RUTH T THE Psalm 150:6
EFFECT May 2014
Volume XII, Issue 4
5 Vince Pryce 6 Dr. Maxcelle D'Oyley 7 Dr. Ruth E. Brown, Th.D 8 Babette Bailey 9 Johnie Stevens
10 J. Landon Williams
Dr. Maxcelle D'Oyley
14 Welcome to Truth Revealed
16 J. Landon Williams 19 L. Sherise Roberts
20 Inspirational Media TRIM SERMON/CONFERENCE SETS 21 Inspirational Media MUSIC, DVD’s BOOKS
Bishop Merton L. Clark
50th Jubilee Golden Ticket, TRIM Award of Excellence
is a monthly online publication that informs the reader of the marvelous things God is doing at Truth Revealed International Ministries. In depth and relevant features are written from a faithful perspective to motivate and encourage readers to pursue TRUTH for the challenges in their life.
Memorial Day, Movie Night at TRIM
Sherise Roberts
24 J. Landon Williams
Babette Bailey Dallas Soumah
Brenda Williams
27 28 29 30
Babette Bailey, Ruth Brown, Selena Coles, Maxcelle D’Oyley, Jermaine Edwards, Shenetta Gordon, Na Terrie Green, Vivian Hogan, Sherise Roberts, Vince Pryce, Elder Michael Scott, Michele Scott, Johnie Stevens, Eunice Tate, Guanda Williams, J. Landon Williams, Roseann Williams
31 J. Landon Williams
Errol Stewart Spencer Levels
Maurice Newton
inspired scriptures, for example, Psalm 138 and Romans 5:3-5. There will always be plenty to complain about especially in a life controlled by feelings. Abounding much more is the opportunity to thank God for a life controlled by His faithfulness, His loving kindness and His tender mercies (Lam 3:23).
Triumphant living is one of the characteristics that God wants to develop in us by the work of His grace. Even when we are in difficult situations, the Lord wants us to learn to walk in the victory that is availIn Romans, we read about being able to us in Christ. An important objective of Triumphant Living is an attitude of triumphant in our troubles and rejoicing in our sufferings, knowing that these situations gratitude. are developing in us maturity of character. Gratitude and Joy spring from ac- Moreover, character of this sort produces ceptance of the gifts and the conditions and the fruit of righteousness, joyful and confithe circumstances that God graciously pro- dent hope of eternal salvation through the vides. Are you grateful for the place in which Holy Spirit. Paul the Apostle, who had a few you live? Are you thankful for the job that difficulties in life, wrote those words. DifficulGod has given you to do? Are you apprecia- ties like beatings, shipwrecks, and imprisontive of the 'gracelets' God has entrusted in ments. Nevertheless, he says, "We can be full of joy here and now. We can rejoice in you? our sufferings, knowing that pressure and I realized that I do not spend nearly affliction and hardship produce patient and enough time praising God. I try to begin my unswerving endurance." quiet time with expressions of praise. The Some of you are experiencing diffiscripture recommends the use of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing to make cult pressures today. Despite the hardships, melody in your heart to the Lord. You can we can find joy. Not because of the hardthink of many things for which to Praise the ship in itself, but because of God's promise Lord. The very fact that you slept in a is that difficulties produce a far-reaching comfortable bed and were able to get out of weight of glory. Despite the difficulties and bed with a measure of health and ability-all hardships, we push all that aside for praise of those things are enough to give God because of God's gracious love, because praise. Recently, I experienced a period God does not give us what we deserve, when those everyday things became very because He remembers that we are dust, difficult for me. Through that experience, I because He promises that with the trial or learned a greater appreciation of the good- temptation we shall have a means of escape. ness of the Lord. How do I know that? I do not know If you have no experience (which I your circumstances. However, has not God doubt is true) praising God, use some of the said everything that happens fits into a
pattern for good, to those who love God, to those who called according to His purposes? His purpose in you and me is to make us holy, to shape us into the likeness of His Son, Jesus Christ (Rom 8:28-29). It is this particular set of circumstances in which we now live, the particular events of today that give us the opportunity to say, "Thank You, Lord for being at work in this situation and I know that Your purpose for me is thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give me a future and a hope." Is thankfulness something that is hard for you to apply on a regular basis? Well, you are not alone. If these words have prompted a grateful attitude in you today, then you might want to consider pushing all the feelings of despair, all the feelings of doubt, insecurity, and lack of accomplishment; all the feelings of being overlooked, envy, jealousy and worthlessness for a sacrifice of praise. Will you declare your spiritual victory over your situation beforehand? Will you 'Shout unto the Lord with the Voice of Triumph' today, right now in the midst of that situation to proclaim your victory. There is release in the praise! There is comfort in the praise! There is peace in the praise! There is victory in our praise! So "‌clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph" and Thank You Lord for all you have done for me!
and his wife (Delores) have been members of the Truth Revealed International Ministries family for over 5 years. Vince currently serves with the Usher Ministry, the Assimilation Ministry and the Point Men Ministry. TRUTH IN THE NEWS
hen God molded and created man (Adam) from the dust of the earth, He made him in His image and likeness, breathing" His breath" of life within him. This breath made man a living soul with the ability to freely, boldly and openly interact with the universe, all of creations and the Creator. God also made a partner for man (Eve) and together they shared and enjoyed oneness with Him. According to Genesis 2: 23 "The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame."
inner being allowing you to remove the glory that I had covered you with? Who caused your eyes to be opened to that which does not reflect my intentions for you to behold? Who robbed you of the innocence that I originally clothed you with? Where are the radiance and the essence of my glory that surrounded you? Where are the love, joy and happiness that once flowed lovingly and caringly from you to me? You used to run towards me now you run away and try to hide from my presence.
But the man and the woman sinned. This produced and revealed new emotions, perception, awareness, revelation and responses within them. According to Genesis 3: 8, "Then their eyes were opened, and they realized they were naked", and in verse 30, the man said to God, "I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid". They sewed fig leaves together and made covering for themselves. Obviously, they were not aware of their nakedness nor any negative emotions attached to same until after they have sinned. God asked them an interesting question "who told you that you were naked?"
