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New Zealand's maritime rules and regulations are intended to promote safety and protect the marine environment. The general boating code outlines best practices for boaters to follow to ensure safety and minimise their impact on the environment. Some of the key guidelines include wearing life jackets, checking for weather conditions before heading out, carrying the required safety equipment, avoiding alcohol, and respecting the marine environment by disposing of waste properly. It's important to follow these guidelines and be a responsible boater. For more information download the boating guide at: MARITIMENZ.GOVT.NZ/RECREATIONAL/SAFETY
The waters of New Zealand offer endless opportunities for boating enthusiasts. To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, it's essential to understand the give-way rules, speed restrictions, beacons and buoys, and the general boating code. Following these rules and guidelines will help promote safety, protect the environment, and make your boating experience unforgettable. If you are unsure of the rules of the road or need a refresh on navigation and safety equipment then why not consider taking a boating course from Coastguard Boating Education. They run various courses from the most popular Day Skipper course to a VHF course, boat maintenance and even a Boatmaster. Why not visit their website at: BOATINGEDUCATION.ORG.NZ/COURSES