Mom’s Favorite Reads eMagazine December 2018

Page 24

Co-Parenting During the Holidays by Rhonda Hopkins

The holidays are upon us. I know when parents are separated or divorced; the holidays can be extra stressful, trying to fit in the children’s plans and events with both parents. When parents don’t get along, things can escalate to where the time that should be joyful is miserable in both homes. Holidays can be a magical time if parents are able to co-parent effectively. Co-parenting basically boils down to “cooperative parenting” or “parenting together”. It is a firmly held belief with professionals that children fare better when parents can minimize any trauma during and after their divorce and can communicate, cooperate, and compromise with consistency.

will be easy. But, I’ve found that when one parent (even when not deserved) offers respect and courtesy, the other parent tends to mellow some. Always? No. Sometimes, one party is just not able to function and co-parent. But, the more even one parent tries, the less stressful it will be for them, and their children.

When I did custody evaluations for the family courts, I always asked the children to tell me what they’d wish for if they had three wishes that would come true. The number one wish for nearly 100% of the children I spoke to was “for mom and dad not to fight anymore”. This is especially true during holidays and other special events.

Before we go any further, I want to make sure you know I am not an attorney and am not offering legal advice - just some observations from my twenty years within the family courts. You should always follow your custody orders. You don’t want to get in trouble by violating what the court put in place. But, in most cases, your orders may say that as long as you both agree, you may make exceptions to the plan. Make sure you understand what yours says. If you’re unclear, contact your attorney for clarification. In some circumstances, there may be issues on one or sometimes both sides that prevent changing the plan at all for the safety of the children or a parent. So, it’s important that you understand your orders before you do anything. This article is meant for those that have the flexibility to make adjustments.

With the new year coming up, it’s healthy to look back over the past and think about what you did that worked for you and what you might have done differently. I know some of you have had a more difficult time dealing with the ex and have had some bad experiences. I understand that and I’m not saying it

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Articles inside

The First Female Private Detective

page 86

Reading Tricks for Kids of Any Age

pages 6-10

Is a Name Day in Game of Thrones a Real Tradition?

pages 61-63

Scariest Night of the Year

pages 26-27

Stand and Deliver!

page 79

Author Spotlight Amanda Steel

page 88

Stress, it’s a fact of life, but it doesn’t have to be a way of life

pages 16-17

Superfly Part One

pages 36-39

Kindness, Love, Unity and Bravery - Join the KLUB

pages 34-35

Great Ormond Street

pages 12-13

Midnight Song

pages 32-33

Gingerbread Recipe

page 78

It’s Time for Christmas ‘Hygge’

pages 40-41

Beware the Christmas Mice!

pages 76-77

Christmas in Manila

pages 20-21

Co-Parenting During the Holidays

pages 24-25

Five Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

pages 30-31

Christmas in Trinidad

pages 22-23

Surviving the Holidays Without Gaining a Pound

pages 80-83

Christmas in Germany

pages 50-53

Paddy, The Christmas Turkey

pages 64-73

Yes, Virginia, There Really is a Santa Claus

pages 84-85

A Victorian Christmas

pages 14-15

All I Want For Christmas is a Puppy!

pages 28-29

A Ghost Story for Christmas

pages 18-19

Wordsearch: On the Origins of Christmas

pages 48-49
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