2 minute read
The four channel FIBERFOX 4CH briDge and FIBERFOX 2CH briDge are the first ever chassis connectors which converts a standardized LC Patch cable into an expanded beam solution. It acts as a “feed – through” and fits into standard D -size shell.
No splicer, no expertise required for installation. Suitable for Lighting, Network, PA, Video, Broadcast, Defense & Government, Railway and Petrochemical. Easy patching with common patch cords. Very compact design-fits in every D-hole just like OpticalCON. IP68 Waterproof even without a protective cap.
structures at the perfect time for the event,” he continued. “I was lucky enough to be present to watch the spectacle, and it was an incredibly impressive end to a fun day. Congratulations to AIM and everyone who was involved. We were proud to be a part of it and to work with such professional and detail-oriented event organisers. We look forward to the possibility of working with them again in the future.”
JA M Event Services provided a Senior Health & Safety Advisor to create the Event Safety Management Plan and safety consultancy during the pre-production phase of the event. “Our Senior Health & Safety Advisor was on site throughout the build and also the live phase to ensure that all safe systems of work were implemented and that all safety elements around the entire show were in place,” stated JAM’s Conor Rainey.
With so many potentially dangerous elements combining during the show, there was zero margin for error. However, according to Rainey, the fact that AIM and each of the suppliers were on top of their game made their job much easier.

“Their understanding of their own safety responsibilities meant that we never had to battle to get the required information from them,” he recalled. “Everyone understood the safety requirements, which is the way it should be and means we can focus on other areas that require our attention.”
He a dded: “Everything was safe in a complex, world-first delivery. It is always exciting to work on world-class projects that are on the world stage. When these types of shows push the boundaries, it pushes us, and we like that.”
Reflecting on the project, AIM’s Lindsay was full of admiration for the entire team who “rolled up their sleeves to make it happen”. He said: “There was a huge amount of trust between all the parties. Even though we tried to be as organised as possible, on an organic project like this, there are sometimes occasions where you need to buckle up and enjoy the ride, and that fact that our suppliers were flexible and accommodating meant that we could push the envelope of creativity until the end.
“D ubai World Cup is one of the most prestigious events in the country and it was a privilege to be entrusted with delivering it,” he added. “The sound of the audience whooping and cheering when the aeroplanes did their final flypast was truly special. It was amazing to be among the crowd and feel the energy.”

Photos: AIM, Flash Art, AeroSPARX www.dubairacingclub.com www.artistsinmotion.co www.aerosparx.com www.arld.ae www.byrnerental.com www.ctme.co www.dronisos.com www.efm.global www.flashart.com www.jameventservices.com www.unifiedinternational.net www.unusualrigging.com www.bewicked.me
Zonda 3
Ready To Create
Some luminaires have the power to transform the ordinary into
AYRTON’s latest creation is a luminaire with so many advantages... able to transition from beam to wash light with the greatest of ease. A versatile fixture with amazing, creative effects that makes you want to go even further, to dare, to experiment, to explore... The combinations are endless!
This newcomer to the ZONDA family line comes in an incredibly compact format. Its speed of movement and reduced dimensions increase its dynamic potential. And because of its size, it can be easily used in compositions with light curtains or matrices.