Where are you Adam? I don't recognize the design and structure of the new you? I can't see my image, my aura, my reflection or my likeness in you anymore. I don't feel your heart beating for me. My heart is reaching for yours but there is no rhythm from your heart, only a flat line and no response to my stimulus. The life, glory and honor that I clothed, covered and protected you with have disappeared. Now you are exposed to fear, anxiety, shame, guilty, betrayal and dishonor to which I cannot relate. These emotions are not of me nor are they from me. You have lost the difference, significance, worth and value that I gave you. You have lost your resting place in me.
God was interested in knowing who deposited different information and thoughts into Adam's mind, heart and soul? Who have you been communicating with other than me? Who invaded your
Where is my life that I breathed into you to make you a living soul? You are dead Adam and the dead cannot praise, worship or fellowship with Me. There is a gulf between us and you cannot
make the covering for yourself. Fig leaves are inadequate because MY covering is a divine entity not made by human hands. But Adam, I need to temporarily cover you, but this time it will be with the skin of animals whose blood was shed and whose life was sacrificed on your behalf. The permanent covering will be the blood of Jesus Christ. It has the ability to cleanse the inside and outside of you as it replaces, changes and makes anew, all of you. A new life, a new creation and a new birth covered in His righteousness. In His righteousness, MY image and likeness will be restored. Life, joy and My glory will flow in, through, and out of you. Holiness, radiance and living water will be manifest from you. The Spirit of Christ will be divinely deposited within you, so you can live in Him as He lives in the Father. That's the Hallelujah beauty of being wrapped and covered in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
worships at Truth Revealed International Ministries for 5 years. She is single again for 9 years and has 2 grown children. She is an instructor in the School of Ministry. A participant on the Ministry team. She teaches New Members Class and is a recent addition to the TITN Team. TRUTH IN THE NEWS
hat doesn't sound like a suggestion does it, but‌"Suppose I don't feel like it!...Suppose the atmosphere is not conducive to Worship?...True worship is only done in church, and particularly "my" church, right?...That's not a 'true" worship song, and I'm not "into" that method of worship‌" The writers of the Book of Psalms of the Holy Bible did not take into consideration the "feelings" or opinions of people, but simply told them what The Lord God Almighty requires. It was commanded, and obedience was presumed and expected. Who would refuse to Praise the Lord? Praise is "comely" or fitting, becoming and appropriate. Praise for the Believer is as natural as breathing. To praise is not only what we do, but it is Who were are! There are 15 distinct Psalms in the Bible dedicated just to Praise, each including the phrase, and all extolling the benefits of praising Almighty God: Praise for Creation, God's faithfulness to Israel, God's wonderful works, and His Majesty. Some of these Psalms were used for daily synagogue worship (135-136, 146150), and some where used in connection with the annual feasts (113-118). It was one of these hymns or psalms that Jesus and His disciples sang at the end of their Passover feast in the upper room. A psalm, a poem sung to the accompaniment of musical instruments, was just a tool for expressing gratitude, gratefulness, and thanksgiving to Almighty God.
Through Jesus Christ, the New Testament Believer has even more reasons than ever to Praise God. The scriptures are rift with reasons to give God glory for His goodness.
For His salvation 1 Peter 2:9 For His strength For His sustenance For His wisdom
For answered prayer For Christ For the Awesomeness of God For His blessing -
For His Word For His works For His worthiness For the Saints of the Most High God-
For His compassion For His consolation
1 Peter 4:16
For His counsel
So, the next time there is an opportunity, at any time, at any place, for any reason,
For deliverance from enemies For deliverance in times of trouble For forgiveness of sins For God's Glory For His goodness For His grace through Christ For His greatness and His Majesty For His guidance For His justice For His love and faithfulness For His unchanging, matchless Name For His promise-keeping For His redemption For His revealed will For His righteous law
Praise Almighty God at all times, gloriously, with joy, with a sincere heart, with thanksgiving, with an upright heart, with your lips, with your mouth, and because of Christ. The benefits of Praise are endless and eternal. Praise from the grateful heart-satisfies the command of God for His children to praise Him, demonstrates son-ship, faith, obedience, gratitude, and loyalty, glorifies and honors God, sets you apart from the wicked and unbelieving, creates an atmosphere for the power, presence, and purpose of God to be manifested, defeats and frustrates the purposes and plans of satan, rescues from peril and danger, edifies the "praiser", adds fervency to effectual prayer, and tenderizes even the toughest situations in life.
For His righteousness
is a minister of the gospel, holding a Doctorate in Theology. She is gifted in teaching the Word of God, making it practical, applicable, and relevant. She now serves as the career development facilitator for the ever expanding and growing TRIM Job Club. Her two sons, also ministers of the gospel, are the apples of her eye, but her three granddaughters are the "lub-a-dubs" of her heart. TRUTH IN THE NEWS
any times when we come through a great battle or trial and come out victoriously, we are so elated, we feel like shouting, dancing, singing or other expressing of praise that displays our excitement and joy.
Most of the time we don't want opposition, but there can be no triumph without a trial, no victory without a battle. Thinking on the victory instead of the struggle I think is a great way to help us get through our trials. I think it also ties in with our faith because it encourages us to trust God, think on the greatness of God, and believe that He will bring us through. I heard someone else say "Don't tell God how big your problems are, tell your problems how big your God is. He is our Creator, in that alone we can be most praiseworthy. If He can create a people and a world so meticulous and wonderful, surely He can do the exceeding and abundantly above in all areas of our lives. In Revelations Chapter 5 John the revelator had a vision in which he talked about 4 beasts and how they were giving thanks to God day and night, crying Holy, Holy, Holy to the Lord Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come; acknowledging Him who sits on the throne and who lives forever and ever. Then the four and twenty elders fell down before Him and worshipped Him. They cast their crowns before the throne and worshipped God saying "thou art worthy, O Lord to receive glory, and honor and power." I believe they were very passionate in their expressions of thanks and praise, even laying down their crowns, and that we can look at their example as we continue in our efforts to "Ignite - Crossing Over With Passion!"
