A Journey With Mothers
May 2015
Conten ts Encouraging purpose seekers to pursue Truth 6
To be fully committed to God, is as a marriage; it must be for better or worse, in good times and bad, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, till death do us part.
It takes total commitment to commit our way-everything we possess, desire and do-to God.
WE ARE IN MINISTRY TOGETHER‌ No matter what we are called to do, we will all follow the same procedure for reaching our goals and this goal is to care for the body of Christ.
By Johnie Stevens
LOVE IS WHAT IT DOES Committing to the One who really counts complete.
make us
By Minister Michele L. Scott
TOTALLY COMMITTED: AM I, ARE YOU, ARE WE? There comes a time in every man or woman's life when they're faced with the decision of commitment. We're familiar with the clichĂŠs'; I'm all in, I'm down with it, I'm totally sold out etc. Eventually we all commit to something.
By Steven Walker
11 14 27
Volume XIII, Issue 4
Conten ts 11
ON THE COVER: The Flower of Truth Revealed International Ministries
Bishop Merton L. Clark
Bishop Merton L. Clark
Truth in the News changes name to REVEALED! After 13 successful years, as the TRUTH IN THE NEWS newsletter.
Truth in the News is a monthly online publication that informs the reader of the marvelous things God is doing at Truth Revealed International Ministries. In depth and relevant features are written from a faithful perspective to motivate and encourage readers to pursue TRUTH for the challenges in their life.
Sherise Roberts
J. Landon Williams
Babette Bailey Dallas Clark
Brenda Williams
Our name change is the result of an amazing journey. The new name reflects the present and future changes of the magazine. The relaunch is an exciting development that demonstrates the creativity, imagination and intertwined abilities of our passionate team. The publication will continue to be produced in print format, as well as PDF, and we are currently exploring app editions for the growing range of available mobile devices.
Babette Bailey Alex Brown Dallas Clark Gil Diaz Maxcelle D’Oyley Jermaine Edwards NaTerrie Green Vivian Hogan Stephanie Murrell
Sherise Roberts Vince Pryce Elder Michael Scott Michele Scott Johnie Stevens Eunice Tate Steven Walker J. Landon Williams Rose Williams
J. Landon Williams Eunice Tate
Enoch Clark Fred Douglas Robert Graham Johnson
Spencer Levels Sherise Roberts Errol Stewart
– Jeffrey L. Williams Design & Layout Editor
How are we doing? Comments, questions, suggestions? Share your Testimony at Revealed_2015@yahoo.com and you may be featured in our next issue.
Maurice Newton TRUTH REVEALED INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES 2838 Palm Bay Road Palm Bay, FL 32905 Phone (321) 952-5151 Fax (321) 952-5301 www.truthrevealed.org
Totally Committed THAT
hough our situations may seem dead, our issues hopeless, and our trials and tribulations impossible, there is a hope in Jesus, and that hope is available to all who will believe. How many times have we heard that and we even believe it, but still when trouble arises we find ourselves battling with feelings of hopelessness and discouragement, wondering where God is and if He is going to come through; when and how. We get desperate for Him to move quickly in our circumstances. I don't know about you, but for me, many times it seems that when Jesus finally shows up, all hope seems to be lost; like the death of Lazarus. Lazarus' sister told Jesus if he had been there Lazarus would not have died. We know all God has to do is show up, speak, breathe, move…, and everything will be ok. But often times it seems that He lingers. The scriptures tell us to "fight the good fight of faith". This is one of those times when we must fight that fight. Fight to believe in spite of what the doctor's say, in spite of what we feel, what we see, what we hear, what others are saying, and what the enemy is doing… Bishop has been declaring that "our God is bigger than the burdens we carry, stronger than the singing winds of the fierce storms we face, mightier than the mountains high, higher and above the hell spawns and deeper than the devils of depression". We get excited at the Word, and that teaching because it gives us hope and lifts us in our spirits and our souls. But when we leave the House of God, and return to our homes, jobs, issues, circumstances… we must hold to that Word and fight, because the Word is indeed our lifeline. It is indeed Bread of Heaven, Living Water, strength, peace, comfort, power… "For man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God." I encourage you, if you feel like you're at that place of hopelessness, or like your situation is dead, FIGHT!!! Fight the good fight of faith! Hear the Word that Bishop is teaching us week after week. Hold on to your lifeline. BELIEVE!!! Our God is BIGGER! STRONGER! MIGHTIER! HIGHER! DEEPER! "He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly and above all we can ask or think." "Nothing is too hard for God"!
has been a member of Truth Revealed International Ministries for over 12 years. She currently serves on the C&P Ministry, the Youth Ministry and the Praise Team Ministry. Her ultimate goal is to mature in the wisdom, understanding and love of God, that she might share the same with those in her path.
