Young Artists Competition Program featuring the 2019 Finalists

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Celebrating 15 Years


Individual support for the Young Artists Competition is generously provided by founding sponsors: John and Lois Crowe Mary B. Horton Barbara K. Jackson

“I cannot express my gratitude and appreciation for the commitment that our founding sponsors have shown to the competition, not only through their generous financial support, but also through the care, personal investment, and vision of the future that they have maintained during these most miraculous years.” —Lara Downes

A Message from Lara


he great Austrian pianist Artur Schnabel once famously said: “Mozart is too easy for children, but too difficult for professionals. ”In 2004, as we prepared to celebrate Mozart’s 250th birthday, I thought it would be appropriate (and possibly adorable) to test that theory. I put together an all-Mozart concert in the Mondavi Center Vanderhoef Studio Theatre, featuring some very talented musicians, all under the age of 14, performing as my special guests. It was a great concert—musically profound (and probably adorable). And we proved Schnabel wrong, I suppose. Mozart is just right for both children and professionals, as long as they approach his work with open hearts, authentic artistry and generous spirit. After that concert, there was a reception for audience members and the young musicians. The kids and their families had come from all over Northern California, and they were so thrilled to discover our then brand new concert hall. It was a lovely party, and right there, over cupcakes and—balloons?? I think there were balloons!— our dear friends John and Lois Crowe offered to create a scholarship that would support future opportunities for gifted young musicians at the Mondavi Center. And just like that, the Young Artists Competition was born. Soon the late, great Barbara Jackson and Mary Horton (she of the sunny smile, boundless energy, and baker of the world’s best biscotti) joined as founding sponsors. Their generosity has given this program wings, bringing hundreds of bright young talents to our stage over these last 15 years. Open hearts, authentic artistry, generous spirit —these are the values that propel the Young Artists Competition (YAC) and its mission of musicianship and mentorship. As we’ve spread our reach to every corner of this country to identify the most promising talents, we’ve encountered not just brilliant young musicians, but wonderful human beings. We’ve welcomed them to the Mondavi Center with a very special and genuine warmth and caring. Their time here is about making music and making friends, learning from each other, giving the best of themselves, and understanding the importance of communication, empathy, collaboration and generosity in their musical lives. I’ve been so proud of my role in shaping the perspectives of these young artists, and I’m grateful to lead

by example in my own artistic life. I’ve been so proud of our YAC family—supporters, staff and friends, who demonstrate the very best of what an arts community can be. And I know that we’ve all been so proud to provide support that guides these young musicians into their futures for many years to come. Over the years, we have been able to create incredible opportunities for our young artists: mentorship with renowned artists like Yo-Yo Ma, Thomas Hampson, Leon Fleisher, Christopher O’Riley, Zuill Bailey and Rachel Barton Pine; major concert performances and recording debuts, world premieres of new works we’ve commissioned from leading American composers. We’ve invited our alums back to perform on the Mondavi Center stage, and they say it feels like coming home. I run into them at music schools, festivals and concert halls all around the country, and it feels like a family reunion. Our laureates are fast-rising stars in the music world. They’ve gone on to win prestigious awards: The Metropolitan Opera Auditions, Young Concert Artists, the Avery Fisher Career Grant, Presidential Scholar in the Arts, and many more. They’ve made concert debuts at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, the Kennedy Center, the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the Boston Symphony Orchestra, and other iconic stages around this country and abroad. They’ve made major-label recordings. (A high point for me was inviting 2016 laureate, clarinetist Javier Morales-Martinez to appear as a guest artist on my 2018 Sony Classical release FOR LENNY. Leonard Bernstein would have loved Javier!) You can read about our YAC alums in The New York Times, The Boston Globe, The Washington Post … You can hear them on NPR and see them on PBS, and even on The Tonight Show. These young people are storming the gates of the future with their musical brilliance and virtuosic gifts. But most importantly, they are going into the world with open hearts, authentic artistry and generous spirit. And for that we can all be very pleased and very proud! Stay tuned. There’s so much more to come …

Alexi Kenney, violin winner of 2010 YAC

Stephen Waarts, violin winner of 2008 YAC

Anush Avetisyan, soprano winner of 2012 YAC


Yelena Dyachek, soprano winner of 2009 YAC

Roger Xia, piano winner of 2015 YAC




Individual support for the Young Artists Competition is generously provided by founding sponsors: John and Lois Crowe Mary B. Horton Barbara K. Jackson Judges for the 2019 Mondavi Center Young Artists Competition: Doyle Armbrust Kathryn Bates Lara Downes Kristen Klehr Melissa Kraut Tom Stone Karlos Rodriguez Collaborative Pianists for the 2019 Mondavi Center Young Artists Competition: Andrei Baumann Kim Lee Jeremiah Trujillo

About the Competition

At the Mondavi Center Young Artists Competition, we are proud to support young artists in the early stages of their careers, providing scholarships to support their musical studies as well as valuable performance opportunities to encourage their artistic growth. The Robert and Margrit Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts, UC Davis is one of the premier performance venues on the West Coast, featuring an annual concert season that includes many of the world’s greatest soloists, orchestras and chamber ensembles. The competition offers the Founders’ Prize ($10,000) in rotating instrumental categories, as well as the Young Artists Prize ($2,000) in both piano and instrumental divisions to musicians ages 12–17.

The artists and fellow audience members appreciate silence during the performance. Please be sure that you have switched off cellular phones, watch alarms and pager signals. Videotaping, photographing and audio recording are strictly forbidden. Violators are subject to removal.


Finalists Showcase: How To Make Holes In The Sky

The Young Artists Competition weekend kicks off with a very special opportunity to meet the 2019 Founders’ Division cello finalists, selected through nationwide live auditions. The seven finalists will join in a curated showcase and conversation on themes of inspiration and collaboration with YAC Director Lara Downes and Jury Chair Melissa Kraut. The seven finalists will perform in a curated showcase and master class led by master teacher Melissa Kraut.


Competition Finals

The talented young cellists, pianists and instrumentalists from across the U.S. take the stage before an internationally renowned panel of judges to compete for cash scholarships and a spot in the Young Artists Competition Winners Concert. This year the competition focuses on repertoire by female composers, featuring music by award-winning composers Julia Adolphe, Reena Esmail, Angelica Negron and Paola Prestini.

