More Than Waffles and Bacon by Sue DeCrescenzo “Look what the cat dragged in.” Candy greeted Ellen with a warm smile. “Where is Hubby?” “Oh, he left early this morning with the guys to play a doubleheader of ‘Geezer Softball.’ He’s gone until early afternoon, so I’m treating myself to breakfast,” Ellen explained. As Ellen walked towards “her booth” she thought Waffle Hut, no matter which one you enter they look and smell the same. As you walk through the door, there’s that familiar greeting by the staff, the 1950 diner décor, red booths, and the smell, hmmm the smell of eggs, sausage, waffles, and hash browns sizzling on the grill. Candy said, “We’re glad you did. Oh shoot, I haven’t cleaned off your booth. I’m behind. Marlene had car trouble again.” Ellen thought Candy looked a bit frazzled, and now she knew why. Since Candy was a kid, she had been a waitress in Waffle Huts all over the county. She settled on this one because she said, “I’m tired of moving.” The years weren’t kind to her face or her feet, but her smile was genuine. “No worries, Candy,” Ellen said. “I’ll sit at the counter next to Bubba. Move over you Old Coot.”
“Leave me alone, woman.” Bubba replied acting like he was mad, but he liked Ellen and was happy for her company. Bubba was a regular too. Bubba grumbled, “I left my old lady at home for some peace and quiet, I don’t need your lip today, Ellen.” Bubba smiled as he made room for Ellen at the counter. Bubba was born and raised in this town. He looked like a local with his baggy coveralls, sweat stained T-shirt and GA Bulldogs cap. You might not guess it, but he was a successful businessman, served on the city council for years, and once ran for mayor. Now retired, he chose to meet his “constituents” at the Waffle Hut counter. “Trust me, Bubba your wife is enjoying every minute you’re gone too.” Ellen told Bubba as she playfully elbowed him and sat down. Ellen and her husband met Bubba the first time they came to the Waffle Hut. They had just moved into town from up north. They felt like foreigners in this southern town, but they wanted to connect with the locals. Sparing with a former city councilman was something Ellen and her husband looked forward to every time they came to Waffle Hut. Ellen stated, “Isn’t it quiet in here today, Bubba? Did you run everyone off?” Ellen whispered, “I see Joe over there enjoying his waffles and bacon, but I’ve never seen that guy before. He looks nervous.” - 22 -