has been a member of Truth Revealed International Ministries for over 12 years. She currently serves on the C&P Ministry, the Youth Ministry and the Praise Team Ministry. Her ultimate goal is to mature in the wisdom, understanding and love of God, that she might share the same with those in her path. TRUTH IN THE NEWS
God for being with him during his tragedy. Here are his responses to my interview questions. For believers who know who they are; who enjoy a unswerving 'line-of-sight' with their destiny and who understands God's plan and purpose for their lives, are the believers who experience the fulfillment of God's grace, mercy and power. These same believers have an instant 'Hallelujah' in response to the simplest and to the most challenging encounters that could possibly move toward to them. Conversely, for those who are not yet believers, and are going through a 'roller-coaster of 'life's issues and cannot seem to find an exit or a relief from that 'roller-coaster ride' this month's article is for you. William Henry Ward wrote, "For every achievement there is a price, for every goal there is an opponent, for every victory there is a problem and for every triumph there is a sacrifice." My assertion is, 'for every situation or issue of life, there is an opportunity for a hallelujah effect (or outcome).' In other words, there is an opportunity to PRAISE God. In the times of tragedy, trouble or difficult situations, God promises, "I will be with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:20). God promises are apparent in the life of a young believer who permitted me to interview him, use his name and publicize the interview relating to the theme, "The Hallelujah Effect." In talking with this young believer and listening to his story, I report to you that his Hallelujah is Effective. During his roller-coaster of life's ordeals; the loss of his wife, the beginning of a new job specialty (or commonly referred to for you military readers as a MOS or AFSC), his career field in the Air Force and the challenge of keeping both in perspective, life for this young man did not stop to give him time to grieve or to learn the rigors of his job, but he carved out time to Praise God. As a frequent reader of TITN, you will not personally know this young believer, but you may relate to the 'roller-coasters' of his life and most assuredly you can relate to "the hallelujah effect in his life. Our interview ended with Chris explaining that knowing God made a difference in his life and God made a difference in his His name is Christopher Martinez-Hernandez. His is a Senior wife's life. Chris shared with me one of his wife's final words of Airman in the United States Air Force, currently assigned to the encouragement. Although not able to speak these words, she 45th Force Support Squadron at Patrick Air Force Base; but prior wrote the following, "God wants is for us (their family) to be closer to his current assignment, he landed a position, straight out-of to Him (God). Chris' Hallelujah is effective and his Praise to God basic military training, to the United States Air Force's elite Honor continues. Guard Ceremonial Team base on his 'poster-like' stature. As an elite Honor Guard member, he performed at ceremonies attend- Point Men let your hallelujah be effective in the results of your ed by General Officers, congressional and foreign dignitaries. But witness to the 'roller-coasters' in your life. his opportunity to represent the United States Air Force as an elite Honor Guard member, changed to a direct need to praise
is married to the former Jada Jackson. Johnie is the Trainer for Point Men and member of Assimilation Ministry. Jada is a member of the Usher and Congregational Care Ministries. They are both retired from the United States Air Force and together they have seven daughters. TRUTH IN THE NEWS
"…With 13 seconds remaining Winston finds Kelvin Benjamin for the go-ahead touchdown and the Florida State Seminoles cap off one of the most dominant seasons in college football history with a thrilling 34-31 victory over the Auburn Tigers and become the 2014 BCS National Champions!"
This involves our willpower. Psalm 146 says, "I will praise the Lord all my life, I will sing praise to Him as long as -- Romans 12:1 (MSG) I live!" Decide to praise Him because you understand that He is worthy of praise, even Praise the Lord in all you do each and every when you do not feel like it! day of your life. Hallelujah. Amen.
Praise involves physical activity. With that announcement, people all over the The Bible talks of David "praising God with world including myself went wild…we yelled, all of his might." (2 Sam 6:14). That is screamed, smiled, cheered and even called expressing love with strength & intensity. others to make sure they bore witness to what had just taken place. We are a people created to give praise and we know how to celebrate things we cherish. The Almighty One, The Creator of Heaven and Earth, The Strong One Who Sees and Provides, The Everlasting God. In Him we Praise is the entryway through which we live and move and exist. must pass to come into the presence of God. A husband and wife may love each other, When we praise God, He responds by manibut if that love is never expressed, if there festing His attendance. When we experience are no affectionate words or actions ex- His presence, we are able to respond directly to Him, and tell Him how much we love Him. changed, their relationship is deficient. That interaction is In worship, you experience intimacy with God, and When love is not expressed, it shrivels up express your adoration to Him. and dies. When love is expressed, it grows. The greatest commandment is that you love the Lord God. However, it is important that this love be expressed outwardly. This includes your Some people are afraid to express their emotions, especially in church. But God created us with strong passions and to withhold your heart from God is to keep back from Him that vital part of you.
When obstacles vie for your attention, praise Him in your pain, in your trial and through your circumstance! In doing so you are placing Him as the center of your world and, the presence of His Spirit begins to be felt in your situation. "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17 (NIV) Psalms 150 encourages that everyone can contribute in praise & worship to God. Even those of us who have not been blessed with the gift to sing and float around in multiple keys - at the same time, it's ok God's Grace is sufficient. There are so many others ways to express gratitude. Praise Him with: strong faith, prayer, bowing, shouting, believing triumph over the powers of darkness, respecting all of His commands, by cheerful submission, by rejoicing in his love, clapping of hands, by promoting the interests of the kingdom and sharing His grace, living a holy life, and so much more. Time to make a decision…whose are you and what do you love? If you are passionate about Jesus and what he has done for you, while you yet have breathe you should stand up and give Him some praise right NOW!
Moving Forward Your Big Brother in Christ,
has been a member of Truth Revealed International Ministries for 4 years. He is a facilitator for New Members’ Orientation and Assimilation Coordinator. He is also a member of the Writer’s Guild Committee, the Design and Layout Director and the contributor of the Moving Forward, Inspirational Media & TRIM Ministry Spotlight columns for the TITN publication. He has been married to Brenda for 21 years and they have a beautiful daughter Kaila Jebree. TRUTH IN THE NEWS
Learning about Lasting Love and Overcoming Life's Obstacles Together By Tony Dungy, Lauren Dungy
Super Bowl-winning coach Tony Dungy and his wife, Lauren, believe you can have an uncommon marriage-one that stands the test of time-when you build it on the eight biblically based principles listed below. 1. Look to the Bible as your guidebook and to Christ as the living example for your marriage. Psalm 1; Ephesians 5. Make Christ the center of your marriage. Treat your parents and others in authority with respect. Wait on God's timing; don't try to make things happen yourself. Find your identity in Christ, not in the world. Look to God as the source for all the stamina and patience you need. Cling to each other and to God's promises that he is always with you when you face hard times. Prepare your mind and heart so you are ready for the opportunities God brings to you. Run to God rather than from him when troubles come. 2. Stay in sync spiritually. Proverbs 3:5-6; Matthew 18:19-20; Romans 8:26-30; James 1:5. Communicate about spiritual matters-which should be the number-one priority of your life. Plug into a church that offers solid biblical preaching and where you feel at home. Seek out an older couple who can model a strong marriage and family life. Be open to the possibility that the Lord is speaking to you through the input of your spouse. Share with each other the lessons you learn as you study the Bible. Don't resist change when you see God bringing something new into your life.
