Copper rain chain succulents in rain chain cups

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Copper Rain Chain: Succulents in Rain Chain Cups If you live in a relatively dry area of the country, you have most likely noticed many brown shades of foliage in and around your home. Unfortunately, summer season brings about a dryness and plants become parched and curtails the life fairly quickly. As many plants struggle to survive in dry and arid climates, the assorted succulents adapt and thrive in hot dry conditions. With several states experiencing drought you see an emergence of succulents in several neighborhoods where counties are cracking down on lowering water usage. Succulent plants have escalated in popularity over the years. With its striking and atypical appearance they add an ornamental value to any space. Succulents are easy to identify, known mostly for their thick and fleshy leaves and stems. Unlike most plants, succulents store and retain water as a way adapt to dry climates. This unique characteristic gives them the name succulent due to their fleshy appearance. As climate conditions have changed over the years, with more dry conditions becoming the norm, it easy to see why succulents are quickly becoming a jewel among the desert. Copper rain chain cups are sometimes used to plant succulents and they add a stunning feature to a home. The most well-known succulent plants include the aloe and agave, with cacti being a subgroup of the succulent family. Smaller succulent plants are usually displayed in beautiful arrangements using dish gardens creating a beautiful exhibition. While succulent plants adapt fairly easily to parched climates, they still require care and occasional watering to retain their beauty. Some easy tips to follow will allow you to grown healthy and vital succulent plants. 1. Sunlight: Succulents do very well under the right lighting conditions. They thrive best in areas that face south where bright light tends to be. Some succulents may turn brown if exposed to direct sunlight therefore it is important to watch for discoloration in the leaves. If underexposed, the succulent will stretch and the leaves will become widely spaced and the stem will become elongated. With a good amount of light and shaping the plant back to its shape, your plant can still thrive during the summer in the outdoors. 2. Water periodically: Remember to water your succulents during the summer but be sure not to over water. Succulents should not be allowed to saturate and soak in water. If the leaves appear soft and discolored, turning yellow or white in color, it may be a result of overwatering. During the growing seasons of spring and summer, succulents need to be watered generously. 3. Under watering will cause the succulent to stop growing and will begin to shed its leaves. Another sign of under watering may be found in the leaves. The leaves may begin to show signs of this by acquiring brown spots. As a suggestion, it is good to fertilize during the summer along with your other plants however, it would be a good idea to discontinue during the winter months. These helpful and easy tips will help you to cultivate healthy and vital succulent plants all year round. Succulents are easy to manage and make great display plants with the use of dish gardens. You may also want to use wooden troughs in your home/yard or basins to grow a collection of arranged succulents.

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