Supper - Issue 24

Page 20


Mediterranean Magic Chef Jun Tanaka overcomes the challenges of opening a restaurant in the midst of a pandemic to introduce his Mediterranean cuisine to Hong Kong’s The Upper House. Words: Heleri Rande


like food that reminds me of being on holiday,”

Crowning The Upper House in Hong Kong, Salisterra

begins Jun Tanaka as we take a seat at his London

– formed from the Latin words ‘salis’ for salt and ‘terra’

flagship, The Ninth on Charlotte Street, just a

for earth – captures the richness of the Mediterranean

few days after indoor hospitality venues were

in both its cuisine and interiors. Designed by André Fu,

permitted to reopen in England. His words hint

who has been working through a series of upgrades at

to the Mediterranean style that has become his

the property, the new concept draws on the colours

specialty, but also serve as a timely reminder of the

and flavours of the Mediterranean for an elegant

power dining experiences can have in transporting us

addition to the city’s dining scene.

around the world – particularly at a time when travel isn’t possible.


Despite having not yet been able to set his foot in the newly opened restaurant, Tanaka is focused on the

The current climate has had a major impact on

positives of the entire experience. No stranger to TV

hospitality, and as countries impose restrictions faster

appearances – the likes of BBC One’s Saturday Kitchen

than the industry can react, the pains of cancelling and

and Chopped Champions decorate his resumé – Tanaka

postponing plans not only affects the paying customer,

used his on-camera presenting skills to create step-

but the engine that keeps a restaurant operational.

by-step guides for more than one-hundred dishes to

Chef Tanaka is no stranger to this new world order,

train the team in Hong Kong. “The camera work was

having had to open Salisterra – his first endeavour

a little rough-around-the-edges,” he quips, “but this

outside London – via Zoom calls, video presentations

was the best way to convey technical recipes.”

and WhatsApp chats. “It has been a lot of work, but

One thing that can’t be conveyed through a screen

shows that it is possible to do it all remotely,” he says.

however, is the sense of taste, and this has proved

“Being closed for business in London, I was able to

a major challenge in creating culinary experiences

direct more time to the development of Salisterra and

remotely. “Everyone’s flavour profile is different

training the kitchen team.”

and our language is not precise enough to convey the

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