8 minute read

Sherborne Sports Centre – Terms

1. Definitions

a) SSC, ‘the centre’ or ‘the sports centre’: Sherborne Sports Centre b) Member or You: Member of Sherborne Sports Centre


C) Customer or user: An individual who uses the sports centre

and Conditions

c) Service or activity: Refers to swim sessions, gym sessions, court bookings, classes and anything else offered by Sherborne Sports Centre.

The applicant is asked to read and consider carefully all of what follows prior to signing up to be a sports centre member. In becoming a member the applicant accepts the contents completely and agrees to be bound by them and has taken all such independent advice on the contents as he / she wishes. Sherborne School (Leisure) Ltd. is the name of Sherborne School's trading company that operates the facilities of Sherborne Sports Centre, which is also referred to as 'the Sports Centre' and ' the Centre'. Payments are made to Sherborne School (Leisure) Ltd.

2. The relationship with Sherborne School

As a facility owned by Sherborne School and an important part of the boys’ educational and pastoral provision, Sherborne Sports Centre is utilised by the school as required by the school’s academic and co-curricular programme. It is also open to the public to provide benefit to the local community. Whilst the public have good use of the centre, there will be times where school requirements will cause the need to cancel, amend or postpone some public sessions.

3. Membership

Centre membership is the fee paid prior to becoming a member of the sports centre. This fee is non-refundable.

All individuals who use the sports centre from the age of 5 years and up require a centre membership to access the majority of services.

All participants using the sports centre, unless specified in the exceptions section below, must hold a valid centre membership to use the facilities.


Participants of private hire groups/clubs and schools who can provide proof of insurance, risk assessments and safeguarding documents where necessary. Groups/clubs/schools whose participants are exempt from purchasing centre membership are responsible for the health, wellbeing and welfare of their participants.

4. General conditions of membership

Sherborne Sports Centre reserves the right to, at any time, refuse any application for membership, to cancel or suspend the membership of any member and refuse admission to any member or guest of a member where there are reasonable grounds for doing so.

Members are expected to observe all rules and regulations established by the Sports Centre. Continued disregard of said rules and regulations will result in the cancellation of membership and the forfeiting of any fees already paid.

Sherborne Sports Centre reserves the right to change the published programme and timetable at any time.

For security reasons members:-

• should carry identification with them at all times and may be asked to produce identification for proof of membership.

• are prohibited from entering any building on school grounds other than the sports centre and The Hub.

Sherborne Sports Centre cannot be held responsible for any loss of property or damage to property suffered by any person using the centre or any of the school’s property unless it arises from some negligence or deliberate act on the part of the Sports Centre.

The facilities of the Sports Centre may only be used during the normal opening hours determined by the Centre.

The sports centre may close at certain points of the year, including but not limited to, bank holidays, refurbishments, and unforeseen circumstances. Members accept that where these closures are advertised with notice, there is no requirement of the sports centre to offer any form of compensation or substitution. Where the sports centre has to close immediately or without any notice period, for instance due to electrical failure, the sports centre may offer a substitution for any booking that has been previously made.

5. Timetable

The timetable is correct at the time of being published. The sports centre reserves the right to amend the timetable, including adding or stopping services, at short notice, but will give as much notice as possible to those who may be affected by the change.

6. Service/activity fees

The activity fees on the website are correct at the time of being published. The sports centre reserves the right to amend prices without notice.

All fees must be paid prior to use of the sports centre facilities or participation in the activity. Payment can be made online, over the phone or at the centre reception.

Failure to pay for the activity, after being asked to do so by the sports centre staff will result in being asked to leave the activity and may result in suspension or termination of the membership.

7. Physical activity

a) Members are responsible for monitoring their own physical condition throughout any activity undertaken at the Centre and should any unusual symptoms occur, they must immediately refrain from participation in the activity until otherwise instructed.

b) The member accepts that, in the absence of negligence on the part of Sherborne Sports Centre, they will hold blameless Sherborne Sports Centre and any of its employees, instructors or agents (including any independent contractor) for any damages resulting from, but not limited to, injury or death incurred during or arising from any activity undertaken at the Centre.

c) The member will comply with all the rules relating to use of the fitness Centre (gym), swimming pool and other facilities, copies of which are immediately available from and on display around the Centre and on the website.

8. Behaviours

Sherborne Sports Centre is a sociable, inclusive and non-discriminatory operator. We value all people. We also value kindness and respect for each other. The following rules are in place to promote this.

• Members will speak with kindness and respect towards others, including sports centre staff, at all times.

