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Trying to Get a Glimpse of Santa by Chantal Bellehumeur

Trying To Get a Glimpse of Santa

By Chantal Bellehumeur


Long after receiving good night kisses, Against his now sleeping parents’ wishes, Nathaniel quietly snuck out of bed, And headed downstairs with his plush friend Ted.

He tiptoed down the hall to the staircase, And made his way down at a sloth-like pace. As Nate headed towards the living room, He heard a shuffling sound that made him zoom.

The excited boy expected to see, Santa Clause coming down the chimney, But instead he found his younger sister, Holding a big black boot made of leather.

Nate sadly thought he'd missed Santa’s visit, Until he noticed the milk and biscuit. There were no presents under the lit tree, And the hanging stockings were still empty.

Nate's sister pointed at the fireplace, Dirt and a jingle bell fell at the base.

The children heard ho ho ho's and laughter, Then a man's voice say he'd come back later.

Loud stomping noises came from the rooftop, And silence fell; you could hear a pin drop. The siblings agreed to pretend to sleep,

But after many yawns they fell asleep. When Nate woke up a few hours later, He saw presents all around his sister. The stockings were overflowing with treats, Santa's snack was gone and replaced by sweets. His goal temporarily forgotten, Nate was eager to see what he'd gotten. He woke up everyone in the household, Making the magic of Christmas unfold.

Next year he would come up with a good plan, To get a glimpse of the jolly old man. Numerous ideas popped into his head, Much later that night when he went to bed.

Chantal Bellehumeur is a Canadian author born in 1981. She has several published novels of various genres as well as numerous short stories, poems and articles featured in compilation books, magazine, plus a local newspaper. For a complete list of publications, including free reads, visit the following website: https://author-chantal-bellehumeur.webnode.com/products-/

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