Final Audition Schedule:

Young Artists Division-Pianists (ages 12–17): 11AM-12:30PM Young Artists Division-Instrumentalists (ages 12–17): 12:30-2:25PM Founders Division-Cellists (ages 18–22): 3:10-5:40PM 11:00 11:15 11:30 12:30 12:45 1:00 1:15 1:40 1:55 2:10 2:25 3:10 3:30 3:50 4:20 4:40 5:00 5:20

Solomon Ge Jessica Li Justin Wahby Conor Padmanabhan Jacob Reed Abigail Leong Sean Mori Andy Park Alex Fried Ann Kuo John Robert Santiago Derek Louie Elena Ariza William Suh James Hettinga Lydia Rhea Caroline Paulsen Sterling Elliott

Piano Piano Piano Classical Guitar Cello Cello Violin Viola Violin Flute Flute Cello Cello Cello Cello Cello Cello Cello


Winners Concert

Lara Downes hosts the celebratory concert featuring the newly-announced laureates of the 15th annual Mondavi Center Young Artists Competition. The competition, held by live auditions in cities throughout the U.S., is juried by a panel of internationally renowned musicians, with winners in multiple instrumental categories.

FINALIST BIOGRAPHIES Solomon Ge, 16 | piano

Justin Wahby, 15 | piano


BEETHOVEN Sonata No. 17 in D Minor, Op. 31 2. Largo-Allegro CHAMINADE Les Sylvains Op. 60 Allegro Moderato

32 Variations in C Minor Scherzo No. 1 in B Minor Promptu

Solomon Ge currently studies piano with Professor Yoshikazu Nagai at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. Ge has won numerous awards in piano including prizes in the 2017 and 2019 Zeiter Piano Competition, 2018 MTNA Senior Piano Competition, 2019 Yen Liang Young Artist Competition, and is the winner of the 2019 Marilyn Mindell Piano Competition, 2019 Palo Alto Philharmonic Concerto Competition, and 2019 CAPMT Honors State Competition. He has performed with the Peninsula Symphony and will play with the Palo Alto Philharmonic in Spring of 2019. He has also participated in the 2018 Amalfi Coast Music and Arts Festival in Italy and the 2019 International Maestro Piano Festival in Taipei, playing in master classes for Dang Thai Son, Boris Slutsky, John Perry, Ilana Vared and Chun-Chieh Yen. As a composer, he is the winner of the 2018 Webster University Young Composers Competition, 2018 MTNA State Senior Composition Competition, an alternate winner of 2018 NextNotes Composer Awards, a finalist at the 2018 National Young Composers Challenge, and a four-time finalist in the ASCAP Young Composers Competition. In 2016 and 2017, he attended the Young Artists’ Composition Program at Tanglewood.

Jessica Li, 15 | piano CHOPIN Barcarolle in F-sharp Major, Op. 60 GUBAIDULINA Musical Toys Nos. 4, 5, 13 KAPUSTIN Variations, Op. 41 Jessica Li started learning piano at age 4 and currently studies piano with John McCarthy, John Perry and Mina Perry. She has won numerous awards including 2019 MTAC North-Region Piano Solo Competition, first prize winner; 2019 Mondavi Center Young Artists Competition, finalist; 2018 USA Musical/Art Exchange International Festival & Competition, grand prize winner; 2018 Young Pianist’s Beethoven Competition, winner; 2017 Perugia Music Festival Concerto Competition in Italy, winner; 2017 El Camino Youth Symphony Concerto Competition, winner. Other awards include Seattle International Piano Competition, gold medal; International Russian Music Piano Competition, silver medal; AADGT International Young Gifted Musicians Competition, gold medal; Aloha International Piano Competition, gold medal; MTNA National Piano Competition-California, first alternate; first prize winner for CAPMT Concerto, Contemporary Music and Honors Competitions. Li played the Grieg piano concerto with El Camino Youth Symphony at Flint Center in 2018, and with Brunensis Virtuosi Orchestra at Basilica di San Pietro in 2017 in Italy. Her debut recital was at Traianon Theatre when she was 13. She was invited to perform twice at Carnegie Hall in New York. Li attends Chamber Music Performances at schools as the piano soloist and accompanist for other musicians and vocalists, and loves photography, singing and swimming.

Justin Wahby has been playing piano for 10 years and is currently under the guidance of Dr. Natsuki Fukasawa and Professor John McCarthy. He is a student of the San Francisco Conservatory of Music Pre-Collegiate Division. Wahby has participated in many music festivals and won top prizes at events such as the Los Angeles Liszt International Competition, Virginia Waring International Piano Competition, American Protege Piano & Strings Competition, Auburn Young Artist Competition, Alexander and Buono International competition, Ghiglieri piano competition, Orfeo International Music Competition, US Open piano competition, and the USIMC. He has performed in master class with many distinguished artists including Nelita True, John Perry, Sasha Starcevich, Daniel Lessner, Boris Slutsky and Dmitry Rachmanov. In addition, as a chamber musician, Wahby has participated in various chamber music events including a first place appearance at the MTAC VOCE competition (Sacramento Branch) and at the 2017 Chamber Music Competition sponsored by the Sacramento Chamber Music Society. He also has performed at senior residences, community centers and various cultural events in Sacramento as a way to give back to the community. Besides music, Wahby enjoys playing tennis and is a member of his school’s varsity tennis team as well as the president of Franklin High School Music Society and FHS chemistry club.

Conor Padmanabhan , 15 | classical guitar ARCAS Fantasia on Themes from La Traviata GUBAIDULINA Serenade J.S. BACH Fugue from Sonata No. 1, BWV 1001 Conor Padmanabhan was a prizewinner in the 2019 National YoungArts Foundation competition and was the first-place winner in the 2018 California statewide guitar competition of the American String Teachers Association. He was a first-place winner in the Best Bach Performance of the 2017 international Great Composers Competition Series and has been a prizewinner in the Sierra Nevada Guitar Competition and the Pacific Musical Society Competition, among others. Selected by audition, Padmanabhan has performed as a soloist in the annual Junior Bach Festival for seven consecutive years since 2013. He has performed as a soloist at the University of Hawaii Maui College and has opened professional concerts for the South Bay Guitar Society and the Omni Foundation series in San Francisco. In 2018, Padmanabhan was featured in Classical Guitar Magazine’s “Sunday Prodigy” series. He regularly performs as a volunteer at a local assisted living center and in benefit concerts. Padmanabhan is a student of Scott Cmiel at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music’s Pre-College Division, where he also performs in a guitar quartet. His first teacher was Jon Mendle. Outside the guitar, Padmanabhan enjoys video games and attends high school in Palo Alto where he serves as an academic tutor.

