehl. J. C. Miller Wm. R. Gentry H. Cook W. J. Goddard Chas. A. Fitz-Gerald B. L. Gregory F. I McGee. W. S. Mayfield James Buster F. G. Fulkerson E. A. Taylor J. H. Hunter Warren H. May James A. Kinder Curtis J. Neal. Lewis Daugherty John B. Palmer J. J. Graff Edw. W. Werner E. A. Nentzlung Homer F. Turner W. N. Marbut I eo Adler Harry P. Sagand T. H. Edmonds A. G. Templeton Carl W. Lawson Marvin W. Ewing R. E. Kavanaugh L. J. Limes Ray V. Denslow l~msley C. James J. E. Hawkins A. 'R. Hancock Ruben K. Harlley Chas. E. Pyle D. L. Rouggly J. P. Tucker Chas. F. Ballak O. E. Friederick A. A. Blankenmeister .John A. Pilot R. A. Breuer Francis M. Johnson E. R. Long Frank L. Martin FT. M. Strother H. S. Teare Floyd McIntosh C. B. WaddeH Henry C. Chiles Geo. C. Marquis 7.. M. Willlams . Sidney Wilson Thomas R Stith Carl A. Swenson .Tnlm H. Hicks Walter E. Singley M. E. Ewlng Chas. L. Hamilton Duncan MeHier Edw. J. Ravold Julius C. GarreIL Henry O'Hara John R. Wilder Edw. L. Dillon John D. Hamllton C. L. Alexander Walter D. Dodd Louis H. Abrams E. G. Widdicombe C. D. Welsh





Lodge Polar Star Polar Star Bridgeton Bridgeton Bridgeton Bridgeton Bridgeton Bridgeton Central Laclede I aclede c Webster Groves Russellville RussellvHIe Perseverance St. Marks St. Marks St. Marks V'ienna Pomegranate Pomegranate Pomegranate St. Andrews Mt. Vernon Heroine Heroine Kirksville Greenville Stanberry Trenton Trenton Trenton Trenton Plattsburg Twilight Laddonia Kingston De Soto De Soto : Compass Erwin Erwin Erwin Erwin Hermann Seaman Monett Hume , Phoenix Oregon Purdy IJexington Lexington Lexington Lexington Bloomfield Springhill Mtn. Grove Mtn; Grove Green City Pleasant Pleasant Occidental O~ddental

Occidental Occidental Occidental Occidental Occidental Occidental Occldental Occidental Occldental Occldental





Number 79 79 80 80 80 80 80 80 81 83 83 84 90 90 92 93 93 93 94 95 95 95 96 99 104 104 105 107 109 111 111 111 111 113 114 115 118 119 119 120 121 121 121 , 121 123 126 129 130 136 139 148 149 149 149 149 153 155 158 158 159 160 160 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163




