Social Networks and Technology Adoption: Evidence from a Randomised Controlled Trial in Kenya Presenter: Varun Satish*, Co-authors: Shyamal Chowdhury, Munshi Sulaiman ,Yi Sun Extended Abstract The diffusion of more productive agricultural technologies has proven to be sluggish across Sub-Saharan Africa (World Bank, 2017). These technologies, if utilised, could help to boost labour productivity, alleviate poverty and increase food security in the region. One of the key barriers to the adoption of new technologies is uncertainty about their returns (Foster and Rosenzweig, 1995). Policy makers therefore, have sought to implement interventions such as programs aimed at training farmers to utilise different technologies, in the the hope that increased information will diminish this uncertainty and thus hasten technology diffusion.1 The efficacy of interventions is not determined only by the direct effect of the intervention on the treated, but also the indirect effect on those who are not. These spillover effects have been well documented in the context of interventions aimed at for example: the prevention of intestinal worms (Miguel and Kremer, 2004) and the adoption of new rice and banana farming technologies (Islam et al., 2018; Chowdhury et al., 2019). A nascent body of work has turned to social networks as a candidate explanation for a variety of economic phenomena 2, some of which, has focused on the hypothesis that an individual’s adoption decision is predicated on learning from the experiences of their social connections - a social network (Bandiera and Rasul, 2006; Conley and Udry, 2010; Miller and Mobarak, 2014). The relationship between social networks and the indirect effects of interventions aimed at improving technology adoption outcomes, is one that demands further inquiry. A social network is defined by individual members (nodes) and the social connections (links) among them through which information about goods, services and ideas flow (Maertens and Barrett, 2012). A great deal of emphasis has been placed on the effectiveness of targeting or ‘seeding’ key individuals within a network in order to spread information about new governmental policies (Alatas et al., 2019; Banerjee et al., 2018), products such as microfinance (Banerjee et al., 2013) and of course, agricultural technologies (Beaman et al., 2018; BenYishay and Mobarak, 2018). These studies have not however, identified the impact of social networks when there is variation in the proportion of network members who receive treatment. This gap in the literature has policy consequences; network data is expensive and difficult to collect. Policy makers therefore, may be interested in implementing interventions where they must choose, for example, the fraction of a village which will be invited to a training program as opposed to specific ‘important’ individuals or households. ∗
Corresponding author: studies that involve technology training programs include: Foster and Rosenzweig (1995), Bandiera and Rasul (2006), Maertens and Barrett (2012), Islam et al. (2018), Chowdhury et al. (2019)
for overview see Jackson (2010), Jackson et al. (2017)
Currently the evidence available to inform these decisions is limited. We collected social network data from a set of 90 villages in Kirinyaga County, Kenya as part of a randomised controlled trial (RCT) seeking to investigate the following research question: what are the role of social networks in creating indirect effects of treatments aimed at improving technology adoption outcomes on untreated households? Additionally, we seek to characterise how these effects vary with respect to the proportion of network members who are treated. In doing so we intend to broaden the suite of policy options available to decision makers when faced with the task of identifying the best methods to diffuse technologies within rural communities. This adds further depth to analyses which have previously identified the existence of spillover effects between treated and untreated households. Islam et al. (2018) for example, find that the proportion of households invited to a training program, the ‘exposure rate’, is positively associated with the adoption of a new rice farming technology amongst untreated farmers in Bangladesh, but does not consider the role of social networks explicitly. A preceding study by Chowdhury et al. (2019) utilising the same data as our study, finds that aside from a positive effect of training programs on treated farmers there is also a positive relationship between the fraction of farmers treated and adoption among untreated farmers. Whilst providing evidence for and highlighting the magnitude of spillover effects, these studies do not investigate to what extent these are the result of social connections or more broadly, the structure of social networks. We utilise a ‘cluster’ RCT with randomisation levels at both the village and the household level. At the first stage of randomisation, 30 of the 90 sample villages were assigned to be pure control villages. None of the households within pure control villages were ‘treated’ - invited to training programs. Of the remaining villages, 15 were allocated to each of the treatment intensity groups in which either 20%, 40% 60% or 80% of households were invited to training programs. Within each of these