3. Manage expectations and appreciate your differences. 1 Corinthians 12:14-21; Ephesians 4:2-7. Recognize that differing expectations are inevitable given different upbringings. Be wise when picking your battles, understanding that your spouse probably doesn't intend his or her weaknesses to cause you grief. Recognize that God often brings together different types of people to complement each other and bring balance to a family. Expect that you will see things differently at times. Engage in activities you both enjoy together, but allow each other to maintain separate interests as well. Model appreciation of differences by treating each of your children as an individual with distinct needs at school and interests at home.
4. Work as a team. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; Ephesians 4:15-16. Consciously think of your spouse as a valued teammate. Make a special effort to learn more about your spouse's passions and interests. Parent in a way that champions values, models character, and ensures each family member is doing what he or she needs to do that day. Seek coaching from trusted family members, friends, or counselors when you feel more like opponents than teammates. Work to accomplish something important together; as you do, you'll see your marriage growing stronger. Be intentional about noticing and addressing the needs of your spouse and children.
5. Practice committed love. Matthew 19:4-8; 1 Corinthians 13. Commit to stay together, no matter what. Affirm and express love to your spouse-especially when he or she is going through tough times. Be willing to step up and do a little more than usual when the situation requires it. Seek to keep your romance alive, but be aware that it's normal for feelings to fluctuate and change over time; don't let unrealistic expectations of constant romance diminish your commitment to-or satisfaction with-your relationship.
6. Communicate well and often. Proverbs 25:11; James 3. Learn as much as you can about each other and how you each communicate before you get married. Accept others' input when making decisions, but listen the most to God and to each other. Find a way to talk daily about what is happening in each other's life. Listen to and value your spouse's intuition. Remember that complaining will always bring you down; gratitude will lift you up. Model regular communication through family meetings.
7. Don't run away from conflict. (Proverbs 15:1; Colossians 3:13-15). Watch what you say-even the truth can wound when it's spoken in the wrong way or at the wrong time. Avoid frustration and seek to understand each other's heart by praying together and talking with each other. Practice thinking about an issue on which you disagree from your spouse's viewpoint. Don't assume your spouse understands how you feel-particularly when life gets busy. Be bold and speak the truth in love. Expect that when your emotions and perceptions don't line up, conflict will occur.
8. Support each other in serving others. Proverbs 22:9; Luke 12:48, 22:24-27 Model what a healthy marital relationship looks like to other young couples. Don't spread yourself too thin; it's hard to serve well and joyfully when you're over-committed. Remember that people are watching to see whether your actions and attitudes match your words. Be open to signals from your spouse that you are over-committed. Keep your priorities straight: put faith and family first. Consider what only you can do when deciding where to volunteer or what causes to support. Focus on both partners' passions. Share the spotlight with your spouse whenever you receive credit or recognition. Excerpt taken from Uncommon Marriage by Tony & Lauren Dungy. Copyright Š 2014. All rights reserved.
Friday April 4, 2014 7:30pm Bishop Merton L Clark Host & Sr. Pastor of Truth Revealed International Ministries Palm Bay, FL
“We Are One� (Duet 6:1-15 John 17:19-23, John 10:30, Isaiah 53:1)
The number 1 represents unity as it stands alone and is included in every other number. We are one in the body of Christ sharing the same Lord, spirit, faith, hope and purpose. Just as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are in unity and operate in harmony so must we. We have one Heavenly Father, one God and we follow one Shepherd. We worship one Son who is the only mediator for us with the Father. We know and understand the oneness in the Scriptures and unification between the Old and New Testament. Through unity God establishes his plans, rule and purpose on the earth. We are one in Christ and He and the Father are also one. It is this connection of unity that empowers excellence and success in ministry.
Saturday April 5, 2014 11:00am Pastor Roger Hackenberg Sr. Pastor of Hope Community Fellowship Titusville, FL
"Three Levels of the Anointing" (Isaiah 61: 4, Exodus 30:25-39, Acts 1:8, Lev 8:12 Samuel 13"15)
Leaders need to be saturated with the anointing of the Holy Spirit which empowers them to become influencers of change. There are different levels of anointing. The first is that of consecration which is setting oneself apart to become a holy vessel and a follower of Christ. Consecration allows us to become the instrument that God can use. The second is the priestly anointing representing God to the people and the people to God. The fruit of the spirit and the gifts of the spirit are operational as leaders walk supernaturally in the power of the Holy Spirit. The anointing of a king is a territorial anointing to change the atmosphere of regions or nations to establish the kingdom of heaven here on earth. Anointed leaders are Ambassadors of Christ with all the rights, privileges, power and immunity as they function as heaven's representatives.
Saturday April 5, 2014 6:00pm Ministers Paula and Johnnie Collins Club 3:16 Ministry Leaders - Truth Revealed International Ministries Palm Bay, FL
“Knowing Who I Am� (Matthew 13:24-30)
The youths were reminded to know, accept and be confident of their true identity in Christ. They are wonderfully made with seeds of greatness within them which can be influenced and destroyed from internal and external sources. They were encouraged to protect the seeds and cover them with the word of God. They are to live a lifestyle influenced by the Holy Spirit and not by peers, entertainers or the masses. They must remain alert and be a practical example of God's truth because the younger children will pattern after them.