CONFIDENCE IN THE MIDST OF TURBULENCE I don't know about you, but I went through a challenging time during the recent recession. But there is one thing I never fail to do when I am faced with challenges, and that is to ask God what is it I am suppose to learn from the experience. Because of this, I seem to be admired, not so much because of who I am or what I do, but for what I am able to leave behind. Commitment to Christ is a sacrifice that may require us to leave things and people behind. Christ explains total commitment when He teaches, . It seems Christ was telling us that instead of focusing on the trappings of the world and satisfying our flesh, we should be Christ-focused, ready to lay down our life, if necessary, to glorify Him. This steadfastness will result in the peace of God, which is the most obvious and rewarding result of been wholly committed to Him.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were also pressured to deny the one, true and living God, but they chose to stay committed in spite of the consequences. They told the king, . It takes total commitment to commit our way-everything we possess, desire and do-to God. But how do we do that when our needs are so many, and it seems God is not responding? We stand on His promises and we recall what He delivered us from. Our goal should not be to have everything we want, but to be so empowered by the Holy Spirit that we have peace and joy to live a fruitful and fulfilled life in Christ while we are here, and be ready to affirm Him when the time comes. I have often thought about my years of learning to delight myself in Christ. But commitment is a matter of the heart because everything we do flows from it (See Proverbs 4:23). We cannot entrust ourselves to someone with whom we do not have a consistent and intimate relationship, because real commitment involves communication, love, trust, obedience, gratitude, and self-sacrifice. However, if you're like me, getting to that crossroads where you paused and considered Paul's declaration:
But the ongoing killing of Christians in Libya, who refused to convert to Muslim religion, gave me cause to consider my own preparedness should I face such atrocities on the shores of America. Those Christians willingly gave their lives to glorify Christ, who laid down His own life to assure they would have eternal life. Would I choose to do the same? This is a question we all need to be pondering now, because the time is certainly coming when we will be tested, and we cannot afford to be caught by surprise. Thomas is known as "Doubting Thomas," but he was the one who openly proved his came through some commitment and courage by telling the other disciples, serious spiritual surgeries. But after the pain has subsided, the wounds healed, and the scars faded into memory, and convince them to follow Jesus to Jerusalem, in spite leaving us flushed with joy and inconceivably peace. We of the possible cost. must continue to stand firm and totally committed, ready for whatever is coming. has been a member of Truth Revealed International Ministries since June 2013. She's an author with a passion for motivating and empowering women. She believes in living life intentionally by teaching that one's past does not define their future. She is a writer for Revealed and also serves with the Congregational Care Ministry team. MAY 2015 REVEALED
We Are In Ministry Together… God calls and positions each of us to do very different kinds of work. Some of us are called to a profession of medicine; healing the sick, mending fractures and even finding cures for rare diseases that attack mankind. Some are given gifts that enhance the church; teaching, music and administration. There are some of us called to care for the congregation during the moments of sickness, the arrival of a new born and to comfort the bereaved. No matter what we are called to do, we will all follow the same procedure for reaching our goals and this goal is to care for the body of Christ. In his instructions to the Ephesians, Paul reminds them of the attitude of an individual person (Ephesians 4:1-3), then he discusses the attitude of the corporate body (Ephesians 3:4-6). Paul insists there is one body, one Spirit, one hope, one faith and one God and Father. Paul introduced the concept of cooperative interaction among the Ephesians. This cooperative interaction enhanced the combined effect of delivering The Good News about Jesus Christ. The cooperative interaction that Paul talked about is a form of synergy. The word synergy comes from the Greek word (synergos) meaning working together. We can achieve so much more when we work together with others than if we work alone. Under the direction from God and the leadership of Bishop Merton L. Clark, Truth Revealed International Ministries (TRIM), over 30 Ministries are working together to stay connected to the Mission, “Changing lives by Reforming minds that we might Transform our communities and Establish the Kingdom.” The Point Men Ministry is but one of 30 ministries at Truth Revealed International Ministries that is operating under the TRIM Mission. The Point Men Ministry is operating under the TRIM Mission and committed to the following seven declarations created by Bishop Clark, for men:
This model is an example of the Pointmen’s Commitment Declaration #7 and with the Point Men Ministry in the center; we are honoring fathers, building men and raising sons. Here is how: We are honoring fathers by saluting them, "Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, 1 Peter 5:5-6 We are building men, "As iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17. Pointmen are walking with men who have experienced a "break" in their lives or in their relationships and we are sharing our experiences to pull them through and over the "break" with principles and helps from Scripture. We are raising sons as we, "train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6) and "and, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath; but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." (Ephesians 6:4). We are developing programs to position our sons for future leadership at Truth Revealed International Ministries. We are working together to further the kingdom.
is married the former Jada Jackson. Johnie is Trainer for Point Men Ministry and member of Assimilation Ministry. Jada is and member of the Usher and Congregational Care Ministries. They are both retired from the United States Air Force and together they have seven daughters.
What Everyone wants to be loved. Many spend their entire lives searching for someone to fill the hole in their heart. When you are loved, truly loved, there is nothing like it. To have someone whose mind is filled with you and who will do whatever they can to make you feel loved is the epitome of completion. Everyone wants to be loved and no one wants that hole. If love is so great, why are so many going without? Truth?‌They have not committed! Committed to whom? Committing to the One who really counts will make us complete. Jesus is only one who can fill that hole, once and forever! Jesus' mind is full of us. He thinks of us at all times and is always working on the plans He has for our lives. Jesus did what was necessary to seal His love for us‌He bore our sins died on the cross. Jesus committed Himself to us; all in, no regrets, even to the point of death. He proves that 'love is what it does'. Can we say the same? Commitment is an act of faith. You have to trust that another will do what they have promised and never renege. You have to believe that the other person will always consider you first and be willing to ardently defend you as a person, even when you are at your worse. Commitment requires we put our most precious and fragile self in the hands of someone who is just
Does as fallible as we are, and could break their commitment, just like us. Jesus, by His example and His unwavering love, has shown us what we need to do to commit to our spouse, our fellow man and to the Kingdom of God. As the church is being prepared for Christ, our love is being tested and proven. Our commitments in marriage, to family and other relationships are being aggressively challenged. Can we weather the storm? The enemy does not want us to commit, trust, believe or have faith in God or each other. Now is not the time to grow weary or to wane in our resolve. With the same level of aggression we have to face those challenges and hope beyond hope, trusting that the One who began the great work is faithful and just to complete it. John 15:13: "There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends." (NLT) Great love requires great sacrifice, all in, no regrets. Love really is what it does!
