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“Hello-Baby” (Anonymous) Meghan Murphy

BASIC INFORMATION v  Real name: ???? v  Alias: Goes by deviantART username, “hello-baby” v  Age: ???? (Assuming around mid-twenties) v  Location/Country: Poland v  Illustrator standing: Commission based, free-lancer/personal interest (not necessarily “professional” work) v  Hardly any personal information is given on her site, and through trying to interview her, she wouldn’t relay any to me either.

A GOOD HEART v Very kind and humble artist. v Uses deviantART fame to showcase funds/ charities she starts for disaster relief (ie: Japan tsunami and earthquakes). v Showcases and supports struggling artists.

ILLUSTRATION STYLE v  Strictly traditional – Faber Castell colored pencils, mechanical pencil on paper v  MINOR digital editing (mainly for brightness/contrast and adding small backgrounds in) v  Works in extreme amounts of fine detail with each illustration; nothing ever appears “simply sketched” v  Combination of bold, rich colors and some softer colors


I L LU S T R AT I O N BAC KG RO U N D v  Drawing for 5 years only! v  Self-taught; takes no training or classes. Mainly referencing and then trying new things. v  Draws FOUR HOURS EVERY DAY! Works a day job, and then comes home to draw in the evenings strictly. v  Constantly practicing and challenging herself

PRACTICE, PRACTICE v  “I don’t believe in gifted, but I do believe in practicing and forcing yourself.” v  A very dedicated illustrator. v  Believes strongly in constantly improving yourself; don’t rely on skills you think you have or are “born” with. You can always get better. v  No complacency!!


“Paint your world.”


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