Sunday April 6, 2014 8:00am & 11:00am Bishop Victor L. Powell Sr. Pastor of Rhema World Cathedral Albany, GA
"Even the Devil Has Sons" (John 8:44, Genesis 37:1)
The Devil is successful in passing on the message of evil from one generation to another by his sons who are devoted, focused, consistent and unified in echoing his voice and sound to the nations. Christians are the sons of God. Sons are tentacles connected to the Father through which His dreams, desires and will are fulfilled. Sons must be faithful, loyal, available, and consistent and share the Father's heart, mind and vision. The destiny of the sons is fulfilled through honoring and performing the work of the Father. Sons are responsible for spreading the gospel of hope and reconciliation from generation to generation.
"The Journey to Sonship" (Genesis 37)
When God wants a great work to be done He gets this accomplished through a son whom He prepares and equip for service. The path for Joseph started with a prophetic dream where God revealed and declared the identity of greatness within him. Difficult life encounters became the school ground for training and development of his leadership skills and ability. He experienced periods of rejection, jealousy, mistreatment, betrayal and brokenness. The deep inner wounds of suffering and the isolation experiences pushed him into intimacy with God. It was through these sufferings that he developed the character, temperament, wisdom, humility and leadership skill sets needed to do supernatural work for God. They fashioned him for greatness, excellence and success in God.
There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. 1 Corinthians 12: 4-6 NKJV
WELCOME is all about helping you get connected into Truth Revealed International Ministries. While our weekly services are a great starting point for your TRIM experience, we provide and many ways for you to
Make up classes for Saturday’s class are offered on am at the
Make up classes are also offered on Wednesdays for those who can’t make the weekend classes. Please contact the Assimilation Administrator or Church An Eight week membership class is offered Administration for an appointment. to help you learn more about Truth Revealed. You’ll hear about the church’s history … and where it’s heading. You’ll discover what we believe … and why we do Consult with an Assimilation Coordinator what we do. After completion of all classes, to discuss a place in ministry within the Certificates of Membership are presented Body of Christ at TRIM. A personal Minison the 1st Sunday of each month. try Profile will be provided and also forwarded to the appropriate Ministry Leader(s). Classes are taught on Saturdays @ 12:00 pm in the Church Sanctuary. A CALL TO WORSHIP MANAGING YOUR MONEY SPIRITUAL GIFTS KINGDOM LIFE ORIENTATION
2838 Palm Bay Road Palm Bay, FL 32905 Phone (321) 952-5151 Fax (321) 952-5301
friends. Our prayer is that TRIM will be a part of transforming our community and our world through serving others in His name. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
■ In order to thrive as a church we involve our community and church family. This is why we offer different ministries to individ- We look forward to sharing the love of uals, couples, families, and children. No Christ with you and your family through matter what age range you can rest as- the ministries at Truth Revealed. sured we have somewhere for you to be involved and to feel connected. Get integrated in God's work by using your talents, gifts, skills and abilities, individually or with your small group, family and
To learn more about Assimilation contact Assimilation Administrator Guanda Williams or Church Administration.
In the first letter of Peter, the apostle says, “You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house.” Our Growth Groups are where the Holy Spirit does much of that building. We encourage you to get involved in a Growth Group, where brick by brick—and relationship by relationship—we are being built up into a beautiful temple, a place where we can worship God and enjoy being part of His family.
Boys II Men
Young Men ages 13 +
3rd Sunday @ 8 AM & 11 AM Fellowship Hall.
Daughters of Destiny
Young Ladies ages 13+
3rd Sunday @ 8 AM & 11 AM Fellowship Hall.
Minster’s Enrichment Training
All Ministers
3rd Sunday @ 6 PM Sanctuary
A.S.P.I.R.E. Single’s Ministry
All Singles
3rd Monday @ 7 PM Fellowship Hall
CLUB 3:16
Young Adults 18+
2nd Thursday @ 7 PM Fellowship Hall
Youth 13+
1st Friday @ 6 PM Fellowship Hall
Youth 13+
4th Friday @ 8 PM Fellowship Hall
All Students - Elementary, Second- Every Saturday @ 11 AM - 1 PM CLC CLASSROOM/COMPUTER LAB ary, High School, GED, College
All Men
2nd Saturday @ 9 AM Fellowship Hall
Marriage Enrichment Ministry
Married and Engaged Couples
3rd Saturday @ 7 PM Fellowship Hall
W.O.W. International
All Women
4th Saturday @ 9 AM Fellowship Hall
2838 Palm Bay Road Palm Bay, FL 32905 Phone (321) 952-5151 Fax (321) 952-5301
Ministry Spotlight “...singers were joined in unison, making one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the Lord, and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and other instruments for song and praised the Lord, saying, For He is good, for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever, then the house of the Lord was filled with a cloud,…” II Chronicles 5:13 (AMP)
TRIM WORSHIP FAMILY: (Pictured from top to bottom, left to right) Spencer Levels, Elder Jesse Smith, Thomas Brown, Babette Bailey, Tameka Dulaney, Cathy Clark, Tiauna Pollard, Min. Frank Cleveland, Min. Donnell Byrd, Min. Walter Bell, Doris Clark, Min. Angela Weaver, Paul Cannon, Angela Cook, Brandon Jacobs
Recently, I was fortunate enough to discuss the Praise and Worship Experience at TRIM with Frank Cleveland, the new Minister of Worship Director.
An environment where the presence of God is welcomed and nurtured through individual relationships, liturgical dance, praise produced sounds expressed through contemporary, classical and sometimes traditional mix of music genres and songs that come from the manifested presence of God. The “T.R.I.M. Worship Family” is comprised of a diverse group TRUTH IN THE NEWS
of people who share a common passion for worshiping our Lord through music. They recognize and celebrate the fact that there are a variety of gifts in the Body of Christ and they've been chosen to use their musical gifts to enrich the worship service and encourage our congregation and online viewers to have a deeper, higher, and stronger relationship with God.
To build on the Legacy and facilitate an opportunity where God and His people can touch each other.
There are four aspects that go into the totality of what we do at TRIM: (1) Corporately: "…how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" Psalm 133:1 (AMP) Teaching and admonishing congregants to come out of themselves and bless God giving Him what
he deserves. When everyone is engaged it moves God and the experience is even more powerful. (2) The Musical Expression of Praise: Music is spiritually significant for a number of reasons. Music makes you sensitive to hear God, it communicates spiritual truth, and if played under the anointing of God, it can drive away spiritual oppositions. (3) The Physical Expression of Praise: God inhabits the praise of His people. Freedom to express the love that’s on the inside of each us is manifested through our bodies. Standing, clapping, lifting of hands, bowing, kneeling and sometimes it’s burst forth in a spontaneous radical praise. (4) Personal Devotional Time: Developing a Life of Praise and Worship where we are in His Presence all week long. Every Christian should sacrifice time to be alone with God each day to have a closer walk. This time should include praise & worship to Him, prayer, reading and studying the Bible.
