Learn New Ways To Save Money as a Student- Money Mentor

Introduction Want to know How to Save Money When you're a Student? Discover simple money saving advice that you may use in your daily life. Additionally, you'll learn the best strategies to earn additional income and increase your savings while you're not working. The website Money Mentor offers helpful, accurate advice to assist you in making your money work for you!

How to save money
In order to save money by not spending it, you need to create a budget and identify how much you can realistically save each month. Then you must stick to your budget robustly, which will take discipline and determination, as we know the temptation to spend is all around us. It doesn’t matter how much it is, to begin with, it’s getting into the saving habit that’s important. Once you have identified the amount likely to be leftover each month, be it £25, £50, £250 or more, it is then sensible to set up a regular savings plan, by deducting this amount from the bank account where your income is received, and putting it somewhere else. It is important to understand that you are better off saving first, and spending what’s leftover, than to spend first and save what’s leftover, because you know it, and I know it, there won’t be anything left over if you don’t!
Here at money mentor we firmly believe that everybody should strive to attain a certain level of financial literacy and become equipped with the skills, knowledge, and ability, to understand money and how the system works. Without such an understanding, you are likely to be taken advantage of in one way or the other, and lose out financially in the process.
About Us
Money mentor's mission is to enhance people’s awareness and knowledge on money related issues, thus enabling them to take control of their own finances themselves, with help, guidance and support from us. We do this via education in financial literacy through our books and e-books, website materials and mentoring and money coaching sessions. Subjects covered can include debt management, objective setting and goal planning, budgeting, saving, tax efficient products, reasons for long term investing and ongoing support.
Contact Us Number: 07934036768 Email: info@money mentor.co.uk Address: Maple House, 5 The Maples, Cleeve, Bristol, UK, BS49 4FS

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