Name Lodge Number Jonathan Stark Maryville .__ __ _ _ 165 John Pinckard .-__ _.Camden Point . __ _._ 169 A. J. Holthaus _ Gray Summit ._ _ _.. .. .__ _173 F. W. Owings __ _ _ __ Sturgeon .. ._ _ __ 174 Manford Griffith __ _ Pride of the WesL .179 E. F. Fitzwater_ _ __ . Pride of the West __ ..179 Louis Tisch .._.._ __ __ .._ Pride of the West.._. __ __.. 179 H. F. Damm __ ,__ Pride of the West._. __ ._. __ 179 S. L. Rymer _ _ 'Pyramid ..__ _..__ __180 R. S. Lorimer _ .. ._ _ Pyramid _ 180 W. E. Throckmorton_ _.. _..__ Novelty .._ _ _.. __ _..181 W. S. Higgins ,.. _ Hermon .. _ _ _187 E. E. Bigger __ Hannibal, _ _.. __188 R. F. Esders _._._ __ _ Zeredatha .. __ _ _. 189 John W. Polley _ _ Zercdatha . . __. ._189 E. L. Robiser __ _ Zeredatha .. _ __.__ _ __ _ __ ._189. S. C. Hopes_ __ _ Wilson __ _ 191 H. C. Steel Frankford . ..__ __ .__ __ _ 192 R. G. McKibben _ _.. _ Wellsville _.. .. _..194 Walter E. Bailey_ _ Carthage __ __ _.. ._ __ 197 A. A. Hunt.._ __ __ _ Allensville _ _ _ .198 L. T. Baskett_ _, __ _ New Hope _ ..199 A. W. Landon._ ._ __ _ Sonora .. _. __.. 20Q John W. Kirkbride _ _ Ravenwood _ _ __ _ __ 201 John W. Tays _..__ __ Rowley _. _ .__ _ 204 T. H. Edwards. __ .. __.. _ _ __._.. _ Salisbury __.__ __ _. __ _. __ ._ 208 C. H. Hendrickson _ _.. Poplar Bluff . . .._ _._ _ __209 K. C. Johnson_ _ Poplar Bluff __ .. __ ..__ .209 A. A. Smith __ _ Rolla .. .. __ .. . ..213 Chas. L. W oods__ _ Rolla __ ._ __ __ .213 Frank Challiand _.. __ _ Hornersville __ .._.. .._ .. _.. 215 W. C. Choisel. _ __. .__ Good Hope .__ .. __ .__ 218 Chas.G. Hug _ __ _ __ Good Hope . _218 E. O. Suhm _ __ _ __ Good Hope . . .._. __ _ __ 218 A. C. Groening Good Hopc _.. __ . 218 Robt. L. Dixon Good Hopc ._. .. __ ..218 J<,j. A. Roworth __ __ ._ __ Good Hope .._ __.. ._ .._218 Henry A. Chapin_ _.. _ Good Hope ._ _..__ __ 218 A. P. Fletcher._ .._ __ Good Hope . __ _.. .. __.218 V. Seifert _ _.. . Good Hope .. _._ 218 Chas. E. Keck .__. .__ _..__ .Good Hope ..__.. _ _ __ .. 218 John L. Meyer_ _.._ _Good Hope __ .._._ __ 218 .Jos. W. SchlaegeL..__ _ _.. _.. __._._ __Kansas City _. _ .__ . . .. 220 E. W. Ernst __ __ _ _ Kansas City .. . .. .. _ _ _.220 H. H. Vogts _. __ _ Kansas City _ 220 Arthur L. Boone._.. _ ~.La Belle -_ 222 Lee J. Eads _. . _.._ _.Hamilton .__ .._. 224 Virgil R. Rozell. __ _ _Claflin . _.. __.._ _ 229 Harry L. Caton __ Bucklin _. __.. _ _ __ 233 P. A. Cashion St. Francois _234 O. C. J ones _ __ Rushville .. . .. __ .__ ". __ 238 G. R. McHenry__ _ ~ Hopewcll _ _..__ 239 Chas. N. Shapin.. ._.. __ _ _ Pal estine .. _ _ __.._ _ 2 41 Edw. H. Barklagc .._ Palestine . _ .__ .. _. __ __ 241 R. M. Hanna __ __ .Keystone ._. _ _ _ 243 E. J. Altheimer__ __ _ Keystone .._.. _._._ __ _.. 243 A. Boeschcnstein _ _Keystone .. _ _ _. .. _ __ 243 L. C. Hchl _.. .. _ _:.. Keystone _ . .. _. .. _ .. _ 243 L. A. W. Sommerlch. _ :..Keystone . . .._. __.._ __ __ _ 243 Chas. W. Speirs _.._ _ J<:eystone _. 24:l Paul A. Thomas_.._.._. _.. _ _._ Montgomery . .. __ .._246 J ,eo H. .T ohnson _ _ _ __ Neosho .._. _ _ .. _.. __ 247 W. A. Phipps _ _ __ _.. _.. Neosho ..__.. _. .. ._ _ _ 247 E. R. Cox Carroll _ _ _._ .. .._ 249 E. M. \Vilson .. _ Laredo ~ __. ._ .. __.... .. 25:l J. R. Pence.. _ _ _ _ T .a:redo ..__: __ .. .__ 253 .John F. Colin _ __ _ _. __ .__.__ _ _.Shekinah ----...__.. __ __..__ .. 256 J. E. Harper__ ._ _ _ .._ _ __ Lodge of Light. __ __ _ _257 .T. T. Glass. Jr. _. _ _..Holden .. . _.. ._.__ __ 262 J. H. Scarborough __.. __ . ._ .._ Corinthlan , __ 265 Chas. V. Ehrmann A urora _._ _.. .. ..__ ..__ .267 H. J. Vogler_ .. _ __ __ Aurora _ __.. .. _267 R. A. Tubbersing._...............•, _ Aurora : _ _ _.. .__ 267 H. B. Wandell Aurora 267