“One Sound” specifically pertains to the Music Ministry in three levels.
I. The Sound of the Church The Praise and Worship accompanies the spoken Word in the House. Understanding the move of the Spirit and echoing that in communal worship. Sensitivity to the flow of the Spirit is key. II. The Sound of the Visionary God delivers the vision for TRIM to our Bishop, in turn, we support, encourage and must be aligned with the Bishop’s voice/heart. III. The Sound of the Kingdom: “Universal Worship” - We want to provide music that can be sung in the Kingdom; it’s neither black or white, Latino or Asian, but plugs into the artery of the heart of God. It reaches the masses with TRUTH. It causes one to think outside of their own situation.
My life verse is: “…Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you:…” Acts 3:6 (NKJV)
Most memorable childhood memory: In the 7th Grade I wrote, produced & directed my 1st Gospel Musical, I held the auditions, selected the all adult cast and built the set. It was a great success, we had two sold out performances at my church.
by Kevin J. Navarro
On my iPod: George Duke
My favorite movie: My favorite TV shows:
Who inspired you musically? √ My Father, Frank C. Cleveland Jr. He was a Bandmaster for the 338th Army Band. √ My Jr. High School teacher, John Derrickson sparked my desire for a musical education. √ My mentor and Spiritual Musical Father, Dr. Raymond Wise Indiana University - Director
a native of Columbus, Ohio is one of today’s most requested music producers. For three decades this keyboardist, producer, composer, arranger, engineer and clinician has traveled throughout the United States and Europe playing his melodic sounds, rhythmic vibes and has produced recordings leaving his listeners wanting for more. He is a crowd pleaser, giving his audience a wonderful experience. His growth both musically and in his number of fans continues to soar. His ability to marry the standard of the music industry with a Kingdom’s ministry mindset sets Frank apart from the rest. Frank has appeared and played with many of today’s top artist such as The Rev. Al Green, Timothy Wright, Shirley Murdock, Vicky Winians, Ben Tankard, Yolanda Adams, Jonathan Nelson, Ann Nesby, Douglas Miller, Ruby Terry, Gerald Austin, Leonard Williams, David and Larry Whitfield, The Whitfield Music Group, and many others. He has been in Music Magazines and is very visible in the community. Frank’s versatility and musical gift has been expressed since the age of 8. Shortly after that, he organized his first singing ensemble and played for many church and civic functions. At age 13, he co-produced his first recording. At age 14, Frank wrote and arranged his first Gospel Musical which played two sold out performances. Being identified as an exceptionally gifted musician at an early age, Frank served as student conductor for the Vocal Music Department as well as performing with several ensembles at Fort Hayes School for the Performing Arts. During this time, he was introduced to electronic music production by Edward “Tiger” Nicholas (Producer for LeVert). Under “Tiger’s” tutelage, Frank began to co-produce and produce several projects. He quickly gained local recognition as a songwriter and producer. After a very successful tenure at Fort Hayes, Frank entered the Music Education Program at Capital University where he received several awards including an outstanding rating for piano performance at the Elmhurst Jazz Festival. After college, Frank served his country in the United States Army where he was the Battalion Choir Director and the musician for the Gospel Church Youth Choir. Frank performed and toured as Musical Director for four years with the longest running and most popular gospel group in Europe, “The Golden Gospel Singers”, as well as with several successful Production Companies to include Ellis Productions (Gospel Musicals) and The Ritz Theater (Black Nativity). In addition, he was the Co-Producer & Musical Arranger for the Superbowl XXXIX Theme Song, the Musical Director & Arranger for the NFL sanctioned musical “The Journey”, and Musical Director & Arranger for the McDonald’s Gospelfest. Frank has also worked with the PGA Tour International on several projects and has played on and produced many recordings both in Europe and the United States. He has also participated in several re-mix projects for Columbia Black Music. Frank composed and produced the Music Score and the Soundtrack for the Award Winning Movie “Love Trap” as well as the original score on the independent film “Miracle Seven”. Frank has served as the music minister for several churches on the east coast of the United States as well, and serves as the Musical Director for several television programs and a Workshop Clinician. Currently, Frank serves as the Minister of Worship Director for Truth Revealed International Ministries in Palm Bay, Florida. He continues to compose original compositions for various artists throughout the United States. Frank is also the Chief Executive Officer and owner of Dunamis Production Studios and E320 Records and is currently working on his first book entitled “The 5 steps to a Five Star Ministry.” Frank has also developed music workshops entitled “Who am I and Where do I Come From”, “The Reason Why We Sing”, “The Ministry of Music”, “Beyond the Veil”, “Vocal Bootcamp I & II”, and “So You Want to Record.” It is Frank’s heartfelt desire to mentor the “millennials” and instruct them on the importance of not only knowing their craft but also understanding how their talents can be used effectively for the building of their local ministry as well as the building of the Kingdom.
Auditions for the Praise team are conducted periodically throughout the year. If you are interested in connecting with this ministry, see Minister Frank Cleveland for the next audition date. TRUTH IN THE NEWS
Thursday, May 1st was the 63rd annual National Day of Prayer. The theme for the this year was One Voice, United in Prayer, emphasizing the need for individuals, corporately and individually, to place their faith in the unfailing character of their Creator, who is sovereign over all governments, authorities, and men. To further highlight the theme, Romans 15:6 was chosen as the Scripture for this year: "So that with one mind and one voice we all may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Leviticus may be helpful for good health. The closer to nature the better the food. Processed foods have little to no nutritional value. Your Spirit There is only one thing that will satisfy your spirit. Your human spirit is dead without it and nothing can replace it. There is a deep longing inside of every human being that can be covered up and ignored but can never be filled with anything else. No holistic medicine can be substituted for the Holy Spirit. The only thing that can make a human spirit come alive is God Himself. Nourish and feed your relationship with Him by seeking Him daily. Having peace and harmony with God is the ultimate health and wellness for you. God gives you a free will to either believe Him or not. He won't make you do what He says. But the only problem is that if you choose not to listen to Him you are the one who gets hurt sooner or later. Like holistic medicine, health and wellness in every area is His will for you. He Loves You.
