Winter Issue

Page 1

Mom’s Advice A Parenting magazine by moms & for moms

Exclusive Interview

With Farrah Abraham



Winter Issue

Check out photos from GlamHER event! Page 78

Mom’s Advice Magazine hosts quarterly events that draws an exclusive group of mothers and entrepreneurs.

www. Follow us on twitter! @MomsAMagazine 2


Page 57 Interview with Farrah Abraham


Page 6. Traveling This Holiday Season While Pregnant or With a Newborn! Hiring a Nanny Pumpin’ Ain’t Easy

Social Media

Page 24. Using TweetDeck to Manage your Twitter Activity


Page 36. Make this Holiday a SPA-LIDAY This Skin brought to you by a Multi-Taskin Mama!

Be Green

Page 58. A Healthier Clean The Importance Of cloth Diapers

Health and Fitness

Page 41 Tips to Add Fruit into your day STROLLERS FOR STRETCHING




Publisher Shea Anne

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Shea Anne www.sheaannephotography. com

Editor/ Intern Teri Marie

Make up/ Hair stylist

Christy Maurer Equalla Foster All Make up used by Make Up Forever

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Jacque Saladino

On the Cover! Farrah Abraham and Sofia

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All rights Copyright © 2011 Mom’s Advice Magazine . All rights reserved.Unless otherwise indicated, all materials on these pages are copyrighted by the Mom’s Advice Magazine. All rights reserved. No part of these pages, either text or image may be used for any purpose other than personal use.

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Tips and Tricks for Traveling This Holiday Season While Pregnant or With a Newborn! Shanon Pruden CLD(CBI)

a nightmare! The key is preparation and knowing what to expect. I hope to share some of the things I have learned that will help you this holiday season no matter where or how you are traveling!

For Comforts Sake:

Photo by: Louisa Stokes

The holidays can be a tough time of year for a pregnant or new family considering all the traveling you may have to do to visit far away relatives or friends. Traveling while pregnant and traveling with baby are very different in their own respects but also very similar! No matter what mode of transportation you are taking there are some basic rules of thumb I have learned over the years about traveling that I feel I can share with you! From one mom to another! From planes to cars to busses I have traveled the country with my pregnant belly, cranky baby, fussy toddler and well-meaning but antsy pre-schooler! ! I have learned that things can be smooth or they can be 6

The worst thing that can happen to you, and I mean the worst is being uncomfortable in your travels. Whether you are pregnant or carrying a new baby around, comfort for you both is key to your sanity! If your baby is still in your belly, you will want to make sure you bring with you some kind of pillow or support object that you can manipulate in your seat to help you stay cozy. “I traveled from Baltimore, MD to Wilmington, NC for my baby shower...On a bus, alone and 8+ months pregnant! Best thing ever was my nursing pillow.” Says Katherine, mother of Elizabeth. For new babies something of comfort could be a blanket from home that smells familiar. New babies can’t see everything around them yet but they can hear and they can smell! Something familiar to snuggle around them will help a great deal! If you are traveling by a mode of transportation other than your car,

carrying your baby in a sling or carrier can keep them very comfortable, smelling and hearing you and also free your hands!

For the Love of Food:

them! Give yourself extra time between connections for breaks and if you are driving, stop as much as you need to throughout your day. If your trip takes longer because of breaks… that is ok!

Making sure you bring plenty of snacks and food of your own on Having a newborn baby also means your travels could save you everyfrequent breaks. Newborn babies go thing! Tons of money for starters and for pregnant or new mothers, making sure you are energized with food means that you will think more clearly about your day. The last thing you need is to be spacey during travels and miss your connecting flight or take a wrong turn on the freeway. Dan, father of two daughters, Maelyn and Kamryn says, “We flew to Phoenix when Kamryn was 2-1/2 months and feeding her during takeoff and landing popped her ears and kept her from fussing.” It doesn’t matter if you are nursing or bottle feeding your baby on your travels, keeping your new baby’s belly full and feeding them when they need to be fed can keep them comfortable and save your stress levels. Let’s face it… babies get crabby when they through sometimes 10 diapers a day are hungry, just like we do! and if you are stuck traveling for a It’s Potty Time: while, that means you’re going to Restroom breaks, whether they be at go through some diapers! Waiting rest stops, bus terminals, train statoo long for baby could mean distions, or in those tiny airplane bathcomforts like diaper rash… which will rooms are something we need to only increase the stress of the day! address. Pregnancy means frequent It’s important to also bring an extra breaks! These are important and you set of clothes or two for your baby need to be prepared for taking them! in case there happens to be an acciWaiting too long can cause health dent! Amy, mother of four and doula problems for you and can become buddy of mine, advises from experiextremely uncomfortable. Take the ence, “If you’re nursing, bring an exbreaks you need and plan to take tra shirt. You never know what your


service are all things that could create speed bumps along the traveling way! Mentally preparing for the unexpected can help you deal with the bumps that may be bound to happen! Happy Holidays! Shanon Pruden CLD(CBI)

boobs may do. Same goes with newborn outfits and bottoms.” Personally… this is the truest of any traveling advice I have ever heard! Be safe this season in your travels! And prep for them! The more prepared you are… the easier it will seem! For me, I sometimes go into “survival mommy mode” for my kids and myself while we are traveling. It helps me to be focused on them completely, no matter how old they are. In the belly or out, our kids need us to help them travel in comfort. My own mother Sandy says, “Expect the worst, everything else will seem easy!” This is also some thing I have found to be very true! There are many factors about traveling that we consumers just do not have control over. Delays, traffic, bad directions, unhelpful customer 8


New Yea Mam 10

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5 Tips for Hiring a Nanny

By Rebecca Stewart, who is the owner and founder of VIP Nannies Inc., Household Staffing

1. Make a list of expectations. A few to consider: What days/hours do you need your nanny to work? Are you looking for a live-in or live-out nanny? Do you want a nanny who holds a degree in child development or similar field? What benefit will you offer (if any)? If you have an infant, multiples, or a special needs child you will want a nanny who has experience in this area. 2. Contact a reputable nanny agency. To find the best agency in your state check: - Association of Premier Nanny Agencies, - The International Nanny Association, An agency will be available to you before, during, and after you hire a nanny. The agency will provide you with qualified candidate’s that meet your family’s specific needs. Agencies check references and run background checks, and will provide you with candidate’s resumes, letters of recommendation, copies of certifications and/or degrees, and a list of references. 3. Interview nannies in person. Check for how a nanny communicates verbally and non-verbally. Think to yourself… Is this someone you want working in your home every day for the next x-amount of years. A nanny can have a stellar resume and excellent experience but if your personalities clash, she/he is just not the right nanny for you. 4. Check References! If you’re using a reputable agency reference then background checks are conducted by the agency at their expense. These include: criminal background check, DMV check, and social security verification. If hiring a nanny on your own, you can contact your local nanny agency and ask if they provide a la carte background checks. Contact PFC Information Services, a well-known company that provides background checks for a number of nanny agency’s across the U.S. 5. Have a “trial day”. After the initial interview, I always suggest scheduling a time for your potential nanny to return to your home for a “trial day.” This is a time for both parties to get acclimated with one another. This is also a good time to watch your potential nanny interact with your child(ren). Other follow-up points: “OK, we found the perfect nanny. Now what?” “What are a nannies responsibilities”





Pumpin’ Ain’t Easy I think every woman, during pregnancy (and even before), develops an image of herself as a mom; a kind of blueprint for how she wants to raise her child, the parenting style she plans to apply, the type of mother she wants others to perceive her as. I know I did, and I know exactly who that mom is: the breastfeeding, co-sleeping, baby-wearing mom who, when she introduces solids at no earlier than 6 months, feeds her child exclusively organic, homemade foods. The type of mom who wouldn’t dream of introducing an artificial nipple or pacifier before a mutually fulfilling and impermeable breastfeeding relationship has been firmly established. The type of mom who understands her baby’s every cry, shriek, and whimper, and responds with exactly the requested remedy, be it a boob, a fresh diaper, or a cuddle. Yes, this is the pretty little picture that I painted during the nine (actually ten- gestation is 40 weeks- look it up) months that I was cookin’ that baby. I actually took it for granted that this is the type of mom that I would naturally be. Well, there’s nothing like a real, live newborn to pee all over your dreams and aspirations regarding motherhood (and your clothes, your bed, your carpet…but that’s the stuff of another post). My breastfeeding journey started out predictably enough: cracked, bleeding nipples; countless hours spent in breastfeeding workshops to try and hash out latching issues (diagnosis: a tight 18

frenulum and a shallow latch); frequent weigh-ins to ensure that baby was getting enough to eat. It was physically painful, emotionally draining, and surprisingly isolating. But slowly, it got better. By around the 6-week mark, things were really looking up. The pain had dropped off to a tolerable discomfort; my daughter was plumping up nicely; and I had finally experienced that elusive oxytocin high that I had previously been convinced was merely the stuff of breastfeeding fairytales. It was wonderful. And then, in an instant, everything changed. When my daughter was 10 days shy of 2 months old, she suffered a terrifying reflux-related stop-breathing incident that landed her in the hospital for 4 days. It was the scariest 4 days of my life thus far, because initially, we didn’t know the culprit behind the incident. My tiny baby girl had to undergo one invasive test after another to try to arrive at a diagnosis. During that time, I made the decision to pump and bottle-feed, for several reasons: chiefly, because she was hooked up to so many machines and monitors that the wires interfered with nursing, and because I feared that she wasn’t eating enough due to distress and I wanted to be able to determine her intake. I wasn’t worried that pumping and bottle-feeding for the short hospital stint would impede our breastfeeding progress, because she was nearly 2 months and we seemed to finally be on pretty solid footing.