Name Lodge Number Wm. Sessinghaus _ _ Aurora _ _ _._ _ __ __.267 Wm. Myrer _ _ Aurora __.. __ _. __ _ ..__ .. 267 S. B. Kennon _ __ __ Granite _ _ _ __ _ _..272 J. P. Hurth _ _ __.._ Granite ..: __ _ _ 272 J. B. Hancock _. __ _._ __ Granite _ __ _ __.__ _.272 P. E. Hays _ _ __ cWm. D. lVluir.__ _.._ __..__ __ 277 Fred H. Carter_ _ _.._._ Fenton ..__ _ _ _ _._ ._._.281 Sam Broadbent ._ _ _ Cosmos . _ _. _ _ 282 E. W. Sladek Cosmos .. . __ __ 282 A. S. Dexheimer.. _ _ _._ Cosmos _ _ __ __ .__ __ _. __ ..282 C. Lew Gallant _ _ _._ _ _ _.. Cosmos __ ._ _._. _._.282 J. H. Herzog __ _ _ Cosmos _ __ _ _. __ _ 282 R. C. Sutton._ __ _.._ Cosmos ._ ._ _ _ __ _282 R. G. Sendke. __.._ _ _ _ _ Cosmos .._. _._.._ _.._.._ 282 E. O. Herget. _ _ _ _.Cosmos _._. __ .__ __ _.._ _ _ 282 1. Landow _ Cosmos ._. ._..:._._. .._ _. __ _._ __ .. 282 Parks Bacon _ Stockton 283 W. B. Rickman. __ _._ __ _ __ ..Canopy _ _ __ __ ._.._ _.._ _ _.284 John C. Senate __ _._ __ ..Lanlar _._. __ .._ .. 292 __ .._._ _.. _ Sarcoxie _ _ _ _.. .:._._ _293 C. F. Le Furjoh _ Frank _ E. Cottier _._ _. __ Mound City _._ _. __ __ ._ _ 294 C. E. Klingner_ __ __..__ .. Ozark _ __ .. _.. 297 P. A. Budd__ _ Temple ._ _ __ _._.. _.._. 299 A. D. Ludlow _._ Temple _ _ _ __.. .299 Owen A. Teaque _ Temple _._ _ _.. _ _ .299 A. H. Gould_ Temple _ _ _ _._ 299 Chas. M. Christie__ _ __ _ __ .Temple .. _._ _ _ __ _ 299 Thos. H. Reynolds_._ _ __ __..__._Temple __ ._ _ _._._. __ _ _..299 A. H. Cole _ Temple _ _ _ __ 299 Wm. Lade __ Temple _ _ _ _ _ _ 299 F. C. Hoose _ _ _ Temple _. _ _ _._._._ 299 Clyde A. Perkins __ .:_ __ White Hall .. _.. __ _ _. __ 301 D. V. Morris _ Osage _.. __.. .._ _ _3.03 Geo. J. Brahan Osage _ _._. __ _._._ _ 303 Dee High Ashlar _ _ __ ..__ .· 306 Cecil Reed ..c _••• _._ _ Ashlar __ .._._.._ _ _ _ __ _306 W. E. Carstarphen _ __ _ New London .._ _ __ _ _ _ 307 R. T. Brant _ _ Parrott _ __ _ __ ._ _ _308 F. E. Mount. _ __ ,Sikeston _ _ _ __ ._._ _.._..310 W. F. MitcheIL_ __ _ Cuba _ _.. _ __ _.. _. __ 312 Guy Farmer _ _ _Jerusalem .. _ _._ __ .. _ _.. 315 Geo. W. Paddock __ _.._._ __ Rural _.. _ _ _..__ _ _._ _ 316 Raynlond Brand .._._ _.._._. __.Osborn _ _ _ _.._ _ 317 L. E. De Vinna _.. _ _ Versaillcs _ _ _ _.. __ 320 G. M. Tinsley __ _._ Hardin __.._. __ __ __ __ 322 Edw. S. Warner _ _ _ _ rornerstone .. _._.._ _ ._._. __ _.323 Walter Block _ _ _ _.._._ __.. Cornerstone _ _ ._ _ _.. __.. 323 Fred Hach _ _ _ Cornerstone ._._.__ _ _ 323 W. E. Seewoster __ ..__.. ..__.Cornerstone __ _ _ _.._._ 323 Sam Stampfer _ _ Cornerstone _ _ _.._323 K. M. Vetsburg _ _ _ Cornerstone .. .. __ __ _ _.323 Wm. R. Schmitt __ ._._._.. _ _ _ Cornerstone .. _._. ._._ _ 323 Wm. Watson _ _.. _._ Cornerstone __ _. _323 E. WeiI _._ _ _ Cornerstone .._._ _ _.. .323 Wm. E. Grein __ __ __ _.. __ _ Cornerstone .. _ _ _ 323 A. S. Dawson __.__ ._ rornerstone _ _._._. __ ._. __ _ __ 323 F. S. Stumm _ __ Cornerstone .. _ 323 J. S. Carmical._ _ _ McDonald _._ _ _.. _. __ .. 324 Voyd Mason __ Linn .. __ _ _ 326 W. C. Hayes _._ __ Paul Revere _ _.._. _.. 330 Paul Amerman :__ _ _ Charity _ _._ _._._._ 331: Geo. G. Mlller _ _ Excello __ _ __ .__ _ 332 E. E. Divinia ..__ ._._ .._. .__.._ _.Breckenridge __ _.._ 334 H. A. Smith_.. _ _ _ _.._ Joplin _ _ _ _ _335 Harry E. Carie __ _ Blue Springs _ __ _.. _ .337 H. L. Warren _ _.. _ _ vVestport _ _ _ _. _ 340 H. C. Elberg _ ,.. __ __ .__ .. _Westport .. _ _ _ _._ 340 O. W. Swearingen _ _ _ __.. Westport _ _._._._ _.. _ 340 S. A. Gilliland __ Westport .. .._._ _ _ _ _ _ 340 W. E. J ohnson_ __ _ Fellowship _ _ __ _. _._.._34 5 H. S. Hightower__ __ _ __ __ Fellowship ._ _._._._._ .. __ ._ _._._.345 John W. Fanter_ _ _ America __ .. _ _.._ _. __ .347 H. H. Schroeder_ _ _ _ America _ _ 347 F. W. Kuehl _ _..__ .. America _ _ __ __ ._._ 347