As always, in our hearts and in our prayers, Minister Michele L. Scott
is the wife of Elder Michael Scott, and they have been members of Truth Revealed International Ministries since 1999. Together they have led the Marriage Enrichment Ministry since 2001. She has been an instructor for the S.O.T.S. School of Ministry since its inception and a writer for our Truth in the News (TITN) since its inception.. MAY 2015 REVEALED
Am I, Are You, Are We? By Steven Walker
There comes a time in every man or woman's life when they're faced with the decision of commitment. We're familiar with the clichés'; I'm all in, I'm down with it, I'm totally sold out etc. Eventually we all commit to something. A few life changing commitments can be: Attending College or finishing. Joining the military. Buying a new car or house, Having a baby, or getting married. The list is literally endless and far too long to mention, but you get the picture.
● The trait of sincere and steadfast fixity of purpose ● The act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action ● An engagement by contract involving financial obligation ● A message that makes a pledge When I am challenged to execute an act of committing to something I often have feelings of doubt or apprehension, to convincing myself I'm not worthy or just not willing to step away from my comfort zone. After all committing to something or someone usually means there's no turning back. Be that as it may, how does this act of commitment translate to a Christians walk with God? Many of us followed the conventional route to accepting Christ into our lives. Some of us were coerced into coming to Christ through the realities of incarceration or divorce. And many of us were simply tired of living life under our own power or lack of it, due to continuous poor decision making or countless failed relationships. Whatever the reason, the majority of Christians come to Christ battered and bruised ready to commit to a reformed way of life. Would you like to know my personal challenges in terms of needing a committed relationship with God? Well I've already shared them in the previous paragraph. Ever since I was a teen ager coming into adulthood God has been revealing Himself to me, but I was too immature, too distracted, or too selfish to hear Him. Although I received a formal introduction to God I never took the time, nor did I desire a meaningful relationship with Him.
financial hardship, divorce, and so on and so on… My relationship with God was always casual and never committed. Many years ago I chose Christianity but never committed to an intimate and meaningful friendship with God. I wanted to know God my way, never allowing Him to teach me who He is and what his purpose for my life is. God was and is committed to me, but I wasn't allowing Him to unveil who He is in my life. I'm sure many of you can relate. You know God when who He is defines who you are. Jeremiah 9: 23-24. Hebrews 13: 5-6 I've learned that commitment as it relates to God has three levels. The beginning level: Someone casually mentions their house of worship and extends an invitation. You reluctantly accept and show up but, remain close minded to the teaching, leave a small monetary offering, then exit quickly never to return. The intermediate level: You find a church and attend frequently and because a voice in your head or an inexplicable "comes to Jesus moment" cause you to become a member. Still the distraction of the world that has garnered your attention for many years has you with one foot in the church, and the other in the club. The advanced level: Life changing events like illness, death, destroyed relationships, or just plain tired of living life your way and holding on to the world system. God has finally gotten your attention. Your bible study habits along with your tithes increase. Fellowshipping with other Christians becomes important; also being a participant in the ministry strengthens your spirit causing you to remain encouraged.
So in closing I'm encouraged to share with my Truth Revealed family a passage from 2 Corinthians 5:18-19, written by the Apostle Paul. "All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: That God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.
Over the course of 38 years I’ve experienced incarceration, losing several jobs, moving to and living in many different cities,
has been a member of Truth Revealed International Ministries since December 2013, where his wife, Olga, serves as an accounting steward. They have been married for four years.