I was sorely mistaken. When we (blissfully) returned home from the hospital, my daughter went on the most vehement nursing strike known to mom . The minute she was placed at my breast, she would begin wailing in a fashion that would rattle even the unwavering nerves of a neurosurgeon. The howling would persist until I stopped trying to force my nipple into her disinclined little mouth. trying to force my nipple into her disinclined little mouth. After a full week of inflicting this torture on my child, myself, and my weary-butever-supportive husband, it was time for the moment of truth: we took the baby for a weigh-in. My worst fears were confirmed when the scale revealed that she had failed to gain a single ounce in a week. Driving home from the breastfeeding support center at the hospital where we weighed the baby, I came to a tearful decision: for the remainder of my breastfeeding relationship with this baby, I would exclusively pump and bottlefeed. That was more than 5 months ago, and I’m still going strong. And let me tell you, it has been anything but easy. I am a stay-at-home mom by choice, and I feel exceedingly lucky that I am able to be. And I certainly do not intend to discount the challenges of being a full-time working mom who pumps while at work to be able to provide that liquid gold for her child. Quite the opposite; I have the utmost respect and admiration for women who are so dedicated to breastfeeding that they continue to pump after they return

to work. However, exclusively pumping as a stay-at-home mom poses its own unique challenges, not the least of which is a husband who works 24and often 36-hour shifts. I pump 7-8 times a day even now, despite the introduction of solids at 6 months. I have to pump that often to be able to produce the 27-30 ounces of breast milk that my daughter’s growing body needs each day. So I face the daily challenge of keeping my exceptionally active wiggle worm entertained for 12-minute stretches, 7-8 times per day. I have become very innovative in this undertaking. I strap her into her high chair with a tray full of toys, sing silly songs to her or turn on the Toddler Tunes network, play Peek-a-Boo and make faces at her. If she grows fussy and my pumping session is interrupted, I run the risk of falling behind on milk production for the day and…gasp… having to tap into my coveted frozen supply (an abundant frozen stash is the Holy Grail for all breastfeeding moms, especially those who pump!). I have also faced a number of hurdles along the way that threatened to diminish my resolve to pump. Shortly after my daughter was found to have reflux, we determined that she also had a dairy intolerance (the two often go hand-in-hand). I am a vegetarian who typically compensates for the lack of meat in my diet with a wealth of cheese, so this was not welcome news, to say the least (No mac ‘n cheese at family holiday gatherings? No half-and-half in my coffee? No CUPCAKES?!).But, after all of the other obstacles I had


MAMto overcome, eliminating dairy aged from my diet for awhile seemed like small potatoes (hold the butter). And then there was the kidney stone debacle. I had a kidney stone around 3 months postpartum, possibly related to dehydration from pregnancy and breastfeeding (drink lots of water, ladies!), which put me out of commission for a week. I was on painkillers (breastfeeding-safe, of course), which desensitized me to the suction of the pump. One day I was pumping, kind of doped up, and I lost track of the time. When I glanced down at the bottles to see how much milk I had yielded, to my shock and horror, big blood blisters had formed on my nipples. I cried and almost gave up pumping for good, right then and there. But alas, I persevered (thank you, Lansinoh!). there. But alas, I persevered (thank you, Lansinoh!). It hasn’t been all hardship, though. There have been triumphs, too, and I think that they have been all the more glaring because they’ve been amid so many snags. The achievement I’m proudest of is getting my daughter back on the breast once a day. She has been nursing for the first feed of the day for a number of months now; she’s such a pro that you’d never guess she took a break from it. This is such a victory for us. A baby’s suction is so much more effective than any pump, so one nursing session a day really boosts my supply all day long. And best of all, baby and I are enjoying the daily benefit of skin-to-skin contact and bonding time once again, and that 20

advantage is irreplaceable. I’ve also come to see every monthly birthday as a triumph. Each time my daughter turns another month old, that’s one more month of me having been able to provide her with the most perfect, complete nutrition available to her. Throughout my breastfeeding experience, it has been indispensible for me to have a strong support network in place, and I cannot understate the importance of one for every new nursing mom. My husband has been amazingly supportive, never pressuring me to do anything that would compromise my emotional health. Simultaneously, he has always been very encouraging about pumping because he knows how important it is to me to provide our daughter with breast milk. And since just after my daughter’s birth, I have regularly corresponded with a family friend who is a LC. I owe her so much gratitude, as her advice, information, and encouragement motivated me to keep going when I was at my most disheartened. And I’m lucky to have a wonderful system of family and friends who helped out and offered a little levity when I needed it most. In writing this, I hope to provide some inspiration to women who are facing breastfeeding challenges. I can’t convey enough how low I have felt at times during this journey, but how incredibly proud I now feel about having stuck with it. I plan to continue to pump at least through her first birthday and possibly even beyond. Yes, it’s an inconvenience to drag my pump with me on outings

and vacations, and yes, pumping day in and day out grows mighty tedious. But at the end of the day, the knowledge that I am doing what’s best for my baby makes me feel not put out, but rather, incredibly lucky. Written by: Jessica Roberts

Hygeia Enjoye EXT

Avent Manual Breast Pump

MAMS Pump Picks!!

Medela Single Deluxe Personal Use Electric Breast Pump Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump



We Are : *Community of moms helping other moms be resourceful. *Moms who need to de-clutter our kid’s closets. *Moms making a hobby out of recycling. *Moms wanting to save money and save the earth. *Moms who love to swap *Moms who find happiness in donating to others

We Are Moms That Swap


Twitter is one of the most popular social networks today. Available to anyone with an email address and internet connection, this 140-characters-or-less form of communication feeds real-time thoughts from celebrities and world leaders into the same continuous stream of tweets from you and me.

Using Tw to Mana Twitter

While it’s simple to join Twitter, getting used to using it can take a bit of time. The most common complaints I hear from those who have recently joined Twitter is that they are having difficulty making sense of it or that it’s hard to keep up. My answer? “Stop using the web version of Twitter ( and starting using some type of Twitter management tool. It will forever change your Twitter experience.”

Twitter Management Tools

There are many options available for use on your computer and your smart phone, but the most popular of those tools are TweetDeck and HootSuite. TweetDeck comes as a download to your computer or app on your iPhone, whereas you use HootSuite with your browser. I have used both TweetDeck and HootSuite, but prefer TweetDeck for its longer tweets, overall ease and speed of tweeting and handle auto-suggest features. Getting Started with TweetDeck

Adding your Accounts

After downloading TweetDeck to your computer, you’ll have to connect all the social media accounts you’d like to manage with it. TweetDeck handles more than just Twitter accounts; you can also add your personal Facebook and fan page accounts, LinkedIn, FourSquare, Google Buzz and MySpace. Once you’ve added all your accounts, be sure to label 1 account as your default account (Under Settings--> Accounts) for easier tweeting. Setting Up your Columns TweetDeck starts you off with a few columns at the time of download, but you can add, change and move around columns to make your user experience the most optimal for you. I recommend using a column for All Friends and another for any mentions of your handle (doing this acts as an “inbox” of sorts so you won’t miss anyone who has tweeted to you). I also like having a column for Direct Messages as this makes responding to DMs much simpler. 24

weetDeck age your Activity

If you’ve created Twitter lists or have a certain topic or hashtag you’d like to follow, you can set up columns for those, too. Scheduling Tweets One fantastic quality of Twitter management tools is the ability to schedule a tweet. Since Twitter is really about the conversation, this feature should be used sparingly. However, it can be helpful for promoting a new blog post (you can set up tweets containing a link to your new post to go out during the day) or to spread the word about an upcoming event.