Jacob Reed, 17 | cello

Sean Mori, 16 | violin



Cello Sonata No. 1, Movement 1 Cello Sonata, Movement 3 Sinfonia Concertante, Movement 2

Jacob Reed taught himself to read music and play the piano at the age of 6. When he was 11, he taught himself to play the cello by watching YouTube videos of famous cellists. He began his formal musical training in 2015 with Eric Sung at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. Reed is a cellist in the prestigious San Francisco Symphony Youth Orchestra and is also a member of the Young Chamber Musicians in Burlingame. He has twice appeared on NPR’s From the Top, including a music video with the classical/jazz/big band fusion ensemble Pink Martini. This past summer was his first time away from home on his own, at the famed Tanglewood Music Institute, where he was principal cellist in the Tanglewood Youth Orchestra. He recently won the 2018 Prometheus Young Artist Concerto Competition. In the summer, he will travel with the San Francisco Symphony Youth Orchestra on their European tour. Reed, the fourth of six children, is a junior at Monte Vista High School in Danville. He plans to study music after he graduates. He says that his favorite class is choir, which is taught by his mother, Jodi Reed.

Abigail Leong, 15 | cello SCHUMANN CLARKE

Adagio and Allegro, Op. 70 Passacaglia on an Old English Tune for Cello and Piano

Abigail Leong started learning cello at the age of 4. She currently studies with Jonathan Koh at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music PreCollege. Leong soloed at Carnegie Hall at the age of 10 as a first-place winner of the American Protegé Concerto Competition performing the first movement of the Saint-Saens Cello Concerto. Recently she debuted the entire Dvořák Cello Concerto as the winner of the California Youth Symphony Young Artist Competition. An avid chamber musician, she has participated in the California Music Preparatory Academy as well as the Young Chamber Musicians Program. Leong won first place awards in many competitions including California ASTA, Pacific Musical Society Foundation, VOCE California State Competition, Burlingame Music Club Competition, Silicon Valley Youth Music Competition, ENKOR International Music Competition, KAMSA Competition and MTNA California State Competition. She was selected as a Fremont Symphony Orchestra Young Recitalist Competition winner and was a soloist at the Junior Bach Competition. In addition, Abigail enjoys music outreach at retirement homes and hospitals, as one of her goals is to share music with others. In her free time, Leong likes to dance tap and modern, and enjoys the beautiful choreography of music and dance.

Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 35 Solo Violin Sonata No. 3 - Adagio Fantasy for Solo Violin

Sean Mori is a scholarship student of Ian Swensen at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. Previously, he has studied with Li Lin, Wei He and Bettina Mussumeli. Mori has competed at the 2018 International Menuhin Competition in Geneva, Switzerland, and will compete in the 2019 Fischoff competition. He was the first place winner of many other competitions, including the United States International Music Competition, DVC/HNU Young Artist String Competition, Pacific Musical Society competition. Symphony Parnassus Concerto Competition and the Nova Vista Concerto Competition. His piano trio has won first at the Galante Music Festival as well as the 2019 Pasadena Conservatory of Music Chamber Music Competition, where they also won the Andrew Cook Beethoven Prize. Mori has studied chamber music at California Music Preparatory Academy, Young Chamber Musicians with Susan Bates, and at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. He has participated in many summer camps including Music@ Menlo in 2015, Meadowmount School of Music in 2017, and in 2018, he had full scholarship to the 22nd Morningside Music Bridge Program hosted in Warsaw, Poland. Mori is a member of Back to Bach, an international music program dedicated to spreading classical music to children.

Andy Park, 17 | viola BRAHMS CLARKE BACH

First movement of Viola Sonata No. 1 Viola Sonata Prelude from Suite No. 6

Andy Park is a Junior in Crossroads School for Arts and Science. He studies viola with Gina Coletti at Colburn Community School for Performing Arts. Park made his first debut with Culver City Orchestra after winning the Parness Prize in Culver City Competition. He won the Honorable Mention in Young Artists Competition and advanced to the semi-final in Spotlight Music Competition. He performed in master classes with Robert Diaz, Karen Dreyfus and Paul Coletti. Park participated in numerous orchestras, including Debut Chamber Orchestra, Colburn Chamber Orchestra and 2018 New York String Orchestra Seminar, and he will participate in National Youth Orchestra during the summer of 2019. He was in an Honors Quartet for Pasadena Conservatory of Music, which won the third place in Pasadena Chamber Music Competition. He is currently in the Honors Quartet for The Ed & Mari Edelman Chamber Music Institute in Colburn. Park loves performing for people, especially for younger children. He is currently helping students in elementary school with music performance. Park is currently using a bow and a viola graciously loaned by Maestro Foundation Instrumental Lending Program.

Alex Fried | violin

John Robert Santiago, 17 | flute



Mov. 1 of the Violin Concerto Corrente in D Minor “Luciernagas”, Suite Mestiza

Alex Fried started taking violin lessons at age 4 with Alexander Kalman. When he was 10 years old, he performed the Bach Double Concerto with Tamsen Beseke and the West Coast Chamber Orchestra. Recently, Fried won numerous awards from competitions including the ASTA Greater LA area division, SYMF, Classics Alive, International Encore Chamber Competition, and YMF. In 2016, he performed solo with the Olympia Youth Orchestra, receiving a Certificate of Congressional Recognition at the Daniel Pearl World Music Days Concert. He also has performed violin on many occasions for the patients in the City of Hope, and played with Sean Chen in Thousand Oaks. Currently, Fried studies violin repertoire with Varty Manouelian at Colburn, where he is a Merit Scholarship recipient. He also studies chamber music in the Colburn Honors String Quartet with John Waltz, and is the Concertmaster of Colburn’s Youth Orchestra. He has performed for LACMA’s Sundays Live radio broadcast with fellow Colburn students. Additionally, he has been featured in both CASA magazine and ASTA magazine. He is also a 2018 finalist for the Mondavi Center Young Artists Competition, Spotlight Competition and has received Honorable Mention for YoungArts 2018. He will perform solo with the Colburn Youth Orchestra in May 2019. During the summers, Fried attended Center Stage Strings, the Beverly Hills International Music Festival, Bowdoin International Music Festival, Montecito International Music Festival, Music Academy of the West Merit Program and the Philadelphia International Music Festival.


Sonata in E Major, BWV 1035 Concerto in G Major, K.313, 1st movement Concertino for Flute, Op.107

Ann Kuo started playing the flute when she was 8 years old and made her solo recital debut at 14, which she dedicated to an orphanage in Taiwan. Recently, Kuo has been named as a Jack Smith Memorial Award Winner of the 33rd Pasadena Showcase House Instrumental Competition. Kuo gave her solo orchestral debut at 15 with the Mount Orchestra, performing the Mozart Flute Concerto in D Major. In the summers of 2017 and 2018, Kuo went to Interlochen Art Camp where she received a full scholarship. Ann has received remarkable awards from numerous international competitions including second prize in the 2018 Alexander & Buono International Flute Competition, first price in the Taipei Student Music Competition in Taiwan, and semi-finalist in Biwako International Flute Competition in Japan. As an orchestral musician, Kuo currently holds the position of principal flute in the World Youth Symphony Orchestra and the Colburn Youth Orchestra. Kuo is a student at the Colburn Music Academy in Los Angeles, California, where she studies with Jim Walker.

