PROFESSOR ASAD ISLAM Asad Islam is the Director of the Centre for Development Economics and Substantiality (CDES) and a Professor at the Department of Economics at Monash University. He has extensive experience working in the field to implement academic and policy-relevant research including the economics of education and health, food security, energy, disaster and environment, technology adoption, gender, microfinance, social networks, and corruption. His research spans several developing countries including Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, China, Cambodia, Uganda, and Tanzania. Asad has been published extensively in leading economics and public policy journals, and has attracted many competitive international grants, such as Australian Research council (ARC), UK Research Council (ESRC), DFID, AusAID (DFAT), International Growth Centre (IGC), European Commission, and World Bank. He is currently collaborating with leading NGOs and institutions in Bangladesh to address a number of emerging challenges on COVID-19 issues. He has given interviews in different media and written on broader public policy responses on COVID-19 in developing countries.
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR GAURAV DATT Gaurav Datt is the Deputy Director of CDES. Gaurav joined Monash University in 2011 with over twenty years of research and operational work experience in the development sector, including research positions at the World Bank and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). His research focuses on poverty, income distribution, education, labour and social policy issues, and his work encompasses several countries including India, China, Egypt, Laos, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Timor-Leste.
PROFESSOR SISIRA JAYASURIYA Sisira Jayasuriya is a Professor of Economics and former Director of CDES. His current research is on trade and macroeconomic issues in Asia, agriculture and food security, gender and development, and natural disasters. He has held previous appointments at the International Rice Research Institute, the Australian National University, Melbourne University and La Trobe University, He is Distinguished Fellow, Institute of Policy Studies, Sri Lanka, Non-Resident Senior Fellow, National Council of Applied Economic Research, New Delhi and Honorary Professor Institute of Social and Economic Studies, Osaka University.