8 minute read
Interviewed by Sylva Fae
Paul Kirtley

by Sylva Fae

Paul Kirtley is one of the UK’s leading professional wilderness bushcraft instructors and also a prolific writer on the subjects of bushcraft, wilderness travel and survival techniques.
I first heard of Paul Kirtley through his blog articles, which I’ve followed for years. I class myself as an amateur bushcrafter and forager, and as such, I’m constantly seeking out clear and informative articles to further my learning – Paul’s blog provides exactly that, and so much more. His name is well known in the bushcraft world and his training guides are considered some of the most accurate and well written. Last year, I had the good fortune to take part in a live Q&A session that Paul kindly set up for our bushcraft group. I discovered that in addition to being incredibly knowledgeable and skilled, he is also a truly nice man, happy to share his knowledge with those keen to learn. Paul has a list of qualifications and accomplishments far too long to list here, but you can check out his website if you want to see what has rightfully earned him the title of Bushcraft Legend amongst the bushcraft groups. https://paulkirtley.co.uk/

Frontier Bushcraft
Bushcraft is not just about learning skills, it takes passion, commitment, and years of practice to perfect your skills and techniques. It is also about learning from others and in turn, sharing your knowledge, so that these basic skills are passed down to future generations. Over the years, Paul was fortunate to work with some of the bushcraft greats and now runs his own bushcraft school, Frontier Bushcraft. The school was established in 2010 and has become known as one of the highest quality bushcraft course providers globally.

In his own words: ‘Outdoor life is no longer a hobby or a pastime for me. It’s a passion I turned into a full-time occupation. I’ve been a full-time professional outdoor skills instructor since 2005. I’m fully invested in a life of developing practical outdoor skills and the knowledge to support this – both developing my own abilities and helping others develop theirs.’

For subjects like bushcraft or survival skills, nothing beats actual hands-on experience with a qualified instructor. For readers based in the UK, Frontier Bushcraft offers skills courses, trips and wilderness expeditions. The Bushcraft and Survival Foundation is a one-day course and covers a range of techniques and knowledge that will help you to provide your basic needs and to stay safe while in the outdoors. It includes the basics – fire, shelter, water, food, outdoor safety and equipment. There are also longer courses that cover skills like navigation, woodcrafting, tracking and nature awareness. http://frontierbushcraft.com/courses/

Of course, for those unable to attend the practical courses, there are still opportunities to learn. In addition to all of the free articles, instructional videos and podcasts, Paul Kirtley also offers online courses that allow you the flexibility to study wherever you are based.
https://www.onlinebushcraftcourses.com/ online-elementary

A Bushcraft Lifestyle
Since joining the bushcraft community, I’ve discovered that everyone, no matter where they are in their learning journey, has something to contribute, and much to learn. This spirit of sharing and learning lies at the heart of the community, but few professionals are as proactive at passing on their knowledge as Paul Kirtley. His blog was previously ranked the top Bushcraft Blog globally and voted the Best Outdoor Blog in the GO Outdoor Awards.
In his own humble words, in regards to his website: ‘In some respects, however, I feel like so far I’ve only just scratched the surface. Bushcraft is a broad umbrella term but at its heart is a practical study of nature. Nature is big, varied and complex. The more you know, the more you realise you don’t know. On this site I endeavour to share what I do know, what I have learned from application and experience, my current level of understanding. My knowledge is a work in progress and forever will be but I hope the material here is helpful to you. I continue to be a student of bushcraft and of nature, researching, practising, applying, failing and succeeding. I also continue to attend courses, seminars and development training with other professionals in a number of fields. Plus, I continue to make wilderness journeys of my own including canoe trips, backpacking trips, ski tours and snowshoeing/hot-tenting, some solo and some with trusted adventure companions.’

This short article barely shows the wealth of information available within the website. For anyone interested in outdoor life, it’s definitely worth checking out the website, YouTube channel, or reading his newly published book. You can also follow Paul’s adventures on all the usual social media channels.
(Copyright © Paul Kirtley for all photographs contained within this article)

Wilderness Axe Skills and Campcraft

Over the years, Paul has written articles and contributed photographs for Bushcraft and Survival Skills magazine, The Bushcraft Journal, Walk magazine (Rambler's in-house magazine) as well as contributing to a couple of books. During the Q&A session, I was delighted to hear that he was in the process of writing his own book – Wilderness Axe Skills and Campcraft. It was published in June this year and I’m proud to own a signed copy. You can get yours here: https://wildernessaxeskills.com/
In Paul’s words: ‘I’m very happy to present this book to you. It distils many years of outdoor experience and nearly two decades of teaching wilderness bushcraft skills. The book is divided into six clear and comprehensive chapters delivering valuable wilderness axe skills and campcraft techniques from start to finish. There are detailed explanations and step-by-step photo sequences throughout.’

About the book
An easily understandable guide to key skills for bushcrafters, campers, outdoors lovers, and anyone interested in wilderness living. Kirtley, one of the leading bushcraft educators globally, teaches outdoor knowledge through courses, demonstrations, and more. This is his first book, distilling many years of outdoor experience and nearly two decades of teaching wilderness bushcraft skills. Clear and comprehensive chapters deliver wilderness axe skills and
campcraft knowledge from start to finish. You’ll begin with learning how to select the correct tools for the task, caring for the tools, then applying everyday axe techniques. Next, learn felling, limbing, and sectioning trees, followed by carving techniques and projects. Then Kirtley teaches campcraft projects large and small. Through detailed explanations and step-by-step photo sequences, you too will be able to develop effective and timesaving campcraft skills using materials freely available in the woods, including pot hangers, tripods, cranes, and a variety of group camp set-ups. An indispensable addition to any bushcraft, woodcraft camping, and outdoor library.
As well as signed copies from Paul’s website, the book is available to buy on Amazon: https://bookgoodies.com/a/0764361481
My Book Review
The book arrived in perfect time for my own weekend away in my little woodland. Once the usual camp chores were done, the fire lit and the children fed, it was my time to relax. And what better way to relax than gently swinging in a hammock under the trees, a mug of coffee in one hand and a good book in the other? It was the perfect setting to read it, and definitely worth the wait.
Firstly, it is a clear and well-presented book, packed with colourful photographs that are both instructional and beautiful to look at. The instructions alone are clear and easy to follow however, the photographs add further clarity. This is unlike other bushcraft books I’ve read, which only cover the basics for beginners, instead it concentrates on the tools needed for various bushcraft and campcraft jobs, focusing on the safe and correct way to use them. It takes the basic skills and adds a greater depth of knowledge.

The sections on using the right tool for the job are clear enough for a beginner to follow, yet contain enough information for a seasoned bushcrafter to hone their skills and learn new techniques. Personally, I liked the sections on carving techniques and woodland campcraft, as there were many practical projects to try that even my children could master, but my husband was most interested in the sharpening techniques – something for everyone.
There is a vast amount of knowledge packed into this beautifully presented book, and it would be a valuable addition to your book collection.
Sylva Fae is a married mum of three from Lancashire, England. She has spent twenty years teaching literacy to adults with learning difficulties and disabilities, and now works from home as a children’s writer and illustrator. Sylva has published several children’s books and also writes a blog, Sylvanian Ramblings. Her debut book, Rainbow Monsters won the Chanticleer Best in Category award. Discover more about Sylva on Mom’s Favorite Reads website: https://moms-favorite-reads.com/moms-authors/sylva-fae/