To schedule a tweet, simply type the text of your tweet, add any applicable links or hashtags, and then click the Clock icon on the right side of the screen, just to the left of the Send button. Then you’ll be asked to set the day and time you want it to tweet out. Then click Set Time, then Send.

To get a better idea of some of the additional features and functionality of TweetDeck, as well as a general sense of what it looks like, be sure to watch the video at

Liz Jostes is a mom, marketer, blogger, social media consultant and conference speaker. After graduating with a degree in Marketing, she worked for marketing firms in Chicago and Memphis, helping to guide consumer product and service companies to improve their offerings and better serve the needs of their customer base. Liz began writing her personal blog, a belle, a bean & a chicago dog (, in 2008, and co-founded the consulting business, Eli | Rose Social Media, LLC (, in early 2011. She now spends her days mommying, blogging and helping small business owners use social media. Visit her personal website ( or tweet her at @ BelleBeanDog.





MAM’s Holiday Picks From JJCole




pacifier pod diapers and wipes pod bundle me hat


The Holidays are here and us Mompreneurs have to be savvy about our marketing. Tis the season to save money and make me the most of our marketing efforts! Here are 5 tips to boost your holiday sales + you get to see my dance!

View video at

1. Make coupons and gift certificates. Use key words like, limited time only, while Supplies Last, buy one get one free, offer expires. There are lots of free programs on Microsoft to make these certificates. 2. Make gift packages if you have a tangible product. Grab a basket, bow, and some clear wrapping paper and make it pretty! Everyone likes a pretty gift. 3. Host a fundraiser with a nonprofit, charity or a cause. Donate a percentage of profits. People love shopping for a cause! Let me know if you are looking for a charity. I have a list of great ones. 4. Wear and use your product or display it at parties, gathering etc. You won’t feel like you are pitching your business because people will start to ask you about your product. It’s that easy. 5. Make a Gift Guide with OTHER business and encourage them to do the same. Add photos and links. Make listings for different industries, products, services etc. What makes sense...You advertising to only your network or marketing to the thousands that will come from each of the participants of the gift guide working together to promote? Think about it…You get 10 people in the gift guide and let’s say they each share it with their network of 1,000 people (I’m using small numbers. That’s 10,000 people! Here is a sample of one I made last year. We had lots of success! This doesn’t have to be complicated. Again, use Microsoft word with templates to make a guide then turn it into a PDF file. Simple as pie! Now that you’ve got some great ideas hit the ground running and boost those holiday sales! With Love, Natalie Gouche’ 213.394.5973




Beyond “Stranger-Danger”

Do you remember the first time you were told, “Never take candy from a stranger” or “Don’t talk to strangers”? I was in elementary school and I was probably in first grade. Throughout my elementary education, my school provided resources and training to help kids understand the importance of keeping distance from strangers. Since the concept of sexual abuse prevention was gaining credibility, prevention programs were being instituted nationwide. The acceptance of childhood sexual abuse prevention opened the door to important research and related statistics. The truth about childhood sexual abuse is that less than 20% of abusers are strangers. So although teaching your child about Stranger-Danger is relevant to the goal of prevention, you should be much more concerned about implementing general prevention techniques within your family. General prevention techniques include the following: good and bad touching, safe and unsafe situations, and appropriate and inappropriate communication. These basics can help alert your child to dangerous situations. The more you talk with your child about abuse prevention, the better equipped your child will be to discuss her concerns with you. Your next steps in prevention include managing your child’s Circles of Influence and developing a Family Sexual Abuse Prevention Plan. Please visit our website, for more information. Kemi Chavez PROTECTING CHILDHOOD What’s more important? To receive our prevention advice for parents, please visit us online at: Website: Twitter: Facebook: 34

Melissa Lockerman for Mrs. California 2013

Since I was a child, I have felt in my heart that my encounter with sexual abuse would lead me to something positive. I also felt that, since I like who I am, I should embrace everything that has shaped me, not seeing it as something negative, but just as a part of my life story. This is how I coped with what had happened to me. More recently, I wondered how I could help others cope in a positive way, rather than suffering for years to come. I also wanted to take action to prevent other children from becoming victims of a sexual abuser. I was unsure exactly what I would do to make a difference, but when I was introduced to the International Pageant system, it was like the path before me opened up and became very clear. I knew immediately that the title of Mrs. California would enable me to bring much needed attention to a cause that is so important. I contacted several organizations dedicated to preventing childhood sexual abuse, including Stop It Now!, Just Tell, and my favorite, Darkness to Light.


“Make thi a SPA-

Every Woman Needs “15”: A typical

24-hour day could range from taking care of our children, heading off to work/working from home, running errands, preparing dinner, and a whole list of everyday tasks! That’s enough to make anyone feel overwhelmed, stressed out, and exhausted especially during the busy holidays. It’s important that every woman take at least 15 minutes per day for rest and relaxation, include it in your daily agenda. No cell phones, computers, or etc just “15 minutes” of shutting out the world for a moment. You could sit in a quiet room with your eyes closed and enjoy the great benefits of deep breathing. Or read one of your favorite books you never seem to have time for anymore. Maybe even give yourself a warm foot soak and grab your favorite nail polish for a D.I.Y Mani & Pedi! This is YOUR TIME to do whatever makes you happy and gives you the energy & rejuvenation to get through the day a little easier.

Go Easy on Yourself: We spend most

of our time stressing over holiday shopping & gift-giving during the holidays! This year, make a plan of who you would like to shop for, what their needs are, and what you can realistically afford to purchase. Doing this before you step foot into the mall will ease the anxiety of 36

The holiday season is s that time of year for fa festivities, delicious food on! Everything appear perfect, and easy breez chaotic this time can b we are so busy taking needs (and wants) that care of ourselves. Wel this year, so I want yo (insert your name here to relax, enjoy some “m something special just f all, YOU DESERVE IT so help you turn this ho

over-spending and over-indulging. Also, if you’re hosting holiday dinner at your home don’t be afraid to ask for help. There are plenty of inexpensive house cleaning services available to help take this task off your list! Your family can also help with holiday decorations, turn on some holiday music and make this a fun activity together (it’s also less work for you)! Lastly, when your guests offer to bring a dish to holiday dinner “gladly accept their offer”. This will save you time to focus on the main course and whatever else you need to get done! So go easy on yourself this year and enlist the help of others, you’ll be so

is Holiday -LIDAY”

such a magical time! It’s amily gatherings, holiday d, gift exchanges, and so rs to be so jolly, picture zy but we also know how be. Especially for Mom’s, care of everyone else’s we forget to take good ll that won’t be the case ou to repeat after me, “I e) give myself permission me time”, have fun and do for me every day!” After o here are three tips to oliday into a spa-liday! glad you did!

It’s Okay to Indulge: We work hard ev-

ery day trying to juggle and balance the many hats we wear as women. So I’m here to tell you that it’s okay to indulge when you can! While you’re out holiday shopping for everyone else remember to add YOUR name to that list as well! There’s no better feeling than to reward yourself; “work hard, play hard”! Schedule a 60-minute massage at a day spa as a gift to yourself for a


job well done (as a Wife,Mom, CEO, Employee, Friend, Sister, and much more)! Just remember, “I (insert your name here) give myself permission to relax, enjoy some “me time”, have fun and do something special just for me every day!” Believe me, you deserve it!

Lakia Pearson is a Wife, Mother to a 4-year old son, CEO, & “Spa Diva”! She has a B.S. degree in Psychology and has been a Spa Consultant for 3 years! She owns two businesses, Pamper Me Sweets a dessert catering company delivering cupcakes, cakes, and desserts to LA & Orange County and she’s an independent business owner with Lemongrass Spa (97-100% all natural, handmade, paraben free products for women, men, & babies)! For more info visit and!



This Skin brought to you b As a mom to 4 boys- 7, 2 and 1 year old twins; let’s face it- my beauty regime has gone down the toilet! Gone are the days where I would sit in front of the mirror making sure that every eyelash was separated and every flaw airbrushed! Sometimes I am lucky if I even get to put on my moisturizer and eye cream. I also need to remember that when I leave the house and am out in the world, I have to represent myself as a business woman, beauty expert and a mother that is put together. The issue with most busy moms is finding the time to do hair and make up when there is always someone at your feet, patting your butt to get your attention and trying to grab the blush brush out of your hand. Or even better, when you hear a faint whimper from the other room and walk in to find your toddler has decided to be Picasso reincarnate over newly painted walls (wait for it... it gets better) only to realize that you have put mascara on one eye and not the other, don’t slow down to look at yourself and go out like that. Indeed, this happened to me. At the end of said day, I received a compliment about my skin that brought on a conversation about simple beauty products. I am an advocate for products that can do double-duty. As a makeup artist and someone with very limited mirror time; I think that skin is so important. If you have a few good products that give you a glow you are set. I love the makeup-no-makeup look and as busy ladies with children, we need to still feel sexy and put together. First, finding a moistur38

izer can sometimes be difficult. Here are two I recommend for all skin types:

Decleor Alpha Morning Hydrating Cream. This light cream really

makes the skin look and feel fabulous. It has a natural and gentle AHA exfoliant that is fruit derived and I adore the fact that it also has a SPF 12 which is enough to protect your skin from damage. Now, it is on the pricier side; but if you hunt around online you can find it for a steal. I found a great deal over at www.