Martin Ballade, Duo for Flute and Piano mvmt I Serenade Aux Etoiles

John Robert Santiago is a flute player residing in the Los Angeles area, studying with Jennifer Olson. Previously, he was a member of the Claremont Young Musicians Orchestra where he was principal flute and was in Junior Chamber Music under their Honors program. Santiago currently goes to the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts, where he is a junior studying with an emphasis in classical music performance and is also a member of the Colburn Youth Orchestra. He has participated in the Music Center’s Spotlight Awards and will be participating in Carnegie Hall’s National Youth Orchestra 2 in the summer of 2019.

Derek Louie | cello BEETHOVEN Sonata for Piano and Cello in C Major, Op. 102, No.1 PROKOFIEV Sinfonia Concertante for Cello and Piano, Op. 125 II. Allegro giusto TCHAIKOVSKY Pezzo Capriccioso, Op. 62 PRESTINI Ophelia for Cello Derek Louie is a second year undergraduate at the Juilliard School studying with Joel Krosnick. Louie has given numerous performances including appearances at the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NPR’s From The Top, and The Rising Stars Concert Series in South Korea. He has been a prize winner in several competitions including first prize in the 2017 Enkor International String Competition and grand prize in the 2017 Yamaha Young Performing Artists, 2016 National YoungArts Competition, finalist for 2016 Presidential Scholars and the Orford Music Award and the Schmidbauer Young Artist Competition. He has soloed with several orchestras including Ensemble 212, the New York Chamber Players and the Bergen Philharmonic. He has attended festivals around the world including the Verbier Academy, the Perlman Chamber Music Workshop and Residency Program in Sarasota and the Great Mountains Music Festival in South Korea. He performs in several community outreach programs throughout the country on behalf of the Perlman Music Program. He is an avid chamber musician and is currently a member of two string quartets. Louie wants to use cello to help bring a voice and attention to mental health issues related to young people.

Elena Ariza | cello

James Hettinga, 19 | cello

DVOŘÁK Cello Concerto in B Minor, Op. 104, 1st movement CHOPIN Cello Sonata in G Minor, Op. 65, 1st movement BACH Suite No. 6 in D Major, Prelude NEGRON Alguien Sube por el Camino Inventado


Elena Ariza is a cellist from Cupertino, California and currently studies in the Columbia-Juilliard Exchange Program. Featured on NPR’s From the Top in 2015, Ariza performed as a soloist at Davies Symphony Hall with the San Francisco Symphony Youth Orchestra in the same year. She is an alumna of the San Francisco Conservatory of Music PreCollege as well as the San Francisco Symphony Youth Orchestra, for which she served as principal cellist for two years. Currently, she serves as principal cellist of the Columbia University Orchestra. Ariza has won numerous solo and concerto competitions such as the MTNA California State Competition, Pacific Musical Society Competition, and the Mondavi Young Artists Competition, among others. She has played in master classes led by David Finckel, Ronald Leonard, Colin Carr, and has attended summer festivals such as Aspen, Music@Menlo, Yellow Barn and the Tanglewood Music Center. In 2011, Ariza helped raise more than $12,000 through three charity concerts that she and her friends organized, in order to help the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. At Columbia University, Ariza is pursuing a degree in computer science and studies under the tutelage of Astrid Schween at Juilliard. In her spare time, she enjoys paper-crafting and playing chamber music with her violinist brother and her mother, a pianist.

William Suh | cello TCHAIKOVSKY Rococo Variations, Op. 33 SHOSTAKOVICH Cello Concerto No. 1 in E-flat Major, Op. 107, III. Cadenza – Attacca, IV. Allegro con moto SCHUBERT Sonata in A Minor for Arpeggione Piano, D. 821, I. Allegro moderato Prestini: Ophelia (2013) William Suh of Los Angeles, California is a national first-prize winner of the Music Teachers’ National Association String Competition, finalist of the Stulberg International String Competition and recipient of the Jack Kent Cooke Young Artist Award by National Public Radio’s From the Top program. Suh has played for esteemed artists such as Truls Mørk, Laurence Lesser, Marc Coppey and Matt Haimovitz; he has also received guidance in chamber music from the Morgenstern and Weilerstein Trios and members of the Borromeo, Cavani, Guarneri, Juilliard, and Tokyo String Quartets. Additional studies have included the Meadowmount School of Music and the Perlman Music Program where he studied with Astrid Schween, Clara Kim, Paul Katz and Zvi Plesser; he is also a Young Artist Fellow at the Chamber Music Workshop of the Perlman Music Program. Suh is a graduate of the Colburn Music Academy, having studied with Clive Greensmith as a full scholarship recipient and is currently pursuing his Bachelor of Music degree at the New England Conservatory under the tutelage of Paul Katz. A former scholar of the Virtu Foundation, he currently performs on a 1913 cello by Carl Becker Sr. provided by a generous loan from a private foundation.

Perhaps Alone Sonata in C Major, Andante Grave Schelomo: Rhapsodie Hébraïque

James Hettinga currently studies with Dr. Melissa Kraut at the Cleveland Institute of Music (CIM). Studying since he was 4, he finds great joy in performing alone and with his seven siblings, all of whom play strings. An avid chamber musician, Hettinga’s quartet, (the Razumovsky Quartet) of the CIM Young Artist Program took the silver medal in the Junior Division at the 2018 Fischoff National Chamber Music Competition. Hettinga performed on the national radio show, From the Top, performing the Mendelssohn Octet. He has won solo competitions such as the Cleveland Cello Society Competition both Junior and Senior divisions, and the Duquesne Young Artist National Competition. Most recently he won the 2019 Tennessee Cello Workshop Competition and the Cleveland Institute of Music Concerto Competition. In 2016, Hettinga made his concerto debut in Severance Hall. He has had the privilege of performing with prestigious musicians including Jinjoo Cho, Matthew Allen, members of the Cavani and Ariel String Quartets and cellists of The Cleveland Orchestra. Additionally, he has performed in master classes for Paul Katz, Hans Jensen, Clive Greensmith, Ralph Kirshbaum and the Jupiter and Brentano Quartets.