328 Name J. Vokurka J. E. Furniss Horace D. Coe R. S. McClarey Chas. E. Reid Fray Johnson G. J. Vaughan John S. Taylor F. R. Elton John R. McNulty Harry L. Bristow .los. S. McIntyre J. W. Skelly R. S. Thomson F. C. Donnell S. P. StewarL J. J. Hagen Geo. V. Calvert A. N. Gardner G. E. Slinkman Clyde Miles W. W. Bledsoe H. B. Warren W. C. Cowan J. R. Webb J. C. Cummings Chas. W. Keith Lester W. Nye Arley Mallory A. S. Metzger R. P. Carter Fred C. Hacker H. J. Heideman E. F. Meyer A. P. Watkins W. H. Murdock .los. W. Schuette John H. Kuemerle .T. E. Gaskill W. P. French E. Marty J. M. Jones Geo. E. Black John J. Bowman W. B. Massey J. A. Calvert Chas. Chattine C. M. Barnes M. L. Aye Wm. Lewerenz L. W. Foster A. J. O'Reilly A. J. Stamburg H. J. Jones T. A. Hopkins E. McGuigan W. F. Woodruff A. H. Mann Clarence Blakley Walter McAnally J. E. Wlnter L. C. Hoffstetter C. W. Seagrave F. G. Fuessel Wm. D. Moore G. C. Bishop Geo. D. Talley Albert A. Taber T. E. Tullock W. O. Poundstone R. G. PoweIL ~. W. Taylor M. D. Gwinn Wm. P. Mason




