Late last year, Pioneer Pro Audio unveiled the newest addition to the XY Series - the XY-3B and XY-2. Both speakers have been designed to support both fixed installations and full touring solutions for rental and festivals. TPi checked in with Alex Barrand, Technical Manager Pioneer Professional Audio, to discuss the development of the products and the market reception to the speakers…
The XY Series has become renowned for providing excellent reliability and outstanding sound quality to nightclubs and music venues around the world. With the introduction of the XY-3B and XY-2, which offers the highest output in the Series, even more venues and live events can benefit from an XY Series sound system tailored to their specific needs. “When we decided to enter into the professional audio market, it was clear we didn’t have to re-invent the wheel for our first product line,” commented Pioneer Pro Audio’s Technical Manager Alex Barrand, as he outlined the lasts addition to the XY Series. “Instead, we took a look at the market and set out to improve upon existing products,” he continued. For Barrand and his team there several area in which they wished to improve. Specifically - performance, build-quality and design. “From the
first design concept for the XY Series range I feel we have ended up with a solid-performing product line-up,” enthused Barrand. The XY-3B was developed over the course of 3 years, with 3D printers used to help realise the concept of creating natural sound with high output. It’s been tested at numerous international festivals and outdoor events such as Xtrema Outdoor, Lovebox, and Tomorrowland. In the XY-3B, an 8-inch cone driver delivers clean and precise mid-range frequencies using Pioneer Pro Audio’s X-Phase system. The XY-2 speaker on the other hand is the mid-high section of the XY-3B. Designed specifically for large-scale venues and stadia, the XY-2 can be used for PA applications, as a DJ booth monitor or as a down fill in an XY-3B cluster setting. “The key features of the XY-3B, make this enclosure suitable for a wide 118