Garnier Ultra-Lift Anti-Wrinkle Firming Moisturizer has been my

staple for a year. After the birth of the twins, I really needed to cut back on buying expensive creams; I am thrilled that I tried this one out and for under $20.00, truly a great drugstore find and has an SPF 15. Your skin will never look


by a Multi-Taskin Mama! look more radiant. It contains pro-retinol that is plant derived. Every day I see a difference and the same experiences are had by those I recommend the product to, it is spot on. Not to mention the money you will save going to the dermatologist for peels and facials will astound you. It is the secret weapon in my makeup kit. Now on to some easy breezy mommy makeup products:

Kimiko Beauty is

my favorite! I fell in love with the fact

that the product was multi-faceted. There are four products from the line that I use daily. I start with the Hydrating Tinted Moisturizer with SPF 20. As I said above, I hardly have time to put on sunscreen. It gives me enough coverage, it makes my skin look hydrated, has a perfect tint, and has UVA/ UVB protection. Second, I put on the Muliti-Tasker Treatment Concealer under my eyes and around my smile lines to reflect the light up. This product has been a little beauty secret of mine for awhile. I love when people tell me that I don’t look tired and they can’t believe I have three little people at home in diapers. Well, this is why. It eliminates puffiness, dark circles and conceals. This acts as my eye cream. Perfect. Third, I use the Lifting Puff Blush in Cherry Blossom. It has Hydra-Firma Lift

Lift in it so I know that my cheeks won’t sag, at least not in this decade. Cherry Blossom is a perfect pink-gold that will make you look like you just had a nice run on the beach in brisk weather or have just had a glass of bold red wine. It is a perfect blush color for many skin hues. Fourth, I use the Sheer Tint and Lip Plumper. I have one in every color and it is perfect for moms because you can still kiss your babies cheeks and the tint stays on beautifully and when the plumper is added it will make you feel super sexy. I then finish off the look with mascara of your choice. You will get your face done in 5.5 minutes and feel really pretty when you walk out the door and know that you are also doing your skin a favor as well. Voila! www. kimikobeauty. com. Speaking of multitasking: At the end of the night after cleaning up crushed peas on the floor, and washing bark out of curly locks- don’t you just want to slip away somewhere quiet? You can AND you should. Here is a recipe that serves up two times the relaxation: (Grab a bottle of your favorite champagne and pour yourself a glass- add some frozen blueberries for an antioxidant boost).



The Bubbly Bubble Bath: 10 oz of your favorite unscented liquid body wash 1 teaspoon vitamin E oil 5-10 drops of your favorite essential oil (my faves are amber or lavender)

Simply pour the body wash into a mixing bowl, add your vitamin E and essential oils and mix together. Once your champagne is through, you can use the bottle (after it has been washed) to pour your bubbly bath concoction in! Remember, it only takes about 5-10 minutes to look and feel gorgeous. Take the time do it!!

Cameron Long-Tel is the founder of Kiss & Tel Beauty and Events, a unique extravaganza of make-up artistry, events, and e-boutiques; along with a blog about running a beauty business at home with her 4 boys (2 of which are twins). She created it as an outlet to journal about down and dirty motherhood, beauty/fashion and also to brag about her creative friends and what they are doing. 40

Tips to Add Fruit into your day Morning Smoothie.

Morning smoothies are great because they are easy on the stomach, easily digest and great on the go. Mornings can be hectic trying to get everyone out of the house in the morning and sometimes the most important meal of the day gets missed. Some great staples for smoothies are frozen pineapple, bananas, organic juice, ice, Mona vie Emv, Mona vie essential and Hawaiian spirulina.

Mid-morning snack.

It’s before lunchtime and your starving. What do you do? Wait until you have lunch or make lunch? Eat you’re lunch now? How about some fruit? Fruit is a great way to curb your hunger. Fruit is filled with fiber, water and tons of good nutrients to nourish your body. Grab an apple instead. You know what they say about apples! You’re better off keeping the doctor away.

Lunchtime Salad.

Lunch is a time to refuel mid-day. If you pick a heavy meal then you probably want to nap after. Heavy meals tend to use up more energy to break down, which leave you with less energy in the time following the meal. Instead of having a burger, fries and a coke try a salad with fruit.

Late Afternoon Pick Me Up.

It’s almost time for dinner but not quite. Have another piece of fruit. Try looking for what is in season. In season fruit is in style for so many reasons, it tasty, juicy and you can always get it for a steal!


Craving a sweet treat after your meal? Try strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and blueberries then drizzle on some chocolate syrup. Then to make it oh so delicious add in some cool whip to really brighten it up.


Party P


Planning Welcome to your new local hub of party planning for the mom who are fun, frilly, fancy, and frugal! I, Danelle Hairston of Sugar & Spice Event Design, will be giving you tips, secrets and fun ideas to make your next kid-focused soiree memorable and exciting. I have tips for the new mommy who is having their first baby shower. Here are my 5 biggest tips to ensure a smooth and delightful baby shower for you and your guest. • Get Help! - Don’t do it on your own. You deserve to enjoy celebrating while remaining stress free. Get a friend or family member to help you come up with great ideas while executing your baby shower concepts. • Go Different – Though the guests are welcoming the new bundle of joy, personal touches that reflect you are important. Instead of doing the typical pink or blue, try a theme that all guest can enjoy. How about a pirate theme for the little boy, or a fairy-tale theme for a new little princess on the way? Drop the sign in book, and create a personalized keepsake for the baby with special notes from attendees. • Get Ready for Your Close Up – The baby is on its way and soon, the little one will be the star of the show. Until then, take time for your close up. Enjoy being the focal point of the event. Make sure you are all dolled up, and ready for lots of pictures. Buy a special outfit that is comfortable and free flowing, but accentuates the baby bump. Rock pumps if you are bold, or keep it simple with a rhinestone sandal or a comfortable low wedge heel for you hot mommas! • Game Time Refined - If you are a popular mommy with lots of guests at your baby shower, try games that are on-going throughout the party. Get everyone to participate altogether, instead of one by one or in groups. In addition to group games, pick games that have a personal touch or include little know facts. You can do a famous people baby picture sort or a simple mommy trivia for dad to answer. • Pack it up or Pack it in - In these days and time, opening gifts with your guest is not mandatory. Scrap the gift opening and opt for another game, or take the time to announce a special thank you to your showers host. This saves time, keeps your organized, and saves the guest embarrassment of multiple gifts being revealed.


Play Date Etiquette At Any Age By: Mrs.S. “Queenie” Johnson, is an Education Specialist & Academic Coach, with over ten years of experience in the field of education. I’m a big advocate for play as it has many important benefits for a childs development and emotional growth. Maintaining social relationships for your child enables them to develop executive function. This is where they can role-play, make use of and demonstrate the tools that they have been learning at home or in the classroom on their own terms through self-directed play. As a teacher, I’ve seen play dates have a positive effect on a childs confidence, maturity and output performance in the classroom. So, when planning a play date remember that they are fun, but can go wrong without proper planning. Here are some quick steps to ensuring a great time for both kids and families.

Meet at a mutual location- The first play date should happen at a place where the kids can get

to know each other well and not feel like one person has more rights than the other. Can Jacob come too? Don’t assume that its okay for your other child to join the play date. It’s really important that you don’t push this on the other parent or the other child. This puts everyone in an uncomfortable position. Some kids might say its okay only to find out later that it really doesn’t work for them. As time goes on, children will naturally invite others if they want to play with them.

Always ask the other parent about their overnight policy- If you want another child to spend the night over at your house, never ask, “Can Justin spend the night?” It’s off setting and puts the other parent on the spot. Approach the other parent openly by asking them about their overnight policy. This leaves room for the parent to tell you that their child is not allowed to spend the night at anyone else’s house, without them feeling to bad about the situation.

Ask the parent about their food and Television/Movie policy: When your kid comes home

and tells you that they had a great time because they got to watch the latest rated ‘R’ movie with lots of food that you don’t ever allow your child to eat, fumes start smoking from your heard.