It does not matter how religious we think we are, we all have a past, and perhaps a not so pretty one. Some of us have been bruised, battered, scared, and still nursing festered wounds. There are things that have happened to us, directly or indirectly, that have injured and disillusioned us, and ultimately helped to influence our belief system, social perception and ultimately our walk with God. Who we are as a person, how we connect to others, relate to love, resolve conflict, parent our children, and regard ourselves are rooted to a large extent in incidents in our history. In other words, life happened while we were on our way to where we are now. But although we may have been beaten up or beaten down, not all pain was meant to destroy us. And none of us get to travel through this life pain-free. However, no one can make you feel inferior without your permission, and the only person who can hold you hostage to the past is you. Pain has its purpose. Sometimes pain comes before restoration to keep us humble and spiritually grounded. The prodigal son was restored to his father's household after hitting rock bottom. Scripture tells us that God gave Paul a chronic and debilitating illness, which Paul referred to as a thorn in his flesh, to torment him (2 Corinthians 12:7). However, Paul recognized that this troublesome problem was to keep him humble and dependent on God, and he would come to realize that when he was weak, he was really at his strongest because of God's grace. Let's not forget that Christ's purpose was to suffer publicly for the purpose of our salvation. Pain is corrective. It was during my darkest moments that I came to understand that pain does not reflect the absence of God. "For the Lord disciplines those He loves, and He punishes each one he accepts as His child. As you endure this divine discipline, remember that God is treating you as His own children" (Hebrews 12:6-7). When all seems to be going wrong, when life is a constant struggle, when we feel alone and forgotten: perhaps God is refining us to restore our joy. And while some pains are public, most are private, so we pull on our best face to meet the world. But don't be fooled by the beautiful smiles, makeup and adornment, because underneath it all there could be a lot of suffering, unseen to the naked eyes. Pain builds character: It can be difficult to see God's divine purpose in sickness, hardship, sorrow or loneliness, but like a good and loving father, He used our painful circumstances to strengthen our faith and move us towards a deeper relationship with Him. If we open our heart to Him, He will use every loss, every heartache, every tear to make us a better, stronger, more insightful and compassionate. David said "Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up. You will increase my honor and comfort me once again" (Psalm 71:20-21). God did not create us to live in a constant state of emotional turmoil, but often, it is through painful experiences that we learn to sit at His feet. Think about the rejection, pain and humiliation Christ suffered on the cross for us! The night before he died, Jesus teaches us that God cuts off every branch in us that does not bear fruits, and prune those that do bear fruits so that they will produce even more. And He said, "I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete" (John 15). God is more concern with our soul than our comfort, and don't forget that birthing pain is always painful. So endeavor to find the purpose, lesson and benefit associated with your painful situations and circumstances. Look for the hands of God moving in your life and move forward in His love.
"You can't see the forest for the trees" is a commonly used phrase for someone who focuses on one or more factors while failing to see the broader picture. This saying essentially addresses a person's focus/perception/vision and the concentrated effort and time used to stay locked into the details/factors (trees) primarily. As singles, if we're not careful, we can get so caught up in the fact that we are solo (trees) that we miss the beautiful collage of possibilities this life offers and holds (forest). This type of concentrated focus may stunt our growth spiritually and sabotage our forward movement socially, academically, financially, relationally, etc. Have you had your vision checked lately? Where have you been focusing most of your thoughts and commitments? Has it been on the trees (the woes of being single and alone) or the forest (life's possibilities to use your natural and spiritual gifts to cause your value/worth to increase)? It would be a sad testament to have gone through the best years of one's life only seeing trees when the flowers and adventure of the forest is left unexplored. Vision exam needed? Need corrective lenses (contact or glasses [nuggets from the Word of God])? During the March 2015 ASPIRE Singles Meeting at Truth Revealed International Ministries, the group watched a DVD presentation by Pastor R.A. Vernon of The Word Church in Cleveland, OH titled, "Leave Me Alone". Pastor Vernon's premise focused on how God spoke directly to and laid out the life plan for the people He used in the Word of God when they were "alone" [by themselves]. Jacob's encounter and wresting with the Angel was closely observed. Not only was Jacob alone when he wrestled with God, but God changed his name from Jacob, the trickster he was to Israel. Which meant his past behavior, focus and lifestyle was written off and Jacob was propelled into his destiny for God's purpose and use. Pastor Vernon summed up his message by challenging singles to stop focusing on the fact that they were alone (trees), rather singles should begin to ask God to "Leave Me Alone" so their horizons can be expanded, so singles can experience loving oneself, obtaining greater discernment in selecting potential spouses, developing a heart for giving, service and partnering with their Pastor to promote the Gospel. In other words, singles should be involving their lives spiritually and naturally in facets of life that causes their overall value to appreciate. Vision check….go back to paragraph one, while having both eyes open for this exam, read as many words as you can. That's good…. Seems your vision has improved since your last visit. Continue exercising your eyes and mind in the Word of God, you'll lose sight of the trees as being the only object in front of you and you'll discover the vast forest planted by our God for your enjoyment, to share with others and for His Glory. Cost?? No charge….this exam was on the house.
is a member of TRIM and is A.S.P.I.R.E. Single’s Ministry Administrator. Over the past 8 years, she has written numerous articles that have been published in TITN. Her passions is encouraging the body of Christ with the joy, hope and life that is in Jesus Christ. Her greatest zeal is in inspiring singles to live a life of integrity while maintaining a spiritually and socially balanced life.
# EADERSHIP OLUTIONS T.R.I.M. Leadership Luncheon
Every year since the inception of the ministry, Bishop Clark takes time during TRIM's Anniversary to sit and dine with all the leaders of Truth Revealed International Ministries. It's a time for fine dining and fellowshipping with his many ministry leaders. It's an intimate setting where he can disburse sound knowledge and wisdom to those that have chosen to follow him and his vision.
and working together as a TEAM we can recover all. Also during this time of the month TRIM is preparing to attend the Annual TD Jakes Pastors and Leaders Conference over in Orlando, and Bishop Clark has instructed the ministry leaders to have an open mind when attending each session, try to attend as many sessions as they can, take lots of notes, and purchase materials if need be. TRIM Leaders should be doing whatever is necessary to invest in their ministry in order to help it continue to grow spiritually. Bishop Clark also suggested that each leader invest in the book "The Making of a Leader" by Frank Damazio.