Lodge Amcrica Amcrica Wadesburg Mosaic Friend Friend Friend Friend Northwest Northwest Tuscan Tuscan Tuscan Tuscan Tuscan Tuscan Tuscan Hiram Adair Belle King Hill East Prairie Richland Richland Marionville Gower路 CartervilIe Malta Everton Malden Valley Cache Cache Cache Cache Cache Cache Cache Cache ltaska Itaska Itaska Itaska Samaritan Samaritan Grecn Ridge Glenwood New Madrid Wheeling Anchor Anchor Anchor Wcst Gate West Gate West Gate West Gate Ivanhoe lvanhoe Schell City Hazelwood Lambskin Lambskin Lambskin Lam bskin Lambskin Caruthersville Santa Fe Clifton N odaway Mineral Mt. Hope Marceline Clintonville Kirkwood



Number 347 347 348 351 352 352 352 352 358 358 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 362 366 373 376 384 385 385 390 397 401 402 405路 406 413 416 416 416 .416 416 416 416 416 420 420 420 420 424 424 .425 427 .429 434 443 443 443 .445 .445 445 .4 45 .446 .446 448 , 459 460 460 460 460 460 461 462 463 .4 70 471 .4 76 481 482 484

Name B. S. Talmann Geo. V. Signor W. H. Mclntire A. L. Motley T. D. Combs E. F. Arnold J. Dillingham James M. Cavendar H. E. Campbell F. R. Bassett. J. W. Adams S. F. Pape H. A. Crumpley A. J. Goulden ~ P. L. Barry H. P. Havey R. G. Gog-gin F. H. Knight H. P. Keusch F. B. Dennis L. J. Gingst. O. E. Higgins J. A. Banks Geo. F. O'Brien M. J. Holloran._ , C. P. Woodruff D. A. Medlock J. W. Fox Chas. J. Hoppe J. P. Welsh Chas. Lee Shouse Paul Antle H. J. McKinney H. A. Mag-oon A. H. Kelly Jos. L. Huck W. C. Coday Chas. H. Appel. A. Kumpf F. W. Kolkhors E. D. Reising F. M. Huffman Chas. T. Kornbrodt T. M. Pratt _ Thornton Jennings .r. w. Fowler Geo. B. l ..eitch E. E. Christopher.. _ Wm. H. Dlckey C. G. Dug-gan _ S. A. Nifong C. C. Jackson Jfarry G. Nicks H. F. Herbst M. Q. Thompson Thoi=;. W. Suttenfield J. F. Strycker .T. W. Menaug-h B. J. Dietrich F. R. Smith Wm. Crutchfield R. C. Murphy Frank Gelbert Wm. H. Heaton A rthur Mather .. ~ _ "Vm. C. Rese R. O. Ecoff John P. Austin F. E. Owens Ben Hill __ Roy G. Green A. A. Benjamln John Grueniger W. M. Langhy





