2 minute read
A Field of Wishes by Chantal Bellehumeur
The Field of Wishes
by Chantal Bellehumeur
"I'll share a secret if you promise not to tell," whispered the timid little girl named Annabelle.
The puppy looked at his owner quizzically, then wagging his tail, he pawed at her playfully. "If you cross the main street and walk through the green park..." Annabelle was interrupted by a loud bark. "Quiet now Buddy boy, I am trying to talk. I'll get your leash; can you please listen while we walk?" When they reached the green park, the girl pointed and said: "We'll go over the hill and past the flower bed."
The girl took the time to smell the lovely flowers, then brought her best friend to a large field of clovers. They ran through the field and into a small forest, stopping beside a stream for a short while to rest. "Do you see all the dandelions over there? They're special, but not many people are aware." Annabelle made double sure no one was around, and spoke in her dog's ear, barely making a sound.
"Venture in the large field during the month of May, when the wind blows from the South and the clouds are grey. Find the white flowers people usually see as weeds, close your eyes and make a wish, then blow on the seeds. All the seeds will travel to a faraway land, and a pixie might catch one with her tiny hand. If you are lucky the pixie will grant your wish, by giving the traveling seed a magical kiss.”
The girl sat down by her puppy, who licked her face. She returned the affection with a big embrace. “You probably think I am being quite silly, but I swear that's how I was gifted you Buddy. Mom and dad said no when I requested a dog, up until I made my wish sitting on that log. I discovered the field of wishes in a dream, then followed the instructions and we're now a team."

Chantal Bellehumeur is a Canadian author born in 1981. She has 18 published books of various genres as well as numerous short stories, memoirs, poems and articles featured in compilation books, eMagazines, plus a local newspaper. For a complete list of publications, including free reads, visit the following website: author-chantal-bellehumeur.webnode.com/products-/