Spirituality and Health Holistic Medicine Holistic medicine and a Christian perspective: You are a spirit, you live in a body and you have a soul (mind, emotions). You are an amazing uniquely designed person Therefore you must have a designer. Spirituality and health are closely connected. Consulting the car manufactures manual is natural when you buy a new car, so it should be natural to consult the Creators manual to find out all about you. The Word of God is our manual. Bible verses tell you Gods will for your life. You have three main parts mind, body, spirit, that make up Rest one person holistically. There are many areas within these parts and Part of Holistic health includes a practical Bible teaching of what is if only one area is hurting, it effects all of you. called a Sabbath rest. The Physical example of the Sabbath rest is part of the maintenance program for good health and wellness. Every A Medical Philosophy person, animal and even the soil needs proper rest. Taking the time to Holistic medicine is a medical philosophy that views physical, mental rest properly will yield greater productivity for you in the end. Take and spiritual aspects of life as closely interconnected. God has always soil as an example. cared for you holistically. He cares about every area of your life. Holistic Medicine acknowledges the need to treat the whole person. God's word says to let the soil rest the seventh year. Dr. Mark Virkler conducted a test on two fields. The soil in one of the fields yielded This approach is increasingly used in Mainstream medical practice. Holistic medicine includes integrative, almost two-thirds greater nutritional solids ppm when tested by Dr. complementary and alternative medicine techniques. Many alternative Virkler. The only difference was one field was allowed to rest (not be medicines are very good including the alternative medicine "prayer". farmed) the seventh year. This is one of the most powerful forms of alternative medicine. Our benefits will multiply greatly if we simply heed the example of giving our bodies' proper rest. Use Discernment With your spirituality and health you need discernment. There is good and bad in almost everything on earth including your health wellness Laughter: Heart Medicine and alternative medicine. As a Christian, use discernment when it Part of God's holistic medicine is easy to swallow and a lot of fun. comes to alternative medicine. If something doesn't feel right, ask Laughter is more practical instructions for your heart. In Proverbs 7:22 it says "A merry heart does good, like a medicine". God has a sense yourself, "who does this glorify?" of humor. Doctors aren't sure why laughter protects the heart they just If the glory is given to any object, person or thing other than the living know it does. God of the Bible, be careful to avoid the danger. (You probably don't want some spiritual force that wants to kill you in charge of your Laughter, happiness and joy are perfect antidotes for stress according health. This is... Not Good.) Better to stay with the Christian version of to Dr. Don Cobert noting the research conducted by the Department of Behavioral medicine at the UCLA medical School. Colbert added "A holistic health. noted doctor once said that the diaphragm, thorax, abdomen, heart, Mind Body Spirit For your body there are many foods listed in the word of God. Studies lungs and even the liver are given a massage during a hearty laugh. have shown these foods to be of great value to you. In general the Mediterranean diet is hailed by many as being the best all-around diet Health and wellness are not the only benefits you receive when you for health and wellness. True science has proven the accuracy of the become a Christian. Even as a Christian you may not realize the Word of God over and over again. More instructions about food can extensiveness of it all. Ask God to show you more and He will. be found throughout the Bible. All things are lawful but not all things Prosper in all things and be in health. 3 John 1:2 are advantageous for you. Some details found in Geneses and
Here you’ll find compelling messages from various sermons and conferences that will help you synchronize your steps with the Lord’s Divine plan for your life and assist in your personal growth. All messages at Truth Revealed International Ministries are available in CD or DVD, and can be purchased from the online store or at the Communication and Promotion Kiosk in the church lobby.
There is a dimension of "Growth" that the Father desires to activate in the lives of His children. That dimension is called "Stature." Those that have stature don't have to wear it on their bodies, they don't have to tell us everything they have; it's not that important. God wants us to not only grow in power, but also in stature.
There is power in persistent unrelenting prayer. Seeking the Father's will for our lives no matter the cost has it's advantages. When we're in an intimate ongoing relationship with the Father, He acts on our behalf. Don't take your focus off Jesus. Be the persistent intercessor.
The Passageway To Distinction
We have the tendency to reach for something that will cause us to sleep; warm milk, a sleeping aid or strong drink. Have you considered our inability to sleep might in fact be a poke from God. God uses these times to stir our hearts towards a holy encounter, Spirit to Spirit. The next time He pokes, say yes Lord…
It is in Christ alone that we are saved by faith; it is by His grace that we are saved. It is through JESUS we are "At-One-Ment." We must have faith in Him alone. It's time to measure up to the Word of God and not bring God's Word down to our level.
We are the called, God's mission, and His assignment. We may feel inadequate for the call, but God created us just for this moment and He believes in us. We must trust that He know more about us than we know about ourselves and He will guide us on the correct path leading to our distinction.
If this month’s theme has stimulated your mind then the books and inspirational items featured here by various trusted artists and authors will provide further food for thought..
This book has one purpose: to fuel your passion for the secret place with God. Divided into 52 short chapters, it can serve as a companion to your devotional life. It will help defuse struggles related to the secret place and inspire you to develop a personal connection with God it's as easy as simply talking to God anytime and anywhere?
God's greatest desire and man's greatest need is for a Spirit to spirit relationship. God created an environment of His Presence in which man is to dwell and experience the fullness of this relationship. In this book, Dr. Munroe will help you discover this experience in your daily life. You are about to discover the awesome purpose and power of praise and worship.
In this power-packed book, Bill Johnson discusses how you can be a person who hosts the Presence of God. Take a journey and meet many great prophets and kings from the Old Testament who were known as people of the Presence— people who, in Johnson’s words, “God wanted to be with.” In this succinct and powerful book, Johnson encourages you toward a pursuit of the Presence of God above all else.