Sonata for Cello and Piano in D Minor Prestini Ophelia Alone (1999) Rhapsodie Hébraïque

Lydia Rhea is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Music at the Cleveland Institute of Music studying under Dr. Melissa Kraut. Formerly a scholarship Fellow at the Music Institute of Chicago Academy, Rhea studied under Hans Jørgen Jensen. Rhea has soloed with the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, the Fort Wayne Philharmonic, the Muncie Symphony Orchestra, and the Carmel Symphony Orchestra, among others. She has been featured on NPR’s From the Top, both as a soloist and as the cellist in the Kairos String Quartet. A skilled chamber musician, Rhea garnered international recognition as the cellist of the Kairos String Quartet in the 2017–2018 season through their gold-medal wins at the Fischoff National Chamber Music Competition and the M-Prize Chamber Arts Competition. In the summer of 2018, Rhea attended the Festival de Ecoles d’Art Americaines de Fountainebleau in France as the festival’s youngest participant. While there, her string quartet was awarded the Premier Prix and the Prix du Château de Fontainebleau in the Prix Ravel, sponsored by the Maurice Ravel Foundation. She has spent previous summers at the Heifetz International Music Institute and the Meadowmount School of Music. Rhea has participated in master classes with Gary Hoffman, Philippe Muller, Robert Levin, Blaise Déjardin, Sharon Robinson, Amir Eldan and Richard Aaron.

Caroline Paulsen | cello

Sterling Elliott | cello



Cello Concerto in A Minor, Op. 129 I. Nicht zu schnell

SHOSTAKOVICH Sonata in D Minor for Cello and Piano, Op. 40 I. Allegro non troppo II. Allegro TCHAIKOVSKY

Pezzo Capriccioso


White Flag

Rococo Variations Cello Concerto, 1st movement Nicht zu schnell Cassadó Suite for Solo Cello, Intermezzo e Danza Finale Perhaps

Professionally, Sterling Elliot has soloed with the New York Philharmonic, the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra, Virginia Symphony Orchestra, the Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra, the South Bend Symphony Orchestra, the New World Symphony, the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, the San Francisco Chamber Orchestra, and many more as well as a performance at the 2019 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. In 2015 and 2016 Elliot performed a 7-week national tour with the Sphinx Virtuosi, and in 2018 was a featured soloist on tour including a performance at Carnegie Hall. He began his cello studies at the age of three and made his solo debut at the age of 7 when he became the firstplace Junior Division winner of the PYO Concerto Competition. Other notable accomplishments include 1st place Senior Division in 2019 Sphinx Competition, Camerata Artists International Competition, and 1st place Junior Division in the 2014 Sphinx Competition. Elliot currently studies with
Joel Krosnick at the Juilliard School working toward an undergraduate degree in cello performance where he is a proud recipient of a Kovner Fellowship.

Originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Caroline Paulsen is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Music at Northwestern University, where she studies cello performance with Hans Jørgen Jensen. Paulsen attended the Music Academy of the West as the recipient of the Maryan Schall Full Scholarship in the summer of 2018, where she performed in numerous concerts and master classes and took part in the String Quartet Seminar, an intensive program coached by the Takács Quartet. She has performed under the batons of highly acclaimed conductors such as Gustavo Dudamel and Stéphane Denève. She is also honored to be both the 2018 and 2019 recipient of a Musicians Club of Women’s Farwell Trust Award. Recent solo performances include recitals through the Bienen School of Music and at the Preston Bradley Hall of the Chicago Cultural Center on the Chamber Mondays Concert Series. She has previously studied with Mina Fisher, David Holmes, and Thomas Rosenberg, played in master classes for distinguished musicians such as Carter Brey, Peter Salaff, the Dover Quartet, the Takács Quartet, and Steven Isserlis, and worked with composers including Caroline Shaw and Jennifer Higdon, among others.

Thank you to the following donors for their special program support of the Young Artists Competition and Program

Jeff and Karen Bertleson Karen Broido John and Lois Crowe Merrilee and Simon Engel Mary B. Horton Barbara K. Jackson° Debbie Mah Linda and Lawrence Raber

The Art of Giving Thank you to our 2018–19 sponsors SERIES SPONSORS

The Mondavi Center is deeply grateful for the generous contributions of our dedicated patrons, whose gifts are a testament to the value of the performing arts in our lives. Annual donations to the Mondavi Center directly support our operating budget and are an essential source of revenue. Please join us in thanking our loyal donors, whose philanthropic support ensures our ability to bring great artists and speakers to our region and to provide nationally recognized arts education programs for students and teachers. For more information on supporting the Mondavi Center, visit or call 530.754.5438. This list reflects donors as of April 15, 2019.


$50,000 AND ABOVE James H. Bigelow† Patti Donlon Wanda Lee Graves and Steve Duscha Barbara K. Jackson° M.A. Morris

IMPRESARIO CIRCLE $25,000–$49,999

John† and Lois Crowe* Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation Anne Gray† William and Nancy† Roe* The Lawrence Shepard Family Fund


$16,500–$24,999 Chan Family Fund Simon L. Engel of HDE Laser Technologies, Inc. Nancy McRae Fisher Mary B. Horton* Tony† and Joan Stone




$11,000–$16,499 Dr. Jim P. Back Wayne and Jacque Bartholomew* Ralph and Clairelee Leiser Bulkley* Thomas and Phyllis† Farver* Benjamin and Lynette Hart* Clarence and Barbara Kado Dean and Karen† Karnopp*

Nancy Lawrence† and Gordon Klein Clifford A. Popejoy† and Antonia K.J. Vorster Grace† and John Rosenquist Raymond Seamans and Ruth Elkins Helen and Jerry Suran Rosalie Vanderhoef* Shipley and Dick Walters


ADDITIONAL SUPPORT Asante Boeger Winery El Macero County Club Seasons Kitchen & Bar The Porch Restaurant

$7,500–$10,999 Carla F. Andrews Garry Maisel† Susie† and Jim Burton Diane M. Makley* Michael and Kevin Conn Alice Oi Richard and Joy Dorf Gerry and Carol Parker Catherine and Charles Farman William Roth Janlynn Fleener† and Cliff McFarland Darell J. Schregardus, Ph.D. Samia and Scott Foster Celestine and Scott† Syphax Andrew and Judith Gabor Yin and Elizabeth Yeh Hansen Kwok† * Friends of Mondavi Center