Ask the parent about their food and Television/Movie policy: When your kid comes home

and tells you that they had a great time because they got to watch the latest rated ‘R’ movie with lots of food that you don’t ever allow your child to eat, fumes start smoking from your head. Be sure to always ask the other parent about movies or cartoons that they may watch on the play date. SpongeBob, The Suite Life of Zack and Cody or Phineas & Ferb might not be okay for some families.

Play dates aren’t for parents: I’ve seen parents use play dates as a way to declare that they are the “best” parent in the whole wide world. Be sure to keep play dates about kids. Don’t plan anything too extravagant; let the children play keep it authentic. When you do this, it manipulates

the situation and the other kid only wants to come over for the ‘cool’ things you are doing as oppose to genuinely connecting with your child and playing together.


Tips from Your Home Living Editor: Handmade Holidays The holiday season is upon us, which means that we’ll soon be engulfed in the hustle and bustle of gift buying. Before you head to the mall to buy overpriced toys for the kids in your life, try a little holiday crafting with items you probably already have in your house. They’ll make fun Christmas gifts for your kids and will inspire learning and imagination. Enjoy the fun of making and using these handmade gifts with your family.

~ Jenny

Fun Fingerpaints 

1/2 cup cornstarch

3 Tbsp. sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

2 cups cold water

food coloring

Mix all ingredients in a saucepan and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Remove from heat to cool. After cooling, divide into separate containers for colors and add a few drops of food coloring.

Reuse those old crayon bits! Grab all of those old broken crayon bits and make some fun toddler crayon shapes! Simple peel away the paper and arrange in a muffin tin or other oven-safe dish. You can arrange by color or go crazy and mix it all up. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Once the oven is preheated, turn it off and put the pan in the oven. Leave just long enough for the crayons to melt together into fun, new shapes.

Bathtub Puffy Paint 

1 cup grated soap

1/2 tsp liquid watercolor paint, soap dye or food coloring

3/4 cup hot water

Put the shredded soap into the food processor, blender or mixer. Add the water very slowly in order to avoid getting bubbles. You’re looking for a thick, squishy texture. Once you’ve achieved the thick, squishy texture or puffy paint you can divide the mixture into containers for each color. Add ½ teaspoon of liquid watercolor paint, soap dye or food coloring to each container and mix well.

Whip these up for the kids on your holiday shopping list and wrap them in a cute basket with a pad of scratch paper and a cute bath time washcloth and watch their eyes light up as they imagine all of the possibilities for imaginative play! For more handmade holiday ideas, log onto


Holiday Princess Dresses by: Tallulah and Belle 46




Polka dot Kids




What are the challenges of being a teen mom and on top of that being on a reality show?

What have been the pros and cons of being on a reality show and being a teen mom?

The main challenge of being a Teen mom is the stress of taking care of another person, worrying about a child, and seeing how your relationships change with others due to you having the best interest for yourself and your child at all times. When you’re a teenager, everything is about you. It’s incredibly hard to change that, and not have enough time for yourself anymore. As a Teen Mom you have to learn to balance a lot between making time for yourself and for your child. Being on a TV show of course comes with some struggles, it’s hard when you have so much attention directed at you. Sometimes I don’t know if people want to get to know me as a person or just want to be in my life because they want to be on TV. People who don’t know me sometimes criticize my parenting, but the truth is – I’m not a perfect mother- just like so many other young moms, I’m still learning. But, I know that I am a great mother and that Sophia is in the best hands with me. I love her more than anything. However, I know that sharing my story has impacted many people in a positive way, so the stress I go through is worth it. It’s really important to me that other young people out there know just how hard it is to be a teen mother – by telling my story, I’m letting them see the realities of being a teen mom.

Honestly I have been very fortunate to have great fans that send Sophia and I lots of letters and gifts that brighten our day. I’m happy to be working hard on my education, which is so important. What made you decide to move to Miami? Miami was me in every definition, I needed more sunshine, variety of culture, bigger city, more child friendly place, and bigger opportunities from a career perspective. I pictured Sophia and I fitting in perfectly. What are your hopes and dreams for yourself and Sofia? I hope Sophia will be very intelligent and be a part of the talent industry in her own way, as well as try all the fun activities in Florida for kids. I always make sure Sophia feels loved, and that she has everything she could ever ask for. I want to provide Sophia with the best childhood, filled with love and great experiences, and will make sure she attends the best schools. I want her to one day find her true passion. As for me, I plan to get my masters in culinary management and tourism, and would love to hopefully write a couple books about my journey being a teen mom, a culinary book, and a children’s book.

I’m not a perfect mother- just like so many other young moms, I’m still learning. But, I know that I am a great mother and that Sophia is in the best hands with me.


I’d also like to open restaurants and clubs to have children will be pretty clear. in Florida and hopefully a couple other countries one day. I’d even love to create What do you see yourself doing after Teen a children’s clothing line with Sophia, or a Mom is no longer on the air? perfume for moms and their children. After Teen mom I see myself focusing on What do you what to see yourself become my culinary skills (I’d love to have a cookand Sophia to grow into? ing show one day!). Whether I’m cooking, traveling, or building my own restauI want to see myself grow into a Culinary rant, I definitely see myself opening up a professional and public figure, for my restaurants and clubs. daughter I want Sophia to grow into a independent , educated adult, with all the What is something encouraging you can tell opportunities she wants at her finger tips. other young moms? Whatever her passions turn out to be, I will support them. The biggest thing that has encouraged me as a mom, is looking at my child and seeWhat inspires you to work hard, and work to ing she deserves the best of everything be the best mom you can be at a young age? this world has to offer her, and I am not going to ruin it for her. I work my hardI think I’m very influenced to work hard est, even when I’m feeling depressed or because I don’t have Sophia’s dad here. overly tired. I work hard every day so I My parents also pressure me to work don’t ruin things for my child. Miracles hard, and comments from viewers also just don’t happen - you have to work hard make an impact on me. Sophia is such a to make a miracle happen. I see my hard wonderful child and perfect in every way, work making new miracles happen all of and it hurts me to know that her dad is the time.. not here to see how wonderful she is. Sophia deserves so much love and I know I need to fill the role of two parents. What would you tell your child when they grow up about being a teenage parent? For me , I would tell her I never wanted to be a young parent, I never wanted to have children period before I had my daughter, it’s hard and it really changes your life. Then I would just have Sophia read my book “My Teenage Dream Ended,” and watch all the saved episodes of 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom. The message to wait 54

“I see my hard work making new miracles happen all of the





A Healthier Clean As moms, we are always striving for the cleanest home possible, doing our best to keep away as many germs as we can. Have you ever thought about what you are leaving behind every time you spray your all-purpose cleaner on your counters, or what chemicals are left on your kitchen floor for your baby to ingest once their little hands go in their mouth? I was 3 months pregnant and remember the day my OB doctor told me that it was time to get all of the chemical cleaners out of my home and put them in a box in the garage. She said I shouldn’t expose myself to the toxic chemicals while pregnant. After I had my baby girl and the dreaded time had come that I actually had to do some of the household cleaning again, it hit me, “Why in the world would I bring all of the toxic chemical cleaners back into my home now that the baby is here?” Doctors tell us to stay away from them while pregnant, yet who informs us that chemical exposure has been linked to allergies, asthma, respiratory illnesses, behavioral issues and cancer, especially in children? As a new mother, it became my mission to create the healthiest home and life for my precious new baby and spread the word to other moms. Of course we cannot prevent exposure to every chemical or illness, but we can make the choice to be informed and make simple, safer choices to limit chemical and toxin exposure. As moms, we are the change makers and we need to share this with other moms. There is a healthier, safer way to clean. Many people think that going green means you are choosing a healthier option. Many companies have gone “green” yet aren’t non-toxic. Many green and eco-friendly products can still be harmful to your health. “Green” means it is safe for the environment, not necessarily safe for you. Always look for non-toxic, meaning the ingredients are safe for you and your family. If you still have chemical cleaners lurking in your home, read these statistics that are directly related to toxic chemicals: • Cancer is now the leading cause of death by disease in children and pediatric cancer has increased 30% over the last 30 years. More action needs to be taken to prevent every day exposures to carcinogens, substances which are proven to cause cancer. • Asthma rates have increased 200% since 1980 and 1 in 11 children suffer from asthma. The rates are increasing more rapidly in preschoolers than any other age group. • 90% of our time is spent indoors. The EPA reports that air pollution is up to five times higher inside the home than outside. • 81,000 chemicals have been registered with the U.S. EPA in the past 30 years and fewer than 20% have been tested for toxicity • Homes where air fresheners are used on a daily basis reported that women had higher depression rates and more headaches. Babies had increased diarrhea and earaches. • Infertility has increased 50% in the last 20 years and has been linked to toxic chemicals 58

Easy Ways You Can Go Green and Embrace Non-toxic Living: 1. Get the dirt.

