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Gear Heads: Riedel
During this year’s NAB show, Riedel was proud to announce its latest 1200 Series SmartPanel. Featuring multiple full-colour multi-touch displays, 32 innovative hybrid-lever keys, the ability to leverage apps for multi-functionality, this new panel is poised to allow users to work the way they always have while opening up entirely new possibilities. TPi spoke to Riedel’s Marco Muckenhaupt about the company’s latest offering to the market…
What were the initial design goals for the 1200 Series SmartPanel? The 1200 series SmartPanel was designed to solve 3 issues. First was to create a Riedel intercom interface that satisfied users who were used to a lever key operation of an intercom system, while simulations innovating what a lever is. Second was to make users understand what is currently happening on the panel much easier.
Finally we wanted to create an evolutionary stage in our SmartPanel product family, which provided more hardware based potentials for future apps such as NFC, Bluetooth, touch screens an stereo speakers.
How does the latest system fit into the range of Riedel products? The 1200 Series SmartPanel is the latest addition to the Riedel SmartPanel family and sits alongside its smaller brother, the 2300 Series SmartPanel, which brings smart features to an push button-based intercom panel. Together with the 1000 series and 1100 series panel families, customers may select from a variety of intercom panels suited to different applications.
For example, if you prefer the ergonomics of a big push key with an integrated sunlight-readable OLED display, the 1100 series would be your ideal choice. However, is you’re used to the workflow of levering down for talking and levering up for listening, you will love the hybrid lever key of the 1200 series SmartPanel.
What feature do you believe will benefit the live touring industry? There are a bunch of features that will bring significant value for live touring. The first is Logical Groups which enables users to assign custom colours for either key labels or LED rings. It’s a great way to show importance in certain keys at a quick glance. The inclusion of stereo speakers is also great in any situation where stereo material is used. The panel’s rich connection options fibre or copper, AES3 or AES67 means it will fit well with any touring specification. Not forgetting the robust hardware, ideal for long tours.

At the time of the launch, Johan Wadsten, User Interface and User Experience Product Manager, commented: “As systems become more complex we need to provide simpler interfaces.” Could you talk throughout the characteristics of the 1200 that adhere to that goal. Just like any other communication device, professional communications are becoming more capable, especially thanks to the migration to IP. For an intercom panel, this means that we must not simply add buttons for any new functionality. Instead we’ve chosen to make them accessible at the users fingertips.
On the 1200 series SmartPanel, for example, the hybrid lever is a unique Riedel design which allows users to talk and listen/mute a port as well as adjust the volume all with the same key. Users may call up secondary functions such as beep, monitor or copy reply via simple touch gestures. The info display allows users to stay fully operational at any time by moving functionalities not needed for daily use, such as settings, into a dedicated screen. Finally, as well, the actual signalling on the panel is instantly understandable by use of commonly known icons, un-equalled levels of labelling and a high resolution display.
During the development of the 1200 SmartPanel, did you receive any input from touring engineers regarding what they would like to see in your next product line? We ran innumerable focus group studies on everything ranging from lever key ergonomics to contextual menu timeouts. We also ran many usability studies with prototypes of the product in order to ensure that operators in many different production industries, including touring, were able to give their input.
Has the system already been used on any shows? What has the feedback been from those that have used it? Since its premiere at NAB, we have worked with numerous clients and partners to refine the feature set and software. They had the unique chance to be a part of the process of creating the smartest SmartPanel yet. At Riedel, we are fortunate that all of our products receive heavy live testing in the field, as they are immediately put into use by our Rental division.
Where are we likely to come across the system over the next few months? The new panels are in production and we are working hard to meet the initial demand. Be sure to see the new RSP-1232HL in the most demanding broadcast and live production environments soon! TPi www.riedel.net