Do you ever feel as though something is missing? That God is somehow distant? Author and pastor Ron Moore offers up real help for anyone searching for answers. In this powerful book, Moore reveals the wonder and glory-the joy-of developing a heart that burns for God. With a heavy dose of Scripture and meaningful stories, he explains how we can break out of the everyday existence that quenches the fire in our heart
The Daniel Plan is designed to be done in a supportive community relying on God’s instruction for living. God never meant for you to go through life alone and that includes the journey to health. The Daniel Plan shows you how the powerful combination of faith, fitness, food, focus, and friends will change your health forever, transforming you in the most head-turning way imaginably---from the inside out.
In Uncommon Marriage, Tony and Lauren share the secrets that hold them together, revealing what they’ve learned so far about being a good husband or wife; getting through times of loss, grief, or change; staying connected despite busy schedules; supporting each other’s dreams and goals; and helping each other grow spiritually. They offer encouragement and practical advice to equip your marriage to survive tough issues and flourish with joy, purpose, and partnership—in other words, to be a marriage that is truly uncommon.
Hilton Melbourne Rialto Place
200 Rialto Pl, Melbourne, FL 32901
The College Prep Ministry was established to provide college bound students with resources that will support their pursuit of higher education. Out of this vision, The TRIM Excellence Award was birthed. The scholarship committee will review the applications of high school seniors and award a $1,000 Scholarship. Stop by the Communication and Promotion counter for the application.
The deadline for submittal is June 1st.
on the R A D A R
Memorial Day Weekend Events Cocoa
Every year the City of Cocoa takes time to honor the fallen veterans of war with a guest speaker, special flag folding ceremony, various veterans’ organizations on site, military reenactments, military displays and patriotic music.
Parade highlights: The Wells Fargo Stagecoach, Bahia Shriners, Palm Tree Santas Drill Team, PV-1 bomber. Ceremony highlights: 21 gun salute, helicopter flyover.
Held each year on Memorial Day weekend, this years Blue Crab Festival will feature carnival rides, live music, arts and crafts, commercial display vendors, and more along the riverfront in downtown Palatka.
This FREE festival will transform into a vibrant setting with multiple entertainment stages and other components! Be sure to plan your trip to Jacksonville this Memorial Day Weekend to attend the Jacksonville Jazz Festival taking part in the core of Downtown.
This Scripture & Prayer Calendar is a way to INFUSE you with “Fresh Rhema” each day and aid you in your walk with God in a more faithful, fruitful and passionate way. I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge; and my judgment This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have is just, because I seek to do not my own will but the will of him who sent me. loved you.
From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be These are the things you must insist on and teach. Let no one required; and from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more despise your youth, but set the believers an example in speech and conduct, will be demanded. in love, in faith, in purity.
When they bring you to trial and hand you over, do not worry beforehand about what you are to say; but say whatever is given you at that So when you are offering your gift at the altar, if you retime, for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit. member that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother or sister, and then come and offer your gift. It is he alone who has immortality and dwells in unapproachable light. If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. Then Peter came and said to him, “Lord, if another member of the church sins against me, how often should I forgive? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “Not seven times, but I tell you, seventy-seven times.”
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.” Will they take delight in the Almighty? Will they call upon God at all times? I will teach you concerning the hand of God; that which is with the Almighty I will not conceal. Teacher, we know that you are sincere, and teach the way of God in accordance with truth, and show deference to no one; for you do not regard people with partiality. Whoever believes in me believes not in me but in him who
Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. sent me. And whoever sees me sees him who sent me. I have come as light into the world, so that everyone who believes in me should not remain in You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart the darkness. and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment.
Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is Stay awake and pray that you may not come into the to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever time of trial; the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.
The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in For you clean the outside of the cup and of the plate, my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I have but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. You blind Pharisee! said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. First clean the inside of the cup, so that the outside also may become clean.
He said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fish for people.” Immediately they left their nets and followed him.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. .
You have heard that it was said, “You shall love your The words of the Lord Jesus, for he himself said, “It is more neighbor and hate your enemy.” But I say to you, “Love your enemies and blessed to give than to receive.” pray for those who persecute you.”
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? you forever.
And looking at those who sat around him, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.”
If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask for whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples.
He asked them, “But who do you say that I am?”
Jesus answered him [the devil] “It is written, ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve only him.”
Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come and . . . from Jesus Christ. . . who loves us and freed us from our sins by his blood. . . to him be glory anddominion forever and ever. Amen
You are far more precious than jewels‌
Strength and honor are your clothing, You open your mouth with wisdom, and loving instruction is on your tongue. You watch over the activities of your household Your sons & daughters rise up and call you blessed. Your husband also praises you! Many women are capable, but you surpass them all! ~Proverbs 31:10, 25-30
Sunday Mornings Worship Service - 8:00 am & 11:00 am Sanctuary Children’s Church - 8:00 am & 11:00 am Classrooms
TRIBE - Youth Church - 8:00 am & 11:00 am Fellowship Hall
Women’s Sunday School - After the 8:00 am Service Sanctuary
Wednesday Nights Bible Study - 7:00 pm Sanctuary
Corporate International Prayer - 6:30 pm Sanctuary
May 2014 Greater Highway Redemption Ministries Holy Convocation Service of Bishop Carlton Facey Ontario Canada
New Life Deliverance Ministries Apostle Jacquelyn Porter 21st Pastoral Anniversary Tallahassee, Florida
National Prayer Day
Armed Forces Day
Memorial Day
Richard Bend Jana Collins Cynthia Stinney
Regina James Malik Robinson
Pammie Bend Jonathan F Scott
Sonya Plummer Kelsi Benn David Crockett
Nova Clarke Jonathan Green
Terony Hogan Dimitrius Jenkins
Charmaine Lewis
M'Kiyah Frieson
Enoch Clark Sean Navarre
Recie Clements
Darnell Brown
Hazel Corbin
Booker III Lincoln Gloria Moore Zuriel Washington
Tara Johnson Isaiah Kennedy
Rayvon Davis Pandora Lloyd
Cynthia Scott
DeCoya Jackson Natasha Parry Gregory Wilson
Dave R Bryan Leon Williams Angelica Weaver
MAY 2014
Wedding Anniversary May 16th
May 17th
May 24th
Truth Revealed International Ministries Changing lives by reforming minds that we might transform our Communities and establish the Kingdom.
To locate the unchurched to teach, train and develop them to be Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
People come before Buildings
Encouraging purpose seekers to pursue Truth Psalm 25:5