Educate yourself about what you bring into your home at

2. Clean out your cabinets. Put

on the gloves and get rid of the nasty stuff in your home. The EPA considers these chemical cleaners to be harmful to human health and the environment, so contact your local waste collection service for proper household hazardous waste disposal. Whatever you do, please don’t toss this stuff in the garbage.

3. Create a healthier home.

• Use Cleaners that are truly cleaner by being non-toxic, natural, biodegradable, concentrated, and hypoallergenic. • Fresh air. Open your windows to reduce indoor air pollution. • Essential oils. Use these instead of air fresheners. • Plants. Besides being nice to look at, they can absorb harmful gases and help clean the air. • Organic cotton bedding. Avoid standard bedding treated with chemicals. • Floors made of recycled and renewable resources. • Healthier paint. That new paint smell can be as nasty as it smells. Choose low VOC paint instead.

4. Clean up our collective home. Make the earth healthier

and find ways to use less packaging. Buy cleaners and personal care items in concentrate, producing less waste. Use products that are biodegradable and recyclable. For more information on a Healthier Clean and the statistics mentioned, go to Rachel’s Eco-licious Mama blog at:


The Importance Of clo

Cloth diapers have come a long way from our grandmother’s days. Today’s modern cloth diapers are easy to use, easy to wash and provide a savings to families. And parents today are catching on to the benefits of modern cloth diapers as more and more choose cloth diapers over disposable diapers.With the ease of cloth diapering has also brought a wave of cloth diapers brands. Great news for parents that want options, but this also means that more parents are overwhelmed when it comes to choosing cloth diapers for their baby. In this article we hope to help parents better understand the reasons to use cloth diapers, learn the different types and most importantly determine which diapering system to choose.

Let’s start with the basics – Why use cloth diapers? • Better for Baby: Disposable diapers contain dioxin, a highly-toxic carcinogen and Tibutyl-tin (TBT), a toxic pollutant and hormonal disruptor. Disposables are so absorbent because they contain sodium polyacrylate, which was used in tampons until the early 1980’s when it was linked to toxic shock syndrome. If you’ve ever changed a baby’s disposable diaper and noticed little blue beads of gel on their bottom, that was sodium polyacrylate. Since skin is your baby’s largest organ, it goes without saying you’d rather not cover it in toxic chemicals like these.

you’re saving at leas child 60

oth Diapers

• Better for the Planet: All those chemicals that don’t absorb into your baby’s bloodstream will be dumped into a landfill and eventually reach your water source when using disposable diapers. The same is true for the feces, which is meant to be dumped in the toilet even when using disposables, but almost never is. We can’t know for sure, but the estimate is that a single-use diaper takes between 250500 years to decompose, and more than 27 billion disposable diapers are used every year in the US. And finally, over 300 pounds of wood, 50 pounds of petroleum and 20 pounds of chlorine are used to produce the disposable diapers ONE baby needs for ONE YEAR.

Better for Your Pocketbook: The savings you will get out of • cloth diapering vary depending on which type of diapers you use and the capacity and efficiency of your washing system. But overall, you can spend between $2000-3000 to put disposable diapers on a baby from newborn to potty-learning (depending on the brand you buy). Your costs for a babyhood of cloth will range from around $300 for the most economical system to about $700 for a premium system (and those numbers include water and energy costs). So even if we round that premium system up to $1000, you’re saving at least $1000 per child. Add to THAT the fact that you can reuse those diapers for your next child, and your savings simply multiply. And Just Plain Cute: Okay, this one is not as compelling as the • others. But there’s no denying that a poofy, cloth-clad booty is far cuter than its crinkly, paper-clad equivalent.

Are there really no pins required? Different types of cloth diapers today.

st $1000 per


Pockets and Inserts: (brands include bumGenius, Rumparooz,

All-in-Ones: (brands include bumGenius Organic and Bottom Bum-

Hybrid diapers: (brands include Softbums and Best Bottom Diapers)

and Happy Heinys) are a popular choice for convenience. A pocket diaper must be stuffed with the inserts of your choice, but requires no additional cover and keeps the moisture away from your baby’s skin. pers) include the waterproof outer and absorbent inner in one simple diaper that requires no assembly. They are the most like disposable diapers when it comes to putting them on the baby. On the downside, they can take a long time to dry. include an insert that lays against the baby’s skin and it’s changed with every diaper change and a reusable waterproof cover that is used more than once throughout the day. These are a favorite among new parents interested in cloth diapering.

• And finally prefolds and fitteds are the most economical system. A prefold or fitted is placed on the baby and then enclosed with a waterproof cover.


How many do I need? Newborn baby needs 10-12 cloth diapers per day and when they hit around 5-6 months of age, baby needs just 6-8 diapers per day. Most parents prefer to wash cloth diapers every other day and it’s a good idea to have some extras, so simply double the amount of cloth diapers needed per day and add a handful more to have on hand when washing your diapers.

It is really that easy? Yes, it really is. Most parents are drawn to one type of cloth diaper more than the other, once they read about each type (ie pocket vs. all-in-one). And usually that’s the type that ends up being the best choice for their baby. The time consuming part of cloth diapering for today’s parents is the choosing. But the using of cloth diapers is not only easy, but also rewarding for the parent, the baby and the planet.

Giselle Baturay is the owner of Granola Babies in Orange County, CA. She’s a Green Baby Educator, Certified Lactation Educator, Attachment Parenting International Leader and founder of the upcoming guide, The EcoBaby Guide: Pregnancy & Beyond. For years, she’s taught parents the importance of raising babies naturally and is thrilled to continue this outreach with ongoing events at the Granola Babies store. Giselle is a mother of three children that were all cloth diapered babies.



Photographed by: Joseph Chen Styled by: Ani Hovhannisyan

The idea for a line of women’s shirts was first hatched by Elizabeth Thurer and a previous collaborator in 2009. The concept of producing a line of comfortable layering shirts was briefly and successfully tested on a small scale. Elizabeth Daniel NY was launched in the Fall of 2011, by Elizabeth Thurer and Lisa Daniel. Elizabeth Daniel New York has sought to revolutionize the eternally classic essential white button-down shirt. Forever seeking the perfect stylish solution to the uncomfortable other options, the company introduced their innovative designs to the marketplace. Their line of women’s shirts consists of four styles that each serve as the essential layering piece to be worn under sweaters and jackets. The new solution basic, is a necessary wardrobe building piece for women of all shapes and sizes. Women will no longer be forced to deal with the uncomfortable and unflattering bulking, bunching and un-tucking that is found while wearing the traditional woven buttondown shirt. The Elizabeth Daniel NY designs provide a universally flattering fit due to the unique combination of exceptional fabrics and a comfortable body-hugging cut. Constructed of a superior woven sateen and a deliciously soft pima knit, the Elizabeth Daniel designs produce the ultimate feeling of comfort while revealing the slimmest of silhouettes. The shirts are currently offered in four styles; the Classic Tailored look, The Sleeveless look, The Tuxedo and the Ruffle and come in two colors, black and white. As working mothers Elizabeth and Lisa understand the need for simple comfort at home, in the workplace and for everyday life! As the tag line states, Elizabeth Daniel NY designs are “Classic, Tailored and Timeless”

MAM Did you start designing before or after having kids?

MAM Is it hard to find time to work and take care of the children?

I began brainstorming the idea for the shirt line and designing in 2006 just before I became pregnant with my 3rd child. I launched the first iteration of the business on a small scale in 2007 with a very small amount of inventory in order to test the market to see if there was any interest in the product.

YES! I do find it difficult to balance my time. Caring for 3 growing children (ages 9, 7 and 3), managing their schedules and needs, and carving out time for the business is indeed a challenge. Although I work from home, I find that I must schedule in designated times during the day as work time. Usually that is in between dropping


the kids off at school, picking them up in the afternoon and driving them to soccer, track and tennis practice. It is amazing however, what one can accomplish while using a Blackberry, laptop and an iPad while on the pick-up line for school. I am also blessed to have a terrific babysitter who has worked with my family for 8 years, and a wonderfully supportive husband. They both make work and children less challenging to balance. It truly does take a village! MAM How are you able to manage your time?

serve as a quiet time to correspond with our manufacturer about production issues. We know that a.m. work usually starts sometime after the kids are securely in their school environments, and that it takes a break sometime in the afternoon. We both put in hours after the kids are in bed and often correspond in order to get ourselves organized for the next day’s tasks relating to the business. We are both working moms and recognize that family comes first. MAM What inspires you for design? I do not have a design background; the idea was born out of a sheer need for a comfortable dress shirt. A mother at the nursery school that my son attended was lamenting that she wished there was a comfortable alternative to the uncomfortable button down dress shirt. I thought that the marketplace could really use a line of women’s shirting that was stylish, comfortable and slimming. I went to work trying to conceive a design for the ideal layering piece.