†Mondavi Center Advisory Board Member

° In Memoriam

PRODUCER CIRCLE $3,750 - $7,499

Lydia Baskin* Daniel Benson Cordelia S. Birrell Jo Anne Boorkman* Karen Broido* California Statewide Certified Development Corp. Mike and Betty Chapman Wendy R. Chason* Sandy and Chris Chong* Michele Clark and Paul Simmons Tony and Ellie Cobarrubia* Bruce and Marilyn Dewey* Wayne and Shari Eckert* Allen and Sandy Enders Merrilee and Simon Engel Jolan Friedhoff and Don Roth In Memory of Henry (Hank) Gietzen In Memory of John C. Gist, Jr. Frederic and Pamela Gorin Ed and Bonnie Green* Charles and Ann Halsted John and Regi Hamel Judy Hardardt* Dee Hartzog Karen Heald and K.C. McElheney Donine Hedrick and David Studer Charles° and Eva Hess In Memory of Christopher Horsley* In Memory of Flint and Ella In Memory of Nicolai N. Kalugin Teresa Kaneko* Barry and Gail Klein Jane and Bill Koenig Brian and Dorothy Landsberg Edward and Sally Larkin Drs. Richard Latchaw and Sheri Albers Linda Lawrence Allan and Claudia Leavitt Robert and Barbara Leidigh Nelson Lewallyn and Marion Pace-Lewallyn David and Ruth Lindgren Yvonne L. Marsh Eldridge° and Judith Moores Barbara Moriel Misako and John Pearson Linda and Lawrence Raber* Joanna Regulska and Michael Curry Warren Roberts and Jeanne Hanna Vogel* Roger and Ann Romani Liisa A. Russell Carol J. Sconyers* Kathryn R. Smith Tom and Meg Stallard* Tom and Judy Stevenson* Brian K. Tarkington and Katrina Boratynski George and Rosemary Tchobanoglous Ed Telfeyan and Jeri Paik-Telfeyan In Memory of Trudy and Vera Betty° and Joe Tupin* Ken Verosub and Irina Delusina Wilbur Vincent and Georgia Paulo Claudette Von Rusten John Walker Patrice White Judy Wydick And 6 donors who prefer to remain anonymous

DIRECTOR CIRCLE $1,750 - $3,749

The Aboytes Family Ezra and Beulah Amsterdam Russell and Elizabeth Austin Drs. Noa and David Bell Robert and Susan Benedetti Don and Kathy Bers*

Edwin Bradley Richard Breedon, Pat Chirapravati, and Rosa Marquez Cantor & Company, A Law Corporation Margaret Chang and Andrew Holz Susan Chen Allison P. Coudert Jim and Kathy Coulter* Terry Davison Joyce Donaldson* Matt Donaldson and Steve Kyriakis Karl Gerdes and Pamela Rohrich David and Erla Goller Patty and John Goss Tim and Karen Hefler Sharna and Mike Hoffman Ronald and Lesley Hsu Martin and JoAnn Joye* Barbara Katz Nancy and John Keltner Robert and Cathryn Kerr Joseph Kiskis and Diana Vodrey Charlene R. Kunitz Thomas Lange and Spencer Lockson Mary Jane Large and Marc Levinson Francie and Artie Lawyer* Hyunok Lee and Daniel Sumner Lin and Peter Lindert Richard and Kyoko Luna Family Fund Natalie and Malcolm MacKenzie* Debbie Mah* and Brent Felker Dennis H. Mangers and Michael Sestak Susan Mann Rick and Ann Mansker In Memory of Allen G. Marr Betty Masuoka and Robert Ono Gary S. May In Memory of William F. McCoy Sally McKee Mary McKinnon and Greg Krekelberg Katharine and Dan Morgan Craig Morkert Augustus B. Morr Rebecca Newland John Pascoe and Susan Stover J. Persin, R. Mott and D. Verbck Prewoznik Foundation John and Judith Reitan Kay Resler* Marshall and Maureen Rice Dwight E. and Donna L. Sanders Christian Sandrock Ed and Karen Schelegle Neil and Carrie Schore Arun K. Sen Bonnie and Jeff Smith Janet Shibamoto-Smith and David Smith Edward Speegle Les and Mary Stephens De Wall Maril R. and Patrick M. Stratton Geoffrey and Gretel Wandesford-Smith Dan and Ellie Wendin Dale L. and Jane C. Wierman Susan and Thomas Willoughby Paul Wyman Karen Zito and Manuel Calderon de la Barca Sanchez And 2 donors who prefer to remain anonymous

ENCORE CIRCLE $700 - $1,749

Shirley and Mike Auman* Laura and Murry Baria In Memory of Marie Benisek Muriel Brandt Davis and Jan Campbell Gayle Dax-Conroy In Memory of Jan Conroy Dotty Dixon* Anne Duffey John and Cathie Duniway Robert and Melanie Ferrando Doris Flint Dr. Jennifer D. Franz Paul N. and E.F. (Pat) Goldstene

* Friends of Mondavi Center

Florence Grosskettler* Mae and David Gundlach Robin Hansen and Gordon Ulrey Leonard and Marilyn Herrmann B.J. Hoyt James and Nancy Joye Louise Kellogg and Douglas Neuhauser Paul Kramer Paula Kubo Ruth M. Lawrence Michael and Sheila Lewis* Robert and Betty Liu Shirley Maus Janet Mayhew Robert Medearis Roland and Marilyn Meyer Nancy Michel Robert and Susan Munn* Don and Sue Murchison Robert and Kinzie Murphy John and Carol Oster Bonnie A. Plummer Celia Rabinowitz C. Rocke Ms. Tracy Rodgers and Dr. Richard Budenz Tom and Joan Sallee William and Jeannie Spangler* Elizabeth St. Goar Sherman and Hannah Stein Karen and Ed Street* Eric and Pat Stromberg* Dr. Lyn Taylor and Dr. Mont Hubbard Cap and Helen Thomson Roseanna Torretto* Henry and Lynda Trowbridge* Rita and Jack Weiss Steven and Andrea Weiss* Kandi Williams and Frank Jahnke Gayle K. Yamada and David H. Hosley Wesley Yates Karl and Lynn Zender And 3 donors who prefer to remain anonymous


Jose and Elizabeth Abad Susan Ahlquist Drs. Ralph and Teresa Aldredge Takashi Asano Andrew and Ruth Baron Paul and Linda Baumann Mrs. Marie C. Beauchamp Carol L. Benedetti Jane D. Bennett Ernst Biberstein Robert Biggs and Diane Carlson Biggs Patricia Bissell and Al J. Patrick Clyde and Ruth Bowman Brooke and Clay Brandow Meredith Burns Marguerite Callahan Gary and Anne Carlson* Bruce and Mary Alice Carswell* Simon and Cindy Cherry Donna and Russ Clark Dr. Jacqueline Clavo-Hall Stuart and Denise Cohen Mr. and Mrs. David Covin Larry Dashiell and Peggy Siddons Daniel and Moira Dykstra Nancy and Don Erman Kerstin and David Feldman Helen Ford Lisa Foster and Tom Graham Edwin and Sevgi Friedrich* Marvin and Joyce Goldman Dan Gusfield Darrow and Gwen Haagensen Sharon and Don Hallberg* Marylee Hardie Dione and Roy Henrickson Zheyla and Rickert Henriksen Paula Higashi and Fred Taugher Roberta Hill Michael and Peggy Hoffman Rita and Ken Hoots Jan and Herb Hoover Robert and Marcia Jacobs Valerie Jones Weldon and Colleen Jordan Susan Kauzlarich and Peter Klavins Charles Kelso and Mary Reed