The church has become far reaching, TRIM is now connecting with those high in stature along the political/spiritual side in the City of Palm Bay, and because our Lord has set this in motion we must recognize that all praise and honor is due to Him. Now because of these unique connections an assignment has been place on the church and there are things that need Bishop began the luncheon by naming all the themes to be done in the community, so Bishop Clark is looking from 20 years of ministry at Truth Revealed. They are as for the ministry leaders of TRIM to pull their resources follows: together in order to get the job done. It's time for the ministry leaders of TRIM to rise up and infuse themselves, and realized that the greatest change agent for any church or leadership group is 'exposure'. In order for people to grow it involves some training and teaching. In order to really spark growth they must be exposed to something better, bigger and larger. There are other big name schools and companies working together for the betterment of the city. Why can't we come along side of them, working as a TEAM not only for the City of Palm Bay, but also for the Kingdom of God? Everyone wants to be a leader, but not everyone can lead. Are you part of the team or are you more concern with me, myself and I? Ok, so you want to be a leader, but who is following you? It's time to follow the mission and vision of Bishop Merton L. Clark, so remember T.E.A.M. stands for Together Everyone Achieves More,
Laying a Biblical Foundation •Breakthrough – Tearing Down Walls Building the Kingdom of God• Crossing Over Atonement • Restoration of All Things Renaissances 8•Possessing the Promises of God Breaking through Barriers•The Year of Distinction Prophetic Equipping•Take Dominion Recover All •Retooling for Divine Order Victory through Spiritual Warfare• Ignite: One Voice One Sound One Nation Accessing the Supernatural
Bishop stated the present word or (theme) is connected with the previous word or (theme) and the church needs to know what God is saying to us and if we are indeed walking in His Word. Bishop Clark then mentioned that he posted some comments on Facebook and Twitter that he wanted to revisit. He would love to see the leaders embrace (#Hash tagging) to share his Facebook and Twitter comments, to repost or retweet what has been said by Bishop Clark and use as a ministry tool to attract others to the website or church.
#Leadership Solutions, #Leadership Solutions… just what is "#Leadership Solutions"? Well if you check the MCM Dictionary, that's Merton Clark Ministries dictionary there are several listing for it. Here are just a few…. Well if you check the MCM Dictionary, that's Merton Clark Ministries dictionary there are several listing for it. Here are just a few…. There is a solution for any problem-solving leader…#Leadership Solutions Problem-solving leaders find solutions…#Leadership Solutions Minimize the process that will impede your ability to maximize solving problems…#Leadership Solutions Without attention to details our vision, plans, purposes and pursuits will ultimately be unsuccessful…#Leadership Solutions Dress, keep, cultivate and maintain healthy genuine relationships…#Leadership Solutions Bishop Clark would also like to conduct a Social Media class on a Sunday morning. The church is leading out in many areas, in this region but old time Pentecostal church preaching is not going to work on the generation of today we must starting fishing in the ponds where they swim. That's why we are setting up street preaching through Facebook and Twitter, posters, graphic art designs, video clips. It's time to connect with the old, mid-age and the young…fathers, brothers and sons, mothers, sisters and daughters on our team. Bishop ended by luncheon by asking this question? What does it mean to "Guard Your Spiritual Commonwealth from becoming Complacent", here are a few answers: We as leaders should not allow those on our team to become complacent, we should be motivating them to stir-up that gift within us to push us into advancing the Kingdom; We the leaders are the commonwealth of the Kingdom of God. We need to guard how we protect the territory; we must maintain our spiritual well-being so our Spirit man doesn't become complacent; Social Order…our "LOVE" for each other. What's common to us all is the love we should have for each other, as it was demonstrated to us first by Christ himself. He so loved the world and He is looking forward to doing the same. He wants our hearts to beat after Him, and for us to understand that one thing and to guard it and not be complacent in our love. Bishop Clark concluded by stating that the church should be known by its love, even if it's not shown back.
A Journey with Mothers n many communities, as in biblical days, not
However, there are sev-
been able to conceive a child is considered a
eral mothers in the Bible who
curse and carries a burden of shame. Grow-
gained prominent status be-
ing up, I witnessed women use this inability
cause of their service, leadership,
as a weapon against other women, reducing them to a
faith, courage, tenacity, wisdom and commitment to
shadow of themselves, full of bitterness for a womb God
God during a time when a woman's role was limited in
closed. Peninnah taunted Hannah because she was un-
and out of the home. These mothers made the best of
able to have children. Consequently Hannah struggled
what they were given to work with and triumphed in
with her sense of self-worth (2 Samuel 1 and 2). However
spite of gender and cultural biases. In the end, these
her prayers were answered, confirming that children are
mothers were able to establish themselves as women of
gifts from God. Michal, David's first wife remained child-
substance and value. But if you look closely, you will
less because she resented David for loving God too
discover a diverse portrait that includes all mothers
much (2 Samuel 6). So in writing this article, I wanted to
today. It includes Eve, the mother of all who allowed
present a realistic portrait of women that embodied
Satan to undermine her and, as a result, became the first
every mother, revealing who we all are in our strongest
mother of a murderous son and the first to bury a child.
and weakest moments as we navigate life's twist and
You will also see Sarah, who instead of waiting on God,
turns. I wanted to reinforce the idea that every moment
took matters into her own hands then tried to blame
of motherhood is worth celebrating because children are
others for her weakness. Does that sound like any of us
a gift and they got us here.
today? Then there is Hagar who thought she was better than Sarah because Sarah had no children. Motherhood
But, it seems there's a stigma attached to the title
brought out pride and arrogance in her, but when the
"single mother." It is as if there's shame in picking up the
going got tough, she ran. And lets not forget Leah who
pieces of their lives and filling the vacuum left by fathers.