_ __ _

Lodge Kirkwood Kirkwood Vandalia Vandalia Vernon Lewistown Euclid Van Buren New Hampton Skidmore Webb City Oriental Crane Clifton Heights Clifton Heights Gate City Gate City Gate City Gate City Conway Stinson Spickardsville Wayne Apollo Apol10 _ Lane's Prairie Dexter Comfort Columbia Blackwell Bethel Stella Jacksonvi11e Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Mansfield _ Algabil Algabil Algabil AIg-abil Orient South Gate _ South Gate Clinton .. _ Carl Junction Rose Hill Rose Hill Rose Hill Rose Hill Rose Hill _ Rose Hill Rose Hill Pendleton Prairie _ Moscow York Maplewood Maplewood Marlboroug-h Bernie Easter Olive Branch Forest Park Forest Park Forest Park Forest Park Forest Park Republie I1lmo Blodgett Clayton ._ Clayton Clayton

Number 484 484

491 491 493 494 505 509 510 511 512 518 519 520 520 522 522 522 522 528 523 524 526 529 529 531 532 533 534 535 537 538 541 542 54z 542 543






544 544 544, 546 547

_ _


548 549 550 550 550



550 550 550 551 556 558 563 566 566 569



573 ~

575 576 578 578 578


578 578 570 581 594 601 601 601



Name Lodge J. E. Ross Clayton E. P. Clark, Jr Clayton Otto W. Koch Clayton R. R. WrighL Acacia Elmer C. Smith \Vellston H. L. Reader Wellston W. M. Colliers Wellston J. J. Demuth Wellston G. A. Sample Chaffee Alvin Klages Chaffee T.· W. Ferguson :..Swope Park E. J. King Swope Park E. L. Ocker Magnolia O. B. Klein Mag-nolia V. Lippert Magnolia J. L. Flaven Magnolia O. W. Kortjohn Magnolia J. H. Leathers Magnolia H. G. Beedle Magnolia Ben Wolf Magnolia J. V. Horn Tower Grove E. Dunford Tower Grove John Maag Tower Grove R. O. Rumer Tower Grove W. F. Jungbluth Triangle W. H. Voss Mizpah J. A. Witthaus ; Mizpah H. E. Wiehe Mizpah F. B. Howarth Mizpah J. W. Flinn Mizpah J. B. Holland Mizpah ; F. W. Bubb Mizpah P. B. Ev·ersden Mizpah G. D'Amato Jennings Geo. L. Walters Jennings Geo. E. Kohlmeyer Jennings "V. P. Morgan Trinity H. F. May Trinity P. E. Greitzer Trinity C. F. Schneidcr.......•................................Trinlty Chas. F. Attebcry Trinity M. Goodman Ben Franklin H. A . . Galosy Ben Franklin Morris Popper Ben Franklin F. K. Borggrafe Shaveh F. G. Palmer Shaveh C. H. Tacke Shaveh A. B. Park University A. A. Nall University J. R. Lucy Parma T. C. Teel Pilgrim Ben Weidle Pilgrim J. W. SloaL Commonwealth ..; O. A. Menke Commonwealth H. H. Hutton Commonwealth Florian Wolz Gardenville Wm. Walter Gardenville P. C. Anthes GardenvilJe H. Kettler : Gardenville F. J. Mahner Progress Wm. F. Kucrgeleis Progress P. &. Fix Progress E. H. Wessell Purity E. E. CurtwrighL Holliday H. F. C. Meycr Theo. Roosevelt H. B. Givins Theo. Roosevelt R. M. Macdonald Theo. Roosevelt