†Mondavi Center Advisory Board Member

°In Memoriam

Peter Kenner Ellen J. Lange Sevim Larsen Darnell Lawrence Carol Ledbetter Donna and Stan Levin Ernest and Mary Ann Lewis Robert and Patricia Lufburrow Sue MacDonald Bunkie Mangum Joan and Roger Mann Maria Manea Manoliu David and Martha Marsh Katherine F. Mawdsley* Susan and David Miller William and Nancy Myers Margaret Neu* Suzette Olson Frank Pajerski Sally Ozonoff and Tom Richey J. and K. Redenbaugh Eugene and Elizabeth Renkin David and Judy Reuben* Ron and Morgan Rogers Sharon and Elliott Rose* Marie Rundle Bob and Tamra Ruxin Mark and Ita Sanders Roger and Freda Sornsen Tony and Beth Tanke Virginia Thresh Robert and Helen Twiss Ardath Wood Iris Yang and G. Richard Brown Chelle Yetman Jane Yeun and Randall Lee Ronald M. Yoshiyama Heather M. Young and Pete B. Quinby Verena Leu Young* Melanie and Medardo Zavala Drs. Matthew and Meghan Zavod And 6 donors who prefer to remain anonymous


M. Aften Michelle Agnew Liz Allen* Jacqueline and James B. Ames Penny Anderson Nancy Andrew-Kyle* Elinor Anklin and Geo Harsch Alex and Janice Ardans Dee Jae Arnett Antonio and Alicia Balatbat* Charlotte Ballard and Robert Zeff Charlie and Diane Bamforth Michele Barefoot and Luis Perez-Grau Dawn Barlly Carole Barnes Jonathan and Mary Bayless Lynn Baysinger* Delee and Jerry Beavers Lorna Belden and Milton Blackman Merry Benard Robert Bense and Sonya Lyons Kellyanne D. Best Dr. Louise Bettner Bevowitz Family Dr. Robert and Sheila Beyer Elizabeth A. Bianco Roy and Joan Bibbens* John and Katy Bill Sharon Billings* and Terry Sandbek Caroline and Lewis Bledsoe Fredrick Bliss and Mary Campbell Bliss Brooke Bourland* Barbara E. Bower Jerry and Verne Bowers—Advent Consulting Services Jill and Mary Bowers Melody Boyer and Mark Gidding Dan and Mildred Braunstein* Valerie Brown and Edward Shields Rose Burgis Dr. Margaret Burns and Dr. W Roy Bellhorn William and Karolee Bush Kent and Susan Calfee Edward Callahan The Richard Campbells Nancy and Dennis Campos* James and Patty Carey Ping Chan* Bonnie and LeRoy Chatfield

Carol Christensen* Gail Clark Linda Clevenger and Seth Brunner James and Linda Cline Sheri and Ron Cole Steve and Janet Collins Terry D. Cook Sheila Cordrey* Larry and Sandy Corman Nicholas and Khin Cornes Fred and Ann Costello James Cothern Cathy Coupal* Victor Cozzalio and Lisa Heilman-Cozzalio Crandallicious Clan Herb and Lois Cross Tatiana Cullen Kim Uyen Dao Joy and Doug Daugherty Nita A. Davidson Relly Davidson Judy and Mike Davis Fred Deneke and James Eastman Joan and Alex DePaoli Carol Dependahl-Ripperda Sabine Dickerson; Marietta Bernoco Linda and Joel Dobris Gwendolyn Doebbert and Richard Epstein Marjorie Dolcini* Gordon and Katherine Douglas Jerry and Chris Drane Leslie A. Dunsworth Noel Dybdal Karen Eagan Laura Eisen and Paul Glenn Sidney England and Randy Beaton Carol Erickson and David Phillips Wallace Etterbeek Robbie and Tony Fanning Andrew D. and Eleanor E. Farrand* Michael and Ophelia Farrell Janet Feil Cheryl and David Felsch Joshua Fenton and Lisa Baumeister John and Henni Fetzer Robin and Jeffrey Fine Curt and Sue Ann Finley Dave and Donna Fletcher Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher Glenn Fortini Daphna Fram Marion Franck and Robert Lew Elaine A. Franco Anthony and Jorgina Freese Marlene J. Freid* Larry Friedman and Susan Orton Kerim and Josie Friedrich Myra Gable Sean Galloway Anne Garbeff Nancy Gelbard and David Kalb P.E. Gerick Patrice and Chris Gibson* Barbara Gladfelter Ellie Glassburner Marnelle Gleason* and Louis J. Fox Mark Goldman and Jessica Tucker-Mohl Pat and Bob Gonzalez* Drs. Michael Goodman and Bonny Neyhart Joyce and Ron Gordon Karen Governor Halley Grain Sandra and Jeffrey Granett Jim Gray and Robin Affrime Stephen and Deirdre Greenholz Paul and Carol Grench Don and Eileen Gueffroy Abbas Gultekin and Vicky Tibbs Wesley and Ida Hackett* Myrtis Hadden Ann and Charles Haffer Bob and Jen Hagedorn Jane and Jim Hagedorn Kitty Hammer William and Sherry Hamre M. and P. Handley Jim and Laurie Hanschu Bob and Sue Hansen Alexander and Kelly Harcourt Marie Harlan* Sally Harvey* Anne and Dave Hawke Mary A. Helmich Penny Herbert and Jeff Uppington Rand and Mary Herbert Dr. Calvin Hirsch Pamela Holm Jack Holmes and Cathy Neuhauser