envied her sister Rachel over Jacob's love, and Gomer,
This category of mothers is sometimes blamed for been
Hosea's wife, who was persistently unfaithful to her
brave enough to raise children on their own, despite the
husband and also an appalling mother.
open admiration they often receive for keeping their children grounded and balanced. And according to the
One of my favorite mothers of the Bible is Rizpah.
experts, a single parent home is automatically damaged,
She was one of Saul's concubines who Pastor Sebrena
dysfunctional, and lacking the necessary ingredients and
brought to our attention in Sunday school last week. I
strong moral fiber essential for the proper upbringing of
am so glad to have learned about her. As Mother's Day
an emotionally healthy and productive child. But most
draws near, Rizpah validates what Pastor Sebrena said,
professionals will seldom mention the value of a Chris-
"a mother's love goes beyond the grave." This little-
tian home.
known mother not only touched me deeply, she gained
my admiration. She was a mother whose painful experience and tenacity I relate to. Although manless and
faced with poverty, loneliness and drought, she demonstrates that "How we respond to our circumstances is very important" (Pastor Sebrena). You can read about her in 2 Samuel. You may be asking, what about The Proverbs 31 woman, the model for Christian wives and mothers? It is certainly God's design for every child to grow up with the love, protection and the guidance of both parents living in harmony and under the schooling of the Word and the Holy Spirit. But sin entered the world when we disobeyed Him, making it unrealistic for us to achieve the "perfect" household, or for women to live up to the standards of the Proverbs 31 woman. Even for women of strong character, great wisdom, several skills and energy to spare, a perfect mother is impossible in a sinful world. The best we can do is to use her as an example and put God first in all things. Therefore, I mentioned these women to show the good, the bad and the ugly. As sinful humans, we are all flawed, but God can work in us and through us. Their stories tell us we sometimes do the wrong thing for the right reason, but God cares for us and He has made provisions to reconcile us to Him. God in His infinite wisdom sent these mothers before us as teaching tools. So mothers, we can forgive ourselves, be thankful for the fruits of our womb, strive to be better every day, pour into someone what we could not into our children, and offer a sacrifice of praise that Christ came to offer forgiveness and grace.
wherever we're from whatever we're are called we are mother mama, ma mom, mommy momma, mum mummy
Bishopworks Productions: IGNITE 2015
Sermon Series “S.W.E.E.P. with Power” There is a distinct difference between the work and the will of God. Make room for relationships, when reaching out through to others never neglect your home to do ministry.
The Work of the KINGDOM
"Developing Bona Fide Believers" Practice the Ministry of Encouragement, building up is profitable ALL of the time.
“Guard Your Spiritual Commonwealth” “Run Well, Finish Strong”
“Only a Hearer Can Do This” Has your inner ear been opened to hear what the Lord wants you to do? God wants us to hear from Him before we do anything. God's ultimate desire is to fellowship and communicate with us, and as children of the "Most High" we are always led by Him; we should be living according to His Word and hearing His Spirit every day.
Voice of TRUTH
"Be Filled with the Spirit" “The Blessings that Blooms” “Cultivating Healthy Relationships”
"This Is It! The Curse is Broken!" “We're Living in the Last Days” "Let God be God" God is much bigger than our storms and anything that we could possibly endure; through our storms is where He will reveal Himself as the God who is "Superior" to any storm. God wants to touch the hearts of His people like never before.
“Amazed by the Greatness of God” “Simply Amazing Lord” God's Intentions, God's Interpretations, God's Inclinations, God's Interventions and God's Instructions.
Inspirational Media
If this month’s theme has stimulated your mind then the books and inspirational items featured here by various trusted artists and authors will provide further food for thought..
Educate • Encourage • Enlighten What were you born to do?
Stormie inspires every praying wife to develop a deeper relationship with her husband by utilizing the power of prayer. This uplifting resource is packed with practical advice on praying for specific areas of a husband's life, including his decision making, spiritual strength, health, joy, and future.
History shows us that nations rise and fall according to how effective their leaders are. Damazio says, so do churches! Examining what it means to be responsible for a group of "followers," he explains the philosophy, history, qualifications, preparation, and practice of Christian leadership---and equips you to battle the evil forces competing for souls.
Unique gift book for the grad is Jakes helps young adults tap packed with wise words as if God into God-given aptitudes as they were the featured speaker at your chart a course for their lives; graduation ceremony. Classy gift navigate new relationships book filled with exceptional imagery while keeping (or letting go of) on each page; carries a powerful message for the old ones; manage finances; tackle job grad from the Word of God, presented in a interviews; establish meaningful careers; and creative and appealing way. more your parents.
Hope is a belief that something good is about to happen at any moment! She provides readers with three practical steps to embrace hopefulness in their lives: Believing, Asking, and Looking. In the book, Meyer gives multiple examples of God's people seizing supernatural opportunities despite their limited abilities and encourages you to discover the life-altering power of hope, whatever the challenges are that you are facing today.
Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide to Money covers the A to Z of Dave's money teaching, including how to budget, save, dump debt and invest. If you're looking for practical information to answer all your How? What? and Why? questions about money, this is the book for you. You'll also learn all about insurance, mortgage options, marketing, bargain hunting and the most important element of all giving. Now let's be honest: This is the handbook of Financial Peace University
on the R A D A R
Saturday, May 30, 2015 3:00 P.M Truth Revealed International Ministries
on the R A D A R
connect • serve • grow
The College Prep Ministry was established to provide college bound students with resources that will support their pursuit of higher education. Out of this vision, The TRIM Excellence Award was birthed. The scholarship committee will review the applications of high school seniors and award a $1,000 Scholarship. Stop by the Communication and Promotion counter for the application.