My business partner Lisa Daniel and I schedule meetings several times a week to go through our checklist of tasks for the week. Our manufacturer is overseas, so evenings after the kids are in bed serve as a quiet time to correspond with our manufacturer about production issues. We know that a.m. work usually starts sometime after the kids are securely in their school environments, and that it takes a break sometime in the afternoon. We both put in hours after the kids are in bed 66

the ideal layering piece. After meeting with several people that could assist in the design and pattern making process, the idea was finally a reality with about 75 shirts in one classic style that were handmade in NYC. They sold in less than 2 weeks and people were asking when they could get more. That experience inspired me to make more and to conceive additional styles for the line.

I see myself more as an entrepreneur and less as a designer. I enjoy coming up with solutions to problems and filling a void in the marketplace. I think the hardest part of doing that is following through with the idea. It takes perseverance and patience to wade through the miss-direction and rejection. Living in NY afforded me the opportunity to meet many talented and smart people that have helped to advise and guide me through the process MAM How long have you been designing? of bringing the idea to reality. 4 years. MAM Do you have any encouraging words MAM What are your goals and dreams for you can say to other working moms? your clothing company? When I close my eyes at night, I enviIf you have a gut feeling.... Go with it. sion walking into a major retailer and Be patient. Some days just don’t work seeing an entire section of Elizabeth out the way you had envisioned, but Daniel NY designs. On the walls are your kids will still love you if you are displays of the many styles and colnot SUPER-MOMMY. Even if they don’t ors that are being sold. Eventually, it think you are so super, they will forget would be wonderful to see complimen- about it by the next morning (hopefultary products in our line that reprely). Also remember that bribery goes a sent our philosophy of classic, tailored long way with your children when you and timeless style. are on a conference call (have lots of lollipops on hand). And finally, you can MAM What do you find to be the hardest only do your best! It is ok if you have part of being a designer? to move a task to tomorrow’s list.



As mothers we are the queens of strollers; we can fold them up in a flash, get them in and out of the car at record speed and we manage to stuff and squeeze numerous items into their pockets and under carriages - we reign supreme over the uses and abuses of our strollers. With our daily use of our strollers for shopping, walking, running or eating out, we quickly develop an intimate relationship with them, as they become our necessary companions and constant accessory. I am in love with my BOB stroller, who I affectionately call Bobo. My BOB has seen it all, from dirt running trails to cobble stone streets in Mexico to the glossy, polished floors of a shopping mall. Although the uses for my BOB are diverse, it’s primary function in my life is to serve as my tool for being able to keep my exercise routine while caring for my 9-month-old son. My BOB acts as running stroller, ballet barre as well as helpful devise for interval training; and I am discovery more and more creative ways to use my stroller to help implement and maintain a steady exercise routine. Currently, I have been exploring different ways to use my stroller for various stretches. Why stretches, you may ask? Well, more often than not we tend to focus our workout routines toward strength or cardiovascular training; and we fall prey to neglecting a good, regular stretching routine. When we do not stretch our muscles on a regular basis, we can expose ourselves to overly tight muscles. When muscles become overly tight or active, it can often lead to a muscular imbalance that promotes structural misalignment, incorrect movement patterns and posture, discomfort and pain - and who wants that? Mothers are prime candidates for muscular imbalances due to over-activation and tightness in certain muscle groups. This is due to not only what occurs physiologically to our bodies during pregnancy, labor and early postpartum, but it is also due to the common postural habits and deviations that accompany motherhood (i.e. - holding and picking up children, breast feeding). For example, the lower back can often be an area of tightness, discomfort and irritation for mothers. This occurrence is two-fold; 1. Pregnancy and labor leave us with an overly arched lower spine and tilted pelvis (anatomically known as hyperlordosis) as well as lax, over-lengthened abdominal muscles that are unable to properly support the lower back (meaning without the support of the abdominals, the muscles of the lower back work overtime to maintain posture and control); 2. The demands of caring for a baby require us to hold extra weight (that of your baby) often away from our center of gravity, causing us to stand, sit and move without ideal alignment where we tend over-use certain muscles, which often become tight and irritated. Other areas of concern for mothers are the shoulders and chest, sides of the waist and pelvis and the hips. Simple stretching will not only assist in preventing muscles from becoming too tight from over use, but stretching will also help to maintain muscular balance so that you can enjoy your other daily and exercise activities with better alignment and more comfort. Stretching can be simple and fun. It doesn’t require an immense amount of time to get tight and uncomfortable. They do not all need to done at one time, you can perform these stretches sporadically through out your walk and/or other exercise or daily routines (heck, I’ve done some of these stretches in a parking lot), and please remember to always use the lock on your stroller when performing these stretches. 68

Perform this set of stretches 3-4 times a week and notice the difference in how your body feels and the difference it makes while you are performing your other daily activities. Happy Stretching!!

Stretch 1 - The Hamstring & Shoulder Combo Purpose: To stretch the hamstring muscles as well as the muscles of the shoulders. To lengthen the spine. Getting into the stretch: Set the lock on your stroller. Place your hands on the hand bar of your stroller and take a couple of steps back. Hinge forward at your hips, while keeping your legs, back and elbows straight until your trunk becomes parallel to the ground. Hold this stretch for 3-5 deep breaths. Roll up through your spine to safely come out of the stretch. Tips: Make sure that your hips are placed directly over your feet. Keep you wrists, shoulders, and hips in a straight line (do not “sink” into your shoulders). Reach your sits bones out behind you (like you are sticking your bottom out) to get a deeper hamstring stretch. Pull your abdominal muscles in to help support the back during the stretch and keep proper alignment. Remember to BREATH!

Stretch 2 - The Back Opener Purpose: To stretch out the lower, mid and upper back. Engage the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. Getting into the stretch: Set the lock on your stroller. Get into the same position as the Hamstring & Shoulder Combo Stretch. Bend your knees and begin to pull your lower abdominal muscles in (imagine that you are threading your belly button toward your spine). As you are pulling your abdominal muscles in and squeezing your pelvic floor muscles, begin to round your lower back, tuck your pelvis underneath you, and then continue to round into the mid and upper back. Keeping your abdominals tight, hold the stretch for 3-5 deep breaths. If desired, straighten your back and then repeat 2-3 more times. Roll up through your spine to safely come out of the stretch. Tips: Make sure that your hips are placed over your feet. Emphasis the “curve” or rounding of the spine in your lower back and let the rest of the spine follow (do not just hunch your upper back). As you breath, imagine that you are expanding the back of your ribcage.

Stretch 3 - The Hip Flexor Lengthener Purpose: To stretch the hip flexor muscles and open up the chest. Getting into the stretch: Set the lock on your stroller. Holding on to the hand bar with both hands, place your right leg behind you (keep you knee straight and place weight on the ball of your foot) and bend your left knee (keep your knee over your ankle). Release your left arm and take it up over your left shoulder. Lift your chest and upper back and slightly arch your back and gently press your pelvis forward. Hold the stretch for a 3-5 deep breaths. Bring your left arm down, step your right leg in, and repeat on the other side.


Tips: Keep your back knee completely straight through out the stretch (you’ll feel a better hip flexor stretch). Keep the majority of the weight on your front leg. Feel as if you are pulling your abdominal muscles in and up to help support your back. Breath big, full breaths!

Stretch 4 - The Waist Extender Purpose: To stretch the muscles of the waist, outer hips, and shoulders. Getting into the stretch: Set the lock on your stroller. Hold on to the hand bar with your left hand and move your body a quarter turn to the right. Take several steps away from the stroller and stand with your feet and legs together. Place your right arm over your head with the palm facing in. Carefully begin to lean your hips out to the right and you bend your torso over to the left (going in opposite directions), taking your left arm over your body to the left. Hold the stretch for 3-5 deep breaths. Engage the right side of your waist to pull yourself back into an upright position. Turn around and repeat on the other side. Tips: Try to keep your shoulders and hips aligned - meaning, do not swing your top hip forward or round your top shoulder forward (imagine that you are standing in between two panes of glass). Imagine the you are opening your rib cage like a fan and creating space between your ribs and pelvis. Keep your abdominal wall drawn in throughout to maintain stability and support.