• Members will dress appropriately for their activity.

• Members will treat the facilities with respect.

• Members will not swear, shout, grunt.

• Will not purposely drop weights or purposely leave weights out in the gym.

• Will not hog or take up more than one piece of equipment at a time in the gym.

• Will not be shirtless anywhere except the pool

• Will not be intimidating, violent or discriminatory towards others.

• Will not harass or make others feel uncomfortable.

Failure to comply with these rules will result in the manager contacting the person in question and reminding them of the rules of the centre. Continued disregard will result in the cancellation of membership and the forfeiting of any fees already paid.

9. Fitness Centre (Gym)

The fitness centre has a range of fixed machines, free weights, and other fitness equipment. Used properly this equipment is safe and effective for improving fitness. Members should only use equipment and perform exercises that they are competent in using or performing.

Members should ask a member of staff for guidance with any form of exercise or equipment they are unsure about.

• Use of the fitness suite is prohibited to any person under 12 years of age. 12- and 13-year olds may use the downstairs area of the gym whilst being accompanied by a paying responsible adult. 14 – and 15-year-olds may use the Cardiovascular machines, weights machines and light free-weights and 16 and over can use all the equipment that they have been inducted on and are competent to do so.

10. Gym Inductions and fitness programmes

a) All members are required to have an induction prior to using the fitness centre (gym). This will include health and safety information, a physical activity readiness questionnaire (PARQ), a tour of the facility and explanation of the exercise machines.

b) If an instructor believes a member requires further guidance in using the exercise machines, the member will be offered a further booking to complete the induction.

c) Members may request an exercise programme, based on the answers provided in the PARQ, that will help towards their goals.

d) The member must inform Sherborne Sports Centre of any changes to the original information supplied on the PARQ.

e) In certain circumstances, Sherborne Sports Centre staff may require additional medical information from the member’s GP in order that the correct and safe exercise programme can be prescribed. In these circumstances the member will be asked to obtain, at his / her own expense, the required written information from their GP f) The member must accept that there is a risk that adverse effects may be experienced before, during or after participation in the exercise programme including abnormalities of heart rate and / or blood pressure.

11. Court Hire

All courts (squash, badminton and tennis) must be booked and paid for before play commences. The court only needs to be hired and paid for by one member but each person using the court needs to be a member.

Failure to book and pay or failure for the participants to be members of the sports centre may result in a suspension or cancellation of the authorised hirer’s membership without a refund of any fees paid.

12. Private groups, clubs and schools.

Private groups, clubs and schools may hire the sports centre facilities for a one-off or recurring booking. All bookings must be made through the sports centre manager, who may request copies of insurance, risk assessments and/or safeguarding policy.

13. Refund policy

Unless in exceptional circumstances, and at the discretion of the Sports Centre Manager, all fees paid are non-refundable. In certain circumstances such as ill health / redundancy, membership can be paused, at our discretion, but no refunds can be issued.

14. Data protection policy

We use the information from the signup procedure to create a member profile on our system. This will include your name, date of birth, address, email and phone number. We may send you promotional information and payment-reminders via email. You can opt-out of any marketing emails at any time by unsubscribing.

15. Complaints

We endeavour to provide a great experience to our members. If we fall short and cannot resolve a problem quickly you may want to make a complaint. Complaints must be made in writing to the Sports Centre Manager. Letters should have the date of the complaint, a summary of the issue and evidence, if available. The complaint will be logged, and the Manager will then contact the complainant within 7 working days of receipt of the complaint. The manager may then require a further 7 working days to investigate the situation before contacting the complainant again with an outcome. If a complaint cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of both parties, the complaint will be escalated to the Operations Bursar.

16. Changes to terms and conditions

Sherborne Sports Centre reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time, providing the date of the updated information.

17. Sherborne Group membership, fees and discounts.

Sherborne Group staff and their immediate family (partner/spouse, mother, father, daughter, son, sister, brother) benefit from free centre membership. Memberships are renewed annually.

Sherborne Sports Centre reserves the right to amend or discontinue the facilities and activities on offer to Sherborne Group Staff and their families.

Sherborne Sports Centre reserves the right to amend or discontinue the discounts on facilities and activities on offer to Sherborne Group Staff and their families.

As of 18/10/21 the following facilities and activities are not discounted for Sherborne Group Staff and their families.

• Whole Sports Hall hire

• Swimming Pool hire

• Studio hire

• All Weather Pitch

• GP referral gym and swim sessions

• Fun swims

• Private Swimming Lessons

• Personal Training

(Section updated on 18.10.21)

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