9 minute read
Wendy H. Jones—Interviewed by Melanie P. Smith
Wendy H. Jones

Interviewed by Melanie P. Smith

It’s that time again… the Summer Olympic Games are in full-swing. As such, it seemed like a great time to interview Author Wendy H. Jones to discuss her new release — Bertie at the Worldwide Games. Wendy is a multi-genre author who writes mysteries, non-fiction, and children’s books.
We reached out to learn more about her work and her career. As an added treat, she also agreed to answer a few questions from Bertie’s perspective. So, let’s get started…
Wendy, Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I am the author Wendy H. Jones and I write books to cover you from the cradle to the grave – adult mysteries, young adult mysteries, children’s picture books and non-fiction books for writers. I live in Scotland but before the pandemic could be found all over the world writing and speaking at conferences. Fortunately, my three favourite things to do are reading, writing and travelling, so this is the perfect career for me.
What inspired you to write your first book?
To be honest I just had an idea for a book and started writing it. I wrote a blog post saying I was writing it and everyone was so encouraging I just kept going.
Tell us your latest news
My latest book is Bertie at the Worldwide Games where Bertie the Buffalo and his friends are off to Tokyo to represent Scotland. Bertie is a baby water buffalo who lives on a buffalo farm in Scotland.

Let’s take a break here and get to know Bertie a little better…
Bertie the Buffalo is a baby water buffalo who appears in the books Bertie the Buffalo and Bertie at the Worldwide Games. The first book is based on a true story as Bertie is a real buffalo who ran away from a farm in Scotland and was missing for 14 days.
Bertie, Where did you grow up and what was your childhood like?
Bertie: I’m still a baby so I’m not grown up yet. I’m having an amazing childhood as I get to play on the farm every day and go on adventures.

What makes Bertie so special? What are your dreams for the future?
I’m a Scottish Buffalo who loves adventure and I also get to wear a kilt. My clan tartan is Ancient MacLaren the same as the lady who wrote me. I’m also known as Scotland’s very own wee escape artist and have my own twitter account.
Tell me about your reputation and how it has impacted your life and your relationship.
I’ve got a reputation as a buffalo who likes to have fun. This means everyone wants to hang out with me. I like having adventures with my friends Emma the Emu, Hezzie, Jack, seven and Ari the Alpaca. To have lots and lots more adventures and keep on running really, really fast. I also want to see myself on screen.
If you could go anywhere with one person, who would you take and where would you go?
That’s hard as I love all my friends. I suppose I would like to do a world tour with the lady who wrote me. She’s already taken me on a cruise around the Caribbean and for my own book tour for 8 weeks to several American States.
Do you have any regrets? Is there anything you wished you had done differently?
I’m a bit young to be having regrets. I’ve enjoyed all my adventures and they’ve taken me places I never know I would go, so I’m glad I had them.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
I’m a buffalo who doesn’t grow up, a bit like an animal version of Peter Pan. I would like to see myself starring in my own TV series in 5 years.
Describe something that happened to you for which you have no explanation.
I got invited to the Worldwide Games in Tokyo. Who can explain a wee Scottish Buffalo doing that.
What was the best compliment you have ever received?
That my books are so much fun for little ones and that I look cute.
If you could go to anyone (living or dead) for advice who would it be and what would you ask?
I would ask my friend Ari the Alpaca as she’s been all over the world and has stickers on her suitcase to prove it. She knows everything. I would ask her how she managed to go on so many adventures.
Mountains or Beach?
Beach as I love water.
Who would you like to be stuck in an elevator with?
Even baby water buffalo are too big to go in an elevator. My stuffed toy doppelganger has been in numerous elevators and would like to meet Hamish McHaggis in one.
Will we be seeing more of you in the future or has your story already been told?
There’s another adventure being written, and my publishers are excited about it. I’m not allowed to say any more yet.
Now that we know Bertie a little better, let’s get back to his creator.
When and why did you begin writing?
I started writing at about the age of seven and have always loved words. When I travelled around the world, I wrote about what I was doing and where I was. I started writing seriously when I worked in Academia and wrote for academic journals and also textbooks. I turned to writing fiction seven years ago when I was chronically ill with my lungs. I didn’t need much energy to write and could do it sitting down. I’m recovered now but my writing remains.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
When I started writing my first novel.
What inspired you to write your first book? To be honest I just had an idea for a book and started writing it. I wrote a blog post saying I was writing it and everyone was so encouraging I just kept going.
If you could change one thing about the world… what would it be?
I would want everyone to be nice to each other.
Do you have a specific writing style?
There is a lot of humour in my books and I think that makes me distinctive.
Tell us about your best friend and what makes them so special.
My friends are Ari the Alpaca, Jack, Hezzie, Seven and Emma the Emu. They are all special because they all have different talents and they all like having fun and adventures.
How did you come up with the title for your last book?
I wanted Bertie and His friends to go on an adventure to the Olympics as they all love running, so it was a perfect fit, especially with the Olympics coming up. However, you can’t use the Olympic name without sponsoring them, so I made it the Worldwide Games.
Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
My biggest problem is I have far too many ideas. Time is also a big issue. There never seem to be enough hours in the day. I will give you two. One for children and one for adults.
Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
Thank you for reading them and for saying you enjoy them so much. It means a lot to an author.
Bertie Goes to the Worldwide Games
Ari the Alpaca ran right up to them, she shouted full of glee,
What are your current projects?
I am writing the next Bertie the Buffalo book, the next Fergus and Flora book and will be publishing the third book in the Writing Matters series in September. This is called Creativity Matters: Find Your passion for Writing and is aimed at writers and anyone interested in writing a book. This is a collaborative project and other authors are contributing chapters. Bertie you’ve got a letter, why don’t you open it and see, Bertie ripped it open, the letterhead was clear, You’re invited to the Worldwide Games, happening next year.

