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Purpose and vision

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Monash Business School has unveiled a new and ambitious vision and purpose that reflects the scope of our intention.

In a world of political turmoil, conflict and climate challenges, I believe our vision – ‘To create a thriving, equitable and sustainable future for all’, carries with it a great sense of initiative.

Our purpose is: ‘Through inclusive business education and research, we develop leaders and empower communities to solve global economic, environmental and social challenges’. As a world-leading business school, education and research is at the forefront of everything we do. We aim to provide the opportunity for everyone to be curious, learn, develop and thrive at every stage of their life. Our underlying considerations were to reflect Monash Business School’s sustainable and inclusive goals; and to encompass our partners, both internally across the University and externally with industry, government and the wider public. We believe this is a far-reaching and distinctive statement, based on our values to always uphold human rights, social justice and respect for diversity for all members of society, and to champion the Principles for Responsible Management Education and progress the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

I hope you will join me in celebrating our renewed energy, expressed through our vision and purpose.

Professor Michelle Welsh

Senior Deputy Dean, Faculty Operations

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