Number 601 601 601 602 613 613 613 613 615 61fi 617 617 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 631 631 631 631 638 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 640 640 640 641 641 641 641 641 642 642 642 646 646 646 649 649 650 652 652 654 654 654 655 651) 655 655 657 657 657 6ii8 660 661 661 661


INDEX Page Address of Grand Master 7-52 Chain Letters 27, 28 Charges to Candidates 29, 30 Commercialization of Freemasonry 46-52 Cornerstones 35 Decisions 14-23 Dedications 34 Dispensations 35, 36 George Washington Masonic National Memorial Ass'n 36-38 Lodge Reports to Grand Secretary 9 Masonic Funerals 33, 34 Masonic Home .; 38-44 Masonic Papers 30-32 Masonic Trials 23-26 Publishing Proceedings 45, 46 Shut-Ins 28, 29 Sunday Picnics 26, 27 Visitations 10-14 Welfare Committee 44, 45 Amendments to By-laws Adopted., ; 164, 165 Amendments to By-laws, Consideration of.. 120, 121, 124 Amendments to By-laws Proposed, 96-100, 120, 124, 129-13.2, 138, 165-167 Annual Communication (1932) 128, 129 Appointment of Chairmen of Standing Committees (1932) 160 Appointment of Grand Officers 158 Appointment of Special Committees (1932)., 161 Approved Decisions 132, 165 Attendance 145 Auditor, 1931, Report of 68-70 Ballot for Grand Lodge Officers (Digest in 1919 Proceedings, 170) Belle Lodge 373 ; 99, 137 Biographical Sketch of Wm. R. Gentry, Grand Master .i-iv Bonds, Government 69 BUrial Lot of Grand Lodge (Digest in 1919 Proceedings, 169) Chairmen Standing Committees 路(1932) 160 Charters, Duplicate 54 Charter Surrendered 56 Commissions ~ 54 Committees, Standing and Special (1931) 71, 72 Consolidations of Lodges 56 C9rnerstones, Laying of 35, 56



1931 Page

Counties, According to Districts Appendix 240 Courtesy Degrees, Received and Granted 56 Dead Lodges, Roll of Appendix 299-307 Deaths, List of.. Appendix 157-173 Decisions of Grand Master ; 14, 23 Dedications 34 Degrees, Conferred by Request 56 Delinquent Lodges 55 Denslow, Ray V 158 Directory of Lodges Appendix 244-267 Dispensations Granted, Special 56 Distinguished Visitors 5~7, 92, 123, 124, 127 District Deputy Grand Masters, List of.. 162 District Lecturers, List of 163 Election of Directors of Masonic Home 128 Election of Grand Officers 119 Election to Grand Lodge Membership ; 123 Employment Bureaus 86 Endowment Fund, Masonic Home Appendix 133, 134 Entertainment ; v, vi, 5 Exemplification of Work 110 Expulsions, List of Appendix 216 Financial Tables Appendix 268-297 First Day 3 Afternoon Session 73 Evening Session 110 Flood Relief 79 French Children 127 Gentry, Wm. R., Grand Master : .i-iv George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association 58 Government Bonds 69 Grand Lodge, Closing of 161 'Grand Lodge, Financial Statement of.. ~ 59 Grand Lodge, Opening of 4 Grand Lodge, Property of 59 Grand Master's Address 7-52 Grand Master's Jewel, Presented to Ray V. Denslow 159 Grand Officers ; 119 G-rand Orator 113 Grand Representatives Commissioned : 54 Grand Secretary's Report Presented 54 Grand Secretary's Tabular Statement.. Appendix 244-298 Grand Secretary's Tabular Statement. Recapitulation of Appendix 296-298