Stretch 5 - The Chest Expander Purpose: To stretch the muscles of the chest and the front of the shoulders. Getting into the stretch: Set the lock on you stroller. Stand facing away from the stroller. Place both hands, palms facing down, on the outer edges of the hand bar (allow your shoulders to inwardly rotate). Take several steps away from the stroller and begin to bend your knees (keeping your spine directly vertical) while you maintain your shoulder and arm position. Hold the stretch for 3-5 breaths. Extend your knees, step back toward the stroller and release one arm at a time. Tips: Open your hands on the stroller hand bar as wide as you need. Position your knees directly over your ankles and keep your shoulders over your hips as you bend your knees (do not lean forward or backward). Imagine that your collar bones are widening and opening during the stretch. As you breath, imagine that you are expanding your chest and widening your ribcage. Leah Stewart is the founder and owner of LiveLife Pilates™ in Costa Mesa, California. Leah is also Senior Faculty and Lecturer for BASI Pilates®. Leah holds a Masters of Science in Human Movement from A.T. Still University. Prior to embarking on her current career, Leah graduated from Chapman University with a BFA in Dance Performance and a Minor in Art History. Leah has also danced and performed professionally with Orange County based contemporary dance company, Backhaus Dance. Leah works as a freelance writer and regularly writes for various fitness and Pilates blogs, newsletters and publications. Leah is currently co-producing a Pilates for Moms DVD that is scheduled to be released in early Fall. Leah has been seen on the cover of the Body Mind Spirit conference catalog and has been featured in Pilates Style Magazine. Leah resides in Costa Mesa with her husband, Jason, infant son, Turner and Miniature Schnauzer, Diesel. 70

Changes in Life by Equalla Foster

Changes in life come and go, Up and down, round and round, The steps to success is unknown, However, Tomorrow brings hope to all that strive, To continue the fight as life jabs at our sides, Should I be scared or embrace the ride? One thing is certain, I won’t count my burdens, Cause the changes in life are coming.


Frugal Moms Christmas

“The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.” ~Burton Hillis

For most Christmas is a time of great food, lots of family, a ton of presents and plenty of debt. Making the holidays special does not mean it has to leave your wallets empty. Gifts are amazing and magical and some leave imprints on our memories forever; I believe those are the gifts worth giving this holiday season. Gathered here are some unique tradition ideas that do everything from bringing together faraway relatives to kindling the spirit of giving. When you envision Christmas morning, what do you see, hear, and smell? What expectations do you have? What are the memories that you want to solidify every year? Do you have a plan?

For us moms, our Dickens Christmas ends within minutes. Our children tear through presents like the Indy 500 without so much as a thank you. They want to know which present is next…now, or may even gripe and complain when things do not go quite their way. As much as we may chuckle at that scenario, it is quite often, oh, too real. Here is an idea of how to put a new slant on your Christmas morning with the children or grandchildren:

A Candy Cane Trail

Capture the magic of Christmas morning by creating a fun trail for your kids to follow when they first wake up. Purchase a box of wrapped candy canes and lay them on the floor guiding them through the house. Leave a note at their doorway directing them to follow the candy cane trail to “present pit stops” that have one present for them to open at each. Each “present pit stop” has a small note that Santa (or St. Nick or mom/ dad) has left them with one nice thing that he saw them do that year. Notes can include things like: “You always know how to look on the bright side and encourage others – keep up the good work” or “You are always the first to volunteer to help and that is a wonderful way to show you care for others.

Christmas Tree Slumber Party

Plan a night of Christmas movies, books, cookies, and hot chocolate. Traditions and memories outlive any gift under a tree. 72

Christmas Caroling

This is a fun and free activity for the whole family. Double the fun by inviting another family to join you. Finish the evening with some hot coco, a candy cane and share the story of the candy cane.

Cookie Exchange

Host a cookie exchange. Send out invites via email and have everyone bring two-dozen of their favorite cookies—one dozen to eat and a dozen to share. Serve apple cider, hot chocolate, coffee, tea, and the cookies everyone brings to the party.

Christmas Lights

Drive or walk around your neighborhood and look at Christmas lights. We do this every year, remember to turn up the radio and sing along to your favorite Christmas songs. DIY Christmas ornaments Do you remember the popcorn strings and the paper chains? You do not have to be crafty, just get some construction paper and scissors and start creating.

Love Coupons

This sounds sappy, I know. Nevertheless, it is nice to be able to come home at the end of the day and redeem a coupon for a dinner out, for a back rub, or for an evening watching a favorite movie.

Time and Service

The greatest gift to give is your time and service; people are in need of some extra help, so join in the spirit of giving and give something meaningful.. Give new parents a gift certificate for a night of baby-sitting so that they can enjoy a night on the town. If you have a friend who has many responsibilities, maybe after a spouse passes away as an example, a gift can be helping that person accomplish tasks that normally lead to exasperation. There is something reassuring about traditions. In a world where nearly everything is disposable, traditions remind us that some things are meant to last.

Desiree Molina Frugal Mom Helping Moms Live Well For Less!!/frugalmom7


LIVING YOUR AUTHENTIC LIFE Why wait for the “New Year” to live your dreams! Today is the perfect day to find your passion or turn your fantasy into a reality. Maybe you’re ready or need a big change. It is such a cliché, but are you sick of running the rat race or being the hamster in the wheel? Why not make today, the day? Let go of your fears and whatever is holding you back from living your authentic life. As a busy mom with little ones or even teenagers, there doesn’t leave much time for yourselves. Between the house work, car pools, cooking, and for most of you your jobs outside the home, it’s hard as a mother to believe you deserve anything more for yourselves. The hardest thing for a mother is letting go of the “guilt” and believing you deserve everything you hope and aspire to do. Often the dreams seem so far out of reach and the sacrifices to get there feel unattainable. As a mom you often convince yourself that you don’t have the time, you’re too busy, everyone else needs you, or you tell yourself it will never happen. But if you continue to wake up everyday with that nagging ache that you’re missing something in life, and your passions and dreams weigh heavy on your mind and soul, know your authentic life is screaming to be heard, waiting to be discovered, and waiting for you to take the chance. Allow yourself to believe you deserve and are worthy of your passions and dreams. You have to learn let go of the guilt, excuses, time constraints, being afraid, and everyone else’s needs and put yourself 74

first some times. Not to say stop being there for your families and run off to fulfill your wildest fantasies, but set aside some time for yourself everyday and know its okay to do so. Use your “me” time wisely to search your soul, dig deep into your heart, find your true passion, and chase your biggest dream. Find inspiration. What speaks to you? What ignites your inner desires? Here are a couple of exercises to help you start your new journey in life. Use them to seek out what you truly love, need, and want for yourself.

Boost your confidence: List your

greatest accomplishments in life. They can be from any age throughout your life, such as getting the lead role in the fourth grade play to getting a standing ovation in the violin recital or winning the state championship in high school to graduating Summa Cum Laude from college. . One of the first things on your list should be being a successful and loving mother .Motherhood is the toughest job in the world. You work 24/7 without breaks, vacations or sick days.

Clarify your vision: Write out your

intentions or what you plan to do. What do you want out of your authentic life? Do you want to start that bookstore/coffee shop you’ve always wanted or open that unique clothing boutique? How about starting your own online company or small home business? Make your list as detailed as possible. The deeper you dig into your passion the easier it will be to fulfill them.

Reward Yourself:

List 10 things you’ve always wanted to do in your life. They can be anything your heart desires, but don’t spend hours on this exercise just jot down what first comes to mind. Need some ideas to get started? How about travel to Ireland, learn to play the piano or how to speak Italian, surf the North Shore, take a cooking class from an experienced chef, start a garden, or even just read the stack of books that have been piling up in your personal library. Put these desires or goals in the back of your mind as hopeful rewards for fulfilling your dreams.

side the billfold of your wallet; any where you’re going to see them the most. Use them to drive, inspire, and remind you of the life you want for yourself. It’s never too late to follow your heart and chase after your dreams, whether you’re 21 or 85, there’s always time to want more for yourself and to live the “authentic life” you’ve always hoped for. Emily Dickinson was speaking of the ecstatic experience of her authentic life when she wrote these words, “What excites us or moves us to tears. What makes the blood rush to our heads, our hearts skip a beat, our knees shake, and our souls sigh.”

Make an Inspirational Vision Board or Journal: Take rewarding

yourself to another level, get a large cork board or blank journal to view your aspirations . Fill up your vision board or journal with pictures taken from your personal life or cut outs from magazines, copy your favorite quotes and arrange them on your board or journal. They can be anything you love, gives hope, or inspires. . Find things that truly motivate you, lights up your soul, and awakens your desires. Find things that truly motivate you, lights up your soul, and awakens your desires. Having a vision board or journal allows you to visualize your goals and make them more tangible. It also helps to recognize strengths and values, and connect to your inner self. Now, post your lists some where you’ll see them every day. Make copies and post them in multiple places! Tack them to the refrigerator, the mirror in the bathroom, center console of the car, in-

Kelly Roberts is a BASI certified Pilates instructor and owner of Re-Form-Her LLC, a retail Pilates and Yoga apparel boutique, where she also sells her handmade designs.




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