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Things to Celebrate in August by Poppy Flynn

Things to Celebrate in August


by Poppy Flynn

Every day of month has some kind of official celebration and usually more than one! It might be big, it might be small…it might be wacky or downright bizarre! There are over 1500 National Days throughout the year, here’s just one observance of the many for each day in August 2020.

August 1 st - International Mahjong Day: Dust off your tiles, teach someone else, or learn how to play this ancient Chinese game of symbols. August 2 nd - National Colouring Book Day: Recognising the fun that both children and adults alike get from colouring pictures. August 3 rd - Watermelon Day: Guess what’s today’s treat should be.

August 4 th - Chocolate Chip Cookie Day: Celebrate with the recipe at the end of this article. August 5 th - National Underwear Day: Although only officially celebrated since 2003, it’s likely your mother, and her mother before her probably always warned to wear clean underwear in case you had an accident. August 6 th - Wiggle Your Toes Day: Take off your shoes and give your toes a vacation. A barefoot walk in the grass, or through some sand, maybe dip them in a pool. Appreciate your feet. August 7 th - International Beer Day: Always celebrated on the first Friday in August, International Beer Day has grown from a small localised event in the western United States into a worldwide celebration spanning 207 cities, 80 countries and 6 continents. August 8 th - Sneak some Zucchini onto your Neighbours Porch Day: This is a day for budding gardeners to get rid of their extra produce. If you receive a Zucchini –that’s Courgette to some of us –treat it as a gift! August 9 th - National Book Lovers Day: Does this really need any explanation? Embrace your love of reading and maybe discover a new author today. August 10 th - National S’mores Day: In recognition of the most popular campfire treat dig out the marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers and enjoy a treat so delicious that it got its name from everyone asking for ‘S’more’. August 11 th –Presidential Joke Day: Celebrated since 1984, This day recognises the humour found in the blunders, missteps and mistakes of those in the highest office of the land. While in the moment, the Commander in Chief might not find them so funny, looking back, they’re often absolutely hilarious.

August 12 th - Vinyl Record Day: Those big, black, vintage discs are enjoying a bit of a comeback, so dust off your record player and celebrate the first portable recordings. August 13 th - International Left Handers Day: Founded in 1992, this is the day that celebrates the 10% of the population lovingly referred to as ‘southpaws’. August 14 th - World Lizard Day: Show a lizard some love.

August 15 th - World Honey Bee Day: Celebrated annually on the third Saturday in August, this day celebrates the environmental importance of the honey bee as well as the beekeepers who tend them. August 16 th - National Tell a Joke Day: Last month it was old jokes, in August the more modern joke gets its day. August 17 th - Black Cat Appreciation Day: Not to be confused with National Black Cat Day in October, this is a day aimed at dispelling (there could almost be a pun there!) the myths and superstitions surrounding black cats.

August 18 th - Fajita Day: Embrace the deliciousness of Tex-Mex and enjoy Fajita’s today.

August 19 th - World Humanitarian Day: Introduced initially to recognise the work of the United Nations, this day celebrates our unsung heroes; those who work on the front lines and risk their lives to provide humanitarian services at the many disasters and crisis around the world . August 20 th - National Radio Day: Recognising the invention of the radio and how music and information was brought into our lives remotely. August 21 st - Senior Citizens Day: According to the 2017 census, 47 million seniors live in the United States alone and that number is expected to double by 2060. These are the people whose knowledge and skill pioneered the advances of science, medicine and technology. Today is a day to celebrate their great worth. August 22 nd - National Tooth Fairy Day: In 1927, Esther Watkins Arnold brought the tooth fairy to life in an eight-page playlet called The Tooth Fairy. At the same time, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle published pictures of two girls surrounded by the ‘photographic evidence’ of fairies which was ground-breaking at the time. Since then, the Tooth Fairy has become an in


August 23 rd - National Ride the Wind Day: The observance commemorates the anniversary of the first human-powered flight on August 23rd 1977, when the Gossamer Condor 2 flew a distance of 2,172 meters at Minter Field in Shafter, California. August 24 th - National Waffle Day: Commemorating the anniversary of the first waffle iron patent issued to Cornelius Swarthout in 1869. August 25 th - Kiss and Make Up Day: Does what it says on the tin. Choose today to settle any differences that might have sprung up between family, friends and loved ones. August 26 th - National Dog Day: There are a few of these, August 26 th is yet another day to celebrate Man’s Best Friend. August 27 th - Just Because Day: Offering the opportunity to do stuff…just because. Today you can celebrate any way you please. Just because! August 28 th - National Bow Tie Day: Learn to tie a bow tie. Find your style. Wear it fearlessly! Use #NationalBowTieDay to share on social media. August 29 th - Chop Suey Day: Have your chopsticks at the ready to celebrate Chinese cuisine. August 30 th - National Beach Day: The focus of many of our summer vacations, weekend breaks or days out. Celebrate the humble beach and all the joy it brings. August 31 st - National Matchmaker Day: It might be a person, it might be a dating site, it might be cupid himself. Today is a day to celebrate all those things that bring people together and spark romance in the air.

Finally, some of the month-long observance in August include Family Fun Month, Happiness Happens Month, National Crayon Collection Month and Romance Awareness month.

Poppy Flynn was born in Buckinghamshire, UK and moved to Wales at eight years old with parents who wanted to live the 'self-sufficiency' lifestyle. Today she still lives in rural Wales and is married with six children. Poppy's love of reading and writing stemmed from her parents' encouragement and the fact that they didn't have a television in the house. "When you're surrounded by fields, cows and sheep, no neighbors, no TV and the closest tiny village is four miles away, there's a certain limit to your op

tions, but with books your adventures and your horizons are endless." Discover more about Poppy on Mom's Favorite Reads website:


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