Killer’s Curse
A robin trilled, the only sound disturbing the otherwise peaceful scene. A thin layer of snow carpeted the woods in a glittering white blanket and coated the bare, skeletonised, branches of the surrounding trees. Tiny icicles hung in a sparkling curtain - a myriad of festive ornaments ready for the Christmas season. Nature displayed its glorious winter beauty. The robin’s breast wasn’t the only red to be found in the woods that day. Red the colour of rage, the colour of death and, conversely, the Chinese colour for luck, happiness and good fortune. The bodies lying on the ground, an equal pairing, wore clothes of scarlet, a colour mimicked by the blood that stained the otherwise pristine snow. Red hadn’t brought them much luck.
Killer’s curse, the seventh DI Shona McKenzie Mystery, will be out in the next few weeks

What do you want written on your headstone and why?
She brought joy to others. I want to be known as someone who brought some happiness into the world.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
In Bertie Goes to the Worldwide Games, I wanted children to learn about celebrating diversity, that taking part is important and that you have much more fun if you do things with your friends.
What books have most influenced your life most?
This is a tricky one as I have been a reader all my life. In terms of children’s books, I remember having many books at home but can’t remember what I read until I got to reading books like the Famous Five, Secret Seven, Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys etc. By the age of ten I had worked my way through every children’s book at the library and was reading adult books such as Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie etc.
One final question...Do you have a blog orwebsite? If so, what is it?
My website can be found at http://www.wendyhjones.com/
I am Wendy H. Jones on all online platforms.
Long before she delved into the world of fantasy and suspense, Melanie P. Smith served nearly three decades in the Special Operations Division at her local sheriff’s office working with SWAT, Search & Rescue, K9, the Motor Unit, Investigations and the Child Abduction Response Team. She now uses that training and knowledge to create stories that are action-packed, gripping and realistic. When Melanie’s not writing, she can be found riding her Harley, exploring the wilderness or capturing that next great photo. Learn more about Melanie on Mom’s Favorite Reads website: https://moms-favorite-reads.com/moms-authors/melanie-p-smith