Elizabeth Honeysett Sarah and Dan Hrdy Pam Hullinger David Kenneth Huskey Lorraine J Hwang L. K. Iwasa Stephen Jacobs and Diane Moore Dr. and Mrs. Ron Jensen Mun Johl Gary and Karen Johns* Don and Diane Johnston Michelle Johnston and Scott Arrants D.M. Jonsson Family Andrew and Merry Joslin Shari and Timothy Karpin Patricia Kelleher* Michael S. Kent Sharmon and Peter Kenyon Leonard Keyes Nicki King Roger and Katharine Kingston Ruth Ann Kinsella* Camille Kirk Bob and Bobbie Kittredge Don and Bev Klingborg John and Mary Klisiewicz* Michael Koltnow Kerik and Carol Kouklis Sandra and Alan Kreeger Marcia and Kurt Kreith Sandra Kristensen Roy and Cynthia Kroener C.R. and Elizabeth Kuehner Sherrill Kulp Kupcho-Hawksworth Trust Leslie Kurtz Laura and Bill Lacy Kit and Bonnie Lam* Allan and Norma Lammers Marsha Lang Larkin Lapides Diane and Renzo Lardelli Nancy Lazarus and David Siegel Peggy Leander* Evelyn A. Lewis Barbara Linderholm* Jeff Lloyd Motoko Lobue Dr. Joyce A. Loeffler Mary Lowry Karen Lucas* Melissa Lyans and Andreas Albrecht Ariane Lyons Jeffrey and Helen Ma Judy Mack* David and Alita Mackill Karen Majewski Vartan Malian and Nova Ghermann Julin Maloof and Stacey Harmer T. Mann Pam Marrone and Mick Rogers J. A. Martin Leslie Maulhardt* Carole Mayer Keith and Jeanie McAfee Karen McCluskey* and Harry Roth* James and Jane McDevitt Nora McGuinness John and Andrea McKenna Tim and Linda McKenna Martin A. Medina and Laurie Perry Linda and Joe Merva Cynthia Meyers Beryl Michaels and John Bach Leslie Michaels and Susan Katt Jean and Eric Miller Lisa Miller Sue and Rex Miller Kathy and Steve Miura Kei and Barbara Miyano Vicki and Paul Moering Amy Moore Hallie Morrow Marcie Mortensson Rita Mt. Joy* Robert and Janet Mukai Bill and Anna Rita Neuman Robert Nevraumont and Donna Curley Nevraumont R. Noda Jay and Catherine Norvell Bob Odland and Charlotte Kelly Jeri and Clifford Ohmart Jim and Sharon Oltjen In Memory of Robert Orlins Mary Jo Ormiston* John and Nancy Owen Jessie Ann Owens

Mike and Carlene Ozonoff Michael Pach and Mary Wind Thomas Pavlakovich and Kathryn Demakopoulos Dianne J. Pellissier Erin Peltzman Ann Peterson and Marc Hoeschele Jill and Warren Pickett Jane Plocher Mrs. Merrilee A Posner Harriet Prato Otto and Lynn Raabe Olga Raveling Sandi Redenbach and Ken Gelatt Fred and Martha Rehrman* Francis Resta Russ and Barbara Ristine Jeannette and David Robertson Denise Rocha Robert Rodriguez Mary and Ron Rogers Carol and John Rominger Richard and Evelyne Rominger Janet F. Roser, Ph.D. Shery and John Roth Cathy and David Rowen* Cynthia Jo Ruff* Paul and Ida Ruffin Dagnes/Vernon Ruiz Jacquelyn Sanders Elia and Glenn Sanjume Fred and Pauline Schack John and Joyce Schaeuble Patsy Schiff Leon Schimmel and Annette Cody Dan Shadoan and Ann Lincoln Jay and Jill Shepherd Bruce Sheridan Jeanie Sherwood Jennifer L. Sierras Jo Anne S. Silber Teresa Simi Robert Snider and Jak Jaras Jean Snyder Ronald and Rosie Soohoo Curtis and Judy Spencer Dolores and Joseph Spencer Marguerite Spencer Alan and Charlene Steen Tim and Julie Stephens Judith and Richard Stern Deb and Jeff Stromberg A Supporter George and June Suzuki Yayoi Takamura and Jeff Erhardt Stewart and Ann Teal Julie A. Theriault, PA-C Virginia Thigpen Bud and Sally Tollette Victoria and Robert Tousignant` Justine Turner* Ute Turner* Sandra Uhrhammer* Peter Van Hoecke Ann-Catrin Van Barbara Smith Vaughn* Marian and Paul Ver Wey Elizabeth Villery Richard Vorpe and Evelyn Matteucci Craig Vreeken and Lee Miller Maxine Wakefield and William Reichert Carol L. Walden Andrew and Vivian Walker Naomi J Walker Andy and Judy Warburg Don and Rhonda Weltz* Doug West Martha West Robert and Leslie Westergaard* Nancy and Richard White* Mrs. Jane Williams Sharon and Steve Wilson Janet G. Winterer Suey Wong* Jean Wu Timothy and Vicki Yearnshaw Jeffrey and Elaine Yee* Dorothy Yerxa and Michael Reinhart Phillip and Iva Yoshimura Phyllis and Darrel Zerger* Marlis and Jack Ziegler Timothy and Sonya Zindel Linda and Lou Ziskind Dr. Mark and Wendy Zlotlow

Artistic Ventures Fund

We applaud our Artistic Ventures Fund members, whose major gift commitments support artist engagement fees, innovative artist commissions, artist residencies, and programs made available free to the public. James Bigelow Ralph and Clairelee Leiser Bulkley John and Lois Crowe Patti Donlon Richard and Joy Dorf Nancy McRae Fisher Wanda Lee Graves and Steve Duscha Anne Gray Barbara K. Jackson° Rosalie Vanderhoef

Legacy Circle

Thank you to our supporters who have remembered the Mondavi Center in their estate plans. These gifts make a difference for the future of performing arts and we are most grateful. Wayne and Jacque Bartholomew Karen Broido Ralph and Clairelee Leiser Bulkley John and Lois Crowe Dotty Dixon Nancy Dubois° Anne Gray Benjamin and Lynette Hart L. J. Herrig Estate° Mary B. Horton Margaret Hoyt Barbara K. Jackson° Roy and Edith Kanoff° Robert and Barbara Leidigh Yvonne LeMaitre° Jerry and Marguerite Lewis Robert and Betty Liu Don McNary° Ruth R. Mehlhaff° Joy Mench and Clive Watson Trust Verne Mendel Kay Resler Hal° and Carol Sconyers Joe and Betty° Tupin Lynn Upchurch 1 Anonymous If you have already named the Mondavi Center in your own estate plans, we thank you. We would love to hear of your giving plans so that we may express our appreciation. If you are interested in learning about planned giving opportunities, please contact Nancy Petrisko, Director of Development, 530.754.5420 or npetrisko@ucdavis.

Note: We apologize if we listed your name incorrectly. Please contact the Mondavi Center Development Office at 530.754.5438 to inform us of corrections.

And 35 donors who prefer to remain anonymous

†Mondavi * Friends * Friends ofof Mondavi Mondavi Center Center †Mondavi Center Center Advisory Advisory Board Board Member Member °In°In Memoriam Memoriam

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