treatment villages a second round of randomisation took place to determine which of the sample households would be invited to the training programs; the number of invitees within each village of course corresponded with which of the treatment intensity groups the village was assigned to in the first round of randomisation. To be clear, if a village which contained 50 sample households was assigned to the 20% group, 10 households would have been invited to a training program; 20 if it were assigned to the 40% group and 0 if it were assigned to the pure control group. A key aspect of our experimental design is the fact that within treatment villages there exist both treated and untreated households. This allows us to identify not only the ‘direct’ impact of the intervention on treated households, but also the indirect effects or ‘spillovers’ on those untreated households. The training programs, carried out by the East Africa Market Development Associates (EAMDA)3 , involved invited farmers being liaised with an EAMDA instructor who provided information about the practical implementation and benefits of Tissue Culture Banana (TCB) technology which helps to eliminate the damage posed by pests and disease amongst banana crops. Along with the training program, EAMDA representatives also conducted a survey in all sample villages where both treated, untreated and households in the control villages were asked questions about, for example: their income, but also about their social networks. These were carried out in three rounds at baseline (May-June 2016), midline (Oct-Nov 2017) and endline (Oct-Nov 2018) time periods. At midline and 3
EAMDA is a consulting firm that offers business coaching and enterprise development in Eastern Africa
endline, participants were asked a set of social network questions such as ”Do you know [...]?”, ”Is [...] in any farmer group with you?” and ”Have you discussed banana cultivation practices with [...]?”. This allows us to determine for each household, the set of other households within the village it is socially connected with. Another key aspect of our study is that in villages where there is no attrition, we are able to observe whether or not a social connection exists between all
n(n−1) 2
pairs of households.4 .
The collection of social network data along with the conducting of the RCT allows us to add further depth to the quantification of spillover effects, since we are able to measure the affect of social connections on adoption rates. In practice, we utilise variation in network characteristics to investigate the role between social connections and TCB adoption outcomes. Network characteristics are informative; the network degree of a household for example, is the number of social connections that are associated with it. These characteristics are calculated from the survey data. Of particular interest for our research question is how the characteristics of untreated households in treatment villages are associated with their adoption outcomes. Preliminary results, discussed below, vindicate the claim that spillover effects are strongest when untreated houses are well connected. Furthermore, since there is variation in treatment intensity across the set of treatment villages, we also able to identify whether the social network effects differ across the proportion of network members who receive training. Our preliminary results are obtained from regressions where the outcome variables are the midline/endline adoption decisions of households and the explanatory variables of interest are the number of social connections associated with households. Firstly, we find strong evidence that network degree is associated with TCB adoption at endline for untreated households in treatment villages, even after controlling for an array of household characteristics. Our results suggest these ‘degree effects’ are invariant over the intensity of treatment (i.e. that the effect we detect for the villages where 20% of households receive treatment is not different from the 40%, 60% and 80% villages). Secondly, we find evidence that the average degree of untreated households in treatment villages has a positive and significant association with both overall adoption in the village, but also the adoption of the untreated households themselves. This set of results are interesting in the sense that they suggest that the indirect effects of treatment (as discussed in Chowdhury et al. (2019); Islam et al. (2018)) are not simply a function of treatment intensity; in this context, the proportion of households that are invited to the training programs. Instead, they indicate that spillover effects depend on the social network characteristics of the untreated; the more farmers an untreated household knows, the more effective will be an intervention to encourage their use of a technology.
We do not ask each household about the n − 1 other households; instead, we designed sampling in such a way that we would survey one household out of the n(n−1) pairs of households if a social connection existed. In the case where all sample households respond since we 2 only consider an undirected network, we would observe the existence or non-existence of a social connection between all pairs – the ‘full network’
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