Yearbook Layout Example

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01 batam senior high school


02 is a fictional character in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series. For most of the series, he is the headmaster of the wizarding school Hogwarts. As part of his backstory, it is revealed that he is the founder and leader of the Order of the Phoenix, an organisation dedicated to fighting Lord Voldemort.

a l b u s

Dumbledore was portrayed by Richard Harris in the film adaptations of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (known as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone in the USA) and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. After Harris’ death, Michael Gambon portrayed Dumbledore for all of the remaining Harry Potter films. Jude Law portrayed Dumbledore in the prequel film Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald.[2] Rowling stated she chose the name Dumbledore, which is a dialectal word for “bumblebee”,[3] because of Dumbledore’s love of music: she imagined him walking around “humming to himself a lot”. Rowling stated she chose the name Dumbledore, which is a dialectal word for “bumblebee”,[3] because of Dumbledore’s love of music: she imagined him walking around “humming to himself a lot”.

d u m b l e d o r e

“aku suka harry potter, tapi aku lebih suka harry-harry bersamamu”


head master.

01 batam senior high school

lorem ipsum, S.PD mata pelajaran

tea -cher lorem ipsum, S.PD mata pelajaran

our teachers

tea lorem ipsum, S.PD mata pelajaran

lorem ipsum, S.PD mata pelajaran

lorem ipsum, S.PD mata pelajaran

lorem ipsum, S.PD mata pelajaran

-che er lorem ipsum, S.PD mata pelajaran

lorem ipsum, S.PD mata pelajaran

lorem ipsum, S.PD mata pelajaran

lorem ipsum, S.PD mata pelajaran

lorem ipsum, S.PD mata pelajaran

lorem ipsum, S.PD mata pelajaran



lorem ipsum, S.PD mata pelajaran

lorem ipsum, S.PD mata pelajaran

lorem ipsum, S.PD mata pelajaran

lorem ipsum, S.PD mata pelajaran

lorem ipsum, S.PD mata pelajaran

lorem ipsum, S.PD mata pelajaran

//page 4//

01 batam senior high school

o u r

teacher’s profile

home room teacher

h o m e r o o m t e a c h e r


mr. cole sprouse [as a teacher...] i love my student with all my heart. ya’ll learned and trained well. i’m proud of all your hard work. see ya’ll on top guys!!

page 5

2 0.

you are now entering - this class section -

“don’t work hard. work smart.” - Burhan 17 thn

//page 6

lil lucas

lil max

lil dustin

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil will bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil nancy bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil jonathan

lil mike

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.



bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.



lil eleven bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.


“sedia payung sebelum hujan�

01 batam senior high school

our profile

a lil dustin bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil will bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil nancy bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil jonathan

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil mike

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil jonathan

lil dustin

lil lucas

lil will

lil jonathan

lil dustin

lil lucas

lil will

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil max

lil eleven

lil mike

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

page 7


lil nancy

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil max

lil eleven

lil mike

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil nancy

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

[page 8]

01 batam senior high school

social two at the end of the day, remind yourself that you did the best you could today, and that is good enough.

“cewe yang baik itu adalah cewe yang tidak jahat�


closer. at the end of the day, remind yourself that you did the best you could today, and that is good enough.

page 9

at the end of the day, remind yourself that you did the best you could today, and that is good enough.

top trend-


//page 10

social 02


01 batam senior high school

room teacher

teacher’s profile

o u r h o m e r o o m


1 0.

you are now entering - this class section -

mr. dylan sprouse

t e a c h e r

[as a teacher...] i love my student with all my heart. ya’ll learned and trained well. i’m proud of all your hard work. see ya’ll on top guys!!

“don’t work hard. work smart.” - Burhan 17 thn

//page 11

p 12

01 batam senior high school

our profile

whatchu looking at? lil lucas

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil max

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil dustin

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil jonathan

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil eleven

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil eleven

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil will

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil nancy

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil dustin

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil lucas

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil eleven

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil mike

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.


lil lucas

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil will

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil will

lil max

lil max

lil dustin

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil mike

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil mike

lil jonathan

lil jonathan

lil nancy

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil will

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil eleven

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil mike

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil nancy

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

lil nancy

bandung, 12 september 1998 mona_zila 0811770077 dont work hard. work smart.

s c i e n c e o n e s m a n s a

01 batam senior high school

science sittin’ all alone mouth full of gum in the drive way, my friends aren’t far in the back of my car, lay their bodies

“cewe yang baik itu adalah cewe yang tidak jahat”



science 01

o u r p r o f i l e

you will regret someday if you don’t do your best now. at the end of the day, remind yourself that you did the best you could today, and that is good enough.

living young, wild, and free.

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