The deadline for submittal is June 14th
on the R A D A R
NEED A SUMMER JOB? Positions available: Camp Counselors Eau Gallie Civic Center • Wickham Park • Lipscomb Park LIFE GUARDS Fee Ave Pool • Sherwood Pool • Lipscomb Pool SWIM INSTRUCTORS Fee Ave Pool • Sherwood Pool
We are looking for fun, outgoing, kid friendly people to work as counselors, lifeguards and swim instructors during the 2015 summer season. Camp Counselors must be at least 18 years old and Swim Instructors must be 16 years old and & Lifeguards must be at least 15 years old to apply. View these jobs & more at www.melbourneflorida.org Submit your application NOW to City Hall at 900 E. Strawbridge Ave. Melbourne 32901 (321) 608-7803 personel@melbourneflorida.org
BREVARD COUNTY, Fla. -- Brevard County Parks and Recreation will be participating in the Summer Food Service Program, June 2-Aug. 11. Nutritionally balanced meals will be provided to all children regardless of race, color, sex,disability, age or national origin during summer vacation when school breakfasts and lunches are not available. All children 18 years old and younger are eligible for meals at no charge, and there will be no discrimination throughout the course of the meal service. The programs are only approved for geographical areas of need where 50 percent or more of the children qualify for free and reduced-price meals during the school year. The following sites will be participating in the Summer Food Service Program:
Time to Enjoy Life May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. Most of us know that there are great benefits to being physically fit. Yet, many of us are not as fit as we would like to be, usually because we have trouble making the time for regular physical activity in our busy lives. Regular physical activity is good for everyone's health, and people of all ages and body types can be physically active. National Physical Fitness and Sports Month is a great time to spread the word about the benefits of getting active. The Amount of Physical Activity Needed: Adults
● Adults should do at least 2 hours and 30 minutes each week of aerobic physical activity that requires moderate effort. You need to do this type of activity for at least 10 minutes. ● Adults should also do strengthening activities at least 2 days a week. ● Strengthening activities should include all major muscle groups. ● Strengthening activities include push-ups, sit ups, and lifting weights. Some ways you may get physical activity include walking, running, gardening, dancing, playing basketball, and resistance exercises The Amount of Physical Activity Needed: Children
● Most of the 60 or more minutes a day should be either moderate- or vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity and should include vigorous-intensity physical activity at least 3 days a week. ● As part of their 60 or more minutes of daily physical activity, children and adolescents should include muscle-strengthening physical activity on at least 3 days of the week. ● As part of their 60 or more minutes of daily physical activity, children and adolescents should include bonestrengthening physical activity on at least 3 days of the week. It is important to encourage young people to participate in physical activities that are appropriate for their age, that are enjoyable, and that offer variety!
MAY PRAYER OBJECTIVES: Release of Divine Favor, Grace & Mercy Resources, Facilities, Life to the Community, Revival Act 2:42-44 "They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common.�
This Scripture & Prayer Calendar is a way to you with each day and aid you in your walk with God in a more faithful, fruitful and passionate way.
You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, 'Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God-what is good and acceptable and perfect.
He said to him, " You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind."
For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function.
I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.
W e have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us.
This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends
No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is perfected in us.
and do not make room for the devil.
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Like obedient children, do not be conformed to the desires that you formerly had in ignorance. Instead, as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct.
You must understand this, my beloved: let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger; for your anger does not produce God's righteousness.
Give us this day, our DAILY BREAD.Matthews 6:11 24 REVEALED MAY 2015
A ministry of Truth Revealed International Ministries Those members who have been called and empowered by the Holy Spirit meet weekly for one hour to intercede on behalf of TRIM and to pray specifically for corporate objectives & individual prayer requests. We encourage the entire congregation & community to come and be a part of our Harp & Bowl Corporate Prayer Service every
Friday Night @ 6:30 PM It is he alone who See to it that no one has immortality and dwells in unap- takes you captive through philosoproachable light. phy and empty deceit, according to human tradition…and not according to Christ. Keep alert, stand firm in your faith, be couraIf then there is any geous, be strong. Let all that you do encouragement in Christ, any conbe done in love. solation from love, any sharing in the Spirit, any compassion and I have done what is sympathy, make my joy comjust and right; do not leave me to my plete…. . oppressors.
Let the word of God dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God.
But as for you…pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness…take hold of the eternal life, to which you were called. For we are not peddlers of God's word like so many; but in Christ we speak as persons of sincerity, as persons sent from God. You were taught . . . To clothe yourselves with the new self created according to the holiness of God in true righteousness and holiness.
Do nothing from I am your servant; selfish ambition or conceit, but in Putting away falsegive me understanding, so that I may humility regard others as better hood, let all of us speak the truth to know your decrees. our neighbors, for we are members than yourselves. of one another. This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.
Acts 20:35: The words of the Lord Jesus, for he himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.”
For it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
We love because he first loved us.
Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth, for you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
As God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion.
“I AM the BREAD of LIFE.” John 6:35
…you are citizens along with all of God’s holy people. you are members of God’s family.
