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For 30 years, Groupe F has been designing and realising open-air pyrotechnic shows and theatrical works. With an ability to bring together multidisciplinary teams of the highest artistic and technical level, the company is constantly striving to find new, creative ways of delivering “once-in-a-lifetime” moments to audiences all over the world. Here, CEO and Creative Director, Christophe Berthonneau reveals some of the methods behind the magic and looks back on some recent notable projects from the Middle East.
Talk us through your creative process… Whenever I start a project, I think about the context and create something that will fit into the space and the remit we are given. Creating a show from scratch is a bit like having a fridge full of lots of things to eat and being able to open that fridge and pick anything you like. If you pick items that don’t go well together then you won’t make a nice meal, but pick the right ingredients and combine them in the right way and you’ll create something beautiful.
How do you balance the business and artistic aspects of your role? I always lean towards the artistic and creative side of a project. Yes, I understand that I am in control of the technical – and this is the correct way to do it because pyro is inaccessible for most people – but even working within that strict framework, there is still the opportunity to let your imagination run wild. We have the power to create climactic moments, to thrill and to make memories that will last a lifetime.
We have three pillars that govern the way we work in Groupe F: safety, artistic and production. Safety is simple and is, of course, the most important. We are creating joyous moments for the audience and there can be no accidents under any circumstances.
Coming just behind safety is artistic. Life is long, and each project we undertake requires a lot of hard work. So, if at the end of the project you’re not happy with what you have done artistically then, for me, it’s a waste of time. I’m nearly 60 years old and I don’t want to waste any time; I just want to be more creative and more relevant with every new project.
Third is production. Sometimes artistic intent and production don’t complement each other. What is more creative is usually harder to achieve; while a simple technical solution may

be easy, a more creative solution may be much more complicated. However, the fact that I must find the balance means that the artistic wins.
What are your main aims with each show? My goal is to do something that makes me proud, and it makes me proud to create moments that people never forget.
It’s a very high-level requirement that I’ve been working to achieve for more than 30 years now. I don’t want to do an ‘interesting’ show, and I don’t want people to be ‘entertained’ – I want people to have a true once-in-a-lifetime experience. This doesn’t happen every time, but when it does, I always come home with a huge smile on my face.
How important is the Middle East for you? We have a strong demand in the Middle East and there is a genuine desire and means within the region to push the boundaries of creativity. For example, we have done the Ras Al Khaimah New Year’s Eve show for two years in a row.
After last year’s show, we identified the possibility of doing something even more special for 2022. We immediately got to work on the concept and came up with something incredible. We broke two Guinness World Records, with the number of pyro drones used (458) and the height of the drone tower (1km and 55m). The audience reaction was amazing – what a way to start 2022.
How is new technology such as drones changing what you do? Pyro has been around in one form or another for a long time and, on a basic level, we are doing the same job that we and those who came before us have always done – creating special moments for the audience. Part of this job is keeping up

to date with advancements in technology that ultimately create a better, more engaging show. The first time I saw a drone show it was before a firework show we did in Qatar and my first thought was that the quality and precision of this format is so high, and the possibilities are so many that fireworks will soon be redundant.
However, then I thought about it some more and realised that we have all the tools to combine drones and pyro. We investigated various options and ultimately decided to develop our own drone, made in Toulouse, France, with all programming done in Europe.
To be autonomous without relying on Chinese manufacturing is one of the goals of Groupe F and it’s very satisfying to be on course to achieve this. We’re trying to show that pyro can be done locally with less environmental impact but maximum creativity.
How did Groupe F handle the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic? We did the opposite to many other companies. While they were reducing size and consolidating, we took on more employees – especially those younger than 25. I tried to take those two years to redefine the tools of Groupe F.
I’m mindful that I can’t go on forever, so I decided to push hard on the technical side of the business, focusing on new technology that excites young people. When you see the young team we had working for the UAE’s 50th National Day Celebration for example, they all left the project smiling and happy – that is the future of the company. We employ a diverse group of people from all over Europe, the US and Asia, and we try to be representative of society. For me, it’s very important to have a good mix.
What are your goals for the future? The main goal is to create nice memories – especially now when a lot of the world is depressed and life is uncertain. We aim to mix the old and the new to generate special experiences. Who am I to decide what is special? Nobody, but I am the right guy to throw a party! Photos: Hervé Hôte, Nicolas Chavance, Groupe F www.groupef.com