333 Page

Grand Secretaries, List of Appendix 150, 151 Hurricane Relief 79 Initiation Fee (Special) 69 Installation of Grand Officers 158 Invitation to St. Louis 79, 128 Invocation 4, 111 Jewel, Grand Master's, Presented to Grand Master-Elect.. 159 Jewel, Past Grand Master's, Presented to the P. G. Master 159 Kuhn, Dr. Wm. F., Library Fund 58, 59, 70 Letter to Masonic Home 52, 53 List of Counties and Districts Appendix 240 List of Dead Lodges Appendix 299-307 List of Deaths ~ Appendix 157-173 List of D. D. G. M.'s Appendix 162 List of District Lecturers l63 List of Elected Officers in Past.. Appendix 241-243 List of Foreign Grand Lodges Recognized as Regular........ App. 152 List of Grand Lodges, with Names of Grand Secretaries Appendix 150, 151 List of Living Past Grand Masters 161 List of Lodges, Alphabetical... Appendix 221-233 List of Lodges, Numerical... Appendix 217-220 List of Past Masters Present.. Appendix 323-330 List of Post Offices, Alphabetical... Appendix 234-239 Masonic Employment Bureau 86 Masonic Home, Directors Elected 128 Masonic Home, Endowment Fund Appendix 133, 134 Masonic Home Initiation Fund 69 Masonic Home, Sum Contributed to During Year 57 Masonic Relief 86-89 Masonic Service Association of Missouri.. 119 Masonic Temple Association of St. Louis 85, 161 Mather, Arthur 9 Meeting of Grand Lodge (1932) 128, 129 Membership Returns ; Appendix 298 Memorial Tablets to Deceased Brethren 169-173 Minutes Approved 161 Oration 113-116 Past Grand Masters, List of Living 161 Per Capita Tax, 1931 56 Printing Proceedings Authorized 161 Reballot on Petitions 57 Recapitulation of Grand Secretary's Report.. Appendix 296.-298 Reeds Spring Lodge No. 280 56



1931 Page

Reinstatements Appendix 205路215 Reports: Auditor 68-70 Board of Directors of Masonic Home 71; App. 121-149 .committee on Address of Grand Master 84, 85 Committee on Appeals and Grievances 1l6-1l9 Committee on Chartered Lodges 80-84 Committee on Credentials 5, 144, 145; App. 308-330 Committee on D. D. G. M.'s Reports 125, 126 Committee on Fatherless Children of France 127, 128 Committee on Fraternal Correspondence........71; Appendix 1-120. Committee on Geo. Washington Masonic National Memorial Association l00 Committee on Jurisprudence 129-137 Committee on Library 121 Committee on Lodges U. D 90 Committee on Masonic Boards of Relief.. 86-89 Committee on Masonic Service 119 Committee on Masonic Temple Association of St. Louis 85 Committee on Necrology 73-78 Committee on Pay Roll. 146-157 Committee on Ritual. 89 Committee on Transportation and Hotels 100, 101 Committee on Unfinished Business 145 Committee on Ways and Means 139-144 Committee on Welfare 90 Grand Lecturer : 101-109 Grand Librarian 122 Grand Secretary 54-61 Grand Treasurer 62-67 Officers of Masonic Home 71; Appendix 121-149 Special Committee on Hurricane and Flood Relief.. 79, 80 Special Committee on Masonic Home 78, 79 Representatives of Lodges in Grand Lodge 148-157 Representatives of other Grand Lodges near this Grand Lodge Appendix 155, 156 Representatives of this Grand Lodge near other Grand Lodges Appendix 153, 154 Representatives Commissioned 54 Resolutions 99, 111, 112, 137 Rump, Arthur 95 Second Day 111 Afternoon Session 139 Sladeck, William 123



335 Page

Special Committees, 1932, Appointed Special Initiation Fee Statistics Suspensions for Non-payment of Dues Suspensions for un-Masonic Conduct Telegrams Thanks Vienna Lodge No. 94 Visitors, Distinguished

161 58 55 Appendix 174-204 Appendix 215 6, 7, 113 8, 139 99, 137 5, 7, 92, 123, 124, 127

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