Get integrated in God's work by using your talents, gifts, skills and abilities, individually or with your small group, family and friends. Our prayer is that TRIM will be a part of transforming our community and our world through serving others in His name.
The Assimilation Ministry is all about helping you get connected into Truth Revealed International Ministries. It is our passion to help you plug into, authentic, redemptive relationships with other believers and to be active in His kingdom. While our weekly services are a great starting point for your TRIM experience, we provide many ways for you to CONNECT. SERVE and GROW!
Make up classes for Saturday’s class are offered on am at the
Classes are taught on Saturdays @ 12:00 pm in the Church Sanctuary.
■ ■ ■
New Members Orientation An Eight week membership class is offered to help you learn more about Truth Revealed. You’ll hear about the church’s history … and where it’s heading. You’ll discover what we believe … and why we do what we do. After completion of all classes, Certificates of Membership are presented on the 1st Sunday of each month.
■ Make up classes are also offered on Wednesdays for those who can’t make the weekend classes. Please contact the Assimilation Administrator or Church Administration for an appointment.
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■ In order to thrive as a church we involve our community and church family. This is why ■ we offer different ministries to individuals, ■ couples, families, and children. No matter ■ what age range you can rest assured we have somewhere for you to be involved and We look forward to sharing the love of to feel connected. Christ with you and your family through the ministries at Truth Revealed.
In the first letter of Peter, the apostle says, “You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house.” Our Growth Groups are where the Holy Spirit does much of that building. We encourage you to get involved in a Growth Group, where brick by brick—and relationship by relationship—we are being built up into a beautiful temple, a place where we can worship God and enjoy being part of His family.
Boys II Men
Young Men ages 13 +
3rd Sunday @ 8 AM & 11 AM Fellowship Hall
Daughters of Destiny
Young Ladies ages 13+
3rd Sunday @ 8 AM & 11 AM Fellowship Hall
Minster’s Enrichment Training
All Ministers
3rd Sunday @ 6 PM Sanctuary
A.S.P.I.R.E. Single’s Ministry
All Singles
3rd Monday @ 7 PM Fellowship Hall
CLUB 3:16
Young Adults 18+
2nd Thursday @ 7 PM Fellowship Hall
Youth 13+
1st Friday @ 6 PM Fellowship Hall
Youth 13+
4th Friday @ 8 PM Fellowship Hall
2nd Saturday @2:30 PM Fellowship Hall
All Men
2nd Saturday @ 9 AM Fellowship Hall
Marriage Enrichment Ministry
Married and Engaged Couples
3rd Saturday @ 7 PM Fellowship Hall
W.O.W. International
All Women
4th Saturday @ 9 AM Fellowship Hall
May 3rd
May 7th
May 16th
May 17th
May 25th
God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that WE ask or imagine. 28 REVEALED MAY 2015
Richard Bend
Darnell Brown
Jana Collins
Tara Johnson
Cynthia Stinney
Isaiah Kennedy
Kelsi Benn
Alexis Perry
Charmaine Lewis
Cynthia Scott
Recie Clements
Angelica Weaver
Lincoln Booker III
Pammie Bend
Gloria Moore
Jonathan F Scott
Dave R Bryan
Terony Hogan
Leon Williams
Dimitrius Jenkins
Regina James
Enoch Clark
Malik Robinson
Hazel Corbin
Sonya Plummer
Rayon Davis
Nova Clark
Pandora Lloyd
Jonathan Green
DeCoya Jackson
M'kiyah Frieson
Natasha Perry
Gregory Wilson
2015 MAY 2015 REVEALED
Sunday Mornings Worship Service - 8:00 am & 11:00 am Children’s Church - 8:00 am & 11:00 am
TRIBE - Youth Church - 8:00 am & 11:00 am Women’s Sunday School - After the 8:00 am Service F:\DSC_1217.JPG
Wednesday Nights Bible Study - 7:00 pm
Corporate International Prayer - 6:30 pm
Observed this month: National Bike Month National Physical Fitness & Sports Mental Health Awareness Month Healthy Vision Month
May 2015
Fruit & Veggies:
May Day
National Day of Prayer
What does the message of salvation mean to you? God wants us to share that message with others so they, too, will have the blessings of life here on earth and in heaven with Jesus Christ. Read these well-known passages and discuss what they say to believers: Matthew 28:19, 20; Mark 16:15-16; John 3:16-17
Gracious Father, we praise Your name for all the gifts and blessings You have bestowed on us. Most especially do we thank You for the gift of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. May our response to His love be an ever-increasing love for others. Make us aware of opportunities to share that love by reaching out to those who do not profess Jesus as Lord and Savior. In His name, Amen.
Let the Results be Up to God We sow the seed; God gives the increase! · John 4:35 · Galatians 6:9 · Matthew 17:20, 21 · Matthew 9:37, 38 · Matthew 13:3-9, 18-23
Start with Family, Friends, Colleagues · · ·
If you enjoy the Truth in the News publication and want to assist in impacting the lives of families and making a difference in the future of your community, we encourage you to forward the truthrevealed.org link to your loved ones, friends on Facebook and Twitter, or send them a hard copy in the mail.
John 4:39-42 John 9:8-11 Mark 5:18-20
Spread the Fragrance Read 2 Corinthians 2:14-15. Talk about ways you can let people catch the aroma of your relationship with Christ.
Offer Love, Care, Support Learn some significant ways to reach out to people the people in your community.