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SEO Service Proposal

Oct 27, 2018 House No: B/116,Block-E, Shibrampur,Pabna, Bangladesh Cell- 01969108649 Prepared by: Momenul Ahmad

SEO Siri www.seosiri.com



H A L F Y E A R L Y " S E O "P R O J E C T P R O P O S A L

We’re excited to help you to promote Service with the goal of reaching a wider audience and generate lead. We believe that the strategies outlined in this proposal are a great way to help prospective you to decide and choose our authentic Service to conquer competitors market and reaching out searchers . With some retouch in design, optimizing, outreach, and internet marketing , We’re confident that your brand will reach a greater audience. Digital limit will accomplish this implementing the following digital marketing strategies: This is inform you to that,in reply of your asking demand, I am Momenul Ahmad as of a SEO facilitator here enclosed a work frame and budgetary plan for you, Where all of point noted down (may very on working process) with duration and price for you kind consideration .


Specific — We want to increase leads from organic search by 50 percent. .Measurable — Easily measurable through rankings, organic traffic and results. .Achievable — Rankings can always be improved, so this is achievable. .Realistic — This is an improvement to an existing lead source. .Timeline — 6 months gives us a deadline.


Optimization Suggestions for Mobile and Web - On Page SEO -Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content,Reduce server response time,Optimize images,Leverage browser caching,Prioritize visible content,Minify JavaScript,Minify CSS,4xx errors 1,Title tags ,Content ,Broken internal links ,Pages not crawled ,Duplicate meta descriptions,Missing h1 ,Missing ALT attributes ,Low text to HTML ratio ,Underscores in URL ,Sitemap.xml not specified in robots.txt ,Multiple h1 tags ,Work on Coding, Work On Plugin,Work On Sit Submission, Major Search Engine Verification,Webmaster Services.

months total duration and it's divided by 2 months period

H T T P S : / / W W W . S E O S I R I . C O M / P / C O N T A C T - U S . H T M L


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